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has promoted


you have been promoted

you have been promoted你有被提升

promoted link 怎么换行


That means I will be promoted as scheduled.




promoted tweets什么意思1

是指Twitter(国外某社交网站)里的广告业务,全称就叫Promoted Tweets。如果从字面理解的话,promote有推销的含义,而tweet原本指小鸟的叫声,同时也有【在Twitter上发消息】引申含义。

get promoted是什么意思

get promoted释义 获得晋升

(高中英语)下面这个句子的promoted to a leadership position是非谓?

是非谓语,过去分词短语作表语。promoted to a leadership position,是一个过去分词短语,在从句who gets peomoted to s leqdership position中,作表语。这个从句是主系表结构。

a contest promoted 什么意思


appoint 和promote有什么区别? I was appointed as manager./I was promoted as manager.

在你这句话里没有太多的意思. 不过appointed更多的体现了领导的意志 promoted则更体现被提拔人是因工作而提升. appoint可以是向上,向下或平级的职位变动 promote只能是向上的职位变动.

promoted accounts什么意思

promoted accounts网 络推广账户;推广帐号;推广账号;推广帐户网络释义promoted accounts1. 推广账户

promoted product是什么意思

. 1. 产品, 产物2. 乘积3. 制品4. (自然、化学或工业过程的)产物,生成物,产品5. 产儿;产物;结果

【高中英语】为什么第八空是being promoted

看你填了动名词形式,所以只是没有考虑被动。首先你要看懂意思,人们认为爬山和吃蛋糕一样 希望被提升到高的位置。根据意思,被提升.所以动名词的语态为被动。所以being promote

get promoted 和 get a promotion 请问为什么多用get promoted

前者是 系表结构 后者是 动宾结构 二者 都是常用的 表达方式


谓语动词:The CEO of the company promoted one of his managers to his assistant.被动式谓语的一部分:One of the managers has been promoted to a higher management position.非谓语动词作状语:The CEO of the company fired his assistant, only promoted to the position recently.形容词:A promoted manager was fired last week.-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。


promoted有被动语态,即be+promoted,表示“被提升为”。如:It"s said that she worked hard and was soon promoted.句中promote与she构成动宾关系,要用被动语态。promote的用法:1、promote作“提升为…”“使升入…”解时多指按常规次序递进。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接“(to be+)n.”充当补足语的复合宾语,promote常与介词to连用,此时通常用于被动结构。2、promote作“促进”“提倡”“鼓励”解时,指强调外界的有利因素促使事物朝着预期的目标发展,可用于事物发展的各个阶段。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接疑问词引导的从句作宾语。

promoted 用法

谓语动词:The CEO of the company promoted one of his managers to his assistant.被动式谓语的一部分:One of the managers has been promoted to a higher management position.非谓语动词作状语:The CEO of the company fired his assistant, only promoted to the position recently.形容词:A promoted manager was fired last week. 




promoted的读音:英 [prəˈməʊtɪd]   美 [prəˈmoʊtɪd]promoted双语例句:1、This website"s clear to promoted the telecommunication broadband business to play the positive role.本网站的开通对促进电信宽带业务发挥了积极作用。2、Catalytic Activity Improvement of Platinum Toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction Promoted by Hydrogen Molybdenum Bronze氢钼青铜对铂催化氧还原反应的促进作用3、A new broom sweeps clean Lately, the gym has a new trainer manager, who is promoted from one of the trainers.新官上任三把火最近健身房里得教练换了一个经理。4、The businessman culture greatly promoted the flourishing of the personage culture and the brothel culture.商人文化对士人文化,青楼文化产生了极大的推动作用。5、He was promoted as the new Bruce.人们尊称他为李小龙二世。7、A Preliminary Exploration into Mechanism of Ethrel Promoted Flower Bud Differentiation in Aechmea fasciate cv. Vanriegata乙烯利促进观赏凤梨花芽分化的生理机制初探

