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如何shiro中principal 属性的属性




外企中常见的职位如Senior, Staff, Principal等,谁高谁低?还有哪些职位?

技术路线: engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- principle --- senior principle --- fellow 管理路线:engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- manager --- senior manager--- director --- senior director -- VP(vice president) --- SVP --- CEO 大概就是这个样子Senior是资深,有经验者;Staff就是字面意思,员工或普通员工;Principal在英文里也有校长的意思,所以就是指领导级别了。 不同行业的外企职级划分不一样的。我所在的企业,一般情况,不管是Senior还是Staff都属于员工级别,基本名下不管理人,即使有也都是虚拟的领导。 到了supervisor是个过度,名下就可以管理人了,也就是会有人report给你。 再往上是manager级别,大型外企到了manager level的薪资和员工就不是一个量级了,再往上也有各种manager的划分。就本人工作经历而言,勉强答一把: 第一,先普及一下hr的基础知识。正常情况下,hr会把员工的职业发展规划为2条线,即工程师engineer和管理人员people manager。看个人的兴趣以及能力,选择比较适合自己的发展路径。但有一点的是,people manager相对engineer而言,在大佬们面前的出场机率可能多一些,那么结果有可能升职加薪的机会就多一些,当然这也要看公司文化和管理者偏好。 第二,engineer的画大饼线路图是:assistant engineer,engineer,senior engineer,staff/principle engineer(我上东家一开始有staff,不过现在取消了,sr.升职后直接principle),distinguished engineer,fellow(做到这估计也快退休了,后面就啥太大意义了)。 第三,people manager的画饼顺序是:supervisor,manager,director(前面都可以 sr.),(vice) vp,CXO,president… 第四,一般情况下,两者之间在同级别下没有高低之分,主要看项目的需求和高级管理层的偏好。 以上,是我的一点经验分享,欢迎条友一起参与讨论 你所说的这三个职位分别代表1、高级,资深;2、职员;3、首席、负责人 外企中招聘职位还有GM总经理,President总裁,Manager经理,Assistant助理,Supervisor主管,CEO首席执行官,CFO财务总监等。 单独的senior engineer称号级别最低。staff和principal一般都比senior高一级。在同一个外企中这两个职位一般是二选一。A企业的staff和B企业的principal绝大多数情况下可以看作同一级别。其它的还有master engineer,advisory engineer, consultant engineer等。举几个例子,上海贝尔:senior < advisory < consultant, 中国爱立信:senior<principal<specialist<expert, p="" 爱尔兰爱立信:senior<master </principal<specialist

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别Principal Investigator就是主要研究者或主要参加者,Program Director是项目主持人。

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

先看一下,两者的英文界定:Principal InvestigatorA principal investigator (PI) is the lead researcher for a particular well-defined project, usually in the sciences, such as a laboratory study or a clinical trial.大意:一位“principal investigator(PI)”是某个特定的明确定义项目的首席研究员,通常是指科学领域的,如实验室研究或临床试验等。Program DirectorIn service industries, such as education, a program manager or program director researches, plans, develops and implements one or more of the firm"s professional services.大意:一名项目经理或项目主管(“Program Director”)通常要研究、计划、制订和执行一个或多个公司的专业服务。通常是指处于服务性行业的,例如教育。由上述解释得出,二者最本质区别在于工作领域。Principal Investigator 通常是指科学领域的;Program Director 通常是指处于服务性行业的;前者常被译为:首席研究员,后者常被译为:计划负责人或项目总监等。

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

  先看一下,两者的英文界定:  Principal Investigator  A principal investigator (PI) is the lead researcher for a particular well-defined project, usually in the sciences, such as a laboratory study or a clinical trial.  大意:  一位“principal investigator(PI)”是某个特定的明确定义项目的首席研究员,通常是指科学领域的,如实验室研究或临床试验等。  Program Director  In service industries, such as education, a program manager or program director researches, plans, develops and implements one or more of the firm"s professional services.  大意:  一名项目经理或项目主管(“Program Director”)通常要研究、计划、制订和执行一个或多个公司的专业服务。通常是指处于服务性行业的,例如教育。  由上述解释得出,二者最本质区别在于工作领域。  Principal Investigator 通常是指科学领域的;Program Director 通常是指处于服务性行业的;前者常被译为:首席研究员,后者常被译为:计划负责人或项目总监等。

become a principal with ,principal是主角,with是什么用法


中六作文求评 letter to the principal

更新1: devastating crops and plants cultivation. Therefore people in those areas have to face risks of crops and plants devastation. If devastation really happens they get zero ine. In plain terms people in rural areas have to survive with little and instable ine. So we should provide basic 更新2: education to them with a view to increasing their petitiveness of finding jobs. Not until we do so can we ameliorate their poverty problem. It is uncontested that basic healthcare and education in rural areas are so important a prerequisite that they improve the health of people and 更新3: problem of poverty. At the same time donating for the initiative of further place exploration should be a worse choice. First further place exploration causes unbalanced development of China. There can be o situations: exploring places in prosperous cities and exploring 更新4: places in remote areas. The first one should not be taken in consideration. Since the big cities are already wealthy enough we should put more finance in developing remote area in order to have a balanced development around China. If we explore places in those big cities we may well provide more 更新5: land for them to have further development causing unbalanced development in China since the remote areas are so undeveloped. The second one would be too impulsive. Since the basic facilities in remote areas are lacked like trportations hospitals residential buildings schools etc further 更新6: place exploration is unmeaning. We cannot further develop those areas after place exploration nor can we polish the economical state of those areas. Therefore further place exploration does not facilitate in the balanced development of China. Second further place exploration is 更新7: subordinate when pared to basic healthcare and education in rural areas in term of urgency basic healthcare and education in rural areas should be a priority. It is human lives that take precedence over everything. With basic healthcare saves the lives in rural areas. Simultaneously basic 更新8: education helps polish the impoverished situation in rural areas. We should ensure every people in our nation have equal opportunity of receiving education and endeavour to maintain a more equivalent economical development. To conclude donating 更新9: money to the initiative of basic healthcare and education in rural areas is better than donating money to the initiative of further place exploration in that the former help protect the health of people and help ameliorate the 更新10: problem of poverty whereas the latter may cause unbalanced development of China and is secondary when considering the urgency. China"s development is in embryo and rapid. However we should bear in mind that not to overlook the 更新11: livelihood of poor people. Only when China have developed equally among all the areas can she be a civilized triumphant and prosperous nation which is beyond pare. I hope my opinions can be deeply 更新12: pondered over. Yours faithfully Chris Wong 可以的话给个分数 (1至5**) 全文705字 用时 2 hours Hi I have just been reading your essay and I think that in general it is quite good. The only thing that concerns me is your interpretation of "space exploration". I have always understood "space" in this context as having some associations with "outer space" or something to do with the universe as opposed to the context of an area of land. And if you google "space exploration" you will see that my view may be right. Hence the first tip is to read the question thoroughly and try to understand if before you wer it. If you are not sure don"t do it. Another issue I noticed is your use of vocabulary. I can see that you have attempted to use a wide range of vocabularies which is mendable but the problem is that it gives the reader a feeling that you are memorising them rather than genuinely using them because it is appropriate. For instance in the first paragraph you have wrote "after my deliberation". Technically speaking there is nothing wrong in using this word but in general this word will not be used in this context. It would be better to just use the word "think" or "after given my thoughts to it" or simply cross out the whole sentence. My advise would be to always keep it simple. It is better to use simple words in a coherent and concrete manner rather than using plicated words trying to look *** art and yet failing to convey the idea you intended to. The only purpose in position is to municate the your thoughts on a given matter to the person reading it. The structure is okay. Few grammatical mistakes. I think it would be a 3 or 4 if you had not misunderstood the meaning of space exploration at the start Topic: Students and parents from your school have raised a large sum of money for China"s development. The school Principal is now asking students for their opinions as to which one of the following o initiatives in China should receive the money: (i) further land development; or (ii) basic healthcare and education in rural areas. Write a letter to the Principal saying which initiative should receive the donation and why it should not be given to the other. Dear Principal In regards to the use of the large sum of money raised in our school recently I am concerned about it because there is nothing more important than caring our nation"s development. As a Chinese I am writing to express my opinions over this issue. After my deliberation I believe that we should put the donation to the initiative of ‘basic healthcare and education in rural areas" rather than ‘further land development". The basic healthcare gives the residents in rural areas protection for health. In rural areas people are easy to suffer from illness. The drinking water is unclean. When they drink it they may subject to cholera and more than that their immunity will be weakened. Also they lack knowledge of hygiene which is prerequisite for stay away from sickness. In severe cases people may die in consequence if they contract the illness. Concerning that the lack of medical facilities in rural areas we should help them by donating money to build up basic healthcare services without any delay lest there should be losses of human lives. Besides the basic education helps to relieve the problem of poverty in rural areas. With no basic education provided in rural areas there is a high illiteracy rate. In subsequence the people in rural areas have low petitiveness of finding jobs. Instead they resort to farming. They however receive little ine. In some areas they always have bad weather which 2013-02-05 19:36:29 补充 devastate crops and cultivation. 参考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Trlation by Oxford University Press in 1975


what do you want to know?

Name of Principal officer(Optional)是什么意思?




princess principal什么意思

princess principal公主准则princess英-[pru026an"ses]美-[pru026anu02ccsu025bs]释义n. 公主;王妃;女巨头n. (Princess)人名;(英)普琳西丝;principal英-["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l]美-["pru026ansu0259pl]释义adj. 主要的;资本的n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人



R语言用principal和princomp怎么实现 主成分分析和因子分析

princomp(x, cor = FALSE, scores = TRUE, covmat = NULL, subset = rep_len(TRUE, nrow(as.matrix(x))), )当cor = TRUE是使用相关系数矩阵计算 当cor = FALSE是使用协方差矩阵计算 用相关系数矩阵计算就相当于先标准化,在进行主成分分析 用。


principal[英][u02c8pru026ansu0259pl][美][u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals易混淆单词:Principal例句:1.This is my principal lesson from davos. 这就是我从达沃斯汲取到的最主要教训。



in principal是什么意思?





principal: [ "prinsu0259p(u0259)l ] principle: [ "prinsu0259pl ] 前者是个滑音,由u0259音滑到l音上,也可以不读^_^;后者直接不读,而读l音,发pl音。一般在日常中是按前后语意分辨,一般不从读音分辨^_^祝 愉快 !~





capital, cost,和 principal的区别

capital:资本,资金;财富,财产;解释:主要指用来投资或建立企业等所需要的大笔资金;或者是个人或企业所拥有的财富;principal:本金;解释:在投资上,指没有利息等其他损益的原始资金。cost n. 价钱,代价; 花费,费用; 牺牲; [用复数][法律] 诉讼费; vi. 价钱为,花费; 估计成本; vt. 付出代价; 估价; 使丧失; 使付出努力; [例句]Three is the cost of raw materials.第三个是原材料成本。





principal怎么读 快来看看

1、美[?pr?ns?pl]、英[?pr?ns?pl]。 2、翻译:adj.最重要的;主要的。n.大学校长;学院院长;本金;资本;主要演员;主角。 3、例句:The principal reason for this omission is lack of time.跳过它的主要原因是时间不足。New roads will link the principal cities of the area.新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。


principal ["prinsu0259pu0259l] n. 校


读 “铺润洗破”principal[英]["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l][美][u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals



essential chief primary principal的区别

chief: 拽人时,表同类中职位最高,权力最大;指物时,表同类中最重要,价值最高。principal: 用于人时,指地位优于其他人;用于物时,指该物在大小、重要性等方面优于他物。primary: 通常不用于人。用于物时,指在重要性方面占第一位。essential:指对事物本身性质具有决定性的重要性,暗含不可缺少,否则便无法存在.

primarily 和principal的用法区别?

primarily是副词adv,副词是形容动词的,principal是形容词adj 形容词形容名词,




primary首要的,主要的:在阶层,质量或重要性上处于首要的或最高的;主要的;首先的:在名单,系列或排序上处在首位的最早的:在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的principal主要的, 首要的, 重要的没有首先、首要的意思你可以理解为primary的重要性>principal


委托人(client/principal/bailor) 委托人是指委托他人为自己办理事务的人。在 证券经纪业务 中, 委托人是指依国家法律、法规的规定,可以进行证券买卖的自然人或 法人。为区别于 委托代理关系 中的委托人, 有些国家的信托法将委托人称为 信托人 钟瑞栋,陈向聪著.信托法[ M].ISBN:7-5615-2153-7/D922. 282.4.厦门大学出版社,2004。采纳哦




Principal有两个意思,一个是作为形容词,另一个是作为名词。这两个单词尽管词性不同,却有相同含义,皆为某事或某人是主导,第一个或最重要的。Principle除变形外只为名词。作为某事基础的真理或想法依据,如信仰、行为或道德准则,公认的行为准则。 principal例句 1、Further information is available on application to the principal. 申请书请交校长,届时将提供详情。 2、New roads will link the principal cities of the area. 新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。 3、The principal reason for this omission is lack of time. 跳过它的主要原因是时间不足。 4、We looked around the school and talked with the principal. 我们参观了那所学校,并跟校长进行了交谈。 5、The principal knows all the students by name. 校长能叫出所有学生的姓名。 Principle例句 1、She refused to back down on a point of principle. 她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。 2、Their foreign policy is based on the principle that "might is right". 他们的外交政策遵循“强权即公理”的原则。 3、Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law. 尊重生命是英国法律最重要的原则。 4、He doesn"t invest in the arms industry on principle. 他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。 5、The principle behind it is very simple. 其中的原理十分简单。


principal adj. 主要的 n. 负责人,校长,资本 1. Our principal problem is lack of time. 我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。 2. My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。 3. I will have to consult my principals before I can give you an answer on that. 我必须同我的委托人磋商后才能就这个问题给你答复。 4. I must consult my prinicipals before agreeing to your proposal. 我得同委托人商量后才能接受你的建议. 5. Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙. 6. How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000? 5000美元本金的利息是多少? 7. The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人说话。 8. My principal concern is my family"s welfare. 我至为关心的是我一家的幸福. principle n. 原则,原理,主义,信念 1. We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 2. The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。 3. They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms. 他们基本上同意了那项提议, 但我们仍须商定条件. 4. These machines both work on the same principle. 这两台机器的工作原理是相同的. 5. Many people are opposed to the sale of arms on principle. 许多人根据自己的是非观反对出售武器. 6. She leads her life according to Christian principles. 她以基督教教义作为生活的准则. 7. The principal and the vice-principal of the college both attended the meeting. 学院的正副院长均出席了会议. 8. My principal concern is my family"s welfare. 我至为关心的是我一家的幸福.


principal是主要负责人。主要负责人指的是一个单位或组织主持本单位全面工作具有最高决策权并对本单位承担主要责任的单位主要领导。主要负责人的具体表现形式很多,根据习惯,凡是在单位负主要责任的领导在法律上统称为主要负责人。不过,如何理解主要负责人的涵义,只能从本单位的性质,以及本单位的实际情况上来具体确定主要负责人。这个名词具体所指的对象会因所在的行业的差异有细微的区别,所以应该参照该领域的法律和行业不成文的规则或是本单位的规定。示例1、《会计法》第五十条规定:“单位负责人,是指单位法定代表人或者法律、行政法规规定代表单位行使职权的主要负责人”。单位负责人主要包括两类人员:一是单位的法定代表人(也称法人代表),即是指依法代表法人单位行使职权的负责人,如国有工业企业的厂长(经理)、公司制的董事长、国家机关的最高行政官员等。二是按照法律、行政法规规定代表单位行使职权的负责人,即是指依法代表非法人单位行使职权的负责人,如代表合伙企业执行合伙企业事务的合伙人、个人独资企业的投资人等。2、生产经营单位的主要负责人是指对本单位生产经营负全面责任,有生产经营决策权的人员,具体指的是有限责任公司的董事长、总经理、其他生产经营单位的厂长、经理、矿长投资人等。以上内容来自 百度百科-主要负责人


principal 英[ˈprɪnsəpl] 美[ˈprɪnsəpəl] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; 全部释义>>[例句]This is my principal lesson from davos.这就是我从达沃斯汲取到的最主要教训。很高兴为您解答望采纳 谢谢




stand for “main” .




principal 英["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] adj. 最重要的;主要的;资本的;本金的 n. 首长,负责人;主要演员,主角;[法]委托人,当事人;本金 名词复数:principals [例句]His principal management tool is a detailed , weekly profit report on every operation.他的主要管理工具是每一项业务详细的周利润报告。


principal读音:英["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典。1.ADJ 形容词首要的;最主要的;最重要的 Principal means first in order of importance. 【搭配模式】:ADJ nThe principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。2.the country"s principal source of foreign exchange earnings...这个国家最主要的外汇收入来源Their principal concern is bound to be that of winning the next general election.他们最关心的问题肯定是赢得下一次大选。3.N-COUNT 可数名词(中小学)校长;(英国)大学校长,学院院长 The principal of a school, or in Britain the principal of a college, is the person in charge of the school or college.Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School.唐纳德·金是达特茅斯中学的校长。


principally的意思是主要地。双语例句:1.This architecture allows applications to deal principally with data graphs and data objects.此体系结构允许应用程序主要处理数据图和数据对象。2.On the contrary, like all such upheavals it was hugely costly, not only or principally in money.相反,如同所有这样的剧变一样,它的成本极其高昂,主要问题不是钱,也不仅仅是钱。3.Usually, the accusation is directed principally against politicians, bureaucrats, and advertisers, butthe abuse is felt to have an "adverse effect on the language as such.这种指控通常主要针对政客、官僚和广告客户,但是人们已经受到滥用对语言本身所带来的有害影响。


principal的读音是:英["pr_ns_p(_)l]。principal的读音是:英["pr_ns_p(_)l]。principal副词:principally;名词:principalship。principal【近义词】capital。一、详尽释义点此查看principal的详细内容adj.(形容词)主要的,最重要的,首要的,第一的资本的,本金的,作为本钱的负责人的,首长的,领头的最大的,一流的有地位的n.(名词)主角,主要演员本金,资本校长【法律】委托人;本人;当事人长,首长;社长;负责人;长官;会长独唱者首席演奏者,主奏者主动者决斗的本人【律】主犯二、双解释义adj.(形容词)[A]最重要的,主要的 highest in importance or position; main; chiefn.(名词)[C]负责人,校长 the head of some universities, colleges and schools[S]资本,本金 an amount of money lent, put into a business, etc. and on which interest is paid[P]被代理人,委托人 person for whom another acts as his agent[C]主犯 person directly responsible for a crime三、英英释义Noun:the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculatedthe educator who has executive authority for a school;"she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"an actor who plays a principal rolecapital as contrasted with the income derived from it(criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvementthe major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own accountAdjective:most important element;"the chief aim of living""the main doors were of solid glass""the principal rivers of America""the principal example""policemen were primary targets""the master bedroom""a master switch"四、例句Our principal problem is lack of time.我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。My wages are the principal source of my income.薪金是我收入的主要来源。My principal concern is my family"s welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000?5000美元本金的利息是多少?Mr.Charlie Wang is a Principal of Pangaea and responsible for capital management.王岩先生现任磐石基金执行董事,负责资本管理。The principal or capital,as distinguished from the interest or income,as of a fund or estate.资金,基金或资产的本金或资本,以区别于利息或收入。When I came into the office, the principal rose to welcome me.当我走进办公室时,校长起身欢迎我。He is going to fill the position of principal.他将去担任中学校长的职务。She danced the principal role in the ballet.她在这个芭蕾舞中担任主角。Through it all Richard Nixon moved as if he were himself a spectator, not the principal.尼克松自始至终表现得象旁观者,而不是主角。The agent spoke on behalf of his principal.代理人代表他的委托人说话。I will have to consult my principals before I can give you an answer on that.我必须同我的委托人磋商后才能就这个问题给你答复。Indeed I was the principal in the crime.我真正做了这个罪恶的主犯。Shall I work underground, bribing the paltry assistants in that foul conspiracy, until I find my way to the thrice guilty principal?我要不要秘密进行追究,贿赂那肮脏密谋中的可鄙助手,直至我找到线索挖出那三倍有罪的主犯?五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths.酗酒是公路死亡事故的最重要的原因。She has been the principal dancer in our ballet for ten years.十年来她一直是我们芭蕾舞团的台柱演员。用作名词(n.)He is the principal of this school.他是该学校的校长。There is a shortage of principal.资金有些短缺。I must consult my principals.我得同委托人商量一下。六、情景对话Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.帕特上午怎么了?我见他考试一开始就离开了教室。B:He was found cheating and was driven out.他被发现作弊,被老师赶了出来。A:If theprincipal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.如果校长发现他作弊的话,会活剥了他他的皮。七、词语用法adj.(形容词)principal用作形容词的意思是“最重要的,主要的,首要的”,用于人时指其起的作用最大,而不指职位最高; 用于物时,指其在重要性上优于他物,起决定作用。principal无比较级和最高级形式。principal同principle的比较:两者的发音相同。principal作为形容词时,意思为“主要的”“最重要的”。 principal作为名词时意为“校长”。 而principle的意思为“科学定律或者是到个规范”。What"s your principal reason for wanting to be a writer?If you want to leave early you"ll have to ask the Principal.He"s a boy with very strong principles.principal作为校长时,各地区用法不尽相同:在英国常表示牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)大学的若干学院(college)的院长,或是若干大学的校长。在美国仅仅只是表示中学或小学校长。而在苏格兰表示的是大学校长。principal的相关近义词capital、chief、first、main、primary、dean、headmasterprincipal的相关反义词least、minorprincipal的相关临近词principle、Princeton、Principali、principals、principalia、principally、principalis、principality、principal act、principal boy、principal ray、principal Zhu点此查看更多关于principal的详细信息

西兰公国(Principality of Sealand)的爵位有购买的价值吗?

西方的公爵子爵等等贵族爵位,听起来好不威风!但你也许不知道,其实只用花费800元人民币就可以买到一个欧洲的世袭贵族爵位。而且这个爵位是绝对合法的哟,国王会亲自在爵位授予书上签字,并写上你的中文拼音名字。购买了证书之后,我就是温酒男爵了,想想就酷!到这里你肯定会很好奇,是哪个欧洲国家的爵位只用花800元就能买到了呢?那就是坐落于英国旁边,英吉利海峡上的西兰公国(Principality of Sealand)。这个所谓的西兰公国呢,领土面积其实只有550平方米而已。而且长得跟个海上废墟似的,不过就是两根柱子上搭了一个台子,看起来奇丑无比,一点都不体面。但可别小瞧了西兰公国,这个国家早在1967年就建立了。英国政府规定对沿海3英里内的海域具有控制权,而这座塔却在距离英国7英里处,因此英国退役陆军少校罗伊·巴茨在1967年登上这个海上平台,并宣称对其拥有“主权”。西兰公国虽然小,可却五脏俱全。西兰公国政府办公署的下属部门有:外务局、内务局以及邮政电信和科学技术局。西兰公国还有自己的货币、邮票、国旗、国歌、护照,甚至由王室成员组成的国家足球队。

DS-160填写,J2签证申请者是Principal Applicant吗


the principal of the invisible hand



同学是要来做填空题还是单纯想分辨这两个单词呢?principle只能作名词使用,美国韦式词典给出如下定义:1. a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your action 即准则,规范的意思2. a basic truth or theory : an idea that forms the basis of something 即道义的意思3. a law or fact of nature that explains how something works or why something happens 译作原理。Prime词义则较为丰富,既可以作为名词也可以作为形容词使用作名词韦式词典给出如下解释:the period in life when a person is best in health, strength, etc. : the most active or successful time of a person"s life。我理解为最好的年华意思做形容词词典解释:most important;of the highest quality or value,从此释义可得大概和primary,rudimentary同义。有具体语境上用法的困惑可以追问哈

毕业论文英语翻译原文 内容关于:主成分分析(principal component analysis)

你的邮箱发不进去,请换一个,这里发部分供你参考Principal component analysisPrincipal component analysis (PCA) is a mathematical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of uncorrelated variables called principal components. The number of principal components is less than or equal to the number of original variables. This transformation is defined in such a way that the first principal component has as high a variance as possible (that is, accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible), and each succeeding component in turn has the highest variance possible under the constraint that it be orthogonal to (uncorrelated with) the preceding components. Principal components are guaranteed to be independent only if the data set is jointly normally distributed. PCA is sensitive to the relative scaling of the original variables. Depending on the field of application, it is also named the discrete Karhunen–Loève transform (KLT), the Hotelling transform or proper orthogonal decomposition (POD).PCA was invented in 1901 by Karl Pearson.[1] Now it is mostly used as a tool in exploratory data analysis and for making predictive models. PCA can be done by eigenvalue decomposition of a data covariance matrix or singular value decomposition of a data matrix, usually after mean centering the data for each attribute. The results of a PCA are usually discussed in terms of component scores (the transformed variable values corresponding to a particular case in the data) and loadings (the weight by which each standarized original variable should be multiplied to get the component score) (Shaw, 2003).PCA is the simplest of the true eigenvector-based multivariate analyses. Often, its operation can be thought of as revealing the internal structure of the data in a way which best explains the variance in the data. If a multivariate dataset is visualised as a set of coordinates in a high-dimensional data space (1 axis per variable), PCA can supply the user with a lower-dimensional picture, a "shadow" of this object when viewed from its (in some sense) most informative viewpoint. This is done by using only the first few principal components so that the dimensionality of the transformed data is reduced.PCA is closely related to factor analysis; indeed, some statistical packages (such as Stata) deliberately conflate the two techniques. True factor analysis makes different assumptions about the underlying structure and solves eigenvectors of a slightly different matrix.

求教principal trade and agency trade in Soft Dollar

principal trade and agency trade in Soft Dollar翻译成中文是:软美元的主要贸易和代理贸易相关单词学习:principal 英[u02c8pru026ansu0259pl] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; [例句]The principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。[其他] 复数:principals 相关短语学习: soft dollar软美元欧美国家以“软美元”(soft dollar)即证券互惠行为,来称呼基金经理与经纪商之间的行为。满意请采纳,谢谢!


shortcoming 英:[u02c8u0283u0254u02d0tku028cmu026au014b] 谐音(效特卡命)n.缺点; 短处; principle 英:[u02c8pru026ansu0259pl] 谐音(扑润色剖)n.道德原则; 行为准则; 规范; 法则; 原则; 原理; 观念; (行动、思想的)

外企中常见的职位如Senior, Staff, Principal等,谁高谁低?还有哪些职位?

技术路线: engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- principle --- senior principle --- fellow 管理路线:engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- manager --- senior manager--- director --- senior director -- VP(vice president) --- SVP --- CEO 大概就是这个样子Senior是资深,有经验者;Staff就是字面意思,员工或普通员工;Principal在英文里也有校长的意思,所以就是指领导级别了。 不同行业的外企职级划分不一样的。我所在的企业,一般情况,不管是Senior还是Staff都属于员工级别,基本名下不管理人,即使有也都是虚拟的领导。 到了supervisor是个过度,名下就可以管理人了,也就是会有人report给你。 再往上是manager级别,大型外企到了manager level的薪资和员工就不是一个量级了,再往上也有各种manager的划分。外企特别是投行等金融类企业,往往有associate,AVP, VP(Associate director), Director, senior director,executive director,managing director等职级划分。 这些头衔往往并不代表字面所代表的意思。比如VP副总裁其实不是公司的副总裁,可能只是比较资深的普通员工。像高级的MD虽然很多部门经理会是MD,但很多MD并非管理者,只是代表其资历或类似的职称。 我们看到外企的名片时候,不用被这些头衔吓倒。高盛大摩有12000多名VP,MD也不少,但真正的高级管理者其实并不多。所以,如果要看其所承担的管理职能就是官衔,不能只看名片上的头衔。 就本人工作经历而言,勉强答一把: 第一,先普及一下hr的基础知识。正常情况下,hr会把员工的职业发展规划为2条线,即工程师engineer和管理人员people manager。看个人的兴趣以及能力,选择比较适合自己的发展路径。但有一点的是,people manager相对engineer而言,在大佬们面前的出场机率可能多一些,那么结果有可能升职加薪的机会就多一些,当然这也要看公司文化和管理者偏好。 第二,engineer的画大饼线路图是:assistant engineer,engineer,senior engineer,staff/principle engineer(我上东家一开始有staff,不过现在取消了,sr.升职后直接principle),distinguished engineer,fellow(做到这估计也快退休了,后面就啥太大意义了)。 第三,people manager的画饼顺序是:supervisor,manager,director(前面都可以 sr.),(vice) vp,CXO,president… 第四,一般情况下,两者之间在同级别下没有高低之分,主要看项目的需求和高级管理层的偏好。 以上,是我的一点经验分享,欢迎条友一起参与讨论 你所说的这三个职位分别代表1、高级,资深;2、职员;3、首席、负责人 外企中招聘职位还有GM总经理,President总裁,Manager经理,Assistant助理,Supervisor主管,CEO首席执行官,CFO财务总监等。 从低往高是engineer,senior engineer,principle engineer,staff已经是很高级别的了,走技术路线的话,不一定有team,但和manager对等,在往上就是director总监了,之后就是VP,CVP,EVP,CEO了 单独的senior engineer称号级别最低。staff和principal一般都比senior高一级。在同一个外企中这两个职位一般是二选一。A企业的staff和B企业的principal绝大多数情况下可以看作同一级别。其它的还有master engineer,advisory engineer, consultant engineer等。举几个例子,上海贝尔:senior < advisory < consultant, 中国爱立信:senior

外企中常见的职位如Senior, Staff, Principal等,谁高谁低?还有哪些职位?

技术路线: engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- principle --- senior principle --- fellow 管理路线:engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- manager --- senior manager--- director --- senior director -- VP(vice president) --- SVP --- CEO 大概就是这个样子Senior是资深,有经验者;Staff就是字面意思,员工或普通员工;Principal在英文里也有校长的意思,所以就是指领导级别了。 不同行业的外企职级划分不一样的。我所在的企业,一般情况,不管是Senior还是Staff都属于员工级别,基本名下不管理人,即使有也都是虚拟的领导。 到了supervisor是个过度,名下就可以管理人了,也就是会有人report给你。 再往上是manager级别,大型外企到了manager level的薪资和员工就不是一个量级了,再往上也有各种manager的划分。就本人工作经历而言,勉强答一把: 第一,先普及一下hr的基础知识。正常情况下,hr会把员工的职业发展规划为2条线,即工程师engineer和管理人员people manager。看个人的兴趣以及能力,选择比较适合自己的发展路径。但有一点的是,people manager相对engineer而言,在大佬们面前的出场机率可能多一些,那么结果有可能升职加薪的机会就多一些,当然这也要看公司文化和管理者偏好。 第二,engineer的画大饼线路图是:assistant engineer,engineer,senior engineer,staff/principle engineer(我上东家一开始有staff,不过现在取消了,sr.升职后直接principle),distinguished engineer,fellow(做到这估计也快退休了,后面就啥太大意义了)。 第三,people manager的画饼顺序是:supervisor,manager,director(前面都可以 sr.),(vice) vp,CXO,president… 第四,一般情况下,两者之间在同级别下没有高低之分,主要看项目的需求和高级管理层的偏好。 以上,是我的一点经验分享,欢迎条友一起参与讨论 你所说的这三个职位分别代表1、高级,资深;2、职员;3、首席、负责人 外企中招聘职位还有GM总经理,President总裁,Manager经理,Assistant助理,Supervisor主管,CEO首席执行官,CFO财务总监等。 从低往高是engineer,senior engineer,principle engineer,staff已经是很高级别的了,走技术路线的话,不一定有team,但和manager对等,在往上就是director总监了,之后就是VP,CVP,EVP,CEO了 单独的senior engineer称号级别最低。staff和principal一般都比senior高一级。在同一个外企中这两个职位一般是二选一。A企业的staff和B企业的principal绝大多数情况下可以看作同一级别。其它的还有master engineer,advisory engineer, consultant engineer等。举几个例子,上海贝尔:senior < advisory < consultant, 中国爱立信:senior


principal architect首席建筑师双语例句1Assist top management and principal architect in designing and developing new business. 协助公司高层和首席架构师,设计和开发新业务。2He could justly claim to have been a principal architect of our wartime intelligence mastery. He has a strong case. 他可以有充分的理由宣称他是我们获得战时情报控制权的主要设计师。



school principal是什么意思



你好!principal beneficiary主要的受益者

principal与important 区别 principal与important 他们都有重要的意思!怎么区别啊

principal:first in rank or importance;chief;main这里是英文注解,是较文的形容词,形容主要的或最重要的.相对而言,important就是serious,significant,valuable的意思,很有意义,很重要,有影响力等等.现在可以比较出...

Principal是什么意思? grape是什么意思? 矮的英文怎么写? hamburger是什么


on principal是什么意思

on principal上主

principal minor是什么意思

rincipal minor[英][ˈprinsəpəl ˈmainə][美][ˈprɪnsəpəl ˈmaɪnɚ]主子式; principal[英][ˈprɪnsəpl][美][ˈprɪnsəpəl]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals


1. making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it; "the ratification of the treaty"; "confirmation of the appointment"

company principal是什么意思



principal英 ["prɪnsəp(ə)l]美 ["prɪnsəpl]adj. 主要的;资本的n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人

principal 在银行交易中(citi bank)出现这样的词语是什么意思啊?


principal strict smart active分别是什么意思?

1.principal 主要的,首要的,最重要的 2.strict 严格的;严厉的[(+with)] ;严谨的,精确的 伶俐的,机警的;精明的 活跃的;活泼的 ; 积极的;勤奋的

Register: Principal 什么意思

注册: 资金或者是委托人

Actividad principal是什么意思



  Principal Investigators的中文翻译  Principal Investigators  首席调查员  双语例句  1  Contact information for the principal investigators  主要研究人员的联系信息  2  Contact information for project leaders, co-leaders and principal investigators of projects proposed at the Workshop  讲习班上提出的项目的项目负责人、共同负责人和主要调查人的  3  Contact information for the project leaders and co-leaders and principal investigators is provided in annex I.  项目领导人和联合领导人以及主要调查人的联络信息见附件一。

关于principal,primary 两者都有首要的,主要的意思,那么有没有什么区别?

primary首要的,主要的:在阶层,质量或重要性上处于首要的或最高的;主要的;首先的:在名单,系列或排序上处在首位的最早的:在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的 principal主要的,首要的,重要的 没有首先、首要的意思 你可以理解为primary的重要性>principal

Do you like your principal?Why?中的principal是什么意思?

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:Do you like your principal?Why?翻译:你喜欢你的校长吗?为什么? principal:n. 校长;委托人,当事人;资本;主犯;adj. 首要的;最重要的知识补充:principal component[数] 主成分;知组分;[数] 主分量;知成分principal office总办事处;校长室;总部;主要办事处the principal本金;被代理人;校长;委托人principal procurator主诉检察官principal balance本金principal direction主方向;纸向principal account公司户口;主要帐户Principal Frequency主频率principal beneficiary主要受益人;本金受益人;受益人principal component 主成分;[化]知组分 principal component analysis 主成分分析 principal and interest 本利,本金及利息 principal stress 主应力;枝力,枝动 principal axis [物]主轴 principal factor 主要因素;主因子法 principal investigator 主要研究者 repayment of principal 还本;偿还本金 principal function 主函数;主要职能 principal strain 主应变,枝变 principal product 主产物 principal direction 纸向;主方向 principal office 总部,总社;总办事处;校长室 principal element 主要因素;主元素 principal character 主人公;主要特征 principal focus [物]主焦点(等于focal point) principal tensile stress 汁应力,主拉应力 major principal stress 最大主应力,第一主应力 principal value 本金值;基本价值;主值 principal action 主诉;主要行动 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。


、包销含义及包销协议 ()包销含义 包销(Exclusive Sales)称独家经销(Sole Distribution)指口(即供货商)通包销协议某种或某类货物某区期限内独家专营权给予外商(即进口商、包销商)贸易做包销式双事通包销协议建立起种较稳固购销关系 (二)独家专营权含义 指口定期定区内向包销报价交销售某种货物包销期间区内购买同或类似货物 (二)包销业务事间关系 包销业务两事供货包销间种售定性质买卖关系即供货卖包销买货物由包销购买自行销售自负盈亏包销承担货价涨跌及库存积压风险与单边逐笔售定贸易式区别于包销定期定区内享独家专营权包销享受种权利通供货包销签订包销协议实现 (三)包销协议(Exclusive Sales Agreement) 采用包销式口与包销商间权利与义务由包销协议所确定包销协议包括列主要内容: 1.包销货物名称包括包销货物品种、规格、型号、牌号、货号等 2.包销协议双关系 包销协议都要明确包销商与口企业(供货)间关系本与本关系(Principal to Principal),即属买卖关系 3.包销商品范围 般情况包销商品范围宜太通规定: (1)类商品或几类商品 (2)同类商品几品种或几型号 4.包销区 包销区约定通列几种: (1)确定家或几家 (2)确定家几城市 (3)确定城市 5.包销期限 即给予独家专营权期限通规定期限超两 6.包销专营权 指包销商行使专卖专买权利包销协议重要内容 7.包销数量或金额 既指包销商承购货物数量或金额口商(供货)供货数量或金额双同等约束力包销数额般采用规定低承购额做确定实际承购数额各种同做般实际装运数准 8.作价办 其种做规定期限内作价即论协议内包销商品价格涨、落与否协议规定价格准另种做规定包销期限内批作价由于际商品市场价格变化端采用批作价较普遍 二、包销式优缺点 ()优点 1.利于调包销商经营积极性; 2.利于利用包销商销售渠道达巩固扩市场目; 3.减少经营产自相竞争弊病 (二)缺点 口适运用包销式能使口商经营受利影响或者现包销情况外包销商能利用其垄断位操纵价格控制市场 三、采用包销式应注意问题 1.慎重选择包销商 选择包销商确定包销商否靠先采用独家发盘式即某项商品定区向家客户发盘 2.适规定包销商品范围、区及间 通情况包销商品范围宜太包销区范围宜太广包销间规定应视客户情况定宜宜短 3.协议应规定止或索赔条款 第二节 代 理 、中国性质与特点 ()中国(Agency)概念 际贸易中国委托(Principal)接受委托中国另达协议规定中国(Agent)约定间区内委托名义与资金事业务并由委托直接负责由产 (二)中国性质 销售中国商同口商间关系买卖关系故销售中国商垫资金、担风险负盈亏获取佣金 (三)中国特点 中国式同包销式相比具列基本特点: 1.中国能委托授权范围内中国委托事商业 2.中国般自名义与第三者签订合同 3.中国通运用委托资金事业务 4.中国管交易盈亏取佣金 5.中国居间介绍意、招揽订单并承担履行合同责任 中国种类 ()际货物买卖中国按委托授权: 1. 总中国(General Agency) 委托指定区全权代表权代表委托事般商务某些非商务性事务 2.独家中国(Sole Agency or Exclusive Agency) 指定区期限内单独代表委托行事事中国协议规定关业务中国委托该区内委托其中国口业务采用独家中国式委托须给予中国特定区定期限内代销指定商品独家专营权 3.般中国(Agency)称佣金中国(Commission Agency) 指同区期限内委托同委派几中国代表委托行中国享独家专营权佣金中国完授权范围内事务按协议规定办向委托计收佣金 (二)按照行业性质同中国: 1. 销售中国 中国式见种指代表口商或制造商其商品际市场销售提供服务中国 2. 购货中国 称采购中国即中国受进口委托其际市场采购商品提供服务 3. 货运中国 般货主受托身份货主办理关货物报关、交接、仓储、调拨、检验、包装、转运、订舱等项业务 4. 船中国 指承运中国包括外轮中国承运承揽货载提供服务 5. 保险中国 通指保险中国代表保险保险打交道种中国称作保险经纪(Broker)作保险中国其办理投保手续服务 除几种外业务广告中国、诉讼中国、仲裁中国等等 (三)独家中国与独家经销异同 独家中国与独家经销其相同点均给外客户特定区定期限内销售指定商品专营权两者同点独家经销售定性质买自负盈亏赚取利润主独家中国委托代销间商般垫付资金赚取佣金主 三、中国协议 ()中国协议概念 中国协议称中国合同用明确委托中国间权利与义务律文件协议内容由双事按照契约自由原则根据双合意加规定 (二)中国协议内容 际贸易中国种类繁中国协议形式内容各相同业务见销售中国协议主要包括内容: 1.中国商品区域 应中国协议明确、具体规定中国商品名称、品种、花色、规格等及中国权行使区范围 2.中国权利与义务 中国协议核部般应包括述内容: ①明确中国权利范围及否享专营权 ②规定中国定期内应推销商品低销售额(按FOB价或CIF价计) ③中国应中国权行使范围内保护委托合权益 ④中国应承担市场调研广告宣传义务 3.委托权利与义务 委托权利主要体现客户订单权接受权拒绝委托义务维护中国合权益保证按协议规定条件向中国支付佣金 4.佣金支付 ①中国权索取佣金间 ②佣金率 ③计算佣金基础 ④支付佣金 除述基本内容外协议规定抗力条款、仲裁条款及协议期限终止办等条款些条款规定办与包销协议做致相同 (三)我外贸中国制 我实际业务外贸中国三种同情况: 1.内享外贸经营权企业间中国中国中国(委托)名义外签订进口合同 2.内享外贸经营权企业间中国中国自名义外签订进口合同 3.享外贸经营权企业受内享外贸经营权企业委托自名义外签订进口合同 独家中国与包销哪些区别口业务销售中国与经销相同处事间关系看两者却根本区别(1)经销商与供货间买卖关系经销商完全自利益购进货物转售自筹资金自负盈亏自担风险(2)中国式中国作委托代表其行能超授权范围中国般自名义与第三者订立合同居间介绍收取佣金并承担履行合同责任履行合同义务双委托客






principal ["prinsəpəl]n. 校长;委托人,当事人;资本;主犯adj. 首要的;最重要的

principal 是什么意思,谢。

principal ["prinsəpəl]基本翻译n. 校长;委托人,当事人;资本;主犯adj. 首要的;最重要的网络释义principal:中学校长 | 本金 | 校长

principal 意思是什





(形) 主要的, 首要的, 重要的 (名) 校长, 本金, 首长
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