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pretend 假装 remind 使想起



almost 和pretend的意思


pretend to 英文是什么意思




affect pretend 都有假装的意思?两者有何区别?


词组“假装”是pretend from还是pretend for,还是别的什么?


lonesome-pretend 是什么意思呢?

  lonesome pretend的中文翻译  lonesome pretend  寂寞的假装  --  lonesome英 [ˈləʊnsəm] 美 [ˈloʊnsəm]  adj.寂寥; 寂; 孤单的,人迹稀少的;  [网络]寂寞; 孤独; 孤寂;  [例句]I"ve grown so lonesome, thinking of you.  想起你,我觉得非常寂寞。






pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. 还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. pretend to be reading就表示他假装正在读书 pretend to sleep 表示他要去睡觉 都有假装的意思fake作动词时指仿造 假造某物 通常指没有价值的冒牌货或代用品,但目的不一定全是为骗人


pretendtodo和doing区别是:一、意思不同pretend to do的意思是:假装;假装做;假装做某事。例句:He pretend as though he have have nothing to do with the case.他装作好像与本案无关。What did the two cheats pretend to be doing?这两个骗子假装在干什么?二、强调的内容不同pretend to do强调的是做某事的动作。pretend to be doing强调的是正在做的状态。词语用法:1、pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。2、pretend也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。

pretend后面跟什么是do还是to do 还是doing

pretend to do假装做pretend to be doing假装正在做









pretend的意思:v. 伪装,假装;(玩游戏时)假扮,装扮;自诩,自称v. 伪装,假装;(玩游戏时)假扮,装扮;自诩,自称(pretend to)adj. <非正式>假装的,假想的(尤为儿童使用)短语pretend to do sth 假装做某事 ; 假装作某事 ; 伪装作某事 ; 装着去做什么Pretend to be 装得 ; 假冒 ; 冒充 ; 假装Pretend to understand 不懂装懂 ; 假装 ; 扮了解 ; 假装理解同根词词根: pretendadj.pretended 假装的;虚假的n.pretense 借口;虚假;炫耀;自吹(等于pretence)pretence 假装;借口;虚伪pretender 冒牌者;妄求者;妄提要求者v.pretended 假装(pretend的过去式和过去分词);装扮I"m tired of having to pretend all the time. 我讨厌老得装假。

pretend什么意思中文 pretend的含义

1、pretend,英语单词,主要用作为动词、形容词,作不及物动词时译为“假装,伪装,佯装”;作及物动词时译为“假装,伪装,模拟”;作形容词时译为“假装的”。 2、用法 V-T If you pretend that something is the case, you act in a way that is intended to make people believe that it is the case, although in fact it is not. 假装 (某事是事实) V-T If children or adults pretend that they are doing something, they imagine that they are doing it, for example, as part of a game. 假装 (在做某事) V-T If you do not pretend that something is the case, you do not claim that it is the case. 假称 [with neg]


假装,伪装,pretend to do sth.

Don"t pretend to be stupid in front of me.是什么意思?




pretend 可以做名词么? 不可以的话,它的名词形式是什么?


关于pretend的用法有没有pretend doing这种用法?? 如果有,是什么意思?

假装做, pretend to be doing 1.假装正在做 2.假装(正在)做 3.是“假装正在干什么”的意思 4.假装正在做某事 pretend to be doing sth 1.假装正在做某事 2.假装做某事


在英语中,冠词+时间可以代表时间状语,而且像the moment,the minute,the instant这些词还可以引导时间状语从句

pretend to do sth.是什么意思,用法是什么?







pretend n.伪装 可以当名词用的,我查字典了。中文意思是伪装。

pretended 是什么意思啊



1假装2(游戏中)假扮,假想 采纳啊!


pretend微信名的意思是假装。pretend 英 [prɪ"tend]   美 [prɪ"tend]    v. 假装,装作,自以为例句:She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help.翻译:她假装很喜欢他们,借以获得他们的帮助。短语:pretend a headache 假装头痛pretend的用法1、pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。2、pretend也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有(所有权、权利)或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。


pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. 还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. pretend to be reading就表示他假装正在读书 pretend to sleep 表示他要去睡觉 都有假装的意思fake作动词时指仿造 假造某物 通常指没有价值的冒牌货或代用品,但目的不一定全是为骗人

pretend 的意思



pretend,英语单词。主要用作为动词、形容词,作不及物动词时译为“假装,伪装,佯装”;作及物动词时译为“假装,伪装,模拟”;作形容词时译为“假装的。单词用法根据《柯林斯英汉双解大词典 》:V-T If you pretend that something is the case, you act in a way that is intended to make people believe that it is the case, although in fact it is not. 假装 (某事是事实)V-T If children or adults pretend that they are doing something, they imagine that they are doing it, for example, as part of a game. 假装 (在做某事)V-T If you do not pretend that something is the case, you do not claim that it is the case. 假称 [with neg]


vi. 假装,伪装,佯装adj. 假装的vt. 假装,伪装,模拟[网络] 假装;装作;伪装


pretend 英 [prɪ"tend]/美 [prɪ"tɛnd]vi. 假装,伪装,佯装adj. 假装的vt. 假装,伪装,模拟孩子们把他们的手指模仿成一支蜡烛,设法吹灭蜡烛,发出”噗噗噗“的声音。 


pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”。强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。pretend也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有(所有权、权利)或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。pretend在口语中还可接as if或like引导的从句,表示“装…的样子”,此时pretend用作系动词,从句的谓语动词要用陈述式。相关词组:pretend a headache 假装头痛。pretend deafness 装聋作哑。pretend ignorance 装作无知。pretend illness 装病。pretend indifference 装作不关心。pretend sleep 假装睡觉。pretend childishly 幼稚地装作。pretend deliberately 故意装作。pretend groundlessly 毫无根据地自称。pretend irrationally 不合理地伪装。pretend politely 有礼貌地装作。


pretend的意思是假装。例句:1、I don"t like him, and it would be dishonest of me to pretend otherwise.我不喜欢他,如果假装喜欢,那就是我不诚实了。2、Don"t be surprised if I pretend not to recognise you.要是我假装不认识你,你别觉得奇怪。3、I"m tired of having to pretend all the time.我讨厌老得装假。4、They didn"t have any real money so they had to pretend.他们没有真钱,就用假的代替。5、She pretended an interest she did not feel.她毫无兴趣却装作有。6、It is idle to pretend that their marriage is a success.佯称他们的婚姻有多美满是无意义的。


emulate模仿,学着:My hope is that you will learn something from what I"m telling you, even you don"t want to emulate me. 我希望你们即便不学我,也能从我的话里,学到些什么。imitate模仿,照着来:So even if DoCoMo"s ambitious plan succeeds, operators elsewhere could find it hard to imitate.即使多科莫那野心勃勃的计划最后能成,别处的操作者也发现,太难照着再来一次了。mimic模仿,依葫芦画瓢:One would expect news coverage to be positive and small investors to mimic the trade.人们原本预计新闻报道会是正面的,散户也将依葫芦画瓢。simulate模拟,仿真:You play a game to simulate adventure, but when there"s real adventure out there in the real world, you just wimp out. 你们玩模拟的探险游戏,现在真有探险了吧,你们又怂了。affectation娇柔做作: He says someone with a flair for cocktail party conversation, a witticism, would say this. He gives it to us, but he frames it as an affectation of style. 他说在一个鸡尾酒派对上交谈的调酒师,这是妙语,他给我们了,但是他将其用娇柔做作的风格包装起来。feign假扮,伪装(某人): He claims he met you at butter that night you feign serena. 他说在你假扮瑟琳娜那晚,他在巴特见过你们。Disguise伪装:Look like an angel, talk like an angel, But the devil in disguise. 外表像个天使,说话也像个天使,但却是恶魔伪装而成。pretend假装某事,某场景: I"m gonna pretend that you"re not a movie star, And we"re just two roommates. 我会装做你不是电影明星一样,我们只是室友而已。

Great Pretender - Dan Mccafferty

哦,我肯定 " 米扮伟大,假装我 " mdoin " 好,我需要的是这样,我装太多了,我 " 寂寞米,但没有人会知道,我是的哦 " 米扮伟大,沉迷于自己的世界,我的游戏,但我真正的耻辱,我离开你的梦想就有假装你 " 各地还重,这是非常现实feelin " 相信作出的,我觉得太真实,我的心都什么 " t隐瞒,


pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。常用短语有pretend to do假装要做某事。 pretend的用法 pretend的用法1:pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。 pretend的用法2:pretend也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有(所有权、权利)或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。 pretend的用法3:pretend在口语中还可接as if或like引导的从句,表示“装…的样子”,此时pretend用作系动词,从句的谓语动词要用陈述式。 pretend的用法4:pretend还可用作形容词,表示“假装的,想象的,假想的”,用于非正式或儿语中。 pretend的用法例句 1. The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music. 孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。 2. We won"t pretend we savour the prospect of a month in prison. 我们不会装作我们满心盼望着在监狱中度过一个月。 3. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect. 假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。 4. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams. 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。 5. I pretend that things are really okay when they"re not. 当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。

you need to stop pretending啥意思

你真酷! 你还好吧? 你得停止思考了... stop doing sth,意思是停下某件事 stop to do sth,意思是停下来去做这件事 It has stopped raining. 雨停了. He stopped to listen to her talking. 他停下来听她说话. I"m so "cool" that i cannot speak english fluently,and need others" help. but i think i"m ok now,I"d like more time to think things over.

i"m not pretending翻译

This is the way you left me这是你离开我的方式 I"m not pretending我不是在假装 No hope, no love, no glory没有希望,没有爱,没有荣耀 No Happy Ending没有快乐结局 This is the way that we love这是我们相爱的方式 Like it"s forever像永远般 Then live the rest of our life然后我们剩下的日子生活着 But not together但不在一起 Wake up in the morning早上醒来 stumble on my life无意中见到我的生活 Can"t get no love能找到爱 without sacrifice毫不牺牲 If anything should happen如果有事应该发生 I guess I wish you well我认为我会希望你过得好 A little bit of heaven差一点就是天堂 but a little bit of hell但也差一点就是地狱 This is the hardest story这是故事最难的地方 that I"ve ever told我曾经告诉你的 No hope,or love,or glory没有希望,爱或荣耀 Happy endings gone forever more永不会有快乐结局 I feel as if I feel as if I"m wastin"我觉得我觉得好像我在浪费 And I"m wastin" everyday我在浪费每天的时间 2 o"clock in the morning早上2点 something"s on my mind我在想东西 Can"t get no rest不能休息 keep walkin" around一直走来走去 If I pretend that nothin"如果我假装没有事情 ever went wrong曾经出错 I can get to my sleep我就能去睡我的觉 I can think that we just carried on我能认为我们仍在坚持着 No hope, or love, or glory没有希望,爱或荣耀 A Little bit of love一点爱 little bit of love一点爱 little bit of love.. 一点爱 To live the rest of our life来渡过我们的余生

theyare pretending

C 分 析: 考查动词短语辨析。A放弃;B发出(光,烟,气味);C赠送,泄漏;D归还;句意:虽然他们费尽心思地扮年轻,但是花白的头发和赘肉却将他们的真实年龄暴露无遗。故C正确。 考点: 考查动词短语

it was no use pretending that i had not seen him.

你好:it这里是形式主语pretending that I had not seen him是真正主语。这句属于为了平衡句子结构而使用形式主语的典型例子,因为真正主语实在太长了。不用形式主语是这样的Pretending that I had not seen him was no use.

it was no use pretending that i had not seen him的that怎么解释?


短语造句(英语) is no use pretending

动名词结构作主语,可以用名词或代词属格形式作逻辑主语.如: It"s no use your pretending that you didn"t know the rules. 假装不懂规则是行不通的.

it was no use pretending that

这句话that引导的确实是pretending的宾语从句,说明了假装的具体内容,it was no use+doing+sth.这是一个比较常见的结构,至于你说的主语从句情况,其实是这样,pretending that i had not seen him是主语,改过来就是pretending that i had not seen him is no use. 假如你把 that i had not seen him当做主语,那pretending这个孤立的及物动词就无法存在下去了,因为没有宾语了,

pretending to be what one is not什么意思

pretending to be what one is not人模狗样; 假装什么都不是例句:1、She buried her head under the covers, pretending to be asleep.她把头埋到被子底下,假装睡着了。2、First he stops the production in the cloud while pretending to be on scheduled maintenance.他首先会假装由于要执行预定维护而停止云中的生产环境。3、Yoga to help you stay in shape, while pretending to be spiritual.瑜伽让你保持身材的同时还自称有精神上的作用。

He is pretending that ..这结构是什么从句,that能省略吗?


Pretending Glee 歌词


pretendinghappy翻译成中文是 什么意思



pretend 英[prɪˈtend] 美[prɪˈtɛnd] vt. 装扮; 假装,伪装; 假称; vi. 扮演; 自称; 假装,矫作; adj. 仿制的; 全部释义>>[例句]Than to pretend you understand and answer very vaguely.比假装而含糊地回答要来得好。望采纳 谢谢作业达人团帮您解答

pretend 什么时候加ing


英语pretending to be the genuine article怎么翻译?

翻译为:假装为正品;伪称正品。词汇解释:1.pretending to be,意为伪称,假装,自夸2. the genuine article,意为正品。3.genuine:真的,诚恳的4.article:物件,物品,文章。综合词汇意思,得出中文翻译。

he pretended to watch

英语问题求解答,pretend to do 和pretend to be doing有什么区别。

pretend to be doing 强调不定式的动作正在进行。如,The boy pretended to be reading when his mother came in.当那个男孩的妈妈进来的时候,他假装正在看书。pretend to do是强调假装要做某事。 如,He pretended to tell me the truth.他假装要告诉我真相。

I pretended to be cheerful是什么意思

check the dictionary,cheerful means glad, happypretend means fake, pretended is just a past tense of pretendto be ( this is too easy)

She pretended __________ me when I passed b

A 考查固定短语。假装做某事pretend to do ,其否定形式在 to 前面加not,因此选A 。

pretended to sleep对不对

答案是:pretendtosleep 意思是:假装睡觉pretend tobe asleep假装睡着 pretended是pretend的过去式☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

She pretended______ a book when the teacher came in.

pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中. pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. 还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. pretend to be reading就表示他假装正在读书 pretend to sleep 表示他要去睡觉 看这个解释很清楚了,第一个表示老师进来后他装作要去看书;第二个是老师进来后他假装在看书,选B了

the two boys pretended__ very hard,though they didi nothing


他假装正在读书 he pretended to be reading he is pretend


When his mother came in,the boy pretended_.


pretend that用不用虚拟语气

不需要用虚拟语气。例句:He pretended that he was innocent他假装无辜。

It is just pretend ,isn"t it? 这英语的pretend表示被动还是形容?


disguise 和 pretend 表示假装是的区别

今天我也在想这个问题disguise:from des- "away, off" (see dis-) + guise "style, appearance" (see guise). Originally primarily "to put out of one"s usual manner" (of dress, etc.).即:否定+面貌 (就是看不出你长什么样了)1:外表装. ~ sb (as sb/sth) to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you 假扮;装扮;伪装She disguised herself as a boy.她女扮男装。2. 藏在什么东西o hide sth or change it, so that it cannot be recognized 掩蔽;掩饰 She made no attempt to disguise her surprise.她毫不掩饰自己的惊奇。pretend假装;伪装;装作 If you pretend that something is the case, you act in a way that is intended to make people believe that it is the case, although in fact it is not. Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep...有时这个男孩会假装睡着了。所以:pretend 更强调 假装,不指外表disguise 还有伪装的意思。比如外表

请问用pretend表示 没有假装怎么说, 我老师说 not pretend和pretend not都表示假装没有


He pretended to be asleep.为什么要加to be ?

这里是 正在、在的意思

He pretended _______ a book when his mother entered the room. read have read C.r

D 试题分析:pretend 后接不定式,先排除C,ABD均为不定式,A一般式,表示发生在谓语动词动作之后,B完成式表示发生在谓语动词动作之前,D表示与谓语动词动作同时发生。根据状语when his mother entered the room可知,不定式的动作和谓语动词动作同时发生,故选D。句意,当他妈妈进入房间时,他正假装看书。点评:不定式的考查,要注意其几种形式:一般式,进行式,完成式,完成进行式。关键看其与谓语动词发生的先后顺序。一般式,表示发生在谓语动词动作之后,B完成式表示发生在谓语动词动作之前,D表示与谓语动词动作同时发生。

有没有pretend to doing这个句型的

pretend to do sth.

… pretend to do sth … pretend to be doing sth … pretend to have done sth的区别。


she pretended not to see me when i passed by这里为什么用not to 而不用doesn"t?



When he heard his father open the door,he pretended to read books loudly in the study.

When my mom came in,I pretended to be reading和I was pretending to be reading when my mom came in.


The boy pretended to be working hard。分析句型结构



He pretended not seeing me when I was coming in.

he pretended he was ill 什么 he could stay at home

He pretended to be ill _so__ __that_ he could stay at home so that 以致于的意思 希望能够帮到楼主

The boy pretended ( )when his mother entered.

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