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Unfortunately, when I dropped in, 这里unfortunately修饰谁,为何放在前边?



PS 聚苯乙烯PC聚碳酸酯PC/PBT 聚碳酸酯PE-HD 高密度聚乙烯PMMA 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯POM 聚丙烯醚

求Red Hot Chili Peppers 的by the way歌词

歌词: Standing in line to see the show tonight and there"s a light on heavy glow by the way I tried to say I"d be there waiting for Dani the girl is singing songs to me beneath the marquee overload steak knife card shark con job boot cut Skin that flick she"s such a little DJ to get there quick by street but not the freeway turn that trick to make a little leeway beat that nic but not the way that we play dogtown blood bath rib cage soft tail Standing in line to see the show tonight and there"s a light on heavy glow by the way I tried to say I"d be there waiting for black jack dope dick pawn shop quick pick kiss that dyke i know you want to hold one not on strike but I"m about to bowl one bite that mic I know you never stole one girls that like a story, so I told one song bird main line cash back hard top Standing in line to see the show tonight and there"s a light on heavy glow by the way I tried to say I"d be there waiting for Dani the girl is singing songs to me beneath the marquee oversoldby the way I tried to sayI"d be there waiting for Oh, ah, kissed ya then i missed yaOh, ah, kissed ya then i missed yaOh, ah, kissed ya then i missed yaOh, ah, kissed ya then i missed yaOh, ah, kissed ya then i missed yaOh, ah, kissed ya then i missed yaOh, ah, kissed ya then i missed yaOh ahStanding in line to see the show tonight and there"s a light on heavy glow by the way I tried to say I"d be there waiting for Dani the girl is singing songs to me beneath the marquee oversoldby the way I tried to sayI know you from beforeStanding in line to see the show tonight and there"s a light on heavy glow by the way I tried to say I"d be there waiting for希望能帮助够你,望采纳。谢谢。

I had flipped.Completely.

1957年夏天,一年级的那个暑假,布莱斯·罗斯基搬到朱莉·贝克家对面,两人就此成为了邻居。从见到布莱斯的第一眼开始,朱莉就因为他的一双dazzling eyes而对他一见倾心。 她主动上前提出帮他忙,跟在他身后围着他跑,在他来到新学校的第一天热情拥抱他,坐在他后排偷偷嗅着他头发上西瓜味的香气,甚至幻想和期望着他们之间还未发生的初吻。 朱莉的心动却让布莱斯避之不及,他心里只有一个念头: “我只希望朱莉·贝克能离我远点”。 朱莉的热情主动在他看来“不识趣”且“毫无自知之明”。他为了躲避朱莉使出浑身解数,故意接近朱莉的宿敌雪利,和她一起吃饭聊天散步,但就算这样也不能使朱莉的热情减退,反倒因为自己的小算盘被雪利发现而挨了她一巴掌。布莱斯只能期望来年升入初中之后不再和朱莉同班,逃脱她的魔掌,彻底结束自己的噩梦。 作为电影女主角的朱莉,完美诠释了美国文化当中女主角该有的特点:勇敢乐观,生机勃勃,敢于与众不同,有自己坚持的梦想,也有着脚踏实地的能力,像是一棵生命力顽强的树。总之给人一种不管在哪儿、做什么,她都能生活得很好的感觉。 朱莉知道永动机,她在科技展览会上展示的课题是观察鸡蛋的孵化过程,并且把孵出来的小鸡带回家养在后院。她还喜欢看爸爸画画,更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天。爸爸一边画画一边告诉她:“一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成的,一头牛只是一头牛,草地也只是长满了鲜花和青草,而穿过枝桠的阳光也仅仅只是一缕薄光。但如果你把它们衔接拼凑起来,却能收获意想不到的成果。” 在同龄女生聊着打耳洞、睡衣派对等等话题的时候,朱莉最喜欢的事情却是爬到梧桐树顶看好几个小时的风景,大口呼吸大树顶端的沁人心脾的气息,思考着整体是否胜于部分的总和这样的问题。就像布莱斯的外公说过的,她是一个好女孩,是 “a girl like that doesn"t live next door to everyone." 然而那时候布莱斯还只是个小男孩,他还无法看到朱莉彩虹般绚烂缤纷的内心。 但布莱斯的外公切特可以看到,所以他脱掉平常一直穿着的拖鞋,换上工作靴和朱莉一起修整她家的院子,和她一个小时内说的话甚至比他和布莱斯说过的所有话还要多。他对朱莉说他在报纸上看到她的报道,说如果他太太还在的话,一定会陪朱莉坐到那棵树上,她可以在上面坐一整夜。他也完全理解朱莉爸爸告诉朱莉的那个关于整体胜于部分总和的道理。他告诉她而且人也如此,但有时候人甚至还没有那么好。 所以朱莉开始审视自己身边从小学就认识的同学,发现的确和切特说的一样,有些人的整体反而小于他的部分总和。朱莉也因此渐渐不确定自己对布莱斯的感觉,当她再次望向布莱斯那双忽闪忽闪的蓝眼睛,她发现除了好看的双眼,布莱斯的整体其实没那么好。 在去参加布莱斯家的晚宴之前,朱莉望着爸爸给她画的那棵梧桐树,她终于想明白,布莱斯从来都不算是她的朋友。在梧桐树被砍时布莱斯没有站在她这边,怀疑她送来的鸡蛋有沙门氏菌并偷偷扔掉,甚至和朋友在背后开她家人的玩笑。她确定自己不再喜欢布莱斯了,意识到这一点之后的她也感觉到了前所未有的平和。 而在这个时候,布莱斯却喜欢上了朱莉。 一开始或许只是擅自扔掉鸡蛋的愧疚,居然变成了实验课上无法移开的注视,脑海中挥之不去的想念。直到在学校的慈善竞标会上,朱莉投给了其他男生,布莱斯看着朱莉和其他男生面对面吃午餐,看着他们聊天并且笑得很开心,布莱斯终于没办法坐视不管。 布莱斯的朋友加利特对这一切完全无法理解:“你对她动心了吗?你怎么了?” 他认为布莱斯疯了,为了这个噩梦般的邻居、无所不知的讨厌鬼、甩不掉的跟屁虫朱莉·贝克,布莱斯居然丢下共进午餐的校花。 当布莱斯提着装着脏碗脏碟的篮子回家时,他却一直想着朱莉。他意识到加利特说对了一件事, 他心动了,完全心动了。 整部电影里我最喜欢的台词就是这一句,当旁白里的布莱斯说出这句话时,有一种“完蛋了”的感觉,而他心里知道这其实太好了。 电影的最后,朱莉从窗帘的缝隙里看到布莱斯在她的院子里种了一棵树,朱莉无须多问,因为她从叶子的形状和枝干的纹路就可以看出来,是一棵她最喜欢的梧桐树。于是朱莉从房子里走了出来,走向他。 布莱斯望着她,用那双再次忽闪忽闪的大眼睛。他终于明白: “当她走出那扇门,我回想起第一次见她,怎么会有人想从朱莉·贝克的手里挣脱呢?” 随着主题曲《Let It Be Me》响起,从朱莉那句“需要帮忙吗”开始,他们真正地开始交流了。而布莱斯知道他们会说很久很久。“有些人会渐露平庸,有些人会小有所成,还有些人会出类拔萃,但你偶尔才能遇上一个光彩夺目的人。当你真正遇到这一刻,才能明白其中的美好。”这是布莱斯的外公对他说过的一段话,十分经典。而翻译为中文也有无数个版本,流传最广的大概是一首小诗的那个版本:“有人住高楼,有人在深沟;有人光万丈,有人一身锈。世人万千种,浮云莫去求;斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。” 希望你我也能在这千万人之中,遇到那个在你眼中闪闪发光的人,如彩虹般绚烂的人。




有一首英文歌,歌手好像是个男rapper,还有点出名,然后里边有几句歌词 Fried Rice (ft. Onra)-G-Eazy 有一首英文歌,有一句歌词是when i was young,好像是个男歌手 原唱Eric Carmen----ALL BY MYSELF when i was young i never needed anyone and making love was just for fun those days are gone livin" alone i think of all the friends i"ve known when i dial the telephone nobody"s home all by myself don"t wanna be anymore hard to be sure sometimes i feel so insecure and loves so distant and obscure remains the cure don"t wanna live oh by myself, by myself by myself don"t wanna live i never, never, never needed anyone 一首英文歌,好像是hip hop,有几句歌词是 普 秋 寒 撒! Put your hands up 有一首英文歌,是个男的唱的。中间歌词好像是 you having .. for life。。 找不到一致的,不知道是不是这个 Rihanna - Where Have You Been 有一首英文歌歌词里有一句好像是give me heart 这信息量特太少了 哪怕有个视频音频啥的捏 有一首歌词是c里买带c里买带.好像是首英文歌 是个男的唱的 panama 有一首英文歌有一句歌词好像是 just like oha oha oha 我很想爱他 - 林俊杰 词:何启弘 曲:林俊杰 天空下起雨了 他撑的伞在你身边陪着 可是 我不快乐 因为看见 他脸上的笑是很勉强的 我很想爱他 但是眼睛在说谎 隐瞒比较容易吧 免得感情变得复杂 我很想爱他 但是理智在吵架 退出可能解围吗 谁能给我一个好的回答 如果 再舍不得 这样下去 我们每个人都是受害者 我很想爱他 但是眼睛在说谎 隐瞒比较容易吧 免得感情变得复杂 我很想爱他 但是理智在吵架 退出可能解围吗 谁能给我一个好的回答 当爱情陷在危险边缘 是否都会伤痕累累 是否都会苦不堪言 我很想爱他 但是眼睛在说谎 隐瞒比较容易吧 免得感情变得复杂 我很想爱他 但是理智在吵架 退出可能解围吗 谁能给我一个好的回答 爱情教会我们都放不下 有一首英文歌 歌词好像是 啊卡么来输 Waiting for Love - Avicii,John Legend Where there"s a will, there"s a way, kinda beautiful And every night has its day, so magical And if there"s love in this life, there"s no obstacle That can"t be defeated For every tyrant to tear upon the vulnerable In every lost soul, the bones of the miracle For every dreamer, a dream we"re unspable With something to believe in Monday left me broken Tuesday I was through with hoping Wednesday my empty arms were open Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love Bang the stars it"s Friday I"m burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday Guess I won"t be ing to church on Sunday I"ll be waiting for love, waiting for love To e around Monday left me broken Tuesday I was through with hoping Wednesday my empty arms were open Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love Bang the stars it"s Friday I"m burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday Guess I won"t be ing to church on Sunday I"ll be waiting for love, waiting for love To e around 有一首英文歌里边歌词有roberts 还有点快节奏 Sam Roberts - end of the empire Witness the end of the empire, the Romans of our time Start little fires, then they get too high You fan the flames and they still remain Long after you lose desire Then a breakdown turns to a heart attack And it"s far too late, you"ll never bring it back You can take what you want from me But you better believe that I can see you Watch the sun set on the empire One last round as it goes down Start a little fire in your best attire You can blame the gin for the mess you"re in Take a pension and retire Then a breakdown turns into a heart attack And it"s far too late, you"ll never bring it back You can take what you want from me But you better believe that I can see you You can run but you can"t hide From that feeling buried deep inside Let"s fet if only for tonight Hold you lover and your secrets tight We"re all wasted You know, the end - I can taste it I"m walking away this time I"m leaving it all behind Breakdown turns into a heart attack And it"s far too late, you"ll never bring it back You can take what you want from me But you better believe that I can see you Stick to the facts "cause the facts don"t lie Stick to your guns when the bullets fly Stick to the wall when the light sweeps by Stick in the mud over one in the eye One part breaks it was made defective The wheel don"t turn cause it"s all connected Six feet down being resurrected Heart says "Yes" but your body rejects it You can take what you want from me But you better believe that I can see you You can take what you want from me But you better believe that I can see you You can run but you can"t hide From that feeling buried deep inside Let"s fet if only for tonight Hold you lover and your secrets tight We"re all wasted You know, the end - I can taste it I"m walking away this time I"m leaving it all behind I"m walking away this time I"m leaving it all behind For you End Sam Roberts - end of the empire 有一首英文歌,一个男生唱的,歌词好像是now we are here we are here Some Type Of Love - Charlie Puth When I"m old and grown I won"t sleep alone Every single moment will be fading into you That"s some type of love That"s some type of love And I won"t sing the blues Cause all I need is you Every single question will be answered all by you That"s some type of love That"s some type of love When the world is on fire we won"t even move There is no reason if I"m here with you And when it"s said and done I"ll give me to you That"s some type of love That"s some type of love When were old and gray And our faces changed There won"t be a moment When my heart don"t feel the same That"s some type of love That"s some type of love And every story ends But we could still pretend Every single moment will be just as we had planned It was some type of love That"s some type of love When the world is on fire we won"t even move There is no reason if I"m here with you And when it"s said and done I"ll give me to you That"s some type of love That"s some type of love If I"m here with you Give me to you baby That"s some type of love That"s some type of love When the world is on fire we won"t even move There is no reason if I"m here with you And when it"s said and done I"ll give me to you That"s some type of love That"s some type of love

34. How often will a blue moon happen over the next twenty years?为什么选B

文章里有:Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons.所以#4 选 B. Less than once a year.


attractive具体指吸引人的注意,会引诱人的. appealing指某些事物能够引起他人的同情等正面感情. 不过在很多方面还是通用的,如果不是要强调上面所说的差异,随便用哪个无所谓.

英语改错On my way ti home yesterday afternoon.I happen ed to witness atraffic accident .when old wom

On my way to home yesterday afternoon.I happened to witness a traffic accident .When an old woman was crossing the road,she was knocked down by a boy who was riding bike .The boy was so frightened that he stood still at the scene and didn"t know what to do .I quickly went up and saw the old woman lying on the grund, crying beacause of pain .I stopped a taxi and told the driver whhat had happened. The driver drove them to the nearest hospital at once. To our relief we were told that the old woman wasnn"t injured seriously and she was examined carefuly.The woman was deeply grateful for our help.

regardless his appearance

B 考查词组用法。 regardless of... 不管/不论

butter pepper hot sauce他们都是不可数名词吗?

butter 黄油 不可数名词pepper 辣椒 可数名词;胡椒粉 不可数名词hot 热的 形容词sauce 酱 不可数名词

Ungapped extensions 什么意思

Ungapped extensions 无间隙的扩展


VB6中的Open 语句就是能够对文件输入/输出操作定义格式:Open 文件名称及路径 For mode(访问模式) As [#]文件号模式有:Binary(二进制)、Append(在文件尾端添加数据)、Input(输入型,即:读入文件内容方式)、Output(输出型:写数据到文件)和Random(随机)你看一下MSDN 可能更详细一点..

x xml file does not appear to have any style information associated with是什么意思

X xml file does not appear to have any style information associated with意思是X . xml文件似乎没有任何与之关联的样式信息

with all the right and privileges thereunto appertaining.

大学已经在陈 Wen 之上赠予艺术的主人的学位用所有的权利和特权到那里附属。证人关于,的确签署的这一张文凭已经被发行和使大学的印章附于的。 在 2006 年8月12日在大学在全体教员的推荐之上藉着受托人的董事会发行了藉由所有的权利和特权到那里附属。证人关于,的确签署的这一张文凭已经被发行和使大学的印章附于的。在这上的大学在全体教员的推荐之上藉着受托人的董事会发行了2006年8月12日


我也是RedPepper牛仔裤的忠实粉丝,从日本来到北京,我就开始找卖RedPepper的地方,后来发现在test-tube专卖店、bauhaus专卖店都有卖,地址是朝阳区金盏乡雷庄村村北路100号斯普瑞斯奥特莱斯A28铺test-tube专卖店、BJB2 北京市西城区西单北大街131号西单大悦城4F32-39bauhaus专卖店 ,购买的人很多。你可以去那里看看,现在好像有促销活动。

请教“supper bowl sunday”是什么日子?

大哥(大姐)是不是拼错了这是我们球迷的节日准确的应该是Super Bowl Sunday超级碗冠军奖杯-文斯·隆巴迪杯 超级碗(Super Bowl)是国家美式足球联盟(也成为国家橄榄球联盟)的年度冠军赛,胜者被称为“世界冠军”。超级碗一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,那一天称为超级碗星期天(Super Bowl Sunday)。超级碗是比赛的名称,其奖杯名称为文斯·隆巴迪杯(Vince Lombardi Trophy)。参与球队为该球季的美国美式足球联会冠军以及国家美式足球联会冠军。超级碗多年来都是全美收视率最高的电视节目,并逐渐成为一个非官方的全国性节日。另外,超级碗星期天是美国单日食品消耗量第二高的日子,仅次于感恩节。

求一篇英语作文An interesting thing happened in the vacation

The most interesting thing in my summer vacation is to visit the beautiful city---Guang Zhou.I was very glad there. The day after I reached Guang Zhou,my mum took me to the Guangzhou Ocean Aquarium. I walked into the aquarium.It was just like swimming in the colorful ocean like a small pretty fish.Blue water went around me.How wonderful the feeling is! The aquarium is really large.Fishes were beautiful and colorful and let me be happy all the way。 My favourite animal is dolphins.Dolphin, bodily form looks like the fish, the mouth is thin and long, upper and lower jaws have 46- 6 sharp and thin teeth respectively, the body is thin and long , generally about 2- 2. meters long. The back in the shape health of streamline, the dorsal fin with sickle form . The back is greyish black, the belly is white, the place close to head of belly has a pair of pectoral fins. The weight is between 100- 20 kilograms. Although its mouth is kissed long, there are so many teeth in the mouth, it can"t chew the food , just consume small fish , shrimp , cuttlefish,and so on. This is the most interesting thing happened in the vacation.

Robert Knepper 演过的电影有哪些?

地球停转之日 The Day the Earth Stood Still -------(2008) 非常人贩3/玩命快递3/玩命速递3 Transporter 3 ------- (2008) 越狱:自由之路 Prison Break: The Road to Freedom ------- (2007) 杀手/沉默杀手/杀手:代号47/终极刺客 Hitman ------- (2007) Making of "Prison Break" ------- (2006) 火线对峙/人质/虎胆狙击/人质危机 Hostage ------- (2005) 晚安,好运 Good Night, and Good Luck. ------- (2005) 越狱"Prison Break" ------- (2005) "Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot"/"Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot"(美国).... Robert F. Kennedy.(主演) 火线对峙/人质/虎胆狙击/Hostage(德国)(2005年).... Wil Bechler.(主演) 异种3/异种III/Species III(美国)(2004年).... Dr. Abbot.(主演) "Carnivàle" ------- (2003) Swatters/Swatters(美国)(2002年).... Daniel Steinberg.(主演) Topa Topa Bluffs/Topa Topa Bluffs(美国)(2002年).... Frank.(主演) The Pennsylvania Miners" Story/The Pennsylvania Miners" Story(美国)(2002年).... Mark " Moe" Popernack.(主演) "Thieves"/"Thieves"(美国)(2001年).... Special Agent Shue.(主演) Lady in the Box/Lady in the Box(美国)(2001年).... Chris Stark.(主演) Love & Sex/Love & Sex(美国)(2000年).... Gerard Boussard.(主演) Kidnapped in Paradise/Kidnapped in Paradise(美国)(1999年).... Renard.(主演) 魔鬼猎杀/Absence of the Good(美国)(1999年).... Glenn Dwyer.(主演) 幻觉/Phantoms(美国)(1998年).... Agent Wilson.(主演) 激情的控诉/Jaded(美国)(1996年).... Freddy.(主演) 狙击手/Search and Destroy(美国)(1995年).... Daniel Strong.(主演) 母爱光辉/Getting Out(美国)(1994年).... Carl.(主演) Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare/Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare(美国)(1993年).... Nick Willard (segment "You Have The Right To Remain Silent").(主演) Doorways/Doorways(美国)(1993年).... Thane.(主演) 魔鬼刽子手/When the Bough Breaks(美国)(1993年).... Creedmore.(主演) 会议人/Session Man(美国)(1991年).... Torrey Cole.(主演) 年轻枪手 2/Young Guns II(美国)(1990年).... Deputy Carlyle.(主演) 叛徒/Renegades(美国)(1989年).... Marino.(主演) 死亡旋涡/D.O.A.(美国)(1988年).... Nicholas Lang.(主演) Wild Thing/Wild Thing(美国)(1987年).... Wild Thing.(主演) 天上人间/Made in Heaven(美国)(1987年).... Orrin.(主演) 生之乐章/That"s Life!(美国)(1986年).... Steve Larwin.(主演) L.A. Law/L.A. Law(美国)(1986年).... Georgia Buckner.(主演)

uppercase letter是什么意思


password must contain an uppercase letter

密码必须包含至少一个大写字母 双语对照 例句: 1. Your password must contain at least one capital letter. 你的密码至少要有个大写字母.

uppercase letter什么意思


upppercase 与capitalize的区别,都是表示字母大写的意思??

其实是有些区别的Uppercase一般会里几为整个单词都大写, 如 UPPDERCASE而capitalize 只是第一个字母大写 Captialize


uppercase 英["u028cpu0259u02cckeu026as] 美["u028cpu0259u02cckeu026as] n. 大写字母盘; vt. 以大写字母印刷; adj. 大写字母的; [例句]They simply convert the string to all uppercase or all lowercase letters, respectively.它们只是分别将字符串都转换成大写字母或小写字母。[其他] 第三人称单数:uppercases 复数:uppercases 现在分词:uppercasing过去式:uppercased 过去分词:uppercased

为什么我用苹果iTunes注册老提示Passwords must contain at least one uppercase letter

密码至少8位字符,只能是大写字母,小写字母,以及数字 其中至少要有1个小写字母,至少一个大写字母, uppercase letter即大写字母 如最简单的密码Qq123456

武装直升机的武装直升机/Siege Choppers


Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 11) 歌词

歌曲名:Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 11)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1-12[ti:trapped in the closettrapped in the closetby r. kellyalbum:seven o"clock in the morningand the rays from the sun wakes mei"m stretchin" and yawnin"in a bed that don"t belong to meand a voice yells, "good morning, darlin", from the bathroomthen she comes out and kisses meand to my surprise, she ain"t younow i"ve got this dumb look on my facelike, what have i done?how could i be so stupid to be have laid here til the morning sun?must of lost the track of timeoh, what was on my mind?from the club, went to her homedidn"t plan to stay that longhere i am, quickly tryin" to put on my clothessearching for my car keystryin" to get on up out the doorthen she streched her hands in front of itsaid, "you can"t go this way"looked at her, like she was crazysaid, "woman move out my way"said, "i got a wife at home"she said, "please don"t go out there""lady, i"ve got to get home"she said, her husband was comin" up the stairs"shh, shh, quiethurry up and get in the closet"she said, "don"t you make a soundor some shit is going down"i said, "why don"t i just go out the window?""yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor""think, think, quick, put me in the closet"and now i"m in this darkest closet, tryin" to figure outjust how i"m gonna get my crazy ass up out this housethen he walks in and yells, "i"m home"she says, "honey, i"m in the room"he walks in there with a smile on his facesayin", "honey, i"ve been missin" you"she hops all over himand says, "i"ve cooked and ran your bath water"i"m tellin" you now, this girl"s so good that she deserves an oscarthrows her in the bedand start to snatchin" her clothes offi"m in the closet, like man, what the fuck is going on?you"re not gonna believe itbut things get deeper as the story goes onnext thing you know, a call comes through on my cell phonei tried my best to quickly put it on vibratebut from the way he act, i could tell it was too latehe hopped up and said, "there"s a mystery going onand i"m gonna solve it"and i"m like, "god please, don"t let this man open this closet"he walks in the bathroomand looks behind the doorshe says, "baby, come back to bed"he says, "bitch, say no more"he pulls back the shower curtainwhile she"s biting her nailsthen he walks back to the roomright now, i"m sweating like hellchecks under the bedthen under the dresserhe looks at the closeti pull out my barettahe walks up to the closethe comes up to the closetnow he"s at the closetnow he"s opening the closet...http://music.baidu.com/song/1247584

Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 6) 歌词

歌曲名:Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 6)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1-12[ti:trapped in the closettrapped in the closetby r. kellyalbum:seven o"clock in the morningand the rays from the sun wakes mei"m stretchin" and yawnin"in a bed that don"t belong to meand a voice yells, "good morning, darlin", from the bathroomthen she comes out and kisses meand to my surprise, she ain"t younow i"ve got this dumb look on my facelike, what have i done?how could i be so stupid to be have laid here til the morning sun?must of lost the track of timeoh, what was on my mind?from the club, went to her homedidn"t plan to stay that longhere i am, quickly tryin" to put on my clothessearching for my car keystryin" to get on up out the doorthen she streched her hands in front of itsaid, "you can"t go this way"looked at her, like she was crazysaid, "woman move out my way"said, "i got a wife at home"she said, "please don"t go out there""lady, i"ve got to get home"she said, her husband was comin" up the stairs"shh, shh, quiethurry up and get in the closet"she said, "don"t you make a soundor some shit is going down"i said, "why don"t i just go out the window?""yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor""think, think, quick, put me in the closet"and now i"m in this darkest closet, tryin" to figure outjust how i"m gonna get my crazy ass up out this housethen he walks in and yells, "i"m home"she says, "honey, i"m in the room"he walks in there with a smile on his facesayin", "honey, i"ve been missin" you"she hops all over himand says, "i"ve cooked and ran your bath water"i"m tellin" you now, this girl"s so good that she deserves an oscarthrows her in the bedand start to snatchin" her clothes offi"m in the closet, like man, what the fuck is going on?you"re not gonna believe itbut things get deeper as the story goes onnext thing you know, a call comes through on my cell phonei tried my best to quickly put it on vibratebut from the way he act, i could tell it was too latehe hopped up and said, "there"s a mystery going onand i"m gonna solve it"and i"m like, "god please, don"t let this man open this closet"he walks in the bathroomand looks behind the doorshe says, "baby, come back to bed"he says, "bitch, say no more"he pulls back the shower curtainwhile she"s biting her nailsthen he walks back to the roomright now, i"m sweating like hellchecks under the bedthen under the dresserhe looks at the closeti pull out my barettahe walks up to the closethe comes up to the closetnow he"s at the closetnow he"s opening the closet...http://music.baidu.com/song/1328156

Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1) 歌词

歌曲名:Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1-12[ti:trapped in the closettrapped in the closetby r. kellyalbum:seven o"clock in the morningand the rays from the sun wakes mei"m stretchin" and yawnin"in a bed that don"t belong to meand a voice yells, "good morning, darlin", from the bathroomthen she comes out and kisses meand to my surprise, she ain"t younow i"ve got this dumb look on my facelike, what have i done?how could i be so stupid to be have laid here til the morning sun?must of lost the track of timeoh, what was on my mind?from the club, went to her homedidn"t plan to stay that longhere i am, quickly tryin" to put on my clothessearching for my car keystryin" to get on up out the doorthen she streched her hands in front of itsaid, "you can"t go this way"looked at her, like she was crazysaid, "woman move out my way"said, "i got a wife at home"she said, "please don"t go out there""lady, i"ve got to get home"she said, her husband was comin" up the stairs"shh, shh, quiethurry up and get in the closet"she said, "don"t you make a soundor some shit is going down"i said, "why don"t i just go out the window?""yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor""think, think, quick, put me in the closet"and now i"m in this darkest closet, tryin" to figure outjust how i"m gonna get my crazy ass up out this housethen he walks in and yells, "i"m home"she says, "honey, i"m in the room"he walks in there with a smile on his facesayin", "honey, i"ve been missin" you"she hops all over himand says, "i"ve cooked and ran your bath water"i"m tellin" you now, this girl"s so good that she deserves an oscarthrows her in the bedand start to snatchin" her clothes offi"m in the closet, like man, what the fuck is going on?you"re not gonna believe itbut things get deeper as the story goes onnext thing you know, a call comes through on my cell phonei tried my best to quickly put it on vibratebut from the way he act, i could tell it was too latehe hopped up and said, "there"s a mystery going onand i"m gonna solve it"and i"m like, "god please, don"t let this man open this closet"he walks in the bathroomand looks behind the doorshe says, "baby, come back to bed"he says, "bitch, say no more"he pulls back the shower curtainwhile she"s biting her nailsthen he walks back to the roomright now, i"m sweating like hellchecks under the bedthen under the dresserhe looks at the closeti pull out my barettahe walks up to the closethe comes up to the closetnow he"s at the closetnow he"s opening the closet...http://music.baidu.com/song/1247549

appear badly away breakfast a的发音相同吗?



happen造句如下:1Something strange happened to me last night. (昨晚发生了一些奇怪的事情。)2、I don"t know what happened to my phone. (我不知道我的手机出了什么问题。)3、Did anything happen while I was away? (我离开期间有发生什么事件吗?)4、The accident happened on the corner of Main Street.(事故发生在主街道的拐角处。)5、I can"t believe this is happening to me!(我不敢相信这个事情正在发生在我身上!)6、It was bound to happen sooner or later. (这个事情迟早会发生。)7、I can"t say for sure what will happen next. (我不能确定接下来会发生什么。)8、If anything does happen, just give me a call.(如果有什么事情发生了,给我打电话。)9、I"m not sure what happened to our plans.(我不确定我们的计划发生了什么变故。)10、I knew something like this would happen. (我早就知道这样的事情会发生。)11、Despite our best efforts, nothing happened as we expected.(尽管我们已经尽力了,但却和我们预期的不同。)12、What will happen if we miss the train?(如果我们错过了火车,会发生什么呢?)13、l heard a loud noise but I don"t know what happened.(我听到了一声巨响,但我不知道发生了什么事情。)14、I hope nothing bad happens during our trip.(我希望我们的旅行中不会发生什么不好的事情。)15、It"s always exciting to wonder what will happen next in a book or movie.(在书或电影中不知道下一步会发生什么总是让人兴奋。)


  happen有发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇等意思,那么你知道happen的过去式是什么吗?下面是我为大家整理的happen的过去式和用法例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   happen的各种时态:   过去分词: happened   过去式: happened   现在分词: happening   happen的用法:   happen的用法1:happen是不及物动词,作“发生”解时,可指偶然的事故,也可指有计划或无计划发生的事。一般以事件、环境、形势等作主语,表示“某人发生某事”时,须以介词to 引出“某人”。作“碰巧”解时,其后须接动词不定式构成复合谓语,可由人称代词或无人称代词it作主语。与if连用则可使语气委婉。   happen的用法2:happen也可如be般用于存在句中,其时态须与其后的主语保持一致。   happen的用法3:happen是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,也不能用于进行体。   happen的过去式例句:   1. Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.   数年前,艾莱的农场就实现了机械化。   2. It happened at Stamford Bridge one murky November afternoon.   这发生在11月一个阴沉的下午,斯坦福德桥上。   3. Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.   她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。   4. Elaborate efforts were made to reconstruct what had happened.   为重现当时的情景,他们做了大量细致的工作。   5. An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened.   调查已经展开,以查明灾难是如何发生的。   6. He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night.   他详细描述了那个灾难性夜晚所发生的事。   7. "What"s happened to her?" — "I"m sure she won"t be long."   “她怎么回事?”——“我相信她快到了。”   8. I remember now. He arrived just at the moment it happened.   现在我想起来了,他恰恰在事情发生的时候到了。   9. We happened to discover we had a friend in common.   我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。   10. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   11. A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened.   巨大的弹坑标明了爆炸发生的地点。   12. Try to keep calm and just tell me what happened.   镇静点,告诉我出了什么事。   13. Now, in your own time, tell me what happened.   现在慢慢告诉我发生了什么事。   14. He said it was true that a collision had happened.   他说真的发生了冲突。   15. It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.   刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。

olivia happening歌词翻译



whathappened 意思是:出什么事了。

There is something____in the street. A.happen B.happened C.happening D.happens 选什么?原因是:

选C表明正在发生的事 ingthere is接现在进行时



happening around

用的对,happening 用Ing,现在分词定语. 其逻辑主语就是things.这两个词之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,如果是被动关系,就是过去分词,如the boy called Tom is my friend.这个名叫Tom的男孩是我的朋友.

something interesting happening/happen/happened/happens


初一英语:happen 的用法


“what’s happening?”这个说法可以吗?听说happen不能用进行...

what happened?

为什么有what happened却没有what happening,而只能是what is happening,两个动词能叠加一起?


happen 的名词是什么

happen是非及物动词,要与to连用。sth happen to sb 某人发生某事了。sth happen。某事发生了。如: an accident happens。

为什么有what happened却没有what happening,而只能是what is happening,两个动词能叠加一起?

动态进行时 主语+is/are+动词原形+ing 所以不会有what happening


  1)take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排  例如:  Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.  The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.  (2) happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件  例如:  What happened to you?(一般不说:What did you happen?)  Maybe something unexpected happened.  I happened to see him on my way home.  = It happened that I saw him on my way home.  take place与 happen的用法  固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:  (1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换)  (2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换)  ▲动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如:  (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.)  (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.)  happen to do 意思是:碰巧。  It happened to be a fine one that day.  那天碰巧天气好。  I happened to see him this morning.  今天早上我碰巧看见他。  It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。  It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine.  碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。  It so happened that both of them were there.  正好他们两人都在那儿。

英语里"happened"的用法. 急!

注:Happen 的三种用法与三点注意 一、happen是不及物动词。happen在初中英语教材中的用法主要有以下三种: 1. "sth.+happen+地点/时间",意为"某地/某时发生了某事"。例如: An accident happened in that street.那条街发生了一起事故。 What"s happening outside?外面发生什么事了? 2. "sth.+happen to+sb."意为"某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上)"。例如: A car accident happened to him yesterday.昨天他发生了交通事故。 What happened to you?(=What was wrong / the matter with you?)你怎么啦? 3. "sb.+happen+to do sth."意为"某人碰巧做某事"。例如: I happened to meet her in the street.我碰巧在街上遇见她。 It happened that I was out when he called.他来访时我碰巧不在。 二、同学们在使用happen时,以下三点情况值得注意: 1. happen为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。例如,要表示"这个故事发生在去年。"不能说:The story was happened last year.但可以说:The story happened last year. 2. happen为短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如,要表示"这事发生一年了。"不能说:This happened for one year.但可以说:This happened one year ago. 3. happen一般用来强调某事发生的偶然性。如要表示事先安排或有准备的事情或活动,则不能用happen,而要用take place。例如: A sports meeting took place(=was held) in our school last week.上周我校举行了运动会。(不能说:A sports meeting happened in our school last week.)

what happening? 是对的吗?如果错了,解释以下what happened?为什么不能改为what did happen?

是what is happening or what"s happening .因为事情已经发生了所以HAPPEN 要变过去式




有的 happeningSomething is happening now.有事情现在正发生中。。。

be happening

be happening 现在进行时表将来,强调“意图”,“安排”或“打算”的含义. 这句话相当于“That"ll happen.”意思是那将会发生. be后面不能加名词,因为这里是be+动词现在分词的用法.


happen是动词所有的时态都可以有过去时--happened现在进行时--be happening一般现在时--happen(s)一般完成时态--have(has)happened一般将来时--will happen



what is happening可翻成什么事将要发生吗

What happen 是刚才发生了什么事 ? What"s happening 是现在在发生什么事? 1,What"s happen? 错误句子.is 和 happen 都是动词,作谓语,一个简单句不能出现两个谓语. 2,What happen? 错误句子.注意主谓一致及时态.“发生” 可能有三种情况,即过去发生(+ed),正在发生(+ing),将来发生(will),所以要有对应的时态. 3,What happened? 发生了什么事?指过去.问的是已经发生的. 4,What"s happening? 发生了什么事?指现在,问的是正在发生的事,相当于 What"s going on?

happen是啥意思 happen是什么意思

1、意思是:(作为结果)发生;碰巧;恰好。2、读音:英 [?h?p?n],美 [?h?p?n]。 3、第三人称单数: happens。4、现在分词: happening。5、过去式: happened。6、过去分词: happened。7、例句:He happens to own half the land round here.他恰好拥有这里一半的土地。


happen / take place它们都可以表示“发生”, 但是在用法上有区别.1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情.例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place.例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.




happen happens 都是 vi 碰巧 偶然遇到 happening 当n.说意思是事件,意外发生的事 v.发生 碰巧 下面再让你看个例句吧. (of an event) come to pass (in time,so that it is real and actual at some time) "What is happening?"; - hap,go on,pass off,occur,pass,fall out,come about,take place Occur or be the case in the course of events or by chance "It happens that today is my birthday"; - befall,bechance [archaic] Chance to be or do something,without intention or causation "I happen to have just what you need!" Come into being; become reality "Her dream really happened"; - materialize,materialise [Brit] Come upon,as if by accident; meet with "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; - find,chance,bump,encounter


一、详细释义: , adj. , 热闹的,活跃的;新潮的 , 例句: ,It"s a definitive area-by-area guide to the hip and happening bands.,这是一本介绍各个地区新潮流行乐队的权威指南。, 例句: ,You can go to the most happening place at the moment, the Que Club.,你可以去时下最热门的去处——Que俱乐部。, n. , 事件,意外发生的事 , 例句: ,The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings.,布达佩斯办事处计划聘用自由撰稿记者来报道最近发生的一些事件。, 例句: ,There"s something inside us that craves storybook adventure, something that wants more out of life than everyday happenings.,我们身上有经历故事书中的冒险的渴望,渴望经历日常生活之外的事情。, v. , happen的现在分词;发生 , 例句: ,But life is happening right now.,但生活却发生于现在。, 例句: ,Something strange is happening now.,现在有些怪事情发生了。, 二、词义辨析: , accident,incident,event,occurrence,happening ,这些名词均有“事故、事件”之意。accident强调偶然或意外发生的不幸事情。incident既可指小事件或附带事件,又可指政治上具有影响的事件或事变。event可指任何大小事件,但尤指历史上的重大事件。occurrence和happening这两个词多指日常生活中发生的一般事件,有时也指偶然发生的事。, 三、参考例句: ,What"s happening?,发生什么事情了?,Something strange is happening now.,现在有些怪事情发生了。,But life is happening right now.,但生活却发生于现在。,Accidents are happening with increasing frequency.,事故正在愈加频繁地发生。,What"s happening in Singapore recently?,近来新加坡的情况怎样?,The few promotions that are happening right now are happening, well, where the money is made.,如今为数不多的晋升都发生在为公司带来利润的岗位。,Of course it is happening inside your head.,当然这些都是在你大脑中发生的变化。,It"s been happening on the quiet for a while.,一切都在悄无声息地发生着。,We must take steps to prevent this from happening again.,我们一定要采取措施,使这样的事不再发生。,The famous Sliding Row is a frequent accidents happening place.,著名的斜路是交通事故频发地点。


可数happening,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词、动词,作名词时译为“事件,意外发生的事;即兴艺术表演”,作形容词时译为“(非正式)热闹的,时髦的”,作动词时译为“发生;(作为结果)出现;碰巧;偶然发生,发现;(表示不悦);(礼貌习惯用语);使遭遇(happen 的现在分词形式)”。

what was happening? happening词性



其实主要记住简单的语法就不会弄错了~happen是没有被动的 因为你想啊 事情发生是自己发生的不是被发生 再比如belong 属于也没有被动 这个属于她 It belongs to her.不用这个被属于她 当不能从中文判断是否被动时 可以用英语翻译一下的~我是不是说太多乱了点= = 第二题是过去式 你会误认为是被动是因为概念有点不清~ 被动是 be done The dress was washed,裙子被洗了。 这才是被动啦



What happen还是What is happen?

你提到的两种用法都不对,想问“发生什么”,可以有三种说法: what happened?发生了什么事 what"s happening?什么正在发生? what has happened?(也可以缩写成what"s happened?)已经发生了什么?

happen没有ing形式,但see sth. 后接happen还是happening



was happened不是“发生”的被动形式.因为happen是个不及物动词.不说“sth.is happened.”而直接说“sth.happened.” was happening并不表示“正在发生”哦.你可以直接说“sth.is on"来表示正在上演(发生)至于was happening表示什么,我只能想到happening做名词“即兴表演”的意思.如果你有其他例句欢迎你告诉我. happen自然不用说了,就是“发生”的原型.是个不及物动词.常用词组有:happen to do sth ;it happens that;sth happens to be…… happened 是happen的过去式. happening除了刚才说的名词含义之外,what"s happening?表示“发生了什么事”.


上午处处小心 次课需不过分吧,地方滚滚滚大色网滚滚滚二娃子在操场吃的撒

what is happening是什么意思



happening造句有:This is happening in every school每所学校都在发生这样的事情;Things were happening too quickly事情发生得太快;Happenings are things that happen, often in a way that is unexpected or hard to explain.发生的事情是指发生的事情,通常以一种意想不到或难以解释的方式发生。 扩展资料 happening造句有:This is happening in every school每所学校都在发生这样的事情;Things were happening too quickly事情发生得太快。


happening的意思是事情; 事件; 半即兴表演;流行的; 时髦的; 时尚的。这些名词均有“事故、事件”之意。accident强调偶然或意外发生的不幸事情。incident既可指小事件或附带事件,又可指政治上具有影响的事件或事变。event可指任何大小事件,但尤指历史上的重大事件。occurrence和happening这两个词多指日常生活中发生的一般事件,有时也指偶然发生的事。I had a mistaken view of what was happening.───我对于所发生事情的看法是错误的。There is very little likelihood of that happening.───几乎没有发生那种事情的可能。I"m not suggesting that is what is happening.───我并不是说那就是所发生的情况。You can be in denial about something happening to you or to someone else.───你可以因发生在自身或是他人身上的事件而进入否认状态。













remy human hair topper 是什么意思

remy human hair topper 是雷米人的头发上的意思

帮忙写一篇作文 题目 My View On Job Hoppers

resently,a new study finds that some young people frequently change their jobs.a team of sociality at xx university say that their findings show that some young people how long chang their job.why does he frequedtly change their jobs? accoding reserch , some teens think their salary is too low to work. some teens think their company is dirty. it is amzing that most body think they are young ,their have much time to see the world.with the develop of society,people don"t worry about how to survive in this city any more. people have much time to learn more and more. i think they are frequently change job meanwhile refresh their volue of world . so just do it 。

u300aHow to Make a Sock Puppetu300b

Making a sock puppet is really quite fun. What"s especially fun about sock puppets is that you can make each one unique and individual, so that they each have special characters. And they don"t have to be humanu2013u2013animals and aliens and astronauts and computers are great possibilities.Start by assembling your special materials in a large shoe box with your name on it. You"ll need at least one clean sock of your choice, a large needle and some strong, thick thread. This is just the bare minimum. Of course you can add any other decorating items you want to use to embellish an decorate your sock puppet, making it more original, like glasses, jewelry, special hair material, etc... Your teacher will have some decorating materials on hand in class, (assorted buttons and beads, wool, pipe cleaners, felt material, ...) as well as all the rest of the items required to make your puppet like scissors and glue guns.1u3001Find an old, clean sock. It can be any color you like, and it should be long enough for you to stick your arm in. Preferably the sock should almost reach the elbow. *Avoid socks that are too thin or that have holes. Any material will work just fine but if you plan on busting out the scissors, you may want to use a material that won"t automatically fray (like cotton). Of course, the type of character the sock puppet has is, in part, determined by the sock chosen. For example, spotted socks suggest creating leopards, cheetahs, Dalmatian dogs, etc., while striped socks suggest creating zebras, tigers and jailbirds. Plain socks could be a wide range of things but the color can help, so a white sock could be a white mouse, while a gray sock might be an elephant. When choosing the sock, let the sock"s feature be a part of what decides your sock puppet"s final character.2u3001Glue (using a Glue Gun and hot melt glue), or sew the googly eye or eyes, (the number, size and colour are your choice), either to the bottom of the sock, at the toe end, or pretty much wherever you"d like. Experiment with a few placements before you glue them on. The eyes might look good really close together, close to the nose, or somewhere you might not expect. This is your puppet so your body parts are yours to create and position as you please. However, make sure you get adult supervision if unsure how to do this! Superglue can be trouble, as can a needle so don"t be afraid to ask for help.3u3001Once the glue is dry, stick your hand in. Form your hand into the shape of a mouth, with your thumb below your fingers. Use your free hand to force an indentation mirroring the inside of the mouth. Your arm should look like a snake.4u3001Now what about the rest of the basics? For the tongue, you can either use a smaller oval in a different color to simulate a tongue, or use an actual tongue shape that hangs out. In fact, a felt tongue can be made and cut with a "v" at the end like a snake"s tongue.You can also make a nose using felt. Cut a small triangle or circle to form a cute little nose. Either sew or glue it into place above the mouth. If you"ve added whiskers, keep these below the nose.Also, if you"d like this sock puppet to have whiskers, cut whisker length pieces of string or cord. Sew into place at the top center of the mouth. Just make sure it doesn"t look like a mustache or... Maybe you"d like your puppet to have a mustache? Why not?5u3001The same string can be used for hair. Consider a pile of string for hair, (puppets are not the most well-manicured of characters), or more pieces of felt for spikes (if glued upright), or scales. Wow, this is fun! Does it have ears? These could easily be but out of felt and sewn on wherever you want them to be.6u3001For arms, simply roll up a length of felt with a pipe cleaner inside. The pipe cleaner will make your puppet able to pose. Glue the roll closed, with one end attached to the puppet.To make fingers, simply make two cuts into the end of the roll of felt. Two cuts will result in three fingers. The two cuts should force the end of the roll to splay out, resembling a hand. Round off the edges as you"d like, sculpting the fingers.7u3001Finally, add on the extras! Your puppet could have everything down to eyelashes, hoop earrings, bow ties, hair ribbons... It"s really all up to you! You can even dress it up. If you like making clothes, give the sock puppet a few too.

如何make the puppets

the parents of our pupils

master of puppets表达了什么主题,说下歌词大意


Master Of Puppets 歌词

歌曲名:Master Of Puppets歌手:Metallica专辑:The Metallica CollectionEnd of passion play, crumbling awayI"m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths constructionTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterNeedlework the way, never you betraylife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual miseryChop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you needOou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterMaster, Master, Where"s the dreams that I"ve been after?Master, Master, You promised only liesLaughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughterLaughter, Laughter, laughing at my criesHell is worth all that, natural habitatJust a rhyme without a reasonNeverending maze, drift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonI will occupyI will help you dieI will run through youNow i rule you tooCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7477773
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