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defer, delay and postpone?

defer及物动词 vt.1.拖延, 延缓, 推迟 The department deferred the decision for six months.这个部门推迟了六个月才作决定。We wish to defer our decision until next week.我们希望推迟到下星期再作出决定。They discussed but deferred the decision.他们进行了讨论, 但迟迟未做决定。Let"s defer the decision for a few weeks.咱们延缓几个礼拜再做决定吧。They cannot defer their departure any longer.他们再不能推迟动身了。The ship deferred its sailing because of bad weather.由于天气不好, 船推迟了起航时间。不及物动词 vi.1.服从某人的意愿, 遵从 We all defer to him in these matters.在这类事情上我们都听他的。We will defer to whatever the committee decides.我们遵从委员会作出的任何决定。delay 名词 n.1.耽搁, 延迟 His delay made the teacher angry.他的迟到使老师生气了。2.被耽搁[推迟]的事件或时间 My delay in going abroad is due to my illness.我推迟出国是因为我生病了。3.(电话讯息从接收到直播节目转播之间的)时间间隔装置4.【美式橄榄球】(持球队员或准备接球队员的)停顿战术,延迟动作,假动作及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.(使)耽搁, 延误 It is getting late, don"t delay.时间已晚, 不要耽搁了。Heavy traffic delayed us.繁忙的交通把我们耽误了。及物动词 vt.1.推迟, 使延期2.推迟,使延迟,使延期,延缓 The driver delayed the drive until the weather cleared.驾驶员延迟到天气转晴后才出车。postpone及物动词 vt.1.延期; 推迟;展缓 The mother postponed all other business to the task of smoothing her crying child.母亲放下一切别的事情, 先去抚慰哭叫着的孩子。They postponed leaving because of the weather.他们因天气原因而延期离开。

推迟做某事是postpone to do sth.


推迟做某事是postpone to do sth.吗?


postpone to tomorrow 这个用法对吗

这是及物动词,需要postpone sth to tomorrow



postpone fixing翻译

postpone fixing-----拖延修补They can postpone fixing the place till last minute.他们能够把修补那个地方的事情拖到最后一刻。仅供参考,谢谢欣赏


推迟做某事:put off doing sth;delay doing sth.;postpone / put off one"s visit;put off doing -推迟某事/推迟做某事:put off sth/ doing


  postpone有延期;推迟等意思,那么你知道postpone的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    postpone的用法:   postpone的用法1:postpone是及物动词,基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语。所延长的时间常用for引出,有时也可省略,延到某时则用to, untill或till。   postpone的用法2:postpone可接动名词作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。    postpone的用法例句:   1. I had to postpone ideas of a career and stay at home.   我不得不暂缓就业打算,呆在家里。   2. Ministers are using delaying tactics to postpone the report yet again.   部长们再次使用拖延战术来推后 报告 的时间。   3. It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.   想要推迟午夜的最后期限是完全不可能的。   4. He decided to postpone the expedition until the following day.   他决定把探险推迟到第二天。   5. It won"t hurt to postpone the matter for a few days.   此事耽搁几天无所影响.   6. I shall postpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.   在未获悉详情之前我得从缓作出决定.   7. There was an audible sigh of relief in Washington when the foreign ministers decided to postpone the meeting.   各国外长决定推迟会议后,华盛顿如释重负。   8. He said it was just not permissible to postpone the main issue by allowing business to carry on as usual.   他说决不允许因为日常工作而耽搁了重大问题。   9. The committee judged it advisable to postpone the meeting.   委员会认为会议应该延期举行.   10. She decided to postpone the converastion for that evening.   她决定当天晚上把谈话搁一搁.   11. It won"t hurt to postpone the meeting for a few more days.   会议再推迟几天也无妨.   12. She decided to postpone the conversation for that evening.   她决定把当天晚上的谈话搁一搁.   13. He proposed that we should postpone the trip.   他建议我们推迟这次旅行.   14. Arise in price will make people postpone expenditure.   价格的上升会使人们推迟支出.   15. It won"t hurt to postpone the meeting.   不妨把开会时间往后延.


postpone名词:postponement 动词过去式:postponed 过去分词:postponed 现在分词:postponing 第三人称单数:postpones 形容词:postponable 例句:1.The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天进行。2.We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is no steamer recently.由于(考虑到)最近无船,我们同意推迟装期。3.Our financial situation is still precarious if we postpone the release of the new product.如果我们推迟发布新产品的话,我们的财政状况仍然岌岌可危。4.Better to postpone the shipment than to cancel the contract.与其撤约还不如延期装运。5.The party was postponed until 8 o"clock.晚会推迟到8点举行。6.Our visit to the museum is postponed.参观博物馆被推迟了。

postpone to do还是doing?

postpone后面接doing,postpone可接动名词作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。重点词汇:postpone英[pə'spəʊn]释义:v.推迟,延缓;把……放在次要地位;把……放在后面。[第三人称单数postpones;现在分词:postponing;过去式:postponed;过去分词:postponed]短语:to postpone delivery推迟交货。词语使用变化:v.(动词)。1、postpone是及物动词,基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语。所延长的时间常用for引出,有时也可省略,延到某时则用to,untill或till。2、postpone可接动名词作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。


postpone的记忆方法:post+pone放→放到后面→推迟。英 [pu0259"spu0259u028an]   美 [pou028a"spou028an]    vt. 延期;推迟The weather being bad, we had to postpone our trip.因为天气不好,我们不得不延期出行。用法1、postpone是及物动词,基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语。所延长的时间常用for引出,有时也可省略,延到某时则用to, untill或till。2、postpone可接动名词作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。

put off &postpone&delay&defer的区别??

put off 推迟,推延;阻止,劝阻postpone [pu0259ustu02c8pu0259un]vt.推迟,延期,delay [di"lei] n. 耽搁,迟滞v. 耽搁,延迟defer [di"fu0259:] v. 延期




此处是辅音不送气化,而不是浊化. 一切音变都是为发音舒服而服务的,怎么发音自然就怎么来.

推迟(postpone、dalay等) 名词形式

postponement n. 延期;延缓delay [di"lei] vi. 耽搁;延期vt. 延期;耽搁n. 耽搁;延期;被耽搁或推迟的时间delay 有它本身的名词意思

postpone 反义词 是什么

advance promote quicken...

extend与postpone 的区别是什么呢。

您牛津字典查一下就知道了 两个的意思完全不一样啊 有什么需要区别的吗

postpone与delay与put off的辨析

delay v.推迟,延期n.延误,耽搁 语境记忆We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather. 由于天气不好,我们将启程的时间推迟了. 辨 异delay,postpone,put off: delay 指由于各种原因而导致“延搁”; postpone 用于正式场合,由于种种原因而不得不“延期”完成会议等; put off 一般用语.


There are several differences among these words, the most important difference is that:"Delay" implies that something goes wrong, or someone does something wrong. For example. Let"s look at these 2 sentences:John delayed the meeting. vsJohn postponed the meeting. The 1st sentence looks almost like a complaint. In other words, it means that John did something wrong and then the meeting was moved to a later time. So if you use the word delay at work, be prepared to be asked by your boss about the reason why.While the 2nd sentence implies that John moved the meeting to a later time. He did it out of his own will, according to a purpose, or subject to a reason that he can not control but he knows, e.g. an power out break or a coming storm. Defer is similar to Postpone in this if you say that John deferred the meeting. it sounds almost the same as John postponed the meeting. However, postpone is used more often than Defer. Secondly,Delay can be a noun, Postpone and Defer can not. e.g. There is a delay in the go live date.Thirdly, you can deter something to a person. e.g.Mary deterred the deiciosn to her manager. It means that "Mary would not make the decision, instead, she let her manager to make the decision".


postpone和delay的区别如下:Delay通常要传达的信息是:我们把假期推迟。或者延迟到下个月,可能是因为碰到了什么问题,有不可控因素,被动推迟。比如,可能是突然被安排到国外工作,或者预订好的酒店出了问题的等等,你不想推迟但不得不推迟。Postpone 是一个正式用语,它也有“推迟、延期”的意思,不过传递的信息通常是:主动提出延期的要求或做出推迟的决定,并不是因为有意外或者由不定因素而导致需要延期,可能就是我觉得下个月度假更好。所以“postpone”和“delay”不同的点在于,“delay”带有不可控因素,而且略有“不情愿”的感觉,而“postpone”则是主动去推迟。短语搭配:postpone ultimately 最后延期;to postpone 推迟;postpone vi 推迟。相关例句:1、I, for one, would prefer to postpone the meeting.主张推迟会期的,我就是一个。2、The only practicable alternative is to postpone the meeting.另外唯一可行的办法就是推迟会期。3、It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital.延迟兴建新医院的决定是不得人心的。4、It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.延迟午夜的最后期限是根本不可能的。5、They just postpone them.它们只能起到延缓的作用。

postpone 是推后的意思,其反义呢?

prior to


I postpone my study to take the responsibility of making living for my family


postpone同义词: delay, postpone, defer, suspend, prolong, put off postpone同义词辨析: 这些动词或短语动词均有"推延,延期"之意。 delay 普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。 扩展资料   postpone 正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。   defer 正式用词,语气强于postpone,多指故意拖延。   suspend 指暂时中断以待某种条件的实现。   prolong 指把时间延长至超过正常或通常的限度。   put off 口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。   例句:   1. I had to postpone ideas of a career and stay at home.   我不得不暂缓就业打算,呆在家里。   2. Ministers are using delaying tactics to postpone the report yet again.   部长们再次使用拖延战术来推后报告的时间。   3. It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.   想要推迟午夜的最后期限是完全不可能的。   4. He decided to postpone the expedition until the following day.   他决定把探险推迟到第二天。   5. It won"t hurt to postpone the matter for a few days.   此事耽搁几天无所影响。


postpone并不是由post前缀+pone组成的,它不是合成词。v.延迟; 延期; 展缓; 例句:He decided to postpone the expedition until the following day他决定把探险推迟到第二天。现在分词:postponing过去式:postponed过去分词:postponed


postpone 英[u02ccpu0259ustu02c8pu0259un,pu0259u02c8spu0259u028an] 美[postu02c8pon, posu02c8pon] 过去式:postponed 过去分词:postponed 现在分词:postponing vt. 1.延期; 推迟;展缓 及物动词 vt.1.延期; 推迟;展缓 The mother postponed all other business to the task of smoothing her crying child.母亲放下一切别的事情, 先去抚慰哭叫着的孩子。They postponed leaving because of the weather.他们因天气原因而延期离开。

postpone和prolong 的区别是什么 请问这2个单词的区别是什么





postponepostpone[英][pu0259u02c8spu0259u028an][美][pou028au02c8spou028an]vt.使延期,延缓; 把…放在次要地位; 把…放在后面; vi.延缓; 延缓发作; 第三人称单数:postpones过去分词:postponed现在进行时:postponing过去式:postponed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Subsidies would anyway merely postpone the inevitable. 补贴的作用只是把不可避免的结局推迟而已。


postpone [pu0259u028as(t)"pu0259u028an; pu0259"spu0259u028an] vt. 使…延期;把…放在次要地位;把…放在后面vi. 延缓,延迟;延缓发作



postpone suspend delay的用法


英语单词:adjourn postpone的区别 求英语帝谢谢

楼主好,adjournv.(使)延期, 中止, 换地方例子:Why don"t we adjourn to the local hostelry? 我们怎么不搬到本地旅馆去住呢?The meeting adjourned till five o"clock. 会议延至五点召开。The meeting adjourned for a week. 会议延期一周召开。 postponev. 推迟, 延迟, 使延期 (postpone木有"换地方"的含义)Bad weather forced us to postpone Friday"s game.恶劣的天气迫使我推迟周五的比赛.希望对你有帮助^^


It"s business to shout beside the fat man.And this kind of thing has other meanings.

postponement; drainage; momentarily 这英语用谐音怎么读?

剖丝跑嗯门特 追呢只 某门特瑞