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upon 和on 和 as soon as 的区别

as soon as 一。。。就。。。 时间状语从句,主将从现。I will call you as soon as I get there.upon 和on 都有多种含义,你具体要问哪种用法?

upon/on doing 的用法

upon就是on , on /on doing 一般时态与进行时态的区别


一般来说,On与upon都能通用,但upon往往较严,也多在以往的英文作品出现,至于on与upon的真正细微分别,英文学者古德明,在征服英语解答作者时,曾有以下分析 问: Upon通常可取代 on 但以下两句可以改用 upon吗?──( 1) The German soldiers were marching on Moscow(德军正向莫斯科前进)。( 2) The summer holiday will soon be on us(暑假快来了)。 答: On和 upon作介系词( preposition) 一般可以通用 只是 upon语气较为谨严。读者示下的两句 on都可以改为 upon 意思是「向着」或「逼近」 谨多举两个例子:( 1) He turned his back on/ upon me(他转过身 背向着我 不瞅不睬)。( 2) The Japs were ing on/ upon us in force(日寇大举来犯 逼近我们了)。 On和 upon两字解作「在……之上」的时候 有一点值得注意: upon多指「由某处走到……之上」这动作 on则多指「已经在……之上」这状态 例如: I was sitting on the sofa when the cat suddenly jumped upon my lap(我坐在沙发上 猫儿突然跳到我膝上)。留意 to jump upon my lap一般指「跳到我膝上」 to jump on my lap则既可以指「跳到我膝上」 也可以指「在我膝上跳」。 此外 说「很多」或「接连一个又一个」 通常会用 upon 较少用 on 例如:( 1) That is sophistication upon sophistication(那是诡辩连篇)。( 2) Row upon row of soldiers stood on the plain(平原上站着一排又一排士兵)。 又 once upon a time(从前)、 on page X(在第 X页)这两个说法 upon不可改为 on on也不可改为 upon。 (古德明) 希望帮到你! 2012-07-27 11:25:16 补充: Ling姐: 其实look down on是可以的 如 Cambridge Dictionary online就有以下一例: She thinks they look down on her because she didn"t go to university upon普遍见到既意思= similar to on but not exactly the same so we cannot change upon to on as it may sound funny or strange in some cases upon request = on request upon receipt of something = on receipt of something look down upon you = 看不起你 - cannot use on Once upon a time = 从前 或 很久以前- cannot use on. We will learn it naturally once you read more books or magazines


once upon a time 曾经有一段时间


u-pon双音节词u 是一个音节pon是另一个音节


uponKK: []DJ: []prep.1. 在...之上,在...上面He laid a hand upon my shoulder.他把一只手放在我肩上。2. 在...后立即3. 根据;依靠We acted upon his instructions.我们根据他的指示办事。4. 接近i upon him for money 5. 对着,向he is upon to me6. (走)上...,(爬)上...He climbed upon his horse.他爬上马背。7. 在做...之中he is upon us8. 关于it is upon us你要求的可是够多的

upon 在这句话中什么意思

Upon release from jail从监狱释放后有表示“....之后”的意思

upon 的详细用法

prep. 在...上 例句与用法:1:Once "upon" a time, there was an old man living in a small village. 从前, 在一个小村庄里住着一位老人。2:The results reflect the greatest credit "upon" all concerned. 这些成绩带给所有有关人员最大的荣誉。3:In no respect can he be looked "upon; as a good husband. 无论在哪一方面他都不能被看作是个好丈夫。4:All our hopes rested "upon" this venture. 我们所有的希望都寄托在这次冒险上了。5:His eyes fell "upon" (ie he saw) an advertisement in the magazine. 他看到杂志上的一则广告上.6:Her wavy hair fell in loose wisps and loops "upon" her shoulders. 她那一头波浪般的长发一簇簇一圈圈地散垂在肩上。7:Once "upon" a time, there lived a princess who was very beautiful. 从前, 有一位非常美丽的公主。


“upon”相当于“on",它的反义词是: in [in] prep.按照(表示方式);从事于;在…之内 adv.进入;当选;(服装等)时髦;在屋里 adj.在里面的;时髦的 n.执政者;门路;知情者 [过去式inned 过去分词inned 现在分词inning ]




Upon和on 一般可通用,但有以下区别:(一)表示在某一日子或日期时一般只用on,不用upon (二)在某些约定俗成的表达中,upon和on 不能互相替换,如:once upon a time,on no account(三)在句末或分句末的动词不定式后往往用 upon,不用 on,如:a duty to defend upon.(四)on比upon通俗,upon比较正规.


look down upon看不起;reflect upon思考,想想;smile upon对……微笑;rest upon寄托于;count upon指望,依靠;agree upon同意




upon和on辨析用于表示空间关系,on 和 upon 经常可以互换: It was resting on/upon two supports. 它基于两点证明。 She took it on/upon herself to finish the project. 她独立完成了项目。 We saw a finch light on/upon a bough. 我们看到树枝上停着一只麻雀。 To indicate a relation between two things, however, instead of between an action and an end point, upon cannot always be used: 但在表示两件事物之间的关系,而不是表示一种行为和行为终点之间的关系时,不能使用upon: Hand me the book on the table. 帮我把书放在桌子上。 It was the only town on the main line. 这是主要干线上唯一的城镇。 两者之间关系不是空间上的关系,不能用upon代替 on : He wrote a book on alchemy. 他写了一本有关炼金术的书; She will be here on Tuesday. 她星期二要来这里。


[Qp]adv向高处,向上 The little boy picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour.小男孩捡起一块石子扔过栅栏抛到他邻居的院子里。Hands up!举起手来!在上方,在高处 站在;坐在;站起Stand up so that I can see how tall you are. 你站起来好让我能看看你有多高。离开表面The dog jumped up. 狗跳了起来。从下面到表面to come up for air 气泡冒出水面 完毕The money"s all used up. 钱都花光了。The boy ate up all his dinner. 这个男孩吃光了所有的饭菜。 分成小部分to tear up the newspaper 把报纸撕碎 吐出 在北方;向北方 到重要地区;到城市up to London 到伦敦去 到较高的地点 到说话人这边来up to me 到我这边来捆好;盖紧;拧好to tie up 捆好to nail up the door 把门钉好(价格、质量)上涨,提高The price is going up. 价格上涨。(使活动)增强Please turn the radio up. 请把收音机声音开大 一些。集合起来Add up the figures. 把这些数字加起来。达到更佳的状态Cheer up, old boy!振作起来,好朋友!come up in the world 崭露头角朝上He turned up his collar. 他把领子翻起来。Up (with)…起来;…上来Up the workers! 工人们起来! upprep到高处;在高处He climbed up the hill. 他爬上山。The boy climbed up the tree. 这个男孩爬上树。The village is high up in the hills. 这个村庄在小山高处。 溯(流)to go up river 沿河而上 up and down来回;上下His eyes moved up and down the rows. 他的眼睛对着一排排人转来转去。 Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buidings on cradles.高层建筑的擦窗工人在工作平台上被吊上吊下。^ Up yours! 去你的! upadj在上面的,在高处的Now he has realized that he"s already up to his ears in debt.现在他认识到他已经债台高筑。The boss is up to the eyes in work.老板的工作忙得不可开交。high up in the mountains 在山的高处 起床的to get up 起床no one is up 没有人起床 上行的;向上的the up train 上行的列车the up stairs 上楼的楼梯 在更高的水平上的The temperature is up today. 今天气温上升了。终结的;完了的Time"s up. 时间到了。 路面破损的,正在整修中的(道路) 被控告的had up for stealing 被控偷窃 be up发生;出事 be well up in对…知道得很多;很熟悉 (= be well up on) not up〈网球〉在地上反弹了一次以上才被击中的 up for打算;准备The house is up for sale. 房子准备出售。 upvi, vt-pp- 提高;抬高;增加to up the price of petrol 提高石油价格突然站起;突然跳起She upped and left. 她突然起身走了。up to(数目)到…之多up to 100 men 可达一百人直到(某个高级职务)Everyone works, from the lift boy up to the President. 从电梯工人到总经理人人都工作。一直到 (= up till) Up to now, Mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.到目前为止,斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个汽车修理部发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。胜任Michael"s not really up to that job. 迈克尔确实不胜任那项工作。be up to做(坏事)What in the world are you up to? 你到底在搞什么鬼?(= get up to) up to date现代的;最新的It was a modern factory - everything was really up to date.这是一个现代化的工厂——一切都是最新式的。I like wearing up-to-date clothes. 我喜欢穿时新的衣服。I keep up to date with the news by listening to radio. 我通过听收音机了解最新消息。 包括最新资料的down UP=ultraportable;under proof 标准以下的;United Press 合众社[美]up to date直到最近的, 新式的, 现代的upon[E5pRn]prep(其意与 on相同,但语气较为正式,在口语中多用 on): The village stands upon a hill. 这个村庄坐落在一座小山上。Upon his demise the duke"s house and other properties passed to his son.公爵故世后,房子和其它财产便传给了儿子。upon[E5pCn]prep.=on向上; 位于高处逼近; 接触紧接着The enemy was upon us.敌人逼近我们。The Christmas holiday will soon be upon us.圣诞节马上就要来到了。【说明】upon或on一般可通用, 但有以下区别:表示日期时一般只用on, 不用upon在某些习语中, upon和on 不能互相替换, 如:upon my word, once upon a time, on no account在句末或分句末的动词不定式后往往用 upon, 不用 on, 如:nothing to defend uponon比upon[E5pCn]通俗upon[ E5pCn ]prep.在...之上


1. up: l)往上:The boat sailed up the river.船逆江而上。I met him as I was going up the hill.我上山时碰到了他。He helped me to carry the suitcace up the stairs.他帮助我把箱子提上了楼。2)在上……的地方:The house stands half way up the mountain.房子在半山腰。They built the power station a mile up the hill. 他们把电站修在小山往上一英里处。3)沿着(街道):A taxi moved up the street.一辆出租车沿街道开来。Jimmy rushed up the street.吉米沿街跑着。2.upon: l)在......上面(这时用on 时更多一些):she placed the tray upon (on) the table.她把盘子放在桌上。A lot of work fell upon (on) his shoulders.很多工作落到他肩上。2)用于某些成语(有些可用on 代替):We mustn"t impose our views upon (on) others. 我们不能把自己的看法强加于人。He laid great stress upon (on) the second point.他对第二点非常强调。The family lived upon (on) a small income. 这家人靠少量收入生活。They insist upon (on) her staying there for supper. 他们坚持留她在那里吃晚饭。


sign upv.签约参加工作, 签约雇用


"upon" 是一个介词,在英文中表示在…之后,常用于引导时间状语从句。它类似于中文中的"在…之后",但在英文中更常用于书面语或正式场合。当 "upon" 引导时间状语从句时,其基本结构如下:"主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + upon + 时间状语从句"例如:"I will call you upon hearing from him" (在收到他的消息后,我会给你打电话)这个例句中,主语是"I",谓语是"will call",宾语是"you","upon hearing from him" 是一个时间状语从句,表示动作发生的时间。除了引导时间状语从句外,"upon" 还可以用于引导一些其他类型的从句,如定语从句和名词性从句等。然而,在这些情况下,"upon" 的使用较为罕见。值得注意的是,"upon" 在英语中也可以用于连接两个名词短语,表示"在…之上"。这种用法在文学作品和诗歌中比较常见。例如:"A tiger roared upon the mountaintop" (一只老虎在山顶上怒吼)在这个例子中,"upon the mountaintop" 表示"在山巅之上"。总之,"upon" 是一个常用的英文介词,主要表示在…之后,引导时间状语从句。它在某些情况下也可以用于连接两个名词短语,表示"在…之上"。了解和掌握 "upon" 的不同用法有助于我们在阅读和写作过程中更准确地理解和表达英文语义。


Upon doing sth


这个你看看字典吧 我这里没法给你发语音念出来这个答案啊




upon 英[u0259u02c8pu0254n, u0259pu0259n] 美[u0259u02c8pɑn, u0259u02c8pu0254n] prep. 在…上面;当…时候 [例句]Indeed , upon what grounds would gates sue?实际上,盖茨能够根据什么理由提起诉讼呢?

upon 怎么发音



  upon的中文意思   英 [pn] 美 [pɑ:n]   upon 基本解释   介词 在…上面; 当…时候   upon 相关例句   1. The enemy was upon us.   敌人逼近我们。   2. The Christmas holiday will soon be upon us.   圣诞节马上就要来到了。   3. We acted upon his instructions.   我们根据他的指示办事。   4. The village stands upon a hill.   这个村庄坐落在一座小山上。   upon的.单语例句   1. If you come upon a business report about Beijing"s real estate market, how do you interpret its " vacancy rate "?   2. Changes in customer mix and business innovation are founded upon organisational structure and corporate culture.   3. The hotel also offers butler service upon request to assist the guest to pack or unpack.   4. My gut reaction upon hearing of garlic"s rise was to get off my butt and go buy as much as I could.   5. If a company forces them to do so then it is infringing upon their rights, and the heating company is certainly guilty of such an act.   6. Government over such an act of interfering with China"s internal affairs and infringing upon China"s sovereignty.   7. Li is a mindful person who creates the paintings based upon images he caught sight of by chance long ago.   8. I search them out from books and sometimes stumble upon them just by chance.   9. It is said that once upon a time A local figure Cheng Huize swallowed a dragon ball by mistake and was transformed into a dragon.   upon的词典解释   1. 在…上   If one thing is upon another, it is on it.   e.g. He set the tray upon the table...   他把盘子放在桌子上。   e.g. He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead...   他弯身向前,在她额头上轻轻一吻。   2. 一…即…;一…就…   You use upon when mentioning an event that is followed immediately by another event.   e.g. The door on the left, upon entering the church, leads to the Crypt of St Issac...   一进教堂左边的那扇门通往圣以撒墓。   e.g. Upon conclusion of these studies, the patient was told that she had a severe problem.   这些研究的结果出来后,病人被告知她的病情严重。   3. (用于名词叠用,表示数量多)   You use upon between two occurrences of the same noun in order to say that there are large numbers of the thing mentioned.   e.g. Row upon row of women surged forwards...   一排排的女人涌上前去。   e.g. I looked across the mountains, ridge upon ridge.   我放眼绵延起伏的群山。   4. 将要发生;马上来临   If an event is upon you, it is just about to happen.   e.g. The long-threatened storm was upon us...   酝酿多时的暴风雨就要向我们袭来。


upon的读音是:英[?"p?n]。upon的读音是:英[?"p?n]。upon的详尽释义是prep.(介词)上...,在...之上,在...上面根据,按在...后立即依靠,凭借接近,近在咫尺对着,向在做...之中,在...中关于即将来临,当...时在...身后给盯。upon【近义词】on在 ... 之上。一、详尽释义点此查看upon的详细内容prep.(介词)上...,在...之上,在...上面根据,按在...后立即依靠,凭借接近,近在咫尺对着,向在做...之中,在...中关于即将来临,当...时在...身后给盯adv.(副词)位于高处,在其上随即此后二、词典解释In addition to the uses shown below,upon is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘come upon" and ‘look upon", and after some other verbs such as ‘decide" and ‘depend".除下列用法外,upon 还可用于 come upon,look upon 等短语动词中,并可接在 decide,depend等动词之后。1.在…上If one thing isupon another, it is on it.e.g. He set the trayupon the table...他把盘子放在桌子上。e.g. He bent forward and laid a kiss softlyupon her forehead...他弯身向前,在她额头上轻轻一吻。2.一…即…;一…就…You useupon when mentioning an event that is followed immediately by another event.e.g. The door on the left,upon entering the church, leads to the Crypt of St Issac...一进教堂左边的那扇门通往圣以撒墓。e.g. Upon conclusion of these studies, the patient was told that she had a severe problem.这些研究的结果出来后,病人被告知她的病情严重。3.(用于名词叠用,表示数量多)You useupon between two occurrences of the same noun in order to say that there are large numbers of the thing mentioned.e.g. Rowupon row of women surged forwards...一排排的女人涌上前去。e.g. I looked across the mountains, ridgeupon ridge.我放眼绵延起伏的群山。4.将要发生;马上来临If an event isupon you, it is just about to happen.e.g. The long-threatened storm wasupon us...酝酿多时的暴风雨就要向我们袭来。e.g. The wedding season isupon us...结婚旺季就要来了。三、网络解释1. 在...之上,迫近:He went up the stairs. 他上了楼梯.|upon 在...之上,迫近....| It"s not polite to look downupon him. 蔑视他是不礼貌的.2. 在...上:Upgrade升级 |Upon在-上 | Usable可用合用3. 一...就:In perspective 正确的 |Upon 一...就 | Context 环境四、例句All our hopes rested upon this venture.我们所有的希望都寄托在这次冒险上了。The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor.水从缸里飞溅出来,落在地板上。Upon his release, Davis went immediately to his mother.戴维斯一被释放就立即回到了母亲身边。Christmas is almost upon us again.圣诞节又快到了。五、词汇搭配act upon按照upon condition that如果agree upon就 ... 达成一致...once upon a time从前upon that于是cast one"s bread upon the waters行善agree on/upon对 ... 意见一致...back upon指望act on/upon按 ... 行事abut upon邻接(临近rest upon依赖count upon料想draw upon利用jump upon责备(猛扑)fix upon确定(决定bear upon涉及burst upon突然出现come upon偶遇go upon依据(假定)refine upon改进(斟酌)bank upon指望六、经典引文He hath constantly resided upon his episcopal houses.出自:W. LaudA tract of land..seated upon some navigable river.出自:DefoeAn island bordering upon Istria.出自:W. ThomsonI intended to have printed it upon..an English letter.出自:BoswellPestilence, And Panic, shall wage war upon our side!出自:ShelleyDrawn blinds, and upon them a curious pattern.出自:V. WoolfA familiar cry..Mr Salter had heard it upon upon the lips of countless distressed colleagues.出自:E. WaughUpon the door was a neglected brass plate.出自:T. HardyThe road led downhill with the rose nursery upon the left.出自:I. Murdoch七、词源解说☆ 1121年进入英语,直接源自古英语的uppan,意为在…上面;最初源自古北欧语的upp,意为向上。upon的相关临近词upper、upload、Uponen、upon tut、upon flue、upon this、upon tick、upon oath、upon that、upon a die、upon sight、upon which点此查看更多关于upon的详细信息


区别一:意思不同1、upon强调数目或数量大;在…上;2、on表示在在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分);由…支撑着;在(运输工具)上;表示持续性;向前(移动);穿在身上;穿着;戴着;区别二:用法不同1、upon是介词,可表示“在…上面、向、朝”,相当于on或onto。例如:Mrs Green always put the plates upon the table before dinner。格林夫人总是在晚餐前把盘子放到桌子上面。2、on表示“在物体的表面上”;通常用作介词;例如:The book is on the table。书在桌子上。区别三:侧重点不同1、表示在某一日子或日期时一般只用on,不用upon 。在某些约定俗成的表达中,upon和on不能互相替换,如:once upon a time,on no account。2、on比较通俗,upon是比较正式的用语,较常用于比较正式的文体(如公文),在句末或分句末的动词不定式后往往用upon,不用on,如:a duty to defend upon保卫的义务。


upon[英][u0259u02c8pu0254n, u0259pu0259n] [美][u0259u02c8pɑn, u0259u02c8pu0254n] 生词本简明释义prep.在…上面;当…时候以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词In addition to the uses shown below, upon is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘come upon" and ‘look upon", and after some other verbs such as ‘decide" and ‘depend".除下列用法外,upon 还可用于 come upon,look upon 等短语动词中,并可接在 decide,depend等动词之后。1.PREP在…上If one thing is upon another, it is on it. He set the tray upon the table...他把盘子放在桌子上。He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead...




upon [英][əˈpɔn,əpən][美][əˈpɑn,əˈpɔn] prep. 在…上面;当…时候 双语例句 1. It was a title bestowed upon him by the king. 那是国王赐给他的头衔. 2. Music from the next room obtruded upon his thoughts. 隔壁的音乐声打扰了他的思绪. 3. Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law. 民主是以法制为基础的. 4. his much put-upon wife 他那饱受委屈的妻子 5. The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity. 这家收容所在很大程度上依赖赞助.

over above upper upon都是表示在。。。之上的意思。他们有什么不同吗?

over 指“在垂直的上方”、“在...上”,反义词 under例句:The sky is over our heads.天空在我们头上。above 指“(位置)高于...”, 还可指“(顺序)在前”、“(职位)在上等”,反义词 below例句:A lieutenant general is above a captain.中将比上尉的职位高。on = upon 指“在…上”,一般表面有接触,反义词 under例句:The vase is on the table.花瓶在桌子上。up 指“向上”,从…上一个低的地点走到或走向其更高的一点,反义词 downYou can see great scenes up the hill.你能在山上看到美景。upper 指“上面的,上层的,较高的”,与上面几个单介词不同的是,upper是一个形容词希望简单的解释对你有帮助。

大一英语泛读unit9 techniques that might smile upon mon

作为大一新生,这个要靠自己独立思考完成。根据一些同学的提问,我归纳了一下。新生入学报到时主要要准备如下东西、要注意如下事项:1.相关证件。包括:身份证、录取通知书(入学通知书)、户口迁移证、党团组织关系证明(介绍信)、一寸登记照若干张(可以多带几张,以备它用),等等。这些很重要,一定不要忘记。另外,把父母、爷爷奶奶即各个近亲的姓名、出生年月、工作单位、职业和职务搞清楚,填下来,到学校要填各种表格,有的表格需要这些信息。2.钱和卡。上学要交学费和住宿费(分别为每年4500-500元与1000元左右),合计要6000左右(个别专业可能要高些,如艺术类专业)。因为新生出门较少,没有什么旅途安全经验,建议少带现金(但千把块钱还是要带的,以备一些不时之需)。可以在家中先办一张信用卡或储值卡用于交学杂费等。有的学校会给你寄一张卡,让学生把钱存在其中,你可以用这张卡,也可以不用。如果家庭条件还可以,办一张信用卡,把它关联到父母亲的储值卡(如工资卡),每月刷卡后直接从父母亲的卡中扣款,这样的好处是方便、安全。但如果你不想让父母亲知道你的消费情况,可以自己在老家办一张储值卡(让父母亲往里冲钱),然后办一张信用卡与之关联。也可以到学校再办储值卡与信用卡,但这样你父母亲异地往你的储值卡打钱时要付手续费。3.一般情况下,各个学校都要配发一些学习和日常生活用品,这些东西不是无偿给你的,都要你花钱购买。学校发的物品质量都很次而且贵,建议学校发的东西如果可以不要就尽量不要,能自己买的就别买学校发的,有些生活必需品则可以在离开家时先配好,免得到学校后由于人生地不熟不好买。4.衣服被褥。你平常穿的衣服,春夏秋冬各季的,都要带,除非学校距你家乡很近或者父母亲有机会出差来学校给你带东西。内衣和袜子至少要两三套,各季的外衣至少也要两套。如果你现在生活的地方和要去上学的城市的地理气象与生活环境是否相似,那么准备的东西和在老家差不多;如果相差太大,就要带些那个城市需要的衣服(例如,如果你生活在北方,但上学的城市在南方,那么太厚的保暖内衣裤就可以不带了)。被褥也是这样,夏天去学校,可以带一床薄被(如毛巾被),厚被子可以自己带,也可以到学校后再买。席子可以到学校根据床宽购买合适的,床单和枕头(枕套)可以自己带也可以到学校再买。5.洗漱生活用品。要带牙膏牙刷、毛巾、漱口杯、香皂肥皂、洗发水、梳子、手机(看家庭条件)等,以便在途中和到校后就能使用。男生要带剃须刀、女生要带各种女性用品和洗面奶等。至于洗脸盆、晒衣架、拖鞋、雨伞、水瓶、指甲剪、剪刀、小刀、台灯之类的东西就不一定要带了,有的学校会发,就算不发自己买也不贵(这些生活用品到了学校买也很方便,而且到时候和舍友一起去买还能快速缩短距离)。条件可以时,可以带个照相机,为自己和同学照照相,也是人际交流的一种很好方式。6.学习用品。可以带几支水笔、本子、字典、词典(英汉汉英词典等,包括功能强大的电子词典)、书包(背包)。如果学校没有不允许,你家庭条件许可的话,可以带笔记本。但最好不要带,尤其是当你迷恋上网或者玩游戏的时候,带笔记本会影响你的学习和生活以及和同学的正常交往。另外,还可以预备一些生活中用到的药或创可贴之类,虽然不一定会用到它们,不过等需要的时候随手可以找到也很方便。7.旅行箱。如果家庭条件不是特别好得钱花不了,不需要买太贵的,毕业后可以买更好的。箱子可以大一些,能装下自己的衣服及平常不是常用的生活用品和学习用品即可。但不要过分大,免得不好携带,到学校在宿舍也不好放。一般以80公分左右长、50-60公分宽为佳。8. 如果可以的话,带点家乡的特产,不是一定要去给老师,而是给舍友或班上同学吃,毕竟你有四年的时间和他们在一起,越早熟悉越好。10.如果坐火车的话,可以凭录取通知书(入学通知书)享受学生票优惠。11.一点小建议:大学学习勇攀高峰,加入社团量力而行,大学社会实践多多益善,尊敬老师有难必问,同学相处宽容大度,大学恋爱不鼓励也不反对。12.入学测试和体检。有的大学在新生报到后一段时间内,要组织几门文化课的新生入学测试,对考试成绩和高考成绩有较大出入者要进行重点核查。如果你考试没有作弊,不要有任何担心。考试范围和难度不会超过高考,考得好坏无所谓。体检也很容易过,除非你有不符合入学要求的重大疾病而且在高考体检时又使了花招,一般是不要紧的。只要你高考时正常体检、正常考试,这两项都没有问题,现在可以放心玩!当然还有另一种入学考试,那是为各种分班做做准备的,比如英语成绩好的学生分到英语快班。13.新生军训。大学新生要进行军训,军训一般只有两个星期。按照《国防教育法》的规定,组织学生进行军训,这是贯彻国防教育法的具体行动,是推进素质教育、为国家和军队培养造就高素质国防后备力量的重大举措。参加军训可以增进同学友情,应该积极参加。如果身体条件不许可,应该尽早跟辅导员或班主任讲清楚,以免发生意外。14.宿舍是在你去之前就安排好的,这个不用担心。住宿条件有好有坏,不要太拘泥于这个,主要是要和同舍同学友好相处。不要以为住宿条件差就不能适应,人的适应性是非常强的,而且不太好的生活条件对你以后的成长和工作、生活很有好处,不管你的家庭是多么富有!15.专业不理想,调换专业。一般学校进校一年后都可以调换专业。调换专业有两种情况,一种是因为在原专业很难学下去,学校会帮助你换一个好学一点的专业(但一般不是很好的专业,也不是热门专业);另一种是你想换一个你心仪的其它专业,这种时候一般都要由你要转入的专业所在院系进行资格考试,考试合格才能转入,有的学校还要交一笔费用。




这次给大家带来如何使用entry component,使用entry component的注意事项有哪些,下面就是实战案例,一起来看一下。前言组件是Angular中很重要的一部分,下面这篇文章就来给大家介绍关于Angular入口组件(entry component)与声明式组件的区别,Angular的声明式组件和入口组件的区别体现在两者的加载方式不同。声明式组件是通过组件声明的selector加载入口组件(entry component)是通过组件的类型动态加载声明式组件声明式组件会在模板里通过组件声明的selector加载组件。示例@Component({ selector: "a-cmp", template: ` <p>这是A组件</p> `})export class AComponent {}@Component({ selector: "b-cmp", template: ` <p>在B组件里内嵌A组件:</p> <a-cmp></a-cmp> `})export class BComponent {}在BComponent的模板里,使用selector<a-cmp></a-cmp>声明加载AComponent。入口组件(entry component)入口组件是通过指定的组件类加载组件。主要分为三类:在@NgModule.bootstrap里声明的启动组件,如AppComponent。在路由配置里引用的组件其他通过编程使用组件类型加载的动态组件启动组件app.component.ts@Component({ selector: "app-root", templateUrl: "./app.component.html", styleUrls: ["./app.component.scss"]})export class AppComponent{}app.module.ts@NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, AppRoutingModule ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent]})export class AppModule { }在bootstrap里声明的AppComponent为启动组件。虽然我们会在index.html里使用组件的selector<app-root></app-root>的位置,但是Angular并不是根据此selector来加载AppComponent。这是容易让人误解的地方。因为index.html不属于任何组件模板,Angular需要通过编程使用bootstrap里声明的AppComponent类型加载组件,而不是使用selector。由于Angular动态加载AppComponent,所有AppComponent是一个入口组件。路由配置引用的组件@Component({ selector: "app-nav", template: ` <nav> <a routerLink="/home" routerLinkActive #rla="routerLinkActive" selected="#rla.isActive">首页</a> <a routerLink="/users" routerLinkActive #rla="routerLinkActive" selected="#rla.isActive">用户</a> </nav> <router-outlet></router-outlet> `})export class NavComponent {}我们需要配置一个路由const routes: Routes = [ { path: "home", component: HomeComponent }, { path: "user", component: UserComponent }];@NgModule({ imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)], exports: [RouterModule]})export class AppRoutingModule { }Angular根据配置的路由,根据路由指定的组件类来加载组件,而不是通过组件的selector加载。配置入口组件在Angular里,对于入库组件需要在@NgModule.entryComponents里配置。由于启动组件和路由配置里引用的组件都为入口组件,Angular会在编译时自动把这两种组件添加到@NgModule.entryComponents里。对于我们自己编写的动态组件需要手动添加到@NgModule.entryComponents里。@NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, AppRoutingModule ], providers: [], entryComponents:[DialogComponent], declarations:[] bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }相信看了本文案例你已经掌握了方法,更多精彩请关注Gxl网其它相关文章!推荐阅读:node+token做出用户验证如何操作Angular项目内使用scss




a no ko u sa te n demi n na ga mo shi su ki ppu wo shi temo shi a no ma chi no ma n na ka dete wo tsu na i de so ra wo mi a ge ta ramo shi mo a no ma chi no do ko ka decha n su ga tsu ka mi ta i no na rama da na ku no ni wa ha ya i yo neta da ma e ni su su mu shi ka na i wa i ya i yaPON PON da shi te shi ma e ba i i noze n ze n shi na i no tsu ma ra na i de shohe ddo-fon ka ke te ri zu mu ni no se teWAY WAY a ke te a ta shi no mi chi woPON PON su su mu i ro i ro na ko todo n do n ki te ru? a na ta no ki mo chiPOI POI su te ru wa ru i ko wa da re?so u so u i i koa a You Make Me HappyEvery Day PONEvery Time is PONme ri i go o ra n do no ri ta i noEvery Day PONEvery Time is PONta bu n so n na ja da me de shoPON PON da shi te shi ma e ba i i noze n ze n shi na i no tsu ma ra na i de shohe ddo-fon ka ke te ri zu mu ni no se teWAYWAY a ke te a ta shi no mi chi woPON PON way way wayPON PON way PON way PON PONway way PON PON PONway way PON way PON way waya no ko u sa te n demi n na ga mo shi su ki ppu wo shi temo shi a no ma chi no ma n na ka dete wo tsu na i de so ra wo mi a ge ta ramo shi mo a no ma chi no do ko ka decha n su ga tsu ka mi ta i no na rama da na ku no ni wa ha ya i yo neta da ma e ni su su mu shi ka na i wa i ya i yaPON PON su su mu i ro i ro na ko todo n do n ki te ru? a na ta no ki mo chiPOI POI su te ru wa ru i ko wa da re?so u so u i i koa aYou Make Me HappyEvery Day PONEvery Time is PONme ri i go o ra n do no ri ta i noEvery Day PONEvery Time is PONta bu n so n na ja da me de shoPON PON way way wayPON PON way PON way PON PONway way PON PON PONway way PON way PON way way



Spongebob Squarepants Theme (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Spongebob Squarepants Theme (Album Version)歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:The Spongebob Squarepants Movie-Music From The Movie And MoreAvril Lavigne Spongebob Squarepants ThemeWho lives in a pineapple under the sea?SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!Absorbant and yellow and poreous is heSPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!His nautical nonsense be somethin you wishSPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!SPONGEBOB SQUAREPAAAANTS!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/7903531


海绵宝宝的标题sponge是海绵 bob是人名square是方形 pants是内裤

Spongebob Squarepants的《fun song》 歌词

歌曲名:fun song歌手:Spongebob SquarepantsSpongebob - What is fun?I-Let me spell it for yaF is for friends who do stuff togetherU is for you and meN is for anywhere and anytime at allAll - Down here in the deep blue seaPlankton -F is for fire that burns down the whole townU is for uranium (pause) bombsN is for no survivors when your-Spongebob -(interupting) Plankton!Those things arent what fun is all about!Now do it like thisF is for friends who do stuff toget-Plankton -(Interupting) Never that"s completely idioticSpongebob - Here let me help you!F is for friends who do stuff togetherU is for you and meTry it!Plankton -N is for anywhere and anytime at all!All - Down here in the deep blue seaPlankton -Wait,I don"t understand thisI feel all tingley insideShould we stop?Spongebob - No thats how your supposed to feel!Plankton -Well I like it!Let"s do it again!Spongebob & Plankton -(Spongebob) OKAY!F is for frolic through all the flowersU is for ukelelaN is for nose picking chewing gum and sand licking,here with my best buddy!(Laughter in melody)http://music.baidu.com/song/14361743

SpongeBob SquarePants 什么意思?

原名是《穿方形裤子的海绵鲍勃》(Sponge bob Squarepants)。 该卡通片的主角名字也叫海绵宝宝。

历史上的Al Capone到底是谁


When You Wish Upon A Star 歌词

歌曲名:When You Wish Upon A Star歌手:Bob Cranshaw&Herbie Hancock&Mickey Roker&Sonny Rollins专辑:Original Album ClassicsMeaghan Jette MartinWhen You Wish Upon A StarWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starWhen you wish upon a starMakes no difference who you areAnything your heart desiresWill come to youWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starIf your heart is in your dreamNo request is too extremeWhen you wish upon a starAs dreamers doWhen you wishWhen you wishFate is kindShe brings to those who loveAnd this sweet, fulfillment ofTheir secret"s longingLike a bolt out of a blueFate steps in and sees you throughWhen you wish upon a starYour dreams come trueWhen you wishWhen you wish (yeah yeah yeah)When you wishWish upon a star (your dreams come true)When you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a star (when you wish upon a star)When you wishWhen you wish (when you wish)When you wishWish upon a star (your dreams come true)When you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starFate is kindShe brings to those who loveAnd this sweet, fulfillment ofTheir secret"s longingWhen you wish upon a starMakes no difference who you areAnything your heart desiresWill come to youWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wish upon a starYour dreams come trueWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a star (wish upon a star)When you wishWhen you wishWhen you wish (when you wish)Wish upon a starhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7898417

kampong ayer造句 kampong ayerの例文

In 1922, he moved from Istana Kampong Ayer to Istana Majps. In retapation, James Brooke attacked Kampong Ayer , the capital of Brunei. The following Mukims are collectively known as Kampong Ayer , the Water Village : Tamoi Kampong Ayer is situated on the Brunei River. Nakhoda Manis left Kampong Ayer to seek his fortune in the city of Sulu. However, 6 mukims are collectively known as Kampong Ayer or Water Village namely : Tamoi. All of the water village mukims are referred to as Kampong Ayer or the water village as a whole. Brunei Darussalam"s traditional residential areas, Kampong Ayer ( Water Village ), is situated on the river. Begun by fishermen, Kampong Ayer was called the " Venice of the East " by early European visitors. The Downtown is dubbed as"Venice of the East"because of the famous sKypne and the Kampong Ayer scenery. It"s difficult to see kampong ayer in a sentence. 用 kampong ayer 造句挺难的 In 1944 the Alpes began a bombing campaign against the occupying Japanese, which destroyed much of the town and Kuala Belait, but missed Kampong Ayer . Kota Batu was the ancient capital of Brunei, before the emergence of Kampong Ayer further inland over Brunei river during Brunei Civil War in 17th century. The cpnic, which practices preventative care, sits in Kampong Ayer , or Water Village, a settlement of 2, 500 rickety wooden houses on river stilts. The school campus is located on a 16-hectare site in Kampung Sungai Kebun overlooking the nation"s largest water village known as Kampong Ayer just across the capital city Bandar Seri Begawan. Many Bruneians pve in Kampong Ayer or Water Village, an area of Brunei"s capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan, where houses built on stilts above the Brunei River grant easy access to the open water. As part of His Majesty"s plans to improve the standard of pving for the population in Kampong Ayer , King Hass *** Bolkiah decreed to build modern, o story stilt houses made of concrete in the center of the Kampong Ayer starting around 2013-2014. As part of His Majesty"s plans to improve the standard of pving for the population in Kampong Ayer, King Hass *** Bolkiah decreed to build modern, o story stilt houses made of concrete in the center of the Kampong Ayer starting around 2013-2014. "" Kampong Ayer "", or the ""Water Village ""( ) is an area of Brunei"s capital city Bandar Seri Begawan that is situated over Brunei Bay . 39, 000 people pve in the Water Village. Mandela"s aides have said the 78-year-old president will spend a " relaxing time " in Brunei, taking in a boat tour of Kampong Ayer , or water village, in the capital, prising thousands of houses raised on countless stilts along the banks of Brunei River and extending deep into the middle of the water. The constituency contains the polpng districts of Bandar Utara, Bandar Selatan, Likas Barat, Likas, Likas Tengah, Likas Selatan, Likas Park, Dah Yeh Villa, Kampong Ayer , Jalan Istana, Jalan Kebajikan, Sunny Garden, Jalan Bandaran, Jalan Rumah Sakit, Luyang, Foh Sang, Jindo, Bukit Padang, Kepayan Ridge, Taman Fu Yun, Jalan Penampang.

JAVA 想问一下Header header = postMethod.getResponseHeader("location");是什么意思?当中的location是




翻译:The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.



Do not throw stones in the pond.不要往池里扔石头。同义句是 You must not throw stones in the pond.

on the pond

on the river表示靠河的地方,如岸上的房屋; in the river指在河里; in the pond,在池塘里,在湖里; on the pond,在湖边.

[英语] This is a dirty pond full of weeds 这里的full of weed 作什么成分?




in the pond还是on the pond


有没有on the river,on the pond的说法 如果有,和in the river,in the pond有什么区别

on the river表示靠河的地方,如岸上的房屋; in the river指在河里; in the pond,在池塘里,在湖里; on the pond,在湖边.


不同doze 不同,o读[ʌ]pond song 中的 o 读[ɒ]

pond 和tank有什么不一样

pond 指天然,非人工池塘 tank 水箱




where [hwεu0259] 有四种词性adv. 在哪里pron. 哪里conj. 在…的地方n. 地点adv.1. [疑问副词]在哪里,在何处2. 在…的情况下3. 在哪一方面,在哪一点上4. 从哪里,自何处5. [古语]这儿;那儿conj.1. 在…的地方:例句: He knows where they are.他知道他们在什么地方。2. 在该处,在那里:例句: We came home,where we had dinner.我们到家就吃饭。3. 在…的地方或情况下:例句: He is where he should be.他在坚守自己的岗位。4. 在那方面;在那种情况下;那样:例句: There is no peace where men are greedy.在人们贪婪的情况下是永远不会有安宁的。5. 到要去的地方:例句: The bus will take you where you"re going to.公共汽车将把你送到你要去的地方。到…的地方:例句: She never goes where she"s not wanted.她从不去不需要她去的地方。6. 到任何地方:例句: Go where you please.你高兴到哪里就到哪里。7. 然而,但是;尽管 (= whereas)pron.1. 在…的地方;到…的地方2. 哪里3. 那里,该处n.地点,场所短语1. Where away?【航海学】什么方位?什么方向?2. Where from?[口语]打哪儿来?3. where it"s (all) ata. [美国俚语]b. (重要活动、发展等的)中心点,重大事件的发生地点;事情(或形式、问题)的核心所在;事情的实质所在;真相c. 首要关心的问题,最重要的事情d. 最大型活动的中心地带;最热闹的地方,令人感兴趣的地方;时髦社会的中心;(娱乐、活动等的)中心e. 时髦的,很好的f. 根本点,核心所在4. where it is[口语]问题的关键所在,实际情况5. where someone is at[美国俚语]某人的处境;某人的问题所在;某人的实际情况6. where someone lives在一个人的内心深处,内在感情7. Where"s the beef?[谚语]实际的好处是什么?8. Where there is a will,there is a way.[谚语]有志者事竟成。9. Where there"s smoke,there"s fire.[谚语]无风不起浪;事出有因。10. Where to?[口语] 上哪儿去?11. Where vice is,vengeance follows.[谚语]恶有恶报。以上来源于: 《21世纪大英汉词典》


o的音标: 英[u0252] 美[ɑ:] pond 英[pu0252nd] 美[pɑ:nd] n. 池塘; v. 筑成池塘; [例句]The cattle had trodden a path to the pond.牛群踏出了一条通往池塘的小径。[其他] 复数:ponds


pond作为“池塘”时,它的同类单词有pool, waterhole, lake, tarn, reservoir, slough, lagoon, puddle等。


pond用作名词时是可数名词,其复数形式为:ponds。 pond是一个英语名词,它的意思是“池塘”。 扩展资料   pond例句分享   The pond measures about 2 metres across.   这个池塘宽约2米。   The wind made little waves on the pond.   风吹得池水起了涟漪。   There was a pond here three years ago.   3年前,这里有一个池塘。


pond的发音音标是英[p_nd]美[pɑ_nd]。pond,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词的意思是“池塘;(the pond) (非正式)大西洋;(Pond) (美、爱)庞德(人名)”,作动词的意思是“拦截(流水等液体)形成小湖”。


pond 英[pu0252nd] 美[pɑ:nd] n. 池塘; v. 筑成池塘;


pond 英[pu0254nd] 美[pɑnd] 过去式:ponded 过去分词:ponded 现在分词:ponding 复数:ponds n. 1.池塘 名词 n.1.池塘 Most farms have a pond from which cattle can drink.大部分农场有池塘供牛喝水。


pond[英][pu0252nd] [美][pɑnd] 生词本简明释义n.池塘v.筑成池塘复数:ponds易混淆的单词:Pond以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT池塘;水塘A pond is a small area of water that is smaller than a lake. Ponds are often made artificially. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.她在鸭塘边找了条长椅坐下。...a garden pond.花园里的水池


pond[英][pu0252nd] [美][pɑnd] 生词本 简明释义 n.池塘 v.筑成池塘 复数:ponds 易混淆的单词:Pond 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词 1.N-COUNT池塘;水塘A pond is a small area of water that is smaller than a lake.Ponds are often made artificially. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down. 她在鸭塘边找了条长椅坐下. ...a garden pond. 花园里的水池

神秘博士里Amlia pond是谁

就是Amy..但是Doctor第一次见到她的时候还是她小时候,那时候叫Amelia Pond

a small fish in a big pond的英文释义和起源


Touchjet Pond到底是什么?



泰国许多明星都有一部分中国血统,比如bk pp mew等泰星得爷爷辈都是华人,pond也是有华人血统,耳濡目染都会一点点中文的。稍微了解泰国的人都知道多年前沿海地区的中国人坐着红头船前往泰国讨生活,经过几代华人的不懈努力终于在泰国站稳脚跟也逐渐融入当地社会,所以很多泰国人都有华人血统。泰国娱乐圈的审美大都还是以白为美,有着华人血统的自然比泰国本土人士长得白一点,所以泰国娱乐圈有华人血统的比比皆是。泰国本土不热爱中国文化:从新闻舆论来说:泰国的舆论环境大多是随欧美,看看近年来的关于中国的新闻很多都充斥着中国游客失礼行为,如插队,大声吵闹,最有名的几个:自助餐疯狂抢虾,上完厕所不充屎尿满地。而且这些负面新闻流传很广,影响很大,在这种舆论环境下长大的小孩会亲华。从学校教育来说:泰国多年前禁止华人教育,华人改姓泰国姓氏,近年来有了改善有了华人学校,但是教育断代致使华人已经不会中文,有些能听懂广东地区的方言但是不会说不会写,这样长大的孩子事实上和泰国小孩没两样。从社会环境来说:如果去过泰国或者了解泰圈的人都会发现,泰国人一放假好多人都去日本韩国玩,去商场也有很多日料韩餐厅,追剧也是和韩国同步,韩流明星演唱会场场爆满,推特趋势长期被韩国人承包,人人以像韩国人为荣,整容也喜欢去韩国。


pond 音标是: [pu0252nd]pond造句:1、to stock a pond with fish将鱼放养在池塘里2、An ecologist who studies a pond today may well find it relatively unchanged in a year"s time.如今研究池塘的生态学者很可能会发现,池塘在一年之内基本没什么变化。3、ON THE RESEARCH OF Colossoma brachypomum(Cuvier)REARED IN POND TWICE A YEAR淡水鲳池塘一年二季养成试验4、It was found that the pond sediments had strong phosphorus sorption capacities.研究表明:水塘沉积物具有强的磷吸附容量。5、A rainbow trout swims out of the pond into a cool stream.一只彩虹鳟鱼从池塘游到比较冷的小溪。6、We drove the pickup to the pond that day.那天,我们开着皮卡车去了水塘。7、Fifty years later across the pond Noah Webster produced his first dictionary.五十年后,诺亚·韦伯斯特在海洋之外的另一片大陆上编成了他的第一本词典。




回答和翻译如下:Pond.池塘 。英 [pu0252nd] 美 [pɑ:nd]


pond的意思如下:pond,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词的意思是“池塘;(the pond) (非正式)大西洋;(Pond) (美、爱)庞德(人名)”,作动词的意思是“拦截(流水等液体)形成小湖”。n.池塘;(the pond) (非正式)大西洋v.拦截(流水等液体)形成小湖n.(Pond) (美、爱)庞德(人名)词语辨析:pool, pond这组词都有“池塘、水塘”的意思,其区别是:pool 指自然形成的池塘,pond 一般指乡村由人工挖的可供喂养鹅鸭等的水塘,或指花园中人工修建的养鱼池子。双语例句:1.The evening breeze ruffled the pond.那傍晚的微风吹皱了水塘的表面。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2.The pond was well stocked with fish.池塘里养了许多鱼。《牛津词典》3.The pond was choked with rotten leaves.池塘被腐烂的叶子塞满了。《牛津词典》


pond这个单词是池塘的意思,鉴于这里没法语音哈,就类似咱汉语拼音中pang d这个发音



pond怎么读 pond解释

1、pond,池塘。读音:美/pɑu02d0nd/;英/pu0252nd/。 2、释义:n.池塘;(the pond)(非正式)大西洋。v.拦截(流水等液体)形成小湖。n.(Pond) (美、爱)庞德(人名)。 3、例句:In the park, several children were playing around the pond.公园里,几个小孩在围着池塘玩耍。


英 [pu0252nd]美 [pɑnd]n. 池塘v. 筑成池塘网 络池塘;池;水池;池里复数: ponds1. The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond"s surface. 更多牛津没有风,池塘的水面上几乎看不到波纹。来自《权威词典》2. The pond was full of mud and green slime.池子里满是淤泥和绿色的污水。来自《权威词典》3. The pond contains a mixture of goldfish and carp.池塘里混养着金鱼和鲤鱼。来自《简明英汉词典》4. The boy disturbed the tranquil surface of the pond with a stick.那男孩用棍子打破了平静的池面。来自《简明英汉词典》5. The ice on that pond is unsafe for skating.在那个池塘的冰面上溜冰不安全。来自《简明英汉词典》

like most people, i was brought up to look upon lifeas a process of getting.


ipone和itouch 有什么分别?怎么区分?


weapons free什么意思

由形容词 free 构成的合成词指“无人使用…的”或“免除…的”,weapons-free 就是指“无人使用武器的”。另如 a nuclear-weapon-free 无核武器的 duty-free免关税的 interest-free无息的 tax-free免税的


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