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carbohydrates, polysaccharides

更新1: 4) only polysaccharides are natural polymers? How about mono and di? 1) Polysaccharide is a kind of carbohydrate? It is correct. (see Q no. 2) 2) Carbohydrates can be classified into 4 groups: mono di oligo and poly? Carbohydrates are usually classified into 3 groups: mono di and poly For oligosaccharide as it can contain 2 to 10 sugar some of them are disaccharide also and also for carbohydrates with 3 or more sugar it can be called poly already. 3) starch glucose are examples of polysaccharides? Oh this is wrong . Starch is an example of polysaccharide as it contains a large number of glucose inside (usually about 10 to 500) However glucose is an example of monosaccharide as its structure contains one simple sugar only. Many glucose make up starch. 4) only polysaccharides are natural polymers? How about mono and di? This is wrong also. Almost every carbohydrates are natural polymers . For instance starch (poly) exists in lots of crops plants (e.g. rice) sucrose (di) is present in most plants which it is useful to act as a trportational carbohydrate glucose is converted into sucrose before it is relocated to elsewhere in plants. While glucose fructose and galactose are mono that exists almost everwhere in nature for example in fruits flowers animals or even underground from the dead plant tissues. Hope these can help you la!!! =] If you do not understand you can further ask me!!! =] Cheers! 参考: myself 1 > 当然 多「西唐」是由碳水化合物的一种 2 > 应该话saccharide可以分做 4种 : 单 双 寡 多 3 > 错 starch 系 glucose 一种 系poly glucose 系 单「西唐」 starch is stored in roots tubers leaves rhizomes and bulbs in plants. 4 > 好似肝糖同cellulus一样都系以glucose做单元 只系连接方式唔同先会表现到 所以polysacchardes 好自然系polymer . 如果系mono的话就会叫做monomer 参考: wiki.wers/Q/Where_starch_is_stored_in_green_plants