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读音:英 [pɔɪnt];美 [pɔɪnt]    意思:n. 观点;看法;要点;重点;特点;点;地点;小数点;尖端;岬角;海角;意义;目标;分数;(罗盘上的)方位点;(温度的)点;插座;(字体)磅值;v. 指;指向;朝向;瞄准;灰泥或水泥勾(某物)的砖缝in point意思是“切题的,恰当的”; in point of意思是“就…而言,在…方面”; make a point of sth 意思是“特别重视某一事项”。扩展资料:point at,point to这两个短语的意思有所区别:1、point to的意思是“指向”; 而point at的意思是“指着”,含有某种目的性。以事物作主语时,用point to更常见。例如:The needle of a compass points to the north.罗盘指向北方。2、 point at可分开用,即point后直接跟名词或代词作宾语, at表示方向; 而point to不能这样用。例如:Point the gun at the target.用枪对准靶子。



point 是什么意思



point一词的用法1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。如:①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition.老师指出了这篇作文中的错误。②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性。 1 ) point out that …… He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。 At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place . 2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 ) He quickly pointed out a mistake . Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ?(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。如:①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me.他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着。②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was.老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义。①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习。②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点。③You"ve missed the point of the joke.你没听出那个笑话的可笑之处。④His talk is short but quite to the point. 他的发言简洁切题。

middie point 是数学什么意思


英语单词‘point to"是什么意思





point v 指向 point at sb n。要点 得分


point 英[pɔɪnt]美[pɔɪnt]n. 点; 要点; 得分; 标点;vt. (意思上) 指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路;vi. 指向; 表明;[例句]Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain.需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。[其他] 第三人称单数:points 复数:points 现在分词:pointing 过去式:pointed 过去分词:pointed

Point 能解释为方向吗?为什么? 同一个解释,怎么会有不同的英语单词?



  Point在英文词组中的意思是尖,尖端,尖头。point在具体语境中有不同意思与用法。Point还意指“方针”,是日本最大的以休闲时尚服装闻名的上市集团之一,该集团旗下拥有众多品牌,其品牌的不同定位能给不同层次的消费者带来适合各自族群的服饰。    词语解释   Point作物动词时意为:尖、尖端、尖头。例句:Do you have a pencil with a sharper point?你有尖一点的铅笔吗?   Point还用来表示:特点、特征。例句:Dancing is not her strong point.。她不擅长跳舞。   Point还意作分数、得分。例句:In the game we got ten points while the Medical School got only three。比赛中我们得了十分,而医学院只得了三分。


point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。 point的短语 1、point to“显示,说明” 2、There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义。 3、be on the point of意思是“正要……的时候,即将……之时” 4、in point of意思是“关于,就……而言” 5、up to a point意思是“在某种程度上 6、to the point of意思是“到……程度”



point[pɔint]n.观点, 看法, 要点, 重点, 特点, 点, 地点, 小数点, 尖端, 岬角, 海角, 意义, 目标, 分数, (罗盘上的)方位点,(温度的)点, 插座, (字体)磅值 v.指, 指向, 朝向, 瞄准, 灰泥或水泥勾(某物)的砖缝例句与用法:`But she might not agree. " `You"ve got a point there/That"s a point".`可是她有可能不同意呀.'`你说得对[有道理].'At one point I thought she was going to refuse, but in the end she agreed.当时我以为她要拒绝,但最後她却同意了。I don"t see the point of her last remark.我不明白她最后那句话的意思。I"m in a hurry, so come to the point.我赶时间,直接了当说出来吧。词形变化:动词过去式: pointed | 动词过去分词: pointed | 动词现在分词: pointing | 动词第三人称单数: points |英英解释:名词 point:a geometric element that has position but no extensionthe precise location of something; a spatially limited locationa brief version of the essential meaning of somethinga specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process同义词:degree, level, stagean isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole同义词:detail, iteman instant of time同义词:point in timethe object of an activitya V shape同义词:tip, peaka very small circular shape同义词:dotthe unit of counting in scoring a game or contesta promontory extending out into a large body of watera distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list同义词:itema style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effectan outstanding characteristic同义词:spotsharp endany of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass同义词:compass pointa linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 incha punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations同义词:period, full stop, stop, full pointa V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer同义词:headthe property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip同义词:pointednessa distinguishing or individuating characteristicthe gun muzzle"s direction同义词:gunpointa wall socket同义词:power pointa contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs同义词:distributor point, breaker point动词 point:indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively同义词:indicate, showbe oriented同义词:orientdirect into a position for use同义词:charge, leveldirect the course; determine the direction of travelling同义词:steer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, head, guide, channelize, channelisebe a signal for or a symptom of同义词:bespeak, betoken, indicate, signalsail close to the wind同义词:luffmark (Hebrew words) with diacriticsmark with diacriticsmark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changesbe positionable in a specified mannerintend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, aim, place, directgive a point to同义词:sharpen, taperrepair the joints of bricks同义词:repoint


point一词的用法1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。如:①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition.老师指出了这篇作文中的错误。②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性。1 ) point out that ……He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place .2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 )He quickly pointed out a mistake .Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ?(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。如:①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me.他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着。②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was.老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义。①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习。②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点。③You"ve missed the point of the joke。point既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,不可数时多与the连用;point作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时常与介词to、at、towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。常用搭配有:make a point of sth,意为“特别重视某一事项”等。




point英 [pɒɪnt]美 [pɔɪnt]n.小点,点;(几何等概念中的)点(文字中的)标点(尤指句号);小数点具体(或确定)的位置,地点;(空间的)一点(球类等运动员的)位置;(在某一位置上的)球员(时间上的)一点;特定时刻,瞬间(物理等概念上的)点;程度;阶段;地步细目;条款,(表示事项的)点特点,特征;动物的身体特征;(作为判定动物品种标准的)品质vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安 短语: match point 赛末点,迷失决胜分,拿到赛点West Point 西点军校,西点 (犹他州),西点 (阿拉巴马州)例句:1、In this point,I join with you. 在这一点上,我与你意见一致。2、We differ with them on this point. 在这一点上我们跟他们看法不同。3、I shall return to this point in the next chapter. 在下一章中我还要谈到这一点。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


point的意思是观点。读音:英[pɔɪnt];美[pɔɪnt]释义:n.要点;得分;标点;[机]尖端vt.指向;弄尖;加标点于vi.表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安变形:过去式pointed、过去分词pointed、现在分词pointing、第三人称单数points、复数points双语例句I can"t give in to this point of view.在这个观点上我不能做出让步。The professor pointed his pen at Paul.教授用笔指着保罗。He pointed out that the game would be over soon.他指出比赛很快就要结束了。


  point既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道它们分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来point的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   point的英语音标   英 [pɔɪnt]   美 [pɔɪnt]   point的时态   过去分词: pointed   过去式: pointed   现在分词: pointing   point的意思   n. 要点;得分;标点;[机] 尖端   n. (Point)人名;(法)普安   vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于   vi. 表明;指向   point的 近义词   main   point的词语用法   point作为名词使用时,通常用 短语 “point of view”来表达一个“观点”或者“意见”;   当表达“这是...的观点”时,通常用“from...point of view”,例如from my point of view...(我的观点是...);   point在美式英语中也用作“钢笔尖”或者“学分”,相当于英式英语中的“nib”与“credit”;   当point作为动词使用时,通常用“piont out”来表达“指出”,后可接双宾语。   They pointed us out the building.   They pointed the building out to us.   两句都指他们为我们指出那座建筑物。   n.(名词)   point用作名词时的意思比较多,可作“要点,论点,观点,尖端,尖儿,点; 小数点,标点,(某一)时刻,(某一)地点,分数,得分,条款,细目”“特点,特征,长处”等解,均用作可数名词。作“目的,意图”解时,是不可数名词,多与the 连用。   in point意思是“切题的,恰当的”; in point of意思是“就…而言,在…方面”; make a point of sth 意思是“特别重视某一事项”; not to put too fine a point on it意思是“不客气地说,直截了当地说”。   v.(动词)   point用作动词的意思是“削尖”“弄尖”“使尖锐”,引申表示为“指向”“对准”“加强”“强调”等。   point既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词to,at,towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”,或者表示“表明”“暗示”等。   point的词语辨析   n.(名词)   at the point of, in point of, on the point of   这组短语的意思并不完全相同。其区别在于   1.at the point of和on the point of的意思都是“将近…的时候”“即将…的时候”,前者多接名词,后者多接动名词。例如:   The boy hurt in the accident lay at the point of death for weeks, then he got well.事故中受伤的男孩生命垂危达数星期,后来他恢复了健康。   I"m glad you"ve come.I was on the point of telephoning you, but you"ve saved me the trouble now.你来了,我真高兴。刚才我正要给你打电话,但现在你让我省事了。   2.in point of意思是“关于”“就…而论”。例如:   In point of that test,I have discussed with him. 关于那个试验,我已经和他讨论了。   3.on the point of比 at the point of表示的时间更迫近。试体会   The man was at the point of death.   这人快要死了。   The man was on the point of death.   这人就要死了。   point的词汇搭配   point of view 观点;见地;立场   point out 指出,指明   at this point 这时候,此时此刻   point in 有意义;在…有作用   starting point 出发点;起始点   key point 关键点;要点   focal point 焦点   in point adv. 相关的   point的英语例句   1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.   当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。   2. I don"t see the point in it really. It"s just stupid.   我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。   3. It got to the point where he had to leave.   到了他不得不走的地步。   4. By 1973, this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point.   到1973年,这一差距已缩小到几乎为零。   5. A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris.   本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。   6. The argument contained herein takes exactly the opposite point of view.   本文所持的论点恰恰是站在相反的立场。   7. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.   我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。   8. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.   他的 散文 文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。   9. They shot him at point blank range with an automatic rifle.   他们用自动步枪近距离开枪射杀了他。   10. Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals.   一定要定期备份文件。


point可以作动词,名词。表示观点,论点,目的,指向,瞄准等意思。 一个简单的英语单词通常都有很多其他的意思,point也不例外,下面我们一起去了解一下他的各种意思和用法吧! 详细内容 01 point: n.论点;观点;见解;重点;要点;核心问题;意图;目的;理由。 v.(用手指头或物体)指,指向;瞄准;对着;朝向。 第三人称单数: points.复数: points.现在分词: pointing.过去式: pointed.过去分词: pointed. 02 短语: point in 有意义;在...有作用。 point out 指出;指明。 point to 指向;提出...作说明;表示。 point at 指着;指向;在...点上。 point of contact 接触点;联络点;联系点。 03 例句: 1,She made several interesting points in the article. 她在文章中提出了几个有趣的观点。 2,I"ll come straight to the point : we need more money. 我就直说吧:我们还需要钱。 3,Caries sets in at a weak point and spreads to rot the whole tooth. 龋发生在损伤点,然后扩散使整颗牙腐烂。 4,There seemed to be no point war-gaming an election 15 months away. 提前15个月演练选举活动似乎没什么意义。


point做名词是有论点、观点、见解、重点、要点、核心问题、意图、目的、理由等意思。point做动词时有(用手指头或物体) 指,指向; 瞄准; 对着; 朝向等意思。 当然在英语中这些词汇都是需要我们放入具体的语境当中,在每个语境当中所表示的意思也不同。这一点跟我们汉语是不同的,但是我们虽然每个词语有固定的意思,但是单个字单个字组合在一起会形成不同的意思,虽然我们常用的字只有两千多,但是非常方便的。

The professor"s appointment was shocking. 分析这句话有什么歧义



adorable adj. 值得崇拜的,可敬重的; 可爱的,讨人喜欢的alive adj. 活着的; 活泼的; 有生气的; 敏感的angel n. 天使,天使般的人; 守护神; 善良可爱的人; 安琪儿annoy vt. 打扰; 干扰; 使烦恼; 使恼怒 vi. 惹恼,令人讨厌,打搅 n. 烦恼(等于annoyance)appointments n. 约会( appointment的名词复数 ); 任命; 职务; 职位appeal n. 上诉; [体育]诉请; 呼吁; (迫切的)要求(帮助、同情等)恳求 vi. (迫切)要求; 有吸引力; 求助(于); 提请注意 vt. 将…移交上级法院审理architect n. 建筑师,设计师; 创造者,缔造者; 造物主arm n. 臂; 武器; [复数]战事; 权力 vi. 准备(斗争),准备行动(against) vt. 装备(防御工事); 准备(攻击或迎击); 配备; 防护

A case in point is the long holiday such as the


A case in point is 是举个例子的意思吗



a case in point英 [ə keis in pɔint] 美 [e kes ɪn pɔɪnt] 释义佐证,恰当的例子; 明证;例句:1.A case in point is the recent events. 最近的事件就是明证.2.In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India. 很多情况下,宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。一个典型的例子是殖民统治时期的印度。3.The manufacture of television sets is a case in point. 电视机的制造就是一个很好的实例.



listen,point and find 是什么意思?


JAY-Z和Linkin Park合作的Points of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer

百度,酷狗,酷我上都有的~http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg820x/pa99osc.mp3歌词:Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer If you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meYou got it, Mike?He"s got the rap patrol on the gat patrolFoes that wanna make sure his casket"s closedRap critics who say he"s "Money, Cash, Hoes"He"s from the hood, stupid, what type of facts are those?If you grew up with holes in your sapitosYou"d be celebratin" the minute you was havin" doughSo fuck critics: You can kiss our whole assholeIf you don"t like the lyrics you can press fast-forwardGot beef with radio if we don"t play the showThey don"t play our hits?we don"t give a shit, soAll these mags tryin" to use our assSo advertisers can give "em more cash for adsFuckers, I don"t know what you take us hasOr understand the intelligence that Jay-Z hasFrom rags to riches, we ain"t dumbWe got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meThe year is ninety-four and my trunk is rawIn the rear-view mirror is the mo"fuckin" lawI got two choices, y"all: Pull over the car orBounce on the double, put the pedal to the floorNow I ain"t tryin" to see no highway chase with JakePlus I got a few dollars?I can fight the caseSo I pull over to the side of the roadAnd I heard: "Son, do you know what I"m stoppin" you for?""Cause I"m young and I"m black and my hat"s too low?Do I look like a mind-reader, sir? I don"t knowAm I under arrest or should I guess some more?"You was doin" fifty-five in a fifty fourLicense and registration and step out of the carAre you carryin" a weapon on you? Know a lot of you are"I ain"t steppin" out of shitAll my paper"s legit"Well, do you mind if I look around the car a little bit?"Well, my glove compartment is locked?so"s the trunk in the backAnd I know my rights so you gon" need a warrant for that"Now aren"t you sharp as a tack? You some type-a lawyer or somethin"?Somebody important or somethin"?"Haha, I ain"t passed the bar but I know a little bitEnough that you won"t illegally search my shit"We"ll see how smart you are when the K9"s come"I got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneNow, once upon a time not too long agoA nigga like myself had to strong-arm a hoThis is not a ho in the sense of havin" pussyBut a pussy havin" no God damn sense tryin" to push meI tried to ignore him and talk to the LordPray for him "cause some fools just love to performYou know the type: Loud as a motorbikeBut wouldn"t bust a grape in a fruit fightThe only thing that"s gonna happen is I"m-a get to clappin"And he and his boys gon" be yappin" to the captainAnd there I go, trapped in the kit-kat againBack through the system with the riff-raff againFiends on the floor scratchin" againPaparazzis with they cameras, snappin" themDA tried to give the nigga shaft againHalf a mil for bail "cause I"m AfricanAll because this fool was harassin" themTryin" to play the boy like he"s saccharineBut ain"t nothin" sweet?"bout I hold my gunI got ninety-nine problems?bein" a bitch ain"t oneNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meShut up when I"m talkin" to youShut upShut upShut upShut up when I"m talkin" to youShut upShut upShut upShut up I"m about to breakEverything you say to meI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHitI need a little room to breatheI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meEverything you say to meI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meI need a little room to breathe啊~狂顶LP!!!!!!!!!!!

做幻灯片除了用PowerPoint和wps 还可以用什么软件?


a point when woman have proven themselves professionally 求分析句子

(To Mr 张达人 zhdr) “主语:The issue 问题的最终结果” — 就是“问题”,不是什么“问题的最终结果”。 “transition 的同位语:a point when woman [sic] have proven themselves professionally yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (该过渡期也就是)妇女已经在专业上证明了自己时候的而不相称的分配却成了共同生涯结果的核心问题(point 指问题的核心点或关键点)。” A) 看得出,没读懂原文。解析:share 是 “部分”,不是什么 “分配”,share 与前面的 disproportionate 一起指专业上能胜任自己工作的这些妇女中的很大一部分 (a disproportionate share)。 B) 看得出,搞不清原文句子结构;汉语句子语义也不通;译文过分拘泥于英文原句结构,似乎英语句子结构与汉语句子结构毫无区别。解析:when…careers 整个实际上是由 when 引起的两个定语从句,修饰 a point (“时刻”,不是什么“核心点”或“关键点”) 下面两点嘛,“时间状语”、“主句”,南辕北辙啦!"时间状语:when woman [sic] have proven themselves professionally主句:yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (leave 指脱离原衷变成…的结果)" “参考译文:在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,问题是尖锐的,该过渡段也就是妇女已经在专业上证明了自己但结果却是不能同工同酬的核心问题。” A) 除汉语不通外,鉴于不理解原句语义、不理解原句结构,这译文当然也就……!此译文不改不行!至少可以做到译文是原文语义的正确反映:当女性从中层管理者晋升为高层管理者时,一个非常突出的问题出现了:此时,女性已经证明了自己的专业能力,但她们中的很大一部分却不再在公司从业。 B) “不能同工同酬” is of a dubious source!

a point when woman have proven themselves professionally 求分析句子

总体结构主语:Theissue 问题的最终结果谓语动词:is表语:acute严重地/尖锐的处所状语:atthe transition from middle manager to senior manage 在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,transition 的同位语:a point when woman have proven themselves professionally yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (该过渡期也就是)妇女已经在专业上证明了自己时候的而不相称的分配却成了共同生涯结果的核心问题(point 指问题的核心点或关键点)。同位语中嵌套的复合句时间状语:whenwoman have proven themselves professionally主句:yeta disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (leave 指脱离原衷变成…的结果)参考译文:在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,问题是尖锐的,该过渡段也就是妇女已经在专业上证明了自己但结果却是不能同工同酬的核心问题。



// c++动态分配内存.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.


// 函数的递归.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #in

unsigned i=0; if(n>=2) i=1; else i=shu(n-1)+shu(n-2); return(i);楼主这个判断条件有问题吧,if里面应该是n==1退出才对,这是递归的通用写法啊

8mm HSS Twist drills,Din 338 fully ground, bright finish, spilt point 怎么翻译

8mm 高速钢麻花钻,DIN338 标准,全磨制,白色,双后角

boiling/freezing/melting point是什么意思

boiling point 沸点freezing point 冰点melting point 熔点

proposed appointment是什么意思,用中文怎么翻译比较准确


acting appointment是什么意思

acting appointment署任;最短的合资格署任期;署任阶段例句1.This field displays the employee"s effective date of the acting appointment.此字段显示雇员的署任的生效日期。2.The appointment of any member may be terminated by mutual agreement of bi Parties, but not by the Employer or the Contractor acting alone.任何成员的委任只有在合同双方同意的情况下才能终止,雇主或承包商各自的行动将不能终止此类委任。3.Reporter: I have a friend to be in Shanghai, can you make him acting will I sign make an appointment with?记者:我有朋友在上海,能不能让他代我来签约呢?

appoint 和promote有什么区别? I was appointed as manager./I was promoted as manager.

在你这句话里没有太多的意思. 不过appointed更多的体现了领导的意志 promoted则更体现被提拔人是因工作而提升. appoint可以是向上,向下或平级的职位变动 promote只能是向上的职位变动.

points acquired 是什么意思?


which spoiled our appoint为何用which,可以用that吗

可以定语从句中缺主语,修饰人时用who /that,修饰物时用which /that引导.如:Is this the factory which /that makes TV sets

什么是cancellation point



pointing指向双语对照词典结果:pointing[英][ˈpɔɪntɪŋ][美][ˈpɔɪntɪŋ]n.弄尖,指示; 勾缝; 磨尖; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He barked, pointing at my wallet. 他指着我的钱包咆哮道。

EnglishPod31:Canceling an Appointment

A: Hello, Samantha speaking. B: Hi Samantha. This is Angela calling. A: Oh, hi Angela, what"s up? B: I"m just calling about our meeting today. I wonder, is it possible to reschedule our appointment in the afternoon? I have a bit of an emergency that I need to take care of. A: Let me see, it shouldn"t be too much of a problem... B: I"m really sorry, I hope it doesn"t inconvenience you too much, it"s just this thing came up, and ... A: Angela, you know what, I can"t make it to our meeting, either. Why don"t we postpone it to tomorrow afternoon at the same time? B: Sounds great. See you tomorrow. C: Angela..Angela, look up! See that lady over there who is trying on a red leather jacket? Isn"t that Samantha? B: What? No wonder she told me she couldn"t make it to the meeting, oh, no, I think she saw me... 单词: what"s up postphone 推迟 leather jacket 皮夹克 scheduling conflict make it double-book:two or more appointments scheduled at the same time push back : move a meeting or appointment to a later time rain check : a promise or offer to do something in the future that is not possible to do now 拓展:

go call look teach think point help buy see bruch work comb open wash talk jump 这些词的过去式

go:过去式went 过去分词gone call:过去式called 过去分词called look: 过去式looked 过去分词lookedteach:过去式taught 过去分词taught think : 过去式thought 过去分词thoughtpoint: 过去式pointed 过去分词pointedhelp:过去式helped或 holp 过去分词helped 或 holpen buy: 过去式bought 过去分词boughtsee:过去式saw 过去分词seen bruch /brush: 过去式brushed 过去分词brushed 应该是brush吧work:过去式worked 或 wrought 过去分词worked 或 wrought comb:过去式combed 过去分词combedopen:过去式opened 过去分词openedwash:过去式washed 过去分词washed talk:过去式talked 过去分词 talkedjump:过去式jumped 过去分词jumped

forgotten appointment


accumulation point是什么意思


go call look teach think point help buy see bruch work comb open wash talk jump 这些词的过去式

go:过去式went 过去分词gone call:过去式called 过去分词called look: 过去式looked 过去分词lookedteach:过去式taught 过去分词taught think : 过去式thought 过去分词thoughtpoint: 过去式pointed 过去分词pointedhelp:过去式helped或 holp 过去分词helped 或 holpen buy: 过去式bought 过去分词boughtsee:过去式saw 过去分词seen bruch /brush: 过去式brushed 过去分词brushed 应该是brush吧work:过去式worked 或 wrought 过去分词worked 或 wrought comb:过去式combed 过去分词combedopen:过去式opened 过去分词openedwash:过去式washed 过去分词washed talk:过去式talked 过去分词 talkedjump:过去式jumped 过去分词jumped

立体几何中private point是什么意思

private point私家观点双语例句1Personal blog, private point of view, will not do for reference purposes only watch, whereby operation, being self-financing.个人博客,私家观点,不做参考,仅供观赏,据此操作,盈亏自负。2Moreover, virtually all United Nations entities now have an assigned private sector focal point.此外,联合国几乎所有实体现在都安排了一个私营部门协调中心。

控件集——Badge/通知徽标/小红点/Notice point

在开始之前,我们先来追溯一下小红点的起源。小红点到底是由谁最先发明的呢?众说纷纭,其中一个比较受大众认同的说法是,小红点最早来自于黑莓手机系统。在诺基亚仍一统天下的时代,新消息的提醒为图标+数字的形式,更像是Web端的处理方式。黑莓在2009年推出的9700系列,其搭载的黑莓系统开始使用了带星号的小红点形式。 而在小红点的专利归属上,Apple公司成为了最终赢家。Apple公司于2013年注册了相关专利,并在iOS系统上开始正式使用,小红点由此逐渐被人们所熟知。 在iOS界面设计指南中,Apple公司对涉及小红点的推送通知规范也有明确的阐述: 无论设备被锁屏还是在使用中,app都能随时利用通知来提供及时和重要的信息。每个通知都包含应用名称、一个app图标以及一条消息。通知的到来也可能伴随声音提示,以及app图标右上角小红点角标的出现和更新。Android随后跟进模仿了这一设计样式,小红点成为了通用设计的规范。如今,小红点的身影在各个App中几乎无处不在,在移动互联网的时代,它与我们的日常生活正变得密不可分起来。 “通知用的红点”是目前人们普遍对于它的称呼,其实其正式的名称为「Badge」(徽标),Badge 指出现在应用程序图标(APP Icon),自定义图标(Custom Icon) 右上角、栏右侧的红色圆点或环形,是意符的一种。有内部带有数字,和内部带有文字两种衍生形式。1、圆点+数字 通知徽标最早出现在手机系统的 UI规范中,在应用程序收到新的消息、或有新的通知时出现。出现形式以红点中包含一个数字为主。后来例如微信等应用程序参照了该规范,用于消息数量的显示。其优势在于可以使用户第一时间了解什么位置发生了什么事件,发生了几个事件,协助用户做决定。 2、圆点 只需让用户了解有更新或新内容必然只有一条时,使用无数字Badge,例如微信公众号更新和App版本更新采用无数字类型。 圆点+数字的降级用法,目的是不抢其主要视觉重点的同时起到提醒的作用。例如微信的消息免打扰等次级消息提醒。 3、圆点+文字 大部分用于app 中金刚区的新功能介绍。起到简炼、痛点的作用。1、是否显示徽标 交互设计应当通过用户决定是否显示徽标。 2、徽标形状 徽标形状通常以正椭圆形或环形表达。也有其衍生设计,如下图所示: 3、封顶长度    由于界面显示空间有限,因此要注意: · 视场景和信息类型决定数字最长显示多少位; · 如果数字达到上限该如何显示;(可选值为overflow、ellipsis、limit,默认值为overflow) · 通常情况下有三种封顶数字的表达形式。一个是封顶数字为99,后面跟“+”(overflow);一个是显示省略号(ellipsis);一个是以千为计数,在数字后面跟“k”(limit)。 4、自定义的徽标内容 通常情况下自定义的徽标内容分为文字和 icon。当徽标内显示内容为文字时,通常不会超过6个字符长度,当徽标内显示内容为 icon 时,通常为 icon 规范中可视范围内的最小尺寸。 5、映射导向 每当一项业务有新的动态消息或上新的内容时,都要在业务入口处投放小红点以把用户引导到最终页面,但投放的小红点往往会出现断层的情况,用户在一步步轻触到达最终的页面后戛然而止,不清楚产品侧想给他展示什么内容。 应用程序上的通知徽标,当用户点开时,会出现在应用程序中相应的第一层级页面自定义图标上。思考每一个层级业务入口投放小红点的合理性,如此一来每个页面层级的小红点也能继承起来,给用户以清晰的映射导向。谨慎在图标内运用红色圆点元素 红色小圆点这个视觉元素已经成为一种社会性语义符号,即用户看到红色小圆点就会认为这代表着有新内容,投放太多小红点容易产生两种极端情况,一个是造成用户产生厌烦心理而卸载App,另一个是用户对小红点完全产生免疫,尤其是在游戏App中,试问你现在玩王者荣耀的时候,面对满屏的小红点,还要每次都全部消除完毕之后才会开黑吗。 另外,如果一个页面中徽标使用过多会让用户产生眼花缭乱的负面体验 。 因此,在投放小红点之前,先思考一下在某一入口投放小红点的目的,到底什么是我们想让用户第一时间看到的?为此我们应该省略些什么?如何去做好一个页面的整体视觉关系?是不是有其他更好的方式能代替小红点,即符合业务场景又能起到为业务导流的作用。徽标虽然已经是一种语义符号铭刻于用户的心智模型之中,但我们依然不能利用这一点,在界面中布满徽标这种元素,迫使用户查看他们不感兴趣的内容。另外,在使用徽标时必须做好映射,以此避免点击进入一个带有徽标的页面时不知道什么才是下一步的操作。




前者来自于disappoint,使失望,加ed变成了形容词. depress 是动词,是沮丧的意思. 词性不一样是不能互换的. depressed 形容词,沮丧的 很高兴为你解答! 多谢你的问题!

depressed diappointed upset这四个单词的区别

disappoint是动词,使失望,加ed变成了形容词. depress 是动词,使沮丧的意思.depressed 形容词,沮丧的 sad是形容词,悲伤的. upset是形容词,烦躁不安的、心烦意乱的

jdkregexpmethodpointcut 对哪些类生效

如果想对所有以中间由foo组成的方法进切入(比如afooa为方法名),可以使用JdkRegexpMethodPointCut(JDK正则表达式方法切入点),也可以使用Perl5RegexpMethodPointCut(Perl5切入点正则表达式)Bean:package ch6.SimpleAOP.RegexpPointCut;public class BeanOne { public void afooa(){ System.out.println("afooa"); } public void bfoob(){ System.out.println("bfoob"); } public void abara(){ System.out.println("abara"); }}SimpleAdvisepackage ch6.SimpleAOP.RegexpPointCut;import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;public class SimpleAdvise implements MethodInterceptor { public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { System.out.println("before"); Object retVal=invocation.proceed(); System.out.println("after"); return retVal; }}测试:package ch6.SimpleAOP.RegexpPointCut;import org.aopalliance.aop.Advice;import org.springframework.aop.Advisor;import org.springframework.aop.Pointcut;import org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory;import org.springframework.aop.support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor;import org.springframework.aop.support.JdkRegexpMethodPointcut;import org.springframework.aop.support.NameMatchMethodPointcut;public class Test { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { BeanOne one=new BeanOne(); BeanOne proxyOne;JdkRegexpMethodPointcut pc=new JdkRegexpMethodPointcut(); pc.setPattern(".*foo.*"); Advice advice=new SimpleAdvise(); Advisor advisor=new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(pc,advice);//创建BeanOne代理 ProxyFactory pf1=new ProxyFactory(); pf1.addAdvisor(advisor); pf1.setTarget(one); proxyOne=(BeanOne)pf1.getProxy();proxyOne.afooa(); proxyOne.bfoob(); proxyOne.abara(); }}结果:beforeafooaafterbeforeabfoobafterabara


memo有点类似于小便条,用于传递各种及时消息,类似于通知、备忘录 point是要点;中心思想的意思



英语选择 You are always complaining.I really do not see any point _ .

我会选A 语感 读下来比其他的顺——|||让这个做为参考答案吧,我也期待英语老师过来看看 恩,有道理的C,谢谢那个回答的老师,我也知道为什么了,呵呵

there is no point in complaining

固定句型:there is no point in doing sth...做...是没有意义的. 翻译:抱怨这里的住宿条件差是没有意义的.

java运行出现“Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException?

g.query() 有问题,导致gs是空的,里面自然没有goddess, 你用goddess.getUser_name(),哎呦,空的。(null pointer)


broke appoint打破了任命

Obviously, he"s very disappointed at the way things have_____. A.turned up B.turned out C

B :本题考查turn out的义项:1)作系动词,“结果证明是”,后接形容词、名词、不定式和从句;2)作及物动词,等于produce生产;3)以某种方式发生。【标签】

mention和point out的区别?

mention只是大概地提及,泛泛而谈,不会详细地举出细节eg. I promised not to refer to the matter again. 我答应过再不提这事了。point out是指出,一般是指出事实或错误eg. Critics point out that the prince, on his income, should be paying tax...批评家指出王子的收入应该纳税。ref: 百度翻译网页链接网页链接

mention at this point是怎么回事,mention 后面不是直接跟宾语吗

mention是及物动词,应该直接跟宾语. at this point这时候,此时此刻 因此,mention at this point意为“此时此刻提及.”


disappoint[英][ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt][美][ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt]vt.使失望; 使破灭,使落空; vi.使失望; 第三人称单数:disappoints过去分词:disappointed现在进行时:disappointing过去式:disappointed例句:1.The trend is likely to disappoint analysts. 该趋势可能会令分析师感到失望。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


disappoint vt. 使失望; disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的;受挫折的; disappointing adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的; disappointedly adv. 失望地. 扩展资料   Her decision to cancel the concert is bound to disappoint her fans.   她决定取消这场音乐会,肯定会使她的歌迷失望。   She would do anything she could to please him, but she knew that she was fated to disappoint him.   她愿意做任何事情来讨好他,但她知道她注定会让他失望。   Disappointed? I was gutted!   失望?我是伤心透了!   I for one was sorely disappointed.   拿我来说,我非常失望。   None of these efforts worked, and the people went home disappointedly.   这些努力都没有奏效,人们失望地回家。


  以下是我为大家整理的disappoint的用法 总结 ,希望能帮助大家更好地认识disappointed这个单词,提高英语水平。   1. disappoint作及物动词用,表示"使失望,扫兴"。如:   I am sorry to disappoint you, but I cannot go after all.   很抱歉使你失望,但我还是不能去。   The movie disappointed me.   这部电影使我失望。   disappoint作及物动词用,常和hopes和expectations连用,表示"破坏(计划),使(希望)落空"。如:   I"m sorry to disappoint your hopes.   害得你的希望落空,真抱歉。   2. disappointed和disappointing都是形容词,都可作定语和表语,但含义不同:前者指/"失望的/",后者指"令人失望的"。   试比较:   What disappointing news it is!   多令人扫兴的消息!   Your examination marks are rather disappointing.   你的考试成绩真让人失望。   Are you very disappointed about at losing the race?   跑输了是不是很灰心?   Since he lost the election he has been a disappointed man.   他落选之后,一直很失意。   3.be disappointed句型后面可接不同的介词。如:   She was rather disappointed about / at the outcome of her talk with him.   她对和他的谈话大失所望。   I am somewhat disappointed in some of our inventions.   对我们的某些发明我感到有些失望。   They were disappointed with the result of the experiment.   他们对实验结果感到失望。   4. 要表示/"他们很失望。"用They were very much disappointed. 而通常不可以说They were disappointed very much.   5. disappoint的名词disappointment作"失望"讲时是不可数名词,作"使人失望的人或事"讲时是可数名词。如:   When she did not find her mother, the disappointment seemed too great to bear.   她没有找到母亲时,失望极了。   You are a disappointment.   你令人感到失望。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  disappoint的用法和例句相关 文章 推荐:    graduate的 用法 说明    discussion 的四点 用法 详解    practise 的 用法 详解    dress的 用法 详解    quantity的语法和 用法


一、词义辨析不一样1、dismay指因前景可怕、不乐观或因受挫折而失去干某事的力量。后常接介词at或by,介词宾语为事。The teacher was dismayed at the students" lack of response.老师对学生的毫无反应感到沮丧。2、disappoint用作及物动词时,意思是“使?失望”,指原来的希望落空了。I am sorry to disappoint your expectations .我很抱歉使你的希望落空。二、词义广泛性不一样1、dismay读法:英 [dɪs"meɪ]  美 [dɪs"me] 释义:n. 沮丧,灰心;惊慌v. 使沮丧;使惊慌2、disappoint读法:英 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt]   美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt]  释义:v.使失望;使破灭;使落空三、变形词不一样1、dismay第三人称单数: dismays 复数: dismays 现在分词: dismaying 过去式: dismayed 过去分词: dismayed2、disappoint第三人称单数: disappoints 现在分词: disappointing 过去式: disappointed 过去分词: disappointed


disappointed 英[ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd] 美[ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd] adj. 失望的; 沮丧的,失意的; v. ( disappoint的过去式和过去分词) 使(人)失望; 使破灭,使落空; [例句]She was disappointed by his lack of initiative.她对他缺少进取心感到失望。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,谢谢。




1.sb or sth disappoint sb You disappointed me. 2.be disappointed at/about with sth/sb I am very disappointed with the results.
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