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求托福TPO22阅读中the birth of photography一篇第六题解析

1. duplicate复制,所以正确答案是a的copy。原文说d是一张图,这张图细微而完整地再现了摄相机镜头前的东西,并且是不能怎么样的。这段说c和d产生了两种不同的结果,下一句说c的产生是一系列的,对应d的产生应该是单独的,也就是不能复制,所以答案是a。其他都不靠谱2. 指代题,指的是前句主语,所以正确答案是b,选项c与选项d并列,都不选;a不靠谱3. 由于内容较多,此题用排除法较好。a的equally useful原文完全没说,错;b的reproduce是错的,根据第二题,dague是不能复制的;c正确,根据原文paragraph 2的倒数第三句,说当时缺乏的是permanent form,后来这个问题被louis d的发明dague解决了,所以dague是permanent form,至于calo,paragraph 3第二句都说了是现代摄影的始祖,当然是permanent form,所以c选项正确。d的那个paper是至于calo采用的,dague不用,d错4. 此段很短,快速扫完,说了两个点,一是使某些painting被遗弃,二是使making and owning images大众化,所以正确答案是b,即使普通大众也用得起。a的competition原文没说;c的every style原文没说,而且也太绝对;d的比较原文没说5. 原句是因果关系,所以d的转折错;将两个逗号之间的句子去掉之后,这句的结构变的明朗起来,因是medium was so prolific,果是treated as poor relation of fine art,所以正确答案是b。a的果中的replace原文没说,错;c的that之后的结果原文没说,错6. accidental意外的,所以正确答案是b的unintentional,想到accident事故。原文说candid photography取得的什么效果很快就被画家学去了,无意之中得到的效果说的通,所以正确答案是b。c和d明显不对,a的surprising沾边,但不如unintentional好7. unanticipated没料到的,意外的,所以正确答案是b的not expected。原词有个否定前缀,基本上应该表达否定的意思,所以d错;unquestionable虽然有否定前缀,但其实是个肯定词,所以c错;原文说摄影技术的快速发展有什么样的影响,a间接影响带进去也对,但因为原文从没说过直接影响是什么,所以不选8. 以artist做关键词定位至后半段,说artist不得不接受camera提供的事实,新技术confirm这些事实,有了new compositional formats,所以正确答案是d,新方法compose他们的painting。a的technological theme,b的prestige和c的speed up原文均没提到,都不选9. 问有什么影响,这段首句说有影响,但没说什么影响,所以往下看。第二句说人和动物移动的方式与传统认为的不同,所以正确答案是a。b的比较,c的wealthy有钱人和d的painting faster原文不但没说,而且没有任何相关信息说到,所以都不选10. 一个过渡点就够了,名词permanent image,只有a之前有permanent form,所以正确答案是a。而且后面一段说calo可以复制,那前一段自然就应该说dague不能复制了,所以这个连词也是一个过渡点11. for选项原文没说,不选before选项是原文第二段提到的一个细节,不选the photographic选项对应原文第二段和第三段,正确the work选项是第八段提到的一个细节,不选photography made选项对应原文第七段,正确photography eliminated选项对应原文第六、七、八三段,正确

Peter thinks of photography as a career,___he will never get bored with. B.what

这是 定语从句,

consumer photography 是什么意思

consumer photography消费摄影 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1Kodak had essentially owned consumer photography for a hundred years, with market shares in some segments as high as 90%. 实际上,柯达已经在过去的一百年中占领了消费者摄影行业,在一些市场的占有率甚至高达90%。

我喜欢照相 是:I like photographing 还是 I like photographying


表示照片是由某人拍的可以用photography by sb吗?




photography by是什么意思



是正确的,要是日期的话 月/日/年(美式写法) 日/月/年(英、欧式写法)一般用美式的




不可数。photography的意思是照相术;摄影。相关短语:infrared photography[摄]红外线摄影;[摄]红外摄影;[摄]红外照相;红外摄影术;subminiature photography微型摄影术;Nature Photography自然摄影。例句They share a common interest in photography.他们在摄影方面兴趣相投。It"s all done using trick photography.这都是利用特技摄影产生的假象。For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6.用闪光照相,要把光圈孔径定为5.6。Did you see the film about Antarctica? The photography was superb!你看了关于南极的那部电影没有?摄影棒极了。There have been some impressive entries in the wildlife photography section.野生动物摄影部分已有一些上佳参赛作品。

photo photograph photography有什么区别

photo 和photograph 一样,前者是后者的简写,都是相片的意思photography是照相术,摄影术a pioneer of photography照相术的先驱

photo photograph photography有什么区别?

photo 和photograph 一样,前者是后者的简写,都是相片的意思 photography是照相术,摄影术 a pioneer of photography 照相术的先驱






photography [f??"tっɡr??fi]n.摄影术





photography 可数吗

photographyn 摄影;照相术无词形变化可视为不可数


I like photography。

Photography 歌词

歌曲名:Photography歌手:The Starting Line专辑:Based On A True StoryNickelback - PhotographLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughHow did our eyes get so redAnd what the hell is on Joey"s head?This is where I grew upI think the present owner fixed it upI never knew we ever went withoutThe second floor is hard for sneakin" outAnd this is where I went to schoolMost of the time had better things to doCriminal record says I broke in twiceI must"ve done it half a dozen timesI wonder if it"s too lateShould I go back and try to graduate?Life"s better now than it was back thenIf I was them I wouldn"t let me inOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeRemember the old arcade?Blew every dollar that we ever madeThe cops hated us hangin" outThey said somebody went and burned it downWe used to listen to the radioAnd sing along with every song we knowWe said someday we"d find out how it feelsTo sing to more than just the steering wheelKim"s the first girl I kissedI was so nervous that I nearly missedShe"s had a couple of kids since thenI haven"t seen her since God knows whenOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeI miss that town, I miss the facesYou can"t erase, you can"t replace itI miss it now, I can"t believe itSo hard to stay, too hard to leave itIf I could relive those daysI know the one thing that would never changeEvery memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughEvery time I do it makes me...

英语:photography是“摄影术”的意思,No photography.

photograph 的意思是照片 no photograph 不能说

photography和 photograph有何区别


photography by什么意思

摄影 应该是这个意思


photography翻译中文是照相术。photography,英语单词,名词,意思是“摄影;摄影术”。短语搭配:infrared photography红外线摄影;红外摄影;红态团判外照相;外摄影术。subminiature photography微型摄影术。Nature Photography自然摄影。照相术也称摄影术。它的任务是将客观图像忠实地记录下来,从而可以使人在异时异地对这一事件取得准确的犹如目睹的信息。有人认为法国人J.N.涅普斯在1826年首先成功地照了相。但又有人认为另一法国人L.J.M.达盖尔在1839年的成就才是照相术的发明年代,因为他的卤化银方法是以后发展的基础。同年英国人J.赫歇耳推荐了后来为多数国家采用的外文词。它是由希腊文的光和书画组成的。词意贴切,但可稍加注解:一是光的含义已不复限于可见的电磁波;二是这种书画是一次完成的,不像人工书画之有勾划的先后。光学成像装置虽然光学成像的观察可以追溯到远古,但一般认为针孔成像可帆改作为照相术的先驱。这种记录在中国至迟见于11世纪沈括的《梦溪笔谈》中,而14世纪的赵友钦则正确地解释了成像的过程。在欧洲,15、16世纪出现了以透镜代替针孔的暗室。而对成像的解释却或竖到17世纪J.开普勒才完成。这种成像装置仅供人们观察或描绘外物之用,是一间房间;其后向小型化、自动化方面发展而成为现代的照相机。实际上外文的照相机一词就是从暗室演变而来的。




photography 英[fu0259u02c8tu0252gru0259fi] 美[fu0259u02c8tɑ:gru0259fi] n. 摄影,摄影术; 一组照片; [网络] 摄影术; 摄影艺术; 照片; [例句]Photography is one of her hobbies.摄影是她的爱好之一。[其他] 形近词: pictography cartography hyetography


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:photography英 [fu0259u02c8tu0252gru0259fi] 美 [fu0259u02c8tɑ:gru0259fi] n.摄影,摄影术; 一组照片希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。


photography 英[fu0259u02c8tu0252gru0259fi] 美[fu0259u02c8tɑ:gru0259fi] n. 摄影,摄影术; 一组照片; [网络] 摄影术; 摄影艺术; 照片; [例句]Photography is one of her hobbies.摄影是她的爱好之一。