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经济学pc,monopoly,oligopily and monopolistic competition有些什么特点什么关联什么意思呢?

Monopoly是垄断的意思,Oligolily是寡头的意思,Monololistic Competition是垄断竞争的意思垄断一般指唯一的卖者在一个或多个市场,通过一个或多个阶段,面对竞争性的消费者—与买者垄断 (Monopsony) 刚刚相反。寡头,寡头市场又称为寡头垄断市场,它是指少数几家厂商控制整个市场的产品的生产和销售的这样一种市场组织。垄断竞争是指这样一种市场结构,一个市场中有许多厂商生产和销售有差别的同种产品。

3 Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live? Due to the fierce competition in modern so

People today can prepare their meal much easier than has ever been before. To prepare a single dinner, provident housewives usually had to work for hours in the past: they had to buy home dirty vegetables which had to wash, meat which had to slice, and so on and so forth. Each and every step of preparation was a time-consuming task. But now, things are entirely different. Supermarkets provide vegetable and meat clean and neat, some of them even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. And this change has indeed greatly improved the way people live. In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. Such a change has liberated many women and given them chance to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more men are becoming willing to do the thing that they once hated so much, and in some cases such transformation of men brought dramatic positive impact on the family. Today, it"s not hard to imagine a wife comes home after a day"s hard work and how delightful she is to find out his husband has already prepared her several her favorite dishes! Children can more easily become independent---at least they can make themselves breakfasts or dinners when parents are occasionally not present. But such a change has also brought some unexpected consequences. Girls nowadays are becoming more and more reluctant to deem household work as their responsibility. The reason is quite straightforward: it was once really ridiculous to insist men do trivial household work rather than go work and earn money to support family, but conditions have altered now, girls might think:” I can work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, dear boy friend, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, will you prepare me a breakfast and dinner every day?” And some boys, on the other hand, are becoming hesitant to get married, or simply remain solitary, among miscellaneous reasons they do so is one thing: “I can take care of myself, at least I don"t really need someone prepare me dinner!” Anyway, such a change is positive and it did improve the quality of people"s life. At least it has brought girls, boys, husbands, wives, children and everyone else who has to prepare food an opportunity, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.

race、 game、 match、 competition、 contest的区别是什么?

一、race、game、match、competition、contest的区别1、意思不同“race”意思是:n. 属,人种,家庭,赛事;vt. 使参加比赛;vi. 参加竞赛,全速行进“game”意思是:n. 游戏,比赛;adj. 勇敢的;vi. 赌博“match”意思是:n. 火柴,比赛,竞赛,匹配,婚姻;v. 相配,相称“competition”意思是:n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛“contest”意思是:n. 比赛,争论;v.竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳2、词性不同race:可作名词、及物动词和不及物动词。game:可作名词、形容词和不及物动词。match:可作名词和动词。competition:只可作名词。contest:可作名词和动词。二、race、game、match、competition、contest的用法1、race通常在句子中用作谓语,放在主语或宾语之后。例句:We raced them to the summit.译文:我们和他们一路赛跑到最高点。2、game通常在句子中用作宾语。例句:It was the first game of the season.译文:那是本赛季的第一场比赛。3、match通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.译文:这个枕巾可以和这些被单相配。4、competition通常在句子中用作主语或宾语。例句:There"s been some fierce competition for the title.译文:已有一些为此头衔的激烈竞争。5、contest通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:He quickly won his party"s nomination to contest the elections.译文:他迅速赢得了其党派的提名来参加竞选。

race, game, match, competition, contest有什么区别?

一、race、game、match、competition、contest的区别1、意思不同“race”意思是:n. 属,人种,家庭,赛事;vt. 使参加比赛;vi. 参加竞赛,全速行进“game”意思是:n. 游戏,比赛;adj. 勇敢的;vi. 赌博“match”意思是:n. 火柴,比赛,竞赛,匹配,婚姻;v. 相配,相称“competition”意思是:n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛“contest”意思是:n. 比赛,争论;v.竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳2、词性不同race:可作名词、及物动词和不及物动词。game:可作名词、形容词和不及物动词。match:可作名词和动词。competition:只可作名词。contest:可作名词和动词。二、race、game、match、competition、contest的用法1、race通常在句子中用作谓语,放在主语或宾语之后。例句:We raced them to the summit.译文:我们和他们一路赛跑到最高点。2、game通常在句子中用作宾语。例句:It was the first game of the season.译文:那是本赛季的第一场比赛。3、match通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.译文:这个枕巾可以和这些被单相配。4、competition通常在句子中用作主语或宾语。例句:There"s been some fierce competition for the title.译文:已有一些为此头衔的激烈竞争。5、contest通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:He quickly won his party"s nomination to contest the elections.译文:他迅速赢得了其党派的提名来参加竞选。


比赛的英语是competition。一、短语搭配:1、market competition:市场竞争。2、fierce competition:激烈的竞争。3、intense competition:激烈的竞争。4、fair competition:公平竞争。5、price competition:价格竞争。6、keen competition:剧烈竞争。7、design competition:设计大赛。二、近义词辨析:competition,contest,match,这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛;contest多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争;match通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。词形变化:过去式:competed,eg:They competed against each other in business.(他们是生意场上的对手。)过去分词:competed,eg:Liu had competed in the biennial indoor athletics tournament for three times.(刘翔已经三次参加两年一届的室内田径锦标赛。)现在分词:competing,eg:Several companies are competing for the contract. (为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。)动词:compete,eg:He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon. (他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。)competition例句:1、He wants to take part in the competition by himself.他想独自参加比赛。2、Furniture-makers in Italy grapple with growing competition from China.来自中国的竞争日益强大,意大利家俱制造商奋力抗争。3、He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race.他与十个人竞争,所以他确实跑得不错,才赢得了这场赛跑。4、The price competition studies is one of pricing influence factors.价格竞争是研究定价的影响因素之一。5、She was barred from (entering) the competition because of her age她因年龄的关系而被禁止(参加)比赛。6、Her singing during the final round of the competition was rather flat.她在最后一轮比赛中用的降调演唱。7、The prize for the winner of the competition is a two-week holiday in Paris.比赛获胜者的奖品是在巴黎度过为期两周的假期。8、The TV was playing the track and field competition of the Olympic Games.电视机前展示的是奥运会田径赛场。


parallelism = 两样东西,很相像。 放在一起,两个都被看到, 就给观众知道情况。 一个经常是观众很熟习的 (这个不写出来),宁一个差不多的就写出来。这样观众就感到他们那个的情况。一个很好的例子就是: 美丽新世界 (Brave New World) 内的伦敦 parallel 1930 时代的伦敦.例句: A parallel can be readily drawn between the post-world war 2 Soviet Union and China in the 1990s.repetition = 重复。没什么特别的。例句: A reptition is simple the repeat of one event, very much like the greed that encompassed the German regimes in the two World Wars.

请问英语的修辞中parallelism和repetition分别是怎么回事?它们的区别又在哪里呢[p瞨“…-l祃-箊”…m] D.J.[6p#r*lel7iz*m]K.K.[6p#r*lWl7!z*m]n.(名词)The quality or condition of being parallel; a parallel relationship.平行性:处于平行的性质或状态;平行关系Likeness, correspondence, or similarity in aspect, course, or tendency.类似,一致:在观点、路线或趋势上的一致、对应或相似Grammar The use of identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses.【语法】 平行关系,平行结构的运用:在相应的句子中运用相同的或可替换的句法结构Philosophy The doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration.【哲学】 并行论:一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非与之直接联系的生理变化的学说repetitionrep.e.ti.tionAHD:[r祊”




在此句competition starts very young中,competition是不可数名词,泛称“竞争在很小的时候就开始了。”competition也可以作可数名词,指一场场的“比赛,竞赛”:There are many competitions in our school.我们学校有许多竞赛。





The competition between the two people was (). B.on C.away. 答案是B,为什么

这个是单纯词语的用法。。。请看on的用法。prep. 1. (表示位置)在…上, 在…旁, 在…身边2. (表示时间)在…之时3. (表示方向)向, 往, 朝; 沿着, 顺着4. (表示状态)系于, 悬于; 附于5. (表示方式)乘, 坐, 骑6. (表示对象)对, 对于, 碰在, 对…造成困难7. (表示原因)由于, 因为8. (表示比较)与…相比9. (表示方位)在…方位adv. 1. (放, 穿, 连接)上2. 向前, (继续)下去n. 1. (发生、活动等的)情况,状态2. 【板球】1). 左击球手右后方场地 2). 右击球手左后方场地 3). 侧击adj. 1. 活动着的,使用着的,起着作用的,开着的,接通的2. 发生着的,正发生的3. 计划中的其中on可以做形容词,表示正发生的。用在这个题目中就是说,两人之间的竞争正在进行。

什么是美国L1 Blanket Petition跨国公司集体调职签证?

L-1,其实不是移民项目,是美国一个“可以转移民”的短期的非移民工作签证类别,确切地说法是“L-1 Visa”。美国不是每种签证都可以转移民。比如最常见旅游商务签证B1/B2,和学生签证F1,申请的时候不能有“移民倾向”,或者说都不能直接转移民。但L-1是不考核(或说允许)有移民倾向、也就是允许直接转移民身份的。L-1一般颁发给美国之外的跨国企业向“在美国的分公司”派遣高级经理或行政主管(适用L-1A签证),以及或特殊技术人员(适用L-1B)。所谓“短期”签证,是指这个签证有时间限制,到了一定的时间、达到一定的条件可以延长。这里所说的“跨国企业”,并非在中国理解的国外到中国设立分支机构的跨国企业,而是相对美国而言的,比如中国公司到美国设立分支机构、收购当地企业,这样才是美国法律里面的“跨国企业”。L-1 Blanket还额外需要以下条件前一年获得了至少10个L-1签证 在美国的子公司和分公司年销售额超过2,500万美元在美国雇佣超过1,000人

immigration petition可以申请美国学生签证吗



competition的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[ku0252mpu026au02c8tu026au0283(u0259)n]美语音标:[u02cckɑmpu0259u02c8tu026au0283u0259n]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译n.竞争;比赛单词例句用作名词 (n.)To our satisfaction, he had got the first prize in the diving competition. 我们满意的是,他在跳水比赛中获得了一等奖。



以A Singing Com-petition为题的英语作文?

I participated in a singing competition last week, I feel very interesting. Everyone sang what they are good at, what impressed me was that a kid didnu2019t sing very well, but he had the courage to go up. He was very nervous at first, his teacher and friend are courage him. I can see that his eyes from afraid to brave. Finally, the boy got a prize.From this incident, we can learn that no matter what you do, donu2019t be afraid, try our best, and believe in ourselves, we will succeed in the end.


competition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n]n.竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; [生]生存竞争; 复数:competitions形近词:repetitionappetitioncompetitory双语例句 1It took hot competition from abroad, however, to show us just how good Scottish cashmere really is.然而,我们是通过来自国外的激烈竞争才认识到了苏格兰羊绒的优良品质。2Regular shops routinely adjust their prices to account for local demand, competition, store location and so on.实体商店通常会根据当地需求、竞争及店铺位置等情况调整价格。

pre-petition debt 是什么意思?





这两个单词均含有“请求,恳求”之意。但是petition指正式而热切地请愿或祈求。plead指谦卑而又不失尊严地请求,侧重迫切感。相关单词还有appeal,appeal常指以道义原则为基础或以法律为依据的请求。 petition双语例句 1、The group intends to petition Parliament for reform of the law. 这个团体准备请求议会修改法律。 2、Parents petitioned the school to review its admission policy. 家长请愿恳求学校修订招生政策。 3、The workers are getting up a petition for tighter safety standards. 工人正发起请愿,要求提高安全标准。 4、They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition. 他们在请愿书上征集了1万人的签名。 5、We"re collecting signatures for a petition. 我们在为请愿书收集签名。 plead短语搭配 plead guilty服罪;承认有罪;认罪;认罪答辩 Plead for为;恳求 plead ignorance一无所知;声称不知;翻译 plead innocence辩白 plead with向 plead innocent无罪答辩;不服罪


petition请愿书双语对照词典结果:petition[英][pu0259u02c8tu026au0283n][美][pu0259u02c8tu026au0283u0259n]n.请愿书,; 请愿,请求; 上诉状; vi.祈求,请求; 请愿; vt.(向法庭)申诉; 第三人称单数:petitions过去分词:petitioned复数:petitions现在进行时:petitioning过去式:petitioned

speech competitiond为什么要加s

school 这里作为可以作为一个地点状语 也可以作为 定语 school"s english speech contest 就一定要加 做状语 english speech contest in(at) school 整个名词 The English Speech contest of school

第一句是Last night I entered a poetry competition的英语短文

LastnightIenteredapoetrycompetitionatschool. Ihadbeenpreparingforthiscontestforthelastmonth. IhadchosenapoembyEdgarAllenPoenamed"Adreamwithinadream". Iwasthesecondpersontorecitethepoemduringthecompetition andthewaitwasintolerable. Whenitwasfinallymyturntorecitemypoem,Iwas washedwithrelief. IfeltconfidentasIstooduponthepodiumand readmypoemwithemotionandintensity. 您没有说需要几个字所以我就先写了一段,希望您能采纳!



Competition, they believe,___ the national character than corrupts it.

选D他们(人们)认为,竞争加强了民族性而不是破坏了它。 补充:A enforces 执行,强制,加强(侧重巩固)B confirms 确认C intensifies 增强,强化,加剧(侧重强度的加大)D strengthens 加强,使...强大

singing competition是什么意思

歌手大赛singing: n. 唱歌,声乐;鸟鸣;耳鸣;【物,无】振鸣,嘤鸣,啸声 ...competition: n. 1.竞争。 2.比赛,竞赛。 3.【生物学】生存竞 ...






competition的动词是compete。动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。 扩展资料 “动词”,表示人或事物的动作、存在、变化的词,如: 走(walk)、笑(laugh)、有(have)、在(lie)、看(see)、写(write)、飞(fly)、落(land)、保护(protect)、开始(start)、起来(wake)、上去(up)。动词通常充当句子的谓语或后接描述性补语充当谓语中心,表示主语的动作、存在、变化,或主语对宾语的"动作,态度。如“他来了。”("He arrived")(不及物,表示主语的动态)“我们热爱祖国”("We love our motherland")(主语跟着宾语,表示主语对宾语的态度)。


competition是竞争的意思,用作于名词,本文就来分享一篇competition用英语造句,欢迎大家阅读! 造句: Everyone in modern society faces keen competitions. 现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争。 To our satisfaction, he had got the first prize in the diving competition. 我们满意的是,他在跳水比赛中获得了一等奖。 There will be a chess competition next week. 下个星期有一场国际象棋比赛。 There is keen competition between the two motorcar firms. 两家汽车公司之间存在着激烈的竞争。 She had a chance to see the competition before the interview. 在面试前她有机会见到竞争对手。 词语搭配: 动词+~ avoid competition 避免竞争 begin a competition 开始比赛 carry on competition 进行竞争 enter a competition 参加竞赛 face competition 面临竞争 hold〔stage〕 a competition 举行比赛 lose a competition 比赛失败,在竞争中失败 meet competition 向竞争应战,遇到对手 promote competition 促进竞争 stand in competition with sb 与某人竞争 stop a competition 停止比赛 win a competition 赢得比赛 形容词+~ bitter〔keen, severe, sharp, strong〕 competition 激烈的竞争 commercial competition 商业竞争 fair competition 公平的竞争 free competition 自由竞争 friendly competition 友谊赛 international competition 国际竞争 open competition 公开赛 unfair competition 不公正的竞争 名词+~ boxing competition 拳击比赛 chess competition 棋类比赛 football competition 足球比赛 music competition 音乐比赛 tennis competition 网球竞赛 trade competition 贸易竞争 world competition 世界性竞争 介词+~ in competition 比赛中,在竞争中 sharpness of competition 竞争的激烈性 ~+介词 competition among〔between〕… 之间的竞争 competition among several firms 几家公司之间的`竞争 competition between the two parties 两党间的竞争 competition for 为…而竞争,…比赛 competition for the championship 锦标赛 competition for control of the market 为控制市场而竞争 competition from abroad 来自国外的竞争 competition in the world market 世界市场的竞争 competition with 与…竞争 competition with other countries 与其他国家的竞争 competition within the industry 工业内部的竞争


competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛; 相关短语有:blind competition 盲目竞争; competition design 竞赛设计,竞赛设计; competition policy 竞争政策,竞争政策; competition process 竞争过程,竞争过程等 扩展资料   相似的单词:   contest多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的"比赛或竞争。其结果,由评判委员会裁决。   例句:   He was on a real high after winning the competition.   他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。   The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.   这项比赛让18岁以下的青少年参加。   We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.   面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。   She won first prize in the competition.   她在竞赛中获得头奖。   We"ll be able to assess the competition at the conference.   我们可以在会上对竞争对手进行估量。   The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries.   这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的500多名参赛者。


competition 是名词,表示比赛、竞赛时是可数名词;当它作竞争角逐时,是抽象名词,就是不可数名词。 扩展资料   The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.   这项比赛让18岁以下的`青少年参加。   We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.   面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。   She won first prize in the competition.   她在竞赛中获得头奖。


康破踢什 求采纳呵


康 母 坡 特 深

competition什么意思 competition怎么翻译

1、competition是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“竞争;比赛,竞赛”。 2、These data are not out of the competition.这些都是比赛数据显示不出来的。 3、They do not like competition or bureaucracy.他们不喜欢竞争或官僚作风。 4、Without him , she would have won the competition .没有他, 她绝不可能赢得这场比赛。




competition比较正式,比较大,既可以是体育的,也可以是其他方面的;race多指速度方面的比赛(如:跑赛等)match常指足球、篮球、棒球等的比赛;contest也表示“竞赛”,但一般不指体育上的竞赛,而是其他类的,比如说,演讲比赛;game与match类似,侧重指球类比赛。竞赛是在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低,由多个人参加,有一定的规则。象棋竞赛、篮球竞赛、档案法制知识网络竞赛、计算机操作竞赛、龙舟竞赛、体育竞赛、百日劳动竞赛等。【汉语名词】拼音:jìng sài英文【Race】竞争、比赛、争取、优胜。竞赛的种类很多。例如:档案法制知识网络竞赛、有奖猜灯谜竞赛、有奖知识竞赛、旅游知识竞赛、关注民生有奖知识竞赛、家具设计竞赛、体育竞赛、外院知识竞赛等。






competition [英]u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n [美]u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n n. 竞争;比赛;竞争者;[生]生存竞争


competition词形变化,变成动词: compete 美 /k?m?pi?t/英 /k?m?pi?t/ vi.竞争;比赛;对抗 过去式 competed 过去分词 competed 现在分词 competing 第三人称单数 competes 双语例句: The athletes are competing in the 800-metre race. 运动员们正在参加800米赛跑。 Compete with your strongest opponents and you will be quickly strengthened as well. 与最强的对手竞争,你也会很快变得强大。


competition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n]n.竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; [生]生存竞争; 复数:competitions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But it is facing new competition. 但它正面临新的竞争。2.Competition is also a threat. 竞争也是一个威胁


competition可数吗如下:这时competition就是不可数名词。competition相关词汇辨析competition,contest,match这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。competition 多指 体育运动 中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛。contest 多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争。其结果,由评判委员会裁决。match 通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。competition英语例句1. Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play"s moral centre.因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。2. The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools.价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。3. Moreau took gold in the five-kilometre individual pursuit competition.莫罗在个人五公里追逐赛中获得金牌。4. The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.电影业故意无视电视业的侵犯性竞争。5. That would make the competition between rival suppliers even deadlier.那将使得对立供应商之间的竞争更加你死我活。6. An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition.将会指定一个独立的管理机构来保证公平竞争。7. Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda.争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。8. I have to change my approach, the competition is too good now.




一、用法意思是“竞赛,竞争”时,competition指在某项目或某次比赛中与对手所进行的“较量与竞争”,也可指“竞争的对手”。作名词有“比赛,竞争”之意。competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛。Everyone in modern society faces keen competitions.现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争。To our satisfaction, he had got the first prize in the diving competition.我们满意的是,他在跳水比赛中获得了一等奖。二、含义n. 竞争;比赛。扩展资料:近义词:contention、contest、struggle。反义词:cooperation、helper。一、contention1、含义:n. 争论;争辩;争夺;论点。2、举例This is an issue of great contention at the moment.眼下这个问题是争论的热点。二、contest1、含义:n. 竞赛;比赛。vt. 驳斥;争取。vi. 奋斗。2、举例She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest.她在竞赛中成绩优异获金牌。三、struggle1、含义:vi. 努力;奋斗;斗争;挣扎。n. 斗争;竞争;奋斗。2、举例He struggled to control his temper.他努力控制住自己的脾气。四、cooperation1、含义:n. 合作;协作;合作社;协同作用。2、举例Our success was attributed not so much to your help as to our cooperation.我们的成功与其归功于您的帮忙,不如归功于我们的合作。五、helper1、含义:n. 助手;帮手。2、举例We call a good helper the right arm.我们称好的帮手为得力的助手。


competition n.竞争;角逐;比赛;竞赛;竞争者;对手 复数: competitions 例句: She won first prize in the competition. 她在竞赛中获得头奖。 扩展资料   Can she take the heat of this level of competition?   她承受得了这种水平的.比赛的压力吗?   The team put on a good show in the competition.   这支队伍在比赛中有上佳表现。   He was on a real high after winning the competition.   他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。


competition比较正式,比较大,既可以是体育的,也可以是其他方面的;race多指速度方面的比赛(如:跑赛等)match常指足球、篮球、棒球等的比赛;contest也表示“竞赛”,但一般不指体育上的竞赛,而是其他类的,比如说,演讲比赛;game与match类似,侧重指球类比赛。竞赛是在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低,由多个人参加,有一定的规则。象棋竞赛、篮球竞赛、档案法制知识网络竞赛、计算机操作竞赛、龙舟竞赛、体育竞赛、百日劳动竞赛等。【汉语名词】拼音:jìng sài英文【Race】竞争、比赛、争取、优胜。竞赛的种类很多。例如:档案法制知识网络竞赛、有奖猜灯谜竞赛、有奖知识竞赛、旅游知识竞赛、关注民生有奖知识竞赛、家具设计竞赛、体育竞赛、外院知识竞赛等。

competition怎么翻译 competition什么意思

1、competition是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“竞争;比赛,竞赛”。2、These data are not out of the competition.这些都是比赛数据显示不出来的。3、They do not like competition or bureaucracy.他们不喜欢竞争或官僚作风。4、Without him , she would have won the competition .没有他, 她绝不可能赢得这场比赛。


读音是:英[ku0252mpu0259'tu026au0283n]单词:competition释义:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛[复数:competitions]短语:perfect competition[贸易]完全竞争;完全竞争市场;完美竞争;完善竞争词语辨析:competition,contest,match这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。1、competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛。2、contest多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争。其结果,由评判委员会裁决。3、match通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。




Match 指对手之间比胜负的比赛,竞赛等,如“tennis match”;也可以体育之外的比赛,如“mathematics match”。该词还可转指对手,如“He is not my match.”(他不是我的对手。);“He is matchless.”(他无与伦比。)Competition 主要指争取超过对手的竞赛,也可指各种竞争,如“Will you compete in the race?”

competition ,match, game的区别

match一般指竞技比赛,指事先安排好的正规比赛。如球类比赛、拳击等。如:I saw the box match on TV.我在电视上看到了那场拳击比赛。Game常指游戏、运动、若指每个比赛中的一局、一场等要用game.如:The children are playing games. 孩子们在做游戏。Our team won the first- three games. 我们队赢了头三局。Competition指通过个人的体力、智力、技能的竞赛而获得名次的各种比赛,可以是体育方面的,也可以是其他方面的。如:He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race. 他与十个人竞争,他跑得快,才赢得了比赛。I won a handwriting competition set by a paper in town. 我赢得了城里一家报纸举办的书法比赛。




competition [英]u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n [美]u02cckɑmpu026au02c8tu026au0283u0259n

race match和competition的区别

代指的比赛类别不同。race通常指短跑比赛。match通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛。 race、match、competition的区别是什么 一、表达意思不同 1、competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛 2、match:n.火柴;比赛,竞赛;对手;相配的人(或物);(计算机)匹配;配合;搭配;相似的东西;婚姻;配偶、v.相配,相称;相似;与……成对;配对;敌得过,比得上;使等同于;使……对应;满足;与……竞争;结婚 3、race:n.属,种;种族,人种;家庭,门第;赛事,赛跑、vt.使参加比赛;和…竞赛;使急走,使全速行进、vi.比速度,参加竞赛;全速行进 二、适用范围不同 1、competition:指对力量、技能和能力的比赛。 2、match:通常指代表队之间的大型的公开比赛,尤指球类比赛。 3、race:通常指短跑比赛,如百米赛跑、接力赛等。


这个词的词根是compete ,起源于17世纪的拉丁文competere,是一个复合词,com是一起的意思,petere是“目标是、寻求”的意思,你问的词是competition是“竞争”的名词形式。


competition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n] [美][u02cckɑmpu026au02c8tu026au0283u0259n] 生词本简明释义n.竞争;比赛;竞争者;[生]生存竞争


competition的动词形式是compete。动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。 扩展资料 动词通常充当句子的谓语或后接描述性补语充当谓语中心,表示主语的"动作、存在、变化,或主语对宾语的动作,态度。如“他来了。”("He arrived")(不及物,表示主语的动态)“我们热爱祖国”("We love our motherland")(主语跟着宾语,表示主语对宾语的态度)动词可以受副词“不”修饰。只有少数表心理活动的动词和一些能愿动词能够前加程度副词,例如能说“很怕他”、“很喜欢他”、“很羡慕他”。

competition 可不可数

competition词语用法:  competition 是名词,表示比赛;竞赛时是可数名词,还可以解释为竞争者;对手。  当它作竞争角逐的时候是抽象名词,就是不可数名词,如:He was in competition with 10 othersfor the job.  这时competition就是不可数名词。  competition英语例句:  1. Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play"s moral centre.  因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。  2. The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools.  价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。  3. Moreau took gold in the five-kilometre individual pursuit competition.  莫罗在个人五公里追逐赛中获得金牌。  4. The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.  电影业故意无视电视业的侵犯性竞争。  5. That would make the competition between rival suppliers even deadlier.  那将使得对立供应商之间的竞争更加你死我活。


可以作为名词和形容词。作为名词时意为比赛,竞赛,竞争,角逐。Our team has entered for the competition.我们队已报名参加比赛。The spirited competition kept them on their toes.激烈的竞争使他们保持警觉。固定搭配:1、competition between something …之间的竞争2、competition for something 为…的竞争(者)(或竞赛)3、competition in something …上的竞争(者)(或竞赛)4、unfair competition 不公平竞争5、stiff competition 激烈的角逐;强劲的竞争对手扩展资料competition, contest, match这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。1、competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛。2、contest多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争。其结果,由评判委员会裁决。3、match通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。


competition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n]n.竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; [生]生存竞争;




competition 英[u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n] 美[u02cckɑmpu026au02c8tu026au0283u0259n] n. 竞争;比赛;竞争者;[生]生存竞争 名词复数:competitions


英文原文:competition怎么读英式音标:[ku0252mpu026au02c8tu026au0283(u0259)n] 美式音标:[u02cckɑmpu0259u02c8tu026au0283u0259n]


competition [,kɔmpi"tiʃən]n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛




competition [英]u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n [美]u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n n. 竞争;比赛;竞争者;[生]生存竞争 [例句]Competition is good , " says wiley.竞争总归是件好事。”


competition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n]n.竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; [生]生存竞争; 复数:competitions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Competition is good, "says wiley. 竞争总归是件好事。”2.Arlyn decided to take her idea to columbia"s business plancompetition. 阿琳决定带着这个创意去参加哥大的创业计划竞赛。








competition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n]n.竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; [生]生存竞争; 复数:competitions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But it is facing new competition. 但它正面临新的竞争.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


competition英[u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n]美[u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n]n.竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; [生]生存竞争网络自由竞争; 竞争作用; 竞争因素复数:competitions



cooperation and competition 作文 尽快

Competition is a common phenomenon in our society .We compete when we play games,we try to do better than others in our study,and there is constant competition for jobs,fame,wealth and so forth.Therefore,we can say that,in a certain sense,competition is one of the motive forces of the development of our modern society.It is often believed,that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other.Some people stress competition,without which,in their eyes,there is no responsibility,no drive and ultimately,no progress.Others advocate cooperation whatever they do.They are of the opinion that the dependence of people on one another has increased,without which the society we live in can not keep going smoothly.In reality,we find that in many cases competition goes hand in hand with cooperation.Lets take a football game for example.During the game,one team is competing against the other,but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates.Otherwise,they would lose the game no matter how skillful each individual player might be.It is clear that competition has much to do with cooperation.As far as I"m concerned,I do not agree with the view that competition and cooperation are always in conflict with each other.In my opinion,while advocating competition.We should never forget cooperation.In our social life,cooperation is especially necessary because most work is fulfilled with or through other people.So Ive come to the conclusion that competition are equally important.

英语作文经典范文-Competition and cooperation 竞争与合作

Cooperation and competition are both important and necessary for a person to achieve success in his life. In modern times, people are living more and more cooperatively. For example, in a football match, all players on the team must work with joint efforts in order to win the match. Such activities require teamwork. You can see workers doing parts of work individually, but you can hardly see any products finished by only one person. With the rapid development of economy, cooperation is becoming more and more necessary and vital for a person. But competition is also very important in modern society. If you are a businessman and wish customers to buy your products, you have to compete with others. Competition stimulates people to improve their work and makes the world develop rapidly. Both competition and cooperation are involved in every field of life and work. Actually, in many activities, both are required. For instance, in learning English, we compete with each other. As a result, we all make great progress. Our study also demands teamwork. We often help each other by pointing out each other"s mistakes and exchanging ideas. While we attach importance to competition, we should not neglect cooperation. Only with both competition and cooperation can we achieve success and live in peace and harmony with each other. 合作与竞争是一个人一生中取得成功的重要和必要的一个方面。 在现代,人们越来越多地生活在一起。例如,在一场足球比赛中,所有队员都必须共同努力,才能赢得比赛。这种活动需要团队合作。你可以看到工人单独做部分工作,但你几乎看不到只有一个人完成的产品。随着经济的快速发展,合作变得越来越必要,对一个人的发展至关重要。而竞争在现代社会中也很重要。如果你是一个商人,希望顾客购买你的产品,你必须与别人竞争。竞争促使人们改善工作,使世界迅速发展。 竞争和合作都涉及生活和工作的各个领域。其实,在许多活动中,都需要。例如,在学习英语,我们互相竞争。结果,我们都取得了很大的进步。我们的研究还需要团队合作。我们经常互相帮助,互相指出对方的错误,互相交换意见。 虽然我们重视竞争,但我们不应忽视合作。只有竞争与合作,我们才能取得成功,生活在和平与和谐中。

求一首英文歌歌名,部分歌词:”make move”, ”competition”,”touch my body”

就是Make Lave

competition, match, contest, race这几个词有什么区别呢?


Linda and Nancy both got a m---- in the dancing competition

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