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形容词 绝望的


desperate英 [ u02c8despu0259ru0259t ] 美 [ u02c8du025bspu0259ru026at ]adj.绝望的 由绝望而引起的 铤而走险的,孤注一掷的 急切的,极度渴望的例句1.Car firms are desperate to achieve economies of scale.汽车厂商拼命想要实现规模经济。2.They admit they are now desperate for a lucky break.他们承认现在急盼幸运之神的降临。3.The company"sclosure has left many small businessmen in desperate financial straits.该公司的倒闭让很多小商人陷入了经济困境。


desperate英 ["desp(u0259)ru0259t]美 ["du025bspu0259ru0259t]adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的短语desperate 绝望,孤注一掷,殊死Desperate Remedies 非常手段,计出无奈Desperate Housewivies 希望断绝主妇,绝望的主妇


adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的


desperate[英][u02c8despu0259ru0259t][美][u02c8du025bspu0259ru026at]adj.绝望的; 由绝望而引起的; 铤而走险的,孤注一掷的; 急切的,极度渴望的; 双语例句 1Car firms are desperate to achieve economies of scale.汽车厂商拼命想要实现规模经济。2The situation for many under the age of 35 in this country of 11 million is close to desperate.在这个拥有1100万人口的国家中,许多年龄在35岁以下的人已经濒临绝望了。

more deeply 和deeper 的区别



deep既可以作形容词,也可以作副词,deeper是它的比较级(较深的,较深厚的,更深)。形容词deep表示“深的,深厚的,有……深的”; 副词deep表示“深深地,在深处”This river is five metres deep. 这条河有五米深。He has a deep love for Mary. 他深深地爱上了玛丽。This well is deeper than that one. 这口井比那口井深。These miners are trapped deep. 这些矿工被困在很深的地方。They must dig the ditch deep. 他们必须把这条沟挖深些。2. deeply是副词,不能作形容词,表示感情的深厚,用来引喻,其意思是“深深地" ,其比较级是more deeply; 而副词deep则表示具体的深度。试比较:This is a deep lake. 这是一个很深的湖。They buried the guns deep. 他们把枪埋藏在很深的地方。We love music deeply = We have a deep love for music. 我们酷爱音乐。

think deeper和think more deeply的区别

其实也可以理解两者没有区别,只是think deeper 比think more deeply 更加简洁和有效率。你可以用谷歌搜索引擎,搜索一下,外语使用者是如何使用的。参考:wordreference 论坛 网页链接

deep 和deeper做副词有啥区别?


Is it proper to judge a person by first impression? 请用英语回答 需要理由


overall, how satisfied were you with your experi



superme不是卡西欧。Supreme这个品牌最早由美国人James Jebbia于1994年在纽约曼哈顿富人区创立。当时的Supreme 还只是一个聚焦于滑板文化的潮流小众店。随着聚集在店铺门口玩滑板的酷people越来越多,这家小店逐渐变成潮人圣地。醒目的Box Logo也跟着变成个性、反叛、潮的认证章。分享一个因吹斯挺的小花絮:这个日后风靡全球大红LOGO并非Supreme首创!原版印花来自美国观念艺术家芭芭拉(Barbara Kruger)于1990年创作的平面讽刺作品“我买故我在(I shop therefore I am,上图左)”。而James Jebbia在4年之后借鉴了人家,还将这个讽刺消费主义的设计作为自己的品牌视觉。或许是艺术家不太在意钱,当年芭芭拉女士并未因此事跟James Jebbia计较。但这都还不是最荒诞的事情。多年以后,一位名叫McSweeney的女设计师推出了一件印有“Supreme Bitch”的 T 恤,以讽刺Supreme及其品牌拥趸所代表的厌女文化。Supreme竟以1000万美金的索赔向McSweeney发起商标侵权诉讼。2015年,在意大利南部小镇巴列塔,一个名为Michele Di Pierro的纺织工人(相传有HSD背景 )向意大利专利商标局提交了“Supreme Italia”山寨商标注册申请。抄袭的手法朴实无华,只是单纯地将Supreme的大红LOGO放大,就这样通过了商标局的审批。获得合法许可的Michele Di Pierro,从此开启自己的模仿游戏。截止至2017年,这位冒牌商贩通过卖假货所获得的收入已达到67.9万美元。



super meT恤是什么牌子




super me是什么意思?



是一个美国的名牌子 不过应该是supreme 不是er


degree跟在具体温度数字后面,temperature就是单指温度。 比如temperature Is 30 degree Celsius




SWING是摆动的意思 在空调上是指风叶摆动 MANUAL是手动的意思OPER是操作的意思

各位高手帮帮忙!我要写一份两分钟的演讲稿“how to be a hero like superman"

 小时候,我总幻想自己是一个宇宙大英雄――超人,为人们排忧解难,维护正义,假如我是超人……   假如我是超人。我漫游在天空中,与小鸟纵情高歌,与蝴蝶翩翩起舞。忽然,黄沙卷起死回生,尘土飞扬。我用火眼金睛一看,哎呀!这是什么地方呀!怎么一片荒漠,狂风中还夹着绿州上空,小心翼翼地降落下来。我问当地的老者:“老爷爷,这是怎么回事?怎么外面到处是荒漠呀!”“唉!你有所不知。”老者摇头晃脑地说:“本来这里是一座绿色的大城市,可是由于们们乱砍伐树木,污染水资源,一年的时间,这里就变成了现在这副模样,只剩下一小块可以生活的地方……”说着说着,老者不禁留下了眼泪。“老爷爷,您不用担心,我会给您一个满意的大城市!”刚说完,便腾云驾雾飞到荒漠上空。我用手轻轻一挥,念道:“把荒漠变成绿洲吧!”一转眼,荒凉的沙漠就变成了景色宜人的大绿洲。那位老者看神话般的家张,双腿跪下,对着西方,大声说:“感谢上帝呀!”后来,我听别人说,那座城市的人们经过这次教训后,不再乱砍乱伐,而且积极栽树,成为了世界的绿化模范城市。我听着,心里美滋滋的。  假如我是超人,我来到大森林里,本来准备在这度上一个愉快的暑假。也不例外。我又来到小河边,“人类看到我们身上的皮毛值钱,我们无处可逃只好……”“假如我是超人,我会为世界作理更大的贡献。让世界变得更美好。 A child, I always fantasize about the universe is a big hero - Superman, for people to solve problems, to maintain justice, if I was Superman ... ... If I was Superman. I am roaming in the sky, with birds singing heartily, and butterflies dance. Suddenly, the yellow sand roll back from the dead, the airborne dust. I used the eyes that look, Oh! What is this place 呀! How a desert oasis sandwiched also winds over the land down carefully. I asked a local old man: "Granddad, how is this going on? How the outside is full of desert 呀!" "Oh! You may not know that." Yaotouhuangnao old man said: "Originally there was a green city, but because They are indiscriminate felling of trees, pollution of water resources, a year"s time, here becomes a pair of look like now, leaving only small can be the next place to live ... ... "she spoke, the old man could not help but leave tears. "Granddad, you do not worry, I"ll give you a satisfactory big city!" Has just finished, then clouds flying over the desert. I hand gently strokes, read: "The oasis in the desert into a bar!" A blink of an eye, a desert, became a major scenic oasis. The old man"s home looking fabulous sheets, legs and knees, facing the West and says loudly: "Thank God!" Later, I heard people say that people in that city after this lesson, not hacked indiscriminate cutting, but also actively planting trees has become a green model for the world. I listened to my heart thus elatedly"s. If I were Superman, I came to big forest, originally intended to this degree on a pleasant summer holiday. Is no exception. I went to a small river, "Human body fur to see our worth, we had nowhere to go ... ..." "If I was Superman, I will be grounds for the world to make a bigger contribution. To make the world a better place.

超能陆战队英文名为什么不是super hero 6而是 big hero 6呢?英语好的解释下吧。

I don"t know!

do you have a person deep in your mind这句话有错吗


put on an opera什么意思

put on an opera上演一部歌剧


一个人从11楼跳下死了,报纸当天可以发,《痛兮哀兮,花季少女11楼跳下虎狼窝》;第二天,又一个人从12楼跳下死了,报纸照样可以发,《一怒跳下12楼,弱夫戏言成真终于死给了悍妻看》;第三天,又一个人从13楼跳下死了,报纸仍然可以发,《接二连三,我市今晨又有一人从13楼坠下当场身亡,有关部门呼吁市民珍惜生命》。  但杂志就不同了,杂志新闻忌讳重复!如果说报纸是“倚天剑”,薄、窄、明快;那么,杂志就是“屠龙刀”,厚、重、大气。报纸只是以最快的方式,告诉大家最多的信息量,而杂志则大多关注新闻背后的人性冲突。  一本杂志刚报道了一个缺胳膊的残疾青年,身残志不残,顽强拼搏,终于自学成才的动人故事;那下一篇,你就得另起炉灶,写一个缺大腿的(再写另一个缺胳膊人的故事肯定发不了);等缺胳膊缺腿的故事都写完了,你就想办法去找一个“既缺胳膊又缺腿”的来写!——《没有四肢,“四柱柱”靠什么征服命运》,“四柱柱”的故事由此名闻于世,并曾经深深震撼了全国人民的心灵!=========================================================以上也是百度来的。。应该能明白吧,新闻就是时效性很强,及时把最新的轰动的或者特别感人的事迹报道出来,大家看了一遍也就过了,不会再看的那种;而杂志呢就比较讲究,内容比较细致精准,像一些学术性的文章啊,都描述的很详尽,可以让人看很多遍的感人的小故事啊等等。

super junior 的歌词

你看吧 So I[00:02.76]Baby.. I just want to love you..[00:06.52]You open up my heart..[00:11.73]So I[00:14.84]알아요 믿어요 첫눈에 반한단 그 말[00:21.94]아침에 눈을 뜨면 어젯밤 꿈속에 그대[00:29.08]내게로와 입맞추던[00:32.20]그 느낌 그대로 아직 남아 계속 남아[00:38.47]온종일 그대 생각에 웃죠[00:42.94]So I pray for you (oh) So I[00:46.52]So I promise you (oh) So I[00:50.10]약속해요 모든것이[00:53.77]그대라고 믿을께요[00:55.53](그대라고 믿을께요)[00:57.42]Will you come to me[00:59.63]나 조그만 더 그대 품에[01:04.24]오 사랑해요 그대 my love[01:08.00]나 언제까지나 이렇게[01:13.72][01:15.66]그때도 지금도 아직도 가슴뛰는 말[01:22.80]You love me 기다리죠 허전한 이 마음[01:27.79](달래서 그대 곁으로)[01:30.01]혼자만의 욕심일까 때론 겁이나[01:35.85]그리움에 두려워도[01:39.42]이렇게 간절히 그댈[01:43.04]원하는걸요[01:44.09]So I pray for you (oh) So I[01:47.34]So I promise you (oh) So I[01:50.91]약속해요 모든것이[01:54.55]그대라고 믿을께요..[01:56.41](그대라고 믿을께요..)[01:58.17]Will you come to me[02:00.40]나 조금만 더 그대품에[02:05.08]오사랑해요 그대[02:07.23]My love[02:08.72]나 언제까지나 이렇게[02:13.49][02:14.13]그대 뿐이죠 두근거리는 맘도[02:19.59]나 이렇게 So I love you[02:23.42]사랑한다고 늘 고맙다고[02:26.86]너무[02:29.52][02:30.44]So I pray for you (oh) So I[02:33.98]So I promise you (oh) So I[02:37.49]약속해요 모든것이[02:41.13]그대라고 믿을께요[02:43.00](그대라고 믿을께요)[02:44.75]Will you come to me[02:46.97]나 조그만 더 그대 품에[02:51.67]오 사랑해요 그대 my love[02:55.25]나 언제까지나 이렇게[02:59.17]So I pray for you (oh) So I[03:02.62]So I promise you (oh) So I[03:06.24]약속해요 모든것이[03:09.87]그대라고 믿을께요..[03:11.61](그대라고 믿을께요..)[03:13.53]Will you come to me[03:15.79]나 조금만 더 그대품에[03:20.32]오사랑해요 그대[03:22.43]My love[03:23.90]나 언제까지나 이렇게[03:28.78][03:32.64]So.. I love you..[03:35.52][03:35.90]Lyrics by 권호중,상원(the Anomi)[03:36.49]Composed & Arranged by 상원(the Anomi)[03:37.26]Chorus : 문지환, 반형문, 상원(the Anomi)[03:37.90]keyboards : 상원(the Anomi)[03:38.54]Guitar : Sam Lee[03:39.21]Bass : 이태윤[03:39.82]Recorded by 남궁진 at S.M. Blue Ocean Studio[03:40.38]Mixing by 남궁진 at S.M. Concert Hall Studio


perpetual(天长地久) Deeplove(深爱) Fighting!!! ゜ S upreme Girl theatre Rolly Wigs" biubiubiupong! Surrender(投降) Jason in my hater° Resign (认命) Meǐ Nǚ Geǐ NO why 。 ocene eyes Hurrah!u265b Justify(狡辩) Love The Way You Lie _Edmundヾ似懂非懂 H.Rosa丶Star Tears伤心 Subsidence 沉陷 Amnesia nicotine Deprecating。(自嘲) Get your Crayon, Waste.废物 叹荭-Amo Ariesbb_Yu desert. 荒芜 |▍Perf 嘟baby 半透明 cold false(虚伪) Last heart 最后的心 I need love Prick[芒刺] 惊人的楼道口▍corridor Pandoraルo 潘朵拉 ﹏solitude。 Iruri℡过客 Forgot 丢失 Mr.kai worry about 骚年 ilovehim 姿色 Amor゜ life style Jonny 强尼 Anesthesia 麻木 空景 Sadnes╰つ 抹 茶 Monstar 7°- Xummer. [黑色森林] star丶将军灬 Yrainy.(樱雨) M+K=EXO 败犬 7ueen Geek(怪咖) じSunshine Monster☆ Dounp ||回忆。 Chowhound 吃货 Running man Love is a crime Daisy& I MISS YOU Don"t touch me devil.【冒失鬼】 Laugh tired(笑倦) Shallow sing丿忧伤 Pull(难挽) u2600Sun shines For you ≡Magic° Wait for you , Guns"NRose Accident Ghost Without me. contentment 知足 NIna Tu non mi ami. mistake. joker. shoulder (依靠) ﹌ slovenly Inconstancyu261c

【jamelia的super star】歌词的中文意思(跪求)



percentage 1.百分比, 百分率 Television attracts a large percentage of the people.电视吸引了大部分观众。2.比例 What is the percentage of nitrogen in air?空气中所含的氮的比例是多少?percent名词 n.1.百分比,百分数 2.百分之一 形容词 adj.1.百分之...的,每一百中有...的 2.百分之...支付利息的 副词 adv.1.以百分之...地;每一百中有...地

「百分比」英文是percent或percentage ?中文意思差异?

你知道 「百分比」的英文 是 percent 还是 percentage 吗?这两个英文单字是易混淆字,常常容易让人搞混,而且percent 跟 percentage 的意思也很接近,如果你还不知道这两个英文单字的中文意思差异,那就赶快来看这篇文章吧! 下面说明 percent、 percentage 的中文意思差异! 1.percent 百分之…(符号为%) percent 的意思是指「百分之…(符号为%)」,percent 前面通常会接数字,用来表达百分之多少…的意思。 例: I can give you a 5 percent discount. 我可以给你95折的折口。 例: The price was reduced by 10 percent. 价格降低了10%。 例: Seventy percent of people voted no. 百分之七十的人投反对票。 2.percentage 百分比、百分率 percentage 的意思是指「百分比、百分率」,percentage 前面通常会加上 *** all、high 或是large 等来表达百分比大小。 例: Interest rates have risen by four percentage points. 利率上升了四个百分点。 例: A high percentage of married women have part-time jobs. 已婚妇女中有很大一部分从事 *** 工作。 上面就是percent 跟 percentage 的中文意思差异啦!下次别再搞错罗。 percent, percent 中文, percent 意思, percentage, percentage 中文, percentage 意思, 百分之几 英文, 百分比 英文, 百分率 英文




percentage是百分率的意思。percentage的发音是[pu0259u02c8sentu026adu0292]。percentage的短语搭配:percentage point:[统计]百分点 ; 一个百分点。slugging percentage:长打率 ; 多垒安打率 ; 安打率。percentage charges:征收百分率 ; 按百分率收取的费用。elongation percentage:延伸率 ; 伸长率常态时。shrinking percentage:收缩百分比。Percentage method;百分比方法 ; 百分点喻法 ;[经管]百分法 ; 百分率法。throttle percentage:节气门开度 ; 骨气门开度。percentage retracement:调整幅度。双语例句:What percentage of the population is/are overweight?身体超重的人占人口多大的百分比?A high percentage of the female staff are part-time workers.女职员中,兼职工作的人占很高的比例。Interest rates are expected to rise by one percentage point (= one per cent) .利率预计将提高一个百分点。The figure is expressed as a percentage .数字是用百分率表示的。The results were analysed in percentage terms .结果是按百分比分析的。

路由器为什么acl需要设置deny 和 permit


(路由器配置)关于permit 和deny的用法。

可以1Router(config)#access-list 110 permit icmp any 2Router(config)#access-list 110 deny icmp any any3Router(config)#access-list 110 permit ip any any他会按顺序匹配, 匹配到1后就不会再去匹配2.3 了

什么是vesting period

vesting period英 [u02c8vestiu014b u02c8piu0259riu0259d] 美 [u02c8vu025bstu026au014b u02c8pu026ariu0259d][财]授予时期 Usually the company can prescribe the vesting period of the staff through stock-options. 公司可以(通常也是)对员工通过股票期权计划购买公司股票的权利的行使时间加以规定。

vesting period是什么意思

vesting period[英][u02c8vestiu014b u02c8piu0259riu0259d][美][u02c8vu025bstu026au014b u02c8pu026ariu0259d][财]授予时期; 例句:1.This is especially true if the leader isn"t planning on staying around after thevesting period. 这对于那些并不打算在特别保护权到期后留在被收购公司的领导者来说尤其可行。2.The vesting period of the share options is from the date of grant until thecommencement of the exercise period. 购股权之归属期是由授出日期至行使期开始为止.

Thunder Browser Helper这个是什么?

“Thunder Browser Helper”简称Thunder BHO,是“浏览器辅助对象”,又称“浏览器插件”,还有一个迷你PP。如果你不常使用迅雷下载,那么可以删除它,删除它并不影响迅雷的正常下载使用,只是一个额外的辅助功能,可能会导致网页打开的速度变慢等。BHO可以使用下面的专业软件来清理:1、Windows清理助手:下载安装后,点“升级”按钮进行升级更新,然后执行扫描。2、Windows流氓软件清理大师:

Thunder Browser Helper这个是什么?

“Thunder Browser Helper”简称Thunder BHO,是“浏览器辅助对象”,又称“浏览器插件”,还有一个迷你PP。如果你不常使用迅雷下载,那么可以删除它,删除它并不影响迅雷的正常下载使用,只是一个额外的辅助功能,可能会导致网页打开的速度变慢等。BHO可以使用下面的专业软件来清理:1、Windows清理助手:下载安装后,点“升级”按钮进行升级更新,然后执行扫描。2、Windows流氓软件清理大师:

perfect infinitive 是什么


real estate operating company什么意思

real estate operating company房地产经营公司双语例句In this thesis, the topic will be brought up by introducing the first shareholder " s representative suit case, that is, Nanchang District, Wuxi City, real estate operating company, Pudong, Shanghai State-owned Assets Investment Management Ltd. v. Group Co., Ltd. Besides introduction and conclusion, this thesis consists of four chapters discussing company " s legal status in shareholder " s representative suit.本文由我国股东代表诉讼第一案&无锡市南长区房地产经营公司、上海浦东国有资产投资管理有限公司诉恒通集团股份有限公司引出议题,论述我国股东代表诉讼中公司的法律地位问题。除导言和结语外,本文分为四章。

MIROTIC` (Special Super Edition)

亲~么有D版啊~起码我还没见着~mirotic remix版本只有金唱片的“under my sky”版~没有歌谣大战的“under my skin”~你要我给你发?留个方式吧~

toy box 的superstar在那儿下载啊?

SUPER STAR Tarzan & Jane ftp:。。222。635。75。08。Best 82。00 Tarzan & Jane。mp6 I Believe In You s唰ㄚ撺ētЕdㄐdㄐm

toy box的surperstar中文歌词

  泰勒 斯威夫特:  [00:12.28]This is wrong 这是不正确的  [00:13.60]But I can"t help but feel like 但是我控制不住自己去想  [00:18.05]There aint nothin" more right babe 宝贝 没有比这个更正确的了  [00:23.37]Misty morning comes again and I can"t 雾蒙蒙的早晨又来了  [00:28.95]Help but wish I could see your face 我真的好期待可以看到你的脸  [00:34.24]And I knew from the first note played 我从我的第一个乐符就知道  [00:37.29]I"d be breaking all my rules to see you 为了见你 我可以违反一切原则  [00:44.69]You smile that beautiful smile  [00:47.52]And all the girls in the front row  [00:49.64]Scream your name  [00:52.50]  [00:55.81]So dim that spotlight,  [00:58.56]Tell me things like I can"t take my eyes  [01:05.87]Off of you I"m no one special,  [01:10.87]Just another wide eyed girl  [01:14.97]Who"s desperately in love with you  [01:19.43]Give me a photograph to hang on my wall  [01:28.54]Superstar  [01:32.72]  [01:41.50]Morning loneliness comes around when I"m not  [01:47.88]Dreaming about you  [01:52.78]When my world wakes up today  [01:55.89]You"ll be in another town  [02:03.50]And I knew when I saw your face I"d be  [02:06.67]Counting down the ways to see you  [02:14.71]And you smile that beautiful smile  [02:17.36]And all the girls in the front  [02:18.96]Row scream your name  [02:23.41]  [02:25.19]So dim that spotlight,  [02:27.97]Tell me things like I can"t take my eyes  [02:35.24]Off of you I"m no one special,  [02:40.36]Just another wide eyed girl  [02:44.32]Who"s desperately in love with you  [02:48.82]Give me a photograph to hang on my wall  [02:57.92]Superstar  [03:02.11]  [03:05.32]You played in bars, you play guitar  [03:10.71]And I"m invisible and everyone knows who you are  [03:16.30]And you"ll never see you sing me to sleep  [03:22.10]Every night on the radio  [03:27.98]  [03:29.48]So dim that spotlight,  [03:32.16]Tell me things like I can"t take my eyes  [03:39.29]Off of you I"m no one special,  [03:44.16]Just another wide eyed girl  [03:48.45]Who"s desperately in love with you  [03:52.96]Give me a photograph to hang on my wall  [04:02.09]Superstar  [04:05.51]  [04:07.32]Sweet, sweet superstar superstar.  [04:20.15]


02 想当年,第一次看这个惊爆摩天楼的时候,真是震惊了,碉堡了,亮瞎了。。。。于是默默记住了女主角的名字:ANNA NICOLE SMITH,在几年后,我家通了互联网,第一件事就是搜索她的名字,知道了她是playboy女郎,于是我的硬盘中的兔女郎图片现在已经达到了120G,视频不算 02 []


摩天大楼(skyscraper)又称为超高层大楼,非常高的多层建筑物。起初为一、二十层的建筑,但是现在通常指超过四十层或五十层的高楼大厦。随著高层建筑在各地不同的发展,人们所认知的摩天大楼定义高度也略为不同。在中国大陆,建筑规范规定100米以上高度的属于超高层建筑;日本、法国、规定义超过60米就属于超高层建筑;在美国,则普遍认为152米(500英呎)以上的建筑为摩天大楼。 11世纪中央高塔建成时,只有4层,这在当时已是罕见的高大建筑了。塔的墙壁用石块砌筑,每层须能承载其上各层的重量。为了使塔身能巍然矗立,最底层的墙不得不厚达5.2米。利用承重墙的建筑物至多高5层左右。因为最底层的墙无论多厚也不能支撑更高的结构。只有利用框架支承上层重量,外加较轻的墙壁抵挡风霜雨雪,才可能建筑高楼。中世纪的木骨架房屋便是朝这方向迈出的第一步。到了19世纪,钢铁产量大增而且性能可靠,才有了根本解决办法。 第一座整体铁框架承重建筑物,是于1860年在英国希奈斯建成的4层船库。它高16米,有铸铁柱和跨度9米的熟铁梁,用螺栓紧紧固定。但摩天大楼的产生地是美国。 首座有承重框架的摩天大楼是1884——1885年在芝加哥兴建的10层高的保险公司大厦,设计人是詹尼。下面6层连在一起的铁柱是熟铁梁框架,上面4层是钢框架。从此,钢框架摩天大楼在美国陆续兴建。只要安装好框架,整座摩天大楼的全部幕墙便可以各层同时分别建筑,因此施工进度很快。纽约市55层的哥德式建筑伍尔沃斯大厦,3年竣工,高达230米,1913年落成时是当时世界最高的建筑物。 美国的摩天大楼是在:纽约市的帝国大厦比伍尔沃斯大厦晚落成几个月,工期只用了15个月,共有102层,高375米,是20世纪建筑科技突飞猛进的标志。芝加哥的西尔斯大厦,有110层,高473米,1973年落成。现在每有12000人在里面工作,各层总建筑面积41.4公顷,为底部占地面积的100倍。


skyscraperSkies are crying, 天空在哭泣着I am watching我在呆呆地看着Catching teardrops in my hands双手托着我的泪水Only silence, as it"s ending, 只有就像一切都要结束的死寂like we never had a chance我似乎再也没有机会Do you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?让我觉得一无所有对你有什么好处吗You can take everything I have你可以夺走我拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down就算你试着将我完全击倒I will be rising from the ground。Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper我的意志还是会像一座大楼一样拔地而起,坚定无比As the smoke clears当四周的烟雾消散I awaken and untangle you from me我终于苏醒并不在束缚住你,挣开了你Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed当我受伤时,看着我,真的能让你更开心吗All my windows still are broken but I"m standing on my feet我的心灵依旧是破碎的,但是我正慢慢地振作起来You can take everything I have你可以夺走我所拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down试着继续将我击倒吧I will be rising from the ground。Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper我的意志任然会像大楼一般拔地而起,坚定无比Go run run run 一直这样逃避下去吧I"m gonna stay right here但我会一直守在这里Watch you disappear 看着你慢慢消逝Yeah耶~~Go run run run 你还在逃避.躲避着yeah 耶~~it"s a long way down这虽然会是一条漫长的路But I"m closer to the clouds up here但我会越来越接近我心中完美的梦想You can take everything I have你可以将我的一切带走You can break everything I am你可以将我完全击败Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Ohh~噢~Go on and try to tear me down继续试着将我击败呀I will be rising from the groundLike a skyscraper,我的意志却任会像大楼一般崛起like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper,看着吧,我会像像摩天大楼一般坚定 like a skyscraperLike a skyscraper我将变得无比坚强,像摩天大楼一般坚强


晚上好!skyscraperSkies are crying, 天空在哭泣着I am watching我在呆呆地看着Catching teardrops in my hands双手托着我的泪水Only silence, as it"s ending, 只有就像一切都要结束的死寂like we never had a chance我似乎再也没有机会Do you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?让我觉得一无所有对你有什么好处吗You can take everything I have你可以夺走我拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down就算你试着将我完全击倒I will be rising from the ground。Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper我的意志还是会像一座大楼一样拔地而起,坚定无比As the smoke clears当四周的烟雾消散I awaken and untangle you from me我终于苏醒并不在束缚住你,挣开了你Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed当我受伤时,看着我,真的能让你更开心吗All my windows still are broken but I"m standing on my feet我的心灵依旧是破碎的,但是我正慢慢地振作起来You can take everything I have你可以夺走我所拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down试着继续将我击倒吧I will be rising from the ground。Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper我的意志任然会像大楼一般拔地而起,坚定无比Go run run run 一直这样逃避下去吧I"m gonna stay right here但我会一直守在这里Watch you disappear 看着你慢慢消逝Yeah耶~~Go run run run 你还在逃避.躲避着yeah 耶~~it"s a long way down这虽然会是一条漫长的路But I"m closer to the clouds up here但我会越来越接近我心中完美的梦想You can take everything I have你可以将我的一切带走You can break everything I am你可以将我完全击败Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Ohh~噢~Go on and try to tear me down继续试着将我击败呀I will be rising from the groundLike a skyscraper,我的意志却任会像大楼一般崛起like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper,看着吧,我会像像摩天大楼一般坚定 like a skyscraperLike a skyscraper我将变得无比坚强,像摩天大楼一般坚强


Demi Lovato--SkyscraperVerse 1:Skies are cryingI am watchingCatching teardrops in my handsOnly silence, as it"s endingLike we never had a chanceDo you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?Chorus:You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperVerse 2:As the smoke clearsI awaken and untangle you from meWould it make feel betterTo watch me while I bleedAll my windows, still are brokenBut I"m standing on my feetChorus:You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperBridge:Go run, run, runI"m gonna stay right hereWatch you disappearGo run run runYeah its a long way downBut I"m closer to clouds up hereChorus:You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraper

Skyscraper 歌词

歌曲名:Skyscraper 歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:UnbrokenSkyscraperDemi LovatoSkies are cryingI am watchingCatching teardrops in my handsOnly silence, as it"s endingLike we never had a chanceDo you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperAs the smoke clearsI awaken and untangle you from meWould it make you feel betterTo watch me while I bleedAll my windows, still are brokenBut I"m standing on my feetYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperGo run, run, runI"m gonna stay right hereWatch you disappearGo run run runYeah its a long way downBut I"m closer to clouds up hereYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraper

The Boo Radleys的《Skyscraper》 歌词

歌曲名:Skyscraper歌手:The Boo Radleys专辑:Everything"S Alright Forever¤〓Skyscraper〓¤Skies are cryingI am watchingCatching teardrops in my handsOnly silence, as it"s endingLike we never had a chanceDo you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperAs the smoke clearsI awaken and untangle you from meWould it make you feel betterTo watch me while I bleedAll my windows, still are brokenBut I"m standing on my feetYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperGo run, run, runI"m gonna stay right hereWatch you disappearGo run run runYeah its a long way downBut I"m closer to clouds up hereYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraper

dell perc h700 无法识别


I will fall off my perch,you fool! 汉语什么意思?


鲈鱼 英语用perch 还是bass?


let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch 什么意思

let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch让鹰栖息,让鹰栖息。重点词汇let允许,任由; 让,随; 假设; 出租hawk鹰; 霍克; 鹰派人物,主战派; 掠夺别人的人,骗子; 通过叫卖主动兜售; 清除嗓子中的; 叫卖; 清嗓,咳痰; 用训练好的鹰狩猎; 象鹰一样俯冲攻击perch鲈鱼; 高处; 栖息处; 栖枝; 飞落,暂栖,停留; 栖息; 停留; 坐; 坐在…边沿eagle鹰; 鹰状标志; 比标准杆少两杆的分数; 低于标准杆数两杆

加州鲈鱼(perch or yellow perch or bass)

淡水鱼。 加州鲈鱼又称大口黑鲈,英文为yellow perch或perch,bass,自然分布于北美洲美国中部、东部至墨西哥北部的淡水流域。 上世纪80年代,作为海鲈鱼的替代品种引入中国。中国市场上所见到的淡水鲈鱼,多数是这个品种。中国大陆南至广东,北到辽宁的自然水体中,都有它野外种群存在。 体表淡黄绿色,背部黑绿色,其辨认标志是身体两侧中间各有一条黑色横纹,从头部一直延伸到尾鳍。 加州鲈鱼体延长而侧扁,稍呈纺锤形,横切面为椭圆形。体高与体长比为1:3.5—4.2,头长与体长比为1:3.2~3.4。 头大且长。眼大,眼珠突出。吻长,口上位,口裂大而宽,为斜裂,超过眼后缘,颌能伸缩。颌骨、腭骨、犁骨都有完整的梳状齿,多而细小,大小一致。 全身披灰银白或淡黄色细小栉鳞,背部黑绿色,体侧青绿。体侧沿侧线附近常有黑色斑纹,从吻端至尾鳍基部有排列成带状,腹部灰白。 第一背鳍9根硬棘,第二背鳍12~13根鳍条,臀鳍3根硬棘,10~12根鳍条,腹鳍1根硬棘,5根鳍条。 已知养殖最大个体长75厘米,重9.7公斤。在江河中垂钓所获最大个体长82.7厘米,重10.1公斤。 大口黑鲈蛋白质含量在 17.97%~20.15%, 脂肪含量在 0.81%~6.41%, 灰分含量 1.24%~1.41%, 水分含量72.12%~79.98%, 肌肉中17种氨基酸总量为14.19%~16.47%, 其中必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的44%以上。综上所述, 大口黑鲈肌肉营养价值丰富全面,蛋白质、脂肪含量较高,而且必需氨基酸之间的比值基本符合人体需要模式, 是一种高档的鱼产品。 【根据网络信息整理】

看到房子尺寸标注的是40 perches,大概换算成平方米是多少,谢谢了



Perch的意思是:鲈鱼。花鲈(学名:Lateolabrax maculatus)是真鲈科、花鲈属鱼类。体长、侧扁。口大、倾斜。下颌长于上颌,上颌骨长,末端到眼后下缘。两颁、梨骨、腭骨具绒毛状齿。前鳃盖骨的后缘有细锯齿,后角有一个大棘,下缘向后下方有3个大棘,鳃盖骨有一个大棘。具两个背鳍,第一背鳍以第5鳍棘最长。幼体的体侧及背鳍棘部有若干黑色斑点,成熟个体逐渐消失。分布于北海道、符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)、朝鲜到雷州半岛以西。在黄海流域仅见于济南以东黄河下游,沿长江曾见于江西省九江。鲈鱼为近海及河口附近中上层凶猛鱼类,亦进入淡水河内索食,以虾蟹及小鱼等为食。鲈鱼生活习性:花鲈是近岸浅海鱼类,性情凶猛,能在浅水中生活。渤海的花鲈每年3月下旬至4月游到近岸及河口索饵,产卵后则到较深水域的海区越冬。孵出的幼鱼在海区越冬,翌年春天幼鱼成群进入河口、内湾及近岸。在自然水域中。花鲈摄食以吞食活体动物为主。故属于肉食性鱼类。花鲈摄食的种类很多,其中以游泳动物为主,故也称为游泳动物食性的鱼类。花鲈摄食种类在一年之内有明显的季节变化,甚至各月之间的变化也非常明显。花鲈的成鱼和幼鱼的食物组成有很大差异。早期的幼鱼以浮游动物为食,食性转变后以小虾、小鱼和等足类为食,成鱼食物组成中主要是鱼,其次是虾。

perch sit seat区别


perch/perches 请问这是什么意思啊?

perch/perches说的是动词perch和perch的第三人称单数形式perch通常作为动词使用意思是vt. & vi. 1. 栖息;停留2. (使)坐;(使)坐在…边沿3. 置于(顶上或边上)例句Little birds perch themselves on the branches. 小鸟儿栖歇在树枝上。========================当然如果要把perch作为名词,那么perches就是名词的复数形式。意思是1. (鸟的)栖息处,栖木2. 高座;高处3. 鲈鱼;河鲈例句The bird took its perch. 鸟停歇在栖木上。


perch 英[pu025c:tu0283] 美[pu025c:rtu0283] n. 鲈鱼; 高处; 栖息处; 栖枝; vi. (鸟) 飞落,暂栖,停留; vt. 栖息; 停留; (使) 坐; (使) 坐在…边沿; [例句]He lit a cigarette and perched on the corner of the desk他点了一根烟,坐在桌角上。[其他] 第三人称单数:perches 复数:perches 现在分词:perching过去式:perched

performance 怎么读


performance做性能解释时 可数么?




performance examine 怎么读

key performance indicator怎么读

英文原文:key performance indicator英式音标:[kiu02d0] [pu0259u02c8fu0254u02d0m(u0259)ns] [u02c8u026andu026akeu026atu0259] 美式音标:[kiu02d0] [pu025au02c8fu0254rmu0259ns] [u02c8u026andu026aketu025a]


performance 英[pu0259u02c8fu0254:mu0259ns] 美[pu0259ru02c8fu0254:rmu0259ns] n. 表现; 表演; 演技; 执行; 谐音读法:per 佛 闷死

女生唱的英文歌歌词有句nothing perfect but it worth

应该是艾薇儿的innocent:this moment it"s perfect,please don"t do awa

persuit 是什么意思?


I may not be perfect,but I’m always me。语法有问题吗


The Music Of The Night (The Phantom Of The Opera) 歌词

歌曲名:The Music Of The Night (The Phantom Of The Opera)歌手:Thomas Hampson专辑:100 Best Songs from the MusicalsThe Music Of The NightSarah BrightmanNight time sharpens heightens each sensationDarkness stirs and wakes imaginationSilently the senses abandon their defencesSlowly, gently, night unfurls its splendourGrasp it, sense it, tremulous and tenderTurn your face away from the garish light of dayTurn your face away from cold, unfeeling lightAnd listen to the music of the nightClose your eyes and Surrender to your darkest dreams!Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before!Close your eyes let your spirit start to soarAnd you live as you"re never lived beforeSoftly, deftly, music shall caress youHear it, feel it, secretly possess youOpen up your mind let your fantasies unwindIn this darkness which you know you cannot fightThe darkness of the music of the nightLet your mind start a journey throught a strange new worldLeave all thoughts of the world you knew beforeLet your soul take you where you long to beOnly then can you belong to meFloating, falling, sweet intoxicationTouch me, trust me, savour each sensationLet the dream beginLet your darker side give inTo the harmony which dreams alone can writeThe power of the music of the nightYou alone can make my song take flightHelp me make the music of the night

求red hot chili peppers的 pea歌词(Д`)

I am a little peaI love the sky and the treesI"m a teeny tiny little antChecking out this and thatI am nothingAhhhahhhhSo you have nothing to hideAnd I"m a pacifistSo I can fuck your shit upOh yeah I"m smallOh yeah I"m smallFuck you assholeYou homophobic redneck dickYou"re big and tough and machoYou can kick my assSo fucking what (x4)

Red Hot Chili Peppers的《Aeroplane》 歌词

歌曲名:Aeroplane歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Road Trippin Through TimeLooking in my own eyes, hey LordI can箃 find the love I wantSomeone better slap meBefore I start to rustBefore I start to decomposeLooking in my rearview mirrorLooking in my rearview mirrorI can make it disappearI can make it disappearHave no fearI like pleasure spiked with pain andMusic is my aeroplaneIt箂 my aeroplaneSongbird sweet and sour Jane andMusic is my aeroplaneIt箂 my aeroplanePleasure spiked with painThat motherfucker"s always spiked with painSitting in my kitchen, hey girlI筸 turning into dust againMy melancholy babyThe star of mazzy mustPush her voice inside of meI筸 overcoming gravityI筸 overcoming gravityIt箂 easy when you箁e sad to beIt"s easy when you"re sad, sad like meJust one noteCould make me floatCould make me float awayOne note fromThe song she wroteCould fuck me where I layJust one noteCould make me chokeOne note that箂Not a lieJust one noteCould cut my throatOne note could make me die

Red Hot Chili Peppers的《Charlie》 歌词

歌曲名:Charlie歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Stadium ArcadiumHuu.All the boys stitching timeGet yours,got mineIn a minute ill be thereSit tight get squareYou can do it take a wrongLie back, tromboneAnybody got a preview toneThats right, unknown.When i pick up on that smellPick it up and run like hellLittle women send me someBetter get up on your runHuu.So much more than Charlies waking meTo my call and Charlies shaking meTell my storyCharlies making meAn charlies making me smile.oh,now(Chorus)Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tickwu wu wu wu wu wu dorwake wake wake wake wake wake wakewu wu wu wu wu wu worEverybody do the twistGet the the message off these fistsMove around like a scientistLay down, get kissedBig picture and it never liesBig daddy, good adviceNever read it in disguiseSunset, sunriseWhen i pick up on that smellPick it up and run like hellLittle women send me someBetter get up on your runHu.So much more than Charlies waking meTo my call and Charlies shaking meTell my storyCharlies making meAnd charlies making me smile.Woah nowMy heartYour skinThis loveI"m inWe don"t arrive, without a supriseYour rightIm wrongbe freebe longInto inside, its coming aliveWhen i pick up on that smellPick it up and run like hellLittle women send me someBetter get up on your runAll i ever wanted tooWas pick it up and run with youSlip it into a summer spellDouble up and run like hellHu.So much more that charlies making waking meTo my call and charlies shaking meTell my storyCharlies making meAn charlies making me smile.Woah, now.My heartYour skinThis loveI"m inWe don"t arrive, without a supriseYour rightIm wrongbe freebe longInto inside, its coming to lifeMy heartYour skinThis loveI"m inWe don"t arrive, without a supriseYour rightIm wrongbe freebe longInto inside, its coming alive.

Red Hot Chili Peppers的《Cabron》 歌词

歌曲名:Cabron歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:By The WayRed Hot Chili Peppers - CabronCabronCabronCabronCabronI see you in the parkYou"re always wearing dark or blueMy dog and meAnd anyone from any other crewI am small but I am strongI"ll get it on with youIf you want me tooWhat else can I doEveryone would take a cue from anything you doIf you want them tooWhat else can it doI dont" want to fightI want to get along with youThis time of nights for singing songsAbout the love from youI come around and make peaceGet down have a barbecueLet"s keep the moon awakeAnd do electric boogalooI am small but I am strongYou see I"m just like youIf you only knewThat I"m just like youAll the world would take a cue from anything you doIf you only knewThat they"re just like youI don"t want to fightI want to get along with youThis time of nights for singing songsAbout the love from youCabron CabronIf you want me tooWhat else can I doCause I"m just like youIf you only knewCabron Cabron

死亡笔记真人版中由Red Hot Chili Peppers演唱的片尾曲的名字是什么?

那首歌名字是sonw(hey oh),百度上搜sonw不太好查,不过搜hey oh就很容易找到了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way这首歌要表达什么意思

It"s about a girl named Dani. It started in Californication, continued in By the Way, and ended in Dani California. If you look at the lyrics in the three songs you notice a common theme. " Dani the Girl "- by the way "Teenage bride with a baby inside"- californiacation "With a name like Dani California" - Dani California....all of these songs talk basically about the life of a girl.它是关于一个叫丹妮女孩子的。三首歌曲由加利福尼亚文化开始,接着继续在途中,以加利福尼亚丹妮结束。如果你看一下三首歌曲的歌词,你注意到一个相同的主题:“女孩丹妮”。-在途中。“未成年新娘怀着一个婴儿”-加州文化。“孩子有个名字是-丹妮加利福尼亚”。-丹妮加利福尼亚。所有的这些歌曲都在基本上诉说这个丹妮女孩的一生。



red hot chili pepper中文翻译

Red hot chip pepper , please 请给我些红辣椒 The red hot chip peppers formed in hollywood and are quite famipar with the quirky nature of pfe in los angeles 红辣椒乐队组建于好莱坞,对于洛杉矶特殊的(贬义)生活环境十分了解。 After no doubt was really attracting a fan base thanks mostly to their energetic pve performances , flea , the bassist of the red hot chip peppers recorded a demo for the band in 1990 , which led to their signing with interscope records 在1991年, interscope公司同乐队签约,他们正式开始迈向一条崭新的道路,不过那时候的他们似乎生活在美国之外的国度一般,根本没有被90年代初的grunge热浪所感染,依然坚持玩自己喜欢的ska pop 。 " young people are n " t just going onpne to download the latest song from the red hot chip peppers or look for information on george clooney " s latest movie , " said vicky rideout , the vice president of kaiser family foundation and director of the program . " they " re also looking for information on health issues that are really important to them . 恺撒家庭基金会副主席维奇赖德奥特主持了这项调查,他说: "现在的年轻人上网并不仅仅下载一些红辣椒乐队的新歌或者了解一些乔治克鲁尼新片的消息,他们从网上获得一些健康和医药知识,这对他们是非常重要的。



devil super junior 歌词 有韩语怎么唱

SUPER JUNIOR - Devil 音译歌词:Hey Hey Well Hey Hey起跟 乃噶 哈lio能 马里囧 一桑哈r几 莫r拉外因几 闹n 囧 奥lio我扫难 呢 巧r巧r买你噶一投咯 won哈给 对够Oh Baby BabyPlease don"t go当心 阿陪 木乐 古能 靠都一 莫等 给 闹木 恰要n色老我韩奥b西 恰古 诶won哈给 还节n将 强jo擦莫 恰给 duai都带cei 一 卡m穷一 mon几 莫乐给恰拉闹 擦够 得高我 Devil韩 要乐m 搜那ki 下我大r扩进 on莫门 巧小on对诶克里够 都 莫他哦给 哈几闹n巧莫n 撒马尅 搜肯塞白看 巧 都也 克呢韩孙干 宽拉克 马波给 哈够n克里够 都 莫 他哦给 哈几闹n 擦够 得高我哦呢 那r 马里牙 你噶外咯我 无r 带诶乃噶 克 nun木r 大噶ju给不迪 后拉看大miong表乐 无n秒额 到n求看巧你 巧你 won哈给 duai扫哦囧一r 卡r古还 都 巧 忙还哇 莫等 给 诺拉无r 不你丫哦到n 苏西靠咯都 不jo看罗曼提波大 囧到 波恰b韩都带cei 一 卡m穷一 mon几 莫乐给恰拉闹 擦够 得高我 Devil韩 要乐m 搜那ki 下我大r扩进 on莫门 巧小on对诶克里够 都 莫他哦给 哈几闹n巧莫n 撒马尅 搜肯塞白看 巧 都也 克呢韩孙干 宽拉克 马波给 哈够n克里够 都 莫 他哦给 哈几闹n 擦够 得高我莫 他哦乐能 大巧小哦能马波够 西喷 ha!克带牙得老jo 得老jo怕大jo 怕大joI say 那能 克niang大jo啊那能 克niang大jo啊I say 内 莫等 给大 jo啊内 莫等 给大 jo啊And I say 阿冷大我n 闹阿冷大我n 闹And I say 乃 高西对西闹 擦够 得高我 Devil韩 要乐m 搜那ki 下我大r扩进 on莫门 巧小on对诶克里够 都 莫他哦给 哈几闹n巧莫n 撒马尅 搜肯塞白看 巧 都也 克呢韩孙干 宽拉克 马波给 哈够n克里够 都 莫 他哦给 哈几闹n 擦够 得高我闹n 擦够 得高我闹n 擦够 得高我闹n 擦够 得高我闹n 擦够 得高我莫他哦给 哈几闹n Devil 得高我
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