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shakespeare 四大喜剧


introduction to Shakespeare??????

William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright. Shakespeare has the reputation as one of the greatest of all writers in the English language and in Western literature , as well as one of the world"s pre-eminent dramatists. Shakespeare is among the very few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy. Shakespeare"s works have been translated into every major living language, and his plays are continually performed all around the world. Romeo and Juliet concerns two noble families of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, that have feuded for generations. Romeo attend the masque at the Capulet house, he see Juliet. They proclaim their love for one another with their "love sonnet" Romeo remain on the Capulet estate after the party The young lovers decide to marry without informing their parents, because they would undoubtedly disallow it due to the hate between the clans With the help of Juliet"s Nurse the two are wedded the next day. Franciscan priest Friar Lawrence, performs the ceremony, Things take a darker turn Tybalt, Juliet"s cousin, meets up with Romeo and attempts to provoke a sword fight. Romeo refuses Mercutio, Romeo"s frend takes up the challenge. Mercutio be fatally wounded by Tybalt. Mercutio dies Romeo, in his anger, slays Tybalt. The Prince punish Romeo to exile. Just after Romeo leaves, Capulet breaks the news to Juliet that he has fix the date of Paris and Juliet"s wedding as three days hence Friar Lawrence, a dabbler in herbal medicines and potions, gives Juliet a potion and a plan: the potion will put her in a death-like coma for two and forty hours; she is to take it before her marriage day, and when discovered dead, she will be laid in the family crypt. Meanwhile, the Friar will send a messenger to inform Romeo, so that he can rejoin her when she awakes. The two can then leave for Mantua and live happily ever after. Juliet takes the potion, and things proceed as planned. The Friar"s messenger is unable to reach Romeo due to Mantua being under quarantine, and Romeo learns only of Juliet"s "death" through a servant. Grief-stricken, he buys some strong poison, returns to Verona in secret, and proceeds to the Capulets" crypt, determined to join Juliet in death. Upon arrival he encounters Paris, who has also come to mourn privately for his lost love. After killing Paris in a duel, Romeo drinks the poison after seeing Juliet one last time, Friar Lawrence then arrives and, enter upon the womb, finds the dead bodies of Romeo and Paris. It is at this point that Juliet awakes and, seeing the surrounding death, seeks answers. Juliet cannot imagine a life without Romeo and so she stabs herself fatally with his dagger. The two lovers lie dead side by side, devoted until the last breath of life. The two families and the Prince converge upon the tomb. They are horrified to find Romeo, Juliet, and Paris all lying dead, and Friar Laurence reveals to them the love and secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet. The feuding families are reconciled by their children"s deaths and agree to end their violent feud.

william Shakespeare的英文简介带汉语

莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》《亨利五世》《查理二世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日)病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。初中选文《威尼斯商人》.高中选文《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(节选)》。The English poets, playwright Sha Shibiya was born in 1564 in England"s Stella luck city. He has the strong cultural base, but has not read the university. When 18 years old marries with 26 year old females, when not reach 21 years old had three children; After 3 years went to London to become the actor, the playwright; When 30 years old starts to be lucky; When 34 years old the family is well-to-do, art obtains the success, is recognized as the playwright which rises newly. Sha Shibiya alone lives in London"s 20 years, his wife lives continuously in the Stella luck. When nearly 40 years old, Sha Shibiya only then returns to the Stella luck until to die. 27 year old of that year, he wrote the historical drama "Henry Six Th" the trilogy, after the script performance has been welcome greatly the audience, and has won the very high prestige for him, let him come to a stop gradually in the London theatrical circle the heel. In 1595, Sha Shibiya has written a tragedy "Romeo And Juliet", after the script performance, Sha Shibiya famous tyrant London, the audience wells up generally like the tide to the theater looked this play, and moves has flowed off the tears. In 1599, Sha Shibiya poured into wrote the script with all one"s strength "Hamlet", also has obtained the huge success. In later several years, Sha Shibiya has written "Austria Xylenum", "Li You King" and "Mike Is white", they and "Hamlet" is called together Sha Shibiya"s four big tragedies. In 1616, Sha Shibiya because fell ill left the world, has lived 52 years old. In these 52 years profession, he has left behind 37 scripts for the common people, as soon as curls 14 lines of poems and two narrative 长诗. His script also performs until now in world each place. In his birthday that day, has many countries to perform his script every year to commemorate him. Sha Shibiya is on Europe Renaissance time England dramatic world"s "the giant". He inherits and develops the ancient Greece Rome play and the English folk play outstanding tradition, does not give a thought to "the unity of action" and so on the rules and regulations, the breakthrough comedy and the tragedy boundary, carries on the creative from the content to the form innovation. In view of the middle ages feudalism and asceticism fetter, he respects the woman, eulogy love, molds a series of idealizations the bourgeoisie new feminine lovable image. In the historical drama and the tragedy, he engraved has delimited a series of feudal tyrant"s image, heartlessly exposition and critique feudalism tyranny. He also in the play advocated the humanity by opposed the Middle Ages lively, compare with the human the deity, emphasized human great and strength, said the human is "the universe essence, the myriad things spirit is long". He also frequently exposes religious in the play the hypocrisy. The Sha Shibiya dramatic art characteristic, is the fantasy and the real ingenious union. Marx after 1848 in order to "wants to enable own English knowledge to achieve the consummation the region", once "all searched for the Sha Shibiya special style words and phrases performs to classify", carried on the study. His grave now nearby a his hometown chapel, every year has the photograph which ten million counts to go on a pilgrimage looks at reverently generally. Is engraving such inscribed text on his tombstone: "Looks on God"s surface, Please do not have to move my grave, The rash action will encounter the curse, The protector will receive the blessing."


71D莎士比亚作品中的英语语言的丰富性因为ABC都没提到,如写作手法、章节长度、文章内容丰富72C因为沙翁A和D是同一天,即使不看文章都是事实C是因为He almost certainly attended the Grammer School in the town ,but of this we cannot be sureB就是因为后面一句了73A不是所有对莎翁的评价都产生积极评价B学者成功收集了莎翁的生平生活,72题就推翻了C批评家更感兴趣莎翁的戏剧而非诗歌,胡说的,批评家也分领域的,而且文章也没强调D莎翁的生活远比文学作品重要,不但胡说而且不尊重


基础释义威廉·莎士比亚(1564—1616)文艺复兴时期英国戏剧家、诗人。著有剧本37部、十四行诗154首和叙事长诗2首。作品要求个性解放,反对封建专制和禁欲主义,表现了资本主义萌芽时期的人文主义理想。剧作人物形象鲜明,情节曲折生动,语言精练典雅。代表作有悲剧《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,喜剧《威尼斯商人》等。莎士比亚的创作对欧洲文学和戏剧的发展影响很大。威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日-1616年4月23日),英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,欧洲文艺复兴时期最伟大的作家,全世界最卓越的文学家之一,华人社会常尊称为莎翁。 16世纪末到17世纪初,莎士比亚在伦敦开始了成功的职业生涯,他不仅是演员、剧作家,还是宫内大臣剧团的合伙人。1613年左右,莎士比亚退休回到埃文河畔斯特拉特福,3年后逝世。莎士比亚最具有代表性的作品就是他的四大悲剧《奥赛罗》《哈姆雷特》《李尔王》《麦克白》。





carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP是什么意思?

carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP每单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放量



T.I.的《Da Dopeman》 歌词

歌曲名:Da Dopeman歌手:T.I.专辑:T.I.Vs T.I.PT.I. - Da DopemanLook at this little nigga, manAy T.I. is that really you man?Yeah shawty, what"s happenin"?Ay man can you give me a ride home, man?Man, it"s 2:30 in the muthafuckin" mornin", what the fuck you doin" out here?Out here trappin" tryna get rid of this bomb and purp, manMan you can come with me on one conditionWhat"s that bruh?Let me convince you to put that bomb downI knew it T.I.What?You wasn"t really on that dope boy shitI tell you what shawty, get in manI"ll show you how to tote that toolMake that doubleBetter be cool, you don"t want no troubleKeep it leanin" to the leftMy gat stay cockedI"m always super clean when you see me on the blockKeep my money in a knot with a rubberband on itBlow to marijuana, know I got it if you want itSee me standin" on the corner, slangin" that crackYou know how it is to be the man in trapI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dopeman the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga (From a ki" to a G, it"s all about money)Look, bet all you see is tats, money, grills, and chainsBut if you scratch the surface you can feel the painNames change but the situation still the sameThe bills need payin" nigga simple and plainTake a young"n who"s aspirin" to get him some changeWon"t nobody hire him so he get in the gameWent and bought a 50 slab, divide it up into tenSold "em all, double down, did it againBy then you got enough to buy a quarter ounceYou sellin" dimes to forty fiends buy it and bounceThrow some money to your momma keep some food in the houseCop the outfit and the Jordans on the day they came outBetta get ya self a pistol know the jackers is outFlip another seven grams, oh you hustlin" nowTime to get yourself a half, make sure it"s some glassA hundred bags sell it fast stack a G now you officiallyI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dopeman the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga (I betcha think you pretty good at it now, huh?)Now once you flipped a couple o"s know the game get gravyTake twelve fifty go git ya two and a babyYeah sixty three grams if you whip that rightyou should get back five or six that night Stack that money and repeat that twiceBuy you somethin" to ride in, ya gotta be tightNext time you buy somethin" take twenty-five hundredGet four and a half it come back in nine don"t itNow stay low key when the money keep comin"Keep some niggas on ya team to show these suckers they don"t want itBy then your connect will clearly see you on ya grindShit you come to get a nine and he front you what you buyin"As long as you bring back your money on timeAnd if you snort blow, do it on your own timeAt this rate you"ll be at a brick in no timeThey say the want some weight, tell them niggas stand in lineI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dopeman the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga (Stay with me now shawty, here comes the fun part)Now the robbers plottin" on ya and your name stay buzzin"You caught sellin" cake down in Macon with your cousinYour connect ain"t worried, you and him coolHe know you"ll never tell what you and him doA mob of a hundred just a few of them trueYou heard a worker snictchin" on you and it"s trueEverybody know you sell that shitThe feds come and get ya, shit we heard youTote that tool, make that doubleBetter be cool, you don"t want no troubleKeep it leanin" to the left, my gat stay cockedI"m always super clean when you see me on the blockKeep my money in a knot with a rubberband on itBlow that marijuana know I got it if you want itSee me standin" on the corner slangin" that crackYou know how it is to be the man in trapI"ll show you how to be aI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dopeman the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman niggaI"m the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dopeman the dopeman niggathe dopeman niggaEND... ...

Sondre Lerche&Regina Spektor的《Hell No》 歌词

歌曲名:Hell No歌手:Sondre Lerche&Regina Spektor专辑:Dan In Real Life (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)HQY制作献给可爱的哲Put your ear up to the speakerLet your jaw dropWitness this power of suggestionBlow the roof offGods of war march into battleMake the ground shakeCrowd appears, countdown has begunDrop the bomb,4,3,2,1Hell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!Hell No! Y"all, Gonna put you suckers in the groundFourth and long,Casualties aboundIn the hot sunFinal play, pile up in the endzoneDeed is done, 4 3 2 1Hell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!Hell No! Y"all, Gonna put you suckers in the groundMan, you will never let anybody disrespect youHell no!You will keep your head held highWhether you win or you loseBecause no one will come into our houseAnd tell us what to do!Hell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!Hell No! Y"all, Gonna put you suckers in the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!We ain"t gonna back down.Hell No!

晕了..东方神起是Super Junior吗? 有不同吗?


英语作文on kindness:my personal story

描写人物的英语作文 成年男人一个身材矮小,身高只有五英尺六英寸的人,他首要任务就是减肥。他是意大利本土人,因为他有深色的头发,橄榄色的皮肤和高挺的鼻子。嘴唇上有一排平整干净的胡子。清澈的眼神与优美的声线相呼应。 A man of small stature, he was only five feet, six inches at the most, and he was somewhat overweight even in his prime. His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose. A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. In young years, a cigar frequently protruded from under the dark moustache. Clear blue eyes contrasted nicely with his olive tone. There was a kindness in those eyes, and they always showed his every emotion. 他眼里充满着慈爱,仁慈常常能从他的行为中表现出来。Making him so easy to read.使得他很容易被看透。An easygoing manner acted like a magnet for him, attracting the love and respect of everyone he cameJn contact with, 他性格开朗 ,非常好接触,跟她接触的人,总被他吸引,对他充满爱慕和崇拜之情。 During World War II, his compassionate nature was utilized as a nurse in the Navy and in the Marines. 在二战时期的海军和水手中,他的同情天性表现的跟护士一样Scars on his back were proof of his heroism.他后背的刀伤证明了他的英勇。 He never really spoke much about the war, but he only would tell his favorite story of how he delivered a baby in all that turmoil He married during his stint in the service, and soon a son and a daughter would also share his love. Both of them having dark hair, olive skin, and blue eyes. everyone said how they were the spitting image of him, Oh, how he beamed at that statement. He worked very hard at being a good husband and father. Years passed, and he became a grandfather who was affectionately called papa. His grandchildren adored him and were his constant companions. Going to McDonalds became a weekly outing for them. Bout, alas, the heart that had always given too much Jove grew weaker and weaker. After two heart attacks and a triple by-pass, his loving heart stopped, and he breathed forth his soul into the arms of God. At his funeral mass, the priest spoke of how his success was not stored in banks but in that hearts of those who loved him. From this perspective, he was a most-successfu man and truly died a millionaire. This profile of Bob La Coy is very accurate. I know because he was my Joying father. 有关名人的英语作文  雷锋的事迹Lei Feng was a model(模范) soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor farmer family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn"t go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for (因…受表扬)his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and always did good for others. As a result(结果), he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on(号召)the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds(事迹). Lei Feng"s spirit will live in our hearts forever关于写姚明的英语作文1. 姚明出生在上海,身高2.25米.2. 9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球.3. 爱好:玩电脑游戏4. 对人礼貌友好,是青少年的偶像,也是中国的骄傲.备注:要两个吸引人的题目,两个精彩绝伦的结尾.   Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discussion about if he can be a super star has never been terminated. As we know , Yao is a quite high and strong player in NBA. And depending on his height andweight ,Yao can control the restricted area easily just like O"Neil.  Besides his body , his skills are more comprehensive than othercenters. By this I mean comparing with other same-position players ,  Yao is very successful because he can use more advantages to face different players. In this aspect , Yao has already been a superstar. On the other hand , Only playing well is not enough to make a man become a god. Why people pay more attention on Kobe , James ,Iverson? Those players are not only playing well , but also markmatches with their own signs. They make their matches differ fromothers. Although they may have weaknesses , people still like towatch there performance. So , if Yao can put his feature into matches , it will be soon to get a great achievement.All in all(总之), in my view point(在我看来), Yao has a good future considering his ability and faith.关于刘翔的英语作文My favorite sports star --- Liu XiangLiu Xiang is one of the famous athletes/ players in China. He was born on July 13th, 1983. In his spare time, he likes singing and playing computer games. He is best at 110-metre hurdle in sports. He got the gold medal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. And in 2006, he set a new world record with the time of 12.88 seconds. He didn"t take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics because of the condition of his wound(伤势).But he got the gold medal in 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. He hopes to to be the winner at 110-metre hurdle in 2012 London Olympic Games. We think that his dream will come true. We are very proud of him. Good luck to him.


Beyonce - DisappearIf I begged and if I criedWould it change the sky tonightWould it give me some lightShould I wait for you to call?Is there any hope at allAre you drifting by?When I think about itI know that I was never there or even caredThe more I think about itThe less that I was able to share with youI try to reach for youI can almost feel youYou"re nearly hereAnd then you disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)You disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)And when I lie all by myselfI see your face, I hear your voiceMy heart stays faithfulAnd time has come and time has passedIf its good it"s got to lastIt feels so rightWhen I think about itI know that I was never there or even caredThe more I think about itThe less that I was able to share with youI try to reach for you,I can almost feel youYou"re nearly hereAnd then you disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)You disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)You, you disappearI missed all the signsOne at a time you were readyWhat did I know starting our livesNow my love, I"m ready to shineWhen I think about itI know that I was never there or even caredThe more I think about itThe less that I was able to share with youI try to reach for you,I can almost feel youYou"re nearly hereAnd then you disappearYou disappear, you disappearYou disappear, disappear

was gone 和disappear的区别


disappear是延续性动词吗? disappeared 有形容词的意思么

它和STOP一样 不是延续性动词.有disappeared这个 形容词,表示失踪的.消失的.不是被动,这里表示状态.处于消失状态.



disappear 造句

The boy disappeared round the corner.男孩在拐弯处消失了。The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳在云层后面消失了。The ships seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.那些轮船似乎已经从地球表面消失了。My keys have disappeared off the desk in my office.我放在办公桌上的钥匙不见了。

求selena gomez disappear 歌词

DisappearI remember the first timeBut it wasn"t the last timeThat you told me thatYou"d take me backSo I"m still wondering whyIt was ever a questionI should have learned my lessonI keep coming backLike a heart attackThat"s always breakingI can"t let you vanishThere"s no magic when you"re goneYou say you don"t need meYou say, "this time believe me"I"m not gonna let you disappear {disappear}I don"t wanna hear itI don"t wanna believe itI"m not gonna let you disappear {disappear}Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohDisappearI don"t wanna be lonelyBut you were always the onlyOne who cast a spellAnd made it feelLike all of this was realNothing but an illusionBut I"m not gonna lose yaSo just do your trickAnd make it quickCause I"m pretendingI can"t let you vanish<a href="">Disappear 歌词<a> <a href="">音乐 ABC<a>There"s no magic when you"re goneYou say you don"t need meYou say, "this time believe me"I"m not gonna let you disappear {disappear}I don"t wanna hear itI don"t wanna believe itI"m not gonna let you disappear {disappear}Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohDisappearDon"t goI can"t let you vanishThere"s no magic when you"re goneOh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohDisappearYou say you don"t need meYou say, "this time believe me"I"m not gonna let you disappear {disappear}I don"t wanna hear itI don"t wanna believe itI"m not gonna let you disappear {disappear}Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohDisappear {disappear}Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohDisappear {disappear}Don"t go, disappear

克劳德 凯利的Disappear的歌词翻译

我也听过。。 也很好听。 楼上的答案应该是正确的。


disappear消失 是appear 出现 的反义词 都是动词

想知道disappear和vanish的区别,在实际应用中有什么不同? 如题……

vanish的语气强,指完全、往往是神秘而突然的消失,不留任何蛛丝马迹.而disappear是指消失,完全客观的现象,没有前者语气强烈. disappear v.消失,不见;灭绝,不复存在.是个一般用语. The little dog was just there,then he disappeared.那条小狗刚才就在那里,然后就不见了. vanish v.消失,不见,指突然间化为乌有,强调非常彻底地、神秘莫测地消失、失踪. The man ran into the shop and vanished from sight.那个男子跑到了商店里,然后就消失了.




Disappear - 小飞Hope I"ve done the best I could until I turn aroundAnd blend in the crowd, gone, nowhere to be foundBack at my place I lit a cigaretteCheck in the mirror, can"t see the man I was beforeWo…it hurtsWo…I"m sick and tiredI will sail away in the sailor"s boatI will disappear in the ninja smokeI"m gonna walk away in the dancing shoesWalking and dancing and running awayI will sail away in the sailor"s boatI will disappear in the ninja smokeI"m gonna walk away in the dancing shoesWalking and dancing and running awayYou greedy little people are never satisfiedIt"s a little too hot or a little too coldIf someone has to leave, it"s me but shame on youFor doing nothing at allI was good, better than anyone in these gamesBut it suits me now, to be hiding in my secret placeDrinking my troubles awayDrinking my days awayDrinking my dreams awayDrinking myself awayBut I"m still in love with youBut I am still in love with youI will sail away in the sailor"s boatI will disappear in the ninja smokeI"m gonna walk away in the dancing shoesWalking and dancing and running awayI"m gonna sail away in the sailor"s boatI will disappear in the ninja smokeI"m gonna walk away in the dancing shoesWalking and dancing and running away汉语希望我已经尽我所能,直到我转身混在人群中,消失了,无处可寻回到我的位置我点燃一支香烟检查在镜子里,看不到我之前的那个人我们…好痛我们…我感到厌烦我将在水手远航的船我将会消失在忍者抽烟我要走开的舞鞋走路和跳舞和跑步我将在水手远航的船我将会消失在忍者抽烟我要走开的舞鞋走路和跳舞和跑步你贪吃的小人们永远不会满足有点太热或太冷如果有人离开,我不过是你的耻辱什么都不做我很好,比任何人都在这些游戏但现在适合我,躲在我的秘密的地方喝我的麻烦喝我的天喝我的梦想自己喝了但我还是爱上了你但我还在爱着你我将在水手远航的船我将会消失在忍者抽烟我要走开的舞鞋走路和跳舞和跑步我要远航的水手的船我将会消失在忍者抽烟我要走开的舞鞋走路和跳舞和跑步


Claude Kelly - Disappear译:左岸右岸am i making love to a ghost我爱上了一个幽灵is it real这是真的cos i feel your finger tipsall over my skin因为我感觉的到你的指尖在我的肌肤上跳动i know that you"re gone我知道你已离去but i feel但是我依然能感觉到like you"re following me just like a shadow你就想影子一样伴随着我see i thought it was done wheni burnt your picture我已烧掉了你的照片i told you to leave but我想告诉你离开我i just can"t forget ya但我却不能忘记there"s no where to run没有地方可以躲藏can"t heal也无法治愈我的伤cos you still cut me deep因为你是我无法弥补的伤i can"t let you go我无法让你离开is this an illusion这是幻觉吗?state of confusion我的意识很混乱all in my mind全都在我脑海里baby are you really hereBABY 你真的在这儿吗it must be insanity这肯定是个错觉virtual reality虚拟的现实i swear i can feel you我发誓真的能感觉到你的存在touch you触摸到你breathe you跟你低语but you disappear但是你就这么消失了(but you disappear)(就这么消失了)am i really talking to myself是我在自言自语吗?cos i sweari can hear your voice我能听见你的声音like you"re standing next to me就好像你站在我的旁边whispering baby in my ear在我耳边轻语when i turn all i can see is my shadow但当我转身的时候只能看到自己的影子i thought i was over when我想通过搬家来结束这一切i changed my numberi told you to leave but我让你离开i still remember但我依然记得i wish i could hide我希望我能够躲藏起来and just heal并且能够治愈这些伤but you keep cutting me open但是你确实无法弥补的伤so it"s impossible所以这是不可能is this an illusion这是幻觉吗?state of confusionall in my mind我的意识很混乱baby are you really here宝贝你在这儿吗?it must be insanityvirtual reality这肯定是个错觉i swear i can feel you我发誓真的能感觉到你touch you触摸到你breathe you跟你低语but you disappear但是你就这么消失了(but you disappear)(就这么消失了)am i caught in the matrix (matrix)我陷入了误区if feels like i"m in the twilight zone感觉自己在一个阴影中not sure if i"m gonna make it不确定能否走出阴影cos my head is spinning outta control因为我的思绪已经缥缈is this an illusion这是幻觉吗?state of confusionall in my mind我的意识很混乱baby are you really here宝贝你在这儿吗?it must be insanityvirtual reality这肯定是个错觉i swear i can feel you我发誓真的能感觉到你touch you触摸到你breathe you跟你低语is this an illusion这是幻觉吗?state of confusionall in my mind我的意识很混乱baby are you really here宝贝你在这儿吗?it must be insanityvirtual reality这肯定是个错觉i swear i can feel you我发誓真的能感觉到你touch you触摸到你breathe you跟你低语but you disappear但是你真的消失了



disappear 造句

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: disappear 造句 解析: The boy disappeared round the corner. 男孩在拐弯处消失了。 The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳在云层后面消失了。 The ships seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth. 那些轮船似乎已经从地球表面消失了。 My keys have disappeared off the desk in my office. 我放在办公桌上的钥匙不见了。


disappear的副词形式:disappointedly; disappear: vi. 消失;失踪;不复存在; vt. 使…不存在;使…消失 扩展资料   They watched the bus disappear into the distance.   他们注视着公共汽车消失在远方。   It was uncharacteristic of her father to disappear like this.   就这样消失不是她父亲的风格。   The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.   交通堵塞问题不会很快消失。



Beyonce的《Disappear》 歌词

歌曲名:Disappear歌手:Beyonce专辑:I Am...Sasha FierceBeyoncé - DisappearIf I begged and if I criedWould it change the sky tonightWould it give me some lightShould I wait for you to call?Is there any hope at allAre you drifting by?When I think about itI know that I was never there or even caredThe more I think about itThe less that I was able to share with youI try to reach for you I, can almost feel youYou"re nearly hereAnd then you disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)You disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)And when I lie all by myselfI see your face, I hear your voiceMy heart stays faithfulAnd time has come and time has passedIf its good it"s got to lastIt feels so rightWhen I think about itI know that I was never there or even caredThe more I think about itThe less that I was able to share with youI try to reach for you, I can almost feel youYou"re nearly hereAnd then you disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)You disappear(Disappear, disappear, disappear)You, you disappearI missed all the signsOne at a time you were readyWhat did I know starting our livesNow my love, I"m ready to shineWhen I think about itI know that I was never there or even caredThe more I think about itThe less that I was able to share with youI try to reach for you, I can almost feel youYou"re nearly hereAnd then you disappearYou disappear, you disappearYou disappear, disappear

消失 这个英文怎么发音Disappear这个单

Disappear.发音是:/ u201adu026asu0259"pu026au0259 ; u0375du026asu0259ˋpu026ar / 英 / u201adu026asu0259"pu026au0259 /中文谐音: 滴斯呃匹尔。to become impossible to see any longer 消失,不见SYN vanishAt this point the path seemed to disappear altogether (= disappear completely ) .小路到这里好像完全消失了。

群星的《Disappear》 歌词

歌曲名:Disappear歌手:群星专辑:All The Hits Vol. 4Motion City Soundtrack - DisappearTo the deep end, to the heart lineHold it straight together, manHold it straight together, if you canLittle fevers wrapped in dedicationAll strung out on noveltyCollapse yourself and try to comprehendAn angry island, a bitter bee stingSevering each arteryTo free the self and fix the in-betweensIt"s isolation, mark the earth around youGuess who"s on the waiting list?I"ll let you in on something secretI can disappearAny time I want to, time I feel youShovel through my skinI am with you til the endFirst you breathe out, then you have to breathe inLash yourself repeatedlyUntil it sticks, until it sticksUnder the eyelids, carry on cadaverFestering interiorsAll hollow breach and vapor silhouetteNeed medication, more medicationCoursing through your interstatesAll mad and great, confused and counterfeitKamikaze, sear the blood inside meGuess who"s got it figured out?I"ll let you in on something secretI can disappearAnytime I want to, time I feel youShovel through my skinI am with you til the endAnd I can decomposeWhen it suits me, I accelerate itWicked on all fours,I surrender to the stormYou"ll never know how it feelsYou"ll never know how it feelsCan you feel it?Can you feel it?I can disappearAnytime I want to, time I feel youShovel through my skinI am with you til the endAnd I can decomposeWhen it suits me, I accelerate itWicked on all fours,I surrender to the stormAnd I can disappearAnytime I want to, time I feel youShovel through my skinI am with you til the endI am with you til the end

MC Murph的《Disappear》 歌词

歌曲名:Disappear歌手:MC Murph专辑:Artistic ApocalypseClaude Kelly - Disappearam i making love to a ghostis it realcos i feel your finger tipsall over my skini know that you"re gonebut i feellike you"re following me just like a shadowsee i thought it was done wheni burnt your picturei told you to leave buti just can"t forget yathere"s no where to runcan"t healcos you still cut me deepi can"t let you gois this an illusionstate of confusionall in my mindbaby are you really hereit must be insanityvirtual realityi swear i can feel youtouch youbreathe youbut you disappear(but you disappear)am i really talking to myselfcos i sweari can hear your voicelike you"re standing next to mewhispering baby in my earwhen i turn all i can see is my shadowi thought i was over wheni changed my numberi told you to leave buti still rememberi wish i could hideand just healbut you keep cutting me openso it"s impossibleis this an illusionstate of confusionall in my mindbaby are you really hereit must be insanityvirtual realityi swear i can feel youtouch youbreathe youbut you disappear(but you disappear)am i caught in the matrix (matrix)if feels like i"m in the twilight zonenot sure if i"m gonna make itcos my head is spinning outta controlis this an illusionstate of confusionall in my mindbaby are you really hereit must be insanityvirtual realityi swear i can feel youtouch youbreathe youis this an illusionstate of confusionall in my mindbaby are you really hereit must be insanityvirtual realityi swear i can feel youtouch youbreathe youbut you disappear(disappear)

No Angels的《Disappear》 歌词

歌曲名:Disappear歌手:No Angels专辑:DisappearOn and onI"ve tried to move on alone(It won"t stop)Tried to find the strength to turn it around(It won"t stop)Everything"s been offSince you went awayAnd time just broke the promise to ease the painCause I need you hereAnd it"s just not fairThat it won"t get betterWhy did you disappear?And we got nowhereBut it won"t stop thereThough you"re gone foreverI can"t make you disappearCarshing, breaking memories in my mind(it won"t stop)Never ever close to getting it right(It won"t stop)Best time of my lifeNow it"s washed awayStill the stars the know how to spell your nameCause I need you hereAnd it"s just not fairThat it won"t get betterWhy did you disappear?And we got nowhereBut it won"t stop thereThough you"re gone foreverI can"t make you disappearCause you got into my heart of stoneAnd I don"t do well here on my ownNow the silence keeps me up at nightAnd I get used to being all aloneCause I need you hereAnd it"s just not fairThat it won"t get betterWhy did you disappear?And we got nowhereBut it won"t stop thereThough you"re gone foreverI can"t make you disappear










vanish [简明英汉词典][5vAniF]vi.消失, 突然不见, [数]成为零n.[语]弱化音disappear [简明英汉词典][7disE5piE]vi.消失, 不见


您好,disappar 和 extinction 的最大区别在于:1)disappear 仅仅是表示(不见,找不到)而已,可以是因为很多原因而消失了,而这种消失是是针对寻找人而言。比如因为地震,灾难,而迁移到其他地区,而在原地区找不到踪迹,此时就是 disappear 的用法。表示寻找人找不到,但不一定意味着所要找的物品已经灭绝了。2)extinction 翻译为(灭绝),通常表示在所有地区都找不到,也就是用了几乎所有可以用的方法,但还是找不到,而且有踪迹显示该物种已经完全没有了,可以看作为以目前的方式已经找不到了。所以 extinction 的(消失)要比 disppearance 的(消失)还要再高一个级别,表示有证据证实已经完全没有了。但这种证据也是局限性的,因为依靠的是现在的科技和方法。所以当一种被认为是 extincted 的物种突然间出现时,通常会用(以为,认为等表概率)的谓语动词,然后再用 reappear(再次出现)的英语谓语表示惊讶,不可思议等。毕竟假如是刻意的躲起来,逃离,与世隔绝,或是生存方式不再有时等方式(消失),那么(再次出现)的可能性是有的,只是非常的微小而已。


  disappear有消失;不见;失踪等意思,那么你知道disappear的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来disappear的同义词及辨析,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   disappear同义词:   vanish, disappear, fade, evaporate   disappear同义词辨析:   这些动词均有"消失"之意。   vanish 语气强,指完全、往往是神秘而突然的消失,不留任何蛛丝马迹。   disappear 普通用词,强调从视线或脑海中消失。这消失可能是暂时的、突然的或永久的,视上下文而定。   fade 侧重逐渐消失。   evaporate 指像水蒸发时那样悄然逝去,也指某人悄悄地、突然退出或离去。   disappear的例句 :   1. She stood watching the car"s tail-lights disappear down the drive.   她站在那儿,望着小汽车的尾灯消失在车道尽头。   2. He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.   他看到一个黑漆漆的东西从浓密的树叶后消失了。   3. It was uncharacteristic of her father to disappear like this.   就这样消失不像她父亲的一贯作风。   4. Year by year great swathes of this small nation"s countryside disappear.   年复一年,这个小国家的乡村面积正在一片片地大量消失。   5. The snow will soon disappear when the warm weather comes.   天气变暖时,雪很快就会融化.   6. His apparent unwillingness would disappear if we paid him enough.   如果我们付足了钱,他露出的那副不乐意的神情就会消失.   7. Price control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market.   价格控制逐渐被自由市场所代替.   8. Only when the means of production were communally owned would classes disappear.   只有当生产工具公有时,阶级才会消失.   9. This soap works like magic — the stains just disappear.   这种肥皂真神奇,污垢一下子就没了.   10. The rumour had to disappear before facts.   在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹.   11. They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord.   他们避开了这个问题,希望它不了了之。   12. The unions are worried that at least 100,000 jobs will disappear as a result of privatization.   工会担心私有化至少会造成10万个工作岗位的丧失。   13. Mist was rising, and trees and shrubs began to disappear in a milk-white haze.   起雾了,树木和矮树丛开始消失在一片乳白色的岚霭之中。   14. They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.   他们走近、拥抱,然后噗的一下就在一道炫目的光亮中消失了。   15. As soon as the police disappear the violence will take up from where it left off.   警察一走,暴力事件就会死灰复燃。


disappeared[英][du026asu0259"pu026au0259d][美][du026asu0259"pu026ard]v.不见,消失( disappear的过去式和过去分词 ); 不复存在; 奭; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Nevertheless, businessmen are behaving as if national borders had alreadydisappeared. 尽管如此,商人们的活动还是让人觉得国家的边界似乎已经消失了

disappear是什么意思 解释disappear的中文意思?






disappear 什么意思?

1. 消失,不见;突然离开2. 不复存在,灭绝3. 失踪

求The Voluntary Work that I Perfer to Do作文

Personally speaking , I hold the view that it is not what you have done but what you are willing to do deep down that count . I have once worked as a guide in the Dalian Station , helping passengers to find the entrances and exits and checking tickets when necessary . I treat it as my pleasure , broadening my view ,making friends and receiving thanks , so why not ? I"m planning to organize my own “ Voluntary Group “ this year .We will appear where the notices “ VOLUNTEERS WANTED “ are posted.

初中生作文a voluntary experience

I have just read the advertisement on the school bulletin and the moment I saw it, I took an interest in becoming one of the volunteers,the English teachers of the five. Now I"m writing to apply for this opportunity )for following reasons.For one thing,I am a girl of 17 with 2 years of working experience as a tutor,I am good at English,and I am a member of the Love Club of our school.For the other,I think the voluntary work can build up my confidence,develop good abililty of social gatherings and widen my horizons.But most importantly,I would like to do something for the children in need.I"d appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my aplication. I"m looking forward to your early reply and please email me at



跪求无损音质(APE)的苏维埃进行曲.......文件或下载地址都行 文件请发 谢了

他说要转成wav了么?他说想要知道无损从哪来了么?拜托大哥 回答问题是走点心行么~




parallelism = 两样东西,很相像。 放在一起,两个都被看到, 就给观众知道情况。 一个经常是观众很熟习的 (这个不写出来),宁一个差不多的就写出来。这样观众就感到他们那个的情况。一个很好的例子就是: 美丽新世界 (Brave New World) 内的伦敦 parallel 1930 时代的伦敦.例句: A parallel can be readily drawn between the post-world war 2 Soviet Union and China in the 1990s.repetition = 重复。没什么特别的。例句: A reptition is simple the repeat of one event, very much like the greed that encompassed the German regimes in the two World Wars.


1. 词义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices) metaphor(比喻), metonymy(借代), personification(拟人), irony(反语), hyper***(夸张), understatement(低调), euphemism(委婉语), contrast(对照), oxymoron(矛盾修辞法), transferred epithet(移就), pun(双关), syllepsis(异叙), zeugma(粘连), parody(仿拟), paradox(隽语) 2. 结构修辞格(Syntactical Stylistic Devices) repetition(反复), catchword repetition(联珠), chiasmus(回文), parallelism(平行结构), antithesis(反对), rhetoric question(设问), anticlimax(突降) 3. 音韵修辞格(Phonetic Stylistic Devices) alliteration(头韵), onomatopoeia(拟声)

请问英语的修辞中parallelism和repetition分别是怎么回事?它们的区别又在哪里呢[p瞨“…-l祃-箊”…m] D.J.[6p#r*lel7iz*m]K.K.[6p#r*lWl7!z*m]n.(名词)The quality or condition of being parallel; a parallel relationship.平行性:处于平行的性质或状态;平行关系Likeness, correspondence, or similarity in aspect, course, or tendency.类似,一致:在观点、路线或趋势上的一致、对应或相似Grammar The use of identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses.【语法】 平行关系,平行结构的运用:在相应的句子中运用相同的或可替换的句法结构Philosophy The doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration.【哲学】 并行论:一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非与之直接联系的生理变化的学说repetitionrep.e.ti.tionAHD:[r祊”

they are____(we)teaches where are ____(them)? those are_____(we)pencils.they aren t___(you)pencil

our himparentsare notI don"t have five soccer balls.They have tennis rackets.Does Jack play basketball every day?likedon"tHow aboutis where

Chopped N Skrewed 歌词

歌曲名:Chopped N Skrewed歌手:T-Pain Featuring Ludacris专辑:The InstrumentalsT-Pain - Chopped "N" Skrewed(feat. Ludacris)Nuh-nuh nuh ShawtyNuh-nuh nuh ShawtyNuh-nuh nuh ShawtyDon"t chop me, Shawty don"t screw meShawty don"t chop me, Shawty don"t screw meShawty don"t chop me, Shawty don"t screw meYeah, yea yeahHave you ever seenA dime piece all alone at the bar, bar bar?Straight out of a magazineAnd you just want to let her know who you are, are areSo you say, let me buy you a drinkOr a little conversationIf that"s what you want to do, do doThen she said, love is about to endThen you said, why don"t you come to my crib?Then she said, I can"t leave my friendsNow you"ve officially been chopped and screwedScrewed-screwed, chopped-chopped and screwedYou"ve officially been dance-dance screwedAnd ewed-ewed, chopped screwed-screwedYou"ve officially been chopped and screwedAnd-and screw, chop, screw-screwedYou"ve officially been screwedScrewed, screw-screwChop-chop and screwedYou"ve officially been danced and screwedShawty don"t chop me, Shawty don"t screw me, yeahShawty don"t chop me, Shawty screw screw, chopped and screwedShawty don"t chop, Shawty Shawty don"t screw me, hey yeahShawty don"t chop me, don"t-don"t screw me, yeahHave you ever been in the VIP roomOf your favorite street club, club clubAnd you got a shawty on youKissing on your neckMaking you feel like she so in love, love loveNow you done grabbed you a couple a drinksAnd you feeling like it"s about that time to cuddle up, up upAnd you said, shawty what"s really upAnd she takes big sip out yo cupAnd she said, it"ll be 60 bucksNow you"ve officially been chopped and screwed, screwed-screwedChopped-chopped and screwedYou"ve officially been dance-dance screwedAnd ewed-ewed chopped, screwed-screwedYou"ve officially been chopped and screwedShawty why you acting all like that, like that?Like all you ever really want to do is just doubt me?Ludacris can"t-can"t live with out "emBut even more I bet you really can"t live with out me, nopeYou-you must of flipped yo wig, yupYou got to be out yo mind, yeahI chop ch-chop you screw-you screwYou out-of-yo, out-of-yo spine, wooBack breaker, put you over my kneePut you on punishment woman, and I"ll spank ya, baaHave you praising the lordLike thank you, thank you, thank youLord I want to thank you, JesusBut have you ever met a women that will lead you onAnd still you wrong instead of please ya? YupHave you singing this songCause all night long she did nothing butFlirt and tease ya, yupBut I got to admit that I havePut one in the air sit back and I laugh, eyShawty why do you insist on doing me that bad? EyProbably it"s cause the amount of booty that I grabbed, eyComing back to haunt meSo instead of being put in submission to subdue, what happened?Guess what dawg, ha ha ha, Lu-Lu-LudaNow you"ve officially been chopped and screwedScrewed-screwed, chopped-chopped and screwedYou"ve officially been dance-dance screwedAnd ewed-ewed, chopped screwed-screwedYou"ve officially been chopped and screwedAnd-and screw, chop, screw-screwedYou"ve officially been screwedScrewed, screw-screwChop-chop and screwedYou"ve officially been danced and screwedShawty don"t chop me, Shawty don"t screw me, yeahSha-Shawty don"t chop me, Shawty screw-screw, chopped and screwedShawty-Shawty don"t chop, Shawty-Shawty don"t screw meShawty don"t chop me, don"t-don"t screw me-me- me-me- me-me-me

chopped n skrewed 的歌词

CHOPPED N SKREWED T-pain F/ Ludacris[Intro: T-Pain]Yayyy! Yeah-yeahhhWhoahhhhhhhhUhh, now, now shortyNow, now, now shortyNow-now, now shorty don"t chop me, shorty don"t screw meShorty don"t chop me, shorty don"t screw meShorty don"t chop me, shorty don"t screw meYeahhhh, yeahhh yeahhh[T-Pain]Have you ever seena dimepiece all alone at the mall (mall, mall)Straight out of a magazineand you just wanna let her know who you are (are, are)So you say "Let me buy you a drink or a lil" conversationif that"s what you wanna do" (do, do)Then she says "Love is about to end"Then you say "Why don"tcha come to my crib?"Then she says "I can"t leave my friends"[Chorus]Now you"ve officially been chopped and screwedScrewed screwed, chopped-chopped and screwedYou"ve officially been (damn damn) screwed(Damn) "ewed, "ewed, chopped, screwed-screwed You"ve officially been chopped and screwed(Damn damn) screwed, chopped screwed-screwedYou"ve officially been s--c--r--e--w--e--dScrewed, screwed-screwed, chopped-chopped and screwedYou"ve officially been (damn damn) screwed[Interlude: T-Pain slowed way down] + {T-Pain ad libs}Shorty don"t chop me, shorty don"t screw me {Yes~!}Shorty-shorty don"t chop me, shorty don"t screw me {Chopped and screwed}Shorty-shorty don"t chop me, shorty-shorty don"t screw me {Hey yeahh}Shorty don"t chop me, don"t-don"t screw me[T-Pain]Have you ever been in the V.I.P. roomof your favorite strip club? (club, club)And you got a shawty all on you kissin all on yo" neckMakin you feel like she"s so in love (love, love)Now you done got you a couple drinksand you"re feelin like it"s "bout that time to cut her up (up, up)Then you say "Shawty, what"s really up?" She takes a big sip out your cupAnd says "That"ll be sixty bucks!"[Chorus] - first half only[Ludacris]Luda-Luda! HahahahaNow-now-now shawty why you actin like that, like thatlike all you ever really wanna do is just doubt meLudacris, Pain-Pain live without "emBut even mo" I bet you really can"t live without meYou-you musta flipped yo" wigYou"ve gotta be out yo" mindI"ll chop-chop-chop you, screw youscrew you, outta yo", outta yo" spineBackbreaker, put you over my kneePut you on punishment woman and spank youHave you praisin the Lord like THANK YOUTHANK YOU THANK YOU, Lord I wanna THANK YOU (JESUS~!)But have you ever met a woman that"ll lead you onand steer you wrong instead of please you? (Yup!)Have you singin this song, cause all night longshe do nothin but flirt and tease you? (Yup!)Well I gotta admit that I havePut one in the air, sit back and I"ll laughShawty why you insist on doin me that bad?Probably cause of the amount of booty that I"ve grabbedcomin back to haunt meSo instead of bein put into submission and subdued(What happened?) Guess what? {Dawg}[Chorus][Interlude]

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请问京剧应该是peking opera还是beijing opera?

Joy高斋翻译分享:Peking这一拼写形式是1906年西方人在上海举行的“帝国邮政联席议会”时确定的。[1] 1979年联合国通过决议,以汉语拼音取代威妥玛式拼音法;国际标准化组织(ISO)也于1982年开始以汉语拼音作为拼写汉语的国际标准。[2] 目前,北京的正式英文为Beijing,但像北京大学(Peking University,简写PKU,在翻译的时候Peking University,PKU和Peking University(PKU)均可,最后这个只限首次出现,而且是书面语,如果是演讲致辞就直接说Peking University。京剧(Peking Opera)、北京猿人(Peking Man)、北京烤鸭(Peking Duck)等已沿用多年的专业名词继续沿用Peking的拼法,不能随意更改。”高斋外刊双语精读“有经济学人双语精读笔记

date,birth,new,nothing,prece,paper,both 分别是什么意思

date,birth,new,nothing,prece,paper,both日期,出生,新的,没有 ,价值,纸,都

Independence Day 歌词

歌曲名:Independence Day歌手:Martina McBride专辑:Greatest HitsMartina Mcbride - Independence DayWell she seemed all right by dawns early lightThough she looked a little worried and weakShe tried to pretend he wasn"t drinkin" againBut daddy left the proof on her cheekAnd I was only eight years old that summerAnd I always seemed to be in the waySo I took myself down to the fair in townOn Independence DayWell word gets around in a small, small townThey said he was a dangerous manBut mama was proud and she stood her groundShe knew she was on the losin" endSome folks whispered and some folks talkedBut everybody looked the other wayAnd when time ran out there was no one aboutOn Independence DayLet freedom ring, let the white dove singLet the whole world know that today is a day of reckoningLet the weak be strong, let the right be wrongRoll the stone away, let the guilty pay it"s Independence DayWell she lit up the sky that fourth of JulyBy the time that the firemen comeThey just put out the flames,and took down some namesAnd sent me to the county homeNow I ain"t sayin" it"s right or it"s wrongBut maybe it"s the only wayTalk about your revolutionIt"s Independence DayLet freedom ring, let the white dove singLet the whole world knowthat today is a day of reckoningLet the weak be strong, let the right be wrongRoll the stone away,let the guilty pay it"s Independence DayRoll the stone awayIt"s Independence day

什么叫 independence requirements


help sb with sth中sth需要什么条件呢?比如help sb with independence可以不?

help sb with sth=help sb to do sth 很显然independence是不可以的help sb with his English+help sb to learn Englishhelp sb with his work=help sb to do his work.

independence day节日的由来。

泱泱美国,幅员辽阔,从南部湿润的佛罗里达到内华达沙漠,直至冬节严寒的五大湖区,地形多姿多样,气候变化万千。美国总人口超过2亿,他们来自世界各地、各个民族,所以美国堪称移民之国。 美国全称美利坚合众国,各行政州拥有独立的自治权。18世纪英国在北美洲建立了13个殖民地,1775年美国独立战争爆发,第二年7月4日独立宣言发表,美利坚合众国正式成立。1783年独立战争结束,美国合法的独立性为英国所承认。 美国共有50个州、1个华盛顿特区,幅员辽阔,地形复杂。东部的大西洋沿岸多为平原丘陵,森林资源丰富,湖泊众多,重要的城市有华盛顿、洛杉机、旧金山、费城、迈阿密、中部的大平原是重要的农牧区,6400公里长的密西西比河纵贯南北,重要的城市有亚特兰大、芝加哥、 休斯顿以及新奥尔良等。在大平原的西部大山区,有著名的科罗拉多大峡谷和黄石国家公园;靠太平洋的西海岸地区有风光绮旎、阳光灿烂的加里福尼亚州,旧金山和洛杉机就在这里,西岸的重要城市还有西雅图。在北部近加拿大边界附近,有著名的五大湖游览区,其中最壮观的景点是尼亚加拉达瀑布。此外,位于美国西面太平洋上的夏威夷群岛也是全球闻名的火山岛,已开发成风景优美的度假胜地。 美国是个经济发达和高度现代化的国家,其丰富的自然资源和多样的民族文化使它成为极具吸引力的旅游国家.

Independence Day 歌词

歌曲名:Independence Day歌手:Carrie Underwood专辑:Inside Your Heaven/Independence DayCarrie Underwood-Independence Day鹰飞雁武 编辑Well she seemed alright by dawn"s early lightThough she looked a little worried and weakShe tried to pretend he wasn"t drinkin" againBut daddy left the proof on her cheekAnd i was only eight years old that summerAnd i was always in the waySo i took myself down to the fair in townOn Independence DayWell word gets ariund in a small, small townThey said he was a dangerous manBut mama was proud and she stood her grondShe knew she was on the losin endSome folks whispered,some folks talkedBut everybody looked the other wayAnd when time ran out there was no was aboutOn Independence DayLet freedom ringLet the white dove singLet the whole world know that todayis a day of reckoningLet the weak be strongLet the right be wrongRoll the stone awayLet the guilty payOn Independence DayWell she lit up the sky the 4th of Julyby the time that the fireman cameThey just put out the flames and took down some namesAnd sent me to the county homeNow i ain"t sayin it"s right or it"s wrongBut maybe it"s the only wayLet freedom ringLet the white dove singLet the whole world know that todayis a day of reckoninglet the weak be strongLet the right be wrongroll the stone awayOn Independence Day




  independent是形容词,意思是独立的。常用语indepent from/of与。。无关/独立短语中  independence是名词,意思是独立。  满意请采纳,谢谢

how to develop our independence作文

但你的笑(当你微笑 ,你的眼睛,你的鼻子 然而我又吃又喝. 大惊失色叫出声来: 等待白云带来光亮和温暖, 同样的蓝天,变得这样平静, 将他一生所有的分秒的哈哈




  independence in appearance  [词典][审计] 形式独立性;  [网络]形式上的独立; 独立性; 表现上的独立;  [例句]The virtual property has three basic characteristics: no physical body, exists in specific space, the appearance of relative independence.  其特殊存在方式决定了它的基本特征:物理上的无体性,存在空间上的特定性、和外观上的相对独立性。

independent of/independence of 的选择

independent of sth 是形容词短语,意思是 "不被 ... 影响"。independence of 是名词短语,意思是 "... 的独立", " ... 的独立性“用哪个要看句意和句子结构的需求。Other advantages of E-learning are the ability to communicate with fellow classmates independent of metrical distance.句子是说网略学习的其他优点是能够不被实际上的距离影响与同学交流。(independent of metrical distance = 不被实际的距离影响)如果要用单词 independence, 语法正确的句子是Other advantages of e-learning are the ability to communicate with fellow classmates in complete independence from metrical distance.换句话说,is independent of sth. 等于 is in complete independence from sth.这两个是固定搭配的词组。另外,句子的 other advantages are (复数)接单数 the ability 有错,但这是另一个话题。我是加拿大人,前英语老师。

happy independence day什么意思



indenpent 是形容词 表示独立的 自主的independence 是名词 表示独立 自主

improve 和develop,那个和independence搭配




求《Independence 》The Band Perry的中文歌词

The Band Perry -《Independence 》中文歌词:患者预期直至现在,我赶紧和等待在一个独立的巴士站舔蛋卷冰淇淋我一直在踢我一直图谋这是接近,作为我去过在离开五个街区远,一箭之遥,从家里但我,我好作为了我得走了,走了,走了拍摄像一支枪,一支枪,一支枪像石头,石头,石头跳据我可以运行是免费的自由有一个就像一条长长的灰色色带的路,据我可以看到这是拉独立我从纸张的解放追逐离开妈妈的祝福问号她的照片放在我的口袋里,伴随著她的念珠噢,有人说我疯了,一个小疯子和大多数朋友都会在生存和死亡这个邮编这可能是对我,但直到我去我如何,永远应该知道吗?我得走了,走了,走了拍摄像一支枪,一支枪,一支枪像石头,石头,石头跳据我可以运行是免费的自由有一个就像一条长长的灰色色带的路,据我可以看到其拉独立outta我。我破坏了独立破坏了我的独立我破坏了独立独立破坏了我X2好吧,我得走了,走了,走了拍摄像一支枪,一支枪,一支枪像石头,石头,石头跳据我可以运行是免费的自由有一个就像一条长长的灰色色带的路,据我可以看到X2它拉著我的独立。独立性。



independence宫野真守 罗马文歌词是啥=-=

Independence作词:上松范康(Elements Garden)作曲:上松范康(Elements Garden)歌:一ノ瀬トキヤ(宫野真守)(What"s this?)仮面越しのジャスティス 理想论で武装のフェイスkamen koshi no jasuteisu risouron de busou no feisu(What"s this?)Mr.Perfect? No, no笑わせますMr.Perfect? No, no warawase masu(What"s this?)镜越しの素肌 伤一つない优等生kagami koshi no suhada kizu hitotsu nai yuutousei(What"s this?×3)时には果敢に攻めたいtoki niwa kakan ni semetaiSexy, sexy, want to do it禁じられた愿望Sexy, sexy, want to do it kinjirareta ganbouCoolってマスクをTake off×2Cool tte masuku wo Take off X 2Sexy, sexy, want to do itらしくなきゃダメですか?Sexy, sexy, want to do it rashiku nakya dame desuka ?支配されてく理性をEducationshihai sareteku risei wo Educationホントの自分はどこに?honto no jibun wa doko ni ?素颜の梦を魅せたいsugao no yume wo misetai(I want it to change)教科书通りじゃないLIVEkyoukasho doori janai LIVE(I want it to change)本能のままの旋律honnou no mama no senritsu(I want it to change)叫び上げて歌いたいsakebi agete utaitai(Sing it)革命のようなkakumei no youna(Sing it)爱をそのままにai wo sono mama ni(Sing it×3)Independence day(Searching)加速気味のラブレス 交错する気持ちkasoku kimi no raburesu kousaku suru kimochi(Searching)恋は不必要?No, no 否定しますkoi wa fuhitsuyou ?No, no hitei shimasu(Searching)手先が欲してる 温もりのエナジーtesaki ga hoshiteru nukumori no enaji^(Searching×3)本音を白状させてhonne wo hakujou saseteSexy, sexy, want to do it日常の逆说Sexy, sexy, want to do it nichijou no gyakusetsuああ神様Tell me×2aa kamisama Tell me X 2Sexy, sexy, want to do itマネキンじゃいたくないSexy, sexy, want to do it manekin ja itakunai非现実へと魂Salvationhigenjitsu eto tamashii Salvation生まれ変わってみたいumare kawatte mitai奇迹を君に魅せたいkiseki wo kimi ni misetai(I want it to change)手を伸ばし掴みたいte wo nobashi tsukamitai(I want it to change)もっともっと高みへとmotto motto takami eto(I want it to change)感情よ天に飞べkanjouyo ten ni tobe(Sing it)真の可能性shin no kanousei(Sing it)试してみたいtameshite mitai(Sing it×3)Independence daySexy, sexy, want to do it×2Sexy, sexy, want to do it×2时を止めたら星をSelectiontoki wo tometara hoshi wo Selection自分色で辉きたいjibun iro de kagayakitai素颜の梦を魅せたいsugao no yume wo misetai(I want it to change)教科书通りじゃないLIVEkyoukasho doori janai LIVE(I want it to change)本能のままの旋律honnou no mama no senritsu(I want it to change)叫び上げて歌いたいsakebi agete utaitai(Sing it)世界分の一sekaibun no ichi(Sing it)纯真な梦をjunshin na yume wo(Sing it×3)Independence day


independence英 [u02ccu026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns] 美 [u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns] n.独立,自主;足够维持闭居生活的收入;独立心;自恃心词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TEM8 / GMAT全部 独立 自主 独立心1In 1816, Argentina declared its independence from Spain. 1816年,阿根廷宣布脱离西班牙正式独立。2He was afraid of losing his independence. 他害怕失去自己的独立性。
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