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要改写成 passive voice 应该点分析?急!!我要考试(中三)

更新1: 可以的话 教埋我 点样由被动改成主动 更新2: 用中文回答!! Hi The layer will announce the details OF the show tomorrow the details of the show <-------Object. The details of the show will BE ANNOUNCED by the layer tomorrow. BE ANNOUNCED<-------------PASSIVE VOICE HERE I am sorry that I do not know much Chinese. I don"t think I am able to help you with the Chinese parts. 英文句子改成被动 系咪咩时式都可能有呢? You may but Ummmmmmmm........ in some situations you may find it funny when you make a sentence in passive voice. Please take a look at the following sentence. I am kissing her lips. <------------------------( present progressive tense in active voice) I am going to change it to "PASSIVE VOICE" now. Her lips are being kissed by me. <------( Try to trlate this into Chinese and you will see what I mean.) No one would say things like this in real life because this sentence is pretty unnatural and weird. This is totally insane to me too ! By the way your original sentence would look more natural this way: The layer will announce the show in detail tomorrow. 13. in detail item by item; with particulars: The rsum stated his qualifications in detail. <------------No s"s here dictionary.reference/browse/detail See you. 2008-11-26 02:52:56 补充: The other guy who has just wered this thread is right about the word PLAYER. O_O Do you mean " layer" or " player" sky25222003? O_O I think your original sentence is more like this: The player will announce the details of the show tomorrow Passive: The details of the show will be announced by the player tomorrow. Here are some ways to help you. The player is the subject. Will Announce is the verb. The details of the show is the object. tomorrow is the time. Passive me to switch the positions of subject and object. so you place the object in front: The details of the show Then you place the verb: will be announced by <--- future tense passive form Then you place the subject: The player Then you place the time: tomorrow Passive basically can be used any time but sometimes they are not necessary. E.g. I poured water into the cup. Passive: Water was poured into the cup by me. <---It"s confusing and unnecessary so actually passive shouldn"t be used so much unless you want to achieve a special literary purpose. 参考: myself

英语Tense & Passive voice

时态1. Imagine 2. drops, will break3. leaves, will be被动语态1. A long time ago fire was used for cooking food by man.2. Letters aren"t written by us in English.3. I am always made to cry by him.4. A complaint was rarely received by him.5. The captain was seized and dragged away by them.6. She was heard singing a beautiful song by us yesterday.

sentences turn to passive voic

更新1: 第8-12同14-15句有d补充 8.I think they should have offered Tom the job. I think Tom_____________________________. 9.How much will they pay you for your work? How much will you _________________________. 10.It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike ________________________. 更新2: 11.It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather is ______________________________. 12.It is believedthat the pany lost a lot of money last year. The pany ______________________________. 更新3: 14.How do people learn languages? How ____________________________. 15.I didn"t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn"t realize that ________________________. 1. My grandfather"s house was built by him. 2. Many accidents were caused by careless drivers. 3. Three hundred people were employed by the pany. 4. The school hall is being cleaned by Abby at the moment. 5. A new ring road is being built round the city. 6. The information I needed was not given to me. 7. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview. 8. I think the job should have been offered to Tom. 9. How much will you be paid for your work? 10. The strike is expected to end soon. The sentence cannot be converted to passive voice because “strike” is an intritive verb. We have to change the main verb. 11. The weather will be expected to be good tomorrow. The sentence cannot be converted to passive voice because “will be” is a linking verb. We have to change the main verb. . 12. It is believed that a lot of money was lost by the pany last year. 13. I was accused of stealing money. 14. How are languages learned by people? 15. I didn"t realize that our conversation was being recorded. 2011-01-02 06:19:14 补充: Correction: 11. The weather is expected to be good tomorrow. 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你! 1. My grandfather"s house was built by my grandfather. 2. Many accidents were caused by careless drivers. 3. Three hundred people were employed by the pany. 4. The school hall is being cleaned by Abby at the moment. 5. A new ring road round the city is being built by them. 6. The information I needed was not given by them. 7. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview. 8. They should have offered Tom the job is thought by me. 9. (cannot turn to passive voice because it is a question) 10. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 11. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 12. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 13. I was accused of stealing money by somebody. 14. (cannot turn to passive voice because it is a question) 15. Somebody was recording our conversation was not realized by me. 第八、第十五句很少会用被动式表达。 参考: 本人的英文知识

He asked me a question (passive voice)

我觉得“多元光宇”的答案是对的,英语中有这个用法:ask a question of sb. 我在英语文章中经常看到,就等于ask sb a question

change the active voice into the passive voice.主动改被动

Are the sick been taken care of?The old patient is being operated on by him.The matter will be taken good care of.(the matter will be looked into)This kind of trees can be found everywhere.

Passive 句子转 Active 句子 -得6句-15点

2) Someone turns off the puters at 5 o"clock. 7) Someone called the police. 10) Miss Chan sent me to the principal. 13) A car knocked down Sam. [past simple tense] 19) When there is an accident call an ambulance. [present simple tense] 21) His servant washed John"s car. [past simple tense] Comment: John"s servant washed his car. [The car of his servant? John"s car?] (A) Passive & Active Sentences (Present Simple) 2) The puters are turned off at 5 o"clock = Passive - present tense Somebody turns off the puters at 5 o"clock = active (B) Passive & Active Sentences (Simple Past) 7) The police was called.= passive - past tense Somebody called the police = active 10) I was sent to the Principal by Miss Chan.= passive- past tense Miss Chan sent me to the Principal = active (C) Passive & Active Sentences (Simple past or simple present tense) Decide which kind of tense the sentences are and rewrite them using the correct voices. 13) Sam was knocked down by a car. A car knocked Sam down = active - past tense 19) An ambulance is called when there is an accident. Somebody calls an ambulance when there is an accident. = active - present tense 21) John"s car was washed by his servant. John"s servant washed his car.= active - past tense Following is hint to tell whether it is present tense or past tense Passive voice - present tense is / am / are washed Passive voice - past tense was/were washed 由passive voice转为active voice时可能要自己创作一个主角做这动作,要留意处境这个主角要如何创造出来。 2) Everyone turns off the puters at 5 o"clock. 7) Someone called the police. 10) Miss Chan sent me to the Principal. 13) A car knocked down Sam. 19) Someone called an ambulance when there is an accident. 21) John"s servant washed his car. 2)i turn off the puters at 5 o"clock. 7)someone called the police 10)miss chan sent me to the principal. 13)a car knocked down sam[past] 19)when there is an accident call an ambulance.[present] 21)john"s servant washed his car[past] 10)Miss Chan sent me to the Principal. 13)A car knocked down Sam. 21)John"s servant washed his car. Although I just know how to do a few quesion hope I can help you. 参考: ME

Inversion (passive voice?)

更新1: 定系会唔会inversion唔可以套用晌passive voice上面?_? 更新2: 最好比多D Example啦 拜托拜托>_ 如果我理解正确的话,一般句子排列是subject-verb-adverb-object...,inversion(倒置句)是改为adverb-verb(a)-subject-verb(a")-object。并不是把verb放在头,那就会变成「问句」。verb(a)是tense的时性(例:have will sha is e) verb(a")是动词的主体。当然如果句子是复杂再要细拆主句和副句的编排。 至于如这句的conditional句,我想是把verb改为写在前面,反转来讲吧,当中连if也不用了。但是单单如你的改法好像不太妥,因为can i remend...便变成问句了。所以要按verb的性质作出改写,can是present tense,意思是可能/可以/有能力,而最初型的present-可以的verb是be,而 I 的be verb是am,因此我会改写为(从写作阅读理解角度): Am I to remend this book to others I will. 但是文法规则上你的写法可能是正确的inversion.不过我仍有一个写法是 Can this book I remed to others I will. 希望是正确。 下列一些几难的例子给你参考,是city university的小测验。



英语语法passive voice的用法?

被动语态一般用于被……的语境,结构是be动词+动词的完成时。比如You are forgiven by the Lord.需要注意be动词的时态

Active voice和passive voice的用法?


求助 用Passive Voice造句 要5个 在线等 谢谢~~~~~~~

Passive Voice被动语态 1)pay the expenses The expenses were paid yesterday. 2)sign the lease The lease is signed by these two parties. 3)send the dishes to These dishes have been sent to his family. 4)take sb"s order His order was taken quickly. 5)cross A off B A is crossed off from B.

将下列句子改写成passive voice 的形式

We enjoyed the holiday last month.The holiday was enjoyed by us last month.I have asked Brown the question.Brown has been asked the question by me.Women ofhen talk about food and clothes.Food and clothes are often talked about by women.

Passive voice 急急急!!!!

更新1: to: STEVIE-G 但系我个答案系had been stolen 唔系had stolen 系passive voice唔系past perfect tenseu359e... 其实呢个问题唔系咁复杂。 先澄清左楼上一点:「steal 是一个短暂性动词 不是可以持续一段时间的动词 不可以接在has/have/had 后」 试下用 google 揾 "has stolen",可以揾到超过 1.4 million 个例子。我再作一个: How can you make any excuse for him? He has stolen my money! present perfect 讲已经发生o既事,影响至今,有乜唔得?上例o既影响就系「我冇左d钱!」(now the money is gone!) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 睇返问题本身,两句都系 passive,你唔清楚之处系 1. passive voice 2.而系 tenses。 先讲 passive voice 结构,其实只系原句主要动词(即讲系乜野动作o个个,如 walk,dance)之前,多左个 be 或佢o既不同变化,即系:be is am are was were been being 例子: John kicked him. => He was kicked by John. 只要主要动词前加上 be,将主要动词本来o既形态(呢句系 past tense)套用于 be 度(咁 be 就变成 was),再将主要动词变成 past participle,同埋 subject object 换位,咁就成句变成 passive。多个例子,留意动词 tense 变化: The dog is barking at Simon. => Simon is being barked at (by the dog).(is 不变,只系加左 be,佢继承左 barking o既 ing,而 barking 则变成过去分词 barked) 所以,had been stolen 同埋 had stolen,其实都系 past perfect tense,只系前者系 passive,后者 active。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 依家可以讲 tenses。就以你o既答案讲: I think Tom"s watch had been stolen by his neighbour. past perfect tense 用于有两件事一先一后发生,咁较早o既一件用 past perfect 讲,而较近o既一件用 simple past。如: I had already cleaned the room before he came. 但呢句中你可以话冇一件较近o既往事,所以用 past perfect 就不恰当。平日我地想讲一件往事,只要用 simple past 即可。所以答案先会系: I think Tom"s watch was stolen by his neighbour. 即系话,如果呢句系想讲只表系o系某事发生之前已经失窃,咁就应该用 past perfect,如: I think Tom"s watch had been stolen by his neighbour before he left home. 1. has/have/had .....是现在完成时/过去完成时 强调已经发生的事完成了. 通常has/have/had 可以持续一段时间的动词的现在/过 去完成式 for example: I had travel to USA. (travel:旅行 可以持续一段时间) 2. has/have/had been ...是完成时/过去完成时的被动式 通常has/have/had been 可以持续一段时间的动词过去完成式 The pen had been used for 3 months. (use: 用 可以持续一段时间) 3. is/am/are/was/were ________是现在/过去时 指正发生/ 发生了的事 表明事件发生的时间是现在/过去. I am a student. 我现在是一个学生. I was a student. 我过去是一个学生.(现在不是) 4. was /were 过去完成式 是现在/过去时的被动式 I kicked him. = He was kick by me. Tom&#39;s neighbour stole Tom&#39;s watch.= Tom&#39;s watch was stolen by his neighour. @@*** steal 是一个短暂性动词 不是可以持续一段时间的动词 不可以接在has/have/had 后 @@*** had been stolen 系用左past perfect tense 呢种tense会系以下2种情况使用: 1.这句子有2个动作 这动作先发生 e.g. The patient had died before the doctor came. 2.作用reported speech Directed:I has been to China. Reported:I had been to China. 所以因为tom"s watch被人偷系发左左 属于过去 所以系用past tense. 三身单数(he she it)用has is was(I系用was) 若用we I则用have were(I除外) am(I) are(We) they you个d用are were

the passive voice 什么意思?

the passive voice : 被动语态

passive voice是什么意思

英文 passive voice中文 被动语态

passive voice是什么意思


翻译 Police fired tear gas and arrested more than 5,000 passively

Too much!

与active expresser相对的 被动接受者 的英文表达该是什么 Passive recipients行么

可以例句: In the process of education, educational activities are active participants rather than passive recipients.(在教育过程中,是教育活动主动的参加者,而不是被动的接受者。)

关于active voice/passive voice问题

Active voice (主动式) 是句子中的 Subject 去做verb 所说的动作。而 passive voice (被动式) 句子中的 subject 是接受 个verb 的那个动作。 其实中文也有主动式和被动式的句子。 例: 小花猫打破了花瓶。(主动式) 花瓶被小花猫打破了。(被动式) 而英文在表达 passive voice 时,动词的结构是: be + participle ..... by ... 句子中的 “verb to be” 的转变表达 tenses. “by” 后面的名词执行动作 被动式通常用于 接受动作的是焦点,比执行动作的更重要。 被动式亦通常用于报告。 以下给你一些例子: 现在式: Miss Chan punishes me. (主动式)Miss Chan 执行 punish 那动词。 I am punished by Miss Chan. (被动式) 你有没有察觉到主动式的 “me” 变了 “I” 当我们转 active voice 为 passive voice 要注意 pronoun 也要按需要作改变。 Miss Chan punishes us. We are punished by Miss Chan. 你有没有留意到 pronoun 和 verb to be 的改变? 记得 verb to be 和 subject 要配合。 Miss Chan may punish them. They may be punished by Miss Chan. 当有 auxillary verb 时,verb to be 就会是 “be” 过去式: Miss Chan punished John. John was punished by Miss Chan. 因为是 past tense,verb to be 变了 past tense 的 “was” 未来式: Miss Chan will punish you tomorrow. You will be punished by Miss Chan tomorrow. 现在完成式: Miss Chan has punished her. She has been punished by Miss Chan. 用 “has” 还是“have” 主要看 subject 在这里,verb to be 变成了 past participle “been” 过去完成式: Miss Chan had punished the little dog. The little dog had been punished by Miss Chan. 有些情况,我们会将 “by xxx” 隐藏。 例: Someone stole my wallet. My wallet was stolen. (无需要写 by someone) 2012-06-04 13:14:36 补充: 更正: 而英文在表达 passive voice 时,动词的结构是: be + participle ..... by ... 应是: 而英文在表达 passive voice 时,动词的结构是: be + participle 句子的结构通常是: 而英文在表达 passive voice 时,动词的结构是: be + participle ..... by ... 当不知道是谁做的或由谁做的完全不重要时,可以没有 by (who) 2012-06-04 13:15:49 补充: 有些时候,可以将 past participle 当形容词,表达被动式。一般来说,这个用法大多用于 action verb. 例: a broken vase frozen meat   passive voice应该转用 past tense 因为事情己过去。 Past tense He was taught by me. 他是由我教导的。 The tree was cut o days ago. 那棵树两日前已经被人斩不来。 第一句例句中 by = 解「被/受到」 但系英文跟中文系两种不同的语言 亦不可能就每一个字噤去翻译。 第二句虽然无by字 但系句中tense的用法已表现到佢系passive voice 而唔系由某一个字去解「被」。 用法系: auxiliary verb 加上 (main verb用于) past participle 即是 was taught 或者 was cut _________________________________________________________ Active voice 再加上 Past tense 的用法: I taught him. Someone cut the tree o days ago. (因为不知谁人做 所以只能用someone) 要分辨main verb是否过去分词 就要多查字典啦! _______________________________________________________ 要运用Passive voice 都有禁忌。 1) 在同一句句子中 切勿同时用Active voice和 Passive voice. 例如: Many customers in the restaurant found the coffee too bitter to drink but it was ordered frequently. => Many customers in the restaurant found the coffee too bitter to drink but they still ordered it frequently. 应该用"they" (Active voice) 做 subject 而唔系用 it (Passive voice)。 3) 要注意正确选择 subject To save time the paper was written on a puter. (Passive voice) => To save time Kristin wrote the paper on a puter. (Active voice) 其实 "To save time" 和 "wrote the paper on a puter"都系同一个人(Kristin) 做的 而唔系paper。所以切勿用错subject。 参考:

negative passive 都是消极的,有什么区别

negativeadj.消极的,否认的, [数]负的, [心]反抗性的, 无预期结果的n.否定词语, 否定的观点, 消极性, [摄]底片vt.否定, 拒绝passiveadj.被动的, 消极的, 不抵抗的, 冷漠的n.动词被动形式,被动语态

请问索尼电视的3D眼镜盒上的passive 3D什么意思?

你好!“索尼电视的3D眼镜盒上的passive 3D”的意思为:PR偏光式(俗称被动式)3D。

关于四个 passive voice 的「使用规则」

1) Present Perfect 以前开始/发生 现在及将来都仍然持续. e.g. The statue of our school founder has been located at the entrance since 1971. 2) Past Perfect 用作比较已发生的两件事的先后次序 首先发生的用 Past Perfect 后来发生的用 Simple Past Tense e.g. My lovely teddy bear had been stolen when I returned home last week. 3) Present (passive) 现在/刚发生 e.g. Mr. Donald Tsang is invited to be the special guest of our graduation ceremony next week. 4) Past (passive) 过去发生的 e.g. Hong Kong was occupied by Japan in World War II. 2007-01-26 13:28:41 补充: The photo was taken by me. (我以前拍下的照片) 首先,你不应该觉得 passive voice 是有什么特别「使用规则」 ,是没有的 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/35 ,最重要只是看清楚句子要用那一个tense。请看下解释。 has/have been + pp. 是 has/have + pp 的 passive voice;大家都是 Present perfect tense had been + pp 是 had + pp 的 passive voice;大家都是 Past perfect tense was/were + pp 是 简单过去式 的 passive voice;大家都是 Simple past tense is/are/am + pp 是 简单现在式 的 passive voice;大家都是 Simple present tense is/are/am + being + pp 是 现在进行式的 passive voice;大家都是 Present continuos tense 所以,你应该现在明白只要 tense 是一样、应用时候亦会一样,只是转为被动型。 I ate an apple yesterday. 这是 simple past tense,所以转做passive voice,亦必须用 simple past tense。 变成 An apple was eaten by me yesterday. Tom had read the book since we met him. 前面是 past perfect tense,所以转成 passive voice 时,便要用一样的past perfect tense。变成 The book had been read by Tom since we met him. 你的问题: The photo ______ by me (take) 因为没有注明时间,是昨天、现在或明天,那只可以用 simple present tense,这个决定跟是否 passive voice 无关。 好了,现在决定了用simple present tense,再看句子,原来要用passive voice,因为 photo 不可能是 object (主题),object 是 me,又见到 by me,所以明显地这需要用 passive voice。 那么,就用 simple present tense 的 passive voice 了: 形态是 is/are/am + pp,所以答案是 is taken 2007-01-26 13:11:32 补充: 对不起,没有看到你的中文问题 ------- 如果那张照片是(被)我以前拍下的 但不知道时间,那就用 simple past tense 好了。所以答案应是 was taken. The photo was taken by me The photos were taken by me 如果那张 <~~~ That photo was taken by me That 先系指定一张,如果trlate应该唔会用the

protel dxp中怎么使引脚变为passive?

双击器件,会有一个Edit Pins的选项,进去就可以在Type栏中选择passive属性,或者也可以双击器件,把Lock Pins前的小勾去掉,然后退出,直接双击要修改的引脚,进入属性框编辑。

passive vocabulary是什么意思

就是 被动词汇 的意思

passive transport名词解释

被动运输(passive transport)是物质顺浓度梯度且不消耗细胞代谢能(ATP)所进行的运输方式,运输动力来自质膜内、外侧物质的浓度梯度势能或电位差。被动运输分为简单扩散和易化扩散。



FOR %%i IN (*.EXE) DO %%i /passive /norestart /n 批处理的执行语句,我想知道后面passive等参数的意思

/passive 自动选择YES按钮。 /norestart /n 问是否自动重启时,自动选择不重启按钮。 由参数判断,这是一个自动安装系统更新的批处理。

passive pin 和input pin什么区别

区别如下:Input:输入引脚 IO输入输出双向引脚。Passive:无源引脚。AD中原理图编译时,对于器件管脚的四种属性:Input Pin, IO Pin, Output Pin以及Passive Pin,系统只默认Input Pin开路时为Error,其余三种均为No Report。

解释英文的passive voice,并介绍它的用法?

Passive Voice(被动语态).被动语态由"be的相应形式+及物动词的过去分词"构成,表示被动关系,即主语为动作的承受者.某些表示状态或特征的及物动词如become,contain,cost,fit,have,lack,resemble,suit等没有被动语态形式.

active trader 和 passive trader的区别


什么是Non-progressive passive

后两个过去完成时,前两个是一般现在时,第三个是一般过去时,was locked两个过去时重复,最后一段填空是什么




【答案】:DFTP工作时,需要建立2个连接,一个是命令连接,一个是数据连接。并且FTP支持两种模式(1) Standard模式(PORT模式)Standard模式是FTP的客户端发送 PORT 命令到FTP服务器。FTP 客户端首先和FTP服务器的TCP 21端口建立连接,通过这个连接发送命令,客户端需要接收数据的时候在这个连接上发送PORT命令, 其中包含了客户端用于接收数据的端口。服务器端通过自己的TCP 20端口连接至客户端指定的端口建立数据连接发送数据。(2) Passive模式(PASV模式)Passive模式是FTP的客户端发送 PASV 命令到 FTP 服务器。在建立控制连接的时候和Standard模式类似,但建立连接后发送的不是PORT命令,而是PASV命令。FTP服务器收到 PASV 命令后,随机打开一个高端端口(端口号大于1024)并且通知客户端在这个端口上传送数据,客户端连接FTP服务器此端口(非20)建立数据连接进行数据的传送。

passive sentence是什么意思


Passive PoE是什么意思

POE:Power Over Ethernet

如果要表示被动反应,用passive和respond的话,请问是用passive respond 还是passive response?

一般都用passive response吧


passive是自定义,你可以设置为这种模式,这样在编译原理图的时候,altium designer就不对你的引脚的电气特性检查,如果你设置为input output io 形式时,altium de硬之城上面应该有这个,可以去看看有没有教程之类的,因为毕竟上面的技术资料型号等都很全面也是最新的,所以能解决很多问题。

汽车显示屏显示Passive Entry怎么解决?

passive entry就是无钥匙进入系统,这个故障要请你去维修店检查了,可能是接收器的故障,或接收器线束没有接好的原因

什么是ftp passive模式


passive vocabulary是什么意思

passive vocabulary 被动词汇网络释义 专业释义 被动词汇 消极词汇 被动字词 动词汇柯林斯英汉双解大词典passive vocabulary1.N all the words, collectively, that a person can understand 全部能理解的词 →compare active vocabulary双语例句1.The results show that passive vocabulary size progresses very well at the earlystages of learning, but not at the later stage; 跟读分析,得出以下结果:三个年级的被动词汇在不同的学习阶段都有不同程度的增长,但不是直线。

用dxp画pcb编译时出现has no diver,怎么处理啊!网上说修改引脚属性为passive,我都找不到

解决方法:将schematic原理图添加到某工程,再编译就不会出现那些error了。还可参考:解法一:你使用的元件对应的引脚是输入的,可以改变原理图中对应元器件的引脚属性解决。解法二:在protel中,软件会检查你的输入管脚有没有连,这样的好处是提醒画图的人还有输入管脚悬空的,我们知道,在电路系统中,大部分输入管脚是不允许悬空 的.所以建议画图的人在做原理图库的时候尽量把元件管脚的属性加上,这样可以不让自己出错.如果有输入哪个管脚必须悬空的话,可以在上面添加忽略ERC检查.这样编译的时候就没有警告了!解发三:在做元件封装的时候,管脚的electrical type有很多选择,一般情况下,选择passive就没事了解发四:设置属性。在Project-Error Reporting-Violations Associated with Nets Signals with no driver中,选择no report,

听说森鹰推出了一款名为PASSIVE A+的超级节能窗?PASSIVE A+的特有性能是什么?

森鹰窗业在2014年6月20日,在北京中华世纪坛举办了新品发布会,推出顶级节能窗PASSIVE A+,PASSIVE A+是森鹰窗业研发制作的最新的A+级节能产品,它的整窗传热系数低于0.6,已经获得了德国PHI的认证,PASSIVE A+(UW≤0.6)【UW≤0.60 W/(m2k) Ug=0.529W/(m2k) Ut.installed=0.6W/(m2k) 】,是世界上顶级的节能产品。它特有性能有三点:1. 第一款适用于严寒气候区的能效等级为A的经过权威机构认证的窗系统。2. 更高保温性能:由:“绝热木材”(绝对人材料与木材组合在一起的复合木材),组合而成的框体,使其具有更高级保温隔热性能。3.更高防结露性能:超级保温的玻璃配置,三玻璃,两腔,离线low-e玻璃,配以瑞士SWISSPACER暖边间隔条,其保温隔热性能是普通两玻中空玻璃的5倍多,能有效阻断室内外热量的传递,避免了冬季因室内暖湿空气遇到冷玻璃而产生玻璃表面凝露的现象。可用在被动房屋上,普通家用亦可。



passive voice(问句)

passive voice(问句) 1.Did Mary read the ic? Was the ic read by Mary? passive voice the ic = singular use was + read = past participle (PP) (auxiliary verb = was )+ past participle(pp) = passive voice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.Do sheep give us whool and mutton? Are wool and mutton given to us by sheep? wool and mutton = plural are = auxiliary verb + given=pp = passive voice 2009-06-29 15:04:58 补充: 2.Do sheep give us wOOL ( CHECK YOUR SPELLING) and mutton? <-----simple present tense It is wrong to change it to the past tense! Also we need to conclude the pronoun"us" in the question. 1.Did Mary read the ic ? (Active 问句) Mary read the ic. (Active) The ic (Singular noun 不可数) was read by Mary. (Passive) Was the ic read by Mary? (Passive 问句) 2.Do sheep give us whool and mutton? (Active 问句) Sheep give us whool and mutton. (Active) Whool and mutton (Singular noun 不可数) is given to us by sheep. (Passive) Is whool and mutton given to us by sheep? (Passive 问句) 希望帮到你 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! Was the ic read by Mary? Were wool and mutton given by sheep? 1. Did the ic been read by Mary? 2. Do we been given whool and mutton by sheep?

什么是ftp passive模式

什么是FTP呢?FTP 是 TCP/IP 协议组中的协议之一,是英文File Transfer Protocol的缩写。该协议是Internet文件传送的基础,它由一系列规格说明文档组成,目标是提高文件的共享性,提供非直接使用远程计算机,使存储介质对用户透明和可靠高效地传送数据。简单的说,FTP就是完成两台计算机之间的拷贝,从远程计算机拷贝文件至自己的计算机上,称之为“下载(download)”文件。若将文件从自己计算机中拷贝至远程计算机上,则称之为“上载(upload)”文件。在TCP/IP协议中,FTP标准命令TCP端口号为21,Port方式数据端口为20。FTP协议的任务是从一台计算机将文件传送到另一台计算机,它与这两台计算机所处的位置、联接的方式、甚至是是否使用相同的操作系统无关。假设两台计算机通过ftp协议对话,并且能访问Internet, 你可以用ftp命令来传输文件。每种操作系统使用上有某一些细微差别,但是每种协议基本的命令结构是相同的。   FTP的传输有两种方式:ASCII传输模式和二进制数据传输模式。   1.ASCII传输方式:假定用户正在拷贝的文件包含的简单ASCII码文本,如果在远程机器上运行的不是UNIX,当文件传输时ftp通常会自动地调整文件的内容以便于把文件解释成另外那台计算机存储文本文件的格式。 但是常常有这样的情况,用户正在传输的文件包含的不是文本文件,它们可能是程序,数据库,字处理文件或者压缩文件(尽管字处理文件包含的大部分是文本,其中也包含有指示页尺寸,字库等信息的非打印字符)。在拷贝任何非文本文件之前,用binary 命令告诉ftp逐字拷贝,不要对这些文件进行处理,这也是下面要讲的二进制传输。   2.二进制传输模式:在二进制传输中,保存文件的位序,以便原始和拷贝的是逐位一一对应的。即使目的地机器上包含位序列的文件是没意义的。例如,macintosh以二进制方式传送可执行文件到Windows系统,在对方系统上,此文件不能执行。   如果你在ASCII方式下传输二进制文件,即使不需要也仍会转译。这会使传输稍微变慢 ,也会损坏数据,使文件变得不能用。(在大多数计算机上,ASCII方式一般假设每一字符的第一有效位无意义,因为ASCII字符组合不使用它。如果你传输二进制文件,所有的位都是重要的。)如果你知道这两台机器是同样的,则二进制方式对文本文件和数据文件都是有效的。   5. FTP的工作方式   FTP支持两种模式,一种方式叫做Standard (也就是 PORT方式,主动方式),一种是 Passive (也就是PASV,被动方式)。 Standard模式 FTP的客户端发送 PORT 命令到FTP服务器。Passive模式FTP的客户端发送 PASV命令到 FTP Server。   下面介绍一个这两种方式的工作原理:   Port模式FTP 客户端首先和FTP服务器的TCP 21端口建立连接,通过这个通道发送命令,客户端需要接收数据的时候在这个通道上发送PORT命令。 PORT命令包含了客户端用什么端口接收数据。在传送数据的时候,服务器端通过自己的TCP 20端口连接至客户端的指定端口发送数据。 FTP server必须和客户端建立一个新的连接用来传送数据。   Passive模式在建立控制通道的时候和Standard模式类似,但建立连接后发送的不是Port命令,而是Pasv命令。FTP服务器收到Pasv命令后,随机打开一个高端端口(端口号大于1024)并且通知客户端在这个端口上传送数据的请求,客户端连接FTP服务器此端口,然后FTP服务器将通过这个端口进行数据的传送,这个时候FTP server不再需要建立一个新的和客户端之间的连接。   很多防火墙在设置的时候都是不允许接受外部发起的连接的,所以许多位于防火墙后或内网的FTP服务器不支持PASV模式,因为客户端无法穿过防火墙打开FTP服务器的高端端口;而许多内网的客户端不能用PORT模式登陆FTP服务器,因为从服务器的TCP 20无法和内部网络的客户端建立一个新的连接,造成无法工作。

i/o passive 和active什么意思

passive 被动的,不积极的active 主动的,积极的







negative.. passive..

positive- 正negative- 负active- 主动passive- 被动

A Perfect Circle的《Passive》 歌词

歌曲名:Passive歌手:A Perfect Circle专辑:eMOTIVeDead as dead can beThe doctor tells meBut I just can"t believe himEver the optimistic oneI"m sure of your abilityTo become my perfect enemyWake up and face meDon"t play dead cause maybeSomeday I will walk away and sayYou disappoint meMaybe you"re better off this wayLeanin" over you hereCold and catatonicI catch a brief reflectionOf what you could and might have beenIt"s your right and your abilityTo become my perfect enemyWake up and face meDon"t play dead cause maybeSomeday I will walk away and sayYou disappoint meMaybe you"re better off this wayMaybe you"re better off this wayMaybe you"re better off this wayMaybe you"re better off this wayYou"re better of this…you"re better off this…You"re better of this…you"re better off this…Maybe you"re better off!Wake up and face meDon"t play dead cause maybeSomeday I will walk away and sayYou fuckin" disappoint meMaybe you"re better off this wayGo ahead and play deadI know that you can hear thisGo ahead and play deadWhy can"t you turn and face me?Why can"t you turn and face me?Why can"t you turn and face me?Why can"t you turn and face me?You fuckin" disappoint me


你好!passive是形容词,意思是:被动的。反义词是:active 主动的


negative强调负面性的和否定的内容,而passive更多则强调被动意义虽然二者都有消极意义,但negative强调负面性的和否定的内容,强调 (人)消极的,否认的,(情绪)低落的,沮丧的。如negative gravity反重力,negative effect负面效应等而passive更多则强调被动意义,强调被动的;顺从的;听之任之的(被动语态 passive voice)。如passive action 被动行为,passive respond被动反应等。





negative 和 passive的区别?

区别在于字义的翻译、 negative 是消极的意思而passtive是积极的意思 但同时都是形容词



Passiver 这个词什么意思.帮帮忙.

没有这个词,只有Passive被动 形容词 被动的;消极的顺从的,顺服的【语】被动的;被动语态的【化】惰性的;耐腐蚀的名词 【语】被动语态【语】被动态的动词

解释英文的passive voice,并介绍它的用法?

Passive Voice(被动语态). 被动语态由"be的相应形式+及物动词的过去分词"构成,表示被动关系,即主语为动作的承受者。 某些表示状态或特征的及物动词如become, contain, cost, fit, have, lack, resemble, suit等没有被动语态形式。

active/passive 求解释!

被动语态 参照第5题举例:主语是HE,他走着去购物中心,如果选择第二个,翻译时就变成:他被走着去购物中心,走 是一个不借物动词,不可以有被动语态,而且在翻译时很别扭。第三题举例: model是主语,是物,不是人,它不会活动,是死的东西,不会产生动作,所以model不会卖,只会被卖,虽然sell是接物动词,但是翻译时候明显不对,参照动词,主语,翻译语感这几个方面,可以进行判定被动语态是否正确

吉他音响的active 和passive插孔分别是怎么用的



active 属于行为者主动实施的行为动作,由单纯动词的各种时态形式表示。passive 属于行为对象被动接受的行为动作,由 “助动词 be + 过去分词” 的各种时态表示。



active and passive要怎么区分

区别是active 1.积极的,活跃的,有生气的; 迅速的,敏捷的; 2. 积极分子,活跃的人; passive 1. 被动的; 消极的; 不抵抗的; 冷漠的; 2. 动词被动形式,被动语态; 组成的短语activeactive transport 主动运输 ; 主动运输 ; 主动转运 ; 织运输Active ingredient 原料药 ; 有效成分 ; 活性成分 ; 原料药Active listening 积极聆听 ; 积极倾听 ; 积极聆听 ; 积极地倾听Active optics 主动光学 ; 主动光学 ; 主动光件 ; 活动光学active market 买卖活跃的市场 ; 旺市 ; 交投畅旺的市场 ; 交投活跃Galaxie active 活动星系核Optique active 主动光学active oxygen 活性氧 ; 活性氧自由基 ; 有效氧 ; 水平取决于氧自在基例句1.Having an active youngster about the house can be quite wearing. 家里有个好动的小孩会是相当累人的。2.I am an active member of the Conservative Party 我是保守党的积极分子。组成的短语passivePassive transport 被动运输 ; 被动运输 ; 被动转运 ; 被动输运passive radar 无源雷达 ; 被动雷达 ; 外辐射源雷达passive resistance 无源电阻 ; 被动抗性 ; 被动压力 ; 消极抵抗passive filter 无源滤波器 ; 无源滤波 ; 被动式滤波器 ; 滤波器passive diffusion 被动扩散 ; 被动扩散作用 ; 波动扩散 ; 被动转运passive station 被动站 ; 无源站 ; 从站 ; 无源站;被动站passive recovery 被动休息即安静躺着休息 ; 被动休息passive subwoofer 无源式超低音音箱passive failure 被动损毁 ; 被动破坏 ; 虚性故障 ; 被动损毁;被动破坏例句1.His passive attitude made things easier for me 他顺从的态度让我做起事来要轻松些。2.They want less passive ways of filling their time. 他们想找些更为积极的方式来打发时间。

Passive 问题....

更新1: ericlai32:咁点解based on会系passive 会被基于的咩 唔系应该主动 base 以 ( 某事物 ) 为另一事物之根据 I base this novel on historical facts . 我以 ( 这小说 ) 作为历史事实的根据 . this novel 就是 base 的受词 ( active form ) This novel is based on historical facts 这小说被作为历史事实的根据 (passive form ) -------------------------- accustom 使 ( 某人自己 ) 习惯于某事物 I accustomed myself to this new way of life 我使 ( 我自己 ) 习惯了这种新的生活方式 myself 是 accustomed 的受词 ( active form ) I was accustomed to this new way of life 我被使得习惯了这种新的生活方式 ( passive form ) = 我习惯了这种新的生活方式 有不少动词的过去分词模式都可用作形容词 accustomed 本身亦是形容词 可作定语用 my accustomed seat 我常坐的座位 accustomed 亦可作表语用 , I was accustomed to his strange ways 我习惯了他那些奇怪的做法 ( 这样的句子跟 passive form 没有分别 ) 2007-02-04 01:41:53 补充: 补充 :这样的句式可以不视作 passive form 解 如同 :I am afraid of dogs 主词 动词 形容词 I was accustomed 主词 动词 形容词 其实系一样o既 用番你&quot;水&quot;果个例子 the water is distilled 其实都可以写做distilled water 只系睇下你个句子想点写 而关于点解有堆字话一定要用passive form 系因为有d你想讲o既意思一定系passive而唔会系active.好似你想讲蒸馏水 就一定要写distilled water 因为d水一定系要被蒸馏左至可以叫做蒸馏水。而the water is distilled只系话d水被蒸馏左。 有d字好似well-known 其实佢根本系一个o既adjective 唔好以为佢系passive。 参考: myself


passive的反义词 释义1:积极的 active 反义词辨析 active adj.积极的 指人(尤指小孩或年轻人)活泼,活跃,也可指人积极地从事某项活动,引申可表示人的头脑灵活,做事情有效率。 passive adj.消极的 形容词,被动的、消极的、顺从的(此意通常是贬义)。也指语言学上的被动式的、被动语态的。


passive(反义词)active 对……困惑 be in a puzzle about sth. 问题的答案 answer to the question 干……是一个好主意 that is a good idea to do sth. 通常情况下 in normal conditions


选择LSV测试方法,选好点位窗口,扫速尽量慢一些,如果是平板电极的话,扫速大一些无所谓;若是三维电极的话,扫速应该在1 mv/s以下,否则极限电流密度不是水平的。



passive negative均有消极的意思,求区别,不要复制电子词典

后缀 -ive “带有 … 倾向的” 或 “具有…性质的” passive 的词根是 pass (放手/不理睬),这个派生词的含义是 “熟视无睹的”,也就是具有 “听之任之” 或 “冷漠态度” 倾向的消极。 negative 的词根是 negate 否定/否认,所以该派生词指带有 “否定” 倾向的消极。

negative 和 passive的区别

negative is opposite to positivepassive is opposite to activefor example:-Do you love Lily?-Negative.To learn English well, you should not be this passive.


"passive" 没有 "刻不容缓" 的意思,它的主要含义是 "被动的" 或 "消极的"。如果要表达 "刻不容缓" 的意思,可以使用其他词汇,如 "urgent" 或 "pressing"。




Passive是一个英文单词,通常用作形容词,表示被动的、消极的、不积极的、不主动的等含义。具体含义取决于上下文和语境。在日常生活中,passive常常用来形容人或行为,表示缺乏行动力、决断力或主动性。例如,当我们说某个人很被动,就意味着他或她经常被动地等待事情发生,缺乏主动出击的意愿或能力。在其他语境下,passive还有其他的意义。在语法学中,passive表示被动语态,表示主语是动作的承受者,而不是执行者。例如,“The cake was eaten by John.”(蛋糕被John吃了)这个句子中,“the cake”是动作的承受者,而“John”是执行者。在电子工程和通信领域中,passive还表示被动元件,例如电容、电阻、电感等,与主动元件(例如晶体管、二极管等)相对应。总之,passive这个词的含义取决于具体的语境和使用场景,需要根据不同的情况进行理解和解释。







active and passive要怎么区分

用active voice 的时候,动词描述的是主语 是主语来做动作 (参考资料原文:the subject does the action)用passive voice 的时候 主语被形容的动作 (参考资料原文:the subject is acted upon)一般passive voice里的句子里有动词to be(,was,has been,will be)比如:The passengers attacked the hijacker.乘客打击(这里只自我保护性的反击)了飞机劫持犯.由于在这里袭击是动词 说的是乘客(主语)作出了袭击的动作 所以是active的The hijacker was attacked by the passengers.飞机劫持犯被乘客打击了.有was,就是“被” 的意思 所以是passive voice总结:passive voice 翻译成中文以后里面都有"被"active voice 里没有 这是因为active voice :the subject does the actionpassive voice:the subject is acted upon

请问active and passive要怎么区分啊?

passive 所带的感情色彩更重!!