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求MIC新歌 宿醉、宿醉Part.2 歌词分配

作词:尧尧、约翰、杨帆作曲:约翰演唱:约翰、尧尧尧尧:昨晚喝太多 baby梦见女朋友在亲吻我的homies一切变得so crazy像个小丑那样dance with all ladies约翰:记得我左手拿着香槟右手握着拉斐以为这是自己办的party我左眼盯着Lucy 右眼看着Jessie其实都是我女友的闺蜜尧尧:Hey yoWhat u looking for when I got a bitch no four昨晚一定喝多了 让我忘了pay for想不起哪一位陪着我一起醉身上六个唇印 嘴里还有你的香水味想不起为什么我坐在Lamborghini想不起为什么你脱的只剩bikini想不起那么多的哪个才是真的你Hey CJ 昨晚我是不是...Woo u woo u ohHang over getting up getting low oh ohWoo u woo u oh尧尧:昨晚喝太多 baby梦见女朋友在亲吻我的homies一切变得so crazy像个小丑那样dance with all ladies约翰:记得我左手拿着香槟右手握着拉斐以为这是自己办的party我左眼盯着Lucy 右眼看着Jessie其实都是我女友的闺蜜Hey yo尧尧:The black seat with black dress fat ass车子是谁在开听的歌是pussycat记不起昨天是否和你聊了太多难道你是车模 can"t remember no moreOh yes 是那间club人快多到坐不下是谁抢我沙发忽然你端着酒杯回眸叫我party animal声音so lovely Exactly Sexy要保持绅士 so gentleman I be我们都很斯文 聊着彼此经历约翰:Aero 你想太多 她是我女朋友尧尧:Come on zip just it drop it what u need drink broWoo u woo u ohHang over getting up getting low oh ohWoo u woo u oh约翰:昨晚喝太多 baby梦见女朋友在亲吻我的homies一切变得so crazy像个小丑那样dance with all ladies记得我左手拿着香槟右手握着拉斐以为这是自己办的party我左眼盯着Lucy 右眼看着Jessie其实都是我女友的闺蜜Hey yoHey bro this my turn约翰:I know why u look me and u所有人围过来跟我招呼Mr.DJ播放get get get it hot所有人都忘了谢谢哑虎站在人群中间大声地说halla跑到厕所门口大声地说halla halla跳上桌子甩着我的鞋子halla怎么不告诉我已经喝多halla halla我跌跌撞撞不知跑到哪里去兄弟嘻嘻哈哈跟我唱着京剧娘子Woo u woo u ohHang over getting up getting low oh ohWoo u woo u oh约翰:昨晚喝太多 baby梦见女朋友在亲吻我的homies一切变得so crazy像个小丑那样dance with all ladies记得我左手拿着香槟右手握着拉斐以为这是自己办的party我左眼盯着Lucy 右眼看着Jessie其实都是我女友的闺蜜Hey yo(尧尧:嘿,待会儿还喝不喝?)(约翰:喝!)宿醉part.2作词:尧尧、约翰、杨帆作曲:约翰演唱:MIC男团约翰:For mixWhat u looking for when I got a bitch no four昨晚一定喝多了 让我忘了pay for想不起哪一位陪着我一起喝醉身上六个唇印 嘴里还有你的香水味忘了为什么坐在 Lamborghini忘了为什么你脱的只剩 bikini忘了那么多哪个是真的你CJLet"s get it poppy尧尧:Bass约翰:Drop itWoo u woo u ohHangover getting upWoo u woo u ohHangover getting low oh ohWoo u woo u ohHangover getting upWoo u woo u ohHangover getting low oh oh尧尧:I know why u look me your booty like fat cheeseEverybody 跟我招呼 有不爽 回家吃pieceMr.DJ 播放get get get hotK K O X E now thanks let"s sexOh sorry this is me王浩:喝太多baby 梦见my lady见她变得不像样 亲吻我的homies我盯着Lucy 旁边是Jessie他们都是我女朋友的闺蜜Woo u woo u ohHangover getting upWoo u woo u ohHangover getting low oh ohWoo u woo u ohHangover getting upWoo u woo u ohHangover getting low oh oh健次:I see u drop it down the floorCause I rap so dope车子是谁在开 听的歌是 Mr. Hot dog记不起昨天是否和你聊了太多难道你是车模 Can"t remember no more尧尧:Oh yes that club人快多到沙发都不够你端着酒杯回眸叫我party animal声音 so lovely exactly so sexyThe black seat with black dress u fat ass Let"s remix小鑫:喝太多baby 梦见my lady见她变得不像样 亲吻我的homies我盯着Lucy 旁边是Jessie他们都是我女朋友的闺蜜Do it all day all night never get backDo it all day all night never get backall day all night never get backDo it all day all night never get get getLet"s get it poppyLet"s get it poppyLet"s get it poppyLet"s get it itLet"s get it poppyLet"s get it poppyWhat u gonna do nowWoo u woo u ohHangover getting up(Let"s get it poppy)Woo u woo u ohHangover getting low oh oh(Let"s get it poppy)Woo u woo u ohHangover getting up(Let"s get it poppy)Woo u woo u ohHangover getting low oh ohWhat u gonna do now

MIC宿醉 Part.2歌词里面有两处英文不太懂,求解释

首先、你要清楚 我是一枚大麦的说~而且是多多的粉、、下面解答: Let"s get it poppy:(应该是:让我们开始舞会)homies:(常见口语)朋友、兄弟

partner和advisor 的区别

partner ["pɑːtnə] n. 伙伴;合伙人;配偶vt. 使合作;与…合伙vi. 合伙;合股;成为搭档advisor 英 [əd"vaɪzə] 美 [əd"vaɪzɚ] n. 顾问;指导教师;劝告者


tizzy t的《part 是我家》

We are throwing a party . throwing什么意思

We are throwing a party . throwing我们正在向一个聚会。投掷We are throwing a party . throwing我们正在向一个聚会。投掷


advertising in particular,在这个句子中我们可以知道是advertising是动词,动词应该用副词来修饰,所以Particular应该改为Particularly

英语流利说 Level5 Unit3 Part3-Describing Actions & Personal Traits

描述操作 Silly : foolish or stupid or ridiculous, the opposite of serious. 愚蠢的:愚蠢或愚蠢或可笑的,严肃的反义词。 He is being silly, so we should just ignore him. 他很傻,所以我们不应该理他。 That"s a silly idea, so I don"t think she means what she"s saying. 那是个愚蠢的想法,所以我不认为她是认真的。 This is no time for  silly behavior , so I"m  asking   everyone to work harder and take things  seriously . 现在不是做傻事的时候,所以我要求每个人都更加努力,认真对待。 He expects people  to laugh   when he"s being  silly , but I don"t think it"s  funny . 他希望人们在他做傻事时发笑,但我不认为这很有趣。 That kind of  silly   behavior isn"t  acceptable   in our  office. 那种愚蠢的行为在我们办公室是不能接受的。Amazing : to be incredible or so good as to be hard to believe; the opposite of ordinary. 令人惊奇的,令人难以置信的;平凡的反义词。 That company"s new products are truly amazing. 那家公司的新产品真是太棒了。 She gave an amazing performance, especially after all the difficulties she had to overcome. 她的表演非常精彩,尤其是在她克服了那么多困难之后。 It"s  amazing  what people can  accomplish  if they are  determined . 如果人们下定决心,他们能完成的事情是令人惊奇的。 He was in a  terrible  accident, so it"s  amazing   that he is still  alive . 他遭遇了一场可怕的事故,所以他还活着真是令人吃惊。 It will be an  amazing  accomplishment if they can  finish  the project on  schedule . 如果他们能按时完成这个项目,那将是一项了不起的成就。 Crucial : to be of extreme importance or an essential part; the opposite of optional. 至关重要的;至关重要的;可选的反面。 It"s crucial that we get them to sign the contract by the end of the week. 让他们在这个周末之前签合同是很重要的。 Getting that data is crucial for our success. 获取这些数据对我们的成功至关重要。 We can"t do this  without   their help, so it"s  crucial   that you get them to  cooperate . 没有他们的帮助我们无法做到这一点,所以让他们合作是至关重要的。 It"s  crucial   that airplane pilots get   enough   sleep before they  fly . 飞行员在飞行前保证充足的睡眠是至关重要的。 We  need  her help because she has  unique  skills that are  crucial  for the success of our project. 我们需要她的帮助,因为她有独特的技能,这对我们项目的成功至关重要。 Impressive : to stand out and be unforgettable in a good way. 令人印象深刻:脱颖而出,以一种好的方式令人难忘。 His presentation was so impressive that we decided to hire him right away. 他的演示给人留下了深刻的印象,我们决定马上雇用他。 They have an impressive website, but the quality of their products is pathetic. 他们有一个令人印象深刻的网站,但他们的产品质量是可怜的。 Their design was  impressive , but the costs were much higher than we could  afford , so we had to  reject  it. 他们的设计令人印象深刻,但成本远高于我们的承受能力,所以我们不得不拒绝。 He made an  impressive  entrance , but when he left the meeting he looked tired and  defeated . 他进场时给人留下了深刻的印象,但离开会场时,他看上去疲惫不堪。 She  impressed  everyone with her powerful speech,  but we were soon  disappointed  by her  inability  to meet her goals. 她强有力的演讲给每个人留下了深刻的印象,但我们很快就对她无法实现自己的目标感到失望。 It"s ok for you to have high expectations, but they need to be realistic or you"ll fail. 对你有很高的期望是可以的,但是它们必须是现实的,否则你会失败。 Realistic : to be possible and attainable. 现实的:可能的和可实现的。 That deadline isn"t realistic, so we need to ask for more time. 那个截止日期不现实,所以我们需要更多的时间。 He isn"t being realistic when he expects to charge such high prices for his products. 他期望自己的产品要价如此之高,这是不现实的。 His proposal wasn"t  realistic  because he doesn"t understand the  details  and potential  risks  of such a project. 他的建议不现实,因为他不了解这样一个项目的细节和潜在风险。 She gave an  amazing  performance, especially after all the  difficulties  she had   overcome . 她的表演非常精彩,尤其是在她克服了种种困难之后。 Getting that  data  is  crucial  for our  success . 获取这些数据对我们的成功至关重要。 That  deadline  isn"t  realistic , so we need  to ask  for more time. 那个截止日期不现实,所以我们需要更多的时间。 Don"t worry about what she said because she was just being silly. 别担心她说的话,她只是在装傻。 That deadline isn"t realistic, so we need to ask for more time. 那个截止日期不现实,所以我们需要更多的时间。It"s amazing what people can accomplish if they are determined. 如果人们下定决心,他们能完成的事情是令人惊奇的。The words silly and serious are antonyms because they have opposite meanings. silly和serious是反义词,因为它们的意思相反。Their design was impressive, but the costs were much higher than we could afford, so we had to reject it. 他们的设计令人印象深刻,但成本远高于我们的承受能力,所以我们不得不拒绝。Sincere : to be honest and trust worthy. 真诚:诚实可信。 I think she was being sincere, so I think we can trust her. 我觉得她很真诚,所以我们可以信任她。 Sometimes it"s very difficult to know if someone is being sincere, or it"s just a good liar. 有时候很难知道一个人是真诚的,还是只是一个好的骗子。 I doubt if he"s being  sincere , so we should  protect  ourselves in case he  breaks  his promise. 我怀疑他是否真诚,所以我们应该保护自己,以防他违背诺言。 I thought he was being  sincere  ,but when I  looked  into his  background  it seems that he can"t be  trusted . 我原以为他是真诚的,但当我调查他的背景时,我发现他似乎不值得信任。 Naive : overly simple and lacking experience. 天真:过于简单且缺乏经验。 He wants to change the world, but he"s very naive, so he needs someone to help him. 他想改变世界,但是他太天真了,所以他需要有人帮助他。 I think we can take advantage of him, because he is naive and impatient. 我想我们可以利用他,因为他又天真又没耐心。 Internet criminals are very clever and can often  fool naive  people into giving away  confidential  information. 网络犯罪分子非常聪明,他们经常能愚弄天真的人,让他们泄露机密信息。 Some people can be really  cruel , so don"t be  naive  or you can be  hurt . 有些人真的很残忍,所以不要太天真,否则你会受伤的。 she isn"t as naive as she looks ,so we should be careful not to reveal our plans until she signs the contract 她并不像看上去那么天真,所以我们要小心,在她签署合同之前不要透露我们的计划 Brilliant : highly intelligent or exceptional in brightness; the opposite of dull. 聪明的:高度聪明的或异常明亮的;无聊的反义词。 There is no doubt that he is a brilliant scientist, but he is a very poor manager. 毫无疑问,他是个有才华的科学家,但他是个很差劲的经理。 It"s amazing how such a brilliant man can be so stupid around women! 一个如此聪明的男人在女人面前竟然如此愚蠢,真是不可思议! That"s a  brilliant idea , so  let"s  get started as soon as possible. 那是个好主意,所以让我们尽快开始吧。 The  ideas  in his paper were  brilliant , but the  quality  of his writing was pathetic. 他的论文思想很好,但写作质量却很差。 he"s  brilliant  but naive, so he  needs  someone with a lot of  experience  to help me. 他聪明又天真,所以他需要一个经验丰富的人来帮助我。 Cruel : mean, manipulative and hurtful; The opposite of kind. 残忍的:刻薄、控制欲强、伤人的;kind的反义词。 He can be cruel when he doesn"t like someone, so don"t expect him to be nice to you. 他不喜欢一个人的时候会很残忍,所以不要指望他对你好。 I was shocked by how cruel he was when he fired her. 当他解雇她时,我对他的残忍感到震惊。 People who are  cruel   to animals should be  punished  for their  behavior . 虐待动物的人应该为他们的行为受到惩罚。 I can never  forgive   him for his  cruelty , so don"t ask me  to meet  with him ever again. 我永远不会原谅他的残忍,所以不要再叫我和他见面了。 some people can be really  cruel , so don"t be  naive  or you can  be  hurt. 有些人真的很残忍,所以不要太天真,否则你会受伤的。 Clever : innovative, creative, very smart. 聪明的:创新的,有创造力的,非常聪明。 He found a clever solution that allowed us to reduce costs. 他找到了一个聪明的解决办法,使我们能够降低成本。 Advertisers are very clever at getting people to buy things they don"t really need. 广告商在让人们购买他们并不真正需要的东西方面非常聪明。 They have developed a very  clever  way  to increase the  efficiency   of their sales team. 他们想出了一个非常聪明的方法来提高销售团队的效率。 He isn"t as  clever   as he thinks he is, so we may  be able   to find a  weakness   in his plan. 他并不像他自己认为的那样聪明,所以我们也许能在他的计划中发现弱点。 It appeared to be a  clever   idea at first, but it  failed  because it  ignored   some important details. 起初,这似乎是一个聪明的想法,但它失败了,因为它忽略了一些重要的细节。 Skeptical : needs proof or evidence to overcome doubts; the opposite of convinced. 怀疑的:需要证据或证据来克服怀疑;说服的反义词。 I"m sure they will be skeptical of our results, so we need to bring convincing evidence. 我肯定他们会怀疑我们的结果,所以我们需要有令人信服的证据。 I"m skeptical that such a simple design can satisfy our requirements. 我怀疑这样简单的设计是否能满足我们的要求。 He"s  skeptical  that we can   satisfy   their needs, so he wants us to  provide   more details about our plan. 他怀疑我们能否满足他们的需要,所以他想让我们提供更多有关我们计划的细节。 she was  skeptical  that we could  finish  the project on time, and now she has been  proven  right. 她怀疑我们能否按时完成这个项目,现在事实证明她是对的。 Sometimes it"s very difficult  to  know   if someone is  being sincere , or it"s just a good  liar . 有时候很难知道一个人是真诚的,还是只是一个好的骗子。 It"s  amazing   how   such  a  brilliant   man can be so stupid around women! 一个如此聪明的男人在女人面前竟然如此愚蠢,真是不可思议! Advertisers are very  clever   at getting people  to buy   things they don"t really  need . 广告商在让人们购买他们并不真正需要的东西方面非常聪明。 She was  skeptical   that we could finish the  project   on time, and now she has been  proven  right. 她怀疑我们能否按时完成这个项目,现在事实证明她是对的。 I think we can take advantage of him, because he is naive and impatient. 我想我们可以利用他,因为他又天真又没耐心。It"s amazing how such a brilliant man can be so stupid around women! 一个如此聪明的男人在女人面前竟然如此愚蠢,真是不可思议!I don"t know how people can be so cruel to animals. 我不知道人们怎么能对动物如此残忍。I doubt if he"s being sincere, so we should protect ourselves in case he breaks his promise. 我怀疑他是否真诚,所以我们应该保护自己,以防他违背诺言。

Have you been to a Helloween party怎么回答?

Yes,i have. No, i haven"t.

雅思口语问题do you think that certain product are better advertised particular ways怎么回答

it really depends.when i am working on a case, teamwork does matter since my peers would give me more comprehensive examples and points of view to solve the problem. i can explore my knowledge and obtain good views by brainstorming, research grouping.when i am focusing on a specific issue, i would like to study individually. because i can concentrate on collecting information, analyzing it and draw conclusion clearly. moreover, studying personally will trigger my creativity.

Sale、Sparepart、Service、Survey 这几个单词怎么读,什么意思?谢谢!

Sale: [ seil ] n. 销售,削价出售 (塞欧)spaerpart我确实不知道什么意思Service: [ "sə:vis ] n. 服务,公务部门,服役 vt. 维护,保养(瑟儿为丝)Survey: [ sə:"vei ] n. 纵览,视察,测量 v. 审视,视察,通盘考虑,调查 (瑟儿位)

ICH-GCP 5.3 Participant Safety & Adverse Events(3)

Part 5: Adverse Event Follow-up Part 6: Summary of Key PointsUnless otherwise specified in the protocol, in some networks it is common practice that all AEs and non- study–related SAEs should be followed-up until they have resolved or stabilized or until 30 days after the participant"s involvement in the study has ended, whichever occurs sooner. 除非协议中另有规定,在一些网络中,通常的做法是 对所有不良事件和非研究相关的严重不良事件进行随访,直到它们得到解决或稳定,或者直到参与者参与研究结束后30天,以较早发生者为准。 All SAEs should be followed until resolution, or until the condition has stabilized with no further change expected. According to FDA guidance, participants should receive appropriate medical evaluation and treatment until resolution of any emergent condition related to the study intervention that develops during or after the course of their participation in a study, even if the follow-up period extends beyond the end of the study. 应遵循所有SAE,直到问题得到解决,或直到情况稳定且预计不会发生进一步变化。根 据FDA的指导,参与者应接受适当的医疗评估和治疗,直到其参与研究期间或之后出现的与研究干预相关的任何紧急情况得到解决, 即使随访期延长到研究结束之后。 When a participant discontinues participation in a study because of an SAE, investigators should: 当参与者因为SAE而停止参与某项研究时,研究人员应: Ⅰ、Continue to follow up the SAE as noted above. Ⅱ、Document the SAE and its follow-up in the participant"s record. Ⅲ、Attempt to complete any final evaluations required by the study protocol. Ⅳ、Attempt to perform other medical evaluations to try to determine the cause of the SAE and its possible relationship to the study intervention. These evaluations would include obtaining an autopsy report, if available, in the event of a participant"s death. 1、继续 跟进上述SAE 。 2、在参与者记录中 记录SAE及其后续行动 。 3、尝试完成研究方案要求的任何 最终评估 。 4、尝试进行其他医学评估,以确定SAE的原因及其与研究干预的可能关系。这些评估包括在参与者死亡的情况下获得尸检报告(如有)。 For a woman who is discontinued from a study because of pregnancy, attempt to follow up the outcome of the pregnancy to term. If the woman was enrolled in a trial of an investigational drug that is known to present a risk of birth defects, any information regarding birth or congenital abnormality should be obtained. 对于因怀孕而中止研究的女性,尝试跟踪妊娠至足月的结果。如果该妇女 参加了已知存在出生缺陷风险的试验药物的试验,则应获得有关出生或先天异常的任何信息 。 Loss to follow-up of participants with ongoing SAEs is a serious problem that can affect the validity of a study"s results. For this reason, every effort should be made to contact participants who leave a study after experiencing an SAE. Documentation of that effort should be maintained by the PI. 对患有持续严重不良事件的受试者的随访失败是一个严重的问题 ,可能会影响研究结果的有效性。因此,应尽一切努力联系经历SAE后离开研究的参与者。PI应保存该工作的文件。Data and safety monitoring plays an essential role in protecting participant safety and ensuring the integrity of a research study. The objectives of data and safety monitoring are to: 数据和安全监控在保护参与者安全和确保研究完整性方面起着至关重要的作用 。数据和安全监控的目标是: Ⅰ、Ensure that risks of participation in a clinical study are minimized as far as is reasonably possible. Ⅱ、Avoid exposing participants to excessive risk. Ⅲ、Ensure the integrity of the data collected in a clinical study. Ⅳ、Stop a study    i、If safety concerns arise, or    ii、As soon as the study objectives have been overwhelmingly met, criteria usually spelled out before the study begins. 1、确保尽可能降低参与临床研究的风险。 2、避免参与者面临过度风险。 3、确保临床研究中收集的数据的完整性。 4、停止学习 (1)如果出现安全问题,或 (2)一旦完全达到研究目标,通常在研究开始前制定标准。 The following are key points to remember about data and safety monitoring: 以下是有关数据和安全监控的要点: Ⅰ、Data and safety monitoring must occur periodically throughout every study. The frequency of monitoring is commensurate with the risks involved in the study, as well as the size and complexity of the study (i.e. a small, single-site Phase I trial versus a large, blinded, multi-site Phase III trial). 1、在每次研究过程中,必须定期进行数据和安全监测。 监测频率与研究中涉及的风险以及研究的规模和复杂性 (即小型、单点i期试验与大型、盲法、多点III期试验)相称 Ⅱ、Periodic data summary reports are prepared to determine if the study should change in any way or stop. Any significant changes in the study are implemented with the approval of the local IRB and reported to appropriate institutional officials, the study sponsor, and the FDA (if the study involves an investigational new drug or device). 2、准备定期数据总结报告,以确定研究是否应以任何方式改变或停止。 本研究中的任何重大变化均应在获得当地IRB批准后实施,并向相关机构官员、研究赞助者和FDA报告 (如果本研究涉及研究新药或装置)。 Ⅲ、The risks and benefits of the study must be reassessed whenever any new study data become available. 3、一旦有了新的研究数据,就必须 重新评估这项研究的风险和益处 。Scenario : Based on the research protocol for a behavioral non-drug study, research staff report all serious adverse events (SAEs) and report adverse events (AEs) only when an increase in the severity or frequency of a pre-existing symptom or condition occurs. 情景 :根据行为非药物研究的研究方案,研究人员报告所有严重不良事件(SAE),并且仅当先前存在的症状或条件的严重程度或频率增加时才报告不良事件(AE)。 Question : For participants that were screened, enrolled, and randomized sometime prior to experiencing the medical events described below, which are considered SAEs? 问题 :对于在经历以下所述医疗事件之前经过筛选、登记和随机分组的参与者,哪些被视为严重不良事件? A. Participant reports severe neck pain after a whiplash injury in a car accident that occurred in the previous week. B. Participant reports an ER visit due to pneumonia and was hospitalized subsequently for treatment with intravenous antibiotics. C. Participant with a history of mild asthma reports a 2-day hospital stay for severe asthma attack treatment in the study"s final week. D. Participant (A) and (B) only E. Participant (B) and (C) only F. Participant (A) and (C) only 1、参与者报告在前一周发生的车祸中颈部扭伤后出现严重颈部疼痛。 2、参与者报告因肺炎就诊,随后住院接受静脉抗生素治疗。 3、有轻度哮喘病史的参与者报告在研究的最后一周因严重哮喘发作而住院2天。 4、仅限参与者(A)和(B) 5、仅限参与者(B)和(C) 6、仅限参与者(A)和(C) Feedback : Which is the best response: A, B, C, D, E, or F? For Scenario B, the participant experienced a medical occurrence that led to hospitalization. For Scenario C, the participant"s pre-existing condition worsened to require intensive treatment and a hospital stay. Both cases are considered SAEs. Therefore, the correct response is E. 反馈 :A、B、C、D、E或F哪个是最好的回答?对于方案B,参与者经历了导致住院的医疗事故。对于情景C,参与者先前存在的病情恶化,需要强化治疗和住院。这两种情况都被视为严重不良事件。因此,正确的回答是E。Question : A 15 year old male has come in for a site visit. The participant was randomized to product Z for treatment of severe cystic acne. The participant"s parents report that after several weeks on the treatment the participant had mood swings, was crying, said he was “feeling blue” and attempted suicide. The participant discontinued the drug. 问题:一名15岁的男性来现场参观。参与者被随机分配到产品Z治疗严重囊性痤疮。受试者的父母报告说,接受治疗数周后,受试者情绪波动,哭泣,说他“感到忧郁”,并试图自杀。受试者停药。 Is this a reportable event(s)? A. Yes B. No Feedback: Which is the best response: A or B? Suicide attempt is a reportable event. Therefore, the correct response is A. 反馈:哪一个是最好的回答:A还是B?自杀未遂是应报告的事件。因此,正确的回答是A。Ⅰ、The safety and well-being of study participants must be safeguarded at all times during the conduct of a clinical research study. 1、在进行临床研究期间,必须始终保障研究参与者的安全和福祉。 Ⅱ、An adverse event (AE) is defined in the Good Clinical Practice guidelines as any “untoward medical occurrence” in a person who receives a drug while participating in a clinical study. The occurrence need not be causally related to the drug treatment. 2、不良事件(AE)在《良好临床实践指南》中定义为 在参与临床研究期间服用药物的人的任何“不良医疗事件” 。这种情况的发生 不一定与药物治疗有因果关系 。 Ⅲ、For behavioral studies, an AE may be defined as “any unfavorable, unintended diagnosis, symptom, sign (including an abnormal laboratory finding), syndrome, or disease that occurs during the study, having been absent at baseline, or—if present at baseline—appears to worsen.” 3、对于行为研究,AE可定义为 “研究过程中出现的任何不利、意外的诊断、症状、体征(包括异常的实验室发现)、综合征或疾病,在基线检查时未出现,或者在基线检查时出现,则会恶化。 ” Ⅳ、An AE is considered serious if it poses a threat to the patient"s life or functioning. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines a serious adverse event (SAE) as any untoward medical occurrence that:    i、Results in death, or    ii、Life threatening (places the patient at risk of death), or    iii、Requires hospitalization or prolongs an existing hospitalization, or    iv、Causes persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or    v、Is a congenital anomaly/birth defect, or    vi、Requires medical intervention to prevent one of the above outcomes. 4、如果AE对患者的生命或功能构成威胁,则视为严重AE。美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)将严重不良事件(SAE)定义为以下任何不良医疗事件: (1) 导致死亡 ,或 (2) 危及生命 (使患者面临死亡风险),或 (3) 需要住院或延长现有住院时间 ,或 (4)导致持续或严重 残疾 或无行为能力,或 (5) 是先天性异常/出生缺陷 ,或 (6)需要 医疗干预 以防止上述结果之一。 Ⅴ、The Investigator in a behavioral trial may modify or expand the FDA criteria for an SAE to reflect the specific risks of the intervention and the characteristics of the study population. 5、行为试验中的研究者可修改或扩展FDA SAE标准,以反映干预的具体风险和研究人群的特征。 Ⅵ、The severity of an AE is not the same as its seriousness. An adverse event may be severe (e.g., severe pain from a toothache) without being serious (threatening the patient"s life or functioning). 6、不 良事件的严重程度与其严重程度不同 。不良事件可能是严重的(如牙痛引起的剧烈疼痛),但并不严重(威胁患者的生命或功能)。 Ⅶ、SAEs must be reported by phone or fax immediately to all parties notified as specified in the protocol. 7、严重不良事件必须立即通过电话或传真报告给协议中规定的所有相关方。 Ⅷ、The purpose of expedited reporting to the FDA or other regulatory authority is to ensure that the appropriate parties—including investigators, sponsors, regulators, and IRBs—are quickly made aware of new, important information about the potential adverse effects of a drug or other experimental intervention. 8、向FDA或其他监管机构快速报告的目的是 确保相关方 (包括调查人员、赞助者、监管机构和IRB) 迅速了解有关药物或其他实验干预潜在不良反应的新的重要信息 。 Ⅸ、In addition to reporting AEs and SAEs, NIH-funded studies are required to report unanticipated problems that affect the safety of study participants and others. While unanticipated problems are found in and regulated by 45 CFR 46, OHRP provides the criteria for determining unanticipated problems and the reporting and review of these incidents (see OHRP, 2007). 9、除了报告不良事件和严重不良事件外, NIH资助的研究还需要报告影响研究参与者和其他人安全的意外问题。 虽然《美国联邦法规汇编》第45卷第46节中发现并规定了意外问题,但OHRP提供了确定意外问题以及报告和审查这些事件的标准(见OHRP,2007)。 Ⅹ、Generally, all AEs and SAEs should be followed up until they have resolved or stabilized. 10、一般来说,所有的AEs和SAEs都应该被跟踪,直到它们被解决或稳定下来。 Ⅺ、Data and safety monitoring must occur periodically throughout every study to protect participant safety and ensure the integrity of study data, for example, by the Data and Safety Monitoring Board for a clinical trial. 11、 数据和安全性监测必须在每项研究中定期进行 , 以保护参与者的安全性并确保研究数据的完整性 ,例如,由临床试验数据和安全性监测委员会进行监测。

ordering party在银行条款中什么意思

ordering party订货方

合同中的ordering party是什么意思?


英语流利说 Level3 Unit1 Part3-Ordering Food from Home & Are Selfies Good or Bad?

I"m tired of going out to eat.我厌倦了出去吃饭。 Let"s eat at home tonight.我们今晚在家吃吧。 OK, are you going to cook?好的,你要做饭吗? No, it"s too late and you know I"m not a good cook.不,太晚了,而且你知道我不擅长烹饪。 Let"s order something.让我们点一些。 Where are they going to eat? They are going to eat at home.他们要去哪里吃?他们打算在家里吃。 What do you have in mind?你有什么想法? I was thinking about a nice big pizza.我在想一个很棒的大披萨。 Again? I had pizza last night, so please, no pizza.一遍吗?我昨晚吃了披萨,所以拜托,不要披萨。 What was he thinking about ordering?He was thinking about ordering a pizza.他在想点什么?他在考虑订披萨。 OK, no pizza.好吧,没有披萨。 Let"s order Chinese food, OK?我们点中国菜好吗? Sweet and sour?糖醋吗? You always like sweet and sour.你总是喜欢吃甜的和酸的。 I feel like eating something hot and spicy.我想吃点又辣又辣的东西。 OK, you order something hot and spicy, and I order sweet and sour.好的,您点的是辣的,我点的是甜的和酸的。 I don"t want anything spicy.我不想吃辣的。 My stomach doesn"t feel good.我的胃不舒服。 It"s a bit upset.有点心烦意乱。 What are they going to order instead of pizza? some Chinese food他们打算点什么来代替比萨饼?一些中国食物 Why doesn"t he want something hot and spicy? His stomach doesn"t feel good.他为什么不想吃辣的呢?他的胃不舒服。 OK, if you want sweet and sour then I"ll have that too.好的,如果你要糖醋,我也要。 and I"ll make us salad with lots of tomatoes.我要用很多西红柿做沙拉。 How long will it take for the food to get here?食物到这儿要多长时间? I don"t know.我不知道。 I"ll call and find out.我打电话问问看。 Thanks, hopefully it won"t take longer than an hour. 谢谢,希望不会超过一小时。 I"m getting hungry.我饿了。 What do they finally decide to order? They decide to order sweet and sour.他们最后决定点什么?他们决定点糖醋。 Hey, what did you do last night?嘿,你昨晚做什么了? Itooka long walkfrommy hotel.我从旅馆走了很长一段路。 You didn"t get lost?你没迷路吧? No, I didn"t.不,我没有。 Where did you go? Any where interesting?你去哪儿了?任何地方有趣吗? I walked to the river. 我走到河边。 There were thousands of people there.那里有成千上万的人。 You went to the river? 你去河边了? How long did it take you to walk there?你走到那里花了多长时间? It took around 20 minutes.大约花了20分钟。 Did you see anything interesting?你看到什么有趣的东西了吗? I was reallysurprisedby how many people were there.那里有那么多人,真让我吃惊。 How did she get to the river? She walked to the river.她是怎么到河边的?她走到河边。 What did she see at the river? She saw thousands of people there.她在河里看到了什么?她在那里看到成千上万的人。 Many of them were taking pictures and selfies. 他们中的许多人在拍照和自拍。 Lots of selfies.很多selfies。 Do you take selfies?你会自拍吗? Sure, don"t you?当然,不是吗? Sometimes, but my girlfriend takes a lot of selfies. 有时候,但是我女朋友经常自拍。 Then she shares them with her friends online. 然后她在网上和朋友们分享。 I don"t understand why people like to take so many pictures of themselves.我不明白为什么人们喜欢拍那么多自己的照片。 That"s because you are old-fashioned.那是因为你太古板了。 Who takes a lot of selfies? His girlfriend does.谁喜欢自拍?他的女朋友。 Why does his girlfriend put her selfies online? She wants to share them with her friends.他的女朋友为什么把自拍放到网上?她想和朋友们一起分享。 Emm, I guess you"re right. 嗯,我想你是对的。 There"s too muchsocial mediafor me. 社交媒体对我来说太多了。 When I go to a restaurant, I see many people looking at their smart phones. 当我去餐馆的时候,我看到很多人在看他们的智能手机。 They don"t even look at the people they are with.他们甚至不看身边的人。 Times are changing, my friend. Whether you like it or not.时代在变,我的朋友。不管你喜不喜欢。 She took a long walk from the hotel.她从旅馆走了很长一段路。

partial ordering是什么意思

partial ordering偏序;部分有序Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definitematrices is defined and. 最后讨论了泛非负定子集类上的一种新的矩阵偏序的性质与充要条件。~很高兴为您解答如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)

partial ordering是什么意思

partial ordering部分顺序双语例句Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definite matrices is defined and. 最后讨论了泛非负定子集类上的一种新的矩阵偏序的性质与充要条件。


during prep.(介词)在…(的整个)期间,在...的时候,当...之时,当...之际,在...过程中在...期间的某一时候part n.部分;零件;角色;部位v.断裂;分离;离开;分开;不赞成adv.部分地adj.分离的(-前缀)

I hoped Tina---- to my birthbady party next Thursday. A; to come B; is coming C; will come D; was

答案是C因为next Thursday是下个星期四是未来式

帮我找出这篇里的noun.verb.adjective.adverb 找出之後请分出他的part


【英语语法】副词小品词(adverb particles)详解

什么叫 小品词 ? 小品词就是副、介同形的单词, 由于在句中的作用不同, 词性也就不同。 在没有搞清是介词,还是副词的时候, 就称之为“小品词”。 举例来说:看off这个词,就是典型的小品词,看下面几个例子: He walked off in a huff. 这里 off 修饰前面的 walk ,并且后面没有宾语,显然是副词; He shaved off his mustache. 这里 off 修饰前面的动词 shave ,表示“刮下来(胡子)”,此时 off 并非介词来表达,而起副词的作用,是副词小品词; The bird hopped off the branch. 这里 off 表示 hop 这个动作与其宾语 branch 之间的关系,即 “(鸟)在(树枝上)跳”,所以是起介词的作用;因为介词作用之一就是在不及物动词与宾语之间使动词能够“及物”(即带宾语); 快速区分小品词在句中是介词还是副词的方法 如果小品词在动词后,且没有宾语,则为副词,如:The car swerved off into a ditch. 如果小品词在动词后,且有宾语,如果小品词挪到宾语后,整个短语意思不变,那么此时小品词做副词,如:She switched off the radio. 与 She switched the radio off. 的意思是一样的; 如果小品词在动词后,且有宾语,如果小品词不能挪到宾语后,否则语句不通,那么此时小品词做介词,如:Take your feet off the table! 此句中的 off 显然不能放到 table 之后; 参考附文 1 【理解要领】 ※介词、副词形一样, 句中作用不相同, 介词后面要宾语, 副词后面宾不用。 ※介词要和动一起, 副词可与动分开; 及物动词加副词; 不及物动词加介词, 加了介词相当于及物动词。 1. 常用介、副同形的单词有: in on up down off out over along by through across round across round near before behind past since under 最难区别的几个小品词: in on up out off down over through along by 2. 介词、副词的区别方法: 【判别方法】 He got off the bus /at the corner.(按照意群来划分, bus是off的宾语, 所以这里的off是介词) 他在拐角处下了公共汽车。 He get off /at the corner.(按照意群来划分, off后面没有词, 所以这里的off是副词) 他在拐角处下车。 I found him in. (in后没有名词, 它就是副词。 ) 我发现他在里面。 I found him /in the room. (按照意群来划分, in是和the room联系在一起构成介词短语的, 所以它是介词。 ) 我发现他在室内。 3. 副词的不同使用方法 【副词使用方法】 这种副词两边分, 有的跟动词联系紧; 有的句末单独行。 可跟动词一起构成短语动词的副词 in on up down off out over along by through across round 只能放在句末使用的副词 before behind past since under near 更多例句: They were here/ before six.(介词) 他们6点之前在这里。 He has done this sort of work before.(副词) 他以前干过这种工作。 Push the car /across the bridge. (介词) 请把车推过桥。 Put your hands across and tie them together. (副词) 请把双手交叉, 并将它们捆起来。 Peter is /behind us.(介词) 彼得在我们的后面。 He′s a long way behind.(副词) 他远远地落在后面。 The train passed/ through the tunnel. (介词) 列车穿过了隧道。 Let me pass through, please. (副词) 请让我通过。 She climbed/ over the wall.(介词) 她爬过墙头。 You′ll have to climb over too.(副词) 你也得爬过去。 When the meeting was over, the delegates went home.(副词) 会议结束后代表们各自回家了。 (这里over=finished结束) The shop is just/ round the corner.(介词) 商店拐过街口就是。 Come round(to my house)any evening.(副词) The earth moves /around the sun. (介词) 地球绕着太阳转。 The good news soon got around. (副词) He is sitting /on a chair. (介词) Go on! Come on! (副词) Turn the lights on. (副词) 晚上有空来我家串门。 He ran /up the stairs.(介词) 他跑上楼梯。 He went up/ in the lift.(副词) 他乘电梯上去了。 这些词中许多可以用来构成短语动词 The plane took off. 飞机起飞了。 (离开了地面) She put the scarf/ round her neck. (介词) He came round.(副词) 他恢复知觉了。 (恢复了意识) 4. 固定短语的分类 固定短语可以分为以下几类: 1)动词类: 动词加其它词构成的短语就叫做动词固定短语 1. 1)不及物动词+副词=不及物动词 不及物动词+副词 词义 例句 break out happen爆发 The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937. 抗日战争爆发于1937年。 come over/drop in visit 来访 Come over anytime; we"re always in. 什么时候来访都行, 我们总在家里。 hurry up go quickly赶紧 We must hurry up, or we"ll be late. 我们的赶快走, 不然就要迟到了。 go far spread far走得远, 持续久 The news went far. 这消息传得很远。 This small tin of paint does not go far. 这一小罐油漆用不了多久。 pull in stop aside停靠 The train pulled in two hours late. 火车晚两小时到站。 stop over stay for short中途停留 Because the car broke down, we had to stop over for the night in the nearest town. 由于汽车拔锚, 我们只得在最近得小城镇里留宿。 take off fly up起飞 The pilot took off smoothly. 飞行员平稳地驾机起飞了。 get up arise 起立, 起床 He gets up at 6:00 in the morning every day. 他每天早上6:00起床。 1. 2)不及物动词+介词=及物动词 词例 词义 例句 注解 listen to 听 He is listening to a radio now. 他在听收音机。 listen不能直接接听的对象, 加to就可以了 look for 寻找 She is looking for her pencil now. 她在寻找她的铅笔。 look是看的意思, 加了for就是新的词义“寻找” look after 照看 My mother looks after my baby. 我母亲照看孩子 look 后面的介词不同, 词义就不同, 但与look有关, hear from 收到来信(等) Mother hasn"t hear from you for quite some time. 母亲好久没有接到你的来信了。 hear from 成了固定的词义, 表示受到来信, 信函等 hear of 听到, 得知 I"ve never heard of the place. 我从未听说过那个地方。 hear of是听别人谈到过的意思 read of 读到 I have read of Lu Xun. 我读过关于鲁迅的书籍。 read of不是直接读鲁迅, 而是读到过关于鲁迅的资料或书籍 laugh at 嘲笑 They laughed at the young man. 他们嘲笑过那位年轻人。 laugh at 可以带宾语, 而且表示嘲笑, 嘲弄的意思 run after 追赶, 追求 Some boy spend a lot of time and money running after girls. 一些男孩子花去很多的时间和金钱去追求女孩子。 run后加after, 主要是追赶某人或某种时尚:run当及物动词用, 通常是管理或经营的含义 stand for 代表, 象征 What does “PTO” stand for? “PTO”代表什么? stand for 一起使用, 就相当于一个新词, 表示:代表, 象征的含义 1. 3)不及物动词+副词+介词(三个词在一起构成当作一个词来使用) 动+副+介 相当于 例句 cut down on reduce削减 We must all cut down on spending. 我们必须削减消费。 do away with abolish取消 They have done away with the old laws. 他们已经取消了这些就法律。 get out of leave离开 He got out of the car and shook hands with me. 他下车和我握手了。 get through with finish完成 She finally got through with the subject. 她终于完成了这个题目。 go along with agree同意 I can"t go along with you in this matter. 在这件事上我不能同意你。 look forward to expect期待 He is looking forward to seeing his new friend. 他期盼着见到他的新朋友。 put up with tolerate容忍 He puts up with almost anything. 他几乎容忍一切。 walk out on abandon放弃 He walked out on the subject. 他放弃了这个计划。 1. 4)及物动词+副词 及物动词+副词 相当于 例句 bring up educate 教育, 培养 They have brought their children up well. 他们把孩子教育得很好。 call up summon征召, 打电话 He was called up in 1971. 他在1971年被征召入伍。 Call me up tomorrow morning. 明早给我打电话。 find out discover发现, 理解 Think over. You must find it out for yourself. 想想吧, 你必须自己理解它。 put off postpone延期 The meeting has been put off. 会议延期了。 make out understand理解 It"s not easy to make out his ideas. 弄懂他的种种想法不是容易的。 take in deceive欺骗 You can"t take me in like that. 你不能那样欺骗我。 turn up appear出现 She really turned on the charm on the stage. 她在台上表现得真迷人。 back up support支持 They supported the school a lot. 他们给学校支持很大。 give up quit放弃 He has given up smoking. 他已戒烟。 make down change sth. smaller The clothes are made down for her sisters. 宾语在句中的位置 1. 5)及物动词+名词+介词(带介词宾语) 词例 词义 例句 catch(lay, get, take, seize) hold of 抓住, 占有 The boy took hold of the ladder and began to climb. 那孩子抓住梯子开始往上爬。 I"ll explain, and you will soon get hold of the idea. 我要解释一下, 你很快就会懂得这个意思的。 do a favor to/do sb. a favor 给别人帮忙, 给别人恩惠 Will you do me a favor to lend that book to me? 你能不能帮个忙把那本书借给我? Can you do a favor to me? 劳驾, 可以帮我一下吗? have confidence in 信人 I have perfect confidence in them. 我完全信任他们。 have an edge on 占优势, 胜过 I can"t beat you at tennis, but I have an edge on you in ping-pong. 打网球我无法赢你, 但是打乒乓球我比你强。 lay emphasis on 强调, 着重 Some schools lay special emphasis on language study. 有些学校特别重视语言的学习。 make a fool of 愚弄, 欺骗 Enough! , Don"t make a fool of me! 够了! 不要捉弄我了。 make use of 利用, 使用 You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practicing English. 你必须利用好你所有的练习英语的机会。 pay attention to 注意 Pay attention to it. 请注意 take part in 参加, 参与 I have a meeting to take part in this afternoon. 今天下午我要参加一个会议。 会议 take account of 考虑, 重视 Have you taken account of possible shift in demand? 需求有可能变化, 你考虑到了吗? 5. 学习和考试注意事项 【重点学习内容】 主要学会: 1. 不及物动词后加适当介词可以构成相当于及物动词的动词短语: Wait for sb. 就是典型的例子: 常有人说 I will wait you here. 还不知道错了。 应该说成 I will wait for you here. 因为wait 是不及物动词, 不能带宾语。 类似的还有: look at look for look after , listen to 等等, 并且注意类似于: read of 和hear of 这样的短语的区别。 2. 介词后面的名词, 或者相当于名词的词就是介词宾语, 既然是宾语就要用宾格, 特别要注意的代词宾格。 He is looking at me. She is looking after her sister. We waited for him for a long time. I heard of him before. 3. 同一动词后加不同介词/副词就会有不同的含义, 要当作一个新词来记: look at look about look ahead look around look as if look away look back look down upon look for look forward to look in look down look into look like look on /look upon look up to look on with look out look out ofr look over look round look through look to look to be 4. 及物动词带有副词后接宾语与不及物动词后接介词再加宾语是不同的。 1) 不及物动词后接宾语时, 动词和介词是不可分开的, 两者成为一个整体。 2) 及物动词后接副词, 该副词可以和动词分开, 特别是宾语为代词宾格的时候, 这个代词就要放在动词和副词之间。 He is always looking for his shoes. (不能分开) He always forgets to turn the lights off. He always forgets to turn off the lights. He always forgets to turn them off. (这个句子中的them指的是等, 不能放在off的后面, 因为它是代词宾格) 【考试项目】 1) 考词义 这是最难的, 任何人只要是学英语的, 都认为这是最难的, 即使是把英语用作母语的人们也认为这是最难的。 解决的方法就是:多读, 多背, 多分析, 多理解。 例如: Take after 像, 模仿 Take away拿走, 减去 Take back回收, 取消 Take down取下, 记录 Take from减少, 缩小 Take in吸收, 欺骗 Take off起飞, 免除 Take out取出, 摘录 Take over接收, 接任 Take to喜爱, 从事 Take up开始, 占用 Take…for. .把…当着… 2) 考结构 主要是会判断小品词是介词还是副词, 代词宾格是否可以放在动词和小品词之间。 任何考试都会有这一项, 即使博士生考试, 也会考到这一项。 这是一项既考语法也考习惯用法的题目。 实际上还是检查单词量, 如果我们把它当着一个单词记住了, 什么考试都不怕。 参考附文 2 What are Adverb Particles? Words like  in, out, up, down  etc., are not always prepositions. Read the sentences given below. He was driving down the street. Please sit down. He climbed up the stairs. She is not up yet. He is in the room. You can come in. In the expressions ‘down the street", ‘up the stairs" and ‘in the room", the words  down, up and in  are prepositions. Note that prepositions are always followed by nouns which act as their objects. For example, in the sequence ‘down the street", the noun street is the object of the preposition down. In the expressions ‘sit down", ‘she is not up" and ‘come in", the words  down, up and in  have no objects. They are adverbs and not prepositions. Small adverbs like these are often called  adverb particles  or  adverbial particles . Examples are:  above, about, in, out, up, down, before, across, off, on, below, behind etc. Note that many words of this kind can be used as both adverb particles and prepositions. Phrasal verbs Adverb particles are sometimes used together with verbs to form two-word verbs. These are often called  phrasal verbs . Examples are:  break down, put off, work out, give up etc. Could you please  switch on  the lights? Note that the meaning of a phrasal verb is not always guessable from the meanings of the individual words in it.

急需:牛津5B Unit 8 At the weekends Part A公开课教案

英语流利说 Level 6 Unit 3 Part 1 Reading: Meaning of Catch 22

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22《第二十二条军规》. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum [kəˈnʌndrəm 难题] that"s worth exploring . First, it"s important to put the phrase into context [置于上下文中]. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims. One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground [禁止] anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty [战时服役] so that they don"t fly. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for. They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others, this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you"re wasting your time, you"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point [没有意义]. He"s crazy.” The doctor replied.” Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not.” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls  [幸免于难] he"s had.”“well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “no, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded.” “That"s some catch,” observed [评论] Yossarian. “It"s the best there is, ” the Doc replied. To believe in principles have a set of basic truths that guide one"s actions.

英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part1 Reading Meaning of Catch 22

“如果你能证明自己发疯,那就说明你没疯”。源出美国作家约瑟夫·赫勒(JosephHeller)根据自己在 第二次世界大战 中的亲身经历创作的黑色幽默小说 《第二十二条军规》 (1961)。这部小说太有影响了,以至于在当代美语中,Catch-22已作为一个独立的单词,使用频率极高,用来形容任何自相矛盾、不合逻辑的规定或条件所造成的无法摆脱的困境、难以逾越的障碍,表示人们处于左右为难的境地,或者是一件事陷入了死循环,或者跌进逻辑陷阱,等等。 当一个人一旦提出申请的时候,恰好了证明这个人是一个正常人,而“只有疯子才能获准免于飞行”,那么,这个人无法在疯了的时候提出申请,所以这个人还是在劫难逃,就不能免于飞行。 One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. 20世纪最有趣的书之一是小说《第22条军规》。 在这部小说中,人们引入了“第22条军规左右为难”这一术语。 term 英 [tɜ:m]  美 [tɜ:rm]  n.术语;期限;学期;条款 vt.把…称为;把…叫做 The term has nothing to do with catching anything. 这个术语和抓住任何东西完全无关。 It has a much deeper meaning and it describes a kind of logical  conundrum  that"s worth exploring. 它有着更深刻的意义,它描述了一种值得探索的逻辑难题。 conundrum 英 [kəˈnʌndrəm]  美 [kəˈnʌndrəm]  n.谜语;难解的问题 First, it"s important to put the phrase into context . 首先,把这个短语放到上下文中很重要。 context 英 [ˈkɒntekst]  美 [ˈkɑ:ntekst]  n.语境;上下文;背景;环境 In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the  Mediterranean . 在小说中,一群美国轰炸机飞行员在地中海得去的一个小岛上。 bomber英 [ˈbɒmə(r)]  美 [ˈbɑ:mə(r)]  n.轰炸机;投弹手 Mediterranean 英 [ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən]  美 [ˌmɛdɪtəˈreniən, -ˈrenjən]  adj.地中海的;地中海地区的;地中海居民的 They face death almost every day when they fly their  bombing  missions. 他们在执行轰炸任务时几乎每天都面临死亡。 Many have already lost their lives. 许多已经失去了生命。 The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of time before they will be the next  victims . 剩下的飞行员知道他们成为下一个受害者只是时间问题。 One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. 小说中的其中一个角色是医生。 It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. 他的工作是看飞行员是否适合飞行。 In  particular , there is a rule that says he has to  ground  anyone who is crazy. 特别是,有一条规则说他必须让任何疯狂的人停飞。 To  ground  them means to remove them from  active duty  so that they don"t fly. 让他们停飞意味着把他们从现役中除掉,这他们就不会飞了。 active duty 英 [ˈæktiv ˈdju:ti]  美 [ˈæktɪv ˈduti]  n.现役 Some of the men believed in the  principles  that they were fighting for. 有些人相信他们为之奋斗的原则。 They were willing to give their lives for their country. 他们愿意为了自己的国家牺牲自己。 But to other, this was crazy. 但是对其他人而言,这太疯狂了。 They thought the whole thing was insane . 他们认为整件事情都是疯狂的。 insane 英 [ɪnˈseɪn]  美 [ɪnˈsen]  adj.疯狂的;精神病的;非常愚蠢的 One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. 他们中有一个,Y,想要退出。 He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. 他是医生的朋友,他想医生让他停飞。 When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: "You"re wasting your time. You"re not crazy." 当Y请求医生让他停飞时,医生回答:“你是在浪费时间,你并没有疯。” Yossarian told him to asked one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. Y告诉他,去请另外一个飞行员C,告诉他他是多么疯狂。 "There"s no point. He"s crazy," the doctor replied.  “这没有意义,他是个疯子。”医生回答。 "Crazy people can"t decide whether you"re crazy or not." “疯子并不能决定你是疯了还是没疯。” "Clevinger isn"t crazy! He"s one of the sanest pilots here." “C不是疯子,他是这里最理智的飞行员之一。” sane 英 [seɪn]  美 [sen]  adj.明智的;稳健的;神志正常的;心智健全的 "So he"s obviously out of his head,"said the Doc. “所以他显然是疯了,”医生说。 "He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had." 他打了这么多近距离的电话后,还继续执行飞行作战任务,真是疯了。 combat 英 [ˈkɒmbæt]  美 [ˈkɑ:mbæt]  n.格斗,搏斗,战斗;〈美〉竞赛,比赛;论战 vt.与…战斗;与…斗争;防止;减轻 "Well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?" 如果他疯了,你为什么没有让他停飞。 "I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule." 我不能,除非他自己要求停飞。这是军规的一部分。 "So all he has to do is ask?" 所以他只需要请求停飞吗? "No, then I can"t ground him." 是的,如果他问了我就不能让他停飞。 "So there"s a catch," said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “所以,这里有一条规定,”Y说,想让事情变得直接点。 "Sure, there"s a catch," said the Doc, with a slight smile. "Catch 22, if he asks then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded." 第22条军规,如果他要求停飞的话,他就不可能疯。只有那些疯了的才能被停飞。 "That"s some catch," observed  Yossarian. “那是军规的一部分。”Y评论到。 "It"s the best there is," the Doc replied. “这是最好的部分。”医生回答。

target partition是什么意思

  target partition的中文翻译  target partition  目标分割  双语例句  1  Target partition should be at least the same size as the uncompressed image data.  目标分区大小至少应与未压缩映像数据的大小一样。  2  Partitions cannot be merged because the source partition is the same as the target partition.  由于源分区和目标分区相同,所以无法合并分区。

blow除了解释:吹~~在美国口语中还有什么意思?比如说blow your mind是什么意思?还有you blow my party?

这个意思就多了。先说简单的you blow my party。这里blow是指destroy. 你毁了我的partyblow your mind 中的blow, 原意是"high"(一般是软性drug)之后的那种状态,也可以可引申为“震撼”所以blow your mind 也可解释为“给你思想上的震撼”具体看说话场景吧希望解释清楚了~

Cassandra中的Primary Key、Partition Key、Clustering Key都是什么

Cassandra中的Key有如下三种类型 每张表都需要有主键。主键可以是一个字段或者多个字段的组合。每条记录的主键必须唯一。举个例子 这个数据表的主键有多个字段,称做复合主键。 Cassandra 根据分区键,使用一致性哈希算法,把数据分配到集群的各个机器上。一个机器可以包含多个分区。 Cassandra 保证同一分区键的数据都在一台机器上。通过合理的设置分区键,可以让你的查询让尽量少的机器处理,提升查询的效率 对于单主键字段来说,分区键和主键是同一个字段。 对于复合主键字段来说,默认情况下,分区键是复合主键的第一个字段。如上例中,分区键是 club 字段 可以通过括号来将分区键指定为多个字段,如将上面 CQL 的11行修改为 Clustering Keys决定了分区内数据的排序。让我们再看一下最初的例子 在主键中的字段,除了分区键外都是 clustering key 。既然 club 是主键,那么 league name kit_number position goals 是Clustering key。你可以定义 clustering key 中每个字段的升降序。可以将 kit_number 降序、 goals 升序 排序顺序与主键中字段的顺序相同。因此,在上面的例子中,数据是按照如下布局的 定义不同字段升降序的语法如下(默认为升序)

pickupartist是什么 PUA是什么意思

1、PUA,全称Pick-up Artist,源于美国,字面上看,是搭讪艺术家,从简单的搭讪扩展到整个两性交往流程,发展为主要涉及:搭讪(初识)、吸引(互动)、建立联系,升级关系、直到发生亲密接触并确定两性关系。 2、但实际上PUA是一种通过受过系统化学习、实践、和不断自我完善情商包装自己,一些外国犯罪团伙则利用所谓的学英语或者外国男朋友充门面的心态,诱使异性与之交往,通过对异性诱骗洗脑,欺骗异性感情,达到与异性发生性关系的目的。


make-up化妆make-up artist 化妆师

pickupartist是什么 PUA是什么意思

1、PUA,全称Pick-up Artist,源于美国,字面上看,是搭讪艺术家,从简单的搭讪扩展到整个两性交往流程,发展为主要涉及:搭讪(初识)、吸引(互动)、建立联系,升级关系、直到发生亲密接触并确定两性关系。 2、但实际上PUA是一种通过受过系统化学习、实践、和不断自我完善情商包装自己,一些外国犯罪团伙则利用所谓的学英语或者外国男朋友充门面的心态,诱使异性与之交往,通过对异性诱骗洗脑,欺骗异性感情,达到与异性发生性关系的目的。

翻译are you related to your fiance or partner by blood ,marriage or adoption?

你和你的未婚夫或者合伙人有血缘、婚姻或者收养关系吗?祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

interest is imparted to the bead什么意思?


he was denied admittance to the very formal party


they blow across the ramparts,turn cartwheels over rooftops啥意思


partial tone是什么意思

  partial tone英 [ˈpɑ:ʃəl təun] 美 [ˈpɑrʃəl toʊn]  n.分音; 谐音,泛音;  [网络]泛音; 部分音调; 谐音;  [例句]The second aspect is partial tone and pun, which is the most commonly used in the folk songs of Southern Dynasties.  第二个方面是谐音双关,这是南朝民歌中最常用的一种手法。

什么是showers party

showers party送礼会聚会送礼会派对shower (美)(为新娘或分娩等妇女举行的)送礼会 ;大批礼物

administrative department是什么意思


行政部的英文应该是"Administrator Department"还是"Administrative Department"?

行政部应当是 Administration Department ,用名词 Adminstration。或者 The Department of Administration,但不如 Administration Department 那么合适。Quality Department 与 Technology Department 是对的。

行政部 Administrative Department缩写

更正楼上的department 的缩写最好用dept.不要用dep.dep.的大多意思是dependency行政部 AD财务部 FD 技术部 TD这3个可以直接这样缩写



Sabrina Carpenter出道首单,Fall Apart 歌词

Standing in the dark with you, I thank my lucky stars That all those movie scene aren"t just wishful thinking If you believe that it can happen to you I can feel your eyes on me, I"ve got no place to hide If it were brighter you could see my cheeks turn red Oh it"s so quiet I can hear my heartbeat in my head When he takes you by the hand You gotta listen to your heart Don"t try to understand Just fall apart Cuz the story isn"t told You"re only at the start Forget everything you know And just fall apart I don"t have a roll, right now I"m playing myself There"s no camera or director standing by What do I do, I keep forgetting all my stupid lines! When he takes you by the hand You gotta listen to your heart Don"t try to understand Just fall apart Cuz the story isn"t told You"re only at the start Forget everything you know And just fall apart Remember when Spiderman kissed Mary Jane upside down in the rain She didn"t need to know his name, she couldn"t even see his face So when he takes you by the hand You gotta listen to your heart Don"t try to understand Just fall apart Cuz the story isn"t told You"re only at the start Forget everything you know And just fall apart

古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)遭调查

2017年11月30日 07:36 英国《金融时报》 詹姆斯•丰塔内拉汗,苏吉特•因达普,乔•伦尼森和卡拉•斯坎内尔 四名记者在纽约报道。 原文链接: 这篇报道叙述了三个事件: 1 美国证交会(SEC)对古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)就后者将客户资金投资于高管关联人戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)创建的公司进行调查。 2 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的合规团队对公司对向一家由阿根廷商人迭戈•鲍尔(Diego Ball)间接控股的公司贷款1亿美元进行审查。 3 记者对古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)向BCBG Max Azria的投资进行的调查,这个公司于2017年初申请破产,使古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)遭受损失,但胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball)的5400万美元贷款却没有损失。 沃尔特(Mark Walter)是古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的首席执行官,胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball)是古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的前高管,迭戈•鲍尔(Diego Ball)是沃尔特(Mark Walter)的朋友。 三个事件,严重性依次降低,第一个是政府的调查,第二个是公司自己的调查,第三个是记者的调查。 第一个事件涉嫌违反美国证交会(SEC)的“第17(d)条”,该条款禁止资产管理公司投资于其关联公司也是股东的公司。 这三个事件中,至少10亿美元客户资金投向与古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)高管和最大股东有着私人关系的公司,该公司自己的合规部门曾对其中一些交易缺乏尽职调查发出警告。 至少在3个事件中,员工就旨在防范自我交易的内部合规程序是否被遵照执行提出了质疑。 在这些前任和现任员工中,有8人认为,该公司的投资文化鼓励对潜在违规行为视而不见。 美国证交会(SEC)调查的重点是古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)是否不正当地将客户资金投资于戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)创建的公司。 鲍勃•戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)是古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)首席投资官斯科特•米内德(Scott Minerd)的长期密友。 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)最近因此接到了来自美国证交会(SEC)长达50页的“缺陷函”(deficiency letter)。 文章暗示所有的疑点都引起美国证交会(SEC)的关注,但这个事件是重点,但并没有明确说。 戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)没有被调查,也没有被指控存在任何不当行为。现在还不能确定美国证交会(SEC)的调查是否会导致罚金或制裁。戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)和Atlas Mara的发言人拒绝置评。 Atlas Mara公司是戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)旗下的公司,投资于非洲的银行。 调查的对象是2015年的一笔交易,米内德(Scott Minerd)负责的古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)两只共同基金购买了戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)旗下的Atlas Mara公司的一只债券,调查的内容还包括这笔交易是否违反了美国证交会(SEC)的“第17(d)条”,该条款禁止资产管理公司投资于其关联公司也是股东的公司。 当时,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)内部的合规部门以潜在利益冲突为由对这笔交易提出警告。 2015年9月30日的电邮中,古根海姆基金(Guggenheim Funds)一位合规高管致信投资组合管理同事称,对Atlas Mara的投资是不被允许的,因为古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的最大股东、总部位于德克萨斯州的综合企业Sammons同时是Atlas Mara的股东,后者投资于非洲的银行。 文章中提到一种投资工具ABH。 发生在上面事件(非洲投资)后不久,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的合规团队对另一笔引发利益冲突担忧的交易进行了审查:向一家由阿根廷商人、沃尔特(Mark Walter)的朋友迭戈•鲍尔(Diego Ball)间接控股的公司Kirkdale贷款1亿美元。 据直接了解古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)业务的8名前任和现任员工称,这笔贷款申请附带的信息没有古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)一般要求借款者提供的那样详尽。 2015年12月这笔向Kirkdale发放的贷款,缺乏相关文件。 几名了解情况的人士表示,这份文件是由沃尔特(Mark Walter)(古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)首席执行官兼联合创始人)与人共有的公司Franklin Monroe(公司注册地址与古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)芝加哥公司相同)的一名员工签署的。 从文章来看,这是记者的调查。 2017年初,曾经名噪一时的时装零售商、由突尼斯时装设计师麦克斯•阿兹里亚(Max Azria)创建的BCBG Max Azria申请破产,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)实际上赔掉了这些年对BCBG投资的数亿美元,投资形式是古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)主要投资基金发放的贷款以及自己资产负债表上的股权投资。 2016年,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的年度收入减少5%,至7.65亿美元,股东总回报下滑4%。古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)一位现任高级投资专业人士认为,至少从某种程度来说,下降的原因是该公司在BCBG的亏损。在2017年BCBG申请破产之际,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)持有BCBG 4.60亿美元的债券。 2016年,BCBG从投资公司Allerton Funding那里获得5400万美元。Allerton是胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball)旗下的ABS Capital的子公司,ABS Capital将获得破产后的BCBG的特许分享协议,使其可能收回所有5400万美元投资。 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的一位高管否认,是徇私导致不同的结果。他表示,投资者参加这两次救助融资的条件是破产时将优先受偿。他补充称,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)向客户提供了投资两轮救助的机会,但他们拒绝了。另外,在2015年的重组中,为救助BCBG,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)本身在资本结构的底部投资了1亿美元。 1 华尔街资产管理公司古根海姆合伙人公司(Guggenheim Partners),管理资产规模2400亿美元。 客户包括纽约警察养老基金和地区保险公司,以及亿万富翁赌场大亨弗兰克•费尔蒂塔(Frank Fertitta)。 2 洛杉矶道奇队(Los Angeles Dodgers) 洛杉矶道奇(Los Angeles Dodgers)是美国加州洛杉矶的一支职棒大联盟球队,隶属国家联盟西区。道奇队成立于1883年纽约的布鲁克林,原名布鲁克林道奇队,1958年迁至洛杉矶后更名。洛杉矶道奇与世仇旧金山巨人在世界大赛参加18次,但是只拿下六次世界大赛冠军。 3 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 鲍勃•戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)与斯科特•米内德(Scott Minerd)上世纪八十年代和九十年代在此共事。 4 瑞士信贷第一波士顿(Credit Suisse First Boston) 鲍勃•戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)与斯科特•米内德(Scott Minerd)上世纪八十年代和九十年代在此共事。 5 贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns) 艾伦•施瓦茨(Alan Schwartz)原来所在公司,2009年被摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)收购,施瓦茨从因此加盟古根海姆。 6 摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase) 估计古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)属于该公司。理由是这句话:2009年,在贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)被摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)收购后,施瓦茨从贝尔斯登加盟古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)。 7 Atlas Mara公司 戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)旗下的公司,投资于非洲的银行。 8 Sammons 总部位于德克萨斯州的综合企业,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的最大股东,也是Atlas Mara的股东。 9 古根海姆基金(Guggenheim Funds) 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)的基金,可能由米内德(Scott Minerd)负责。 10 Kirkdale 迭戈•鲍尔(Diego Ball)通过在开曼群岛注册的投资工具ABH间接控股的公司。Kirkdale由ABH所有。 11 Franklin Monroe 沃尔特(Mark Walter)与人共有的公司,公司注册地址与古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)芝加哥公司相同。 12 ABS Capital 投资公司,胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball)与人共同拥有。 与沃尔特(Mark Walter)合作收购加州马布里大卫•格芬(David Geffen)豪宅的也是ABS Capital。 13 BCBG Max Azria 时装零售商、由突尼斯时装设计师麦克斯•阿兹里亚(Max Azria)创建,2017年初申请破产。 14 Sammons 一家公司,其保险子公司Midland Life向BCBG提供了一笔3500万美元被视为“超级优先”的贷款,其受偿优先顺序高于古根海姆的初级贷款和股票。 15 Midland Life Sammons的保险子公司。见它的条文。 16 Allerton Funding 投资公司,胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball)旗下的ABS Capital的子公司。 1 鲍勃•戴蒙德(Bob Diamond) 巴克莱(Barclays)前首席执行官、古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)首席投资官斯科特•米内德(Scott Minerd)的长期密友。 2 斯科特•米内德(Scott Minerd)【与3有权力斗争,公司否认】 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)首席投资官,巴克莱(Barclays)前首席执行官。 3 马克•沃尔特(Mark Walter)【与2有权力斗争,公司否认】 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)首席执行官兼联合创始人。也是洛杉矶道奇队(Los Angeles Dodgers)联合所有者。 4 弗兰克•费尔蒂塔(Frank Fertitta) 亿万富翁,赌场大亨。 5 艾伦•施瓦茨(Alan Schwartz) 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)执行董事长。 6 乔安娜•卡塔卢奇(Joanna Catalucci) 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)基金合规主管。曾阻止购买戴蒙德旗下的Atlas Mara公司的一只债券,一小时后屈从于高级管理层压力,收回决定。 7 迭戈•鲍尔(Diego Ball) 阿根廷商人、沃尔特(Mark Walter)的朋友,古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)前高管胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball)的兄弟。 8 胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball) 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)前高管,现在与人共同拥有投资公司ABS Capital。 ABS Capital与沃尔特(Mark Walter)共同投资过他亲自参与的其他交易,包括斥资8500万美元收购之前由好莱坞大亨大卫•格芬(David Geffen)所有的位于马里布的豪宅。 9 大卫•格芬(David Geffen) 好莱坞大亨,在马里布有豪宅。 10 罗伯特•洛法索(Robert Lofaso) 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)高级管理合伙人,他评估了这笔向鲍尔的ABH公司发放的贷款,问“这个人是谁?”。 11 罗布•吉(Rob Jee) 古根海姆(Guggenheim Partners)合规主管。 12 麦克斯•阿兹里亚(Max Azria) 突尼斯时装设计师,2017年他BCBG Max Azria申请破产。 13 戴维•斯基尔(David Skeel) 宾夕法尼亚大学法学院(University of Pennsylvania Law School)破产学教授英国《金融时报》的一项调查发现,华尔街资产管理公司古根海姆合伙人公司(Guggenheim Partners)的高管们,同与该公司领导层关系密切的公司进行了一系列交易,引发了其内部合规、审计和投资团队对于可能存在徇私和自我交易的担忧。 在这些交易中,这家规模为2400亿美元的华尔街资产管理公司至少将10亿美元客户资金投向与古根海姆高管和最大股东有着私人关系的公司,该公司自己的合规部门曾对其中一些交易缺乏尽职调查发出警告。 接到举报后,美国证交会对该公司是否违反将客户利益放在首位的受托责任展开调查。据了解古根海姆的6人称, 举报提及一系列被指可疑的交易,包括古根海姆与巴克莱(Barclays)前首席执行官、古根海姆首席投资官长期密友鲍勃•戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)一起对几家非洲公司的投资。 古根海姆的客户包括纽约警察养老基金和地区保险公司,以及赌场大亨弗兰克•费尔蒂塔(Frank Fertitta)这样的满世界飞的亿万富翁。该公司已面临数月的动荡,原因是该公司最知名的两位高管——首席投资官斯科特•米内德(Scott Minerd,见文首照片图右)和首席执行官兼联合创始人马克•沃尔特(Mark Walter,见文首照片图左)——之间日益升级的权力斗争。 尽管这场冲突让还是洛杉矶道奇队(Los Angeles Dodgers)联合所有者的沃尔特与米内德就如何管理该公司以及谁制定战略产生争执,但古根海姆现在和曾经的员工都表示,两位高管都是可疑交易的幕后支持者,员工被要求对他们下令做出的不寻常投资睁只眼闭只眼。古根海姆一直否认高管之间存在任何不和。 “在内部,那些为这些高管工作的人们告诉我们‘嘿,这是马克•沃尔特的交易",或者‘这是斯科特•米内德的交易",这基本上意味着不要问太多,直接通过这笔交易,”曾负责处理冲突的一位前高级员工表示,“我们不得不按照老板的话去做……而其他标准交易不是如此。” 有关自我交易的规定的引入是为了确保基金高管不从事那些违背投资者利益的交易。然而,只要这些集团之间的交易符合“公平独立原则”(arm"s length),有关交易条款的全部信息都披露给了参与交易的各方,那么与前商业合作伙伴或亲密朋友一起投资就不一定存在什么不当之处。古根海姆的一位发言人否认该公司及其高管有任何不当行为。 对古根海姆多名前任和现任员工的采访以及对公司文件和内部电邮的评估显示, 这些交易包括向沃尔特的一位朋友贷款1亿美元,古根海姆的员工称,这笔贷款是在没有获得有关借款人信息或资金用途等重要文件的情况下批准的。这些交易还包括一次引人注目的破产申请,导致古根海姆旗舰基金的投资者损失数百万美元,而古根海姆高管的密友管理的投资工具毫发未损。 这些问题曝出的两年前,古根海姆曾向美国证交会支付2000万美元的和解金。当时有人指控该公司违反受托责任,未能披露时任首席执行官托德•伯利(Todd Boehly)曾经从不光彩的垃圾债券之王迈克尔•米尔肯(Michael Milken)那里获得5000万美元贷款,后者随后被允许投资于古根海姆领衔的一次收购,投资条款与其他投资者不同。 杜克大学(Duke University)证券法教授詹姆斯•考克斯(James Cox)表示,合规部门通常会对这种冲突进行极其严格的管理,任何一家华尔街公司出现一系列违规行为都表明领导层的失败。“重要的是参与者,”考克斯表示,“过去的行为方式很重要,非常重要。” 古根海姆执行董事长艾伦•施瓦茨 古根海姆执行董事长艾伦•施瓦茨(Alan Schwartz,见右图)承认,一些员工对该公司的部分高层感到不满。但施瓦茨坚决否认徇私和自我交易的指控。 施瓦茨在英国《金融时报》驻纽约办公室接受近4个小时的采访时表示:“我绝不会说我们永远不会在某个过程中犯错,或者我们所有的过程都100%正确。但如果我听到有人说我们故意不按正确的方式做事情或试图规避我们设置的程序,我会非常苦恼。” 施瓦茨补充称:“如果有任何迹象表明我们试图规避规则或公司有人被允许这么做却没有承担严重后果的,我可以看着你的眼睛说事情不是这样的。”2009年,在贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)被摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)收购后,施瓦茨从贝尔斯登加盟古根海姆。 据直接了解调查内容的几位人士称,美国证交会调查的重点是古根海姆是否不正当地将客户资金投资于戴蒙德创建的公司,从上世纪八十年代和九十年代戴蒙德与米内德在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和瑞士信贷第一波士顿(Credit Suisse First Boston)共事开始,两人就相识了。 这些人表示,调查的对象是2015年的一笔交易,米内德负责的古根海姆两只共同基金购买了戴蒙德旗下的Atlas Mara公司的一只债券,调查的内容还包括这笔交易是否违反了美国证交会的“第17(d)条”,该条款禁止资产管理公司投资于其关联公司也是股东的公司。 根据古根海姆内部电邮以及现任员工的说法,当时,古根海姆内部的合规部门以潜在利益冲突为由对这笔交易提出警告。 在英国《金融时报》看到的一封2015年9月30日的电邮中,古根海姆基金(Guggenheim Funds)一位合规高管致信投资组合管理同事称,对Atlas Mara的投资是不被允许的,因为古根海姆的最大股东、总部位于德克萨斯州的综合企业Sammons同时是Atlas Mara的股东,后者投资于非洲的银行。 在英国《金融时报》看到的一封电邮中,古根海姆基金合规主管乔安娜•卡塔卢奇(Joanna Catalucci)表示:“鉴于……Sammons与古根海姆合伙人投资管理公司的关联关系以及Sammons在Atlas Mara的股权,根据《1940投资公司法》第17(d)条,这笔交易是不被允许的。” 不到一个小时后,卡塔卢奇收回了她的决定,并在第二封电邮中表示,在“进一步对事实进行评估”后,这笔交易是被允许的。合规团队中熟悉这笔交易的两人表示,这种转变屈从于高级管理层的压力。 接近古根海姆高层的人士坚称,这一决定是在进行了更多法律咨询后逆转的。卡塔卢奇没有在领英(LinkedIn)上回复置评请求。古根海姆的一位发言人拒绝就美国证交会的调查置评,只是表示古根海姆“全力配合”美国证交会合规人员的定期检查。 这位发言人表示:“古根海姆制定了政策和程序,以防范古根海姆员工在投资中把他们自己或他们朋友的利益置于古根海姆基金投资者之前。” 戴蒙德没有被调查,也没有被指控存在任何不当行为。现在还不能确定美国证交会的调查是否会导致罚金或制裁。戴蒙德和Atlas Mara的发言人拒绝置评。 就在非洲这笔投资后不久,古根海姆的合规团队对另一笔引发利益冲突担忧的交易进行了审查:向一家由阿根廷商人、沃尔特的朋友迭戈•鲍尔(Diego Ball)间接控股的公司贷款1亿美元。据直接了解古根海姆业务的8名前任和现任员工称,这笔贷款申请附带的信息没有古根海姆一般要求借款者提供的那样详尽。 自2007年金融危机以来,古根海姆向那些从非银行实体寻求流动性的富有个人提供了数量越来越多的贷款,在金融危机时期的监管规定出台后,这些非银行实体有着比传统银行更多的贷款自由。但据3名现任和前任员工表示,与古根海姆高管没有密切联系的客户没有获得与鲍尔一样的待遇。 古根海姆的合规团队关注过2015年12月这笔向Kirkdale发放的贷款缺乏相关文件,根据沃尔特一位朋友提供的公司结构概要,Kirkdale是鲍尔通过在开曼群岛注册的投资工具ABH间接控股的公司。 鲍尔与沃尔特的关系是多维且复杂的。尽管英国《金融时报》看到的一份在贷款审查过程中提交的文件称,Kirkdale由ABH所有,但几名了解情况的人士表示,这份文件是由沃尔特与人共有的公司Franklin Monroe(公司注册地址与古根海姆芝加哥公司相同)的一名员工签署的。 另外,据古根海姆的一位发言人称,鲍尔是古根海姆前高管胡安•鲍尔(Juan Ball)的兄弟,后者现在与人共同拥有投资公司ABS Capital,ABS Capital与沃尔特共同投资过他亲自参与的其他交易,包括斥资8500万美元收购之前由好莱坞大亨大卫•格芬(David Geffen)所有的位于马里布的豪宅。 一份评估这笔交易潜在冲突的内部文件警告称,文件缺失产生了风险,鲍尔可能会利用这1亿美元进行不正当的“投资或者以某种方式有利于”某个与古根海姆相关的人——或者该文件所称的“古根海姆关联方”。 据古根海姆两名现任员工和一名前任员工称,尽管存在这些担忧,但在一位与沃尔特合作的律师简单保证鲍尔是一位可靠的对手方后,鲍尔的贷款获批。 “如果你的老板,首席执行官(他碰巧也是一位亿万富翁),告诉你做一些事情,你只管去做。否则你就会被炒鱿鱼,”一位评估过这笔贷款的前员工表示,“那是个错误,但当时我只是不想丢掉工作。” 熟悉沃尔特的人否认这些指控。但由一位前员工掌握的录音记录了一名古根海姆高管反对仅仅根据沃尔特身边一名顾问的“保证”向Kirkdale发放贷款。“这个人是谁?”高级管理合伙人罗伯特•洛法索(Robert Lofaso)问,他评估了这笔向鲍尔的ABH公司发放的贷款。记者没有联系到洛法索发表评论。 古根海姆表示不就现在或潜在的客户置评。然而,该公司合规主管罗布•吉(Rob Jee)表示:“我们考察了2015年的所有1亿美元的贷款,没有一笔是不正当处理的,全都进行了‘了解你的客户"尽职调查。”记者没有联系到鲍尔置评。 2017年初,曾经名噪一时的时装零售商、由突尼斯时装设计师麦克斯•阿兹里亚(Max Azria)创建的BCBG Max Azria申请破产,古根海姆实际上赔掉了这些年对BCBG投资的数亿美元,投资形式是古根海姆主要投资基金发放的贷款以及自己资产负债表上的股权投资。 一位接近BCBG最高管理层的人士告诉英国《金融时报》,“古根海姆绝对遭到了(破产的)屠杀”。但结果更有利于两位与古根海姆最高管理层关系密切的投资者,他们曾在2015年和2016年BCBG努力渡过零售低迷期时,在对这家零售商的救助融资中提供过比其他投资者少得多的投资。 据一位了解BCBG破产情况的古根海姆现任投资专业人士表示:“处于BCBG资本结构不同层级的马克•沃尔特相关实体与关联保险公司之间的关系,造成了潜在混乱且冲突的结果。” 根据英国《金融时报》看到的一份2017年6月的内部备忘录,2016年,古根海姆的年度收入减少5%,至7.65亿美元,股东总回报下滑4%。古根海姆一位现任高级投资专业人士认为,至少从某种程度来说,下降的原因是该公司在BCBG的亏损。 在2017年BCBG申请破产之际,古根海姆持有BCBG 4.60亿美元的债券。2015年,Sammons保险子公司Midland Life向BCBG提供了一笔3500万美元被视为“超级优先”的贷款,其受偿优先顺序高于古根海姆的初级贷款和股票。在BCBG申请破产后,这笔贷款计入重组后的这家零售商,使得即使古根海姆的债券和股权被清零,这笔贷款也没有任何即时损失。 类似的,2016年,BCBG从投资公司Allerton Funding那里获得5400万美元。Allerton是胡安•鲍尔旗下的ABS Capital的子公司,与沃尔特合作收购那栋加州豪宅的也是ABS Capital。ABS Capital将获得破产后的BCBG的特许分享协议,使其可能收回所有5400万美元投资。 古根海姆的一位高管否认,是徇私导致不同的结果。他表示,投资者参加这两次救助融资的条件是破产时将优先受偿。他补充称,古根海姆向客户提供了投资两轮救助的机会,但他们拒绝了。另外,在2015年的重组中,为救助BCBG,古根海姆本身在资本结构的底部投资了1亿美元。 然而,整个资本结构的这些密切关系引起了破产专家的警觉。 “在过去10到15年,不同债权人等级之间的这些利益冲突变得越来越令人担忧,”宾夕法尼亚大学法学院(University of Pennsylvania Law School)破产学教授戴维•斯基尔(David Skeel)表示,“问题是破产法假设,所有人都根据他们所在债权人等级的利益投票。但当你的投资者处于不同等级时,你就不能再做这样的假设了。它可以把这个过程变成一面哈哈镜。”


departure n. 离开;出发;违背。 谐音:底趴撤jewish adj. 犹太人的,犹太教徒的;犹太人作风的 。谐音:竹丝lecture n. 演讲;讲稿;教训vt. 演讲;训诫vi. 讲课;讲演谐音:来客车

You"re A Part Of Me的中文,麻烦..帮忙


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cargo compartment货舱双语对照词典结果:cargo compartment[英][ˈkɑ:ɡəu kəmˈpɑ:tmənt][美][ˈkɑrɡo kəmˈpɑrtmənt]货舱; 例句:1.They"re allowed to fly, but only in the cargo compartment.

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求高人指点2012英国卡迪夫留学生活费 详细一些 为感!另 part time job 好找吗?

之前在cardiff生活过一年一般租房的话,一个月平均300镑,水费电费还有网费差不多一共20镑左右,如果是住学校的话,一般是350-400镑一个月。吃饭的话一个人一个月100镑肯定够了,这100镑指的是卖蔬菜、买肉,不包括酒、零食、饮料和贵的水果(那种车厘子可能要10+镑一小盒);其他杂费的话,电话费如果是by contract,最贵最好的一个月35-40镑,普通的10镑都有,如果电话不多pay as you go的,就是打多少花多少;交通费的话,一般一次公交单程1.5镑,可以买周票和年票,便宜很多。Part time job不是很好找,毕竟英国现在失业情况比较严重,你可以去job center先申请个 issurance no. card,或者上gumtree找一些兼职工作,最好是有朋友推荐,一般都是朋友推荐的工作。part time 一般最低5镑一小时工资。有问题可以发信息给我~

If you are part of the group which you are addres

完整的句子应该是:If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it"ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman"s notorious bad taste in ties. (2002 Text1) 【结构分析】本句包含由and连接两个并列分句。第一个分句主干为you will be in a position,不定式to know the experiences and problems 做定语,修饰position,其中which引导定语从句,修饰the experiences and problems。第二个分句为it"ll be appropriate for you to „,其中it作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式to make a passing remark about„。 【参考译文】如果你是你谈话听众中的一员,你就能够了解你们所共有的经历和问题,而且你也可对餐厅极难吃的食物或者领导在选择领带方面差劲的品味进行评头论足。


particularly的意思:特别是。读音:英[pəˈtɪkjələli]、美[pərˈtɪkjələrli]。释义:adv. 异乎寻常地;特别是;明确地变形:比较级 more particularly、最高级 most particularly。同近义词:specifically/extra/definitely/positivelyadv. 特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地particularly造句如下:1、This is a real treat for animal lovers and particularly those who are not so keen on zoos.对于动物爱好者,尤其是对动物园不那么热爱的人来说,这是一种真正的享受。2、He particularly reminded me not to be late for the exam tomorrow morning.他专门提醒了我明天早上考试不要迟到。3、I didn"t particularly want to go, but I had to.我不是特别想去,但我必须得去。4、There was a particularly poignant scene where the mother and daughter were reunited.(电影里)有一幕母女重聚的辛酸的场景。5、I was really impacted by the speech, particularly the imagery the speaker evoked.演讲给我了很大触动,部分原因是演讲者激发了我的想象。


particularly的意思:特别是。读音:英[pəˈtɪkjələli]、美[pərˈtɪkjələrli]。释义:adv. 异乎寻常地;特别是;明确地变形:比较级 more particularly、最高级 most particularly。同近义词:specifically/extra/definitely/positivelyadv. 特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地particularly造句如下:1、This is a real treat for animal lovers and particularly those who are not so keen on zoos.对于动物爱好者,尤其是对动物园不那么热爱的人来说,这是一种真正的享受。2、He particularly reminded me not to be late for the exam tomorrow morning.他专门提醒了我明天早上考试不要迟到。3、I didn"t particularly want to go, but I had to.我不是特别想去,但我必须得去。4、There was a particularly poignant scene where the mother and daughter were reunited.(电影里)有一幕母女重聚的辛酸的场景。5、I was really impacted by the speech, particularly the imagery the speaker evoked.演讲给我了很大触动,部分原因是演讲者激发了我的想象。

___ the apartment, the fighfighters shut off the gas, open the windows and rescued the old couple.

答案选 C. Having broken into 首先break into 这个动作与主语the fighfighters 是主动关系,其次,这个动作发生在后面一系列的shut,open,rescued这些动作之前,所以要用完成时态的分词结构

He declined to take any farther part in the discussion.请翻译



process是指在处理中pending 待定partial 部分的declined 拒绝的Sub weight 指小计重量Sub Amount指小计金额

this agreement is executed in 2 counterparts 翻译

该协议可能只有一份,也可能复制成多份.每一份都将被视为协议的原版.当所有的这些协议拿到一起时,他们也将被视为一份相同的协议. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!



capsule apartment是什么意思啊??


capsule apartment是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  capsule apartment,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:胶囊公寓。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

英语流利说Level 5 Unit 2 Part 1- The Psychological of Love 1&2

爱的心理人类 One of the most important human emotions is love.最重要的情感之一就是爱。 However, there are many different kinds of love.然而,有许多不同种类的爱。 Romantic love is certainly one of the most interesting kinds of love.浪漫的爱情当然是最有趣的一种爱情。 It can be beautiful, wonderful, and heartbreaking, sometimes all at the same time.它可以是美丽的,美妙的,令人心碎的,有时同时发生。 Romantic love can make our lives full and meaningful, but it can also be an escape from loneliness and suffering.浪漫的爱情能使我们的生活充实而有意义,但它也能使我们摆脱孤独和痛苦。 Besides romantic love,  another kind of love is between parents and children.除了浪漫的爱情,另一种爱是父母和孩子之间的爱。 If romantic love has a purpose,neither psychology nor biology has discovered it.如果浪漫的爱情有目的,心理学和生物学都没有发现。 However, throughout history, philosophers have offered opinions about it.然而,纵观历史,哲学家们对此提出了自己的观点。 The Greek philosopher, Plato, said love makes us complete.希腊哲学家柏拉图说过,爱使我们完整。 He relates a comic story in which humans originally had 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 faces.他讲述了一个喜剧故事,在这个故事中,人类最初有4条胳膊、4条腿和2张脸。 Then, when they angered the Gods, they were cut in half.然后,当他们激怒了众神,他们被切成两半。 Since then every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half  of his or her self.从那时起,每个人都在寻找自己的灵魂伴侣,另一半的自我。 Another philosopher believed that love is an illusion.另一位哲学家认为爱情是一种幻觉。 In his view, people fall in love because they believe the other person can make them happy.在他看来,人们坠入爱河是因为他们相信别人能让他们快乐。 But in fact, this is just an illusion designed to make us have children.但事实上,这只是一个假象,是为了让我们有孩子。 Once we have children, we are right back to where we were, still searching for  happiness.一旦我们有了孩子,我们就回到了过去,仍然在寻找幸福。 For nature this is a success, because we have children to maintain our species.对大自然来说,这是一个成功,因为我们有孩子来维持我们的物种。 But it leaves us still searching for something more.但它仍然让我们寻找更多的东西。 According to this philosopher what is the real purpose of love? It"s designed to maintain our species.根据这位哲学家的观点,爱的真正目的是什么?它的设计是为了保护我们的物种。 If something is an illusion, it isn"t what it seems to be.如果某件事是一种幻觉,它并不是它看起来的那样。 Some people say love can be a disguise for our sexual desires or a biological trick to make us to have children.有人说,爱可以是我们性欲的伪装,也可以是我们生儿育女的生理伎俩。 In Buddhism, romantic love is seen as an attempt to satisfy our desires.在佛教中,浪漫的爱情被视为满足我们欲望的一种尝试。 These desires are a defect, something we need to overcome.这些欲望是一种缺陷,是我们需要克服的。 The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.把自己从痛苦中解放出来的方法就是去除欲望。 Once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom.一旦摆脱了欲望,我们就能达到一种平静和智慧的状态。 This state of being is called nirvana.这种存在状态被称为涅磐。 According to Buddhism how can we free ourselves from suffering? overcome our desires根据佛教,我们怎样才能从痛苦中解脱出来?克服我们的欲望 Other kinds of love include the love between a parent and child.其他类型的爱包括父母和孩子之间的爱。 In one of China"s greatest classical novels, Dream of the Red Chamber, love is presented as a state of foolishness.在中国最伟大的古典小说之一《红楼梦》中,爱情被描绘成一种愚蠢的状态。 A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman who tricks and makes a fool of him.一个年轻人爱上了一个美丽的女人,她欺骗并愚弄了他。 This results in conflicting emotions of love and hate which tear him apart.这导致爱与恨的情感冲突,将他撕裂。 To cure him, a priest gives him a magic mirror.为了治好他,牧师给了他一面魔镜 The priest tells him to look into the reverse side of the mirror, but never to look in the front side.牧师告诉他要照镜子的背面,但不要照镜子的正面。 What side of the mirror is he supposed to look into? the reverse side他应该朝镜子的哪一面看?背面 When the young man looks into the mirror, he doesn"t like what he sees, so he  looks into the forbidden side, the front side.当年轻人照镜子时,他不喜欢他所看到的,所以他看的是禁忌的一面,正面。 There he sees the lovely image of his love, who invites him into the mirror to be with her.在那里,他看到了他爱的可爱的形象,谁邀请他进入镜子与她在一起。 He does this several times until he is finally dragged away in chains.他这样做了好几次,直到最后被人用链子拖走。 He dies while looking into the mirror.他在照镜子的时候死了。 Perhaps the point of the story is that all such attachments should be avoided.也许这个故事的重点是,所有这些依恋都应该避免。 Why does the young man look into the forbidden side of the mirror ? he doesn"t like what he sees in the mirror.为什么这个年轻人要看镜子的禁忌面?他不喜欢他在镜子里看到的东西。 What finally happens to the young man? He is dragged away in chains and dies.最后这个年轻人怎么样了?他被铁链锁着拖走,死了。 He enters the mirror to be with his love and satisfy his desires.他进入镜子与他的爱和满足他的欲望。 once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom一旦摆脱了欲望,我们就能达到一种平静和智慧的状态 The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.把自己从痛苦中解放出来的方法就是去除欲望。 He is dragged away in chains and dies while looking into the mirror.他被锁链拖走,在照镜子时死去。 The priest tells him to look into the reverse side of the mirror, but never to look in the front side.牧师告诉他要照镜子的背面,但不要照镜子的正面。 A famous French writer, Simone de Beauvoir has another point of view.法国著名作家西蒙·德·波伏娃有另一种观点。 For her, love is the desire to integrate with another, like in a great friendship.对她来说,爱是渴望与他人融合,就像在一段伟大的友谊中。 However, it is important that lovers not become too dependent on the other person.然而,重要的是恋人之间不要太依赖对方。 Becoming dependent on another person can lead to boredom or power games.依赖他人会导致无聊或权力游戏。 Lovers should support each other in discovering themselves and developing their potentials.情侣们应该互相支持,发现自己,开发自己的潜力。 In this way, romantic love can enrich the world.这样,浪漫的爱情可以丰富世界。 According to this writer, lovers should avoid becoming too dependent on the other person.根据作者的观点,情侣们应该避免过于依赖对方。 Falling in love can be exciting and frightening.坠入爱河既令人兴奋又令人恐惧。 Maybe we lose ourselves and maybe we find ourselves.也许我们失去了自己,也许我们找到了自己。 Will you dare to find out?你敢知道吗?

he discusses problems with his business partners这


fridge compartment和freezer compartment的区别?

fridge compartment是指像冰箱冷藏部分一样的冷藏车间freezer compartment是指像冰箱冷冻部分一样的冷冻车间


Corne hither, and take my hands.刚到这里来的,把我的手。You who have fled from your lands.你逃离了你的土地。

Break Apart是什么意思


review and modify partitioning layout是什么意思



半狼半狗,经典是 野性的呼唤 和 白牙。


Now Mrs Dombey appeared beautiful and proud and as disdainful and defiant of them all as if the bridal wreath upon her head had been a garland of steel spikes put on to force concession from her which she would die sooner than yield. With her was Florence. When they entered together the shadow of the night of the return again darkened Mr Dombey"s face. But unobserved; for Florence did not venture to raise her eyes to his and Edith"s indifference was too supreme to take the least heed of him. The arrivals quickly became numerous. More directors chairmen of public panies elderly ladies carrying burdens on their heads for full dress Cousin Feenix Major Bagstock friends of Mrs Skewton with the same bright bloom on their plexion and very precious necklaces on very withered necks. Among these a young lady of sixty-five remarkably coolly dressed as to her back and shoulders who spoke with an engaging lisp and whose eyelids wouldn"t keep up well without a great deal of trouble on her part and whose manners had that indefinable charm which so frequently attaches to the giddiness of youth. As the greater part of Mr Dombey"s list were disposed to be taciturn and the greater part of Mrs Dombey"s list were disposed to be talkative and there was no sympathy beeen them Mrs Dombey"s list by magic agreement entered into a bond of union against Mr Dombey"s list who wandering about the rooms in a desolate manner or seeking refuge in corners entangled themselves with pany ing in and became barricaded behind sofas and had doors opened *** artly from without against their heads and underwent every sort of disfiture. When dinner was announced Mr Dombey took down an old lady like a crimson velvet pincushion stuffed with bank notes who might have been the identical old lady of Threadneedle Street she was so rich and looked so unacmodating; Cousin Feenix took down Mrs Dombey; Major Bagstock took down Mrs Skewton; the young thing with the shoulders was bestowed as an extinguisher upon the East India Director; and the remaining ladies were left on view in the drawing-room by the remaining gentlemen until a forlorn hope volunteered to conduct them downstairs and those brave spirits with their captives blocked up the dining-room door shutting out seven mild men in the stony-hearted hall. When all the rest were got in and were seated one of these mild men still appeared in *** iling confusion totally destitute and unprovided for and escorted by the butler made the plete circuit of the table ice before his chair could be found which it finally was on Mrs Dombey"s left hand; after which the mild man never held up his head again. Now the spacious dining-room with the pany seated round the glittering table busy with their glittering spoons and knives and forks and plates might have been taken for a grown-up exposition of Tom Tiddler"s ground where children pick up gold and silver." Mr Dombey as Tiddler looked his character to admiration; and the long plateau of precious metal frosted separating him from Mrs Dombey whereon frosted Cupids offered scentless flowers to each of them was allegorical to see. Cousin Feenix was in great force and looked astonishingly young. But he was sometimes thoughtless in his good humour - his memory occasionally wandering like his legs - and on this occasion caused the pany to shudder. It happened thus. The young lady with the back who regarded Cousin Feenix with sentiments of tenderness had entrapped the East India Director into leading her to the chair next him; in return for which good office she immediately abandoned the Director who being shaded on the other side by a gloomy black velvet hat surmounting a bony and speechless female with a fan yielded to a depression of spirits and withdrew into himself. Cousin Feenix and the young lady were very lively and humorous and the young lady laughed so much at something Cousin Feenix related to her that Major Bagstock begged leave to inquire on behalf of Mrs Skewton (they were sitting opposite a little lower down) whether that might not be considered public property. "Why upon my life " said Cousin Feenix "there"s nothing in it; it really is not worth repeating: in point of fact it"s merely an anecdote of Jack Adams. I dare say my friend Dombey;" for the general attention was concentrated on Cousin Feenix; "may remember Jack Adams Jack Adams not Joe; that was his brother. Jack - little Jack - man with a cast in his eye and slight impediment in his speech - man who sat for somebody"s borough. We used to call him in my parliamentary time W. P. Adams in consequence of his being Warming Pan for a young fellow who was in his minority. Perhaps my friend Dombey may have known the man?" Mr Dombey who was as likely to have known Guy Fawkes replied in the negative. But one of the seven mild men unexpectedly leaped into distinction by saying he had known him and adding - "always wore Hessian boots!"

Not very long ago, a special family system(体系) existed in certain parts of South India. In the .

小题1:B小题1:B小题1:C 小题1:C    小题1:主旨题:从文章第一段的主题句:Not very long ago, a special family system(体系) existed in certain parts of South India.可知文章讲述的是印度南部一种特殊的家庭体系。选B小题1:细节题:从文章的句子:In the system, the actual head of a family unit was the mother"s eldest brother,说明家庭里实际的负责人是母亲的最大的哥哥。选B小题1:细节题:从句子:He did not live with his wife, but with his own mother, brothers and sisters in another house.说明丈夫还和自己的妈妈兄弟姐妹一起生活。选C小题1:推理题:从第二段的句子But this system, in which brothers and sisters take the place of the father, no longer exists in South India except in a few villages. 说明只有少数几个村子是这样的。选C 

Experts ___ (call) in from many parts of the world to construct the domes and to decorate a fortune.

were called和are called 都可以 。考察被动

The experts present at the meeting(出席会议的)were from different parts of the world.为什么 present

这句话中present和at不是一起的,present是现在的意思,而at the meeting是开会的意思,所以前面不用be

英语翻译:experts (call )in from many parts of the worl

are calledcall in 找来,请来世界各地的专家被请来建设穹顶、装饰墙壁


a5东芝Basics(A5)的设计也是延续了Basics(A3)的简约设计,不过这款硬盘的上下边角为圆润设计,而左右边角则是直角设计,这也是它在东芝Basics(A3)硬盘外观上进行创新的一大特点。4T容量版本的重量约为200克左右,硬盘拿在手里不会感觉到什么负担,外壳材质手感还算不错,不会轻易沾染指纹。东芝Basics(A5)包装中也是附赠了一条约为45cm的数据线,长度适中足够日常使用。东芝 (Toshiba),是日本最大的半导体制造商,也是第二大综合电机制造商,隶属于三井集团。公司创立于1875年7月,原名东京芝浦电气株式会社,1939年由东京电气株式会社和芝浦制作所合并而成。

L7-U1-P3 英语流利说 7-1-3 懂你英语 Level7 Unit1 Part3 : On Endurance

As a magician, I try to create images that make people stop and think. I also try to challenge myself to do things that doctors say are not possible. I was buried alive in New York City in a coffin,buried alive in a coffin in April,1999, for a week. I lived there with nothing but water. And it ended up being so much fun that I decided I could pursue doing more of these things. The next one is I froze myself in a block of ice for three days and three nights in New York City. That one was way more difficult than I had expected. The one after that, I stood on top of a hundred-foot pillar for 36 hours. I began to hallucinate so hard that the buildings that were behind me started to look like big animal heads. So, next I went to London. In London I lived in a glass box for 44 days with nothing but water. It was, for me, one of the most difficult things I"d ever done, but it was also the most beautiful. There were so many  skeptics ,  especially the press in London, that they  started flying cheeseburgers on helicopters around my box to  tempt me. So, I felt very validated when the New England Journal of Medicine actually used the research for science. My next pursuit was I wanted to see how long I could go without breathing, like how long I could survive with nothing, not even air. I didn"t realize that it would become the most amazing journey of my life. As a young magician, I was obsessed with Houdini and his underwater challenges. So, I began, early on, competing against the other kids, seeing how long I could stay under water while they went up and down to breathe, you know, five times, while I stayed under on one breath. By the time I was a  teenager , I was  able  to hold my  breath  for three minutes and 30 seconds. I  would  later find out that was Houdini"s personal  record . In 1987 I heard of a story about a boy that fell through ice and was trapped under a river. He was underneath, not breathing for 45 minutes. When the rescue workers came, they resuscitated him and there was no brain damage. His core temperature had dropped to 77 degrees. As a magician, I think everything is possible. And I think if something is done by one person, it can be done by others. I started to think, if the boy could survive without breathing for that long, there must be a way that I could do it. So, I met with a top neurosurgeon. And I asked him, how long is it possible to go without breathing, like how long could I go without air? And he said to me that anything over six minutes you have a serious risk of hypoxic brain damage. So, I took that as a challenge, basically. My first try, I figured that I could do something similar, and I created a water tank, and I filled it with ice and freezing cold water. And I stayed inside of that water tank hoping my core temperature would start to drop. And I was shivering. In my first attempt to hold my breath, I couldn"t even last a minute. So, I realized that was completely not going to work. I went to talk to a doctor friend and I asked him, "How could I do that?" "I want to hold my breath for a really long time. How could it be done?" And he said, "David, you"re a magician, create the illusion of not breathing, it will be much easier." So, he came up with this idea of creating a rebreather, with a CO2 scrubber, which was basically a tube from Home Depot, with a balloon duct-taped to it, that he thought we could put inside of me, and some how be able to circulate the air and rebreathe with this thing in me. This is a little hard to watch. But this is that attempt. So, that clearly wasn"t going to work. Then I actually started thinking about liquid breathing. There is a chemical that"s called perflubron. And it"s so high in oxygen levels that in theory you could breathe it. So, I got my hands on that chemical, filled the sink up with it, and stuck my face in the sink and tried to breathe that in, which was really impossible. It"s basically like trying to breathe, as a doctor said, while having an elephant standing on your chest. So, that idea disappeared. Then I started thinking, would it be possible to hook up a heart/lung by pass machine and have a surgery where it was a tube going into my artery, and then appear to not breathe while they were oxygenating my blood? Which was another insane idea, obviously. Then I thought about the craziest idea of all the ideas: to actually do it. To actually try to hold my breath past the point that doctors would consider you brain dead. So, I started researching into pearldivers. You know, because they go down for four minutes on one breath. And when I was researching pearldivers, I found the world of free-diving. It was the most amazing thing that I ever discovered, pretty much. There is many different aspects to free-diving. There is depth records, where people go as deep as they can. And then there is staticapnea. That"s holding your breath as long as you can in one place without moving. That was the one that I studied. The first thing that I learned is when you"re holding your breath, you should never move at all; that wastes energy. And that depletes oxygen, and it builds up CO2 in your blood. So, I learned never to move. And I learned how to slow my heart rate down. I had to remain perfectly still and just relax and think that I wasn"t in my body, and just control that. And then I learned how to purge. Purging is basically hyperventilating. You blow in and out -- You do that, you get light headed, you getting ling. And you"re really ridding your body of CO2. So, when you hold your breath, it"s infinitely easier. Then I learned that you have to take a huge  breath , and just  hold and relax and  never let any air  out , and just hold and relax  through all the pain. Every morning, this is for months, I would wake up and the first thing that I would do is I would hold my breath for, out of 52 minutes, I would hold my breath for 44 minutes. So, basically what that means is I would purge, I"d breathe really hard for a minute. And I would hold, immediately after, for five and a half minutes. Then I would breathe again for a minute,purging as hard as I can, then immediately after that I would hold again for five and a half minutes. I would repeat this process eight times in a row. Out of 52 minutes, you"re only breathing for eight minutes. At the end of that you"re completely fried,your brain. You feel like you"re walking around in a daze. And you have these awful headaches. Basically, I"m not the best person to talk to when I"m doing that stuff. I started learning about the world-record holder. His name is Tom Sietas. And this guy is perfectly built for holding his breath. He"s six foot four. He"s 160 pounds. And his total lung capacity is twice the size of an average person. I"m six foot one, and fat. We"ll say big-boned. I had to drop 50 pounds in three months. So, everything that I put into my body, I considered as medicine. Every bit of food was exactly what it was for its nutritional value. I ate really small controlled portions throughout the day. And I started to really adapt my body. The thinner I was, the longer I was able to hold my breath. And by eating so well and training so hard,my resting heart-rate dropped to 38 beats per minute. Which is lower than most Olympic athletes. In four months of training, I was able to hold my breath for over seven minutes. I wanted to try holding my breath everywhere. I wanted to try it in the most extreme situations to see if I could slow my heart rate down under duress. I decided that I was going to break the world record live on prime-time television. The world record was eight minutes and 58 seconds, held by Tom Sietas, that guy with the whale lungs I told you about. I assumed that I could put a water tank at Lincoln Center and if I stayed there a week not eating, I would get comfortable in that situation and I would slow my metabolism, which I was sure would help me hold my breath longer than I had been able to do it. I was completely wrong. I entered the sphere a week before the scheduled airdate. And I thought everything seemed to be on track. Two days  before  my big breath-hold attempt, for the record, the  producers  of my television special thought that just  watching  somebody holding their breath, and almost  drowning , is too  boring  for television. So, I had to add handcuffs, while holding my breath, to escape from. This was a critical mistake. Because of the movement, I was wasting oxygen. And  by seven minutes I had gone into these awful convulsions. By 7:08, I started to black out. And by seven minutes and 30 seconds, they had to pull my body out and bring me back. I had failed on every level. So, naturally, the only way out of the slump that I could think of was, I decided to call Oprah. I told her that I wanted to up the ante and hold my breath longer than any human being ever had. This was a different record. This was a pure O2 staticapnea record that Guinness had set the world record at 13 minutes. So, basically you breathe pure O2 first, oxygenating your body, flushing out CO2, and you are able to hold much longer. I realized that my real competition was the beaver. In January of "08, Oprah gave me four months to prepare and train. So, I would sleep in a hypoxic tent every night. A hypoxic tent is a tent that simulates altitude at 15,000 feet. So, it"s like base camp, Everest. What that does is, you start building up the red blood cell count in your body, which helps you carry oxygen better. Every morning, again, after getting out of that tent, your brain is completely wiped out. My first attempt on pure O2, I was able to go up to 15 minutes. So, it was a pretty big success. The neurosurgeon pulled me out of the water because in his mind, at 15 minutes your brain is done, you"re brain dead. So, he pulled me up, and I was fine. There was one person there that was definitely not impressed. It was my ex-girlfriend. While I was breaking the record under water for the first time, she was sifting through my Blackberry, checking all my messages. My brother had a picture of it. It is really -- I then  announced  that I was going to  go for  Sietas" record, publicly. And  what  he did in response, is he went on Regis and Kelly, and  broke  his old record. Then his main competitor went out and broke his record. So, he suddenly pushed the record up to 16 minutes and 32 seconds. Which was three minutes longer than I had prepared. It was longer than the record. I wanted to get the Science Times to document this. I wanted to get them to do a piece on it. So, I did what any person seriously pursuing scientific advancement would do. I walked into the New York Times offices and did card tricks to everybody. So, I don"t know if it was the magic or the lure of the Cayman Islands, but John Tierney flew down and did a piece on the seriousness of breath-holding. While he was there, I tried to impress him, of course. And I did a dive down to 160 feet, which is basically the height of a 16 story building, and as I was coming up, I blacked out underwater, which is really dangerous; that"s how you drown. Luckily, Kirk had seen me and he swam over and pulled me up. So, I started full focus. I completely trained to get my breath-hold time up for what I needed to do. But there was no way to prepare for the live television aspect of it, being on Oprah. But in practice, I would do it face down, floating on the pool. But for TV they wanted me to be upright so they could see my face, basically. The other problem was the suit was so buoyant that they had to strap my feet in to keep me from floating up. So, I had to use my legs to hold my feet into the straps that were loose, which was a real problem for me. That made me extremely nervous, raising the heart rate. Then, what they also did was, which we never did before, is there was a heart-rate monitor. And it was right next to the sphere. So, every time my heart would beat, I"d hear the be


based-at-least-in-part-on至少部分是基于此。1.he prediction can be based on, at least in part, the recorded manufacturingparameter(s) and the retrieved information.该预测可以至少部分地基于所记录的生产参数和检索到的信息。2.All metric unit systems are based, at least in part, on the International MetricStandards.所有米制单位都是以国际米制标准为基础的,至少部分是如此。

Hegotasupriseon her birthday party suprise为什么不加ed?

He got a surprise on her Birthday party.他在她的生日派对上得到了一个惊喜。surprise 在这句句子中充当的是宾语。surprise在这里的意思并不是作为动词惊喜来理解,而是作为名词来理解。ed 通常加在动词后面,作为过去式,那么这里已经有一个动词get了, 就重复了。

have a surprise party,为什么要用surprise

这个地方的 suprise应该就是"惊喜,惊奇; 意外的事"的意思,不过这里的“意外的事”应该是说“好的方面的意外,意想不到的惊喜”。看美剧里,外国人过生日的时候,寿星一打开门,朋友们突然一齐吼:suprise. 这个 surprise party 大概也就差不多: 惊喜的派对,意外的派对。

F(x)的Suprise Party 中文谐音歌词


up的反义词是什么? party的复数是什么? there的同音词是什么? public

downparties公共电话Playing chess with me


apartment主要指一套公寓的房间,而house的基本含义是住宅,指用来供人居住的建筑物,强调的是整体建筑。1.apartment的意思是“一套房间”,主要指一套公寓的房间,通常设有家具供出租,尤指为度假用的; 引申还可指“厅堂,殿堂”,作此解时,常用于复数形式。 2.apartment是指单元房,就是一栋楼的里面有一套一套的单元房,一套单元房就叫一个apartment. 可见,如果我们住在小区里的多层楼,就可以回答I live in an apartment. There"s a nine story apartment building next to the bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。 Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings. 许多城市居民住在公共住宅楼里。 You can visit the whole palace except for the private apartments. 整个宫殿都可以参观,只有内殿不开放。 3.house是独立住宅,它可以指一个平房,也可以指一座别墅,往往带有院子,有的还有花园或游泳池。 4.house的基本意思是“住宅,房子”,指用来供人居住的建筑物,强调的是整体建筑,里面可以有人,也可以没人。house有时还可以表示某些具有特殊用途的建筑物,如“运输大楼”“经纪行”等。 I must find some place where I can house my books. 我得找个地方收藏我的书。 The library houses thousands of volumes. 这个图书馆藏书数万卷。 Many married couples are waiting to be housed. 许多结了婚的夫妇在等待提供房子。

英文里面 house 和 apartment 的区别是什么?

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