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执行一下 print "f",space(5),"s" 发现f 和 s 之间会有空格的。






SpaceX公司是由一名叫马斯克的混血儿成立,主要业务就是航天制造和太空运输服务。 说简单点就是制造火箭在发射进入太空,可以载物也可以载人。SpaceX开发了可部分重复使用猎鹰1号和猎鹰9号运载火箭。SpaceX同时开发天龙号系列的航天器以透过猎鹰9号发射到轨道。SpaceX主要设计、测试和制造内部的部件,如Merlin、Kestrel和Draco火箭发动机。许多人都认为SpaceX是在画饼给全世界看,2008年猎鹰1号研发成功,2010年猎鹰9号1.0版本首次发射,近地轨道运载能力9吨,基本上满足了常规发射的需求。猎鹰9号FT出现之后,22吨的运载能力已经达到阿丽亚娜ES、宇宙神5、德尔塔-4这一级别的水准,可以说只要美军方愿意,就可以把订单从联合发射联盟转移到SpaceX执行。



space world什么意思

space world的意思是:太空世界。有关的造句如下:1、We must make good use of the availablespace.(我们必须充分利用现有空间。)2、You have to give teenagers plenty ofspace.(必须给青少年充足的自由空间。)3、She reversed into a parkingspace.(她将车倒着开进停车位。)4、Let"s hope we can find a parkingspace.(希望咱们能找到个停车位。)5、She neededspace to be herself.(她需要自己的独立空间。)6、Can we makespace for an extra chair?(我们能不能腾个空再放一把椅子?)7、We lead the way inspace technology.(我们在航天技术方面处于领先地位。)8、He hates anyone parking in hisspace.(他讨厌别人占他的车位停车。)




space plus意思是:太空加号重点词汇:space英[speu026as]释义:n.空间;太空;距离vi.留间隔vt.隔开[复数:spaces;第三人称单数:spaces;现在分词:spacing;过去式:spaced;过去分词:spaced]短语:Space Jam空中大灌篮;空中大掼篮;太空大灌篮;宇宙大灌篮词语辨析:space,universe,cosmos这些名词均含“宇宙,太空”之意。1、space指大气层或太阳系之外的极高的天空,即太空之意。2、universe指包括地球及其他天体的广大空间。3、cosmos源于希腊语,指和谐的有秩序的宇宙,与chaos(天地开辟前的浑沌状态)相对。








Spc(n) 该函数是跳过n个空格的位置,在后面显示内容(假的空格)Space(n) 该函数是输入n个空格(真实的)


space()是SQL的函数: 返回一个字符串,其中包含N个空格字符。例: select space(3);返回3个空格字符。" "

VFP 中 space() 是什么意思?

求空格数量的函数。例如 a="i am lily"space(a)值就是2(2个空格)


这是一个合成词,musicspace,音乐时空。分别是由music 和space构成的,意思保留俩者的意思。music n. 音乐,乐曲。例如:What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么音乐?space n. 空间;太空;距离。例如:One needs space to be oneself. 人要有空间才能怡然自得。



shift+space是什么意思 谢谢







room: 有两层含义,一为“房间”,是可数名词;二表示人或物体所占的“空间或场所”、处事的“余地”等意思,是不可数名词,可用little,much,no,plenty等词修饰。可构成make room for给......让出地方;take up room占地方;leave room for留出空间给......等短语。There is room in improvement in your work.你在工作上还有上升空间。space: 意为“空间”,是不可数名词,表示万物存在之处,太空;作“空隙、空白”解时,是可数名词。There isn"t space in the classroom for thirty desks.




这两个单词的区别是词性不同。spatial是形容词,空间的,存在于空间的;场所的。这个单词只能作形容词。space指的是空间,空地和(特定用途的)场所和地区。space可以作名词、动词和代词。例如 spatial dimensions of a room. 一个房间的空间长度。is still some space for a bookshelf. 书架上还有一些位置。此外 ,space经常用作名词属格。


电器space 是指电器的规格大小spacen.空间,太空; 空白,间隔; 空隙; 片刻;vt.把…分隔开,留间隔于…之间;vi.以一定间隔排列;




space的意思:n.空间;(可利用的)空地;空隙;空子;空当;宽敞;空旷;开阔;外层空间;一段时间;空白;自我支配的自由。vt.以一定间隔排列。space短语:1、a waste of space 无用的人;干什么都不行的人;废物;饭桶eg: He regarded himself a waste of space after being disabled.残废之后他把自己当做一个无用的人。2、stare/gaze into space若有所思地望着前方;出神地凝视前方eg: Staring into space, he suddenly asked me a strange question.他凝视着远方,然后突然问了我一个奇怪的问题。3、breathing space 起码的活动空间eg: The room is so crowded that we don"t have enough breathing space.这个房间太拥挤了,我们都没有足够的活动空间了。4、watch this space(用于命令)等待下面发表的消息eg: All of us have no idea about the new policy, so we have to watch this space.我们都对新政策一无所知,所以只能等下面发布的消息了。


space本身是空间的意思。包括键盘的空格键也是space。不考虑语境的话,可能女生真的留有某种空间,算是对男方的一种邀请了。或者女生英文很烂也极有可能把space当成自己有空(有时间)的意思,发送给男方,那一样算是一种邀请暗示了。 更多关于space什么梗,进入:查看更多内容


  键盘Space键就是空格键。Space键又称空白键,是电脑键盘的一个键,位于键盘的最下方。空格键通常是长条形,采用这种设计的主要原因是可以方便地输入空格,如在两个单词中间通常用空格分隔。因此空格键设计得比其他任何键都要宽,两个手的大拇指都可以轻松地敲击空格键。   电脑,又称为计算机,是一种利用电子学原理根据一系列指令来对数据进行处理的机器。电脑可以进行数值计算,又可以进行逻辑计算,还具有存储记忆功能。是能够按照程序运行,自动、高速处理海量数据的现代化智能电子设备。




  英文space是有很多种词性的单词,我们应该要知道它每一种词性的中文意思。下文为大家收集了英语space实际所指的中文意思,欢迎大家阅读!   space的"中文意思   英 [speu026as] 美 [ spes]   第三人称单数:spaces第三人称复数:spaces现在分词:spacing过去分词:spaced过去式:spaced   space 基本解释   名词 空间,太空; 空白,间隔; 空隙; 片刻   及物动词 把u2026分隔开,留间隔于u2026之间   不及物动词 以一定间隔排列   例句   1. There is no space for another chair in this room.   这房间没有再放一把椅子的空地了。   2. Luckily, there was an extra space in the plane.   幸好飞机上有一个额外的座位。   3. People have travelled through space to the moon.   人们已经经由太空到了月球。   4. He had twelve phone calls in the space of an hour.   他在一小时内接了十二通电话。   space的单语例句   1. The quiet space is a refuge from the bustle of the city outside its doors.   2. Gome also blocked Best Buy in taking over a commercial space in Beijing five months ago.   3. Young people who want to have their own space, can simply buy an apartment and move out.   4. Joining hands with TV programs is one way brands can be part of real life rather than just buying advertising space.   5. The cost of buying ad space in every global daily paper, weekly trade journal or monthly car magazine is prohibitive.   6. Neilson began buying works, but soon ran out of space to hang them.   7. Illuminated brightly by hundreds of fluorescent lights, the underground space is a world buzzing with activity.   8. By comparison, it takes Facebook about one petabyte of data storage space to hold 40 billion photos.   9. The palatial space was decorated top to bottom by a Singapore design crew, and there is a stately silence about the whole place.   space的词典解释   1. 空间;(空余的)地方   You use space to refer to an area that is empty or available. The area can be any size. For example, you can refer to a large area outside as a large open space or to a small area between two objects as a small space .   e.g. Under the plan, bits of open space — fields, golf-course borders and small parks — will be preserved.   在这份规划里,一些开放空间——运动场、高尔夫球场边缘以及小公园——将得以保留。   e.g. ...cutting down yet more trees to make space for houses...   砍掉更多的树,腾出空间来盖房子。   2. (活动或储藏用的)空间,场所,面积   A particular kind of space is the area that is available for a particular activity or for putting a particular kind of thing in.   e.g. ...the high cost of office space...   办公场所的高额成本   e.g. You don"t want your living space to look like a bedroom...   你可不希望自己居住的地方看上去像个卧室。   3. 开阔;空旷   If a place gives a feeling of space, it gives an impression of being large and open.   e.g. Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms...   大型油画可以增加小房间的宽敞感。   e.g. The sense of space and emptiness is overwhelming.   巨大的空虚感汹涌袭来。   4. (思考问题、个人成长所需的)时间,余地,空间   If you give someone space to think about something or to develop as a person, you allow them the time and freedom to do this.   e.g. You need space to think everything over...   你需要时间把一切好好地考虑清楚。   e.g. We will give each other space to develop.   我们会给彼此留出发展的空间。




  space英 [speu026as] 美 [spes]  n.空间,太空; 空白,间隔; 空隙; 片刻;  vt.把…分隔开,留间隔于…之间;  vi.以一定间隔排列;  [例句]His long legs bent up in the confined space.  他的两条长腿蜷在狭小的空间里。  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。


space英 [speɪs] 美 [ spes] n.空间,太空;空白,间隔;空隙;片刻


"Space"是一个英文单词,可以有多种不同的翻译和含义。下面将从不同的角度介绍"space"的翻译和意义。空间"Space"最常见的翻译是"空间"。在这个意义上,它通常用于指物体或事物所占据的区域。例如,"outer space"表示外层空间,"personal space"表示个人空间,"living space"表示居住空间等。"Space"还可以用于表示时间的间隔,例如"space between classes"表示课间休息的时间。太空另一个"space"的翻译是"太空"。在这个意义上,"space"通常指的是地球大气层以上的空间。例如,"space exploration"表示太空探索,"space shuttle"表示航天飞机,"space station"表示空间站等。空缺"Space"还可以用于表示空缺或空缺的区域。例如,"parking space"表示停车位,"empty space"表示空白处,"space in a newspaper"表示报纸上的空白处。间隔"Space"还可以用于表示间隔或距离。例如,"two spaces apart"表示两个空格的间隔,"space between teeth"表示牙齿之间的间隔。




space英 [speɪs] 美 [ spes] n. 空间,太空;空白,间隔;空隙;片刻vt. 把…分隔开,留间隔于…之间vi. 以一定间隔排列第三人称单数: spaces 复数: spaces 现在分词: spacing 过去式: spaced 过去分词: spaced




意思是我想去space酒吧。属于全球百大俱乐部,各地都有space酒吧。SPACE PLUS的由来:集团在2015年创立SPACE CLUB成都,被DJMAG杂志评选为全球排名93的俱乐部品牌。2016年品牌升级,重金打造了SPACE PLUS重庆,在2017年继续获得全球第65位的名次。2018年昆明店与长沙店开业,2019年以集团形式的俱乐部品牌被评选为全球排名53的俱乐部。随着上海黑金旗舰店开业,南京、武汉、曼谷、宁波、广州项目同时启动筹备。2018年4月7日重庆SPACE PLUS万象城旗舰店(简称为SPACE PLUS)举行了以“史无前例”为主题的庆功派对,以庆祝SPACE PLUS荣获2018年DJ MAG杂志全球百大俱乐部评选第65名的成绩。此次SPACE PLUS不仅是重庆第一家百大俱乐部,也是今年西南地区唯一一个百大俱乐部,对全国电子音乐行业发展以及夜店文化的发展都是历史性的一步。2015年,成都SPACE CLUB的横空出世惊动了整个西南娱乐行业,一场夜店的革变也开始悄然拉开帷幕,打破中国传统夜店的发展模式,奉行全新的音乐文化体验,SPACE CLUB成都短时间内便开始引领起了业内的国际时尚潮流。一年内40多位全球百大DJ接踵而至,与上百位DJ、音乐制作人产生了紧密合作,影响力开始迅速扩张。经过一年的沉淀和努力,成都SPACE首次参加全球百大俱乐部评选就成功入选,获得第93名的成绩,也是整个西南地区第一家百大俱乐部。

space,room,place的区别是什么 指某人或某物所占的特定的空间,是可数名词。eg.We must find a place for this new picture. 我们必须找到空地方挂这幅画。1.room指为某一目的所需的空间,侧重大小,尺寸等,是不可数名词。eg.There is little room on the bus.公交车上几乎没有空了。 指(个人)空间,太空时是不可数名词。eg.You have to give teenagers plenty of space.必须给青少年充足的个人空间。指空地,余地,间隔时,可以做可数名词,也可以做不可数名词。



space是什么键 了解计算机键盘上的space键?

## Space键的历史Space键是计算机键盘上最常用的键之一,它的主要作用是输入空格符,使文本更加易读。除此之外,Space键还可以执行其他的功能,在一些程序和游戏中具有重要的作用。随着计算机技术的发展,Space键也逐渐变得更加易于按压和使用,成为计算机键盘上不可或缺的一部分。除了输入空格符之外,Space键还可以执行其他的功能。在一些程序中,Space键可以用来暂停或继续播放视频或音频,或者用来跳过一些不需要的内容。在一些游戏中,Space键可以用来跳跃或者进行其他动作。## Space键的历史# Space是什么键(了解计算机键盘上的space键)



space travel是什么意思

space travel是太空旅行




为您解答空间space通常指存在于天体celestial objects之间的空隙。然而宇宙universe是指所有天体和空间。因此,空间和宇宙之间的关键区别是包含不包含天体。






定义一个整型变量“space”为“ ”。char space=" "; //将space定义为空格







Space 中文是什么意思









Space键就是键盘上的“空格键”,位于字母区域正下方的最长的键。它可以将文本文字平行的向右面推移。空格键通常是长条形,采用这种设计的主要原因是可以方便地输入空格,如在两个单词中间通常用空格分隔。因此空格键设计得比其他任何键都要宽,两个手的大拇指都可以轻松地敲击空格键。而且空格键也可成为密码的字符。扩展资料空格键的常见功能1、网页中翻页。在浏览网页的时候,按一下空格键就是下翻一页,作用与PageDown键相同,在网上读小说时尤其方便。   2、播放器的暂停/播放。在许多播放器中空格键全是有作用的,多数是控制播放器的暂停/播放。4、Alt+空格键。这组快捷键会打开程序左上角的菜单,里面一般有“还原”“移动”“大小”“最小化”“最大化”和“关闭”几个选项。5、Ctrl+空格键。这组快捷键用于切换中英文输入法。  6、Shift+空格键。这组快捷键可以切换输入法的全角/半角,比如智能ABC、极点五笔等。 7、执行有阴影的选项。一般软件的程序界面都会有一个选项覆盖淡淡的阴影,如果是选择项,空格键的作用就是勾选/去除勾选。


room: 有两层含义,一为“房间”,是可数名词;二表示人或物体所占的“空间或场所”、处事的“余地”等意思,是不可数名词,可用little,much,no,plenty等词修饰。可构成make room for给......让出地方;take up room占地方;leave room for留出空间给......等短语。There is room in improvement in your work.你在工作上还有上升空间。space: 意为“空间”,是不可数名词,表示万物存在之处,太空;作“空隙、空白”解时,是可数名词。There isn"t space in the classroom for thirty desks.


Space键就是键盘上的“空格键”,位于字母区域正下方的最长的键。它可以将文本文字平行的向右面推移。空格键通常是长条形,采用这种设计的主要原因是可以方便地输入空格,如在两个单词中间通常用空格分隔。因此空格键设计得比其他任何键都要宽,两个手的大拇指都可以轻松地敲击空格键。而且空格键也可成为密码的字符。扩展资料空格键的常见功能1、网页中翻页。在浏览网页的时候,按一下空格键就是下翻一页,作用与PageDown键相同,在网上读小说时尤其方便。   2、播放器的暂停/播放。在许多播放器中空格键全是有作用的,多数是控制播放器的暂停/播放。4、Alt+空格键。这组快捷键会打开程序左上角的菜单,里面一般有“还原”“移动”“大小”“最小化”“最大化”和“关闭”几个选项。5、Ctrl+空格键。这组快捷键用于切换中英文输入法。  6、Shift+空格键。这组快捷键可以切换输入法的全角/半角,比如智能ABC、极点五笔等。 7、执行有阴影的选项。一般软件的程序界面都会有一个选项覆盖淡淡的阴影,如果是选择项,空格键的作用就是勾选/去除勾选。






space[spu0454s; spu0454is]名词1 (U)空间time and ~时间与空间vanish into ~消失在空中2 (U)外太空launch a spaceship into ~将太空船射入太空→ outer space.3a. 空处,场地,空隙; (报纸、杂志等的) 版面,篇幅blank ~空白open ~空地a ~ between two buildings两幢建筑物间的空处take up [occupy] too much ~占地太多sell ~ for a paper为报纸卖 (广告等) 版面b. 空白,距离; 间隔for the ~ of a mile一哩的距离at equal ~s以等距离的间隔There"s not enough ~ between the cars.车与车之间没有足够的间隔4 (C) (有特定用途的) 场所,地区an enclosed ~围起的场所find a parking ~寻找停车处5(U) (火车、飞机、轮船等预约的) 座位reserve ~ for four [one"s ~]预订四个人[自己]的座位6 a. (时间的) 间 隔,时间for a ~ of four years四年之间I can"t do it in so short a ~ of time.我无法在那样短的时间内完成那件事b. [a ~]片刻的时间,一会儿工夫for a ~一会儿c. (U)‘广播.电视" (售给客户的) 广告时间7(C)a.‘印刷"行间,空铅 (间 隔)b. (打字稿) 一格或一行的宽度形容词太空的及物动词使…保持一定的间隔[距离],在…隔开字与字 [行与行]S~ out the type more.把铅字的行间 [字间] 空大些The seedlings were equally ~d (out).那些树苗以一定的间隔种植






space是空间的意思。space英 [speu026as]     美 [speu026as]    n. 空间;处所;太空;空地;空闲;空格;间隙v. 留间隔;分隔;走神;忘记I only have a small working space.我只有一间很小的办公室。clear a space 清扫场地disappear into space 消失在空中扩展资料同近义词——location 核心词汇 英 [lu0259u028a"keu026au0283n]     美 [lou028a"keu026au0283n]    n. 位置;外景拍摄地;定位;地点The town is a good location for a young doctor.这个小镇很适宜于一位青年医生安家。look for the location (for) 寻找(…的)位置pinpoint a location 精确地指出位置

the view that aliens exist in outer space


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求 2PAC:Better Dayz (更好的日子)的歌词, 要中文的哟, 用工具翻译的不要来!!

"对于这些更好的日子- >由cjQQ110752994迫使工人天,heyyy更好!较好的日子让我thinkin回合辉煌的日子更好的日子啊!较好的日子更好的日子,Heyyy ! 较好的日子让我thinkin一回合较好的日子[节)我们的生活方式,时间问题,看看我们的寿命Smokin杂草喜欢它不是thang,因此,即使孩子现在,他们想要尝试地躺在地上,把跑着穿过没有人看"电磁clockin邪恶的人做的面对鬼,screamin沉溺于hearin受害者想我们自出生就被放逐,产品恶咒的形态甚至引致我们的生日被咒诅日子一个天生的暴徒在最初的地方,最坏的方式我想看看块在和平中没有更多的经销商和弯曲的警察,只有这样才能阻止那兽而且只有我们能改变这是我们的清理街道,它就不一样的太多,太多的葬礼的谋杀和太多的泪水刚才看到另外一个兄弟埋加上我知道他好多年了经过他的家,但是我还能说什么?抬起头,保持哟的尝试保持信心并祈求辉煌的日子较好的日子,更好的日子,heyyy !thinkin天数. .让我更好对决的好日子较好的日子,更好的日子,辉煌的日子Heyyy ! 较好的日子让我thinkin[韵文回合较好的日子两个)作为一个青少年Thinkin回来,谁会已经猜到了在我未来的岁月,我将会stressin有人说那个居住区的病人和被破坏了再加上我订购单的不让我跟兄弟我长大的试著保持我的头,保持强劲我所有的家slangin llello一整天,但是他们错了所以我的个展和这么坏了要不要来点Savin乔丹的,因为他们的毒品交易我得到了一个女孩,我爱她,但她也是没,我也如此我不能带她去她想去的地方所以我们争论和玩耍,整天整夜地战斗让激情之爱" til的白昼加上我们马上要赶走,不能支付租金猜它的时间,看谁真的是哟的朋友告诉我你怀孕了,我很惊讶当我们stressin这么多的祝福"对他们来说更好的日子为了更好的日子,更好的日子,更好的日子,heyyy !



pacific star造句 pacific starの例文

It is currently owned and operated by Pacific Star Neork Limited. Morrison Media was acquired by Pacific Star Neork in November 2014. Minnicks was quoted as tel png the court by the Pacific Stars and Stripes. In 1947, Richie first visited Japan with the Pacific Stars and Stripes ". Brad Lendon was an editor at Pacific Stars and Stripes in Tokyo from 1982 through 1985. He said Tele this year will restructure Pacific Star to provide more value-added services. Azusa Pacific star Jack Wil pams said. Pacific Star has about 100 corporate customers and services the governments in Queensland and Western Austra pa states. The ex- Pacific star has yet to experience NBA pfe with his team in the lead. She receives a call from a reporter for Pacific Stars and Stripes asking if her son was homosexual. It"s difficult to see pacific star in a sentence. 用 pacific star 造句挺难的 When YTL Pacific Star acquired the building in February 2008, it was renamed to its present name. Smith was awarded the 1939 45 Star, the Pacific Star , and the War Medal 1939 1945. Tele said closing Pacific Star is pkely to cost beeen NZ $ 35 mil pon and NZ $ 55 mil pon. Hagee disclosed the matter Tuesday after Pacific Stars & Stripes asked about discrepancies in his official photographs. Friday"s announcement only came after the story was reported in the mi ptary newspaper Pacific Stars and Stripes. Deane said the results, excluding Pacific Star , reflect New Zealand"s slowing economic growth and increased petition. The result includes the full contribution of the group"s 51 percent subsidiary Pacific Star Communications operating in Austra pa. On 2 March 2012, MTR ceased operations when Pacific Star was unable to pay any monies owed to Macquarie. In March 2008, P & O Cruises Austra pa sold the " Pacific Star " to Pullmantur Cruises. In 2010, Macquarie entered a joint venture with Pacific Star Neork to relaunch Melbourne radio station 3MP as MTR 1377. Offshore, the cruise ship " Pacific Star " sustained heavy damage from the cyclone"s strong waves. Mark Stratford, a broker at First NZ Capital, said Pacific Star is " a problem they will be fixing. The Pacific Star Building was the tallest building in the Phi pppines upon its pletion until it was surpassed by Rufino Pacific Tower. See what"s new with our men and women in uniform at this site hosted by European and Pacific Stars and Stripes. A Cleveland native and Ohio State University graduate, he worked for Pacific Stars and Stripes and pved in Tokyo from 1982 to 1985. Vivian was awarded the 1939-45 Star, Pacific Star , War Medal 1939-45 and Austra pan Service Medal 1939-45. Deane said Pacific Star had a good year in terms of revenue growth, though margins in its businesses have been dec pning amid rising petition. The award of a gallantry medal or Mention in Dispatches qua pfied the recipient for the award of the Pacific Star , regardless of service duration. "" Pacific Star Neork Limited ""( ) is a Melbourne-based media pany psted on the Austra pan Stock Exchange. On January 19, a cruise ship, the Pacific Star , encountered 7 metre ( 22.9 ft ) waves produced by Funa. It"s difficult to see pacific star in a sentence. 用 pacific star 造句挺难的 Govett served in the Army in the Pacific during World War II for five years, and was awarded the Pacific Star for his service. Asia Pacific Star was launched on 1 April, is a subsidiary of SATS, and is the new player concentrating mainly on budget carriers. For another, after I escaped to bee a reporter for the mi ptary newspaper Pacific Stars and Stripes, I"d traveled widely throughout Vietnam. Tele Corp . said its Austra pan arm, Pacific Star , made a loss of NZ $ 22.5 mil pon in the six months. Quoting unidentified Korean investigators, The Pacific Stars and Stripes newspaper for servicemen said blood was found in Fuhrman"s car and at his home. The former P & O Cruises Austra pa ship " Pacific Star " entered service as MS " Ocean Dream " in May. The former University of Pacific star had just six points and seven rebounds in his third game for Kinder, but Duffy said the report was misleading. Q : Eve L . Plasse was visiting Mendocino and stopped by Pacific Star Winery near Fort Bragg, where she tasted Sally Ottoson"s Charbono. Louis King of Albany, New York, stationed at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, told the Pacific Stars and Stripes in Thursday"s editions. In 2008 the " Pacific Star " was sold to Pullmantur Cruises and renamed " Ocean Dream " following a refit in Singapore. We have begun to rationa pze the rapid growth achieved so far by Pacific Star and to sharpen our focus on higher-margin, value-added services, Four others, Arctic Wind, Pacific Star , and Ocean Olympic of Seattle and the Adventure of Peter *** urg, were accused ear per of fishing in Russian waters. After college and law school, and time with other newspapers, including the Pacific Stars and Stripes in Vietnam, he returned to the Tribune in 1973. Moore was awarded a Medal of the Order of Austra pa in 1993, the Pacific Star and the Federation Medal for his mi ptary and po ptical service in 2001. "It is currently anticipated that resolution of the future of Pacific Star "s businesses will occur within this fiscal year, " the pany said. Fourteen years later, the C pppers used the league"s first pick to choose Michael Olowokandi, the University of Pacific star whose father is a Nigerian diplomat. The entitlement to wear the Burma Star, or the Burma Clasp on the ribbon of the Pacific Star , enables the recipient to join the Burma Star Association. The country"s first skyscrapers that rose in the downtown are the Pacific Star Building, The Peak Tower, Pacific Plaza, and the Rufino Pacific Tower. Certain special conditions app ped governing the award of the Pacific Star to those Naval personnel who entered operational service less than six months before the end of the qua pfying period. Tele said it made no provision for further losses because it isn"t able to re pably estimate what further losses might arise from the sale or restructuring of Pacific Star . It"s difficult to see pacific star in a sentence. 用 pacific star 造句挺难的

一个女的唱的 第一句you like a man,a lonely out of space

Allie Moss - Melancholy Astronautic Man歌词如下:You"re like a man alone in outerspace, Cradling the earth in the palm of his hand, You orbit "round tempted by a face, Beauty so alive she leaves you spell bound.

阿姆space bound歌名翻译过来什么意思?拜托各位了 3Q


求eminem space bound 的歌词 带翻译的 一定要完整版,,。。邮箱


求 eminem - space bound 纯英文歌词

歌词送上:[Verse 1:]We touch I feel a rushWe clutch it isn"t muchBut it"s enough to make me wonder whats in store for usIt"s lust, it"s torturous You must be a sorceress "cause you justDid the impossibleGained my trust don"t play games it"ll be dangerousIf you fuck me over"Cause if I get burnt imma show you what it"s like to hurt"Cause I been treated like dirt before youAnd love is "evol"Spell it backwards I"ll show youNobody knows me I"m coldWalk down this road all aloneIt"s no one"s fault but my ownIt"s the path I"ve chosen to goFrozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever soDon"t ask me why I have no love for these motherfucking hoesBloodsucking succubus, what the fuck is up with this?I"ve tried in this department but I ain"t had no luck with thisIt sucks but it"s exactly what I thought it would beLike trying to start overI got a hole in my heart, I"m some kind of emotional rollercoasterSomething I won"t go on "til you toy with my emotion, so it"s overIt"s like an explosion every time I hold you, I wasn"t joking when I told youYou take my breath awayYou"re a supernova... and I"m a[Chorus:]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250 thousand miles on a clear night in JuneAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at youRight at you[Verse 2:]I do whatever it takesWhen I"m with you I get the shakesMy body aches when I ain"tWith you I have zero strengthThere"s no limit on how far I would goNo boundaries, no lengthsWhy do we say that until we get that person that we thinksGonna be that one and then once we get "em it"s never the same?You want them when they don"t want youSoon as they do feelings changeIt"s not a contest and I ain"t on no conquest for no mateI wasn"t looking but I stumbled onto you must"ve been fateBut so much is at stake what the fuck does it takeLet"s cut to the chaseBut a door shuts in your facePromise me if I cave in and break and leave myself openThat I won"t be making a mistake[Chorus][Verse 3:]So after a year and 6 months it"s no longer me that you wantBut I love you so much it hurtsNever mistreated you onceI poured my heart out to youLet down my guard swear to godI"ll blow my brains in your lapLay here and die in your armsDrop to my knees and I"m pleadingI"m trying to stop you from leavingYou won"t even listen so fuck itI"m trying to stop you from breathingI put both hands on your throatI sit on top of you squeezing"Til I snap you neck like a Popsicle stickAin"t no possible reason I could think of to let you walk up out this houseAnd let you liveTears stream down both of my cheeksThen I let you just go and just giveAnd before I put that gun to my templeI told you thisAnd I would"ve done anything for youTo show you how much I adored youBut it"s over nowIt"s too late to save our loveJust promise me you"ll think of me every time you look up in the sky and see a star "cause imma[Chorus:]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250 thousand miles on a clear night in JuneAnd I"m so lost without youWithout youWithout you

阿姆的space bound mv演的是什么意思


谁有eminem的 space bound的歌词,要配有汉语译文的?

we touched i feel a rush我们都感受得到我的冲动we clutched and is it much?我企图控制,但 这值得吗?but it"s enough to make we wonder what"s in store for us这足够让我们思考 等着我们的是什么it"s lust - it"s torturous是性丄欲-折磨人的痛苦you must be a sorceress cause you just did the impossible你肯定是一个女巫 因为你完成了不可完成的事gained my trust你赢的了我的信任don"t play games it"ll be dangerous不想继续这场游戏 这太危险if you fuсk me over, cause if i get burnt如果你想对我瞒天过海i"ma show ya what it"s like to hurt我会让你知道这是什么样的伤害cause i been treated like dirt before ya因为我之前的经历就像别人之前对你做的一样and love is evil. spell it backwards - i"ll show ya爱是罪恶的 曲折的 ,来 让我告诉你nobody knows me i"m cold, walk down this road all alone没有人知道我的冷,一直一个人朝着这条路走下去it"s no one"s fault but my own. it"s the path i"ve chosen to go这不能怪别人,是我。是我自己选择走这条路frozen to snow, i show no emotion but ?冷到凝结成雪,我已经没有任何情感,但...?don"t ask me why i have no love for these motherfuсking hoes不要问我为什么对这些臭女表子们一点感觉都没有blood sucking sucubuses???????????what the fuсk is up with this?是什么搞砸了这一切i tried in this department, but i didn"t have no luck with this我想要过这样的生活,可惜哥没这福气it sucks but it"s exactly like很差劲。但就是这样what i thought it would be when i tried to start over如果重新开始,我想我会i got a hole in my heart; like some kind of emotional rollercoaster我的心中有个洞,就像一些情绪的过山车something i won"t go on until you toy with my emotions有些事在你玩弄了我的情感之前不会继续下去 so it"s over.所以这一切都结束了it"s like an explosion when i hold ya这就像是一场大爆炸i wasn"t joking when i told ya, you take my breath away我没有开玩笑,你让我无法呼吸you"re a supernova你是一颗超新星and i"m a...而我.........[chorus]space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你[verse 2]--[chorus]space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你[verse 3]so after a year and 6 months所以在一年半后it"s no longer me that you want我已经不再是你想要的那个我but i love you so much it hurts我深爱你更深受伤害never mistreated you once不再虐待你i pour my heart out to you我把整颗心都倾诉给你let down my guard - swear to god放下警惕,像上帝发誓i blow my brains in your lap我把我的脑袋放在你的膝盖上lay here and die in your arms搁在这里死在你的怀抱中drop to my knees and i"m bleeding掉到我的膝盖 我在流血i"m tryna stop you from leaving我试着不然你离开you won"t even listen so fuсk it你熟视无睹 i"m tryna stop you from breathing所以我试着不然你呼吸i put both hands on your throat我用我的双手掐住你的咽喉i sit on top of you squeezing我坐在你的上面til i snap your neck like a popsticle stick直到我咬断你的脖子yeah an impossible reason i can think up我想出了一个不可思议的理由to let you walk around this house and just live让你走,只是活在这个房子tears drain down both of my cheeks泪水流下我的脸颊now let you go and just ?所以让你走 只是?now put that gun to my temple - i told you miss现在把枪对准我的太阳穴。我告诉过你-我想你and i will do anything for you我会为你做任何事to show you how much i adored you我会让你明白我有多爱你but it"s over now, it"s too late to save our love但现在太晚了。我们的爱已经无法挽回just promise me you"ll think of me everytime you look up in the sky and see a star只要你答应我 你会想我。每次当你抬头看天空 看见星星的时候cause i"m a...因为我是。。。。space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你

求阿母Space Bound的中文歌词!万分感谢!

space-bound We touch, I feel a rush, we clutch, it isn"t much我们互相触摸,使我感觉就像一次冲击,我们企图控制,但远远不能。But it"s enough to make me wonder what"s in store for us现在足够让我去想这对我们来说意味着什么It"s lust, it"s torturous, you must be a sorceress这是欲望,这也是痛苦的折磨,你必定是一个魔法师Cuz you just, did the impossible, gained my trust因为你确实做到了,得到了我的信任,Don"t play games it"ll be dangerous if you fuck me over不要耍我,如果你骗我这会很危险Cuz if I get burnt, I"ma show ya what it"s like to hurt因为我会被灼伤,我告诉你,你就是使我受伤的原因Cuz I"ve been treated like dirt befo" ya因为我在遇到你之前曾经被人当做不值一提的尘埃一样对待And love is evil, spell it backwards, I"ll show ya爱是罪恶的,倒着拼写就会发现,我来向你细细道来Nobody knows me, I"m cold, walk down this road all alone无人理解我,我很冷,独自在这条路上行走It"s noone"s fault but my own, it"s the path I"ve chosen to go这是我自己的错误,是我选择走的路Frozen as snow, I show no emotion what"soever, so如同雪一样冰冷,无论何时何地我都不带感情Don"t ask me why I have no love for these muh"fuckin" hoes不要问我为什么我不爱这该死的世界Blood-suckin" succubuses, what the fuck is up with this低贱媚俗糟糕的妓女遍地都是,谁他妈的来告诉我这是怎么回事儿I"ve tried in this department, but, I ain"t had no luck with this我尝试着适应,但是,我没这个好运气It sucks but it"s exactly what I thought it would be like tryin" to start over糟糕的是这时刚好我正准备重新开始I"ve got a hole in my heart for some kind of emotional roller-coaster我的心上有一个深深的洞,用来当过山车的隧道,还是不错的Somethin" I won"t go on, so you toy with my emotions, ho, it"s over我无法改变我的爱,你却在玩弄我的感情,所以,到此结束It"s like an explosion every time I hold ya, I wasn"t jokin" when I told ya You take my breath away,告诉你,每当我拥抱着你的时候就像一场心灵上的爆炸,我不是开玩笑当我告诉你你带走了我的呼吸, you"re a supernova你是一颗璀璨的星And I"m a而我(Chorus)I"m a space-bound rocketship and your heart"s the moon我是受空间限制的太空飞船,而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮And I"m aimin" right at you现在我就在你身边Right at you在你的身边250, 000 miles on a clear night in June在六月的静澈的夜晚,25000英尺的高空And I"m aimin" right at you我就在你身边,围绕你旋转Right at you 在你的身边Right at you 在你的身边(Verse 2)I"ll do whatever it takes, when I"m witchu, I get the shakes我不惜一切代价爱你,但是此刻我受到了重创My body aches when I ain"t, witchu, I have zero strength我的身体受了伤,我完全没有了能量There"s no limit on how far I would go, no boundaries, no lengths在太空中,没有边界,没有距离,这里没有极限,我还能活多久Why do we say that until we get that person that we think"s Gonna be that one and then once we get "em为什么直到我们身边有别人我们才去思考, 那个人是我曾经的唯一it"s never the same一直不是相似的You want "em when they don"t want you, soon as they do, feelin"s change你想拥有他们,但他们不想要你It"s not a contest and I ain"t on no conquest for no mate这并不是一场竞赛,我也不想做无结果的结合I wasn"t lookin" when I stumbled onto you, must been fate当我在你周围飞翔的时候我并不能够看着你,这是命中注定But so much is at stake, what the fuck does it take, let"s cut to the chase但是在如此危险的环境中,让我们直奔主题吧"Fore the door shuts in your face, promise me if I cave in and break在这扇门在你的脸前关上之前,去祈祷我能够卡住然后停止运转And leave myself open that I won"t be makin" a mistake就让我这么坦诚的面对你,我不会再犯错Cuz I"m a因为我是(Chorus)I"m a space-bound rocketship and your heart"s the moon我是受空间限制的太空飞船,而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮And I"m aimin" right at you现在我就在你身边Right at you在你的身边250, 000 miles on a clear night in June在六月的静澈的夜晚,25000英尺的高空And I"m aimin" right at you我就在你身边,围绕你旋转Right at you 在你的身边Right at you 在你的身边(Verse 3)So after a year and 6 months, it"s no longer me that you want可能许多年过去我已经不再是你想要的But I love you so much it hurts, never mistreated you once但是我如此的爱你,从没有凌虐过你I"ll pour my heart out to you, let down my guard, swear to God我打算把我的心完全倾倒给你,放下我的全部防御措施,向上帝发誓I"ll blow my brains in your lap, lay here and die in your arms我把我的残骸洒在你的山坳里,躺在那里,在你的怀抱中死去Drop to my knees and I"m pleadin", I"m tryin" to stop you from leavin"我屈膝祈求,试着去求你不要离开我You won"t even listen, so fuck it, I"m tryin" to stop you from breathin"你不听,所以我试着让你停止呼吸I put both hands on your throat, I sit on top of you, squeezin"我坐在你身上卡住你的喉咙,Til" I snap your neck like a Popsicle stick, ain"t a possible reason直到折断你的脖子就像折断棒冰棍,没有一个合理的理由I can think of to let you walk up out this house and let you live但此刻我却想起我早已经把你放走,让你沿着这房子走开 ,让你继续生活下去Tears stream down both of my cheeks, then I let you go and just give眼泪从我的双颊不断地滚落,然后我让你走了And before I put that gun to my temple, I told you this在我最后把枪对准我的太阳穴的时候,我告诉你说(Bridge)And I woulda did anything for you我可以为你做任何事To show you how much I adored you告诉你我有多么的爱你But it"s over now, it"s too late to save our但是现在似乎结束了,挽救我们之间的感情已经太晚了LoveJust promise me you"ll think of me所以答应我你会想起我Every time you look up in the sky and see a star当你抬头看着天空,望见一个星星Cuz I"m a因为我是(Chorus)I"m a space-bound rocketship and your heart"s the moon我是受空间限制的太空飞船,而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮And I"m aimin" right at you现在我就在你的身边Right at you就在你的身边250, 000 miles and a clear night in June在六月的静澈夜晚,250000英尺的高空And I"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失方向Without you没有你我会迷失方向Without you 没有你我会迷失方向

space bound中文歌词

we touched i feel a rush我们都感受得到我的冲动we clutched and is it much?我企图控制,但 这值得吗?but it"s enough to make we wonder what"s in store for us这足够让我们思考 等着我们的是什么it"s lust - it"s torturous是性丄欲-折磨人的痛苦you must be a sorceress cause you just did the impossible你肯定是一个女巫 因为你完成了不可完成的事gained my trust你赢的了我的信任don"t play games it"ll be dangerous不想继续这场游戏 这太危险if you fuсk me over, cause if i get burnt如果你想对我瞒天过海i"ma show ya what it"s like to hurt我会让你知道这是什么样的伤害cause i been treated like dirt before ya因为我之前的经历就像别人之前对你做的一样and love is evil. spell it backwards - i"ll show ya爱是罪恶的 曲折的 ,来 让我告诉你nobody knows me i"m cold, walk down this road all alone没有人知道我的冷,一直一个人朝着这条路走下去it"s no one"s fault but my own. it"s the path i"ve chosen to go这不能怪别人,是我。是我自己选择走这条路frozen to snow, i show no emotion but ?冷到凝结成雪,我已经没有任何情感,但...?don"t ask me why i have no love for these motherfuсking hoes不要问我为什么对这些臭女表子们一点感觉都没有blood sucking sucubuses???????????what the fuсk is up with this?是什么搞砸了这一切i tried in this department, but i didn"t have no luck with this我想要过这样的生活,可惜哥没这福气it sucks but it"s exactly like很差劲。但就是这样what i thought it would be when i tried to start over如果重新开始,我想我会i got a hole in my heart; like some kind of emotional rollercoaster我的心中有个洞,就像一些情绪的过山车something i won"t go on until you toy with my emotions有些事在你玩弄了我的情感之前不会继续下去 so it"s over.所以这一切都结束了it"s like an explosion when i hold ya这就像是一场大爆炸i wasn"t joking when i told ya, you take my breath away我没有开玩笑,你让我无法呼吸you"re a supernova你是一颗超新星and i"m a...而我.........[chorus]space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你[verse 2]--[chorus]space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你[verse 3]so after a year and 6 months所以在一年半后it"s no longer me that you want我已经不再是你想要的那个我but i love you so much it hurts我深爱你更深受伤害never mistreated you once不再虐待你i pour my heart out to you我把整颗心都倾诉给你let down my guard - swear to god放下警惕,像上帝发誓i blow my brains in your lap我把我的脑袋放在你的膝盖上lay here and die in your arms搁在这里死在你的怀抱中drop to my knees and i"m bleeding掉到我的膝盖 我在流血i"m tryna stop you from leaving我试着不然你离开you won"t even listen so fuсk it你熟视无睹 i"m tryna stop you from breathing所以我试着不然你呼吸i put both hands on your throat我用我的双手掐住你的咽喉i sit on top of you squeezing我坐在你的上面til i snap your neck like a popsticle stick直到我咬断你的脖子yeah an impossible reason i can think up我想出了一个不可思议的理由to let you walk around this house and just live让你走,只是活在这个房子tears drain down both of my cheeks泪水流下我的脸颊now let you go and just ?所以让你走 只是?now put that gun to my temple - i told you miss现在把枪对准我的太阳穴。我告诉过你-我想你and i will do anything for you我会为你做任何事to show you how much i adored you我会让你明白我有多爱你but it"s over now, it"s too late to save our love但现在太晚了。我们的爱已经无法挽回just promise me you"ll think of me everytime you look up in the sky and see a star只要你答应我 你会想我。每次当你抬头看天空 看见星星的时候cause i"m a...因为我是。。。。space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你

求Eminem的《space bound》的中英对照歌词

we touched i feel a rush我们都感受得到我的冲动we clutched and is it much?我企图控制,但 这值得吗?but it"s enough to make we wonder what"s in store for us这足够让我们思考 等着我们的是什么it"s lust - it"s torturous是性丄欲-折磨人的痛苦you must be a sorceress cause you just did the impossible你肯定是一个女巫 因为你完成了不可完成的事gained my trust你赢的了我的信任don"t play games it"ll be dangerous不想继续这场游戏 这太危险if you fuсk me over, cause if i get burnt如果你想对我瞒天过海i"ma show ya what it"s like to hurt我会让你知道这是什么样的伤害cause i been treated like dirt before ya因为我之前的经历就像别人之前对你做的一样and love is evil. spell it backwards - i"ll show ya爱是罪恶的 曲折的 ,来 让我告诉你nobody knows me i"m cold, walk down this road all alone没有人知道我的冷,一直一个人朝着这条路走下去it"s no one"s fault but my own. it"s the path i"ve chosen to go这不能怪别人,是我。是我自己选择走这条路frozen to snow, i show no emotion but ?冷到凝结成雪,我已经没有任何情感,但...?don"t ask me why i have no love for these motherfuсking hoes不要问我为什么对这些臭女表子们一点感觉都没有blood sucking sucubuses???????????what the fuсk is up with this?是什么搞砸了这一切i tried in this department, but i didn"t have no luck with this我想要过这样的生活,可惜哥没这福气it sucks but it"s exactly like很差劲。但就是这样what i thought it would be when i tried to start over如果重新开始,我想我会i got a hole in my heart; like some kind of emotional rollercoaster我的心中有个洞,就像一些情绪的过山车something i won"t go on until you toy with my emotions有些事在你玩弄了我的情感之前不会继续下去 so it"s over.所以这一切都结束了it"s like an explosion when i hold ya这就像是一场大爆炸i wasn"t joking when i told ya, you take my breath away我没有开玩笑,你让我无法呼吸you"re a supernova你是一颗超新星and i"m a...而我.........[chorus]space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你[verse 2]--[chorus]space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你[verse 3]so after a year and 6 months所以在一年半后it"s no longer me that you want我已经不再是你想要的那个我but i love you so much it hurts我深爱你更深受伤害never mistreated you once不再虐待你i pour my heart out to you我把整颗心都倾诉给你let down my guard - swear to god放下警惕,像上帝发誓i blow my brains in your lap我把我的脑袋放在你的膝盖上lay here and die in your arms搁在这里死在你的怀抱中drop to my knees and i"m bleeding掉到我的膝盖 我在流血i"m tryna stop you from leaving我试着不然你离开you won"t even listen so fuсk it你熟视无睹 i"m tryna stop you from breathing所以我试着不然你呼吸i put both hands on your throat我用我的双手掐住你的咽喉i sit on top of you squeezing我坐在你的上面til i snap your neck like a popsticle stick直到我咬断你的脖子yeah an impossible reason i can think up我想出了一个不可思议的理由to let you walk around this house and just live让你走,只是活在这个房子tears drain down both of my cheeks泪水流下我的脸颊now let you go and just ?所以让你走 只是?now put that gun to my temple - i told you miss现在把枪对准我的太阳穴。我告诉过你-我想你and i will do anything for you我会为你做任何事to show you how much i adored you我会让你明白我有多爱你but it"s over now, it"s too late to save our love但现在太晚了。我们的爱已经无法挽回just promise me you"ll think of me everytime you look up in the sky and see a star只要你答应我 你会想我。每次当你抬头看天空 看见星星的时候cause i"m a...因为我是。。。。space bound rocket ship空间受束的火箭and now i explore the moon现在我要探测月球and i"m aiming right at you我正瞄着你right at you瞄着你250000 miles on the ? here with you二十五万米的距离 和你在一起and i"m so lost without you没有你我会迷失without you没有你without you没有你

阿姆的space bound 讲的是什么,MV里他精神分裂?看不懂哇。


Space Bound - Eminem MV上面的女孩是谁

美国A_V 女_优,Sasha Grey。百度上有她的百科~

Eminem 的space bound中文歌词

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