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《开机显示usb device over current status detected system will shut down after 15secon》是bios坏吗

排查方式:1,请先确认下您的主板上是否有USBPW的跳线,这个跳线的功能是为主机从S1 / S3 / S4模式唤醒设计的,默认值为1-2(+5V)的位置,如果接针上没有跳线帽或处于2-3(+5VSB)的位置,则跳线帽恢复到1-2位置,也就是恢复到默认值。2.清除CMOS,3.取下所有的USB设备,再次开机确认是否还有报错,若无报错,再逐一安装usb设备以排除疑似故障设备。4.以上测试之后,开机报错依旧,考虑主板单板异常。

英语语法calm down 的用法


As they had no children of their own, they ____ an orphan


my hometown(介绍汨罗的)英语作文

Miluo City, located in the Dongting Lake, a result of Ming-jiang Miluo River is named, with a total area of 1562 square kilometers, with a total population of 650,000. Miluo a long history and rich culture. Spring and autumn when luozi State capital, Qin home county, the state-based Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang into Xiangyin, built in 1966, the separation County, in 1987 it became a city. Celebrity Miluo is the world"s cultural quest Qu Yuan"s poems in his later years, Huaisha sinking of the Department, but also the birth of Ren Bishi founding fathers of the land to grow, but also nurtured Yang Mo, Poplar, Kang Zhuo and other literary masters. Dragon Boat Culture, Hunan Culture Aortic each other, spiritual quest, camels spirit from generation to generation, ranked 100 in Hunan King"s Quzi Temple, Ren Bishi memorial 300,000 visitors a year to attract tourists. Miluo Wu Hua Tian Bao, resource enrichment. Ecological resources, rich, subtropical humid climate has brought distinct four seasons, abundant rainfall; southeast of the high and low hills in the northwest 115 rushes forward to the size of rivers, rich in water resources; forest coverage rate reached 41.8%, savings of 218 trees. 30,000 cubic meters. Gold, kaolin, granite and other more than 20 kinds of minerals spread in the city, in which sand Jinsha River Miluo rank first in the south of the Yangtze River. Mission Hill renewable resources market ranks first in five provinces of South Africa, ranks among the top three nationwide. Agricultural economy has a long history, a solid foundation and a full range of agricultural products, high-quality high-yield. As a national commodity grain base counties (cities), rice, corn, sweet potato, good quality, sales and extensive; dragon tea, famous fruit, big Peng Cai province, known inside and outside, flowers, nursery stock seasonal Four Seasons Lane; fish, crabs, shrimp, a variety of aquatic dazzling, chicken , ducks, geese and other kinds of poultry contend fight fat, pigs, cattle, sheep and a variety of livestock breeding boom. A good industrial base, has formed a chemical, mechanical and electrical, and building materials. Metallurgical and other categories of the more complete industrial system, pine paint, add beef Zouqiao Chinese national, Dragon Power, Dragon harvesters selling South, Southern China. In particular, Miluo River Eco-Industrial Park to become the gathering of various resources, has introduced 58 projects, total investment of 2.15 billion, renewable resources, deep-processing, agro-processing. Green environmental protection and agricultural machinery manufacturing a strong rise of the four industry groups. Miluo location is superior, transportation developed. Here reliance mufu East west Dongting south Changsha, Yueyang north. Beijing-Guangzhou railway, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway. 107 countries have been cutting through the north and south, S308 line. Miluo River crosses the East and West, Tung township roads. Tong Village Road, woven into a network, power, communications, even the villager"s house, logistics, flow, capital flow. Unimpeded flow of information. Excellent location. Convenient transportation for open Singshih to expand a broad space. Dragon actually throwing breaking Persil, the Millennium so soil Wonder. Accounting reform and development of the timing, location advantages by virtue of the location, collection of one mind of the people and, Miluo achieved sustained and rapid economic and social harmonious development of the first to enter the province"s well-off counties (cities) ranks. In 2004, the city completed GDP52.4 billion yuan and fiscal revenue 260 million yuan, per capita income of farmers reached 3612 yuan. At the same time, quality education has long MILL, township enterprises for 8 consecutive years, ranking the province"s 10 strong, comprehensive agricultural development, science and technology, land, such as comprehensive management of social work are among the national advanced. At present, the city"s people are with great enthusiasm, earnestly implement the party"s 10 Sixth Third and Fourth Plenary Session of the spirit of the scientific development concept to guide the economy

as 用方式状语造句 ,as 后面的as is vividly shown in the pic


As is shown vividly in the picture正





.mid 是一个存在于 Windows 3.x、Windows 9x (不包括 Windows Me)及 Windows NT 3.1-4.0、Windows 2000 操作系统中的一个MIDI文件,通常用于测试MIDI映射表是否能正常工作。

begin to do/doing;start to do/doing;get down to doing ;take up doing有什么区别?


my hometown 大连英语作文80字

Harbin (simplified Chinese: 哈尔滨; traditional Chinese: 哈尔滨; pinyin: Hāěrbīn; Wade-Giles: Ha-erh-pin) is a sub-provincial city and the capital of the Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China(中国东北). It lies on the southern bank of the Songhua River(松花江). Harbin is ranked as the tenth largest city in China(中国第十大城市), serving as a key political, economic(经济), scientific(科技), cultural and communications center(通讯中心) of Northeastern China.Harbin is originally a Manchu(满族) word meaning "a place for drying fishing nets". Harbin bears the nicknames "The Pearl on the swan"s neck" (天鹅项下的珍珠) because the shape of Heilongjiang resembles a swan, and "Oriental Moscow"(东方莫斯科) or "Oriental Paris"(东方小巴黎) for the architecture in the city. Harbin is also known as "Ice City"(冰城) for its long and cold winter.Harbin was the birthplace(诞生地) of Jin (1115-1234) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties(金朝和清朝), the latter of which had a very considerable influence on modern Chinese history. At the end of the 19th century, Russia built the terminus(终点站)of the Middle East Railway(中东铁路) here. Later, more than 160,000 foreigners from 33 countries migrated to Harbin, promoting the development of a capitalist economy(资本主义经济) in the city. The economy and culture of Harbin achieved unprecedented prosperity at that time and the city gradually grew into a famous international commercial port(商埠). Assimilating(吸收、融会) external culture, Harbin created its unique and exotic cityscape(都市风景). The majestic St. Sofia Orthodox Church(圣索非

Down Arrow 键在键盘的哪个位置?


Unknown SiS 661 Motherboard这个主板好吗


write up 和write down 有何区别?

write up是整理 write down是写下

archive of our own 翻译

archive of our own翻译:我们自己的档案。Archive of our own(以下简称“AO3”),创建于2008年,由Organization for Transformative Works运营,是一个非营利且开源的同人小说数据库网站,站内的文章由网站上的用户所贡献。“AO3”得名于其创建者、作家娜奥米·诺维克(Naomi Novik)撰写的博客文章,她呼吁创建一个“属于我们自己的档案”;因此“AO3”将自己定位为一个存档网站而不是网络社区,支持创作自由,并反对同人作品的营利倾向。AO3(全称:Archive of Our Own)是一个非商业、 非营利的同人作品托管网站,创建于2008年,收藏的作品包括同人小说、同人画作、同人视频和有声小说。截至2019年,AO3作品库获得雨果奖最佳相关作品。网站已经收录了世界范围内的超过450万篇同人文,创作者来自世界各国,创作风格自由。网站的创建者、作家娜奥米:诺维克(她今年也凭奇幻小说《Spinning Silver》斩获轨迹奖最佳长篇)给了这个网站以姓名:“Archive of Our Own”。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。

Each have their own ideas respectively has each life这话语法错误?


谁能帮忙把这句英语成分划分一下啊 。。。Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a sport?

为您解答Table tennis主语 also known as ping-pong, 插入语is 系动词a sport表语( in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using small rackets. )定语从句定语从句中in介词 which关系代词 two or four players从句主语 hit从句谓语 a lightweight ball 从句宾语back and forth 方位状语across a table地点状语 using small rackets方式状语 In which在定语从句中做状语,相当于in the sport

请问:fall down,fall over,fall off有和区别?

fall down 倒下, 跪拜 fall over 落在...之上, 脸朝下跌倒 fall off 下降, 跌落, 减少, 衰退, 离开

come down与fall down有什么区别?(请英语大仙指点迷津)


英语题fall away和falldown?

fall away 离开; 消瘦fall down 倒塌;跌倒fall over 被…绊倒; 意外地从…上跌落fall off 减少根据意思,C fall down是合适的,其余选项意思不符合

英语:fall down 和 goes down 的区别?

有时候,例如你在形容数据下滑,是可以通用,只是fall down比较形象,并且有快速的感觉。你可以说go down gradually, but you can"t say fall down gradually如果你是在说physically真的掉下来,那就只能用fall down咯。




=IF(T5>1,ROUNDUP(T5-1,0),ROUNDDOWN(T5,0))意思为当T5单元格的内容大于1时计算ROUNDUP(T5-1,0),如果T5单元格内容不大于1,则计算ROUNDDOWN(T5,0)ROUNDUP(T5-1,0) 是将T5单元格内容减去1后进行向上舍入保留到整数位,(参数0的意思就是整数位,写为1时是小数一位,2是小数两位)如T5单元格内容是3.3,则为3.3-1=2.3,向上取值保留到整数则最终返回值为3如T5单元格内容是3,则为3-1=2,向上取值保留到整数则最终返回值为2即小数后面只要值就向前进1,ROUNDDOWN(T5,0) 是将T5单元格内容进行向下舍去保留到整数位,(参数0的意思就是整数位,写为1时是小数一位,2是小数两位)如T5单元格内容是0.6,则向下舍入取整时就是0如T5单元格内容是-2.3,则向下舍入取整时就是-2即不管小数后面的数有多少,都舍去,只保留整数公式也可以简写成=IF(T5>1,ROUNDUP(T5-1,),ROUNDDOWN(T5,))或=IF(T5>1,CEILING(T5,1)-1,TRUNC(T5))


weardown, wearout 和 wearoff 是三个与“磨损”和“消失”有关的英语短语,它们的具体含义和用法有所不同。weardown:这个短语并不常用,可能是对 wear down 的拼写错误。正确的短语应为 wear down,表示因长时间使用、摩擦等原因而磨损、减少。例如:a. The constant friction has worn down the gears.(持续的摩擦导致齿轮磨损。)b. The sharp edges of the stone have worn down over time.(石头的锋利边缘随着时间的推移变得平滑了。)wear out(/weu0259r au028at/):指因长时间或频繁使用导致物品损坏或失去功能,或使人精疲力尽。例如:a. My shoes have worn out after years of use.(经过多年的使用,我的鞋子已经磨损了。)b. The children have worn me out with their constant demands.(孩子们不断的要求让我筋疲力尽。)c. The carpet has worn out in the high-traffic areas.(地毯在高频使用区域已经磨损。)wear off(/weu0259r u0252f/):指某种感觉、效果或印象逐渐消失,通常用于药效、疼痛、兴奋等。例如:a. The painkiller"s effect will wear off after a few hours.(止痛药的效果将在几小时后消失。)b. The excitement of winning the lottery began to wear off after a few days.(中彩票的兴奋在几天后开始消退。)c. The initial enthusiasm for the project wore off once the difficulties became apparent.(一旦项目的困难显现出来,最初的热情就消退了。)总之,weardown 可能是对 wear down 的拼写错误,表示因长时间使用而磨损;wear out 是指因频繁或长时间使用导致物品损坏或人精疲力尽;而 wear off 表示某种感觉或效果逐渐消失。在使用这些短语时,请注意它们的不同含义和用法。

Status Quo的《Down Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Down Down歌手:Status Quo专辑:Live At The N.E.Ci don"t know where i"m at 我不知道我在哪i"m standin" at the back 置身黑暗中and i"m tired of waiting 厌倦了等待i"m waiting here in line 我还在这里等待hoping that i"ll find 渴盼找到what i"ve been chasing 我所追寻i shot for the sky 努力飞向天空i"m stuck on the ground 却困于此地so why do i try那就是为什么我挣扎i know i"m gonna fall down 我知道,我快要沉沦了i thought i could fly 明明可以飞so why did i drown 为何还沉溺了i never know why 参不透it"s comin" down, down, down 我为什么一直在坠落,坠落,坠落i"m not ready to let go 还没有准备好去放手"cause then i"ll never know 因为我不知道what i could be missin" 将错过些什么but i"m missin" way too much 但错过的太多太多so when do i give up, 放弃了之后what i"ve been wishin" for我还能去期望些什么i shot for the skyi"m stuck on the groundso why do i try?i know i"m gonna fall downi thought i could flyso why did i drown?i"ll never know whyit"s comin" down, down, downoh i am goin" down, down, down 噢,我一直在坠落、坠落、坠落i can"t find another way around 我找不到其他出口and i don"t wanna hear the sound 我不想听见那声音of losin" what i never found 提醒着我我所失去i shot for the skyi"m stuck on the groundso why do i try?i know i"m gonna fall downi thought i could flyso why did i drown?i"ll never know whyit"s comin" down, down, downi shot for the skyi"m stuck on the groundso why do i try?i know i"m gonna fall downi thought i could flyso why did i drown?oh, it"s comin" down, down, downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8567571

Status Quo的《Down Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Down Down歌手:Status Quo专辑:12 Gold Barsi don"t know where i"m at 我不知道我在哪i"m standin" at the back 置身黑暗中and i"m tired of waiting 厌倦了等待i"m waiting here in line 我还在这里等待hoping that i"ll find 渴盼找到what i"ve been chasing 我所追寻i shot for the sky 努力飞向天空i"m stuck on the ground 却困于此地so why do i try那就是为什么我挣扎i know i"m gonna fall down 我知道,我快要沉沦了i thought i could fly 明明可以飞so why did i drown 为何还沉溺了i never know why 参不透it"s comin" down, down, down 我为什么一直在坠落,坠落,坠落i"m not ready to let go 还没有准备好去放手"cause then i"ll never know 因为我不知道what i could be missin" 将错过些什么but i"m missin" way too much 但错过的太多太多so when do i give up, 放弃了之后what i"ve been wishin" for我还能去期望些什么i shot for the skyi"m stuck on the groundso why do i try?i know i"m gonna fall downi thought i could flyso why did i drown?i"ll never know whyit"s comin" down, down, downoh i am goin" down, down, down 噢,我一直在坠落、坠落、坠落i can"t find another way around 我找不到其他出口and i don"t wanna hear the sound 我不想听见那声音of losin" what i never found 提醒着我我所失去i shot for the skyi"m stuck on the groundso why do i try?i know i"m gonna fall downi thought i could flyso why did i drown?i"ll never know whyit"s comin" down, down, downi shot for the skyi"m stuck on the groundso why do i try?i know i"m gonna fall downi thought i could flyso why did i drown?oh, it"s comin" down, down, downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8536481

Lupe Fiasco的《Shining Down》歌词(歌词还要有中文翻译)回答得好100分奖励!

好理解的啦!!兄弟啊,都是最基本的单词,如果要我打字都要大半天呢,所以偶不打了,累!!歌词给你吧,希望能够采纳!Look Up in the Sky.Look Up in the Sky.Look Up in the SkyYou thought I was down.You thought I was gone.Thought I wasn"t around.You thought I left you alone.But look Up in the Sky.Just look Up in the Sky.See that I"m everywhereEverywhereShining Down on You.Well, wellIs that our little author?Coming back, humming his hymns a little alteredYour attention, Put back on the flow like the department of waterTaken off of the door like little WalterChess? Yes. Baby I"m Jerry LawlerRebel with a cause; Outlaw with the lawyerJudge jury like a loop, Rap name Lupe, but my daddy named me WarriorThis is his memorial.You thought I was down.You thought I was gone.Thought I wasn"t around.That I left you alone.But Look Up in the Sky.Just look Up in the Sky.See that I"m everywhereEverywhereShining Down on You.No, I ain"t the nigga trying to get a liquor lineWhen I be scriptin lines, Won"t this petition signIt says I"m sick of dimes, Sick of this prison timeI really love my people. I"m sick of pimping mine.Now if we autotune that shit,We can hear the songs from that opera room fat bitchTell em" it"s not to pursue it, just shoe it like a blacksmithWe"re trapped, and movin round in circles like it"s chap stickAnd that"s the semi-circle way of thinking that we"re chapped withWe"ll rap is arounded ya head like the bandana"s fabulous used to wrap his hats withRather being feds instead of National Geographic"sWell I"m not having it, naw.Thought I was down.Thought I was gone.Thought I was around.I left you alone.Look Up in the Sky.Just look Up in the Sky.See that I"m everywhereEverywhereShining Down on You.So, I say hello and this is for the third timeTo everybody out there who ain"t never heard mineAnd if you haven"t you know you ain"t never heard lineLu don"t MOO. No COW WORDS (cowards(cow-herds)], you only heard LIONS (lines)Not a facade cherisher, I"d rather have the scarsI don"t idolize America, I"m dancing with the starsUh huh. All of them? Yeah, they are, too.You look up and you see us Shining Down on you.You thought I was down.You thought I was gone.Thought I wasn"t around.That I left you alone.But Look Up in the Sky.Just look Up in the Sky.See that I"m everywhereEverywhereShining Down on You.Shining Down on YouShining Down on YouShining Down on You

has down是什么时态

has down是过去完成时时态。has 用于第三人称;has down译为:已关闭。 扩展资料   The name has come down from the last century.   这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。   Notice how the tread on this tyre has worn down.   注意这个轮胎的花纹磨损的"程度。   Our youngest boy has gone down with chickenpox.   我们的小儿子染上了水痘。   He has climbed down on pledges to reduce capital gains tax.   他已经作出退让,许诺降低资本收益税。   He has gone down considerably in my estimation.   我对他的评价已经一落千丈。

scramble down什么意思啊?顺便给个例句。


请问a dirty old brown shirt这句话的形容词为什么dirty排放第一个,old

在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。下面的口诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序,也是解题的关键。 限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜色国籍跟材料, 作用类别往后靠; 其中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。“描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:round square等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。我的老师就是这么教我的,希望你能学到。(如果您对我的答案满意,请给好评,谢谢~~)


BREAK DOWN Super Junior-M 【Henry】这不像是我 完全冷静不来路人都看穿 对你我有种特别期待【东海】失控了 怎么办 快要离不开【银赫】Yeah 话题都十分普通 为何心跳 异常汹涌一举一动 在你面前 全被轻松看透【圭贤】因为我 迷失在 你眼神的海【全】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【周觅】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 【厉旭】沿路上卸下盔甲 拼命跑得更快跟上你保护着你 不被伤害就算会伤痕累累 我也都不管 为你 Oh Yeah 【晟敏】你也许觉得太疯狂 (【Henry】Yeah You Can Call Me Crazy) 【晟敏】其实我也这样想 (【银赫】但无法停止爱你) 【东海】爱像一段会中毒旋律【全】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【圭贤】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 【厉旭】像快要 找回自己 却又失败你又 Breakin Me Down Breakin Me Down 【周觅】多少次 已经走远 又再回来爱总 Breakin Me Down Breakin Me Down 【圭贤】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【Henry】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 退路已经全部的 Break Down 化成废墟一般的 Break Down 爱你让我彻底的 Break Down

初三英语作文:Great Changes in My Hometown 写改革开放以来的变化

Great Changes in My Hometown With the rapid development of the society, many things around our life are changed. Personally speaking, my hometown has changed a lot. 随着社会的快速发展,我们生活中的许多事物都改变了.就我个人而言,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化. When I was a child, there was only one black and white TV set in our village. And I don"t know what"s puter. I often went to school on foot. What"s more, in summer, we had to use hand-made fans to make our temperature down. If I wanted to connect with the distant friends or relatives, the most convenient way is writing letters, which may lost on the way or take a lot of time to reach the destination. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我们村只有一台黑白电视机.我不知道什么是计算机.我经常走路去学校.更重要的是,在夏天,我们不得不用手工扇来祛热.如果我想和远方的朋友或亲戚联系,最方便的方法就是写信,可是信很可能会在路上弄丢了或需要花很长的时间才能到达目的地. However, nowadays, there are four color televisons in my home and most people have their own puters. And now cars are seen everywhere. In addition, most houses have airconditioning, which can cool the whole house quickly. With the development of cell phone, people can reach each other in a second. They can talk or see each other through cell phone. 但是,现在,我的家里有四台彩色电视机,而且大多数人都有他们自己的电脑.现在小车也是随处可见的.此外,大多数房子都有可以使整个房子快速凉快的空调.随着手机的发展,人们可以立刻联系到任何人.他们可以通过手机看到对方或者聊天. As time passes, my hometown has change a lot thanks to the social development. I believe there will be much more changes in the future. 随着时间的流逝,由于社会的发展我的家乡已经发生了很大的变化.我相信将来会发生更大的变化.


上面的截图就是通过Mardown写出来的内容,下面就是转换过后的截图。 在我的文章标题 《浅谈“”与“印象笔记”中的markdown的区别》 之中,出现了三个名词。 但是 , 在和印象笔记中 ,<u>markdown支持的能力是不同</u>, 自己感觉在印象笔记中要功能强大一些。 再下面就是印象笔记中展现出来的结果。 应该讲,上面的这些部分其实是没有太多差别,真正的差别来源于一些特殊功能,例如图表,流程图,甘特图等等。例如在印象笔记中,使用功能插入一些Mardown的功能: 在中,直接就展示为下方的很多黑框。 而在印象笔记中,却展示为如下的状态,当然里面的文字和参数都是可以在文档中直接调整。 所以,综合比较看,在印象笔记中的Markdown功能还是强大一些。



revise与什么一样 A go over B takeaway C turn down D g

revise 是“复习,修订”的意思。这里只有A是意思一样的。

CROWNSHAVE剃须刀是哪生产的? 什么牌子?




谁有Killers的《for reasons unknown》的歌词?

For Reasons Unknown I pack my case. I check my face. I look a little bit older. I look a little bit colder. With one deep breath, and one big step, I move a little bit closer. I move a little bit closer. For reasons unknown.I caught my stride. I flew and flied. I know if destinyu2019s kind, Iu2019ve got the rest on my mind. But my heart, it donu2019t beat, it donu2019t beat the way it used to. And my eyes, they donu2019t see you no more. And my lips, they donu2019t kiss, they donu2019t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes donu2019t recognize you no more.For reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.There was an open chair. We sat down in the open chair. I said if destinyu2019s kind, Iu2019ve got the rest on my mind. But my heart, it donu2019t beat, it donu2019t beat the way it used to. And my eyes, they donu2019t see you no more. And my lips, they donu2019t kiss, they donu2019t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes donu2019t recognize you at all.For reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.I said my heart, it donu2019t beat, it donu2019t beat the way it used to and my eyes donu2019t recognize you no more. And my lips, they donu2019t kiss, they donu2019t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes donu2019t recognize you no more.For reasons unknown; for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.


mode 模式set 设置light 灯光down 向下up 向上

怎样给小朋友讲stand up and sit down

对于小朋友,一节课教意思就可以了哦,让他们听懂就好~我用比较详细的方式写一个小教案吧:1.T:老师说“上课”,班长要说什么哦?S:起立-T:Good!那你们都想不想当班长?S:想-T:那老师希望以后你们都能当班长,都可以用英语说起立,好不好?S:好T:起立用英语说就是--stand up(配合手的动作,向上升起)(教发音,并带领学生朗读,每次朗读都要配合动作)T:stand up 还有其他的意思哦,"站起来"(剩下的你可以做一个延展)2.T:小朋友们,(重复刚才的动作:手向上升起),这个是起立,那么这样呢?(手向下或者表演坐下来的动作)S:坐下T:Right!那么用英语说,就是 sit down(教发音,并带领学生朗读,配合动作.延展教学)3.布置家庭作业,请小朋友回家后,拿小椅子用英语请爸爸妈妈坐下.

有句歌词是l never know why 男女合唱,中间部分有句是down down down

是不是 jason walker 的down ? 是电视剧吸血鬼日记插曲歌曲链接 http://music.baidu.com/song/2814791歌词 :i don"t know where i"m at i"m standin" at the back and i"m tired of waiting 我不知道我在哪 置身黑暗中 厌倦了等待 i"m waiting here in line hoping that i"ll find what i"ve been chasing 我还在这里等待 渴盼找到 我所追寻 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down 努力飞向天空 却困于此地 那就是为什么我挣扎? 我知道,我快要沉沦了i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 明明可以飞 为何还沉溺了? 参不透 我为什么一直在坠落,坠落,坠落 i"m not ready to let go "cause then i"ll never know what i could be missin" 还没有准备好去放手 因为我不知道 将错过些什么 but i"m missin" way too much so when do i give up, what i"ve been wishin" for? 但错过的太多太多 放弃了之后 我还能去期望些什么?i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上oh i am goin" down, down, down 噢,我一直在坠落、坠落、坠落i can"t find another way around and i don"t wanna hear the sound of losin" what i never found 我找不到其他出口 我不想听见那声音 提醒着我我所失去 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? oh, it"s comin" down, down, down

He owned to stealing the wallet. 他承认偷了钱包

1 own to 在句子中是复合介词词组,所以to后面的动词要+ing. stealing the wallet在句子中做宾语成分。2 当然不可以改成to steal the wallet 因为to 本身是和own联在一起用的,是一个短词,承认做了某事,而且它是一个复合介词短语,因为后面的动词只能够用ing形式,不能用不定试to do 形式。

运行java程序提示java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion怎么解决

我看你的格式错误的应该只有三条打印语句中的第一句出错。原因在格式输出中%是一个特殊符号用来转义的。%)这是一个错误的转义。你把9.0后面的"%"去掉就不会出错了。格式字符串语法 产生格式化输出的每个方法都需要格式字符串 和参数列表。格式字符串是一个 String,它可以包含固定文本以及一个或多个嵌入的格式说明符。请考虑以下示例: Calendar c = ...; String s = String.format("Duke"s Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c); 此格式字符串是 format 方法的第一个参数。它包含三个格式说明符 "%1$tm"、"%1$te" 和 "%1$tY",它们指出应该如何处理参数以及在文本的什么地方插入它们。格式字符串的其余部分是包括 "Dukes Birthday: " 和其他任何空格或标点符号的固定文本。 参数列表由传递给位于格式字符串之后的方法的所有参数组成。在上述示例中,参数列表的大小为 1,由对象 Calendarc 组成。 常规类型、字符类型和数值类型的格式说明符的语法如下: %[argument_index$][flags][width][.precision]conversion 可选的 argument_index 是一个十进制整数,用于表明参数在参数列表中的位置。第一个参数由 "1$" 引用,第二个参数由 "2$" 引用,依此类推。 可选 flags 是修改输出格式的字符集。有效标志集取决于转换类型。 可选 width 是一个非负十进制整数,表明要向输出中写入的最少字符数。 可选 precision 是一个非负十进制整数,通常用来限制字符数。特定行为取决于转换类型。 所需 conversion 是一个表明应该如何格式化参数的字符。给定参数的有效转换集取决于参数的数据类型。 用来表示日期和时间类型的格式说明符的语法如下: %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion 可选的 argument_index、flags 和 width 的定义同上。 所需的 conversion 是一个由两字符组成的序列。第一个字符是 "t" 或 "T"。第二个字符表明所使用的格式。这些字符类似于但不完全等同于那些由 GNU date 和 POSIX strftime(3c) 定义的字符。 与参数不对应的格式说明符的语法如下: %[flags][width]conversion 可选 flags 和 width 的定义同上。 所需的 conversion 是一个表明要在输出中所插内容的字符。 转换 转换可分为以下几类: 常规 - 可应用于任何参数类型 字符 - 可应用于表示 Unicode 字符的基本类型:char、Character、byte、Byte、short 和 Short。当 Character.isValidCodePoint(int) 返回 true 时,可将此转换应用于 int 和 Integer 类型 数值整数 - 可应用于 Java 的整数类型:byte、Byte、short、Short、int、Integer、long、Long 和 BigInteger浮点 - 可用于 Java 的浮点类型:float、Float、double、Double 和 BigDecimal日期/时间 - 可应用于 Java 的、能够对日期或时间进行编码的类型:long、Long、Calendar 和 Date。 百分比 - 产生字面值 "%" ("u0025") 行分隔符 - 产生特定于平台的行分隔符 下表总结了受支持的转换。由大写字符(如 "B"、"H"、"S"、"C"、"X"、"E"、"G"、"A" 和 "T")表示的转换与由相应的小写字符的转换等同,根据流行的 Locale 规则将结果转换为大写形式除外。后者等同于 String.toUpperCase() 的以下调用 out.toUpperCase() 转换 参数类别 说明 "b", "B"常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "false"。如果 arg 是一个 boolean 值或 Boolean,则结果为 String.valueOf() 返回的字符串。否则结果为 "true"。 "h", "H"常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "null"。否则,结果为调用 Integer.toHexString(arg.hashCode()) 得到的结果。 "s", "S"常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "null"。如果 arg 实现 Formattable,则调用 arg.formatTo。否则,结果为调用 arg.toString() 得到的结果。 "c", "C"字符 结果是一个 Unicode 字符 "d"整数 结果被格式化为十进制整数 "o"整数 结果被格式化为八进制整数 "x", "X"整数 结果被格式化为十六进制整数 "e", "E"浮点 结果被格式化为用计算机科学记数法表示的十进制数 "f"浮点 结果被格式化为十进制数 "g", "G"浮点 根据精度和舍入运算后的值,使用计算机科学记数形式或十进制格式对结果进行格式化。 "a", "A"浮点 结果被格式化为带有效位数和指数的十六进制浮点数 "t", "T"日期/时间 日期和时间转换字符的前缀。请参阅日期/时间转换。 "%"百分比 结果为字面值 "%" ("u0025") "n"行分隔符 结果为特定于平台的行分隔符 任何未明确定义为转换的字符都是非法字符,并且都被保留,以供将来扩展使用。

美国有几个 玩说唱的小丑除了Insane Clown Posse里的那两个人 还有脸谱不一样的 叫什么名字啊?


js button mousedown按下持续执行函数,直到松开?


Head, First, Down的歌词

We are hereIt seems we always must"ve seenA dark black fearAnd nothing ever seems so clearThe sun will not be here and I know my life has an endThe sun will not be here and questions remain in my headSo I fallHead, first, downYou heard my voiceYou heard me howling in the windI saw your soulI knew you"d never let me goYou"re someone who"ll be there andNever let go of my handI"m someone who"ll be there andProtect you from oncoming windsWhen you fallHead, first downThis is realAnd wonder, it"s all aroundYou hit the groundAnd know there, truth is always foundReject superstition and listen to silences soundReject their false prophets and know thatThere"s something aroundAnd they"ll fallHead, first, downBecause we all fallHead, first, down

Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet 歌词

歌曲名:Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:Folie à DeuxFall out boy---Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad BetMr. Sandman showing his beam,when he walks into the room the walls lean in to listenSurf out blank waves, clicking back and forth like old headlights, sniffing bottled you again.Head like a steel trap, wish I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I don"t...Just want to be a footnote in someone else"s happiness.Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?Does he know the way,does he know the way of the crickets that would convince me to call it a night?I will never end up like himBehind my back, I already am.Keep a calendar, this way you will always know.The last time you came through,Oh darling, I know what you"re going through.The last time you came through,Oh darling, oh darling, oh darling...Tempest in a teacup,Yeah unique.Peroxide Princess shine like shark teethIt"s a sign, (it"s a sign)It"s a sign, (it"s a sign)It"s a sign, what if you peaked earlyDoes your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?Does he know the way,does he know the way of the crickets that would convince me to call it a night?Does he, does he know the way to worship our love?Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?Well, I will never end up like him.Behind my back, I already am.Keep a calendar, this way you will always know.oh,Last time you came through,Oh darling, I know what you"re going through.Last time you came through,Oh darling, oh darling, oh darling...Does your husband know? Does your husband know? Does your husband know?Oh oh oh, whoa-oh...Does he know? Does he know, does he know?Whoa-ah-ah-ah-ah, oh oh, ohI will never end up like him.Behind my back I already am.Keep a calendar, this way you will always know.Oh, the last time you came through,Oh darling, I know what you"re going through.The last time you came through,Oh, darling I know what you"re going through.http://music.baidu.com/song/7380364

《Knock Down》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Knock Down》(Francis, Dick)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1D9d91d_qBjrVpU13f_Ta6A 提取码: j26i书名:Knock Down作者:Francis, Dick出版年份:1976-3页数:192内容简介:It"s the classic law of the invader. Get to the strongest guy and smash him, and then watch the weaker ones fall like ninepins. Which is exactly what a vicious gang of horse dealers decides to do when their little kickback scam is being threatened with a spot of old-fashioned honesty. But they haven"t reckoned with bloodstock agent Jonah Dereham, a man who belies his quiet exterior with a steely and implacable resolve. They can threaten him, try to burn down his home, even attempt to kill him. But they"ll soon wish they hadn"t. Because Dereham flushes out the real scam, and with it finds out just who the real Mr Big is. And when he does that, life suddenly becomes cheap..."Another wonderfully effective thriller" - "Sunday Times".


① 下载:1. Rstudio     2. R软件包(下载较新的版本,我的是:R version 3.2.4,你可以使用version命令查看你的R版本)② 安装Rstdio和R(这里不做演示)③ 打开Rstudio,按照下面指示修改设置(Tools->Global Options)④依次点击File->New File->R Markdown

sink与go down 的区别( 不同点)


如何评价BBC放送劇集《The Hollow Crown 》

the hollow crown是四部影视的系列统称,分别是:《理查二世》、《亨利四世:第一部》、《亨利四世:第二部》和《亨利五世》。刚开始选择看《空王冠》并不是相貌吸引,而是重新还原到理查二世的时代那种画面感,渲染的很不错,人物刻画的惟妙惟肖,以及莎翁时代古英语的震撼,中文字幕的美感,那种是很清脆明丽的色彩,给以质感。上面也提到了有些人物长得并不好看,需要吐槽,但是我思考后,觉得画面还原到14世纪的英格兰,人们是不是还没完全进化过来,稍微丑点也没关系,毕竟莎翁眼下的更多是讲骑斗士民族的bleeding war,王室的衰竭危机,内亲的反目成仇,那么如果人物角色也很完美,那还有侧重点吗?

Wholly Owned Subsidiary 是什么意思??

Wholly Owned Subsidiary 全资拥有子公司;全资附属公司;独资子公司例句筛选1.It set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Australia last year.去年虎航在澳大利亚创办了一家全资子公司。2.Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).电船公司是通用动力公司的全资子公司。

英语完成句子: 众所周知, 肺炎是一种常见疾病。 _____ is known to all___

众所周知, 肺炎是一种常见疾病。_As_ is known to all_,_pneumonia is a common disease. = _As_ is known to all, pneumonia is a common disease.

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88. Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the _____ majority are

根据句意用overwhelming更合适些 压倒性优势的大多数嘛

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方法贴出来 这样谁知道你问题出在哪?

down pillow中文翻译

His daughter put chintz - covered , down pillows under him and behind his back . his old sister - in - law slyly popped in a kerchief full of things 他的女儿把印花色彩的鸭绒坐垫放在他背靠背后面和身下,老姨子还偷偷地塞给他一小包东西。 The guest rooms are well equipped with facipties such as idd telephone , broad band access , separate bathroom and down pillows and quilts . the hotel has self - helping service centre , with inter access , reading bar , automat , cold hot drinks , microwave oven , ice machine , mini chat zone , gym , private secretary , copy , typing , travel consultant , air train tickets booking , parking and hairdressing services 真空玻璃,隔音效果显著,保证室内温控冷暖空调,单独室温调节装置直拨国际国内电话宽频介面, 100兆网速,免费上网单独卫生间, 24小时热水供应,淋浴槽,完整盥洗用品,吹风机电热水瓶,备茶叫醒服务房间内可收视卫星及有线电视节目

inhabited by a people unknown to Europeans。

inhabited by 表示被动,被……居住,就是说……居住在这片陌生的土地上unknown to europeans 表示 这个种族对欧洲人来说是陌生的,即欧洲人不了解的……strange lands, inhabited by a people unknown to Europeans. 这片陌生的土地上居住着一个欧洲人不知道的民族。有不清楚的地方请追问哦!希望采纳哈

求my hometown(沈阳)英语作文!!!

my hometownMy hometown is Shenyang, which is a beautiful city, there are beautiful purple lavender manor and amazing Guaipo scenic area, and the ancient Shenyang the Imperial Palace! My hometown is so beautiful, I love my hometown!意思是 我的家乡是沈阳,这是一个美丽的城市,这里有美丽的紫烟薰衣草庄园和神奇的怪坡风景区,还有古老的沈阳故宫呢!我的家乡如此美丽,所以我热爱我的家乡!

求my hometown(沈阳)英语作文!!!


笔记本电脑开机老是显示s7op;coooo21a wnfnown hard error wnlcnouwn hard error


in the cocoon ,she turns into a brown pupa

你好!in the cocoon ,she turns into a brown pupa在茧里,她变成了一个褐色的蛹。

会计英语:carry forward,bring forward,carry down,bring down的解释?

意思分别为发扬,提出(问题),把... 带下来, 使倒下的意思例如we should keep carry the spirit of leifeng forwardyou should bring all your questions forwardcarry all the stuff down from the truckjames was brought down by someone during that fighting

Ne-yo和Chris Brown在美国什么地位。?

Ne-Yo和Chris Brown都是美国知名的流行歌手和音乐制作人,他们在音乐界拥有很高的地位。Ne-Yo是一位以R&B和流行音乐为主的歌手和词曲作家,他的音乐作品在美国和全球范围内都取得了很大的成功。他的歌曲通常以情感为主题,旋律优美,歌词深刻,这使得他的歌曲能够深入人心,让人们产生共鸣。Chris Brown则是一位以嘻哈和R&B音乐为主的歌手和舞者,他的音乐作品同样在美国和全球范围内广受欢迎。他的音乐风格独具特色,融合了多种流派,包括流行、电子、放克等等。他的音乐作品通常以表达自我和情感为主题,歌词深刻,同时他的舞蹈技巧也备受赞誉。总的来说,Ne-Yo和Chris Brown都是美国音乐界的代表性人物,他们的音乐作品在美国乃至全球范围内都拥有着很高的地位和影响力。


Downtown cafe saw her mother this morning At the downtown cafe Staring blankly Down in mourning Had her cup of gourmet coffee And she asked me What her baby"d been mi ssing And I shake my head Can"t think of nothing But candy wrappers Tucked into the folds of the bed And how I don"t see them around Since Sarah left town Now people always think they know you And they"re almost always wrong Tried to bend you till they broke you So she moved along And sometimes I see them around Trying to track her down Sarah, Sarah She"s chasing her soul Not running away If you"d just let her go She"ll know the way And I saw her mother this morning She looked me in the eye She said: “Dyou know sometimes, I think I hear her laughing And all I can do is cry” And it"s a funny thing about people How everyone has a song And he sings it every moment But we don"t hear it until he"s gone They"re humming with heads hanging down

魏如萱downtown 谐音歌词

魏如萱-Downtown cafeI saw her mother this morning我今晨看见她的母亲At the downtown cafe在街市咖啡馆Staring blankly Down in mourning空白凝望下,在哀悼今晨Had her cup of gourmet coffee拿着她装有精致咖啡的杯子And she asked me "What her baby"d been missing"她问我 她的宝贝去哪里了And I shake my head我摇摇头Can"t think of nothing无法想些别的东西But candy wrappers 除了那些糖果包装纸tucked into the folds of the bed总被卷起 塞入床的折叠处And how I don"t see them around自从萨拉离开了小镇Since Sarah left town我怎么没再看见他们了呢Now people always think they know you现在的人们认为自己了解你And they"re almost always wrong他们几乎都是错的Tried to bend you till they broke you他们试着压制你 直到他们改变了你So she moved along所以她向前走And sometimes I see them around自从萨拉离开小镇后Since Sarah left town我有时看见他们Trying to track her down设法搜寻她 Sarah, Sarah萨拉, 萨拉She"s chasing her soul她是去追逐她的灵魂Not running away不是做逃兵If you"d just let her go如果你让她去追逐She"ll know the way她将知道怎么去做And I saw her mother this morning我今晨看见她的母亲She looked me in the eye她看着我的眼睛"Do you know sometimes,I think I hear her laughing我有时觉得我听见了她的笑声And all I can do is cry."而我能做的只有哭泣And it"s a funny thing about people这对于人们是一件滑稽的事How everyone has a song就像大家有一首歌曲And he sings it every moment并且他每时每刻唱着But we don"t hear it until he"s gone但是我们没有听到它 直到他走了And sometimes I see them around而自从萨拉离开了镇Since Sarah left town我有时会看见他们They"re humming with heads hanging down他们正在低着头哼唱着hum...嗯...Sarah, Sarah萨拉,萨拉

head down有开展的意思吗

head down[英][hed daun][美][hu025bd dau028an][体]使船顺风航行; 例句:1.Benjamin puts his head down beside her, strokes her face. 本杰明将自己的头靠在她旁边,用手摩挲着她的脸。2.I attempted to mask my ignorance by keeping my head down and not speaking unlessspoken to. 我试图掩盖自己的无知,每天低着头干活,除非别人跟我说话,否则不主动交谈。3.I want all of them back here, head down over a saddle. 我想他们都回到这儿来,脑袋装在马鞍里.4.Your dozy face makes a great target.now put your head down! 你那张笨脸是个好靶子给我把头低下!

求翻译Down low 的《 moonlight 》 这首歌的

你的这首歌有的地方存在语法错误,不能翻译。以下便是翻译的结果:听这些从黑暗拿;一个情妇在公园搁浅,在下面她正在放下脸的落叶松属植物在没有一种声音的地面上,她的原因鞋子和绳无处被发现什么正在下降。这如何能恭敬地,但是的她是历史,她永远不会见到的在这一个世界的这么多事物。但是情妇似乎是 thight 对权利握住她的钱包在晚上在月光下的深处。在这夜晚底模糊一死的寒冷身体漂流地放置,站着大胆的你断株现在结束而且拿一个一阵。恐惧进来你的脑,感觉脑和这神智健全的头发直接站着,tramadie 鹅撞击开始排出沟外。逐渐地你为尸体到达出在 orpse 中,它能等候吗,在懊悔方面站立,它会是一个在骑士中被一支刀刺的受害人吗或一个孤单的爱人或一个被自杀的妻子。重复:2 x我想要你, i 想要你知道,有一个光,在道路结束的时候一个光。我被惊吓我被惊吓和 i 不知道该做什么,(不要去!), 黑暗你后的来临!丢灌木林悄悄靠近一个戴面具的男人在他的手上的血在实现他的邪恶计划之后,他是头回到他的正常生活回到很好的他的家和他的妻子只是变得精确。因为他走,他对 remenice 开始大约情妇在他的致命吻中落下。现在见到黑暗从他的视力闪烁,这些是这拿蒸发,光亮的,从月光。在清晨雨中,横跨我的窗玻璃的雨滴有同情心的恐惧,我结束愿理解什么有得到。显示是告示,在我的思想中,它设计罪行的无法控制、邪恶的 sightenings我在州如果使,悲伤为这一个人类持续茫然我不能相信我正在见到的。U 最好在公园独自从不独自地走。这些是拿从深的黑暗漂流的悲惨者!重复:2 x我想要 U ,我想要 U 2 知道有一个光,在道路结束的时候一个光。我是 fr?ghtenend,我被惊吓,而且我不知道什么 2 做

求who owns my heart——Miley Cyrus的歌词

[ti:Who Owns My Heart][ar:Miley Cyrus][al:Can"t Be Tamed][by:活在当下] [00:-2.12]Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart[00:-1.89][03:25.01][00:00.00]LRC制作:活在当下 QQ:6313827[00:00.22][00:00.83]R -O -C -K [00:07.53]Mafia[00:08.98][00:14.30]Creation shows me what to do[00:17.55]I"m dancing on the floor with you [00:20.82]And when you touch my hand[00:24.39]I go crazy, yeah[00:28.46]The music tells me what to feel[00:31.56]I like you now[00:33.42]But is it real by the time we say goodnight[00:38.52]I don"t know if this is right[00:42.08]And I feel you (you) coming through my veins.[00:49.17]Am I into you (you) or is it music to blaime?[00:55.99][00:57.31]Who owns my heart[00:59.49]Is it love or is it art[01:02.80]"Cause the way you got your body movin" got me confusin"[01:07.20]And I can"t tell if it"s the beat or sparks[01:11.45]Who owns my heart[01:13.88]Is it love or is it art[01:16.82]You know I wanna believe that we"re a masterpiece[01:21.14]But sometimes it"s hard to tell in the dark[01:24.19]Who owns my heart[01:25.82][01:28.62]The room is full[01:29.93]But all I see is the way[01:32.81]Your eyes just blaze through me[01:35.05]Like fire in the dark[01:38.59]We"re like living art[01:42.22]And it hits me[01:45.09]Like a ... of wave[01:49.30]Are you feeling me[01:52.76]Or is the music to blame[01:56.04][01:56.80]Who owns my heart[01:59.80]Is it love or is it art[02:02.76]"Cause the way you got your body movin" got me confusin"[02:07.14]And I can"t tell if it"s the beat or sparks[02:10.07]Who owns my heart[02:14.10]Is it love or is it art[02:17.76]You know I wanna believe that we"re a masterpiece[02:21.15]But sometimes it"s hard to tell in the dark[02:24.16]Who owns my heart[02:25.86][02:26.19]So come on, baby[02:28.12]Keep on bumping me[02:29.86]Keep on rubbing me[02:31.56]Like a rodeo[02:33.27]Baby, hold me close[02:34.94]Come on[02:35.66]Here we go (x3)[02:38.33][02:38.84]And it hits me[02:42.21]Like a ... of wave[02:45.57]Are you feeling me[02:49.20]Or is the music to blame[02:53.11][02:53.90]Who owns my heart[02:56.58]Is it love or is it art[02:59.24]"Cause the way you got your body movin" got me confusin"[03:03.67]And I can"t tell if it"s the beat or sparks[03:07.48]Who owns my heart[03:10.50]Is it love or is it art[03:13.19]You know I wanna believe that we"re a masterpiece[03:17.52]But sometimes it"s hard to tell in the dark[03:20.66]Who owns my heart[03:22.76]

Stories (Down To The Bottom) 歌词

歌曲名:Stories (Down To The Bottom)歌手:TobyMac专辑:Welcome To Diverse CityThere For Tomorrow - Storieswasn"t trouble enough for himanother swallow never seemed like enough for himthey say the past is the past but it never treated me like thisHe couldnt ask for a better understanding of howwhat goes around comes back around twice as fasthe"s got no hope for a cureso he"ll put himself to sleep, ohnow we just sit back,we sit back while we watch all of them reactso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re giventhe start to the finish come on and let me hear it, go ongo ahead and tell your storyshe always hoped for him to take her word for itnever knew what it felt like feeling ?shes got her eyes on the time but theres no use waiting there for himbut shes not in the world alonewhat she wanted to put herself to sleepso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re giventhe start to the finish come on and let me hear it, go ongo ahead and tell your storyyoure stories x4now we just sit back,we sit back while we watch all of them reactso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re giventhe start to the finish come on and let meso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re given, yeahit"s time to come on, go ahead and tell your storyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2880811

me=`whoami`; sudo chown -R $me ~; sudo chmod -R u+rwx ~ 可以帮我详细解释一下这些代码干了什么吗?

操作不用复原。第一句获取当前用户,保存到 me 这个临时变量里。第二句修改当前用户家目录所属用户为$me 变量存储的用户,也就是whoami 命令返回的用户名。第三句修改当前用户所在的家目录 对当前用户 添加读写执行的权限。说明:sudo 用来提升权限。chmod -R -R : 对目前目录下的所有文件与子目录进行相同的权限变更。

strike out on his own是什么意思



Brown在英语中是一个形容词,指的是棕色或褐色。1.颜色描述:Brown用来描述一种介于橙色和黑色之间的颜色。它比黄色更暗,比黑色更浅。棕色可以有各种不同的色调和亮度,从浅棕到深棕,包括各种变体如巧克力色、栗色、咖啡色等。2.自然界的棕色:在自然界中,棕色广泛存在于各种物体和生物中。例如,许多动植物的皮毛、羽毛、外壳或果实都呈棕色。土壤、树木的树皮、岩石表面等也可能呈现出棕色。3.文化象征:棕色在文化中也承载着一定的象征意义。它可以与“温暖”、“自然”、“稳定”、“朴实等概念联系在一起。在西方文化中,常将棕色与大地、秋天、农田、土地和木材等联系在一起。4.延伸引申:除了形容颜色之外,Brown这个词还可用作姓氏、品牌名称或地名等,举例来说(Brown)是一个常见的英语姓氏,Burberry是一家知名的时尚品牌,布朗大学(Brown University)是美国的一所著名大学。总结:Brown是一个形容词,用来描述一种介于橙色和黑色之间的棕色。它可用于描述颜色、自然界中的物体和生物,以及具有文化象征意义的概念。此外,Brown也可以作为姓氏、品牌名称或地名使用。到18世纪后期,英国已通过其殖民地和地缘政治统治地位传播了英语。商业、科学技术、外交、艺术和正规教育都使英语成为第一种真正的全球语言。英语还促进了世界范围的国际交流。英格兰继续形成新的殖民地,后来这些殖民地发展了自己的言语和写作规范。北美部分地区,非洲部分地区,大洋洲和许多其他地区都采用英语。当他们获得政治独立时,一些拥有多种土著语言的新独立国家选择继续使用英语作为官方语言,以避免将任何一种土著语言都推崇为另一种土著语言所固有的政治和其他困难。


donw和up是一对反义词但shut down和shut up都是关闭的意思。且shut down:(使)(工厂,机器等)停工,关闭,停止运转 shut up:关闭,把(房屋等的)门窗全部关闭锁上;把---关(藏)起来; 住口,闭嘴。

download films什么意思


veges安装时提示download was corrupted?

这个:download was corrupted 的意思是:下载已经失败(下载的文件损坏)的意思,请重新换个安装程序。

求Adele - Hometown Glory 歌词翻译

阿黛尔-家乡的荣耀我已经走在相同的方式,正如我没有失去了裂缝,在路面和tutting我的足跟和strutting我的脚“有什么我可以为您做亲爱的? 是否有任何人我可以呼吁“ ? “不和,谢谢,请主席。 I是不会丧失,只是彷徨“ 一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界我喜欢它在这个城市当空气是如此厚和不透明我喜欢看到大家在简短的裙子,短裤及色调我喜欢它在这个城市时,两个世界的碰撞你得到人民和政府每个人都以不同的两岸表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国表明我们是在哪里也不会采取它表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界… …

华硕 RAMPAGE IV EXTREME (英特尔 Ivytown DMI2 - Intel X79 PCH -)


A. provided B. Supplied C, shown D. offered各自的用法?

provide sth for sb /sb with sth


down怎么读:英[dau028an],美[dau028an]。一、down英语怎么读以及释义down音标:英[dau028an];美[dau028an]。第三人称单数:downs;复数:downs;现在分词:downing;过去式:downed;过去分词:downed。down的音标是英[dau028an]或美[dau028an],可以作副词、形容词、名词、介词、动词,作副词时意为“向下;在下面;(坐、躺)下;下降;减少;由上至下;在纸上;在表格上。二、短语搭配1、belt down在…上迅速移动;cast down把…投向…;draw down沿着…向下拉;2、drive down沿着…向下开;flow down沿着…向下流;get down沿…往下走;3、go down沿…下来;jump down顺…向下跳;look down沿…向下看;4、pass down沿着…走下;ram down把某物沿…塞下;roll down沿…向下滚;三、例句1、We"re going down a mountain.我们正在下山。2、He managed to cling on to a ledge 40ft down the rock face.他设法紧紧地攀在了距岩壁顶端40英尺的岩礁上。3、She was still looking down at her papers.她仍低头看着文件。4、They set off at a jog up one street and down another.他们开始沿着一条又一条的街道慢跑。5、Thirteen months down, twenty-four years to go.过去了13个月,还有24年。

mountain grown

1.planning 2.spread 3.mountainous 4.grown 5.the scenicest 6.scenery 7.the most popular 8.traveller/visitor I am sure of my answer!I am a teacher!
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