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请问 java并发包中的 Thread exclusiveOwnerThread 为啥用 transient 修饰?


at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.

你这个问题 可能太复杂了吧 汗...完全不懂

错误an unknown error occurred进不了游戏,怎么处理

1.开始菜单 找到控制面板 2.在控制面板里找到NVIDIA控制面板 3.点进去,然后我这边是有几个选项,“管理3D设置” 然后点进去 看到 “全局设置” “程序设置” 4.我的方法是程序设置里面添加过星的EXE文件然后选择“高性能 NVIDIA 处理器” 游戏就开了

英语题目!!Last month, Mr.and Mrs. Brown 1 to a big city for a day rest(休息). They 2 to go to the



demonstrate英 ["demu0259nstreu026at]美 ["du025bmu0259n"stret]vt. 证明;展示;论证vi. 示威[网络短语]demonstrate 证明,演示,论证demonstrate show 证实,表明to demonstrate 解释,显示,演示

为什么 tomcat shutdown 后仍然有进程存在

可能存在多个tomcat进程或者是由于软件在tomcat中开启了新的线程,而且未设置成daemon,造成的主线程不能退出。解决方案:可以使用ps命令先查找到所有的tomcat进行,然后依次处理。注意:以下例子仅仅作为操作操作参考查看tomcat进程[root@localhost bin]# ps -ef|grep tomcat root 1513 1 2 23:41 pts/1 00:00:01 /usr/local/share/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/conf/logging.properties -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/endorsed -classpath /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/bin/bootstrap.jar -Dcatalina.base=/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.32 -Dcatalina.home=/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.32 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start 杀死tomcat[root@localhost bin]# kill -9 1513

虞姬的电音(慢摇慢摇慢慢摇)里的那个英文歌叫什么?we are falling down还是we

don"t wake me up - prinnie stevensStanding at the edge of the dancefloorScared to make my moveGot my black heels onGot my sights locked on youI"m feeling two feet tallEverytime you look my wayAnd I don"t know what"s in this drinkBut I feel it"s starting to takeDon"t wake me upLeave me in this dreamDon"t stopI just wanna sleepForever in your armsForever in your armsDon"t wake me upUp Up UpDon"t wake me upDon"t wake me upUp Up UpJust wanna sleepForever in your armsForever in your armsNow I know it"s getting lateBut please don"t look at the clockAnd they"re turning up the lightsBut I don"t want it to stopAnd all my friends think I"m crazyTakin" a stranger homeBut I can see it in your eyesThat you"re someone I want to knowDon"t wake me upLeave me in this dreamDon"t stopI just wanna sleepForever in your armsForever in your armsDon"t wake me upUp Up UpDon"t wake me upDon"t wake me upUp Up UpJust wanna sleepForever in your armsForever in your armsDon"t wake me upUp Up UpDon"t wake me upDon"t wake me upUp Up UpJust wanna sleepForever in your armsForever in your armsDon"t wake me upUp Up UpUp Up UpUp Up UpUp Up UpDon"t wake me upDon"t turn on the lightDon"t take me homeDon"t open my eyesDon"t wake me upDon"et look at the clockDon"t sound the alarmDon"t wanna stopDon"t wake me upUp Up UpDon"t wake me upUp Up UpJust wanna sleepForever in your armsForever in your armsDon"t wake me upUp Up UpDon"t wake me upDon"t wake me upUp Up UpJust wanna sleepForever in your armsForever in your armsDon"t wake me up


翻译如下:Your Own Independence Day你自己的独立日

Rage Against The Machine的《Down Rodeo》 歌词

歌曲名:Down Rodeo歌手:Rage Against The Machine专辑:Rage Against The Machine/Evil EmpireYeah I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunThese people ain"t seen a brown skin manSince their grandparents bought oneSo now I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunThese people ain"t seen a brown skin manSince their grandparents bought oneSo now I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunBangin" this bolo tight on this solo flight can"t fight aloneFunk tha track my verbs fly like tha family stoneTha pen devils set that stage for tha war at homeLocked wit out a wage ya standin" in tha drop zoneThe clockers born starin" at an empty plateMomma"s torn hands cover her sunken faceWe hungry but them belly fullThe structure is set ya neva change it with a ballot pullIn tha ruins there"s a network for tha toxic rockSchool yard ta precinct, suburb ta project blockBosses broke south for new flesh and a factory floorThe remains left chained to the powder warCan"t waste a day when the night brings a hearseSo make a move and plead the fifth "cause ya can"t plead the firstCan"t waste a day when the night brings a hearseSo now I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunThese people ain"t seen a brown skin manSince their grandparents bought oneYes I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunThese people ain"t seen a brown skin manSince their grandparents bought oneSo now I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgun(Guitar solo)Bare witness to tha sickest shot while suckas get romanticThey ain"t gonna send us campin" like they did my man Fred HamptonStill we lampin" still clockin" dirt for our sweatA ballots dead so a bullet"s what I getA thousand years they had tha toolsWe should be takin" "emFuck tha G-ride I want the machines that are makin" emOur target straight wit a room full of armed pawn toOff tha kings out tha west side at dawnCan"t waste a day when the night brings a hearseMake a move and plead the fifth "cause ya can"t plead the firstCan"t waste a day when the night brings a hearseSo now I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunThese people ain"t seen a brown skin manSince their grandparents bought oneYeah I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunThese people ain"t seen a brown skin manSince their grandparents bought oneYeah I"m rollin" down Rodeo wit a shotgunThe rungs torn from the ladder can"t reach the tumourOne god, one market, one truth, one consumerJust a quiet peaceful dance!Just a quiet peaceful dance!Just a quiet peaceful dance!Just a quiet peaceful dance!Just a quiet peaceful dance for the things we"ll never haveJust a quiet peaceful dance for the things we don"t havehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9336963

Kenny Chesney - 《Way Down Here》歌词翻译。

Way Down HerePut off the mail and I封起发黄的信件Left on a light and I留下一盏灯的光亮Locked up the house and I临走前锁紧门窗Jumped on a flight and I""""m坐上客机,马上起航Still by myself but I""""m终于我重回寂寞的魔掌Thinking more clear if I""""m闭上双眼,再让我好好想想Gonna be down, 如果我在路上Gonna be down way down here在延至天边的路上Where no one will ask cause nobody knows无人问津,无处寻访That you""""re not in my life anymore生命里不再有你陪傍And no one can tell the salt water from my tears也不再有人在乎我眼中的泪光No the pull of the tide or the crash of the waves不过即使人生中有澎湃的怒涛,有汹涌的巨浪Ain""""t gonna wash your memory away也无法带走我们共享的那些美好时光But theres a beautiful view of the end of the world from the pier然而在岸边听那涛声多么雄壮If I""""m gonna be down, I""""m gonna be down way down here如果我选择在路上,在去天边的路上Untied my lines and I解开梦靥的捆绑Slid through the sound and I沉郁的音调里充满凄凉Mixed me a drink now I在酒杯里斟满悲伤Sit on the bow and I""""m坐在洒满余晖的船头凝望Watching the sun just like you""""ll disappear好似在霞光中看见你消逝的模样If I""""m gonna be down, 如果我选择在路上I""""m gonna be down way down here在离开的路上Where no one will ask cause nobody knows无人问津,无处寻访That you""""re not in my life anymore不再有你陪傍And no one can tell the salt water from my tears也不再有人在乎我眼中的泪光No the pull of the tide or the crash of the waves即使人生中有澎湃的怒涛,有汹涌的巨浪Ain""""t gonna wash your memory away也无法带走我们共享的那些美好时光But theres a beautiful view of the end of the world from the pier然而在岸边听那涛声多么雄壮And if I""""m gonna be down, I""""m gonna be down我选择在路上,在延至天边的路上If I""""m gonna be down, I""""d rather be down way down here如果我在路上,我愿意在离去的路上Way down here离去的路上If you want me back now要是你呼唤我归来I can be found我相信你一定能看到Way down here我在去天边的路上If I""""m gonna be down如果我行走在远去的路上If I""""m gonna be down如果我行走在Way down here去天边的路上


 Linux内核的信号量在概念和原理上和用户态的System V的IPC机制信号量是相同的,不过他绝不可能在内核之外使用,因此他和System V的IPC机制信号量毫不相干。   信号量在创建时需要设置一个初始值,表示同时能有几个任务能访问该信号量保护的共享资源,初始值为1就变成互斥锁(Mutex),即同时只能有一个任务能访问信号量保护的共享资源。    一个任务要想访问共享资源,首先必须得到信号量,获取信号量的操作将把信号量的值减1,若当前信号量的值为负数,表明无法获得信号量,该任务必须挂起在 该信号量的等待队列等待该信号量可用;若当前信号量的值为非负数,表示能获得信号量,因而能即时访问被该信号量保护的共享资源。   当任务访问完被信号量保护的共享资源后,必须释放信号量,释放信号量通过把信号量的值加1实现,如果信号量的值为非正数,表明有任务等待当前信号量,因此他也唤醒所有等待该信号量的任务。   信号量的API有: DECLARE_MUTEX(name)   该宏声明一个信号量name并初始化他的值为1,即声明一个互斥锁。 DECLARE_MUTEX_LOCKED(name)   该宏声明一个互斥锁name,但把他的初始值设置为0,即锁在创建时就处在已锁状态。因此对于这种锁,一般是先释放后获得。 void sema_init (struct semaphore *sem, int val);   该函用于数初始化设置信号量的初值,他设置信号量sem的值为val。 void init_MUTEX (struct semaphore *sem);   该函数用于初始化一个互斥锁,即他把信号量sem的值设置为1。 void init_MUTEX_LOCKED (struct semaphore *sem);   该函数也用于初始化一个互斥锁,但他把信号量sem的值设置为0,即一开始就处在已锁状态。 void down(struct semaphore * sem);   该函数用于获得信号量sem,他会导致睡眠,因此不能在中断上下文(包括IRQ上下文和softirq上下文)使用该函数。该函数将把sem的值减1,如果信号量sem的值非负,就直接返回,否则调用者将被挂起,直到别的任务释放该信号量才能继续运行。 int down_interruptible(struct semaphore * sem);   该函数功能和down类似,不同之处为,down不会被信号(signal)打断,但down_interruptible能被信号打断,因此该函数有返回值来区分是正常返回还是被信号中断,如果返回0,表示获得信号量正常返回,如果被信号打断,返回-EINTR。 int down_trylock(struct semaphore * sem);   该函数试着获得信号量sem,如果能够即时获得,他就获得该信号量并返回0,否则,表示不能获得信号量sem,返回值为非0值。因此,他不会导致调用者睡眠,能在中断上下文使用。int down_killable(struct semaphore *sem);int down_timeout(struct semaphore *sem, long jiffies);int down_timeout_interruptible(struct semaphore *sem, long jiffies);void up(struct semaphore * sem);   该函数释放信号量sem,即把sem的值加1,如果sem的值为非正数,表明有任务等待该信号量,因此唤醒这些等待者。  信号量在绝大部分情况下作为互斥锁使用,下面以console驱动系统为例说明信号量的使用。   在内核源码树的kernel/printk.c中,使用宏DECLARE_MUTEX声明了一个互斥锁console_sem,他用于保护console驱动列表console_drivers及同步对整个console驱动系统的访问。    其中定义了函数acquire_console_sem来获得互斥锁console_sem,定义了release_console_sem来释放互斥 锁console_sem,定义了函数try_acquire_console_sem来尽力得到互斥锁console_sem。这三个函数实际上是分别 对函数down,up和down_trylock的简单包装。   需要访问console_drivers驱动列表时就需要使用acquire_console_sem来保护console_drivers列表,当访问完该列表后,就调用release_console_sem释放信号量console_sem。    函数 console_unblank,console_device,console_stop,console_start,register_console 和unregister_console都需要访问console_drivers,因此他们都使用函数对acquire_console_sem和 release_console_sem来对console_drivers进行保护。入浅出down_interruptible函数int down_interruptible(struct semaphore *sem)这个函数的功能就是获得信号量,如果得不到信号量就睡眠,此时没有信号打断,那么进入睡眠。但是在睡眠过程中可能被信号打断,打断之后返回-EINTR,主要用来进程间的互斥同步。下面是该函数的注释:/*** down_interruptible - acquire the semaphore unless interrupted* @sem: the semaphore to be acquired** Attempts to acquire the semaphore. If no more tasks are allowed to* acquire the semaphore, calling this function will put the task to sleep.* If the sleep is interrupted by a signal, this function will return -EINTR.* If the semaphore is successfully acquired, this function returns 0.*/一个进程在调用down_interruptible()之后,如果sem<0,那么就进入到可中断的睡眠状态并调度其它进程运行, 但是一旦该进程收到信号,那么就会从down_interruptible函数中返回。并标记错误号为:-EINTR。一个形象的比喻:传入的信号量为1好比天亮,如果当前信号量为0,进程睡眠,直到(信号量为1)天亮才醒,但是可能中途有个闹铃(信号)把你闹醒。又如:小强下午放学回家,回家了就要开始吃饭嘛,这时就会有两种情况:情况一:饭做好了,可以开始吃;情况二:当他到厨房去的时候发现妈妈还在做,妈妈就对他说:“你先去睡会,待会做好了叫你。”小强就答应去睡会,不过又说了一句:“睡的这段时间要是小红来找我玩,你可以叫醒我。”小强就是down_interruptible,想吃饭就是获取信号量,睡觉对应这里的休眠,而小红来找我玩就是中断休眠。使用可被中断的信号量版本的意思是,万一出现了semaphore的死锁,还有机会用ctrl+c发出软中断,让等待这个内核驱动返回的用户态进程退出。而不是把整个系统都锁住了。在休眠时,能被中断信号终止,这个进程是可以接受中断信号的!比如你在命令行中输入# sleep 10000,按下ctrl + c,就给上面的进程发送了进程终止信号。信号发送给用户空间,然后通过系统调用,会把这个信号传给递给驱动。信号只能发送给用户空间,无权直接发送给内核的,那1G的内核空间,我们是无法直接去操作的。

七年级下册英语课文 down the rabbit hole 翻译


开机出现system halted must power down 是怎么回事

系统损坏 必须关机找人从装系统吧

you said you have down lock google pinyin !是什么意思

you said you have down lock google pinyin !你说你有下锁谷歌拼音!lock英 [lu0252k] 美 [lɑ:k]n.锁; 水闸,船闸; (机器部件等的)锁定; 一把,一撮vt.锁上; 锁好,关好; 使固定; 隐藏vi.卡住,不动; 纠结; 僵硬不动锁;锁舞;锁定;锁住复数: locks 过去式: locked 过去分词: locked 现在分词: locking 第三人称单数: locks派生词:lockable lockless locked

求Sarah Bettens的 Slow you down的歌词

<SLOW YOU DOWN>You can say what you wantI know you"re already goneIn the way you sighIn your empty eyesLike there"s nothing left insideCan you tell me that"s not whyYou"ve been taking offYou"ve been drivin" aroundYou"ve been leavingLike this house of oursIs just too loudYou don"t have to tryIf you"re just too tiredCause I don"t wanna slow you downAnd you know we"ll be fineI don"t want what"s not mineWe can find our way through another dayI don"t need your absent mindYou can"t tell me that"s not whyYou"ve been taking offYou"ve been drivin" aroundYou"ve been leavingLike this house of oursIs just too loudYou don"t have to tryIf you"re just too tiredCause I don"t wanna slow you downThere"s a part of me that wants you hereJust the way we were, butI won"t be the one who keepsHolding onWe"ve been going at thisWay too longYou"ve been taking offYou"ve been drivin" aroundYou"ve been leavingLike this house of oursIs just too loudYou don"t have to tryIf you"re just too tiredCause I don"t wanna slow you down<Win Me Over>I locked that door so many timesI don"t know howYou navigated through this labyrinth somehowSo tell me everything you know about my heartDon"t leave out anything I"ve nowhere else to startOh, you win me over, ohTime and time againOh, I"m falling over For every breathe I wastedI"m coming home to taste it in youSay the world to sound like music to my earsI love you love you it"s so wonderful to hearAnd I"ll settle slow in your warm and giving eyesDon"t wake me up for anythingDon"t wanna say goodbyeOh, you win me over, ohTime and time againOh, I"m falling over For every breathe I wastedI"m coming home, I"m coming home to taste it in you, ohI never knew that there"d be someone, someone who could make me sing like youOh, you saved me, from never knowing where love could take meOh, you win me over, ohTime and time againOh, I"m falling over For every breathe I wastedI"m coming home, I"m coming home, I"m coming home to taste it in you<I Can Do Better Than You>Everyone I know in townTells me you"ve been sleeping aroundLooks like I"m being unusedAm I not quite enough for youNow I don"t mean to be cruelBut I can do better than youI can do better than youI took your car and pack my bagDon"t you beg me to come backI don"t know what I"m looking forBut I don"t need your love ain"t no moreNow I don"t mean to be cruelBut I can do better than youI can do better than youHow could I"ve been such a foolGiving you my loveI forget the basic ruleNever get in loveLooks like I am being unusedAm I not quite enough for youNow I don"t mean to be cruelBut I can do better than youI can do better than youI can do better than youI can do better than you<Go>This is when the wall comes downThis is when I give myself to every inch of me that saysit"s time to goThe voice is clear, but not alonedoubt had made my head it"s homeAnd I can hardly hear myself explodeSomeone tell me something good, Something I can really useHere I go, say goodbye to everythingI know, here I go, I love you till the end of timeI have to do this on my one so here, here I goOn the edge of everythingthe start, the end, the in betweenbut somewhere trough my fear I know I"m fineNothing like the way it"s been, an open door I"ve never seenAnd I can"t help but wonder what"s insidesomeone tell me something goodsomething I can really useHere I go, say goodbye to everythingI know, here I go, I love you till the end of timeI have to do this on my one so here, here I goSure I guess I must be strongBut what if I am just very wrongwhat if I don"t knowwhere I belongHere I go, say goodbye to everythingI know, here I go, I love you till the end of timeI have to do this on my one so here, here I go


The Highwayman

克莱鹏mini调压显示power locked hold up down怎么回事

加减同时按几秒就好了 锁定当前电压模式

Less Than Jake的《Lockdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Lockdown歌手:Less Than Jake专辑:Losing StreakTesting one, two, threeYa Boy feat. Akon - Lock DownAkon and YB..Konvict!Lock down time to make my block proudCalifornia own twenty four I will watch nowTheres been a take over baby hostileYea the young cali convict got the rock nowI hear the rumors saying that Im just pop nowLike they never heard a hood nigga wit a hot styleI got the hills to burns and the block nowOld bitchs wanna holla at me cause im hot nowI gotta new bitch sitting in my drop nowSong on the radio album bout to drop nowMusic lives in california livin proofYa boy to rock a Konvict, what it doI been had with these other niggas gettin toTake ya girl home and make her earn all them gemmy jewelsI hope you like heat cause its hot in the kitchen booDo you have service, am I gettin throughHey, I know you heard we got the drop nowKonvicts supplyin niggas round the clock nowGettin money am I forced to put the glock downGlock Down, Glock DownWe expanded all the pipes nowAnd ima get accustomed to this lifestyleNo more spending all my cons tryin to fight trialsLock Down, Lock downCause victory is my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory all is my my my my my my my my my mineAnother watch, another chain, another charm cockedTime to wake these niggas up like alarm clocksI see em hatin so we gotta keep the arms cockedIm the reason CA on storm watchIts bout to get ugly no whoopie goldSuperstar still in the kitchen whippin OsToss it to my youngest call me when you get it goneFuck a rap nigga we about to get it onIm speaking fo california from the top downHolla at Ya Boy I got it locked downI tried to tell em this foreva like a diamondIm so hot shawty I could change the climateHey, I know you heard we got the drop nowKonvicts supplyin niggas round the clock nowGettin money am I forced to put the glock downGlock Down, Glock DownWe expanded all the pipes nowAnd ima get accustomed to this lifestyleNo more spending all my cons tryin to fight trialsLock Down, Lock downCause victory is my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my mineAnd as days pass by like a G7And all my hustlas on the corner of 7/11Po alert on the ground and i start reppinFor all the homies layin down restin up in heavenAnd I hope you watchin downAnd proud of how we just locked it downDont let nothin stop the cash or get caught upIn the streets thats how we brought upIm from a city where the fiends shoot up and sparkLoad up the ammo its time to shoot up the chartsGame cold baby you might need a scarfRockstar but im riddin like noahs arkLouis shades, dolce and gabana clothYour girl know I stay fly like santa clauseOn the road wit a trunk full of Asher RothWe gon pop rose when the package offI swear to god I went and got the bay crackin yallBut I couldnt do it without LA backin thoughNiggas say they gon get me, I laugh it offCause they know I keep shooters like basketballLock it down make Kon through away the keyReal nigga, record deal aint changin meIt took a while but we still got from a to zI put in work nigga what you gotta say to meHey, I know you heard we got the drop nowKonvicts supplyin niggas round the clock nowGettin money am I forced to put the glock downGlock Down, Glock DownWe expanded all the pipes nowAnd ima get accustomed to this lifestyleNo more spending all my cons tryin to fight trialsLock Down, Lock downCause victory is my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3457103

谁能帮我翻译Down Rodeo的这首歌词?

所以我现在牛仔滚下来的射门gunThese褐色皮肤的人不是见过他们的爷爷奶奶买manSince oneBangin这勾拳紧单人飞行能够对抗这aloneFunk追踪我的动词渣油飞喜欢家庭stoneTha笔鬼舞台布景的一场战争,你homeLocked机智工资常务zoneRage滴对MachineThe clockers starin出生在一个空的plateMomma被撕破的手盖住她肚子饿了,但他们凹faceWe fullThe结构设置丫涅瓦河中改变选票废墟机智的渣油搜索一个网络中的有毒rockSchool ta分局ta码郊区项目blockBosses打破新肉体和南部一家工厂发生变化floorTha仍然留下粉末warCant浪费一天当夜晚带来了hearseSo轻举妄动,为第五因为你不能请求firstCant浪费一天当夜晚带来了hearseThey不是要给我们campin他们一样我的男人弗雷德hamptonStill我们lampin,还clockin污垢为我们死了那么一个子弹sweatA选票的几千年里,我必须审视你有toolsWe应该骑了渣油emFuck g,我们要机器,正在emOur目标直机智满室的武装pawnOff渣油加氢渣油在王从西面条dawnThe撕下ladderOne神、一个市场,一个事实,一个consumerJust一个安静平和的事情danceFor我们将永远不会

歌词中有 i wanna feel the sunshine shinin down on me and you是那首歌?

  歌词i wanna feel the sunshine shinin down on me and you出自歌曲《i wanna love you》。  演唱者:  阿肯(Akon),1973年4月30日出生于非洲塞内加尔,美国歌手。  阿肯于2004年凭首张专辑《Trouble》中的单曲《Locked Up》而开始受到关注,其后的专辑《Konvicted》中的单曲《Smack That》更令他获得格莱美奖提名。2007年12月,阿肯凭借与格雯·斯蒂凡妮合作的单曲《The Sweet Escape》获得第50届格莱美奖最佳流行合唱提名。2011年9月,第63届美国电视艾美奖揭晓,阿肯登台献唱。  歌词:  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  [snoop dogg]  money in the air as mo feel  grad you by your coat tail  take you to the motel, hoe sale,  dont tell, wont tell, baby said i dont talk dogg  but she told on me, oh well,  take a picture wit me, what the flick gon do,  baby stick to me ima stick on u,  if u pick me then ima pick on you,  d-o-double g and im here to put this dick on you,  i"m stuck on pussy n urs is right,  wrip ridinin them poles and them doors is tight  and ima get me a shot for the end of the night  cuz pussy is pussy and baby ur pussy for life.  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  shorty i can see u aint lonely  handfull of niggas n they all got cheese,  so u lookin at me now whats it gonna be  just another tease far as i can see,  tryin get u up out this club  if it means spendin" a couple dubs,  throwin bout 30 stacks in the back  make it rain like that cuz i"m far from a scrub,  u kno my pedigree, ex-deala use to move phetamines,  girl i spend money like it dont mean nuthin  n besides i got a thing for u.  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  [snoop dogg]  mobbin" through club in low pressin  im sittin in the back in the smokers section (just smokin),  birds eye, i got a clear view,  you cant see me but i can see u (baby i see u),  its cool we jet the mood is set,  your pussy is wet u rubbin your back and touchin your neck,  ur body is movin" u humpin" n jumpin"  ur titties is bouncin" u smilin" n grinin" n lookin at me.  girl n while your looking at me  im ready to hit the caddy right up on the patio  move the patty to the caddy,  baby u got a phatty the type  i like to marry wantin to just give u everythin  n thats kinda scary,  cuz i"m lovin the way you shake your ass ,  bouncin", got me tippin" my glass,  lil" mully dont get caught up to fast  but i got a thing for you.  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  girl...  end  2006年11月24日,阿肯与歌手Snoopy Dogg合作的《I Wanna Love You》在当周的Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中飙升了16位,一举夺得了当周的冠军。而阿肯的另一支单曲,与埃米纳姆合作的《Smack That》在当周依然保持着亚军的位置。12月1日,阿肯与歌手Snoopy Dogg合作的《I Wanna Love You》蝉联了冠军,而在当周的Pop 100单曲榜中,这首《I Wanna Love You》却被他自己与埃米纳姆合作的单曲《Smack That》超越 。12月15日,阿肯与Snoopy Dogg合作的单曲《I Wanna Love You》名列当周亚军位置,与上周的成绩持平 。

Kanye West----Love lockdown歌词 翻译

人手翻译,希望你满意!:-)I"m not loving you the way I wanted to 我没有用我想要的方式去爱你What I had to do 我要怎样做Had to run from you 要从你身边跑开I"m in love with you 我与你相爱But the vibe is wrong 但And that haunted me, all the way home 在我回家的一路上,那些总萦绕在我脑海中So you never know 所以你永远也不会知道Never, never know 永远、永远不会知道Never know enough 永远知道得不多Til it"s over love 直到超越爱的界限Til we lose control 直到我们失去控制System overload 身体负荷过重Screamin" , no no no no no 尖叫着,不不不不不...I"m not lovin" you the way I wanted to 我没有用我想要的方式去爱你See I had to go 看来我必须离开But can"t escape from you 却不能从你身边逃跑So I keep it low 所以我保持低调Keep a secret cold 完全守着秘密So everybody else don"t have to know 所以,其他人不需要知道So keep your love locked down 让你的爱锁起来Your love locked down 封锁住你的爱Keepin" your love locked down 总锁着你的爱Your love locked down 封锁起你的爱Now keep your love locked down 让你的爱锁起来Your love locked down 封锁住你的爱You keep your love locked down 你让你的爱锁起来You lose 你输了I"m not loving you the way I wanted to 我没有用我想要的方式去爱你I can"t keep my cool 我装不了酷So I keep it true 所以我实实在在I got something to lose 我失去了一些东西So I gotta move 所以我准备行动I can"t keep myself 我把持不了自己And still keep you too 仍在留住你Gotta keep in mind when I"m on my own 当我做会自己时,我会让脑子记住Somewhere far from home 一个远离家的地方In the danger zone 处在危险的境地How many times did I tell you 我告诉了你多少次了Before it finally got through 在事情最终完结前You lose, you lose 你输了,你输了I"m not loving you the way I wanted to 我没有用我想要的方式去爱你I can"t keep my cool 我装不了酷See I had to go 看来我必须离开See I had to move 我必须做点什么No more wastin" time 不再浪费时间You can"t wait for life 你不可能一生都在等待We"re just wastin" time 我们只在浪费时间Where"s the finish line终点线在哪里?So keep your love locked down 让你的爱锁起来Your love locked down 封锁住你的爱Keepin" your love locked down 总锁着你的爱Your love locked down 封锁起你的爱Now keep your love locked down 让你的爱锁起来Your love locked down 封锁住你的爱You keep your love locked down 你让你的爱锁起来You lose 你输了 I"m not loving you the way I wanted to 我没有用我想要的方式去爱你I"ve been no one new 我没有变成另一个新的我I got no one new 也没有新爱侣No I said I"m through 不,我说我挺过来了But got love for you 但我给了你爱But I"m not loving you the way I wanted to 但我没有用我想要的方式去爱你Gotta keep it going 想让一切继续下去Keep the lovin" going 让爱继续Keep it on a role 继续自己的角色Only god knows 只有天知道If I"ll be with you 如果我和你走到一起Baby I"m confused 宝贝,我很迷茫You choose, you choose 你选择了,你选择了I"m not loving you the way I wanted to 我没有用我想要的方式去爱你 Where I want to go 我想到哪里去?I don"t need you 我不再需要你I"ve been down this road too many times before 以前,我已经无数次地走在这条路上I"m not loving you the way I wanted to 我没有用我想要的方式去爱你 So keep your love locked down 让你的爱锁起来Your love locked down 封锁住你的爱Keepin" your love locked down 总锁着你的爱Your love locked down 封锁起你的爱Now keep your love locked down 让你的爱锁起来Your love locked down 封锁住你的爱You keep your love locked down 你让你的爱锁起来You lose, you lose, you lose, you lose你输了,你输了,你输了,你输了

In Your Own Time 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Own Time歌手:Keane专辑:StrangelandIn Your Own TimeKeaneYou"ve got nowhere to goGot no way out of this holeGot no one to say it"s all just the way things areWouldn"t it be goodTo look into a brighter dayIt"s just the way things areIn your own timeThere"s no map to guide our waySo I say nothing, you say nothingIn your own wayThought I could help you find your placeBut I"m as lost as you are lost these daysAnd wouldn"t it be fineTo close your eyes and see somethingSomething more than this..In your own timeThere"s no map to guide our waySo I say nothing, you say nothingIn your own wayThought I could help you find your placeBut I"m as lost as you are lostIt"s not the wayThings are going to change, you knowThe battles you have fought won"t go to waste, you knowThings are going to change. It just takes time…Ooooh... In your own timeThere"s no map to guide our waySo I say nothing, you say nothingIn your own wayThought I could help you find your placeBut I"m as lost as you are lostIt"s just the wayIt"s just the wayIt"s just the wayIt"s just the wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13981722

圣安地利亚斯枪械训练任务让你射瓶子,射完后还有个任务怎么做的?什么manually aim hold down RMB什么。


Cabaret Voltaire的《Crackdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Crackdown歌手:Cabaret Voltaire专辑:Redefining The Prologue"Crackdown"http://music.baidu.com/song/8550221

“Puppet In A Clown Show”准确翻译为中文







crackdownn.(名词)An act or example of forceful regulation, repression, or restraint:制裁:采取严厉措施、镇压、约束的行为或实例:a crackdown on crime.对犯罪进行制裁quellv.tr.(及物动词)quelled, quell.ing, quellsTo put down forcibly; suppress:用武力平息;镇压:Police quelled the riot.警察平息了暴动To pacify; quiet:使平静;安静:finally quelled the children"s fears.最终驱散了孩子们的恐惧

与crack down差不多意思的单词

rced me to cut eiing Iu2019d sai

选词填空 In the happy town there lived a little,beautiful and smart girl

不知道题主问的是不是 Little beautiful smart这三个词里选,这三个词都可以单用啊,还可以连用。

Shares on the stock market have ------as a result of a worldwide economic downturn




求一首歌名,英文男声的,很有磁性,一开始的歌词是hey slowdown , what i wase you ....

Adam Lambert-Whataya Want from Me

fall down和fall off的区别

fall down,fall off和fall over都表示“摔倒、跌倒”的意思,但它们各自的含义不同。 fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”。 She fell over and broke her leg. 她跌倒并把腿摔断了。 There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast,you will fall over. 地上的雪太多,如果你骑得太快的话,你会摔跤的。 fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from。 The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己倒下了。 If people run across the road,they may fall down. 如果人们跑过马路的话,他们可能会摔倒。 fall off强调的是“跌落、从……掉下来”,后直接接宾语。 The girl is falling off the bike. (= The girl is falling down from the bike.) 女孩正从自行车上摔下来。 They spread a big net in case Tom should fall off the tree and get hurt. 他们张开一张大网以防汤姆从树上掉下来受伤。 自我测试 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 请将下列句子译成英语。 1. 那书从桌上掉落在地板上。 2. 他掉进水里了。 3. 这个篮子里装满了鸡蛋,不要把它打翻了。 4. 小孩儿学步时常会跌跤。 答 案: 1. The book fell down from the table to the floor. (The book fell off the table to the floor.) 2. He fell over into the water. 3. This basket is full of eggs. Don"t let it fall down. 4. Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.

fall down和fall off的区别




一首英文歌 男的唱的 come on baby come on lover be my own后面歌词忘了 节奏不慢

可能是baby come on be my love 或者be my girlfriend


down in-the-jungle 走在丛林;深入丛林;在丛林之中例句筛选1.Never let your guard down when you are in the jungle.在密林里时,你绝不能放松警惕。2.His plane got stuck in the boggy jungle on top of the mountain and henoticed a pretty impressive waterfall plunging thousands of feet down.他的飞机就死在沼泽丛林山顶,他注意到一个相当令人印象深刻的瀑布使数千英尺下降。

怎么回事sit down in the chair呢?谢谢了


be frowned upon

皱眉(frown)可以表示以示不高兴、沉思、忧愁等.而frown on/upon something 就常常用来表示“不赞成、 不许可、不同意”某件事情: 看几个例子吧: In organizations,office signs and furniture are often used as role signs.These and other perquisite of status are often frowned upon. Company policy frowns on going out for coffee.从公司的政策的角度来说是不主张到工厂外面喝咖啡的. Today"s vegetarian generations may frown upon canned luncheon meat.如今素食的一代人是不喜欢罐装的午餐肉的. 下面是托福阅读中的一句: With the advent of the Revolutionary War in 1775,everything English came to be frowned upon.在1775年美国独立战争以后,所有英国的东西都开始招人讨厌了. Many fathers in China would frown on the idea of their daughter romping around a field kicking a ball.许多中国的父亲不喜欢他们的女儿在球场上踢着球乱跑. My parents always frown on late nights out.我父母向来不赞成深夜外出.

fall down是瞬间性动词还是延续性动词?

fall down是一个介宾短语。fall是一个趋向性动词,一般都有过去式来呈现,有瞬间性的意味。不过如果想强调一个事物即将fall,可以用现在分词be falling down来呈现,比如“London Bridge is falling down.”(仅此而已哦)加油,祝你成功!

黑执事人偶歌曲《London bridge is falling down》几个版本!都要特别是受手风琴版!!


求《黑执事》中女王唱的那段《London bridge was falling down》!


求!黑执事里面塞巴斯蒂安和木偶唱的那个london bridge is falling down!

这个歌的中文意思是 伦敦桥要倒塌了 在酷狗里搜索londin bridge is falling down就能查到这首歌

《London Bridge is Falling Down》的中文歌词是什么?要原版 急!!!

 中文:  伦敦桥要倒了,   要倒了,要倒了。   伦敦桥要倒了,   我美丽的淑女。   用铁栏来建筑,   铁栏杆,铁栏杆。   用铁栏来建筑,   我美丽的淑女。   铁栏会变弯曲,   变弯曲,变弯曲,   铁栏会变弯曲,   我美丽的淑女。   用金银来建筑,   金和银,金和银,   用金和银来建筑,   我美丽的淑女 。   金和银我还没得到,   没得到,没得到   金和银我还没得到,   我美丽的淑女 。

London Bridge Is Falling Down的英文歌词、中文翻译及这首歌的创造背景

london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. london bridge is falling down, my fair lady! london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. london bridge is falling down, my fair lady! london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. london bridge is falling down, my fair lady! 伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 用铁栏把它建筑起来, 铁栏杆,铁栏杆。 用铁栏把它建筑起来, 我美丽的淑女。 铁栏会弯曲和折断, 弯曲和折断,弯曲和折断, 铁栏会弯曲和折断, 我美丽的淑女。 用银和金把它建筑起来, 银和金,银和金, 用银和金把它建筑起来, 我美丽的淑女

London Bridge Is Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:London Bridge Is Falling Down歌手:Twins专辑:Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.1London Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady!London Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady!London Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady!http://music.baidu.com/song/1216204

London bridge is falling down这首童谣有什么深意?

跟囚犯无关,因为这里说的是伦敦桥,不是伦敦塔这首歌最早的书面记载是1744年,在一本名为Tommy Thumb"s Pretty Song Book 的书出现。1823年The Gentlemen"s Magazine 的一名男性读者的回信也提到孩提时曾经听过一名妇女唱到:London Bridge is broken down(注意:歌词有变,后来的版本是“falling down”,也就是“正在倒下来”,在这里是“已经倒踏”,有趣的是:后世的版本反而是“正在倒下来”。)With a Gay lady.这首歌的寓意因为年代久远已经没有人说的清了。而且这首歌在欧洲几个国家都有相应的版本。所以各地的寓意应该都有不同。基本上很明显有述说当年筑桥艰辛,以及该桥命途坎坷的含义。现在所见的伦敦桥已经是第三个改建版本,1973年落成,其实只是在同一位置用同一个名字而已。第一条伦敦桥是木质构造,两千年前(50AD)的罗马时期就有了。不过这条桥很短命,五年后就毁于战乱。第二条桥是砖建的,1014年被侵略英国的维京王Olaf拆毁。目的是将英国一分为二,阻断两地的交通。这首歌据说就是当时开始流传开来的。至于里面的fair lady有两种说法1。古代建桥基于迷信,落成后会将一名处女杀死奉献给上天,然后尸体埋在地基里。2。指的是该桥过桥税的获益人,也就是英国皇后。(这是古代的安排,过桥费是皇后的个人收入)以下是1950年的版本London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下来Falling down, falling down.正在倒下,正在倒下London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.[1]我美丽的女孩你的版本颇有不同,但是儿歌自古都是根据当其时的生活而改变,也不必太认真London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下来Falling down , falling down, 正倒下来,正倒下来London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下来My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Take a key and lock her up,拿根钥匙把她锁起来Lock her up, lock her up,把她锁起来,把她锁起来Take a key and lock her up,拿根钥匙把她锁起来My fair lady.我美丽的女孩 How will we build it up, 我们如何把桥盖起来Build it up, build it up? 把桥盖起来,把桥盖起来How will we build it up, 我们如何把桥盖起来My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with silver and gold,用金和银把它盖起来 Silver and gold , silver and gold, 金和银,金和银Build it up with silver and gold,用金和银把它盖起来 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Gold and silver I have none,金和银我没有I have none, I have none,我没有,我没有Gold and silver I have none,金和银我没有My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Build it up with needles and pins ,用针和大头针把它盖好Needles and pins , needles and pins, 针和大头针,针和大头针Build it up with needles and pins, 用针和大头针把它盖好My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Pins and needles bend and break, 针和大头针会弯又折Bend and break, bend and break, 弯又折,弯又折Pins and needles bend and break, 针和大头针会弯又折My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with stone so strong,用石头盖最稳当Stone so strong, stone so strong,石头盖最稳当,石头盖最稳当Build it up with stone so strong,用石头盖最稳当My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Stone so strong will last so long,石头盖的用的久Last so long, last so long,用的久,用的久Stone so strong will last so long,石头盖的用的久My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 40

黑执事里木偶人拉的手风琴的london bridge is falling down,最好能有动画里所有的

 《london bridge is falling down》  “伦敦桥要塌了,要塌了,要塌了……”一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣唱说着伦敦桥的沧桑历史。 伦敦桥是泰晤士河上资格最老的桥,公元965年建成。它原是一座木桥,两个世纪后改为石桥,是当年沟通泰晤士河南北两岸的唯一通道。岁月沧桑,伦敦桥难逃苍老的命运,逐渐显露了颓败的迹象,对日益繁重的交通,已不胜重荷,于是,便流传了这样一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣。但老谋深算的英国人,并没有眼睁睁地看着伦敦桥倒塌,而是把它变为无价宝。他们大力宣传伦敦桥的历史华彩,把废桥作为古董,卖给了美国亚利桑那州的哈瓦苏湖城地产商。商人把古桥的构件逐一编号拆卸,用巨轮运至美国,再按原样在哈瓦苏湖上把它重新砌筑起来,周围点缀以英式房舍,成为一个别开生面的旅游点——“小伦敦”。美国地产商让英国人赚了钱,自己也并不吃亏,由于“古董桥”的吸引,游客不绝,该城的地产随之而大大升值,全城百姓都在不同程度上受惠于“古董桥”而富裕起来。 伦敦桥就这样上演了一出“悲喜剧”。  编辑本段歌词  英文:  London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady. Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady. Build it up with gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver. Build it up with gold and silver, my fair lady. gold and silver I"ve not got, I"ve not got,I"ve not got. gold and silver I"ve not got, my fair lady.  中文:  伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 用铁栏来建筑, 铁栏杆,铁栏杆。 用铁栏来建筑, 我美丽的淑女。 铁栏会变弯曲, 变弯曲,变弯曲, 铁栏会变弯曲, 我美丽的淑女。 用金银来建筑, 金和银,金和银, 用金和银来建筑, 我美丽的淑女 。 金和银我还没得到, 没得到,没得到 金和银我还没得到, 我美丽的淑女 。  日文(音):  London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, My Fair Lady. Tetsu to hagane de tsukure, tsukure, tsukure. Tetsu to hagane de tsukure, My Fair Lady. Tetsu to hagane ja magaru, magaru, magaru. Tetsu to hagane ja magaru, My Fair Lady. Kin to gin de tsukure, tsukure, tsukure. Kin to gin de tsukure, My Fair Lady. Kin to gin ja nusumareru, nusumareru, nusumareru. Kin to gin ja nusumareru, My Fair Lady. Rou to ishi de tsukure, tsukure, tsukure. Rou to ishi de tsukure, My Fair Lady. Rou to ishi de kuchihateru, kuchihateru, kuchihateru. Rou to ishi de kuchihateru, My Fair Lady. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, My Fair Lady.  1950年版本  London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下来 Falling down, falling down. 正在倒下,正在倒下 London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with wood and clay, 用木和粘土在把它盖好 Wood and clay, wood and clay, 木和粘土,用木和粘土 Build it up with wood and clay, 用木和粘土 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Wood and clay will wash away, 木和粘土会被冲走 Wash away, wash away, 冲走,冲走 Wood and clay will wash away, 木和粘土会被冲走 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with bricks and mortar, 用砖和灰泥在把它盖好 Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar, 砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥 Build it up with bricks and mortar, 用砖和灰泥在把它盖好 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Bricks and mortar will not stay, 砖和灰泥用不久 Will not stay, will not stay, 用不久,用不久 Bricks and mortar will not stay, 砖和灰泥用不久 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with iron and steel, 用铁和钢把它盖好 Iron and steel, iron and steel, 铁和钢,铁和钢 Build it up with iron and steel, 用铁和钢把它盖好 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Iron and steel will bend and bow, 铁和钢会弯又曲 Bend and bow, bend and bow, 弯又曲,弯又曲 Iron and steel will bend and bow, 铁和钢会弯又曲 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with silver and gold, 用银和金把它盖好 Silver and gold, silver and gold, 银和金,银和金 Build it up with silver and gold, 用银和金把它盖好 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Silver and gold will be stolen away, 银和金会被偷走 Stolen away, stolen away, 被偷走,被偷走 Silver and gold will be stolen away, 银和金会被偷走 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Set a man to watch all night, 找个人整夜看候 Watch all night, watch all night, 整夜看候,整夜看候 Set a man to watch all night, 找个人整夜看候 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Suppose the man should fall asleep, 如果那人打瞌睡怎么办 Fall asleep, fall asleep, 打瞌睡,打瞌睡 Suppose the man should fall asleep? 如果那人打瞌睡怎么办? My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Give him a pipe to smoke all night, 给他烟斗整夜抽 Smoke all night, smoke all night, 整夜抽,整夜抽 Give him a pipe to smoke all night, 给他烟斗整夜抽 My fair lady.[1] 我美丽的女孩  编辑本段动画  在日本动画《黑执事》第6话 那个执事 送葬 「その执事、葬送」 第11话 那个执事 如何 「その执事、如何様」第12话 那个执事 寂寥 「その执事、寂寥」 中出现, 多罗塞尔·凯因斯(动画原创) 原先是曼德雷家的管家,5年前他的灵魂被死神格雷尔回收,5年后由于不明原因而重生,只不过5年后他就成了一个用稻草做的木偶。有着紫色的瞳孔与小丑一般的夸张花饰,面容精致。经营木偶店,木偶店中的地板上有跟夏尔被绑架时被烙在小腹的烙印一样的花纹,有位不曾露面的主人,随身携带一个播放《London Bridge Is Falling Down》的手摇音乐盒。头可以旋转180°。后来被赛巴斯酱杀死。而它的主人于12集末尾初露端倪,确定为安洁拉(其实就是虐杀天使,也是女王的执事亚修)。 伦敦桥据说是守护伦敦的圣地,一旦被污秽侵袭,便需要被制定的少女祭品(也就是歌词中唱的My fair lady)来巩固被施加在伦敦桥上的圣咒。关于这一点,在伯爵与妖精中,王子死去的单行本中有过交代 不知对不对

london bridge is falling down的历史背景

“伦敦桥要倒塌,要倒塌,要倒塌……”一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣唱说着伦敦桥的沧桑历史。就像这首童谣中唱的那样,历史上的伦敦桥不仅倒塌过,而且倒塌过多次。像伦敦桥这样屡经兴废而依然名声不倒的桥梁实属罕见。伦敦桥是泰晤士河上资格最老的桥,公元965年建成。第一条伦敦桥是木质构造,两千年前(50AD)的罗马时期就有了。不过这条桥很短命,五年后就毁于战乱。第二条桥是砖建的,1014年被侵略英国的维京王Olaf拆毁。目的是将英国一分为二,阻断两地的交通。这首歌据说就是当时开始流传开来的。两个世纪后改为石桥,现代所见的伦敦桥已经是第三个改建版本,1973年落成,其实只是在同一位置用同一个名字而已。伦敦桥是当年沟通泰晤士河南北两岸的唯一通道。岁月沧桑,伦敦桥难逃苍老的命运,逐渐显露了颓败的迹象,对日益繁重的交通,已不胜重荷,于是,便流传了这样一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣。但老谋深算的英国人,并没有眼睁睁地看着伦敦桥倒塌,而是把它变为无价宝。他们大力宣传伦敦桥的历史华彩,把废桥作为古董,卖给了美国亚利桑那州的哈瓦苏湖城地产商。商人把古桥的构件逐一编号拆卸,用巨轮运至美国,再按原样在哈瓦苏湖上把它重新砌筑起来,周围点缀以英式房舍,成为一个别开生面的旅游点——“小伦敦”。美国地产商让英国人赚了钱,自己也并不吃亏,由于“古董桥”的吸引,游客不绝,该城的地产随之而大大升值,全城百姓都在不同程度上受惠于“古董桥”而富裕起来。伦敦桥就这样上演了一出“悲喜剧”。London bridge is falling down在世界各地都有着不同的版本。在傲慢民歌指数它的编号是第502首。这是英国民间的童谣集鹅妈妈童谣 【Mother Goose】中的一首,创作方法是其他国家传到英国的。当中包含的民间故事在1697年被叫做“母亲鹅的故事”,且出现在短的吹牛大话或故事中。这些故事在1729年被转变为英国语。1791年的Newbery(约翰的姓)版本是最早的《鹅妈妈童谣》,也是世界最早的儿歌集。它包含了五十二首诗,和每首以一个例子说明。鹅妈妈童谣随著时间经过,内容不断扩大,包涵数百首童谣。童谣中又包含许多血腥、残酷的句子,这主要是由于鹅妈妈童谣当时黑暗的时代背景。18 世纪的英国,发生了工业革命,促使资本主义产生,也造成严重的贫富不均与阶级对立。使得大多数的人民成了资本主义的工具和牺牲品,他们大多生活困苦艰难,在这种人心动乱、生活环境差的年代,会出现鹅妈妈童谣里的这类歌词也不会是稀奇的事。有些歌词是反应时代背景,有些歌词则是反映了一部分的现实,发疯的人、杀人犯、杀了父母的小孩、卖掉小孩的父母等等,在穷困的时代皆是常见的角色,把他们的故事写进童谣中,也许当下的人们看了会无法接受,但那却是一个历史的悲哀。这首歌在欧洲几个国家都有相应的版本。 所以各地的寓意应该都有不同。基本上很明显有述说当年筑桥艰辛,以及该桥命途坎坷的含义。London bridge is falling down最早期的印刷记录版本是1744年的,在一本名为Tommy Thumb"s Pretty Song Book 的书出现。现存最古老的版本可能是在1823年绅士杂志的一名记者听见了一名的妇女在查尔斯二世 (1660至1685年) 统治时期成长的口述:London Bridge is broken down(注意:歌词有变,后来的版本是“falling down”,也就是“正在倒下来”,在这里是“已经倒塌”,有趣的是:后世的版本反而是“正在倒下来”。)类近的歌韵早已从英格兰从传遍欧洲,包括丹麦的歌谣“Bro, Bro Brille”,德国的歌谣“Die Magdeburger Brück”,法国自16世纪已唱颂的“pont chus”,与及14世纪的意大利歌谣“Le porte”。亦有可能这些歌谣的乐韵,组成这首在英伦三岛非常家传户晓的歌谣。

london bridge is falling down 的全部歌词

london bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.london bridge is falling down,my fair lady!london bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.london bridge is falling down,my fair lady!london bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.london bridge is falling down,my fair lady!

london bridge is falling down的歌词

London bridge is falling down London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady. Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady. Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady.

london bridge is falling down的歌词

《London bridge is falling down》类别:童谣词曲:伏名歌词:London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了Falling down, falling down.要倒了,要倒了London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.我美丽的淑女London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来falling down falling down塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来my fair lady我美丽的淑女take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来lock her up lock her up锁起来 锁起来take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来my fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,反映的是社会背景及人文风貌残酷。《London bridge is falling down》中文版《伦敦大桥垮下来》由大马知名创作人彭学斌写词,郑楠作曲,S.H.E演唱的歌曲,于2007年5月11日收录于S.H.E的专辑《PLAY》中。

谁知的london bridge is falling down 这首歌歌词的中文翻译?

歌名:London Bridge Is Falling Down歌手:Various Artists音乐风格:童谣所属专辑:Songs Of Whimsey And Rhyme Vol. 4London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了Falling down要倒了Falling down要倒了London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了My fair lady我美丽的淑女London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了Falling down要倒了Falling down要倒了London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了My fair lady我美丽的淑女London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了Falling down要倒了Falling down要倒了London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了My fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,是一首非常知名的传统童谣,来自"鹅妈妈童谣"。社会影响1、在1966年,Lucille Ball 主演的黄金时段电视特别节目 Lucy in London 里,Dave Clark Five 出现的时候唱了伦敦桥要倒了。2、BBC电视系列剧 A Ghost Story for Christmas 的 A Warning to the Curious 一集里提到该童谣表达关于献祭处女的坟墓的意思3、电视节目 Dark Shadows(1966 - 1971)以一个幽灵女孩莎拉u2027柯林斯(Sarah Collins)为特色,她的招牌演出是唱伦敦桥要倒了。

london bridge is falling down是什么歌?

《London bridge is falling down》类别:童谣词曲:伏名歌词:London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了Falling down, falling down.要倒了,要倒了London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.我美丽的淑女London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来falling down falling down塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来my fair lady我美丽的淑女take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来lock her up lock her up锁起来 锁起来take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来my fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,反映的是社会背景及人文风貌残酷。《London bridge is falling down》中文版《伦敦大桥垮下来》由大马知名创作人彭学斌写词,郑楠作曲,S.H.E演唱的歌曲,于2007年5月11日收录于S.H.E的专辑《PLAY》中。

London bridge is falling down是什么歌曲?

《London bridge is falling down》类别:童谣词曲:伏名歌词:London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了Falling down, falling down.要倒了,要倒了London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.我美丽的淑女London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来falling down falling down塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来my fair lady我美丽的淑女take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来lock her up lock her up锁起来 锁起来take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来my fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,反映的是社会背景及人文风貌残酷。《London bridge is falling down》中文版《伦敦大桥垮下来》由大马知名创作人彭学斌写词,郑楠作曲,S.H.E演唱的歌曲,于2007年5月11日收录于S.H.E的专辑《PLAY》中。

《LOndon fridge is falling down》的详细介绍

London Bridge is broken down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady.Build it up with wood and clay,Wood and clay, wood and clay,Build it up with wood and clay,My fair lady.Wood and clay will wash away,Wash away, wash away,Wood and clay will wash away,My fair lady.Build it up with bricks and mortar,Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,Build it up with bricks and mortar,My fair lady.Bricks and mortar will not stay,Will not stay, will not stay,Bricks and mortar will not stay,My fair lady.Build it up with iron and steel,Iron and steel, iron and steel,Build it up with iron and steel,My fair lady.Iron and steel will bend and bow,Bend and bow, bend and bow,Iron and steel will bend and bow,My fair lady.Build it up with silver and gold,Silver and gold, silver and gold,Build it up with silver and gold,My fair lady.Silver and gold will be stolen away,Stolen away, stolen away,Silver and gold will be stolen away,My fair lady.Set a man to watch all night,Watch all night, watch all night,Set a man to watch all night,My fair lady.Suppose the man should fall asleep,Fall asleep, fall asleep,Suppose the man should fall asleep?My fair lady.Give him a pipe to smoke all night,Smoke all night, smoke all night,Give him a pipe to smoke all night,My fair lady.这个是1951年的版本这首歌一共好像有4个版本,这个是最近的版本。现存最古老的版本是一个记者在1823年《Gentleman"s Magazine》杂志中的回顾,他声称据调查已经有人从一个女孩那里听到过在查尔斯二世在位的时候(1660至1685年)。这首民谣的最初版本有一种说法是海盗的歌谣,之后又有童谣之说,等等。不过从最初有记录到现在大概有500年了。1966年,Lucille Ball和the Dave Clark Five在8点档节目Lucy in London中唱出这首歌。在1993年的电影 《Falling Down》的灵感来自于这首歌曲,这也是电影中传唱。二战时期曾被 Walter Kaner以《Moshi, Moshi Ano-ne》的名字在日制区中盛传。2006年7月4日,Fergie制作了最现代版的伦敦桥收录在The Dutchess专辑中。2007年,SHED的歌曲伦敦大桥垮下来被收录在专辑《play》当中。最有意思的是,连足球中也有这首歌的身影。。。。。。英国伍尔弗汉普顿流浪者足球俱乐部的球迷经常唱这首歌来讽刺球队要降级,并且因此出名。。我所了解的就这么多了,之后有些也是网上查的。 希望采纳。

London Bridge is falling down这首歌涉及到了什么时态变化?


london bridge is falling down

有一首中文歌与london bridge is falling down

London Bridge is falling down的中文翻译

英文歌词:London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady. Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady. Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady.

London Birdge is falling down的翻译

有几个版本,都给你london birdge is falling down-----最原始版 London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady. Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady. Build it up with gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver. Build it up with gold and silver, my fair lady. gold and silver I"ve not got, I"ve not got,I"ve not got. gold and silver I"ve not got, my fair lady.中文: 伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 用铁栏来建筑, 铁栏杆,铁栏杆。 用铁栏来建筑, 我美丽的淑女。 铁栏会变弯曲, 变弯曲,变弯曲, 铁栏会变弯曲, 我美丽的淑女。 用金银来建筑, 金和银,金和银, 用金和银来建筑, 我美丽的淑女 。 金和银我还没得到, 没得到,没得到 金和银我还没得到, 我美丽的淑女 。london birdge is falling down----- Golden Book Toddler SongsLondon bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . take key than lock her up ,lock up,lock up,take key than lock up,my fair lady.London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . take key than lock her up ,lock up,lock up,take key than lock up,my fair lady.伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 她拿钥匙锁起来,锁起来,锁起来,她用钥匙锁起来,我美丽的淑女。

黑执事里面那段插曲,伦敦大桥塌下来(London Bridge Is Falling Down)

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英语歌《London Bridge is falling down》求译文。


英语歌《London Bridge is falling down》求译文。

London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下来Falling down, falling down.正在倒下,正在倒下London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.[1]我美丽的女孩

英文儿歌《London Bridge Is Falling Down》歌词

  London Bridge is falling down,   Falling down, falling down.   London Bridge is falling down,   My fair lady!   London Bridge is falling down,   Falling down, falling down.   London Bridge is falling down,   My fair lady!   London Bridge is falling down,   Falling down, falling down.   London Bridge is falling down,   My fair lady!   My fair lady!   London Bridge is falling down,   Falling down, falling down.   London Bridge is falling down,   My fair lady! 英文儿歌《London Bridge Is Falling Down》歌词

Countdown to Extinction 歌词

歌曲名:Countdown to Extinction歌手:Megadeth专辑:Countdown to Extinction (Deluxe Edition)Endangered species, caged in frightShot in cold blood, no chance to fightThe stage in set, now pay the priceAn ego boost don"t think twiceTechnology, the battle"s unfairYou pull the hammer without a careSqueeze the trigger that makes you ManPseudo-start, the hunt is canned ...The hunt is cannedAll are gone, all but oneNo contest, nowhere to runNo more left, only oneThis is it, this is the Countdown to ExtinctionTell the truth, you wouldn"t dareThe skin and thophy, oh so rareSilence speaks louder than wordsIgnore the guilt, and take your turnLiars anagram is "liars"Man you were never even thereKilled a few feet from the cagesPoint blank, you"re so courageous ...So courageousAll are gone, all but oneNo contest, nowhere to runNo more left, only oneThis is it, this is the Countdown to ExtinctionOne hour from nowAnother species of life formWill disappear off the face of the planetForever ... and the rate is acceleratingAll are gone, all but oneNo contest, nowhere to runNo more left, only oneThis is it, this is the Countdown to Extinctionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/29800775

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安室奈美惠funky town的歌词


Never Let You Down 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let You Down歌手:Frankie J Featuring Krayzie Bone And Layzie Bone专辑:Pricelessnever let you downfrankie jpricelessI"m never gonna let you goI know you going through a lot thingsBut then I"m into keeping you tight"Cause in the true light"Cause I wanna do rightI can lead this thing"Cause baby I ain"t tripping on the meaningless same gameNever let none test, one fleshNiggas there by step "til deathAnd we can get back up and we can ball if we should fall (if we should fall)Its truely a blessing... from HeavenThrough that from a ressurectionI"m a be right there by your sideNever let your down never need to cryWipe your eye, eye, eyeWipe your eye, eye, eyeWipe your eye, eye, eyeWipe your eye, eye, eyeGirl, I know that you"ve been hurtI"m here to make this workI"m not the type to put you downJust put your trust in meAnd girl, don"t be afraid to tryI see you"re tired of liesI know you heard this all beforeJust put your trust in meWhats up Baby?Would you be my lady?Baby girl get you on this wayYou should already know this wayIs the only waySo whats up Baby?Would you be my lady?Baby girl get you on this wayYou should already know this wayIs the only wayWhen you"re down girl you know you can count on me"Cause I won"t let you downI"m not the type to turn my back whenever you"re in need"Cause I won"t let you downNever let you downNever let you down, girlNever let you down (down)I promise I won"t let you downNever let you downNever let you down, girlNever let you down (down)I promise I won"t let you downGirl, I know you"ve been through painAnd that you"re used to gameBut you know I"m not the sameSo come on and ride with meAnd girl, if you were mine you"d seeThat I"m the man you needGo ahead and let yourself be freeSo come on and ride with meYou ain"t never worry about a thing"Cause I got you, I got youWe gonna live life properIf you ever need a cure for the blues I"m the doctorRemedies I gots lots ofOther imposter talk a real gameBut you a cutie with a brain so you see through thatI"m keep it real baby, never keep it fake Leave that for your ex "cause he do thatI do things thatlllift your spirits like come home early get all up in itYou Olive Oil and I"m PopeyeI"m a hit it like I"m on that spinachDig it girl if you wit it, feel itYeah come ride with a thugCome ride with a thugI"m a realist, you can be my witnessBaby just ride with my loveCome ride with my loveWhats up Baby?Would you be my lady?Baby girl get you on this wayYou should already know this wayIs the only waySo Whats up baby?Would you be my lady?Baby girl get you on this wayYou should already know this wayIs the only wayWhen you"re down girl you know you count on me"Cause I won"t let you downI"m not the type to turn my back whenever you"re in need"Cause I won"t let you downNever let you downNever let you down, girlNever let you down (down)I promise I won"t let you downNever let you downNever let you down, girlNever let you down (down)I promise I won"t let you downI will never let you downFor you I will be aroundI will never let you downFor you I will, "cause I won"t let you downAlways be your manBaby, yeah, yeahI will never let you downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9681560

we own it 中文歌词【速度与激情6主题曲】

1,我们拥有它英文歌词[诗歌1:2 Chainz]金钱的动机 - 钱谈话你在度假,我们刚开了支付,所以......我们不安抚他们,我这么做是为了秘境"它是什么,我们不得不这样做,它只是我是谁呀 - 这是我选择的生活枪声在黑暗中,一只眼闭我们得到了它乱打"像一只独眼灶你能赶上我亲吻我的女孩,俩眼一闭Perfectin“我的激情,感谢阿斯金"无法减缓,所以我们必须让它崩溃您可以使用塑料,我们"回合现金我看到一些人之前,我们坤的传球,耶![钩]我从来不惧怕死亡或死亡我只担心从来没有尝试我不管我是谁只有上帝能评判我现在一炮打响,一切乘坐今晚,即使我有三罢工,我就要去了这一刻,我们拥有它而且我不是要发挥因为它可以得到危险看到这些人,我骑这一刻,我们拥有它[诗2:奇才]相同的,我骑的是相同的,我死了把它全部上线与如果你在找谁"对我来说,你可以找到奇才在与我的新的广阔的新车或刑事这是一个精致的小鸡,和天气小队,我打倒是不是没有办法解决它你说什么?告诉我,你说什么?日夜不停的努力,像个"我的DAWGS,所以每天都这样羚牛"金",找谁“,确保我们球像暴徒所有你要做的就是打电话,赶上你,如果你跌倒,年轻的哈里发[钩][诗歌3:2 Chainz]这是我生命中最重要的一天我们得到了大枪,毕业于刀生命中的一天,我准备骑有精神,我感觉像里面的杀手或 - 金融爆发,我是免费的,但我还没有出来坐车的",所以我靠近插座插头在红色的灯光下,轮辋,坐在集我看你的女孩比她的衣服[第4节:奇才]坚持计划,总是说,我们会站起来决不会跑了,我们的家庭和忠诚永远不会改变从第一天开始,一直看我们来自何方冒险"出来的人谁试图说事端关于它的事情之一,有一个问题吗?我已经得到了同一个钱滚我们倍,大量的俱乐部,我们关闭,遵循相同的代码千万不要把我们的背上,我们的汽车甚至不失去控制[OUTRO]一炮打响,一切乘坐今晚,即使我有三罢工,我就要去了这一刻,我们拥有它而且我不是要发挥因为它可以得到危险看到这些人,我骑这一刻,我们拥有它

Of all the gin joints,in all the towns,in all the world,he walks into mine。这句话什么意思?


Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.


Jim Carrey has become one of the most well-known faces in the world. And it is because of his f...

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:B小题4:C 试题分析:这篇短文描述了美国喜剧明星金凯瑞的成长历程。小题1:根据短文第三段He said he didn"t have any friends because he didn"t want any.描述,可知他没有朋友是因为他不想交朋友。故选C。小题2:联系下文描述,可知此处值得是他获得了一个很好地机会。故选A。小题3:根据最后一段He has developed a large crowd of fans 描述,可知他有很多粉丝。故选B,许多人喜欢金凯瑞。小题4:根据短文第二段At that time, he developed his sense of humour to help him deal with anger at the world.及上文描述,可知他的来自于他困难的生活环境。故选C。点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。

请高手帮忙翻译下SHINEDOWN的《call me》的歌词,谢谢帮忙!

并将它闪电我在一个螺栓派说我微笑,我仍在也许这就是我应该直接进入未知的嘴在我的心真的以为表从来没有备用钥匙的ID能这周末我会去上不失时机别提我的整个生活在一个不同的方法我已经说过很多次我会改变我的。上帝知道我去的!骂我是罪人,给我打电话告诉我它的圣人了,我仍然爱你一样叫我你最喜欢叫我告诉我我最不希望它在你伤害它的一切,我可以说,所以我在我的病终于把它所有的方法一起,没有什么可以天长地久我不得不作出选择,这不是我的了,我不得不说再见的时候我终于像一个吉普赛我把我的生命生活在一个手提箱从来没有真正住在一个地方也许这就是我生活的方式应该和虐待所以说,很多次我会改变我的方式,没有永远铭记。上帝知道我去的!骂我是罪人,给我打电话告诉我它的圣人结束了,我还是爱你一样叫我你最喜欢给我打电话告诉我最差它对我不想让你伤害它的一切,我可以说,病得很重回到我的路,我总是让你在我心中,你医治了我的心和我的心灵,你知道我试着打电话给我一个罪人,给我打电话告诉圣人我的过去,我仍然爱你一样叫我你最喜欢叫我告诉我我最不希望它在你伤害它的一切,我可以说,病得很重回到我的路病得很重回到我的路。 ....

Brown Eyed Girls - Cleansing Cream歌曲空间链接


求browneye girls 《cleansing cream》的空间链接地址

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Raydio的《Get Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Down歌手:Raydio专辑:RaydioBusta Rhymes - Get DownAiyyo, ah to my people on the left (get down!)Uh-huh, to my people on the right (get down!)Uh-huh, ah to my people in the middle (get down!)Check itYou see a fresh off the grill nigga keepin it hotNow watch it spread all through the hood I"m back controllin the blockWith one of rap"s greatest ever Timbaland productionY"all niggaz know just what to do, go "head, follow instructionsWhen the God"s in the building (get down!)Uh-huh, I know you niggaz know the feelin (get down!)Alright, and if you ready and you willin (SAY YO!)Okay, throw your hands to the ceiling (get down!)Alright, go "head and stack another million (get down!)Jumpin around like you ain"t really carin (get down!)Ladies rippin off everything they wearin (HEY YO!)I"m on top of the throne nigga, you know I ain"t sharin (get down!)Now you know, I wanna hear you say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)I wanna hear my muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)A lil" louder muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!)C"mon, a lil" louder nigga, say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!!!!)Until the block start blowin blowin up (get down!)Uh-huh, and e"rybody throwin up (get down!)"Til they got the fire marshall showin up (get down!)Or until the club start closin up (get down!)Okay, see how a nigga walk through "em when the beat put a spark to himLet me just talk to "em (LADIES) quit"cha manGo "head put them plans off (LADIES) well okayGo "head and piss your man off (LADIES)Take your pants off and shake it for "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)And put your ass on "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)Go "head and spaz on "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)Now put the mash on "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)Okay, now from the root to the tree to the top of the buildingSee they ain"t fuckin with me killa (hit "em)Boom bap as far as you can see, got "em bouncin and hoppinNigga you can"t stop me scrilla (hit "em)Well okay, and if you with me say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)I wanna hear my muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)A lil" louder muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!)C"mon, a lil" louder nigga, say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!!!!)Yeah - well okay, and while you niggaz party shit I spit a jewel for the thugBefore a nigga try to front make sure your tool in the clubThat ain"t the basis of this shit, though it"s true when it"s lovethey"ll have you niggaz whylin like a fuckin fool on the drugNow if you with me muh"fucker (get down!)Uh-huh, we gettin gizzle muh"fucker (get down!)Word to God, we make it sizzle muh"fucker (get down!)Uh-huh, I"m on my grizzle holla back (OWWW!)Well okay, see how the God bounce back while you niggaz just sound sloppyGivin you niggaz shit they"ll be knowin you can"t copyThe way the God be spillin all over the trackGet off my dick, tell your bitch holla back (OWWW!)C"mon, violate with me up in the spot is a no-noA lot of niggaz shit trash, soundin all so-soShinin so much D"s takin my photoLower the brim of my fitted while I try to be low-proWe gettin mo" cheddar while you stuntin with no doughGotta skip the line shit movin in slow-moShorty whylin out, try to hit with a low blowWith her crotch on my thigh, rubbin all on her cho-choSHAKE YO" SHIT "til you fall on the flo"Sho" we be fuckin class bitches, I ain"t fuckin with no hoeBust two shots - let me hear it (BO! BO!)"Til the security get para" when they callin the po"-po"If you with me say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)I wanna hear my muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)A lil" louder muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!)C"mon, a lil" louder nigga, say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!!!!)(Get down)(Get down)(Get down)(Get down)(LADIES)(LADIES)(LADIES)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(Hit "em)(Hit "em)(Hit "em)(Hit "em)EndBusta Rhymes - Get Downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9692134


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