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the swallowing slowed me down这句话的结构是什么

over their affinity to each other by the mut

It is her own idea.为什么要用own而不用 herself.

own 意思是自己的 herself 意思是她自己 前面已经有“她的”(her)了 再加上 用herself 语法不对 切完全改变句子意思

某些情况下her own 这种用法 可以替代成 herself吗 如果有有例句吗


某些情况下her own 这种用法 可以替代成 herself吗 如果有有例句吗

her own 不是 herself 的替代词 on her own 才是正确的 herself 的替代词 her own = 她的,她自己的 herself = 她自己,她独自(无帮助) 两者的用法区别可以从下面例句看到: She completed the assignment on her own 相等于 She completed the assignment herself She solved the problem her own way 这个句子的 her own 如果改为 herself 就错了. 同样地 All the answers are her own 的 her own 不可用 herself 替代, 但句子可以这样改写: All the answers she came up with herself. 希望帮到了你,

某些情况下her own 这种用法 可以替代成 herself吗 如果有有例句吗


her own、herself区别

如果前面不是ON 是BY的话就用C,现在这能用A


英文词汇 up 向上, 往上 ;向楼上 stand up 起立 down 向下、往下、 向楼下 sit down 坐下

better known as mark twain原文翻译


burn up与burn down的区别

意思和侧重点不同,burn up意思是烧光,burn down意思是烧毁;前者注重的是结果,后者注重的是一个动作。Burn可以作及物动词、不及物动词、名词使用。 burn的用法 burn的基本意思是“烧”,指“燃烧”(自燃或人为点燃),也可指“烧伤”(各种原因如烧、烫、烤等及各种程度)。引申则可表示“情绪激动”(如怒火中烧)。 burn可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。burn可用于被动结构。 burn还可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。 burn的过去式和过去分词有两种形式,burned或burnt。英式英语中用作不及物动词或用作比喻时用burned,用作及物动词或形容词时用burnt;美式英语中一般只用burned,只有过去分词作形容词时才用burnt。 burn作不及物动词用于现在进行体时,若主语为物,则主动形式含有被动意思。 burn的现在分词burning可用作形容词,在句中作表语,后接动词不定式表示“渴望的”、“热衷于”。burning也可修饰形容词,带有口语色彩,着重强调。

短文改错.mark twain,one of thebest knownamerican wri


wanted to sit down t

首先,Goldilocks想坐下来因为她很累 这两张大椅子都很不舒服 她不喜欢 所以她试着坐在最小的椅子上 很不错,但是Goldilocks很胖所以她把椅子坐坏了 她很不开心并很累 她走入了卧室 有3张床 她不喜欢这两张大床 最小的床很舒服 她睡在上面一会儿就入睡了

downhill bike是什么意思

downhill bike指的是专门设计用于下山越野和重力加速的自行车。这种自行车通常拥有长时间悬挂,较宽的轮胎、闪电般的加速性能以及强大的刹车系统,以适应高速下坡过程中的艰难条件。downhill bike也常被称为“gravity bike”或“DH bike”。它们是专业车手和极端运动爱好者最常使用的自行车之一,提供了无与伦比的快速和刺激。除了专业车手和极限运动爱好者,downhill bike也是越来越多普通人选择的自行车类型,尤其在一些地势较陡峭的地区。这种自行车非常适合进行山地旅游、穿越荒野、以及参加一些赛事活动。然而,相比于其他自行车,downhill bike的价格通常较高。此外,它们的操作和控制也需要一定的技能和经验。 在使用downhill bike前,务必保证安全并且正确佩戴护具和安全装备。下面列举几个国内外著名的山地自行车赛事:1、UCI山地自行车世界杯赛:是国际自行车联合会 (UCI) 主办的一项赛事,包括下坡赛、越野赛和山地车市区赛等多个比赛项目。2、红牛滑铁卢:是一项极限运动赛事,包括自行车下坡赛、攀岩、高空跳伞等多个比赛项目。3、中国国际山地自行车赛:是国内最高级别的山地自行车赛事,包括越野赛、下坡赛、BMX自由式等多个比赛项目。4、Crankworx Whistler Festival:是世界上最大的山地自行车节庆,包括下坡赛、越野赛和大跳台自由式等多个比赛项目。

down hills 它做句子的什么成分,为什么不是宾语?

The train is quickly going down hills.这里的down是一个副词,副词怎么能做宾语呢?副词形容going这个动词的。

VSO Downloader转码错误怎么办,视频是都下载下来了但是下面都提示转码错误,别的转换器也不能转ext格式


蓝屏提示:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to preve


维棠无法下载优酷.土豆视频?vso downloader也无法侦测?






VSO Downloader下载到的视频,只有声音,没有图像,怎么回事啊?

希望可以帮到你:一、首先要确认硬件没问题。如果喇叭没毛病,声卡也没问题,如果你已经在其他的机器上测试过确实是完好的话,那么可以继续往下看。 二、确认所有的连接线完全正确。然后将音箱电源打开,音量开关打开。 三、正确安装声卡的驱动程序,如果是板载声卡,就最好安装主板驱动程序盘上提供的驱动程序。 (实际上,电脑不出声,很多时候都是因为声卡驱动不正确。一般情况下,声卡驱动安装好之后,在右下角的任务栏里会有一个小喇叭的图标。) 四、如果肯定了驱动程序是正确安装的,那么再来看一下电脑里的音量设置。 具体方法是:双击任务栏里的小喇叭的图标,在弹出的“音量控制”对话框中查看“音量控制”和“波形”两项里是不是把音量关到最小,或者被设成静音状态。 如果以对话框中没有这两个选项,请点击“选项”菜单——选择“属性”——在“显示下列音量控制”中选中“音量控制”和“波形”两项,再进行正确设定。 注意:只有正确安装了声卡的驱动程序之后才能进行第四步的设置。 特别提醒:实际上很多时候,电脑不正常工作的原因都是小毛病,软故障,仔细分析,很多时候都能够很容易的解决问题的。

vso downloader下载的视频怎么合并

用视频剪辑软件合并就可以了,方便些的就 爱剪辑 ,操作容易。把视频导入进去,截取自己要的片段,需要的话加上音乐,字幕和字幕特效,调色,然后导出就可以了

vso downloader怎么用 啊 急 ~~~帮忙详细一点

我一开始也觉得烦 但这玩意太**好用了 我捣鼓了一下午 亲 要先打开 然后开网页看视频 它就飞快地下了 你右击下好的 选最后一个 open folderOK!真的很傻瓜啊

怎样安装vso downloader破解

vso downloader1、打开在线视频下载进行下载解压,得到原程序;2、运行下载的EXE安装包即可;3、选择安装路径,等待片刻即可无限制使用注意事项:VSO Downloader简体中文如果出错,请安装时选择繁体中文,随便输入任意数字字符都可以成功注册。


如何在安卓手机上安装vsodownloader 完全的傻瓜式软体 使用:先执行VSO downloader,然后开启浏览器看视讯,比如用IE去音乐台随便点一个MV,VSO就会自动现在当前正在看的这个视讯,如果你在看多个视讯,就会多个同时下载。 设定:我觉得只有下载档案的储存位置需要设定一下,其它的... 如何在安卓手机上安装nodejs 如果手机需要下载安装软体应用,建议尝试: 1.使用手机功能表中自带的浏览器上网,直接搜寻需要的软体进行下载安装(下载安卓版本格式为apk)。 2.使用电脑下载APK格式的安装包,连线资料线传输至手机,操作手机在应用程式-我的档案中找到安装包,执行后点击安装按钮。 3.下载完成后点选下载的应用,根据软体手机介面中软体安装提示点选安装即可。 ucweb 如何在安卓手机上安装 去 下载APK格式的安装包 如何在安卓手机上安装arm版的linux 这个我倒是会,不过你载入了linux之后,驱动怎么搞,linux不挂系统档案是没有显示介面的,到时候就变成砖头了啊 理论上可以,但是各种驱动都需要自行移植与编译 linux本身支援arm架构,所以核心不是问题,只要发行版能把软体也编译成支援arm架构的就行了,我知道这几个: 1.Arch Linux ARM 2.Gentoo Linux文件 -- Gentoo Linux ARM手册 3.:fedoraproject./wiki/Architectures/ARM 如何在安卓手机上安装dhcp伺服器 到也不是不可以,在安卓手机上安装一个window模拟器,然后装一个window2003server系统,在2003中安装AD,之后你就可以配置DHCP伺服器了~ 理论上这样是可行的,不过太不实际,手机毕竟不是电脑~ 如何在安卓手机上安装Linux系统 – WEB骇客 Android (x86)专案致力于移植Android系统到X86处理器上,使使用者可以更容易的在任何电脑上安装Android。他们通过使用android原始码,增加补丁来使Android能够在X86处理器,膝上型电脑和平板电脑下工作。 前一段时间,专案组释出了最新的“Android KitKat 4专案下载Android 4.4 x86 Kit Kat档案(地址) 3、要想安装Android 4.4 kitkat,首先,你需要启动刚刚下载.iso档案,开启VirtualBox,建立一个新的虚拟机器,然后按照下面图片设定: 4、接下来,它会询问你新装置的记忆体大小,Android 4.4 kikat需要1G记忆体才能完美执行,但是由于我的电脑只有1G记忆体,我只能选择512MB。 5、选择“现在建立虚拟硬碟”(“Create a virtual hard drive now”)来建立一个新的硬碟。 6、它现在会询问你新虚拟硬碟的型别,选择VDI 7、现在设定虚拟硬碟大小,你可以按照你的所需来设定任何大小,但是除了将来安装Apps所用的空间,至少需要4G来保证系统正确安装。 8、现在你的新虚拟装置建立好了,可以启动下载的.iso档案了,从左边的列表选择建立的虚拟机器,点选设定->储存,如下图,选择android 4.4 kitkat RC2的映象档案。 9、点选OK,开启机器,启动.iso映象,选择“安装”开始在虚拟机器上安装系统。 10、请选择一个分割槽来安装Android-x86 11、如下图,你可以看见cfdisk介面,cfdisk是一个分割槽工具,我们将要使用它来建立一个新的硬碟分割槽,用来安装Android 4.4,现在,点选“New” 12、选择“Primary”作为分割槽型别 如何在安卓手机上安装最终幻想4 答: 为了系统的稳定与资料安全,MIUIV4和V5系统不允许将软体安装到SD卡中,请检查一下您手机的安装空间。 如何在魅族M9手机上安装安卓 M9本身就是安卓系统的机器,如果你想体验原生安卓的话,只需要更换启动器即可。

Unknown entity,该怎么解决


Unknown entity,该怎么解决

org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity异常是新手学习hibernate的时候经常遇到的问题,这值得注意一下。下边是异常截图org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown1org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity异常详细信息如下:org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: com.gis520.model.Emp_empat org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getEntityPersister(SessionFactoryImpl.java:628)at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getEntityPersister(SessionImpl.java:1366)at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedId(AbstractSaveEventListener.java:121)at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.java:210)at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(DefaultSaveEventListener.java:56)at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.entityIsTransient(DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.java:195)…………at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:193)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:52)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:191)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:42)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:184)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit4.runner.JUnit4TestReference.run(JUnit4TestReference.java:50)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.TestExecution.run(TestExecution.java:38)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:467)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:683)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.run(RemoteTestRunner.java:390)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(RemoteTestRunner.java:197)END解决方案:原因分析1:可能是因为使用注解的时候没有导入正确的包。要清楚,Entity包是javax.persistence.Entity;而不是hibernate包下的annotation原因分析2:使用注解时没有在*.cfg.xml下配置<mapping class=""/>,从而造成org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity异常的原因

Unknown entity,该怎么解决

org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity异常是新手学习hibernate的时候经常遇到的问题,这值得注意一下。下边是异常截图org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown1org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity异常详细信息如下:org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: com.gis520.model.Emp_empat org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getEntityPersister(SessionFactoryImpl.java:628)at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getEntityPersister(SessionImpl.java:1366)at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedId(AbstractSaveEventListener.java:121)at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.java:210)at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(DefaultSaveEventListener.java:56)at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.entityIsTransient(DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.java:195)…………at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:193)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:52)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:191)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:42)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:184)at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit4.runner.JUnit4TestReference.run(JUnit4TestReference.java:50)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.TestExecution.run(TestExecution.java:38)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:467)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:683)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.run(RemoteTestRunner.java:390)at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(RemoteTestRunner.java:197)END解决方案:原因分析1:可能是因为使用注解的时候没有导入正确的包。要清楚,Entity包是javax.persistence.Entity;而不是hibernate包下的annotation原因分析2:使用注解时没有在*.cfg.xml下配置<mapping class=""/>,从而造成org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity异常的原因org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity解决方法就是以上两个原因。如果你使用注解,上边的两个一定要正确。如果是使用的是*.hbm.xml文件,则查看*.hbm.xml是否加入了引用即可。排除后即可解决异常。

The什么fall down.It,s什么now.

The __ fall down, It"s __ now. 从这句话来看意思是XX东西掉下来了,现在正在XXX.这个句式比较多的是用来表示天气,比如下雨了,下雪了这类..因此这里可以填:The (raindrops) fall down, It"s (raining) now. 雨滴掉落下来,现在正在下雨.The (snowflowers) fall down, It"s (snowing) now. 雪花飘落下来,现在正在下雪.


wake up 醒来 bring up 抚养 get up 涂画 make up 赔偿 built-up 布满建筑物的 give up 放弃 go up 增长 come up开始 set up建立 sit up熬夜 turn up 找到 do up 整理 dry up 干涸 cry up 称赏 hitch up向上拉 push up 提高 pull up 停下 put up 建招 hurry up 快点 ice up 被冰覆盖 pick up 捡起be up发生;出事be well up in对…知道得很多;很熟悉(= be well up on)not up〈网球〉在地上反弹了一次上才被击中的up for打算;准备 eg:The house is up for sale.房子准备出售。up-and-comingadj.积极进取的,很有前途的,日见重要的up-and-downadj.上上下下的, 起伏的, 来来往往的, 变动的up-and-overadj.(汽车库等常用的)上提式开启的up-and-upn.诚实的行为, 向上, 越来越好up-to-dateadj.直到现在的, 最近的, 当代的, 新式的up a gum treeadv.进退维谷up a stumpadv.处境尴尬up a treeadv.进退两难up againstadv.面临up against the walladv.碰壁up and aboutadv.(病人)已起床走动up and doingadv.活泼, 敏捷, 忙碌up and downadv.上下地, 到处, 前前后后, 来来往往up frontadv.在前面, 预先up hill and daleadv.翻山越水, 拚命地, 彻底地up in armsadv.进行武装斗争, 竭力反对up in the airadv.悬而未决up in the clouds[口]脱离实际, 不切实际 get up ——起床 hang up——挂起来,挂断电话keep up with ——跟上,不落后 look up to——尊敬,敬佩pick up ——捡起 put up——立起,建造wake up——醒来 stand up——起立clean up--清除 clear up——澄清,放晴dress up ——盛装 dry up——干涸,烘干think up ——仔细思考 tie up——绑紧,捆好make up one"s minds ——下决心 shut up——闭嘴back(支持)up——支持,支援 back(倒退)up——倒退,倒车be mixed up——糊涂,混合 blows(爆炸)up——爆炸check up——检查 cheer up——鼓舞,使高兴draw up ——起草 get mixed up——混乱,混淆build up ——建立,增强 look up——查出make up ——虚构,弥补 mix up——糊涂,混淆show up ——出现,露面 to speed up——加快速度stir up ——激起,鼓动 take up——占据,吸收break up ——分裂,打碎 chew up——嚼碎tear up ——撕碎,取消 chop up——剁碎,砍碎cut up——切碎 smash up——击毁up还有“结束,一点也不剩”的意思:be up ——时间到 give up——放弃,投降let up——停止 burn up——完全烧尽buy up——全部买尽 eat up——吃光wait up for ——熬夜等人 stay up——熬夜keep up——保持,维持 hold up——维持,劫持,耽搁stand (经受)up ——经得住 stand(坚持) up for——坚持,支持“到达,达到”也是up的常见含义:call up ——打电话 drive up to——开车到go up to ——走到,走上前 live up to——达到标准,遵守run up to——跑到(某人面前) walk up to——走到be up to ——由某人决定 be up to——暗中做某事stand sb up ——爽约 take up——学习,研究throw up ——呕吐 bring up(成长)——抚养,教养


歌词welcome to my show, it"s a revolution.this is my girls" generationeveryone rock with me, take it in all rightget hype! jump! let"s party all nighti know we the one to make you super crazywanna be your genie more than one nightwatchin" me, feelin" me, callin" my namei just want you and me to feel the samecome on and move it put your hands up in theaireverybody lose control and hands up in the air

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你好,Brownsville, Texas ZIP CodesZIP code ------- --- County ------- State 78520 ---------- Cameron ------------ TX 78521 --- --------Cameron ---------- TX 78522 ( specific )---------- Cameron ---------- TX 78523 ( specific ) ---------- Cameron ---------- TX 78526 ---------- Cameron ---------- TX 差不多就六个,自己选

Uptown Girl 原唱是?

原唱 Billy Joel 这是我觉得Billy Joel写的歌曲里面最好听的一首,后来似乎被很多人翻唱过,在中国传得比较广的是westlife这种人唱的,唉……Billy Joel不仅仅唱得更好,而且他写的是他自己真实的故事。Billy Joel虽然才华横溢,但是家境并不好,长得很一般,身材还比较矮小,这让他刚刚出道时,经常被别人轻视。因此,Billy一直认为,自己是属于普普通通的劳动人民,根正苗红的工农兵那种。之前曾经提到过,Billy Joel是除了Beatles以外拥有最多白金唱片的坐标型巨星。当时,他的Piano Man专辑一出,举世立马为他创作的动听音乐和清澈高昂的声音震撼,再也不敢有人轻视他。Billy心中喜欢当时的超级名模Christie Brinkley,这位金发美女就是这首歌曲里面的“Uptown Girl”。纽约市分为uptown, mid-town, downtown这几个地区。uptown是传统观念里的富人区,而Christie正是出身于最富裕的纽约长岛的富家小姐。Billy为Christie写了这一首"Uptown Girl”,并成功的夺取芳心。两年后,Christie即嫁给了他,并维持了长达九年的婚姻。Billy一直对于能够成功追到Christie这样的大美女而感到不可思议。我想Billy Joel大概是属于最开始的草根型摇滚巨星。他的歌曲里面所体现的平凡朴实,是很多当今华而不实的明星们根本无法模仿到位的,更不要说,现在的流行音乐里面,像Piano Man这种歌词的,似乎很少有人创作出来了。不知道无产阶级的艺术家们都被压迫到什么地方去了……

known unto god 什么意思


Chris Brown的《Help Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Help Me歌手:Chris Brown专辑:ExclusiveChris Brown - Help MeAlbum:Exclusive鹰飞雁武 编辑You look, so goodI cant, believe itIm out (my), my mind (mind)I shouldnt be but (oh)Women like you steal my controlSeen it acrossMy spot is next doorCome on (girl)Girl dont (girl dont) be scared (be scared)Now BabyHelp me help me help meI want you to help me help me help meI cant stop myselfYou have been lovelyI wanna have you screaminLove me roughlyI need a little bit of helpKeep raisin the body countWhen ever i take em outI end up takin em downCan you help me help me help meShoot me or sumthinHelp me help me help meDo me or sumthinI need helpWe"re here, (so) alone (good)I got, a problemIm out (my) my mind (mind)Over your body(Shudnt be but oh)Women like you steal my controlSeen it acrossMy spot is next doorCome on girl (girl)Girl dont (girl dont) be scared (be scared) now babyhelp me help me help mei want you to help mehelp me help meI cant stop myselfYou have been lovelyWanna have you screamin love me roughlyI need a little bit of helpKeep raisin the body countWhen ever i take em out i end up takin em downCan you help me help me help meShoot me or somethinHelp me help me help meDo me or somethinI need helpWont you help me cuz i cant leave it aloneI cant stop itCuz everytime i get it aloneI gotta pop itIts like dat i be feelin too grownIm fein"in i be club hoppinTryna get somethin poppinAnd IWhen i get her aloneAlready knowin im on itI aint tryna be goodSo ima let you knowIts like woahI need help tryna get this some controlHelp me help me help meI want you to help me help me help meI cant stop myselfYou have been lovelyI wanna have you screaminLove me roughlyI need a little bit of helpKeep raisin the body countWhen ever i take em outI end up takin em downCan you help me help me help meShoot me or sumthinHelp me help me help meDo me or sumthinI need helpHelp me help me help meI want you to help me help me help mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/31320207

you shoot me down but i wont fall是哪首歌

David Guetta的 TitaniumYou shout it loud 你大声呐喊But I can"t hear a word you say 但我什麼都听不见I"m talking loud not saying much 我大声但寡言I"m criticized but all your bull is brick of shame我虽遭受批评但你的狗屁是层层的羞愧You shoot me down, but I get up 你击落我 但我又重新站起I"m bulletproof nothing to lose 我防弹武装 什麼都不怕Fire away, fire away 开火吧 开火吧Brick of shame, take your rain 层层的羞愧 接受洗礼Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium 我是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium 我是钛合金I am titanium... 我是钛合金Cut me down 削减我But is you who had offered there to fall 但是是你提出那堕落之地Ghost town, haunted love 鬼之城镇 诅咒之爱Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones 提高声量 就算树枝和石头打断我的骨头I"m talking loud not saying much 我也要大声但寡言I"m bulletproof nothing to lose我防弹武装 什麼都不怕Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧Brick of shame, take your rain层层的羞愧 接受洗礼Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium我是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium我是钛合金I am titanium... 我是钛合金Stone-hard, machine gun 石头般的强硬 机关枪Firing at the ones who rise 向那些站起的射击Stone-hard, thus bulletproof石头般的强硬 所以是防弹You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金

you shoot me down

Titanium-David Guetta Sia部分歌词:you shoot me down, but I won;t fall I am titaniumyou shoot me down, but I won;t fall I am titaniumI am titaniumI am titaniumStone hard, machine gun Fired at the ones who runStone hard, as bulletproof glass

Shoot Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Shoot Me Down歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:Tha Carter IiiLIl Wayne - Shoot Me Down (Feat. D. Smith)Page 1. Chapter 1. Verse mother fucking 1.Yeah,Uh huh,Im Drinkin hot tea bitch.Feel me, now if you let me you wont regret me,Shit if you let me you wont forget me.I aint kinda hot im sauna, I sweat money and the bank is my showa,And that pistol is my towel, so stop sweatin me coward.And I would die for hours, ride for hours, supplied flowers.This is history in the makin, now shut the fuck up and let me make it.Please dont shut me down, cuz im flyin, im flyin, Im higerrrrPlease dont shut me down, im flyin, im higherr.I swear this tea is everywhere but tempture right now.I spit alcatrez bars I know,And these are the only alphabet boys i know,Got a 380 on my waste and ranbow back home,No more bandana round my dome,Bandana in my right pocket, bitch im grown.Fuck what you want, watch me stand on the world as i sit in my throneAnd if I jump im goin to fly and look into the equal eyes see I am lookin like you, why?Bitch see,it gets me how nothing gets me or get to me,And if your shootin for the stars then just shoot me,But your bullets dont reach mars, haws, claws because im a beast im a dawg ill get cha,My picture should be in the dictionary next to the definition of definition,Because repitition is the father of learnin. and son i know your barrel is burnin but..Ay! Talk to my daddy.Pop i did it to em, imma bastard,and im goin to do it again like nigga backwards,These niggas backwards, but they behind us. Now watch me get high like times upNow D bring the drums back, and watch me hit them where there lungs at like that,I get respect cuz if dont im goin to take it, i see your boys hatin and i see your girls naked.It sounds like a naked gun, switch clips with my thumb, and i pop another clip in and aim at his vision.Cuz wayne is his vision, cuz wayne is the mission, im aimin at a mirror...(and ive done it before, please dont make me do it any more.)(watch me soar where the fuck is my guitar, now roar)http://music.baidu.com/song/7549031

Shoot Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Shoot Me Down歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Love Not MoneyLIl Wayne - Shoot Me Down (Feat. D. Smith)Page 1. Chapter 1. Verse mother fucking 1.Yeah,Uh huh,Im Drinkin hot tea bitch.Feel me, now if you let me you wont regret me,Shit if you let me you wont forget me.I aint kinda hot im sauna, I sweat money and the bank is my showa,And that pistol is my towel, so stop sweatin me coward.And I would die for hours, ride for hours, supplied flowers.This is history in the makin, now shut the fuck up and let me make it.Please dont shut me down, cuz im flyin, im flyin, Im higerrrrPlease dont shut me down, im flyin, im higherr.I swear this tea is everywhere but tempture right now.I spit alcatrez bars I know,And these are the only alphabet boys i know,Got a 380 on my waste and ranbow back home,No more bandana round my dome,Bandana in my right pocket, bitch im grown.Fuck what you want, watch me stand on the world as i sit in my throneAnd if I jump im goin to fly and look into the equal eyes see I am lookin like you, why?Bitch see,it gets me how nothing gets me or get to me,And if your shootin for the stars then just shoot me,But your bullets dont reach mars, haws, claws because im a beast im a dawg ill get cha,My picture should be in the dictionary next to the definition of definition,Because repitition is the father of learnin. and son i know your barrel is burnin but..Ay! Talk to my daddy.Pop i did it to em, imma bastard,and im goin to do it again like nigga backwards,These niggas backwards, but they behind us. Now watch me get high like times upNow D bring the drums back, and watch me hit them where there lungs at like that,I get respect cuz if dont im goin to take it, i see your boys hatin and i see your girls naked.It sounds like a naked gun, switch clips with my thumb, and i pop another clip in and aim at his vision.Cuz wayne is his vision, cuz wayne is the mission, im aimin at a mirror...(and ive done it before, please dont make me do it any more.)(watch me soar where the fuck is my guitar, now roar)http://music.baidu.com/song/7451491

Shoot Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Shoot Me Down歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:Tha Carter Iii-Cash MoneyLIl Wayne - Shoot Me Down (Feat. D. Smith)Page 1. Chapter 1. Verse mother fucking 1.Yeah,Uh huh,Im Drinkin hot tea bitch.Feel me, now if you let me you wont regret me,Shit if you let me you wont forget me.I aint kinda hot im sauna, I sweat money and the bank is my showa,And that pistol is my towel, so stop sweatin me coward.And I would die for hours, ride for hours, supplied flowers.This is history in the makin, now shut the fuck up and let me make it.Please dont shut me down, cuz im flyin, im flyin, Im higerrrrPlease dont shut me down, im flyin, im higherr.I swear this tea is everywhere but tempture right now.I spit alcatrez bars I know,And these are the only alphabet boys i know,Got a 380 on my waste and ranbow back home,No more bandana round my dome,Bandana in my right pocket, bitch im grown.Fuck what you want, watch me stand on the world as i sit in my throneAnd if I jump im goin to fly and look into the equal eyes see I am lookin like you, why?Bitch see,it gets me how nothing gets me or get to me,And if your shootin for the stars then just shoot me,But your bullets dont reach mars, haws, claws because im a beast im a dawg ill get cha,My picture should be in the dictionary next to the definition of definition,Because repitition is the father of learnin. and son i know your barrel is burnin but..Ay! Talk to my daddy.Pop i did it to em, imma bastard,and im goin to do it again like nigga backwards,These niggas backwards, but they behind us. Now watch me get high like times upNow D bring the drums back, and watch me hit them where there lungs at like that,I get respect cuz if dont im goin to take it, i see your boys hatin and i see your girls naked.It sounds like a naked gun, switch clips with my thumb, and i pop another clip in and aim at his vision.Cuz wayne is his vision, cuz wayne is the mission, im aimin at a mirror...(and ive done it before, please dont make me do it any more.)(watch me soar where the fuck is my guitar, now roar)http://music.baidu.com/song/743463

求一首英文歌曲 歌曲中反复唱着 shoot me shoot me and shoot me down 这首歌的曲风就是普通的流行音乐

white flag––Bishop Briggs

jason walker的down的歌词中文翻译

I don"t know where I"m at我不知道现在身处何处I"m standing at the back我正站在靠後的位置And I"m tired of waiting我已经厌倦了等待Waiting here in line, hoping that I"ll find what I"ve been chasing.焦急的等待在队伍中 盼望著能等到追求已久的梦想I shot for the sky我曾朝著天空努力飞奔I"m stuck on the ground最终却困於地面So why do I try, I know I"m gonna to fall down为何我会如此徒劳 为何我会飞蛾扑火I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?我本以为我能翱翔天际 却又为何 我只得落水而亡Never know why it"s coming down, down, down.我永远不明白 为何我会这样坠落 坠落 坠落Not ready to let go还没有准备好去释然Cause then I"d never know因为我不敢想像What I could be missing我可能将失去什麼But I"m missing way too much但我已经失去了太多So when do I give up what I"ve been wishing for.那麼我又何时有勇气放弃那些梦想I shot for the sky我曾朝著天空努力飞奔I"m stuck on the ground最终却困於地面So why do I try, I know I"m gonna to fall down为何我会如此徒劳 为何我会飞蛾扑火I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?我本以为我能翱翔天际 却又为何 我只得落水而亡Never know why it"s coming down, down, down.我永远不明白 为何我会这样坠落 坠落 坠落oh I am goin" down, down, down噢,我一直在坠落、坠落、坠落I can"t find another way around我找不到其他出口and i don"t wanna hear the sound我不想听见那声音of losin" what i never found提醒著我所失去的I shot for the sky我向天空努力奔跑I"m stuck on the ground却永远留在地面So why do I try, I know I"m gonna to fall down我也不知为什麼 即使一切都不可能 我仍然愿意去尝试I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?我坚定自己可以学会飞翔 却反而坠入深渊Oh it"s coming down, down, down.潦倒粗疏 我就这麼落啊 落啊 落

How long does it take us to go to your hometown from here?it takes us ( )hour or more to go to my


英语作文mary brown

My family I love my family.my parent are my family.My father is a factory worker.He name is xxx .He speaks English very well and he using computer very well.His favorite food is chaffy dish and his favourite fruit is watermelon.He is 39 years old.I love him very much.My mother"s name is xxx. she is 36 years old.She is tall.She is a housewife.Her likes playing badminton and running.Her favorite food is shrimp and her favorite fruit is kiwi.She cooks very well.I like them very much.This is my family!追问:40篇呢……弄多点行不……回答:公园 It"s Sunday morning .My mother and I are gong to the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some children are running. A dog is running after them . Four women are sitting there They are talking. Two girls are playing with a big bal near them ..Three old men are standing under a big tree. They are watching the children. There is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it. There is a boat on the river. And an old man is sitting in the goat. He is dishing.  Everyone in the park is having a good time. We are having a good time, too.Water is very important for life. Every day we use water to drink and to wash. Plants need water to grow . People can not live without water. Plants will die without water. Now the environment is getting worse and worse. So taking care of our environment is very important. We must stop some people or some factories from pouring waste water into the rivers or lakes. We should do something useful to improve the environment. We should plant more trees to make our city greener. The more trees, the better. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment. The world will become much more beautiful.追问:嗯嗯,继续加油!!回答:My weekendI got up early and went to school on Saturday morning.I was very excited.In the bus,we sang songs ang guessed puzzles.We were very happy.When we got to the xxx park,there were so many people there.We visited the forest,and then took a sky walk,enjoying the wind and the fog in the mountain.We were feeling very comfortable.In the afternoon, we had lunch and took many pictures.The scenery here was so beautiful.This was a wonderful trip.I love traveling very much补充:1、I have many hobbies and my favorites hobby is reading. I usually read at my own room every night. I often do the reading by myself, because I want to relax by my own. I usually read for half an hour but I read for more than 2 hours on weekend. I think reading can bring me a lot of knowledge, and can improve my Chinese as well as my English level. I really like reading and I hope I can be a writer in the future. 2、I have a dog.His name is Jack.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him. My mother and my sister look after him every day. When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much. Do you like him3、A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends. However I only have one best friend and it"s XXX. He is the same age as me. He is taller than me. Basketball is his favourite sport. We are in the same class. He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks. We learn from each other and help each other. He will help me if I ever get into troubles. So will I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever. 4、Hello, my friends! My name"s Sandy. Today, I will tell you an interesting story about rabbits. Look at me , now , I"m not Sandy but a mother rabbit. I have a happy family because of my three daughters. They are very clever and lovely. And they have good habits. After they get up in the morning, they wash the face , brush the hair , clean the ears . They like singing and dancing , too . Now , let"s have a share . 5、My mother is very beautiful. She is thirty years old. She has big eyes .She is short and weak.She gets up very early every morning. She likes to eat bananas and oranges, but she doesn't like to eat apples. She is afraid of red.Sometimes, she takes my cousin and me to the library to study. And she takes our dog and me to play in the small park.I like my interesting and hard-working mother.6、  In the morning. First, I get up. Next, I brush my teeth. Then, I wash my face. After that, I have breakfast. At last, I go to school.  In the evening. First, I finish my homework. Next, I have dinner. Then, I pack my schoolbag. After that, hang up my clothes. At last, I go to bed.  How about you7、My home is on the first floor. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. I"m a child. I have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, there is bedroom, a closet, an air- conditioner and so on. My closet is green. My bed is blue. I love my bedroom very much.


host 有主人,东道主,强调她的身份,它与客人相对。owner 说明是某样东西的主人(拥有者)

电影《潜艇总动员》(Down Periscope)中那艘潜艇穿过一艘油轮的螺旋桨,钻到了油轮的底下,这可能吗?


Sarah的《Blown Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Blown Away歌手:Sarah专辑:Starlite DinerBlown awayBlown awayBaby I"m gonna aft blow you awayI"m blownYou make me feel like a stranger in my own houseYou got me running around just like a scared mouseYou were always saying that I was your destinyThen pretty baby why aren"t you here next to meYou made all of my dreamsAnd fantasies come alive, but it was liesI gave you all my love and got shot between the eyesWell baby I"m blown awayThe way you made me go awayYou"ll let me know this love has been thrown awayNow every time I think of youI"m blown awayYou got me feeling like a stranger in my own heartI"m acting so together but I"m falling apartI"m begging lover, begging Mother, begging Saviour pleaseI ain"t got no leg to stand on much less my kneesYou never even tried to let me know where we standwas it planned?That when you ran away you"d leave a bomb in my handsAnd baby I"m blown awayThe way you made me go awayYou"ll let me know how this love has been thrown awayNow every time I think of youI"m blown awayWere all these dreams for nothing?You make me want to cryWe made this flower to grow girlnot to dieI"m blownI"m blown awayThe way you made me go awayYou"ll let me know how this love has been thrown awayNow every time I think of youI"m blown awayBaby why did you have to blow us awayBaby I"m gonna aft you blow you awayBlown AwayRonan Keatinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/2838060

强大你自己strong your own是病句么

是,应该是strengthen yourself



daily bugle showdown是什么意思

daily bugle showdown军号日报摊牌很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

谁知道这首歌是什么歌?谁唱的?歌词:put it down on the shelf,take it one by one and you know it...

歌名:Don"t Take My Heart And Put It On a Shelf主唱:Jonas BrothersShe"s such a flirtAnd i"m a lonely heartGive it a chanceFor our love to startBut you"ll never seeIf you don"t give me a shotTo show you what I"ve gotYeah it"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfI always someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elseI held your handIt felt like a movieI"d made some plansBut you were alreadyMoving on nowAnd I was stuck under a rainy cloudBut you don"t seem to careBut it"s alright causeIt"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfAlways someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elseI"m tired of wasting all my timeMy heart is hanging on this lineIs it me, girl, or someone else?Don"t put it on a shelfIt"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfSomenday you will seeHow much it hurts to be alone like meSo go ahead and put your heart on a shelfLa la la la laLa la la la laAlways someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elsegracias a LetrasyMusica.es

我电脑上这个C:Program FilesThunder NetworkThunderProgramdownload.cfg是什么程序,是病毒吗?

Thunder 是迅雷的名称,不能用就卸载就是了。

不解的语法:All we have to do is to calm down when we are in trouble.

这句里all作代词表示:1.全部,所有,全体2.唯一的事物,一切,所有的事物all作代词,其单复数取决于其所指代的对象all of the people are Chinese.(可熟复数0all of the apple has been eaten.(可数单数)all of the tea has gone.(不可数)we have eaten it all(单数)你给出的例句中,all引导的主语的是一个从句,相当于all the thing that we have to do,从句在人称上相当于 it

曲婉婷 Love Struck Me Down ,life is a struggle 中英歌词

《Love Struck Me Down》歌手:曲婉婷所属专辑:《Say The Words》发行时间:2013-10-18中英对照:I‘m going back to the sunset strip我折回日落大道A place I fell in love with a man一个我爱上一个男人的地方I know I had to see him again我知道我将再见到他So I drove a thousand miles in a day所以我今天驱车千里Fourteen hours seemed like a piece of cake十四小时好像很轻易的就过去了Cause I know in the end the price was worth the fight因为我知道付出的代价到头来还是值得的There he was, standing with his puzzled eyes果然他在那里,眼睛茫然的站在那Then he closed the gaps between us, lips inches away你打破我彼此间的隔阂,你我嘴唇仅隔咫尺Suddenly love struck me down突然心中的爱将我击倒My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮It"s been three years since you left town从你离开小镇已经有三年了How"ve you been I hope life didn"t bring you down你过的怎样,我希望生活没有将你击倒You must have met someone like me by now如今你肯定见过像我这样的人了Sunday morning I was in bed周日早晨我赖在床上Let the phone ring but it wouldn"t end电话铃响着,不断的响着I was mad, I picked up, it was you我受不了了,拿起电话,是你“Hey you, I am back for good now…”“嘿,亲,我想和你重归于好”Then it brought me back to that day然后带我回到那天your lips inches away你我嘴唇仅隔咫尺Suddenly love struck me down爱突然将我击倒My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮Just ask me to stay. I"ll stay for the night请求让我留下,我会在这里过夜There"s nowhere else I rather be than没有别的地方可去here with your body next to mine你的身体紧挨着我Holding me tight…搂的很紧Back into your arms我钻进你的臂膀love struck me down爱将我击垮My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮《Life Is a Struggle》歌手:曲婉婷所属专辑:《Say The Words》发行时间:2013-10-18中英对照:Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗(奋斗),我不是仅有的一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old and I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so alone?那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Once again, I"m at a crossroads再一次,我站在十字路口Wondering which way I should go犹豫该走哪条路If I go, will it take me home?如果我走向其中一条,它会将我领回家么?In my heart, I know…在内心里,我知道Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗,我不是仅有的一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old. I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so alone?那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此孤独?((tmd三个字可不要。。。)Once again, I"m hanging by a thread再一次,我岌岌可危(命悬一线)Wondering if I should have my eyes closed如果我闭上眼睛Before I cut my safety rope在我切断悬我的绳子之前(与前面命悬一线对应)In my heart, I know…在内心深处,我知道Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗,我不是仅有一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old. I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so…那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此….How am I still feeling so…我还是感觉如此…Why the hell am I still feeling so…alone?那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Everybody wants to have someone to hold每个人都想要有那么一个人拥抱自己Then why the hell am I still feeling so…那么我为什么还是觉得如此…How am I still feeling so…我还是感觉如此…Why the hell am I still feeling so…alone?那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Life is a struggle…人生是一场奋斗Love is a tangle…爱是一种纠缠Everyone grows old and I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still… alone那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?

曲婉婷 Love Struck Me Down ,life is a struggle 中英歌词

《Love Struck Me Down》歌手:曲婉婷所属专辑:《Say The Words》发行时间:2013-10-18中英对照:I‘m going back to the sunset strip我折回日落大道A place I fell in love with a man一个我爱上一个男人的地方I know I had to see him again我知道我将再见到他So I drove a thousand miles in a day所以我今天驱车千里Fourteen hours seemed like a piece of cake十四小时好像很轻易的就过去了Cause I know in the end the price was worth the fight因为我知道付出的代价到头来还是值得的There he was, standing with his puzzled eyes果然他在那里,眼睛茫然的站在那Then he closed the gaps between us, lips inches away你打破我彼此间的隔阂,你我嘴唇仅隔咫尺Suddenly love struck me down突然心中的爱将我击倒My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮It"s been three years since you left town从你离开小镇已经有三年了How"ve you been I hope life didn"t bring you down你过的怎样,我希望生活没有将你击倒You must have met someone like me by now如今你肯定见过像我这样的人了Sunday morning I was in bed周日早晨我赖在床上Let the phone ring but it wouldn"t end电话铃响着,不断的响着I was mad, I picked up, it was you我受不了了,拿起电话,是你“Hey you, I am back for good now…”“嘿,亲,我想和你重归于好”Then it brought me back to that day然后带我回到那天your lips inches away你我嘴唇仅隔咫尺Suddenly love struck me down爱突然将我击倒My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮Just ask me to stay. I"ll stay for the night请求让我留下,我会在这里过夜There"s nowhere else I rather be than没有别的地方可去here with your body next to mine你的身体紧挨着我Holding me tight…搂的很紧Back into your arms我钻进你的臂膀love struck me down爱将我击垮My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮《Life Is a Struggle》歌手:曲婉婷所属专辑:《Say The Words》发行时间:2013-10-18中英对照:Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗(奋斗),我不是仅有的一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old and I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so alone?那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Once again, I"m at a crossroads再一次,我站在十字路口Wondering which way I should go犹豫该走哪条路If I go, will it take me home?如果我走向其中一条,它会将我领回家么?In my heart, I know…在内心里,我知道Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗,我不是仅有的一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old. I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so alone?那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此孤独?((tmd三个字可不要。。。)Once again, I"m hanging by a thread再一次,我岌岌可危(命悬一线)Wondering if I should have my eyes closed如果我闭上眼睛Before I cut my safety rope在我切断悬我的绳子之前(与前面命悬一线对应)In my heart, I know…在内心深处,我知道Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗,我不是仅有一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old. I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so…那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此….How am I still feeling so…我还是感觉如此…Why the hell am I still feeling so…alone?那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Everybody wants to have someone to hold每个人都想要有那么一个人拥抱自己Then why the hell am I still feeling so…那么我为什么还是觉得如此…How am I still feeling so…我还是感觉如此…Why the hell am I still feeling so…alone?那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Life is a struggle…人生是一场奋斗Love is a tangle…爱是一种纠缠Everyone grows old and I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still… alone那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?

a really old place in georgetown为什么是really

really这里是副词,修饰后面的形容词old,意思:adv. 实际上,事实上;真正地,真实地


乔治敦港乔治敦港位于开曼群岛(全称:开曼群岛THE CAYMAN ISLANDS)西部的大开曼(GRAND CAYMAN)岛西南沿海霍格斯特尔(HOGSYTLE)湾内,濒临加勒比海(CARIBBEAN SEA)的西北侧,是开曼群岛的最大港口。



guyana georgetown 在美国哪个州



Gtown是美国乔治城大学的缩写。美国大学Gtown是指乔治城大学(Georgetown University),其创建于1789年,世界顶尖高等学府,美国最古老的大学之一。乔治城大学位于美国首都华盛顿特区,是一所顶尖综合性私立大学。乔治城大学距白宫西北面两英里左右。乔治城大学在政治学,国际关系学以及众多社会科学领域遥遥领先其他常春藤学校,许多外国使节的子女在此念书,因而赋予了该大学很浓的国际色彩,并由此获得了“政客乐园”的称誉。同时乔治城大学也是美国本土一所颇具贵族气质的学校。



关于美国george town university

Georgetown University37th and O Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-0100 http://www.georgetown.edu/




Georgetown:n. 乔治城(圭亚那首都)英 ["d??d?taun] 美 ["d??d?taun] 乔治城 :乔治城是保留了不少十八、十九世纪的建筑物,街上到处有喷泉和雕塑,河边还铺有木板路。短语: Georgetown Hoyas 乔治城大学惊叹队 ; 乔治城大学队 ; 大学队 ; 乔治城大学霍亚队 GEORGETOWN GEO 乔治敦 Georgetown Hotel 乔治敦酒店 ; 乔治城酒店例句: And where better than here, at Georgetown University, to seek to blend the scholarly with policy? 而且,要寻求学术与政策的结合还有比乔治城大学更好的地方吗?

House Of Red的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:House Of Red专辑:House Of RedSlow Down - Darren HayesSingleEven a vow that breaks is a metaphorNothing"s for sureEven a tooth that cracksCan bite your backEven a heart that"s pureIs an invatation ripe for breakingEven the ones who knowDon"t know for sureBut you better slow downCan"t you see your feet have left the ground?And I"m the world belowYou better slow downEverytime you speak I hear the soundBut your lips are steelEven a bond that breaksIs a talent taleA heart can grow staleEven an atheist will swear to GodAnd all of this talk of loveYou can say "forever" like "whatever"Even the ones you loveDon"t have to love you backBut you better slow downCan"t you see your feet have left the ground?I"m the world belowYou better slow downEverytime you speak I hear the soundBut your lips are steelTake all my hope for youSend it off aloneYeah, make it take the night bus homeMaking it share a seatA seat aloneBut the drunks in the bars An old woman keeping score Of the time she felt defeatedWill the crowd please remain seated?I let you go...You better slow downCan"t you see your feet have left the ground?And I"m the world belowYou better slow downEverytime you speak there is no soundAnd it"s deafeningYou better slow downCan"t you see your feet don"t touch the ground?And there is a world belowYou better slow downAnd everytime you speak there is no soundIt"s killing meAnd it"s killing me"Cause it"s deafeningThere"s a world belowAnd it"s out of reachAnd it"s much too farWhen I hear you speakOut of reachAnd it deafens me"Cause it"s deafeningYeah it"s deafeningAnd it"s deafeningYeah it"s deafeninghttp://music.baidu.com/song/15053673

I am_____ of the same programme every evening though we have few entertainments in our town.



"from+our+own+ideas" 看起来像是机翻或是中文直接翻译成英文的结果,并不符合正确的英语表达方式。如果想要表达“来自我们自己的想法”,正确的英语表达应该是 "from our own ideas"。需要注意的是,“from our own ideas” 这里的 from 表示“来源于”,而我们通常会使用of 来表达“属于某个人或团体的”,例如“an idea of our own”(我们自己的一个想法)。在英语中,正确使用介词与词汇搭配是非常重要的,可以避免产生歧义的情况。

idea当想法讲的时候是可数名词吗为什么在everyone has his or her own ideas加s而What is their idea

idea , 多数时候是作为/c/ 的,尤其指具体的想法、念头时。但作为整体,也可以是/u/这里应当是/c/, 但不突出各种想法或多数想法,可视为整体想法。当然突出多种或各种想法,完全可以说;Everyone has his or her own ideas.What are their ideas?



单片机的power-down 和idle模式,请解释一下?

它们都是单片机的低功耗运行方式. power-down也就是掉电工作模式,你一但进入了掉电模式,单片机内部的振荡器就会停止工作,也就是说.时钟被冻结了,这时所有功能都无法实现,但有一点,芯片内部RAM的内容是保持不变的.什么功能都被冻结,功耗当然小,此时,只要用2V左右的电源就可以了,耗电电流也降到了微安级. idle也就是待机模式,进入该模式,片内振荡器并没被冻结,冻结的是CPU,时钟信号依然能提供给中断逻辑,串行口和定时器,由于中断逻辑没被冻结,所以只要有任何一个允许的中断请求被响应,芯片内部马上强制退出待机模式,进入中断服务. 我们是通过改写特殊功能寄存器PCON的控制字来进入掉电和待机模式的,PCON.0和PCON.1分别代表idle和powerdown,今它们置1即可~~~


abrowntiger翻译为中文是一个棕色的老虎。短语搭配:1、fierce abrowntiger;majestic abrowntiger;rare abrowntiger;wild abrowntiger.凶猛的棕色老虎;威严的棕色老虎;珍稀的棕色老虎;野生的棕色老虎。2、endangered abrowntiger;spotted abrowntiger;hunting abrowntiger.濒危的棕色老虎;有斑点的棕色老虎;狩猎棕色老虎。3、roaring abrowntiger;protecting abrowntiger;observing abrowntiger.咆哮的棕色老虎;保护棕色老虎;观察棕色老虎。abrowntiger双语例句:1、The abrowntiger prowled silently through the dense jungle.棕色老虎悄无声息地在茂密的丛林中游荡。2、The sight of the abrowntiger"s powerful physique left us in awe.看到棕色老虎强壮的身体,我们感到敬畏。3、It is crucial to protect the habitat of the abrowntiger to ensure its survival.保护棕色老虎的栖息地对于其生存至关重要。4、The abrowntiger"s coat provides excellent camouflage in its natural environment.棕色老虎的皮毛在其自然环境中提供了出色的伪装。

roaring down

roaring down是指隆隆地沿轨道驶过 barely是仅仅 chug along字面的意思就是:(火车、汽车等)嘟嘟的开着. chug是拟声动词,指车辆行进时的咔嗒声 我突然明白这个快车并没有以九十英里每小时的速度轰隆隆地驶过轨道,而是勉强以三十的速度嘟嘟的开着. 后半段,这里chugging是与前一句的roaring并列,所以时态相同

Gallery owner 是什么文件夹




jazz liberatorz的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:jazz liberatorz专辑:BackpackersSlow DownLove And TheftLife i need to talk to youCan you spare a minute just tell what to doI"m trying to climb this hillI can feel you pass me by like i"m standing stillThe things i gota do i"m feeling you leaving me behindAnd i know i don"t wanna go down this road aline and i"m running out timeSo slow down you"re losing meAnd i can"t see what you want me to beSo slow down cause all i know is that i can"t go as fast as you"ve got me spinning roundI"m barely hanging on,slow downLife the moments pass me byMemories that i can"t keep as hard as i may tryLife you"re so beautifulI wish it wasn"t so but i can only stay untilYou say i gotta goGod only knows when that"s gonna beWith all my might i"m trying to keep up with youNow you"re running away from mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/55656258



问一个英文歌的名字 好像有一句是“I walk a lonely road,the only one that i have ever known"

是 Green Day (绿日)的boulevard of broken dreams (梦想破灭的大道)以下是全部歌词:I walk a lonely road the only one I have ever known  我走在一条荒凉的路上,这是我唯一认识的一条路.    Don"t no where it goes but it"s home to me and I walk alone  我不知道它通向哪里,但它对我来说就像家一样,我独自走着.    I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.    Where the city sleeps and i"m the only one and I walk alone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着    [Chorus]  I walk alone I walk alone  I walk alone I walk alone  我独自走着    My shadow is the only one that walks beside me  唯一与我同行的是我的影子    My shallow heart is the only thing that"s beating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵    Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我    Till then I walk alone  然后我独自走着    I"m walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind  我在路上走着,这条路把我的心撕裂    On the border line, not the edge and where I walk alone  我在路的边缘独自走着    Read between the lines what"s ****ed up and everything"s alright   领会了言外之意,分辨出了是非。    Check my vital signs and know im still alive and I walk alone  我的心还在跳动,知道我还活着。我独自走着    [Chorus]    I walk alone   I walk alone  我独自走着    I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.    Where the city sleeps And im the only one and I walk alone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着    My shadows the only one that walks beside me  唯一与我同行的是我的影子    My shallow hearts the only thing that"s beating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵    Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我    Till then I walk alone  然后我独自走着

Make Your Own Way 歌词

歌曲名:Make Your Own Way歌手:Cinderella专辑:Gold [Original Recording Remastered]Born and raised in a one dog townThat never took a chance or a dareThe times kept a changin" but it all passed "em byThe prejudices in the airDrove me to cocaine eyes by the age of one fiveKept my momma walking the floorBut I had to draw the line for the very last timeShe kicked my ass out the doorIt ain"t always easy when you"re living hand to mouthThe more you put in, the less you get outIt ain"t always easy when you"re living day to dayIt ain"t always easy when you"re tryin" to make your own wayMake your own wayWhen life"s a little hard on youMake yor own wayNobody"s gonna die for youI remember rollin" dice on the runLooking for a winning handWe never stop to wonder at the wonders passing byJust searchin" for the promised landWe met a mean old manWho dealt a dirty handPromised we could touch the skyBut the devil"s his friendHe put the pen in my handSaid you can pay me back after you dieIt ain"t always easy when you"re living hand to mouthThe more you put in, the less you get outIt ain"t always easy when you"re living day to dayIt ain"t always easy when you"re tryin" to make your own wayMake your own wayWhen life"s a little hard on youMake yor own wayNobody"s gonna die for youAh, ah, ah sometimes you gotta walk the straight lineAh, ah, ah feel like I"m just doing timeOoo, when life gets a little hardYou gotta gotta ooo make your own waySometimes you gotta make your own wayHere we goOoo, sing it for "em now, yeahMake your own wayWhen life"s a little hard on youMake your own wayAin"t nobody gonna die for youMake your own wayWhen life"s a little hard on youMake your own wayAin"t nobody gonna die for youMake your own wayYou gotta gotta make your own wayMake your own wayMake your own wayYou gotta make your own wayMake your own wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52634699

brown eyed girl 代表色是什么?

应援色吗 没找到 成立时间:2006年3月2日 所属经纪公司 :NEGANETWORK 官方Fans名称:Everlasting(永恒的...)

韩国组合Brown Eyed Girls里面有些谁?

成员介绍   Jea  艺名:JeA 3123   原韩语名: 816535  英语译名:Kim Hyo Jin    中文译名:金孝珍  生日:1981年9月18日   身高:159cm  体重:46kg  血型:O型  职位:队长,主唱  兴趣:钢琴演奏,电影欣赏  理想型:有包容力,男子气概的男人  喜欢的音乐人:Eric Benet  经历:巴黎恋人OST,bodygard等等   MiRyo  艺名:MiRyo 0301   原韩语名:350365  英语译名:Cho Mi Hye  中文译名:赵美惠  生日:1981年11月2日   身高:163cm  体重:45kg  血型:A型  职位:Rapper   兴趣:弹吉他,音乐欣赏  理想型:时尚有幽默感的人  喜欢的音乐人:SEOTAIJI & BOYS,Michael Jackson  经历:HoneyFamily饶舌,Hanna的“bounce”配唱  CF:三星SENSQ320 with 林秀晶   NarSha  艺名:NarSha / NarCia 810913   原韩语名:026535  英语译名:Park Hyo Jin  中文译名:朴孝珍  生日:1981年12月28日  身高:158cm  体重:46kg  血型:A型  职位:主唱  兴趣:钢琴演奏,收集CD  理想型:有智慧的男人  喜欢的音乐人:尹美来,碧昂丝,仁顺儿  经历:主持人  综艺:《青春不败》 固定嘉宾  《明星金钟》 固定嘉宾  100202-强心脏 嘉宾    Gain  艺名:Gain   原韩语名:257537   英语译名:Son Ga In  中文译名:孙佳仁  生日:1987年9月20日  身高:163cm  体重:43kg  血型:B型  职位:主唱  兴趣:室内设计,舞蹈,电影欣赏  理想型:一见钟情的男人  喜欢的音乐人:D"SOUND  经历:Battle神话选拔  综艺:《家族的需要》 第一季固定嘉宾  综艺:《我们结婚了》 第二季固定嘉宾  电影:《我的爱在我身边》

brown eyed girls各个成员各叫什么名字?


Tuan Jie Town音标为[tjuu0259n du0292u026a taun]翻译出来什么意思?

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