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break down什么意思

break down意思是分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服。break down词义:分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服。固定搭配:break down and cry 崩溃而哭。造句:1、It also means there are no moving parts to break down.这也意味着没有活动零部件可拆卸。2、Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down.许多人预料和平谈判会破裂。3、She made numerous efforts to break down colour lines in public places.她为打破公共场所的种族界限做出过许多努力。



There________some animal shows in the Ocean Park next week. A.are going to be. B.is going to be




There ( )a talk show tomorrow.



there are a lot of flowers

选不同类的一项。()5. a.there b.how c.what


How many bears are there ? A.There is one . B.There is a bear. 选哪一个?并说明原因

A 多少个熊? 一个B的问句是 what is that over there?

use at your own risk.是什么意思

Use at your own risk!要使用它的话,风险自负!双语例句1Follow the tutorials and use at your own risk.按照您自担风险的教程和使用。2Read and use at your own risk.阅读和使用自己的风险。

use at your own risk.是什么意思

use at your own risk.使用您自己的风险。很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

用“at one’s own risk”造句

dfgdhg,./l;io使用百度Hi可以第一时间收到“提问有新回答”“回答被采纳”“网友求助”的通知。查看详情您想在自己的网站上展示百度“知道”上的问答吗?来获取免费代码吧! 投诉或举报,请到百度知道投诉吧反馈。功能意见建议,请到知道意见社吧反馈。

标志牌上写park at your own risk 是什么意思

at your own risk 是由自己负责;自担风险的意思那个标志牌放在什么地方?

英语at the risk of his own怎么翻译?


Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock "n" roll?

Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock "n" roll?请你把摇滚乐的声音关小一点好吗?Could you(主语) be (系动词)so kind(表语) as to turn down that rock "n" roll(不定式短语作结果状语)?1. so.... as to do sth 如此....以致于....2. rock "n" roll 摇滚乐如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock“n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrow’s exam怎么翻


I am so rock “N”roll right now 意思

问题补充:那rock后面这个“n”怎么翻进去啊 我明天要考试,你能把摇滚乐的音量小点吗? 能麻烦你把摇滚音乐的音量关小一点吗?我在准备明天的





打开QQ空间时出现应用程序或DLL C:WINDOWSsystem32msxm16.dll为无效的windows

一,修复IE再开(安装了360可以用360网盾进行修复)二,1、 检查系统中是否有木马或病毒。这类程序为了控制系统往往不负责任地修改系统,从而导致操作系统异常。平常应加强信息安全意识,对来源不明的可执行程序绝不好奇。2、 更新操作系统,让操作系统的安装程序重新拷贝正确版本的系统档案、修正系统参数。有时候操作系统本身也会有BUG,要注意安装官方发行的升级程序。3、 尽量使用最新正式版本的应用程序、Beta版、试用版都会有BUG。4、 删除然后重新创建 WinntSystem32WbemRepository 文件夹中的文件:在桌面上右击我的电脑,然后单击管理。 在"服务和应用程序"下,单击服务,然后关闭并停止 Windows Management Instrumentation 服务。 删除 WinntSystem32WbemRepository 文件夹中的所有文件。(在删除前请创建这些文件的备份副本。) 打开"服务和应用程序",单击服务,然后打开并启动 Windows Management Instrumentation 服务。当服务重新启动时,将基于以下注册表项中所提供的信息重新创建这些文件: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWBEMCIMOMAutorecover MOFs



C:windowssystem32wbem4948svchost.exe是什么注册表 可以删除吗?





wmiprvse.exe是微软Windows操作系统的一部分。用于通过WinMgmt.exe程序处理WMI操作。这个程序对计算机系统的正常运行是非常重要的。Windows管理规范(WMI)是微软Windows操作系统的一个组件,提供管理信息和企业环境中的控制。通过使用业界标准,管理者可以用 WMI 查询和设置关于桌面系统、应用程序、网络,和其它企业组件的信息。开发人员可以用 WMI 创建事件监视应用程序,当重要事件发生时通知用户。wmiprvse.exe 是存放在 C:WindowsSystem32 下的子目录 - 正常是 C:WINDOWSSystem32wbem。已知的 Windows XP 文件大小为 218,112字节(占总出现比率 88% ),245,248 字节,203,776 字节,207,872 字节,203,264 字节,206,336 字节,225,280 字节,229,376 字节,226,304 字节。 wmiprvse.exe文件寻找,正常的应该在C:WINDOWSSystem32Wbem 文件夹。如果在其它文件, wmiprvse.exe 就是病毒、间谍软件、特洛伊木马或蠕虫! 用安全任务管理器检查。已知的一些病毒,如W32/SillyFDC-AW(蠕虫病毒)、W32/Sonebot-B(木马后门)等会使用相同的名称来感染Windows系统。



C:WINDOWSsystem32wbemwmiprvse.exe 这个是什么 为什么360一天都说他攻击我的电脑



这个文件本身不是病毒 但不排除病毒修改了此文件 WmiPrvSE.exe这是一个系统服务的进程。 禁用Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions服务或者改为手动  方法:桌面-我的电脑/计算机-管理-服务和应用程序-服务 里面有个Windows Management Instrumentation 右键—禁用就可以了.





我的本本(Windows 7系统)一开机就出现 permission denied,求高手指点,怎么解决这样的问题

permission denied 意思是 权限被拒绝 你应该设置了什么!恢复一下出厂设置!

WIN7 WmiPrvSE.exe在sysWOW64里的wbem




如何解决 这个 Permission denied in Unknown 错误

-bash 说明你本机的shell是bash 但 脚本开头声明的shell解释器是 /bin/csh, 因此报错“找不到解释器”,bad interpreter。 另外,Permission denied这个错误,可能是没有赋予脚本可执行权限。 需要先 chmod +x ./sh_ext_ztd.ztd 给脚本可执行权限




清理启动项:方法一、1、按住键盘上微软徽标键的同时,按下 R 键,就会弹出”运行“的界面,输入”msconfig“点击确定;2、进入”系统配置“的界面后,选择”启动“选项卡,将不需要开机启动的软件前面的勾取消,然后点击确定;方法二、使用电脑管家清理启动项。1、点击“启动项”2、禁用不必要的启动项即可。













windows平台操作文件出现 Permission denied 错误

使用php或Java开发时,对文件进行读写,结果出现提示Permission denied。。。。。 一般个人电脑,本来就是管理员账号登录,文件也不是“只读”状态,那么为什么还是会提示目录或者文件没有权限呢? linux下可以给予777全部的可写可执行权限,Windows下还真的不多见这种情况。 查看了一些资料,原来Windows下文件或文件夹是“只读”,“存档”,“隐藏”时,都无会出现Permission denied,而恰巧我要编辑的文件是“隐藏”属性。 去掉文件的“隐藏”属性,程序即可正常执行了!






不是病毒 如果系统有的文件损坏可以 拖出来 加载一下就可以使用了。文件类型多种。最好是别删掉。


对于Windows系统中的“permission denied”错误,可以采取以下几种解决方案。首先,你可以尝试使用管理员权限运行你要执行的任务;其次,你也可以尝试使用命令行工具来更改文件或文件夹的权限设置;此外,如果是因为UAC问题引起的“permission denied”问题,你还可以通过修改UAC设置来解决。最后一步是尝试重新安装应用或者重启电脑。

Mirror Mirror (Power Dance Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Mirror Mirror (Power Dance Mix)歌手:M2M专辑:The Day You Went Away The Best Of M2M* (Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to me)Why don"t I like the girl I seeThe one who"s standing right in front of meWhy don"t I think before I speakI should have listened to that voice inside meI must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mindTo say the kind of things I said last nightYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me(Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna see)Why did I let you walk awayWhen all I had to do was say I"m sorryI let my pride get in the wayAnd in the heat of the moment I was to blameI must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mindNow in the cold light of the day I realizeYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meIf only wishes could be dreamsAnd know my dreams could come trueThere would be two us standing here in front of youIf you could show me that someone that I used to beBring back my baby, my baby to meYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me* (Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to me)To me...* (Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to me)http://music.baidu.com/song/1473658

This is How Taiwan Combat Droplet Spreading

Cease the Spread of Hepatitis B and AIDSMosquito Control Programs in Taiwan Adopt Scientific ApproachesRealizing Primary Care through Treatment on TelemedicineAcusense Biomedical Proposes Solutions to Leakage Diseases like influenza and tuberculosis are tran *** itted through droplet viruses and have grave impacts upon Taiwan as we have cities with high population densities. Based on statistics from Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 18,533 people were killed by tuberculosis in 1947, 89 children died because of poliomyelitis in 1982, 78 children died from enterovirus 71 in 1998 and 81 lives taken away by SARS in 2003. Even up until recently, influenza killed 55 people from 2018 October to 2019 February. These terrible numbers tell us that we need to confront the diseases head-on, linking up our medicine knowledge and research techniques with the world. Taiwan Tuberculosis (TB) Control was Rewarded Recognition Complying with WHO Guidelines Our earliest tuberculosis (TB) control program started in 1914 during Japanese-occupied period. As deaths from TB started to increase in 1947, with foreign aids from the U.S. and WHO, Taiwan launched munity-based TB control programs to fight against TB. In 1951, BCG vaccination plan officially initialized. In 1954, X-ray examination services started to make tour around Taiwan munities. In 1957, the very first TB prevalence national survey was conducted. Also in 1957, free medication program launched and BCG vaccination for infants were introduced in 1965. After years of efforts, Taiwan has gradually transformed herself from an assistance receiver to a self-supporter. TB control program includes three principles, which are BCG vaccination and TuberculinSkin Test (TST), patience detection (with chest X-ray and sputum *** ear microscopy) and chemical medication (patience care and free treatment). Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) made its pilot run in 1997, which entailed “delivering medicine to patient, taking medicine and swallowing before leaving” from the trained care staff and the reception should be at least 5 times a week. Such medication adherence has effectively reduced the risk of TB tran *** ission and difficulty of treatment. Complying with WHO guidelines published in 2006, the DOTS was prehensively implemented in 2007. In 2012, Taiwan CDC invited Edwin Antonio Paz, who was the project leader for tuberculosis control program in San Francisco Department of Public Health, to run field research around Taiwan and evaluate the effectiveness of DOTS teamwork. Dr. Paz noted that during his visit in 10 cities and 45 towns, DOTS implementation and disease control effectiveness have made remarkable progress, and both central and local governments should keep going in this right direction. According to CDC, in the 10-year DOTS implementation 2007-2017, cases of tuberculosis have been significantly reduced from 440 to 152, cure rate has been improved to 82.4% and rates of lost to follow-up and failed have both been limited below 3%. Success story of our DOTS has been published in leading journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, making Taiwan a model for other countries. Vaccine Research is Our Answer to Dealing with Pain and Grief Enterovirus has ravaged Taiwan in 1998, but Taiwan turned her grief of loss into drives for vaccine research. Enterovirus belongs to a group of *** all RNA viruses and CDC stated that 1998-2006, among 1560 confirmed cases, 40.2% were enterovirus71, and among 244 deaths, 45.5% were enterovirus71. Droplet tran *** itted viruses cause outbreaks every 3 to 5 year. According to Professor Jen-Ren Wang from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Hospital, based on the fact of rebinant coxsackievirus and varied virus genotypes, cross protection is vital. Taiwan public acknowledges that health is a fundamental human right. Our national health insurance indeed faces challenges, but the government strives to work it out. When confronting the grief imposed by illnesses, the best way is to take actions to improve the health. In 2011, Taiwan National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) released the phase I clinic trial for EV 71 vaccine. Both safety and immunogenicity were evaluated; the cells and viruses used in clinic trial were also international accredited. The very first EV 71 vaccine was therefore successfully launched, freeing children from the threats posed by enterovirus. NHRI established “Asia-Pacific Neork for Enterovirus Surveillance (APNES)” in 2017 to tackle enterovirus threats to our children. They worked together with Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia on disease prevention and vaccine research, by which the epidemiologic data were collected and *** yzed. NHRI chairman Lin, Tzou-Yien noted that there are more than 100 human enterovirus (HEV) serotypes, in which poliovirus, EV 71, EV 68 and few coxsackievirus can easily cause severe plications. Based on international reviews, EV71 sweeps countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia where they have more infants. The establishment of APNES can support governments monitoring the progress of the disease and virus evolution, making the newborn protection bee possible. Taiwan Launched Human Vaccine Self-manufacturing Plan to Tackle Influenza Global epidemiology of influenza has always been the principal focus. There were 3 influenza pandemics in the 20th century, which were H1N1 in 1918, H2N2 in 1957 and H3N2 in 1968. According to researches on epidemiology, influenza occurs in specific regions like munities, cities or within a country. Shared characteristic for regional influenza is acute infections which can be progressively increased within 2 or 3 weeks. To understand flu viruses subtyping and antigenic variation, CDC established in 1999 “Virology Contract Laboratory”, entrusting 8 medical centers to integrate and set up their virological surveillance mechani *** s. Under the threats posed by influenza all over the world, vaccine development bees the leading approach against it. While international vaccine manufacturers were overburdened, Taiwan government had no choice but to kick start the vaccine self-production plan. Prevention measures and experiences learned from SARS in 2004 have built up a foundation for us to cope with the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Adimmune Corporation, though quite new in the market, has been Taiwan"s first manufacturer who has successfully produced international certificated H1N1 vaccine. A disease outbreak can cause great panic and economic impacts. Vaccination cannot provide 100% protection. We need to, on the one hand build a talent pool, monitor all agents of disease and reinforce our medicine development and vaccine efficacy, on the other hand work with other countries, involve more international exchanges on prevention plans sharing, pathogen variation data exchange, etc. Only by doing so, we can block an outbreak from further spreading and provide instant prevention care. Disease Control Shall Not be Limited within Borders Due to frequent international contacts, national borders no longer stand as protective barriers against disease tran *** ission. Based on previous experiences, we need to implement vaccination and improve surveillance efficacy so that we shall strengthen our immune system and prevent illness spreading. All these years, both advanced countries and private sectors have continuously invested money and men into global eradication initiative and assisted in set up surveillance mechani *** s in epidemic areas. As the viruses keep changing, as well as variations on regulations, environments, economic conditions, faith and politics, it can cause problems to disease prevention. Taiwan expects to emphasize the importance that health is a fundamental human right. Let"s turn goals into actions. Join international seminars and utilize foreign experiences, strengths and resources. Together let"s make disease prevention more effective and provide a better future for our people. Photo byBrandon NickersonfromPexels 话题: DOTS计画, 亚太肠病毒侦测网络, 流行性感冒, 疫病防治, 疫苗研究, 结核病, 肠病毒EV71型

windows xp 触控屏幕的四个角 校对的设置在哪里进?

Windows xp 启动屏幕欢迎使用四字更改方法或许还有一个更好的方法,欢迎砖,这是别人。这些单词保存在“ windows system32 logonui.exe”文件中。你可以用程序来修改软件,比如 exescope。修改启动屏幕如下: 1。首先找到 bootskin 安装目录。在下面的“ skins”文件夹中,您可以看到每个目录对应于一个启动屏幕。我们还可以创建任意名称的目录,比如“ mybootskin”。图2。准备640480像素和229像素的 bmp 图像,都是16种颜色。前者用作启动屏幕的背景,我们应该在上面画一个矩形(也就是我们通常说的滚动条的框架) ,并在上面加上“加载... ... ”的字样,矩形的位置,可以根据个人喜好放置; 后者是一个滚动条的图片,可以参考其他启动屏幕滚动条的制作,但要注意背景图片和统一。我给你两张照片,分别是“ mybootskin-bg.bmp”和“ mybootskin-bar”。我不知道该怎么办.图3。在 mybootskin 目录中,创建一个新的文本文件。输入以下内容(注意,所有语句中的符号都是半角。Skin type = 0name = myskin bootsystem (author = six children) description = my favorite boot system (对引导系统的描述) progressbar = mybootskin-barysystem (对引导系统的描述)。(scrollbar image name) progressbarx = 268(scrollbar 横坐标,基于背景图像上的矩形位置) progressbary = 360(scrollbar 坐标,基于背景图像上的矩形位置) progressbarwidth = 116(scrollbar distance) = myskin-bg。启动屏幕)。在 bmp (背景图像)键入完成后,保存它并将其重命名为“ bootskin.ini”。这样一个启动自己的画面就完成了制作。详细信息可以在 it-uping 上找到

how to be a man什么意思

how to be a man如何成为一个男子汉双语对照例句:1.But they don"t know how to be a man. 但他们不知道怎样成为男子汉。2.It"s hard for me sometimes to figure out how to be a man. 对于我来说,有时候真的不知道如何成为一个男人

the power of love的专辑的全部歌名

the power of love 1. Roxette-It Must Have Been Love 2. R Kelly-I Believe I Can Fly 3. Celine Dion-My Heart Will Go On 4. Mariah Carey-Without You 5. Faith Hill-There You"ll Be 6. LeAnn Rimes-How Do I Live 7. Air Supply-Goodbye 8. Toni Braxton-Un-Break My Heart 9. Michael Learns To Rock-That"s Why (You Go Away) 10. Rod Stewart-Have I Told You Lately 11. Eric Clapton-Tears In Heaven 12. Savage Garden-I Knew I Loved You 13. The Corrs-What Can I Do? 14. Phil Collins-Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) 15. Boyz II Men-I"ll Make Love To You 16. Richard Marx-Right Here Waiting 17. Bryan Adams-Please Forgive Me 18. Madonna-Take A Bow

一首英文歌 听着非常舒服 里面有一句歌词“but i don`t know how to live you”

Making Love Out Of Nothing At Allhttp://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Making+Love+Out+Of+Nothing+At+All&lm=-1

how to be a man的英语作文

How to be a man, how to be a good, good man. I think, as a man must have the responsibility, to learn how to play, but to be brave. In order to protect the surrounding people don"t hurt. Most importantly, to obey their parents, the so-called filial piety.How to be a man, how to be a good, good man. I think, as a man must have the responsibility, to learn how to play, but to be brave. In order to protect the surrounding people don"t hurt. Most importantly, to obey their parents, the so-called filial piety. I think a man must have the above quality

Dan Brown的《Be The Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Be The Man歌手:Dan Brown专辑:Off The ChainI would fight not to ever fall too deepNever sure that love would growNow at night as I lay me down to sleepI could never let you goAnd lying here with you, I still cant believe its trueNever thought that I would ever find a loveThat lasts foreverBe the man thats mineFind the love that never goes awayBe the heart I know will beThe one that beats for me, be the manUsed to be scared if I would ever get this closeIm not afraid to touch you nowLong before I knew, Id be making love to youI dreamed that maybe I would one dayLose myself in someone, somedayBe the man thats mineI always try to find the love that never goes awayBe the heart I know will beThe one that beats for me, be the manTake me where I have never beenI will follow you, youll never be aloneI will run, run to youI never thought that I would ever find a loveThat lasts foreverBe the man thats mineI always try to find the love that never goes awayTell me we will always be togetherMake us stay in love this way foreverBe the heart I know will beThe one that beats for meWherever you may behttp://music.baidu.com/song/16402528

How to be a man


super junior show的全部的下载地址

http://hi.baidu.com/rabbit%5Fmess/blog这个亲的视频 关于SJ的超级多呢~可以去看看呀~呵呵

How to be a man 是什么意思

How to be a man如何做人、如何为人处世双语例句1.You taught me how to study, how to live and even how to be a man. 你教会了我如何学习,如何生活甚至是如何做人。2.But if we can let them know or know how to be a man must be going through the process of should easily cured. 但是如果能够让他们了解或体会到这是一个人必须经历的过程,应该就容易治愈。3.Growing up , learning working for many years, what i got from these years?The most important part is how to be a man. 成长,学习,工作都那么多年了,让自己体会最深的是为人处世非常的重要。

《Super Junior Show 》25期全的下载地址谁有呢?

show1: http://cancerd.chinamofile.com/6446428474621131/7126295582772547/10/BDFCD33010FB289A406E3993572994C9/Super%20Junior.Show01.rmvb 迅雷专用高速下载show2: http://cancerd.chinamofile.com/1551537264222636/8059403579607195/10/4E3270DEE1E5DA104B757A8D71445EFC/Super%20Junior.Show02.rmvb 迅雷专用高速下载show3: http://antliad.chinamofile.com/8088060310826080/6272009438513303/2/0430B28DF47A1B59A686CA86FE7F0E26/ (krmtv.com)051220-SJ%20show3强仁日记.rmvbshow4: http://cepheusd.mofile.com/0870858107328336/1074467164368609/2/E5CA17A3CAF6B04F86EA5DFDF2032185/[ 小[email=Y@SBSHD]Super%20Junior%20Show4]Y@SBSHD]Super%20Junior%20Show4[/email]-始源日记.KO_CN.rmvbshow5: http://aurigad.chinamofile.com/0140121130529711/0202090585610176/10/8828DAA4B869CA487BA6D8DDEB425072/Super%20Junior.Show05.060103. 东海日记.rmvbshow6: http://antliad.chinamofile.com/5315295970122988/8302331541959498/10/61567115D9912F847F574A90B2FFA3E8/Super%20Junior.Show06.part2. 成明日记.rmvbshow7(滑雪特辑)上:[url= http://dracod.chinamofile.com/0410374028241795/3990221647867047/10/9633A70B08E4E668C2A358E44F8FBB4F/[SJBLUECN]060117_KM%20SJ_Show7-1_Skiing%20KO_CN.rmvb] http://dracod.chinamofile.com/0410374028241795/3990221647867047/10/9633A70B08E4E668C2A358E44F8FBB4F/[SJBLUECN]060117_KM%20SJ_Show7-1_Skiing%20KO_CN.rmvb[/url] show7(滑雪特辑)下:[url= http://uranusd.chinamofile.com/9139123594010957/3853974468202114/10/581502E40645B033D178D40578DB1E8C/[SJ] http://uranusd.chinamofile.com/9139123594010957/3853974468202114/10/581502E40645B033D178D40578DB1E8C/[SJ[/url] 周年庆宝蓝献礼]060124.KM.SJ%20Show8-1滑雪特辑下.KO_CN.rmvbshow7(祈祷夜光): http://aurigad.chinamofile.com/3043020943221173/1743396918051050/10/8C99FEA8DF745B9A0E83717E6F156351/060124%20SJ%20Show%2008.mpg 迅雷专用高速下载show8: http://aquilad.chinamofile.com/6986961993129410/6607136549672237/10/DFD830809951C164CB5B59250901D4EE/060117Super%20Junior%20Show07.KR_CN.rmvb 迅雷专用高速下载show9: ftp://ftp13.xxjy.org:2112/11/[ 小晓家园Super] www.xxjy.org]Super Junior Show9 part2(艺声日记).rmvbshow10: http://superjuniordl.ifensi.com/SJsub/SJSHOW_leeteukdiary_sj12sky_sub.rmvb 迅雷专用高速下载show11: ftp://ftp.qqdt.net/[ 千千动听[Super] www.qqdt.net][Super show12: http://neptuned.chinamofile.com/8578568496415818/1068426729623901/2/53F592A00DBCDDCC24A8F38375680DF3/060220%20SJ%20Show12 (韩庚的日记).rmvbshow13(日记回顾)上: http://muscad.mofile.com/4424399753736840/6237724023140737/2/7A826CEB4B1E79694759030A4C81D6E3/060227-SJ%20show13_part1 金希澈日记.rmvbshow13(日记回顾)下: http://cepheusd.chinamofile.com/2272251779329351/8174479459479650/10/B1CBB843C02E98F3C6B18FED557FB1FB/060227-SJ%20show13_part2 日记总结[SJ.ORG].rmvb

可以给我发个sj的super show1,2,3的DVD高清视频 qisj6875@qq.com 真的特别感谢


跪求super show1.、2 、3dvd高清下载

我有1 2 但是没有3 = =

suju 的supershow1的DVD高清完整版资源,求百度网盘分享




SUPER JUNIOR `SUPER SHOW2 能不能也发给我啊,jing-tingting@qq.com,谢谢了

转发:【Monkey-Fish】[DVD]The2ndASIATOUR.SuperShow2.DVD全场下载【mkv格式】DISC1P1fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYjQyNTExMjlmMWNjMzRhNjg1ZmU3ZTM5ZWNlNjI1NjEvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMS5QYXJ0MSU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI4NTA4NTk3MQ==P2fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMmE1ZDlkNGMyOTFlYjgwMTliNTNlMmRlMzlhN2YyMGYvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMS5QYXJ0MiU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI4NTU5NDM0NA==P3fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMzEzOTczMTk1MTg0NjA4N2YyN2FmOWE2MmNjZjBlNGUvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMS5QYXJ0MyU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI3NDA4NTk0MQ==P4fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNWI1MzU0NTk2YTBkZDMxZDE1ZTI1OTU5Mjg2NTI0NWYvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMS5QYXJ0NCU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI5Nzg5NTAwMA==P5fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMmI3MGUwMGZhMDNmMGQ5NTcwZGExN2MwNzc1MDViZmEvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMS5QYXJ0NSU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI4ODc5ODc5MQ==P6fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMDdkODg3YTlkMTRiOGIyNjM1YWYxNzczN2U1YjcwZDEvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMS5QYXJ0NiU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDE5NDEyMDk2Mg==DISC2P1fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMzVhOTU3ZTI3YjM5OTY5NTI1OWQxOWJlNTY4ZTc4MDIvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0MSU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDMwMTk4NjIxOA==P2fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNmRjOTNmY2I1MjU4YjBhZDYwYzVmODg0ZTVmZDM0MGEvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0MiU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI1NDcxMjczNA==P3fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMzMyZGRiNWZmYTc4M2MxNDk5NDdmZjQzZjVjZDM0YzcvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0MyU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI2ODI2NDg5OA==P4fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMWJjMjVmYjE3ZmYzNmY4OWQ3NTc4YzM4YzcxMDNlN2MvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0NCU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI2MjMxNzk4OA==P5fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMWJjMjVmYjE3ZmYzNmY4OWQ3NTc4YzM4YzcxMDNlN2MvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0NCU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI2MjMxNzk4OA==P6fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYTJjNzg0NTRhN2M2OWNhMWYwOWZmOWQyMjQ1MWMxYmEvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0NiU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDEwOTA1MTcwNA==P7fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNmM4MWM1NTAxMDFjOTc5YzU2MjI3Y2JlNjE5YmYzYTIvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0NyU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDM5NTQ1MzUzMw==P8fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMzViNDQxZWMyZGE5Y2IwZTJlMjRkNjRmMWYxYjAwYjgvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0OCU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI5OTE1Mzg1Mg== 更正DISC2 PART4fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMWJjMjVmYjE3ZmYzNmY4OWQ3NTc4YzM4YzcxMDNlN2MvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0NCU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI2MjMxNzk4OA==PART5fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMjdlYjU3NTZlZDI1NTBhOTQ0OTdhYzljZjEyMjgxNGYvJTVCTW9ua2V5LUZpc2glNURTdXBlckp1bmlvci5UaGUybmRBU0lBVE9VUi5TdXBlclNob3cyLkRWRC5EaXNjMi5QYXJ0NSU1QjcyMHg0ODAlNUQubWt2fDI4NjI5NTUzOA这次的格式和之前的不太一样 是一段一段的希望能帮到你~

super show 2 DVD 哪里有卖原版?


求supershow ⅡDVD全场高清下载..RF的... 谢谢谢!!!283448025@qq.com




Yao Ming used to be super star now ,_______?

Yao Ming used to be a super star, didn"t he?姚明过去是一个巨星,不是吗?此句为一般过去式。used to be表示“过去曾经/常常是......”(但是现在不是这样了)。希望帮助到你

SuperJunior super show1-6 DVD下载地址或者百度云链接

super junior 吧里面有!http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2540709140

super show3利特有solo吗? 是什么?

没有利特个人的 有利特和晟敏一起的Fall in out

东海在super show中唱的歌的歌词


super junior的super show3的歌曲目录

Super showⅢ曲目表仅供参考1 Sorry Sorry(演唱会remix版) 2 Super Girl (SUJU版本) 3 Don"t Don (演唱会remix版) 4 No Other 5 告白(Confession)(韩语SuJu版) 6 Good Person 7 来过倒(SuJu版) 8 春日One Fine Spring Day 厉旭SOLO,晟敏吉他伴奏9 新不了情 曺圭贤SOLO10 Sexy Dance 晟敏舞蹈SOLO11 Looking For The Day 始源SOLO12 I Wanna Love You (自作曲) 恩赫东海SOLO13 Idol分手的方法 金希澈SOLO feat 雪莉(FX)14 冠军Champion 神童SOLO15 TOK TOK TOK SuperJunior-T16 You&I SJ-H17 Song For You 很久以前 18 One Night/ oh!我的女神 TRAX19 Crazy In Love/Poker Face/ Single Ladie 希澈、神童、恩赫、东海女装舞蹈20 Shake It Up!(Remix版) 21 Twins(Remix) 22 Hate U, Love U 23 凝结(Coagulation) KRY24 In My Dream KRY+东海晟敏25 强仁VCR Rinaldo26 All My Heart 27 非你不可 艺声SOLO28 美人啊(BONAMANA) 29 A Man In Love(演唱会Remix版) 30 U(Remix版) 31 Dancing Out(Remix版) ==========第一次安可========32 料理王 33 Way For Love ==========第二次安可======== 34 You Are The One 35 Wonder Boy

SUPER SHOW什么时候来中国,那几个城市?

1.曼谷,泰国--2008年4月(冲击圆形竞技场) 2.吉隆坡,马来西亚--2008年5月(世界Expo圆形竞技场)1 3.新加坡--2008年5月(新加坡室内运动场) 4.台北,台湾--2008年8月(台北圆形竞技场) 5.北京,中国--2008年8月(召开地未知) 6.上海,中国--2008年9月(上海大舞台) 7.香港--2008年10月(召开地未知)



super show中一直有BTKP 什么意思啊

四巡弯弯站才有吧Mnet的节目Boom the K-pop

在Super Show22里,为什么说韩庚是SJ的老大呢?


Super Junior的成员金钟云什么时候入伍?Super Show5他会参加吗?会不会中途入伍?


super show dvd首尔站的高清中字下载

Super Junior.SuperShow.DVD.Part1.rmvb(427.8 MB) http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/b0309b6b-a40c-11dd-9b56-0019d11a795f/ Super Junior.SuperShow.DVD.Part2.rmvb(534.4 MB) http://www.rayfile.com/files/b1eef44c-e473-11dd-96d6-0014221b798a/ [SJ三周年特别献礼] SJ首次亚洲巡演全场特效版 [泫舞天际][1.09G].rm http://www.rayfile.com/files/fa62378c-c143-11dd-bcfc-0014221b798a/

super show2 上海站节目单

1.vcr开场(背景音乐:sorry sorry) 2.A MAN IN LOVE(REMIX.VER) 3.U 4.IT"S YOU 5.VCR 6.SHE WANTS IT 7.MNET 1(第一次问候) 8.ANGELA 9.miracle(REMIX.VER) 10.DISCO DRIVE 11.DANCING OUT 12.baby baby13.beautiful14.死心15.insomnia 16.圭贤solo17.what if 18.heartquske 19.honey20.lalala21.run to u22.DON"T DON 23.TWINS 24.our love 25.who am i26.韩庚solo27.SHINING STAR 28.sorry sorry 29.SUPER MAN BY:T 30.来过倒 31.GEE 32.SJ-H sunny 33.睡衣派对 34.嘉年华35.sapphire blue 36.wonder boy37.marry u38.幸福这是根据大吧的应援单写的,详细节目单以现场为准

SJ的SUPER SHOW 3什么时候在北京举行?


superjunior supershow6上海场看演唱会要自带荧光棒么 6巡的荧光棒怎么用啊



windows电脑能安装itunes吗 一、Windows2000解决过程: 第一步:点选”开始-->执行“,输入”CMD“命令,在弹出的”CMD命令提示符“视窗中输入”msiexec /unregserver“命令,这样就停掉windows installer服务。 第二步:下载windows installer服务安装程式包,Windows2000/NT系统的安装程式包为”InstMsiW.exe“,Windows98/ME安装程式为"InstMsiA.exe",Windows XP系统则集成了最新版本的Windows Installer v2.0。 下载”InstMsiW.exe“安装程式包后,将其用winrar解压开,然后进入到此目录中。 第三步:右键单击”msi.inf“档案,点选”安装“选项,接着右键单击” mspatcha.inf “档案,点选”安装“。 第四步:在CMD命令提示符下输入”msiexec /regserver“命令,这样就启动了windows installer服务,重新启动Windows2000系统后,问题就得到解决。 注意:在安装两个inf档案的过程中,不要重新启动系统,全部操作完成后才能重启,另外,如果系统安装了”瑞星病毒防火墙”和“瑞星网路防火墙”,建议在操作过程中关闭瑞星防火墙。 二、Windows XP解决过程: Windows XP集成了最新版本的Windows Installer v2.0,但在Windows XP里安装MSI程式也会经常出现”找不到windows installer服务”“的错误。 第一步:使用记事本编写installer.reg档案,内容如下: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSIServer] "ImagePath"=- "ImagePath"=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00, 74,00,25,00,5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,6d, 00,73,00,69,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,63,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,20,00,2f,00, 56,00,00,00 然后将档案储存为”.reg“格式,双击该档案,将档案内容汇入登录档。 第二步:重新启动电脑进入安全模式(启动时按F8键),然后点选”开始-->执行“,输入”CMD“命令,在弹出的”CMD命令提示符“视窗中输入”msiexec /regserver“,最后重新启动系统即可。 windows 能安装itunes吗 当然可以的,苹果是有出Windows版本的iTunes的 这是官方下载地址::apple.//itunes/download/ 电脑不能安装itunes! 安装过程中出现"AutoRun已关闭。直至电脑的AutoRun设定被开启后,itunes才能在CD插入或弹出时识别CD,您要让itunes为您开启AutoRun吗?" atom电脑能安装windows 98吗? 只要磁碟是FAT格式的就能安装。 itunes电脑安装只能安装到c盘吗 不是,可以装任何盘里。这也无所谓了,最多你把备份放其它盘里。苹果不能在浏览器下载,图片可以储存,其它必须在Appstore或者iTunes里下载。要是浏览器能下载那么苹果自主平台ISO不就没用了?这个平台就苹果有,就靠它赚钱了。 苹果电脑能安装WINDOWS XP吗 当然可以了,苹果公司猜到使用者会这样,所以预留了安装双系统的功能给使用者!网上有教程,请自行下载检视!不过有好多,自己要看清楚了! 普通电脑能安装windows 2008吗 1.制作winpe启动盘。(windows7需要4G以上的U盘,Windows XP系统则需要2G以上U盘)下载安装老毛桃制作启动盘,按提示制作启动盘; 2.下载安装系统,ISO格式系统档案复制到U盘根目录,GHO格式系统档案复制到U盘GHO资料夹; 3.插入U盘,开机按F2/F10/F12/Delete(视主机板而定)进入BIOS,把第一启动项的 First Boot Device 的【Hard Deice】改成USB并依次按F10—Y储存设定; 4.重启电脑后自动进入winpe系统,弹出安装系统后选择系统安装到C盘; 5.安装进度条完成后自动重启; 5.电脑完成安装进入桌面后重启电脑。开机进入BIOS把第一启动项的 First Boot Device 的【USB】改成Hard Deice并依次按F10—Y储存设定; 6.安装完系统后,下载安装驱动精灵并更新驱动程式。 别的电脑能安装windows7吗 看电脑本身配置了,有的电脑配置太低,装了WIN7反而很卡,不好用。WIN7是64位的系统,基本都是64位,所以占记忆体比较多,2G记忆体或者2G以下,不建议用WIN7。CPU至少要英特尔双核的,主频至少2.0GHZ吧,选用如果是AMD的CPU,建议至少4核,主频至少1.5GHZ或以上。 电脑上有了itunes还能安装安卓吗 不会起冲突的,安卓和itunes不会起冲突,建议下一个豌豆荚助手,挺好用的! windows7能安装台式电脑吗 都可以的,只要你的配置支援就可以了 希望采纳
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