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假面骑士OOOVS假面骑士Fourze Movie大战Megamax里假面骑士w里的菲利普为什么还


Not Another Teen Movie详细资料大全

《Not Another Teen Movie》是华纳国际音乐2001年12月1日发行的欧美音乐专辑。 基本介绍 外文名称 :Not Another Teen Movie 发行时间 :2001 歌曲原唱 :少儿不宜 发行公司 :华纳国际音乐 基本信息,专辑介绍,专辑歌曲, 基本信息 专辑:《Not Another Teen Movie(少儿不宜Soundtrack)》 歌手:少儿不宜 发行:华纳国际音乐 时间:2001-12-01 语种:欧美 流派:无流派 地区:欧美 专辑介绍 9O年代摇滚团体重新翻唱8O年代经典作品超级大合辑。收录The Smashing Pumkins、Marilyn Manson、Orgy、System Of A Down、Stone Temple Pilots主唱Scott Weiland…12组人马重新诠释"Tainted Love"、"Blue Monday"、"Take My Bre 专辑歌曲 1 Tainted Love_Marilyn Manson_少儿不宜 2 Never Let Me Down Again_Smashing Pumpkins_少儿不宜 3 Blue Monday_Orgy_少儿不宜 4 The Metro_System Of A Down_少儿不宜 5 But Not Tonight_Scott Weiland_少儿不宜 6 Message Of Love_Saliva_少儿不宜 7 Bizarre Love Triangle_Stabbing Wesard_少儿不宜 8 99 Red Balloons_Goldfinger_少儿不宜 9 I Melt With You_Mest_少儿不宜 10 _少儿不宜

求westlife的my private movie歌词,谢谢


a bLue movie的汉语


找一部blue movie

香山圣的 ,蛮不错

a bLue movie的汉语


blue movie 怎么翻译



yellowmovie中文翻译:黄色电影。为什么色情片被称作blue movies?嗯,英大知道大家都是很纯洁的。但是呢,纯洁不影响我们知道色情片的存在。因为国内很多人都称色情片为小黄片,所以就理所应当地认为它应该被译作yellow movies。其实,这是错的。在国外,色情片的正确叫法是blue movies。关于这种说法的起因一直没有准确的定断,存在以下几种解释:1781年,康涅狄格州的历史提到清教徒的法规(蓝色法规),这促进了蓝色和性行为之间的联系。The ‘blue laws" of the Puritans prompted the link between blue and sexual behaviour.另一种解释是,关在监狱里的妓女都穿着蓝色的长袍。还有一种解释是,有一些脱衣舞表演的灯光是蓝色的。The small yellow minions of "Despicable Me 2" upstaged Johnny Depp at the weekend movie box office.

a blue movie 是什么意思

。。。。这个我在牛津双解词典上看到过。。因为我在一个阅读时查找字典而发现的。。。。它的意思是指 色情电影。。可能中国人的传统认为 是a yellow movie 这个才是色情电影 其实不然。。建议楼主 多学习一下。。不要问这么可笑的问题。。 我高1 回答完毕。。

blue movie为什么不是yellow

这种现象比较有意思,blue 在英文里有高贵血统的意思,可是同时又有色情的意思。blue的这种意义来源不可考,大概是由于过去表演脱衣舞时常打蓝色的灯光。blue movie从这个内容上来说,可以作为在西方影院放映的pornographic movie的同意语,但是blue movie主要是指在男人俱乐部或集会中上映的短片。与之类似,中华民族以炎黄子孙自居,黄色甚至是皇族专用的色彩,可是这个黄色也是和黄色电影,黄色小说掺合在一起。类似的表达还有blue jokes (improper jokes) 猥亵的笑话,也就是时下流行甚广的“荤段子”。

lips are moving歌词中文翻译


以前在夜店听到的一首好听的英文歌 女声唱的 歌词好像有 I like moving moving ,i like shaking shaking




an action movie是什么意思


你最喜欢看哪位日本演员的action movie


what action movies do you plan to watch对吗?

完整的表达是:1)What kind of action movies do you plan to watch?2). Which action movie do you plan to watch?

“Hero” is ________ action movie. I

C 试题分析:句意:“英雄”是一部动作影片。我非常喜欢它。movie为名词单数,所以前面应有冠词修饰。A为定冠词,常表示特指。BC为泛指:如果所修饰词的音标是以辅音音素开头的,应用a ;如果所修饰词的音标是以元音音素开头的,应用an.action是以元音音素开头的,故选C。

推荐点美国Action Movie.经典大片

《勇闯夺命岛》尼古拉斯 凯奇主演。《断箭》约翰 屈伏塔主演。《剑鱼行动》《极限特工》共两部。《真实的谎言》

Action movies make people feel excited. 的句子成分?

Action movied(主语) make(谓语) people(宾语) feel(宾语补足语) excited(表语).

action movie怎么读

艾可申 木维动作电影

action movie motion picture 区别



是可数名词 复数形式action movies.

mulan is an exciting action movie 的翻译


初一英语翻译: June really likes action,and she often goes to see Chinese action movie,She thinks

June 喜欢动作片,她经常去看中国的动作电影,她觉得动作片非常刺激。她觉得纪录片很无聊,也不喜欢惊险刺激的小说。她觉得他们都是胆小的。她也喜欢京剧。一些人不喜欢,但她认为(京剧)很有趣。她认为她可以从中学习中国历史。她也确实经常和她父亲看京剧。

what do you think of the action movie uff1fuff08uff09,it u2018s g

Cso far 到目前为止如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

1. I want to go to a movie.(改为一般疑问句) 2.She likes action movies.(改为否定句) 3.This movie

1.DO you want to go to a movie?2.She doesn"t like action movies.剩下的不会

关于a和an的用法,an是用在元音音素前,为什么是an action movie?? 哪位亲知道??


我好累,看action movie 竟然看到前女友,而且技术一流,竟然对我说她是处✔怎么这样啊?


关于action movie fx这个软件的一些问题

首先,将你的设备插上数据线连接到电脑上,打开iTools;在应用程序中找到Action Movie FX这款软件,对其进行文件管理操作。在Action Movie FX的文件中,找到Library文件夹打开,找到effects_v2文件夹。将下载到的特效包解压缩会得到一个effects_v2文件夹,将此文件夹中的全部子文件导入到Library中的effects_v2文件夹中。

英语翻译题see an action movie


动作片—action movie为甚么不用加s,像关于影片这类单词,什么情况下加s??


为什么不用 act movie 而用action movie?

act 一般做动词解释“表演,扮演”,如果和名词movie结合,语义则不通顺。act也有名词含义,表示“(剧本的)幕”。这里也解释不通。

英译汉:It is an action movie.


action movie是短语还是名词?


action movies的中文意思


action movie与kong fu movie的区别



see an action movie看动作片双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 看一部功夫片例句:1.He himself went to see an action movie yesterday. 昨天他自己去看了场动作片。

action movie什么意思


Beverly Hills (Movie Star) 歌词

歌曲名:Beverly Hills (Movie Star)歌手:Honorebel&Selena Serrano专辑:Club SceneBeverly HillsWeezerWhere I come from isn"t all that greatMy automobile is a piece of crapMy fashion sense is a little whackAnd my friends are just as screwy as meI didn"t go to boarding schoolsPreppy girls never looked at meWhy should they I ain"t nobodyGot nothing in my pocketBeverly HillsThat"s where I want to be! (Gimme Gimme)Living in Beverly Hills...Beverly HillsRolling like a celebrity! (Gimme Gimme)Living in Beverly Hills...Look at all those movie starsThey"re all so beautiful and cleanWhen the housemaids scrub the floorsThey get the spaces in betweenI wanna live a life like thatI wanna be just like a kingTake my picture by the poolCause I"m the next big thing!The truth is...I don"t stand a chanceIts something that you"re born into...And I just don"t belong...No I don"tI"m just a no class, beat down foolAnd I will always be that wayI might as well enjoy my lifeAnd watch the stars playhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7500005

increase 的用法?加to 和by 分别是什么意思?offer ,provide ,supp


a friend is a loving companion at all tiimes.是什么意思




experiments in the photography of moviobjects__

D ,已经被执行的意思

英文life is a movie翻译是什么

是的。全句是lifeislikeamovie人生如戏、生活就像电影。词汇详解:like一、读音英[laɪk]美[laɪk]二、释义prep、相似;类似;像;(询问意见)…怎么样;(指某人常做的事)符合…的特点,像…才会v、喜欢;喜爱;喜欢做三、语法morelike…:(提供比以前更准确的数量)差不多,更接近扩展资料:like近义词:love词汇详解:一、读音英[lʌv]美[lʌv]二、释义n、爱;热爱;慈爱;爱情;恋爱;喜好;喜爱v、爱;热爱;喜欢;喜爱;很喜欢;很愿意三、语法fortheloveofGod:(old-fashioned,informal)(表示愤怒和不耐烦)看在上帝的分上,哎呀,求求你[hm1818.cn][szhjy88.cn][chentianfu.c o m.cn][y6930.cn][yyxo.cn][stpengfa.cn][fj-lham.cn][0591dz.cn][rf13.cn][citytoys.c o m.cn]

bestiality movie怎么看


分享一个幼儿英语教案:Moving Beans Game

Topic Theme: Jack and the Beanstalk Activity Title: Moving Beans Game Organisation: Small groups to whole class in a large space such as a hall or playground. Learning Intention: Moves freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hopping (PD: M&H 30-50). Key Questions: Can you move like a…? Key Vocabulary: Jump, run, stretch, walk, wobble, shiver, shake, tiptoe, stand, kick, bend, freeze, slide, listen. Adult Role(s): Prior to the activity , read through the Bean Game Activity Card and choose which actions you would like the children to do for each type of bean. · First gather the children together and explain that they are going to play the bean game! · Explain how the game works; the children will walk around the large space and when you call out the name of a bean, they will carry out a certain action. · Initially introduce a few types of beans and demonstrate the action for each bean e.g. runner bean, jumping bean, broad bean, baked bean, jelly bean. · Now ask the children to find a space of their own; they should be able to move their arms and legs without touching anybody else. Imagine they are in a bubble all of their own. · Play the game with the children, giving feedback throughout and encouraging them to show their movement to their peers. · As the children become familiar with the game, introduce more types of beans and their associated actions. More confident children may like to take turns to lead the game, calling out the names of the beans. Encourage the children to play the game independently in the outdoor area. Opportunities for Observation and Assessment: PS&ED: Making Relationships (30-50) Demonstrates friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults. PS&ED: Managing Feelings and Behaviour (40-60) Aware of the boundaries set, and of behavioural expectations in the setting. (ELG) Children work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. C&L: Listening and Attention (30-50) Is able to follow directions (if not intently focused on own choice of activity). (40-60) Two-channelled attention – can listen and do for short span. C&L: Understanding (30-50) Responds to simple instructions, e.g. to get or put away an object. PD: Moving and Handling (22-36) Runs safely on whole foot. (30-50) Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles. (30-50) Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown. Activity Adaption: Insert here how you will differentiate the activity to meet the specific needs of your children. Next Steps: Insert here details of next steps relevant to specific children

looking for some fresh ideas for your family movie night ?这句话怎么翻译


Bon Jovi的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:One Wild Night 1985-2001On the street where you live girls talk about their social lives.They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes.All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you.You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through.No one heard a single word you said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind.See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time.So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do.There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you.You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signsShe don"t really mind,it"s only love she hoped to find.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.No one heard a single word she said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.http://music.baidu.com/song/7991700


Province需要填写你所在省份或直辖市的两位数代码 北京11 天津12 重庆50邮编就写上你地址所在的邮编就行了 重庆的统一邮编是400000吧至于地址你按照英文格式写上你的家庭地址就行了~百度上有这方面的教程

英语作文my farovite book

My favorite bookMy favorite book is Da vinci"s code(达芬奇密码), a mystery-detective fiction novel written by American author, Dan Brown. The plot is about the exploration of symbologist Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu as they investigate a murder in Paris"s Louvre Museum. I found the book particularly intriguing as I never knew that Da vinci had hid so many secrets in his paintings. The book has triggered my interest in art and religion. I develop a strong interest in Reissanance artist and long to know more about the influence of belief. I admired Langdon"s intelligence and Sophie"s courage as they solved the riddles and slowly unfolded the mystery. I wish someday I would be someone knowledgeable as Langdon and brave as Sophie.

以My farovite .写篇英语作文 100词左右就够了

My favorite novel My favorite novel is Da vinci"s code(达芬奇密码), a mystery-detective fiction novel written by American author, Dan Brown. The plot is about the exploration of symbologist Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu as they investigate a murder in Paris"s Louvre Museum. I found the book particularly intriguing as I never knew that Da vinci had hid so many secrets in his paintings. The book has triggered my interest in art and religion. I develop a strong interest in Reissanance artist and long to know more about the influence of belief. I admired Langdon"s intelligence and Sophie"s courage as they solved the riddles and slowly unfolded the mystery. I wish someday I would be someone knowledgeable as Langdon and brave as Sophie.

救救我吧!provision和contingent liability的区别!各路神仙!

provision是预计负债,而contingent liability是或有负债。预计负债是指指根据或有事项等相关准则确认的各项预计负债,包括对外提供担保、未决诉讼、产品质量保证、重组义务以及固定资产和矿区权益弃置义务等产生的预计负债。它的确认条件有三项:1、过去的交易或事项形成的现实义务2、该项义务的履行很可能导致经济利益流出企业3、该项义务的金额能够可靠地计量两者的区别。预计负债要同时满足这三个条件,如果三个条件有一个不满足就是或有负债。扩展资料:(一)预计负债的初始计量1、最佳估计数的确认(1)当清偿因或有事项而确认的负债所需支出存在一个金额范围时,则最佳估计数应按此范围的上下限金额的平均数确认。(2)如果不存在一个金额范围时,则最佳估计数按以下标准认定:a、如果涉及单个项目,则最佳估计数为最可能发生数b、如果涉及多个项目,则最佳估计数按各种可能发生额及发生概率计算确认--即"加权平均数"2、预期可获补偿的处理如果清偿因或有事项而确认的负债所需支出全部或部分预期由第三方或其他方补偿,则补偿金额只能在基本确定有收到时,作为资产单独确认,且确认的补偿金额不应超过所确认负债的账面价值。(二)预计负债的后续计量企业应当在资产负债表日对预计负债的账面价值进行复核,有确凿证据表明账面价值不能真实反映当前最佳估计数的,应作相应调整。参考资料:百度百科——预计负债

liability provision 在澳大利亚会计中是什么意思? 翻译成中文术语是什么?

provision就是liability的一种,就是预备债帐户,比如公司经常有坏账,每年一开始就会设立一个帐户预估今年有多少坏账,就是provision for bad debts。你把完整的句子发出来看下,如果只是这两个组合表示债务预估,一般不会这么叫。

liability provision 在澳大利亚会计中是什么意思? 翻译成中文术语是什么?


跪求关于3d movie的英文介绍

3-D filmFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn film, the term 3-D (or 3D) is used to describe any visual presentation system that attempts to maintain or recreate moving images of the third dimension, the illusion of depth as seen by the viewer.The technique usually involves filming two images simultaneously, with two cameras positioned side by side, generally facing each other and filming at a 90 degree angle via mirrors, in perfect synchronization and with identical technical characteristics. When viewed in such a way that each eye sees its photographed counterpart, the viewer"s visual cortex will interpret the pair of images as a single three-dimensional image. Modern computer technology also allows for the production of 3D films without dual cameras.TechniquesThere are several methods of projecting natural, stereoscopic images. They can be categorized into mainly two categories.With glassesAnaglyphic Polarization Alternate-frame sequencing (or shutter glasses) Without glassesAutostereoscopic displays Furthermore, alternative systems, such as Pulfrich effect exist, but fall under the realm of "pseudo-stereoscopic" in that two, separate records are not recorded or projected.In the context of many computer games, 3D computer graphics refer to being composed of objects in a virtual 3-D world, not that they can be viewed in 3-D. For a stereoscopic 3-D games, as for everything else stereoscopic, two pictures (one for each eye), are needed.

英文: committed to provide OR committed to providing ???????

I say that the right wer is mitted to PROVIDE E.g Hospitals are mitted to provide us with high-quality medical services. Schools are mitted to provide students with a safe and secure learning environment. Hospitals are mitted to providing us with high-quality medical services. (wrong) Supposedly you"re not supposed to use a secondary verb with "ing" after the first one with "ed" and another preposition (to). 2008-01-13 14:24:41 补充: COMMITTED TO PROVIDE is the right wer... 参考: personal opinion the wer should be COMMITTED TO PROVIDE 参考: me It should be Committed to PROVIDING This is a good question. Usually we will not use *ing* after *to*. However in the sentense that *to* is not serving as a preposition. *Commit to* is actually having a different meaning as *mit*. See the following examples for using *mit*: e.g. Mr. A mitted suicide because of depression e.g. Mr. B mitted the crime due to his greediness. But when we use *mitted to* we actually mean *voluntarily obliged to* do something: e.g. Mr. C is so mitted to his job. e.g. Mr. D is mitted to his duty as the president of the club. So when we use *mitted to* it should be followed by a noun / gerund. As such we should use *mitted to PROVIDING* 2008-01-10 14:37:19 补充: the *providing* here is a gerund (= 动名词)...it"s the *noun* form of a verb (ie. a noun form of an action) 2008-01-10 14:46:30 补充: *Commit* is not followed by a *to-infinitive*. if we say *mit to PROVIDE* we actually see *to provide* as a *to-infinitive* which is wrong in this case.*Commit to* should be expressing a different meaning as *mit* alone and it should be followed by a noun / a noun form of a verb (=gerund). 2008-01-10 14:46:31 补充: *Commit* is not followed by a *to-infinitive*. if we say *mit to PROVIDE* we actually see *to provide* as a *to-infinitive* which is wrong in this case.*Commit to* should be expressing a different meaning as *mit* alone and it should be followed by a noun / a noun form of a verb (=gerund). 2008-01-10 14:55:17 补充: and actually when we use a *to* following *mit* it is always in passive voice....so it should always be *mittED to* and never *mit to* (so I have missed out the ED is last supplement....:p) for *mit* in active voice there is never a *to* followed by. 参考: My ment

迈克尔 杰克逊有一首歌 歌词里有这么一句话Loving is a feeling ,这首歌的名字叫什么呢?

这是迈克尔杰克逊的give in to me里的一句歌词 是give in to me

Do you want to join me for watching the movies?对吗

do you want to join me to watch the moviesjoin sb to do表示加入某人去做某事,还未做join sb in doing 表示加入某人正在做的事,具体情况具体使用

歌词中有i know you still loving him.....有没有人知道是那首英文歌?

I never thought that we would break up for the betterShould"ve never made the promises to each otherSo many things I should"ve said that you didn"t knowComing in from a past with a heavy loadBut I knew that you were a good manGive me love, you were faithful - It showed on my handI know there are questions in your mind you don"t understandThrough the words of this song, I wanna answer themHonesty (Check)Conversation (Check)A shoulder I can lean on anytime I"m feeling stressed (Check)Good loving (Yes)The perfect soldier (Yes)Was about to say "I do," when I know it wasn"t meantSo ISearch in my mind, trying to figure it outAnd thought I was happy but I"m having some doubtsThink I found the answer and I know I must confessI"m still in love with my exAnd I wasn"t ready when I said that I loved youAnd in my heart, I know that I gotta tell youI shouldn"t have gone from a situation to the nextI"m still in love with my exEvery moment that I stayed, I dug a deeper holeI was with you but my heart wouldn"t let him goAll my family told me, "Kelly he"s the one for you"I know your family love me and I love them too(I"m so sorry) I"m so sorry for the pain I put you throughBut you shouldn"t have to suffer cause I"m confusedSo much for looking forward to future plansLost the love of my life and I lost a friendGood to me (Yes)Security (Yes)You were all the things I wantedChecking everything (Check, check)You were comforting (Yes)Romantic man (Yes)How could I have said "I do," when I knew it wasn"t meantSo ISilenceI"ve gotta own thisI"ve gotta own this gameI can"t believe I"m saying this..Saying sorry is the hardest partKelly Rowland-Still in love with my ex

谁有still loving it的歌词?Eric Saad唱的。

Still Loving It - Eric Saade Been down in the dirt I"ve struggled twice Finding my direction The riddle of life, it"s just like a maze That changes every second I can"t explain the things I feel, but I know you"re a keeper The things that you said it"s all repeating my head Still wondering what you meant (Don"t you know, don"t you know) It"s the start of something good (Don"t you know, don"t you know) That it"s torture loving you You"re turning me upside down but I"m loving it I"m still loving it You"re turning me inside out but I"m loving it Yeah it feels like I"m in a hurricane and I"ve lost control You"re turning me upside down but I"m loving it I"m still loving it, I"m still loving it We"ve broken the ice and it causes me pain I"m struck by your affection I was down on my knees, was just gonna ask Got interrupted two times You got me wishing you would leave But still know you"re a keeper I"m chasing my words, you"re holding them back I"d tell you if I could (Don"t you know, don"t you know) It"s the start of something good No, girl you know (Don"t you know, don"t you know) That it"s torture loving you You"re turning me upside down but I"m loving it I"m still loving it You"re turning me inside out but I"m loving it Yeah it feels like I"m in a hurricane and I"ve lost control You"re turning me upside down but I"m loving it I"m still loving it, I"m still loving it (Don"t you understand what she"s doing to you?) No I can"t understand what I ask her to Marry me, Save me from all my downs (No you don"t understand what she"s all about, all about) I"m still loving it Yeahhhh, you"re turning me upside down, but I"m loving it You"re turning me inside out, but I"m loving it, oh yeah yeah I"m in a hurricane and I"ve lost control You"re turning me upside down, but I"m loving it You"re turning me upside down, but I"m loving it (Yes I do) You"re turning me inside out, but I"m loving it Yeah it fells like I"m in a hurricane and I"ve lost control You"re turning me upside down, but I"m loving it I"m still loving it

still loving you这个歌多高


Still Be Loving You 歌词

歌曲名:Still Be Loving You歌手:Steve Cropper & Felix Cavaliere专辑:Nudge It Up A NotchJohnta Austin - Still Be Loving YouThere"s not a moment i could tear us apartAnd if i die tonightI had the time of my lifeI"d trade the world for a piece of your heartOne thing i know for sureI"ll never let you goHey girl lets be clearThings are better when you are hereI need you, how i need youHey boy i feel the sameGives me chills just to call your nameI want you, how i want youBe without you, i can"t do itNever wanna goNever wanna knowWhat"s it like without you,I can"t do itSo say you"ll never goI"ll be here no matter what the future holdsSo when ever you"re in doubtI want you to knowMy love, i give to youAnd my heart, is forever trueSo whatever you do please don"t shed a tearCos i"ll be hereWhen you feel aloneAnd when, when you need a homeAnd when the sun don"t shineAnd the sky"s no longer blueI"ll still be loving youThere"s no place i"d rather beThen right here by your sideSo comfortable (so comfortable),It"s so comfortable (comfortable to me)Oh one of the best part of my dayIs looking forward to the nightYou"re so wonderful, so wonderfulBe without you, i can"t do itNever wanna goNever wanna knowWhat"s it like without you,I can"t do itSo say you"ll never goI"ll be here no matter what the future holdsSo when ever you"re in doubtI want you to knowMy love, i give to youAnd my heart, is forever trueSo whatever you do please don"t shed a tearCos i"ll be hereWhen you feel aloneAnd when, when you need a homeAnd when the sun don"t shineAnd the sky"s no longer blueI"ll still be loving youTo tell the truthI never felt for no one but i feel for youYou"re the best thing that i got whoa whoaWell here"s a scarTake what you feelingAnd know that i feel it moreAnd it will never, never never stopThere"s not a moment i could tear us apart whoaAnd if i die tonight (guess what)I had the time of my life (oh baby)I"d trade the world for a piece of your heart (i know)One thing i know for sure (i"d never)I"d never let you go (never let you go)My love, i give to youAnd my heart, is forever true (is forever true)So whatever you do please don"t shed a tear (no baby)Cos i"ll be hereWhen you feel aloneAnd when, when you need a homeAnd when the sun don"t shineAnd the sky"s no longer blue (i"ll still be, i"ll still be)I"ll still be loving youLoving you, be loving you, be loving youI"ll still be loving youI"ll still be loving youBe loving you, be loving you, be loving youI"ll still be loving youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8062396

珍妮佛洛佩兹的loving you歌词

loving you -Jennifer LopezWould you mind,if I took the time to get to know you,cause it"s been awhile since all we"ve been through,And even though I said my feelings wouldn"t change,nothing stays the same, booI can see when I look in your eyes you mean no harm,it"s just the way you manipulate me with your charm,and I can tell the love I have you still strong,And there ain"t nothin wrong with me still loving youChorus:After all that we"ve been through,I find myself still loving you,But I think we need to take the time to get it right,Cause I never give up on the good things,never give up on the love we had, woo...we just need to take it slowFrom the past,You would act as if you don"t really care,You would fight and argue almost anywhere,Looking back sometimes I feel like such a fool,For putting up with you, booBaby please,[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/8rR ]understand me if it seems I"m confused,It"s just it might take me sometime to get used to you,when I think of all the things we used to do,Baby, I just find myself still loving youChorus:After all that we"ve been through,I find myself still loving you,But I think we need to take the time to get it right,cause I never give up on the good things,never give up on the love had,Baby, we just need to take it slowI believe you and me have a chance to make this right,oh baby, if your heart is in it, I"m still with it,Even after all this time has passed,oh I"m still loving youChorus:After all that we"ve been through,I find myself still loving you,but I think we need to take the time to get it right,Cause I never give up on the good things,Never give up on the love we had,Baby, we just need to take it slowAfter all that we"ve been through,I find myself still loving you,But I think we need to take the time to get it right,Cause I never give up on the good things,never give up on the love had,We just need to take it slow.

连诗雅的“Im Still Loving You ”的歌词

when i close my eyes i think of you当我闭上眼睛我想起了你and the time we"ve had been through想起了我们曾经在一起even though were far apart right now即使已经过去了很久连诗雅i remember back when you were here with me我回想起你还在我身边的时候how you"ve made my world complete回想起你是怎么让我的世界变得完整but now i"m left alone但现在只有我独自一个留下we talked about love and hope我们谈论爱和希望wishing we could start a life our own希望我们可以开始属于我们自己的生活连诗雅i wish that i could live without you我希望我可以不依赖你why did you tear my heart apart为什么你要撕裂我的心you said you"ll love me from the start你说从现在开始会爱我all those painful things you"ve put me through你让我经历了所有不开心的事but i"m still loving you但我依然爱你i"ve tried to give my best to you我试着把我最好的给你i don"t deserve the things you do我不值得你为我做的任何事everything has gone to memories所有的事情都回到了记忆里i just wish i knew the truth behind the lies我只希望知道谎言背后的真相why did you tear my heart apart为什么你要撕裂我的心you said you"ll love me from the start你说从现在开始会爱我all those painful things you"ve put me through你让我经历了所有不开心的事but i"m still loving you但我依然爱你i"ve tried to give my best to you我试着把我最好的给你i don"t deserve the things you do我不值得你为我做的任何事everything has gone to memories所有的事情都回到了记忆里i just wish i knew the truth behind the lies我只是希望我知道谎言背后的真相

im still loving you中文歌词




谁能帮我找到still loving you的歌词啊?

time, it needs timeto win back your love againi will be there, i will be therelove, only lovecan bring back your love somedayi will be there, i will be therefight,baby,fightto win back your love againi will be there, i will be therelove, only lovecan break down the wall somedayi will be there, i will be thereif we"d go againall the way from the starti would try to changethe things that killed our lovepride has built a wall, so strongthat i can"t get throughis there really no chanceto start once againi"m loving youtry, baby tryto trust in my love againi will be there, i will be therelove, our lovejust shouldn"t be thrown awayi will be there, i will be thereif we"d go againall the way from the starti would try to changethe things that killed our lovepride has built a wall, so strongthat i can"t get throughis there really no chanceto start once againif we"d go againall the way from the starti would try to changethe things that killed our loveyes i"ve hurt your pride, and i know what you"ve been throughyou should give me a chancethis can"t be the endi"m still loving youi"m still loving youi"m still loving you, i need your lovei"m still loving youi"m still loving you babyi"m still loving you, i need your lovei"m still loving you, i need your love

still loving you 歌词翻译

Time, it needs time 时间,这需要时间 To win back your love again 需要时间重新获得你的爱 I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱 Love, only love 爱,我的挚爱 Can bring back your love someday 某天带回你的爱 I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱 I"ll fight, babe, I"ll fight 我会一直努力,宝贝,一直努力 To win back your love again 一直努力重新获得你的爱 I will be there, I will be there Love, only love Can break down the wall someday 某天打开那扇爱我的门 I will be there, I will be there If we"d go again 如果我们又在一起 All the way from the start 一切将重新开始 I would try to change 我会努力改变自己 The things that killed our love 改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西 Your pride has built a wall, so stron 你的骄傲筑起一堵高墙,那么坚固 That I can"t get through 使我不能穿越 Is there really no chance 我真的没有机会了么 To start once again 没有机会重新开始? I"m loving you 我一直爱着你 Try, baby try 宝贝,请试试 To trust in my love again 试着再次爱我 I will be there, I will be there Love, our love 爱,我们的爱 Just shouldn"t be thrown away 不应该这样就抛弃 I will be there, I will be there



Still Loving You 歌词

歌曲名:Still Loving You歌手:Scorpions专辑:Bad For Good: The Very Best Of ScorpionsSTILL LOVING YOUMusic / Rudolf Schenker. Lyrics / Klaus Meine. Vocal / Rudolf Schenker.Time, it needs timeTo win back your love againI will be there, I will be thereLove, only loveCan bring back your love somedayI will be there, I will be thereI"ll fight, babe, I"ll fightTo win back your love againI will be there, I will be thereLove, only loveCan break down the wall somedayI will be there, I will be thereIf we"d go againAll the way from the startI would try to changeThe things that killed our loveYour pride has built a wall, so strongThat I can"t get throughIs there really no chanceTo start once againI"m loving youTry, baby tryTo trust in my love againI will be there, I will be thereLove, our loveJust shouldn"t be thrown awayI will be there, I will be thereIf we"d go againAll the way from the startI would try to changeThe things that killed our loveYour pride has built a wall, so strongThat I can"t get throughIs there really no chanceTo start once againIf we"d go againAll the way from the startI would try to changeThe things that killed our loveYes, I"ve hurt your pride, and I knowWhat you"ve been throughYou should give me a chanceThis can"t be the endI"m still loving youI"m still loving youI need your loveI"m still loving youBEYOND再见理想http://music.baidu.com/song/2215167

I still loving you 歌词中文翻译

When I close my eyes I think of you「当我闭上眼睛我就想起了你」 And the times we"ve had been through「还想起了我们曾经一起渡过的时光」 Even though were far apart right now「即使已经过去了很久」 I remember back when you were here with me「我回想起你还在我身边的时候」 How you"ve make my world plete「回想起你是如何让我的世界变得完整」 But now I"m left alone「但现在只有我独自一个留下」 We talked about love and hope「我们曾经谈论爱和希望」 Wishing we could start a life our own「希望我们可以开始属于我们自己的生活」 I wish that I could live without you「我希望我可以不依赖你」 Why did you tear my heart apart「为什么你要撕裂我的心」 You said you"ll love me from the start「从开始的时候你说过会一直爱我」 All those painful things you"ve put me through「你令我经历了一切痛苦的事」 But I"m still loving you「但我依然爱你」 I"ve tried to give my best to you「我曾经尝试过把我最好的给你」 I don"t deserve the things you do「你不应该这样对待我」 Everything has gone to memories「所有的事情都成为了回忆」 I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies「我只希望知道谎言背后的真相」 Why did you tear my heart apart「为什么你要撕裂我的心」 You said you"ll love me from the start「从开始的时候你说过会一直爱我」 All those painful things you"ve put me through「你令我经历了一切痛苦的事」 But I"m still loving you「但我依然爱你」 I"ve tried to give my best to you「我曾经尝试过把我最好的给你」 I don"t deserve the things you do「你不应该这样对待我」 Everything has gone to memories「所有的事情都成为了回忆」 I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies「我只希望知道谎言背后的真相」 参考: mojim/y109202x3x1

阿信唱的still loving you原唱是谁的

Still Loving You,原唱是德国的蝎子乐队(Scorpions)(希望采纳)歌名:Still Loving You作词:Klaus Meine演唱:Scorpions作曲:Rudolf Schenker专辑:Still Loving YouTime, it needs time时间,这需要时间To win back your love again需要时间重新获得你的爱I will be there, I will be there我会一直等着你的爱Love, only love爱,我的挚爱Can bring back your love someday某天带回你的爱I will be there, I will be there我会一直等着你的爱I"ll fight, babe, I"ll fight我会一直努力,宝贝,一直努力To win back your love again一直努力重新获得你的爱I will be there, I will be there我会一直等着你的爱Love, only love爱,我的挚爱Can break down the wall someday某天打开那扇爱我的门I will be there, I will be there我会一直等着你的爱If we"d go again如果我们又在一起All the way from the start一切将重新开始I would try to change我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Your pride has built a wall, so strong你的骄傲筑起一堵高墙,那么坚固That I can"t get through使我不能穿越Is there really no chance我真的没有机会了么To start once again没有机会重新开始?I"m loving you我一直爱着你Try, baby try宝贝,请试试To trust in my love again试着再次爱我I will be there, I will be there我会一直等着你的爱Love, our love爱,我的挚爱Just shouldn"t be thrown away不应该这样就抛弃I will be there, I will be there我会一直等着你的爱If we"d go again如果我们又在一起All the way from the start一切将重新开始I would try to change我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Your pride has built a wall, so strong你的骄傲筑起一堵高墙,那么坚固That I can"t get through使我不能穿越Is there really no chance我真的没有机会了么To start once again没有机会重新开始?If we"d go again如果我们又在一起All the way from the start一切将重新开始I would try to change我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Yes, I"ve hurt your pride, and I know我知道,我伤害了你What you"ve been through曾坚信的东西You should give me a chance你应该给我一次机会This can"t be the end那不能是终点I"m still loving you我还爱着你I"m still loving you我还爱着你I"m still loving you我还爱着你I need your love我需要你I"m still loving you我还爱着你I"m still loving you我还爱着你I need your love我需要你I"m still loving you我还爱着你I need your love我需要你I"m still loving you我还爱着你

Still Loving You 歌词

歌曲名:Still Loving You歌手:纯音乐专辑:向前走向爱走 电视原声带Still Loving YouTime, it needs time 时间,这需要时间To win back your love again 需要时间重新获得你的爱I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱Love, only love 爱,我的挚爱Can bring back your love someday 某天带回你的爱I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱I"ll fight, babe, I"ll fight 我会一直努力,宝贝,一直努力To win back your love again 一直努力重新获得你的爱I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱Love, only love 爱,我的挚爱Can break down the wall someday 某天打开那扇爱我的门I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱If we"d go again 如果我们又在一起All the way from the start 一切将重新开始I would try to change 我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love 改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Your pride has built a wall, so strong 你的骄傲筑起一堵高墙,那么坚固That I can"t get through 使我不能穿越Is there really no chance 我真的没有机会了么To start once again 没有机会重新开始?I"m loving you 我一直爱着你Try, baby try 宝贝,请试试To trust in my love again 试着再次爱我I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱Love, our love 爱,我们的爱Just shouldn"t be thrown away 不应该这样就抛弃I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱If we"d go again 如果我们又在一起All the way from the start 一切将重新开始I would try to change 我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love 改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Your pride has built a wall, so strong 你的骄傲筑起一堵高墙,那么坚固That I can"t get through 使我不能穿越Is there really no chance 我真的没有机会了么To start once again 没有机会重新开始?If we"d go again 如果我们又在一起All the way from the start 一切将重新开始I would try to change 我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love 改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Yes, I"ve hurt your pride, and I know 是的,我曾伤害了你的高傲,而我知道了What you"ve been through 你怎样度过You should give me a chance 请你给我个机会This can"t be the end 这不应该是结束I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I need your love 我需要你的爱I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I need your love 我需要你的爱I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I need your love 我需要你的爱I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你http://music.baidu.com/song/13897340

Still loving you歌词翻译(Scorpions)

still loving u-scorpions 依然爱你(蝎子)time,it needs time !时间,这需要时间!to win back ur love again.用来再次赢得你的爱情.i will be there,i will be there !我将在那里,我将在那里!love,only love !爱,只有爱!can bring back ur love someday.可以在某天带回你的爱情.fight,babe,i"ll fight !战斗,宝贝,我将战斗!to win back ur love again.用来再次赢得你的爱情.i will be there,i will be there.can break down the wall someday.可以在某天击碎阻隔你我的墙.if we"d go again.如果我们必须再走一遍.all the way from the start.我们以前曾走过的所有道路.i would try 2 change.我将会去尽力改变.the things that killed our love.那些毁掉了你我间的爱情的事物.ur pride has built a wall,so strong.你的骄傲曾筑起了一堵那样坚固的墙.that i can"t get through.而我无法穿越is there really no chance ?真的没有机会了吗?to start once again.以再次开始.i"m loving u !我正爱着你!try,baby try !试一下,宝贝,试一下!to trust in my love again.去再次相信我的爱love,our love !爱,我们的爱!just shouldn"t be thrown away.是不应该消逝的yes,i"ve hurt ur pride,and i know.是的,我曾伤害了你的尊严,我明白.what u"ve been through.你曾经经历的一切.u should give me a chance.你应该给我一个机会this can"t be the end.这一切不应该结束.i"m still loving u !我依旧爱你!i need ur love !我需要你的爱!i"m loving u !我爱你!

Still Loving You 歌词

歌曲名:Still Loving You歌手:Scorpions专辑:Comeblack/AcousticaStill Loving YouTime, it needs time 时间,这需要时间To win back your love again 需要时间重新获得你的爱I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱Love, only love 爱,我的挚爱Can bring back your love someday 某天带回你的爱I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱I"ll fight, babe, I"ll fight 我会一直努力,宝贝,一直努力To win back your love again 一直努力重新获得你的爱I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱Love, only love 爱,我的挚爱Can break down the wall someday 某天打开那扇爱我的门I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱If we"d go again 如果我们又在一起All the way from the start 一切将重新开始I would try to change 我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love 改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Your pride has built a wall, so strong 你的骄傲筑起一堵高墙,那么坚固That I can"t get through 使我不能穿越Is there really no chance 我真的没有机会了么To start once again 没有机会重新开始?I"m loving you 我一直爱着你Try, baby try 宝贝,请试试To trust in my love again 试着再次爱我I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱Love, our love 爱,我们的爱Just shouldn"t be thrown away 不应该这样就抛弃I will be there, I will be there 我会一直等着你的爱If we"d go again 如果我们又在一起All the way from the start 一切将重新开始I would try to change 我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love 改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Your pride has built a wall, so strong 你的骄傲筑起一堵高墙,那么坚固That I can"t get through 使我不能穿越Is there really no chance 我真的没有机会了么To start once again 没有机会重新开始?If we"d go again 如果我们又在一起All the way from the start 一切将重新开始I would try to change 我会努力改变自己The things that killed our love 改变那些迷失我们爱情的东西Yes, I"ve hurt your pride, and I know 是的,我曾伤害了你的高傲,而我知道了What you"ve been through 你怎样度过You should give me a chance 请你给我个机会This can"t be the end 这不应该是结束I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I need your love 我需要你的爱I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I need your love 我需要你的爱I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你I need your love 我需要你的爱I"m still loving you 我仍然爱你http://music.baidu.com/song/24310473

Still Loving You 歌词

歌曲:《Still Loving You》歌手:Scorpions 语言:英语 所属专辑:Best 发行时间:1999-08-25 Time, it needs timeTo win back your love againI will be there, I will be thereLove, only loveCan bring back your love somedayI will be there, I will be thereFight, babe, I"ll fightTo win back your love againI will be there, I will be thereLove, only loveCan break down the wall somedayI will be there, I will be thereIf we"d go againAll the way from the startI would try to changeThe things that killed our loveYour pride has built a wall, so strongThat I can"t get throughIs there really no chanceTo start once againI"m loving youTry, baby tryTo trust in my love againI will be there, I will be thereLove, our loveJust shouldn"t be thrown awayI will be there, I will be thereIf we"d go againAll the way from the startI would try to changeThe things that killed our loveYour pride has built a wall, so strongThat I can"t get throughIs there really no chanceTo start once againIf we"d go againAll the way from the startI would try to changeThe things that killed our loveYes, I"ve hurt your pride, and I knowWhat you"ve been throughYou should give me a chanceThis can"t be the endI"m still loving youI"m still loving youI"m still loving youI need your loveI"m still loving youStill loving you babyI"m still loving you, I need your loveI"m still loving you, I need your loveI"m still loving you, I need your loveI need your love

i still loving you 什么歌


i still loving you 什么歌


谁能给我loving you 歌词?

Loving You 打印此页 歌手:Shanice SweetHeartI never have told youHow much I love youHow much I careLoving you So beautifulLoving youIt"s easy"Cause you"re beautifulAnd loving youIt"s all I wanna doLoving youIt"s more thanJust a dream come trueAnd everything that I doIt"s out of loving youla la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aahNo one else can make me feelThe colors that you bringStay with meWhile we grow oldAnd we will liveEach day in springtimeLoving youHas made my life so beautifulAnd every day of my lifeIt"s filled with loving youLoving youI see your soulCome shining throughAnd everything that weI"m so in love with you la la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aahNo one else can make me feelThe colors that you bringStay with meWhile we grow oldAnd we will liveEach day in springtimeLoving youIt"s easy"Cause you"re beautifulEvery day of my lifeIt"s filled with loving youLoving youI see your soulCome shining throughAnd everything that weI"m so in love with youla la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aah

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