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The Outskirts 歌词

歌曲名:The Outskirts歌手:Buck 65专辑:Situation曲目:The Outskirts艺术家::Buck 65Young and attractive. Quote-unquote ?old soul?.Down in a cold hole. Playing my controlled roleThe world is mine, good and bad. I never sleep. Odd charmsFire trucks and squad cars. Struggling in god?s arms.Tempted and restless. Blood in my arteries.Floods in the armories. Drugs are a part of me.Circus and fun time. The surface is sunshine.Brush your teeth. Stunned police. So much darkness underneath.Parties and funerals. Nurseries and graveyards.Lotteries and robberies. An old couple plays cards.Company and visitors. A frequent surprise onWeekends. A sequence of secrets and lies.Oddities and prodigies. Fireworks and parades bore me.Same story. All my decisions are made for me.Reading from loose leaf. Misleading. Seduce me,I?m so full of love I?m bleeding profusely...Concrete and steel. I remember these drums.A chill in the air. In September she comes.Pretty and sad. Trying not to cry.Trying not cry. So pretty and so sad.(repeat)These are my telephone poles, my dark trenches,My broken windows, my park benches.Raccoons and back rooms. Giants and small childrens.Glittering traffic. The outlines of tall buildings.Still, in self defense I kill, yes I will.They make me do things against my will.Some make fun of what I wear, they cut my hair.Goblins and problems - I got my share.And I bitch and complain. I admit that it?s strange.Parts of myself that I wish I could change.Insecurities and complexes. X?s for marking spots.Complicated beauty of abandoned buildings and parking lots.Sparking thoughts and impulses. Rebellion and upheaval.Tribal. Indescribable pleasure and such evil.Review the proof - crime is going through the roof .Accuse the youth. You?d puke if you knew the truth.Concrete and steel. I remember these drums.A chill in the air. In September she comes.Pretty and sad. Trying not cry.Trying nothttp://music.baidu.com/song/16367590

suburb和suburbs的区别 outskirt和outskirts的区别

通常说suburb的话是专指某一个地方的郊区.例如a suburb of London就是伦敦郊区的意思咯. 而说suburbs的时候是一个比较大的范围.没有特定的.例如They live in the suburbs.就是说他们住在城外. 其实只用outskirts就可以了 一般来说都是复数形式出现. 例如Kelly lives on the outskirts of Leeds. 就是说Kelly住在利兹的郊区


我查到的意思是pertaining to a view from under a woman"s skirt,意思是。。偷窥。。跟你说维基上查的似乎还有点出入啊。。是一个slang来的,反正是不好的意思。

市区、郊区英语都有哪些词 我知道郊区有outskirt、countryside 有什么区别吗

市区 - town centre,city area ,urban district 郊区 - countryside outskirt of city - 市区 的外围 - 通常是指还没到郊区 的部分 和sub-urban 的意思差不多

suburb和suburbs的区别 outskirt和outskirts的区别

通常说suburb的话是专指某一个地方的郊区.例如a suburb of London就是伦敦郊区的意思咯.而说suburbs的时候是一个比较大的范围.没有特定的.例如They live in the suburbs.就是说他们住在城外.其实只用outskirts就可以了 一般来说都是复数形式出现.例如Kelly lives on the outskirts of Leeds.就是说Kelly住在利兹的郊区


suburb 是指在城市中的地区,如上海的浦东。 outskirt 是指出了市区的郊区。


outskirt n.外边, 郊区outskirts n.边界, (尤指)市郊

urban,outskirt,suburb ,rural有何区别



outskirts和suburbs的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同outskirtsn. 郊区。名词outskirt的复数suburbsn. 郊外。名词suburb的复数形式二、用法不同outskirtsoutskirts,超出边缘、边缘以外,意思是城市、城镇的边缘地区——郊区、市郊。The hotel is situated in the outskirts of the city.这个酒店位于城市的郊区。suburbssuburb专指某一个地方的郊区,suburbs指一个比较大的范围,没有特定的。Do you know where I can take a bus to the suburbs?您知道我在哪里可以坐公车到郊外去吗?三、侧重点不同outskirts作名词有“郊区、近郊”之意,outskirts在现代英语中只用这个复数形式,通常指市区以外的地方。suburbs作名词有“郊区、近郊”之意,suburbs侧重指与市区相接或相邻的居住区。