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other than 的用法


other than的用法?other .....than,分开用的,跟rather...than 是一样的用法吗?

other than 而不是的意思,other than 是用在比较级中 rather than 宁愿 什么什么也不什么什么

other than短语的用法?谢谢


every other,many others,some other,other than的区别

every other 每隔一; 其他的...都other than不同于; 除了some other基本上同anothermany others 不常见,就是许多(人)


1、otherthan的用法归纳。 2、otherthan什么意思。 3、other,the other的用法。 4、any other,other,others用法。1.other其他的(指属于同一类别的)例:Theywerejustlikeanyotheryoungcouple.他们那时就和其他任何年轻夫妇一样。 2.其他例:Fourcrewmenwerekilled,oneotherwasinjured.四名船员被杀,另外一个受了伤。 3.别的(指属于不同类型的)例:Hewouldhavetoacceptit。 4.therewasnootherway.他不得不接受它,没有别的办法。 5.(两个中)另一个的例:Thecaptainwasattheotherendoftheroom.队长在房间的另一头。 6.其余例:Aubrey&amp。 7.#39。 8.sonhiswayhere,withtheothers.奥布里和其余的人正在来这儿的路上。 9.(总称)他人的例:Thesufferingofotherpeopleappallsme.他人的苦难使我大为震惊。 10.otherthan除了。 11.不同于例:Theirmotivationisotherthanme.他们的动机不同于我的。

more than,rather than和other than,or rather有什么区别

rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家.sb/sth is more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是B,不如说是A”He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家.sb/sth is not more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是A,不如说是B”He is not more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位艺术家,不如说他是位哲学家.注意:这里的not more...than 与疑难短语(一)中所讲的不同,疑难短语(一)中所讲的not more...than所作比较的是主语和than后面的词语,而这里所讲的not more...than 所作比较的是than前和than后的词语,要注意区分.other than有两种意思:一是用来表示否定意义,即“不同于(= different from),非(= not)";二是用来表示排除意义,即“除了”,相当于except.例如:The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相和你们想的完全不一样.They are patriotic and support socialism,although many of them come from other than working class families.他们是爱国的,是拥护社会主义的,尽管他们当中有许多人并非出身于工人阶级家庭.She can hardly be other than grateful.她除了感激之外还能怎么样呢.He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan.除了日本之外,他访问了所有的亚洲国家.

other和other than用法


other than造句

other than 造句如下:1、We"re going away in June but other than that I"ll be here all summer.我们六月份外出,除此以外,我整个夏天都在这里。2、I don"t know any French people other than you.除了你,我不认识别的法国人。3、There"s no good cooking other than your mother"s cooking.除了你母亲的烹饪外,再也没有好的烹饪了。4、I personally think it"s dumb but other than complain ,deal with it.我个人认为这是愚蠢的,但除了抱怨,就是要解决它。5、lt was no other than the chair.正是那张轮椅。6、have never known him to behave other than selfishly.我从没见过他不自私。

more than什么意思,other than什么意思

more than:超过还有以下几种意思:1.仅仅,只是2.不多于,至多3.多于4.不过,仅仅;和...一样not more than1.至多;不比…更2.不比……更,不如;至多more than sufficient1.绰绰有余2.绰绰有馀more than that1.多于那2.多过那个more than ever1.超出任何时候2.更有甚者 other than:除……还有以下几种意思:other than1.不同于2.不同于;除了3.不同于,非;除了4.除了none other than1.不是别人而正是2.不是别的,正是consideration other than cash1.现金以外的代价2.现金以外的报酬other-than-earth satellite1.非地球卫星reimbursement other than appropriation-in-aid1.不包括补助拨款的偿款

more than ,rather than 和other than 有什么区别?


other than的用法

other than可用作介词短语,也可用作连词,通常用于否定陈述后,表示除了…以外。有时也可表示与……不同的。1、other than用作介词①He has no friend other than you.他除你之外就没有别的朋友了。②The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见。③The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager.你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。2、other than用作连词①He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话。②She seldom appears other than happy.她总是看起来很幸福。3、other than的词汇搭配①no other than除 ... 外没有...;②none other than 正是;③for no other reason than that 只是因为。

other than的用法

1、other than用作介词He has no friend other than you.他除你之外就没有别的朋友了。The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见。The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager.你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。2、other than用作连词He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话。She seldom appears other than happy.她总是看起来很幸福。other than有两种意思:1、是用来表示否定意义,即“不同于(=different from),非(=not)"。The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相和你们想的完全不一样。Certainly, my associates and pursuits shall be other than they have been.当然,现在我所来往的人,我所追求的事物,将和以前不同。She seldom appears other than happy.她总是看起来很幸福。2、是用来表示排除意义,即“除了”,相当于except。(一般用于否定陈述后)除了…以外。There is nobody here other than me.除了我以外没有别人。You can go there other than by swimming.除了游泳以外你无法到哪里。

英语中other than和rather than有什么区别

other than 不同于,除了,与…不同;与…不同方式 There"s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人.You can"t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去.rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分 eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家.



英语区别other than和more than,不同之处。

我感觉这两个并不相近阿,other than表示除非是某种条件,其他条件都不符合的意思I could never love anyone other than you.more than 表示后面的条件远远不够,还需要更多的意思I need more than money to marry you.

如果拆分理解“other than ......”的用法,other 在这个固定词组中是什么词性?

在other than…中,other只作形容词,意思是“其他的”。它在这个短语中只有形容词一种词性。than在短语中是介词,意思是“比…”,用以引出比较的第二部分。有关other than这个短语的使用,建议题主搜索“other than是什么意思”,看金山词霸的那条,里面给出了近30个例句,对于透彻理解该短语的用法很有帮助。

no other than和none other than的区别是什么?

no other than和none other than的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、no other than:只有,除…外没有。2、none other than:就是,不是别的而正是。二、用法不同1、no other than:是“准确的,确切的,精确的”的意思,指数量、品质等不多不少,刚好与事实或标准相符,强调丝毫不差。引申还可作“严谨的,严格的”解,一般指的是人做事时严谨的态度。2、none other than:在句中用作定语或表语。与in连用,表示“在…方面准确〔严谨〕”。无比较级和最高级形式。的基本意思是“要求”“索取”,一般指“硬性要求”“强求”。三、侧重点不同1、no other than:侧重于“正是那个”我们所知道的,熟悉的或在谈论的人。2、none other than:语气更强,表示惊奇、赞美、强调等语气时多用 none other than 。

no other than 和 none other than的区别是什么

no other than 与 none other than都可表示“不是别的,正是……”的意思。两者区别不大,常可换用。例如: 1)The tall figure that you saw was no other than our manager. The tall figure that your way was none other than our manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人我们的经理。 2)It was no other than Jones who paid the medical expense for you. It was none other than Jones who paid the medical expense for you. 为你付医疗费不是别人,正是琼斯。 no other than 侧重于“正是那个”我们所知道的,熟悉的或在谈论的人。有时可相当于 very 的用法。 1)It was no other than Tommy Traddles who told me this piece of information. Tommy Traddles was the very person who told me this piece of informatio 告诉我这段消息的不是别人正是 Tommy Traddles。 2)He is no other than the famous writer I have often talked about. He is the very famous writer I have often talked about. 他正是我经常谈起的那位著名作家。 3)You are no other than the professional talent we are looking for. You are the very professional talent we are looking for. 你正是我们要物色的专业人材。none other than 语气更强,表示惊奇、赞美、强调等语气时多用 none other than 。 1)The tall figure over there is none other than the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself. 那位身材魁梧的先生正是大数学家贝尔·威廉姆斯本人。 (带有对贝尔·威廉姆斯赞美 之情) 2)The winner of the speech contest was none other than Tom who doesn"t talk much in daily life. 这次演讲比赛的冠军竟然是汤姆,他平时不太讲话。 (带有惊奇之情) 3)It was none other than Tommy Traddles who told me this piece of information. 告诉我这段消息的不是别人正是 Tommy Traddles。 (强调是Tommy Traddles) 4)His girlfriend turned out to be none other than my sister. (带有一点惊奇) 他的女朋友原来不是别人,是我的妹妹。 5)The doctor who performed the operation for her was none other than her own father. 为她做手术的医生不是别人,正是她的亲生父亲。 (强调是她自己的亲生父亲)注: 表示“不是别的,正是……”多少带有情感,这正是现代英语中较多使用 none other than 而较少使用 no other than 的原因。

other than that包不包括之前说的


other than后接动词的什么形式?

1、其后加名词The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。 2、从句The truth s quite other than what you think. 事实真相和你想的完全不同。 3、不定式Nothing in this article prevents either party from exercising any right other than to claim damages under this Convention. 本条规定不妨碍任何一方行使本公约规定的要求损害赔偿以外的任何权力 It is none other than to form a broad revolutionary national united front. 不是别的,就是建立广泛的民族革命统一战线。 4、原型If he was to quench his thirst for knowledge, he could do nothing other than explore the unknown quantity. 他要满足求知欲没有别的办法,只能到自己陌生的领域中去探索。

other than 和besides的区别?

besides表示“除了……之外,还有……”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了)other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分后接名词、代词或不定式。eg.In that casethere is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题)

other than和except还有besides的区别

other than 是除了的意思,不包括后面所说的人或者事,前后的意思通常有转折.Mary has no close friends other than Joe. 除了Joe, 玛丽再也没有好朋友了. (Joe是不包括在主句里的)except也是除了的意思,也不包括后面所说的人或者事We went to the park except Joe. 除了Joe,我们都去了公园.(Joe没有去公园)besides就不一样了,虽然中文也是除了的意思,但后面所说的人或者事是包括在里面的比如说:We went to the park besides Joe. 除Joe之外,我们也去了公园.(Joe也去了公园)

rather thanother thaninstead of 的区别


other than怎么用?

申明,我转载的,这个写的很好。。。英语中意思为“除了……”的表达有except/except for/besides/apart from/but/but for/other than等,它们的用法复杂多变、难以掌握,学生常常为之困惑烦恼。本文将对其进行总结、归纳、练习,使学生能够系统地掌握它们的用法,消除学生几多愁。1. except和besides都可解作“除……之外”但含义不同。except表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的。besides表示“除了……之外,还有……”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。试比较:①We all went except him.除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去)②We all went besides him.除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了)(1)besides常与other/more/else等词连用except常与all/every/everyone/none/nobody/everything/nothing等总括词连用。eg. He had other people to take care of besidesme.All the students in Class One went to the cinema except Li Ping.(2)若句中没有实义动词do的某种形式except后接动词不定式而besides后接动词的-ing形式。eg.I had no choice except to obey/besides obeying his order.(3)若句中有实义动词do的某种形式二者后面都可以接动词原形。eg.She has nothing to do except/besides go with him.(4)二者后面都可以接从句。eg.①Besides that he explained the theoryhe gave us some examples.②He is a good student except that he sometimes comes late to school.(5)except后面可接for(构成短语except for)或其他介词短语,而besides不能。except for主要有三层含义:①表示对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定起部分修正主要意思的作用。eg.Your composition is quite excellent except for several spelling mistakes.②表示非同类事物进行比较。eg.The street is empty except for several cars.③置于句首,表达except的含义。eg.Except for thiseverything is in order.except for后接名(代)词可以转移为except+从句或其他介词短语。eg.The climate here is good except for some rainy days.(except when it rains;except that it sometimes rains;except on the rainy days)注意:二者用于否定句时含义相同,意思是一样的。eg. He did nothing besides (=except) this.除这件事外,他什么事也没做。2. apart from兼有besides和except for两种含义,后接名词、代词或动名词。3. but含义与except相同,都表示递减的概念,二者在多数情况下可以互换,但用法稍有区别。①except可以代替but但but并不一定都可以代替except如果句中有no、all、nobody、who、where等不定代词或疑问词时,多用but后跟宾语从句时,多用except。②but for含义有时与except for相同,但主要表示“要不是……”,常用于虚拟句,表示一种假设。③but位置的变化会引起人称代词主、宾格的变化。No one but I (=except me) knows it.No one knows it but me (=except me).4. other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分后接名词、代词或不定式。eg.In that casethere is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题)

ranther than 与other than的区别

rather than 是宁可 other than 是除了 例: He is a friend rather than a father.与其说他是父亲还不如说他是朋友. other than a father,he is a friend.他除了是父亲,还是朋友.

rather thanother thaninstead of 的词性区别


other than 是什么词性

rather than是连词,前后两端所连的词性是一致的,通常译为“而不是”或“与其说是……不如说是

more than什么意思,other than什么意思


other than rather than的具体区别于用法 后面跟ing 还是什么的

  other than 除了…;除…之外 (常用于否定结构中)   There"s nobody here other than me.   除了我这里没别人.   I have not studied foreign languages other than English.   除了英语外,我没学过其他外语.   She has no close friends other than him.   她除了他以外没有好朋友.   She seldom appears other than happy.   她总是看起来很幸福.   He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.   他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话.   The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.   除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见.   This is no other than my old friend,John.   这位不是别人,正是我的老朋友约翰.   The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager.   你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理.   He has no friend other than you.   他除你之外就没有别的朋友了.   rather than 意为“而不是”、“而没有”,侧重客观上的差别,还可以表示“与其……,倒不如(或宁可)……”,侧重句子主语或说话人主观上的选择.句中 rather than 前后一般应为名词、代词、动名词、形容词、谓语动词、动词不定式、介词短语,甚至分句等.下面分别举例说明.   一、接名词   1.He is an artist rather than a politician.他是位艺术家,而不是***家.(与其说他是***家,倒不如说他是艺术家.)   2.We ought to invest in new machinery rather than building.   我们该在新机器上而不是在建筑上投资.   3.I would buy a computer rather than a motor bike.我要买台电脑,而不是摩托车.   二、接代词   1.It ought to be me rather than you that sign the letter.在信上签名的该是我,而不是你.   2.The person who should be praised is you rather than me.该受到表扬的人是你,而不是我.   三、接动名词   1.I always prefer getting up early rather than going to school without breakfast.   我总是愿意早起床,而不愿不吃早饭就去上学.   2.He enjoys reading rather than watching TV.他喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视.   3.He was engaged in writing rather than reading the newspaper.   他在忙着写东西,而不是在看报纸.   四、接形容词   1.I call her hair chestnut rather than brown.   我宁愿说她的头发是栗色的,而不愿说她的头发是棕色的.   2.Taking exercise every day makes him look younger rather than older.   每天锻炼身体使他显得年轻而不是年老.   3.The colour seems green rather than blue.这颜色好像是绿的,而不是蓝的.   五、接谓语动词   1.She telephoned rather than wrote.她打了电话,而没有写信.   2.She cried rather than smiled.她哭了,而不是笑了.   3.He would die rather than give up smoking.他宁死也不愿戒烟.   六、接动词不定式   1.I decided to write rather than ( to ) telephone.我决定写信而不打电话.   2.She likes to keep things rather than ( to ) throw them away.   她喜欢把东西保存起来而不是随手将其扔掉.   3.Rather than go there,I"d prefer to stay here on my own.我宁愿一个人呆在这儿,而不愿去那儿.   七、接介词短语   1.I"d prefer to go in summer rather than in winter.我宁愿夏天去,而不愿冬天去.   2.We"ll have tea in the garden rather than in the house.   我们要在花园里喝茶而不想在屋里喝茶.   3.She is reading in the library rather than in the classroom.   她正在图书馆里看书而不是在教室里.   八、接分句   1.John went to the seaside yesterday rather than he went where he often goes.   约翰昨天到海滨去了,没到他常去的地方.   2.You should help me rather than I should help you.你应当帮我,而不是我应当帮你.   使用 rather than 时,还应注意以下两点:   1.rather than 很像并列连词.其前后都应是相互对应的词语,但接不定式时,常可省去不定式符号 to .   2.rather than 也可分开使用,和 would 或 had 构成“ would / had rather … than ”结构,than 前后也是相互对等的结构.试比较:   ( 1 ) She would rather have the small one than the large one.她宁愿要小的,也不愿要大的.   ( 2 ) Tom would rather be liked than feared.汤姆宁愿受人爱戴,而不愿让人惧怕.   ( 3 ) Wouldn"t you rather be liked than feared?你不是宁愿受人爱戴,而不愿让人惧怕吗?   但当 would rather 被用作谓语动词后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应为虚拟形式.例如:   I"d rather you came tomorrow than today.我宁愿明天来,而不是今天来.

other than后面可以接什么

other than1、其后加名词The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理. 2、从句The truth s quite other than what you think. 事实真相和你想的完全不同. 3、不定式Nothing in this article prevents either party from exercising any right other than to claim damages under this Convention. 本条规定不妨碍任何一方行使本公约规定的要求损害赔偿以外的任何权力 It is none other than to form a broad revolutionary national united front. 不是别的,就是建立广泛的民族革命统一战线. 4、原型If he was to quench his thirst for knowledge, he could do nothing other than explore the unknown quantity. 他要满足求知欲没有别的办法,只能到自己陌生的领域中去探索.

other than的用法?other .....than,分开用的,跟rather...than 是一样的用法吗?


other than ,more than,less than,rather than到底有什么区别



other than可用作介词短语,也可用作连词,通常用于否定陈述后,表示除了…以外。有时也可表示与……不同的。 例句: It was no other than the chair. 正是那张轮椅。 Her first customer was none other than Mrs Blair. 她的第一位顾客竟然是布莱尔夫人。 扩展资料   I have never known him to behave other than selfishly.   我从没见过他不自私。   I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free.   我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。   We"re going away in June but other than that I"ll be here all summer.   我们六月份外出;除此以外,我整个夏天都在这里。

other than 是什么意思?


other than 什么意思?


other than和except还有besides的区别?

besides表示“除了……之外,还有……”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了)other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分

more than什么意思,other than什么意思

more than:超过还有以下几种意思:1.仅仅,只是2.不多于,至多3.多于4.不过,仅仅;和...一样not more than1.至多;不比…更2.不比……更,不如;至多more than sufficient1.绰绰有余2.绰绰有馀more than that1.多于那2.多过那个more than ever1.超出任何时候2.更有甚者 other than:除……还有以下几种意思:other than1.不同于2.不同于;除了3.不同于,非;除了4.除了none other than1.不是别人而正是2.不是别的,正是consideration other than cash1.现金以外的代价2.现金以外的报酬other-than-earth satellite1.非地球卫星reimbursement other than appropriation-in-aid1.不包括补助拨款的偿款

英语other than怎么翻译?

你好!other than除

other than的用法

Other than的用法一、other than原意为“与……不同的”。例如:1. Here is a tool other than yours. 这里的工具不是你的。(直译为:这里放着的是与你的工具不同的工具。)2. We have done many experiments other than this one. 我们做了与这个实验不同的许多实验。3. Reactions other than the desired one often occur when the reactants are brought together. 当这些反应物放在一起时,常发生不希望有的一些反应。(原意为:……常发生与希望的反应不同的反应。)4. These animals are different in other ways than shape. 这些动物差别不在形状,而在别的方面。二、other than常常可译为“除了……以外”。例如:1. I have not studied any language other than Chinese. 除了汉语以外,我没学过任何其它语言。2. Under some conditions chemical energy is liberated during a chemical reaction in forms other than heat. 在某些条件下,在化学反应期间,化学能还能以除了热能以外的其他形式释放出来。3. The law takes into account forms of energy other than those discussed so far. 除了到目前为止所讨论的那些能量形式以外,该定律还考虑了其它能量形式。4. He could not do it other than hurriedly. 他只能匆匆忙忙地做了那件事。三、no…other than作“除……外……不”解。例如:1. No fuels other than petroleum will be fit for this purpose. 除石油外其他燃料都将不适于这种用途。2. We can think of no other example than this. 除了这个例子以外,我们想不出别的来了。四、none(或no)other than(…)作“不是别的,正是……”解,例如:1. It is none other than zinc. 这就是锌。(这不是别的,正是锌。)2. The tall man that I saw was no (或none) other than Comrade Wang. 我看见那个高个子不是别人,正是王同志。

other than什么意思

1、other than用作介词He has no friend other than you.他除你之外就没有别的朋友了。The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见。The tall figure that you saw was none other than our manager.你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。2、other than用作连词He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话。She seldom appears other than happy.她总是看起来很幸福。other than有两种意思:1、是用来表示否定意义,即“不同于(=different from),非(=not)"。The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相和你们想的完全不一样。Certainly, my associates and pursuits shall be other than they have been.当然,现在我所来往的人,我所追求的事物,将和以前不同。She seldom appears other than happy.她总是看起来很幸福。2、是用来表示排除意义,即“除了”,相当于except。(一般用于否定陈述后)除了…以外。There is nobody here other than me.除了我以外没有别人。You can go there other than by swimming.除了游泳以外你无法到哪里。

other than 是什么意思?


英语中other than和rather than有什么区别

other than 不同于, 除了,与…不同;与…不同方式 There"s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人。 You can"t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去。 rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分 eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher. 他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家。

other than包括自己吗

other than包括自己。other than一、含义:prep. 除了。conj. 除了。二、用法:other than可用作介词短语,也可用作连词,通常用于否定陈述后,表示除了…以外。有时也可表示与……不同的。other than位于anything、nothing、something、anybody、anyone等不定代词的后面,此时 other than组成的短语在句中作定语,修饰前面的不定代词。The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见。近义词:otherwise一、含义:adv. 否则;不同地;在不同方面。adj. 不同的。二、用法:直接源自中古英语的othre wise;最初源自古英语的on othre wisan,意为在其他方面。The truth is quite otherwise.实情大有出入。

other than是什么意思

  other than  prep.除了; 不同,不同于,不; 绝不是;  [网络]以外; 非; 不同于;  [例句]You can"t get there other than by boat.  除了坐船,你无法去那里。

other than 什么意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: other than 什么意思?可以用else than 吗? 解析: other than:固定用法,用于否定句中。意思是除了……,除……之外。 没有else than的说法。 I can"t do other than obey.除了服从,我别无他法。 You can"t get to the island other than by boat. 要去那座岛,除了搭船以外,别无他法。

Father and mother,I love you有关的英语文章

Father and mother, I love youMom and Dad, thank you for your caring love for me as your child, because no matter how old I am I will always be your child.Thank you for the wonderful memories of watching my mother and father love each other.I remember dad sitting in his recliner watching TV but really watching mom so when mom walked by dad would grab her and try to have her sit on his lap. Mom would always act as if she did not like it, but she did. Boy! My Dad really loves my Mom.I remember mom having dinner ready for dad as soon as he came home from work. When dad would walk in the door mom would always greet dad, walk with dad to the bathroom, and tell dad all about her day. Boy! My Mom really loves my Dad.I remember dad always working around the house painting this, repairing that, hanging those, planting all and dad always checking mom"s list even checking it twice making sure everything looks just nice. Boy! My Dad really loves my Mom.Now that I remember all of those loving moments it occurs to me how much my mom and dad still love each other as much today as they did 50 years ago. I see this love when I come home to visit, there"s my mom and dad sitting in different rooms next to each other playing on their computers back to back but knowing that each one is there if needed.Mom, Dad what a blessing the both of you have been to me. I have so much to be thankful for, but I would not have any of those blessings if it were not for the blessing of my Mom and Dad loving each other for 50 years.

run into another car

答案是D.本题考查动名词的用法;题干中avoid(避免)后面必须接动名词做宾语,故排除B和C;run into表示"撞到…",后面不缺宾语,不用被动,所以排除A,答案选D.

Another Sad Love Song (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Another Sad Love Song (Album Version)歌手:Euge Groove专辑:Euge GrooveBrandon Beal--Another Sad Love Songlyrics By Larry ChengLK 歌词组 Version 1.0ohh~~ yeahh~i"m sittin at my placein this empty spacesee you went away "i keep on calling"you just walk out of me just pack up your shoes and leavemy insecurities "i keep on calling"got me chasing youi have all you put me throughand still i play the fool "i keep on calling"and this can"t be righti"m goin" out of my mindjust give up my lifeohhyou told me you love mewhy did you leave me?and made me write another sad love songi trust you deeplyand look at you how you did to meis an another sad love songnever even apologizelook at how you qualifyyou"re just another sad love songeverything we"ve been throughthis is the endin" newsyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songbut you weren"t the lady you"re, you"re just another..you"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songi hope you have me nowi recall the daysyou was always loving my faceand now it"s not the casei can"t get over youyou ain"t change your gamemove on to bad thingswhat a damn shamei can"t get over youwhy are you not here with meholding metouching mekissing meloving mei can"t get over youoh,girl you were just a waste of my timewasting my lifebabe i i ...ohhh~~you told me you love mewhy did you leave me?and made me write another sad love songi trust you deeplyand look at you how you did to meis an another sad love songnever even apologizelook at how you qualifyyou"re just another sad love songeverything we"ve been throughthis is the endin" newsyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songbut you weren"t the lady you"re, you"re just another..you"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songi hope you have me nowsong ~~aye ~~song~~i hope you have me now~~Larry Cheng~~LK group~~ share with you~~find more in Muzique sky~~http://music.baidu.com/song/1419307

Another Sad Love Songs 歌词

歌曲名:Another Sad Love Songs歌手:Jessa Zaragosa专辑:Kahit Na Ilang UmagaBrandon Beal--Another Sad Love Songlyrics By Larry ChengLK 歌词组 Version 1.0ohh~~ yeahh~i"m sittin at my placein this empty spacesee you went away "i keep on calling"you just walk out of me just pack up your shoes and leavemy insecurities "i keep on calling"got me chasing youi have all you put me throughand still i play the fool "i keep on calling"and this can"t be righti"m goin" out of my mindjust give up my lifeohhyou told me you love mewhy did you leave me?and made me write another sad love songi trust you deeplyand look at you how you did to meis an another sad love songnever even apologizelook at how you qualifyyou"re just another sad love songeverything we"ve been throughthis is the endin" newsyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songbut you weren"t the lady you"re, you"re just another..you"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songi hope you have me nowi recall the daysyou was always loving my faceand now it"s not the casei can"t get over youyou ain"t change your gamemove on to bad thingswhat a damn shamei can"t get over youwhy are you not here with meholding metouching mekissing meloving mei can"t get over youoh,girl you were just a waste of my timewasting my lifebabe i i ...ohhh~~you told me you love mewhy did you leave me?and made me write another sad love songi trust you deeplyand look at you how you did to meis an another sad love songnever even apologizelook at how you qualifyyou"re just another sad love songeverything we"ve been throughthis is the endin" newsyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songbut you weren"t the lady you"re, you"re just another..you"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songyou"re just another sad love songi hope you have me nowsong ~~aye ~~song~~i hope you have me now~~Larry Cheng~~LK group~~ share with you~~find more in Muzique sky~~http://music.baidu.com/song/14981576



[-A48] My mother opened the drawer to ______ the knives and spoons.

put away放好;抛弃;储存 ...表示“收起来”的意思 我妈妈拉开抽屉把刀叉收好

other,others,another,the others,the other的区别和用法


more than,rather than和other than,or rather有什么区别


rather than 和 other than 的区别

other than 不同于,除了,与…不同;与…不同方式There"s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人.You can"t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去.rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家.other than 除了 rather than 而不是,代替Other than例子:Everyone here can go there other than you.除了你之外,这儿的每一个人都可以去那儿。rather than例子:1.Everyone here can go there rather than me.这儿的每一个人都可以代替我去那儿。2.Everyone here can go there rather than me other than you.除了你之外,这儿的每一个人都可以代替我去那儿。3.I can go there rather than you.我要去那儿,而不是你。

“rather than”和“other than”有什么区别?

rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家.sb/sth is more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是B,不如说是A”He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家.sb/sth is not more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是A,不如说是B”He is not more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位艺术家,不如说他是位哲学家.注意:这里的not more...than 与疑难短语(一)中所讲的不同,疑难短语(一)中所讲的not more...than所作比较的是主语和than后面的词语,而这里所讲的not more...than 所作比较的是than前和than后的词语,要注意区分.other than有两种意思:一是用来表示否定意义,即“不同于(= different from),非(= not)";二是用来表示排除意义,即“除了”,相当于except.例如:The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相和你们想的完全不一样.They are patriotic and support socialism,although many of them come from other than working class families.他们是爱国的,是拥护社会主义的,尽管他们当中有许多人并非出身于工人阶级家庭.She can hardly be other than grateful.她除了感激之外还能怎么样呢.He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan.除了日本之外,他访问了所有的亚洲国家.

Rather than与other than的区别是什么?

rather than 1.宁愿……(而不);不是……(而是) 2.句型前面的动词嘘后面动词的反义词,极端反意句型 3.而不,非 other than 1.除...之外;不同于;非 2.除…之外,除非 望楼主采纳!

the other rivers 和 any other rivers 两个选项搞不清楚

any other表示“其他任何一个...”后接单数。

We donu2019t see much of each other.


love you like no other 歌词 MzJ (ft.Sam) 2012一月新歌


we happy few we band of brothers什么意思

we happy few we band of brothers我们快乐的几个我们乐队的兄弟

we happy few.we band of brothers


Summer is hotter than any other seasons.

summer is the hottest season in a year.夏天是一年之中最热的一个季节,等于夏天比其他季节都热,希望对你有所帮助,谢谢

we see the future weliving for the other side 是哪首歌的歌词

是 capital kings 的 living for the other side"Living For The Other Side"(feat. Royal Tailor)Hit up the crew, then I lace up my Nike"sOur jam on the radio, just to start it off rightLet"s make this night incredibleSomethin" unforgettableWe"re gonna have a real good timePut in 60 hours this week, working overtimeSo there"s no way that I"m gonna stay in tonightOh no, we never stopCause we rock around the clockYeah, we"re gonna have a real good time[Royal Tailor & Capital Kings]Some say we"re kind of crazyI think I have to agreeBut that"s the only way I want to be-be-be-beEvery moment"s like a theme park rideThere"s no way we"ll let it pass us byDon"t ever sleep we"re like the stars in the skyWe see the future, we"re living for the other sideEvery second"s at the speed of soundThere"s not a chance that we"re about to slow downSome people say that we are out of our mindsWe know the future, we"re living for the other side([Capital Kings:] Royal TailorYeah, show "em whatcha got, Tauren)[Royal Tailor]We"ve only just begunYou ask if this is real?([Capital Kings:] This is real, this is real)We"re goin" hard, reachin" for tomorrowYou wanna know how it feels(Yeah, tell "em how it feels)[Capital Kings]It"s unbelievableCan"t stop us nowWell, we"ve lost controlTurn up the volume so it hits the soulYou know we"ve got that crazy flowPumpin" through your stereoCK and Royal TailorSeekin" our Creator[Royal Tailor & Capital Kings]Some say we"re kind of crazy (crazy)I think I have to agree (yeah, yeah)But that"s the only way I want to be (that"s the only way I want to be)Some say we"re kind of crazy (Kind of crazy)I think I have to agree (I"d have to agree)But that"s the only way I want to be (the only way I want to be)Every moment"s like a theme park rideThere"s no way we"ll let it pass us byDon"t ever sleep we"re like the stars in the skyWe see the future, we"re living for the other sideEvery second"s at the speed of soundThere"s not a chance that we"re about to slow downSome people say that we are out of our mindsWe know the future, we"re living for the other sideWe"re living for the other side[3x]

__is the mother of invention. This is remarkably truE.(Necessary)

【答案】:59.Necessity is the mother of invention. This is remarkably true. (Necessary) 名词

Some students say yes,and___say no. A.another B.the other C.others D.other


几道英语题16. — Which one is your mother? — ______one in a purple?

C C D C D C D B C A D C A B C,1,几道英语题 16. — Which one is your mother? — ______one in a purple skirt under the big tree. (2009阜康) A. A B. An C. The D. / 17. —Who is the best friend of ______ at school? —I think Helen is. We often help each other. (2009阜康) A. mine B. his C. yours D. hers 18. —You will fail the exam you don"t work hard. —OK, I"ll try my best. (2009阜康) A. and B. though C. but D. if 19. — Are we going to have the sports meeting this week? — No. It is _____ till next week because of the bad weather. (2009阜康) A. put away B. put on C. put off D. put up 20. —I"m a little tired. Let"s go to the zoo by taxi. —We take a taxi. It"s not far from here. (2009阜康) A. can"t B. mustn"t C. couldn"t D. needn"t 21. — What would you like to drink? —__________, please. (2009阜康) A. Rice B. Meat C. Water D. Bread 22. Miss Green didn"t tell us in 2002, but now she lives in our school. (2009阜康) A. where does she live B. where she lives C. where did she live D. where she lived 23. — A new baby came to the earth ______ a sunny winter morning. — How nice. (2009阜康) A. in B. on C. of D. at 24. —_______ will you have the meeting? —Tomorrow morning. (2009阜康) A. What B. Why C. When D. Where 25. —How ______ the medicine tastes! ---Yes. But the medicine will really work soon after you take it. (2009阜康) A. terrible B. delicious C. sweet D. nice 26. —Were you often late for school last term, Tom? —No, _______. I got to school early every day. (2009阜康) A. Always B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never 27. — It"s time for dinner. Where is your father, Emma? — He ______ his bike in the yard. (2009阜康) A. clean B. cleaned C. is cleaning D. will clean 28. —Hi, John. What are you going to do this Sunday? —_______. Do you have any ideas? (2009阜康) A. Nothing serious. B. Nothing much. C. No problem D. Thank you. 29. —Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon, Jack? — _ ,but I have a lot of work to do. (2009阜康) A. Yes, let"s go. B. I"d love to. C. No, I won"t. D. It doesn"t matter. 30. —What does the sign mean? —It means ________. (2009阜康) A. Plant trees. B. Be careful. C. Save water. D.Take care of the earth

求w-inds.的一首歌,其中有一句歌词是“在一成不变的生活里改变的只有心情”,应该是ANOTHER WORLD里的歌

「Cos Of You」作词∶Kiyohito Komatsu作曲∶Darren Martyn见え透いた嘘 骗されたふり时计を気にしてる Deep midnight张りつめた空気ごまかすように黒髪指で梳(と)かす仕草なぜこんなに すれ违ってもお互いを慰めて想いはもうずっと 远くにあるのに离れられないCos of you ただそれだけの Reason whyCos of you 刻まれた本能みたいにCos of you 理屈じゃない感情はいつだって逆らえない oh...君の嘘も言い訳も全部カタチを失くした饰りみたいにCos of you 君を満たすために必要な Piecesすべては Cos of youda...dada oh da...dada oh...babyふたりの生活(くらし)が辉いてたあの思い出はもう Deep inside君はいつも窓辺に置いた名もない花にさえ爱を そっと 与え 続けていただけど今はもう片隅で水を求め渇いてしまったまま过ぎゆくCos of you それがありのままでもCos of you 枯れて土に还(かえ)るとしてもCos of you 瞬(まばた)きほどの时でも确かに爱し合っていたんだ何も変わらぬ生活(くらし)の中で気持ちだけが迁(うつ)ろうことにCos of you 切なさに暮れる咲かない花はそれでも Cos of you知らぬ间に眠りについた君はどんな梦を见るの?その心にまだ仆は影を落としているの?Cos of you ただそれだけの Reason whyCos of you 刻まれた本能みたいにCos of you 理屈じゃない感情はいつだって逆らえない oh...君の嘘も言い訳も全部カタチを失くした饰りみたいにCos of you 君を満たすために必要な PiecesすべてはCos of you それがありのままでもCos of you 枯れて土に还(かえ)るとしてもCos of you 瞬(まばた)きほどの时でも确かに爱し合っていたんだ何も変わらぬ生活(くらし)の中で気持ちだけが迁(うつ)ろうことにCos of you 切なさに暮れる咲かない花はそれでも Cos of you-----------------------------------看穿的谎言 被骗的模样注意下时间 Deep midnight 如同欺骗这紧张的气氛的手指梳理黑发的动作为何如此 即便错过也互相安慰思恋明明已经远去却无法分析cos of you唯有这些Reason whycos of you如同深刻的本能般cos of you不可理喻的感情无论何时都无法抗拒你的谎言和接口也全部如同没有形状的装饰品cos of you为了满足你而必要的Pieces全部都cos of youda……dada oh da……dadaoh……baby两人的生活熠熠生辉那份回忆已经 deep indide连你一直放在窗边的无名的花也……静静的 将爱不断给予但是现在在角落渴望着水干枯着被置之不理Cos of you即便这是事实Cos of you即便干枯回归尘土Cos of you即便一瞬间也好,确实相爱过在一成不变的生活中只有心情渐渐改变Cos of you沉浸于悲伤不会绽放的花即便如此Cos of you不知不觉入睡的你,做了怎样的梦呢?在你心里,还会投下我的身影吗?cos of you唯有这些Reason whycos of you如同深刻的本能般cos of you不可理喻的感情无论何时都无法抗拒你的谎言和借口也全部如同没有形状的装饰品cos of you为了满足你而必要的Pieces全部都cos of youCos of you即便这是事实Cos of you即便干枯回归尘土Cos of you即便一瞬间也好,确实相爱过在一成不变的生活中只有心情渐渐改变Cos of you沉浸于悲伤不会绽放的花即便如此Cos of you

his brother is with him.为什么要用him

介词+宾语,但是than是连词,后边连接一个句子(句子成分常常可以省略.) His brother is taller than he.就是用than连接了he is tall,省略了is tall. His brother is taller than he. His brother is taller than he is. His brother is taller than he is tall.这都是formal的用法. His brother is taller than him.是口语中可以用到的informal的用法.

There were two brothers .They had different ways of life.

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F第5题应该是单词money吧

求解" other " " the other " "others" "the others"和"another"的区别

other 其他的 后面加名词 What other books do you have ?你有什么其他的书么?" the other " 另一个 通常跟One 连用 I have two books, one is an English book , the other is a math book. 指的是 两个事物之间的另外一个怎么样 "others" 等于 other 加 名词 What others do you have? 你有什么其他的书么?跟第一句一样"the others" 这个一般不怎么用到吧 貌似没有的"another 再来一个 I want another book.我想要另外一本书

求Mr.Big的《daddy brother lover little boy》的歌词中文翻译


Daddy Brother Lover Little Boy 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy Brother Lover Little Boy歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Greatest Hits Cd2Artist: Mr. BigAlbum: Lean Into ItTitle: Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy(The Electric Drill Song)(Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, Andr?Pessis, Pat Torpey, Eric Martin)If you"re a red hot fire crackerI will light your fuseIf you cry like a little girlI"ll dry your baby bluesWhen you need a man of actionI"m ready to make my moveLike a shogun shot, Johhny on the spotThere"s nothing I can"t doEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyWhen your body needs salvationI"ll be your tender touchI"ll take all the love you giveAnd give you twice as muchWhen we get undercoverAnd do the horizontal mileI"m in the mood to answer to your call of the wilEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needEverything you"re looking forAnything that you want and moreI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1695344

Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy [The Electric Drill Song] 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy [The Electric Drill Song]歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Big, Bigger, Biggest! The Best Of Mr. BigArtist: Mr. BigAlbum: Lean Into ItTitle: Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy(The Electric Drill Song)(Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, Andr?Pessis, Pat Torpey, Eric Martin)If you"re a red hot fire crackerI will light your fuseIf you cry like a little girlI"ll dry your baby bluesWhen you need a man of actionI"m ready to make my moveLike a shogun shot, Johhny on the spotThere"s nothing I can"t doEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyWhen your body needs salvationI"ll be your tender touchI"ll take all the love you giveAnd give you twice as muchWhen we get undercoverAnd do the horizontal mileI"m in the mood to answer to your call of the wilEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needEverything you"re looking forAnything that you want and moreI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8422049

分区助手上为什么那么多磁盘,带*的可以删除吗 文件系统FAT32跟Other的作用是什么?如图

1、FAT32那个是ESP分区,该分区在 Windows 操作系统下一般是不可见的。支持 EFI 模式的电脑需要从 ESP 启动系统,EFI 固件可从 ESP 加载 EFI 启动程序或者应用,这个不能删除。2、MSR分区是Microsoft 保留 (MSR) 分区。是每个 在GUID 分区表 (GPT) 上的 Windows操作系统(windows7以上)都要求的分区,这个也不能删除。3、WRE分区是恢复分区,存放WindowsRE预安装环境,用于修复或恢复系统,这个也不能删除。这些分区在系统中都是隐藏的,不要在意,如果删除了,系统就无法正常进入了。

Another Man Done Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Another Man Done Gone歌手:Odetta专辑:Livin With The BluesOdetta - Another Man Done Gone(Sings Ballads and Blues)Another man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.I didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameDidn"t know his nameHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHad a long chain onThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manKilled another manAnother man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.http://music.baidu.com/song/2699682

Another Man Done Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Another Man Done Gone歌手:Odetta专辑:Best Of The Vanguard YearsOdetta - Another Man Done Gone(Sings Ballads and Blues)Another man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.I didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameDidn"t know his nameHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHad a long chain onThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manKilled another manAnother man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.http://music.baidu.com/song/2709962

Another Man Done Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Another Man Done Gone歌手:Odetta专辑:At Town HallOdetta - Another Man Done Gone(Sings Ballads and Blues)Another man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.I didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameDidn"t know his nameHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHad a long chain onThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manKilled another manAnother man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.http://music.baidu.com/song/2699525

she takes after my mother是什么意思

take after继承,遗传 look like 长的像

英汉互译。 1. take after his mother?

1.与他妈妈很像 2. run out of 3.赠送;分发 4.类似 5.分发 6.张贴标志7. repair 8. e up with 9. turn out to be good 10. call up her clas *** ates,8,英汉互译。 1. take after his mother 2.用完 3. give away 4. be similar to 5. hand out _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 6. put up some signs 7.修补;修理 8.想出;想到 9.结果很好 10..给她的同学打电话 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

We should be loyal to the party, loyal to the people and loyal to the motherland一句中,后

we should be loyal to the party, loyal to the people and loyal to the motherland_有道翻译翻译结果:我们应该忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国we should be loyal to the party, loyal to the people and loyal to the motherland_有道翻译翻译结果:我们应该忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国
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