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文件菜单--自动--photomerge.. 即可

photoshop 破解版





向Talk-Mania网站致敬。一年前,在该网站上看过许多不错的网页设计教程。一年后,再回头想看看有没有什么新的教程的时候,蓦然发现该网站已经打不开了。也许是关闭了,也许是改了网站名了。幸好,去年本人还是下载保存了几个教程,本教程就是其中之一。也希望能看到更多的PS网页设计教程的网站,以及更多优秀的设计。 约定:1、本文的软件是Photoshop CS5版本2、原教程的截图是英文的,本人在重新制作的基础上,重新截了中文版的图3、原文中有些操作没有给出参数。本人在反复测试的情况下测定了一些参数,以红色的文字显示。有些错误的参数,直接以红色文字显示正确的参数例如:(90,22,231,77),表示矩形的左上角的坐标是(90,22),宽231,高77例如:(90,22),表示矩形的左上角的坐标是(90,22),矩形的其他两个参数教程里已经指定In this tutorial I will show you how to create a professional blog web layout in Photoshop.在本教程里,我将展示如何在Photoshop中创建一个专业博客网站布局。We will use the 960 Grid System to create the web layout. Download the archive file from the site, unzip it and open the "960_grid_12_col 2.psd" file from the "photoshop" folder.我将用960 Grid System创建网站布局,从站点上下载该文件,解压后从photoshop文件夹打开960_grid_12_col 2.psd。由于Talk-Mania网站已经无法访问,再加上该PSD实际上是一个定位辅助文件,故本译文就没有用该文件。Step 1 Increase the size of your document by going to Image > Canvas Size. Use the settings from the following image. Then select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill the background with the color #f6f0e2.步骤1从菜单:图像 > 画布大小,在增加你的文档的大小。使用如下的图中的配置,然后选择油漆桶工具,给文档添加背景颜色: #f6f0e2由于没有打开PSD,因此本步骤就变成新建一个文档,尺寸:1200*1500px。用油漆桶工具给文档添加背景颜色: #f6f0e2结果如下:Step 2 Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a white rectangle with the width 940px from the top of your document to the bottom. Leave a distance of 30px from the bottom edge of your document. Name this layer "content bg", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and add a 1px stroke using the color #ded6c4.步骤2在你的文档,用矩形工具从顶部到底部创建一个宽940px的白色矩形(130,0,940,1470),距离底边20px。命名该图层为content bg,双击该图层打开图层样式对话框,对该矩形添加一个描边的样式,宽度1px,颜色: #ded6c4Step 3 - Creating the header Click on the "Create a new group" button from the bottom of the Layers panel to create a new group and name it "header". Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the height 10px at the top of your document using the color #aa915c. Name this layer "top bar".步骤3-创建头部在图层面板的底部单击‘创建新组"按钮,创建一个新组,命名为header。用矩形工具在文档的顶部创建10px高的矩形(0,0,1200,10),颜色: #aa915c,命名为top bar。Step 4 Select the Line Tool (U), set the weight to 1px and create a horizontal line at the bottom of the rectangle you created at the previous step using the color #968051. Name this layer "1px line". Hit Ctrl/Cmd + J to duplicate this layer. Change the color of the new line to #c3a76a. Then select the Move Tool (V) and hit the up arrow once to move this layer one pixel up.步骤4用直线工具在刚才创建的矩形的底部画一条宽度1px的水平直线,颜色: #968051。命名为1px lineCtrl+J复制该图层,对新的直线更改颜色为 #c3a76a。然后选中移动工具,按上方向键一次,使得该直线上移一个像素。Step 5 Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the height 100px and the color #e8c271 underneath the first rectangle. Name this layer "header bg".在上面的矩形的下面,用矩形工具创建一个高100px的矩形,颜色: #e8c271。命名为header bgStep 6 Ctrl/Cmd-click on the vector mask of the "header bg" layer to select it. Then go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient. The selection that you made has now been transformed into a mask and the gradient will be visible only over the header. Use the settings from the following image for the Gradient Fill layer and move the gradient in the left side of the header (to move the gradient, click on the image and drag the cursor white the Gradient Fill window is opened). Set the blend mode of this layer to Overlay 20%.步骤6Ctrl+click单击header bg图层去选中它。然后点击,图层 > 新建填充图层 > 渐变。选择的区域就像转换成了一个蒙板,这样线性渐变只能在头部区域可见。渐变填充的参数参考下面的图像,然后移动渐变图层到头部区域的左边(移动渐变图层的时候,单击该图层,拖动的时候要注意出现白色的光标),设置图层的不透明度20%Step 7 Select the Line Tool (U) and create two lines with the weight 1px at the bottom of the header. Use the color #f4d48f for the first line and #c6a661 for the second one.步骤7用直线工具在头部区域的底部创建2条宽度1px的水平直线。第一条直线的颜色: #f4d48f;第二条直线的颜色: #c6a661Step 8 Select the Type Tool (T) and write the name of your web layout in the left side of the header using the color #f6eedd and the font Myriad Pro Bold Italic. Activate the guides to help you position this text layer correctly. Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. I used the color #8e7849 for Drop Shadow.步骤8在你的网站布局的头部区域的左边用文字工具书写你网站的名字,颜色: #f6eedd,字体:Myriad Pro,粗斜体激活你的辅助线,帮助你正确定位你的文字图层。双击你的文字图层,打开图层样式对话框,然后按照下图设置参数,投影的颜色设置为 #8e7849Step 9 - Creating the navigation bar Create a new group and name it "navigation". Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 550px by 50px and the color #e9d09b. Name this layer "navbar" and use the Move Tool (V) to move it in the right side of your layout at 10px underneath the header. I used the color #cdbd9b for Drop Shadow.步骤9 - 创建导航栏创建一个新组,命名为navigation。用圆角矩形工具创建一个圆角矩形(500,70),尺寸:550px*50px,颜色: #e9d09b,命名为navbar,用移动工具移到文档的右侧,下边沿在头部区域的下方10px。如图添加样式,投影的颜色: #cdbd9bStep 10 Select the Type Tool (T) and write the name for your navigation menu items using the color #fffcf4. Add a shadow to your text layers using the settings from the following image.步骤10用文字工具添加导航栏的菜单,颜色: #fffcf4。对文字添加投影,设置如下图所示:Step 11 - Creating the featured area Create a new group and name it "featured". Then select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the dimensions 900px by 280px and the color #d9cdb2. Name this layer "featured bg" and move it at a distance of 30px from the bottom edge of the header.步骤11 - 创建特色区域创建新组,命名为featured。然后用圆角矩形工具创建一个圆角矩形(150,140),尺寸:900px*280px,颜色: #d9cdb2。命名此图层为featured bg,移动到距头部区域底边30px的位置。Step 12 Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle inside the big rounded rectangle with the dimensions 600px by 260px and the color #f9f5ed. Activate the guides to help you create this shape. Then name this layer "image holder". Open an image in Photoshop and move it into your web layout document using the Move Tool (V). Name this layer "image" and put this image over the "image holder" layer. Right-click on the "image" layer and select Create Clipping Mask.步骤12用矩形工具在刚才的大圆角矩形中创建一个矩形(160,150),尺寸:600px*260px,颜色: #f9f5ed激活辅助线以帮助你创建刚才的矩形,命名此图层为image holder在PS中打开一个图片,用移动工具移动到你的网页布局上。命名此图层为image,并且移动此图层到图层image holder的上方。在image图层上右键鼠标并选择创建剪贴蒙板Step 13 Now we will create two arrows for the featured area. Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and create a small rounded rectangle with the color #d9cdb2. Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For the Stroke I used the color #aaa18c. Name this layer "rounded rectangle".步骤13现在我们要在特色区域创建2个箭头。选择圆角矩形工具创建一个小的圆角矩形工具(710,260,60,40),颜色: #d9cdb2。双击此图层,打开图层样式窗口按下图设置参数,描边的颜色: #aaa18c。命名此图层rounded rectangleStep 14 Select the Custom Shape Tool (U) and create an arrow shape inside the rounded rectangle using the color #e8e0c8. Duplicate this arrow and move the new one to the left. Select the "rounded rectangle" layer and the two arrow layers and hit Ctrl/Cmd + G to put them inside a group. Name the group "right arrow".步骤14选择自定形状工具创建一个箭头形状在刚才的圆角矩形中,颜色: #e8e0c8。复制该箭头并移动到左边一点选择rounded rectangle图层和两个箭头图层,Ctrl+G把他们归并到一个组。命名该组为right arrow。Step 15 Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to select the right side of the small rounded rectangle. Make sure that the "right arrow" group is selected, then go to Layer > Layer Mask > Hide Selection.步骤15用矩形选择工具选择小的圆角矩形的右边。确保right arrow组被选中,然后点击菜单:图层 > 图层蒙版 > 隐藏选区Step 16 Right-click on the "right arrow" layer and select Convert to Smart Object. Duplicate this layer (Ctrl/Cmd + J). Then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal. Name the new layer "left arrow" and move it in the left side of the featured area.步骤16鼠标右键right arrow图层,选择转换为智能对象。复制该图层(Ctrl+J)。然后点击菜单:编辑 > 变换 > 水平翻转。命名新图层为left arrow并移动到特色区域的左边Step 17 Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the size 280px by 260px and the color #f4ecd8. Put the rectangle next to the featured image and name this layer "text bg". Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style and add a 1px stroke using the color #f8f4ea.步骤17用矩形工具创建一个矩形(760,150),尺寸:280px*260px,颜色: #f4ecd8。矩形紧贴到特色区域的图片的右边,命名为text bg。双击该图层打开图层样式,添加1px的描边,描边颜色: #f8f4eaStep 18 Ctrl/Cmd-click on the vector mask of the "text bg" layer to select the rectangle. Then go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient and use the settings from the following image. I used a #362D1A-to-transparent gradient. While the Gradient Fill window is opened, click on the image and move the gradient in the left side of the rectangle. Then set the opacity of this layer to 10%.步骤18Ctrl+click点击text bg图层去选择矩形。然后点击菜单:图层 > 新建填充图层 > 渐变,然后按照下图设置参数。在线性渐变中,设置颜色为#362D1A到透明,当渐变填充窗口打开的时候,单击渐变移动到矩形的左边。然后设置不透明度为10%。Step 19 Create two vertical lines in the left side of the rectangle. Use the color #c7bca0 for the first line and #fffdf7 for the second one.步骤19创建两条竖直的直线在矩形的左边,第一条直线的颜色: #c7bca0,第二条直线的颜色: #fffdf7Step 20 Select the Type Tool (T) and add some text for the featured area using the color #6e6758 and the font Helvetica.步骤20在特色区域用文字工具添加一些文字,颜色: #6e6758,字体:Helvetica(本译文用Verdana字体代替)Step 21 Select the Line Tool (U) and create a horizontal line underneath the featured area using the color #e7e1d5.步骤21用直线工具创建一条水平线(150,445,900,1)在特色区域的下方,颜色:# e7e1d5Step 22 - Creating the content area Create a new group and name it "content". Then select the Rectangle Tool (U), hold down the Shift key and create a square with the size 200px by 200px and the color #d9cdb2. Name this layer "image holder", double-click on it and use the settings






那你就卸载拉重装吧 那是文件有问题拉




Love is always new. It never becomes old because it is non-accumulative, non-hoarding.爱始终是新的,它永远不会变老,因为它从不累积,从不储存。It knows no past; it is always fresh, as fresh as the dewdrops. It lives moment to moment, it is atomic. It has no continuity, it knows no tradition. Each moment it dies and each moment it is born again. It is like breath: you breathe in, you breathe out; again you breathe in and you breathe out. You don"t hoard it inside.它不知道过去,它始终是新鲜的,和露珠一样新鲜。它一个片刻接着一个片刻的活着,它犹如原子。它没有连续,它不知道任何传统。它在每一刻死去,它又在每一刻重生。它就像呼吸:你吸气,你呼气;你再次吸气,你再次呼气。你不会憋住呼吸。If you hoard the breath you will die because it will become stale, it will become dead. It will lose that vitality, the quality of life. So is the case with love – it is breathing; each moment it renews itself. So whenever one gets stuck in love and stops breathing, life loses all significance. And that"s what is happening to people: the mind is so dominant that it even influences the heart and makes even the heart possessive! The heart knows no possessiveness but the mind contaminates it, poisons it.憋住呼吸的话你会死,因为它会腐败,它会变成死气。它会失去活力,生命的品质。所以爱也是这样——爱是呼吸,每一刻它都在更新自己。所以每当一个人卡在爱里、停止了呼吸,生命就会意义尽失。这就是发生在人们身上的:头脑是如此主导,以至于它甚至影响了心,甚至让心都有占有欲!心不知道占有,但头脑污染了它,毒害了它。So remember that: be in love with existence! And let love be like breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, but let it be love coming in, going out. By and by with each breath you have to create that magic of love. 所以记住这个:与存在相爱!让爱像呼吸一样。吸气,呼气,让它是爱在进来,爱在出去。渐渐的随着每一次呼吸,你必须创造出爱的魔法。Make it a meditation: when you breathe out, just feel that you are pouring your love into existence; when you breathe in, existence is pouring its love into you. 把它变成一个静心:当你呼气时,感觉你正把你的爱倾倒进存在;当你吸气时,存在把它的爱倾倒进你里面。And soon you will see that the quality of your breath is changing, then it starts becoming something totally different to what you have ever known before. That"s why in India we call it ‘prana", life, not just breathing, it is not just oxygen. Something else is there, the very life itself. 很快你就会看到你的呼吸品质正在改变, 然后它开始变成跟你之前所知道的完全不同的东西。那就是为什么在印度我们称之为“prana”,生命,不只是呼吸,它不只是氧气。还有些别的东西在——生命本身。




托 西 吧 。






pica 这个单位来自历史传统,早年活字印刷时代老外给不同点数的铅字都起了昵称,12 点活字的小名叫“pica”。因为 12 点活字是一般书刊内文的默认标准字号,因此 pica 也就约定成俗成了通用尺寸单位。派卡(12 点 = 1 派卡,6 派卡 = 1 英寸)pc绝对长度单位。派卡(Pica)。相当于我国新四号铅字的尺寸。1in = 2.54cm = 25.4 mm = 72pt = 6pc


派卡pica 这个单位来自历史传统,早年活字印刷时代老外给不同点数的铅字都起了昵称,12 点活字的小名叫“pica”。因为 12 点活字是一般书刊内文的默认标准字号,因此 pica 也就约定成俗成了通用尺寸单位。派卡(12 点 = 1 派卡,6 派卡 = 1 英寸)pc绝对长度单位。派卡(Pica)。相当于我国新四号铅字的尺寸。1in = 2.54cm = 25.4 mm = 72pt = 6pc


简单粗暴地介绍下ACGIH、NIOSH、AIHA、OSHA等概念。 =American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 美国政府工业卫生学家会议 限值名称:TLVs(Threshold limit value) =National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 美国职业安全与卫生研究所 限值名称:Rels(Recommended exposure limit) =American Industrial Hygiene Association 美国工业卫生协会 限值名称:WEELs(Workplace Environmental Exposure Level) =Occupational Safety and Health Administration 职业安全与卫生条例管理局 限值名称:Pels(Permissable exposure limit) legally new chemical exposure limit MAK OEL(Occupational exposure limit)

joshturner的lay low中文歌词什么意思





macoshighsierra是一套运行于苹果Macintosh系列电脑上的操作系统。Mac OS是首个在商用领域成功的图形用户界面操作系统。2017年6月6日凌晨1点,苹果在WWDC开发者大会上发布了新macOS系统,取名High Sierra。2016年的系统以风景名胜Sierra命名,2017年的新名字来自于Sierra景区中最高的山峰。新macOS系统中,原生浏览器Safari在性能和安全性上都有较大提升。Safari 新增了 Intelligent Tracking Prevention (智能跟踪预防)功能,能够自动识别有音视频的网页并阻止其自动播放,还能通过机器学习帮助用户屏蔽广告。


你好 TO 是东的意思SHIO是乡的意思应该是东乡

photoshop :shape 是什么意思?


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