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ldap organizationalunit 有哪些属性

14.4 管理OpenLDAP启动OpenLDAP服务器程序之后,接下来的操作就是通过客户端程序对目录进行操作,包括添加、修改、删除和搜索数据等操作。能对LDAP进行操作的客户端程序很多,本节简单介绍在Linux命令方式下进行这些操作的方法。14.4.1 向目录数据库中添加数据初始状态下,LDAP是一个空目录,即没有任何数据。可通过程序代码向目录数据库中添加数据,也可使用OpenLDAP客户端工具ldapadd命令来完成添加数据的操作,该命令可将一个LDIF文件中的条目添加到目录。因此,需要首先创建一个LDIF文件,然后再进行添加操作。1.LDIF文本条目格式LDIF用文本格式表示目录数据库的信息,以方便用户创建、阅读和修改。在LDIF文件中,一个条目的基本格式如下:# 注释dn: 条目名属性描述: 值属性描述: 值属性描述: 值... ...dn行类似于关系数据库中一条记录的关键字,不能与其他dn重复。一个LDIF文件中可以包含多个条目,每个条目之间用一个空行分隔。例如,以下内容组成一个条目:1: dn: dc=wyh, dc=com2: objectclass: top3: objectclass: dcobject4: objectclass: organization5: dc: wyh6: o: wyh,Inc.在以上文本中,各行含义如下: ● 第1行的dn定义该条目的标识。 ● 第2~4行定义该条目的objectcCass,可以定义多个属性,如上面代码中定义了3个objectClass。条目的属性根据objectClass的不同而不同,有的objectClass有必须设置的属性。在2~4行的3个objectClass中,top没有必须定义的属性,dcobject必须定义属性dc,用来表示一个域名的部分,而organization必须定义属性o,用来表示一个组织的名称。 ● 根据objectClass的要求,第5、6行分别定义属性dc和属性o的值。2.了解objectClassLDAP中,一个条目必须包含一个objectClass属性,且需要赋予至少一个值。每一个值将用作一条LDAP条目进行数据存储的模板;模板中包含了一个条目必须被赋值的属性和可选的属性。objectClass有着严格的等级之分,最顶层是top和alias。例如,organizationalPerson这个objectClass就隶属于person,而person又隶属于top。objectClass可分为以下3类: ● 结构型(Structural):如person和organizationUnit; ● 辅助型(Auxiliary):如extensibeObject; ● 抽象型(Abstract):如top,抽象型的objectClass不能直接使用。在OpenLDAP的schema中定义了很多objectClass,下面列出部分常用的objectClass的名称。 ● account ● alias ● dcobject ● domain ● ipHost ● organization ● organizationalRole ● organizationalUnit ● person ● organizationalPerson ● inetOrgPerson ● residentialPerson ● posixAccount ● posixGroup3.了解Attribute属性(Attribute)类似于程序设计中的变量,可以被赋值。在OpenLDAP中声明了许多常用的Attribute(用户也可自己定义Attribute)。常见的Attribute含义如下:1 c:国家。 ● cn:common name,指一个对象的名字。如果指人,需要使用其全名。 ● dc:domain Component,常用来指一个域名的一部分。 ● givenName:指一个人的名字,不能用来指姓。 ● l:指一个地名,如一个城市或者其他地理区域的名字。 ● mail:电子信箱地址。 ● o:organizationName,指一个组织的名字。 ● ou:organizationalUnitName,指一个组织单元的名字。 ● sn:surname,指一个人的姓。 ● telephoneNumber:电话号码,应该带有所在的国家的代码。 ● uid:userid,通常指某个用户的登录名,与Linux系统中用户的uid不同。提示:objectClass是一种特殊的Attribute,它包含其他用到的Attribute以及其自身。对于不同的objectClass,通常具有一些必设属性值和一些可选属性值。例如,可使用person这个objectClass来表示系统中一个用户的条目,对于系统中用户通常需要有这样一些信息:姓名、电话、密码、描述等。如图14-6所示,对于person,通过cn和sn设置用户的名和姓,这是必须设置的,而其他属性则是可选的。

Positive Organizational Behavior POB是什么意思

Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) is defined as "the study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement in today"s workplace" 。Positive Organizational Behavior 积极组织行为

我在填表,organizational unit 以及 organizational name 是什么意思


organizational; parliamentary; technological 这英语用谐音怎么读?



organisational(英)= organizational(美).

organizational resources是什么意思

organizational resources组织资源很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

organizational unit是什么意思


organizational pattern是什么意思

应该是指文章组织架构方式,具体有8种claasification, definition, cause and effect, comparision and contrast, process analysis, exemplification, time sequence, space relationship.




organizationaladj. 组织的;编制的短语organizational learning 组织学习 ; 组织内学习 ; 组织的学习 ; 组织性学习organizational development 组织发展 ; 组织发展与管理 ; 组织开发 ; 组织变革与再造organizational purchasing 组织采购 ; 组织采购organizational customer 组织顾客Organizational Planning 组织规划 ; 组织策划 ; 组织计划编制 ; 组织计划eg.I am pretty independent and have organizational skills.我非常独立,有组织能力。He behaves in ways which tend to defeat organizational objectives.他就会用一种有损于组织目标的方式来行事。

organizational effectiveness是什么意思


什么是组织机制?或者说什么是Organizational mechanisms?


organizational unit是什么意思

organizational unit企业中各管理部门;组织单位[网络短语]organizational unit 组织单位,组织单元,控制器组织单元organizational unit objects 单元对象,例如机构双元对象,例如机构单位对象protection of organizational unit 单位防护

organizational practice是什么意思

organizational practice组织实践双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 组织实务


  organizational  [英][u02ccu0254:ɡu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283u0259nl][美][u02ccu0254:ɡu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283u0259nl]  adj.组织的; 编制的;  例句:  1.Evelyn"s excellent organisational skills were soon spotted by her employers.  伊夫琳出色的组织能力很快就被老板发现。  2.The police now recognise that big organisational changes are needed.  警方现在意识到需要进行大幅度的机构调整。  3.This problem needs to be dealt with at an organizational level.  这个问题需要在机构层面上解决。


organizational英 [u02ccu0254:ɡu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283u0259nl]美 [u02ccu0254:ɡu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283u0259nl]adj.组织的; 编制的1. This problem needs to be dealt with at an organizational level.这个问题需要在机构层面上解决。2. There was no strong organizational base on which to build.缺乏一个坚实的组织基础。3. All these preliminary organizational tasks were normal to such enterprises.对如此伟业,所有的初步组织工作,均属正规.4. He behaves in ways which tend to defeat organizational objectives.他就会用一种有损于组织目标的方式来行事.



什么是"organizational skills"?

Organizational skills can and do help you to cope with the world around you. They provide structure, they create a semblance of order and they reduce daily stress levels. How? Well, there is SO MUCH in the world today, so much to do, so much to read, so much to know, so much to learn, so much to choose from, so many places to go, so many routes to get there-SO MUCH! Without anizational skills to help us cope with the sensory overload, with the "so much" we"re exposed to constantly, we"d be overwhelmed and paralyzed by an endless stream of information to process and decisions to make. Don"t believe me? Probably because you take this area of anizational skills for granted. Think about it. What if you didn"t anize each day? You wouldn"t wake up at a consistent time each morning. You may not get dressed. You might not make it to work. You"d never have groceries in the house. You wouldn"t get the laundry done. You may not pay your bills. You probably wouldn"t acplish anything. You"d spend your days thinking about all the things you COULD do but you"d probably never get around to doing them. This area of anization involves making a decision about what to do and figuring out when to do it. The anizational skills you apply toward planning each day insure that you are at least somewhat productive and that you acplish what you must. They direct the demands on your attention and give you some sense of control. Organizational Skills are also at work when you have large or time-consuming projects you must acplish. Thinking about them in their entirety can be overwhelming and discouraging. But by breaking these projects down into *** aller more manageable pieces (i.e. anizing them) they don"t seem to be as difficult to achieve. For example, I am in the process of building a web site. The thought of building a whole site is very intimidating and, I must admit, it stopped me dead in my tracks for a while. But I finally took the task apart piece by piece and anized it. As a result I have registered a domain name, found a web host, built the shell of the site, and opened a merchant account. As a whole, the project was overwhelming. Individually, the tasks involved were *** all and acplishable. Suddenly, I wasn"t tackling the whole all at once. I was tackling pieces. It felt better. And so it was. Finally, yes, anizational skills are about having "a place for everything and everything is in its place". When this has been mastered you don"t waste countless hours trying to find your most recent bank statement or last year"s tax return. You know exactly where they are because they are in their proper place. Conversely, when a bank statement arrives in the mail or when the tax return has been pleted you know where to put them away immediately. This action prevents them from lying around, only to be moved over and over again, whenever they get in the way. Remember, the less you touch something, the more time you save. It is true that perhaps the time saved may mean only seconds here and seconds there. But throughout the course of a day or a week those seconds add up to minutes and hours. ,参考: divorcekit/skills,组织或安排能力,

organizational skills是什么意思

organizational skills组织能力网络释义1. 组织能力例句:1.Last night"s results demonstrate how far you can get in politics on determination,organizational skills, and fundraising. 昨天晚上的选举结果证明:一个人的决策能力、组织能力和集资能力决定他能在仕途上走多远。2.If you develop your organizational skills, you get noticed! 如果你能提升你的组织技能,恭喜,你已经受到关注了!

organizational identification是什么意思

organizational identification 组织认同;组织认同感;组织识别  组织认同感:是员工对其组织的认同程度,包括三个部分:对组织目标和价值观的信任和接受;愿意为组织的利益出力;渴望保持组织成员资格。  组织认同感(Organizational identification )强调的是组织成员在 组织中的感受。例句筛选1.But regression analysis shows that individual organizational identification caneffectively predict the level of their well-being .回归分析表明,个体的组织认同可以有效预测其幸福感水平。2.Organizational identification mediated the relationship between perception oforganizational politics and job involvement.组织政治知觉通过组织认同的中介对工作投入有间接的消极影响;

organizational dimensions 什么意思?



1. ADJ 组织的;安排的;筹备的 Organizational abilities and methods relate to the way that work, activities, or events are planned and arranged. Evelyn"s excellent organisational skills were soon spotted by her employers... 伊夫琳出色的组织能力很快就被老板发现。Because we took the whole class for a complete afternoon session, organisational problems were minimal. 我们带着全班上了整整一个下午的课,所以课堂安排上基本没什么问题。2. ADJ (组织或机构)结构的 Organizational means relating to the structure of an organization. The police now recognise that big organisational changes are needed. 警方现在意识到需要进行大幅度的机构调整。...the organizational structure of British trade unions. 英国工会的组织结构3. ADJ 有关组织(或机构)的 Organizational means relating to organizations, rather than individuals. This problem needs to be dealt with at an organizational level... 这个问题需要在机构层面上解决。There was no strong organizational base on which to build. 缺乏一个坚实的组织基础。

英文解释organizational structure
