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The story is organic to the story .这里的to 可以换成of吗?

organic 英 [?:?g?n?k] 美 [?:r?g?n?k] adj.有机(体)的; 有组织的,系统的; 器官的; 根本的 1. Today"s organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern. 现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业. 来自柯林斯例句 2. Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides. 有机食品是未使用人工化学制剂和杀虫剂的纯净食品。来自柯林斯例句

organic foods可数吗

是 is,不过应该是Organic food is the best choice.吧 best 是最高级,"选择"的话最好是用choice.



Is organic food(有机食品) healthier?

Organic food is no healthier,but We Chinese have to depend on it!. Organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over ordinary food, according to a major study published resently.Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said consumers were paying higher prices for organic food because of its perceived health benefits, creating a global organic market worth an estimated $48 billion in 2007.A systematic review of 162 scientific papers published in the scientific literature over the last 50 years, however, found there was no significant difference."A small number of differences in nutrient content were found to exist between organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs, but these are unlikely to be of any public health relevance," said Alan Dangour, one of the report"s authors."Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority." But things are somehow different within China. A series of food safety scandals emerged in China recently. In one of the latest cases, steamed buns in Shanghai were reported, last week, to have been dyed, sold past their expiration date, or laced with coloring additives to mislead consumers. so for most chinese consummers,choosing organic food maybe the better way to safeguard their health. 1、什么是有机食品?2、有机食品从营养角度来说,并不更健康,但是从生产加工过程来看,更安全。3、在国外,食品安全管理到位,有机食品和普通食品都是安全的,因而,有机成为商家的一个卖点,说白了,就是噱头。4、中国情况不一样,道德缺失是不屑一争的事实。相对于普通食品而言,有机食品多一道管理要求,或许更安全一些,所以,建议选用有机食品。

organic food有机食品

Organic food is natural (天然的). There is no additives (添加剂), no pesticide (刹剂) or fertilizer (化肥). It"s safer to eat. And it"s good for our health.It also tastes (口感) good.It"s more nutritious (有营养的).足够你写了这是我查到的一篇有关有机食品优点的文章,里面列举了十大好处,如果你英语还不能自己完全看懂,我帮你总结一下:1. Hormone Free 不含荷尔蒙(无激素)2. Pesticide/Herbicide Free 无杀虫和除草剂,即无化学成份(这个我在前面提到了)3. Antibiotic Free无抗生素4. Higher Nutrient Levels 营养更丰富(这个我在前面提到了)5. Prenatal Benefits 这个是指对养育子女的好处,即对孕妇无害,不会影响下一代6. Organic food Tastes Better 口感好(这个我在前面提到了)7. No artificial colorings 无人造色素8. Promotes a healthier water table 可以提供更健康的地下水位9. Higher levels of antioxidants 含有更多的抗衰老物质10. Supports the local economy 支持地方经济的发展(不用从外地长途运输)对环境好,这个更重要protects the environment10.

organic food和natural food的区别

标注为有机(organic)和天然(natural)的食品(food),都意味着它们不含任何人造化学物质。但标注为有机的食品(organic food),还表示它产自更加严格和经过控制的环境下。天然食品(natural food)通常指自然产生和不含化学品的食品,但没有明确的“天然食品”或“纯天然食品”认证。而各国有机认证机构给有机食品(organic food)提供了明确的定义和详细标准,只有符合标准的食品才可以使用有机(organic)标签。

St. Georgeu2019s Day

St George"s Day When is St George"s Day? St. George"s Day is on April 23rd, so, in a sense, this is England"s national day. St George"s EmblemThe Flag of England A symbol of England Who was St George?St. George is the patron saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England, and part of the British flag. St George"s emblem was adopted by Richard The Lion Heart and brought to England in the 12th century. The king"s soldiers wore it on their tunics to avoid confusion in battle.Like England, every country in the UK has its own patron saint who in times of great peril is called upon to help save the country from its enemies. Who was the real St George and what did he do to become England"s patron saint?St George was a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans" torture of Christians and died for his beliefs. The popularity of St George in England stems from the time of the early Crusades when it is said that the Normans saw him in a vision and were victorious.Find out more... Dragon-Slaying Patron Saint of EnglandOne of the best-known stories about Saint George is his fight with a dragon. But it is highly unlikely that he ever fought a dragon, and even more unlikely that he ever actually visited England. Despite this, St George is known throughout the world as the dragon-slaying patron saint of England.Find out more..... St George is always depicted as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross (or a banner with a red cross), generally sitting upon a horse and always killing a dragon.Pictures of St St. George St George, Patron Saint of ScoutingOn the Sunday nearest to April 23rd, scouts and guides throughout Britain parade through high streets and attend a special St George"s Day service at their local church.How does England celebrate St George"s Day?By tradition, April 23rd is the day for a red rose in the button hole, the national flower. However, unlike other countries, England does not celebrate it like Americans celebrate 4 July with fireworks. In fact, you are more likely to see big St Patrick parades in England celebrating Ireland"s National Day, more than you would see any sign of St Georges Day being celebrated. This was certainly true in Manchester in 2003, when St George"s Day was virtually ignored soon after the biggest St Patrick"s Day Celebrations in the city"s history.For most people in England St George"s Day is just another ordinary day.Interesting FactsDespite the fact that St. George has been the patron saint of England since the 14th century, only one in five people know that St. George"s Day falls on April 23rd. More than a quarter of people living in England do not even know who their patron saint is! Shakespeare was born on April 23rd, 1564 and he died on the same day in 1616. Mummers PlaysSt. George frequently appears in Mummers" Plays during Easter and Christmas celebrations. Mummers" Plays have been performed in Britain for hundreds of years. They are folk dramas based on the legend of St. George and the Seven Champions of Christendom. 简单来说 就是英国国庆日

forget to do sth和fail to do sth 的区别 当fail 也意为忘记,时

forget to do sth主要表示客观上忘记做某事,是非刻意的. 因为fail to 有:不能;未能;没能做成;失败这几种意思,所以从感觉上说,它的语气更重,有略带后悔之意.


Unforgiven-SweetboxI Keep hittin my head on the wall 我一直用头撞墙Cryin out but who hears my call 大哭又却没人听到Walkin on the edge but don"t fall 走在边缘 却没有坠落I just wanna loose my sense of self control 我只想要削弱掉我的自控力Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找着制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正在慢慢死去吗I"m about to loose all control of this 我正是去所有控制Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快 Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找着制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正在慢慢死去吗I"m about to loose 我正要失去Unforgiven... 不可原谅Can put these voices to sleep 能让所有声音安息吗I need to have more room to breath 我需要更多空间呼吸Put my paranoia at ease 让昂我的偏执不受到拘束Oh I just wanna loose my sense of self control 我只想要削弱掉我的自控力Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快 Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找着制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正在慢慢死去吗I"m about to loose all control of this 我将要失去对此的所有控制Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正要死去吗I"m about to loose 我就要失去Unforgiven... (Music) Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正要死去吗I"m about to loose all control of this 我将要失去对此的所有控制Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找着制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正要死去吗I"m about to loose 我就要失去Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正要死去吗I"m about to loose all control of this 我将要失去对此的所有控制Input output overload too quick 投入 产出 超载 太快Lookin for and searchin for climax to this 寻找制高点Screamin cryin am I slowly dyin 尖叫 哭泣 我正要死去吗?I"m about to loose 我就要失去Unforgiven... 不可饶恕













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