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英语语法:times, directions, orders,为什么加S,为什么 information不加?


OEM/ODM orders在外贸中翻译成什么

OEM是Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始设备制造商的缩写,即由委托方设计或制定规格,由被委托方生产的产品;而ODM则是Original Design Manufacturer,原始设计制造商的缩写,是由某制造商设计,被另一厂商买去以自己的名义出售的产品,也就是俗称的贴牌。OEM和ODM的主要区别就在于前者是由委托方提出产品设计方案——不管整体设计是由谁完成的——且被委托方不得为第三方提供采用该设计的产品;而后者从设计到生产都由生产方自行完成,在产品成型后贴牌方买走的。生产方是否能为第三方生产同样的产品,取决于贴牌方是否买断该设计方案。举例来说:A提出一个产品的功能需求和设计方案,找B来“代工”,以A的名誉进行销售,那B就是“OEM供应商”;A看中B厂的产品,A想以A的名誉来进行销售,所以找B进行“贴牌”,那B就是“ODM供应商”。说白了,OEM和ODM的不同点,核心就在于产品究竟是谁享有知识产权,如果是委托方享有产品的知识产权,那就是OEM,也就是俗称的“代工”;而如果是生产者所进行的整体设计,那就是ODM,俗称“贴牌”。引用别人的 一起分享下啊

orders not found啥意思

orders not found未找到的订单 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1It is not only from the lower orders that spaces could be found for emerging talent.

用,give sb. orders句子

I want to give you orders采纳

He can understand me when I give him orders.在这个句子中,order为什么要加s

order可作动词也可作名词,作动词意为:点菜,订购;命令;有效地安排 作名词意为:为了做某事;顺序;命令;点的饭菜;法院指令;汇票;等待队列;治安,秩序 在这里显然是作名词,意思应该是命令、指示,是可数名词. 这句话意为:我给他下达命令时,他听明白了.



keep order 和keep orders是一样的么

keep order 维持秩序orders 是名词,所以和那个短语的意思是不一样的。翻译要看具体语境吧。主要是围绕order这个词的意思翻译的。你说的那个keep orders我没有查到


没错,其实差别就在 COUNT(orders.订购单号) AS 订单数 和 COUNT(*) AS 订单数他俩的唯一区别就是,如果有订单号为NULL的情况下COUNT(orders.订购单号)不把这个空计算在内,而COUNT(*)则把这个空值也算做有效



"orders" VS "the orders" for 英语学习.


美国亚马逊FBA的订单Pending Orders是什么意思


为Orders 表创建一个唯一索引,

1)create unique index "Index_1" on TEST_TABLE ( "EmployeeID" ASC, "CustomerID" DESC, "OrderID" ASC)/2)create index "Index_2" on TEST_TABLE ( "OrderDate" ASC, "RequiredDate" ASC, "ShippedDate" ASC)pctused 70compute statisticsparallel(2)/


Customer类中有一个Set类型的orders属性,用来存放Order订单对象,在Customer.hbm.xml文件中,用哪个元素映射orders属性?A) B) C) D)<:property>


是累计的数量 不是一个月的

orders和trade history的区别




give him orders

order可作动词也可作名词,作动词意为:点菜,订购;命令;有效地安排 作名词意为:为了做某事;顺序;命令;点的饭菜;法院指令;汇票;等待队列;治安,秩序 在这里显然是作名词,意思应该是命令、指示,是可数名词. 这句话意为:我给他下达命令时,他听明白了.




order [or·der || "u0254rdu0259(r) /"u0254u02d0d-]n. 次序, 命令, 规则v. 命令; 定购; 指挥; 叫; 下命令, 指挥; 点菜; 定购order 同义词: arrangement bid command condition direction disposition formation instruction manner mode state system way反义词: disorder

Trying to pull up orders 是什么意思?

Trying to pull up orders试图拉动订单

noreply_apac@orders.apple.com 黑龙江省建行 易智付科技(北京)有限公司 我也比较怕被骗了诶 ~~


disregard orders to evacuate 怎么翻译


free standard shipping on orders over这句英文是什么意思

free standard shipping on orders over免费标准送货订单结束

NB工厂店上的FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS OVER $50,这个免邮包含了从国外到手的运费全包?


free shipping on orders over 35 是什么意思 amazon


$17.32 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25这句话是什么意思?


eligible orders是什么意思



orders 订单positions 位置

one or more orders are paid

在您的订单中有一个或多个产品目前处于缺货或者预售状态。 一旦产品允许出售,它将被运送到您的手中。当您的订单都发出,您将收到一封电子邮件通知。 如果您有任何疑问或担心缺货,预售或订购的商品,可发送电子邮件到@xxxxxxxx寻求帮助

credit card orders和purchase orders的区别

* Aims for settlement between merchants and banks* Banks says big retailers are behind the measure* Bill"s sponsor calls for fees to be negotiated (Adds Durbin, Visa CFO comments)By John PoirierWASHINGTON, June 10 (Reuters) - If merchants and banks fail to agree on a fee structure for credit card purchases, a panel of judges could be set up to facilitate a settlement, according to legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday.The bill, the Credit Card Fair Fee Act, aims to establish a framework for merchants to negotiate so-called interchange fees with credit card networks such as Visa Inc (V.N: 行情) and MasterCard Inc (MA.N: 行情), said Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, the bill"s sponsor"There is no meaningful competition or negotiation involved in the setting of interchange fees," Durbin said. "Retailers are forced to abide by these fees, because credit and debit cards are used for over 40 percent of all transactions in the United States and most retailers cannot stay in business if they do not accept these cards."Merchants and some lawmakers have complained that merchants and retailers have been blocked from negotiating a fee structure with the networks, whose members are banks.Visa and MasterCard set the fee structure and control almost three-fourths of the volume of transactions on general purpose credit cards. American Express Co (AXP.N: 行情) and Discover Financial Services (DFS.N: 行情) have their own systems.Visa Chief Financial Officer Byron Pollitt said at an investor conference that he did not expect congressional action on interchange fees this year."Our view is that this is a significant enough issue that there is very little likelihood anything will happen in 2009, that the earliest something might happen on this front is 2010," Pollitt said.Store owners and retailers have complained that banks collude to set the fee structure and block any negotiations for lower fees.Banks say big retailers are seeking to avoid having to pay for the use of the credit card system and are behind the push for Durbin"s legislation. They have warned of more federal bureaucracy, less industry competition, fewer choices and higher prices for consumers."This bill is really about retailers wanting the numerous benefits of card payment systems without having to pay for it," American Bankers Association President Edward Yingling said in a statement."It"s a shame that giant retailers are using this legislation to try to insert government in the "price control" business for their own selfish purposes, because in the end, it"s consumers who will lose," Yingling said.Visa and MasterCard have said merchants and retailers do have the opportunity to negotiate lower fees.Similar legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives. But unlike the Senate bill, the House version does not call for a panel of judges to be appointed by the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission if preliminary talks on interchange fees fail.If enacted, the Senate bill would be another setback for banks and credit unions seeking to restore profits and shore up balance sheets weighed down by toxic assets.Last year interchange fees rose to about $48 billion, from $42 billion in 2007 and $36 billion in 2006. Interchange fees have ranged from 1.6 percent to more than 2 percent. (Additional reporting by Juan Lagorio in New York; Editing by John Wallace)

c# ,登录界面右上角没有最大化最小化关闭按钮,FormBorderStyle=none 我用图片代替。实现一种效果??



private void Form1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) { this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; } }



C#语言,Form窗体的FormBorderStyle设置为none,即 无边框,如何重绘一个边框,求代码


C# 窗体加载以后怎样更改窗体的FormBorderStyle

尝试一下在窗体加载函数里直接对修改FormBorderStyle(窗体边框)属性吧。 form f1 = new form();f1.FormBorderStyle = 你需要的形式;f1.show();


这些东西你可以自己写 //最大化 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; //最小化 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; //还原 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; //关闭 this.Close();










我用VB6 想去掉窗体边框 Form1.BorderStyle = 0 怎么不起作用?寻其他方法

Form1.Caption=""Form1.BorderStyle=0It will be OK.


Form Border Style表格边框样式


Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Me.Label1.BackStyle = 1 Then Me.Label1.BorderStyle = 0End SubPrivate Sub Label1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)Label1.BorderStyle = 1End Sub分可以给我了!

C# pictureBox.BorderStyle 怎么自定义颜色?



这是html中设置边框的一个样式。这个是把边框设置为无。相当于css常用的 border-style:none




privatesubcommand1_click()withform1 form1.borderstyle=0 form1.caption="新窗体"endwithendsub要给窗体改个名字,form1的borderstyle属性是不能在运行里改变的,改变的是名叫“新窗体”的窗体。好像是这样解释吧,不对的请指正!





在VB中 当borderstyle属性值为4和5的区别?

Form 对象的 BorderStyle 属性设置值如下: 4 固定工具窗口。不能改变尺寸。显示关闭按钮并用缩小的字体显示标题栏。窗体在 Windows 95 的任务条中不显示。 5 可变尺寸工具窗口。可变大小。显示关闭按钮并用缩小的字体显示标题栏。窗体在 Windows 95 的任务条中不显示。 Line 和 Shape 控件的 BorderStyle 属性设置值如下: 4 点划线 5 双点划线



VB form 的边框属性,borderstyle



你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: border style边界风格希望我的回答对你有帮助。



journal of affectivedisorders为什么一直显示submitted to journal


下面英语orders of magnitude怎么翻译???

orders of magnitude可以翻译为:数量级的

求寂静岭归乡soldiers orders的歌词

Soldiers Orders & Alex Theme 歌词:It started long before me...I never saw it coming...The distance, the promise...A state of isolation...And in my darkest nightmare,Things that I can"t remember...The answer, is drowning, this pain will last forever.My father...His duty...His orders...My brother...The promise...The breaking...Rejection...Deception...Reflection...Conception...The listening...The torture...The madness...The sadness...Can this be?Or is it?The shadow cast before me...A walk inside your circle...Protect me...Correct me...You got your orders, soldier...Inside my head is humming...Sometimes I hear them coming...The power...Believing...The hate I hate believing...Where is this?It can"t be...Who are you?I know you...You wouldn"t...Or would you?Don"t fight me!Ignite me!My trigger...Your finger...Your darkness...I know it...Come forward!I"ve seen it!I mean it!Your power, is over!I"ve come to change the order!My training, is perfect!I"m back, again, your promise, is broken!I drank your sacred water, my mission, is holy!I"m back.My father...His duty...His orders...My brother...The promise...The breaking...Rejection...Deception...Reflections...Conception...The listening...The torture...The madness...The sadness...Can this be...?Your power, is over!I"ve come to change the orderMy training, is perfect!I"m back, again!Your promise, is broken!I"ve drank your sacred water, my mission, is holy!I"m back.The hate I hate believing...The hate I hate believing...I never saw it coming...I never saw it coming...The hate I hate believing...The hate I hate believing...I never saw it coming...I never saw it coming...You have your orders, soldier...如果要推荐归乡的歌曲的话,有如下:One More Soul To The Callhttp://www.silenthillmemories.net/music/downloads/shh_ost/01%20-%20One%20More%20Soul%20To%20The%20Call.mp3Elle Themehttp://www.silenthillmemories.net/music/downloads/shh_ost/06%20-%20Elle%20Theme.mp3The Sacred Linehttp://www.silenthillmemories.net/music/downloads/shh_ost/20%20-%20This%20Sacred%20Line.mp3

“传播学”和“新闻学”用英语怎么说?纽约大学Communicative Sciences and Disorders 是传播学系吗?

传播学(英语:Communication studies)新闻学: journalism 至于纽约大学的那个,貌似是和心理学相关,你可以去看看网上它的主要课程,我感觉不是传播学。



delphi edit控件 的borders 属性是怎么用的


西餐中的副菜(side orders)有哪些请将中英文都写出,急用,谢谢

西餐中的副菜有以下几种:1.法式焗蜗牛FRENGH BAKED ESCARGOTS2.生腌马哈鱼MARINATED SALMON WITH HERBS3.局海鲜布丁BAKED SEAFOOD PUDDING4.普鲁旺斯鲜贝PROVENCALE SCALLOP5.海鲜小酥盒STUFFED SEAFOOD IN PUFF PASTRY6.法式鹅肝批FRENCH GOOSE LIVER PATE 7.红酒鹅肝Braised Goose Liver in Red Wine8.奶酪火腿鸡排Chicken Cordon Bleu9.巴黎黄油烤龙虾Baked Lobster with Garlic Butter

anxiety disorders是什么意思



disorders n. 混乱( disorder的名词复数 ); 凌乱; 骚乱; (身心、机能) 失调; [例句]These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia这些遗传病通常只发生在男性身上,如肌肉萎缩、血友病等。[其他] 原型: disorder

I will keep you updated the orders situation we booked这句话看不懂?

0.I 是主语will keep 是谓语you 是宾语updated是宾补 the orders situation保留的updated的宾语 we booked是定语我们将为您提供我们最新的订货情况。1We suppose this mistake might have been made in the packing through the confusion of numbers.这里的介词through是 在…之间;在…之中 的意思2We apologize for the trouble caused to you by the error,and will make every effort not to let such a mistake happen again.这里the trouble caused to you by the error是介词for的宾语其中caused to you by the error是过去分词短语作定语 修饰the trouble其中to you 是状语修饰caused。by the error也是状语修饰caused。意思是 由于错误给你造成的麻烦3Please do your utmost to expedite same,so that we may execute the order smoothly.这里的same的意思 是 该事(法律、商业文书用语中常省略the)该人,该事4I am sorry to say that the goods you ordered on 25th June are among those held up.这里的among those held up的意思 是 在那些被停运的货物中5Meanwhile,we apologize for the delay and hope you will understand that it is due entirely to cause outside our control.这里it is due entirely to cause outside our control.的due即 due to 中间插入了 作状语的副词entirely cause在这里是名词outside our control.是介词短语修饰cause