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Whoopi Goldaerg 是谁

姓名:乌比·戈德堡 性别:女 英文名:Whoopi Goldberg 出生年:1955年 生日:11月13日 生平介绍:乌比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg),1955年11月13日生于曼哈顿的切尔西区。起初在一家殡葬服务公司上班,后来在百老汇打杂工时还当过砖匠。移居加州后和“自燃”等团体进行过合作,以喜剧演员的身份磨练演技。为HBO拍一个专题片时,开始引起外界关注。以演出内容丰富多彩著称于世,前后结过3次婚,曾经沉迷于毒品。 1985年担纲主演《紫色》(The Color Purple),获得影评界诸多赞誉,并因此获奥斯卡提名,从此成为好莱坞著名女星。上世纪80年代后期参加了几部公式化喜剧片的拍摄,如《夜贼》(Burglar)、《东西战争》(Jumpin" Jack Flash)等。1990年,乌比·戈德堡参拍后来票房收入惊人的《人鬼情未了》(Ghost)一片,捧得一座奥斯卡最佳女配角奖杯,成为家喻户晓的好莱坞明星。90年代初期,乌比的演艺事业达到了她一生的巅峰。作为1967年老电影《星际迷航记》(Star Trek)的铁杆影迷,她深感荣幸地接拍了《星际迷航记之新一代》(Star Trek: The Next Generation)一片。1992年,她又主演了《修女也疯狂》(Sister Act),影片上映后极为卖座。她所扮演的剧中人物,外表粗俗,内心却真诚可爱,深得观众喜爱。1993年她乘胜追击,主演了《修女也疯狂2》(Sister Act: Back in the Habit),虽然观众反响良好,但始终无法与《修女也疯狂》的艺术水平相媲美。 90年代末期,乌比在喜剧影片之间起起浮浮,先后出演了《疯狂教练》(Eddie)和《大亨也疯狂》(The Associate)等片,并在《失踪时刻》(The Deep End of the Ocean)等具有更多独立思想的影片中扮演配角。乌比从未忘记自己的出身,总是把赞美的话语慷慨地送给其他娱乐界人物。她所出演的电影风格多样,有大制作影片,独立电影,纪录片,甚至还有电视影片。除了当演员外,她还多次主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼,并积极为许多卡通影片献声,象《时空大圣》(The Pagemaster)等。 乌比被公认为好莱坞真正具有独特表演风格的实力派演员。除表演主持外,她也写过一本名为《Book》的书‘ 参与影片: 《修女也疯狂 》 (0000) ...Deloris Van Cartier/Sister Mary Clarence 《密西西比谋杀案 》 (0000) ...Myrlie Evers 《人鬼情未了 》 (0000) ...Oda Mae Brown,1990年第63届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角 《亡命夺宝/疯狂世界 》 (0000) ...Vera Baker 《月光情圣 》 (0000) ...Sylvie Morrow 《紫色爱心 》 (0000) ...Clara Mayfield 《第77届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 》 (0000) ... 评论 Johnny Carson (提前录制) [注:Johnny Carson :曾经风靡全美的著名脱口秀主持人乔尼·卡森。2005年因肺气肿不幸去世,享年79岁。卡森曾经在NBC广播公司主持晚间娱乐节目Tonight show,他的主持风格轻松幽默,是美国最受欢迎的节目主持人之一。1992年,66岁的卡森退出了当时位居收视率榜首的Tonight Show。2002年,卡森被诊断为患有肺气肿。] 《凯姆洛的武士 》 (0000) ...医生 Vivien Morgan 《纽约夜未眠 》 (0000) ...剧院墙壁上的悲剧假面 《飞鼠洛基冒险记 》 (0000) ...Judge Cameo (未标明) [[注:未标明:这个人的名字不会出现在电影的演员表中,就是那些非常普通的角色]] 《修女也疯狂 2 》 (0000) ...Deloris Van Cartier/Sister Mary Clarence 《圣诞好疯狂 》 (0000) ...Lucy Cullins 《来龙去脉 》 (0000) ...自己(未标明) 《超级大玩家/幕后玩家 》 (0000) ...侦探 Susan Avery 《星际迷航记之复仇女神 》 (0000) ...Guinan (未标明) 《妈咪也疯狂 》 (0000) ...Harriet Franklin 《超级拍档 》 (0000) ...Eddie Cervi 《成龙的传奇 》 (0000) ...自己 《潇洒有情天 》 (0000) ...Jane Deluca 《夜贼 》 (0000) ...Bernice "Bernie" Rhodenbarr 《吉米尼·格里克的啦啦坞 》 (0000) ... 《蹦蹦猴 》 (0000) ...Death 《狮子王 》 (0000) ...Shenzi (配音) 《第70届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 》 (0000) ...以往获奖者(未标明) 《当老牛碰上嫩草 》 (0000) ...Delilah 《美国制造 》 (0000) ...Sarah Mathews 《第64届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 》 (0000) ...未标明 《幽冥怪谈 2 》医院病人(未标明) 《长脚女佣 》Odessa Cotter 《同性情谊 》...Terry Harrison 《乐天小子 》 ...护士 (未标明) 《比佛利小子 ...Cameo 外形 《棒球小英雄 》) ...Darlin" (配音) 《一百年一百部 》自己 《时空大圣 》 ...Fantasy (配音) 《紫色 》 (Celie 《天才宝宝2:超级宝宝/强棒奶娃2 》 ...自己 《淘气小兵兵 ...Ranger Margaret (配音) 《修女也疯狂 2 》 歌曲《注意》) 《圣诞好疯狂 》...执行制作人 《来龙去脉 》特别感谢 《奔向骄阳 》...Mary Masembuko 《酒国春怨 》执行制作人 《埃迪 》 ...Edwina "Eddie" Franklin 《撞球老妈 》Sarah Collins 《天国 》Raynelle Slocumb 《赛璐路壁橱 》 ...自己 《暴力扫荡 》...Rita Rizzoli 《皮诺曹3000 》 (Cyberina (配音) 《移魂女郎/断了线的女孩/女生向前走/我有没有问题 》Valerie Owens, RN 《小淘气 》 (Buckwheat 的妈妈 《第74届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 》主持人 《灰姑娘 》 (...王后 Constantina 《重装武器 》 ... Billy York 中士 《第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 》 ...主持人/最佳服装设计提名 《双龙一虎闯天关/星光龙门阵 》 ...自己 《肥皂拼盘 》 ...Rose Schwartz 《同性情谊 》执行制作人 《合伙人 》 (Laurel Ayres 《共同的线索 ...特别感谢 《小狗多戈尔 》Ermintrude (配音) 《戏说红伶 》 ...护士 Ethyl Washington Rue Owens (Jackie 的姐姐) 《星空奇遇记之星空奇兵 》 Guinan (未标明) 《东西战争 》 Terry Dolittle 《贵族 》 自己 《罪魁祸狗 .Cleo 《扭计当家 》 .Corrina Washington 《波利死后 》 ..自己 《失踪时刻 》 (Candy Bliss


考生须知 报名基本步骤包括:注册个人信息→登录→上传电子照片→选择考点和级别(预定座位)→网上付费→打印准考证。 考生预定座位后,需在72小时内完成网上付费,报名截止当天,您需要在24小时内完成网上付费,否则系统将自动取消考生已预定的座位;考生在上述期限内也可随时自行取消预定的座位; 系统按随机方式统一投放被考生放弃或被取消的名额,而不立即释放被考生放弃或被取消的名额。 一、网上报名的时间和考试时间 韩国语能力考试网上报名网址为:http://topik.etest.edu.cn(教育网)或http://topik.etest.net.cn(公网)。网站开通时间请关注教育部考试中心海外考试报名信息网公告和网站重要通知。 二、上网报名的准备工作 证件要求:韩国语能力考试在报名和考试时规定考生可以使用的有效的证件仅限于居民身份证、护照、台湾居民往来大陆通行证、港澳居民身份证/往来内地通行证和军人证件。未到法定领取身份证年龄的考生须在报名时填写身份证号码(户口本里有号码),并在参加考试时携带户口本和学生证或户口本和公安局开具带有相片的证明。请考生首先决定使用证件的种类,并保证在报名和考试时均使用同一证件原件。在考生首次上网报名进行用户注册时,要求考生提交证件种类和号码,一旦确认提交后,将不允许改变。在考生完成报名后,证件号码将打印在准考证上。在参加考试时,如考生所持证件号码与准考证上所打印证件号码不符,考点将拒绝考生进入考场。 银行卡:韩国语能力考试网上报名系统收取考费的方式仅限于网上支付。考生可任选中国工商银行或招商银行的网上银行支付系统交纳考费。这将使您能够通过互联网一次完成整个报名程序,并支付较低的手续费。如果您没有上述两家银行的可以进行网上支付的银行卡,请到中国工商银行或招商银行营业部去办理。中国工商银行http://www.icbc.com.cn和中国招商银行http://www.cmbchina.com在其网站和营业部均备有相关服务的详细资料。 电脑系统:韩国语能力考试网上报名要求您的电脑应与互联网相连接并且装有网络浏览器(最好是Microsoft IE6.0以上版本浏览器)。推荐显示分辨率为1024*768。中国考生须提供本人的简体中文姓名和地址,因此,中国考生须使用简体中文操作系统来输入汉字。在汉字输入状态下,注意必须采取半角方式输入数字。 三、报名步骤 步骤1、阅读报名须知 请考生仔细阅读本报名须知了解报名流程和有关规定。 步骤2、用户注册 如果考生首次来到韩国语能力考试报名网站报名,还没有进行用户注册,请在页面上选“注册个人信息”。用户注册时,要求考生填写本人的姓名、姓名拼音、性别、出生日期、证件类型和证件号码,以及电话号码、手机号码和电子邮件信箱地址等联络信息,还要求考生填写自定义并可以牢记的密码。考生填写个人信息后,还须在“验证码”栏目处填入图形显示的大写字母。 已经进行用户注册的考生可直接填写证件号、密码并在“验证码”栏目处填入图形显示的大写字母登录。 请注意: 证件号和密码将作为考生再次登录报名系统(进行查询或修改部分信息)的密码,请考生牢记并慎重保管。 中国考生姓名的汉语拼音和生日将打印在考试资料和证书上,请注意您的中文姓名应严格按照《新华字典》的规范正确拼写。 步骤3、上传照片 因为照片将会打印在您的准考证上,建议考生到专业照相馆拍摄下述规格、尺寸的电子照片,以免由于照片问题,影响到您的成绩使用。 a)照片要求: 本人在6个月内标准护照照片电子格式文件尺寸:宽3cm,高4cm正面免冠,包括整体头部确认本人的脸部清晰黑白或彩色照片均可b)技术规格: 格式:JPG/JPEG文件大小:6KB到100KB之间韩国新网 - 韩语学习第一站3os[I"g0sa rn考生可携带移动存储设备(U盘,移动硬盘等)到附近照相馆,请工作人员按照以上规格为您拍摄电子格式的护照照片,并把电子照片文件存储在您的移动存储设备中。然后自己登录报名网站,点击“上传电子照片”后,进入电子照片上传系统,选择存储在您的移动存储设备中的电子照片文件,根据网站提示,完成照片上传。注意:电子照片只可上传一次。 步骤4、选择考点和考试级别 在考生进行用户注册后,或仍然没有预定任何座位时,将被导入此页面。 选择考点:选择考点页面将显示考生所选定级别的所有考点名称、状态和对应的“选择”按钮。考生通过点击“选择”按钮选定考点并进入选择级别页面。 选择级别:选择级别页面将显示韩国语能力考试的四个级别以及每个级别对应的考试时间。考生可以预定一个级别的考试,也可以同时分别预定上午和下午各一个级别的考试,如果您要预定一个级别的考试,请选中复选框,然后点击“预定”按钮,进行预定座位。 步骤5、交纳考费 考费数额:韩国语能力考试的考试费为人民币300元。 交费方式:通过中国工商银行或中国招商银行的网上支付系统交纳考费。 交费期限:从预定座位开始,考生必须在72小时内完成网上支付,报名截止当日需在24小时内完成网上支付。逾期未支付考费的,报名系统将自动取消考生预定的座位。 网上支付操作方法:考生点击“支付”按钮后,系统将显示相应的中国工商银行或中国招商银行网上付费按钮,点击其中之一便可以开始进行网上付费。选择银行后,您将重新被引导到中国工商银行或招商银行的安全网页。请按照银行的要求完成付费程序。当付费完成后,请记录银行所提供的交易号码,以便日后核对及查询您的付款。通常考试中心报名系统会立即收到您的付款确认,至此您已完成整个报名的个人操作。银行网上支付系统如发生延迟向考试中心报名系统确认考生付款的情况,请考生在12小时后登录考试中心报名网站核实您的付费和报名状态。如仍未看到对您付费的确认,请拨打考试中心服务热线寻求帮助。 请您在未确认是否交费成功时,不要轻易重复进行网上支付。 银行手续费:银行将向考生收取网上支付手续费用2元。 交费规定:韩国语能力考试网上报名系统确认考生交纳的考费后,(1)考生因故不参加考试,不返还考费;(2)报名截止日前,其他考点如有座位,考生可免费更换考点一次;(3) 考生不得更改考试级别、证件类型和号码、姓名及出生日期;(4)因报名时提交个人信息错误导致不能考试的,不返还考费。 步骤6、打印准考证 报名截止后,网站在重要通知中会发布打印准考证的具体时间段,届时请考生在规定的时间内,使用A4纸自行打印准考证。 请注意: 考生须保证所持有效证件与上网报名时提交的证件和证件号码一致。考生报名时提交的证件号码已打印在准考证上,如考生所持证件与准考证上的号码不符,将不能参加考试。至此,您已经完成了韩国语能力考试的所有报名步骤,请妥善保管好您的准考证和身份证件。 四、考试 请考生在考前30分钟携带准考证和个人有效证件(证件要求同上)抵达考场,考试开始前及考试期间将对个人证件进行验证。考场桌面上禁止摆放铅笔、橡皮、准考证、证件之外的任何物品(如食品饮料等),携带移动电话及其他通讯工具进入考场的,以作弊处理。 五、领取成绩单成绩单约在考试后3个月到达考点。届时请考生与考点(见考点信息)咨询成绩到达情况以领取成绩单。






首先,popping是正确的写法其次,popping单独就是一个舞种,下边没有其他分类了。popping原本是boogaloo sam在创立boogaloo这一舞种14种元素其中的一个元素,指的是用肌肉震动去表达音乐的一种舞蹈方式,但是在后来的推广中,popping更为大家所熟知,所以就慢慢从boogaloo中分离出来成为一个独立的舞种。你应该是想问popping分为哪些风格,这个范围就比较大了,从某些意义上说,你跳boogaloo,也会有人说你在跳popping(即使是错误的说法),除此之外,popping还有boogstyle,也就是糅杂了很多其他舞种的元素的风格,比如wave,animation等等,现在许多popper跳的是boogstyle。再往下分,就有比较偏一种风格的popping的,也就是说你的舞蹈中哪种元素用的比较多,比如puppet style(原来是boogaloo中的一种元素,JayGee的风格),animation style(animation为独立舞种,杨文昊比较偏这种风格),wave style(舞蹈中wave比较多,比如Kei),robot style(视觉感比较强的机器人)等等总而言之,popping下边只分有不同风格,有的是也许从其他舞种中借鉴来的

请问西药中REFISH 和 TROPICAL-N 都是什么药?

FLAGYL 是杀虫药 虫是寄生虫 主要治疗六鞭虫TROPICAL-N,REFISH 也同上 主要治疗毛细线虫

Truth & Knowing & Opinion

What is the truth? What does it mean by saying "I know it"? What we think we know is truly known by us? How to evaluate our opinions and how to improve the quality of our opinions? all of these questions remind us of some basic concepts that we incline to take for granted. It is fashionable today to believe that truth is relative and subjective. everyone creates his or her own truth and what is true for you may not be true for me. that means that whatever a person thinks is true because he or she thinks it is. there are some implications of this notion: the idea of creating our own truth without outside influence or assistance may sound reasonable, but actually not. in our childhood we were all dependent physically, emotionally and intellectually. and the childhood experience has a continuing influence in our adulthood. so to some extent, what we regard as our unique perspective bears the imprint of other people"s ideas and beliefs. Another fact is that we have imperfect perception and imperfect memory. our perception is influenced by our desires, interests and expectations and even within its limited focus, perception is often flawed. as for our memory, it often distorts the data. when we try to recall some details that we forget, we resort to imagination to fill in the blanks and we make ourselves believe it. Moreover, the quality of a belief depends to a considerable extent on the quality of the information that backs it up. However, it"s easy for us to be misinformed since reality has many faces. from above analysis, We"ve recognized that people can be mistaken in what they perceive and remember and that the information they receive can be faulty or incomplete. these are all about individuals. How about group judgment--the carefully analyzed observations of the best thinkers, the wisest men and women of the time? Indeed, it is better.but it, too, leaves a lot to be desired. All too often, what is taken as truth one day by the most respected minds is proved erroneous the next. So the idea that "everyone creates his or her own truth" becomes laughable. we do create something, but it is not truth. it is beliefs , ideas that we accept as true but that could easily be false. what, then, is the most reasonable view of truth? our beliefs and assertions are true when they correspond to that reality and false when they don not. having the right frame of mind can make your pursuit of the truth less burdensome. A good way to begin is to keep the following thought in mind: some of the most difficult challenges in discovering truth occur in determining cause-and-effect relationships. unfortunately, mistakes are common in such matters. To avoid such mistakes, the following facts must be understood: Knowing usually implies the ability to express what is known and how we came to know it. sometimes we may be able to say, "I just know, that"s all" or "I know because I know". We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively. We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea(as in a scientific experiment), or by reasoning. We achieve knowledge passively by being told something by someone else, like the learning taking places in the classroom. passive learning makes us tend to accept uncritically what we are told. here are two habits that impede knowledge: assuming and guessing. assuming is taking something for granted, that is, arbitrarily accepting as true something that has not been proved or that may reasonably be disputed. it is generally an unconscious activity, we are often unaware of our assumptions and their influences on us. guessing is offering a judgment on a hunch or taking a chance on an answer without any confidence that it is correct. since assuming stifles curiosity and guessing denies the importance of evidence, neither is likely to lead to knowledge, the most reliable approach is to be cautious in asserting that you know something. Be conservative in your level of assertion. first we should be clear to the concept of opinion. in the context of critical thinking, the term opinion refers to expressions of judgment rather than to expression of taste. opinions can be mistaken even they are given by special effort to judge objectively. the notion that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion is especially strong in the area of morality. according to this notion, if you believe a particular behavior is immoral and I believe it is moral, even noble, we are both right. this perspective may seem sensible and broad-minded, but it is utterly shallow. The most important criteria we can use to increase the chance that our moral judgment will be correct are: obligations , ideals , consequences . by examining the opinions of informed people before making up our minds, we might not see by ourselves, consider facts we would otherwise be unaware of, and lessen our chances of error. this kind of consulting is a mark not of dependence or irresponsibility but of efficiency and good sense. here are some tips that can help us improve the quality of our opinions:

China is a _____ country _____ to the third world. A.developed; belongs B.developing; belo.

B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词:第一空是现在分词做定语,developing country发展中国家,第二空也是现在分词做定语,country和belong to是主动关系,句意:中国是属于第三世界的发展中国家。选B。点评:做题时首先分析句子成分确定是谓语还是非谓语,再决定非谓语的形式:当动词与名词构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词做定语来修饰名词。当名词与动词构成被动关系的时候,使用过去分词做定语修饰名词。

tropical islands是什么意思?Guam是关岛吗?

tropical 是热带的 形容词 islands 是岛屿 名词 复数 直译过来是热带的岛屿吧

adis abeba,ethiopia在哪

adis sbebba,埃塞俄比亚在哪《我就知道你第三个单词念什么,前两个什么东西我都不知道》埃塞俄比亚埃塞俄比亚的全名是埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国(旧称“阿比西尼亚”Abyssinia),它是一个位于非洲东北的国家,和一般非洲国家不同,埃塞俄比亚在第二次世界大战被意大利入侵(1936-1941年)之前,一直维持其古老的君主制,并没有受到殖民主义浪潮的吞噬。1974年,一次军事流血政变把1930年以来一直统治埃塞俄比亚的皇帝海尔·塞拉西一世(Haile Selassie I)推翻以后,埃塞俄比亚改为奉行社会主义。埃塞俄比亚在1980年再次成为世界的焦点,由于新政府的经济政策对国家造成严重的损害,埃塞俄比亚出现前所未有的饥荒。埃塞俄比亚的旅游景点有东非大裂谷和拉利贝拉教堂等。中文名称埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国英文名称The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia简称埃塞俄比亚所属州非洲时区UTC+3至UTC+4首都亚的斯亚贝巴国歌《前进,我的母亲埃塞俄比亚》官方语言阿姆哈拉语政治体制联邦制人口数量1.02亿(2016年)人口密度76.4人/平方公里(2012年估计)国土面积1,104,300平方公里货币埃塞俄比亚比尔国家代码ETH主要民族奥罗莫族,阿姆哈拉族主要宗教基督教,伊斯兰教气候热带草原气候和亚热带森林气候国土面积排名世界第26名主要城市德雷达瓦,季马,哈勒尔水域率0.7%GDP总计723.74亿美元(2016年,国际汇率)人均GDP709.54美元(2016年,国际汇率)国际电话区号+251国际域名缩写.et道路通行靠右驾驶人类发展指数0.363最大湖泊塔纳湖最大城市亚的斯亚贝巴国家领袖总统:穆拉图·特肖梅;总理:海尔马里亚姆·德萨莱尼所属洲非洲政体议会制共和制

a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure语法请教。

hoping这里是伴随状语,a search party went into the cave ,同时是希望发现埋藏的的宝藏。比如I stand there looking away.我站在那儿看向别方。同一时间发生两个动作,一个是伴随状语。buried是过去分词,被已经埋葬的treasure,过去分词也可以是形容词。可以关注公众号吗:街道上的人们。

Certificate of Quality in 1 original plus 3 copies issued by CCIC or Intertek. 帮忙翻译下谢谢


be propitious to do还是doing

be propitious to do。be propitious to意为适合于, 有利于;这是个动词,所以接do。

翻译Respectable opinion is aghast. But


Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter (Dickey Doo Larry Tee A3 Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter (Dickey Doo Larry Tee A3 Remix)歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_AntimatterAlligator_Aviator_Autopilot_AntimatterR.E.M.I feel like an alligatorClimbing up the escalatorClimbing up the escalatorI feel strongI feel like an aviator pilotThinks you wouldn"t buy itI"m feeling violentIncomprehensible your bleeding eye inTurn up the flierHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnI feel like an autopilotI"m the world"s strongest islandI feel like a rage coming under my hoodI feel good and calm like a robot wouldI feel like an autopilotI feel like an autopilotI am not a hater, hater, hater, hater, haterHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnI feel like a contradictionI"m a walking science fictionI don"t know which way to turnI"ve got a lot to learnI"ve got a lot of, lot to learnIf I didn"t like the way you stared at meIf I didn"t like the way you stared at meI could knock the sideways, I could knock you blindI could show you found to the lost and findI am not an agitatorI feel like an agitatorClimbing up the escalatorHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnYou"ve got so much to learnYou"ve got a lot to learnhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13867525

热带雨林用英语怎么说 tropical rain fall forests?

有很多表达 tropical rain forest selva euhylacion rain forest hylaeion hylaea tropical rain forestry equatorial forest tropical rainforest [Portugal] selva 第一种属于最好背但显得很中式的感觉 例句 1.那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林. The forester has explored those tropical rain forests. 回答完毕

deathstars的《Opium》 歌词

歌曲名:Opium歌手:deathstars专辑:Night Eletric NightOpiumDeathstarsCan you see them comingFrom the valleys and hillsThey finally got youCan you see them staringAs the rain hits your palmsThey are here to gut youCan you here them speak your nameThey shout it outSo the storm can come throughCan you hear them celebrateThat they found youTheir knives will slip throughI know... I know... That you can...ZeitgeistWow wow -- Darkness kingsized!ZeitgeistOpiumZeitgeistWow wow - The end of our lives!ZeitgeistOpiumCan you feel them closing in.The sky has explodedFrom powers unseenCan you feel your struggleAs the dark turns to whiteThe whitest you"ve seenCan you think ofWhy they are hereTo carve your lungs outWith their little toysCan you think of whyYou were playing on the darksideAs you end in sharp noiseI know... I know... That you can!ZeitgeistWow wow -- Darkness kingsized!ZeitgeistOpiumZeitgeistWow wow - The end of our lives!ZeitgeistOpiumThey count your stepsThey count your heartbeatsThey count the secondsThat are carved in bloodAnd you give in for the worldThat I show you tonightBecause the shadows strike hardIn the ballrooms of your mindAnd now the devils play their cardsIn the graveyard of your timeOpiumZeitgeistWow wow -- Darkness kingsized!ZeitgeistOpiumZeitgeistWow wow - The end of our lives!ZeitgeistOpiumwishgo制作http://music.baidu.com/song/24180591

英语作文my opinions on biology we study

Biology improves our lives, in my opinion because we know more about our bodies and other living organisms. Its always good to have knowledge so that you have a better understanding.Biology is important because it is used in every field. Without understanding biology you can not understand the environment in which you, me and everyone is living. Biology contains so many secrets of nature. Biology is a vast and complex subject. It tells you about Human Body and its functions and physical makeup of our bodies, which enables us to produce cures and treatment for diseases. Biology tells you about different plants and their mechanism of converting carbon dioxide in to oxygen which is very important for every body.And Biology tells us about the most difficult and dire challenges faced by humans.Without Biology there would have been no doctors to cure humans and no medicine, in other words no science at all. U need to study biology to get to know your body and different organs and when you hear a doctor discussing any human related issue , you will be able to understand and most of all when you go to a doctor you can be able to describe him what is bothering you so he can advise the proper treatment not the wrong one.

谁知道chopin除肖邦的另一种意思 或肖邦有什么含义代表什麽 或没有…

chopin【西】(十六、十七世纪妇女穿的)软木高底鞋 来源于百度词典



Cina is a( warm )girl , so many peopie like to make friends with her. 今天下午就要,急急急!


They said that a "decent respect" for the opinion


英语She has very definite opinions怎么翻译?


求以my opinion on e_books 为题的英语作文

反正言之有理即可。。。这两个开头可以通用。。。这个是说觉得电子书缺点多的People say that electronic books have a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but in my opinion the disadvantages are stronger than advantages这个是说电子书优点多的Opinions vary on the relative feel of holding and reading an e-reader compared to a paper book, but digital books clearly come out ahead in convenience. You can buy electronic books over the Internet, begin reading them within minutes and own as many books as you want without filling your house. For some readers, owning paper books outweighs these advantages. You can"t resell digital books, moving books between e-readers presents a challenge and lending comes with restrictions.下面这些事综合比较,挑对应的开头写上就行。。。优点缺点各种有,随意用~~~Comfort and PortabilityReading comfort depends on lighting and the type of e-reader you use. If you have a back-lit tablet, you can read in any lighting, but a bright screen in a dark room can irritate your eyes -- or a sleeping partner. The screens on readers that use E Ink, such as many Kindle, Nook and Kobo models, look more like traditional book pages but require a well-lit room or a model with an integrated front light. No matter what type of reader you pick, take a break every 20 minutes to avoid eyestrain. Another sort of comfort makes e-books a good choice if you travel frequently: You can carry hundreds of titles without breaking your back.Ownership and ResaleAs with other digitally distributed products, you can"t resell or transfer e-books to new owners. With paper books, you are free to resell your books and you can buy used books at steep discounts. Some e-book stores such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble allow you to temporarily loan some books to friends, but with restrictions. In one concerning situation, Amazon removed purchased books from readers" Kindles and issued refunds after learning the titles were sold without the publisher"s permission. Although a rare situation, the event highlights the difference in ownership from physical books.E-Book Formats and CompatibilitySome e-book stores and e-readers lock you in to a particular brand, making it possible to lose access to purchases if you change e-readers. For example, while most e-readers support the ePub format, the Amazon Kindle does not, forcing owners to buy books with proprietary formatting from Amazon directly. You can convert unprotected books between formats, but most digital bookstores use digital rights management that makes conversion difficult -- and in some regions, illegal. Buying paper books avoids this entire concern, guaranteeing you can read your purchases for as long as the binding holds together.Considerations for Authors and PublishersPublishing books digitally through services such as Amazon"s Kindle Direct Publishing makes it far easier for a new author to get a book to market than working with a traditional publisher, but the process leaves editing and promotions to the author as well. Digital publishing also makes it easy for pirates to share works illegally -- even formats with DRM are susceptible. A study by Digimarc in 2010 found 1.5 to 3 million daily searches on Google for pirated books, representing an estimated $2.8 billion in lost value.Instant DeliveryUnlike a paper book, an ebook can be delivered instantly to your ereader device or home computer. The Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble"s Nook are both capable of allowing the purchase and download of a new book within minutes or seconds. Unless you"re in the bookstore picking it up, no paper book can match the quick gratification of an ebook.Owning Your BookDespite its convenience, the ebook has a major drawback. Most commercial ebooks are sold with strict digital rights management (DRM) restrictions upon them, preventing owners from lending or selling books, and sometimes from transferring a book from one device to another of their own. This has led to complaints that you don"t really own your book, but only lease it from the bookseller for a period of time.On the other hand, millions of out-of-copyright books and even new copyrighted books are available to readers for free download and distribution with no DRM at all.PortabilityNo library of printed texts is as portable as an etext library. Ereaders weigh less than a pound on average, and each text added to the system adds no weight. It is simple to carry a virtual library of thousands of books. The same number of books in printed form could easily fill a moving van.Environmentally Friendly ReadingCurrently the industry is debating whether ebooks or paper books are more environmentally friendly. Paper books are made of trees or other cellulose. They are printed using an assembly-line system that involves multiple toxic chemicals, then driven to a bookstore where a customer purchases them. A single book can have quite a carbon footprint. Virtual books seem to have no environmental problems.It is the ereader that has some environmental problems. Its manufacture requires the extraction of rare-earth elements, burning of fossil fuels and transportation to stores or homes. Comparing ereaders with traditional books, up to about 100 books would have to be purchased and stored on the ereader in order for its manufacture to be offset by energy and pollution saved.Publication DifferencesEbooks have enormous publication differences. Many ebooks are formatted by contractors, not publishers. They can be quickly edited and prepared for release in an ebook format, eliminating long publication waits. Because you are downloading a pattern of dots and dashes and not picking up a physical object, the size of a print run becomes meaningless. In addition, publishers incur no production costs outside of editing and typesetting, nor do they incur transportation costs or remaindered-book loss.Marketing EbooksWriters are starting to see the marketing potential in releasing free ebooks of older works when promoting pay versions of new books. At the Baen Online Library, dozens of writers have donated old works for free download to anyone. Cory Doctorow, co-editor of Boing Boing and author of several fantasy novels, releases all of his novels as etexts at the same time they are being printed. Writers who participate in this sort of marketing scheme all agree that it seems to give a boost to their later book sales.




区别: BOPI薄膜还具有耐原子辐射的性能。BOPI薄膜是目前世界上耐热性最高、综合性能最好的化合物。 BOP品牌是浙江世窗光学薄膜制造有限公司旗下运营的隐形车衣品牌,其代表世窗光学整合全球供应链,汇集全球科技人才,共同打造出来的高品质隐形车衣产品。










pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 世界上最长的英文 词pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis和"肺病由非常美好的硅土尘土的吸入造成,主要发现了在火山里"被定义。 语源学: Pneumono=与肺相关(拉丁语) 超=非常(拉丁语) 微观=极端小(Latin/Old英语) silico=硅土(拉丁语) 火山=火山(拉丁语) coni=与尘土(希腊语相关:konis,尘土) osis=疾病/情况(希腊语) 这曾经一定是最长的词出现在一个非技术性的英语词典(来源:OED)。1936年这45封信件词第一次出现在牛津英语字典,和并且有从看上去在韦伯斯特的第三本新国际字典(在-konioisis之下供选择拼写),任意议院未删节的字典和Merriam韦伯斯特的大学字典,命名但一些。 评论家抱怨,这个词是一个技术术语(具体地,一个医学术语),并且因此不值得考虑作为"最长的词一般用法"。 有另外,有条款的更加严重的问题,由logologists"p45"指,是词是骗局。用词方式:消遣语言学学报,在几项分开的条款(页5月1985年里,95-96;页11月1986年,205-206;P.5月1987年,82),1935年研究员发现,词是新词被发明由EverettM.史密斯,全国难题的同盟的总统,为例也许一天进入用途一个理论词的如果趋向在医疗词造币是继续。研究入医学文献体构在他的用法之前在1935从未成功地表示,词存在了在他的造币之前。 疾病的实际名字是尘肺。


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis的意思!绝对是个单词!!! 解析: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis和"肺病由非常美好的硅土尘土的吸入造成,主要发现了在火山里"被定义。 语源学: Pneumono=与肺相关(拉丁语) 超=非常(拉丁语) 微观=极端小(Latin/Old英语) silico=硅土(拉丁语) 火山=火山(拉丁语) coni=与尘土(希腊语相关:konis,尘土) osis=疾病/情况(希腊语) 这曾经一定是最长的词出现在一个非技术性的英语词典(来源:OED)。1936年这45封信件词第一次出现在牛津英语字典,和并且有从看上去在韦伯斯特的第三本新国际字典(在-konioisis之下供选择拼写),任意议院未删节的字典和Merriam韦伯斯特的大学字典,命名但一些。 评论家抱怨,这个词是一个技术术语(具体地,一个医学术语),并且因此不值得考虑作为"最长的词一般用法"。 有另外,有条款的更加严重的问题,由logologists"p45"指,是词是骗局。用词方式:消遣语言学学报,在几项分开的条款(页5月1985年里,95-96;页11月1986年,205-206;P.5月1987年,82),1935年研究员发现,词是新词被发明由EverettM.史密斯,全国难题的同盟的总统,为例也许一天进入用途一个理论词的如果趋向在医疗词造币是继续。研究入医学文献体构在他的用法之前在1935从未成功地表示,词存在了在他的造币之前。 疾病的实际名字是尘肺。


pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 世界上最长的英文 词pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis和"肺病由非常美好的硅土尘土的吸入造成,主要发现了在火山里"被定义。 语源学: Pneumono=与肺相关(拉丁语) 超=非常(拉丁语) 微观=极端小(Latin/Old英语) silico=硅土(拉丁语) 火山=火山(拉丁语) coni=与尘土(希腊语相关:konis,尘土) osis=疾病/情况(希腊语) 这曾经一定是最长的词出现在一个非技术性的英语词典(来源:OED)。1936年这45封信件词第一次出现在牛津英语字典,和并且有从看上去在韦伯斯特的第三本新国际字典(在-konioisis之下供选择拼写),任意议院未删节的字典和Merriam韦伯斯特的大学字典,命名但一些。 评论家抱怨,这个词是一个技术术语(具体地,一个医学术语),并且因此不值得考虑作为"最长的词一般用法"。 有另外,有条款的更加严重的问题,由logologists"p45"指,是词是骗局。用词方式:消遣语言学学报,在几项分开的条款(页5月1985年里,95-96;页11月1986年,205-206;P.5月1987年,82),1935年研究员发现,词是新词被发明由EverettM.史密斯,全国难题的同盟的总统,为例也许一天进入用途一个理论词的如果趋向在医疗词造币是继续。研究入医学文献体构在他的用法之前在1935从未成功地表示,词存在了在他的造币之前。 疾病的实际名字是尘肺。


pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis n. [医]硅酸盐沉着病,矽肺病


pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis[ `nju:mnu, Qltr-,maikrs` kCpik`silikvCl`keinu kuni`usis ]n.[医]硅酸盐沉着病,矽肺病 这个词是由45个字母组成的,见上海译文出版社《新英汉词典》1009页,商务印书馆;《英华大词典》第1065页,国防工业出版社《英汉技术词典》第l 563页。或金山词霸2002版。分开记:pneumono(肺),ultra(超),microscopic(显微的,细小的)silico(硅),volcano。(火山),coni、(尘埃),osis(表示病名的后缀),那么这个词的含义, 就是极其微小的硅的粉末象喷发的火山灰一样沉积在肺中即肺尘病或硅酸盐沉着病。同时,也可记住由这些部分组合而成的另外一些新词:pneumono(肺)是pneumonia(肺炎)的医学词,silicosis(石末沉着病);pneumonosilicosis(硅肺),coniosis(粉尘病),pneumonoconiosis (尘埃沉着病) 所以,这类专业词汇,往往是由其它词汇组合而成,因此,组合法首先是应用原词汇来组合,当然,要能用原词汇,就必须自己有一定的原词汇的基础。



abundance,bounty,cornucopia和plenty的区别 几个词的区别

1)abundance:the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply;"an age of abundance"2)bounty:the property of copious abundance3)cornucopia:the property of being extremely abundant;"the profusion of detail"4)plenty:(often followed by `of") a large number or amount or extent;

英语情景剧剧本 急用!Topic:We are a happy family 围绕这个主题的就可以!

Bart the General Bart the General Written by John Swartzwelder Directed by David Interior of the oven, cupcakes baking. Homer opens the door, and Marge explains that Lisa"s baking them for her teacher. Door closes. Bart opens the door and reaches in, but Marge yanks him away. Lisa ices the most recent batch of chocolate cupcakes... Bart: You know, there are names for people like you. Lisa: No there aren"t. Bart: Teacher"s pet! Apple polisher! Butt-kisser! Homer: Bart, you"re saying butt-kisser like it"s a bad thing! -- ``Bart the General"" Homer tells Bart it never hurts to grease the wheel, but Lisa denies that she"s doing it for the grades. She gets good grades because she pays attention and studies hard. Homer grabs a cupcake, and the kids dash off when the school bus horn honks. Lisa nips back in time to grab the cupcake before Homer can eat it. (``D"oh!"") Bart complains to Otto that Lisa baked a batch of cupcakes for her teacher and isn"t letting him have even a single crumb. Lisa hands over a cupcake. ``Here, Otto. I made an extra one for you."" Bart takes the seat next to Lisa, and when the bus sets into motion, the box jostles, and Bart helps catch it. Lisa grabs the box back. Bart: You sniveling toad! You little egg-sucker! Lisa: [holding secure her box of cupcakes] Tell me more! Bart; Back-scratcher! Boot-licker! Honor student! Lisa: [smirking] You"ll never get one now, name-caller. Bart: All right, all right. Look, I"m sorry. I, I got upset. In the heat of the moment, I said some things I didn"t mean. Lisa: [milking it] You weren"t thinking, were you. Bart: No. Lisa: I"m a sniveling toad, am I? Bart: Not really. Lisa: I"m a little egg-sucker, am I? Bart: Of course not. Lisa: Then what am I? Bart: A beautiful human being. Lisa: [coyly] What do you like best about me? Bart: [staring at the cupcakes] Well, I"d have to say... Your generous nature, your spirit of giving. Lisa: Well... [thinks] Open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will get a big surprise. Bart: [does so] Lisa: [gets up. The bus stops, and a cupcake falls out of the box. Lisa picks it up and shoves it into Bart"s mouth, then leaves] Bart: [munching] Thanks, Lis. You"re the best! -- ``Bart the General"" Once off the bus, a bully grabs the cupcakes and goes through the box, taking one bite out of each before discarding it. Bart threatens the boy, but Lisa warns Bart that the kid is a friend of Nelson Muntz. The boy pretends to hand over the box, but drops it and stomps on it. This proves too much for Bart, who leaps to attack the kid. A scuffle ensues (with the other kids cheering), and a hand reaches in and grabs Bart. It"s Nelson, who holds Bart harmlessly at arm"s length, then tosses him aside. Nelson is bleeding. He explains that he always gets other people"s blood on his face. But this time, it really his blood. It was an accident, man. A terrible, ghastly mistake. -- Bart tries to talk his way out of another jam, ``Bart the General"" A cold wind blows. Skinner stops by. ``Play friendly, children."" The bell rings. Nelson: [threateningly] I"ll get you after school, man. Bart: But... Princ. Skinner: Oh no no no, he"ll get you after school, son. Now hurry up, it"s time for class. Bart: But... Princ. Skinner: [shooing] Scoot, young Simpson! There"s learning to be done! -- ``Bart the General"" During class, Bart daydreams... Nelson is now a giant, who chases Bart down the hallway. Bart throws knives at him, which he merely pushes away after they embed in his chest. Bullets from a machine gun merely bounce off him. Bart is trapped, and giant-Nelson grabs Bart and says, ``Lunchtime!"" Bart falls down Nelson"s throat... ``Lunchtime, Bart,"" says Milhouse. Milhouse tells Bart he has to tell Skinner, but Bart refuses to violate the code of the schoolyard. They reach the lunchroom, where Lisa introduces ``Bart the bully-killer!"" Look, everybody. I would just as soon not make a big deal out of this. I"m not saying that I"m not a hero. I"m just saying that... I fear for my safety. -- Bart, ``Bart the General"" Nelson and his two cronies push through the crowd. The other kids scoot. Nelson tells Bart to be at the flagpole at 3:15. And not to be late. He has four other meetings that afternoon. Bart daydreams in class again... It"s his funeral. Open casket. (Bart has his lunchbox tucked under his arm.) Otto: [at Bart"s wake] Good-bye, little dude. [to Principal Skinner] He looks so lifelike, man! Principal Skinner: Yes, the nurse did a wonderful job reconstructing his little face after the fight. Good-bye, son. I guess you were right. All that homework a waste of your time. -- Wake me when it"s over, ``Bart the General"" Thanks, Bart! We got the day off from school for this! -- Milhouse attends Bart"s wake, ``Bart the General"" Homer gleefully says he got the day off from work for this. Marge jabs him in the ribs, and Homer acts in a manner more befitting the situation. Marge and Maggie bid Bart farewell. Lisa holds a cupcake. ``I can"t help but think if I had just given it to you in the first place, this whole horrible tragedy could have been avoided."" She leaves it on his forehead. Nelson comes up and takes the cupcake. ``Hey, look! They"ve got food at this thing!"" He then gives Bart a parting punch. The 3:15 bell rings. Bart tries to sneak out (hiding behind ridiculous things), but Nelson blocks his way. Nelson: Put "em up! [circles his fists] Bart: [raises his hands in surrender] -- ``Bart the General"" Nelson pummels a helpless Bart. Bart eventually collapses. ``Boy, you sure taught a lesson."" Bart is dragged off and dumped into a trash can. ``I"m going to get you again tomorrow, Simpson."" Bart takes a free ride in the garbage can down the street. Bart mutters, ``Man, that guy"s tough to love..."" [End of Act One. Time: 7:24ish] Bart climbs out of the garbage can onto the Simpsons front lawn. He falls and crawls inside. Marge seems concerned, but Homer just laughs it off. Bart goes into the bathroom, takes a quick look in the mirror (``I"m gonna miss ya, big guy"") and sits in the tub, moaning in pain. Homer pops in, at Marge"s insistence. Bart tearfully asks Homer"s help. The first step is to dry Bart"s tears, which Homer does with a high-power hair blower. Bart: Well, I had a run-in with a... bully. Marge: [bursts in] A bully!? Homer: [annoyed] Come on, Marge! I don"t bug you when you"re helping Lisa! Marge: Well, Bart, I hope you"re going straight to the principal about this. Bart: I... guess I could do that. Homer: What!? And violate the code of the schoolyard!? I"d rather Bart die! Marge: What on earth are you talking about, Homer!? Homer: The code of the schoolyard, Marge! The rules that teach a boy to be a man. Let"s see. [enumerates them on his fingers] Don"t tattle. Always make fun of those different from you. Never say anything, unless you"re sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do. What else... -- Rule number four: Girls have cooties, ``Bart the General"" Marge will hear nothing of this. Marge: This bully friend of yours. Is he a little on the chunky side? Bart: Yeah, he"s pretty chunkified, all right. Marge: Mmm. And I"ll bet he doesn"t do well in his studies, either. Bart: No, he"s pretty dumb. He"s in all the same special classes I am. -- ``Bart the General"" Marge suggests he try talking it out, but Homer drags Bart away. ``Thank you very much, Mrs. Maharishi Gandhi."" Down in the rumpus room, Homer draws a face on a punching bag and invites Bart to do his worst. Bart feebly punches it. ``No, no, not like that. Like this!"" Homer leaps onto the bag, clawing and chewing. He spits out a mouthful of cloth. Homer: You didn"t expect that, did you. And neither will he. Bart: You mean that I should fight dirty, Dad? Homer: Unfortunately, son, we Simpsons sometimes have to bend the rules a little in order to hold our own. Bart: Amen! Homer: So the next time this bully thinks you"re going to throw a punch, you throw a glob of mud in his eye! And then you sock him [pounds fist into hand] when he staggers around blinded! Bart: [getting into it] Yeah! Homer: And there"s nothing wrong with hitting someone when his back is turned. Bart: Gotcha. Homer: [quietly] And if you get the chance, get him right in the family jewels. That little doozy"s been a Simpson trademark for generations. [punches the punching bag down low] Bart: [cringes] Thanks, Pop. -- The rules of the schoolyard, Simpson style, ``Bart the General"" 取材自美国喜剧动画片【辛普森一家】 希望能帮到你!


coping n.顶部;[口腔]顶盖;墙顶vt.cope的变形vi.cope的变形cope vi.处理;对付;竞争n.长袍n.人名 科普(英);科佩(西)

coping skills是不是cope忍耐的意思

coping skill 中的cope是处理,应对的意思.






Videocopilot是一个After Effects插件,需要购买才能使用。购买后会得到注册码,可以将其输入到插件中进行激活。如果您已经购买了Videocopilot插件,但不知道如何激活,请按照以下步骤操作:1.首先,在您的计算机上安装Videocopilot插件。2.在After Effects中打开Videocopilot插件面板。3.在面板中找到“Activate”(激活)选项,单击它。4.在弹出窗口中输入您的注册码,然后单击“Activate”(激活)按钮。5.插件将开始验证您的注册码。如果验证成功,插件就会激活,您就可以开始使用它了。如果您没有购买Videocopilot插件,建议您按照官方渠道进行购买,以避免使用盗版插件带来的安全问题。


会。根据官网了解Microsoft 365 Copilot 会收费,基于Office 365之上,又增加一个增值包。








githubcopilot学生优惠怎么续约敲代码神器、程序员的AI助手GitHub Copilot,结束内测正式对所有人开放!正式版定价10美元/月(人民币约67元),年付有优惠100美元/年(人民币约669元)从现在起无需排队可申请2个月免费试用,另外对认证学生和热门开源项目维护者免费。看到这我当场就买了两份。分别试验了银联+Visa双币信用卡,和通过Paypal使用国内银行借记卡,都能顺利支付。成功购买后就可以到你喜欢的工具里去安装使用了,目前仅支持VS Code、Visual Studio、JetBrains全家桶、Neovim四种代码编辑器与IDE。△未来还会推出更多版本正式版Copilot支持多种主流编程语言,在Python、JavaScript、TypeScript、Rudy、Go上表现比较突出。用法上,可以写一句注释让AI生成整个函数,也可以代码写一半让AI根据上下文自动补全。GitHub认为这可以帮程序员节省时间,集中精力去解决更重大的问题。另外GitHub还希望Copilot能帮人掌握一门新的编程语言。有了AI助手帮你修正Bug或节省查询文档的时间,让人在探索未知领域时更自信。那么,这款要做程序员好伙伴的AI工具到底好不好用?看看内测用户的说法据GitHub官方统计,Copilot开放测试一年来已有120万用户。在所有Copilot参与的文件中,将近40%的代码量由AI用流行的语言(如Python)编写,预计这一比例还会上升。内测用户反馈方面,国内外都有不少人表示“用了一年已经离不开了”。使用体验上,有网友认为自己写代码的方式已经被Copilot改变。具体来说有三点:1、我的一部分工作内容从编写转成了策划。作为一个人类可以观察并修正一些代码,不必亲自动手做每一件事。2、我对冗余代码的容忍度变高了。让AI去做重复的工作,把代码写得更详细,可以提高可读性。3、我更愿意重构代码了。对于那些已经能用但写的不够理想的代码,Copilot可以灵活的完成重构,比如把复杂函数拆分或对关键部分抽象化。另外有内测用户表示,在频繁切换编程语言时使用Copilot就不用反复查找不同语法,能够节省大量时间。那么现在免费的内测已经结束,正式版10美元一个月的价格到底值不值?已经体验过内测版的用户中很多人表示:尽管Copilot还有这样那样的缺点,但按照程序员的收入水平来看绝对值了!△帮他加上表情包国内也有一些用户表示这么炫酷的功能,预期中价格会更贵,现在看来好便宜。不过,Copilot到底应不应该收费,也成了一个争论的焦点。在VS Code插件市场上,Copilot原本一直是5星好评。自今天宣布收费以来涌入了不少一星差评,把整体分数拉到了4.5。论其原因,先免费让人上瘾再收费的商业模式被一些人所反感。另外还有集中被吐槽的一个点,是Copilot使用开发者写的代码来训练就不应该回过头向开发者收费。

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进入官网进行体检。1、打开Microsoft 365 Copilot的官方网站。点击“Start now”按钮,进入Microsoft 365 Copilot的界面。2、在界面左侧选择需要获取帮助的Microsoft 365应用程序,如Word、Excel、PowerPoint等。在界面右侧,Microsoft 365 Copilot会提供相应的操作指导,可以跟随指导完成相应的操作。3、如果需要更深入的帮助,可以在界面下方输入具体的问题或关键词,Microsoft 365 Copilot会提供相应的帮助内容。

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Video Copilot 是美国著名AE大师ander kramer【简称AK】自己创办的一个网站,上面有非常不错的特效实例教程和插件预设等内容。熟悉AE的,没有几个不认识AK的。至于Video Copilot 的翻译,这个不重要的,直译就OK

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近日,微软宣布推出全新的Microsoft 365 Copilot,这是一款基于人工智能技术的协同办公工具。该工具将支持用户在微软Teams、Exchange、SharePoint等应用中实现更加高效的工作流程,提高企业内部沟通协作的效率和质量。据悉,Microsoft 365 Copilot的主要功能点包括:1、在线会议智能助手:通过智能语音识别和自然语言处理技术,Copilot可以实现会议记录、自动翻译、语音转文字等功能。这将大大减少会议笔录的工作量,提高会议的效率和准确性。2、自动化工作流程:Copilot还支持创建自动化工作流程,比如自动审批、自动归档等。这将帮助企业节省大量的时间和精力,提高工作效率。3、智能搜索:Copilot可以帮助用户快速搜索电子邮件、文件等信息,大大提高了工作效率。4、数据分析:通过对数据的分析和挖掘,Copilot可以为企业提供更加准确的业务分析和决策支持。总体来说,Microsoft 365 Copilot的推出将会对未来的业务产生积极的影响。首先,它将提高企业内部工作的效率和质量,减少重复性工作,释放员工的时间和精力。其次,它将帮助企业更好地管理和利用数据,提高业务的智能化水平。最后,通过支持跨越不同的应用程序和平台,Copilot可以为企业提供一站式的协作解决方案,更好地满足企业的需求。不过,随着Microsoft 365 Copilot的推出,也将对其他竞争对手产生一定的冲击。目前市场上已经有一些类似的协同办公工具,比如谷歌的G Suite和Slack等。微软需要在产品功能和用户体验等方面不断创新和优化,才能赢得更多的用户和市场份额。




是的,Office 365 Copilot 支持中文。您可以在 Office 365 Copilot 官网上选择中文语言,或者在使用过程中使用中文进行交流和指导。



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1、在 Visual Studio Code 中搜索并安装 "Visual Studio IntelliCode" 扩展程序。2、安装完毕后,在 Visual Studio Code 编辑器中打开任意项目。3、按下 Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows) 或 Cmd + Shift + P (Mac),打开命令面板。4、在命令面板中输入 “Toggle AI-assisted IntelliSense” 并选择该选项。5、在弹出的对话框中,选择 ”Install Copilot“。6、跟随提示完成安装即可开始使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot。




CopilotX是一款AI编程软件,申请步骤如下:1. 打开浏览器,搜索copilotx官网。2. 在copilotx官网中申请,提交用户的个人资料。3. 等待copilotx官方的审核即可。






1、首先,进入Microsoft官网,找到Microsoft365Copilot的购买页面。2、其次,在页面上选择购买方式,例如选择 "购买并订阅",会出现不同的订阅选项,需要根据个人需求和预算选择订阅方案。3、最后,填写个人信息和付款方式,完成购买即可。




Microsoft Office 365(Word 365)是Microsoft推出的一款办公软件,支持在任何兼容的计算机、平板电脑、智能手机等设备上使用。它拥有强大的文档编辑功能,可以帮助用户创建、编辑和共享文档。Word 365可以帮助用户完成各种任务,比如撰写文档、编辑文档、打印文档、共享文档等。另外,Word 365还支持将文档转换为PDF格式,使用户可以随时随地查看并分享文档。总之,Word 365可以帮助用户轻松完成文档编辑任务,可以说是办公软件中不可多得的好帮手。







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与野兽这首歌一样,《Copilot》是由海伦·菲舍尔(Helene Fischer)演唱的一首歌曲[1]。收录于环球唱片(Universal Music)旗下的百代唱片。




很高兴为您服务!Office365安装copilot组件需要进行以下几个步骤:1. 首先,登录Office365管理中心,在服务与软件选项的左侧菜单中选择 “应用程序”。2. 点击右上角的 “添加应用程序” 按钮。3. 选择 “应用商店” 选项,在应用商店搜索中搜索 “copilot” 。4. 选择 “Copilot” 并点击 “加入” 。5. 在 “添加用户” 面板中,添加需要使用 Copilot 的目标用户,然后点击 “安装” 按钮完成安装。如果您在安装过程中遇到任何问题,请随时联系 copilot 的技术支持团队。祝您使用愉快!

copilot这首歌的中文歌词 是德国女歌手Helene Fischer的那首 谁知道啊 谢谢

《Copilot》歌曲中文版叫《双刃剑》。这首歌是由海伦菲舍尔(Helene Fischer)演唱的一首歌曲,收录于环球唱片(Universal Music)旗下的百代唱片(Electricand Musical Industries,EMI)公司2011年10月17日发行的专辑《FurEinenTag》中。歌曲的鼓点节奏沉稳,在悠扬的吉他弦声和口哨音伴奏中,表达了一种在回忆过去时既感伤又幸福的情感,和积极正视过去、面对未来的态度。

Helene Fischer的《Copilot》 歌词

歌曲名:Copilot歌手:Helene Fischer专辑:Für einen Tag (Fan Edition)Swizz Beatz Ft.Snoop Dogg&JR Reid – Co-PilotDo you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotYou said you wanna flyDo you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotI"ll take you up in the airI"ll take you out againDid you ever try making love to your girl in the skyChampagne fly, high grade, so highHave you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky(Have you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky)Baby girl we are going, going, goneThat cloud, we are floating, floating onSit back and put your seat belt, seat belt onI"m the Pilot, you my Co so let"s get it onI can take you on shopping spree"s across the worldEverybody in the world know that you are my girlI""ll blow that marijuana tree straight up in the airI walk around cause I don"t careI got that change in my pocket switch to heavy metalThat black card let you know I am out the ghettoNever forget the ghetto cause I love the ghettoI"m in that Porsche GT I am touching metalDo you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotYou said you wanna flyDo you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotI"ll take you up in the airI"ll take you out againDid you ever try making love to your girl in the skyChampagne fly, high grade, so highHave you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky(Have you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky)Come fly the friendly skies, it"s like a piece of pieIts a story, amore?, look in my eyesNow fasten your seatbelt and crack the moonYou like that? Well like that, now write backGot too, now rock two now pop twoShake it and bake it, take it allRoll with me baby doll, we can see the universeDo things that you likeFly you in a jet and have you watching SatellitesYou ever done that?Show you where the fun atI do that, you knew thatI run that, now come backHold that, now roll thatWe bossed up in another dimensionBefore you rool Dogg, get ya parents permissionWe outDo you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotYou said you wanna flyDo you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotI"ll take you up in the airI"ll take you out againDid you ever try making love to your girl in the skyChampagne fly, high grade, so highHave you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky(Have you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky)S-N double O-P is down with mePlus he blowin" them Chronic trees I"m listening to D-R-ESome people say the weed could save yaThats why they roll it up in Bible paperCruising down the highway it"s about that timeTo smoke some good weed so I can blow my mindI aint doing crimes, why the police always wanna f-ck with meOne time (one time), two times (two times)(Weed break)Inhale exhale, exhale inhaleYou know we love the way the good weed smellSo so…Do you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotYou said you wanna flyDo you wanna fly, could you be my co-pilot, pilotI"ll take you up in the airI"ll take you out againDid you ever try making love to your girl in the skyChampagne fly, high grade, so highHave you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky(Have you ever tried making love to your girl in the sky)She never forget, she getting love in a private jetShe never forget, she getting love in a private jethttp://music.baidu.com/song/10595860




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