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我是一名初学者,在flac3d中property bulk=1e8 shear=0.3e8 具体含义是什么,哪位大侠能帮忙一下,谢谢...


在PLSQL Developer左边的窗口里选中procedures点右键“新建”,没有反应?



Operations: 操作,经营; 手术.Procedures: 程序; 步骤; 常规.同时出现大概意思是:操作手术,操作程序,按步骤操作。

you are not allowed to continue because your account does not have the proper privileges


开机显示“the system has detected that a cooling fan is not operating correctly是什么意思?


Eclipse for Android Developers为什么从官网下线了,从哪里可以下载?

现在直接用 Eclipse Installer,选择安装它,自动配置。

安装锐捷蓝屏 错误driver_unloaded_without_canceling_pending_operations(ruijiesundisfilter_sys)


VB在过程中 optional的作用和用法 property是干什么的

optional:在VB过程中,optional的作用是用来说明该形参是否可以缺省(即 调用函数时对应的实参是否可以缺省以及缺省值是什么)。其用法说明如下:使用Optional关键字的VB过程的一般格式为(省略了一些无关的选项):Sub/Function 过程名(必选参数说明, Optional 参数名1 [As 类型 [=默认值]], Optional 参数名2 [As 类型 [=默认值]],...) "过程体End Sub/Function例如:Sub s(A As Integer, Optional B, Optional C As Integer, Optional D As Integer=50) "过程体End Sub调用过程s时,只有对应于第一个形参(A)的实参是必须的,对应于后面三个形参(B,C,D)的实参都是可选的,因此,如下调用语句都是正确的: Call s(10) "A的值为10,B的类型和值为未知,C的值为0,D的值为50 Call s(10, 20) "A的值为10,B的值20,C的值为0,D的值为50 Call s(10, 20, 30) "A的值为10,B的值20,C的值为30,D的值为50 Call s(10, 20, 30, 40) "A的值为10,B的值20,C的值为30,D的值为40 Call s(10, 20 , , 40) "A的值为10,B的值20,C的值为0,D的值为40但语句Call s是错误的。此外,应该指出,用Optional指定的可选的参数一般都应指定参数的类型,如果可选的参数没有指定类型(比如上例中的形参B),则在过程体中一般需要使用IsMissing函数来对其进行测试,否则有可能引发错误。Property:关键字Property用来为自定义类定义属性过程,属性过程用来设置或获取类中数据成员的值。由于一般用户不太需要自定义类,所以暂时可以不必关心Property的具体用法。

AccesscontrolAssistance operators是什么


把域用户添加到Network Configuration Operators组后,修改IP地址还是提示我需要管理员权限,WIN7的系统

将用户同时加入了User组和Network Configuration Operators组是可以更改IP的,只不过用户更改的时候会弹出窗口要求输入管理员用户密码,这个时候输入这个用户的就可以更改了。(UAC必须开启且最好设置在默认值)关于权限交叉是否取小权限,我觉得事实上没这么简单。期待高手。

keyboard operators 怎么读

keyboard operators [u02c8ki:bu0254:d] ["u0252pu0259reu026atu0259z] 键盘操作员

In C languageuff0cuff08 uff09consists of variables and constants connected by operators.


MATLAB Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values报错


Backup Operators电脑专用词什么意思啊。



They are keyboard operators.Are they keyboard operators?

Boolean operators是什么意思

Boolean operators网络布尔运算符; 布尔逻辑算符; 逻辑算符; 布尔算子; 运算元双语例句1Use Boolean operators to perform multiple keyword searches.使用布尔运算符执行多个关键字搜索。

Shortthand Operators什么意思?

shorthand operators速记行家

Server Operators 什么意思?


matlab程序报错??? Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible

你这个应该用if语句case不能做判断其次你的deta><的选择只能和数字而不能和字符作比较deta=17; if deta>0&&deta<=5 R="1.8"; elseif deta>5&&deta<=10 R="1.9"; elseif deta>10&&deta<=15 R="2.0"; elseif deta>15&&deta<=20 R="2.1"; end

matlab问题 Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values


MATLAB报错Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.

你的belta是2x1向量,belta<( ) 返回的也是2X1,不能与前面的做逻辑运算。这种小问题很好检查的,你把那个长表达式的每一个运算单独跑一下,一眼就看出来了。

apologize for keeping you waiting. Our operators

We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our operators are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we"ll get back to you shortly.

MATLAB 调试中出现Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logial scalar values


Backup Operators用户权限设置问题!


java程序中OperatorsAndExpressions OperAndExp= new OperatorsAndExpressions是什么意思?麻烦详细讲解一

实例化OperatorsAndExpressions 得到一个对象名为OperAndExp,通过该对象调用其方法:OperAndExp.equalsMethod1();


GRR一般选用3个operator ,随便定义其名称A,B,C或甲,乙,丙都可以具体做GRR过程如下:取10个待测样品,编号1~10,测量设备M,3个测量人员A,B,C测量人员A依次量测1~10个待测样品,得到第一组GRR数据测量人员B依次量测1~10个待测样品,得到第二组GRR数据测量人员C依次量测1~10个待测样品,得到第三组GRR数据依此循环再测量2轮,直到测量人员C测得第九组GRR数据,共收集10个待测样品,3个测量人员9次交叉测试的90个有序数据将数据导入Mini-tab或excel GRR模板中,运行获得GRR报表,依此报表得出此测量系统的重复性(设备变差EV),再现性(测量人员变差AV),重复性和再现性(R&R),零件变差(PV),总变差(TV)等数据,由此判断此测量系统是否稳定,通常以%R&R的值作参考,0%<%R&R<10%——测量系统状况良好,10%≤%R&R≤30%——测量系统状况可以接收,但需改进(若对测试系统要求更高些,则要求10%≤%R&R≤20%),30%<%R&R<100%——测量系统必须改进;熟练一点的报告鉴定者,不仅仅会看上面那些变差值,同时也会参考变差图表是否合理


Laplacian operator 拉普拉斯算符 l



把cad导入3dmax显示Improper file format ?


有一个荷兰公司英文名称是“XXXX Cooperatie UA”,请问Cooperatie UA代表什么意思,是一个什么类型的公司


Alice Cooper的《gail》 歌词

歌曲名:gail歌手:Alice Cooper专辑:raise your fist and yellA tree has grown on the spotWhere her body did restBlood seeped in the soilFrom the knife in her chestThe bugs serve time in her skeletal jailI wonder how the bugs remember GailWhat a lovely young girlEverybody would sayYou can still hear her laughIn the shadows on a cold winter"s dayA dog dug up a bone and wagged it"s tailI wonder how that I"ll remember GailThe bugs serve time in her skeletal jailI wonder how the bugs remember Gailhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14509258

Mike Bloomfield & Al Kooper的《Mary Ann》 歌词

歌曲名:Mary Ann歌手:Mike Bloomfield & Al Kooper专辑:The Live Adventures Of Mike Bloomfield And Al Kooper词:沈虹 曲:张平 编曲:马思源唱:周峰玛莉 玛莉 你在我心里留着一个美好的记忆玛莉 玛莉 我不忍分离为何偏偏你要离我远去玛莉 玛莉 我多么想你想你能够再和我一起玛莉 玛莉 我多么爱你为何偏偏你要离我远去你可曾,可曾记得我们我们俩愉快的欢聚你可曾,可曾记得我们我们俩一起甜蜜地吻我说 玛莉别离我远去让我们一起再回忆玛莉 玛莉别使我伤心让我们一起去回忆http://music.baidu.com/song/7513698

一道小学六年级英语选择题:I can play the ( )(opera、pipa、ballet

pipa因为pipa是琵琶是属于一种乐器,而在英语中play the +乐器的所以是pipa。相信我,我英语专业的呢

奥浦诺管理咨询公司(Opera Solutions)

奥浦诺管理咨询公司简介奥浦诺管理咨询公司(Opera Solutions)创建于2003年,是一家成立于美国纽约的管理咨询公司,其创始人在早年离开麦肯锡并在科尔尼创建其金融业务部门之后,他们创立了今天的奥浦诺管理咨询公司。随着公司业务的飞速扩展,在业内知名度的不断提升,奥浦诺伦敦、上海等子公司相继在全球各地成立。奥浦诺管理咨询公司致力于为全球500强企业提供咨询服务,他们的核心团队在产业链管理、业务转型、私人投资、实证分析等领域有着丰富的经验,并曾以高级合伙人级别的身份给一些北美和欧洲最成功的企业提供咨询。在金融服务行业的领导地位已是有目共睹,在电信、传媒、零售业和消费产品等行业,也积累了深厚的经验。[编辑]奥浦诺管理咨询公司的优势  奥浦诺擅长于深入的战略研究、分析支持和项目管理。主要战略优势在于切实可行的方案、踏实的实施经验和强大的业内专家和管理者的关系网。深入的专业技术和实践经验对每一个项目,奥浦诺的做法都是提供切实的、能够实施并带来快速经济效益的战略解决方案和建议。为确保这一点,在战略发展和实际执行的层面奥浦诺都参与其中。在预期效果达到之前,奥浦诺绝不会结束工作。对于行业的专注研究和出色完成的一系列项目足以展现出奥浦诺在Growth Analytics领域“参与其中”的经验。独有的解决能力基于的客户经验,奥浦诺开发了业内领先、并可针对客户的独特需求量身订制的结构化工具和方法。在Growth Analytics领域,奥浦诺已成功地开发出了一套自主拥有的6步过程处理法,最终可为客户带来切实而长久的成果。这一套系统方法带领客户从商业问题研究与诊断开始,通过深入的分析过程,得到解决方案并实施执行。在这一过程完成之后还可以启动新的过程。富有经验的管理者与咨询师相搭配的团队考虑到完美无缺的完成项目在实现真正转变中的关键性,充分借助在行业中掌握了第一手经验的管理者尤为重要。在经历了做出决定,并处理好其决定所带来的好与坏的结果之后,这些管理者成为项目指导者的不二人选。同时奥浦诺强调在实施阶段中的团队与客户共同参与其中的方法。这种方法是为了将奥浦诺现有的经验和方法快速传授给客户,使其在未来的实施过程中能够利用这些经验和方法。[编辑]专业领域  奥浦诺为寻求解决深具挑战的商业问题的商业领袖们提供创新的解决方案。无论是通过增加收入,还是通过控制成本,奥浦诺的工作都致力于增强客户的竞争地位并给客户带去持久的利润改善。着眼于客户的宏观大局,并进行深入的细节分析,是奥浦诺做任何事情的核心所在。奥浦诺将复杂问题分解为“正确的”假设。利用强大的分析工具以及奥浦诺对行业经济驱动力的深刻理解,验证这些假设。以此为基础,奥浦诺提出实用性策略,并建立实施路线图,确保奥浦诺的工作对每位客户的业务都有持续性影响。

电脑开机出现Loading operating 无法进入系统

出现这种报错,可能有以下几种常见原因:1、可能上次系统没有装完,系统文件残缺导致的无法进入系统。2、系统引导文件被恶意破坏,导致无法启动3、磁盘主引导出了问题,导致无法从系统盘引导。如系统分区未激活解决方案在另一台电脑上制作启动U盘(需格式化U盘,注意备份数据)。开机进Boot Menu,选择从U盘启动,进入WinPE。使用分区软件把系统分区激活,重建MBR。使用NTBOOTautofix自动修复了系统引导文件。终极解决方案,重装系统。

电脑开机提示loading operating system一直无法进入系统。

1、Error loading operating system提示是:错误加载操作系统,因为引导区没能被激活,必须用工具来激活,PQ.SFDISK都能激活。进到易游DOS维护平台——选中A.命令模式——单击回车按钮。2、接下来还要在图示的地方来用键盘输入下图命令spfdisk,再点击回车键结束即可。3、然后会进入到下一个界面,在最上面选中P.硬盘分区工具里单击完成即可。4、接下来还需要规定分区,我们规定的是第1分区选项卡为活动分区。5、之后我们就可以看到,启动分区已被激活的页面。最上面是显示磁盘的具体属性。6、这时按ESC键会弹出相应对话框,有一个是否的选项,在选项卡里选择[Y]是保存的。7、当出现提示:写入的目的磁盘是第一部硬盘,再次确定按Y按钮即可。

cooperative principle英文名词解释,不是翻译,语言学科目里的




问:英文数学题目中的indicated variable和indicated operation



fair 和 reasonable就可以了

operating profit怎么算?

operating profit = sales + cost of goods remaining unsold - purchases - interest payable - administration expense

investment property是什么意思

investment property[英][inu02c8vestmu0259nt u02c8pru0254pu0259ti][美][u026anu02c8vu025bstmu0259nt u02c8prɑpu0259ti]投资财产; 例句:1.Investment property owners have to deal with problems ranging fromprolonged vacancies to deadbeat tenants. 投资型房地产的业主不得不处理很多问题,诸如长期空置和无赖房客等等。2.A wealth manager recently told me that every single self-made client of hishad established a portfolio of investment property once they cashed out. 一位财富经理最近告诉我,他的每一位白手起家的客户一旦出售企业,就会建立一个房地产投资组合

为什么arcgis的layers properties中没有经纬度显示呢?

在arctoolbox中,找到data management tools/features/ADD XY coordinates,双击,在出现的对话框中选择你的rep图层,然后OK 就可以了,重新打开属性表里就会有经纬度了。

房地产英语:residential properties and retail properties


3D MAX 已经把物体的Objet Properties里的See-Through打上勾了,为什么渲染的时候还能看得到?


Appreciate for you cooperation to promote our X’mas Feast这句话语法上有哪些需要调整?

只要把you 改为 your 就可以了。

intellectual property可数吗

intellectual property知识产权; [英][u02ccu026antiu02c8lektjuu0259l u02c8pru0254pu0259ti][美][u02ccu026antlu02c8u025bktu0283uu0259l u02c8prɑpu0259ti]可数的.intellectual properties.

Intellectual property 和 intellectual property right 区别


用例子说明strategic,tactical, operational plans的区别

strategic:战略的,战略上的 tactical:战术的,用兵上的,策略的 operational plans:运行计划,操作计划 希望有帮助!



smoke-free property什么意思


求The Phantom of the Opera(歌剧魅影 男女对唱)的歌谱


the phantom of the opera的各种版本


“有首歌曲”和phantom of the opera很像

Nightwish-Phantom of the opera 。名字还是这个名字,歌剧魅影,歌词也一样。你说的应该是由Nightwish(夜愿)乐队演唱的。很好听,这个乐队是属于金属美声乐队,我最喜欢的乐队。望采纳。

The Phantom of opera课文翻译


“歌剧魅影”中的THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA 下载………………

我回答过你的问题的,你自由取消了提问。。。。我给你的网上能下到歌曲的,我也给你歌词了!!为啥你还取消了呢,真是的!欢迎提问我最喜欢的《剧院魅影》的相关问题!! 从魅影把克里斯丁带到密室开始唱的歌曲有:(歌词如下) 1.THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA the phantom of the opera 歌手:webber andrew lloyd 专辑:the phantom of the opera (Christine) In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came... that voice which calls to me and speaks my name... And do I dream again? For now I find the Phantom of the Opera is there - inside my mind... (Phantom) Sing once again with me our strange duet... My power over you grows stronger Webber Andrew Lloyd yet... And though you turn from me, to glance behind, the Phantom of the Opera is there - inside your mind... (Christine) Those who have seen your face draw back in fear... I am the mask you wear... (Phantom) It"s me they hear... (Both) Your/my spirit and your/my voice, in one combined: the Phantom of the Opera is there - inside your/my mind... He"s there, the Phantom of the Opera... Beware the Phantom of the Opera... (Phantom) In all your fantasies you always knew that man and mystery... (Christine) ...were both in you... (Both) And in this labyrinth, where night is blind, the Phantom of the Opera is there/here - inside your/my mind... (Phantom -spoken-) Sing, my Angel of Music! (Christine) He"s there, the Phantom of the Opera... 2.MUSIC OF THE NIGHT PHANTOM: I have brought you to the seat of sweet music"s throne . . . to this kingdom where all must pay homage to music . . . music . . . You have come here, for one purpose, and one alone . . . Since the moment I first heard you sing, I have needed you with me, to serve me, to sing, for my music . . . my music . . . (changing mood) Night-time sharpens, heightens each sensation . . . Darkness stirs and wakes imagination . . . michael crawford Silently the senses abandon their defences . . . Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour . . . Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender . . . Turn your face away from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light - and listen to the music of the night . . . Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams! Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before! Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar! And you"ll live as you"ve never lived before . . . Softly, deftly, music shall coress you . . . secretly posess you . . . Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind, in this darkness which you know you cannot fight - the darkness of the music of the night . . . Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Let your soul Take you where you long to be ! Only then can you belong to me . . . Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! Touch me, trust me savour each sensation! Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write - the power of the music of the night . . . You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night . . http://mp3.baidu.com/albumlist/andrew+lloyd+webber;;;;;;the+phantom+of+the+opera.html 在上面的网址中,你可以下载到任何一首《剧院魅影》中的经典歌曲(将上面的网页复制后即可进入)

看过剧院魅影的请进!!!帮我介绍一下英文歌曲the phatom of the opera

安德鲁洛伊韦伯的【歌剧魅影】被公认是当前音乐剧市场最富商业价值的作品,也是韦伯写过最好音乐剧之一,旋律优美,过耳难忘,自1986年首演以来,已在全球赚进32亿美元;在全球17个国家、一百多个城市有超过七千万人观赏过,票房收入超过任何一部电影或舞台剧。如此辉煌的票房纪录,让这部千呼万唤始出来的音乐巨片,成为最令全球观众期待的电影。 主页的背景音乐就是选自歌剧魅影其中的一首:《Think of me》Sarah Brightman 莎拉布莱曼是当代最有传奇色彩的舞台剧名伶, 由她所诠释的韦伯的代表作《歌剧魅影》、《安魂曲》等早已成为音乐剧史上的里程碑,创造了一个又一个神话, 她与卡雷拉斯合唱的巴塞罗纳奥运会的主题歌《FRIEND FOR LIFE》,与 ANDREA BOCELLI合唱的《TIME TO SAY GOODBYE》,都已成为音乐史上的经典,在她的演唱中,完美的融合了古典与流行的元素,使SARAH BRIGHTMAN的音乐具有无穷的魅力。

Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Sarah Brightman-Violia.Blog.Co专辑:Diva:The Singles CollectionPhantom Of The OperaNightwishIn sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came,that voice which calls to me,and speaks my name.And do I dream again? For now I findthe phantom of the opera is thereinside my mind.Sing once again with me our strange duet;my power over you grows stronger yet.And though you turn from me to glance behind,the phantom of the opera is thereinside your mind.Those who have seen your facedraw back in fear.I am the mask you wear,it"s me they hear.Your spirit and my voice in one combined;the phantom of the opera is thereinside my/your mind.He"s there the phantom of the opera.Beware the phantom of the opera.In all your fantasies, you always knewthat man and mysterywere both in you.And in this labyrinth where night is blind,the Phantom of the opera is hereinside my/your mind.Sing, my angel of music!http://music.baidu.com/song/2215929

Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:BBC ArchivesSteve HarrisI"ve been looking so long for you now you won"t get away from my grasp.You"ve been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.Iron MaidenAnd you know and I know that you ain"t got long now to last.Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.You"re standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.Yeah, I know that you"re gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.You know I"m helpless from your mesmerising cat call.Keep your distance, walk away, don"t take his bait.Don"t you stray, don"t fade away.Watch your step, he"s out to get you, come what may.Don"t you stray, from the narrow way.I"m running and hiding in my dreams you"re always there.You"re the Phantom of the Opera, you"re the devil, you"re just out to scare.You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.http://music.baidu.com/song/54626097

Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:New York PalladiumSteve HarrisI"ve been looking so long for you now you won"t get away from my grasp.You"ve been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.Iron MaidenAnd you know and I know that you ain"t got long now to last.Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.You"re standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.Yeah, I know that you"re gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.You know I"m helpless from your mesmerising cat call.Keep your distance, walk away, don"t take his bait.Don"t you stray, don"t fade away.Watch your step, he"s out to get you, come what may.Don"t you stray, from the narrow way.I"m running and hiding in my dreams you"re always there.You"re the Phantom of the Opera, you"re the devil, you"re just out to scare.You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.http://music.baidu.com/song/54794531

翻译《phantom of the opera》课文

The Paris Opera House is a huge building. Beneath the building thereis a strange, dark lake. On this lake is an island. On that island,one hundred years ago, lived the phantom.He was so ugly at birth that his own mother made him wear a mask. Sheforce him to leave home while he was still a child. He spent yearswandering around Paris until he built his home on the island.Amazingly, this monster of a man loved singing and had a wonderfulvoice.The phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer atthe Opera. He often stood near her room late at night and sang toher. He even helped her improve her singing and become the Opera"smost popular singer. Christine could not see the Phantom, and thoughtthat he must be an angel.But Christine had already agreed to marry her childhood friend,Raoul. When the Phantom learnt about this, it broke his heart. Hekidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience. Then, hetook her to his secret home on the lake. Only Raoul was brave enoughto follow. But the Phantom captured him and locked him away.In the Phantom"s home, Christine finally pulled off his mask. SHe wasshocked at his horrible face, with yellow eyes and no nose. But shefelt very sorry sorry for him. She understood how lonely he must be.She gently kissed his face.Christine"s kindness made the phantom cry. He let Raoul go, and toldhim to take Christine away. Some people from the Opera arrived atthe Phantom"s home, ready to kill him. But the Phantom magicallydisappeared, and was never seen again.巴黎歌剧院是一个巨大的建筑。下建设有是一个奇怪的,黑暗的湖。在这个湖是一个岛国。在该岛上,一百多年前,住了一个幻像。他出生的太难看,他自己的母亲让他戴上口罩。她迫使他离开家,而他还是个孩子。他花了几年时间在巴黎附近徘徊,直到他在岛上建立了他的家。令人惊讶的是,这个怪物一个人爱唱歌,有一个美好的的声音。魅影爱上了一个美丽的年轻歌手克里斯丁。他常常站在她的房间附近在晚上和她合唱。他甚至还帮她改善她的歌声,并成为歌剧院的最受欢迎的歌手。克里斯丁无法看到魅影,以为他必须是一个天使。但克里斯蒂已经同意嫁给她她儿时的朋友,拉乌尔。当魅影了解,她撕碎了他的心。他绑架她在整个观众面前的舞台。接着,他带她到他在湖上的秘密家。只有拉乌尔很勇敢遵循。但幽灵擒获,便把他带走。在幽灵的家,克里斯丁终于脱下他的面具。她震惊于他的可怕的脸,黄色的眼睛,没有鼻子。但她感到很抱歉对不起他。她明白,他必须是多么孤独。她轻轻地亲吻他的脸。克里斯丁的善良的魅影哭。他让拉乌尔去,并告诉他把克里斯丁送远。从歌剧院有些人抵达幽灵的家,准备杀了他。但幻影神奇消失了,从未见过。希望可以帮你!:)


《The Phantom of the Opera》(Gaston Leroux)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ia1BVf-Leb89uGO_CYD0XQ 提取码: 6ivb书名:The Phantom of the Opera作者:Gaston Leroux译者:Lowell Bair豆瓣评分:8.0出版社:Bantam Classics出版年份:1990-01页数:274内容简介:Gaston Leroux is one of the originators of the detective story, and The Phantom of the Opera is his tour de force, as well as being the basis for the hit Broadway musical. A superb suspense story and a dark tale of obsession, The Phantom of the Opera has thrilled and entertained audiences in adaptations throughout the century.This new translation—the first completely modern and Americanized translation—unfurls the full impact of this classic thriller for modern readers. It offers a more complete rendering of the terrifying figure who emerges from the depths of the glorious Paris Opera House to take us into the darkest regions of the human heart. After the breathtaking performance of the lovely Christine Daae and her sudden disappearance, the old legend of the “opera ghost” becomes a horrifying reality as the ghost strikes out with increasing frequency and violence—always with the young singer at the center of his powerful obsession. Leroux has created a masterwork of love and murder—and a tragic figure who awakens our deepest and most forbidden fears.This is the only complete, unabridged modern Americanized translation available. Lowell Bair is the acclaimed translator of such Bantam Classics as Madame Bovary , Les Liaisons Dangereuses, and Candide .作者简介:卡斯顿·勒胡(Gaston Leroux, 1868-1927),20世纪初期法国最杰出的推理小说作家,在法国有“永恒的记者”之称。勒胡毕业后在一家律师事务所做书记员,业余创作随笔和短篇小说。1890年开始投身报业,曾作为特派记者周游世界各地。1900年开始创作长篇小说。他的小说风格诡异,擅长以不可思议的内容与场景营造恐怖玄异的气氛,并且在恐怖中淋漓尽致地表达人性。他的著作《黄色房间之谜》被称誉为“不可模仿、不可超越的推理小说杰作”。

The Phantom Of The Opera 歌词

歌曲名:The Phantom Of The Opera歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber专辑:The Phantom Of The Opera (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Expanded Edition]The Phantom Of The OperaIn sleep he sang to meIn dreams he cameThat voice which calls to meand speaks my nameAnd do I dream againFor now I findThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside my mindSing once again with meOur strange duetMy power over youGrows stronger yetAnd though you turn from meTo glance behindThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your mindThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearit"s me they hearYour/my spirit and your/my voiceIn one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your/my mindHe"s thereThe Phantom of the OperaA……Sing, my angelA……Sing for meA……Sing for meA……Sing, my angelA……Sing for meA……http://music.baidu.com/song/8119060

the phantom of the opera 歌词

歌曲名:the phantom of the opera歌手:大卫迪奥专辑:大卫Beneath the opera houseI know it"s therehe"s with me on the stageHe"s everywhereand when my song beginsI always findInside my mindSing once again with meOur strange duetMy power over youGrows stronger yetYou give your love to mefor love is blindThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your mindThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearit"s me they hearYour/my spirit and your/my voiceIn one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your/my mindsing once again with meour strange duetMy power over you shows stronger yetThe phantom of the opera is now your mastermindThat man and mysteryWere both in youAnd in this labyrinthWhere night is blindInside your/my mindSing, my angel of musicHe"s there, the Phantom of the OperaYou give your love to me for love is blindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13583761

The Phantom of the Opera(歌声魅影)内的歌曲的歌词歌谱

其实Sunset Boulevard并非在phantom中出现的 它是在andrew lloyd webber的另一套名为"Sunset Boulevard"的musical里的. MUSIC OF THE NIGHT Night time sharpens heightens each sensation ... Darkness wakes and stirs imagination Silently the senses abandon their defences Helpless to resist the notes I write For I pose the music of the night ... Slowly gently night unfurls its splendeour. Gr it sense it - tremulous and tender Hearing is believing music is deceiving Hard as lightning soft as candlelight dare you trust the music of the night ... Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth And the truth isn"t what you want to see In the dark it is easy to pretend that the truth is what it ought to be. Softly deftly music shall caress you ... Hear it feel it secretly possess you ... Open up your mind let your fantasies unwind in the darkness which you know you cannot fight - the darkness of the music of the night ... Close your eyes start a journey through a strange new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Close your eyes and let music set you free ... Only then can you belong to me ... Floating falling sweet intoxication! Touch me trust me savour each sensation ... Let the dream begin let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write - the power of the music of the night ... You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night ... Come we must return - those o fools who run my theatre will be missing you ... SUNSET BOULEVARD Sure I came out here to make my name Wanted my pool my dose of fame Wanted my parking space at Warner"s But after a year a one room hell A murphy bed a rancid *** ell Wallpaper peeling at the corners Sunset Boulevard isting boulevard Secretive and rich a little scary Sunset Boulevard tempting boulevard Waiting there to swallow the unwary Dreams are not enough to win a war Out here they"re always keeping score Beneath the tan the battle rages Smile a rented *** ile fill someone"s glass Kiss someone"s wife kiss someone"s ass We do whatever pays the wages Sunset Boulevard headline boulevard Getting here is only the beginning Sunset Boulevard jackpot boulevard Once you"ve won you have to go on winning You think I"ve sold out? Dead right I"ve sold out! I just keep waiting for the right offer Comfortable quarters regular rations 24-hour Five Star room service And if I"m honest I like the lady I can"t help being touched by her folly I"m treading water taking the money Watching her sun set... Well I"m a writer! L.A."s changed a lot over the years Since those brave gold rush pioneers Came in their creaky covered wagons Far as they could go end of the line Their dreams were yours their dreams were mine But in those dreams were hidden dragons Sunset Boulevard frenzied boulevard Swamped with every kind of false emotion Sunset Boulevard brutal boulevard Just like you we"ll wind up in the ocean She was sinking fast I threw a rope Now I have suits and she has hope It seemed an elegant solution One day this must end it isn"t real Still I"ll enjoy a hearty meal Before tomorrrow"s execution Sunset Boulevard ruthless boulevard Destination for the stony-hearted Sunset Boulevard lethal boulevard Everyone"s fotten how they started Here on Sunset Boulevard...! 楼上位人兄歌词好似错左wo... Music of the Night 应该系咁 作词:Charles Hart 作曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber Nighttime sharpens heightens each sensation Darkness stirs and wakes imagination Silently the senses abandon their defenses Slowly gently night unfurls its splendour Gr it sense it tremulous and tender Turn your face away from the garish light of day Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light And listen to the music of the night Close you eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams purge your thoughts of the life you knew before Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar And you"ll live as you"ve never lived before Softly deftly music shall caress you Hear it feel it secretly posess you Open up your mind Let your fantasies unwind In this darkness which you know you cannot fight The darkness of the music of the night Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before Let your soul take you where you long to be! Only then can you belong to me Floating falling sweet intoxication Touch me trust me savour each sensation Let the dream begin let your darker side give in To the power of the music that I write The power of the music of the night You alone can make my song take flight Help me make the music of the night 歌谱可以试下去呢度downlaod gamez/showthread?t=178341

the phantom of the opera歌词的中文对应翻译


the phantom of the opera 的歌词

The Phantom Of The Opera lyrics From the Play Christine: In sleep he sang to me In dreams he came. That voice which calls to me And speaks my name And do I dream again? For now I find The Phantom of the Opera is here Inside my mind Phantom: Sing once again with me Our strange duet. My power over you Grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me To glance behind. The Phantom of the Opera is there Inside your mind. Christine: Those who have seen your face Draw back in fear. I am the mask you wear. Phantom: It"s me they hear. Both: My/your spirit and my/your voice In one bined. The Phantom of the Opera is here/there Inside your/my mind Offstage: He"s there the Phantom of the Opera! Beware The Phantom of The Opera! Phantom: In all your fantasies You always knew That man and mystery Christine: Were both in you Both: And in this labyrinth Where night is blind The Phantom of the opera is there/here Inside your/my mind Phantom: Sing my Angel of Music Christine: He"s there The Phantom of the Opera! (Vocalizing) Phantom: Sing! Christine: (Vocalizing higher) Phantom: Sing for me! Christine: (Vocalizing higher) Phantom: Sing my angel of music! Christine: (Sings higher) Phantom: SING FOR ME! Phantom: I have brought you To the seat of sweet music"s throne. To this kingdom where all must pay homage to music Music. You have e here. For one purpose and one alone. Since the moment I first heard you sing I have needed you with me to serve me to sing For my music. My music 要全部,去呢几个look look.... lyric *** ode/lyrics/p/phantom_of_the_opera/ lyricsondemand/soundtracks/p/thephantomoftheoperalyrics/index metrolyrics/phantom-of-the-opera-lyrics

对the phantom of the opera的内容概括?

the phantom of the opera即《歌剧魅影》。简介巴黎歌剧院合唱团的新人克莉斯汀(艾米罗苏姆 Emmy Rossum 饰)最近进步神速,全因剧院内的一间古老房间内每晚都会传出一把优美的男声向她传授歌唱技巧。这个良师益友其实是一个人称“剧院魅影”(杰拉德巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)的人,此人因样貌丑陋,自小便被父母抛弃,戴着面具隐居在剧院的地下室。“剧院魅影”内心其实深爱着克莉斯汀。 一次偶然的机会,克莉斯汀有幸担当一部歌剧的主角。凭借从“剧院魅影”那里学得的丰富的歌唱技巧,克莉斯汀一炮而红,并被年轻英俊的剧院赞助人拉乌尔(帕特里克威尔逊 Patrick Wilson 饰)看上了。两个年轻人很快堕入了爱河。“剧院魅影”伤透了心,认为是拉乌尔抢走了克莉斯汀,准备上演一出爱情复仇的大戏……

电影歌剧魅影,是电影,唱the phantom of the opera的女歌手是谁


Opera2 歌词

去贴吧啊Dom moy dostroyen No ya v nem odin Khlopnula dver" za spinoy Veter osenniy stuchitsya v okno Plachet opyat" nado mnoy Noch"yu groza A na utro tuman Solntse ostylo sovsem Davniye boli Idut cheredoy Pust" sobirayutsya vse Uuh aaah aaaah Uuuh aaah aaaah Dom moy dostroyen No ya v nem odin Khlopnula dver" za spinoy Veter osenniy stuchitsya v okno Plachet opyat" nado mnoy Eto sud"ba A sud"bu ne mogu Ya ni o chem prosit" Tol"ko ya znayu Kak posle menya Stanut vetra golosit" Uuh aaah aaaah Uuuh aaah aaaah La la la La la la La la la la la la la La la la La la la Laa- laa- La la la La la la La la la la la la la La la la La la la Laa- laa- Uuh aaah aaaah Uuuh aaah aaaah

莎拉布莱曼版的the phantom of the opera 是几几年的?


急求牛津深圳英语九年级第七课课文(The Phantom of the Opera)

http://www.phantomoftheopera.com/modules/article/view.article.php/25 歌剧魅影的剧本都在此。

All I Ask Of You (The Phantom Of The Opera) 歌词

歌曲名:All I Ask Of You (The Phantom Of The Opera)歌手:The West End Theatre Orchestra & Chorus专辑:Classic Andrew Lloyd WebberNo more talk of darkness,Forget these wide-eyed fears.I"m here,nothing can harm you -my words will warm and calm you.Let me be your freedom,let daylight dry -your tears.I"m here,with you, beside you,to guard youand to guide you . . .Say you love meevery waking moment,turn my headwith talk of summertime . . .Say you need me with you,now and always . . .promise me that allyou say is true -that"s all I ask of you . . .Let me be your shelter,let me be your light.You"re safe:No-one will find you.your fears are far behind you . . .All I want is freedom,a world with no more night . . .and you always beside meto hold me and to hide me . . .Then say you"ll share with me one love ,one lifetimeIet me lead youfrom your solitude . . .Say you need me with youhere, beside you . . .anywhere you go,let me go too -that"s all I ask of you . . .Say you"ll share with me one love, one lifetime . . .say the wordand I will follow you . . .Share each day with me, each night, each morning . . .Say you love me . . .You know I do . . .Love me -that"s all I ask of you . . .Love me - that"s all I ask of you . .http://music.baidu.com/song/2808706

The Phantom of the Opera是牛津版高中英语的课文么

The Phantom of the Opera可以有以下几种翻译方法:1. 歌剧魅影 —— 个人人认为最为优美的翻译)2. 歌剧院的幽灵 —— 直译3. 剧院魅影4. 夜半歌声

《The Phantom Of the Opera》读后感,中英文对照

 Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe yes or no. Although I don"t believe in them, I love reading stories about ghosts.    In the story The Phantom of the Opera, an unbelievable event happened. A dancer met a ‘ghost" in the dark corridor. It crossed the wall and came up to her. At first, people thought it was a shadow. However, as the evidences accumulated, people had to trust the existence of the ‘ghost"for many people died because of the ‘ghost"。 People got frightened. In the end, we found that the ‘ghost" was actually a man called Erik. He committed suicide finally. What a poor man!    Erik was so ugly that no one would like to be a friend of his. I think he was simply short of love and care. He just wanted to get a little love but no one paid attention to this. No matter where he went, people only screamed and ran away. Even his mum gave him a mask which was the only present from her. In fact, Erik was a great man, in spite of his ugly face. He was like an innocent child, who just needed a little love.    In my opinion, people shouldn"t get far from others because of their faces. Nowadays, a number of people only value others" appearances. I think we should give our love to more people. Don"t let appearances misguide you ,maybe the heart is good and honest.The story happened in Paris of the 18th century , some people only cared about appearances. Most people were used to thinking of ugly things evil and dirty. How shallow they were! We should avoid paying too much attention to appearances. A wonderful soul is much more important.    In fact, not only the ‘ghost" in the story needs love , we need love, too. Why don"t we love each other and find others" strong points. Also, we should be kind and understand each other. Then we can make world a better place! Let"s do it from now on.你相信鬼吗?也许是或不,虽然我不相信他们,我喜欢读鬼故事。在歌剧的幽灵,一个令人难以置信的事件发生。一个舞者在黑暗的走廊里遇见了一个“幽灵”。它穿过了墙,走到她。起初,人们认为这是一个阴影。然而,随着证据的积累,人们不得不相信“ghost"for死了很多人的存在,因为那“鬼”的人吓坏了。最后,我们发现,“鬼”实际上是一个叫埃里克的人。最后他自杀了。可怜的人!埃里克太丑了,没人愿意做他的朋友。我认为他只是短暂的爱和关心。他只是想得到一点爱,但没有人注意到这一点。不管他去哪儿,人们只尖叫着跑开了。即使他的妈妈给了他一个面具,这是唯一的礼物从她。事实上,埃里克是一个伟大的人,尽管他丑陋的脸。他像一个无辜的孩子,只需要一点点的爱。在我看来,人们不应该远离别人,因为他们的脸。如今,一些人只看重别人的外表。我想我们应该把我们的爱给更多的人。别让外表误导你,也许内心是善良的。故事发生在巴黎的第十八个世纪,有些人只在乎外表。大多数人都习惯于认为丑陋的东西,邪恶和肮脏。他们多么浅薄!我们应该避免过分关注外表。一个美好的灵魂更重要。事实上,不只是“鬼”的故事需要爱,我们需要爱,太。我们为什么不爱对方,寻找别人的长处。而且,我们应该互相理解,互相理解。然后,我们可以使世界成为一个更好的地方!让我们从现在开始吧。希望对你有帮助,还望采纳,谢谢!!!

The phantom of the Opera

牛津英语s2 chapter 1 reading

翻译《phantom of the opera》课文

The Paris Opera House is a huge building.Beneath the building there is a strange,dark lake.On this lake is an island.On that island, one hundred years ago,lived the phantom. He was so ugly at birth that his own mother made him wear a mask.She force him to leave home while he was still a child.He spent years wandering around Paris until he built his home on the island. Amazingly,this monster of a man loved singing and had a wonderful voice. The phantom fell in love with Christine,a beautiful young singer at the Opera.He often stood near her room late at night and sang to her.He even helped her improve her singing and become the Opera"s most popular singer.Christine could not see the Phantom,and thought that he must be an angel. But Christine had already agreed to marry her childhood friend, Raoul.When the Phantom learnt about this,it broke his heart.He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience.Then,he took her to his secret home on the lake.Only Raoul was brave enough to follow.But the Phantom captured him and locked him away. In the Phantom"s home,Christine finally pulled off his mask.SHe was shocked at his horrible face,with yellow eyes and no nose.But she felt very sorry sorry for him.She understood how lonely he must be. She gently kissed his face. Christine"s kindness made the phantom cry.He let Raoul go,and told him to take Christine away.Some people from the Opera arrived at the Phantom"s home,ready to kill him.But the Phantom magically disappeared,and was never seen again. 巴黎歌剧院是一个巨大的建筑.下建设有 是一个奇怪的,黑暗的湖.在这个湖是一个岛国.在该岛上, 一百多年前,住了一个幻像. 他出生的太难看,他自己的母亲让他戴上口罩.她 迫使他离开家,而他还是个孩子.他花了几年时间在 巴黎附近徘徊,直到他在岛上建立了他的家. 令人惊讶的是,这个怪物一个人爱唱歌,有一个美好的 的声音. 魅影爱上了一个美丽的年轻歌手克里斯丁.他常常站在她的房间附近在晚上和 她合唱.他甚至还帮她改善她的歌声,并成为歌剧院的 最受欢迎的歌手.克里斯丁无法看到魅影,以为 他必须是一个天使. 但克里斯蒂已经同意嫁给她她儿时的朋友, 拉乌尔.当魅影了解,她撕碎了他的心.他 绑架她在整个观众面前的舞台.接着,他 带她到他在湖上的秘密家.只有拉乌尔很勇敢 遵循.但幽灵擒获,便把他带走. 在幽灵的家,克里斯丁终于脱下他的面具.她 震惊于他的可怕的脸,黄色的眼睛,没有鼻子.但她 感到很抱歉对不起他.她明白,他必须是多么孤独. 她轻轻地亲吻他的脸.克里斯丁的善良的魅影哭.他让拉乌尔去,并告诉 他把克里斯丁送远.从歌剧院有些人抵达 幽灵的家,准备杀了他.但幻影神奇 消失了,从未见过. 希望可以帮你!:)

求寻Sarah Brightman 版的The Phatom of the Opera的歌词

Music of the Night(夜之乐章)Night time sharpens heightens each sensation ...夜晚时分,加强、敏锐了了每个知觉Darkness wakes and stirs imagination黑暗唤醒并激发了想像Silently the senses abandon their defences感官悄悄地卸下了武装Helpless to resist the notes I write无助地抵抗我写下的音符For I compose the music of the night ...因我谱出了夜的乐章...Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendeour.慢慢地,轻轻的,夜晚展示它的光芒Grasp it, sense it -握紧它,感觉它──tremulous and tender颤抖而温柔Hearing is believing, music is deceiving耳听为凭,乐音欺枉Hard as lightning soft as candlelight猛烈如闪电,轻柔如烛光dare you trust the music of the night ...你敢相信夜之乐音吗...Close your eyes闭上你的眼睛吧for your eyes will only tell the truth因你的双眼只会说出真相And the truth isn"t what you want to see,而真相不是你想看到的In the dark it is easy to pretend在黑暗中,伪装就会变的容易that the truth is what it ought to be.假装事实一如期望Softly, deftly, music shall caress you ...温柔地,灵巧地,音乐将会轻抚你...Hear it, feel it, secretly possess you ...听听它,感受它,将你秘密地占有...Open up your mind let your fantasies unwind打开你的心扉,释放你的幻想in the darkness which you know you cannot fight -在你明知无法抵抗的黑暗里──the darkness of the music of the night ...在夜之乐音的黑暗里Close your eyes start a journey through a strange new world!闭上你的眼睛,遨游陌生的新世界!Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before!抛下你过去世界中的一切!Close your eyes and let music set you free ...闭上眼睛,让音乐放你自由Only then can you belong to me ...只有那时候,你才会属於我...Floating, falling, sweet intoxication!漂流著,坠落著,甜蜜的狂喜Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation ...触摸我,相信我,品味每个知觉Let the dream begin让这场梦开始吧let your darker side give in让你的黑暗面弃甲to the power of the music that I write -向我写的音乐投降──the power of the music of the night ...向夜之乐音的魔力投降...You alone can make my song take flight -只有你能让我的歌飞翔──help me make the music of the night ...助我完成这夜之乐章...--The Phatom of Operachristine:in sleep he sang to me,in dreams he came ...that voice which calls to meand speaks my name ...女声: 他睡时向我歌唱梦中向我走来那个声音呼唤我说着我的名字and do i dream again?for now i findthe phantom of the opera is there -inside my mind ...我又在做梦了吗? 因为我发现歌剧院的幽灵正在那里在我脑海中phantom:sing once again with meour strange duet ...my power over yougrows stronger yet ...男声:再和我唱一曲我们的二重唱我对你的魔力越来越强大and though you turn from me,to glance behind,the phantom of the opera is there -inside your mind ...尽管你转过身去看后面歌剧院的幽灵仍在那里在你脑海中christine:those who have seen your facedraw back in fear ...i am the mask you wear ...


《The Phantom of the Opera》(Gaston Leroux)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wBmku7RGOnBHnbKcxBhKOA 提取码:bn3o书名:The Phantom of the Opera作者:Gaston Leroux译者:Lowell Bair豆瓣评分:8.0出版社:Bantam Classics出版年份:1990-01页数:274内容简介:Gaston Leroux is one of the originators of the detective story, and The Phantom of the Opera is his tour de force, as well as being the basis for the hit Broadway musical. A superb suspense story and a dark tale of obsession, The Phantom of the Opera has thrilled and entertained audiences in adaptations throughout the century.This new translation—the first completely modern and Americanized translation—unfurls the full impact of this classic thriller for modern readers. It offers a more complete rendering of the terrifying figure who emerges from the depths of the glorious Paris Opera House to take us into the darkest regions of the human heart. After the breathtaking performance of the lovely Christine Daae and her sudden disappearance, the old legend of the “opera ghost” becomes a horrifying reality as the ghost strikes out with increasing frequency and violence—always with the young singer at the center of his powerful obsession. Leroux has created a masterwork of love and murder—and a tragic figure who awakens our deepest and most forbidden fears.This is the only complete, unabridged modern Americanized translation available. Lowell Bair is the acclaimed translator of such Bantam Classics as Madame Bovary , Les Liaisons Dangereuses, and Candide .作者简介:卡斯顿·勒胡(Gaston Leroux, 1868-1927),20世纪初期法国最杰出的推理小说作家,在法国有“永恒的记者”之称。勒胡毕业后在一家律师事务所做书记员,业余创作随笔和短篇小说。1890年开始投身报业,曾作为特派记者周游世界各地。1900年开始创作长篇小说。他的小说风格诡异,擅长以不可思议的内容与场景营造恐怖玄异的气氛,并且在恐怖中淋漓尽致地表达人性。他的著作《黄色房间之谜》被称誉为“不可模仿、不可超越的推理小说杰作”。

音乐剧the phantom of the opera的主题是什么?

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