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opening government是什么意思

opening government 网络意思:开放政府; [例句]Opening government includes transparency participation credit and respecting civil right.公开透明政府、参与性政府、诚信的政府和尊重公民权利的政府是开放政府的应有之意,也是开放政府的衡量标准。



opening speech是什么意思

  opening speech  英 [ˈəupəniŋ spi:tʃ] 美 [ˈopənɪŋ spitʃ]  [释义]开题报告; opening report, thesis proposal;  [网络]开幕辞; 开幕词; 开幕式致辞;  [例句]He muffed his opening speech.  他的开幕讲话搞砸了。

the. hood. opening什么意思?


opening ceremony是什么意思


CY Opening PSS C/S ETD PRC 谁能帮我解释一下这些词是什么意思呀

CY等于calendar year 日历年度 年历制Opening孔 洞 缺口ETD航班等的预计离港时间PRC邮资委员会c/s箱 货柜船PSS我没查到

opening paragraph是什么意思

opening paragraph开头段双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 开始部分例句:1.The opening paragraph seems to contain a howler about a non-existent "newly elected spanish government". 文章开头段落便存在一个低级错误,出现了一个本不存在的“新当选的西班牙政府”。

opening remark 是什么意思?


android应用打开报错 “crashes upon opening”

系统文件被破坏 一般没什么影响但是很烦人就是了,打开某一软件或者程序的时候会老师弹出提示错误

Model:He is weiting now .He writes every day.句型转换.1.He is opening the door of the classroom now

He opens the door of the classroom every dayHe plays games with his friends every dayLi Lei throws a frisby every dayShe goes to school every day

firefox prevented this site from opening a pop-up window 怎么解决
