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Her smile only existed in my memory为什么不用memories?


Experts believe________people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. &...

C解析 考查名词性从句。句意为:专家们相信,人们只有当有必要购物时去买东西,这样才可以少浪费食物。believe后跟宾语从句,且宾语从句不缺任何成分。故选C项。

在。添加安装程序。里面为什么有的程序后会跟(remove only),它是什么意思?

remove only:意思是说仅做移除动作,但正常的在安装状态是不会有这样的提示的,除非你电脑中毒!

英语翻译Only those who man weather stations and the bases from w?

只有那些驻守气象站和基地的人才会到那种地方去住,探险队从那里出发. Only those是主语,后面的who man weather stations and the bases from which parties of explorers set out是一个定语从句,而这里面又含另一个从句 from which parties of explorers set out,全句的谓语是live there,2,英语翻译 Only those who man weather stations and the bases from which parties of explorers set out live there.

prostitue that only provide handjob

Contribute to不是造就了……,而是对……起了作用. 所应该是,【面部表情不仅提供一种可讽的情感信号,而且实际上有助于感觉本身的体现】.

英文翻译 Acquired DNA changes take place over time and are only in the breast cancer cells


Not only do I support you, so do your…请问do是什么意思?

助动词助动词 did/dose/do+主语+动词形容词

格莱美kanye west唱only one的时候是怎么发音的


developing of waste plastic not only effective govern pollution,but also create huge

建议改成:Developing and utilizing waste plastic resources can not only effectively govern pollution, but also creat massive economical profits.

_______ all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post. A.Since B..

D 试题分析:句意:尽管他们都是强有力的候选人,但是仅仅有一个将被选上担任这个职务。since既然;if如果;as 因为;while尽管,根据句意故选D。点评:本题难度适中。连词是近几年高考的热点,主要考查从句中的连词所作的成分,它们的区别及意义。需要考生会正确分析复杂的句子结构的能力,能够正确理解语境。即学即练:I do every single bit of housework__________my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A. since      B. while     C. when        D. as解析:B。考查并列转折连词while的用法。这里表示“我”和丈夫做家务的对比。根据句意,选B。

In Britain, winter is the season not only for visits to the theatre完形填空求答案

26-30CBDDA31-35BDCCC36-40DDACB41-45ACADD你看看对不对吧,亲~好像空不是很对应,把完整的答案给你吧:In Britain, winter is the season not only for visits to the theatre, opera, concerts and ballet, but also for shopping or for sightseeing. London, one of the __26__ cities in the world, has plenty to offer during the winter months, __27__ in the way of entertainment - and the __28__ act like a magnet with __29__ array of presents for the Christmas __30__, followed by large scale bargains in the January __31__. But it"s not only London that __32__ value shopping - most of our suburban and __33__ centres have just as much to offer to the __34__ shopper. Even if you"re based __35__ London, you don"t have to spend all your __36__ there - and that goes for all the year __37__, too. Take a train or coach and __38__ what else Britain has to offer; __39__ are many excursions, even in winter, and among the great country houses __40_ keep their stately front doors open __41__ the year are Longleat and Woburn Abbey. __42__ a car and drive __43__ into the beauty of the winter landscape - the scenery will be __44__ beautiful - and the people will have more time to chat to you __45__ this time of year. 26. [A]coldest [B]foggiest [C]busiest [D]noisiest 27. [A]normally [B]especially [C]occasionally [D]generally 28. [A]clubs [B]pubs [C]restaurants [D]shops 29. [A]its [B]the [C]that [D]their 30. [A]shopper [B]visitor [C]caller [D]spender 31. [A]bargains [B]sales [C]selling [D]trading 32. [A]opens [B]presents [C]grants [D]offers 33. [A]provincial [B]national [C]divisional [D]international 34. [A]lonely [B]eager [C]lazy [D]nervous 35.[A]in [B]at [C]on [D]outside 36.[A]money [B]time [C]energy [D]holiday 37.[A]there [B]then [C]over [D]round 38.[A]see [B]watch [C]look [D]view 39.[A]they [B]which [C]there [D]here 40.[A]where [B]which [C]what [D]who 41.[A]for [B]by [C]within [D]throughout 42.[A]Lend [B]Let [C]Hire [D]Take 43.[A]out [B]back [C]on [D]across 44.[A]even [B]still [C]yet [D]ever 45.[A]after [B]beyond [C]with [D]at文章是一样的,你自己对照一下就OK了~

There is ________ increase of 20% in food prices, but the sandwiches in our shop are bargain at only



barely还有“赤裸裸地; 光秃秃地, 空空地”意思。only还有“惟一的, 仅有的,最好的, 独一无二的,〈非正〉 只是, 但是”的意思。

---A number of foreigners come to see the Great Wall every year. ----Yes. It"s not only famous ..

C 试题分析:句意:每年有许多外国人来参观长城。是的。它不仅是著名、美丽,也是中国的象征。notice        通知;mark记号;symbol象征;sign标志。所以选C。

only my homework是什么意思

only my homework的中文翻译_百度翻译only my homework 全部释义和例句>>只有我的作业

the doctor said l was overweight.lf only l ______less.

医生说我过于肥胖,如果我吃得少点该多好啊if only :如果...该多好选D是因为吃得多是在医生说我超重之前,所以选过去完成时

微信网名大全英文欧美范十足 Only one"默爱╯

miss you 凉兮_Tender Surplus (多余) General (将领) You quit(戒你) Archer(久遇) Monologue独角戏 away(离开) I get you Belief(信仰) jonathan流年碎 aholic.(沉迷者) 久治不愈.Permanently. Gpel◇陌颜 凉城 〔Triste anima〕 Lomo- 此去经年 失忆小姐 Seve° 余存°dsTiny Sandm°旧颜 Only one"默爱╯ Timeless。落尘 Flower末初 Fire Sun Shy my lover warm Kill me Kulta Sunny°刺眼 summer、冷 凉城Tristean 失夜 Sakitama Over__谎言 Take 鲨 Away Mo Maek Love Story Once the love gone 〆丶Broken heart Monstar 7 ° 失眠梦°Triste All of you 你的全部 Passerby(过路人) empty.(空荡) Renaitre 复活 Ttony(沉沦) sᴋʀ.(天空) Smile。浅落 smi1e℡╮轻浮℡╮ Stranger、陌生人 StrAng3 终陌、 生死相随 lose heart Narrator(旁白) Posion℡ -just kidding° autumn-沫沫 凡尔赛旳玫瑰 ▍rose Silly゛ 台客cooL Aperson °

"I"m only one call away I"ll be there to save the



accidentally "偶尔" 指的是事件的发生不是刻意安排的结果,而是意外或偶然的事件,如:I met her accidentally yesterday. 我昨天在无意中遇到她。(或,我昨天很意外地遇见了她。)occasionally "偶尔,间或" 的意思指的是频率上的概念,如:My friends visit me occasionally.我的朋友偶尔会来拜访我。

employees only什么意思


有人清楚美国的Abstinence-only education吗??能解释一下吗

Abstinence-only sex educationAbstinence-only sex education is a form of sex education that emphasizes abstinence from sex, and often excludes many other types of sexual and reproductive health education, particularly regarding birth control and safe sex. This type of sex education promotes sexual abstinence until marriage and avoids discussion of use of contraceptives. Comprehensive sex education, by contrast, covers the use of contraceptives as well as abstinence. Proponents of abstinence-only education argue that comprehensive education encourages premarital sexual activity, while critics argue that abstinence-only education constitutes religious interference in education, distorts information about contraceptive methods, and does not provide adequate information to protect the health of young people.禁欲性教育禁欲性教育是一种教育形式,强调性别从性禁欲,并经常不包括许多其他类型的性与生殖健康教育,特别是关于生育控制和安全性。这种类型的推广性教育禁欲直到结婚,并避免了使用避孕药具的讨论。全面的性教育,相比之下,涵盖了避孕药具的使用以及禁欲。对禁欲教育的支持者认为,只有全面的教育鼓励婚前性行为,而批评者认为,禁欲教育宗教教育构成干扰,扭曲有关避孕方法的信息,并没有提供足够的资料,以保护青少年的健康。DiscussionProponents of abstinence-only sex education argue that this approach is superior to comprehensive sex education because it emphasizes the teaching of morality that limits sex to that within the bounds of marriage, and that sex before marriage and at a young age has heavy physical and emotional costs.[1] They suggest that comprehensive sex education encourages premarital sexual activity among teenagers, which should be discouraged in an era when HIV and other incurable sexually transmitted infections are widespread and when teen pregnancy is an ongoing concern.讨论禁欲只性教育支持者认为,这种方法优于全面的性教育,因为它强调在婚姻中的道德教学,限制的范围内婚姻性别对此,而且在年轻的性别和年龄重体力和情绪成本。[1]他们认为,全面的性教育鼓励青少年婚前性行为,应该在这样一个时代气馁艾滋病毒和其他性病的感染是无法治愈的广泛而当少女怀孕是一个持续的关注。Opponents and critics, which include prominent professional associations in the fields of medicine, public health, adolescent health, and psychology, argue that such programs fail to provide adequate information to protect the health of adolescents. Some critics also argue that such programs verge on religious interference in secular education. Opponents of abstinence-only education dispute the claim that comprehensive sex education encourages teens to have premarital sex.[2] The idea that sexual intercourse should only occur within marriage also has serious implications for people for whom marriage is not valued or desired, or is unavailable as an option, particularly LGBTs living in places where same-sex marriage is not legal or socially acceptable.[3][4][5][6][7] According to Advocates for Youth, abstinence-only sex education distorts information about contraceptives, including only revealing failure rates associated with their use, and ignoring discussion of their benefits.[8]反对者和批评者,其中包括著名的专业协会在医药领域,公共健康,青少年健康和心理,认为这种方案不能提供足够的信息,保护青少年的健康。一些批评者还认为,这种对宗教的世俗教育的干扰方案的边缘。禁欲,只有教育争议反对者的说法,全面的性教育鼓励青少年有婚前性行为。[2]有观点认为,性交应该只在婚姻中也出现了对他们来说,婚姻是没有价值或想要的,或者是人民的严重影响作为一个选项不可用,特别是在地方LGBTs同性婚姻是不合法的或社会可接受的生活。[3] [4] [5] [6] [7]根据青年倡导者,禁欲性教育歪曲信息关于避孕,只露出其中包括与其使用相关的失败率,而忽略他们的利益的讨论。[8]



fine_____of meaning are conveyed not only by the words themselves, but by st

It is difficult to convey delicate shades of meaning in a translation.在译文中传达意义上精微的差别是很不容易的。 shades of meaning.意义的细微差别/语意色彩微妙差别 都是这么说的 shades of meaning/opinion有细微差别的意思/意见Very fine shades of meaning cannot easily be conveyed with a limited word bank.细微的意思不能用几个字就轻而易举地表达清楚。

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .


I sent invitations to 60 people,______have replied. A. of whom only 20 B. only 20 of these who


psychology not only is abroad field of study ,but it also involves intensive research into


英语翻译题:Only after many failures ____(我才认识到仅凭运气是不能成功的).



only, mere 是仅仅, only加入进去是不仅的意思啊.


simply adv. 简单地; 简明地; 简易地 坦白地; 朴素地; 天真地; 率直地 单单, 仅仅 [加强语气]真正, 的确; 非常, 极, 简直, 完全 live simply 过简朴的生活 This drink consists simply of fresh oranges. 这种饮料仅含新鲜柑汁。 The cold was simply awful. 冷得真厉害。 It is simply beautiful. 这个的确是美。 习惯用语 simply and solely 仅仅 only adj. 唯一的 最适当的, 最好的 an only son 独生子 He is the only man for the position. 他是这个职位的最佳人选。 习惯用语 if only 若是...那该多好啊; 真希望...; 只要, 只要...就好 not only ...but also 不但...而且 only by ... can 只有...才能 only for (=but for) 要是没有 only just 刚刚, 恰好 only not 简直是, 跟...差不多 only that 要不是, 若非 only too 非常; 实在; 太; 可惜 merely adv. 仅仅(地), 只不过, 只是 not merely ... but also 不仅...而且... This is merely the beginning. 这仅仅是个开头。 I merely asked his name. 我只不过问问他的名字。 She is merely a child. 她只是个孩子。 收起更多词典


simply KK: [] DJ: [] ad. 1. 简单地,简易地;简明地 It"s difficult to get interesting teaching materials simply written. 写得简单的有趣的教学材料是很难获得的。 2. 简朴地,朴素地 My grandmother lived very simply. 我祖母生活非常简朴。 3. 仅仅,只不过 4. 纯粹地,完全地;简直 I simply can"t believe it. 我简直不能相信这事儿。 5. 坦白地,直率地,单纯地 only KK: [] DJ: [] a.[B] 1. 唯一的,仅有的 He is an only son. 他是独生子。 This is the only watch that I have. 这是我唯一的表。 2. 最好的,最合适的,无可匹敌的 She is the only person for the job. 她是担任这个工作最合适的人选。 ad. 1. 只,仅仅,才 At present we can only wait and see. 目前我们只好等等再说。 2. 不料;反而,结果却 I walked all the way from home to the library, only to find it closed. 我从家里一路走到图书馆,不料已经关门了。 conj. 1. 【口】可是,不过 You may come at any time, only you had better let me know beforehand. 你什么时候来都行,不过最好先告诉我一声。 2. 要不是,若非[+(that)] I"d have gone, only (that) it rained. 要不是下雨,我已经走了。参考资料:Dr.eye译典通字典

mere 和only 有什么区别?




nothing but和merely、only都有“只不过、只是”的意思,它们有什么区别呢?

nothing but:除了…以外什么也没有;只有,不过,不外merely ["miəli] adv.1. 仅仅;只;不过2. [废语]纯粹地;绝对地;完全merely ["miəli] adv. and nothing moreI was merely asking only ["əunli] adv.1. 只有,惟有2. 正好,恰好3. 才,刚4. 反而;结果却;不料5. 作为惟一adj.1. 仅有的;(同类中)较少的2. 惟一的;(子女)独生的3. 最好的,独一无二的conj.1. [有时与 that 连用][主方言]要不是,若非:I would have made a big mistake only you advised.要不是听了你的劝告,我可犯大错误了。2. [口语]可是,不过:I want to go with you, only I havn"t got time.我愿意和你去,可我没有时间。only ["əunli] adj.1. being the only one; single and isolated from othersan only child 2. exclusive of anyone or anything elseI"ll have this car and this car only adv.1. and nothing morehe was only a child 2. without any others being included or involveda privilege granted only to him 3. with nevertheless the final resultHe arrived only to find his wife dead We won only to lose again in the next round 4. in the final outcomeThese news will only make you more upset 5. except thatIt was the same story only this time she came out better 6. never except whencall me only if your cold gets worse 7. as recently asI spoke to him only an hour ago 要辨析异同,最好看看基本用法,特别是英语解释。从以上基本用法可知:only 词性最多,意义最丰富。当它作副词时,可以和merely通用;但作其它词性时,则不能通用。nothing but:作副词时,经常连在一起使用,这是一般也可以与其他两个互换;但是,当做连词用时,它还可以分开来使用,两次中间需要加其他词 ,此时不能与另外两词互换。例如:We have nothing here but some potatoes.我们在这里只有土豆(可吃或提供)。 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~

mere 和only 有什么区别?


英语merely 和 only 有什么不同?

merely只能做副词用 only可以做形容词、副词和连词等等意思也多很多merelyadv.仅仅;只不过I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.我只不过看了看巧克力,我没有吃.They are not merely content to fil...


merely只能做副词用 only可以做形容词、副词和连词等等merelyadv.仅仅;只不过I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.我只不过看了看巧克力,我没有吃。They are not merely content to fill the stomach.他们不仅仅满足于填饱肚子。You don"t have to be angry. He merely wanted to know the truth."你不必太生气了,他只不过是想知道点事实真相。"onlyadj.(形容词)Alone in kind or class; sole.唯一的:在种类或级别中与众不同的;独特的Standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence.出众的:因杰出和优秀而突出的adv.(副词)Without anyone or anything else; alone:单独地:没有其它别的事物;独自地:room for only one passenger.单人客房At the very least:仅仅:If you would only come home. The story was only too true.只要你肯回家来。这故事是千真万确的And nothing else or more:只有,仅仅:I only work here.我只在这里工作Exclusively; solely:专门地,唯一地:facts known only to us.这些事只有我们才知道In the last analysis or final outcome:最后的分析,最终结果:actions that will only make things worse.最后使事情更糟糕的行为With the final result; nevertheless:最终结局,仍然:received a raise only to be laid off.加薪的结果只是被派遣而已As recently as:最近地:called me only last month.上个月刚通知我In the immediate past:刚才:only just saw her.刚才还看见她了conj.(连接词)Were it not that; except.假如;除非With the restriction that; but:条件是,但是:You may go, only be careful.你可以去,但要小心However; and yet:然而,毕竟:The merchandise is well made, only we can"t use it.这种商品做工精致,然而我们不能用

英语merely 和 only 有什么不同?

merely只能做副词用 only可以做形容词、副词和连词等等意思也多很多merelyadv.仅仅;只不过I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.我只不过看了看巧克力,我没有吃。They are not merely content to fill the stomach.他们不仅仅满足于填饱肚子。You don"t have to be angry. He merely wanted to know the truth."你不必太生气了,他只不过是想知道点事实真相。"onlyadj.(形容词)Alone in kind or class; sole.唯一的:在种类或级别中与众不同的;独特的Standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence.出众的:因杰出和优秀而突出的adv.(副词)Without anyone or anything else; alone:单独地:没有其它别的事物;独自地:room for only one passenger.单人客房At the very least:仅仅:If you would only come home. The story was only too true.只要你肯回家来。这故事是千真万确的And nothing else or more:只有,仅仅:I only work here.我只在这里工作Exclusively; solely:专门地,唯一地:facts known only to us.这些事只有我们才知道In the last analysis or final outcome:最后的分析,最终结果:actions that will only make things worse.最后使事情更糟糕的行为With the final result; nevertheless:最终结局,仍然:received a raise only to be laid off.加薪的结果只是被派遣而已As recently as:最近地:called me only last month.上个月刚通知我In the immediate past:刚才:only just saw her.刚才还看见她了conj.(连接词)Were it not that; except.假如;除非With the restriction that; but:条件是,但是:You may go, only be careful.你可以去,但要小心However; and yet:然而,毕竟:The merchandise is well made, only we can"t use it.这种商品做工精致,然而我们不能用


这三个词作副词表示 “仅、只”可以换用,并且都放在它们所修饰的成分之前,merely的用法较正式。 如:  Instead of answering,she merely/only/just smiled. 她没有作答,只是微笑而已。  She"s come here just/only/merely to see you. 她来这里只是为了看你。  作形容词时, only表示“仅有的”;mere表示“仅仅的、单单的”;just意为“公正的”。如:  a just man 光明正大的人  They were the only people who had the keys. 只有他们有钥匙。  Mere words won"t help. 光说(不做)无济于事。

Barbara is easy to recognize as she"s the only one of the women who ___ evening dress.

is B

python threads can only be started once


i was only slightly taken aback that i had achieved perfection at the tender age of 14.这个

原因状语从句。说明be taken aback的原因。试比较,I was slightly surprised that……

Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.

yesterday is history tomorrow is mistory today is present昨天是历史,明天是秘密,今天是礼物或者present也可以翻译成“现实、现在”

Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.


Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.


Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.



Really Don"t Care-Demi Lovato&Cher LloydYou wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all你想玩 你想留下你想拥有一切You started messing with my head until I hit a wall你开始摇摆我的头直到我碰到壁了Maybe I shoulda known, maybe I shoulda known也许我早该知道的 也许我早该知道的That you would walk, you would walk out the door, hey!你会走 你会走 嘿Said we were done, and met someone and brought it in my place说我们已经做到了 遇到了一个爱护我的人Cut to the part, she broke your heart, and then she ran away它让你伤心了 然后她就跑掉了I guess you shoulda known, I guess you shoulda known我猜你早该知道的 我猜你早该知道的That I would talk, I would talk我想说 我想说But even if the stars and moon collide即使星星和月亮相撞I never want you back into my life你不会回来的You can take your words and all your lies你带走了你所有的谎言oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎Even if the stars and moon collide即使星星和月亮相撞I never want you back into my life你不会回来的You can take your words and all your lies你带走了你所有的谎言oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎Oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎I cant believe I ever stayed up writing songs about you我不能相信我曾经熬夜为你写歌You dont deserve to know the way I used to think about you你是不想知道我用它去想念你Oh no not anymore, oh no not anymore不会在这样了You had your shot, had your shot, but you let go你用你的镜头 但你走了Now if we meet out on the street I wont be running scared如果我们在街上遇见我不会跑的Ill walk right up to you and put one finger in the air我会一直走向你一个手指在空中And make you understand, and make you understand让你明白让你明白You had your chance, had your chance你还有的机会But even if the stars and moon collide即使星星和月亮相撞I never want you back into my life你不会回来的You can take your words and all your lies你带走了你所有的谎言oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎Even if the stars and moon collide即使星星和月亮相撞I never want you back into my life你不会回来的You can take your words and all your lies你带走了你所有的谎言oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎Oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎Yeah, listen up是的 听好了Hey, hey now im a little back, dont struck boy, ego in tack嘿 嘿 永不回头 男孩吓得目瞪口呆 自我疗愈Look boy, why you so mad为什么你那么生气Second guessin, but shoulda hit that有个美女打击了他Hey demi you picked the wrong lover嘿黛米你选错了情人Shoulda picked that one he"s cuter than the other应该选那一个他比其他人都可爱I just wanna laugh, cause you tryna be a hipster我只是想笑你尝试着做一个赶时髦的人Kick it to the curb, take a Polaroid picture把他踢到路边 拿一个宝丽来照片But even if the stars and moon collide即使星星和月亮相撞I never want you back into my life不会回来的You can take your words and all your lies你带走了你所有的谎言oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎Even if the stars and moon collide即使星星和月亮相撞I never want you back into my life不会回来的You can take your words and all your lies你带走了你所有的谎言oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎Oh oh oh I really dont care哦哦哦我真的不在乎


I can do everything for you,only you give me a chance。这句话的意思是,只要你给我一个机会,我能为你做一切。

the only thing you cando is correct them at once

你好,你的断句前面的the only thing 主语you can do 是主语的定语从句修饰thingis 是谓语表语coreect them 这里省略了to 所以你怎么看都是错的!有时候口语表达不是那么严谨!at once 是状语!乔布斯说过一句话the only thing you can"t do is ignore them.你唯独不能做的 是漠视他们!



  应该是No one can do bad things, only those who do bad things (can do bad things).意思是没有人天生就做坏事,只有那些坏人才会做坏事。  此处用了定语从句。who引导定语从句,whodo bad things can do bad things这句话来修饰先行词those。定语从句,一个简单句跟在一名词或代词后(先行词)进行修饰限定,就叫做定语从句。在主句中充当定语成分。被修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句不同于单词作定语的情况,它通常只能放在被修饰的词(即先行词)之后。定语 从句由关系词(关系代词、关系副词)引导,关系代词、关系副词位于定语从句句首。  重点词汇解释:  bad  adj. 坏的,不好的; 严重的; 不舒服的; 低劣的,有害的;  n. 坏人,坏事;  adv. 不好地,非常地;  [例句]The bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing.  糟糕的天气使飞机无法降落。  things   n. (个人的) 用品; 需要的东西; 生物; 事实; 物( thing的名词复数 );  [例句]That"s one of the things I like about you. You"re strong.  这是我喜欢你的一个地方。你很坚强。
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