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beer pong on a wed解释一下

wed=Wednesday=礼拜三Beer pong 是一个喝酒时候的游戏(具体规则我就不在这里说明了,比较复杂)总之就是可以把对方灌醉的所以合起来就是礼拜三玩beer pong,但是一般人谁礼拜三就大喝啊,一般都要到周末的

gifford fong associates什么意思

gifford fong associates吉福Fong联营公司associates联营公司双语对照词典结果:associatesn.接合物( associate的名词复数 ); 朋友; 非正式会员; v.(使)发生联系( associate的第三人称单数 ); (使)联合; 结交; 结伙; 例句:1.Interview friends and associates from other fields for their perspectives ondifferent opportunities and work environments. 通过与不同领域的朋友和同事谈话,从他们的角度了解不同的机会和工作环境。2.Yet his close associates noticed a change in his personality. 然而,他的私人助理注意到他个性上的一个变化。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Jeremy Lin is a man with a strong will. After repeated_______ he finally succeeded in his caree...

D 试题分析:考查名词:A. announcements宣布,通知,B. decision决定,C. remarks评论,D. attempts尝试,句意:Jeremy是一个有坚强意志的人,在多次重复的尝试后,他最终事业成功了。选D。



英语谚语:One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret 中文意思: 一念之错可铸终生之恨。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience 谚语言短简,得自老经验。 Proverbs are the cream of a nation"s thought 谚语是一国的思想精华。 Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages 谚语是时代的智慧。 Prove thy friends ere thou have need 需要朋友之前,先要加以考验。 Provide for the worst the best will save itself 作最坏的准备,可以得到最好的结果。 Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions 天公总是佑强者。 Punctuality is the soul of business 严守时间是办事情的重要原则。 Purpose supposes foresight 深谋远虑。 Put not your hand between the bark and the tree 少管闲事。 Put (or Lay or Set) one"s shoulder to the wheel 出一把力。 英语谚语: One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret 中文意思: 一念之错可铸终生之恨。

歌曲一句baby i an crazy for you oh my god ,so long

Baby I"m crazy for you. 宝贝,我为你疯狂 Oh my god, what do you do this to me, I was about to cry, now I"m so happy. 喔,我的天啊,你怎么对我那么好,我被你感动的就要哭了,现在的我真的好幸福

怎样回答How long is the Summer palace?

颐和园始建于1750年,1764年建成,距今247年。-How long is the Summer palace?-Summer palace has been built for 247 years since its completion.

How can I ( )the wrong I have done to her?

A.补救。can 后面用动词原形。

mocking bird song的歌词

Mocking Bird high in a treeLooks like you got the best of meMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re goneMocking Bird high in a loofWaits TomWell he"s blowing notes on top my roofMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re gone.Mocking Bird high in a treeLooking up at you, you"re looking down at meMocking Bird high in a loofWell he"s blowing notes on top my roof.Looking up at you, you"re looking down at meMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re gone.Throwed some papers, tried to scare him awayJust looked down at me and this is what he saidMocking Bird high in a treeLooks like you got the best of meMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re gone

How is it gong?


how long 与 how many 的用法

两个词都是特殊疑问词how long 多长 (问时间)how many 多少 (问数量,后面只能接可数名词,如果接不可数用how much )举个例子How long did you stay there?你在那儿呆多久?How many people are there in you famil...

how long的五种回答方式

how long主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问,其答语是“时间 for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+一般过去时的句子”;另外how long对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。 扩展资料   例句:   How long do you think this storm will last?   你看这暴风雨会持续多久?   How long is the river? 这条河有多长?   About 500 km. 大约500千米。

How long...用什么时态?


how long可对地点“多远”提问吗

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: how far地点提问 解析: 不可以.how long 通常都是对时间多少和长短提问的 问路程可以用how far

how long和how far在询问路程时的具体区别

how long和how far在询问路程时的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。

how long和的用法

我觉得How long 是时间上的How far 空间距离的

How long和how far有什么区别呢?

how long和how far在询问路程时的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、how long:多长时间。2、how far:(离…)多远,到什么程度。二、用法不同1、how long:基本意思是“长的”,可表示时间和距离的长短或长度,也可表示书籍、信件、故事之类的内容的长短。long在句中可作定语,也可作表语。long用作副词时,其基本意思是“长久地”,主要用于修饰静态动词,表示时间延续之长。2、how far:far的基本意思是“远”,可指距离的远,也可指时间的远。指距离时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,在肯定句中,多用a long way代替far。但far如位于too或so之后,则可以用于肯定句,与其他副词或介词连用时,也可以用于肯定句。三、侧重点不同1、how long:指事物,东西的长短。2、how far:指距离的长短。

用how long造句

How long have you been here?你来这儿有多久了? How long is the ruler?这把尺子有多长?

how long提问用什么回答

对时间段提问时,答语通常是:for+时段;since+过去的具体时间;since+时段+ago;since+一般过去时态的从句;from……to……;between……and……等。对事物的具体长度提问时,答语部分为:数词+长度单位名词。 how long的用法 how long有以下两个主要意思: 1、表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问。 -Howlong have you learned English? -你学英语多久了? -For 3 years ./Since 3 years ago./Since I came to this school. -三年了。/从三年前开始。/从我来到这所学校。 2、表示某东西有多长。 -How long is the river? -这条河有多长? -About 500 km. -大约500千米。(大约) -It"s 500 km.(确定) how long的用法例句 How long does it take to get to London from here? 从这里到伦敦要多长时间? How long is the tunnel? 隧道有多长? You sneak a look at your watch to see how long you"ve got to wait. 你偷偷地望一眼手表,看看要等多长时间。

how long怎么用?

long用在问某个东西的长度,how far用于问两个地点之间的距离。如:How far is your home away from the school?你家离学校有多远? How long is this ruler?这个尺子多

How long 语法问题.1 How long 可以用在 一般过去时吗? 2 How long did she lea?

1.How long 可以与过去时态连用.如:How long did you stay there? 2.How long did she leave ? 句子不正确.不能和终止性动词连用,不管是现在完成时还是过去时.但如果不是时间状语除外 3. How often 一般用于一般现在时. How soon一般用于一般将来时.可以和暂短动词连用. 4.不用how long 的话, 一般过去时当然能用短暂性动词 5.用How long ago可以 和短暂性动词连用.因为这是时间点 不是时间段 6.都对 前四个 都是表示状态的 系表结构 可以延续 其中be gone也是系表结构 注意gone 这里 是作表语的形容词 不是表示动作的 而是表示状态的 但第五个 for how long 不是时间状语 而是 目的状语 如 he has gone there for two weeks 他去那里 住两周,1, sdf0000 举报 谢谢解释的非常清晰,明白。会尽快采纳的。。 How long did she leave for? 这个语法 结构上对吗。句子对吗?谢谢,您的回答里面没 说啊。谢谢 2 另外问您一个词 in , within ,in 可以表示在。。以后, 也可以是 在。。以内, 我看网上说,却别在于 动词是否 是延续动词? within 表示 在。。。以内,意思清楚,这个词对 谓语动词,是延续动词,还是 短暂性动词有限制么?谢谢 举报 向着阳光冲 How long did she leave for? 这个语法 结构上对。 我已经说过 五个句子句子都对 但这里的for how long 是 目的状语 不是时间状语 原句 是 she left for some time . 她 为 了在某地 度一段时间 而离开 了 而不是 她 离开了 一段时间 2 in 可以表示在。。以后, 也可以是 在。。以内, 这只是翻译问题 其实意思 一样 都是指 一段时间 后 紧挨着 的动作 一般都是 终止系动词 比如 三天内 从汉语角度来说 包括一天 两天 三天 而in three days 指的就是 三天 他三天 能 完成任务 也就是最多 花费三天时间 所以 一般 有情态动词 的 翻译成 之内 将来时 翻译成 之后 如果强调之内 用within within 表示 在。。。以内,意思清楚,与 谓语动词无关 , 如 he lives within three minutes" walk. 这是表示距离 他住的地方走三分钟就到 wait within sight.在看的见的地方等待 以上是延续性动词 he will return within an hour.他在一小时内回来 这是非延续性动词 sdf0000 举报 嗯,谢谢。。 How long did she leave for? 那翻译成汉语意思: 你离开多久了? 应该仍然是这个意思吧。 ,如果不是准确的翻译是? How long did she leave for? 那翻译成汉语意思 可以是 她离开多久了? 实际意思 她为多久而离开? 也就是 她 为了 在外 呆多久 而 离开 ? 离开 是终止系动词 不能延续 但是 汉语 比较 抽象 可以 翻译成 离开 多久 这属于翻译问题 但理解上 注意 不要理解成 离开这个动作持续多久,1 How long 可以用在 一般过去时中。 2 How long did she leave ? 这个句子不正确。 how long 在现在完成时句子中,不能 和短暂性动词 leave 连用。 那在 一般过去时中,也不能和leave 连用 。因为 how long 提问,回答时要用for+一段时间。 改成 H...,2,是的,1,1.How long 可以用在过去时里面。如:How long did you arrive here? 2.How long did she leave ? 这个句子正确。因为所谓的不能和暂短性动词连用,指的是现在完成时。 3. How often 一般用于一般现在时的句子。 How soon一般用于一般将来时的句子。可以和暂短动词连用的。 long 提问的句...,0,How long 语法问题. 1 How long 可以用在 一般过去时吗? 2 How long did she leave ? 这个句子是否正确? 我知道how long 在现在完成时句子中,不能 和短暂性动词 leave 连用. 那在 一般过去时中,是否可和leave 连用 ? 如果不对,是不是要改成 How long was she away ? 3 How often , How soon , 都可以用于什么时态中? ,是否可以和短暂性的 动词一起 连用? 谢谢了. 4 短暂性动词,如果在 一般过去时 的疑问句中,如果不是 how long 提问, 应该是可以使用的吧, how long 提问的句子,现在完成时,或是 一般过去时 都不能 用短暂性动词么? 5 有人说,用 how long ago多久以前 ,可以和短暂性动词连用 ,是这样吗?正确么?How long ago did she leave? 谢谢 6 下面几个句子 语法上都正确 OK 么?其实还是请判断,短暂性是否可以再 过去时和完成时,与 how long 连用.呵呵 How long was she away ? A How long has she been away? B How long was she gone ? C How long has she been gone? D How long did she leave for? E O(∩_∩)O谢谢

how song 与 how long 的区别

1、how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(如in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问: How soon can you come? 你多快能赶来? How soon shall we know the results? 一I don"t know. 我们多久能知道结果? ——我不知道。How soon will he be back?—In an hour. 他要多久才回来?——1小时以后。How soon will you be / have finished, dear? 亲爱的,你还要多久才能准备好呢?How soon will you know your holiday dates? 你什么时候才能知道休假13期?2、how long 指多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问: How long ago was it? 这是多久前的事了?How long do you think you"ll be gone? 你想你会离开多久?How long have you known her? 你认识她有多久了?How long have you been studying the problem? 这问题你研究多久了?“How long did he stay here?” “About two hours.” “他在这儿呆了多久?”“大约两小时。”祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

how long和how far的区别是什么?

how long和how far在询问路程时的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、how long:多长时间。2、how far:(离…)多远,到什么程度。二、用法不同1、how long:基本意思是“长的”,可表示时间和距离的长短或长度,也可表示书籍、信件、故事之类的内容的长短。long在句中可作定语,也可作表语。long用作副词时,其基本意思是“长久地”,主要用于修饰静态动词,表示时间延续之长。2、how far:far的基本意思是“远”,可指距离的远,也可指时间的远。指距离时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,在肯定句中,多用a long way代替far。但far如位于too或so之后,则可以用于肯定句,与其他副词或介词连用时,也可以用于肯定句。三、侧重点不同1、how long:指事物,东西的长短。2、how far:指距离的长短。


how often 多久一次(问频率)how long 多长时间例如:how often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次? twice a week. 一周两次。how long have you been here? 你在这多久了? I"ve been here for two years. 我在这2年了。杭州精锐08帅老师为你回答。

how long 的句型及用法 如;“你每天看多长时间电视?”怎样用how long提问

How long do you watch TV every day?一、how long的用法how long有以下两个主要意思:1.表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days,four weeks 等)提问.如:A:How long did he stay here?他在这儿呆了多久?B:...

how long 语法翻译问题

1. How long 可以用于过去时态。2. 这个句子是错误的,leave是短暂性动词,你改正的是正确的。你也可以说How lond ago did he leave?3. how often 问频率,可以和短暂性动词连用。How soon 问将来的事件,也是可以喝短暂性动词连用的。How often does he leave for dalian?How soon will he arrive?4. 你不要死记,只要问的是延续性的时间段的,不能用短暂性动词,你可以用常理来推断。5. 你说的完全正确。6. How long was she away ? A 对的 be away 是一种状态 How long has she been away? B 对的 核心还是be away How long was she gone ? C 对的,这个是朗文词典的例子:His wife"s been gone for several years. How long has she been gone? D 同上 How long did she leave for? E 这个句子是错误的。核心词还是leave,不能和段时间的hao long提问,第二,leave for 放一起,就是离开前往某地了,而不是for加段时间的意思。

英语中,回答how long什么时候要for,什么时候不要,比如?


how soon和how long的区别

how soon和how long的区别:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同1、指代不同how soon:多久。how long:多长时间。2、语法不同how soon:soon用作副词,意思是“不久”,可指“将来”,表示“预期的时刻不久就会到来”,用以谈论不久将来的事或在过去某时间以后不久所发生的事,强调两个时间的接续关系。how long:long的基本意思是“长的”,可表示时间和距离的长短或长度,也可表示书籍、信件、故事之类的内容的长短。long在句中可作定语,也可作表语。3、侧重点不同how soon:how soon的意思是“多久”,当我们就陈述句中的“过多少时间(就能…)”这一部分提问时,只能用how soon不能用how long。how long:how long的意思是“多长”,当我们就陈述的“一段时间的长短”提问时,要用how long,不能用how soon。how soon是对将来时间提问,如:He will be back in two days.如果就in two days提问,要用how soon。而how long是对一段时间提问,如:He usually spend two hours to do his homework every day.如果就two hours提间,要用how long。How long have you been in your present job?你干现在这工作多长时间了?Time how long it takes you to answer the questions.记一下自己回答这些问题所需的时间。How long can ahuman being gowithout sleep?人不睡觉能活多久?

how long用来表示多长时间,有什么用法?

表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days,four weeks等)提问,答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态。例句:It did not take us long to nail that lie。没多久我们就把谎言揭穿了。He is sure to spill the beans before long。用不了多久他准会走漏消息的。How long does it take to get to London from here?从这里到伦敦要多长时间?At least ten hours。至少要10个小时。另一种用法:表示某东西有多长。例句:How long is the river?这条河有多长?About 500 km。大约500千米。How long is the tunnel?隧道有多长?

怎么区分how long和how far呢

how long和how far在询问路程时的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、how long:多长时间。2、how far:(离…)多远,到什么程度。二、用法不同1、how long:基本意思是“长的”,可表示时间和距离的长短或长度,也可表示书籍、信件、故事之类的内容的长短。long在句中可作定语,也可作表语。long用作副词时,其基本意思是“长久地”,主要用于修饰静态动词,表示时间延续之长。2、how far:far的基本意思是“远”,可指距离的远,也可指时间的远。指距离时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,在肯定句中,多用a long way代替far。但far如位于too或so之后,则可以用于肯定句,与其他副词或介词连用时,也可以用于肯定句。三、侧重点不同1、how long:指事物,东西的长短。2、how far:指距离的长短。

how long和how far的区别

一个是多长的意思 一个是多远的意思

How long后面加什么?

表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days,four weeks等)提问,答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态。例句:It did not take us long to nail that lie。没多久我们就把谎言揭穿了。He is sure to spill the beans before long。用不了多久他准会走漏消息的。How long does it take to get to London from here?从这里到伦敦要多长时间?At least ten hours。至少要10个小时。另一种用法:表示某东西有多长。例句:How long is the river?这条河有多长?About 500 km。大约500千米。How long is the tunnel?隧道有多长?

How long是什么意思?

How long 意思是:多长时间

how long的用法例句

how long有以下两个主要意思:一是表示多长时间,主要是对一段时间进行提问。二是表示某东西有多长。1. 表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问,答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态。 It did not take us long to nail that lie. 没多久我们就把谎言揭穿了。 He is sure to spill the beans before long. 用不了多久他准会走漏消息的。 How long does it take to get to London from here? 从这里到伦敦要多长时间? At least ten hours. 至少要10个小时。 2. 表示某东西有多长。如: How long is the river? 这条河有多长? About 500 km. 大约500千米。 How long is the tunnel? 隧道有多长? You sneak a look at your watch to see how long you"ve got to wait. 你偷偷地望一眼手表,看看要等多长时间。

how long 的用法 在句子里的用法、

简单说来就是 "How long"+"动"+"宾" "How long"有两种意思: 多长- How long is the Great Wall of China? 中国的长城有多长. 多久(多长时间)- How long have you been sick? 你病了多长时间了? How long were you hospitalized for? 你住院以来多长时间了? 用法跟陈述句有关. 如果是说中国的长城有多长,陈述句是: The Great Wall of China is xxxx kilometers long. 在"How long"的后面加上be动词,再把剩下的句子加上,就是: How long + "be" + "object" = How long is the Great Wall of China. 如果是指时间,陈述句是: You have been sick for a week. 在"How long"的后面加上动词(或助动词/"be"动词),再加上要问的.如果有助动词,那么助动词在前面,然后是主语,然后是动词+剩下的句子: How long + "be" + "object" = How long "have"(助动词)+ "you"(主语)+ "been"(be动词)+ sick? How long have you been sick? 其实用法同其他问句或倒装句. 希望回答了你的求助.

How long怎么回答?

How long的回答方法如下:how long主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问,其答语是“时间 for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+一般过去时的句子”;另外how long对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。how long有以下两个主要意思:1、表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问。-Howlong have you learned English?-你学英语多久了?-For 3 years ./Since 3 years ago./Since I came to this school.-三年了。/从三年前开始。/从我来到这所学校。2、表示某东西有多长。-How long is the river?-这条河有多长?-About 500 km.-大约500千米。(大约)-It"s 500 km.(确定)

how long是什么意思?

how long主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问,其答语是“时间 for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+一般过去时的句子”;另外how long对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。 扩展资料   例句:   How long do you think this storm will last?   你看这暴风雨会持续多久?   How long is the river? 这条河有多长?   About 500 km. 大约500千米。

how long是什么意思?

how long主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问,其答语是“时间 for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+一般过去时的句子”;另外how long对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。 扩展资料   例句:   How long do you think this storm will last?   你看这暴风雨会持续多久?   How long is the river? 这条河有多长?   About 500 km. 大约500千米。

how long什么意思?

how long主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问,其答语是“时间 for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+一般过去时的句子”;另外how long对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。 扩展资料   例句:   How long do you think this storm will last?   你看这暴风雨会持续多久?   How long is the river? 这条河有多长?   About 500 km. 大约500千米。

how long什么意思?

how long主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问,其答语是“时间 for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+一般过去时的句子”;另外how long对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。 扩展资料   例句:   How long do you think this storm will last?   你看这暴风雨会持续多久?   How long is the river? 这条河有多长?   About 500 km. 大约500千米。

how song和how long的区别

How long多久了(问时长),以For+时间段或since+时间点作答。How soon多久之后(问解决事情等的速度),用in+时间段作...区别主要是。how soon是对将来时间提问。如:He will be back in two days。如果就in two days提问,要用how soon。而how long是对一段时间提问。如:He usually spend two hours to do his homework every day。如果就two hours提问,要用how long。how soon多久;多快;多久以后;[例句]Can you tell me how soon you can be ready?你能告诉我你多久能准备好吗?how longconj.多长时间;[例句]How long have you been employed at this job?你受雇做这个工作有多久了?

how long+?? how far+?? ……

how long是多长或者多久 eg. how long is this string?这条线段有多长? how long have you been here?你来这里多久了how far是多远的意思 far is it from here?从这里到那里多远?

How long 造句

How long: 多久很通常的习惯用语,造句可以很多:sentences:1. How long will it take to get to your school? 到你学校需要多久? 2.How long have you been here? 你在这里多久了?3. He can"t recall how long it has been. 他回忆不起来多长时间了。 4.Divid has has lived in Wuhan for over four years. 戴维在武汉已经有4年多了.改成疑问句又是一新句子: How long has Divid lived in Wuhan?戴维在武汉多久了?

how long的用法

how long的用法如下:how 1ong主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提间,其答语是“时间for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+—般过去时的句子”;另外how 1ong对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。how long意为多长时间或者物体多长,表示时间,侧重指"一段时间”,是对for+一段时间和长度的提问,可以用于各种时态,例句有:How long have you been in your present job?你干现在这工作多长时间了?Time how long it takes you to answer the questions.记一下自己回答这些问题所需的时间。What do | think about it? How long have you got?我是怎么想的?说来话长,你有工夫听吗?

how long和how much time 有什么区别?


whenhow longhow ofter有什么区别

什么时候多久了how often=多久一次

how long _____


how long的用法

询问物体的长度或时间的长短。如:询问物体长度:How long is that ?(那条尺子多长?)。 询问时间长短:How long have you been here?(你在这儿多久了?)

how long和how far有什么区别?

how far意思是“多远”,问的就是一点地方到了一个地方的距离;how long意思是“多长”,和中文的语境相同,可以同时用在问“事物的长短”和“时间的长短”上面。

how long 可用于各种时态吗?

是可以用各种时态。现在完成或进行时: how long is...过去式:how long was...将来时:how long will...How many days/ hours 也是同样的,可用各种时态

how long和how far的区别是什么呢

how long和how far在询问路程时的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、how long:多长时间。2、how far:(离…)多远,到什么程度。二、用法不同1、how long:基本意思是“长的”,可表示时间和距离的长短或长度,也可表示书籍、信件、故事之类的内容的长短。long在句中可作定语,也可作表语。long用作副词时,其基本意思是“长久地”,主要用于修饰静态动词,表示时间延续之长。2、how far:far的基本意思是“远”,可指距离的远,也可指时间的远。指距离时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,在肯定句中,多用a long way代替far。但far如位于too或so之后,则可以用于肯定句,与其他副词或介词连用时,也可以用于肯定句。三、侧重点不同1、how long:指事物,东西的长短。2、how far:指距离的长短。

初二英语6 How long 提问是用什么回答?2 hours 还是2 kilometers?


How long 时态,语法问题探讨

答:将how long改成when就对了。是问他何时去美国出差。用how long 则说:How long will he be on the trip to ....?how long是for some time的特殊疑问。for +一段时间,可以用于一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时,现在完成时。如果是行为动词,必定是可延续的。状态动词如be等等可以延续。短暂性动词的否定式实为表示一种状态,也是可以延续的。你朋友的话,有一定的条件。

how long 可以引导名词性从句么

How long...

How long does it cost for they carrying the messages from one garage to the other? 第二句不可以cost的主语只能是无人称代词it。

how far 与how long的区别

英语how long有几种用法?

表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days,four weeks等)提问,答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态。例句:It did not take us long to nail that lie。没多久我们就把谎言揭穿了。He is sure to spill the beans before long。用不了多久他准会走漏消息的。How long does it take to get to London from here?从这里到伦敦要多长时间?At least ten hours。至少要10个小时。另一种用法:表示某东西有多长。例句:How long is the river?这条河有多长?About 500 km。大约500千米。How long is the tunnel?隧道有多长?

how long 是什么意思


how long怎么回答

How long的回答方法如下:how long主要有以下两个意思,首先表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问,其答语是“时间 for+一段时间”、“since+过去时间”、“since+一般过去时的句子”;另外how long对某物的长度进行提问,其答语为“It"s+长度”或“About+长度”。how long有以下两个主要意思:1、表示多长时间,对一段时间进行提问。-Howlong have you learned English?-你学英语多久了?-For 3 years ./Since 3 years ago./Since I came to this school.-三年了。/从三年前开始。/从我来到这所学校。2、表示某东西有多长。-How long is the river?-这条河有多长?-About 500 km.-大约500千米。(大约)-It"s 500 km.(确定)

How long 是什么意思?


How long?中文

翻译 :多久?

求美国乡村音乐歌手kacey musgraves的 THE TRAILER SONG的中英文对照歌词,还有歌名什么意思?

You say that you"re watching the birds out the windowWell I"ve got a bird you can watchYou ain"t gotta act like you"re borrowing eggsJust to see if my dishes are washedWhat"s it to you if it"s Wednesday at noonAnd I"ve traded my iced tea for scotchKeep your two cents on your side of the fenceGirl we ain"t friends, we"re just neighborsNothing to see hereGo back to your trailerYou ain"t gotta ask what I did to my hairOr whose underwear"s on the lineIt ain"t mineI ain"t gonna ask who"s been mowing your grassSo you ain"t gotta ask who mows mineQuit judging my job and my car and my clothesGet your nose out of your many blindsKeep your two cents on your side of the fenceGirl we ain"t friends, we"re just neighborsThere ain"t nothing to see hereGo back to your trailerDon"t ask me if I go to churchI won"t ask if your husband is still out of workTry and claim high societyWe get our mail on the same side of the streetSo keep your two cents on your side of the fenceGirl we ain"t friends, we"re just neighborsThere ain"t nothing to see hereGo back to your trailerThere ain"t nothing to see hereGo back to your trailer没有中文的,只找到英文歌词还是挺有趣的,有生活气息,这就是我为什么喜欢乡村音乐的原因(扯远了...)至于歌名,我觉得可能是双关,既照应same tralier different park又含“预告”的意思吧。。。。猜测而已....

Consolidation Song 歌词

歌曲名:Consolidation Song歌手:def tech专辑:GREATEST HITSDef Tech - Consolidation SongLyric & Song : Def Techなぁ みな今手をつなげLet me see unity with your hands in the airIt doesn"t matter where you come fromLet"s go as one, Consolidation SongListen ya"ll to the words we sing,come together now, let us bringPeace and love to the living todaythe earth provides, lets find the wayFor growth and change to know and rangeBeyond, beyond start a new dayNo dismay, live it up, life"s one time, live and trustWe all can love, said it"s the bond to shift us to a brand new dawnWith thinking and feeling, breathing and beingChange just one thing and you"ll be seeingMore clearly, its merely one degree of what"s freely your humanityChange we can and change we willchange is human, fulfill your destinyなぁ みな 今手をつなげLet me see unity with your hands in the airここから轮を広げてけno fear, be brave, have confidence无駄なことなんて无いever little thing in life has meaning rightIt doesn"t matter where you come fromLet"s go as one, Consolidation song生まれて 平等に顶くもの时间と この世に 一つの颜生きてくこと 死んでゆくこと以外ことごとく违う十人十色环境 家庭 育っていく过程 金DNA pain complain insane in the vain brainHey, Mr. Feeling ROCK, SOUL, HIP HOP, RAGGAE MUSIC一息に 一人一々の命の叫び心にゆとり ホントの幸せ 掴んで欲しい内侧から溢れ出るエナジー言叶だけじゃなく 感じて欲しい宇宙 シンクロニシティ メロディー妙音 决して崩れぬ ピースをこの地にEvery little thing in life has meaning right无駄なことなんて无いLook for your meaning and you"ll feel alright全てのことには意味があるEvery little thing in life has meaning right今キャパを 広げて欲しいんだSearch your soul and you"ll find your light知ることで世界は広がるなぁ みな 今手をつなげLet me see unity with your hands in the airここから轮を広げてけno fear, be brave, have confidence无駄なことなんて无いevery little thing in life has meaning rightIt doesn"t matter where you come fromLet"s go as one, Consolidation songConsolidation song---END---

i am going down是啥意思啊,be gong down有这个用法?

有 美剧里经常出现 它的基本意思是 ‘我来了 我正在来的路上 "

(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi什么意思


Long Long Journey

Long Long Journey City lights shine on the harbour, 城市的灯光照耀在港湾 night has fallen down, 夜晚降临 through the darkness and the shadow I will still go on. 在暗夜中我继续行进 Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; 漫漫长夜漫漫长路 but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that"s coming home? 无论大海多么广阔也阻止不了一颗要回家的心 Where the road runs through the valley, where the river flows, I will follow every highway to the place I know. 沿着山谷的小路河水的流淌我遵循着我要走的路 Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; 漫漫长夜漫漫长路 but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that"s coming home? 无论大海多么广阔也阻止不了一颗要回家的心 Long, long journey out of nowhere, long, long way to go; but what are sighs and what is sadness to the heart that"s coming home 无视漫漫的长路,叹气和伤感也阻止不了一颗要回家的心

求小马宝莉中The Laughter Song的歌词

[Pinkie Pie]My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!)And I am here to say (How ya doin"?)I"m gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your dayIt doesn"t matter now (What"s up?)If you are sad or blue (Howdy!)"Cause cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie"s here to do"Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smileYes I doIt fills my heart with sunshine all the whileYes it does"Cause all I really need"s a smile, smile, smileFrom these happy friends of mineI like to see you grin (Awesome!)I love to see you beam (Rock on!)The corners of your mouth turned up is always Pinkie"s dream (Hoof bump!)But if you"re kind of worriedAnd your face has made a frownI"ll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down"Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grinYes I doBust it out from ear to ear let it beginJust give me a joyful grin, grin, grinAnd you fill me with good cheerIt"s true some days are dark and lonelyAnd maybe you feel sadBut Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn"t that badThere"s one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhileAnd that"s when I talk to my friends and get them to smileI really am so happyYour smile fills me with gleeI give a smile I get a smileAnd that"s so special to me"Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beamYes I doTell me what more can I sayTo make you seeThat I doIt makes me happy when you beam, beam, beamYes it always makes my dayCome on every pony smile, smile, smileFill my heart up with sunshine, sunshineAll I really need"s a smile, smile, smileFrom these happy friends of mine[Choir and Pinkie Pie]Come on every pony smile, smile, smileFill my heart up with sunshine, sunshineAll I really need"s a smile, smile, smileFrom these happy friends of mine[Pinkie Pie]Yes the perfect gift for me ([Choir] Come on every pony smile, smile, smile)Is a smile as wide as a mile ([Choir] Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine)To make me happy as can be ([Choir] All I really need"s a smile, smile, smile; From these happy friends of)[Choir and Pinkie Pie]Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile[Pinkie Pie]Come on and smileCome on and smile我只有英文版的


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歌词有i can be a strong girl 这首是什么歌名?是首华语歌

Brandy Ft. The Connect - Better Than YouMaximal r - The Freshest & Hottest R/ Hip-Hop Music!I guess I can do it better than you.She had to sayThat she can do something that I can"tBut she don"t know that I can do anythingThat she can so, it might not seem fairHe"s so cute,Used to see him everyday after schoolBut he"s so foolish to ever think that I"mnot strong enough to put up a fightIf she can back my jump shotsI can win in hopscotch(I can do that)Well I can do it betterIf he can be a track starI can drive a race car(I can do that)Well let me show youWhatever I do do doShe said I can do it better than you you youWhen I do it baby wanna try it too too tooHe says I can do it better thanI can do it better than you(Oh no)You can do it your wayI can do it mineWhatever we do we gon" have a good timeIf it"s anything you can doI can do it better thanI can do it better than you (you)He thinks,He got swag on luck but he ain"tI got more than him any dayWe cool but truth"s he can"t hangHe can"t hangIt"s true (true)The way shawty do her thang it"s cute (cute)She"s a lady and can keep up tooTake no, she"ll got for it if you learn how I doIf he can be a track starI can drive a race car(I can do that)Well I can do it betterIf she can back my jump shotsI can win in hopscotch(I can do that)Well let me show youWhatever I do do doShe said I can do it better than you you youWhen I do it baby wanna try it too too tooHe says I can do it better thanI can do it better than you(Oh no)You can do it your wayI can do it mineWhatever we do we gon" have a good timeIf it"s anything you can doI can do it better thanI can do it better than you (you)Girl, the way you come pimp with me(makes me wanna go harder)And boy, I could surprise you more than you think(and keep showing you something new)Whatever I do do doShe said I can do it better than you you youWhen I do it baby wanna try it too too tooHe says I can do it better thanI can do it better than you(Oh no)You can do it your wayI can do it mineWhatever we do we gon" have a good timeIf it"s anything you can doI can do it better thanI can do it better than you (you)Do do doDo do do(Oh no)I can do it better than youMaximal r - The Freshest & Hottest R/ Hip-Hop Music!



求`Nouvelle Vague 的歌词 (This Is Not)A Love Song

This is not a love songHappy to haveNot to have notBig business isVery wiseI"m crossing over intoEnter prizeThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songI"m adaptableAnd I like my new roleI"m getting better and betterAnd I have a new goalI"m changing my waysWhere money appliesThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songI"m going over to the other sideI"m happy to haveNot to have notBig business isVery wiseI"m inside freeEnterpriseThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songNot televisionBehind the curtainOut of the cupboardYou take the first trainInto the big worldAre you ready to grab the candleThat turn of visionThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love song

选词填空:The ship is going____the bridge.(across,off,along,into,out of,under)

across 船要穿过大桥了. across the bridge 固定组合 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



有首歌词i i love you like a love song baby的叫什么歌名

歌名:《Love You like a Love Song》词曲:阿尔·玛托、蒂姆·詹姆斯、亚当·施马尔霍尔斯演唱:赛琳娜·戈麦斯Its been said and done一曲已尽Every beautiful thoughts been already sung曼妙的旋律只空留回音And I guess right now heres another one不过现在又有一首天籁响起So your melody will play on and on,你独留的韵律 会持续彻响云霄with best we own最灿烂最闪亮You are beautiful,你如此美丽like a dream come alive, incredible宛若美梦成真 如梦如幻A center full of miracle, lyrical诗情画意Youve saved my life again又一次 你拯救我于水火之间And I want you to know baby而我只想让你知道I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听Cursing me, boy you played宝贝,你宛如交响曲through my mind like a symphony一次一次涤荡着我的心灵Theres no way to describe what you do to me你对我的影响无法形容You just do to me, what you do如润物细无声 我已深深被吸引And it feels like Ive been rescued感觉我已获得新生Ive been set free破茧而出I am hyptonized by your destiny我深深地被你的命运所吸引You are magical, lyrical, beautiful你就是那么不可思议 诗情画意 帅气动人You are want you to know baby而我只想让你知道 宝贝I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听No one can pause无人可以比拟You stand alone, to every record I own在你面前 别的韵律都黯然失色Music to my hear thats what you are你就是那震撼我心灵的乐章A song that goes on and on一首永恒不停的乐曲I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I, I love you like a love song, baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你I love you like a love song我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你扩展资料:《Love You like a Love Song》是美国流行女歌手赛琳娜·戈麦斯演唱的一首流行舞曲。相关新闻奥德莉演唱赛琳娜 戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)的《I Love You Like a Love Song》的视频。视频中小奥德莉一身紫色装扮,舞姿翩翩,表情投入。病魔并没有捆绑住这个活泼的小姑娘。自去年奥德莉的妈妈在Facebook上传了女儿的尊巴热舞视频后,迅速引起广泛关注。这一视频不但在短时间内获得了网友1300万次的点击量,还使很多人了解到DBA这种病症,为该病症基金会捐款的筹集添砖加瓦。









李佩玲fights song 原唱是谁

《Fight Song》是美国女歌手瑞秋·普拉滕演唱的歌曲,由戴夫·巴塞特、瑞秋·普拉滕完成词曲创作,乔恩·莱文担任制作人 。歌曲被收录在瑞秋·普拉滕2015年EP《Fight Song》及第三张录音室专辑《Wildfire》,于2015年2月19日发行 。英文歌词Like a small boat on the oceanSending big waves into motionLike how a single wordCan make a heart openI might only have one matchBut I can make an explosionAnd all those things I didn"t sayWrecking balls inside my brainI will scream them loud tonightCan you hear my voice this timeThis is my fight songTake back my life songProve I"m alright songMy power"s turned onStarting right now I"ll be strongI"ll play my fight songAnd I don"t really care if nobody else believes"Cause I"ve still got a lot of fight left in meLosing friends and I"m chasing sleepEverybody"s worried about meIn too deep they say I"m in too deepAnd it"s been two yearsAnd I miss my homeBut there"s a fire burning in my bonesAnd I still believe yeah I still believeAnd all those things I didn"t sayWrecking balls inside my brainI will scream them loud tonightCan you hear my voice this timeThis is my fight songTake back my life songProve I"m alright songMy power"s turned onStarting right now I"ll be strongI"ll play my fight songAnd I don"t really care if nobody else believes"Cause I"ve still got a lot of fight left in meA lot of fight left in meLike a small boat on the oceanSending big waves into motionLike how a single wordCan make a heart openI might only have one matchBut I can make an explosionThis is my fight songTake back my life songProve I"m alright songMy power"s turned onStarting right now I"ll be strongI"ll play my fight songAnd I don"t really care if nobody else believes"Cause I"ve still got a lot of fight left in meNow I"ve still got a lot of fight left in me中文歌词就如一叶扁舟 穿行在海洋再小的帆也能激起千层浪就如一个简单的字符也能打开心门也许身上只有一根火柴但我也能尽情燃动那些未曾宣于口上的言语已经冲破我思想的围墙我将在今夜呼喊你可否能听见我的声音?这是属于我的战歌找回自我之歌坚定自我之歌我已充满力量现在开始 勇敢坚强我会唱着我的战歌不在乎其他人相信与否因为我依然斗志昂扬朋友们都一个个离开了 常年过着难以安眠的日子每个人对我表示担忧他们说我执念太深 太过固执已经离家两年了对家人的思念绵延不绝但骨髓里的激情永远存在不会磨灭我信念依存 是的我仍斗志昂扬那些未曾宣于口山的言语已经冲破我思想的围墙我将在今夜呼喊你可否能听见我的声音?这是属于我的战歌找回自我之歌坚定自我之歌我已充满力量现在开始 勇敢坚强我会唱着我的战歌不在乎其他人相信与否因为我依然斗志昂扬斗志昂扬就如一叶扁舟 穿行在海洋再小的帆也能激起千层浪就如一个简单的字符也能打开心门也许身上只有一根火柴但我也能尽情燃动这是属于我的战歌找回自我之歌坚定自我之歌我已充满力量现在开始 勇敢坚强我会唱着我的战歌不在乎其他人相信与否因为我依然斗志昂扬此刻 我内心斗志昂扬瑞秋·普拉滕,全名瑞秋·阿什丽·普拉滕,外文名Rachel Platten,别名Rachel Ashley Platten,国籍美国,星座金牛座,出生地波士顿,出生日期1981年5月20日,职业歌手,词曲创作者,经纪公司哥伦比亚唱片公司。主要代表作品:《Fight Song》《1,000 Ships》出生于1981年5月20日,美国流行歌手兼词曲创作者。2003年,瑞秋·普拉滕发行了首张专辑《Trust in Me》。 2011年4月26日,发行第二张专辑《Be Here》,主打单曲《1,000 Ships》在美国公告牌成人前四十榜上的最好成绩为第二十四位。2015年2月,发行单曲《Fight Song》,该歌曲在澳大利亚和新西兰单曲榜上的最高排名分别为第二位和第八位,在美国公告牌百强单曲榜的最高排名为第六位。2015年5月11日,发行EP《Fight Song》,专辑在美国公告牌二百专辑榜上最高达到了第二十位。2016年1月1日,发行第三张专辑《Wildfire》,先行预购曲《Better Place》已开放下载。

求Leighton Meester唱的A Little Bit Stronger中文歌词!!跪求!

手动翻译,有些是意译,希望满意啊【A Little Bit Stronger】坚强点~Leighton Meester~Woke up late today今天醒得很晚And I still felt the sting of the pain疼痛缠身,不驱不散But I brushed my teeth anyway但我还得刷刷牙齿Got dressed through the mess在凌乱的房间里整理衣装And put a smile on my face挂上微笑I got a little bit stronger这让我看着坚强点Riding in the car to work开车上班And I"m trying to ignore the hurt努力忘记伤痛So I turned on the radio打开广播Stupid song made me think of you可那歌让我忆起了你I listened to it for a minute我只听了一小会But then I changed it立马换了台And I"m getting a little bit stronger我似乎变得更坚强了Just a little bit stronger哪怕仅仅是那么点I"m done hoping that we can work it out我不再希望我们能重归于好I"m done with how it feels我不再想到底怎么了Spinning my wheels碌碌向前And letting you drag my heart around你拖拽着我的心原地打转And I"m done thinking you could ever change我不再想你会回心转意I know my heart will never be the same我明白心意不再But I"m telling myself I"ll be okay我对自己说,没事的Even on my weakest days甚至在我最脆弱的时候I get a little bit stronger我要坚强点I get a little bit stronger我要坚强点It doesn"t happen overnight它并没有发生在一夜之间Then you turn around and months gone by你转身离开,带走我的岁月不再And you realize you haven"t cried甚至你未曾哭泣悲哀I"m not giving you an hour, or a second, or another minute longer我不会再给你一分一秒弥补伤痛I"m busy getting stronger我急于坚强,忘掉悲伤I"m done hoping that we can work it out我不再希望我们能重归于好I"m done with how it feels我不再想到底怎么了Spinning my wheels碌碌向前And letting you drag my heart around你拖拽着我的心原地打转And I"m done thinking you could ever change我不再想你会回心转意I know my heart will never be the same我明白心意不再But I"m telling myself I"ll be okay我对自己说,没事的Even on my weakest days甚至在我最脆弱的时候I get a little bit stronger我要坚强点I get a little bit stronger我要坚强点Getting along without you, baby一个人活着,I"m better off without you, baby一个人快乐,How does it feel without me, baby?我不在滋味如何?I"m getting stronger without you, baby我已一个人成长,一个人坚强I"m done hoping that we can work it out我不再希望我们能重归于好I"m done with how it feels我不再想到底怎么了Spinning my wheels碌碌向前And letting you drag my heart around你拖拽着我的心原地打转And I"m done thinking you could ever change我不再想你会回心转意I know my heart will never be the same我明白心意不再But I"m telling myself I"ll be okay我对自己说,没事的Even on my weakest days甚至在我最脆弱的时候I get a little bit stronger我要坚强点I get a little bit stronger我要坚强点I get a little bit stronger我变得更加坚强A little bit, a little bit, a little bit stronger更加坚强A little bit stronger更加坚强
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