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该词语不用作形容词,用作名词和动词。重点词汇:gong英[ɡu0252u014b]释义:n.锣;钟状物;奖章vt.鸣锣传唤;鸣锣命令驾车者停驶vi.鸣锣;发出铜锣般的声音n.(Gong)人名;(德、缅)贡[复数:gongs;第三人称单数:gongs;现在分词:gonging;过去式:gonged;过去分词:gonged]短语:Gong County珙县;中国河南省县名例句用作名词(n.)At six the gong sounded for supper.6点时,吃晚饭的锣声响了。Then I want to learn how to strike the gong.那我就学锣吧。

龚 姓氏读gong还是jun?

龚氏龚在姓氏读gōng。系承共氏,避难加龙为龚。相传上古时期,炎帝的后裔、黄帝大臣共工,专门管理水土,因治水有功,被封为“水神”。后与 兜、三苗、鲧结为“四凶”,被流放到幽州。开始以单字“共”作为家人的姓氏,子句龙继承父职,若干年后,共姓为了避仇,有的在“共”字上加一个“龙”字,成了龚姓,也就是说,龚姓是以祖先的官职和名字中的一字改造而来的。龚姓以共工治水有功而引以为荣,尊其为得姓始祖。龚姓发源地较多,有河北、辽宁间和山西、河南、福建等,龚姓早期主要繁衍于北方地区。汉时,华东龚姓崭露头角,江苏徐州人龚胜与江苏邳州人龚舍均以名节闻名,有“楚两龚”之称号。目前全球龚姓人口达270万。最新全国姓氏人口排位调查结果显示,龚姓排在第90位。历史来源「龚」源出:读gōng,古汉语也读作gōng一、为共氏所改。据《古今姓氏书辨证》所载:其先共氏。避难,加龙为龚。其时约在战国末年秦汉之际。二、唐《元和姓纂》云:共工后有共、龚二氏。关于龚氏的来源,所有古籍的记载都异口同声,看法一致。譬如,《古今姓氏书辨证》指出:“其先共氏避难,加龙为龚,汉有龚遂”。《姓纂》则指出:“共工后有共、龚二氏”;《万姓统谱》也指出:“龚氏之先共氏,避难加龙为龚,望出武陵。”一说,黄帝臣共工司水土,子句龙继其职,其后为龚氏。据此,龚氏是以祖先的官职及名的一字组成的。三、龚氏系黄帝后裔。《史记》云:黄帝者,少典之子,姓公孙名轩辕。黄帝重孙高辛继颛顼帝位为帝喾,其子契长而尧、舜、禹三代封商地为商始祖,十四代成汤名天乙,讨伐暴君夏桀。建立商王朝,传位30代代帝辛而亡,帝辛荒淫残暴佐臣箕子忠谏被削为奴,侍宫中,殷灭,武王释囚,箕子被封高丽王,传十四代龚际元,乃龚氏一代祖。


文明礼貌突出一个gong(恭 )字,办事无私突出一个gong(公 )字 书写漂亮突出一个gong(工 )字 有进取心突出一个gong (攻 )字 成果丰硕突出一个gong(功 )字






gong 英[gu0252u014b] 美[gu0254:u014b] n. 锣; 钟状物; 〈俚〉奖章,纪念章; v. 发出锣声; 鸣锣阻止汽车前进; [例句]The complete molds adopt the CNC computer gong, so the products have been thickness and good texture and high precision.配套模具采用CNC电脑锣加工,厚薄均匀,质感优良,精确度高。[其他] 复数:gongs


它也可以指一种让人表达欢迎或高兴的声音,例如“gong gong”,意思是“欢迎”。此外,“gong”还可以指表达赞许或赞扬的意思,例如“gong gong”,意思是“做得好”。另外,“gong”还可以指一种有趣的游戏,例如“gong gong”,意思是“赶快!”提醒玩家们赶快动起来。总之,“gong”是一个意义取决于上下文的多元词。






gong [ɡ0007] n. 锣;钟状物;[英俚]奖章vt. 鸣锣传唤;鸣锣命令驾车者停驶vi. 鸣锣;发出铜锣般的声音Gong: 龚,姓氏的英文对应翻译


功gōng、攻gōng、拱gǒng 、巩gǒng 、贡gòng。一、功1.功劳(跟“过”相对):立~。记一大~。2.成效和表现成效的事情(多指较大的):教育之~。~亏一篑。大~告成。好大喜~。3.技术和技术修养:唱~。~架。基本~。4.一个力使物体沿力的方向通过一段距离,这个力就对物体做了功。相关组词:练功 用功 功夫 功课 功劳 立功 功绩 成功 功能 功勋二、攻1.攻打;进攻(跟“守”相对):围~。~城。能~能守。~下敌人的桥头堡。2.对别人的过失、错误进行指责或对别人的议论进行驳斥:群起而~之。~其一点,不及其余。3.致力研究;学习:专~。一门心思~外语。4.姓。相关组词:进攻 攻讦 抢攻 攻打 攻取 佯攻 攻歼 围攻 攻坚 总攻三、拱1.两手相合,臂的前部上举:~手。2.环绕:~卫。众星~月。四山环~的大湖。3.肢体弯曲成弧形:~肩缩背。黑猫~了~腰。4.建筑物成弧形的:~门。连~坝。5.姓。6.用身体撞动别的东西或拨开土地等物体:用身子~开了大门。猪用嘴~地。一个小孩儿从人群里~出去了。7.植物生长,从土里向外钻或顶:苗儿~出土了。相关组词:拱手 拱桥 拱棚 拱抱 斗拱 拱火 拱卫 拱门 拱券 垂拱四、巩1.巩固。2.姓。相关组词:巩膜 巩固 巩石 巩洛 阙巩 巩巩 巩峻 巩殿 巩卫 巩坚五、贡1.古代臣民或属国把物品献给朝廷:~奉。~米。2.贡品:进~。3.封建时代称选拔(人才),荐给朝廷:~生。~院。4.姓。相关组词:贡献 贡品 贡税 贡缎 贡生 朝贡 纳贡 贡赋 进贡 贡奉


《 飘》字面意思是--------------随风而去


读第一声的:工、公、宫、供、功、攻,读第三声的:拱、巩、汞、珙,读第四声的:共、供、贡、唝等等。1、工,gong,工匠的曲尺。象形。甲骨文字形,象工具形。“工”、“巨”(矩)古同字,有“规矩”,即持有工具。2、公,gōng,从八从厶。字义:正直无私,为大家利益。共同的,承认的 国家,社会,大众,全世界。3、宫,gōng,从宀(mian),从两个方框。象形。甲骨文字形,象房屋形。在穴居野处时代也就是洞窟。外围象洞门,里面的小框框象彼此连通的小窟,即人们居住的地方。本义:古代对房屋、居室的通称(秦、汉以后才特指帝王之宫)。4、拱,gǒng,从手,共声。本义:抱拳,敛手。两手在胸前相合,表示恭敬。明嘉靖进士拱廷臣。明“嘉靖五年(1526年)丙戌科殿试金榜”第三甲赐同进士出身共208名,其中就有拱廷臣。5、共,多音字,读音:gòng,从廿(nian)从廾(gong)。指合力。共,有供奉;恭敬,通“恭”;供给;供应,通“供”。

Song For The Lonely 歌词

歌曲名:Song For The Lonely歌手:Cher专辑:Living ProofWhen you"re standing on the edge of nowhereThere"s only one way up so your heart"s got to go thereThrough the darkest nightSee the light shine brightWhen heroes fall in love or war they live foreverThis is a song for the lonelyCan you hear me tonightFor the broken hearted, battle scared, I"ll be by your sideThis is a song for the lonely when your dreams won"t come trueCan you hear this prayer"Coz someone"s there for youWlll love don"t need a reasonShe can pick you up or leave you bleedingI"ve seen a strong man cryI know the reason whyWe all forgive we all forgetWe just keep believingThis is a song for the lonelyCan you hear me tonightFor the broken hearted, battle scarred, I"ll be by your sideThis is a song for the lonely when your dreams won"t come trueWhen you hear this prayerKnow that someone"s there for youSo let it find youWhere ever you may goI"m right beside youDon"t have to look no moreYou don"t have to look no more, oh noit"s gonna be alrightit"s gonna be alrightit"s gonna be alrightThis is a song, a song for the lonelyAnd that"s not you onlyThrough the darket nightGonna see the light

一首歌曲名字?this is the love song for you and me

december night 黄小桢



迈克尔·杰克逊的You Are Not Along的歌词翻译成中文是什么?


sprintf(book_seq, "%ld", seq) 其中book_seq是字符串,seq是long 新手求解释

sprintf用处很多,这里的意思是把长型浮点数打印到字符串中。sprintf(book_seq, "%ld", seq)的解释为:把seq的值“打印”(你也可以理解为转换)出来,以字符串的形式存入到book_seq中,因此此处boo_seq必须是 char * 类型。sprintf的具体用法可以参考百度百科的解释:

go up go down go long的区别

go up 向上走go down 向下走go long??应该是go along吧?沿着。。。。走

求英语高手帮帮忙请高手帮我区别一下go down,go along,go up,walk along,go walk d?

go away 离开 I"m tired of your constant plaints; go away and leave me in peace! 我讨厌你老是抱怨; 走开,让我安静点! 私奔 They went away together. 他们一起私奔了. go down: 1)去什么地方 Well,first go down to the Train Station. 嗯,首先,走到火车站. 2)被接受; 受欢迎,得到赞同 The play went down quite well. 这出戏很受欢迎. go along一般与with 联用,意为陪伴 如: Can I go along with you? 我能和你一块去吗? go up 上升,上涨,提高, The temperature is going up; will the snow melt? 气温正逐渐上升,雪会融化吗? 某事开始了 The curtain went up. 开演了. walk along 一般意为沿着什么走 如: We walk along a street fifty feet wide. 我们沿着一条五十英尺宽的街道走着 walk down 与 go down差不多. 就是走下去,向前走的意思,12,有这个单词就有什么时候可以用的地方,0,求英语高手帮帮忙 请高手帮我区别一下 go down,go along,go up,walk along,go walk down,walk dowm 到底什么时候该用,什么时候不该用? 还有go away

go along,go down,go up有什么区别???

1. If you go along to a meeting, event, or place, you attend or visit it.If you describe how something is going along, you describe how it is progressing.2. go down If a price, level, or amount goes down, it becomes lower or less than it was.If you go down on your knees or on all fours, you lower your body until it is supported by your knees, or by your hands and knees.In sport, if a person or team goes down, they are defeated in a match or contest.If you say that a remark, idea, or type of behaviour goes down in a particular way, you mean that it gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people. Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates.When the sun goes down, it goes below the horizon.If a ship goes down, it sinks. If a plane goes down, it crashes out of the sky.3. go up If a price, amount, or level goes up, it becomes higher or greater than it was.When a building, wall, or other structure goes up, it is built or fixed in place.If something goes up, it explodes or starts to burn, usually suddenly and with great intensity.If a shout or cheer goes up, it is made by a lot of people together.In sport, if a team goes up, they move to a higher division in a league.

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗

go up 1.=rise升起*The smoke went up.烟串上来了。*Many people came to watch the balloon go up.许多人来看汽球升空。2.=rise;increase;improve(物价)上涨;提高;增加*Butter"s going up again next week.奶油下星期又要涨价了。*Prices of fruit and vegetables have already gone up.水果和蔬菜的价格已经上涨了。*He has gone up in my estimation since he did that.自从他做了那件事以后,他在我心目中的威信提高了。*The goods have gone up in quality.这些货的质量提高了。3.=be built;be erected;be put up被建造起来;被公布*Supermarkets are going up everywhere.到处都建起了超级市场。*Tall buildings are rapidly up along the new road leading to the downtown area.通往市中心的新公路两旁,迅速矗立起了一座座高楼大厦。*Placards declaring new regulations were going up.宣布新规定的公告张贴出来了。4.=explode;be destroyed by explosion爆炸;炸毁*The bomb went up,killing two people.炸弹爆炸了,炸死两人。5.=be able to become heard;become loud or louder使能听见;声音变大*A shout went up from the crowd at the game.比赛时人群在高声助威呐喊。*A cheer went up in the auditorium.礼堂里响起一阵阵欢呼声。6.=become bankrupt破产*Inflation was so bad that many firms went up.通货膨胀十分严重,以致于许多公司破产了。7.=enter(university)入学(大学)*He went up to Cambridge in 1980.他198O年进入剑桥大学学习。*When are you going up?你什么时候进大学?go along =go on 继续*Work like this becomes less interesting as you go along.这样的工作越往下干就越觉得没有兴趣。*You may have some difficulty with this book at first,but you will find it easier as you go along.开始时你会觉得这本书有点困难,但你继续读下去时,便会觉得较为容易了。go straight =become an honest person;lead an honest life改邪归正;改过自新*After the man got out of prison,he went straight.这个人出狱后就改过自新了。*Mr.Wright promised to go straight if the judge would let him go free.莱特先生答应,如果法官释放了他,他愿改邪归正。go down 1.=descend下去Let"s go down by the lift.咱们乘电梯下去吧。*Go down and see who is at the door,please.请下去看看谁在门口。2.=lessen;be reduced;undergo a decrease;lose value下降;减少;失去价值*If the wind goes down,we may be able to sail tomorrow.如果风变小了,我们明天就可能出海。*Shares have gone down again by six points.股票又下跌了6点。*Prices are going up all the time;it seems they will never go down.物价总是上涨,看来永远也不会下跌。*The pictures have gone down in value considerably.这些画的价值降低了许多。3.=sink;set 下沉;落下*The ship went down like lead.这只船象铅似地下沉。*The sun has gone down.太阳落山了。4.=be recorded; writing 记下*This day will go down in history.这一天将载入史册。*Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄事迹将会被记入史册。*He will go down in history as a national hero.他将作为一位民族英雄名垂史册。5.=be received or be received favourably被接受;被赞许*How did his lecture go down with the students?他的课学生反映如何?*The play went down very well with the audience.这出戏很受观众的欢迎。*Your explanation won"t go down very well.你的解释不能令人满意。*Those proposals are not likely to go down with the majority of the members.那些建议可能不会为大多数成员所接受。6.=become deflated;recede 瘪了;消退*The tyre of my bicyclehas gone down.我的自行车轮胎瘪了。*The swelling has gonedown a lot.肿消了许多。7.=be swallowed 被咽下*John was delighted thathis wife"s cooking should go down so well.约翰很高兴,他妻子烧的菜竟是如此地好吃。*The pill won"t go down.这药丸吞不下去。8.=fall;collapse倒下;倒塌*The wall went down witha crash.墙呼隆一声倒塌了。*He went down on hisknees and begged for mercy.他跪下来求饶。9.=be defeated or overthrown 被打倒;被推翻*They refused to go downbefore the invaders.他们不甘为侵略者所征服。*Rome went down beforethe barbarian invaders.罗马人被野蛮人所征服。*10.=fail in an exam考试不及格*I am afraid he has gonedown again.我担心他又不及格了。11.=leave university at the end of a term or finally(大学生)学期末放假或毕业前离校*The students have allgone down for the summer vacation.大学生们都离校过暑假去了。*The undergraduates aredue to go down today.本科生应该是今天离校。12.=fall on a scale度数下降*On the second day histemperature went down.第2天他的体温下降了。*The pressure has gonedown.血压下降了。13.=go bankrupt倒闭*The company went downonly a year after it started.那家公司办了一年就倒闭了。14.=go as far as;extendin time延续到*This history book goesdown to the French Revolution.这本历史书记述到法国革命为止。

Wingtech groupHONGKANG Limi什么意思

我今天也发现出了一个设备Wingtech groupHONGKANG Limi

go along和go up 、 go down有什么区别

如果是在上下方面,go down肯定是向下。 一般当这两个词在表示沿着路走的时候没有多大区别,真要细分的话,go down指向南(上北下南嘛,外国也这样),go along则都可以 而go up 表示的是 上升 增长 指上坡或者北上; go down 指下坡或者往南走(上北下南) go along 沿着...走. 或返指沿着...走

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗

这几个词本身是有不同含义的,如果单用于指路是差不多的,但是这些介词的本身有向上、向下的含义,需根据当时的情境实际变化(比如你在山坡的中间在指路时,或在河流的中游等,当然街道也有在人们观念中的上、下行).up/along/down 可以用作介词后跟名词,straight是副词,如果需要接名词要再加介词up/along/down.如:Go up the street 沿街上行Go along the street 沿街走Go down the street 沿街下行Go straight or Go straight along the street 沿街直行

go up和go along和go down之间有什么区别?

go up 向上走=增长go along 向前走,沿着...走go down 向下走=下降

go along,go up,go down的区别?

go along 靠边走!go up 往上走!go down 往下走!

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗

这几个词本身是有不同含义的,如果单用于指路是差不多的,但是这些介词的本身有向上、向下的含义,需根据当时的情境实际变化(比如你在山坡的中间在指路时,或在河流的中游等,当然街道也有在人们观念中的上、下行).up/along/down 可以用作介词后跟名词,straight是副词,如果需要接名词要再加介词up/along/down.如:Go up the street 沿街上行。Go along the street 沿街走。Go down the street 沿街下行。Go straight or Go straight along the street 沿街直行。

编三分钟英语对话 A has won the first prize in the English speech contest. B congratulates her. They

B:I was so glad to hear of that you have won the first prize in the Englishspeech contest.A:Oh,yes. I was very suprised to get the prize. I I even couldn"t believe that I made it.B:You"re the best. You deserved it! Congratulations!A:Thank you!Why not celebrate my victory together?B:OK. That"s a good idea!What activity would you like to take?Going shopping,going to the playground,singing songs,or hold a party?A:I do love these activities,but I think it"s better for us to eat outside now.Maybe we can hold a large party next time.B:No problem.I know a famous snack counter nearby.Foods there are traditional and delicious.Let"s eat there.A:WOW-I"d love it!(In the way to... A"s phone rang)A:Hello!This is A speaking....A:Really?When did this happen?...A:Was my brother injured?Is he in dangerous now?...A:OK!I will arrive soon.Thank you!B:What happened?A:I have just been told that my brother suffered from a car accident.B:Oh,God.That"s so bad!How about your brother?A:He chafed his arm and had been sent to the hospital.I"m sorry that I can"t go out with you as I will go to the hospital now.B:Don"t worry! Let me go with you.A:Thank you very much.

The sun rises in the morning.The shadow is long.



The shadow is getting longer and longer.影子变得越来越长。


at改为 inThe shadow is long in the morning.早上的影子很长。

英语The course has a strong practical bias怎么翻译?


Songs About Me 歌词

歌曲名:Songs About Me歌手:Trace Adkins专辑:The Definitive Greatest Hits: "Til the Last Shot"s FiredTrace Adkins - Songs About MeBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulI met a guy on the red eyeHe spotted my guitarAnd said what do you do?I said, I sing for a living,Country music mixed withA little rock and a little bluesHe said I"m sorryBut I"ve never been crazy"bout that twang and trains and hillbilly thingWhat ever made you want to sing stuff like that?I just looked at him and laughed and saidCause it"s songs about meAnd who I amSongs about loving and livingAnd good hearted women and family and GodYeah they"re all justSongs about meSongs about meSo I offered him ticketsI said you"ll see what I meanIf you show up tonightHe said I doubt you"ll change my opinionI"ll be kind of busy, but hey man, I"ll tryThen later on when we finished our songsAbout scars and cars and broken heartsI saw him, he was standing thereRight next to the stageAnd he shoutedMan you were rightIt was like you sang thoseSongs about meAnd who I amSongs about loving and livingAnd good hearted women and family and GodYeah they"re all justSongs about meSongs about meSo I"ll just keep on singing"til I hear the whole world singing thoseSongs about meAnd who I amSongs about loving and livingAnd good hearted women and family and GodYeah they"re all justSongs about meSongs about me

I wanna 的歌词plucky xiong唱的,难道就没个英语过关的,都问了N次了,英语高手们死哪里去了。

Plucky Xiong - I wanna (ft.Ivan)i wake up to the moring reason and i still see you have sleep but i could not notice how beautiful you are would lie in love is meoh you look so beautiful and i thank god for this miraclenow i can finally say she is mine oh mine, she is my love , she is my life .and deep in sometimes and find it hard to say woo ~ woo~ you are my love you are my friendwe have been through thick and thin i wanna show you, i wanna show you you are a friend when i am in need you lift me up when i"m all my needi wanna love you , i wanna love you (rap): i remembered that some one a day i leave my eyes on you,there was no dead in my mind,i could know my heart is true,i know we"re ride for you,and i find ahead for you,[could on take in open the bag]still discuss for you,i would"t lie to you,i won"t live the perfect life,nor mind the perfect name,but i"ll try for you,and do wild all these years,just stop on my side,even when the road [ ] stills,stop with pride,i"ll appreciate what you"ve done,for this place is called home,from the jokes you like talking late on the phone,i just want you to know that i"ve been blessed from the bottom and i"m thankful for everyday that i"ve benn blessed to lovei love the way you laugh i love the way you smile, especially when i"ve been seen you in the wildi love the way you call my name ,life of without i wanna tell you then ,i wanna love you , i wanna love you , i wanna love you注.加[ ]的是实在听不出来的了……不好意思啊~但愿能帮到你哦~我已经尽力啦~


He worked for the king a long time ago.

How far 跟 How long 用法上有何不同



一般的搭配是on the road 和in the street. 但是在具体到某一条路上是用介词at,如: The Rubens at the Palce39 Buckingham Palace Road,London 希望楼主满意.

on Zhongshan Road和 in Shanghai street

on Zhongshan Roadin Shanghai street两者只是表达形式不同,意思大致相同on the road=in the street硬要说不一样就是road比较宽泛地指马路,大道。而street指街,街道。所以road用介词on,而street用in。

long long way to go 歌词

Long long way to go中文歌词——畅想式 You held my hand and then you slipped awayz 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开) And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸 So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚) Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?) And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道 We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的 I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 ) All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you , to you... 对你说... From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲) Turn on the tv and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你) In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象) Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you,I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切) And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你) I only hope you think of me sometimes,oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我) And even through I feel the pain 即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛) I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 ) The time will come ,oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )

Long Long Way To Go 歌词

歌曲名:Long Long Way To Go歌手:Lionel Richie专辑:Just For YouDef Leppard - Long Long Way To GoYou held my hand and then you slipped away 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开)And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸)So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚)Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?)And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的)I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 )All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走)Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, to you 对你说...From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲)Turn on the TV and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你)In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象)Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 )Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切)And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你)I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我)And even though I feel the pain即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛)I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 )The time will come, oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )I got a long, long way to go 我有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to you 在我与你道别之前Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go 真的有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye 在离别之前To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew 曾经一样I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go 很长很长.....Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you 别离之前Say goodbye, say goodbye 别离Oh, I got a long, long way to go 说再见Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 For阿姝

请问on the road与along the road的区别


求Long 2 way 中文歌词

Long long way to go中文歌词——畅想式 You held my hand and then you slipped awayz 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开) And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸 So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚) Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?) And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道 We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的 I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 ) All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you , to you... 对你说... From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲) Turn on the tv and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你) In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象) Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you,I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切) And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你) I only hope you think of me sometimes,oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我) And even through I feel the pain 即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛) I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 ) The time will come ,oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )

provoke strong emotions

provoke strong emotions >激起强烈的情绪

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (The Proposal Song) 歌词

歌名:Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday歌手:Newz梦见 有天使出现她预言 分手这里现在升天感觉一阵晕眩 hou~梦会不会实现马上约你逛街 为你买十克拉钻戒再多也无怨言(心甘情愿)或在人群里面向你求婚100遍baby baby 把你留在我的身边Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~舍不得有你的感觉Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~预言请别实现(Rap~)天使 给我预言 噢哦 分手还有三天向你求婚100遍 baby把你留在我身边梦见 有天使出现她预言 分手这里现在升天感觉一阵晕眩 wow~梦会不会实现马上约你逛街 为你买十克拉钻戒再多也无怨言(心甘情愿)或在人群里面向你求婚100遍baby baby要你永远在我身边Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~舍不得有你的感觉Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~预言请别实现到星期三午夜十二点你还睡在胸前 此刻我才发现原来我多么喜欢每一次疼爱你的感觉Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~舍不得有你的感觉Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~预言别实现Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~舍不得 的感觉Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~预言不会实现Monday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~Monday next day will be TuesdayMonday next day will be Tuesdaycoming is the Wednesday yeah~Monday yesterday was TuesdayToday come to Wednesday

celine dion--a song for you中文歌词

自己译的 我活不下去没有你的爱我活不下去为了一个吻我可以献上我的一切没有任何词句可以形容我内心深处的感受所以我让这首歌来表达一切我希望你能明白只要你听完这首歌听到我脑内的音乐所以 在我可以遗忘之前我开始歌唱是的 我正在歌唱这为你而生的歌修饰这些词句啦啦啦噢耶我的心写下这些回忆我正为你唱这首歌译得很烂啊抱歉= =

篮球比赛中的英文 all game long 和 fe se pi te 都是啥意思。

你说的笼统的很啊!给你提供以下篮球英语,请自己对照球场 playing court 罚球线 free throw line 违例 violation 掩护 screen 篮球 basketball 罚球区 free throw lane 投篮 goal throw 两次运球 double dribble 边线 side line 三分线 three point line 阻挡 blocking 罚球违例 free throw violation 中线 center line 限制区 restricted area 踢球 kicking the ball 非法运球 illegal dribble 端线 end line 用过的球 used ball 争球 held ball 技术犯规technical foul 界线 boundary line 犯规次数牌 foul markers 罚则 penalty 故意犯规 intentional foul 前场 front court 本方球篮 own basket 罚球 free throw 对方犯规 personal contact 中场 mid court 对方球篮 opponet"s basket 犯规 foul 身体接触 screen foul 后场 back court 全队犯规标志 team foul marke 推人 pushing 投篮动作 the act of shooting 中圈 centre circle 球队席 team bench 拉人 holding 投篮未中 goaln"t madel 篮圈 ring 替补队员席 substitude bench 撞人 charging 得分无效 cancel score 篮网 net 球队席区域 team bench areas 绊人 trip 控制球 control of the ball 篮板 backboard 哨 whistle 传球 pass 妨碍视线 obstructed vision Air ball:“三不沾”,投出的球什么都没碰到。 Alley-oop:“空中接力”。一个运动员把球抛向空中,另一个队员在空中 接住球把球扣入篮筐。 Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena。 Assist:助攻(缩写:Ast.)。 Backboard:篮板。注意不是basketboard。 Backcourt:后场。一支球队本方的半场为后场,即这支球队所要防守的那 半场。 Backdoor paly:篮球基本战术之一。当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时, 另一个动员立刻从弱侧切入篮下,接队友的传球投篮得分。 Baseline:底线。球场两端的边界线。 Basket:篮筐。也作ring,还有一种通俗的说法是hoop。 Bench:替补队员。 Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.)。 Boo:嘘声(n);发出嘘声(v)。球迷发泄不满的一种方法。 Bounce pass:击地传球。 Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动 作。 Brick:(v)球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来。许多公牛队的球迷在客队罚球时 都手执一块上写"Brick"的牌子在罚球队员的眼前不停的晃动,扰乱他的视 线,以达到干扰罚球的目的。 Buzzer beater:比赛结束前的最后一投。buzzer是比赛用的蜂鸣器。 Captian:队长。队长是场上惟一有资格与裁判讨论规则和判罚的人。 Coach:教练。比如Head coach是主教练,Assistant coach是助理教练。 Coast-to-coast:从球场的一端到另一端(n)。例如:coast-to-coast pass。 Conference:联盟。NBA分东、西两个联盟(Eastern Conference和Western Conference),每个联盟都有自己的logo。 Commissioner:总裁。NBA的现任总裁是David Stern。 Court:球场;赛场。home court主场。 Crossover:交叉运球过人。是Tim Hardaway的商标动作。 Cut:切入。 Debut:首次上场。 Defense:防守。当客队进攻时,我们经常能听到主场的球迷在体育馆音效师的带领下高 喊"Defense! Defense!"。 Deny the ball:绕前防守。 Disqualification:被罚下场(缩写:DQ.)。 Division:赛区。NBA共有四个赛区,每个联盟下属两个赛区。 Double-double:两双,即两项技术统计指标达两位数。 Double-team:双人夹击。 Double dribble:两次运球。 Downtown:三分线以外。 Draft:选秀,即NBA每年一度的纳新大会。 Dribble:运球(vt,n)。 Duo:原义是二重唱,在篮球中专指双人组合。 Fadeaway shot:后仰投篮。也作fadeaway jumper。 Fake:假动作(n);做假动作(v)。 Fast break:快攻;快速突破。 Finals:总决赛。Semifinals半决赛。 Field goal:投篮(总称),包括两分球的投篮也包括三分球的投篮(缩写:FG.)。 Finger roll:低手上篮时手指拨球的动作。 Flagrant foul:没有必要或动作过大的犯规。 Foul:犯规。个人犯规是personal foul;全队的累计犯规叫team foul。 Foul trouble:(n)一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带来的麻烦,比如说这个队员的 法规次数已接近6次,再犯一次或两次规就将被罚下场。 Free agent:自由人。合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队 约束。 Free throw:罚球(缩写:FT.)。 Frontcourt:前场。对手的半场为前场,即本方队员攻击的那半场。 Give-and-go:基本战术配合之一,进攻队员将球传给另队友--give,然后向篮下切入, 再接队友的回传球上篮(或扣篮)得分--go。也就是我们常说的“ 传切配合”。 Gunner:经常投篮的投手。 Hand-checking:a:一种防守技术,即用手接触对方的身体来跟踪对手的位置。 也作hand-check。b:防守犯规的一种。防守队员用手阻挡进攻队员的走位。 不能张开双臂阻挡防守队员的移动,合法的hand-checking技术只允许用手接 触对方的身体来跟踪对手的位置,但手部不允许加力,也不允许阻碍对手的 视线。 Hang time:滞空时间,即运动员投篮时在空中停留的时间。 High post:罚球弧的周围。 Hook shot:钩手投篮,有时也直接用"hook"表示。 Illegal defense:非法防守。联防防守即为非法防守。 Injury list:伤员名单。如果某个队员受伤不能参加比赛,根据NBA的规定必须要将其 列入伤员名单(伤员名单是公开的),以示对球迷的负责。 Jam:扣篮。one-handed jam单手扣篮;two-handed jam双手扣篮。著名歌星 Michael Jackson和Michael Jordan合作拍过一部MTV,名字就叫"Jam"。 Jersey:运动员的背心,也作uniform。有些为球队做出过巨大贡献的运动员退役时他的 jersey也跟随他一起退役,他的jersey被高悬在球队主场的天花 板上,这意味着以后其它运动员不能再使用这件jersey上的号码了。 Jump ball:跳球;争球。 Jump shot:跳投。也作jumper。 Lane:罚球区,也作free throw lane。篮球刚发明的时侯罚球区是细长的,其宽度比罚 球弧的直径还要短,形状就象把钥匙,所以也称之为the key。 Layup:上篮。 Ligament:韧带。cruciate ligament,十字韧带,膝关节中的韧带,是运动员最容易受 伤的部位,分anterior cruciate ligament和posterior cruciate ligament。 Locker room:更衣室。 Lottery:确定选秀顺序的过程。以前是通过掷硬币决定,因其不确定性所以称之为 "lottery"。 Low post:三秒区内,篮筐两侧,靠近底线的那部分。 Matchup:攻防上各个位置的对应关系(n)。 Meniscus:半月板。膝关节中的一块软骨,也是运动员容易受伤的地方之一,我们经常 会听到某个运动员因为半月板撕裂而上了伤员名单,几个月不能打球。 Move:移动。这个词在NBA里出现的频率特别高,比如,一个漂亮的移动我们说"great move!";后转身的摆脱我们称之为"Spin move"。 MVP:Most Valuable Player,最有价值的运动员。 Net:篮网。检验球是否入筐的标志,原Utah的David Benoit在扣篮时,球砸在自己的头 上从篮筐中弹出,而且整个过程中球又没有触及篮网,结果进球 被判无效。 No-charge area:进攻有理区。根据去年的新规则在两个篮下各画定一以篮筐的中心为 圆心,以4英尺为半径的半圆(虚线),此区域被称作进攻有理区,在 进攻有理区里只有带球撞人而没有阻挡犯规(注:O"Neal修正案除外)。 Offense:进攻。形容词形式是offensive(缩写:off.),可以修饰其它名词,例如 offensive rebound就是前场篮板球(进攻篮板球)。 Outlet pass:抢到篮球板后的第一传,一般都是隔场的长传。 Overtime:加时赛,时间为5分钟。 Palming:我们常说的“翻腕”,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。 Pass:传球。 Personal foul:个人犯规。 Pick-and-roll:挡拆战术。篮球中的基本进攻战术之一,进攻队员给持球的队友作掩护 英语叫"set a pick",然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫"roll",再接 队友的传球,在无人防守的情况下投篮。Pick n" Roll是Malone和Stockton的看家本 领。以pick为基础衍生出的战术还有pick-and-fade、pick-and-split 等。 Pick:掩护。 Pivot:a:以一只脚为中枢脚转动身体改变方向的动作(n)。b:篮下,通常由中锋控制的 区域。 Playoff:复赛;季后赛,即常规赛结束后各联盟的前八名的淘汰赛。 Point guard:组织后卫,也作控球后卫。 size=3>位置。NBA中运动员被分为三个位置--前锋、中锋、后卫。 Power forward:大前锋,我国常称之为“二中锋”。二者略有不同,“二中锋”是基于 中锋的位置,来源于“双中锋”战术,这是我们从苏联老大哥那 里学来的;大前锋还是前锋,他们是队里的篮板能手和防守中坚。 Press:紧逼(防守)。full-court press,全场紧逼;half-court press,半场紧逼。 Pump fake:投篮的假动作。 Quadruple-double:四双。即四项技术统计指标超过两位数。 Quarter:节。一场NBA比赛分四节,每节12分钟。前两节称first-half,后两节称 second-half。 Rebound:篮板球(缩写:Reb.)。 Refree:裁判。 Rejection:盖帽。 Reverse:反身的(a)。比如从底线切入后的反身扣篮是reverse dunk。 Rookie:新人,即第一年在NBA打球的运动员。 Run:连续得分。比赛中屏幕上会经常打出某支球队12-0 run in last 4 minutes,就是 说这支球队在刚刚过去的4分钟内连得了12分,打了个12比0的小高潮。 Salary Cap:工资上限。 Score:得分。Scorer得分手。 Screen:掩护,同pick。 Season:赛季。 Shot clock:24秒计时器。 Sideline:边线。 Sixth man:第六人,即第一个替补上场的队员。 Slam dunk:重扣,特指双手持球高高跳起的使出吃奶力气的重扣:),也可以是单手的重 扣,这里slam表示砰的一声,强调扣篮时发出的声音。也作Dunk。 Squad:五人组,篮球队的非正式说法。 Starting-lineup:开场阵容。 Steal:断球;抢断球(缩写:Stl.)。 Strong side:强侧。有球的一侧为强侧。(关于强侧与弱侧的具体定义请见《联 防FAQ》) Substitutes:替补队员。 Suspend:暂时中止运动员上场比赛;禁赛。 Switch:换(防)。 Team:夹击。(注:不一定是双人夹击,可以是多人夹击) Technical foul:技术犯规。 Three-point shot:三分投篮。 Three-pointer:三分球。 Three-second violation:三秒违例。 Tie:平局;打平。 Timeout:暂停。NBA中有20秒的短暂停(20-second timeout)和100秒的长暂停 (regular timeout)。 Tip-in:补篮。 Transition:由攻转守的过程。 Traveling:走步违例,也作Walking。 Triple-double:三双,即三项技术统计指标超两位数。 Turnover:失误,(缩写:To.)。NBA中专门有一项数据统计叫assist/turnover,是用这 个队员助攻数比上他的失误数,这项统计能准确的反映一个组织后卫 是否称职。 Uniform:制服。篮球运动员的制服当然是背心和短裤了,uniform有时也特指背心。 Veteran:老运动员。NBA非常重视veteran,各球队都把自己的veteran视作一笔财富, veteran这个词在NBA出现的几率是非常高的。 Weak side:弱侧。无球的一侧为弱侧。(关于强侧与弱侧的具体定义请见《联防FAQ》) Wide open:开阔(n),无人防守。大多数情况下战术配合的目的就是给队友制造wide open,以便从容出手。 Zone:联防;区域防守。也作Zone defense。

set the cat among the pigeons是什么意思


put the cat among the pigeons是什么意思


cat among the pigeons是什么意思

cat among the pigeons鸽群中的猫例句:1.Rather than proposing to bomb north korea or to impose yet more sanctions on itsalready crumbling economy, mr lee could really set the cat among the pigeons. 与其提议轰炸朝鲜或者进一步制裁其本已摇摇欲坠的经济,李明博真的可以掀起一些风浪。

put the cat among the pigeons是什么意思

put the cat among the pigeon是什么意思


set the cat among the pigeons是什么意思


put the cat among the pigeons是什么意思


belong to a group是什么意思






有一首英文歌男的唱的里边有一句dong baby 啦呀dong baby 啦呀 好像还带点dj

Die Young-Ke$haI hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums我听到你的心像低音鼓一样砰砰响起Oh what a shame that you came here with someone噢,你真没劲,出来混还拉个伴So while you"re here in my arms所以当你还在我的怀抱Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝We"re gonna die young we"re gonna die young就像我们即将英年早逝 就像我们即将英年早逝Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝Hearts out of minds年轻的心,疯狂躁动Running till we out of time直到生命最后一刻Wild childs looking good野小子酷劲十足Living hard just like we should拼命活出我们的精彩Don"t care who"s watching when we tearing up当我们撕开衣服,才不管他们怎么看You know你知道That magic that we got that nobody can touch我们拥有一种魔力无人可匹敌You show你懂得Looking for some trouble tonight今晚我们要搞些小破坏Take my hand I"ll show you the wild side拉住我的手我要展现狂野的一面Like it"s the last night of our lives就像生命只剩最后一晚We"ll keep dancing "till we die我们要热情狂舞一直到死I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums我听到你的心像低音鼓一样砰砰响起Oh what a shame that you came here with someone噢,你真没劲,出来混还拉个伴So while you"re here in my arms所以当你还在我的怀抱Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝We"re gonna die young we"re gonna die young就像我们即将英年早逝 就像我们即将英年早逝Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝Punks taking shots帅哥,机不可失Stripping down to dirty socks脱掉你的脏袜子Music up getting hot音乐响起,炽热难耐Kiss me give you all you got亲吻我,给我你的一切It"s pretty obvious that you got a crush很显然,你对我一见倾心You know你知道That magic in your pants is making blush你的裤衩在蠢蠢欲动,这让姐情何以堪You show你懂得Looking for some trouble tonight今晚我们要搞些小破坏Take my hand I"ll show you the wild side拉住我的手,我要展现狂野的一面Like it"s the last night of our lives就像生命只剩最后一晚We"ll keep dancing "till we die我们要热情狂舞一直到死I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums我听到你的心像低音鼓一样砰砰响起Oh what a shame that you came here with someone噢,你真没劲,出来混还拉个伴So while you"re here in my arms所以当你还在我的怀抱Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums我听到你的心像低音鼓一样砰砰响起Oh what a shame that you came here with someone噢,你真没劲,出来混还拉个伴So while you"re here in my arms所以当你还在我的怀抱Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝We"re gonna die young we"re gonna die young就像我们即将英年早逝 就像我们即将英年早逝Let"s make the most of the night like we"re gonna die young就让我们夜夜狂欢 就像我们即将英年早逝

wind , cloud , rain , 和snow 有可数的时候吗, 怎样向学生解释 there is a strong wind 等?

我也是一名学生 我理解的话就是一种

one sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years。it sings to me in the night的意思


英语作文the story of yu gong

I heard a story about yugong yesterday.Let me tell you.Once upon a time,there was a very old man.There were two mountains near his house.They were so high that it took a long time to walk to the other side.Then the old man told his family that they should help him move the mountains.But a man told yugong he could never do it because he was weak.As soon as the man finshed talking,yugong said that his family could move mountains after he died.Finally,a good was so moved by yugong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away. This story reminds us that you can never know what is possible unless you try to make it happen.

一首女声英文歌 一开唱就是no no no no no......sing a no sing a song

Sing A Song Now Now

Love me little and love me long 中文什么意思

爱我一点点 爱我长长久久

歌词语法: “love me tender,love me long ”


which apples___ lily gong to buy. the best ones. a. are b.was c.were


Golden Sky Ding Dong,一首好听的英文歌曲, 不知哪位英文高手能听出其中的歌词??!

Ding Ding Dongby Golden SkyDing ding dongBells are ringing for meIt"s a magical mystery melodyDing ding dongHow can I make you seeIt"s a magical mystery melodyI hear a magical soundEvery time that you"re near me (near me, near me)It"s got me spinning aroundEvery night, every day(Every night, every day)What can I say, what can I doI know one day you"ll see it tooDing ding dongBells are ringing for meIt"s a magical mystery melodyDing ding dongHow can I make you seeIt"s a magical mystery melodyNaa na na na na na na na na na naNa na naa na na naa na na na na na naNaa na na na na na na na na na naNa na naa na na naa na na na na na naI know it"s hard to believeBut let me show you a secret (secret, secret)I hold the magical keyJust let me open your heart(Just let me open your heart)What can I say, what can I doI know one day you"ll see it tooDing ding dongBells are ringing for meIt"s a magical mystery melodyDing ding dongHow can I make you seeIt"s a magical mystery melodyNaa na na na na na na na na na naNa na naa na na naa na na na na na naNaa na na na na na na na na na naIt"s a magical mystery melodyFor you and meA mysteryAll you gotta do is believe(All you gotta do is believe)Ding ding dongDing ding dongBells are ringing for meIt"s a magical mystery melodyDing ding dongHow can I make you seeIt"s a magical mystery melodyNaa na na na na na na na na na naNa na naa na na naa na na na na na naNaa na na na na na na na na na naNa na naa na na naa na na na na na naDing ding dongDing ding dongBells are ringing for meIt"s a magical mystery melodyDing ding dongHow can I make you seeIt"s a magical mystery melodyMagical mystery melody

La Song (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:La Song (Lp Version)歌手:beth hart专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Singers-Songwriters: The "90SBy : JosephieShe hangs around the boulevardShe"s a local girl with local scarsShe got home lateShe got home lateShe drank so hard the bottle achedAnd she tried and she tried and she tried and she triedbut nothin"s clear in a bar full a fliesSo she takes and she takes, she takes and she takesShe understands when she gives it awayShe saysMan I gotta get outta this townMan I gotta get outta this painMan I gotta get outta this townOutta this town and out of L.A.She"s gotta gunShe"s gotta gunShe got a gun she calls the lucky oneShe left a note right by the phone"Don"t leave a message "cause this ain"t no home"And she cried and she cried and she cried and she criedShe cried so long her tears ran dryThen she laughed and she laughed, she laughed and she laughed"Cause she knew she was never comin" backShe saidMan I"m gonna get outta this townMan I"m gonna get outta this painMan I"m gonna get outta this townOutta this town & out of L.A.It"s all she lovesIt"s all she hatesIt"s all too much for her to takeShe can"t be sure just where it endsor where the good life beginsSo she took a trainShe took a trainTo a little old town without a nameShe met a manHe took her inBut fed her all the same bullshit again"Cause he lied and he lied and he lied and he liedHe lied like a salesman sellin" fliesSo she screamed and she screamed and she screamed and she screamedIt"s a different placeBut the same old thangIt"s all I loveIt"s all I hateIt"s all too much for me to takeI can"t be surewhere it beginsOr if the good life lies withinSo she saidMan I gotta get out of this townYeah, now I gotta get back on that trainMan I gotta get out of this townI"m outta my painSo I"m goin" back to L.A.OhBack to L.A.Back to L.A.Yeah yeah I"m going back to L.A.I"m goin" back to L.A.

zhonghua technical怎么读

technical英-["teknu026ak(u0259)l]美-["tu025bknu026akl]谐音读作:胎克尼扣zhonghua technical中文谐音读法:中华 胎克尼扣

一首歌 英文的(不知道是哪国的) 然后歌词我听着是这样的 how long, cant believe that you are gone,




just no tfor long for long出自哪里

一、出自组建于2001年,来自芝加哥的一个摇滚乐队Fall out boy(打倒男孩)的一首歌曲Immortals。这首歌是《Immortals》是迪士尼电影《超能陆战队》的主题曲,该曲由Fall Out Boy乐队作曲、编曲、演唱,收录在2014年10月14日发行的同名原声专辑和Fall Out Boy2015年01月20日发行的第六张录音室专辑《American Beauty / American Psycho》中 。二、这首歌的详细歌词如下Immortals - Fall Out Boy They say we are what we are, 他们说我们就是我们 But we don"t have to be, 不必我们为谁改变 I"m bad behavior 我是有不好的习惯 but I do it in the best way, 但我会用最好的办法来纠正 I"ll be the watcher (watcher), 我会是 Of the eternal flame, 永恒之火的潜心观测者 I"ll be the guard dog, 我会是 of all your fever dreams, 你狂热梦想的护卫犬 Oooooooh 哦哦哦 I am the sand in the bottom half, 我会是 Of the hourglass (glass, glass) 沙漏的底部之沙 Oooooooh, 哦哦哦 I try to picture me 我尝试想象 without you but I can"t, 我没有你的场景 但我无法做到 "Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals, 因为我们会成为那不朽 Just not for long, for long, 并不会很久 并不会太久 And live with me forever now, 现在和我一起永远厮守 Pull the blackout curtains down, 拉下那黑色的帷幕 Just not for long, for long, 并不会很久 并不会太久 Because we could be 因为我们会成为 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Sometimes the only pay off, 有时拥有 For having any faith, 信仰的唯一代价 Is when it"s tested again and again, 是在那信仰一次次接受考验之时仍不放弃Everyday, 每一天 I"m still comparing your past, 我仍将你的过去 To my future, 比作我的未来 It might be your wound, 那会是你的伤口 but they"re my sutures, 但也会是我的伤口缝合线 Oooooooh 哦哦哦 I am the sand in the bottom half, 我会是 Of the hourglass (glass, glass) 沙漏的底部之沙 Oooooooh, 哦哦哦 I try to picture me without you but I can"t,我尝试想象没有你的场景 但我无法做到 "Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals, 因为我们会成为那不朽 Just not for long, for long, 并不会很久 并不会太久 And live with me forever now, 现在 和我一起永远厮守 Pull the blackout curtains down, 拉下那黑色的帷幕 Just not for long, for long, 并不会很久 并不会太久 Because we could be 因为我们会成为 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immortals, 那不朽 And live with me forever now, 现在和我一起永远厮守 Pull the blackout curtains down, 拉下那黑色的帷幕 Because we could be 因为我们会成为 Immortals, Immortals, 那不朽 Just not for long, for long, 并不会很久 并不会太久 We could be 我们会成为 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immooooooo- Immortals, 那不朽 Immortals, 那不朽

英文名叫Leeking Wong 你猜他中文名叫什么




英语翻译A long time ago,there was a huge apple tree.A little boy?

很久以前有一棵苹果树.一个小男孩每天都喜欢来到树旁玩耍.他爬到树顶,吃苹果,在树荫里打盹……他爱这棵树,树也爱和他一起玩. 随着时间的流逝,小男孩长大了.他不再到树旁玩耍了. 一天,男孩回到树旁,看起来很悲伤.“来和我玩吧!”树说. “我不再是小孩了,我不会再到树下玩耍了.”男孩答到,“我想要玩具,我需要钱来买.” “很遗憾,我没有钱……但是你可以采摘我的所有苹果拿去卖.这样你就有钱了.”男孩很兴奋.他摘掉树上所有的苹果,然后高兴地离开了.自从那以后男孩没有回来.树很伤心. 一天,男孩回来了,树非常兴奋.“来和我玩吧.”树说.“我没有时间玩.我得为我的家庭工作.我们需要一个房子来遮风挡雨,你能帮我吗?”很遗憾,我没有房子.但是,你可以砍下我的树枝来建房.“因此,男孩砍下所有的树枝,高高兴兴地离开了 这故事好像没完吧?补充一下: The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn"t appear since then. The tree was again lonely and sad. One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “e and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build the boat. You can sail and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and did not show up for a long time. Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don"t have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you.” the tree said. “ I don"t have teeth to bite.” The boy replied. “ No more trunk for you to climb on.” “I am too old for that now.” the boy said. “I really want to give you something…the only thing left is my dying roots.” The tree said with tears. “I don"t need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied. “Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. e here, please sit down with me and have a rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and *** iled with tears… This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad… When we grow up, we leave them, and only e to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy. You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but that"s how all of us are treating our parents. 看到他高兴,树也很高兴.但是,自从那时起男孩没再出现,树有孤独,伤心起来. 突然,在一个夏日,男孩回到树旁,树很高兴.“来和我玩吧!”树说. “我很伤心,我开始老了.我想去航海放松自己.你能不能给我一条船?” “用我的树干去造一条船,你就能航海了,你会高兴的.”于是,男孩砍倒树干去造船.他航海去了,很长一段时间未露面. 许多年后男孩终于回来了.“很遗憾,我的孩子,我再也没有任何东西可以给你了.没有苹果给你……”树说.“我没有牙齿啃.” 男孩答到.“没有树干供你爬.”“现在我老了,爬不上去了.” 男孩说.“我真的想把一切都给你……我唯一剩下的东西是快要死去的树墩.” 树含着眼泪说.“现在,我不需要什么东西,只需要一个地方来休息.经过了这些年我太累了.”男孩答到. “太好了!老树墩就是倚着休息的最好地方.过来,和我一起坐下休息吧.” 男孩坐下了,树很高兴,含泪而笑…… 这是一个发生在每一个人身上的故事.那棵树就像我们的父母.我们小的时候,喜欢和爸爸妈妈玩……长大后,便离开他们,只有在我们需要父母亲,或是遇到了困难的时候,才会回去找他们.尽管如此,父母却总是有求必应,为了我们的幸福,无私地奉献自己的一切.你也许觉得那个男孩很残忍,但我们何尝不是这样呢?,4,很早以前,有一个巨大的苹果树。一个小男孩喜欢来发挥它周围的每一天。他攀树的顶部,吃苹果,采取了午睡的阴影下…他爱树,并在树的热爱,以发挥他的看法。 时间一天天过去…小男孩已经长大了,他不再起到左右树。 一天,男孩回来了树,并期待伤心。 "来,并发挥了我,树"的询问,该名男童。 "我不再是一个小孩,我不玩了树木, "男孩回答说: "我想要的玩具。我需要钱去买他们" , ...,2,很喜欢这个故事. 很早以前,有一个巨大的苹果树。一个小男孩喜欢每一天来它周围玩。他爬到树的顶部,吃苹果,在树阴下午睡…他爱树,树也爱和他玩 时间一天天过去…小男孩已经长大了,他不再来树边玩了。 一天,男孩回来树边,看起来伤心的样子。 "来和我玩吧”树这样问他. "我不再是一个小孩,我不和你玩了 "男孩回答说: "我想要的玩具。我需要钱去买他们" , "很抱歉,但我...,2,英语翻译 A long time ago,there was a huge apple tree.A little boy loved to e and play around it every day.He climbed to the tree top,ate the apples,took a nap under the shadow… He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by…The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree. One day,the boy came back to the tree and looked sad.“e and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a kid,I don"t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied,“I want toys.I need money to buy them.” “Sorry,but I don"t have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them.So,you will have money.” The boy was so excited.He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily.The boy didn"t e back after he picked the apples.The tree was sad. One day,the boy returned and the tree was so excited.“e and play with me.” The tree said.“I don"t have time to play.I have to work for my family.We need a house for shelter.Can you help me?” “Sorry,but I don"t have a house.But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.

Lea Salonga的《Reflection》 歌词

歌曲名:Reflection歌手:Lea Salonga专辑:Disney Greatest Love SongReflectiondisneymulanLook at meI will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughterCan it be I"m not meant to play this part?Now I see that if I were truly to be myselfI would break my family"s heartWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?Why is my reflection someone I don"t know?Somehow I cannot hideWho I am, though I"ve triedWhen will my reflection show who I am insideWhen will my reflection show who I am inside

among all the contestants

选B. 这句话的意思是:因为所有的竞争者都很优秀,所以头等奖的竞争很激烈. Though的意思是虽然,if的意思是假如,after的意思是之后,这三个意思都不符合题意. 而Since有因为的意思,所以正确!

You are not along 中文意思是什么(歌词)

You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单

求《secret love song》这首歌的mp3_(:з」∠)_ 百度云微盘都阔以√不过最好是


secret love song sabrina是什么意思

secret love song是一首歌 秘密的爱歌sabrina 是个歌手 是一位美国演员、歌手。1999年5月11日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州的一个有很好的舞蹈、唱歌和表演天赋的家庭。她在2岁时就被发现有独特的歌唱嗓音,并在同一时间开始跳舞。目前签约Hollywood Records公司。

歌曲secret love song表达的含义?

secret love song的含义大概:相爱相恋的两个人为什么不能像正常情侣一样在大街上拥吻,在舞池共舞呢?究其原因,是因为这是不能说的爱。创作者说因为他自己爱上一个已经有男朋友的女生,所以创作了这首歌表达自己难以公开的感情。不过整个歌词可以用来描述大部分同性恋情不敢公开时候的内心感受。
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