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protobuf报错command not found: protoc和Brew Link失败

因为安装其他东西动了环境导致protobuf的命令无法执行。报错 command not found: protoc 。没找到原因,想着就直接卸载重装了protobuf。 $ brew uninstall protobuf //然后重新安装 $ brew install protobuf 安装之后link失败了,报错如下 网上找了一圈,执行下就可以重新link了。 然后protobuf指令也正常了。 指令来源

IOS开发出现报错Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

从警告的工程的Build Phase中Copy Bundle Resource找到Info.plist文件,选中它点击下方的(-)键使它从Build Phase的Copy Bundle Resource移除即可。UITableView有两种类型,两种方式对于区头和区尾的活动方式不;UITableViewStylePlain类型的table中区头和区尾是固定在列表的头部和尾部的,直到下一个区的区头把当前区的区尾挤上去,以此类推。UITableViewStyleGrouped类型的table中区头和区尾是随着列表单元格滑动的。

linker command file是什么意思

linker command file链接命令文件双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 连结命令档2. 连接器命令文件如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

comma splice是什么意思


run-on sentence 和comma splice分别是什么意思啊?

是否齐全,分句之间的组合方式是否正确,连接词是否恰当,是否有“流水句(run-on sentences)”或“逗号拼凑句(comma splice)”,平行结构是 所谓“流水句”或“逗号拼凑句”,是指两个或多个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点连接起来。



failed command write fpdma queued是怎么回事

failed command write fpdma queued是怎么回事为什么会得这样的结果呢?分析宏调用语句,在宏代换之后变为: sq=160/(a+1)*(a+1);a为3时,由于“/”和“*”运算符优先级和结合性相同,则先作160/(3+1)得40,再作40*(3+1)最后得160。为了得到正确答案应在宏定义中的整个字符串外加括号,程序修改如下:【例9.8】#define SQ(y) ((y)*(y))main(){ int a,sq; printf("input a number: "); scanf("%d",&a); sq=160/SQ(a+1); printf("sq=%d ",sq);}以上讨论说明,对于宏定义不仅应在参数两侧加括号,也应在整个字符串外加括号。5. 带参的宏和带参函数很相似,但有本质上的不同,除上面已谈到的各点外,把同一表达式用函数处理与用宏处理两者的结果有可能是不同的。【例9.9】main(){ int i=1; while(i<=5) printf("%d ",SQ(i++));}SQ(int y)



keil 串口调试问题 command命令

首先你要先设置串口参数:MODE COM1 9600,0,8,1然后分配设备ASSIGN COM1<SIN>SOUT

command not found怎么解决啊?

通常,command not found是系统不能找到执行命令的路径引起的,是怎么回事儿呢?拿命令ifconfig来说,如果没有把:/sbin追加到环境变量,直接输入ifconfig命令是不能执行的,输入/sbin/ifconfig才能执行。通过whereis ifconfig可得知ifconfig所在路径是/sbin/ifconfig,即在sbin目录下。如果环境变量中没有设置/sbin,则会显示command not found,如果不设置环境变量并企图先进入/sbin目录再执行ifconfig命令是不会成功的,因为系统不会主动搜索当前目录下的文件,它不关心你的当前目录在哪儿,只会搜索环境变量。不设置环境变量是否就意味不能使用ifconfig命令了呢?显然不是,如果不设置环境变量/sbin,你仍然可通过如下方法执行ifconfig命令:cd /sbin; ./ifconfig 。“./ ”告诉系统不用搜索环境变量,直接就在当前目录下执行命令,作用等同于/sbin/ifconfig。 总结起来,可通过两种方法解决command not found问题。第一种,设置环境变量,如果不知某个命令所属目录,whereis [command]可查看。第二种,不用设置环境变量,进入命令所属目录,./[command]亦可实现。

command not found是怎么回事

通常,command not found是系统不能找到执行命令的路径引起的,是怎么回事儿呢?拿命令ifconfig来说,如果没有把:/sbin追加到环境变量,直接输入ifconfig命令是不能执行的,输入/sbin/ifconfig才能执行。通过whereis ifconfig可得知ifconfig所在路径是/sbin/ifconfig,即在sbin目录下。如果环境变量中没有设置/sbin,则会显示command not found,如果不设置环境变量并企图先进入/sbin目录再执行ifconfig命令是不会成功的,因为系统不会主动搜索当前目录下的文件,它不关心你的当前目录在哪儿,只会搜索环境变量。不设置环境变量是否就意味不能使用ifconfig命令了呢?显然不是,如果不设置环境变量/sbin,你仍然可通过如下方法执行ifconfig命令:cd /sbin; ./ifconfig 。“./ ”告诉系统不用搜索环境变量,直接就在当前目录下执行命令,作用等同于/sbin/ifconfig。 总结起来,可通过两种方法解决command not found问题。第一种,设置环境变量,如果不知某个命令所属目录,whereis [command]可查看。第二种,不用设置环境变量,进入命令所属目录,./[command]亦可实现。

使命召唤8玩着玩着提示“reliable command buffer overflow”怎么回事

走错了,跟着坦克走,没跟着任务NPC走,reliable command buffer overflow,就是缓冲区溢出了,说明你已经走出地图了。这是8的一个BUG吧,不过只要一直跟好了FOLLOW的NPC,就没事了请采纳!





the order from the commander was that the troops

the order是主语,from the commander 是定语,形容主语的,was是谓语,后面是一个that引导的从句,从句中the troops是主语,go是谓语,the front 是宾语,immediately是状语,形容动词go

bash: unzip: command not found

Linux下解压.zip文件报错-bash:unzip: command not found 需安装zip,执行[root@denglj~]# yum install unzip zip如下所示:在执行解压,异常不再发生. [oracle@denglj ~]$

英语中的总指挥为什么是commander in chief而不是chief commander

commander in chief 统帅,总司令chief commander 首席指挥官


实在太多啦,要不我给你网址,你自己去看,★ Roommate E01 (2014年 5月 4日)[00:00:04]Joe Cuba - Bang Bang[00:01:42]最佳爱情 OSt - Good Boy[00:03:37]需要浪漫3 OSt - 喜悦[00:06:41]DJ DOC - Run To You[00:08:21]2NE1 - ub108 uc544ub2d8 uc548ub3fc不是你不行[00:08:36]来自星星的你 OST - Mocha Comic Tension[00:09:07]Lily Allen - LDN[00:09:49]Pat. C - Pisca Punga[00:11:02]Orange Caramel - Catallena[00:13:05]Hope - Love Love Love[00:14:11]glen Check - 60"s Cardin[00:15:36]金艺林&EddyKim - Roommate主题曲[00:16:35]EXO - Growl[00:17:39]Gustaf Spetz - You And Me[00:19:01]Lunchsong Project - Everybody Sing & Song[00:20:22]Linus" Blanket - don"t Call It Puppy Love[00:28:37]Frozen OST - Is an open door[00:32:23]Linus" Blanket - Signal Waltz[00:34:39]Hope-Love Love Love[00:36:27]Ubare"s Picnicuc720ubc1cuc774uc758 uc18cud48d - uc18cud48dPicnic[00:37:30]Joseph Vincent - S.A.D[00:38:33]No Reply,韩孝珠 - Don"t You Know[00:44:05]Muse - Supermassive Black Hole[00:45:50]Linus"Blanket - Summer Swing[00:46:50]Linus"Blanket - don"t Call It Puppy Love[00:47:06]Michael Buble - Haven"t Met You Yet[00:47:28]Yiruma - River Flows On You[00:47:45]Linus"Blanket - don"t Call It Puppy Love[00:48:05]朴玄彬-闪亮闪亮[00:50:38]Meaghan Smith - Here Comes Your Man[00:52:09]Vanilla Acoustic - Good Morning Lady[00:53:00]Hall And Oates - You Make My Dreams[00:54:14]昭宥&郑基高 - Some[00:55:35]uc74cub780uc18cub144 (EumlanSonyeon) - uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8cuc120 uc124ub818uc124ub818uc5f4ub9e4uac00 uc5f4ub9acub098ubd10uc694[00:56:03]Union Underground - Across The Nation[00:59:48]Richard Sanderson - Reality[01:03:26]Meaghan Smith - Here Comes Your Man[01:08:19]Union Underground - Across The Nation[01:09:44]Tim Myers - Easy As 1-2-3[01:11:18]延智后 - 姐姐走了[01:12:54]Glen Check - 60"s Cardin[01:15:42]张国荣-当年情[01:16:16]李素拉 - 请不要离我而去[01:18:15]刘承俊 - ub098ub098ub098Nanana[01:19:17]蔡妍 - 两个人[01:20:35]李素拉 - 请不要离我而去[01:21:52]金艺林&EddyKim - Roommate主题曲[01:33:58]Linus"Blanketuc694 - Walk[01:37:47]New Champ (ub274ucc54ud504) - uc57cud558uac8c (YAHAGE)[01:40:25]Peppetones - Galaxy Tourist[01:41:15]金艺林&EddyKim - Roommate主题曲[01:46:52]Linus"Blanket - RAg Time[01:47:25]Linus"Blanket - Signal Waltz★ Roommate E02 (2014年 5月 11日)[00:00:04]Kelsey James - Play On[00:01:03]Glen Check - 60"s Cardin[00:01:36]昭宥&郑基高 - Some[00:01:48]李素拉 - 请不要离我而去[00:02:18]金艺林&EddyKim - Roommate主题曲[00:03:24]Linus"Blanket - Rag Time[00:03:55]清潭菩萨 OST - Fortune Salonud3ecucd98uc0b4ub871[00:08:00]Shizuko Mori - Sunny[00:08:23]B1A4-Goodnight[00:09:27]Michael Buble - You"ve Got A Friend In Me[00:11:52]龙猫 OST - 小精灵uc791uc740 ub3c4uae68ube44[00:16:01]女人的香气 OST - Jalousie[00:14:23]Shaggy - Mr Bombastik Mr Lova Lova (CF Song)[00:16:56]Lucite Tokk i- 扑通扑通[00:17:56]EXO-中毒[00:19:00]Sweet Sorrow - 第一次约会[00:19:21]Urban Zakapa-鼻尖上的冬天[00:21:28]李智玄 - Beatles Cream Soup[00:23:00]Glen Check - 60"s Cardin[00:24:19]Jason Mraz - Live High[00:25:40]李素恩uc774uc18cuc740 - uadf8ub300ub85c uc88buc544As It Is Good[00:26:14]Joseph Vincent - S.A.D[00:28:24]uc815uc5ecuc9c4郑汝珍 - ud30cub780 uba54uc2dcuc9c0ud3b8[00:28:58]朴正炫 - uce58uce74uce58uce74ChikaChika[00:29:30]Vanilla Acoustic - Good Morning Lady[00:30:24]屋顶月光 - 约定[00:31:58]uc74cub780uc18cub144 (EumlanSonyeon) - uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8cuc120 uc124ub818uc124ub818uc5f4ub9e4uac00 uc5f4ub9acub098ubd10uc694[00:35:43]uc2a4ucf00uce58素描 OST - ud29cuc6b8ub9bd ud5a5uae30[00:36:01]2NE1 - Come Back Home[00:35:06]Orange Caramel - Catallena[00:35:53]DJ DOC - Run To You[00:37:39]T-Max - Paradise[00:44:46]EXO - Overdose[00:44:53]Lou Bega - Lady[00:46:19]最佳爱情 OST - Good Boy[00:48:46]Jazztronik - Humming Bird[00:53:03]uc804ub78cud68c展览会 - 记忆的习作uae30uc5b5uc758 uc2b5uc791[00:56:04]2NE1 - Come Back Home[00:59:40]昭宥&郑基高 - Some[00:59:59]曹诚模 - 您知道吗[01:04:14]Melissa Polinar - Perfectly Distracted[01:15:16]申成宇 - 爱过以后[01:05:51]申成宇 - 乞丐的愚弄[01:10:16]Lou Bega - Lady[01:10:55]Gustaf Spetz - You And Me[01:11:25]2NE1 - Fire[01:12:00]Summer Nude OST - Triangle Love[01:12:58]Hope - Love Love Love[01:04:03]Linus"Blanket - Don"t Call It Puppy Love[01:14:56]Acoustic Collabo - Waltz For U[01:17:37]Joseph Vincent - S.A.D[01:19:46]Shizuko Mori - Sunny[01:20:23]屋顶月光 - 辛苦了,今天也[01:21:35]Union Underground - Across The Nation[01:22:22]Lunchsong Project - Everybody Sing A song[01:21:51]Peppertones - Galaxy Tourist[01:24:38]EXO-Growl[01:26:08]Yiruma - Yiruma[01:27:37]金民教 - 最后的胜负[01:28:00]Yiruma - Maybe[01:30:29]Union Underground - Across The Nation[01:31:22]Michael Buble - Everything[01:31:51]星 - Sweet Love[01:34:33]Joa Banduc88buc544uc11c ud558ub294 ubc34ub4dc - 好uc88buc544uc694[01:36:20]申成宇 - 序诗[01:42:35]Michael Buble - Everything[01:46:20]Shizuko Mori - Sunny[01:47:44]金艺林&EddyKim - Roommate主题曲[01:51:15]Frozen OST - Love Is an Open Door

从U盘装WIN7系统出现bad command or file name怎么办?!!!

楼主你好 你这个情况应该是U盘错误才引起的哦建议你用光盘来安装吧就可以解决这个问题了

"celebrate!" commanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex,before we ......翻译


MFC自定义的类 怎么响应command消息啊。查了好久说 ,不能响应,能弹出来,就是不能响应点击事件



command动词意思:v. 命令,指挥,掌握名词形式一样为【command】n. 命令,指挥,掌握profit形容词为【profitable】adj. 有益的,有利可图的


本人身为搞毛二哥的忠实小弟,自自然然要教导一下新来的小弟怎样打一场好仗。虽则,本人是MEKBOY出身但是对KOMMANDO NOB的教学需求较高。因此,我先写KOMMANDO NOB。本篇教学会先介绍KOMMANDO NOB的特性,才介绍几个在各个时期常用的战法一, 地图技能选择一个英雄时会附带不同的技能,而这些正是改变战局的关键。KOMMANDO NOB 特有的技能是Hide da boyz 和 Kommandos Iz Da SneakiestHide da Boyz:花费: 150waaagh持续时间: 20秒CD: 40秒效果: 隐形这技能可以使一支部队隐形,这对一些战况是很有利的。最常用的是用在炸弹小子,让他们十分接近房子掷弹(降低及时逃走的可能) 或是让砍刀小子接近压制部队(不推荐,因为KOMMANDO NOB也能做到这功能)而waaaagh是很珍贵的)Kommandos Iz Da Sneakiest(2本)花费: 400waaagh/300reqCD: 240秒效果: 5秒后指定地点跑出一队kommando squad这技能使到kommando squad的实用性大增:便宜,能在二本使用,地图上的突袭性。注意的是,不要在敌人眼前使用,kommando squad本身少血不能硬吃敌人的火力,而且主职是偷袭。kommando squad本身的用法在下面再说。二, 英雄技能Ability: Infiltrate 效果是隐身 在敌人视野范围内激活或者距离敌人太近时会被看穿 激活需要能量10;此技能主要是接近敌人放技能用的,最常用的是接近对方压制部队用z近战,注意的是进入近战后,隐身已没有效果,但能量还是会减的,请记得关上。Stunbomb Kommando可以消耗能量60扔一颗晕雷 打乱敌人阵型并使敌人眩晕数秒此技能的能量消耗和效果比起来很差,这是因为Kommando的能量吃很凶,60能量不是一个小数目。用此技能主场合有两个,一是初战时双方近战部队接战时,放一个使双方停下再由远距部队和英雄降低对方近战部队的生命值确保能使初战获胜。二是,英雄隐身,在房子放再让炸弹小子炸。三, 英雄装备3.1武器Assashan"s Knifecost: 120/30装备效果: Kommando装备上一把轻型近战武器 击中敌人会造成减速和大量伤害此装备能使英雄成为近战高手,但英雄甲薄,请选择近攻不高的部队来斩。技能一下能扣对方英雄3xx血,很多大意的英雄会死在此技能下。Seshul Shoota(2本)cost: 115/30装备效果: 远程武器装备一把近程霰弹枪 可以击倒 对步兵有效有点难用的武器,击倒力虽高但始终只有一把,技能是范围技但只是在一个圆形内随机伤害,有搞毛二哥的祝_就选它吧。Rokkit Luncha(3本)cost: 105/65装备效果: 远程武器装备反甲导弹 并赋予Kommando一个Right in me Crosshairs技能装甲杀手,打装甲的效果比坦克高相对而言打步兵则是废物。技能能在隐身时(少许变红时间) 发射会击倒的火箭,但对装甲比平时弱。若对手是虫子或者你在初期就压制对方的电点,就不用选这个。3.2护甲Extra Equipmentcost: 110/20装备效果: 增加Kommando的生命和能量十分单纯,增加生命的效果比Boom Time好proved Camouflage(2本)cost: 45/45装备效果: 隐身时不消耗能量

五大战区英语翻译为什么是five theater commands

因为,在军事术语中theater 意思是战区command意思是司令部

法国国立音乐学院的Sommaire 目录

1. Cursus 阶段2. Diplomes 文凭3. Liste des CRR 学院名录1. CursusLes cours vont du niveau débutant au perfectionnement et sont organisés par cycles :1er Année d"orientation. Formation musicale et chant choral. Durée : 1 à 2 ans.cycle ou cycle préparatoire. Durée : 4 ans.2e cycle. Durée : 4 ans.3e cycle.4e cycle : perfectionnement / professionnalisation.教学从初学到深造被分为多个阶段:定向。音乐教育和合唱。1至2年。第1阶段(准备阶段) 。共4年。第2阶段。4年第3阶段第4阶段:深造阶段2. DiplomesLe Diplome d"études musicales (DEM) est le plus haut diplome musical délivré par les conservatoires à rayonnement régional francais. Les diplomés peuvent ensuite faire un cycle de perfectionnement mais ces cycles ne permettent pas de valider un diplome.国家音乐学习文凭DEM是所有法国国家音乐学院所能颁发的最高文凭,取得该文凭的学生可以进入第4阶段的深造学习,但是第四阶段不设立文凭。Le Diplome d"Etudes Musicales est reconnu par le Ministère francais de la Culture mais n"est pas homologué comme un Diplome d"Enseignement Supérieur(DES). Il n"a donc aucune valeur à l"étranger. Les seuls établissements francais habilités à délivrer des diplomes d"enseignement supérieur en musique performance sont les Conservatoires nationaux supérieurs de Paris et Lyon. Dans le cadre du processus de Bologne, quelques conservatoires à rayonnement régional ont cependant passés des accords avec des universités, ce qui permet aux étudiants de se voir délivrer des dipl?mes de licences et masters, mention performance.DEM文凭由法国文化部认证,但不同于法国教育部对等的国家高等教育文凭,所以该文凭在法国国外不被认证。法国只有巴黎高等音乐学院和里昂高等音乐学院可以颁发音乐的高等教育文凭DES。在欧洲高等教育改革计划博洛尼亚进程中,有几所CRR和少数大学签署了合作协议,使得他们的学生可以在毕业的时候拿到Lisence和Master的优秀文凭。Une réforme est cependant en cours qui vise à la création d"un diplome national supérieur professionnel de musicien (DNSPM) délivré à l"issue d"un premier cycle d"enseignement supérieur de trois ans par les conservatoires à rayonnement régional. Des conventions entre ces établissements et l"Université permettront aux étudiants de se voir délivrer par cette dernière, en complément du CNSPM, une licence générale, inscrivant ainsi le cursus des CRR dans le premier cycle des LMD. Les diplomes des CNSMD devraient, aux termes de cette réforme, et d"un cursus de cinq ans, se voir reconnaitre une équivalence avec le grade de master.一项旨在建立音乐高等教育文凭DNSPM的改革正在进行,该文凭DNSPM在通过CRR的第一阶段三年学习后取得。之后,按照惯例音乐学院和公立大学的学生都可以继续在大学或音乐学院注册进入对等的第1阶段的LMD (Lisence-Master-Doctorat) 学习。此次为期5年的改革,使得国立高等音乐学院(巴黎和里昂)的学生就能够取得同等的Master毕业文凭了。学从初学到深造被分为多个阶段定向。音乐教育和合唱。1至2年。第1阶段(准备阶段) 。共4年。第2阶段。4年第3阶段第4阶段:深造阶段

请用pronounce、spoken、slowly、mistake、make mistake、comma、challenge、solution造句(每个造两句)

1.if you meet with a new word , you can look it up in the dictionary and find out how to pronounce it in a right way.2. some of the words are pronounced in defferent ways between American English and British English.3. have you ever spoken to your mother heart to heart?4. what you have spoken to me made me so surprised.5. humans walk more and more slowly as they get older.6. would you pleae speak more slowly? i can"t catch what you siad.7. the more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.8. be more careful, or you will make more mistakes next time.9. we should enjoy facing each challenge in our lives.10. they fell in love with the same girl, so they challeged each other to fight.11. if you have the solution to the problem, raise your hand and show us. 12. we are supposed to use comma in the right way.希望能帮到你哦, ^_^





韩国综艺roommate中的女声嘟嘟嘟是 就是制造粉红的时候放的配乐!!


roommate(我的老师)漫画 百度云求资源





普拉多论坛 > 中东九气囊是指哪几个 楼主 只看...中东9气前排正面两个,前排侧面两个,驾驶员膝部...


歌手:god (uc9c0uc624ub514)曲名:路 (uae38)


Domino - Jessie J I"m feeling sexy and free 我感觉性感自在 Like glitter"s raining on me 全身散发闪耀光芒 You like a shot of pure gold 而你就像纯金般夺我眼目 I think I"m "bout to explode 我想我快忍不住了 I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air 我能品味到这份紧张感就像散在空中的烟云 Now I"m breathing like I"m running 而现在的我已呼吸急促 cause you"re taking me there 因为你带我来这 Don"t you know... you spin me out of control 难道你不知道 你快让我失控了 Ooh ooh ooh 喔 喔 喔~ We can do this all night 就这样搞翻整晚 Turn this club, skin tight 转动夜店 紧紧相融 Baby come on 宝贝 快来吧 Ooh ooh ooh 喔 喔 喔~ Pull me like a bass drum 快像大鼓般演奏我 Sparkin" up a rhythm 激起属於我们的节拍 Baby, come on! 宝贝 快来吧 Ooh ooh ooh 喔 喔 喔~ Rock my world into the sunlight 快震撼我的世界 让人身阳光满溢 Make this dream the best I"ve ever known 然後做场从未有过的美梦 Dirty dancing in the moonlight 就这样湿身热舞在月下 Take me down like I"m a domino 再把我像骨牌般推倒吧 Every second is a highlight 每一秒钟都是段高潮 When we touch don"t ever let me go 当我们忘我抚摸彼此时 Dirty dancing in the moonlight 就这样湿身热舞在月下 Take me down like I"m a domino 再把我像骨牌般推倒吧 You got me loosing my mind 你让我意乱神迷 My heart beats out of time 害我的心跳到不行 I"m seeing Hollywood stars 就像看见了好莱坞的巨星 You stroke me like a guitar 快把我当吉他般弹奏 I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air 我能品味到这份紧张感就像散在空中的烟云 Now I"m breathing like I"m running 而现在的我已呼吸急促 cause you"re taking me there 因为你带我来这 Don"t you know... you spin me out of control 难道你不知道 你快让我失控了 Ooh ooh ooh 喔 喔 喔~ We can do this all night 就这样搞翻整晚 Turn this club, skin tight 转动夜店 紧紧相融 Baby come on 宝贝 快来吧 Ooh ooh ooh 喔 喔 喔~ Pull me like a bass drum 快像大鼓般演奏我 Sparkin" up a rhythm 激起属於我们的节拍 Baby, come on! 宝贝 快来吧 Ooh ooh ooh 喔 喔 喔~ Rock my world into the sunlight 快震撼我的世界 让人身阳光满溢 Make this dream the best I"ve ever known 然後做场从未有过的美梦 Dirty dancing in the moonlight 就这样湿身热舞在月下 Take me down like I"m a domino 再把我像骨牌般推倒吧 Every second is a highlight 每一秒钟都是段高潮 When we touch don"t ever let me go 当我们忘我抚摸彼此时 Dirty dancing in the moonlight 就这样湿身热舞在月下 Take me down like I"m a domino 再把我像骨牌般推倒吧 Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right 喔 宝贝 宝贝 快让我爽快 Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight 喔 宝贝 宝贝 就让我们在月光下畅舞吧 Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right 喔 宝贝 宝贝 快让我爽快 Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight 喔 宝贝 宝贝 就让我们在月光下畅舞吧 Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right 喔 宝贝 宝贝 快让我爽快 Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight 喔 宝贝 宝贝 就让我们在月光下畅舞吧 Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right 喔 宝贝 宝贝 快让我爽快 Ooh baby baby 喔 宝贝 宝贝 Ooh ooh ooh 喔 喔 喔~ Rock my world into the sunlight 快震撼我的世界 让人身阳光满溢 Make this dream the best I"ve ever known 然後做场从未有过的美梦 Dirty dancing in the moonlight 就这样湿身热舞在月下 Take me down like I"m a domino 再把我像骨牌般推倒吧 Every second is a highlight 每一秒钟都是段高潮 When we touch don"t ever let me go 当我们忘我抚摸彼此时 Dirty dancing in the moonlight 就这样湿身热舞在月下 Take me down like I"m a domino 再把我像骨牌般推倒吧 ————————————————————————————————————————有爱的室友


第13期 日期是140727






我爱你记得你 ---- god


roommate全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: k4uf简介:室友》是由美国Vertigo Entertainment制作的惊悚片,由克里斯蒂安·E·克里斯蒂安森执导,莉顿·梅斯特、敏卡·凯利、凯姆·吉甘戴联合主演。该片于2011年2月4日在美国上映。《室友》创作灵感来源报纸上的一片新闻报道,讲述了大学一年级女生莎拉与室友丽贝卡之间从朋友到敌人的惊悚故事 。

请问谁有韩国综艺roommate第一、二季的全集下载资源 百度云高清的



20141223 求采纳噢 (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭u2764~




《Roommate 2》新加入了多样的成员后,每回节目中都会带给观众无数欢笑。外国人、搞笑艺人以及偶像成员等都展现出了种种魅力与搞笑实力。JYP搭档朴俊亨与Jackson无论何时表现出来的语无伦次的韩语实力以及天真无邪的性格总是带来巨大的笑声。喜剧演员曹世镐与李国珠成为搞笑搭档,老么许英智则散发出无限的天真烂漫魅力。另外,裴宗玉则扮演的是"妈妈"的角色,行程繁忙的李栋旭、徐康俊等人也为节目注入了新的活力。而歌手Sunny、Nana担当了偶像成员的面貌,节目所有成员们展现出的融洽温暖氛围十分美好。(kpopstarz评)《Roommate》第一季主要侧重向观众展现室友间的琐碎日常生活,而第二季则更注重带给观众欢笑声。而且由于新成员加入,他们首次见面就展现出充满活力的气氛,重新吸引了观众们的兴趣。 (韩星网评价) 《Roommate2》中随着新成员“小黄瓜”小狗的加入,引发了网友一系列争议,网友纷纷表示节目中在牡丹平价市场直接买狗,一是担心引发他人跟从购买,担心小狗健康而造成舍弃,二是担心录影结束后小狗无人照顾,担心小狗会被送至流浪狗中心。 (Mwave网评)节目组表示,”小黄瓜“首次被带回来的时候,李东旭在录影结束后就把它带回去养了。但是,李东旭在开始拍摄KBS 2TV新水木剧《Iron Man》之后,由于时间上的不允许就把它托付给住在城北洞的一位熟人那里照看了。而现在,朴俊亨和许英智则负责照看黄瓜。在拍摄的时候,会按时喂它吃饭还会训练它。其实,包括两人在内的12名出演成员都十分爱惜黄瓜,以后想要轮流照看它。PD还表示在城北洞家中拍摄的时候都会带着黄瓜。



如何成为一个好室友How to Be a Good Roommate

How to Be a Good Roommate Have you ever had to share a home with a stranger or even a close friend, only to find out you can"t live together? Living with other people can be difficult, especially when each person comes from a different background and has their own ideas about how they want to live. The following is a list of suggestions to help you share your living space harmoniously. Roommate Agreement Some people find it helpful to write up a "roommate agreement," in which you set down rules that everyone can agree to. This is a good way to make sure that everyone is clear on the rules for the apartment and their responsibilities. Have everyone sign a copy and keep it on hand. Control the amount of noise you make. Wear headphones when you listen to music, and go into another room when you"re on the phone. If you"re going to engage in a noisy activity, it"s a good idea to ask your roommate before you do it. Communicate. As in any relationship, living with someone requires a great deal of work. Communication is key in making the relationship work well long-term, or even for a short time. If a problem comes up, it"s better to talk about it right away than to try and ignore it and let it get worse. Be prepared to compromise. Not everyone has the same ideas about day to day living as you do. You can"t ask your roommate to change himself or herself if you"re not willing to change as well.


望采纳专辑:Blue City1994ub534ub530ub77c1995IT"s The Time1996参演MV:时间 歌曲MV 演唱者2008年10月2日 nobody Wonder Girls 2012年7月10日 Like Money Wonder Girls、Akon 2012年9月17日 classic 朴振英、玉泽演、张佑荣、裴秀智 2012年10月15日 没有男人也能好好的 miss A 2013年4月7日 somebody 15&





英语小演讲my roommate

my roommateit was my first day at the university. carrying bags of luggage, i walked slowly into the dormitory building. i looked door after door for my name. at last i found it. in the room, there was already a girl making her bed.smiling shyly, she greeted me with "how do you do".then, she continued her work, paying no more attention to me."what a stuck up fellow", i thought. then i began to examine the room. it was no different from any other room i had seen.but it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.minutes later, i started to examine her. she was thin, short and dark. her hair was in a completely disastrous mess like a bunch of straw. her dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey. well, her 2"shirt was too big for her and her trousers were a bit short, which made her look funny.furthermore, she wore a pair of rubber scandals, which were indeed out of fashion. in a word, she did not look like a smart freshman at all. "a yokel", i concluded.the second time she spoke, her accent told me that she was from the south. "shall i help you to get your luggage from the ground floor?" i did not refuse since i really needed help. wow!she was quick in action. before i said "thanks", she had already walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me."a good guy," i said to myself, "i will make friends with her. "i hurried and caught up with her.


宋女士主妇曹世镐妈妈E22宋佳妍格斗运动员反回执物品巧遇Jackson/徐康俊E23蔡妍歌手受大谷亮平邀请E24允儿 (少女时代)歌手应援SUNNYE24 安信源(G.O.D)歌手应朴俊亨邀请E24白智英歌手李国主应援白智英演唱会E25芬兰大使夫妇驻韩国大使与RMT为邻,RMT 4成员礼仪拜访E25 李顺才资深演员应援SUNNY及裴宗玉E26 朴玄彬歌手应曹世镐邀请E27崔洪万相扑、拳击运动员 应曹世镐邀请E28 洪真英歌手李国主朋友E28具荷拉(KARA)歌手应援英智(龄智)E29李善奎学生李国主胞弟E29卞贞秀、尹贤淑艺人应援裴宗玉E30 洪锡天艺人&餐馆料理应援室友家族E31 白智英歌手应李国主邀请E32、E33朴振荣(JYP代表)JYP社长 &艺人应援JYP兄弟(应JACKSON邀请)E32、E33 铃木友树台湾工作模特&演员应大谷亮平邀请E33 曹世镐父母 应世镐邀请E33李成熙李胜哲夫妇 李栋旭妹妹、妹夫E33 许英智妈妈、姐姐(许宋妍)   应英智(龄智)邀请E33 王嘉尔父母 JYP送予JACKSON的圣诞礼物E33唯一、孔明(5SUPRISE)  演员应援康俊,拹助送煤E34 KARA经纪人2位经理人支援英智(龄智)E34GOT7成员歌手应援JACKSON,拹助送煤E34南昶熙、金柱浩艺人应援世镐,拹助送煤E34金敏京、洪尹华搞笑艺人应李国主邀请 E35SHOO(前女团S.E.S)成员和她的双胞胎女儿罗律、罗熙 歌手、艺人应SUNNY邀请E36 、E37林孝成(SHOO)丈夫前职业篮球员应SUNNY邀请任神袐嘉宾E37安信源 (g.o.d.)团员  歌手应朴俊亨邀请E38 南熙硕(保宁企划社长)  搞笑艺人、MC 应援曹世镐E38 玉泽演(2PM)成员歌手、演员应王嘉尔邀请E39 郑灿宇(Cultwo二人组)  搞笑艺人&主持  应李栋旭、李国主邀请E40 金泰均(Cultwo二人组)及他的儿子金范俊  金兴国歌手、播音员曹世镐邀请E41 李桂仁(李桂中)演员全炫茂  主持、记者、艺人李栋旭邀约E41 崔铉硕  著名厨师应曹世镐邀请E42 金贤珠演员应徐康俊邀请E43 金贞兰演员金秀美资深艺人应裴宗玉邀请E44 卞贞秀演员金秀美、裴宗玉BamBam(Got7)成员歌手应援Jackson王嘉尔E45 刘宪华即HANRY(SJM)成员歌手刘逸云即Amber (F(X)成员)  歌手参考资料来源














2014-07-27 伯贤参加《Roommate》 创节目收视率最低。据悉,在最 新一期的韩国综艺节目《Roommate》中,EXO成员伯贤的突袭拜访并没有使《Roommate》的收视率上升,反而创下了该节目开播以来的最低收视率。






《Roommate》第二季中随着新成员“小黄瓜”小狗的加入,引发了一系列争议,大部分观众表示节目中在牡丹平价市场直接买狗的行为是不可取的,一是担心引发其他观众跟从购买,担心小狗健康问题而造成遗弃;二是担心录影结束后小狗无人照顾,担心小狗会被送至流浪狗中心。 节目组表示,“小黄瓜”首次被带回来的时候,成员李东旭在录影结束后就把它带回去养了。但是,李东旭在开始拍摄KBS 2TV新水木剧《Iron Man》之后,由于时间上的不允许就把它托付给住在城北洞的一位熟人那里照看了。而非拍摄期间,由朴俊亨和许英智则负责照看黄瓜。在拍摄的时候,会按时喂它吃饭还会训练它。而且包括两人在内的12名出演成员都十分爱惜黄瓜,以后想要轮流照看它。PD还表示在城北洞家中拍摄的时候都会带着黄瓜,所以希望观众不要有所担心。

请问有roommate2013年上映的由 深田恭子主演的免费高清百度云资源吗

《剧名》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:c4c7《室友 ルームメイト》导演: 古泽健编剧: 古泽健、今邑彩主演: 深田恭子、北川景子、高良健吾、尾上宽之、大冢千弘、筒井真理子、萤雪次朗、田口智朗

My Roommate-英语幽默故事

My roommate was interested in a young man in her English-literature class, but she was too shy to let him know. One day she overheard him say he was on his way to the library for a certain book. She rushed to the library, found the book and stuck in it a letter from her mother.   "Why would he want to read a letter from your mother?" I asked.   "He wouldn"t, but if he"s any kind of gentleman, he"ll return it to me " Her dorm and room numbers were on the envelope, of course.   The next day he appeared with the letter and asked my roommate out on a date. "Couldn"t fail," she later told me. "The book was Great Expectations. Notes:   (1) overhear v.偶然听到;无意中听到   (2) on one"s way to在去……的路上   (3) date n.约会 Exercises: 根据短文选择正确答案:   ① My roommate was interested in a young man in her _____ class.   A. mathematics   B. English   C. English-literature   D. physics   ② How did she know that he was on his way to the library?   A. He had told her so.   B. She was only guessing.   C. Her classmate told her so.   D. She overheard it when he was talking to someone else.   ③ She rushed to the library, and stuck in it_____ .   A. a love letter   B. a rose flower   C. a letter from her mother   D. a note on which there were her dorm and room numbers   ④ The young man knew where to find the girl because______ .   A. there were her dorm and room numbers on the letter   B. there were her dorm and room numbers on the envelope   C. he found her telephone number   D. his classmates helped him   ⑤ What happened at last?   A. The young man only returned the letter to her.   B. The young man ignored the letter.   C. The young man was too shy to ask her out on a date.   D. She did make it. 35.我的室友   我的室友对她英国文学课上的一个年轻人有意思,但又不好意思让他知道。一天,她听到他和别人说要去图书馆借某本书。她冲到图书馆,找到那本书,夹进去她妈妈来的一封信。   “他为什么会要读你妈妈来的信呢?”我问。   “他不会读的。但如果他还算是个绅士的话,他会把信还给我的。”当然啦,她的宿舍及房间号码就在信封上。   第二天,他拿着那封信出现了,并约我室友出去。“错不了的,”她后来对我说,“那本书的书名是《远大前程》。” 练习参考答案: ①C②D③C④B⑤D




《Roommate》成员换血第二季Sunny等加入  搜狐韩娱讯韩国SBS电视台综艺节目《Roommate》方面表示,洪秀贤将离开节目,少女时代成员Sunny、god成员朴俊亨以及GOT7成员Jackson将以新成员身份加入第二季。  据节目制作方透露,洪秀贤将专注于戏剧演出,因此决定离开节目,不出演第二季。第二季新成员将由活跃于综艺节目中的god成员朴俊亨、少女时代成员Sunny以及GOT7成员Jackson填补空缺。朴俊亨以及Jackson已于日前完成访问录制,预计将在近日正式入住《Roommate》宿舍。制作单位也补充,未来预计将再加入3名或更多新成员,但将尽力维持原有的成员。  此外,《Roommate》是一个记录活跃于不同领域的明星们住在同一个屋檐下,共享人生的综艺节目,该节目第二季将于21日下午首播。望采纳。


申成宇 歌手&演员 1968年7月26日 李素拉 模特 1969年11月04日 洪秀贤 演员 1981年2月15日 李栋旭 演员 1981年11月6日 赵世浩 谐星 1982年8月9日 朴春(2NE1) 歌手 1984年3月24日 朴珉宇 演员 1988年3月22日 林珍娜(After School) 歌手 1991年9月14日 朴灿烈(EXO) 歌手 1992年11月27日 徐康俊(5urprise) 演员 1993年10月12日 宋佳妍 格斗选手 1994年12月28日




《Roommate》成员换血第二季Sunny等加入  搜狐韩娱讯韩国SBS电视台综艺节目《Roommate》方面表示,洪秀贤将离开节目,少女时代成员Sunny、god成员朴俊亨以及GOT7成员Jackson将以新成员身份加入第二季。  据节目制作方透露,洪秀贤将专注于戏剧演出,因此决定离开节目,不出演第二季。第二季新成员将由活跃于综艺节目中的god成员朴俊亨、少女时代成员Sunny以及GOT7成员Jackson填补空缺。朴俊亨以及Jackson已于日前完成访问录制,预计将在近日正式入住《Roommate》宿舍。制作单位也补充,未来预计将再加入3名或更多新成员,但将尽力维持原有的成员。  此外,《Roommate》是一个记录活跃于不同领域的明星们住在同一个屋檐下,共享人生的综艺节目,该节目第二季将于21日下午首播。望采纳。

my roommate英语作文

  在 英语 作文 写作的话题当中,以my roommate为话题的也不在少数。下面是我给大家整理的my roommate英语 范文 ,供大家参阅!   my roommate英语作文篇1   I am delighted that I can reap friendship from my dorm in my college . I get along very well with my roommates who ,though ,is completely different from me , whether it"s looking or character . She is much taller and stronger than me . I am afraid of speaking loudly in front of many people . With totally different from my timidity , she is brave enough that I admire her and want to learn from her. For example , I appreciate it that she is able to tell all people her ideas fluently and freely when the teacher asks a question in class. At the same time , she is independent . She can plan her life and study properly and is responsible for what she has done . However ,on the other hand , in some respects , she is so careless that she often look for her all kinds of things everywhere .   I am lucky that I have met with her who is really a great friend .   my roommate英语作文篇2   My roommate John   One night, when I was having a bath alone in the washing room, the light sud-denly went out. “Whatu2019s up?” I shouted, but no replies. It seemed nobody was in the room and the switch went wrong again. So I went out to switch it on directly. Just at that moment, a flash of camera suddenly appeared, followed by a burst of laughter. “Perfect postures. Smile and say cheese!” Then I saw a smiling face in the corner. Oh, my god, it was John. He always played various tricks on people and it was my turn. As fast as he could, he ran out of the room, saying that “Great pictures! Iu2019ll use it as my computer background. ”   Indeed, heu2019s quite a naughty boy. Tall and handsome, he wears a thick mustache. He has many hats, and when the winter comes, he usually has his purple hat on all day long even when he is sleeping. And that always reminds me of a scene that a cute baby in the cradle.   I still remember the time when he first entered the university. As he had never lived in the dormitory before, he wasnu2019t accustomed to the college life. Away from home, he missed his parents so much that he kept a close and frequent phone contact with them. And almost all the talks were the same, his parent always informed him of the dos and donu2019ts. And John just nodded his head, saying “yes” or “I got it” Things were always like that, and after the talk, he would strictly do what he was told. But when it came to the   dormitory rules, things were quite opposite.   With the garbage produced each day, the cleaning was done in turn. But when it was Johnu2019s turn, he would always find some fine excuses and refused to do so. We com-plained a lot to him, but it didnu2019t work. It seemed that all the rules set for the dormitory was invalid for him.   Honestly speaking, he is quite a diligent student. Even during the military train-ing, he still spared some time to study in the library and sometimes even absented him-self from the training, which was quite rare in that period. And the absence finally con-tributed to his low grade on the training course, and he usually complains about that even almost two years passed. Every semester, he will choose lots of courses, and he is always the busiest one in my class. 7 am out, 12 pm back, thatu2019s his regular routine, and nobody can prevent from him doing so, except the computer games.   Once he starts playing the game, heu2019ll immediately get lost in the virtual world. With his back against the wall, he lies on his bed, staring at the screen motionlessly, and clicks the mouse consistently. And the posture can last a whole day. But after several daysu2019 obsession, heu2019ll definitely uninstall the game, claiming that heu2019ll never touch it again. But several weeks later, weu2019ll see him playing the same game again.   my roommate英语作文篇3   It was my first day at the university. Carrying bags of luggage, I walked slowly into the dormitory building. I looked door after door for my name. At last I found it. In the room, there was already a girl making her bed.   Smiling shyly, she greeted me with "how do you do".Then, she continued her work, paying no more attention to me."What a stuck up fellow", I thought. Then I began to examine the room. It was no different from any other room I had seen.But it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.Minutes later, I started to examine her. She was thin, short and dark. Her hair was in a completely disastrous mess like a bunch of straw. Her dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey. Well, her 2u2018shirt was too big for her and her trousers were a bit short, which made her look funny.Furthermore, she wore a pair of rubber scandals, which were indeed out of fashion. In a word, she did not look like a smart freshman at all. "A yokel", I concluded.   The second time she spoke, her accent told me that she was from the south. "Shall I help you to get your luggage from the ground floor?" I did not refuse since I really needed help. Wow!She was quick in action. Before I said "Thanks", she had already walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me.   "A good guy," I said to myself, "I will make friends with her. "I hurried and caught up with her.   my roommate英语作文篇4   Dear Brian,   I was glad to know that youwouldbehelping me with myEnglish.   Let me tell yousomethingaboutmyself. Iu2019vegraduated from amiddleschool andnow Iu2019m working atMoonHotel. Pleasehelp me with myspokenEnglish and myknowledge ofwestern customsseriously. Thatu2019sthe mainpoint. Yousee, sometimes Ihave todeal withforeign guests, soitu2019simportant tospeak English wellandlearn moreaboutwesterncustoms.   You can help me at myhomeonWednesday andSaturdayevening.Please come ontime.   Iu2019m looking forward toseeingyou.   Yours,   Li Ming 》》》》下一页更多精彩“my roommate我的室友英语作文”


Joe Cuba - Bang Bang최고의사랑 OSt - GoodBoy (最佳爱情OST-Good Boy)로맨스가필요해3 OSt – 기쁨 (需要浪漫3 OST-喜悦)2NE1 - 너아님안돼 (2NE1-Gotta Be You)별에서온그대 OST - Mocha Comic Tension (来自星星的你OST—Mocha Comic Tension)LilyAllen - LDNPat. C - Pisca Punga오렌지캬라멜– 까탈레나 (ORANGE CARAMEL-Catallena)로맨스가필요해 2012 OST –랄랄라 (需要浪漫2012-lalala)결혼의여신 OSt –Playboy (结婚的女神OST-Playboy)Hope - Love Love LoveglenCheck - 60"s CardinEXO – 으르렁(Growl)Gustaf Spetz - You And Me런치송프로젝트 -Everybody Sing & Song (Lunchsong Project- Everybody Sing & Song)라이너스의담요 - don"tCall It Puppy Love (Linus" Blanket-don"t Call It Puppy Love)Louis Armstrong - Hello Dolly콜라인러브 - Linda 행진곡(CollaVoice- Linda)별에서온그대 OST - Back To The Present (来之星星的你OST - Back To The Present)삼거리극장 OST -Dusty Badn 3 (The Ghost Theater OST- Dusty Badn 3)X-FilesTheme강아지이야기(Story Of Dogs)-与Don"t Call It Puppy Love来自同一张专辑《Story of Dogs, and Cats》라이너스의담요 - SignalWaltz (Linus" Blanket - Signal Waltz)Jamiroquai- Love foolosophy관능의법칙 OST - 19번 Track (官能的法则OST-19 th Track)JosephVincent - S.A.D노리플라이,한효주 - Don"t You Know (No reply,韩孝珠- Don"t You Know)별에서온그대 OST - Man From Star (来自星星的你OST - Man From Star)Muse- Supermassive Black HoleIceCream - Te Karam Da VibrirashThe3rd Mini Album 잠꼬대 - 6번 TrackNU"EST The 3rd Mini Album Title "잠꼬대(Sleep Talking)- 6th Track여교수의은밀한매력 OST - 6번 Track女教授的隐秘魅力(Bewitching Attraction) OST – 6thTrack라이너스의담요 - SummerSwingLinus" Blanket - Summer SwingMichaelBuble - Haven"t Met You YetShizukoMori - 동물원이야기Shizuko Mori - Story of a Zoo(动物园的故事)Meaghan Smith - Here Comes Your Man바닐라어쿠스틱 - 굿모닝레이디Vanilla Acoustic-good morningladyHallAnd Oates - You Make My Dreams소유&정기고 - 썸SoYou&JunggiGo—SomeUnion Underground - Across TheNation수상한가정부 OST -Dark Home (可疑的保姆OST - Dark Home)Richard Sanderson - Reality이별에대처하는우리의자세 OST – 근영에게(我们应对离别的姿态 OST – 근영에게)Tim Myers - Easy As 1-2-3Alice HArt - Happy Song플랜맨 OSt - 계획에없는일은절대하지않습니다 (The Plan Man Ost-没有计划的事情绝对不要做)장국영 - 당년정(张国荣– 当年情)이소라 - 내곁에서떠나가지말아요 (李素拉-不要离开我)유승준– 나나나(刘承俊-NaNaNa)채연– 둘이서(蔡妍 - 两个人)별에서온그대 OST - StarBach Comic (来自星星的你OST - Star Bach Comic)별에서온그대 OST - STars Comic Tension (来自星星的你OST- STars Comic Tension)여인의향기 OST –Jalousie (女人的香气OST – Jalousie)라이너스의담요– Walk (Linus" Blanket– Walk)주군의태양 OST - Dangerous Zone (主君的太阳OST - Dangerous Zone)키친 OST - 키친오프닝 (Kitchen OST- Kitchen Opening)페퍼톤스 - Galaxy Tourist (Peppertones- Galaxy Tourist)라이너스의담요 - Rag Time (Linus" Blanket- Rag Time)








《Roommate 》第二季新加入了外国人、搞笑艺人以及偶像等多样的成员,他们展现出种种魅力与搞笑实力,使每回节目都会带给观众无数欢笑。JYP搭档朴俊亨与Jackson无论何时表现出来的语无伦次的韩语实力以及天真无邪的性格总是带来巨大的笑声。喜剧演员曹世镐与李国珠成为搞笑搭档,老么许英智则散发出无限的天真烂漫魅力。另外,裴宗玉则扮演的是妈妈的角色,行程繁忙的李栋旭、徐康俊等人也为节目注入了新的活力。而歌手Sunny、Nana担当了偶像成员的面貌,节目所有成员们展现出的融洽温暖氛围十分美好。 (kpopstarz评)《Roommate》第二季更注重带给观众欢笑声,而且由于新成员加入,他们首次见面就展现出充满活力的气氛,重新吸引了观众们的兴趣。 (韩星网评价)






roommate全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: k4uf简介:室友》是由美国Vertigo Entertainment制作的惊悚片,由克里斯蒂安·E·克里斯蒂安森执导,莉顿·梅斯特、敏卡·凯利、凯姆·吉甘戴联合主演。该片于2011年2月4日在美国上映。《室友》创作灵感来源报纸上的一片新闻报道,讲述了大学一年级女生莎拉与室友丽贝卡之间从朋友到敌人的惊悚故事 。


Roommate E08 (2014年 6月 22日)[00:00:04]MKTO - Classic[00:01:17]金艺林&EddyKim - Roommate[00:01:31]两个月 - Number 1[00:03:32]官能的法则OSt – 红色屋瓦的女人(第19track)[00:05:26]Scouting For Girls - I Need A Holiday[00:05:48]Napoleon Dynamite - Go Go ub300ud55cubbfcuad6d大韩民国[00:14:19]Union Underground - Across The Nation[00:16:27]Napoleon Dynamite - 2010 uc544ub9acub791阿里郎[00:18:16]来自星星的你ost - Mocha Comic Tension[00:18:46]金秀哲uae40uc218ucca0 - uc80auc740 uadf8ub300年轻的你[00:20:08]TransFixion ft. Minah(Girlsday) - uc2b9ub9acub97c uc704ud558uc5ec[00:20:52]Skrillex - Bangarang[00:21:33]计划男 OSt - uace0uc591uc774ub97c uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub9ccuc838uc694如何摸猫[00:21:54]Ariana Grande - Problem[00:22:26]计划男 OSt - uacc4ud68duc5d0 uc5c6ub294 uc77cuc740 uc808ub300 ud558uc9c0 uc54auc2b5ub2c8ub2e4不做没计划的事[00:23:50]清潭菩萨OST – ud3ecucd98uc0b4ub871Fortune Salon[00:24:58]郑俊日 – Lovers[00:25:26]才洲少年 - 忙碌的早晨[00:26:19]Mutya Buena - Real Girl[00:27:06]Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy[00:34:55]我的野蛮女友OST - Episode 1[00:36:07]Jackson 5 - I Want You Back[00:38:31]Daft Punk - Get Lucky[00:39:21]朴善珠&金范秀 - 男和女(宴会和车上唱的是一样的)[00:40:20]Peppertones - Knock[00:42:21]Zitten - Sunshine[00:44:13]NoReply-我希望[00:46:04]Compassion Band(朱宝拉) - ubcc4星[00:47:54]Hope - Love Love Love[00:49:27]朴善珠&金范秀 - 男和女(宴会和车上唱的是一样的)[00:50:37]两个月 - Number 1[00:51:27]2NE1 - Come Back Home[00:52:37]Vodka Rain - 100%[00:53:23]Joseph Vincent - S.A.D[00:57:10]2NE1 - Happy[00:57:57]Vanilla Acoustic-Good Morning Lady[00:59:02]The Green Tea - Love Is Magic[01:00:08]Lunchsong Project – Power of Family[01:03:19]鹊桥兄弟们OST – 鹊桥兄弟们Title[01:03:44]uc74cub780uc18cub144 (EumlanSonyeon) -uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8cuc120 uc124ub818uc124ub818uc5f4ub9e4uac00 uc5f4ub9acub098ubd10uc694[01:04:49]金艺林&EddyKim - Roommate OST[01:05:25]Sweet Sorrow - uc124ub808uace0 uc788uc8e0Pounding Heart[01:08:11]Free Market - uc9c0uad6cubc29uc704ub300 ud6c4ub920uc2dcub9e8 地球防卫队Freshman[01:11:54]Earth, Wind And Fire-Sing A Song[01:13:55]Acoustic Collabo - Waltz For U[01:15:45]Zitten - Sunshine[01:16:44]OZ - Why why why[01:17:44]Mutya Buena-Real Girl[01:18:04]Fourplay-Let"s Make Love[01:20:22]申成宇 - 序诗[01:22:28]Lunchsong Project- Everybody Sing A Song[01:28:35]NoReply - uadf8uc800 uadf8ub7f0 ud558ub8e8Just An Ordinary Day[01:31:51]Rainbow Rose OST - ud558uc219uc9d1 uc5d0ud53cuc18cub4dc 宿舍插曲[01:33:59]EXO-K – 中毒[01:24:16]申成勋- I Believe[01:37:23]Taru – 坠入爱情的草莓[01:38:09]Jessie J - Domino[01:41:09]One More Chance - uadf8ub7f4ub54cub3c4 uc788uc5b4uc694也有那时候[01:43:33]MKTO - Classic[01:44:13]官能的法则OST - 尴尬的遭遇[01:44:59]官能的法则ost – 泰陵[01:45:28]Sherlock Series 1 OST - Pink[01:45:59]Sherlock Series 1 OST - Opening Title建议你去贴吧里面找,很快就有答案






记者张筱涵/综合报导 南韩论坛theqoo于11日有一篇热门文章指出,文中提到的演员就是曾参加过综艺《Roommate》的朴敏雨(ubc15ubbfcuc6b0),有网友指出他现在都只能坐轮椅,虽然站得起来但没办法走路,网友进而涌入他IG最后一篇贴文留言帮忙加油打气。 朴敏雨曾因参加《Roommate》在海外敞开知名度。(图/翻摄自《Roommate》官网) 朴敏雨2011年以《花美男拉面店》金保罗一角出道,2014年参加《Roommate》在海外敞开知名度,怎料2018年3月因机车事故伤到头部,紧急动了大型手术,当年4月所属经纪公司King Kong by STARSHIP娱乐曾表示:「状态很好,住院治疗中。」但在这之后就再也没有过他的消息。 朴敏雨最新的官方消息也停在2018年。(图/翻摄自NAVER) 另外,朴敏雨的官方Instagram帐号最新贴文也停在2018年3月14日,好友YL在7月10日还在该贴文下方留言「好想好想你,朋友」。theqoo网友也整理出了他处网友提及朴敏雨状况的留言,A网友指出在去年新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情爆发前妈妈曾见过朴敏雨,当时的朴敏雨以轮椅代步,虽然可以站起来但没办法走路。 B网友5月则说自己和朴敏雨在同一家复健医院接受治疗中:「(朴敏雨)胖了很多,只有眼睛能眨的程度,由朴爸爸亲自照顾。」C网友则说在今年5月10日的基督教节目中曾看过朴敏雨爸爸写信到节目中,还看到朴敏雨的近照感到相当心痛。 朴敏雨IG最新贴文停在2018年3月14日。(图/翻摄自朴敏雨IG) 随着文章登上热门,许多网友都直呼还记得朴敏雨这个演员,只是没想到他出车祸后就再也没有消息,「前阵子我也有因为好奇他的近况搜寻过」、「天啊,他有阵子很常和徐康俊一起出现,没想到经历车祸」、「希望可以早日听到复健成功的消息」。 韩网反应。(图/翻摄自theqoo/翻译自《ETtoday星光云》) 【朴敏雨2018年相关新闻】
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