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证明楼主电脑不错 如果感觉模拟器速度过快:按“F11”--“Emulation setup”在设置-跳帧里设置一下试试看 设置那里看下 我没用过NO 我是直接用




Zoomer 外形像一只黑白斑点狗,尺寸是 29 x 26 x 22 cm,大概和一只小泰迪差不多。它拥有一只软呼呼的橡胶尾巴、四条「风火轮」腿可以快速移动(姿势比较笨拙可爱)。Zoomer 电子狗身上有多个传感器,可以和主人进行简单的互动,并根据主人的命令表演「tricks」,比如摇尾巴、装死、打滚、握手、坐下,甚至翘起一条脚「小便」;如果电池够用、地面平整,它还能和你遛弯。此外,你还可以「训练」它听懂更多的命令。Zoomer 的两只眼睛是 LED 显示屏,除了互动时比较「有神」外,还能显示简单的符号,比如说 X -- 表示它听不懂你的命令在您给Zoomer下命令前,你需要抚摸她的头,直到他的眼睛显示出“?”你就可以开始训练了。每次发出命令之前,您需要呼唤“ZOOMER”来吸引她的注意。如果Zoomer的眼睛里显示“X”,则表示她没有听懂您的命令,重复您的命令。注意:一定等Zoomer眼睛里显示出“?”时,您再发出每个命令。训练模式您需要有一定的耐心去训练Zoomer,因为开始她还是一只不成熟的小狗,一些单词对于她来说,还是有些困难,您需要重复训练,直到她记住它。如果Zoomer心情好的情况下,她会很乐意听从您的命令,如果她心情不好,她就会自娱自乐,不搭理您,Zoomer的训练就像与小朋友沟通一样,需要一个循序渐进的过程,需要不断重复各种命令使其熟练有素,不然时间久了,他也会忘记你发出的命令。操作说明首先需要注意不要用尖锐物品触碰玩具,以免损伤玩具以及内部电池。使用该玩具,需要充电。使用该玩具,首先打开开关,按钮调到“ON”关闭为“OFF”。在选择语言按钮,A=英语,B=法语 C=西班牙语。购买该玩具外文水平需要有基本的认知。声控命令需要以上三种语言中的一种。

come to中文是什么意思

come to涉及;谈及When it comes to politics I know nothing. 谈到政治,我一无所知。获致;到达;结束They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake.他们得到的结论是他们犯了一个不可饶恕的错误。The car came to a dead stop.汽车蓦地刹住。The water came to my waist. 水已达我的腰部。The performance of the opera has come to its climax.歌剧的表演已经到达最高潮了。总共;共计The bill came to $5.50. 账款共计5美元50美分。突然想起Suddenly the words of the song came to me. 我猛然想起了这首歌的歌词。 come to heel(狗)跟随;服从;同意 come to oneself恢复从容;恢复知觉,苏醒 come to pass发生 come under受…支配;由…控制The matter comes under the State Department. 那事应归国务院处理。come under the hammer在拍卖场中拍卖 come up(清洗后)成为;出现The silk dress came up beautifully. 这件丝绸衣服洗后很漂亮。come up against遭遇(反对); 碰到(困难)come up against a series of problems. 碰到一系列的问题。come up with想出(计划、回答);作出(反应);产生He couldn"t come up with an answer. 他答不上来。He couldn"t come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.那时他想不出一个合适的答案。




NO$Zoomer模拟器的金手指的使用很简单用不着放图了,直接说步骤吧 1首先把模拟器打开,在工具栏那行(就是有 文件 屏幕 设置 其他 NO$GBA 那一行)选择NO$GBA,把鼠标移动到 使用 那选项之后就会弹出金手指选项 点击弹出的金手指2点击后弹出的那个窗口 选择左下角的Add new3点了Add new之后又会弹出一个窗口 然后点RAM对号再点ACTION replay DS4把你找到的游戏金手指代码复制到这个窗口的代码处就可以(一定对齐 不要在开头有空格)5金手指代码粘贴好之后点击OK选项点完回到之前那个框,看到金手指已经出现了6出现的金手指代码双击就会出现对号这代表选定了你要作弊的选项7再点OK就金手指激活成功

come to 的意思是什么?





可能是黑白汉化版本或者模拟器本身的问题、建议重新下载!请下载设置好的模拟器或打好补丁的游戏文件: (需要重新下载黑白汉化修正版以及配套的NO$Zoomer模拟器、亲测安全可用、运行速度很不错、推荐试试!)


说用自带模拟器的都是SB 那模拟器你玩过没??有多慢你知道吗??电脑配置不好就不能玩??用NO$Zoomer的问题解决了 速度也很快 我也是存不了挡.金手指代码都弄好 不知道是什么地方出了问题



NO$zoomer模拟器 金手指怎么用

两种方法 1。手动输入方法 按“F2”,点击“Add new”,在大框部分输入代码,小框部分输入描述,点击下方“Action Replay DS”,然后点击“OK”,输入好的代码要点击那个白色的小正方框点击“打勾”才能生效 图片看这张 2。模拟器自动载入金手指包 这里金手指包免费下载和图文教程





NDS模拟器 NO$Zoomer和DeSmuME哪个比较好用







首先要打击你一下,NDS模拟器对电脑配置要求是不低的,电脑配置不好一点办法都没有,而且一般来说速度不会超过100%(我VBA的速度可以到1300%,但是NOGBA只能到100%)。另外NOZOOM是放大镜,不是加速器,加速按“+”键就可以了,不过除了像象棋泡泡龙一类的绝对是几乎没有效果的。按下F11之后跳出的配置设置里面 右边最上 有一个声音输出模式的选项 选NONE (FASTEST) 就是关闭声音 提高速度 但是有些游戏没了声音会出现BUG 比如卡住拉 报错什么的 你自己要好好权衡 注意备份存档希望对你有帮助




黑白用 desmume0.9.6模拟器 看电脑配置 好的话会很快 zoomer可以玩 但不能存档(目前为止)用zoomer 玩黑白的方法:输入金手指02006F2C 0000000002180B8C 00000000勾上“RAW” 和 "Action Replay DS"然后就能运行了。


加速键为数字键盘"+"号键,不能更改设置模拟速度与跳帧:按“F11”--“Emulationsetup”(模拟器配置)--左边第一个“EmulationSpeed,LCDRefresh”选项依次为:Realtime,Auto:正常速度,自动跳桢(默认选项。常用) Realtime*1.5,Auto:加快1.5倍速度,自动跳桢 Realtime*2,Auto:加快2倍速度,自动跳桢 Realtime/2,Auto:放慢1/2倍速度,自动跳桢(指放慢两倍的速度) Realtime/10,Auto:放慢1/10倍速度自动跳桢(指放慢10倍的速度) UnlimitedMHzDisaster,100%:CPU最大能力运行,100%跳桢(100%指不进行跳桢) UnlimitedMHzDisaster,50%:CPU最大能力运行,50%跳桢(50%指跳过一半的桢) UnlimitedMHzDisaster,10%:CPU最大能力运行,10%跳桢(10%指跳过90%的桢)最后一项UnlimitedMHzDisaster,10%也是运行速度最快的选项 NDS模拟器速度最主要CPU,内存同显卡都是其次,NDS模拟器是一个很占CPU资源的模拟器,如果一旦有其他的程序运行模拟器的速度就会下降








如果感觉模拟器速度过快:按“F11”--“Emulation setup”(模拟器配置)--左边第一个“Emulation Speed,LCD Refresh”--选“Realtime,Auto”默认选项以上设置好后一定要记得“NO$GBA”--“option”(设置)--“save option”(保存设置),这样下次启动模拟器不用重新设置了


HONDA ZOOMER 50 日版车都是限了速的 55最高 无法报表 只有改点火传动 本来50的排量估计能跑到接近70

本田 zoomer摩托车的相关问题

本田 zoomer祖玛是水冷车,如下图所示,后轮右侧那个白色水箱里装的是冷却水(一般是用防冻液),即与汽车水箱的作用是一样的。在淘·宝上找到一个卖这种车后轮辋的店,由于这里不能发链接,可以在淘·宝上搜“本田zoomer后轮辋”就能找到。


不能听懂中文的,目前只能听懂3种语音。Zoomer 外形像一只黑白斑点狗,尺寸是 29 x 26 x 22 cm,大概和一只小泰迪差不多。它拥有一只软呼呼的橡胶尾巴、四条「风火轮」腿可以快速移动(姿势比较笨拙可爱)。Zoomer 电子狗身上有多个传感器,可以和主人进行简单的互动,并根据主人的命令表演「tricks」,比如摇尾巴、装死、打滚、握手、坐下,甚至翘起一条脚「小便」;如果电池够用、地面平整,它还能和你遛弯。此外,你还可以「训练」它听懂更多的命令。Zoomer 的两只眼睛是 LED 显示屏,除了互动时比较「有神」外,还能显示简单的符号,比如说 X -- 表示它听不懂你的命令在您给Zoomer下命令前,你需要抚摸她的头,直到他的眼睛显示出“?”你就可以开始训练了。每次发出命令之前,您需要呼唤“ZOOMER”来吸引她的注意。如果Zoomer的眼睛里显示“X”,则表示她没有听懂您的命令,重复您的命令。注意:一定等Zoomer眼睛里显示出“?”时,您再发出每个命令。训练模式您需要有一定的耐心去训练Zoomer,因为开始她还是一只不成熟的小狗,一些单词对于她来说,还是有些困难,您需要重复训练,直到她记住它。如果Zoomer心情好的情况下,她会很乐意听从您的命令,如果她心情不好,她就会自娱自乐,不搭理您,Zoomer的训练就像与小朋友沟通一样,需要一个循序渐进的过程,需要不断重复各种命令使其熟练有素,不然时间久了,他也会忘记你发出的命令。操作说明首先需要注意不要用尖锐物品触碰玩具,以免损伤玩具以及内部电池。使用该玩具,需要充电。使用该玩具,首先打开开关,按钮调到“ON”关闭为“OFF”。在选择语言按钮,A=英语,B=法语 C=西班牙语。购买该玩具外文水平需要有基本的认知。声控命令需要以上三种语言中的一种。



iphone Home键容易坏

都说iPhone的Home键坏的最快,有时候也不是坏了就是没那么灵了而已,但是关键时刻确实很恼人,怎样能实现我们想要的功能而不需要用到Home键呢,如果你的iPhone已经越狱了那这个就简单咯,而且效果可能出乎你的意料呢。很多人说iPhone自带的虚拟按键就能实现咯,但是俺不是有屏幕洁癖嘛。适用设备:iPhone4、iPhone4s、iPod touch、iPad2等需要条件:iOS5固件且已经越狱装有Cydia下面就开工吧,首先我们需要去Cydia安装下列三个手势增强工具Activator(iphone手势增强软件Activator怎么设置)关闭后台软件插件Remove Background后台加入通知中心插件WidgetTask for Notification安装好三个软件后,下面就是需要设置我们要实现的功能了。第一个:通知中心显示后台运行的软件。从iPhone主界面进入“设置”,找到“通知”拉到下面找到“WidgetTask”进入打开在通知中心的开关下面这就是设置好后的效果,这样只要在屏幕顶部向下一拉就能切换软件了,不需要按两次Home键。第二个功能,实现手势替代按下home键退出程序,打开Activator在这里我们把这个手势分配给“顶部状态栏”,手势动作是“按住状态栏”进入“按住”设置,下拉到“主屏幕按钮”点选后会在后面打钩,再回到顶部,会像下图所示分配好了。第三个功能,实现手势直接关闭所有后台程序,还是打开Activator。在这里我们把这个手势分配给“顶部状态栏”,手势动作是“向左滑动状态栏”或者“向右滑动状态栏”。分别进入“向右拖动”和“向左拖动”设置,分别都下拉到“RemoveBG”点选后会在后面打钩,会像下图所示分配好了。以上设置完成后,就实现了三个功能:1、顶部状态栏划一下关闭所有后台程序2、顶部状态栏按住退出程序,回到主界面3、顶部下拉通知中心显示后台运行程序,可以进行切换

My name is Oliver Queen..I must become something


The Long Walk Home 歌词

歌曲名:The Long Walk Home歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:In And Out Of Consciousness: Greatest Hits 1990 - 2010Robbie Williams - The Long Walk Home.BabyYou can pack away the moonAnd pour away the oceanYou can take apart the sunAnd run from everyoneYou can blow out all the starsBut I know the day will comeWhen love unchains your soulAnd you""ll take the long walk home.Hello babyHaven""t seen you for a whileThere""s a shadow on your faceA lie in your smileYou sent the world awayEverything""s just fineBut there""s a cry for helpBehind your eyes.BabyYou can pack away the moonAnd pour away the oceanYou can take apart the sunAnd run from everyoneYou can blow out all the starsBut I know the day will comeWhen love unchains your soulAnd you""ll take the long walk home.Another 5 A.M.The cancer crawlsAnd you""re pressed againstAn invisible wallAnd all the bottles are dryAnd the CD""s stuckKeep hearing Johnny singAll you need is love.BabyYou can pack away the moonAnd pour away the oceanYou can take apart the sunAnd run from everyoneYou can blow out all the starsBut I know the day will comeWhen love unchains your soulAnd you""ll take the long walk home.And you can sleep the longest nightI believe you""ll wake in timeTo open the window wideAnd breathe the brilliant light.BabyYou can pack away the moonAnd pour away the oceanYou can take apart the sunAnd run from everyoneYou can blow out all the starsBut I know the day will comeWhen love unchains your soulAnd you""ll take the long walk home.BabyYou can light the fires of hellAnd wrestle with the angelsYou can pull down heaven""s blueAnd tear yourself in twoBefore we blow each candle outReach into the darkThere""ll be a hand to holdAnd we""ll take the long walk home.Baby gonna walk so slowThrough the clear white snowI won""t let your soul be broken.Baby gonna walk so slowThrough the clear white snowI won""t let your soul be brokenYeah

come my can to you place 连词成句


Some Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Some Dreams歌手:Allan Taylor专辑:Hotel & DreamersSome dreams are big, some dreams are smallSome dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at allSome dreams tell lies, some dreams come trueI"ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for youIf not for me, if not for youI"d be dreaming all day I wouldn"t know what to doI"d hang around, I"d lose my wayI"d put off what I couldn"t do for another daySome dreams are big, some dreams are smallSome dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at allSome dreams tell lies, some dreams come trueI"ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for youI"ve spent my life hung up on dreamsI float along like a summer cloud or so it seemsI get it wrong most things I doBut I can write a song and this one"s for youSome dreams are big, some dreams are smallSome dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at allSome dreams tell lies, some dreams come trueI"ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for youSome call it fate, some call it chanceSome call waiting around for someone to ask you to danceIf I had my way, if I could call the tuneYou wouldn"t have to wait "cause I would dance you around the moonSome dreams are big, some dreams are smallSome dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at allSome dreams tell lies, some dreams come trueI"ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for youI"ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you

it becomes rapids为什么rapid加s

it becomes rapids为什么rapid加sit becomes rapids意思是:这个(水流)变成了急流; rapid作名词:a part of a river where the current is very fast中文意思是:n.急流;湍流。通常用复数。

come to my place.是什么意思


every time,the first time,the moment,each time相当于什么词

every time 每当…时the first time 第一次the moment 此刻each time 每一次…

My Way Home 歌词

歌曲名:My Way Home歌手:Billy Populus专辑:Chasing DevotionI will give it allWe"ve all been down the dusty road trying to see around the bendIn search of somethingLots of faces different places, emptiness had settled inAnd then I saw himI"m the lover of your soulDeep inside this man that I knowVision picture perfect world as you focus in the lensFairy tale beginsI"m so happy that I found youI just wanna break down and cry and laugh and hug and kissI"m the lover of your soulDeep inside the man that I knowI will give it all and let goThrough his eyes I find my way homeHe can take me to heavenThat"s why I need him, and I want himThat"s no one I"ll ever love, no other can touch himI will promise you with all I amI"m the lover of your soulDeep inside this man that I knowI will give it all and let goThrough his eyes I"ll find my way homeI will find my way(home...)I will find my way(home...)I will give it allI"m the lover of your soulDeep inside this man that I knowI will give it all and let go(go go go go)I will give it all and let go(go go go go)

I met kate on __way home yesterday. A my B me C his D him


K.E. and momentum

更新1: so according to physics8801 k.e. increases as momentum? And in my testbook there isa question which looks something to the following. Object x collide with y and it is inelastic. It asks for the total energy loss. 更新2: The model wer calculates by calculating the total momentum in the system before and after collision are equal to eachother. And therefore finding the speed after collision and with the given speed of X before collision it calculates the loss of energy. 更新3: My question is why in both elastic and inelastic collisions the total momentum is conserved? Since inelastic collision part of the energy is trfered to heat and sound then the K.E. of of the moving bodies are decreased therefore their total momentum decreases. 更新4: Because as said momentum increases as K.E.d 更新5: since 1/2mv2 is the equation for K.E. therefore decrease of velocity = decrease of momentum is it not? 更新6: What if some of the momentum is trfered to internal energy? Does that still count as momentum? 更新7: in the collision of course Is K.E. proportional to momentum? No Why in collisions total momentum is conserved but not K.E.? The conservation of momentum is implied by Newton"s 1st law of motion and derived from the 3rd law of motion. This law bees the law of nature at present. Another law of nature is the conservation of energy. The K.E. is not conserved but trferred to other energies like heat work e K.E. bees zero because velocity is zero. Momentum mass x velocity is so defined as to describe objects in motion and relate it to define Force ( force is proportional to the rate of change of momentum) K.E. 1/2mass x velocity square is so defined as to describe the energy of objects in motion and related to Force by Work-done. Same for P.E. Simply Momentum --> Force --> Work --> Energy (K.E. or P.E.) or vise versa. In fact in calculation of collisions either momentum or energy conservation can be used. 2008-10-11 15:25:03 补充: Your description of the objects are not clear so making this issue confusing. Your description above probably me the moving bodies are colliding with another inelastic body. Another situation is the moving inelastic bodies are colliding with each other only. 2008-10-11 15:27:23 补充: IN the first case the total momentum of the system includes the moving bodies + the inelastic body. So after collision the momentum of the moving bodies decreases as the momentum of the inelastic body increases while the total momentum of the system remains unchanged. 2008-10-11 15:33:17 补充: "Since inelastic collision part of the energy is trfered to heat and sound then the K.E. of of the moving bodies are decreased therefore their total momentum decreases." is misleading. Only the momentum of the moving bodies decrease not the total momentum. 2008-10-11 15:40:38 补充: And the momentum decreases as a result of decrease in velocity not K.E. 2008-10-12 22:08:46 补充: cannot understand your question???? I repeat momentum or K.E. are used separately to describe moving bodies and there is no sense to relate both directly. Both are related as Momentum --> Force --> Work --> Energy (K.E. or P.E.) or vise versa. Please read in detail what I have presented above. Q: Is K.E. proportional to momentum? Kiic energy (KE) and momentum increase with one another i.e. an increase of momentum leads to an increase of KE and vice versa but the increase is NOT proportional. Q: Why in collisions total momentum is conserved but not K.E.? How does this work? Thank you. It is because of the special physical property of momentum that in an isolated system the quantity (momentum) is always conserved. The reason behind is that the impact force is related to rate of change of momentum with a proportional constant equal to unity. The independence of the proportional constant with mass and velocity of an object resulted in the conservation of momentum. On the other hand KE is only a form of energy. Energy is prone to change from one form to the other in any physical process. Collision is one of these processes that leads to the trfer of energy to other forms.

come my way什么意思


Welcome To My World 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To My World歌手:Jim Reeves专辑:Down Memory LaneWelcome To My World- Daniel O DonnellWelcome to my world,Won"t you come on inMiracles, I guessStill happen now and thenStep into my heartLeave your cares behindWelcome to my worldBuilt with you in mindKnock and the door shall be openedSeek and you will findAsk and you"ll be givenThe key to this heart of mineI"ll be waiting thereWith my arms unfurledWaiting just for youWelcome to my worldWaiting just for youWelcome to my world

那位朋友能帮我翻译一下welcome to my world

你曾经想要倒下吗? 你觉得自己很迷茫吗? 就像你有点不属于,没人能理解你 你曾经想要逃跑? 你把自己锁在房间里开着收音机转起来那么大声,以至于没有人听到你尖叫吗 不,你不知道它什么感觉好时 不,你不知道它,就像我一样被伤害 感到失落被遗忘在黑暗中 当你被踢下去 你觉得你被人推来推去 崩溃的边缘上,没有人那里 去救你没有你不知道它的喜欢 欢迎来到我的生活 你是否想成为别人? 你是否厌倦了被遗忘的感觉? 你不顾一切地寻求更多的东西在你的生活结束前吗? 你被困在一个你讨厌的世界里吗? 你周围的每个人都感到厌烦?用虚假的微笑和愚蠢的谎言吗 在内心深处你出血 不,你不知道它什么感觉好时 不,你不知道它会伤害到我 感到失落被遗忘在黑暗中 当你被踢下去 你觉得你被人推来推去 崩溃的边缘上,没有人那里 去救你没有你不知道它的喜欢 欢迎来到我的生活 没有人曾当着你的面撒谎 没有人曾暗算你 你可能认为我很高兴,但我不会好 每个人都会给你你所需要的 从来没有去工作是一直存在的 你不知道它,它像 被伤害感到失落被遗忘在黑暗中 当你被踢下你觉得你已经被人推来推去 要崩溃的边缘上,没有人去救你 不,你不知道它的喜欢 被伤害,却被排除在黑暗中 被踢当你失意时,你会觉得你被人推来推去 要崩溃的边缘上,没有人去救你 不,你不知道它像欢迎来到我的生活。 欢迎来到我的生活欢迎来到我的生活

猫王的welcome to my world的歌词

作词:Winkler/Hathcock 作曲:Winkler/HathcockElvis Presley(猫王)Welcome to my world,Won"t you come on inMiracles, I guessStill happen now and thenStep into my heartLeave your cares behindWelcome to my worldBuilt with you in mindKnock and the door shall be openSeek and you will findAsk and you"ll be givenThe key to this heart of mineI"ll be waiting thereWith my arms unfurledWaiting just for youWelcome to my worldWelcome to my world只知道这张专辑是在1977年3月出的1977年8月他就离开了

请问一下Come what may 是什么意思哦,谢谢

分类: 外语/出国 解析: Come what may 意思是: I don"t care what may e. (我才不管后果如何呢. 可以意译为: 爱你到底, 哪怕受尽风霜... 例如红磨坊的插曲: Never knew I could feel like this 从不知道我会有这样的感受Like I"ve never seen the sky before 像是从未曾见过蔚蓝的天空 I want to vanish inside your kiss 让我消失在你的热吻之中 Everyday I love you more and more 对你的爱恋每天加深 Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings? 聆听我的心,是否听到它的吟唱 Telling me to give you everything 告诉我为你奉献一切 Seasons may change, winter to spring 四季轮替, 寒冬过后春天即将来临 But I love you until the end of time 但我爱你直到时间的尽头 Come what may, e what may 哪怕受尽风霜 I will love you until my dying day 我会爱你直到失去生命的那天 Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place 突然间世界变得如此美好 Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace 突然间世界运转的如此优雅 Suddenly my life dosen"t seem such a waste 突然间我的生命不在毫无意义 But our world revolves around you 我们的世界随着你旋转 And there"s no mountain too high 没有无法攀越的高山 No river too wide 没有无法横渡的大河 Sing out this song I"ll be there by your side 大声唱出这首歌,我就会在你的身旁 Storm clouds may gather 狂风暴雨也许即将来临 And stars may collide 星星也许会互相碰撞 But I love you until the end of time 但我爱你直到时间的尽头 allocgram.wordpress/2004/08/30/e-what-may/ bjmti/resource/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=4398

welcome To My World中文是什么意思

欢迎来到我的世界我的世界,还可以引申为我的生活那么就是 欢迎来到我的生活就是 欢迎你融入我的生活意思很多,具体环境具体看咯

求This War Called Home [bonus track] 得歌词!!!!

Home ~ in this corner ~lyrics: mpimusic: Hiroyuki Sawanovocal: LeinaYou can call my name【你能呼唤我的名字】Whenever you"re feeling down and blue【无论何时你感到失落和悲伤】You don"t know how to smile【你不知道如何去微笑】I know how hard it is【我知道这有多么的艰难】I"ll make you feel alright【我会让你觉得舒服】I remember the day I sat with you in this corner【我记得那一天我和你一起坐在这个角落】Alone in front of you【孤独在你的面前】Oh! I don"t know the words【哦! 我不知道用什么言语表达】Because anywhere is your home【因为哪里都是你的家】Your sweet home【你的甜蜜的家】No matter where you are【无论你在哪儿】This thing it"s home【这件事是家】It"s incredible【它难以置信】All my friends came home again【我的所有的朋友再次回到了家】Sometimes you can not avoid the heavy snow【有时候你不能避免暴雪】as long as you"re alive【只要你活着】You might lose your luck【你可能失去你的幸运】Whenever you"re feeling down and blue【无论何时你感到失落和悲伤】You don"t know how to smile【你不知道如何去微笑】I know how hard it is【我知道这有多么的艰难】I"ll make you feel alright【我会让你觉得舒服】I remember the day I sat with you in this corner【我记得那一天我和你一起坐在这个角落】I touched your feeling inside【我触碰你内心的感受】You"re shifting in my eyes【你移向我的眼睛】Drifting away【渐行渐远】Don"t get stuck in sorrow【不要被悲哀绊住】Get over the things from the past【克服过去的事情】I"ll watch your back【我将看着你回来】Alone in front of you【孤独在你的面前】Oh! I don"t know the words【哦! 我不知道用什么言语表达】Because anywhere is your home【因为哪里都是你的家】Your sweet home【你的甜蜜的家】No matter where you are【无论你在哪儿】This thing it"s home【这件事是家】It"s incredible【它难以置信】All my friends came home again【我的所有的朋友再次回到了家】Sometimes you can not avoid the heavy snow【有时候你不能避免暴雪】as long as you"re alive【只要你活着】

求home in this corner 吉他谱

Home ~ in this corner lyrics: mpimusic: Hiroyuki Sawanovocal: LeinaYou can call my name【你能呼唤我的名字】Whenever you"re feeling down and blue【无论何时你感到失落和悲伤】You don"t know how to smile【你不知道如何去微笑】I know how hard it is【我知道这有多么的艰难】I"ll make you feel alright【我会让你觉得舒服】I remember the day I sat with you in this corner【我记得那一天我和你一起坐在这个角落】Alone in front of you【孤独在你的面前】Oh! I don"t know the words【哦! 我不知道用什么言语表达】Because anywhere is your home【因为哪里都是你的家】Your sweet home【你的甜蜜的家】No matter where you are【无论你在哪儿】This thing it"s home【这件事是家】It"s incredible【它难以置信】All my friends came home again【我的所有的朋友再次回到了家】Sometimes you can not avoid the heavy snow【有时候你不能避免暴雪】as long as you"re alive【只要你活着】You might lose your luck【你可能失去你的幸运】Whenever you"re feeling down and blue【无论何时你感到失落和悲伤】You don"t know how to smile【你不知道如何去微笑】I know how hard it is【我知道这有多么的艰难】I"ll make you feel alright【我会让你觉得舒服】I remember the day I sat with you in this corner【我记得那一天我和你一起坐在这个角落】I touched your feeling inside【我触碰你内心的感受】You"re shifting in my eyes【你移向我的眼睛】Drifting away【渐行渐远】Don"t get stuck in sorrow【不要被悲哀绊住】Get over the things from the past【克服过去的事情】I"ll watch your back【我将看着你回来】Alone in front of you【孤独在你的面前】Oh! I don"t know the words【哦! 我不知道用什么言语表达】Because anywhere is your home【因为哪里都是你的家】Your sweet home【你的甜蜜的家】No matter where you are【无论你在哪儿】This thing it"s home【这件事是家】It"s incredible【它难以置信】All my friends came home again【我的所有的朋友再次回到了家】Sometimes you can not avoid the heavy snow【有时候你不能避免暴雪】as long as you"re alive【只要你活着】<Music>Keyboards, Programming: Hiroyuki SawanoAcoustic Guitars: Tetsuro ToyamaElectric Guitars: Hiroshi limuro<End>

求《罪恶王冠》插曲《home - in this coner》的中文歌词!谢谢!

《罪恶王冠》有一首插曲,《home - in this coner》嘛,英语的,很喜欢…但是歌词…求 很高兴能够帮到你,希望对你带助,以下是 home - in



far fome是什么意思


They come to feed the duck下一句


怎样更改Google chrome 浏览器的默认下载器?


Dreams Come True的《Marry Me?》 歌词

歌曲名:Marry Me?歌手:Dreams Come True专辑:Sing Or DieTrain - Marry MeForever can never be long enough for meTo feel like I"ve had long enough with youForget the world now, we won"t let them seeBut there"s one thing left to doNow that the weight has liftedLove has surely shifted my wayMarry meToday and every dayMarry meIf I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafeSay you willSay you willTogether can never be close enough for meTo feel like I am close enough to youYou wear white and I"ll wear out the words I love youAnd you"re beautifulNow that the wait is overAnd love and has finally showed her my wayMarry meToday and every dayMarry meIf I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafeSay you willSay you willPromise me you"ll always beHappy by my sideI promise to sing to youWhen all the music diesAnd marry meToday and everydayMarry meIf I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafeSay you willSay you willMarry me


2009-05-09 [LIVE] MBC Show!音乐中心 16:15


com rack 水晶男孩

求一首英文歌 open my eye... sometime... only everyday ...

是不是卡百利的never grow old?还有owl city什么时候变女的了?

come through是什么意思




____ the book,he found out some answers to this question.

as reading是像阅读一样 on reading 是在阅读中 as he reading像他读书一样 b在他的阅读的时候 根据句意选择d 在阅读中,他找到了一些问题的答案。



求帮忙,歌词是hi good girl come on baby 女生唱的韩文歌,叫什么名字啊?

我不一样----HI SUHYUN,开头就是跟你说的一样,是李夏怡和乐童音乐家里面的妹妹组成的小分队如果有什么问题的话~可以继续向我提问------------------------------------------------如果满意 记得 及时采纳 谢谢---------------------------------------------------


Will you go back home tomorrow?

三星i9220按下音量键、HOME键、电源键出现factory mode full test


请问有give up somebody的用法吗?


你好,能不能把room in rome也给我发一下呢?。


reach是及物动词,为什么有reach home的用法?


come和go、love、do 中的那个“o”的发音相同?


歌词i know you get me so i let my walls come down

Christmas Dream歌手: Perry Como / With The London Boy Singers所属专辑:《I Wish It Could Be Christmas Forever》发行时间:1993-07-16所属公司:SONY MUSIC歌词Tiffany - Christmas DreamYou"re the one I want tonightOn the special winter tonightHold me close right by your sideFeels so right make it last foreverBoy you"ve got my heart racingYou"re the one I need in this Christmas dream tonightI"ll be waiting underneath at the Christmas treeIn your Christmas dream tonightTonight tonightTiffany - Christmas DreamYou think I"m pretty without any make-uponYou think I"m funny when I tell the punchline wrong I know you get me so I let my walls come downDownBefore you met meI was a alright but things were kinda heavyYou brought me to lifeNow every FebruaryYou"ll be my ValentineValentineLet"s go all the way tonightNo regrets, just loveWe can dance, until we dieYou and I, we"ll be young foreverYou make me feel like I"m living a teenage dreamThe way you turn me onI can"t sleepLet"s run away and don"t ever look backDon"t ever look backMy heart stops when you look at meJust one touchNow baby I believeThis is realSo take a chance and don"t ever look backDon"t ever look backI"m a get your heart racing in my skin tights jeansBe your teenage dream tonightLet you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeansBe your teenage dream tonightTonight tonight- E N D -望采纳!

Taylor Swift - Welcome to New York 霉霉的这首歌现在能下载吗


This will increase the chances of getting something good out of the grab bags on the next level.


Around the lake ___ some trees. B.are C.has D.have

B 因为TREES 是复数,相当于 Some trees are around the lake .*******************************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!*******************************************************************

选择最佳答案_he come back?a.haveb. does c.has d.having


( )3. A. have B. has C. eats D. ate( )4. A. am B. like C. has D. likes ( )5. A. a B. any C. some D.


1.He has already gone home 的否定句和一般疑问句 2.he ha been there teice 对teice提问


he has already gone home改为否定句

1.He has already gone home. 否定句 He hasn"t gone home yet.

Devics的《Come Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Up歌手:Devics专辑:Push The HeartDevics - Come Upedit by q4828315What did you mean"there"s too many angels here"Is it the sweet ones that keep you hereor did you mean that everyone you loveis already gone, too earlyWhatever you meanI came to mine and realizedthat it"s all fakeBut I love to dreamand to feel everythingcome up, come upIt"s so hard to love when you know how it goescome up, come upwaves of pleasure waves of controland the waves run their courseturn into foamthey start with a roar and then it"s back homecome upIt"s at the showsI feel so aliveand otherwisethere"s a craving so brightwell my friend with not many wordsBut it"s just as well cause what are they foryou see through me you make me quietyou know all the words so why should I hide itWhen love starts upyou can"t escapeyou run and you hideduck under the wavescome up, come upand when you do it"s there to greet youcome up, come upwater and sand and fish all around youcome up

he has already gone home疑问句

否定句:He hasn"t gone home yet. 一般疑问句:Has he gone home yet? 提问:How many times has he been there? 楼上两位都用How often,此处不可能用How often ,它是问频率,多久一次. 比如原题是twice a week,就可以用How often ,这里只有twice,所以用How many times .


答案是:hashe gonehomeyet? u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c

He has already gone home. B...

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