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Please tell him that copying others homework is wrong.为什么copy 要加ing

copying others homework(抄作业)动名词短语作宾语从句that copying others homework is wrong里的主语

omega3 coq10是什么意思


1._____that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg ,she hurried back home.

1._____that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg ,she hurried back home. A. Having been told B.Telling C.Having told D.To be told 为什么选A?希望解释一下。 这里是用了一个省略句首先,told是tell不用说,光看后面she hurried back home其中she与tell的关系是被动的。可以理解为在她被告知什么什么之后,她急忙离开房子。这里可以先排除BC,它们都有主动地意思。然后hurried是过去式吧,to do sth有将来的意思,所以排除,所以最终就算不知道为什么是A还是能排除的。 2. I can"t _____ the sight of that poor man. A. suffer B. endure C. bear D. put up 当自己忍受痛苦的时候,用 endure。在这里是不忍心看见别人痛苦的样子的意思。 再举例子:两个人要分手,如果是提出分手的人自己难受到受不了,用 I can"t endure the suffer any more;如果是提出分手的人不愿意让对方难受,用 I can"t bear your suffering any more. 3. I could not do anything except just _____for him to come round. A.waiting wait C.waited D.wait 为什么是选B不选A?希望解释一下。 句子表示我除了等他苏醒/改变主意什么事情也做不了。这里couldn"t do anything but to do 甚至可以作为一个句型了,表示:除了什么,其他什么都不能做。为什么会想选A?不会是看到expcet了吧~这里的except是可以省略的。 4.The stormy weather gradually gave _____to a period of sunshine. B.way 为什么是选B?顺便翻译一下句子! give way to表示给。。。让路。在这里是习惯用法。 这里可以解释为 暴风雨雪天气渐渐给阳光/晴天让路。/ 暴风天气渐渐转向晴天,

weeping may endure for a night,but joy comes in the morning中文是什么意思


有几个英文题目不懂,谢谢了1.neither of the women(has ,have)brought(her,their)certificate.

1has ,their 2B3B4C5C6A7A

The Who的《Welcome》 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome歌手:The Who专辑:Tommy 2003 2Cd Deluxe Sacddisc 2 Of 2welcome to brandnew dayshine! bright! further alongwelcome to brandnew placewelcome to brandnew timefly! high! further alongwelcome to brandnew smile ah地図(ちず)に のってないような 宝物(たからもの) 探(さが)しに出(で)かけよう希望(きぼう)あふれる sunrise 目指(めざ)すは 遥(はる)かその先(さき)へ不思议(ふしぎ)な梦(ゆめ)を追(お)いかけて その扉(とびら)の向(む)こう侧(かわ) 开(ひら)けばyes welcome!キミの目(め)に映(うつ)る 七色(なないろ)の虹(にじ) 辉(かが)くよbrandnew day!ぼくの手(て)にした 煌(きら)めく星(ほし) 瞬(またた)きだす涙(なみだ) 零(こぼ)れる时(とき)も この気持(きも)ち 忘(わす)れないでいて瞳(ひとみ)揺(ゆ)らめく sunset 愿(ねが)いは 遥(はる)かその先(さき)へどんな场所(ばしょ)にでも行(ゆ)けるし 何(なに)だってなれるはずだからyes welcome!胸(むね)の鼓动(こどう) 今(いま) 高鸣(たかな)る とびっきりのhappybrandnew place!いつでもここへおいでよ ずっと一绪(いっしょ)だからさぁ 光(ひかり)辉(かがや)けwelcome!キミの目(め)に映(うつ)る 七色(なないろ)の虹(にじ) 辉(かが)くよbrandnew time!ぼくの手(て)にした 煌(きら)めく星(ほし) 瞬(またた)きだすwelcome!胸(むね)の鼓动(こどう) 今(いま) 高鸣(たかな)る とびっきりのhappybrandnew smile!いつでもここへおいでよ ずっと一绪(いっしょ)だから「welcome!」作词:iyuna作曲:iyuna编曲:iyuna+伊吹ユキヒロ歌:茶太(终わり)

Welcome to your brand new Inbox 这个brand 有全新的意思?

brand-new 全新的,原来中间有个连字符的

Welcome to brand new year!“brand”什么意思

brand new means totally new,in Chinese,全新的一年

maxi bras comercio de imp e exp ltda 是什么意思,可能是西班牙语

maxi 是超级的意思,在这里是名字,bras 是文胸。comercio 是商业。 imp 是 importacion exp是exportacion. ltda 是limitada. 就像楼下说的 马西文胸贸易进出口有限公司








DOME币价格一直不涨是受行情波动影响。据中币(ZB)官方消息,DOM已于6月10日14:00上线ZB交易所,同时开放DOM/USDT交易对。根据ZB交易所数据显示,DOM当前报价为9.75USDT,涨幅达39.31%,最高涨至9.90USDT。行情波动较大,请注意风险控制。DOM是基于DOM Chain生态链上发行的公链代币,DOM Chain是全球领先的云链(平行公链)架构的公链项目,通过模块化、多链并行、智能合约等运行机制,以提供未来各种各样的场景应用服务,满足区块链底层的不同需求。


带一个jquery对象参数,动态添加dom元素,车。1,先动态创建<span>($(‘"<span/>‘")) 2.将创建的span添加到body上,在span里面动态创建img($(‘"<img src="xxx.gif"alt="xxx.gif)).

dome是什么意思 解释dome一词的含义?





冰箱怎么调节温度;冰箱温度可以按以下调节 。。。冰箱冷藏保鲜室温度可以设置在4-5度,这种温度有利于食物的保鲜,可以保鲜3-5天时间。冰箱如果有冷藏室(变温室),温度可以设置在0度或1度,这种温度即不会结冰(冻),又能冷藏食品。冰箱急冻室可以设置在零下-18度,这种零下温度在急冻时,是比较快的,有利于是加快食品快速结冻。以上冰箱的温度设置可以一年四季常年不变的。我家的冰箱就是这种温度,一年四季都有没有变过,现用了好几年了,很好的。



dometic冰箱不制冷怎么维修,请教高手指点一下,急 急 急




something is needed to be done in the war against aids.什么意思















你先把domestic分为d0 me stic然后又把dominate分为do mi nate就可以了 这样记起来是很快的



donate some money for doing sth 还是for do sth啊?


all his money has been donated to a charity organization for homeless by he,对吗?

正确的表达是:1)All his money have been donated to a charity organization for homeless by him.或者:2)He has donated all of his money to a charity organization for homeless.

Some installation files are corrupt是什么意思?


some questions for excellent people(thanks)


Cort EVL X4、Schecter Omen Extreme 6,Cort EVL X6那个好

x4好一点,毕竟一分价钱一分货,x6和schecter比较适合新手,cort x6是一款性价比较高的琴,但后来做的没有以前好了,cort x系列和k系列主要是外观上有些差别,别的差别不大,cort的琴桥不好。兄弟如果喜欢金属就买cort x4,如果经济不充足就买schecter,这个比较便宜。 希望你可以采纳希望采纳

Baby Come Back 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Come Back歌手:Player专辑:70S LoveBaby come backPlayerSpending all my nights,All my money going out on the townDoing anything just to get you off of my mindBut when the morning comes,I"m right back where I started againTrying to forget you is just a waste of timeBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youAll day long, wearing a mask of false bravadoTrying to keep up the smile that hides a tearBut as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling againHow I wish to God that you were hereBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youNow that I put it all togetherGive me the chance to make you seeHave you used up all the love in your heartNothing left for me, ain"t there nothing left for meBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youI was wrong, and I just can"t liveBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong,......


可能的歌曲一baby come back--《变形金刚》电影版中的一段插曲Spending all my nights, 整个夜晚,在城市里用尽身上的每一分钱 All my money going out on the town Doing anything just to get you off of my mind 不管做什 事,只为了想忘记你 But when the morning comes, 但是当旭日东升 I"m right back where I started again 我又再一次回到原点 Trying to forget you is just a waste of time 想要忘记你似乎只是再浪费时间 Baby come back, any kind of fool could see 亲爱的,回到我身边,再愚蠢的人也看的出来 There was something in everything about you 我的周围充满了你的影子 Baby come back, you can blame it all on me 亲爱的请回到我身边,一切都怪我不好 I was wrong, and I just can"t live without you 过去是我错了,而我真的不能没有你 All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado 白天,我总带著虚伪夸张的面具 Trying to keep up the smile that hides a tear 把眼泪隐藏在笑容的背后 But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again 但是当夜幕低垂,心中又再一次感到空虚 How I wish to God that you were here 多希望你在我身边 Now that I put it all together 此刻,向你表明我心中的一切(不确定) Give me the chance to make you see 给我机会让你明白 Have you used up all the love in your heart 是否你已用尽你心中所有的爱 Nothing left for me, ain"t there nothing left for me 一丝都不留给我吗?一丝都不留给我吗?可能的歌曲二baby come back to mesinger:宇多田ヒカル(宇多田光)The rain falls on my windows(雨滴掉落敲打我窗)and a coldness runs through my soul( 寒意袭来深入灵魂)and the rain falls (大雨在下)and the rain falls (雨不停在下)I don"t want to be alone (我不想就这么一个人)I wish that I could photoshop on our bad memories (我希望我能用Photoshop将我们之间不好的记忆都抹去)Cuz the flash backs (因为往事如潮)oh the flashbacks won"t leave me alone (Oh 那往事如潮 请不要留我一个人)If you come back to me I"ll be all that you need (如果你回到我身边 我愿意付出一切 )baby come back to me(宝贝请回到我身边 )let me make up for what happened, and (让我们风雨同舟 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, I"ll be everything you need (回来, 我愿意为你付出一切)Come back, baby come back to me (回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, for you"re one in a million (回来, 为了那万里挑一的一个)Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, I"ll be everything you need (回来, 我愿意为你付出一切 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, you"re one in a million (one in a million) (回来, 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )On the bayside of Manhatten she goes shopping for new clothes(而在另一边曼哈顿 她准备为自己添些新衣服)And she buys this, and she buys that(她买这件, 她买那件)just leave her alone(仅仅是孤单一人 )I wish that he would listen to her side of the story (我希望他可以倾听她的心声 )It isn"t that bad, it isn"t that bad (这并不是最坏的, 这不是最坏的 )and she"s wiser for it now。(至少她现在是明智的)I admit I cheated(admit I cheated) (我承认我欺骗了)Don"t know why I did it(why I did it) (但是你知道吗)But I do regret it(regret it)(我真的后悔了)And nothing I can do or say can change it.(但现在没有什么能改变它了)Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边 )Come back, I"ll be everything you need (回来, 我愿意为你付出一切 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, for you"re one in a million (回来, 为了那万里挑一的一个 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, I"ll be everything you need (回来, 我愿意为你付出一切 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, you"re one in a million (one in a million) (回来, 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )Everything I ever did(对于我做过的一切 )heaven knows I"m sorry but(上天知道我的歉意 但是 )I was too fantastie(我想不到 )you were always there for me(你总是为了我等在那里 )and my curiosity got the better of me(我的求知欲会让一切转变 )baby take it easy on me(宝贝放轻松 )Anyhting from A to Z(任何事情从A到Z )tell me what you want to be(告诉我 你到底想要什么 )I open my heart to me(我敞开我的心)you were my priority(你是我永远的首要 )can"t you see you punished me(没看到我已经被你惩罚了么吗)more than enough fority(你大过任何权利 )Baby take it easy on me(宝贝请放轻松)Baby take it easy on me(宝贝请放轻松)baby come back to me, baby come back to me(宝贝回到我身边, 宝贝请回到我身边 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, I"ll be everything you need (回来, 我愿意为你付出一切 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, you"re one in a million (one in a million) (回来, 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, I"ll be everything you need(回来, 我愿意为你付出一切 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, you"re one in a million (one in a million) (回来, 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, I"ll be everything you need (回来, 我愿意为你付出一切 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, you"re one in a million (one in a million) (回来, 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, I"ll be everything you need(回来, 我愿意为你付出一切 )Come back, baby come back to me(回来, 宝贝请回到我身边)Come back, you"re one in a million (one in a million) (回来, 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )NA NA NA NA NA NA

Baby Come Back 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Come Back歌手:Pato Banton And The Reggae Revolution With Ali & Robin Campbell专辑:Pure PartyBaby come backPlayer给我的宝贝晶“泓霓”制作Spending all my nights,All my money going out on the townDoing anything just to get you off of my mindBut when the morning comes,I"m right back where I started againTrying to forget you is just a waste of timeBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youAll day long, wearing a mask of false bravadoTrying to keep up the smile that hides a tearBut as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling againHow I wish to God that you were hereBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youNow that I put it all togetherGive me the chance to make you seeHave you used up all the love in your heartNothing left for me, ain"t there nothing left for meBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without you................

变形金刚里面 有守歌 歌词有 beby come back 歌名叫什么?


歌词开头是 a~baby come back ,男生唱的英文歌,开头是柔和的


有首英文歌,有句歌词貌似是come baby hu manman答对给分

Baby come backPlayerSpending all my nights,All my money going out on the townDoing anything just to get you off of my mindBut when the morning comes,I"m right back where I started againTrying to forget you is just a waste of timeBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youAll day long, wearing a mask of false bravadoTrying to keep up the smile that hides a tearBut as the sun goes down,I get that empty feeling againHow I wish to God that you were hereBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youNow that I put it all togetherGive me the chance to make you seeHave you used up all the love in your heartNothing left for me,ain"t there nothing left for meBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong, and I just can"t live without youI was wrong, and I just can"t liveBaby come back, any kind of fool could seeThere was something in everything about youBaby come back, you can blame it all on meI was wrong,......

英文歌歌词里面有baby come back say you come back


it helps me become braver的句子成份?

it是主语help是谓语me是宾语,become brave是宾补,这句话的意思是它帮助我变得更加勇敢

seem doomed to

The marriage seems doomed to failure. 本句中的seem作为连系动词,表示“好像”,结构分析:“主语+ seem +(to be )+表语”,to be 可以省略,doomed to+名词在句中作表语,是固定搭配.表示“注定”.

括号中的内容应该替换为哪个选项:our holiday (is doomed) tofailure



Born to be spoiled, our ancestors are doomed.译:因为自出生便被宠坏,我们的祖先很快就陷入困境。


例句与用法:Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure. 任何镇压民权群众运动的企图都是注定要失败的。The enterprise was doomed to failure. 该企业注定要失败.The project is doomed to fail. 这计划注定要失败。Everyone is doomed to die. 每个人都是注定要死的。名词 doomed:people who are destined to die soon 同义词:lost动词 doom:decree or designate beforehand 同义词:destine, fate, doom, designatepronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law 同义词:sentence, condemn, doommake certain of the failure or destruction of 同义词:doom形容词 doomed:marked for certain death in danger of the eternal punishment of hell 同义词:cursed, damned, unredeemed, unsavedmarked by or promising bad fortune- W.H.Prescott 同义词:ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred, unlucky(usually followed by `to") determined by tragic fate 同义词:fated

doomep lonely是什么意思

doomed lonely注定孤独

doomed to succeed什么意思

注定要成功 It is destined to be successful I"m destined to success.

英语Your life is pretty much doomed怎么翻译?



分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: foredoomed,doomed,predestined,destined,这四个词都是“注定的”的意思~`有什么区别?~`例句。。。谢谢~ 解析: doom(动词); doomed(形容词); foredoomed(形容词); destine(动词); destined(形容词); predestined (形容词); 我们先来查看一下词典:fore 和 pre 都是前缀词, fore- [简明英汉词典] adj.在前部的, 以前的 adv.在前面, 在船头 n.前部, 船头 prep.在前 pre- 在...之前的 doom [简明英汉词典] n.厄运, 毁灭, 死亡, 世末日 v.注定, 判决 doomed [简明英汉词典] adj.命定的(毁灭,死亡等厄运) foredoomed [简明英汉词典] adj.命中注定…的 destined [简明英汉词典] adj.去往…的 predestine [简明英汉词典] [pri(:)5destin] vt.预定, 注定 foredoomed,doomed,predestined,destined,这四个词都是“注定的”的意思, 有什么区别? doomed (注定是)毁灭的(失败的,死亡的等等)。 foredoomed 预定是毁灭的(失败的,死亡的等等)。 destined [简明英汉词典] adj.去往…的;走向…的 可以是正面的,也可以是反面的。 John"s plan is destined to a failure. Peter"s plan is destined to a success. predestine [简明英汉词典] [pri(:)5destin] vt.预定, 注定 Mr. Jones is predestined to be a great leader after his earlier success as a chairman of a student union at university.

Deepin系统下的Gnome环境中的图片浏览eog和shotwell都打 不开 ** (eog:13073): WARNING **: 连接已关闭




dorm ,apratment ,flat-share ,homestay的区别

我刚刚从英国回来,自己找房时候也茫然了一段时间,现在算是小了解一些。dorm:指宿舍啦。学校里面的比较安全,但是如果室友不安静的话,也蛮麻烦的。一般价格比较合理,100P/W。apartment: 其实跟flat是一个意思啦,不过我在英国是都叫flat的。flat:公寓啦。英国蛮多公寓出租的,一般是一个客厅,一个厨房,厕所和洗漱间的,几个卧室。和人share的话比较便宜,我花的是80P/w,但是有时后老外带朋友回来玩,party什么的有点吵。homestay: 一般的都是和当地居民一起住,他们子女,配偶什么的不在家,房子正好空着。这种遇到好房东的话,会比较温馨啦。口语提高也比较快。但是价格一般不便宜。

come 和dose中的o发音一样吗?

come 和dose 中的o发音不一样come 里发音是:[ʌ],而dose中发音是:[əu]does 的o发音和come的o是一样的。

求pax japonica groove 的come to your senses歌词

歌曲名:Darlings歌手:Pax Japonica Groove专辑:RadiophonicBaby, can I talk to youI know somethings wrongThings just aint the sameBut deep down insideI know you still careSo tell me what to doTo get things back againThe way they used to beIf your words have meaningIf you really care about meTell me why cant I find love in your heartIf you are my loverOr come as a friend to meTell me why would you turn away from my loveSo darlin tell me what to doto make things rightDarlin tell me what to doto make things rightDarlin tell me what to doto make things right(Tell me what to do to make things right)If your words have reasonsThen they would turn away from meTrying hard to hide all truth that you might sayIf you listen to me girlIf you know how Im feeling insideThen maybe,you wouldnt shut meout of your life, babyAll Im asking for is a chanceTo let me love youGirl you know,with me is where you should beAnd if I change that we should findThat it can be for you and IThen girl Ive triedIve tried, oh babyGive anything for your love to beHow can I make you mineGirl you should know how I feel by nowThere are so many ways to loveSo just open your heartAnd Ill find a wayCant you seeAll Im asking for is a chanceTo let me love you(Cant you see)Girl you know,This is where you should be, ooh,And if I change that we should findThat it can be for you and IThen girl Ive tried


这个公司名没有通用的翻译,一般大多数情况都是直接放上去,不翻译,有部分人翻译为“土地神 罗纳”。楼主可以用这个,或者随便自己音译,因为没有统一的说法,也就无所谓了。后面那个地名也是一样的道理,小地方没有标准通用的翻译,楼主自己音译即可。担心对方不明白的话,就把原文注上。

Never for a second, the boy says, uff08u3000u3000uff09 that my father would come to my rescue.

【答案】:D首先调整句子语序:The boy says,“Never for a second(  )that my father would come to my res.cue.”表否定意义的词放句首,句子要部分倒装。由句中的“would”可知,此处应选一般过去时。句意:那个男孩儿说:“我那时从来没有怀疑过父亲会来救我。”

完形填空Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.……出至那里?

Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me. They don"t act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, "I love you" is too luxurious for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine"s Day is even more out of the question. Finally my father has a bad temper. When he"s very tired from the hard work, it is easy for him to lose his temper. One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I silently sat down beside her and looked at her. "Mom, I have a question to ask you," I said after a while. "What?" she replied, still doing her work. "Is there love between you and Dad?" I asked her in a very low voice. My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes. She didn"t answer immediately. Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt. I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her. I was in a great embarrassment and I didn"t know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words: "Susan," she said thoughtfully, "Look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and durable. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it"s really there. Love is inside." I listened carefully but I couldn"t understand her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked very pale. It seemed both of them had had a serious illness. After they were back, every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road. My father had never been so gentle. It seemed they were the most harmonious couple. Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the world. The doctor had said my father would recover in two months. But after two months he still couldn"t walk by himself. All of us were worried about him. "Dad, how are you feeling now?" I asked him one day. "Susan, don"t worry about me." he said gently. "To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life." Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply. Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm..

It is _ he will able to come.A.a doubt whether B.doubtful wh?

其实b和d 在语法上讲都是对的,A和C不对因为doubt 不是可数名词. 看题面的意思是在谈论 he来不来的可能性,在doubt/doubtful后边用到whether 是谈论的真实性或一般怀疑,而后边如果跟that 表示 之前边所提到事情是不可能发生的. 举两句汉语例子:我怀疑外星人的存在(这是在谈论真实不真实,用whether合适) 我怀疑他会把钱借给你(这是在谈论可不可能,用that合适) doubt和doubtful 在意义和用法上没有区别 一个是名词一个是形容词而已 题干翻译为:他可能来不了 或者:我很怀疑他能赶来 所以答案选D.手打辛苦,2,It is doubt that.,..... It is no doubt whether.....,2,doubt本来就有质疑 疑问的意思, whether if 都有是否之意,语义不通。 故选D It is 加 adj that 固定搭配,1,It is _ he will able to e.A.a doubt whether B.doubtful whether C.a doube if D.doubeful that.

I am suspicious ________ that woman - I think she may have stolen something from our shop


In some countries, ___ is called "equality" does not really mean equal rights for all people.


In some countries,_______ is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people .

b这句话貌似定语从句。而实际上,前面的部分就是状语,后半句与countries没有修饰关系(因为1.后半句缺主语,但空格的位置用countries不能替换,否则语义不对。2.后半句不缺宾语。)所以后半句的()is called equality作主语.是主语从句。在选项中,只有what引导主语从句。意思:在一些国家里,所谓平等,并不意味着所有公民的平等权利


doubt作名词表“疑问,怀疑”时可用作可数名词也可用作不可数名词。some既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。以下例句来自词典。There is some doubt about the best way to do it.这件事怎么做才是最佳办法有点吃不准。The article raised doubts about how effective the new drug really was.这篇文章对这种新药的实效有多大提出了疑问。Perhaps you"ve some doubts about the attack. In that case it may interest you to know that Miss Woods witnessed it.或许你对本次袭击有些怀疑。要是那样的话,你可能会有兴趣了解伍兹小姐目睹了一切。

英语四级作文:Equality Between Men and Women

At present, more and more people think that men and women should enjoy equal rights. Many countries even have passed laws to guarantee such an equality between different sexes. Accordingly, there are now no longer certain jobs or certain places that are closed to women. The number of business women, female doctors, scientists and leaders is considerably increasing.   There are three main reasons for the improvement of women"s social position. First, women themselves have been persistently struggling for equality. Second, men also realize that women are not born inferior to them. Women can do a great many things as well as or even better than men. Third, social development has produced a great demand for women"s participation in every field.   In spite of these changes the liberation of women has not been completely realized. Prejudice against women is deeply rooted still in some people"s mind, especially in distant rural areas. So, mankind should take further painstaking efforts to really realize equality. 目前,越来越多的人认为男人和女人应该享有平等的权利。许多国家甚至通过法律来保证这样一个不同性别之间的平等。因此,现在不再某些工作或某些地方封闭的女性。商业女性,女医生,科学家和领导人大大增加。 有三个主要原因的改善妇女的社会地位。首先,女性自己平等进行了不懈的斗争。第二,男性也意识到女性不是天生就不如他们。女性也可以做很多的事情,甚至比男人更好。第三,社会发展产生了一个伟大的对妇女参与各个领域的需求。 尽管有这些变化,妇女解放并没有完全实现。对妇女的偏见根深蒂固仍然在一些人的心中,尤其是在偏远的农村。所以,人类应该采取进一步的努力,真正实现平等。

英语作文-Equality Between Men and Women 男女平等

at present, more and more people think that men and women should enjoy equal rights. many countries even have passed laws to guarantee such an equality between different sexes. accordingly, there are now no longer certain jobs or certain places that are closed to women. the number of business women, female doctors, scientists and leaders is considerably increasing.   there are three main reasons for the improvement of women"s social position. first, women themselves have been persistently struggling for equality. second, men also realize that women are not born inferior to them. women can do a great many things as well as or even better than men. third, social development has produced a great demand for women"s participation in every field.   in spite of these changes the liberation of women has not been completely realized. prejudice against women is deeply rooted still in some people"s mind, especially in distant rural areas. so, mankind should take further painstaking efforts to really realize equality. 目前,越来越多的人认为,男性和女性应该享有平等的权利。许多国家甚至通过法律,以保证不同性别之间的这种平等。因此,现在不再是某些工作或某些地方已关闭的妇女。商业女性,女医生,科学家和的数量显着增加。 有对妇女社会地位的提高主要有三个原因。首先,女性本身已不懈奋斗的平等。第二,男人也意识到,女人不是天生逊色于他们。女人可以做很多事情,以及或比男性更好。第三,社会发展已经产生了妇女在各个领域参与的需求量很大。 尽管这些变化的解放妇女尚未完全实现。对妇女的偏见是根深蒂固的还是在一些人的心目中,尤其是在遥远的农村地区。所以,人类应该采取进一步的艰苦努力真正实现平等。


I want some bread.翻译:我想要一些面包。中文谐音:爱 妄特 桑亩 布瑞得。

Have you been asked for money by some disabled beggars while you’re enjoying shopping? Do you h..

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:B小题4:B小题5:C 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述如何对待残疾人乞讨问题。文章介绍,残疾人是一个特殊的群体,他们的生活条件切实需要得到提高。文章还着重介绍了我们应该如何对待残疾人。小题1:细节理解题。根据短disabled people"s living conditions — not only their material (物质的) conditions, but their mental (精神的) world — really need improvement.的描述可知,残疾人的生活条件不好,有待提高。故选C。小题2:词义猜测题。根据---don"t look down upon them. Don"t be afraid of looking at the terrible shapes of the disabled. 和--- they are a part of the society (社会),we can"t discard (抛弃) them的描述可推知,equally意为“平等的”。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。联系上下文可知,多数残疾人都会沿街乞讨,目的是为了生存。故选B。小题4:细节理解题。根据短文第一段Do you have any pity on them who are so poor and lonely的描述可知,人们可怜残疾人是因为他们既贫穷又孤独。故选B。小题5:细节理解题。根据短文描述,选项A、B、D不符合文章内容,结合短文Try to treat them equally的描述可知,残疾人通常受到不平等的对待。故选C。

nowdays there is a phenomenon that has aroused a heated debate. 我想问的是这里从句内为什么用的是has


Some unexpected problems ()when he left his job. A.rose B.aroused C.raised D.arose


lancome是什么牌子的 了解lancome品牌的历史和产品?

Lancome是一家法国的高端化妆品品牌,成立于1935年。Lancome品牌的创始人是Armand Petitjean,他在创立Lancome之前是法国化妆品公司Coty的一名高管。Lancome品牌的名字来源于法国城市Lancome,该城市以其美丽的玫瑰花园而闻名。Lancome是一家法国的高端化妆品品牌,成立于1935年。Lancome品牌的创始人是Armand Petitjean,他在创立Lancome之前是法国化妆品公司Coty的一名高管。Lancome品牌的名字来源于法国城市Lancome,该城市以其美丽的玫瑰花园而闻名。Lancome品牌的产品在全球范围内销售,其在欧洲、美洲、亚洲等地都拥有广泛的市场。Lancome品牌的产品得到了消费者的高度认可,其在全球范围内拥有众多的忠实粉丝。Lancome品牌的第一个产品是一款玫瑰香水,该香水在当时非常受欢迎。随着时间的推移,Lancome品牌逐渐发展成为一家拥有广泛产品线的化妆品公司,包括护肤品、彩妆、香水等。总之,Lancome是一家拥有悠久历史和高品质产品的化妆品品牌,其不仅在欧洲市场拥有广泛的影响力,同时也在全球范围内受到消费者的青睐。Lancome品牌的第一个产品是一款玫瑰香水,该香水在当时非常受欢迎。随着时间的推移,Lancome品牌逐渐发展成为一家拥有广泛产品线的化妆品公司,包括护肤品、彩妆、香水等。

come for the breasts,stay for the brain

大概意思就是 为了胸而接近,但因头脑而留下

you should ___some professional skills为什么选be equipped with而不是选equip with!谢谢

equip 是及物动词或者可以改成you should equip youself with

Here __ some advice.填is还是are,取决于some还是名词单复数?

填写 is advice 是 不可数名词 N-UNCOUNT 劝告;忠告;意见

postfix+dovecot 如何更改maildir路径,不使用home路径..

好像是vi /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf编辑里面的virtual_mailbox_base =等号后面输入你指定的路径

some call it arrogant call it confident.翻译成中文是什么意思


customer and counting什么意思



They do well at home.他/她们在家干得很好.

living in the moment这首歌整个原文和翻译 。 谢谢, 必采纳。

歌曲名:Living In The Moment歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:Love Is A Four Letter WordLiving in the MomentJason Mraz If this life is one actWhy do we lay all these trapsWe put them right in our pathWhen we just wanna be freeI will not waste my daysMaking up all kinds of waysTo worry about some thingsThat will not happen to meSo I just let go of what I know I don"t knowAnd I know I"ll only do this byLiving in the momentLiving our lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindWith peace in my heartPeace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeLiving in the momentI"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve doneI let my past go pastAnd now I"m having more funI"m letting go of the thoughtsThat do not make me strongAnd I believe this way can be the same for everyoneAnd if I fall asleepI know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind meTo live in the momentTo live my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI can"t walk through life facing backwardsI have triedI tried more than once to just make sureAnd I was denied the future I"d been searching forBut I spun around and searched no moreBy living in the momentLiving my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my lifeJust taking it easyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my life easy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the moment中文:If this life is one act 如果生活就是一出独幕剧 Why do we lay all these traps 那我们为何设下重重陷阱We put them right in our path我们把它们放在我们的路上When we just wanna be free 正当我们想要自由之时I will not waste my days 我不会再虚度我的光阴Making up all kinds of ways 想方设法To worry about some things 忧心忡忡That will not happen to me 那不会在我身上发生So I just let go of what I know I don"t know所以我会让自己不知道的事顺其自然And I know I"ll only do this by 我知道我这样只是Living in the moment 活在当下Living our life 过我的生活Easy and breezy 容易而快乐With peace in my mind 内心平和With peace in my heart内心平和Peace in my soul平和深入我的灵魂Wherever I"m going, I"m already home 随遇而安,四海为家Living in the moment 活在当下I"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve done 我不再对我所做过的事挂心I let my past go past 我让我的过去随风逝去And now I"m having more fun 我现在尽情享乐I"m letting go of the thoughts 我的想法是顺其自然That do not make me strong 那不会让我强大And I believe this way can be the same for everyone 我想这对每个人都一样And if I fall asleep 如果我睡着了I know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind me 我知道你总会是提醒我的那个人To live in the moment 活在当下To live my life 过我的生活Easy and breezy 容易而快乐With peace in my mind With peace in my heart Peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home I can"t walk through life facing backwards我无法在生活中回头 I have tried 我尝试过I tried more than once to just make sure 我试过不止一种方法只为确认And I was denied the future I"d been searching for 我被我所追寻的未来否定But I spun around and searched no more但我很快的转身 一无所获 By living in the moment Living my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind With peace in my heart With peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home I"m living in the moment 我活在当下I"m living my life 过我的生活Just taking it easy 放轻松With peace in my mind I got peace in my heart I got peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home I"m living in the moment I"m living my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind With peace in my heart Peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home Living in the moment

Living in the Moment 歌词

歌曲名:Living in the Moment歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:Love Is a Four Letter WordLiving in the MomentJason MrazIf this life is one actWhy do we lay all these trapsWe put them right in our pathWhen we just wanna be freeI will not waste my daysMaking up all kinds of waysTo worry about some thingsThat will not happen to meSo I just let go of what I know I don"t knowAnd I know I"ll only do this byLiving in the momentLiving our lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindWith peace in my heartPeace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeLiving in the momentI"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve doneI let my past go pastAnd now I"m having more funI"m letting go of the thoughtsThat do not make me strongAnd I believe this way can be the same for everyoneAnd if I fall asleepI know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind meTo live in the momentTo live my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI can"t walk through life facing backwardsI have triedI tried more than once to just make sureAnd I was denied the future I"d been searching forBut I spun around and searched no moreBy living in the momentLiving my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my lifeJust taking it easyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my life easy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the moment

求Jason Mraz的 Living in the moment 的中文歌词?谁能合理的翻译一下

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