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OLOffice Lady怎么读

欧非死 勒底


英音 [ pru0259"lu0254u014b ] ; 美音 [ pru0259"lu0254u014b ] 及物动词: 延长,拖延,拖长词形变化:名词:prolonger;时态:prolonged,prolonging,prolongs。同义词:draw out,extend,protract;keep up,sustain。单词分析:这些动词或短语动词均有“推延,延期”之意。delay:普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。postpone:正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。 defer:正式用词,语气强于postpone,多指故意拖延。suspend:指暂时中断以待某种条件的实现。prolong:指把时间延长至超过正常或通常的限度。put off:口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。


propone 是 postpone 吧。prolong vt. 拖延;延长。及物动词。例:They prolonged their visit by two days. 他们延长访问二天。postpone vt. 使…延期;把…放在次要地位;把…放在后面。也是及物动词,但通常以被动语态出现,例:The match was postponed to the next day because of bad weather.比赛因天气不好而延期到第二天进行。 还可以作为不及物动词使用 vi. 延缓,延迟;延缓发作

postpone和prolong 的区别是什么 请问这2个单词的区别是什么



宗教: atheism 无神论 animism泛灵论 monotheism 一神论 polytheism 多神论 pantheism 泛神论 theism有神论 政治: fascism 法西斯主义 authoritarianism 极权主义 imperialism 帝国主义 colonialism 殖民主义 feudalism封建主义 capitalism 资本主义 socialism 社会主义 leftism 左翼主义 rightism 右翼主义 localism 地方主义 federalism 联邦主义 pacifism 和平主义 思想: humanism 人道主义 idealism 理想主义 hedonism 享乐主义 moralism 道德主义 classicalism 古典主义 futurism 未来主义 不是主义: optimism 乐观 pessimism 悲观 organism 生物 baptism 洗礼 magnetism 磁力 prism棱柱 autism 自闭症 sadism 虐待狂 tourism 旅游 不够的话自己去找去查: http://www.morewords.com/ends-with/ism/



初一英语作文favouirte colour and things. good habits and bad habits. how to use the computer .

1.How to use the computer . Computers play an important role in the modern world. Today they are used in many areas of human activities, such as business, industry, science, and education. The development of computers has also created many attractive job opportunities. I"m a college student majoring in mathematics and as such I know quite well the powers of the computer. They have evolved as a natural consequence of man"s growing need for fast and accurate calculation. To make myself better equipped in my field of study I have learned several computer languages to communicate with the computer. My experience tells me that if we want to become competent users of the computer we must keep up with its development. Because modern industrialized society need computers to perform a wide range of tasks, I think a general knowledge of such wonderful machines is quite necessary for most of us.Computer is my best electronic friend. It gives me knowledge. Our school has a big computer room. All children get a chance to work there. I also have a computer at home.I send mail to my friends. Encarta Encyclopedia is a big help in learning. I also play games in the computer. I have even learned to fly a F-22 fighter plane. So computer is really a friend in need.2.good habits and bad habitsMany people have their good habits and bad habits and so do I.My good habits are as follows: I usually get up early in the morning and sleep early at night . It is good for my health . I aslo like playing table tennis in the afternoon ,It makes me happy and active .But I still have some bad habits ,for example,I offen play comeputer games for a long time .It"s bad for my eres. I usually watch TV at noon, so that I can"t have a good rest .That"s my good habits and bad habits .3.favouirte colour and things. There"re many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green.I think green is the most beautiful colour. Do you know why? Because green is the colour of life. Do you think so? As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees. Green is good for our eyes, too. When your eyes are very tired, you will watch the green trees or green grass, they can help you to relax your eyes. And I think green is the nature colour, I love nature things. Ohm, to tell you the truth, I don"t know why I am like green, only like it. Maybe it"s the colour of the life or……And my favourite things is candy.It"s unhealthy food. but ilike it very much.my mother and my father like it,too.we eat candy once a week.because we know eat too many candy is bad for our healthy.希望可以帮到您!

All By Myself (Solo Otra Vez) 歌词

歌曲名:All By Myself (Solo Otra Vez)歌手:Il Divo专辑:AncoraIl Divo - All By Myself (Sola Otra Vez)Quise volarY conoci la soledadJugue el amor sin entregarSin esperarSalgo a buscarAlguna huella, una senalHacer mi sueno realidadPoder amarSolo otra vezNo se vivirSolo otra vezSin amorQuero saberComo es que siente una mujerMi corazon no aguante masLa soledadSolo otra vezNo se vivirSolo otra vezSin amorSolo otra vezEstoy aquiSolo otra vezSin amorQuese volarY conoci la soledadJugue al amor sin entregarSin esperarSolo otra vezNo se vivirSolo otra vezSin amorNo se vivirTan solo ya no queiro estar tan solaotra sin tu amorYa no se vivirSin amor, sin amorQuise volarY conoci la soledadJugue al amor sin entregarSin esperar.制作Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8370173


Three animals colou areblackandwhite三只动物的颜色是黑白相间的。


要加空格把这句话分开为colour it black and white,意思是说:把它着色为黑色和白色。祝你好运!望采纳!

Sucker For Love (Dj Manolo Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Sucker For Love (Dj Manolo Remix)歌手:Erasure专辑:Storm Chaser EpDeep Insight - Sucker For LoveMy heart is a sucker for loveIt keeps promising moreIt keeps leaving me with nothingMy life as a wannabeIt"s not always perfect but I like it a lotTime after time I question myselfWhy do I find nothingTime after timeSo I keep asking how could I changeBut the answer remainsTime after timeMy heart is wild and freeBecause it"s easier to beI know it"s too late to changeBecause it"s easier to beMy heart is a black boxI"ll do the aftermathI"ll survive the crashMy life in a nut shellI"m crazy enoughNot to worry about tomorrowTime after time I question myselfWhy do I find nothingTime after timeSo I keep asking how could I changeBut the answer remainsTime after timeMy heart is wild and freeBecause it"s easier to beI know it"s too late to changeBecause it"s easier to beMy heart is wild and freeBecause it"s easier to beI know it"s too late to changeIt"s easier to beMy heart is wild and freeBecause it"s easier to beI know it"s too late to changeBecause it"s easier to beMy heart is wild and freeBecause it"s easier to beI know it"s too late to changehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2895295

Business terminology: Markup 与 Margin 有什么区别?

mark up是加价? margin是佣金?是不是这样理解

how do you think technology will be different 100

how do you think technology will be different 100意思是你怎么认为科技会和100不同 different意思是不同 technology意思是科技

popping solo 要注意什么???

一、手部的POP 二、脚步(也就是胯部练习)的POP 三、头部的POP 四、胸部的POP(先不用练习) 前言:POPPING只要灵活运用四肢就很强了,千万别在四肢还没有练成POP的时候就来跳POPPING,这样基础不稳,你永远都学不好,就算你模仿一个动作跳出来了,但是内行人一看就会觉得不好看,而且POPPING不是比谁POP的弧度大或者全身都会POP就是厉害;POP的时候出力点要短但是要大,POPPING的点越轻松就越漂亮,这样看起来会精而细,很多人练习的时候都会用上肩部突然下拉来带动各部分肌肉达到的POP,这个练习方法不能说不正确,只是POP起来不太好看而已,这个纯属个人观点,还有要补充的是大家刚练习的时候是不是会感觉到自己的动作很少,其实这不是一个问题,只要你跳久了,感觉好了,把自己的身体融入到音乐里面,就算在一首歌曲中重复一些动作也是无所谓的,重要的是感觉,跟着音乐来跳,要合拍,这个就是为什么施旷老师要说的DANCE TO THE MUSIC,只要你能跟着音乐不停地跳完一首歌曲的话,看来你也不错了,呵呵. 一、手部练习的方法 1、把两只手摆成一个很像骑马的姿势,手指往下放,要感觉到很轻松的感觉 2、然后你手腕往下压,可是手指头部分要让他往上,手腕向下压的时候你是否看到你的小手臂有一个凹洞,就是轴那里有个小洞(反复那样练习就是了!) 3、练习当中,你看看你手的上半部分,肌肉有没有爆破出来,要是有,你再看看胸部与手臂相连的那部分有没有跳动,还有背部的肌肉有没有跳动?手腕向下压时,胸前的肌肉稍微有点跳动的感觉是不是,但是要注意的是:不是胸部往前,而是胸肌向上跳动。要是有了上面的几点,那就正确了。 估计刚开始练的时候背肌部分的跳动可能还出不来,但是要强加练习就OK了。要注意的是练手的时候肩部不要用力,用力的都在手腕上,请各位尝试一下是否有感觉。 这个手部的练习要配合上脚部的练习才好,这样才自然. 二、脚部POP的练习 脚步的POP其实也就是大家所说的胯下的POP,很多人都把它想的好复杂好难练,其实胯下的练习比手部练习更加容易,只要大家别把它想的太复杂就可以了,尽量的简单,越简单越好,下面就跟着我的方法来练习一下,很快就有点功效了哦,注意的是利用膝盖。 1、你先站起来,然后膝盖向前稍微弯曲,有点像要坐下的感觉。 2、你从第一点所说的,慢慢从这个动作站起来,记得是慢慢的把脚打直,但别用力。 3、慢慢的站起来,脚快要站直的时候,你突然在这里用力快速把脚打直(也就是膝盖往后),这样反复练习是不是达到跨下的POP了呢?记得千万别屁股用什么力或者往里收,那是不正确的练习方法,大家尽量想的越简单越好. 这个脚部的练习要配合上手部的练习才好,这样才自然. 三、头部的POP 其实这个头部分的练习用打字的方法真的很难解释清楚,下面就打个比方让大家按这个来练习吧! 其实也就是头部往45度角的方向用力来达到的一种效果,可能我那么说大家都有点迷惑,我就打个比喻吧 1、我们经常在路上碰见熟人的时候都会叫一声“喂”,记得,头部的POP有点像“喂”的一声,怎么说呢?当你在叫别人“喂”的时候,头部是不是有点稍微向上点了一下,就是那一“点”其实就是POP了,只是你要用力而且要短时间内完成而已。注意是先保持原来轻松的表情,突然叫别人喂的一声,反复练习就会学会头部的POP,是不是有点感觉了呀!但是下颚别用力,用力是在后脑勺,CAN YOU FOLLOW ME? 四、胸部的POP 为什么我在前面说胸部不用练习呢?其实也不是没有道理,等你练会我以上说的三点以后,你的胸部自然就会POP了,你不信你就试一下,呵呵,所以这个不用练习哦(但是真正单一的胸震是需要练习的,练习方法第一把腰挺直了,你会感觉到腰有点酸,注意提胸,然后慢慢放松的时候突然来个POP,但是这个POP不是腰出力,腰挺直了只是为了POP的时候更漂亮,详细讲解的话下次再说吧!大家先练好我前面说的) 最后要补充的是国内一级POPPER:的一些观点,很有用的,大家仔细看看: 1。手臂上的POP主要用到的是三头肌和桡BOKY侧腕短肌。可以尝试做这样的动作:五个手指扶住墙壁,然后用手心的位置去推墙(注意肘关节自然弯曲,不要用力去大直)。在这个动作里用到的肌肉群,大致就是手臂上的POP位置。 2。胸部的肌肉是垂直向上走。这点阿KING你说的很好。因为需要注意的是,很少爆点会利用伸展关节来完成。所以反过来说,如果胸大肌不是向上走,势必会牵连到脊椎关节的弯曲。另外,胸肌的POP和颈部肌肉的POP一般是同时完成的。可以这样理解。胸肌往上走的时候,头部保持原来的位置或者略微下压,这样自然就压迫到脖子上的肌肉了。另外,怎么样去锻炼颈部的肌肉呢?大家尝试发两个音,一个是“噢”,这个口型张到最大的时候.很自然的可以绷紧胸锁乳头肌。另外一个是“哈”,最大幅度去做的这个口型,可以绷紧肩胛提肌和胸锁乳突肌.这是位于颈部浅层最显著的肌肉,其功能是使头和颈向侧曲;头和颈部旋转,颈向前或后弯屈。可通过戴练颈帽动作;摔跤的角力桥;助力和自我抗力动作来锻炼。 。这三块肌肉是做颈部很重要的POP来源。另外,有的时候你会看到POPPER在台上笑得很开,哈哈~现在可以理解吗?这样不单是为了渲染气氛,也是轻松完成脖子上爆点的好办法。。。呵呵呵~~ 3。腿部的POP以前说过,阿KING也解释的很好。我就不多说了。这是唯一的需要利用关节才能完成的POP。因为膝盖自然弯曲的情况下很难绷紧大腿上的各部分肌肉。另外需要补充的是,下盘的POP不单单只有*大腿肌来完成。在一些特定的动作里,也会用到臀部和后腰肌肉上的POP。


前者是单纯的颜色后者是“染红了的”以红色上色的意思The white clothes is now red-colored.



Young and frivolous, who will pay the bill_3000字

There is an account beeen us, clear but not clear. We used to sweat and wipe tears together, we used to chase and fight together, we used to sing birthday songs together. All of all, like the spray, stay in our deep mind. And our young frivolous, but deeply branded in your heart. Green yesterday, you entered my dream again. Your *** ile, your song, your little bully, yesterday, I seem to see you again, just so far away, you can not reach. Last year, we met in Shenzhong; this year, we went south and North. I still remember that the temperature of your palm is enough to warm my “winter”; your intoxicating singing is enough to make me fet all my troubles; I still remember that your sweet *** ile is enough to bring me happiness My indifference, destroyed everything, made you sink for me, sunk for a year and a half, perhaps without the so-called “unequal treaty”, we would have pleted the “task” and realized our ideal. But you know, I also blame myself. Although I hate you, we don‘t understand some things, so we can"t easily decide. We still go back to the past and be brothers, OK? Ling Yeyu, young and frivolous, we pay the bill together. Bitter snowflakes floating, Wenwen, where are you? Once promised you, I will always acpany you to see the snow, but we have never seen each other. Who could have thought of the first and last time? Wen Wen, you said that the snow scenery in Dongtai will keep your heart and your people, but why do you want to leave? You also asked me if I could marry you when you had long hair and waist. I said, I would. Wenwen, you often sigh why God treats you so unfairly, why your parents will divorce, but Wenwen, you know, you will always be the first grade, do you know how many people envy you? Since you called my sister on that day, I vowed to protect you well. You will no longer go to Inter cafes from then on. As Xu Zhimo said, you e gently and walk gently, but you live in my heart. You said on QQ: “sister, I don‘t want to be bad, I"m sorry.” Wenwen, you are young and frivolous, who will pay the bill? My stubbornness, my madness, my youth, frivolity, reminiscence of feeling astringent in the third year of junior high school, we met in nine (6), maybe it is fate, I met you, no appointment, no deliberate, but it is so tacit understanding, so united. I, is a crazy silly girl, is a unique girl, always love to make trouble. I am a sports retarder. In that love to fight will win the third grade, left me too many memories, you contain my *** all willful, you gave me the greatest support. At 800 meters, it shakes the cheering sound of the teaching building This life, I will never fet. Remember you said, I am the most arrogant girl you have ever seen, but also the most perfect girl you have ever seen. You don‘t regret knowing me. Young and frivolous, you pay for me; thank you for acpanying me through the flower season and rainy season, I am really satisfied with you all the way Who has not been young and frivolous? Have done countless stupid things; who is paying for youth? Youth is often the best excuse. Just: we You can make mistakes, but don"t repeat the same mistakes; you can be confused, but don‘t make yourself degenerate because of confusion; you can regret, but you must be able to find a way to redeem; you can fail, but don"t let failure wear your courage.


Teaching Aims: 1. 2. Get students learn the basical skeleton of methodology. Master the theoretical source of methodology( micro) Method 1. Explanation 2. Discussion ( students to teacher) Contents 一 教学法框架图 Methodology Approach system eg. 3p 3T 听说领先模式 整体阅读 Teaching model technique Mode teaching art form { media (resource) achievement 二 教学法理论源泉 1. 心理学对教学法的影响 1)19、20世纪上、心理学不发达 “翻译法”“直接法”主导。 2)行为主义心理学– “听说法”三个实践 A 桑代克(美)饿猫取食 B 巴甫洛夫 (狗试验) C 斯金纳(美)白鼠实验 3)认识心理学冲击 (1) 格式塔理论完形 (2)布鲁纳认识理论探索发现 (3) 乔姆斯基语言学习理论生成 三 英文粉笔字书法技能训练 1 字母笔顺 2 练习(四线三格) 3 书写方法和技巧 4 举例字母书写教学 四 Homework 1 书写26个大小写字母 2 写一个字母和一个连写教学教案 3 粉笔字过关测试(3周) Aim 掌握呈现技能 Method 讲解 看VCD 讨论 练习 Contents: 一、1含义 2原则 A. 呈现内容简洁、准确 B. 呈现要生动、形象 C. 呈现用语准确、规范 D 利用环境和创造情景结合起来 E 呈现时,教师是讲解员或示范表演者 二 呈现技能类型 1 使用直观教具辅助呈现 A 图片呈现 B 简笔画呈现 C 投影片呈现 D 实物呈现 E 图表呈现 2 使用身体语言呈现 3 问卷呈现 4 用故事呈现 5 用录音材料呈现 6 用歌曲呈现 7 用游戏呈现 三 Homework 根据TEFC教材写一份呈现教案 并微格教学 Teaching Vocabulary Aims: 1 Assumptions about vocabulary and vocabulary building. 2. Methods for presenting new vocabulary items. 3. Ways to consolidate vocabulary. 4. Ways to help students develop vocabulary building strategies. 1.Vocabulary and vocabulary building 2. Resenting new words Here are more ways to present and explain vocabulary: 1) Draw pictures, diagrams and maps to show meanings or connection of meanings; 2) Use real objects to show meanings; 3) Mime or act to show meanings, e.g. brushing teeth, playing Ping- Pong; 4) Use synonyms or antonyms to explain meanings; 5) Use lexical sets, e.g. cook: fry, boil, bake, grill; 6) translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meaning; 7) Use word formation rules and common affixes. 3 Consolidating vocabulary 1) Labelling: Students are given a picture. They are to write the names of objects indicated in the picture. A competitive element can be introduced by making the first student to finish the winner. 2) Spotting the differences: Students are put into pairs. Each member of the pair receives a picture which is slightly different from his partner"s. Students hide the pictures from one another an then, by a process of describing, questioning and answering, discover what the differences are. 3) Describing and drawing 4) Playing a game 5) Using word thermometers 6) Using word series 7) Word bingo 8) Word association 9) Odd man out 10) Synonyms and antonyms 11) Using word categories 12) Using word net-work 4 Developing vocabulary building strategies 1) Review regularly 2) Guess meaning 3) Guess meaning from context 4) Organize vocabulary effectively 5) Use learning vocabulary Conclusion In this unit we started with discussions about vocabulary and vocabulary learning. Many students devote large amounts of time and energy to the learning of vocabulary, but they still complain that their vocabulary size is not large enough or they cannot avoid forgetting. Generally speaking, there are two problems. One problem is that students treat vocabulary items indiscriminately. Considering the large size of English vocabulary, there is no wonder that students complain about their small vocabulary size. Another problem is that many students learn vocabulary in ineffective ways such as rote learning. So it is very important to make students aware that not all words are equally important and that effective ways of vocabulary learning help to reduce forgetting. Although much of the work of vocabulary learning is the responsibility of the students, teachers" guidance and help are invaluable. If teachers present new vocabulary items effectively, it saves a lot of time and energy for consolidation. Besides, teachers" work should also include helping students to develop vocabulary building strategies. Teaching Reading Aims: 1. How do people read? 2. What do people read? 3. What are the skills involved in reading ? 4. What are the principles for teaching reading? 5. What are the common types of activities in teaching reading? 1. How do we read? This section attempts to clarify and illustrate some aspects of the nature of reading. If the students fail to understand the nature of reading, they will adopt inappropriate and ineffective reading strategies; if teachers fail to do so, they will be unable to help the students to develop effective reading skills. 2 What do we read? Think about your experience of learning English. What kind of texts did you read? Short stories? Tales? Essays? Diaries? Plays and poems? Biographies? It seems there is a great variety. But what do we read in reality. There are more. 3 Skills involved in reading comprehension Recognizing the script of a language Understanding the explicitly stated information Understanding conceptual meaning Understanding the communicative value of sentences Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items Understanding relations between sentences Understanding references Recognizing indicators in discourse Recognizing the organization of the text Making inferences 4 Principles and models for teaching reading Bottom-up model Top-down model 5 Pre-reading activities Predicting Predicting based on the title Predicting based on vocabulary Predicting based on the T/F questions Setting the scene Skimming Scanning Summary on pre-reading activities 6 While-reading activities Information transfer activities SOPHISTICATED INPUT (SI) TRANSITION DEVICE (TD) OUTUT (OP) Summary on transition devices Reading comprehension questions Understanding references Making inferences Summary on while-reading activities 7 Post-reading Activities Discussion questions Reproducing the text Role play Gap-filling Retelling False summary Writing 8 conclusion In this unit, we started with the discussions about how and what people read in real life. We think the teaching of reading in traditional pedagogy does not reflect how and what people read in real life. Most of the traditional reading exercises are actually testing students" reading comprehension. We have emphasized that the teaching of reading should focus on developing students" reading skills and strategies, which can be achieved through pre-, whileand post-reading activities. In Sections5,6, and 7, we have provided a number of types of activities that teachers can do in teaching reading. Of course different texts need different teaching methods. We hope teachers can apply the ideas suggested in the unit to design their own reading tasks creatively.


CO—LOAD:货代同行间互相拼货行为:  A货代将揽得之货源抛给B货代做,具体操作为:  ○1出口工厂或出口贸易公司(“客户”,A的客户)向A订舱,A向B订舱,B再向Carrier订舱。  ○2称:B为A之CO—LOADER  ○3A向其客户签A公司的H—B/L,B称A的这份H—B/L为 OPEN H—B/L。  ○4若使用B于目的港之Agent放货,则称这种行为为 OPEN HOUSE (本公司于目的港无代理而借用别公司的代理放货)  ○5通常,B不用签B公司的H—B/L给A;若要签,也是签B的 MEMO—B/L给A。  ○6若是Collect ( CC,即到付运费)(另:CC还指Carbon  Copy“抄送”)通常A于目的港需有自己的Agent;若无,则委托B之代理代收运费,一方面需付给B"s Agent  一笔代收运费的手续费,另一方面,未必有使用自己的代理收费稳妥。  ○7 若A于目的港无代理,通常要求客户预付运费,然后委托B之代理放货(即使用 OPEN HOUSE)。  ○8 若A之客户要求签H—B/L,则好办,直接签A之H—B/L;若它不同意H—B/L,而要M—B/L,则A,B,Carrier三者间要认真对单(  Carrier 将M—B/L的样单(毛单)传给B,B再传给A,A再传给其客户,客户填好后回传给 A B  Carrier。此M-B/L上shipper为出口商,Consignee为真正的收货人。  co-loader 就是指同行间拼货行为的货代

A Puro Dolor 歌词

Perdona si te estoy llamando en este momentoPero me hacia falta escuchar de nuevoAunque sea un instante tu respiracionDisculpa se que estoy violandoNuestro juramentoSe que estas con alguien, que no es el momentoPero hay algo urgente que decirte este hoyEstoy muriendo, muriendo por verteAgonizando muy lento y muy fuerteVida, devuelveme mis fantasiasMis ganas de vivir la vidaDevuelveme el aire...Carino mio, sin ti yo me siento vacioLas tardes son un laberintoY las noches me sabenA puro dolor...Quisiera decirte que hoy estoy de maravillaQue no me ha afectado lo de tu partidaPero con un dedo no se tapa el solEstoy muriendo, muriendo por verte...




期刊名 nanotechnology 出版周期: 周刊 中科院杂志分区 工程:综合分类下的 2 区期刊 近4年影响因子:2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 3.672 3.842 3.979 3.644 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 IOP PUBLISHING LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0957-4484 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 In response to the growth in research in the area and the extension of nanotechnology across traditional academic fields the journal will be changing its scope from January 2002. The new scope will strongly reflect the interdisciplinary aspect of nanoscale science and technology with the aim of becoming the primary source of information in this ever expanding field. In the meantime we invite authors who work at the forefront of nanoscale science and technology, and especially those in interdisciplinary areas, to submit their papers to the journal. Present subject coverage. Papers are expected to be original experimental or theoretical research or to be an original synthesis or analysis of subjects related to nanotechnology. Here, nanotechnology is taken to include all those technologies and enabling technologies associated with either the "top-down" approach to fabricating miniature elements by sculpting the desired structure from a macroscopic piece of material, as well as the "bottom-up" approach of building the desired structure atom by atom or molecule by molecule. Typical appropriate topics include, but are not limited to: engineering fabrication involving atomic level machining and metrology involving dimension, size and tolerances less than the wavelength of light and down to values of at largest 0.2 nm, but preferably to x-ray levels and beyond; performance of micromechanisms such as microactuators to subnanometre and molecular levels; the design of instruments and machine tools capable of measuring, performing and manufacturing to nanometre levels; the application of nanometre level instruments such as scanning tunnelling microscopes and atomic force microscopes to biology, medicine and materials science; miniaturization of electronic, mechanical and optical components, and their fabrication with such methods as ion-beam removal and deposition, molecular-beam epitaxy and electron-beam and photon-beam lithography; fabrication and use of field-emission vacuum microelectronic devices; nanoelectronics including nanometre scale semiconductor structures and their potential electronic device applications; molecular engineering--either molecular scale components or new molecular materials exhibiting unique electronic, mechanical or optical properties; nanoprecision instrumentation, e.g., x-ray multilayer thin-film fabrication and associated surface processing.


期刊名 nanotechnology 出版周期: 周刊 中科院杂志分区 工程:综合分类下的 2 区期刊 近四年影响因子:2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 3.672 3.842 3.979 3.644 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 IOP PUBLISHING LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0957-4484 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 In response to the growth in research in the area and the extension of nanotechnology across traditional academic fields the journal will be changing its scope from January 2002. The new scope will strongly reflect the interdisciplinary aspect of nanoscale science and technology with the aim of becoming the primary source of information in this ever expanding field. In the meantime we invite authors who work at the forefront of nanoscale science and technology, and especially those in interdisciplinary areas, to submit their papers to the journal. Present subject coverage. Papers are expected to be original experimental or theoretical research or to be an original synthesis or analysis of subjects related to nanotechnology. Here, nanotechnology is taken to include all those technologies and enabling technologies associated with either the "top-down" approach to fabricating miniature elements by sculpting the desired structure from a macroscopic piece of material, as well as the "bottom-up" approach of building the desired structure atom by atom or molecule by molecule. Typical appropriate topics include, but are not limited to: engineering fabrication involving atomic level machining and metrology involving dimension, size and tolerances less than the wavelength of light and down to values of at largest 0.2 nm, but preferably to x-ray levels and beyond; performance of micromechanisms such as microactuators to subnanometre and molecular levels; the design of instruments and machine tools capable of measuring, performing and manufacturing to nanometre levels; the application of nanometre level instruments such as scanning tunnelling microscopes and atomic force microscopes to biology, medicine and materials science; miniaturization of electronic, mechanical and optical components, and their fabrication with such methods as ion-beam removal and deposition, molecular-beam epitaxy and electron-beam and photon-beam lithography; fabrication and use of field-emission vacuum microelectronic devices; nanoelectronics including nanometre scale semiconductor structures and their potential electronic device applications; molecular engineering--either molecular scale components or new molecular materials exhibiting unique electronic, mechanical or optical properties; nanoprecision instrumentation, e.g., x-ray multilayer thin-film fabrication and associated surface processing.

英语演讲题目"A Word That Has Changed the World", 我用了technology 在线等啊啊


Orange Colored Sky 歌词

《Orange Colored Sky》原唱:Nat King Cole 所属专辑:《The World Of Nat King Cole》发行时间:2005年歌词:I was walking along mindin" my business when out of the orange colored sky Flash Bam Ali-ca-zam wonderful you came by I was humming a tune drinkin" in sunshine when out of that orange colored view Flash Bam Ali-ca-zam I got"a look at you one look an i yelled timber watch out for flying glass Cause the celing fell in and the bottom fell out I went in to a spin and i started to shout I"ve been hit, this is it, this is it! I was walking along mindin" my business when love came and hit me in the eye Flash Bam Ali-ca-zam out of the orange colored sky one look and i yelled timber watch out for flying glass Cause the celing fell in and the bottom fell out I went in to a spin and i started to shout I"ve been hit, this is it, this is it, I-T-it! I was walkin" along mindin" my business when love came and hit me in the eye Flash Bam Ali-ca-zam out of that orange colored purple striped pretty green polkadot sky Flash Bam Ali-ca-zam And Good Bye


前往落基山毕业旅行,是我和欧君子之约的一部分。这里面也有我的小私心,先前给自己定了一个小目标——踏足世界四大山脉。2017年的西藏之旅,让我迈出了第一步,从拉萨自驾到阿里,夜宿珠峰大本营,海拔最高升至6k米以上,一路上精彩至极。此次有机会到北美,自然想登上雄伟的落基山,一览美洲绝美的自然景观。好在欧也是同道中人,一拍即合。 在路上,我经常感到自己是幸运的,因为每次旅行都乐在其中,而后又回味无穷。其中很重要的原因是同行人合拍:目标一致,不拘小节,不怕吃苦,有一颗大心脏,能适应旅程中各种变化和意外情况。是所谓同道中人也。毕竟出来玩,感受到乐趣才是目的,其他的都可以让路,这条感受可以用《七个习惯》中的‘"以终为始‘"来解释。欧自然是同道中人,我们虽无长途同游经历,但我能判断出他是一个目标明确,亦能随遇而安之人。 所谓好事多磨,由于送机的朋友迟到了,我们没赶上早班飞机,没想到第一个考验来得如此之快。沮丧之余,我们迅速调整心态,这是旅行中应有的状态。 科罗拉多州是美国西部的一州,位于落基山脉东侧,也是美国海拔最高的一州。与传统中的西部—大片荒漠、戈壁滩、牛仔文化不同,科州的自然景观丰富,境内有许多国家公园及保护区,拥有崇山峻岭、巨大沙丘、深邃峡谷、高山密林等等截然不同的地理景致。之前行程只是一个大概轮廓,我借此机会,花费两个多小时,完成了详细的Colorado行程攻略,细化到每天去几个地点、每个时间段做什么、不同地点间的车程,而且根据不同景点的特点和观赏时间,选用最佳路线。毕竟时间由6天压缩到了5天,为了不影响既定计划,路上必须紧锣密鼓,不容耽搁。以首府丹佛为起点,本次环游自驾将途经科泉市、大沙丘国家公园、从独立山口穿过4000多米的阿尔伯特峰抵达阿斯本,至温泉乡格林伍德斯普林斯、冬季滑雪胜地范尔、落基山国家公园、柯林斯堡,最后回到丹佛。有了前车之鉴,第二天早上,直接Uber。不想,好事继续多磨,飞机延误四个多小时,赶到丹佛时,已然是中午了。做为科罗拉多州首府,丹佛因位于海拔一英里高,又有“一英里高城”(The Mile High City)的称呼。除了拥有落基山脉美景相伴这个得天独厚的优势,城内拥有许多公园、艺术中心和街区,整个城市的氛围轻松、活泼又优雅,是展开科罗拉多自驾行、认识美国中西部另一面的绝佳起点。丹佛的啤酒颇有名气,但与自驾的我基本无缘了。路上跟欧商议,我们均认同略过城市景点,直奔自然主题。所以,原先规划好的丹佛艺术博物馆、科罗拉多艺术大厦,暂时无缘了。 在租租车订了一个七座SUV,下飞机去Avis取了车,是一辆雪佛莱Traverse,威武霸气。 第一次在国外驾驶,还有点小兴奋。 樱桃溪购物中心(Cherry Creek Shopping Center)位于丹佛十六商业街东南4英里,由数个知名购物商城如梅西百货(Macy"s)、诺德斯特姆百货公司(Nordstrom)等串连成大型购物商圈。 我们先去樱桃溪购物中心吃了希腊午餐,而后为了买户外手表,辗转几个地方。最后在一专业连锁户外店Rein,买到了顶级户外品牌Garmin。美国的户外店琳琅满目,装饰搭配户外效果,令人欣喜。店里有一售货员小哥,竟然是因为喜欢丹佛的山景,从华盛顿特意搬到了丹佛。可以看出户外活动在美国的流行程度,俨然已成为一种生活方式。天色已经不早了,两个大男孩,各配一个户外玩具,随即上路。 (一) 科泉市(Colorado Springs)位于丹佛南方,清净的空气使得科泉市曾拿下美国最健康城市的头衔,美国国家奥林匹克训练中心就位于此地,足见这里的生活质量。也因此,这里是深受美国人喜爱的度假胜地。抵达科泉市派克峰时,景区已经关门,我们旋即赶往罗德莫尔七瀑布。不料赶到时,也已经临近日落,而且天已经下起了小雨。没想到这里竟是一个美丽又安静的小镇。我们冒着小雨,穿过了一个酒店,最后还是没能赶到七瀑布。遗憾之余,也有意外的惊喜,这家酒店档次较高,应该是一个高端度假酒店,内部有一个湖,映着日落斜阳,独具美感。 今天的亮点当属晚餐了。从酒店出来,有一个颇有品味的餐厅。在欧的建议下,我们点了最贵的菜品——牛排。其味道的确没让我们失望,尤其是配菜菠菜,相当惊艳,厨师做成了菠菜泥,入口香滑,口味绝佳。临走前有一个小插曲,来时服务员告知可以免费停车,不料走时我们还是支付了费用。本着对信用社会的信任,我们上前与服务小哥沟通,小哥一脸疑问,虽无法解释,也没做过多辩解,自掏腰包给我们退还了费用。不得不说,小哥掏钱的姿势还是很帅的。 享用完美食,收好dollar,我们满足地赶往订好的downtown酒店,准备迎接明日行程。 (二) 第二天一早赶往众神花园(Garden of the Gods)。 众神花园,实际上与神或神话都没关系。1859年,两位测量员在丹佛附近,探索建立一座科罗拉多小镇。当他们发现一片砂岩地层时,一人提议将其作为啤酒之都,另一人应声附和道,‘"啤酒花园,众神驻足之地‘"。自此以后,此地便得名‘"众神花园‘"。想来颇有几分荒谬。 名称虽略显浮夸,景色倒是实实在在的。独特的红色砂岩地貌,形成了千奇百怪的岩石景观。花园有镇园双宝:状似两只骆驼的骆驼之吻(Kissing Camels),与有如巨人头颅重达700吨的平衡石(Balanced Rock)。花园内有许多巨岩可以进行攀岩活动,可称得上是攀岩爱好者天堂。1971年,它被指定为国家自然地标。由于公园免费向公众开放,每年吸引了超过200万人次,使其成为城市中访问量最大的公园。美国公园的服务设施完善,游客中心有关于景点的详细介绍。我们在观赏一圈后,向着景区进发。景区不算小,考虑到时间关系,我们浅尝辄止,沿着核心景区转了个小圈。沿途的确看到不少攀岩者,有的高度令人心惊胆颤。 时至正午,我们告别众神花园,赶往花园后方的派克峰。 派克峰 (Pikes Peak) 海拔 4,302 米,坐落在落基山脉,是美国最知名的峰顶之一。它被列为美国国家历史地标,曾经是尤特印第安人的家园,还曾是更早期的克洛维斯文化发源地。(根据派克峰官方网站介绍,克洛维斯文化由最后一个冰河时期登上大陆的早期人群创建)沿着蜿蜒的山路,我们驱车冲向云霄。沿途散落着不少观景点,它们或为湖泊,或为丛林,或为仰望山峰的最佳取景点。由于后面行程美景众多,我们不采路边野花,直奔峰顶。午后的日光,将天空照射得透亮,借云层展现出壮硕的身影,到达车内时,仍带着几分温热。停车场离峰顶仍有一段距离,旅客必须搭载摆渡车前往。此地海拔已甚高,视野开阔,我们决定先就地把玩一番。峰顶坐落着一座大房子,里面可以购物、用餐。我们品尝了山顶的美食,各自买了一些物件。推门出去,四周的美景扑面而来。高海拔的低温,哪怕是夏日的光照也抵挡不过。正所谓,高处不胜寒,这像极了人间的状态,或者说,人间不过是大自然的一种表现形式,自然也要遵循天道。 越到高处,天气的变化越是诡谲。我们在山顶闲逛之时,空中已是阴云汇聚,颇有几分山雨欲来之势。云层渐低,不时变换出高大的形象,直落大地时,像是在有意展示无边的能量,忘记了带一点温柔。我们就在这天地一体中,兜兜转转,四处张望。 人类既然已踏足山顶,便绝不会忘了留下痕迹,只是这派克峰上的痕迹有点夸张。四千多米的海拔之上,竟然有条铁轨横亘其上,名曰‘The Cog Railway"。我们不由感叹,当年建造这条铁轨,该是耗费了惊人的智慧和资源。 然而,这条铁轨已运行126年之久,目前已停运维修。据官博介绍,火车和铁轨需同步更换,耗资巨大,难度极高,预计将于2021年重新开放。我们此行,也算欣赏到了初代铁轨的容貌。 下午三时许,我们驱车下山,赶往今天最后一个目的地——大沙丘。 抵达时,已是傍晚六时许,虽比计划时间迟了四个小时,但此时温度和光线却是最舒适的。 大沙丘国家公园及保护区(Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve)位于科罗拉多州南部的阿拉莫萨(Alamosa)附近,面积为 78 平方公里,是北美洲最高的沙丘,最高的沙丘近 230 米高,且整体海拔在2500米以上。如此奇景,值得驻足一览。沙丘是这里的主要看点,但其他景致,如草原、湿地、针叶树和白杨林、高山湖泊及苔原等多姿多彩的风景,同样是大自然爱好者的游乐场。由于时间有限,我们仅在近处嬉戏把玩一番。周围游客多是家庭出游,带孩子来这里亲近自然,不失为一个好选择。离开大沙丘时,夜幕已降临。距下一站阿斯本还有3小时车程,沿途皆为山峰树林,无歇脚之地,手机信号时有时无。 从大沙丘出发,首先要经过一段小道,才能进入主道公路。车驶入小道不久,突现雷鸣电闪,引得我二人心悸之余,连声惊叹。环顾四周,一片漆黑。眼前可见,仅有我们一辆车穿梭其中,仿佛置身于苍茫的宇宙间,尽显人类的渺小。此刻心中难免生出孤独和无助感,这种感受又不可言说,只有亲身经历才能体会。 这场惊心动魄的夜幕大戏持续上演,坐在副驾的欧拿出手机,努力记录下一束电光火花。彼时场景,如梦如幻。我们戏谑像是在观赏一场360度环绕影院,演出者是造物者。 行至此刻,我们的行程也达到一个高潮点,就像一部文学作品一样,只不过情节起伏不由我们掌控,作者也绝不仅是我二人。欧后来梦中回想起此景,醒来作诗一首: ‘" 从野外 活着回到文明世界 酣然睡了一夜 转醒过来 这一路 都如梦 真好我不曾伤害了什么动物 也所幸没有成为熊的晚宴 就这么接近 而后不见 大梦无边 如露亦如电。 ‘" 最后两句,很好得诠释了我们当时的心境。 人孤独久了,会害怕。我们行到主道后,开始加快速度,想尽快驶出这片黑暗无人区域。驶出时才终于恢复了安全感。 由于着急赶路,又借着美国优越的驾驶条件(路好且无摄像头),我便肆无忌惮一路超速。直到后面紧跟的一车,突然亮起警灯,我才回过神来,没有摄像头,不代表没有监管,美国的警察随时可能出现。我有点慌神,之前了解到美国超速罚款甚多,几千块下不来。欧告诉我赶紧停车,且不要下车,因为美国警察可以随时拔枪。我们待在车内,一位年轻的警官走过来,面带微笑地告诉我们速度太快。原来他跟了我们很久了,发现我们一路超速,这才亮出身份。 在他询问时,我如实告知是第一次来美国,第一次在美国自驾,缺少经验和意识。希望在承认错误的同时,能赚得一点同情分。没想到小哥很是宽容,仅给了我口头警告,还赐了我一张名片,让我遇到问题联系他。感觉我们运气好极了。首次在美自驾,便被警察逮到,而且免于罚款,这经历也算得上独特了。 重新上路,我再也没有超速,由此思考了一下不同体制下的监管,各有优劣。美国注重民众隐私权,不设置摄像头,由警察严格执法,亦能起到很好的警示效果。这方面与国内迥异,孰优孰劣,就不展开阐述了。 行至崇山峻岭中时,我已十分疲惫。由于欧没办理驾照,我一人当天已驾驶八小时以上,路上又无歇脚点,停车还担心被熊大叼走,只能死撑硬上。欧也看出来我的疲态,况且身体是诚实的,车行驶得有点飘,相信给欧增加了几分恐惧。于是乎,欧尽力陪我尬聊,后来都记不起聊了什么,反正是尬……终于,驶入了有人的小镇,我先在路边停车迷糊了二十分钟,而后上路,最终抵达预定的酒店。 两人入住后,已疲惫至极,话不多说,直接入睡。这一天,最为丰富,也最为辛苦,给我们整段旅程下了一个精彩的注脚。 (三) 第二天醒来,看到仪表盘提示更换机油,我们先在小镇找了一圈修车店,才发现美国人民工作生活太过平衡,周末拒不提供服务。跟租车公司咨询后,确认不影响驾驶安全,这才安然上路。 褐铃山号称科州最高颜值代表。我们计划去那里骑马,行走于山水画间。不料抵达后发现,马匹有限,需要提前若干天预定,顿觉有点扫兴。不过既然来了,岂可辜负了美景,于是乎我们决定徒步观赏。 为了保护褐铃山的自然环境,夏秋两季进入褐铃山地区需要将车辆停在阿斯本高地(Aspen Highlands)的停车场,搭乘由Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) 公司运营的摆渡车进入。没想到停车场也是一个休闲度假区,麻雀虽小五脏俱全,不得不感叹,美国人民度假的基础设施太优越了,远超国内的农家乐水平。我们在等车之余,小逛了一番,吃了一家墨西哥餐厅,满足地前往景区。 山里景色果然颜值出众,在这里能感受静谧湖泊、绮丽花海、巍峨峻山和蜿蜒山道之美。美国的风景画,与国内在气质上有所不同,个人感觉美国的更加温婉,国内则复杂多变。无上下之分,都是美景。相比昨天,今日徒步观赏美景,简直放松之极。我们离开时,已经下午三时许。 考虑到时间问题,路上跟欧商量,我们放弃了格林伍德斯普林斯 Glenwood Springs的温泉spa,和格林伍德山洞冒险乐园,花更多时间去感受自然风景。 抵达范尔Vail时,已是傍晚六时许。 范尔小镇是个惊喜,我们慕名前来参加音乐节,不料时间没赶巧。步入小镇街道才发现,这里像是一座现代版的世外桃源。 这是一座下沉式小镇,地方不大,却别有洞天。这里有高端度假酒店、医院、学校、音乐厅、酒吧街、各类文化风情的小店等。这里是美国音乐节圣地,也是滑雪圣地。徜徉其中,内心十分惬意,周围人群亦是满脸祥和,我们能感受到当地居民的幸福感。在中心一处广场,一群大人小孩儿在一起踢足球,一片欢声笑语。我二人感叹,晚生能于此地休养足矣。出于对小镇的钟情,我们在礼品店各买了一些纪念品。晚上,我们在楼下酒吧饱餐一顿,当天不用开车,难得喝杯啤酒,快哉快哉。 (四) 蜿蜒的埃文斯山风景山道 (Mount Evans Scenic Byway),是北美最高的私家车行驶公路,这条公路自海拔2652米一路攀拔至海拔4350米的埃文斯山顶,沿途风景壮丽,每个转弯都可欣赏白雪皑皑的群山风貌,运气好的话更能看见大角羊和高山山羊。我们抵达山脚下时,已是中午时分。在分岔路口,有一个二层的餐厅,伫立在湖边,显得格外别致。二人一拍即合,决定用完午餐再赶路。 进屋后,发现店里空间不小,里外各有一个用餐区,中间还有一大片纪念品区。屋里人群熙熙攘攘,彰显着这座山的人气。我们冲着吧台方向,找了一处靠窗位置入座。服务员大妈走过来,祝贺我们占到了最佳位置。我们各点了一份汉堡套餐,没想到味道竟然十分不错。大妈还跟我们闲聊,热心地给我们指路,我们愉快地付了一笔小费。 上山的路只有一条,双车道,不算宽阔。我们一路驱车向上,不断感受着因海拔攀升带来的耳膜压力。路上走走停停,只为饱览不同角度的美景。此程我们运气一直不错,沿途见到了山上的土著,除了羊,还有别的…不愧是北美最高的公路,行至山顶时,风起云涌,景象已十分壮阔。山顶上,除了自然美景,还有人与动物和谐相处的画面,除了山石林立,还有水天一色的婉约。下山时已近两点,我们直奔格兰德湖(Grand Lake)。两个多小时的路程,是我们二人聊得最起兴的一段了。谈人生,谈理想,谈有限的人生阅历,欧时不时来一段小曲儿助兴。两个男人,一辆大车,五天行程,一路畅聊,共同话题不可谓不多。人生苦短,孤独是常态,能得好友如欧足矣。我与欧的友谊,用君子之交淡如水来形容,再合适不过。 格兰德湖位于落基山脚下,算得上是较大的湖泊,湖水清澈见底,在蓝天的映衬下,波光潋滟。美国人民的生活,的确令人羡慕。一到周末,经常能看到一家人开着房车或皮卡,后面拉着一船,到山里露营,在湖中冲浪。多么健康又丰富的生活状态。 时间过得太快,又至傍晚时分,我们沿着34号公路,驱车直上落基山脉。落基山国家公园东段的34号公路,又称山岭路(Trail Ridge Road),是全美境内海拔最高的连续铺面柏油公路,也是落基山国家公园最代表性的路段。我们沿途欣赏到了横贯落基山国家公园,平均海拔超过3000米的壮阔景观,也见到了代表性的野生动物。落基山无疑是雄伟的,不愧是世界四大山脉,只是相比喜马拉雅山脉,仍少了几分野性。原计划徒步赏日落,无奈时间不够,我们翻过山时,已是日落时分。旅行中,必须有容纳不完美的心态,方得始终。 出了落基山公园,不远处就是埃斯特斯帕克(Estes Park),这座繁华小镇吃喝玩乐,应有尽有。访抵至此,我们小住一晚,欧带我吃了一顿印度餐,味道不错。既然到了心心念的落基山脉,我们又买了一些纪念品。回酒店后,在附近小转了片刻,本打算回去休息,结果我二人一时兴起,又驱车夜入落基山,想看一下夜晚的景色。进入公园还是很顺利的,只不过愈往里去,我们愈是觉得毛骨悚然,几公里后,互相找了个台阶,便打道回府。 第二天一早,我们决定不看日出,但必须进山徒步。作为本次旅行的最后一程,也算是完美的结尾了。 我们选定在Bear Lake Trail Head徒步。这是一片很大的区域,停车后直接入园,首先经过一个湖,而后径直向上,直到雪山顶。我们敞开步子,一路寻找山上动物,不时碰到其他驴友,也会寒暄几句。走近以后才发现,落基山内部的景色清秀怡人,与昨天从外部俯视的感觉大不同,瞬间感觉此山年轻了许多。时间关系,我们未抵达雪山便折返。离开落基山时,已是正午,回程航班是下午六点多的,我们这才意识到时间



the level of color fluctuation

颜色的水平波动 谷歌翻译颜色波动的水平 雅虎翻译




现在只出了米秀珉的日本solo单曲~~~允浩的3月5号,在中的是3月12号发行~~ 有天,昌珉的solo单曲下载~~ 1.Runaway 2. My Girlfriend / YUCHUN 3.WILD SOUL 4.Two Harts/CHANGMIN 下载地址:http://pickup.mofile.com/8996550018853501 Mofile下载提取码:8996550018853501 俊秀solo单曲 1.If...Rainy 2.Night 下载地址: http://www.fs2you.com/zh-cn/files/b875cb51-e5ef-11dc-882b-0014221f4662/=====================================================07年首尔演唱会solo下载下完后缀改.mp3 Crying / uc7acuc911uac1cuc778uae30 在中 Solo曲目 mms://media.hottracks.co.kr/session4/9/7/2/234897200119.asf When I Ffirst Kissed You / ucc3dubbfcuac1cuc778uae30 昌岷 Solo曲目 mms://media.hottracks.co.kr/session4/9/7/2/234897200118.asf One Last Cry / ubbf9ud0a4uac1cuc778uae30 Mickey Solo曲目 mms://media.hottracks.co.kr/session4/9/7/2/234897200114.asf My Page / uc900uc218uac1cuc778uae30 俊秀 Solo曲目 mms://media.hottracks.co.kr/session4/9/7/2/234897200216.asf Speaks Man / uc720ub178uac1cuc778uae30 (Feat.uc288ud37cuc8fcub2c8uc5b4 ub3d9ud574) 允浩 Solo曲目(Feat.Superjunior 东海) mms://media.hottracks.co.kr/session4/9/7/2/234897200217.asf=========================================首尔演唱会有天SOLO-狐狸雨 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3dnQ8ZOV-xU/ 首尔演唱会俊秀SOLO rise Blue的http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/PVCrN-B2SXA/ 首尔演唱会昌珉SOLO Usher的Caught up (因为版权问题所以昌珉的是饭自拍) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/_VC6AYf0oWA/ http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/cPDSixj811A/ 在中 solo 脚步 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ImuNnp4Qdvg/ 允浩solo 《Lean Back》Lean Back的 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/utbcJVDMkjk/ wma格式: =========================================================== 上面的都是06首尔rising sun演唱会的视频 =========================================================== 下面的是07首尔演唱会“The 2nd ASIA TOUR CONCERT ‘O"” 的 因为没有出官方版所以都是饭自拍的 070225《Spokesman》允浩Solo完整清晰版 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/MutH7pBSpu0/ 070223演唱会允浩Solo部分 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/FM7zxHwb42U/ 070225演唱会昌珉solo完整版《When I First Kissed You》 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/51djjZ86uao/ 短的版本 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/PtrTayKe3d8/ xiah俊秀solo清晰 my mage part1 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/YfVW91n6FYw/ part2 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/w-sWlFGQIfw/ part3 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ykoD0XKQxKQ/ part4 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/xwlRIZ2EXm4/ 雨中part http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/0sSL1aabfi8/ 070223 2nd Concert 在中SOLO Crying http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/0X2-uWEVqv8/ 070224 2nd Concert 在中SOLO Crying http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/I_QCw-gkI78/ 070225 2nd Concert 在中SOLO Crying http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/FMUX6j-wp-0/ 070223 Micky Solo清晰 one last cry http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/F1_xUT1HDEc/ 东方神起070223演唱会有天Solo部分 one last cry http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/bv5uAEhIpwY/ =========================================================== 其他还有 俊秀: 《Beautiful thing》(<Vacation>OST) 《死心》(2nd album showcase solo) 《连那痛苦也要爱》(F:SBS周末反转剧<危险的爱情>) 在中: 《问候》(<百万富翁的初恋>OST) 《Imcomplete》(2nd album showcase solo) 《连那痛苦也要爱》(SM选秀的时候唱的) 昌珉:《I love you》(2nd album showcase solo) 有天&昌珉:《I knew I love you》(2nd album showcase solo) 允浩:《Spoke man》(20岁的自作曲,曾在新<X-man>第5期中出现过)演唱会solo单曲要的话可以发我消息啊~~传你

Miss May I的《Colossal》 歌词

歌曲名:Colossal歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -ColossalOur reflections will always show.We will grow.We will be the world.Gigantic proportions.Magnitude beyond our expectations.Just look at ourselves.Developing at a pace never thoughtwith surrendering past for present.Time seems so importantwhen you have the entire world waiting for you.Call it achievements.Call it what you want.Behold ambition pulsing through our veins.Our eyes will never shut.The heart abandons sleep.Ceasing to stop only builds us into.Every step that we"ve taken made with you in mind.A set of goals for ourselves we leave undefined.The only destination that we know is to bring promiseand meaning before hope is gone.This force creates giants of nothing.This force creates.This force we all have everythingthat we will ever need.In everyone this significants breathes.To be exhaled for the world of feel.We are only here because of you.Giants risen for you.Refuse to be crippled by others aroundand becomes a colossus of your own.OF this importance.Inside we all are this size.Our reflections will always show.We will grow.We will be the world.Every step that we"ve taken made with you in mind.A set of goals for ourselves we will leave undefined.The only destination that we know is to bring promiseand meaning before hope is gone.We are the world.http://music.baidu.com/song/21858825



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the colour of the nighe 和when you gone的中英文歌词

youandimovinginthedark你我在黑暗中游走bodiesclosebutsoulsapart貌合神离shadowedsmilesandsecretsunrevealed夜幕在窃笑而你始终把秘密深藏ineedtoknowthewayyoufeel我渴望了解你的感受i"llgiveyoueverythingiam andeverythingiwanttobe将我所有给你i"llputitinyourhands也把自己交给你ifyoucouldopenuptomeoh只要你能对我敞开心扉can"tweevergetbeyondthiswall难道我们始终无法逾越那道鸿沟"causealliwantisjustoncetoseeyouinthelight我所愿仅是你我能坦诚相对butyouhidebehindthecolorofthenight但你却将灵魂深藏于无穷夜幕中ican"tgoonrunningfromthepast我不愿在回忆中沉沦lovehastornawaythismaskandnowlikeclouds,likerain爱情已因你不坦诚中渐消逝,如今如烟雨凋零i"mdrowningandiblameitallonyou我深陷爱情泥沼无力自拔,这一切都是你的错i"mlost,godsaveme我已迷失,神请救我causealliwantisjustonce,foreverandagain我仅仅渴望能有一次和你到老的机会i"mwaitingforyou,i"mstandinginthelight我敞开心扉等你归来butyouhidebehindthecolorofthenight而你却始终有所保留pleasecomeoutfromthecolorofthenight请你为我敞开心扉!-------------------------------------------------------------------Ialwaysneededtimeonmyown曾经那么在乎自己IneverthoughtI"dneedyoutherewhenIcry未想泪花飞溅时那么想要你AndthedaysfeellikeyearswhenI"malone但当寂寞时光阴啃噬心房Andthebedwhereyoulieismadeuponyourside当看着你躺过的床平整如初WhenyouwalkawayIcountthestepsthatyoutake以致我默数着你离去的脚步DoyouseehowmuchIneedyourightnow你可知道此刻我多么需要你的拥抱[Chorus]Whenyou"regone君已不在Thepiecesofmyheartaremissingyou心底涌起对你一声声的呼唤Whenyou"regone君已不在ThefaceIcametoknowismissingtoo眼角眉梢亦被淡忘Whenyou"regone君已不在ThewordsIneedtoheartoalwaysgetmethroughthedayandmakeitok你留在风中的言语伴我度过那段时光Imissyou如何不想你I"veneverfeltthiswaybefore以往难能体会EverythingthatIdoremindsmeofyou忆君音容,在举手投足Andtheclothesyouleft,theylieonthefloor你的衣服静静地躺在那里Andtheysmelljustlikeyou,Ilovethethingsthatyoudo气息如你,让我想起你那我爱的一切WhenyouwalkawayIcountthestepsthatyoutake以致我默数着你离去的脚步DoyouseehowmuchIneedyourightnow你可知道此刻我多么需要你的拥抱[Chorus]Weweremadeforeachother曾经的甜蜜眷属Outhereforever好梦已醒Iknowwewere,yeah但至少曾经拥有AllIeverwantedwasforyoutoknow不能释然的是你从未知晓EverythingI"ddo,I"dgivemyheartandsoul我用情意贯穿了为你做每件事的始终IcanhardlybreatheIneedtofeelyouherewithme,yeah能陪在我身边吗?我已快无法呼吸


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ONmoney nolook是什么意思

没钱没看如果你不交,你不看。术语西洋镜投币式百叶窗。长期的艺术画廊,入会费,你必须支付看艺术。no Money no lookif you do not pay, you do not look.term for peep show coin operated window shutter.term for art gallery with admission fee, you must pay to see the art.

英语长篇阅读 smart home technology

英语长篇阅读 smart home technology并没有指出文章内容以及题目。英语阅读理解的解题技巧具体如下:细节题解题技巧:细节题的命题方法很多,如可能是对某个细节用同义结构转换后进行考查、也可能是将文章中的几个细节(通常是四个)放在一起要求考生判断是非(选出正确的一项或选出错误的一项)或对几个细节进行排序等。解答这类试题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干或选项中的线索词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案(此时要特别注意一些常见的同义转换)。扩展资料:英语中仍然保留的曲折变化有:所有格:He is Fred"s best friend. -"s动词的第三人称单数:Alfredo works. -s过去时:Fred worked. -ed ,但亦有不规则变化。现在分词/进行时态:Fred is working. -ing(如果动词的末音节为辅音结尾的闭音节,则须双写末辅音,如running)过去分词:The car was stolen. -en;Fred has talked to the police. -ed,但亦有不规则变化。动名词:Working is good for the soul. -ing复数:Fred has two blue eyes. -s(如果名词的尾字是s、x或sh,则需加-es,如boxes,dishes)比较级:Fred is smarter than Rick.形容词末尾加-er,多音节(3+)在前面加more,如“more difficult”最高级:Fred has the fastest car.形容词末尾加-est,多音节(3+)词在前面加most,如“the most difficult”

英语长篇阅读smart home technology文章内容是什么?

英语长篇阅读 smart home technology并没有指出文章内容以及题目。英语阅读理解的解题技巧具体如下:细节题解题技巧:细节题的命题方法很多,如可能是对某个细节用同义结构转换后进行考查、也可能是将文章中的几个细节(通常是四个)放在一起要求考生判断是非(选出正确的一项或选出错误的一项)或对几个细节进行排序等。解答这类试题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干或选项中的线索词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案(此时要特别注意一些常见的同义转换)。扩展资料:英语中仍然保留的曲折变化有:所有格:He is Fred"s best friend. -"s动词的第三人称单数:Alfredo works. -s过去时:Fred worked. -ed ,但亦有不规则变化。现在分词/进行时态:Fred is working. -ing(如果动词的末音节为辅音结尾的闭音节,则须双写末辅音,如running)过去分词:The car was stolen. -en;Fred has talked to the police. -ed,但亦有不规则变化。动名词:Working is good for the soul. -ing复数:Fred has two blue eyes. -s(如果名词的尾字是s、x或sh,则需加-es,如boxes,dishes)比较级:Fred is smarter than Rick.形容词末尾加-er,多音节(3+)在前面加more,如“more difficult”最高级:Fred has the fastest car.形容词末尾加-est,多音节(3+)词在前面加most,如“the most difficult”

TOLOVE第2季主题曲Loop-the-Loop罗马歌词谁有 感激不尽

rump angered Beijing

求tolove ruDarkness动漫全集度盘链接,谢谢



to love-ru第一季:26集to love-ru OVA:6集motto to love-ru(即第二季):12集to love-ru darkness(即第三季):12集to love-ru darkness OAD:目前2集,OAD3在今年8月份发售

97820: for girls, a black skirt or a neutral colored suit paired

for girls, 对于女生:a black skirt or a neutral colored suit 一条黑色短裙或者暗色套裙 paired with 配上 (attractive but not outrageous) shoes 妩媚却不夸张的鞋子 and (transparent) stockings 和透明袜 makes a tidy first impression. 就可以呈现一个清爽的第一印象。主语为a black skirt or a neutral colored suitpaired with 后置定语。with后面的宾语为shoes and stockings谓语为makes 宾语为tidy first impression.

Business terminology: Markup 与 Margin 有什么区别?


The Color Of Love 歌词

歌曲名:The Color Of Love歌手:Boyz II Men专辑:Full Circleboy II man--the colour of loveI was lonelyI needed someone to see me throughI was at the end of my ropeI needed somenone to cut me looseThen an angel out the blueGave me the sense that I might make it throughAnd somehow I survived,with no rhyme or reasonAnd now I know I made itthrough the miracle of youI know the color of loveIt lives inside of youI know the color of truthIt"s in the image of youIf it comes from the heartThen you know that it"s trueIt will color your soul like a rainbowAnd the color of love is in youLike a bridge over over trouble ,troubled watersYou stood beside me (stood beside me)And your love did not falterThen an angel,the angel in youGave me the strength to trust the lordwould see me throughAnd that"s how I survived,there"s on other reasonAnd now I know I made itthrough the miracle of youI know the color of loveIt lives inside of youI know the color of truthIt"s in the image of youIf it comes from the heartThen you know that it"s trueIt will color your soul like a rainbowAnd the color of love is in youSo girl I wanna thank youI can"t thank you enoughFor showing me the meaningthe meaning of true loveWhen I was lost and so in needYou opened up your heartI needed you to comfort meYou opened up your armsI couldn"t face another dayYou love came unconditionalIt showed my heart showed me the wayI know the color of loveIt lives inside of youI know the color of truthIt"s in the image of youIf it comes from the heartThen you know that it"s trueIt will color your soul like a rainbowAnd the color of love is in youthe color of youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2150364

祖·玛珑Grapefruit Cologne葡萄柚香水怎么样

是一款专为男士和女士(中性)设计的香水,推出时间不详。这款香水的香调为果香族。调香师是Jo Malone。 前调为:葡萄柚、橘子 中调为:迷迭香、薄荷、柿子椒、茉莉花 基调为:香根草、广藿香、橡苔这个其实也蛮好闻的,但是没有太多的前中后调,稍微有点单薄的感觉,如果买大瓶可能不太愿意买。总体不错


technology 指的是技术,倾向于客观的,例如 information technologyskill 指的是技能 例如 语言技能 language skill

Melody Club的《Colours》 歌词

歌曲名:Colours歌手:Melody Club专辑:Music MachineJordin Sparks - ColoursThe sky was perfect blueMe and you, with a new beginningOne and one made twoAll we knew was that we had each otherLike gentle lavender on my face, what a gorgeous feelingYou took me up so highFelt so free with no walls or ceilingsFor every way, my emotions have goneThere is a shade that goes alongYour painting of me, like the canvasesYou"re forging my songWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for youSo the seasons go brightly so, we prepare for changesA certain change in tintThere were hints while the bright ones fadedAppear a perfect sky, shattered by the remainings of painOnce so beautiful, a perfect blue now is all in redFor every way, my emotions have goneThere is a shade that goes alongYour painting of me, like the canvasesYou"re forging my songWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for youA master of these colors, brought up to your encounterEverything you put in me is now manifestingThe lavenders, the blues, the grays and yellows tooHave all gone into what you see, standing here before youWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for youWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for you(These are my colors for you)http://music.baidu.com/song/2780220

nude color


帕加尼的Zonda R、Zonda Cinque、Zonda Tricolore、Zonda HH哪个最贵?

HH是全球一辆的特别订制车,样子酷似ZONDA F跑车;Tricolore是为纪念意大利空军空难50年,全球一辆且车型性能只小于R系,并且100公里加速竟然仅2.1sec;cinque属于ZONDA末期,但全球有5辆;R是为赛道设计,性能为全系中综合最棒的,全球35辆。最贵的应属Tricolore,因其性能和限量度。



the colour of night 歌词

The color of night歌手:Lauren ChristyU & I moving in the dark.Bodies close but souls apart.Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed.I need 2 know the way U feel.I"ll give U everything I am.And everything I want 2 be.I"ll put it in Ur hands.If U could open up 2 me oh.Can"t we ever get beyond this wall."Cause all I want is just once.To see U in the light.But U hide behind.The color of the night.I can"t go on running from the past.Lave has torn away this mask.And now like clouds like rain I"m drowning.AndI blame it all on U.I"m lost - God save me..."Cause all I want is just once.To see you in the light.But you hide behindThe color of the night."Cause all I want is just once.Forever and again.I"m waiting for U,I"m standing in the light.But U hide behind.The color of the night.Please come out from.The color of the night.

求歌曲 The Color Of The Night 歌词 中英文都要?

you and I moving in the dark bodies close but souls apart shadowed smiles secrets unrevealed i need to know the way u feel i"ll give u everything i am and everything i want to be i"ll put it in your hands if u could open up to me oh can"t we ever get beyond this wallcause all i want is just once to see u in the light but u hide behind the color of the night i can"t go onrunning from the past love has torn away this mask and now like clouds, like rain i"m drowning and i blame it all on u i"m lost god save me i"ll give u everything i am and everything i want to be i"ll put it in your hands if u could open up to me oh can"t we ever get beyond this wall cause all i want is just once to see u in the light but u hide behindthe colorof the night i"ll give u everything i am and everything i want to be can"t we ever get beyond this wall cause all i want is just once forever again i"m waiting for u i"m standing in the light but u hide behind the color of the night please come out from the color of the night 行进在夜色中 你我相伴 身体近在咫尺 灵魂却相隔甚远 朦胧的笑容 寓意难猜 我想知道 对爱有何感觉 在你的心海 我愿奉献给你 我的现在还有我的蠢? 我愿其 皆由你来掌握 只要你把心扉向我敞开 嗬 可否尝试 你我越过这堵心墙 我想要的只是一次在光亮处好好的端详你 但你却总是藏在夜色的背后 我无法忘却美好的从前爱意已浓 无需这伪饰的面具遮掩 此刻弥漫 如风如雨 快要窒息我的生命 一切我皆归咎于你 我 已迷失于爱 拯救我吧 我愿奉献 我的现在还有我的未来 我愿其 皆由你来掌握 只要你把心扉向我敞开 嗬 可否尝试 你我越过这堵心墙 我想要的只是一次在光亮处好好的端详你 因我唯愿 曾于阳光之下将你看个明白 而你却躲藏起来让夜色把身影掩盖 我愿奉献 我的现在还有我的未来 我愿其 皆由你来掌握 可否尝试 你我越过这堵心墙 因我唯愿 曾于阳光之下 永远 直到生命再次重演 我都将立于阳光之下 把你等待 而你却躲藏起来让夜色把身影掩盖 请走出来吧 无须让夜色把身影掩盖



Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 歌词

Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 歌手:Marvin Gaye 专辑:I Heard It Through The Grapevine / What"S Going On MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY :music.baidu./song/8123670 Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) (Album Version) 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) (Album Version) 歌手:Richard Evans 专辑:Dealing With Hard Times MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY :music.baidu./song/12513705 Mercy Mercy Me [The Ecology] [Live From Live Earth] 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me [The Ecology] [Live From Live Earth] 歌手:Corinne Bailey Rae & John Legend 专辑:Live Earth - The Concerts For A Climate In Crisis MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY :music.baidu./song/8482550 Mercy Mercy Me 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me 歌手:Jason Miles 专辑:What S Going On? Songs Of Marvin Gaye MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY :music.baidu./song/2653468

graphological features是什么意思

graphological features笔迹特征望采纳,谢谢



【三维CG高手请进】zbrush中z球TOPOLOGY、3ds MAX插件wrapit、topogun、3d coat哪个拓扑功能最好用?


FONT color=#ff00ff是什颜色,黑色的是什么代码那?

#ff00ff 是粉红色! 黑色是#000000

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本来自己也想写这么一篇文章的,但是偶然间看到了这篇文章,所以就转载了 呵呵 body 整个空间页面{background-color:#FFFFFF} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 空间名称和简介区域 #header 主体部分{height:89px;background:#3399CC} #header div.lc 左背景图{background:url(temp1/hdl.jpg) no-repeat} #header div.rc 右背景图{background:url(temp1/hdr.jpg) no-repeat top right} #header div.tit 空间名称{top:8px;left:20px;line-height:22px;font-size:20px;font-family:黑体} #header div.tit a.titlink 空间名称链接{color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none} #header div.tit a.titlink:visited{color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none} #header div.desc 空间简介{top:33px;left:20px;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:13px} #tabline TAB菜单下方的横线{top:89px;background-color:#FFFFFF} #tab TAB菜单主体{top:67px;background:url(temp1/tabbg.gif) repeat-x} #tab a.on,#tab a.on:link,#tab a.on:visited TAB选中状态{margin-top:3px;border-left:1px solid #FFFFFF;border-right:1px solid #FFFFFF;border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF;line-height:19px;background-color:#F3F1F1;color:#197CAE;font-size:14px} #tab span TAB与TAB之间的分割符"|"{color:#FFFFFF;font-size:14px} #tab a:link TAB未选中状态{color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none;font-size:14px} #tab a:visited{color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none;font-size:14px} #tab2 设置TAB菜单主体{background:#DAE9F5} #tab2 span TAB选中状态{color:#000000;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold} #tab2 a TAB未选中状态{font-size:12px} #tab2 a:link{color:#0000CC} #tab2 a:visited{color:#0000CC} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .stage 内容区域(TAB菜单与版权信息之间的区域){background:#F3F1F1} 其它区域(即访问量等信息) #comm_info 主体{color:#333333;font-family:Arial;text-align:left} #comm_info div.line 分界线{margin-top:5px;line-height:8px;border-top:1px solid #D2E9F4} #comm_info a 链接{color:#3399CC} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 页码区域 #page 主体{height:30px;font-size:14px;font-family:Arial;text-align:center} #page span 当前页码(不可点击){padding:3px;color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold} #page a.pc 上一页和下一页{color:#3399CC;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold} #page a.pc:visited{color:#3399CC} #page a.pi 页码(可点击){padding:3px;color:#3399CC;font-size:14px} #page a.pi:visited{color:#3399CC} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模块 .mod {margin-bottom:10px} .modhandle{cursor:move} .modth 模块标题栏主体{height:24px} .modhead{padding:4px 4px 0 4px} .modopt 模块操作区(如写新文章){padding:4px 4px 0 0} .modtit 模块标题区(如文章列表){color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold}a.modtit {color:#FFFFFF}a.modtit:visited{color:#FFFFFF} .modtitlink{color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold}a.modtitlink{color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none}a.modtitlink:visited{color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none}a.modtitlink:hover{color:#FF5100;text-decoration:underline} .modact 操作文字链接(如文章列表){color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px}a.modact:link{color:#FFFFFF}a.modact:visited{color:#FFFFFF} .modbox 模块内容区{padding:10px 10px 0 10px;background-color:#FFFFFF} .modtl 模块左上角背景{background:url(temp1/ptitl.gif) no-repeat top left;line-height:1px} .modtc 模块中上背景{background:url(temp1/ptitc.gif) repeat-x} .modtr 模块右上角背景{background:url(temp1/ptitr.gif) no-repeat top right;line-height:1px} .modbl 模块左下角背景{background-color:#FFFFFF;line-height:1px} .modbc 模块中下背景{background-color:#FFFFFF;line-height:1px} .modbr 模块右下角背景{background-color:#FFFFFF;line-height:1px}参考资料:别人的空间 呵呵


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After Effects警告: 类“Effect”中名为“Color”的属性或方法缺失或不存在


ae模板打开后提示,After Effects警告: 类“Effect”中名为“Color”的属性或方法缺失或不存在。

这个警告通常出现在您尝试在较旧版本的 After Effects 中打开包含“Color”效果的模板文件时。在新版本的 After Effects 中,“Color”效果已被替换为新的“Tint”效果,因此在较旧的版本中打开包含“Color”效果的模板时会发生警告。如果您遇到这种情况,可以尝试以下方法:更新 After Effects 到最新版本。新版本中包含了最新的效果和功能,可以更好地支持新的模板。使用新版本的“Tint”效果替换“Color”效果。您可以手动替换效果,或者使用“Find and Replace”工具在整个项目中自动替换效果。使用其他支持“Color”效果的软件打开模板。如果您无法更新 After Effects 或替换效果,可以尝试使用其他支持“Color”效果的软件打开模板,并进行必要的编辑和导出。请注意,这个警告不会导致 AE 模板无法使用,但可能会影响某些效果或属性的正确性。因此,如果您在使用 AE 模板时遇到任何问题,请仔细检查模板是否与您的版本兼容,并尝试使用上述方法进行修复。



regional studies和journal of hydrology什么区别

区别:regional studies :区域研究;地域研究journal of hydrology :水利学报词汇解释regional 英 [u02c8ri:du0292u0259nl] 美 [u02c8ridu0292u0259nu0259l] adj.区域性;地区的,区域的;特定区域的,特定地区的;方言的例句:Under pressure from the public, many regional governments cleaned up theirbeaches. 迫于公众压力,许多地区政府对各自海滩进行了清理。studies 英 ["stu028cdu026az] 美 ["stu028cdu026az] n.研究;书房( study的名词复数 );研究论文v.学习,研究( study的第三人称单数 );想出;详细地检查;背诵(台词等)例句:These studies have already thrown up some interesting results. 这些研究已经得出一些有趣的结果了。

Ecological roles(生态上的角色) of mangrove

更新1: plz use Eng Plants in mangrove swamps are a diverse group which have been able to exploit a habitat (the intertidal zone) because they have developed a set of physiological adaptations to overe the problems of anoxia salinity and frequent tidal inundation. About 110 species have been identified as belonging to the mangal.[2]. Each species has its own capabilities and solutions to these problems; this may be the primary reason why on some shorelines mangrove tree species show distinct zonation due to variations in the range of environmental conditions across the intertidal zone. Therefore the mix of species at any location within the intertidal zone is partly determined by the tolerances of individual species to physical conditions like tidal inundation and salinity but also may be influenced by other factors such as predation of their seedlings by crabs. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/e/e1/Mangroves1.JPG/240px-Mangroves1.JPG 图片参考:en. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip A cluster of mangroves on the banks of Vellikeel river in Kannur District of Kerala India Once established the roots of the mangrove plants provide a habitat for oysters and help to impede water flow; thereby enhancing the deposition of sediment in areas where it is already occurring. It is usually the case that the fine anoxic sediments under mangroves act as sinks for a variety of heavy (trace) metals which are scavenged from the overlying seawater by colloidal particles in the sediments. In areas of the world where mangroves have been removed for development purposes the disturbance of these underlying sediments often creates problems of trace metal contamination of seawater and biota. It is often stated that mangroves provide significant value in the coastal zone as a buffer against erosion storm surge and tsunamis. While there is some attenuation of wave heights and energy as seawater passes through mangrove stands it must be recognised that these trees typically inhabit areas of coastline where low wave energies are the norm. Therefore their capacity to ameliorate high energy events like storm surge and tsunamis is limited. Their long term impact on rates of erosion is also likely to be limited. Many river channels that wind through mangrove areas are actively eroding stands of mangroves on the outer sides of all the river bends just as new stands of mangroves are appearing on the inner sides of these same bends where sediment is accreting. They also provide habitats for wildlife including several mercially important species of fish and crustacea and in at least some cases export of carbon fixed in mangroves is important in coastal foodwebs. In Vietnam Thailand the Philippines and India mangrove plantations are grown in coastal regions for the benefits they provide to coastal fisheries and other uses. Despite replanting programs over half the world"s mangroves have been lost. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Mangrove

什么叫"Enabling Technology"?


谁能给我《情定日落桥》里男孩Daniel的扮演者Tholoniou Bernard的资料?谢谢大家!



be in control ofcontrol 英[ku0259nu02c8tru0259u028al]美[ku0259nu02c8trou028al]vt. 控制; 管理; 限制; 支配;n. 支配权; 操纵者; (对国家、地区、机构等的) 管理权; (键盘上的) 控制键;[例句]Vitamin C has many roles to play in weight control. Firstly, it is needed for hormone production.维生素C在控制体重方面扮演着多重角色。首先,荷尔蒙的生成有赖于它。[其他] 第三人称单数:controls 复数:controls 现在分词:controlling 过去式:controlled 过去分词:controlled 形近词: astrol setrol aptrol

Wipro Technologies是什么意思

Wipro Technologies威普罗技术公司双语对照例句:1.Cheating aside, the indian education system needs to change its entireorientation to focus on learning, says saurabh govil, senior vice president inhuman resources at wipro technologies. wipro technologies的人力资源高级副总裁高维尔(saurabh govil)说,除了要解决作弊问题外,印度教育制度还需要把整个方向转到以学习为重点上。2.India"s outsourcing sector suffered a fresh blow yesterday when the worldbank revealed it had barred wipro technologies the industry"s third biggestoutsourcing company by revenue from doing business with it. 印度外包业昨日再次遭受打击,世界银行(world bank)宣称,此前曾禁止威普罗(wipro technologies)与其进行业务往来

21. To keep up with the pace of the modern world, we must overcome the _____ to new technology. A.

01. C02. C03. A 04. D 05. A06. A07. D08. B 09. D10. C

在线等:回复商函怎么说?I apologise for the inconvenience

Not at all./It doesn"t matternever mind.

用make an apology to sb for(doing) sth造句

apology是apologise的名词形式。apologise to sb for doing sth=make an apology to sb for doing sth 为某事向某人道歉

Apologize (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Apologize (Album Version)歌手:The Honorary Title专辑:Scream And Light Up The SkyApologize《Scream & Light Up The Sky》Yesterday"s dinner"s haunting me todayBlades in my stomach spinningI awake with a fear of ??Hiding by the stress of your loveI won"t return your calls until it lets upOh, just one more season, you will be goodTonight, ohDon"t even, don"t even try, oh"Cause when I"m concentratin"on makin" statementsI will fool you into thinkin" we"re fineYeah, I"ll fool you, fool you, fool you, into thinkin" we"re fineUntil you start to feel something outsideYeah, well, you alone can visualiseNot worth the miseryA sordid historyThe years of revelryWe converse endlesslyThose powdered lips that say you cryYou start to feel something outsideTonight, ohDon"t even, don"t even tryIt"s not me that was mistakenFor an earnest, heartfelt eveningFor a moon-induced hallucinationCouldn"t help but noticeYour eyes are losing focusSuch magnetism, now you"re opposedBut if you"re not begging for itThen it"s not yoursOnce dependent, now no signs of withdrawalNot worth the miseryA sordid historyThe years of revelryWe converse endlesslyThose powdered lips that say you cryWell, you start to feel something outsideTonight, ohDon"t even, don"t even, don"tPlease talk softly nowNo need to screamThe raise in decibels seems obsencePlease talk softly nowNo need to screamThe raise in decibels seems obsenceTonight, well, tonightYou sold everything you"ve been toldI apologise制作by:kulmbhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7863152


apologize:动词,道歉。它的派生词有:apologetic adj.道歉的;谢罪的;愧疚的apologetically adv.道歉地apologist n.辩护者;辩解者apology n.道歉;谢罪;(因不能赴会或提前离会的)致歉


apologize的固定搭配如下:1.用作动词 v.2.apologize的意思是因做事不周或不当而表示歉意。可指提出掩饰性的情况,以免见怪;也可指坦率承认错误,以作弥补。3.apologize通常用作不及物动词,表示“向某人道歉”,接to sb; 表示“因某事道歉”,接for sth; 表示“因某事向某人道歉”,则接to sb for sth。4.apologize也可接that从句,这时用作及物动词,意思是“道歉说…”。apologize还可引出直接引语。5.apologize在英式英语中也常写作apologise。6.apologize也可以单独使用。例句:1.The airline apologized and bumped us up to first class.航空公司道歉后把我们掉换到头等舱。2.We apologize for the late arrival of the train.我们为火车误点表示歉意。


apologize有道歉;赔罪等意思,下面一起来学习apologize的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!apologize的用法1:apologize的意思是因做事不周或不当而表示歉意。可指提出掩饰性的情况,以免见怪;也可指坦率承认错误,以作弥补。apologize的用法2:apologize通常用作不及物动词,表示“向某人道歉”,接to sb; 表示“因某事道歉”,接for sth; 表示“因某事向某人道歉”,则接to sb for sth。apologize的用法3:apologize也可接that从句,这时用作及物动词,意思是“道歉说…”。apologize还可引出直接引语。apologize的用法4:apologize在英式英语中也常写作apologise。apologize的常用短语apologize for (v.+prep.)为…道歉,替…道歉 say that one is sorry about (sth or doing sth)apologize for sb/sth,Mrs. Moss apologized for her husband.莫斯太太替她丈夫表示歉意。apologize for v-ing,I apologized for stepping on her toes.我因踩了她的脚趾而向她道歉。apologize to (v.+prep.)向某人道歉 say that one is sorry to (sb)apologize to sbYou must apologize to your sister.你必须向你姐姐道歉。apologize to sb for sth/v-ing/wh-clause,He apologized to her for the delay in replying to a letter.他因没有及早回信而向她表示歉意。


过去式apologised 过去分词apologised 现在分词apologising


n.apologyadj.apologised apologising没有副词


apologize的固定搭配如下:1.用作动词 v.2.apologize的意思是因做事不周或不当而表示歉意。可指提出掩饰性的情况,以免见怪;也可指坦率承认错误,以作弥补。3.apologize通常用作不及物动词,表示“向某人道歉”,接to sb; 表示“因某事道歉”,接for sth; 表示“因某事向某人道歉”,则接to sb for sth。4.apologize也可接that从句,这时用作及物动词,意思是“道歉说…”。apologize还可引出直接引语。5.apologize在英式英语中也常写作apologise。6.apologize也可以单独使用。例句:1.The airline apologized and bumped us up to first class.航空公司道歉后把我们掉换到头等舱。2.We apologize for the late arrival of the train.我们为火车误点表示歉意。
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