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Dreams are often an elegant means of highlighting problems ________ in the present or the past.

【答案】:C动词的过去分词作定语后置。Problems faced=problems that are faced by someone。选项C是正确的。【句子大意】做梦经常会成为显示过去或现在所面临问题的很好方法。

他们经常帮我们找路they often help us find road(这样翻译可以不?)


you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.这句话是什么意思啊?


friday is good at sports.什么意思?he often wins什么意思

friday很擅长运动 他经常赢

from time to time 和often意思一样吗


My brother is really ____. He often works in his office far into the night. A.open-minded B..

B 该题考查考生对题干中两个句子含义的理解以及对选项中四个复合形容词含义的理解。通过第二句的“works in his office far into the night”可知“我”哥哥是个勤奋工作的人。

The pandas often( ) illnesses and do not live very long. 书上是填die from 为什么呢?


He often do word puzzles on the weekend改为特殊疑问句?

原句应该是He often does the word puzzles on the weekend.特殊疑问句需要知道对什么提问。


how often 多久一次(问频率)how long 多长时间例如:how often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次? twice a week. 一周两次。how long have you been here? 你在这多久了? I"ve been here for two years. 我在这2年了。杭州精锐08帅老师为你回答。

___the plane often___(fly)under the bridge?用所给动词的

does/did fly

I often give them Chinese tea as a treat(treat是款待treatment是治疗 treat更好一些 sorry哈

你想问什么- -?

The woman often called the First Lady of New York died on August求全篇

The woman often called the First Lady of New York died on August.Brooke Astor was one hundred five years old.The extremely wealthy and famous New Yorker spent much of her life __1__(help)the needy in her beloved city. She was born in Portsmouth,New Hampshire.She was the only child of a high level military officer.After two earlier __2__(marry) ,she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again.He came from a family __3__ had been rich for least on hundred years.Among other things,he owed many buildings in New York City.Brooke Astor became one of the __4__(rich)women in the world when Vincent Astor died.She also became head of a huge charity organization_ _5__(found) by her husband.He repeatedly had told her she would have fun giving __6__ his money.And apparently she did.Missus Astor gave tens of millions of dollars __7__(main)to places and people in New York City.She said it was the sensible choice because that was __8__ the money had been made.She gave financial support to the city"s cultural centers,its poor and disabled as __9__ as to many other smaller charities.When she died,the mayor of New York said the city would not be what it is today __10__ her support. 1.[解析] sb.spend time (in) doing sth.某人花(时间,精力)做某事.[答案] helping 2.[解析] 从下文she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again.得知,她以前经历了两次婚姻 [答案] marriages 3.[解析] had been rich前缺主语.这是定语从句,只能用that/which.[答案] that/which 4.[解析] 根据句意得知是最富有的.[答案] richest 5.[解析] found创办,成立;建立,过去分词短语作定语,表被动.[答案] founded 6.[解析] give away赠送;赠予;颁发.[答案] away 7.[解析] adv.大部分地;主要地.[答案] mainly 8.[解析] 句子the money had been made主谓齐全.根据句意是因为这些钱应该用于人们和社会.[答案] where 9.[解析] as well as也,又,和.[答案] well 10.[解析] 没有她的支持,就成就不了现在的纽约.[答案] without

Sandy often takes her dog for walk around the lake after supper.为什么要加a.walk本身不是名词啊。

walk既有名词词性又有动词词性,for a walk 固定短语,意思是散步,徒步旅行。

My father and I often ride bike in the park对吗?

不对,bike是可数名词,前面没有限定词,后面就需要用复数形式。My father and I often ride bikes in the park我爸爸和我经常在公园里骑自行车。

as far as,as long as,as well as,as often as 分别什么意思

as far as 英 基本释义1.直到…为止 2.只要 3.据…, 就… 4.远到... 1.直到…为止 He walked as far as the gate.他一直走到大门口。Fields of corn spread out as far as the eye could see.玉米地延伸到看不到边的地方。2.只要 As far as possible, he will help you.只要可能, 他会帮助你的。3.据…, 就… As far as I know, he will be away for three months.据我所知, 他将离开三个月。4.远到... as long as 英 基本释义1.只要, 如果 2.既然, 由于 1.只要, 如果 I"ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.只要我的钱还能维持一天, 我就在墨西哥待一天。I"ll never forget that as long as I am living.这事我至死也不会忘记。2.既然, 由于 You may stay here as long as you like.你高兴在这儿待多久就待多久。as well as 英 易混淆的单词: As well As基本释义同反义词1.也,又 2.不但...而且 ;和...一样 3.除…之外(也),同…一样(也),和,也,还 4.既…又… 5.此外,也 1.也,又2.不但...而且 ;和...一样3.除…之外(也),同…一样(也),和,也,还4.既…又…5.此外,也as often as 英 基本释义1.每次, 每当 1.每次, 每当 As often as he"s tried to go there, he"s always failed.每次他争取去那里都未能成行。

as far as,as long as,as well as,as often as 分别什么意思

as far as adv. 至于,直到,远到;就…而言as long as 只要;和…一样长as well as也;和…一样;不但…而且as oten as 每当

They often encouraged me to answer questions里面,question为什么加s

记住一句话:可数名词,不带帽子,要穿鞋子。帽子指不定冠词和定冠词,鞋子指复数形式。您这个句子中questions可以换成a question(都是泛指),但不能用the(the在语法上正确,但是是特指,不合语境)。希望帮到您了。

i often play it for an hour each time


搜集一些英文中表示频率的词语(例如:often 、usually) (至少15个)

regularly; frequently; often; always; minutely ;ever;never;once;sometimes; sporadically; periodically; occasionally ;at times; on occasion; once in a while; from time to time; on rare occasions

tom often has

选D 因为时态是一般现在时,所以不用did或者has 用does因为主语是Tom,为 第三人称单数 Tom早上都吃面包,是吗?是的,他都吃面包. 回答要和问的一致,用does问,也用does回答

does it often rain there in spring的同义句

Is it often rainy there in Spring?

适当形式填空:1.If often___(rain) here in spring

你好:2 to meet3 clean改句子:1 favourite fruit2 She won"t buy anything in the shopping centre .3 What shall you do next Sunday ?4 going to 5 I seldom have a sore throat .6 【Where】is【your】book ?希望对你有帮助!满意请采纳!

It often____(rain)in spring in zhenjiang解释?

It often(rains )in spring in Zhenjiang. 本句用了一般现在时,而主语It是第三人称单数,所以动词用三单形式。

In Nanjing it is often rain in spring 改错

In Nanjing it oftens rain in spring 就是第三人称单数啊

It often rain in spring 改成用义句是什么

It rains a lot in spring.

it often rains in spring

It _is__ raining___ (rain). It often rains___ (rain) in spring. 外面正在下雨,春天是个经常下雨的季节.考的是正在进行时和一般现在时的用法.

it often__in spring A.rain B.rains C.rainingD.rainy


does it often rain there in spring为什么用rain

你觉得应该用什么词?或者用什么形式呢?不太明白这个句子里的意思是问“那个地方是不是春天常下雨”,那么这个肯定是用一般现在时,那么采用 do+动词原形 的形式啊,那么问句的话就是把do提前到句首,而且这里是问天气方面的,it对应的用does,那么rain还是用原形的啊.这样说,你明白了吗?

Jack is a good friend _____, he often comes to our home for a visit. A. of my father B. of my fathe


So he often helps me a lot of my Englsh的错误处?

我觉得应该是介词使用错误。这个句子是一个简单句,主谓宾结构,由关联词so引导,带一个补语和一个对象状语。句意为:所以他经常给我的英语以很大帮助。介词+my English是对象状语,介词应该用指示介词,但of是归属介词,表示“......的”。应该改为in my English或with my English。

Three place where people often make reservations.



weoftenplayonthestreetafterschool.句子成分分析:we 是主语,often是状语,play 是谓语,on the street 是地点状语,after school是时间状语。这句话意思是我能经常在放学后,在街上玩。

We often ___(play) on the playground.

play often一般现在时,主语是复数,

I often read books in this park改否定句


Recently it often hits the headlines of newspaper

Recently it often hits headlines of newspapers that some prestigious universities like Tongji exclude Chinese from the subjects to be tested in their practice of independent admission. This has aroused heated discussion among the public -- Is  Chinese not so important as English? What if we neglect the study of our mother tongue?  First of all, globalization counts much for this phenomenon. In modern society, information in most media, be it the Internet or newspaper, is conveyed in English. As a saying goes, one can go to every corner of the world without any difficulty in communicating with local people. Unfortunately, while we emphasize the importance of English, we underrate the value of Chinese though China has been developing at an amazing speed.  But neglecting the study of Chinese is extremely harmful if the situation is left unfettered. The major harm is that China"s traditional value is likely to get lost because language and ideas are interlocked in most cases. For example, when interviewed, most youngsters show that they are quite unfamiliar with some famous figures and their sayings.  To sum up, many reasons are responsible for the phenomenon and it will do us harm if we leave the situation as it is. Faced with the problem, we are expected to take effective measures. For one thing, the government should work out rules to ensure the time for the study of Chinese in school. Only in this way, can we find a cure for the problem.

we often imagine Iiving in a big house中为什么用living?

imagine doing sth. 想像做某事

we often imagine Iiving in a big house中为什么用living?

we often imagine Iiving in a big house。我们经常相像住进宽大的房子里。imagine为及物动词,其后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式作宾语。因此动词live要加ing,动名词作宾语。

is it often snowy in city in witer的实际情况回答是什么

城市里冬天经常下雪吗,有就yes ,it is 没有就no, it is not



we often have meeting in the meeting room 一般疑问句?

Do you often have meeting in the meeting room?

I often help old people cross the road!help后能加the吗?为什么?

不关help 的事. the 是冠词,用于修饰名词. 表示特指. 上面的old people 已经阐明范围了,而且是泛指老人,所以不能再加the . 如果要用the ,必须是the 加名词或者是形容词表一类人. 比如the old 老人the young 年轻人the police 警察 明白了?
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