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iPod shuffle 怎么听Podcast

iTunes的“自动填充”功能并不会向任何iPod机型中添加有声读物和 podcast。不过,可手动通过将这些内容拖到 iTunes 中的 iPod shuffle 上来进行添加。 对于 iPod shuffle(第 3 代),必须在“摘要”标签中启用“手动管理音乐”,才能将歌曲拖到 iPod shuffle 中。此外,可使用 iTunes 中的“音乐”标签和“Podcast”标签来分别自动同步有声读物和 podcast。 iPod shuffle(第 3 代) 在 iPod shuffle 上播放有声读物和 Podcast 在使用 iPod shuffle(第 1 代和第 2 代)时,如果将 iPod shuffle 设置为“自动播放歌曲”, 则设备将会自动播放 iPod shuffle 上除有声读物和 podcast 外的所有音频文件1 。要播放有声读物或 podcast,请将 iPod shuffle 上的开关设置为“顺序播放”。 如果使用的是 iPod shuffle(第 3 代),则在选择播放“所有歌曲” 中的内容时,将不会播放 podcast 和有声读物。如果选择播放从 iTunes 同步过来的播放列表,则仅在 iPod 开关设置为“顺序播放” 时,才会播放有声读物和 podcast。除从 iTunes 同步过来的播放列表之外,iPod shuffle(第 3 代)将会为同步而来的每个有声读物分别创建一个特殊播放列表,并会为同步而来的所有 podcast 创建一个特殊列表。访问这些特殊播放列表时,则不论

IPOD CLASSIC支持的podcast怎么用

在iTunes store上订购,下完后,再同步到iPod上

what is podcast!



分类: 电子数码 问题描述: 过几天要买NANO 现在先把不懂的问题提出来 ~买后慢慢研究! podcast 怎么使用呢? 解析: 一:何为PodcastPodcast,中文译名尚未统一,但最多的是将其翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting 录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3 播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。就像博客颠覆了被动接受文字信息的方式一样,播客颠覆了被动收听广播的方式,使听众成为主动参与者。有人说,播客可能会像博客(Blog)一样,带来大众传媒的又一场革命。 二:收听播客的条件 收听播客必须具备三个要件: 1:播客网站提供独立的、可下载的媒体文件(一会我会给大家提供几个不错的播客网站); 2:该文件的发布格式为RSS2.0 enclosure feed(这个就是指要获得播客的rss 链接); 3:接收端能自动接收、下载并将文件转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。(这就是我们的iTunes 和iPod 喽) 三:在iPod 上听播客 好,下面我们切入正题。 俗话说:"工欲善其事,必先利其器",要想听播客必须要有一台接入互联网的电脑,对于PC 或是MAC 没有要求。不过要先安装iTunes4.9 或以上版本的软件(现在最新的就是iTunes4.9,下载地址:apple/itunes/download/)。当然还有一台iPod 或是iPod Mini 也是必不可少的,不然就只能在电脑上听Podcast 了。各项准备的条件都满足后,打开iTunes,我们就可以订阅播客了。打开你的iTunes 之后,在左边栏点击“播客”。 当然,如果你是头一次运行的话,可能右边的列表是空白的,没关系,下面我们就来添加几个不错的中文播客地址:) 点击“高级→订购播客”打开播客的添加窗口, 在弹出的窗口输入播客网站的rss 链接,就完成定购了,这一切都是免费的哦! 如:输入的是播客中国的rss feed podcast.bokee/podcast.xml。 确定后就完成了播客的定购了,iTunes 会自动帮你分析rss 链接,然后在右边的列表里就会增加动听播客的目录了。 点击前面的小三角,打开节目表,再双击你要收听的节目或点击"获得"按钮,就可以把你稀饭的节目下载到硬盘里了。 下载完成后的节目会是黑色的,而未下载的则是灰色的。 下载完成之后,连上你的iPod,点击"编辑偏好设置",来进行你的iPod 设置。 然后在iPod 图标上右击,更新。你的iPod 上就会多出一个“播客”列表了 ok,到此就能在iPod 上尽情的听免费的Podcast 了 断开你的iPod 与电脑的连接,进入音乐播客,听听你刚刚下载的节目,是不是很爽? 四:如何获得网站的rss feed 当大家找到一个不错的播客网站,如何获得它的rss 链接呢?其实很简单,注意网站的页面上是否出现了下列图标? 其实类似这些图标指向的URL 就是rss feed。把它们添加到iTunes 就ok 了:D 五:下面介绍几个不错的播客网站: 1. 播客中国-动听播客 podcast.bokee/podcast.xml 2. 反波 antiwave/index.xml 3. 欢乐波 xintiantang/joywave/index.xml 4. E 路收听 imboke/asp/rss?domain=sanmoon 5. 播客台湾 podcast.focusing/i ... ed=RSS2.0&no_=1 其实还有很多的播客网站都不错,大家自已去发掘吧。不可否认,现在我国的podcast 还不是十分完善,好多都更新缓慢。如果有朋友对国外的播客有兴趣,不妨去macfans:16080/ ... de=1&postid=249305& pageid=1 看看,网友dingdong 详细介绍了如何在iTunes 的音乐商店上订购播客。 PS:给楼主推荐一个iPod论坛,我想大部分NANO的持有者都在这里面的,可以交流使用经验91apple/



webcast ,podcast是什么意思?

webcast网上直播;podcast 播客;live podcast生活播客“播客”又被称作“有声博客”,是Podcast的中文直译。用户可以利用“播客”将自己制作的“广播节目”上传到网上与广大网友分享。 「播客」(Podcasting)这个词来源自苹果电脑的"iPod"与"广播"(broadcast)的合成词,指的是一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅feed以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。这种新方法在2004年下半年开始在互联网上流行以用于发布音频文件。 Podcasting与其他音频内容传送的区别在于其订阅模式,它使用RSS 2.0文件格式传送信息。该技术允许个人进行创建与发布,这种新的传播方式使得人人可以说出他们想说的话。





We can just hang out and have a good time. 翻译



podcast中文翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。扩展资料:Podcast节目订阅者可以通过多个来源订阅自己希望收听或观赏的节目。与之对比的是,传统广播只能在一个时刻内提供单一来源,广播依照节目时间表进行。Internet上的"流媒体"文档相对来说解放了受众的时间限制。通过不同来源"新闻聚合"得到节目是 podcast收听的特色和主要吸引力。任何数字音频播放器或拥有适当软件的电脑都可以播放Podcasting节目。相同的技术亦可用来传送视频文件,照片,文本档案之类的其他媒体文档亦可通过podcast传送。但单词"cast"最广泛的含义仍然是指大范围的音频传送。事实上RSS允许与任何文档格式联合,从PDF格式到MP3格式等等都可以产生URL。

有冇人有it was a good day歌词

Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God I don"t know but today seems kinda odd No barking from the dog no *** og And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog I got my grub on but didn"t pig out Finally got a call from a girl wanna dig out Hooked it up for later as I hit the do" Thinking will i live another enty-fo" I gotta go cause I got me a drop top And if I hit the switch I can make the ass drop Had to stop at a red light Looking in my mirror not a jacker in sight And everything is alright I got a beep from Kim and she can ***** all night Called up the homies and I"m askin y"all Which park are y"all playin basketball? Get me on the court and I"m trouble Last week *****ed around and got a triple double Freaking niggaz every way like M.J. I can"t believe today was a good day Drove to the pad and hit the showers Didn"t even get no static from the cowards Cause just yesterday them fools tried to blast me Saw the police and they rolled right past me No flexin didn"t even look in a niggaz direction as I ran the intersection Went to Short Dog"s house they was watchin YO! MTV Raps What"s the haps on the craps Shake em up shake em up shake em up shake em Roll em in a circle of niggaz and watch me break em With the seven seven-eleven seven-eleven Seven even back do" little Joe I picked up the cash flow Then we played bones and I"m yellin domino Plus nobody I know got killed in South Central L.A. Today was a good day 2008-04-07 23:22:42 补充: Left my niggaz house paid Picked up a girl been tryin to ***** since the elfth grade It"s ironic I had the blunt she had the chronic The Lakers beat the Supersonics I felt on the big fat fanny Pulled out the jammy and killed the punanny And my dick runs deep so deep so deep 2008-04-07 23:23:04 补充: put her ass to sleep Woke her up around one she didn"t hesitate to call Ice Cube the top gun Drove her to the pad and I"m coasting Took another sip of the potion hit the three-wheel motion I was glad everything had worked out Dropped her ass off then I chirped out 2008-04-07 23:23:56 补充: Today was like one of those fly dreams Didn"t even see a berry flashing those high beams No helicopter looking for a murder Two in the morning got the Fatburger Even saw the lights of the Goodyear Blimp And it read Ice Cube"s a pimp 2008-04-07 23:24:07 补充: Drunk as hell but no throwing up Half way home and my pager still blowing up Today I didn"t even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was a good day. Hey wait wait a minute poo Stop the shit What the ***** am I thinking about?


podcast中文翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。1.删除已下载的内容 进入【设置】—>【用量】—>【Podcast】—>【编辑】—>【删除】即可!(当然也可以直接向右滑动,弹出删除按钮,点击删除)。2.可能会发现在Podcast里向右滑动也可以进行删除,但是这种删除是会连那一期的节目都一期删除掉的,就算下拉刷新一次也不能恢复。因此不建议采取这种方式。3.恢复在App里误删的节目 点击进入订阅的设置,关闭订阅之后重新开启,这样就可以恢复了。

有人评论你good one是什么意思?

好主意!good idea


Podcast,中文译名尚未统一,但最多的是将其翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。 就像博客颠覆了被动接受文字信息的方式一样,播客颠覆了被动收听广播的方式,使听众成为主动参与者。有人说,播客可能会像博客(Blog)一样,带来大众传媒的又一场革命。 关于Podcast的定义目前仍在争论中,比较有代表性的说法有以下三种: 一、Podcast的推动者Doc Searls给出的定义:PODcasting,Personal Optional Digital casting.PODcasting是自助广播,是全新的广播形式。收听传统广播时我们是被动收听我们可能想听的节目,而PODcasting则是我们选择收听的内容、收听的时间以及以何种方式让其他人也有机会收听。 戴维。温纳(Dave Winer)的Morning Coffee Notes:人各有所专,所以理论上人人播客是可能的。 二、Dave Shusher在其“Podcasting的定义”一文中的定义: 他提出Podcasting必须具备三个要件: 1.必须是一个独立的、可下载的媒体文件; 2.该文件的发布格式为RSS2.0 enclosure feed; 3.接收端能自动接收、下载并将文件转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。 他认为可下载MP3 不是波刻(Podcast)――这是充分但不是必要条件。“能下载固然不错,但能自动出现供你播放而无需你关照才是关键。这才是Podcasting.” 三、Wikipedia的定义: 像WIKI这样的定义是开放、动态的,到2004年12月13日为止,其定义为:Podcasting源于iPod,兼具broadcasting和webcasting 之意。Podcasting 与TiVo相似, 只是Podcasting是用于声讯节目而且目前免费。但是应该注意,该技术能把任何文件“拉”过来,包括软件更新、照片和视频。


播客,苹果中国译为播客,苹果台湾称为Podcasting;除“播客”外,其他的中文译名包括“爱波”、“广波”、“波刻”、“网播”、“聚播”、“随身播”、“自由播”等等。另外,由于“播客”一词包含Podcast, Podcastor或Podcasting的多个含义,所以使用时亦容易发生歧义。“播客”(Podcasting)这个词来源自苹果电脑的"iPod"与"广播"(broadcast)的合成词,指的是一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅feed以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。这种新方法在2004年下半年开始在互联网上流行以用于发布音频文件。播客与其他音频内容传送的区别在于其订阅模式,它使用RSS 2.0文件格式传送信息。该技术允许个人进行创建与发布,这种新的传播方式使得人人可以说出他们想说的话。订阅播客节目可以使用相应的播客软件。这种软件可以定期检查并下载新内容,并与用户的便携式音乐播放器同步内容。播客并不强求使用iPod或iTunes;任何数字音频播放器或拥有适当软件的电脑都可以播放播客节目。相同的技术亦可用来传送视频文件,在2005年上半年,已经有一些播客软件可以像播放音频一样播放视频了。

podcast 是什么意思?



“播客”又被称作“有声博客”,是Podcast的中文直译。用户可以利用“播客”将自己制作的“广播节目”上传到网上与广大网友分享。 「播客」(Podcasting)这个词来源自苹果电脑的"iPod"与"广播"(broadcast)的合成词。指的是一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅feed以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。这种新方法在2004年下半年开始在互联网上流行以用於发布音频文件。实现技术:Podcast 节目订阅者可以通过多个来源订阅他们希望收听或观赏的节目, 与之对比的是, 传统广播只能在一个时刻内提供单一来源, 广播依照节目时间表进行。与流媒体比较而言, podcast不能在Internet上进行现场广播。 这并不是技术限制造成而是一个应用程序的先天缺陷。 Podcasts被设计用来订阅非现场信息, 媒体文档被以如MP3等格式的文件形式发向订阅者, 以便订阅者可以离线收听。 使用在线联合应用程序订阅一般流媒体源也是可能的。



学习日语有什么好的播客 (Podcast)吗?

推荐未来授业。可以学习很多逼格高的术语,日语之类。播客是iPod+broadcasting,是数字广播技术的一种。出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。三种定义一、Doc Searls的定义1、Podcast的推动者Doc Searls给出的定义:PODcasting,Personal Optional Digital casting。PODcasting是自助广播,是全新的广播形式。2、收听传统广播时我们是被动收听我们可能想听的节目,而PODcasting则是我们选择收听的内容、收听的时间以及以何种方式让其他人也有机会收听。二、Dave Shusher的定义1.必须是一个独立的、可下载的媒体文件;2.该文件的发布格式为RSS2.0enclosure feed;3.接收端能自动接收、下载并将文件转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。三、Wikipedia的定义1、播客,台湾亦常直接称作“Podcasting“,是指一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅feed以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。这种新方法在2004年下半年开始在互联网上流行以用于发布音频文件。2、“播客”一词来源自苹果电脑的“iPod”与“广播”(broadcast)的混成词。由于英文中的Podcast、Podcaster或Podcasting等词的相关性,中文中往往统称为“播客”。




podcast是什么意思 Podcast,中文译名尚未统一,但最多的是将其翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软体与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网路广播或类似的网路声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它行动式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。 就像部落格颠覆了被动接受文字资讯的方式一样,播客颠覆了被动收听广播的方式,使听众成为主动参与者。有人说,播客可能会像部落格(Blog)一样,带来大众传媒的又一场革命。 关于Podcast的定义目前仍在争论中,比较有代表性的说法有以下三种: 一.Podcast的推动者Doc Searls给出的定义:PODcasting,Personal Optional Digital casting。PODcasting是自助广播,是全新的广播形式。收听传统广播时我们是被动收听我们可能想听的节目,而PODcasting则是我们选择收听的内容、收听的时间以及以何种方式让其他人也有机会收听。 戴维·温纳(Dave Winer)的Morning Coffee Notes:人各有所专,所以理论上人人播客是可能的。 二.Dave Shusher在其“Podcasting的定义”一文中的定义: 他提出Podcasting必须具备三个要件: 1.必须是一个独立的、可下载的媒体档案; 2.该档案的释出格式为RSS2功0 enclosure feed; 3.接收端能自动接收、下载并将档案转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。 他认为可下载MP3 不是波刻(Podcast)――这是充分但不是必要条件。“能下载固然不错,但能自动出现供你播放而无需你关照才是关键。这才是Podcasting。” 三.Wikipedia的定义: 像WIKI这样的定义是开放、动态的,到2004年12月13日为止,其定义为: Podcasting源于iPod,兼具broadcasting和webcasting 之意。Podcasting 与TiVo相似, 只是Podcasting是用于声讯节目而且目前免费。但是应该注意,该技术能把任何档案“拉”过来,包括软体更新、照片和视讯。

post-Revolutionary period是什么时期?


melody sharleen spiteri歌词

Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance They told me you ain"t good enough Don"t look good enough Don"t sing good enough Maybe you should give it up And if I would"ve then I never could"ve received None of the things that He planned for me So I waited a little longer Grew a little stronger and then I realized something was happening It"s so incredible, it"s unexplainable You oughta try Him for yourself and see because Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Sometimes I think about How it used to be, and can"t help but Remembering how it was never easy for me, no, no But the way God works, it"s so amazing He never forgot me, I can"t forget Him That"s enough for me to lift my hands and I"m sorry if you don"t understand Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance All my tears (it"s over now) And all my pain (it"s over now) All my doubts (it"s over now) They went away (it"s over now) No more fear (it"s over now) And I"m glad (it"s over now) Yes, so glad ‘Cause all I wanna do is danceMaybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance

魔兽争霸3防守秘籍 greedisgood 怎么不能用啊```



魔兽争霸秘籍在战役模式下(多人游戏不可),敲回车,会出来对话框,然后把下面字符输入即可 无敌并一击必杀: whosyourdaddy 无限能量: thereisnospoon 魔兽争霸秘籍 任务模式里即使失败也继续游戏: strengthandhonor 地图全开: iseedeadpeople 魔兽争霸秘籍 立即胜利: allyourbasearebelongtous 立即失败: somebodysetusupthebomb 禁止任务默认的胜利条件: itvexesme 加黄金: keysersoze [黄金数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500) 加木材: leafittome [木材数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500) 加黄金和木材: greedisgood [数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500) 魔兽争霸秘籍 快速建造: warpten 无人口上限: pointbreak 快速研究技能: whoisjohngalt 快速升级: sharpandshiny 解除科技树限制: synergy 魔兽争霸秘籍 将时间直接设定到白昼: riseandshine 将时间直接设定到夜晚: lightsout 设定具体时间: daylightsavings [小时数] 让时间永远停留在白昼: daylightsavings 魔兽争霸秘籍 等级选择: motherland [种族] [等级] Cool down时间为0。即放完一个魔法立刻可以放第二次。。

Hollywood Undead的《Lights Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Lights Out歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:American Tragedy Redux≡卐 Hollywood Undead - Lights Out 卐≡Album: American TragedyReleased on April 5, 2011Lights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lifestyles of the young and the recklessChecked in the real world that don"t ask questionsDodging on bullets like a fucked up westernDragged you on a rope til you"re choked out senselessKings or crown we"re the best aroundGot an underground army yeah we holding it downWe built our base and what we foundIt takes blood and sweat and always moving the crowdNo skill then you"re going the fast wayLet me see you dance on from the AKBullshit now he"s dropping namesWho you know, what you doing all sounds the sameA piece of advice quit dropping mineYou"re be done way before it even it is your timeLike a stripper in a cage making minimum wageYou"re be done like a dollar bill hitting the stageLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?I"m gonna wake your ass up cause you ain"t got what it takesYou cruise right on my nuts so tell you how my dick tastesYeah I"m shit faced and all black looking creepyIt"s Charlie Scene this shit is way too easyI"m gonna give it to you quick going straight to your throatPut the burner in your mouth and turn you in to a ghostAll these people making music with nothing to showWho doesn"t have a band? Shit I don"t knowWhat kind of sane person drops his own nameWhat kind of sane person boos his own band off stageWhat kind of sane person drops a verse like thisDamn this ain"t working I"m just too damn sickDeuce you coming out heres got me provedI"m gonna cut your ash up like a line of cokeI"m gonna roll your crew up like a fat ass roachPut you in my ashtray cause you just got smokedLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Another classic case you crash and burnAnd it"s true you"re dead nowIt"s light out, your last songThe world has turned it"s face you"ll never findAnd It"s true you"re dead nowIt"s light out, your last songWalls are closing in, their falling downLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lights outYou"re talking too loudWho the fuck are you now?Who the fuck are you now?Lights out!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/17923461




D:xmltodict-0.9.0>C:Python26python.exe setup.pyExtracting in c:usersabcappdatalocal emp mpwddh8eNow working in c:usersabcappdatalocal mpwdhh8esetuptools-1.1.6Building a Setuptools egg in D:xmltodict-0.9.0warning:no files found matching "entries*" under directory "setuptools ests"warning:no files found matching "Makefile"under directory "docs"warning:no files found matching "indexsidebar.html"under directory "docs"D:xmltodict-0.9.0setuptools-1.1.6 -py2.6.eggusaage:setup.py[golbal_opts]cmd1[cmd1_opts][cmd2[cmd2_opts]...] or :setup.py --help[cmd1 cmd2...] or :setup.py --help-commands or :setup.py cmd --helperror:no commands supplied错误信息不是明白告诉你缺参数嘛,一般最简单的命令行也要是python.exe setup.py install

《罪恶都市》提示cannot find 640*480 video mode. 怎么解决?



首先要创建或者打开一个文件 一般是xxx.org结尾 比如现在是在eshell中,那就输入fild-file myfile.org 这样就打开了一个名字为myfile.org的org格式的文件。 当然先在别的地方创建你的文件也行的,后缀是org的文件默认使用org模式。 如果文件不是org结尾的,那么用M-x org-mode这个命令就进入了org-mode了。

everyone everything everybody区别

everyone/everybody和everything(代词) everyone/everybody+单数动词通常要比all(the)people+复数动词更常用,如可以说Everyone is ready(人人都准备好了),而不说All the people are ready.everyone和everybody之间不存在任何区别. everything同样要比all(the)things更常用.如可以说Every-thing has been wasted(一切都浪费了),而不说 All the thingshave been wasted. all(the)people,all(the)things可与短语或从句连用: All the people in the room clapped. 全屋的人都鼓掌.www.Examda.CoM I got all the things you asked for. 我弄到了你要的一切.来源:www.examda.com 除此之外,all(the)people和all(the)things很少使用.Examda.com

《罪恶都市》提示cannot find 640*480 video mode. 怎么解决?

1.可能缺少视频模块。解决办法,可调成800*600或1024*768你好.可能是你的电脑不支持640*480的显示制式。2.游戏文件丢失:英文可翻译为:找不到640*480的视频模块。原因:在设置里调整游戏分辨率。如果仍然不行的话,请去多特游戏网站下载安装文件安装即可。《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市》是一款在2002年由Rockstar开发的动作游戏,于2002年10月27日在PS2平台发行。这是GTA游戏系列的第二款3D游戏,第六款作品。游戏的背景城市是罪城(Vice City,原型为美国迈阿密),游戏改编自美国电影《疤面煞星》,讲述了游戏主角汤米·维赛迪出狱后在罪城发生的一系列故事。



there is good reason to be timistic

A 我学过英美文学~应该是这个答案 超验主义跟浪漫主义有很多相似的地方


no wonder是难怪... no doubt不容置疑 --- 要选近义词,I"m sure更好.


后边加定语从句,例如:1.There is no doubt at all that we did the right thing.毫无疑问我们做得对。2.There is no doubt about her suitability for the job.毫无疑问,她适合做这个工作。









ios pod install什么意思

安装CocoaPods成功后,先不急着编写Podfile。按以下顺序:1、执行:pod search AFNetworking,会提示Setting up CocoaPods master repo耐心等待后,提示Setup completed-> AFNetworking (2.5.0) A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework. pod "AFNetworking", "~> 2.5.0" - Homepage: https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking - Source: https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking.git - Versions: 2.5.0, 2.4.1, 2.4.0, 2.3.1, 2.3.0, 2.2.4, 2.2.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.3, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 2.0.0-RC3, 2.0.0-RC2, 2.0.0-RC1, 1.3.4, 1.3.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0, 1.0RC3, 1.0RC2, 1.0RC1, 0.10.1, 0.10.0, 0.9.2, 0.9.1, 0.9.0, 0.7.0, 0.5.1 [master repo] - Sub specs: - AFNetworking/Serialization (2.5.0) - AFNetworking/Security (2.5.0) - AFNetworking/Reachability (2.5.0) - AFNetworking/NSURLConnection (2.5.0) - AFNetworking/NSURLSession (2.5.0) - AFNetworking/UIKit (2.5.0)-> AFNetworking+AutoRetry (0.0.5) Auto Retries for AFNetworking requests pod "AFNetworking+AutoRetry", "~> 0.0.5"。。。(很长省略)注意到AFNetworking 版本已经是2.5.02、创建Podfile转到项目根目录,vi Podfile,输入内容(因为本人建的项目为ios8.1版本):platform :ios, "8.1"pod "AFNetworking", "~> 2.5.0"保存。3、执行 pod install,稍等片刻Analyzing dependenciesDownloading dependenciesInstalling AFNetworking (2.5.0)Generating Pods projectIntegrating client project[!] From now on use `Swift Weather.xcworkspace`.成功pod install。



case study 属不属于methodology

case study是案例分析觉得不属于methodomethodology


The Wood–Ljungdahl pathway is a set of biochemical reactions used by some bacteria and archaea calledacetogens. It is also known as the reductive acetyl-coenzyme A (Acetyl-CoA) pathway.[1] This pathway enables these organisms to use hydrogen as an electron donor, and carbon dioxide as an electron acceptor and as a building block for biosynthesis.In this pathway carbon dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide and formic acid or directly into a formyl group, the formyl group is reduced to a methyl group and then combined with the carbon monoxide and Coenzyme A to produce acetyl-CoA. Two specific enzymes participate on the carbon monoxide side of the pathway: CO Dehydrogenase andacetyl-CoA synthase. The former catalyzes the reduction of the CO2 and the latter combines the resulting CO with a methyl group to give acetyl-CoA.[1][2]The pathway occurs in bacteria and archaea, e.g. methanogens[3] and in acetate-producing bacteria such asClostridium. Unlike the Reverse Krebs cycle and the Calvin cycle, this process is not cyclic. A recent study of the genomes of a set of bacteria and archaea suggests that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) of all cells was using the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway in a hydrothermal setting.[4]



英语连词连句 1) on,floor,music,the,is,room,second,the 2)is,today,warm,Beijing,It,in

1The music room is on the second floor2 It is warm today in Beijing3 Is this the doctor"s office?4How many books are there in your bags?5 What"s like the weather in Kunming




used to do和used to doing的区别:中文含义不同、用法不同。used to do中文意思为“过去常常做某事”,是一般过去时时态; used to doing中文翻译为“习惯于做...…”,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词形式,是一般现在时时态。used to do和be used to doing的含义不同,be used to doing表达习惯于做某事的意思。used to所表示的意思是“过去常常做某事”,强调过去发生的事,所以一般用于描述发生在过去的事情。used to do的含义及用法介绍used to do意为过去常常做某事,即现在不做某事了。例句有:1、l used to do that when you were a little girl, remember?在你还是小女孩的时候我曾经那么做过,记得吗?2、The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now。这个讲师以前挺好,但如今似乎讲得差了。3、After all, that is what China used to do。毕竟过去的中国一直就是这么做的。4、Finally, an example is used to do analysis。最后佐以一个案例分析。5、Property can be used to do the same for a form。属性也可以在窗体中实现同样的功能。used to doing的含义及用法介绍used to doing意思为习惯于做......,后面可接名词、代词或者动名词。例句有:1、She used to bully me into doing my schoolwork她过去总是强迫我写作业。2、People here are used to doing for themselves。这里的人对自救已经习惯了。3、You get used to doing your own business on your own time。你们必须学会用自己的时间做自己的事。4、In the end, l got used to doing the hard work。最后,我终于习惯干苦活了。5、That is because women can continue to do something they are used to doing。那是因为妇女能继续做他所一直习惯做的事情。


一共是三个Be used to do 被用于,被用来做什么标准被动语态The box is used to be a rubbish can.这盒子被用来当垃圾桶。Be used to doing 习惯于I am used to Get up at six.我习惯于早六点起床used to do过去常做,但是现在不这么做了I used to Get up at six.我过去常常六点起床,(但是现在不这样了。)手打完毕,希望有帮助。

Do you like Chinese food or fast food?作文

Fast food in China As an import, fast food has come to China since last 80s. Now, fast food is becoming more and more popular in public, especially children, teenagers and travelers. It has become the first choice for their outside repast.Why has fast food done so well only through 20 years? I think there are several reasons for its popularity. In the first place, fast food is really very fast as its name indicates. Some world-famous fast food chains, like KFC and McDonald"s, restrict the time for preparing food. In the next place, it is cheaper than restaurant while cleaner than small eateries. Thirdly, fast food chain can provide food of relatively uniform size, volume or even shape all over the world because of its strict standard. Last but not the least is fast food chain often uses some finesse to attract customers, for instance, presenting food or toys with suit, providing all kinds of vouchers, etc.However, there"re also deficiencies restrict fast food"s further development. The most vital question is fast food containing high caloric and inadequate supplying of nutritive elements according to the healthy food"s requirement. So, if fast food could provide better food and better service, meanwhile make up its deficiency, the Chinese market—the largest in the world—will open up more broad prospects for its development.


丘吉尔《BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS》英语演讲稿   "BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS"   Winston Churchill (May 13, 1940 )   On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.   It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.   I have already completed the most important part of this task. A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unity of the nation.   It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. Other key positions were filled yesterday. I am submitting a further list to the King tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow.   The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer. I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects.   I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today. At the end of today"s proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 2l with provision for earlier meeting if need be. Business for that will be notified to M. P. "s at the earliest opportunity.   I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government. The resolution:   "That this House welcomes the formation of a government representing the united and inflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion."   To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself. But we are in the preliminary Phase of one of the greatest battles in history. We are in action at any other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean. The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.   In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or for mer colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.   I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.   You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.   You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, It is victory. Victory at all costs-victory in spite of all terrors-victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.   Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.   I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.   I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, "Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength."   “热血、汗水和眼泪”   上星期五晚上,我奉陛下之命,组织新的一届政府。   按国会和国民的意愿,新政府显然应该考虑建立在尽可能广泛的基础上,应该兼容所有的党派。   我已经完成了这项任务的最主要的部分。战时内阁已由五人组成,包括工党、反对党和自由党,这体现了举国团结一致。   由于事态的极端紧急和严峻,新阁政府须于一天之内组成,其他的关键岗位也于昨日安排就绪。今晚还要向国王呈报一份名单。我希望明天就能完成几位主要大臣的任命。   其余大臣们的任命照例得晚一些。我相信,在国会下一次召开时,任命将告完成,臻于完善。   为公众利益着想,我建议议长今天就召开国会。今天的议程结束时,建议休会到5月21日,并准备在必要时提前开会。有关事项当会及早通知各位议员。   现在我请求国会作出决议,批准我所采取的各项步骤,启示记录在案,并且声明信任新政府。决议如下:   “本国会欢迎新政府的组成,她体现了举国一致的坚定不移的决心:对德作战,直到最后胜利。”   组织如此规模和如此复杂的政府原本是一项重大的任务。但是我们正处于历史上罕见的一场大战的初始阶段。我们在其他许多地点作战——在挪威,在荷兰,我们还必须在地中海做好准备。空战正在继续,而且在本土也必须做好许多准备工作。   值此危急关头,我想,即使我今天向国会的报告过于简略,也当能见谅。我还希望所有在这次改组中受到影响的朋友、同僚和旧日的同僚们对必要的礼仪方面的任何不周之处能毫不介意。   我向国会表明,一如我向入阁的大臣们所表明的,我所能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水我们所面临的将是一场极其严酷的.考验,将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。   若问我们的政策是什么?我的回答是:在陆上、海上、空中作战。尽我们的全力,尽上帝赋予我们的全部力量去作战,对人类黑暗、可悲的罪恶史上空前凶残的暴政作战。这就是我们的政策。   若问我们的目标是什么?我可以用一个词来回答,那就是胜利。不惜一切代价,去夺取胜利——不惧一切恐怖,去夺取胜利——不论前路如何漫长、如何艰苦,去夺取胜利。因为没有胜利就不能生存。   我们务必认识到,没有胜利就不复有大英帝国,没有胜利就不复有大英帝国所象征的一切,没有胜利就不复有多少世纪以来的强烈要求和冲动:人类应当向自己的目标迈进。   我精神振奋、满怀信心地承担起我的任务。我确信,大家联合起来,我们的事业就不会遭到挫败。   在此时此刻的危急关头,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。我要说:“来吧,让我们群策群力,并肩前进!” ;

单词"god " 前面加不加定冠词"the"


翻译 英译汉 They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions

form:形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造,形成,构成;排列等多种意思 。而from是介词。句中form表示行成xx



一首中文歌曲是女声的。里面歌词好像有one day twoday three day ...旋律很轻快。。很早就听到了。歌名是

大家来恋爱 (涩女郎主题曲)--刘若英,徐怀钰,孔令奇LRC:mackjm徐:要一见钟情 要一箭穿心 一瞬间就决定 才是真的爱情刘:要想清楚 要一步一步 等缘分都停驻 才有真的幸福合唱:干嘛要想得很美想得很远 只要这秒有感觉孔:吻一下 拥抱一下 就胜过誓言徐:一恋爱我会撒娇又耍赖刘:一恋爱我会体贴又关怀刘/徐:看着情人小事也变得浪漫 听冷笑话都会笑到流汗徐:一恋爱我的人会亮起来刘:一恋爱我会活的更精采刘/徐:热恋的人总会特别可爱 微笑像有翅膀停不下来 大家来恋爱Rap:Why you talki" that mess huh? Why you trippin"but love huh?Why can"t you just let it go Just don"t say noGive it to me now mommaYou must be dreamin"if you think love is so 完美So you best stop dreamin"lemme tell you love is a gameIt"slike round n round spinnin here we go you be like"Is this really ture?"I say I don"t know can"t tell you right nowBut you can stii be my booIt"s just like somethih" about you makes me feel on so goodSo just don,t don"t fight the feeiingWouidn"t stop if you could徐:要一见钟情 要一箭穿心 一瞬间就决定 才是真的爱情刘:要想清楚 要一步一步 等缘分都停驻 才有真的幸福合唱:干嘛要想得很美想得很远 只要这秒有感觉孔:吻一下 拥抱一下 就胜过誓言徐:一恋爱我会撒娇又耍赖刘:一恋爱我会体贴又关怀刘/徐:看着情人小事也变得浪漫 听冷笑话都会笑到流汗徐:一恋爱我的人会亮起来刘:一恋爱我会活的更精采刘/徐:热恋的人总会特别可爱 微笑像有翅膀停不下来 大家来恋爱Rap:I look at love simply give me some please徐:一恋爱我会撒娇又耍赖If you don"t want it pass it on move quickly刘:一恋爱我会体贴又关怀Tese girls they need attentionMy time love and affection刘/徐:看着情人小事也变得浪漫 听冷笑话都会笑到流汗Day one all on stressDay two up in your neckDay three where did this come fromDay four comes around baby girl I"m gone合 : 恋爱是两个人互相依赖 恋爱是默契好过双胞胎有另一半总会勇敢起来 可以到达最幸福的未来大家来恋爱

today i feel close you 歌词~!

Close my eyes and feel your mind 闭上双眼,感受你的心境 Time has passed 时光逝去 I walk like a shadow 我宛如幽魂般地游走 Never knew What I am going through 从未知觉自己穿越过的事物 You touch my heart and take my breath away 你触动我的心弦让我惊奇 Whisper on the wind so softly 风儿捎来的耳语 如此地轻柔 Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love 就让耀眼星辰将爱注满我们的梦想吧 Reach for your hand ( You are holding my key) 伸向你的手 (你正握著我的钥匙) and you show me the way 你引导我方向 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一不分开 I wish we could stay forever as one 我多么希望我两能永远在一起 永不分离 All the tears that haunt my past 那些泪水纠结著我的过往 You promised it′ll be better tomorrow 你曾约定过的明天将会更好的 play that song You and I listened to 播放那手我俩曾聆听过的歌吧! And let it gently ease our pain 让它轻柔地舒缓我们的伤痛 Tender rain drops from the blue sky 晴空飘下温柔的雨滴 Flowers blooming, life is so divine 丛花绽开 生命是如此的神奇 like sunlight on a stream (you′re holding my key) 彷佛溪水上闪烁耀眼的阳光般 (你正握著我的钥匙) You show the world to me 你引导我看全世界 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开 So much love in this beautiful world 在这美丽的世界上 处处充满著爱 Search for the brightest star in the sky 找寻那夜空中最明亮的星辰 You will find the meaning of love 你将会发现真爱的意义 Don′t be afraid (Don′t be afraid), 别害怕 (别害怕) Just be yourself (Just be yourself) 只要作你自己 (只要作你自己) We need this love...I′ve never knew 我们需要这份爱…这份我从未知道的爱 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开 I wish we could stay forever as one 我多么希望我俩能永远在一起 永不分离

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Tell Me Goodbye(bigban) 罗马音歌词。

见视频(附带罗马音歌词)http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc0MDMxMTQ4.html 日文罗马拼音Letting you go…(here"s somebody…)Letting you go…(here"s somebody…)Yo I got this, yeahstill thinking about this thing a lotyou got me shaken up(Please tell me there"s a way)And it got my head just spinnin" round round round round(Please tell me there"s a way)Don"t wanna take a fallIt"s best to break it upIt"s gonna be better for you, move on(Please tell me there"s a way)Uh huh we break it break itOr thought we make it make itAnd now we cover it upGirl I swear kimi no koto wo ichibyou demoKanashimasenai yakusokuMamoru tame ni wa mo obore mini cooperaErabu michi wa nai karaBaby aimini coopere bun dake kizutsukete shimauAnd I"ve got nothing, nothing to sayTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeDakishimeta te woTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeHanasouBoku wo wasureru koto ni jiyuu ni naru nara BabyTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeGirl you know kimi ga egao wo nakumini coopereku hodoBoku wa jibun no semeru yoNego sameru kotoba mo hikari sae moNani mo kamo miushinauBaby kono kuchibiru ga hanareta shunkan niI"ll never find better, better than youTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeDakishimeta te woTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeHanasouSoba ni iru koto dake ga yasashisa janai to BabyTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeYo and it"s so, soSad it just ain"t happeningWish it could be betterSorry to be scrappingBut I just can"t let yaShouldn"t be less than happyI said look at meI couldn"t live with myself seeing you lackingThe things you deserveBaby you was a part?Must believe that it hurtsthat lead this worldI feel the aching through my bodyit just takes a bigger part of meto be lettin" you goI wish that one soulKimi no koe setsunaku fade away away-ay-ay-ayKaze ni kakikesarete yuku stay stay-ay-ay-ayKore ijou wa I can"t take it,Sono namida don"t cry for meKimi no tame never look back againTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeDakishimeta te woTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeHanasouSoba ni iru koto dake ga yasashisa janai to BabyTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeTell me goodbye

bigbang tell me goodbye歌词中文音译

Tell me goodbye bigbangLetting you go(here"re somebody)Letting you go(here"re somebody)Yo I got this, yeah[GD]Still thinking about this thing a lot,You got me shaken up (please tell me there"s way)And it got my head just spinnin" round round round~(please tell me there"s way)Don"t wanna take a fall It"s best to break it upIt"s gonna be better for you, more on(please tell me there"s way)Uh huh we break it break itOr thought we make it make itAnd now we cover it up[太阳]Girl I swear gi mi luo guo tuoyi jiu pion tian moka la she ma xie la yi ya gu"s moma lu tv ta lie mi wa amo gu lie xi ganei la bu yiqi ma la yi ga la ha [大成] Baby ai xu da mo dai kie ki zu zu da xi ma wu And I"ve nothing, nothing to say [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]ga ki xi mie ta tie yo[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[大成]han la suo~~ bu gu wu wa su li luo bu tu ji li you li lala bady [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]Girl you know ki mi ga ei galaku si die gu huo luobu ku wa ji bu wuon xie la lu yolie gu cha mie lu guo duo ma mo gie ka li sha li ei mo la li mu ka wu mi xu xi lan wu[太阳]Baby guo luo gu ji qi lug a ha la ha tu xu han niI"ll never better, better than you [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]ga ki xi mie ta tie yo[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[大成]han la suo~~ so ba di yi lu gu tuo da gie ga a sha sha jia la yi duo baby[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[Top][TOP]Yo and it"s so, soSad it just ain"t happeningWish it could be betterSorry to scrappingBut I just can"t let yaShouldn"t(轻) be less than happyI said look at meI couldn"t live with myself seeing you lacking[The things you deserveBaby you was a part?Must believe that it hurtsthat lead this world] 重连唱I feel the aching through my bodyit just takes a bigger part of meto be let you goI wish that weren"t[大成]ki mi nuo ku ei sing tu la ku Fade away away ayayayay[胜利]ka xie li ka tu kie sa lan ye you gu stey stey~~~~[太阳]kuo li yi zu wa I can"t (take it)suo no wa mi da Don"t cry (for me)[大成]ki mi luo ta man Never look back again eh eh eh eh [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]ga ki xi mie ta tie yo[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[大成]han la suo~~ so ba di yi lu gu tuo da gie ga a sha sha jia la yi duo baby[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbyeTell me goodbye.--end--



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yield 常指农作物产量,但并不只表示农作物产量 。 Production除了常表示工业产量外,也可以表示其他出品,像电影、出版物;output 是机器﹑ 工人等的产量,比如钢产量和人均生产量。



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英语翻译 哪位高手帮帮忙 急 he understood that "the need for a constantly expanding market for its


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blood donation 英语作文~

Blood donation in my eyes is the dedication, is the noble life-saving act. The blood of volunteers his selfless dedication to the community, to the patients, and blood donors who completed the offering of blood left in silence after. Their sacrifice themselves to help others in the noble spirit of our good example. Although there is no return blood donation, but it is a life-long honor, the community and people will respect and love. Blood donation is the embodiment of love and dedication, blood donation is a manifestation of the community Thanksgiving, blood donation is a life-saving feat. Do you want to influence the lives of the community? Willing to offer you another point of compassion? Blood donation, from my start! Selfless dedication in the nation in the rise of the blood of life in the Pentium rolling! We have to act, for the blood out of a force! Now, because of excessive bleeding tens of thousands of people die, so society emerged out of a group of blood donors, who are good like, we pay tribute to the brave and selfless donors. Blood donation in my eyes, not terrible, so "blood harmful to health, just a little courage." Blood is a symbol of life, blood donation is a sign of civilization and progress. I believe that the efforts of everyone in the community initiative, we can do better! 我眼中的无偿献血,就是无私奉献,就是救死扶伤的崇高行为。志愿者们将自己的血液无私奉献给了社会,给了病人,而献血者们,在献完血后就默默地离开了。他们这种牺牲自己,去帮助别人的崇高精神,是我们的好榜样。无偿献血虽然没有回报,但是却是终身的荣誉,会得到社会和人民的尊重和爱戴。献血是爱心奉献的体现,献血是感恩社会的体现,献血是拯救生命的壮举。你们想为社会做点贡献吗?你们愿为他人献点爱心吗?献血,从我做起!民族在无私的奉献中崛起,生命在奔腾的热血里绵延!我们大家要行动起来,为献血出一份力!现在因为失血过多而死亡的人成千上万,于是社会涌现出了一群一群的献血者,他们都是好样的,我们向勇敢无私的献血者致敬。我眼中的无偿献血,并不可怕,所以“献血无损健康,只需小小勇气。” 热血是生命的标志,无偿献血是文明进步的标志。我相信,在大家的努力下,在社会的倡导下,我们一定能做得更好!


其实是不定式省to,英语中有这样的规定,前面出现do的 话,后面的不定式可省to What you need to do at present is (to)overcome all difficulties and convince others of your ability to finish this task. 不定式作表语. 现在你需要做的是克服所有困难,让别人相信你有能力完成这个任务


新托福阅读关于biodiversity的文章主要有:1、TPO33,文章标题:Extinction Episodes of the Past2、文章内容:It was not until the Cambrian period, beginning about 600 million years ago, that a great proliferation of macroscopic species occurred on Earth and produced a fossil record that allows us to track the rise and fall of biodiversity. Since the Cambrian period, biodiversity has generally risen, but there have been some notable exceptions. Biodiversity collapsed dramatically during at least five periods because of mass extinctions around the globe. The five major mass extinctions receive most of the attention, but they are only one end of a spectrum of extinction events. Collectively, more species went extinct during smaller events that were less dramatic but more frequent. The best known of the five major extinction events, the one that saw the demise of the dinosaurs, is the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction.Starting about 280 million years ago, reptiles were the dominant large animals in terrestrial environments. In popular language this was the era "when dinosaurs ruled Earth," when a wide variety of reptile species occupying many ecological niches. However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and when, after over 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years ago, mammals began to flourish, evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species, including bats and whales, that we know today. Paleontologists label this point in Earth"s history as the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period, often abbreviated as the K-T boundary. This time was also marked by changes in many other types of organisms. Overall, about 38 percent of the families of marine animals were lost, with percentages much higher in some groups Ammonoid mollusks went from being very diverse and abundant to being extinct. An extremely abundant set of planktonic marine animals called foraminifera largely disappeared, although they rebounded later. Among plants, the K-T boundary saw a sharp but brief rise in the abundance of primitive vascular plants such as ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and conifers and other gymnosperms. The number of flowering plants (angiosperms) was reduced at this time, but they then began to increase dramatically.What caused these changes? For many years scientists assumed that a cooling of the climate was responsible, with dinosaurs being particularly vulnerable because, like modern reptiles, they were ectothermic (dependent on environmental heat, or cold-blooded). It is now widely believed that at least some species of dinosaurs had a metabolic rate high enough for them to be endotherms (animals that maintain a relatively consistent body temperature by generating heat internally). Nevertheless, climatic explanations for the K-T extinction are not really challenged by the ideas that dinosaurs may have been endothermic, because even endotherms can be affected by a significant change in the climate.Explanations for the K-T extinction were revolutionized in 1980 when a group of physical scientists led by Luis Alvarez proposed that 65 million years ago Earth was stuck by a 10-kilometer-wide meteorite traveling at 90,000 kilometers per hour. They believed that this impact generated a thick cloud of dust that enveloped Earth, shutting out much of the incoming solar radiation and reducing plant photosynthesis to very low levels. Short-term effects might have included huge tidal waves and extensive fires. In other words, a series of events arising from a single cataclysmic event caused the massive extinctions. ?【A】?Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. ?【B】?At locations around the globe, geologists had found an unusually high concentration of iridium in the layer of sedimentary rocks that was formed about 65 million years ago. ?【C】?Iridium is an element that is usually uncommon near Earth"s surface, but it is abundant in some meteorites. 【D】?Therefore, Alvarez and his colleagues concluded that it was likely that the iridium in sedimentary rocks deposited at the K-T boundary had originated in a giant meteorite or asteroid. Most scientist came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation, 180 kilometers in diameter in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.3、文章主要题目: 词汇题、事实信息题、句子改述题、事实信息题、事实信息题、功能目的题、词汇题、词汇题、否定事实信息题、事实信息题、 事实信息题、推理题、句子插入题、概要题。(按照出现顺序排列)

这个配置可COD8,9,BF3,AC2,3,Gears of war特效全开吗?或者告诉我其他的配置

应该可以 其中bf3 xp上玩不了






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i don`t give a fuck , god sent me piss the word off是什么意思


the secret of goddess中文歌词

Whenever you cry【无论何时你若哭泣】Just count your blessings【就请回忆你曾经的祈愿】Every time you try【每一次你若尝试】Learn something, believe yourself【总会有所收获 你要相信自己】Look to the sky【仰望广阔天空】Like a bird without wings【我们就像失去羽翼的鸟儿】If you want to fly【如果你渴望飞翔】Fell your heart, release yourself【就聆听你的心声 解放你自己】We are alive in this world【我们立于此世】Lift is sometimes unfair【上天并不是时时公平】We keep going in this world【我们在这世间不断前行】Lord will hear our prayers【主会听见我们的祈祷】Look up at the sky【仰望广阔天空】Like a bird without wings【我们宛若失去羽翼的小鸟】If you want to fly【你若渴望飞翔】Feel your breeze, release yourself【就去感受你心中的那阵微风 解放你自身】Why do you sigh?【为什么要叹气呢】Just cont your blessings【回忆下你曾经的祈愿吧】Every time you try【无论何时 你若尝试】Find something, believe yourself【都将会有所发现 你要相信自己】My mission is gonna be a tough one【变得坚强是我的目标】I know it"s not a game anymore【我知道这不再是场游戏】I swear that I"ll never fail again【我对天起誓 我不会再失败】"Cuz don"t wanna regret anymore【因为我不想再后悔了】Can you hear I"m calling you?【你听见我的呼唤了吗?】I just wanna fell you【我只是希望能与你为一】Don"t forget to remember【别忘了将我铭记】So please remember【请不要将我忘记】I hear you are calling me【我听见你正在呼唤我】I want you to fell me【我希望你能感受我的感受】You know I won"t surrender【你知道我已不会选择放弃】Never surrender【也从未放弃】My mission I"ve got to execute【我必须实现我的目标】I know it"s not a game anymore【我知道这不再是一场游戏】I swear that I"ll never fail again【我发誓我绝不会再度失败】‘Cuz don"t wanna regret anymore【只因我不想再度后悔】【Chapter1:Vulcanus(第一章:伏尔甘/九条月夜)】作曲:川崎里实Secrets of the goddess【女神的秘密】God only knows【唯有神知晓】This is my fate, I accept all the pain【这是我的命运 我接受了所有的痛苦】And overcome suffering【跨越了次次磨难】I share your fate, will never let you down【我与你共命运 我绝不会让你失望】Do my best in everything【我会尽一切可能做到最好】You are the light for me【你是我的光芒】I"ll be the light for you【我也将为你点亮一路光明】So just stay by your side【所以你做你自己就好】All the things will go your way【一切都将为你而动】And go my way【也会随我而动】That"s just like a dream in the night【此时就像是在静谧夜晚做的美梦一般】Here come Luna【月神降临】Always shining brightly【总是如此的耀眼明媚】There"s one definite truth, noble beauty【唯有此是毋庸置疑的 她是如此高贵美丽】For the real love【为了真爱】Moving forward slightly【哪怕只有一点 我也要向前迈进】I carry out all my wishes【我实现了我所有的梦想】True justice, that"s what I believe【真正的正义 这就是我所坚信的】【Chapter2:Apollo(第二章:阿波罗/中川花音)】作曲:川崎里实I know that no one was to blame【我知道这不是谁的错】Don"t feel sorry, it was not your fault【所以不用愧疚 这不是你的错】Remember that you"re in my thoughts【别忘了我在时刻想念你】I hope you feel the same【我希望你能感受得到】You"re the one who can save me【你是我唯一的救赎】Every time I think of you【每当我思念你之时】Fell like being with you【仿佛我就陪伴在你身边】I"ll be alright, cry no more【已经没有什么好害怕的了 已经没有什么可哭泣的了】I smile for you, I sing for you【我会为你而笑 为你歌唱】Every time you think of me【无论何时你若想念我】Please remember my song【就请回想我送给你的歌】I wait for you【我正等待你的到来】And give me all of your love【请给我你全部的爱】【Chapter3: Diana(第三章:狄安娜/鲇川天理)】作曲:江并哲志Whenever, wherever you need me【无论何时何地你若需要我】I"ll come out right away and help you【我都会立马赶到 为你倾尽全力】Never be afraid【没有什么值得恐惧】I should just achieve my aim【只许我全力去实现我的目标】Whenever, wherever you need love【无论何时何地你若需要爱】You should show your true emotion【就请展现你内心最深处的那份情感】Your sweet breath is【你那甜美的气息】Just like a gentle breeze【就像一阵沁人的微风】You need someone to take your hand【你需要有人牵起你的手】Open your eyes and heart【睁开你的眼睛 敞开你的心扉】Take your time【抓住你手中不断流逝的时间】And tell me what is on your mind【告诉我 你究竟在想想些什么呢?】Natural laws, everything grows【自然的法则 万物生长不息】Want you to keep a pure mind【希望你能保持那纯洁的灵魂】Love will make you much stronger【爱将使你更加强大】Natural laws, the river flows【自然的法则 河流奔腾不止】Want you to stay innocent【希望你以后还是这样的纯真】And love will make you brighter【爱将让你更加耀眼】Natural laws, and the wind blows【自然的法则 风儿吹拂大地】Want you to find your love【希望你能找到属于你的那份爱】Lift will bring you a lot of happiness【你那振奋的内心将为你带来无尽的快乐幸福】【Chapter4: Minerva(第四章:密涅瓦/汐宫栞)】作曲:木村香真良You prefer sitting and spending your time【你或许更愿意在在一间安静的屋子里】In the quiet room【度过独处的时光】And your favorite things are【你最喜欢做的】Reading several books and daydreaming【便是阅读各种各样的书 做着美好的梦】I trust the wisdom of my soul【我相信我灵魂中的智慧】And keep the faith of my heart【我相信我所坚信之物】Even if stumble【纵使我会跌倒】I"ll stand up and walk again【我也会再次战起 继续向前】Move forward, take a chance【前进不停 直至抓住那机会】Here we go【让我们启程出发吧】Your positive thoughts and words【你那永不言弃的信心与言语】Will bring you luck【将为你带来数不尽的幸运】Don"t hesitate to say and express your love【不要犹豫去表达你的爱】Let your heart be free now【就让你的心引领你】You can change yourself【你定能改变自己】【Chapter5: Mars(第五章:艾瑞斯/五位堂结)】作曲:青山シゲル&薫ルMy brave heart is a powerful weapon【我那颗勇敢的心是我最有力的武器】To beat the evil and fight for the right【助我战胜邪恶 维护正义】Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man【仿佛一位貌美女子有着一股男人的气概】You"re defending yourself against all your fears【你为了保护自己与恐惧而战】You look comfortable disguising yourself【你似乎享受着乔装自己】Must be satisfied with becoming somebody else【你一定喜欢变成他人的感觉】My brave heart is powerful weapon【我那颗勇敢的心是我最有力的武器】To beat the evil and fight for the right【助我惩恶扬善】Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man【仿佛一位貌美女子有着男人一般的气概】You"re defending yourself against all enemies【你为了保护自己与敌人而战】Gotta fight to win now【此战必定会夺得胜利】【Chapter6: Mercurius(第六章:墨丘利/高原步美)】作曲:石冢玲依Run!【奔跑吧】You are on the run【你正在奔向前方的路上】Tell me where you are headed【告诉我你将去往何处呢】There is no rush, take your time【不必匆忙 把握你的时间】What is happening to you?【有什么降临在你身上了吗】You are so in love【你是如此的沉溺于爱恋】Though near or far, thinking of him【无论与他间隔多近多远 总是不停地思念着他】Imagine your future love【想象一下在未来即将得到的爱吧】What"s gonna happen to you?【又会有什么发生在你身上呢?】It"s fun to watch people【观察他人是如此有趣】“Many men, many minds”【“千种人,万种思”】I"m curious about so many things【一切都是那么令我好奇】More and more【请再告诉我我所不知道的事情吧】Don"t be so sad if you lost your love【纵使你失去了挚爱 也请不要哭泣】I know that you are much braver than you believe【我知道你比你想象得还要坚强】And want you to stay the way you are【我希望你能在属于你的道路上继续前行】I wish you are always filled with happiness【希望你能与快乐常伴】【Epilogue: Love and Revival(尾声:爱与复活)】作曲:mixakissaThe time has come to make【是时候启程了】An end of all the missions【去迎接最后的终幕】Won"t look back on my way【我已不会回首走过的路】It"s a thing of the past now【一切都已经过去了】You shine just like the stars【你就像天上的星辰一样闪耀】So grace, so pure, halo ring【如此优美 如此纯洁 还有着耀眼的光环】Bright, white, and marvelous wings【耀眼 纯白 带着非凡的翅膀】At last I see all goddesses【终于我得以拜见女神们】I am a bit down and fell empty【不知为何我感到一阵空虚与失落】So great and how amazing you are【记忆中的你是如此美好而令人难忘】I only did what I ought to【我只是做了我该去做的事】At last I see all goddesses【最终我的拜见每一位女神】The time has come to make【是时候行动了】A success to revive you【是时候唤醒你们了】But it"s no so special【但这样的结局并不令人惊讶】It"s natural to complete【它早已注定会由我完成】You shine just like the stars【你就像天上的星辰一样闪耀】So grace, so pure, halo ring【如此优美 如此纯洁 光环闪耀】Bright, white, and marvelous wings【耀眼 纯白 还有美妙的翅膀】At last I see all goddesses【历经千难万险 我终于能拜谒于女神足下】I am a bit down and fell empty【莫名地我感到一阵空虚失落】So fine and how beautiful you are【记忆中的你是如此美好】I only did what I ought to【我只是做了我该做的事】At last I see all goddesses【跨越了千山万水 我终于见到你们了 神圣的女神们啊】




应该是MODERN BEAUTY吧,它的意思是:现代美容望采纳!


瓶颈是在宽带上面!路由器的特性:共享网络,但会分流。 百度经验:《设置路由器》http://jingyan.baidu.com/season/49960




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