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1.首先你需要有一个自我感觉写的差不多的库。2.注册trunk$sudo gem install cocoapodspod trunk register dantesx2012@gmail.com "dsxniubility" --verbose第一个指令是更新一下cocoapods不管你现在是什么版本,这个指令也都没有坏处,他会升级到目前最高的正式版。第二个指令建议邮箱名和用户名与自己的github同步,之后去自己的邮箱中找到该邮件点击验证的链接完成注册。如果你不是在董铂然博客园看到本文,请点击查看原文。完成之后再次进入终端查看自己注册信息pod trunk me如果成功的话可以看到如下图所示3.配置自己的podspec文件这是最重要的一步,配置里面的信息必须按照要求填写,否则会各种让你不通过。这里有两种方案,一是自动生成,二是找一个现成的podspec文件改改。这里建议第二种,因为第一种自动生成的东西里面会有很多用不到。第二种可以去github上找一些优秀代码把podspec打开看看再修改,这里我直接把我的贴出来了,免得去找了。建议使用sublime打开或vim修改,因为用普通的txt打开的话会出现诸如中英文单引号等一些列问题十分蛋疼。Pod::Spec.new do |s|s.name = "SXWaveAnimate"s.version = "1.3.6"s.license = "MIT"s.summary = "An Animate Water view on iOS."s.homepage = ""s.authors = { "董尚先" => "dantesx2012@gmail.com" }s.source = { :git => ".git", :tag => s.version.to_s }s.requires_arc = trues.ios.deployment_target = "8.0"s.source_files = "SXWaveAnimate/*.{h,m}"s.resources = "SXWaveAnimate/images/*.{png,xib}"end这里的每一行感觉都是顾名思义很容易理解,需要注意的是最下方的source_files 和 resources 一定要分清,需要编译器编译的放在前者,资源文件放在后者。我之前坑了一次,把xib放在前者了,后面的步骤一路畅通,但是到最后pod install自己代码下来就会遇到编译不通过的问题。如果你需要直接把自己demo程序中Images.xcassets里的图片取出来当资源文件可以这么写s.resources = ["SXWaveAnimate/*.xib", "SXWaveAnimateDemo/*.xcassets"]4.上传代码把自己的项目提一次commit到github上。再打一下taggit tag "1.0.0" git push --tags tag和commit是两个不同的机制,就算commit全被reset了通过tag也可以找回代码。5.提交自己的podspec文件找到podspec的根目录下,再执行下面的指令pod trunk push SXWaveAnimate.podspec这一行代码做了很多之前步骤中的工作。包括检测podspec是否合法,转成json格式传输,上传到trunk服务器,再转到github的cocoapods库。执行之后通过的话显示是这个样子的失败的话可能会出现这样或者是这样失败的原因基本都是podspec文件里面的格式错误或者路径写错了,这里不要急慢慢来,没人限制你说只给你一次机会。出现上面成功的情况就是交给cocoapods团队审核了,这个过程是很快的,从几小时到一个两个工作日不等。建议今天成功了明天下午再来看看,用不着一直刷新。6.随便看看执行搜索操作就能看到自己写的库摆在那里了如果隔了很久还搜是不到自己的库,建议把仓库更新一下,再搜。如果感觉自己的pod速度太慢,可以更换淘宝的ruby源,只要你为cocoapods提供了代码就能在你github的右边有个cocoaPods/Specs并且你回头看你的代码,代码所使用的语言占比也会出现Ruby我传的库是一个关于灌水动画的,有兴许的可以去看看或者pod install一下。SXWaveAnimate7.更新库更新基本没有什么特殊操作,重复第4,5两步,记得把podspec和tag 都加1点,如果tag不变也是不允许的。更新库的话速度很快,我记得当时好像10分钟就能刷出来了,如果你发现你pod search 时自己是1.3.6版本 但是pod install后仍是1.3.5版本,并且在podfile文件中你也并没有指定固定的版本号,那就把podfile.lock删除就好了。


Jade有两点是超出传统模板技术的。第一、简洁。注意,简洁并非单指更少的符号,而是看是否能match你的需要。Jade强制的缩进格式能凸显html的结构,而对于前端来说,最重要的任务恰恰是处理结构,而不像一般的html author那样是处理内容。反过来说,假如你的主要任务是处理内容,比如写作blog之类的,那你应该用wiki或者markdown之类的,而不应该用Jade。第二、html-aware传统模板技术其实是通用模板,即模板引擎并不care你输出的是html还是其他格式的文本。而Jade专为HTML设计,因此可以做许多传统模板做不到的专门针对html的优化。举个几个简单的例子:1. 决定如何输出属性(当属性赋值为null/false时不输出属性,为true时只需属性不需要值,这在传统模板里写起来很麻烦、代码难看易出错)2. 自动产生well-formed结构(甚至可决定是否要输出结束标签,而传统模板理论上也做不到这点,除非引入额外的html parse或tidy)3. 换行处理,避免产生额外的空白节点4. 对输出的变量自动进行特殊字符的encode当然,这些ejs或传统模板也有能实现的,但是用起来感觉都很挫。实际上,Jade在这方面其实做得还不够好(我打算顺着这个思路做个开源的项目),但是比那些传统模板还是要优雅多了。

用be good for 句型造句 最少5个

Vegetables are good for your health.蔬菜对你的健康有益。This light is good for your eyes.这个灯对你的眼睛有好处。Practice is good for your study.练习对你的学习有好处。Drinking much wather is good for your body.多喝水,身体好。Doing moring exercise is good for you.做早操对你有益处。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

good day、hi there应该怎么用?

Good day和hi there, 都表示你好的意思。熟人之间打招呼用的。


I can nayowa zuni susumou nekaini chikafukeruyo itsuno hinika ahureru hikarino hanawo sakaseyou I see the light wake up,stand up mouichido ashitahe try here I am hitomi tojitara hitori jiyanai kotoni kiduita kawai teita kokoroga ureshii namidani somaru once again I promise imakara konomuneno nakade ugoki hajimete konokodou kanjinagara ※I will omoikiri tsuranuku konomama hashiri taikara itsuno hinaka yumemitabasyode a-ha-ha towaratte irudesyo wake up,stand up nandodemo get up and try※ carry on... I realize I realize that we can get there I can mayowazuni susumou negaini chikadukeruyo I can mayowazuni susumou itsunohinika ahureru hikari no hanawosakaseyou


SQL0332N There is no available conversion forthe source code page "1386" to the target codepage "819". Reason Code "1". SQLSTATE=57017查相关资料,原来源代码页与目标代码页不兼容,用命令:db2set db2codepage=1386 -I db2inst重新连接,一切正常!

搭建持续集成环境,hudson新建任务时Source Code Management下没有subversion,只显示none,怎么解决

hudson 早就out了, 是oracle 收购的那个,早就out了。最新的已经改名叫jenkins了http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/war/latest/jenkins.war



为什么WORD文件下载后变为JavaScript Source Code格式,该怎样做才能正常打开?

会计专业实践调查报告 暑假期间,我有幸来到了中国工商银行双流县支行进行了为期一个月的会计实习,学到了许多书本以外的知识,受益非浅。下面是我对银行储蓄存款实名制进行的一点简单探讨。 一、储蓄存款实名制的含义 储蓄存款实名制是指居民在金融机构开户和办理储蓄业务时,必须出示有效身份证明,银行员工有义务给予记录,并要求存款人在存单上留下自己姓名的制度。其根本宗旨在于有效保护个人利益和维护国家利益的前提下,促进金融体系在公平、公正、公开的基础上进行,保证个人金融资产的真实性、合法性。 我国建国五十年来,储蓄存款制度一直实行的是记名(虚名)储蓄制度。其记名可以是真名、假名、代码亦可以是亲友的名字。特别是活期储蓄,银行只认存折不认人,只要取款人提供存折出示印鉴或输对密码(由取款人开户时约定)银行即按折付款。储蓄存款实名制是发达国家早已实行的一项金融制度,也是绝大多数发展中国家实行的金融制度. 二、为什么要实储蓄存款实名制 我国现行的储蓄存款记名制可以说从源头上造成了一系列社会经济问题,已经妨碍了改革开放的进程,到了积重难返的地步。 1、储蓄存款加快增长现象下掩盖了触目惊心的社会财富转移。截止1999年6月末,我国商业银行储蓄存款总额(本外币全折人民币)达6.3万亿元。我国居民储蓄存款是呈几何级数增长的,1987年,我国居民储蓄存款余额仅3073亿元,1992年突破1万亿元,1994年突破2万亿元,t995年突破3万亿元,到1998年末更是达5.3万亿元,而仅仅半年,1999年6月末已达6.3万亿元。1992年以来,我国GDP增长率虽然走上了快速增长的通道,最高的年份是1992年的14.1%,最低的年份是1998年的7.8%,从92年到98年,算术平均数也仅10.76%,GDP的增长与储蓄存款增长不同步,这说明两点,一是国民收入的分配过份向个人倾斜。二是有些个人收入已经不来源于国民收入,而是直接来源于国有资产的流失。 2、税收征管困难,偷逃税款严重。纳税是公民的义务,但在现实条件下,能偷逃税赋成了个人的本事,对不少财务管理人员来说,逃税倒成了其义务,我国个人所得税规模占人均GDP的比重大约在0.28%左右,远低于发展中国家平均水平的2.1%,税源流失过多,根源在于我国的现行储蓄存款制度根本无法支持个人所得税的征收和监管,而存款制度的不完善,不利于建立公民的信用体系,不能明确个人对国家应尽的义务,无法通过税收杠杆调节居民收入差距和贫富差距,缓解社会矛盾,使国家集中力量办大事。 3、使我国的相关调整政策无所适从,实施效果大打折扣。比如,针对我国内需不旺、消费疲软的状况,国家出台了一系列刺激消费的政策,如连续下调利率、鼓励消费信贷、征收储蓄利息所得税、增加公务员和事业单位人员工资收入、刺激教育消费等等,但这些政策实施效果很不明显,为什么?因为储蓄存款记名制掩盖了贫富差距,立法和行政机构很难对症下药,对少部分暴富阶层的人士来说(据非官方资料,这部分仅占存款人数7%的阶层控制了约60%以上的储蓄存款总额),收入只是数字的增加减少,钱对他们来说几辈子也花不完,该有的都有了,因此他们对刺激消费的政策很麻木。 4、个人信用制度无法建立起来。市场经济就是信用经济,一切经济关系要靠信用来维系,没有好的信用制度,就会产生“交易冷淡”和“投资锁定”现象,由于互不信任,交易方式会向现金交易和以货易货等原始的刻板的方式滑落,“银行惜贷、企业惜投、个人惜借”的悲观情绪弥漫,造成经济活力日益下降,宏观调控政策难以发挥作用。个人信用制度建立当然是一个复杂的程序,涉及到金融法律法规建设、金融产品创新、技术创新和管理创新等诸多内容,但储蓄暑期实习报告存款实名制则是最基本、最核心的内容。 三、如何实行储蓄存款实名制 1、以现有的个人身份证号码为基础,建立储蓄存款实名制。信用是公民活在世上的面子和通行证,个人信用的好坏直接关系到能否享受贷款、透支和分期付款,还影响到退休保障。在储蓄存款实名制的记录和支持下,每个人的每一笔收入、交易、纳税、借款、还款的情况都记录在案,作为考核信用的基础。 2、明确一个申报确认期,对现有个人帐户及个人财产进行申报登记,说明可计算的合法来源,对于到期按兵不动,无人认领的,以及无法说明合法来源的,国家给予冻结调查,违法收入将没收充公。 3、实行银行帐户与税务机关联网,个人帐户收支情况在授权范围内报送税务局,由税务局作为纳税依据,税务局有义务对个人财产高度保密,并建立相应的惩罚措施。为堵塞现金交易、逃避税务检查的漏洞,银行应严格控制大额存取款的数量和次数,对不正常情况报送税务局。 4、要促进支付手段的票据化,为财产登记和依法征税提供依据。尤其是个人帐户要普及支票转帐业务,票据清算要实现电子化、即时化、通存通兑化,切实提供“随时、随地、随意”的个人转帐业务,逐步改变传统的依赖现金交易的做法。

1.Today is january 1 .(同义句) —— —— ——- —— today. 2. I like to go shopping on Boxing Day.

1. It"s New Year"s Day today.2.What do you like to do on Boxing Day.3. I have so much fun on the night of new year.4.I am going to mark my mother "s birtuday on the calendar.

proteus如何删除source code断点

一个个拖掉在Xcode的界面左边那栏,第6个像断点的东西,对着project,右键,delete break point,就可以删除全部的了。如果只是想断点不起作用,也可以在Xcode界面上面那条把Breakpoints点击一下,灰掉了就不再执行断电

xcode dat文件为什么右键没有source code选项

以前在 ./build 里。但自从 Xcode 4 以后,生成的程序就默认放到一个隐藏文件夹了。在菜单 Xcode >> Preferences >> Build Location 里可以设置一下。


推荐联想刷机包下载 http://www.shuajizhijia.net/phonelist_17

如何获取网页URL的source code

URL oracle = new URL( url); String test = oracle.toExternalForm(); String test1 = oracle.toString(); URI oracle1 = null; try { oracle1 = oracle.toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(oracle.openStream())); String inputLine; String inputLine2 = ""; while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) inputLine2 +=inputLine; in.close();

mpc-be 下哪个版本source code

MPC-BE Source Code ..........................uild.bat ..........................uild_2012.bat ..........................uild_clean_all.bat ..........................uild_full.bat ..........................uild_rebuild.bat ..........................distrib .................................custom_messages.iss .................................Languages ..........................................Armenian.islu ..........................................Basque.isl ..........................................Belarusian.isl ..........................................ChineseSimplified.isl ..........................................ChineseTraditional.isl ..........................................Korean.isl ..........................................Slovak.isl ..........................................Swedish.isl ..........................................Turkish.isl .................................mpc-be_setup.iss .................................WizardImageFile.bmp .................................WizardSmallImageFile.bmp

proteus中对source code如何进行修改和保存

首先找到需要修改的文件 DSN 文件在高版本软件中打开修改保存,只会产生新的文件格式要保存修改后的 DSN 文件,只能在低版本软件中操作再单击“保存”按钮,则完成新建设计文件操作,其后缀自动为.DSN,即START.DSN

Mame模拟器的source code文件是做什么用的,怎么用?

source code源代码程序员用开发工具所支持的语言写出来的源文件像MAMEPLUS!就是MAME爱好者用源代码重新编译的 源代码是给编程人员准备的,如果你是编程人员你自然会知道那些东西是什么如果你不是的话,请无视那些东西1

环境变量可以在编译source code时指定吗?


protues软件里仿真后source code build FAILED with 1error


「source」「 code」都是代码的意思,有啥区别?

source 源code 编码他们没有一样的地方 组在一起就是“源代码”

binaries和source code的区别

根据你的提问应该是代码编辑相关,所以:binaries “二进制文件”的意思Source “源”的意思即:binaries 是项目开发时使用文件,source是源码的意思,也就是可以查看到源文件源码,有助于更好的理解。至于source也就是经验丰富的元老能看明白,一般我们只使用binaries文件。

Linux OS 下的 Generic Version 和 source code 有什么区别?

可以理解为程序语言需要在编译器里面进行编译,但是编辑器需要运行在操作系统里  编程语言(programming language),是用来定义计算机程序的形式语言。它是一种被标准化的交流技巧,用来向计算机发出指令。一种计算机语言让程序员能够准确地定义计算机所需要使用的数据,并精确地定义在不同情况下所应当采取的  简单讲,编译器就是将"一种语言(通常为高级语言)"翻译为"另一种语言(通常为低级语言)"的程序。一个现代编译器的主要工作流程:源代码 (source code) → 预处理器 (preprocessor) → 编译器 (compiler) → 目标代码 (object code) → 链接器 (Linker) → 可执行程序 (executables)  操作系统是管理计算机硬件资源,控制其他程序运行并为用户提供交互操作界面的系统软件的集合。操作系统是计算机系统的关键组成部分,负责管理与配置内存、决定系统资源供需的优先次序、控制输入与输出设备、操作网络与管理文件系统等基本任务。操作系统的种类很多,各种设备安装的操作系统可从简单到复杂,可从手机的嵌入式操作系统到超级计算机的大型操作系统。目前流行的现代操作系统主要有Android、BSD、iOS、Linux、Mac OS X、Windows、Windows Phone和z/OS等,除了Windows和z/OS等少数操作系统,大部分操作系统都为类Unix操作系统。


原因是源程序的问题。建议重新下载一个安装看看。1、解压缩后运行安装程序开始安装。2、接受协议,点击next。3、选择授权类型,选择第一个,再点击下一步。4、点击“Browse For Key File”,选择文件夹中的lxk格式文件。5、再点击install,安装完关闭该页面。6、选择组件,全部勾选。7、安装类型,选择typical,安装过程中会有杀毒软件阻止,允许即可。8、完成

什么是java的source code


source code是什么意思

是 源代码 的意思区别于编译后的目标码objective code和生成的机器码(可执行码)exective code

proteus中对source code如何进行修改

件source code的解决方案发现网上不怎么找得到答案,摸索出来了记录一下供大家学习参考双击嵌入式芯片,出来一个对话框,右边有个“edit firmware”按钮,点击它就可以了。具体步骤如下:1、进入proteus8,“文件File->新建工程new project”;2、给工程命名,选择路径文件夹,勾选“New Project”;3、勾选“Create a schematic from the selected template”,点选工程模板“Landscape A4”;4、勾选“Do not create a PCB layout”;5、勾选“Create Firmware Project”->“Family”选择“8086”,“Contoller”选择“8086”,“Compiler”选择“MASM32”,勾选“Create Quick Start File”;6、Next,Finish,汇编程序模板生成;7、点击菜单栏 System->Compilers Configurations,在对话框中,点击 Check All,如能找到“MASM32”则表示安装正确,点击 OK 关闭对话框;8、点击菜单栏Build->Project Settings,如果需要工程文件和源代码文件在同一路径, 则需要取消 Embed Files 的复选勾,否则源代码会放到Proteus的默认路径,建议不勾选;9、在“Source Code”页面点击菜单栏“Build->Build Project”,编译成功;10、回到“Schematic Capture”界面,双击图中的“8086”芯片,“Advanced Properties”下面->选择“Internal Memory Size”(注意不是“Internal Memory Start Address”),将“0x00000”修改为“0x10000”,否则会报错(如下图所示),Debug和仿真无法正常进行,因为默认8086的内存大小为0,也是很坑了;正确操作如下:11、之后再点“Debug -> Start VSM Debugging”,即可进入调试界面;12*、你可以通过“菜单栏Debug -> 3.8086 -> Registers”调出寄存器、内存等窗口,查看调试过程中的变化,使用起来还是很方便的。

有谁知道华硕官网“Source Code ”是什么玩意不

是开源代码开放源代码(Open source code)也称为源代码公开,指的是一种软件发布模式。一般的软件仅可取得已经过编译的二进制可执行档,通常只有软件的作者或著作权所有者等拥有程序的原始码。有些软件的作者会将原始码公开,此称之为“源代码公开”,但这并不一定符合“开放原代码”的定义及条件,因为作者可能会设定公开原始码的条件限制,例如限制可阅读原始码的对象、限制衍生品等。

source code是什么意思

在Java编程中,source code 就是源代码。就是我们根据Java 语言规范所编写的源程序文件,扩展名为java。bytecode 叫字节码,是扩展名为java的源程序文件经过Java编译器后所生成的类文件,它的扩展名为class。字节码文件不是二进制文件


source code 英[sɔ:s kəud]美[sɔrs kod]n. 源编码,原始(代)码,源程序;[例句]There is a fully configured Java application that uses iBATIS in the source code download for this article.在为本文下载的源代码中,有一个使用iBATIS的完全配置好了的Java应用程序。[其他] 复数:source codes

mysql innodb select count 优化解决方案

select count(*)

Codes的《Memorial》 歌词

歌曲名:Memorial歌手:Codes专辑:Trees Dream In AlgebraMemori--黄威尔黑夜燃烧著眼滴这房间流得出回忆收音机播的歌 是我写的当时我们在一齐在那潮湿的雨季伤口变得好仔细太模糊的结局你再不下去爱就停止在这里Memori 我该如何怀念你想你推开我还是在我怀中听你说我爱你Memori 你会恨我还是忘记封锁我的呼吸只留著我的心里属于最简的回忆黑夜燃烧著眼滴这房间流出回忆太模糊的结局你再不下去爱就停止在这里Memori 我该如何怀念你想你推开我还是在我怀里听你说我爱你Memori 你会恨我还是忘记封锁我的呼吸只留著我的心里属于最简的回忆当时我故意没有让留住你人开口我没有被你原谅的理由Memori 我该如何怀念你想你的聪明还是孤独依然在伤害你Memori 你连沉寞都不会提起封锁我的呼吸只留著我的心里属于最简的回忆.γりǒu﹎http://music.baidu.com/song/2895268

good person 音译歌词

uc624ub298uc740 ubb34uc2a8uc77c uc778uac70ub2c8oh ner lern mu sern ir lin ko ni今天到底怎么了uc6b8uc5c8ub358 uc5bcuad74 uac19uc740uac78uu lot don or kur ka tern kor好像哭泣过的脸庞一样uadf8uac00 ub108uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc544ud504uac8c ud588ub2c8ker ka no ae ma er mer ah per kae haet ni他伤了你的心吗ub098uc5d0uac90 uc138uc0c1 uc824 uc18cuc911ud55c ub108uc778ub370na ae kaen sae sang jae so jung han no in dae对我来说是世上最珍贵的你uc790ud310uae30 ucee4ud53cub97c ub0b4ubc00uc5b4ja pan ki ko pi ler nae mi to给你一罐自贩机咖啡uadf8uc18duc5d0 uac10ucdb0uc628 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ub2f4uc544ker so kae kam jwo un nae ma mer da ma那里面装着的是我的心意uace0ub9c8uc6cc uc624ube64 ub108ubb34 uc88buc740 uc0acub78cuc774uc57cko ma wo oh bban no mu chu ern sa lam mi ya谢谢你 哥你真是好人uadf8 ud55cub9c8ub514uc5d0 ub09c uc6c3uc744ubfd0ker han ma di ae nan ut ser bbun那句话让我笑了ud639uc2dc ub10c uae30uc5b5ud558uace0 uc788uc744uae4chok si non ki oh ka go it ser gga或许你还记得吗ub0b4 uce5cuad6c ud559uad50 uc55euc5d0 ub180ub7ecuc654ub358 ub0a0nae chin ku hak keo ah pae nor lo wat don nar在朋友学校前面玩闹的日子uc6b0ub9acub4e4 uc5f0uc778uac19ub2e4 uc7a5ub09cucce4uc744ub54cwu li der yon nin kat da jang lan cheot ser ddae我们俩像是恋人一样 这样开玩笑的时候ub10c uc6c3uc5c8uace0 ub09c ubc24 uc9c0uc0c8uc6e0uc9c0non ut so go nan bam ji sae wot ji你笑了 这让我彻夜未眠*ub2c8uac00 uc6c3uc73cuba74 ub098ub3c4 uc88buc544* ni ka ut ser myeon na do ju ah你笑着的话 我就觉得很开心ub10c uc7a5ub09cuc774ub77c ud574ub3c4non kang lan ni la hae do你就算只是开着玩笑ub110 uae30ub2e4ub838ub358 ub0a0 ub110 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6ub358 ubc24nor ki da lyeot don nar nor bo go sip don bam等待着你的日子 想念你的夜晚ub0b4uac90 ubc85ucc2c ud589ubcf5 uac00ub4ddud55cub370nae kaen bok chan haeng bok ka der kan dae也让我充满了的幸福ub098ub294 ud63cuc790uc5ecub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544na nern hon ja yo do kwaen cha na就算我还是独自一人也没关系ub110 ubcfcuc218ub9cc uc788ub2e4uba74nor bur su man it da myeon只要还能看着你ub298 ub108uc758 ub4a4uc5d0uc11c ub298 ub110 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294ner no ae dwi aw so ner nor ba la bo nern总是在你背后 总是凝望着你uadf8uac8c ub0b4uac00 uac00uc9c4 ubaabuc778uac83ub9cc uac19uc544ker kae nae ka ka jin mok sin kot man ka ta那样我就好像也有份了uce5cuad6cub4e4 uc9c0uacb9ub2e4 ub9d0ud558uc9c0chin ku der ji kyeop da mar ha ji朋友们都说这样令人心烦ub298 uac19uc740 ub178ub7a0 ubd80ub974ub294 ub098uc5d0uac8cner ka tern no laer bu ler nern na ae kae对总是歌唱着的我说ud558uc9c0ub9cc uadf8uac8c ubc14ub85c ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc778uac78ha ji man ker kae ba lo nae ma er min kor可是那个就是我的真心uadf8ub300 uba3cuacf3ub9cc ubcf4ub124uc694ker dae mon kot man bo nae yo我只能望向有你的地方ud639uc2dc ub10c uadf8ub0a0 ub0b4ub9d8uc744 uc54cuae4chok si non ker nar nae ma mer ar gga或许那一天你也知道我的心吗uc6b0ub9acub4e4 uc544ub294 uce5cuad6c ubaa8ub450 ubaa8uc778 ubc24wu li der ah nern chin ku mo du mo in bam我们跟所有认识的朋友聚会的夜晚uc220ucde8ud55c ub110 ub370ub9acub7ec uc628 uadf8ub97c ub0b4uac8csur chwi han nor dae li lo un ker ler nae kae把喝醉的你接走的他uc778uc0acuc2dcucf30ub358 ub098uc758 uc0dduc77c ub0a0in sa si kyeot don na ae saeng ir nar他向我问候 那个我生日的夜晚ub2c8uac00 uc88buc73cuba74 ub098ub3c4 uc88buc544ni ka ju er myeon na do ju ah你高兴的话我也开心ub2c8 uc606uc5d0 uadf8ub97c ubcf4uba70ni yo pae ker ler bo myeo在你身边遇见他ub098uc644 ub108ubb34 ub2e4ub978 ub09c ucd08ub77cud574uc9c0ub294na wan no mu da lern nan cho la hae ji nern和很憔悴的我我不一样的他uadf8uc5d0uac8c ub110 ubd80ud0c1ud55cub2e4ub294 ub9d0 ubc16uc5d0ker ae kae nor bu ta kan da nern mar bak kae除了把你托付给他ub110 uc6b8ub9acub294 uc0acub78cuacfc uc704ub85c ubc16uc5d0 ubabbud558ub294 ub098nor ur li nern sa lam kwa wi lo bak kae mo ta nern na那个弄哭你的人 除了安慰你 什么都无能为力的我*Repeat

nobody care什么意思

nobody care没有人在意

用clemnetine时用var.file loadnode 时报错 : unrecognized file format

你输入service ssh status 显示unrecongnized srevice,说明你的电脑上没有开启ssh服务,否则会显示ssh start/running,process 5382,你用的什么linux,ubuntu应该用/etc/init.d/ssh restart来启动ssh服务

The file format module could not parse the file(45::35) ae 报错了 怎么回事

报错信息说明:After Effects错误:文件格式模块不能解析该文件。After Effects无法读取你正试图导入的图片格式。报错的可能原因:不是文件被损坏了,就是文件格式的问题。它的头文件可能是错误的文件类型或文件的子类型,在这样的情况下要确定它是否是正确的几乎不太可能。比如,你在没有过多考虑文件类型的情况下,就将那些没有添加扩展名的文件转移到了Mac系统上,上述情况就可能发生。另外,当你试图导入采用了不用色彩空间编码(如CMYK或Lab)的文件时,错误也可能会产生。解决方法:为文件添加正确的扩展名,并在其他程序中验证该文件的类型,如果是因为错误的颜色模式导致,就将它转换为RGB颜色空间模式


CodeView 是独立 调试器 创造由大卫Norris在 微软 1985年作为它的发展toolset一部分。 它最初运送了与微软C 4.0和以后。 它也运送了与 Visual Basic 为 MS-DOS微软基本的PDS和一定数量的其他微软语言产品。 它是其中一台第一台调试器在是整个银幕安置的MS-DOS平台,而不是线安置了(象它的前辈 DEBUG.COM 并且symdeb)。当跑时, CodeView将提出用户与数 窗口 那能铺磁砖,被移动和否则被操作。 某些窗口是:代码窗口-代码窗口在它显示了当前被调试的代码 原始代码 上下文。 数据窗口-一个用户指定的存储器的十六进制转储。 命令窗口-用户命令(使用或相似的句法和一样DEBUG.COM和symdeb)可能这里被输入。 在微软发行 Visual C++ 1.0, CodeView的功能是联合入一个唯一程序环境,以著名 集成开发环境 (IDE) (虽然CodeView是可利用的在Visual C++的16位版本)。 QuickC 并且一定数量的其他开发工具在‘快的"系列也做了此。 因为编码和调试可以做,不用开关节目或上下文,这综合化由许多开发商看作为开发软件一个更加自然的方式。这综合化是很普遍的多数开发工具和平台提供相似的产品或特点。 今天,调试器被认为一个联合和主要部分的 微软视觉演播室 产品家庭。

body serum是什么意思


急需外研版初三英语 Module9 unit2 课文原文《Who owns English?》和 Around the world 急需呀!!

english around the worldBatman and Spiderman are two of the most famous American car toons.Batman os older tahn Spiderman.The first Batman cartoon appeare in 1939.Batman is one of the few cartoon heroes who have appeared in books since 1940. Spiderman was created a little more recently.Spiderman first appeared in comic books in 1962.In 1977, he appeared in daily newspapers.The Spiderman cartoon has been in over 500 different newspapers around world. Like Batman,Spiderman was also made into a television proramme and was cery successful.Both of them have been made into films,which helped to popularise them more widely,especially among children.Many try to imitate them.When they can"t fly,like Batman,they might try to walk on walls or even try to climb up them.Butthe main thing they should try to learn from Batman or Spiderman is to do good things for people,to help those who are unhappy or in trouble.

Standard Chartered Bank 香港swift code 是?

每个地区,每个银行的SWIFT CODE 都是固定的,就像邮政编码一样,都是唯一的。Standard Chartered Bank美国的和香港的SWIFT CODE 肯定是不一样的。

Nowadays all kinds of social media is a good

参考答案:Nowadays all kinds of social media is a good platform.当今所有种类的媒体都是好的平台。句子里 media 是媒体的意思,为不可数名词,所以后面的系动词用is.祝您学习进步,阿弥陀佛!

social media prome code和percentage off有哪些区别?

percentage off是一种满多少减多少的折扣促销方式,主要目的是多销商品,占领市场,挤压同行。Social Media Promo Code(社交促销代码),是一种通过社交媒体特定方向的促销活动,主要目的是给社交媒体吸引流量,促进某种社交媒体的推广。

somebody rang me up just now,but he hung up ____ i could answer the phone

somebody rang me up just now,but he hung up __before__ i could answer the phone

英语作文《reading a good habit》

There are some people who like reading as a habit,and there are some people who only read because they"re told to.Reading is a very good habit.I like reading very much.I like reading suspense novels particularly those written by Stephen King.I usually read during weekend mornings.On Sunday afternoons,I usually go to the Xinhua Bookstore to look for the latest suspense thrillers.I try to read books of various genres or formats.This keeps things mixed up,and also helps broaden my horizons with different information and subject matter.I started with my favorite type of book,and then venture out from there.Finally,a bad habit is just like a comfortable bed.It is easy to get in,but hard to get out.A good book makes good reading and always remember this:a man who doesn"t read books is no better than a man who can"t read them.Before you read a book,tell yourself,"I will enjoy reading this book!"Happy reading!

The connection between your access point, router, or cable modem and Internet is broken.

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I miss somebody

Feel horney baby?

as much food as you can 中间much food 做形容词原级吗?分析? 还有more加句子可以当比较级吗? 详细



why don"t you go sightseeing?(同义句)__Why_____ _not______ go sightseeing? we like thrillers(because they are excing.) 括号部分提问 __Why_____ __do______ you ___like_____ thrillers? I usually(have dinner)at 6:00 in the evening.同上 ___What____ ___do_____ you usually __do______ at 6:00 in the evening she is taking to (her friend)now.同上 __Who______ ____is____ she talking __to______ now? It"s going to be rainy soon.同义句 It"s going to _rain_______ soon. She is a very good cook. What a good cook she is!

Scientists (科学家) are trying to make the deserts (沙漠) into good land again. They want to b

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:D小题5:A 试题分析:本文讲述了科学家们在试图把沙漠变回农田,他们想把水引到沙漠,人们就可以在那里生存种植作物了,但沙漠一直在增多。植被可以防风固沙,留住雨水。小题1:推理判断题。Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.此句可以看出是人类制造了沙漠,并且其它几项与文意不符,故选C。小题2:推理判断题。They are learning a lot about the deserts.他们在研究很多关于沙漠的事情,可以推断出答案为D。小题3:推理判断题。more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts. Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.从文中这些句子可以推断出A、C、D都是正确的,故选B。小题4:推理判断题。Plants don"t let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants don"t let the wind blow the earth away. When a little bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. 这些句子表明答案为D,上三项全包括。小题5:标题归纳题。综合全文内容,这篇文章谈论的是沙漠问题,故选A,其它几项是片面的。


counterproductive adj. 反生产的;使达不到预期目标的网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 事与愿违 适得其反 反生产的 使达不到预期目标的短语Is counterproductive 事与愿违的是Potentially Counterproductive 可能会适得其反counterproductive behavior 适得其反的行为 ; 反作用行为counterproductive /u02cckau028antu0259pru0259u02c8du028cktu026av/ 1.ADJ Something that is counterproductive achieves the opposite result from the one that you want to achieve. 产生相反结果的例:In practice, however, such an attitude is counterproductive.然而在实际中,这种态度会适得其反。双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.But, he added, “I think the strikes over all have been counterproductive. 跟读但是,他补充说,“我认为总的来看,空袭起到了反作用。”

reproductive harm是什么意思呀?

如果是普通药物就是孕妇禁用!所有进口的药物对于孕妇的效果说明都有这项,如果是接触皮肤生殖器的药膏和药液或别的化工产物 请找医生或产品经销商查证


是counterproductive 适得其反; 而不是 countproductivecounter可以作为前缀,同 anti, 相反的意思,counterattack 是反击的意思。当然还可进一步分析,但对于counterproductive 就没有必要了,因为productive本身可看做词干了。如分析productive, 则 duct是词干表示“引导”,pro是前缀,表示,before, tive是后缀,表示有某种性质、特点。

当一个需要填的信息表里出现这些词的时候,是什么意思。address line1 suburb state country code

是让你填地址。分别需要填:地址(通常是门牌号,路名和城市名字),州或省,国家及邮政编码 希望对你有帮助


适得其反 反作用力

TEC-IT TBar Code 10是什么

您好,很高兴为您解答问题。报告生成器软件TEC-IT,后面是条码编号。如果对回答满意,请点【采纳答案】,如果还有问题,请点【追问】希望我的回答对您有所帮助,希望能采纳。 ~ O(∩_∩)O~

good will hunting by myself 歌词

歌曲名:good will hunting by myself歌手:ludo专辑:ludoWhy should I watch Matt Damon cry without her at my side?I pined as days went by, but now it"s fine"Cause in the end, we"re such close friends, sugar-n-spice, and since thenThere"s more time for me, I"ve started a diary and washed my car againAnd I can watch Good Will Hunting by myself (it"s cool, it"s fine)I can shop for clothes without her help (it"s cool, it"s fine)I can hang out with my friends, do the good times ever end?Yeah I can watch Good Will Hunting by myselfIt"s okay that you haven"t called me in a week or twoI"m sure it"s hard for you, it"s been hard for me tooBut as long as wood still floats, I can sow my wild oats and paint the town redThe party"s far from dead, I"m happy in my empty bedAnd I can watch Good Will Hunting by myself (it"s cool, it"s fine)I can shop for clothes without her help (it"s cool, it"s fine)I can hang out with my friends, do the good times ever end?Yeah I can watch Good Will Hunting by myselfGirl, I remember when we was sittin" on your couchWatchin" Good Will Hunting, holdin" hands and drinkin" milkshakesBut milkshakes melt, people change, and you dumped me on my birthdayRight after I bought you that really expensive thing from the Body ShopCalled Jojoba Loofah Milktowel or something like thatThat I sold 147 Cutco knives to afford, but whatever, hey, it"s coolI"ve moved on you know, I"m happy now - well, happy in a crying sorta wayYou know, curled up naked in the shower biting your knees wishing you were dead kinda happyBut I realized you were right, we were never meant to beAnd you know what? Thank God"Cause you"re the most vapid, whiny blah I"ve ever metAlways making fun of my clothes, telling me how hot other guys are, asking me to pay you gas money?!Buy your own gas you bug-eyed mooch - it"s your car and it costs more than my houseOh and now you"re going around trying to sleep with my friendsHey good, that really makes you an empowered individual - no wait, did I say empowered individual? Imeant two-cent gutter slutListen you tanning-bed-baked, broke-ass, goat-faced, oompa-loompa monkey problemI am proud to shop at Target, I"ll wear warm-up pants any day of the weekYes, your ass did look fat in those jeans, your mom"s a M.I.L.F.And I plan to get on your little sister just as soon as I give her a call back, oh and you know what else?You can watch Good Will Hunting by yourself (you bitch, please die)You can waste your life without my help (you bitch, please die)You can hang out with your friends, that is if you had any friendsYou can watch Good Will Hunting by yourself "til your eyes fall outYou can watch Good Will Hunting by yourself - I hope your eyes fall outWhy don"t you go watch it by yourself?Go to hell!http://music.baidu.com/song/14214125

form 表单中action 与method与ajax中open(method url true)弄迷糊了,各有什么作用?

你晕乎的是form的action属性&form的method属性&ajax的open的true这三个晕乎是吗?首先最基础的,学web最基础的html中的form表单这个先给你讲一下。form的action和method这连个属性是form表单必不可缺少的,也是最重要的。action的属性值是一个url,它指定了你的表单当单击submit按钮的时候提交到哪一个后台的控制器,比如哪一个servlet啊哪一个struts的action啊等等。当然这个action属性一般在某些应用里面呢会通过js来动态修改,这个再说。所以,action即动作嘛,有且只有一个用处,即单击submit后把请求连同参数提交到哪个后台的控制器,由你说了算。再就是method,method中文意思就是方法。http协议的请求方法有很多,比如get post delete head options put等,其中最常用的是get和post。你的请求一些情况下特别是表单的请求一般都带参数对不对,比如username等于张三,password等于123。如果指定使用get,那么这些参数就会在请求发送的时候,那么这些参数就会被url编码后被连缀在浏览器地址栏的url后面,所以,get的特点,第一,不安全,第二,容量有限毕竟url长度是有限的。post呢,相对安全,且长度比较长。所以,method参数就指定发送请求到服务器的方式方法,一般就是get和post。然后,说一下同步和异步这个东西,先独立于你的问题,先弄明白这两个概念的含义。同步请求就是需要等到服务器的响应之后,前台才能继续原来的工作。比如前台发了一个请求给服务器,然后这时候前台的任何工作就冻结了,等着吧。此时,服务器在繁忙的处理,处理完了把结果返回给前台,前台继续执行。这样前台必须等待后台的处理结果,如果后台处理太慢那么前台就一直等着,等到了结果才能继续,此乃同步。ajax的特色就在一异步,前台发了请求给后台,然后前台该干嘛干嘛,由单独的线程来监测后台的响应的返回。后台处理完了,返回前台,前台通过单独的线程来接受这个响应并处理,而且前台本身该做么做么,不需要等待服务器的响应和网络的延迟。此乃异步。表单form的请求无论你的action设置的是神马,method是神马,都是同步请求,即请求发送到服务器,服务器响应一会,前台等着结果再做处理。既然这种方式挺好的, 为么还需要异步?现在的互联网应用今非昔比,是富互联网应用时代,异步可以为我们带来更流畅的感觉更丰富的体验,好吧,跑题了,说你的问题。open(method url true)这个东西,首先这是js的原生的ajax(之所以是原生,是因为后面你学习前台框架比如jquery啊prototype啊会给你封装好ajax方便调用)代码,会发送一个ajax请求到后台。第一个参数method还用说吗,常用的非get就是post,特别要注意的是如果是get那么最后的send(x)方法也是要调用并且传递参数为null,如果是post那么在send这里传递参数即可。又跑题了。url即和上面的action一样的含义。看到了这里,我想你差不多应该明白了,form的那两个属性你先弄明白什么意思,然后对应到open的前两个参数,好理解了吧。最后就是第三个参数,如果是true那么代表异步,如果是false那么代表同步。虽然ajax的特点在于异步,但是同步也是经常使用的。还有么问题么?请追问。

在里面加上action 或method有什么用?请说详细一点

action 是链接method 是方法以下这句为例:<form action="www.baidu.com" method="post">form是表单,里面的内容是要提交出去的。action可以理解成url,也就是当你内容填好以后点了提交按钮提交出去后转向的页面。类似论坛账号注册完以后,会转向论坛首页。method是方法,有get和post两种,各有所长。就是内容填好后提交需要一个方法,是获取你的内容还是传递你的内容。

跪求防弹少年团not today歌词译音,不要罗马音

歌曲:Not Today歌手:防弹少年团(방탄소년단)收录:The 2nd Album Repackage ‘YOU NEVER WALK ALONE"发行:2017-02-13音译:@金_尛孩 (百度音译歌词吧)All the underdogs in the worldA day may come when we loseBut it is not todayToday we fight!No not today奥n见噶 够陈 起给几But no not today科 嘚噶 哦呢了 那你几No no not today啊几跟 出gi安too good dayNo no not todayno no no not today科类 无里嫩 EXIRABut still part of this worldEXTRA plus ORDINARY科高豆 票r 高 啊鸟哦呢冷 桥r嘚 出几 吗啦比陈 奥度么r 度r扣 那噶塞 sei桑 闹豆 我内Oh baby yes I want it那啦噶r 素 我b丝m 对要Today we will survive对要噶r 素 我b丝m 高老Today we will survive高老噶r 素 我b丝m gi要gi要扫啦豆 gear upkiao诺 穷 求准 白萨Not not today! Not not today!Hey 白b塞的啦打 hands upHey 亲古的啦 打 handsupHey 那了 米嫩打mionhands up穷 求准 白萨出几 啊那 木几 吗啦搜里 几r老 Not not today古r几 吗啦 无r几 啊那搜呢r 的老 Not not todayHey Not not todayHey Not not todayHey Not not today穷 求准 白萨Too hot 桑空额rdoublin"Too hot 恰特了 TumblingToo high we on TrampolineToo high 努噶 就m 毛m出gir无林 哈r 素噶 奥b扫但打 西r拍扫楼噶 扫楼r 桥n不 米到gi也What you say yeahNot today yeah哦呢了 南 住高 叫r嘚 yeah闹也 giao太 那了 米到Together we won"t die那也 giao太 闹了 米到Together we won"t die哈m给啦嫩 吗了 米到帮叹一蓝 高r 米到kiao诺 穷 求准 白萨Not not today! Not not today!Hey 白b塞的啦打 hands upHey 亲古的啦 打 handsupHey 那了 米嫩打mionhands up穷 求准 白萨出几 啊那 木几 吗啦搜里 几r老 Not not today古r几 吗啦 无r几 啊那搜呢r 的老 Not not todayHey Not not todayHey Not not todayHey Not not today穷 求准 白萨Throw it up! Throw it up!你 nun 搜给 土料无m 打We嫩 包料Break it up! Break it up!闹r 卡度嫩 与里桥n抢 打win 不所Turn it up! (Turn it up!)Burn it up! (Burn it up!)森里也 乃噶几 (fight!)木了b 古r几 吗 木闹起几吗That"s (Do) nottoday!Not not today! Not not today!Hey 白b塞的啦打 hands upHey 亲古的啦 打 handsupHey 那了 米嫩打mionhands up穷 求准 白萨出几 啊那 木几 吗啦搜里 几r老 Not not today古r几 吗啦 无r几 啊那搜呢r 的老 Not not todayHey Not not todayHey Not not todayHey Not not today穷 求准 白萨Attention:转载自@金_尛孩 出处 百度音译歌词吧制作歌词(百度音译歌词吧)及(金_尛孩)。望采纳ww

Good faith lights a lamp_3000字

Is good faith lost after all, still exist? Where did the disappointment return? Where are they and where are they hiding? Is the loss or the existence, has bee a new topic: some people say: the society is built on the good faith, the foundation collapses the house will be stable? Who can understand all this? The lie is still going on. The allusion that ji Bu does one‘s word go to that? Is integrity abandoned in that corner again? In your heart or mine? If, honesty is really lost, what will the world be? What about society? What about humans? Does the world tilt? Will society be upside down? The Master said, “If a man does not keep his word, I do not know how he can be a man.” How can one walk without a cart (key on the beam) or a cart (key on the shaft)? The story of Jibu is still in the textbooks, asking: Who can really put what they have learned into practice and be a modern Jibu? Now, however, honesty may exist in dreams. The nib maybe in some craving! Or perhaps afraid of loss hidden in the heart. Or maybe it exploded in the media. Not long ago, there was a program on CCTV"s Tell it Like It Is -- Please let me believe you! That is our Shantou Party secretary Li Tongshu grandpa facing the national TELEVISION audience about Shantou a few years ago because some enterprises do not speak integrity to the image of Shantou to discredit. Outsiders do not dare to buy Shantou‘s products, shops outside the city do not dare to sell Shantou"s things, foreign busines *** en do not dare to invest in Shantou, some famous enterprises do not dare to say that their products are produced in Shantou, shantou‘s economy suffered serious losses. When watching this episode of the program, deeply feel sad, it is true that the faithless decline, the faithful xing, it tells us a profound issue that makes people ponder - integrity is priceless. Now That China is getting richer, the problem of integrity has suddenly e to the fore. We are surrounded by almost all kinds of dishonest enterprises and individuals. Give the pig some clenbuterol or lots of water; Give turtle eels some birth control pills and so on, it"s amazing. The proliferation of false advertising, products and profits has led to a search for respectable listed panies in China‘s stock market. Why the sudden lack of good faith and we so urgently call for good faith? China should always guard good faith, use good faith! Rebalance a skewed society! Perhaps the good faith has not disappeared! In my hand, somewhere in the corner. It is said that in the early years, few foreigners set foot in the southern foothill of the Himalayas in Nepal. Later, many Japanese came here for sightseeing, which was said to be due to the honesty of a young boy. One day, several Japanese photographers asked a local teenager to buy beer for them, and the teenager ran for more than three hours. The next day the boy volunteered to buy beer for them again. This time the photographer gave him a lot of money, but the boy did not return until the afternoon of the third day. Then, photographers talk, all think that the boy cheated money. On the third night, the teenager knocked on the photographer"s door. It turned out that he had only bought four bottles of beer. Then he climbed a mountain and crossed a river to buy the other six. He came back with three broken bottles. Crying, he took the glass and returned the change to the photographer, touching everyone present. This event moved many foreigners. Since then, more and more tourists have e here... Integrity is so lost but in another form. She passes by some people and disappears, but she grows in others‘ hearts and lives on! Good faith, as the name implies, is sincere to others, seeking truth from facts, letter - based, magnanimous, sincere, aboveboard. Honesty is not an act of paper, nor is it capricious, nor is it an act of cheating. It is about being consistent in what one says, consistent in what one says, and strict with oneself. Only in this way can you sail the boat of your life safely to the destination port of your destination. In the material rich today, we often by the temptation of fame and wealth, and for a moment shortsighted lost integrity, will lose youth and the future! Let good faith light a heart lamp!

To lose weight, Xiao Wang _____ some low-fat foods for high-fat foods in her diet, for example, hav

When people heard that he was raising his younger sister single-handedly, they were so touched that they gave money freely to help him.sad disappointed miserable touched 表示感动The government called on people to hold on to the tradition of respecting the old.station habit tradition 表示传统decision His present job does not suit his ____. He may do better at marketing.tradition habit person ability Dick wrote a letter of apology to his girlfriend and begged her to forgive his rudeness.apology 表示道歉(名词形式)sorry apologize 表示道歉(动词形式)thanks All the kids cheered when they were told that their strange teacher was being transferred to another school.severe stupid smart strange 表示奇怪的They had to find jobs in other cities because job opportunities in Washington, D.C. were already scarce .less few little scarce 表示稀有的During the interview the principal asked her some questions to see if she could really type.interview 面试的意思view meeting dialogue All her students agreed that she was an outstanding and caring teacher.standing out out standing outstanding 表示杰出的standout She was confused by so many different ideas from different people.refused believed thought confused 被困惑了The father did not want his own son to become a mechanic a man whose job it is to repair machines.mechanic physicist chemist engineer

She is on a special ________ to lose ________ weight. A.food; her B.food; / C.diet; her D

D 考查短语:be on a diet在节食,lose weight 减肥,句意:她在特殊的节食来减肥。所以选D。

body to body朴宰范歌词翻译(中英文都要),要通顺

BODY2BODY (produced by CHA CHA, Written by Jay Park) AOM ProductionsJay Park, Cha Cha, AOM,Ha let‘s get itCheckI don"t wanna be a creep but I want you tonightI know you want it too I see the look in your eyesI see the look in your eyesYeahNow put your hands in the air if you"re having a good timeSay ooIf you wanna dance and drink let"s get the party started Say ooYou"ve got it and I want it I want it and you"ve got itYou know you"re sexy girl just look at the way you flaunt itMove in a little closer if you don"t know I can coach yahI wanna see you sweat let"s be body2bodyLet"s be body2bodyDon"t worry girl you know that I got the movesIf you ain"t loosened up let"s get some shots in youLet"s get some shots in youOh yeahBaby let"s go you and meI can keep you companyI just ordered a bottle let"s go partyOh yeahNow put your hands in the air if you"re having a good timeSay ooIf you wanna dance and drink let"s get the party started Say ooYou"ve got it and I want it I want it and you"ve got itYou know you"re sexy girl just look at the way you flaunt itMove in a little closer if you don"t know I can coach yahI wanna see you sweat let"s be body2bodyYeah use a skateboarder and I"m a railBetter grind up on me better use your tailI"m mah buy you a drink I"m that guy you could thankShow you the wild side of things I"m the alpha maleWatch me go ape shit then join me and go ape shitWe"re getting crazy no mixed drink muhfucka shots is all I"m taking[repeat]为了语法本人做了点修改,打英文已经很累了,中文自己领会吧








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可以用caj阅读软件把文章打印成pdf格式再导入,网页长截屏,生成PDF格式,再导入就可以。中国知网是指中国国家知识基础设施(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI),是在教育部、中共中央宣传部、科技部、国家新闻出版广电总局、国家计委的支持下,由清华大学和清华同方发起,以实现全社会知识资源传播共享与增值利用为目标的知识信息化建设项目,始建于1999年6月。国家知识基础设施(National Knowledge Infrastructure,NKI)的概念由世界银行《1998年度世界发展报告》提出。1999年3月,以全面打通知识生产、传播、扩散与利用各环节信息通道,打造支持全国各行业知识创新、学习和应用的交流合作平台为总目标,王明亮提出建设中国知识基础设施工程(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI),并被列为清华大学重点项目。


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