
阅读 / 问答 / 标签


哈哈,这是一篇原创,已经检查,你也可以参考一下. ------------------ I"ve got a problem of easily forgetting things. I am the monitor of our class. One day, when I arrived home after school, I suddenly remembered that my homework sheet was left in the classroom. So I ran back to my school in a hurry trying to get it. As soon as I stood in front of the door of our classroom, I realised that the key of the door, which was kept by me, the monitor, was put on my table at home. Oh no! How serious this problem is! I really need to correct it.


problem英 [u02c8pru0252blu0259m] 美 [u02c8prɑ:blu0259m] n. 问题;疑难问题;习题;引起麻烦的人adj. 成问题的;难处理的;关于社会问题的


any 是任何的意思,后跟单数名词

no problem是回答什么的?



可数的,主要有以下几个意思:1. 问题,疑难问题Measures have been taken to solve traffic problems in big cities.业已采取措施以解决大城市的交通问题。2. 【数】习题,几何作图题3. 难弄的人,引起麻烦的人[S1]My kid brother is a real problem.我弟弟真是个难弄的人。


问题的英文:problem,读音:["pr_bl_m]。例句:1、That"s your problem.那是你的问题。2、We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题。3、The problem is when to get the money we need.问题是什么时候能得到我们所需要的钱。4、Heavy traffic poses a problem in many old towns.交通拥挤是许多旧城镇的难题。




problemn.问题, 课题, 疑难问题, 令人困惑的事(或人, 情况等)【数, 物】习题, 作图题(象棋的)布局问题solve a problem解决问题a problem in arithmetic算数题tackle a difficult problem对付难题His conduct is a problem to me.他的行为使我莫名其妙。习惯用语sleep on [upon, over] a problem把问题留到第二天解决习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典基本解释problemn.困难;难题This thorny problem on the environmental protection floored the new mayor.这个关于环境保护的棘手难题把新任市长难住了。待解决的问题;问题a key problem一个关键问题The problem was how to move the heavy machinery.问题是怎样移动这台沉重的机器。习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词简明英汉词典基本解释problemn.问题, 难题


trouble和problem都是表示"麻烦"或"问题"的词,但二者有一定的区别:1. trouble意为"烦恼"、"麻烦事"或"困扰",表示比较随意或短暂的麻烦或困扰。例如:- The machine is giving me some trouble. 这个机器出了一些毛病,是我的烦恼之源。- I"m sorry to trouble you, but could you help me carry this box? 很抱歉麻烦你,但你能帮我搬这个箱子吗?2. problem意为"问题"或"难题",表示需要解决的较严重或持久的麻烦事。例如: - He has some serious health problems. 他有一些严重的健康问题。- Solving environmental problems requires global cooperation. 解决环境问题需要全球合作。所以,总结如下:- trouble更轻微和短暂,意为"烦恼"、"麻烦事"、"困扰"。- problem较严重和持久,意为"问题"或"难题",需要花时间和精力解决。虽然两者都表示不欲面对的状况,但问题的严重程度和持续时间可能更甚。在许多日常场景中,两者可以互换,但如果要表达较大或长期的难度,problem可能会更贴切。希望上述解释有助于你理解trouble和problem之间的差异。


问题用英语的说法:problem。读音:英[u02c8pru0252blu0259m],美[u02c8prɑu02d0blu0259m]。problem的短语搭配如下:Dirichlet problem狄利克雷问题 ; 狄里克雷问题 ; 第一边值问题。secretary problem秘书问题 ; 书问题。clique problem分团问题 ; 集团型问题。Problem Management问题管理 ; 问题管理与控制 ; 关键领导力 ; 问。flatness problem平坦性问题 ; 均匀度问题 ; 平坦问题 ; 曲度问题。CONVERGENCE PROBLEM收敛问题。Mott problem莫特问题。problem recognition问题认知 ; 识别问题 ; 问题识别 ; 问题确认。Problem Solver解决问题能手 ; 问题解决达人 ; 解决问题的能手。关于problem的造句及翻译如下:No problem. What should I do?没问题,我该怎么做?。I have nothing to say on this problem .关于这个问题我没有什么要说的。




  problem表示问题; 疑难问题的意思,那么你知道problem的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了problem的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   problem的短语:   have a problem with   1. 不同意;反对   我不反对星期天去购物。   I have no problem with shopping on Sundays.   no problem   1. (表示同意、默许)没问题   “你能马上过来吗?”“没问题。”。   u2018Can you come over here right away?u2019 u2018No problem.u2019.   that"s your ( 或 his, her 等) problem   1. (表示对他人的问题或不幸没兴趣、不同情)这是你的(他/她的)问题   他出错了,可这是他自己的事。   he"d made a mistake but that was his problem.   同义词辨析:   problem, question, issue, matter   这些名词均含"问题"之意。   problem : 指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题。   question : 通常指用口头或书面提出来要求回答或有待讨论解决的问题。   issue : 多指意见能达到一致的问题,着重争论或讨论中的问题。   matter : 含义不很具体,暗示人们考虑和关心的事和话题。   puzzle, mystery, riddle, problem   这些名词均有"谜,难题"之意。   puzzle : 语气较强,指复杂令人费解的情况或问题。   mystery : 指常人难以认识其起因或性质的奥秘,或指有意不让人理解的奥妙。   riddle : 指供人猜的谜语游戏,也可指终究会有解答的难题。   problem : 指有待探讨的疑难问题,也可指令人困惑的情况。   problem的短语例句:   1. The plan is good; the problem is it doesn"t go far enough.   计划不错;问题在于不够深入。   2. I pushed the problem aside; at present it was insoluble.   我把问题抛在一边,目前它还无法解决。   3. The letter was short — a simple recitation of their problem.   信写得很短——只是简单地说了一下他们的问题。   4. Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem.   医生认为他的精子数太低是问题所在。   5. You did us a great favour by disposing of that problem.   你解决了那个问题,可算是帮了我们一个大忙。   6. Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it.   发现问题后,如何克服它的问题又出现了。   7. The problem is compounded by the medical system here.   这儿的医疗体制使问题进一步恶化。   8. How would they get over that problem, he wondered?   他们会怎么解决那个问题?他寻思着。   9. Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn"t a problem.   找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。   10. If you have had a problem with the vatman, let us know.   如果您对增值税有什么异议的话,请告诉我们。   11. This is a European, and not a specifically British, problem.   这是全欧洲面临的问题,而不是英国独有的问题。   12. He is tussling with the problem of what to do about inflation.   他正全力应对如何解决通货膨胀的问题。   13. Truanting is a small but growing problem in primary schools.   逃学是小学里一个虽小却日趋严重的问题。   14. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.   问题之一是对机场员工的安检措施马虎松懈。   15. I think that the underlying problem is education, unemployment and bad housing.   我认为深层的问题在于教育、失业和糟糕的住房条件。


Problem的用法和搭配如下:1、problem可以用作名词,problem作问题解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。problem可用于答语中,与否定词连用,表示没有问题。problem有时还可以作定语,表示难对付的。Problem用作名词的用法时:That"s your problem.那是你的问题。We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题。2、Problem的搭配:cause/solve a problem引起/解决问题;have problem with有问题;no problem没问题。Problem用法例句:1、The plan is good the problem is it doesn"t go far enough.计划不错;问题在于不够深入。2、I pushed the problem aside at present it was insoluble.我把问题抛在一边,目前它还无法解决。3、The letter was short a simple recitation of their problem.信写得很短只是简单地说了一下他们的问题。


problem,英语词汇,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“难题;引起麻烦的人”,作形容词时意为“成问题的;难处理的”。短语搭配Dirichlet problem狄利克雷问题 ; 狄里克雷问题 ; 第一边值问题secretary problem秘书问题 ; 书问题clique problem分团问题 ; 集团型问题Problem Management问题管理 ; 问题管理与控制 ; 关键领导力 ; 问flatness problem平坦性问题 ; 均匀度问题 ; 平坦问题 ; 曲度问题CONVERGENCE PROBLEM收敛问题Mott problem莫特问题problem recognition问题认知 ; 识别问题 ; 问题识别 ; 问题确认Problem Solver解决问题能手 ; 问题解决达人 ; 解决问题的能手




problem的意思是问题。problem,英语词汇,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“难题;引起麻烦的人”,作形容词时意为“成问题的;难处理的”。Dirichlet problem狄利克雷问题 ; 狄里克雷问题 ; 第一边值问题secretary problem秘书问题 ; 书问题clique problem分团问题 ; 集团型问题Problem Management问题管理 ; 问题管理与控制 ; 关键领导力 ; 问flatness problem平坦性问题 ; 均匀度问题 ; 平坦问题 ; 曲度问题CONVERGENCE PROBLEM收敛问题Mott problem莫特问题problem recognition问题认知 ; 识别问题 ; 问题识别 ; 问题确认Problem Solver解决问题能手 ; 问题解决达人 ; 解决问题的能手。No problem. What should I do?没问题,我该怎么做?。I have nothing to say on this problem .关于这个问题我没有什么要说的。I do not know what they do with the problem.两句都表示“我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。


你好, problem的读法为[pru0252blu0259m] ,翻译过来为问题,难题。








problem 英[u02c8pru0252blu0259m] 美[u02c8prɑ:blu0259m] n. 问题; 疑难问题; 习题; 引起麻烦的人; adj. 成问题的; 难处理的; 关于社会问题的; [例句]The main problem is unemployment主要的问题是失业。[其他] 复数:problems 反义词method 英[u02c8meθu0259d] 美[u02c8mu025bθu0259d] n. 方法; 条理; [例句]The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.服用避孕药是最有效的避孕方法。[其他] 复数:methods

为什么是no problem啊?

没问题,翻译成英文就是“no problem"。它的英式读法是[nu0259u028a "pru0252blu0259m];美式读法是[nou028a "prɑu02d0blu0259m]。problem作名词时意思是问题;难题;习题。作形容词时意思是成问题的;难对付的。相关例句:No problem,I will send my QSL card to your bureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。problem, question这两个词都有“问题”的意思。其区别是:question是一般的问题,较为常用,往往需要对方答复; problem指要解答的、须解决的或供讨论的问题,也可指难以处理的问题,还可指数学习题。例如:1)The students asked a lot of questions.学生们问了许多问题。2)We can"t go out in this weather; it"s out of the question.这样的天气我们不能出去,根本不要提出去的事吧。


problem和worry的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同problem:英 ["pru0252blu0259m]     美 ["prɑu02d0blu0259m]。    worry:英 ["wu028cri]     美 ["wu025cu02d0ri]。    2、意思不同problem:n. 问题;难题;习题;adj. 成问题的;难对付的。worry:vt. 撕咬;使烦恼;使焦虑;vi. 担心;发愁;n. 担心;烦恼;忧虑。3、用法不同problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。worry的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为…发愁”。


problem表问题;疑难问题的意思,  problem的同义词辨析1:  problem,question,issue,matter  这些名词均含"问题"之意。  problem:指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题。  question:通常指用口头或书面提出来要求回答或有待讨论解决的问题。  issue:多指意见能达到一致的问题,着重争论或讨论中的问题。  matter:含义不很具体,暗示人们考虑和关心的事和话题。  problem的同义词辨析2:  puzzle,mystery,riddle,problem  这些名词均有"谜,难题"之意。  puzzle:语气较强,指复杂令人费解的情况或问题。  mystery:指常人难以认识其起因或性质的奥秘,或指有意不让人理解的奥妙。  riddle:指供人猜的谜语游戏,也可指终究会有解答的难题。  problem:指有待探讨的疑难问题,也可指令人困惑的情况。

problem 、中文什么意思


have problems的用法

err, you have problems with how to use the phrase "have problems"? No problem, let"s help out.We"ll explain in English, do you have any problems with that? If so, please don"t hesitate to ask more questions. We have no problems with you doing that. Hope this is a good example, any more problems? ^_^



questiones 和problems的区别?





question指一般提出的问题,Can I ask you a question?我能问你个问题吗?problem指需要解决的难题,What do you think the problem is?你认为问题出在哪?


problem和question的区别如下:problem指的是需要解决的问题,用于指物理和数学的习题。question指的是需要回答的问题,用于与......有关的事。1.这两个词虽然都译作“问题”,但两者有一定的区别.problem 指须待解决的问题,是就困难而言的;它与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配.question 指须待解答的问题,是就疑问而言的,它常与动词ask或answer连用.2.比较试比较:①The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决.②May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?II.problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义.question可表示一件“与……有关的事”.试比较:①Can you work out this maths problem 你能算出这道数学题吗?②It"s a question of money / time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题.III.指需要讨论或解决的问题时,problem与question可以互换.如:We are going to talk about several problems(questions)at the meeting .我们在会上要谈到一些问题.都可以加s。


city problems 什么意思

city problems城市问题problems[英]["prɑ:blu0259ms][美]["prɑ:blu0259ms]n.问题( problem的名词复数 ); 疑难问题; 习题; 思考题; 易混淆单词:Problems例句:1.Problems were first reported yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午首次报道了上述问题。


problem是可数名词,复数形式为problems。 problem: n.棘手的问题;难题;困难;逻辑题;数学题。 adj.找麻烦的;成问题的;惹乱子的。 扩展资料   I"m having treatment for my back problem.   我正接受背部疾患的.治疗。   We need to take a more global approach to the problem.   我们需要更全面地看这个问题。   This is going to be a huge problem for us.   这将是我们的一大难题。   There must be a way around the problem.   肯定有解决这个问题的办法。   Let"s attack one problem at a time.   咱们一次全力处理一个问题。   One major problem did present itself, though.   不过,确实出现了一个重大问题。





99 Problems 歌词

<99 Problems>专辑;The Black Album歌手:Jay-Z (杰斯)流派:Rap/Hip Hop语言:英语发行时间:2003-11-14If you havin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t oneI got the Rap Patrol on the gat patrolFoes that wanna make sure my casket"s closedRap critics that say he"s "Money, Cash, Hoes"I"m from the hood stupid, what type of facts are those?If you grew up with holes in your zapper toesYou"d celebrate the minute you was havin doughI"m like fuck critics, you can kiss my whole assholeIf you don"t like my lyrics, you can press fast forwardGot beef with radio if I don"t play they showThey don"t play my hits - well I don"t give a shit, SO!Rap mags try and use my black assSo advertisers can give "em more cash for ads, fuckers!I don"t know what you take me asOr understand the intelligence that Jay-Z hasI"m from, rags to riches, niggaz I ain"t dumbI got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t one - hit me!99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t one - hit me!The year is 94, in my trunk is rawIn my rearview mirror is the motherfuckin lawGot two choices y"all, pull over the car or (hmm)Bounce on the Devil, put the pedal to the floorAnd I ain"t tryin to see no highway chase with JakePlus I got a few dollars, I can fight the caseSo I, pull over to the side of the road"Son do you know why I"m stoppin you for?"Cause I"m young and I"m black and my hat"s real lowOr do I look like a mindreader sir? I don"t knowAm I under arrest or should I guess some mo"?"Well you was doin fifty-five in the fifty-four;License and registration and step out of the car -Are you carryin a weapon on you? I know a lot of you are"I ain"t steppin out of shit, all my papers legit"Well do you mind if I look around the car a little bit?"Well my glove compartment is locked, so is the trunk in the backAnd I know my rights, so you gon" need a warrant for that"Aren"t you sharp as a tack! You should try outFor lawyer or somethin, somebody important or somethin"Child I ain"t passed the bar, but I know a little bitEnough that you won"t illegally search my shit"Well we"ll see how smart you are when the canine comes"I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t one - hit me!99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t one - hit me!99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t one - hit me!Now once upon a time, not too long agoA nigga like myself had to strongarm a hoeThis is not a hoe in the sense of havin a pussyBut a pussy havin no God damn sense, try an" push meI try to ignore him, talk to the LordPray for him, but some fools just love to performYou know the type, loud as a motorbikeBut wouldn"t bust a grape in a fruit fightAnd only thing that"s gon" happen is I"ma get to clappin andHe and his boys gon" be yappin to the CaptainAnd there I go, trapped in the Kit-Kat againBack through the system with the riff-raff againFiends on the floor, scratchin againPaparazzis with they cameras, snappin themD.A. try to give a nigga shaft againHalf a mill" for bail cause I"m AfricanAll because this fool was harassin themTryin to play the boy like he"s saccharinBut ain"t nuttin sweet bout how I hold my gunI got 99 problems B and a bitch ain"t one - hit me!99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t one - hit me!99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems, but a bitch ain"t one - hit me!.. Whoo! Whoo! Uh, uhHavin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems and a bitch ain"t one, ha ha!You crazy for this one Rick! It"s your boy!



是any problem还是any problems 为什么???

你好,any 后面如果跟可数名词,一定要用复数;这一类词包括,any , some,

no problem与no problems有什么区别

一般来说没有区别可以互用 严格来说no problem 一般用于对话中 表示很有把握的 不会出错的意思no problems 表示要解决的问题




problem意为:困难、难题。是可数名词,复数形式是problems. 例句: Others have met similar problems. 其他人遇到过同样的问题。 The problems began last November. 问题于去年11月开始出现。 扩展资料   I"m all too aware of the problems.   我实在太明白这些问题了。   We have encountered major problems.   我们遇上了大问题。   These problems are closely related.   这些问题都是密切相关的.。   The task poses no special problems.   这项任务不会造成特别的问题。   Are there any problems at your end?   你那边有什么问题吗?

problem 中文翻译

problem有问题;疑难问题;习题;困难;难事;作图题;棋式;棋题;排局等意思。短语搭配:no problem(表示乐于相助或事情容易做)没问题。health problem健康问题;卫生问题;保健问题。solve problem解决问题。water problem水缺乏问题;用水问题;水质问题。cause problems引起问题;造成麻烦。medical problem医疗问题。sleep problem睡眠问题;睡眠失调。social problem社会问题。solve a problem解决问题。traffic problem交通问题。例句:1.The problem is telling which is the original document and which the copy.问题是要辨别哪个是原件,哪个是副本。2. A problem which nobody is going to bust a gut trying to solve.一个没人去努力解决的问题。3. The problem of diminished sight can be reduced or corrected by using spectacles.视力下降问题可通过戴眼镜来减轻或矫正。4. The problem of subsisting the poor in a period of high bread prices.在面包价格高的时期为穷人提供食物的问题。5. She was still puzzling over this problem when she reached the office.她来到办公室时还在思考这个问题。


困难的英语problem具体如下:problem是一个常见的英语单词,表示困难、问题或难题。problem 通常指出现的一些棘手的、需要解决的事情。它可以是一个具体的事件或者任务,也可以是一个抽象的概念。扩展知识:在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的问题,比如:学习上的问题、人际关系上的问题、事业上的问题等等。在工作场合中,同样会遇到各种问题,比如:生产问题、管理问题、沟通问题等等。确定问题:首先要明确问题的性质、范围、影响,确切地知道面对的问题是什么。寻找信息:收集与问题相关的信息,包括资料、文献、意见等等,为明确问题提供依据。制定计划:根据收集到的信息确定解决问题的目标、方案和步骤,制订具体的计划。实施方案:按照计划开始实施解决方案,细节不让。检查评估:在解决问题的过程中,随时检查评估结果,发现问题及时更正。There is a problem with the printer. 打印机出了问题。I have a problem with my computer. 我的电脑有问题。We have a problem with the production line. 生产线出了问题。The project faced several problems during the implementation. 该项目在实施过程中遇到了几个问题。学习英语,多接触英文材料,了解不同语境下问题的表达方式。记忆常用搭配和习惯用法。在实际交流和应用中多加练习,提高表达能力和解决问题的能力。


question强调于学习上的问题和科学方面问题,answer the question problem 强调于生活上的东西,比如借东西,对方说NO problem


首先答案是 problems . matter一般是指 物质,物体;当事情,问题,毛病的意思来讲时,通常这种问题都上升到一定程度,影响范围比较大,而且指的问题可以具体到具有某种特征如:this is the matter which needs our two countries to work together. problem 是种待解决的问题,可以是些”小问题“(此时不能用matter来代替),也可以是“大问题”(可与matter互换,但matter显得正式些).你的question中的电脑问题是个“小问题 ”所以不选matter了.problem一般的时候和solve 或是work out来搭配,如:we should solve this problem as quickly as we can. question 指的是“你问我答的问题”这种问题是需要你来answer的,并不一定要你去解决的.如 i have a question to ask./this is the answer to your question 哈哈 楼上的应该写上内容来自互联网.


problem英[?pr?bl?m]美[?prɑ?bl?m]n.问题; 难题; 棘手的问题; 困难; 逻辑题; 数学题;adj.找麻烦的; 成问题的; 惹乱子的;[例句]This will be a problem for some time to come.这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。[其他]复数:problems


problem困难可数,复数是 problems; problem: n.棘手的问题;难题;困难;逻辑题;数学题。 adj.找麻烦的;成问题的;惹乱子的。 复数: problems; 扩展资料   We have to get to the root of the problem.   我们必须找到问题的根源。   I"m having treatment for my back problem.   我正接受背部疾患的治疗。   We need to take a more global approach to the problem.   我们需要更全面地看这个问题。   This is going to be a huge problem for us.   这将是我们的.一大难题。   There must be a way around the problem.   肯定有解决这个问题的办法。

Sex Pistols的《Problems》 歌词

歌曲名:Problems歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here"s The Sex PistolsJay-Z - 99 ProblemsIf your having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneI got the rap patrol on the gat patrolFoes that wanna make sure my casket"s closedRap critics that say he"s "Money Cash Hoes"I"m from the hood stupid what type of facts are thoseIf you grew up with holes in your zapitosYou"d celebrate the minute you was having doeI"m like fuck critics you can kiss my whole assholeIf you don"t like my lyrics you can press fast forwardGot beef with radio if I don"t play they showThey don"t play my hits well I don"t give a shit SORap mags try and use my black assSo advertisers can give em more cash for ads...fuckersI don"t know what you take me asor understand the intelligence that Jay-Z hasI"m from rags to ritches nigga I ain"t dumbI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meThe year is "94 and in my trunk is rawIn my rear view mirror is the mother fucking lawI got two choices yall pull over the car orbounce on the double put the pedal to the floorNow I ain"t trying to see no highway chase with jakePlus I got a few dollars I can fight the caseSo I...pull over to the side of the roadAnd I heard "Son do you know why I"m stopping you for?"Cause I"m young and I"m black and my hats real lowDo I look like a mind reader sir, I don"t knowAm I under arrest or should I guess some mo?"Well you was doing fifty five in a fifty four""License and registration and step out of the car""Are you carrying a weapon on you I know alot of you are"I ain"t stepping out of shit all my papers legit"Do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?"Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk and the backAnd I know my rights so you gon" need a warrent for that"Aren"t you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?""Or somebody important or something?"Nah I ain"t pass the bar but I know a little bitEnough that you won"t illegally search my shit"Well see how smart you are when the K-9"s come"I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNow once upon a time not too long agoA nigga like myself had to strong arm a hoeThis is not a hoe in the sense of having a pussyBut a pussy having no God Damn sense, try and push meI tried to ignore him and talk to the LordPray for him, cause some fools just love to performYou know the type loud as a motor bikeBut wouldn"t bust a grape in a fruit fightThe only thing that"s gonna happen is i"mma get to clappingHe and his boys gon" be yapping to the captainAnd there I go trapped in the kit kat againBack through the system with the riff raff againFiends on the floor scratching againPaparazzi"s with they cameras snapping themD.A. tred to give the nigga the shaft againHalf-a-mil for bail cause I"m AfricanAll because this fool was horrasin themTrying to play the boy like hes saccarinBut ain"t nothing sweet "bout how I hold my gunI got 99 problems but being a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneYou"re crazy for this one RickIt"s your boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31168991


problem什么意思:问题1、This will be a problem for some time to come. 这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。2、We need to take a different approach to the problem. 我们应该采用另一种方法来解决这一问题。3、The way I see it, you have three main problems. 我认为你有三个主要问题。4、We"ve had one or two problems ─ nothing serious. 我们有一些问题,不过没什么大不了的。5、Let"s take the problems in a different order. 咱们换一个顺序来处理这些问题吧。6、She had come to see the problem in a new light. 她开始用新的角度来看待这个问题。


problem,读音:英[u02c8pru0252blu0259m],美[u02c8prɑu02d0blu0259m]。释义:n. 问题;难题;习题adj. 成问题的;难对付的例句:We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题。复数:problems短语:problem area 难治理的地区,难处理的领域heart of problem 问题的核心source of problem 问题的根源problem in mathematics 数学问题problem的用法problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。problem可用于答语中,与否定词连用,表示“没有问题”。problem有时还可以作定语,表示“难对付的,很成问题的”,可修饰物,也可修饰人。

Nelly的《Problems》 歌词

歌曲名:Problems歌手:Nelly专辑:Body On MeTwista Ft. Tech N9ne - Problems(Intro: x3)ProblemsProblemsProblemsProblems upset you(Verse 1: Twista)When I"m on the track you will see accuracyActually I know that you will see I come at it like a fullyAutomatic for problematic and negativity or whoever ?Pick up a rose and sniff a scent if if you think it"s magnificentStop the stressin or just catch a blessin if itIf it"s bills or if it"s rent some of us worry some of us don"tThat"s why everybody so differentThe only answer to you problems solve emStallin is the only thing that can stop a balla? world is full of hatred face itGet out the matrix and let"s get back to the basicsInstead of being individual let"s practice a ritual and be an indivisible when it"s criticalSo every time that some drama hit yo doorstepGotta try to keep your composure and don"t let(Chorus: x2)Problems (Don"t let)Problems (You can"t let)Problems (You won"t let)Problems upset you(Verse 2: Tech N9ne)I"m a problem because I"m different and people don"t get itWhen I be the clown like a sucka down when I be kickin" my musicTech is dangerous if you think you can hang with usSick in your brain when I mangle it know that I break and abuse itI be prayin" to GodCause what I"m sprayin is oddAnd I"m slayin the squadTech Nina"s layin his rideI"m insatiable when it comes to be makin this goudaI"m a sniper killa murderer look out I"m a shootaA dalima we takin out you beginners comin to my psycho cinemaIt"s a must that I crush themIf you accustomed to lovey dovey moviesThen you unlucky because they call me Tecca Nina the snuff filmThrowing the fist upCause all of my grips upPeople was hating but now they zippin their lips upNeva debated you imitated get ripped upStuck off in Necropolis cause Tecca Nina and Twista"s a(Chorus: x2)Problems (Don"t let)Problems (You can"t let)Problems (You won"t let)Problems upset you(Verse 3: Twista)My alien complex can get as lethal as bomb threatsWhen I put together patterns and conceptsBut when it come to dealin with pain andProblems and relationships I ain"t the bomb yetWhat do we need, what"s the resolutionIt"s the restitution or just retribution let"s just start a revolutionBut wait, I"m hesitant because I"m flatHow can I fight to be equal if the president is black andA Chi Town resident at thatHope we focus on this instead of weapons in IraqThe future is bright or will it be wearyDo I need to pay attention to conspiracy theoriesIs the government systematically destroyin the population for the progress of world dominationSmile, even if the landlord callinDone but that the least of your problems(Chorus: x2)Problems (Don"t let)Problems (You can"t let)Problems (You won"t let)Problems upset you(Outro:)Try not to get worriedTry not turn on toProblems that upset youDon"t you knowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8195112


problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面;可用于答语中,与否定词连用,表示“没有问题”;有时还可以作定语,表示“难对付的,很成问题的”,可修饰物,也可修饰人。 problem的意思 n. 问题;难题;习题 adj. 成问题的;难对付的 英式发音 ["pru0252blu0259m] 美式发音 ["prɑu02d0blu0259m] problem的词态变化为:名词复数: problems 在英语中,problem不仅具有上述意思,还有更详尽的用法,problem作名词 n. 时具有问题;困难,疑难问题,难题,麻烦;【数】课题,习题,几何作图题,作图题;难弄的人,引起麻烦的人;令人困惑的情况;布局问题;操心的事,难对付的事,棘手的问题;苦差等意思。 problem的具体用法 用作名词 n. problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。 problem可用于答语中,与否定词连用,表示“没有问题”。 problem有时还可以作定语,表示“难对付的,很成问题的”,可修饰物,也可修饰人。 如: The author has written many novels, essays and plays on social problems. 这个作者写过许多小说 、 杂文和剧本,都是关于社会问题的. 在此句中problem表示关于社会问题的的意思 He is a good adviser who are able to shed light on some problems. 他是一个很好的顾问能将一些疑难问题易于理解.




  problem英 [u02c8pru0252blu0259m] 美 [u02c8prɑ:blu0259m]  n.问题; 疑难问题; 习题; 引起麻烦的人;  adj.成问题的; 难处理的; 关于社会问题的;  [例句]You need to systematize your approach to problem solving.  你需要采用有条理的方法解决问题。  [其他]复数:problems 形近词: emblem epiblem

Problem 是什么意思




英语作文《My problems》

Everyone has the worry, I am no exception. I think I can get good grades,the subject is too difficult to study well.Sometimes I can"t understand what the teacher said, although I very hard. I study every day very hard, but still can"t get good grades. The teacher always"s very hard on me, which made me very nervous.I don"t know how to do it.楼下好搞笑。I后面也跟is





any problem /problems?



形容词,代词,冠词,数词 名词都可以修饰名词污染问题就应该用pollution problems water pollution

have problems in doing 还是 have problem in doing 还是 have a problem in doing 有解释的出处么?

这几个都可以互换,其实最基本的说法还是have difficulty in doing。应该不能随意变换形式,都是原型。




试比较:①The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决。②May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?II.problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义。question可表示一件“与……有关的事”。试比较:①Can you work out this maths problem ?你能算出这道数学题吗?②It"s a question of money / time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题。III.指需要讨论或解决的问题时,problem与question可以互换。如:We are going to talk about several problems(questions)at the meeting .我们在会上要谈到一些问题。




Problem 指难题,大家都知道的解决的方法,但处理起来非常困难。question 指问题,大家不知道解决方法疑问。ISSUE 指议题。


no problems


"problems"在汉语中读作“普罗布伦斯”,即pǔ luó bù lún sī。以下是关于如何正确发音的一些详细介绍:汉语拼音中的 "p" 发音与英文字母 "p" 相似,唇齿半闭,并带有一定的气息。"u" 的发音类似于英语单词 "you" 中的 "ou" 音,即像发 "o" 音时嘴唇要向前突出,但又不完全闭上。"luó" 部分中,“lu”应该读为一个发送自喉部的辅音,这个辅音的嘴型是与“u”音相同的。在 "bù" 部分,“b” 的发音和英文字母 "b" 相似,唇齿紧闭,爆破力度比 "p" 大。"ù" 部分的发音是一个降调,与汉语的第四声相同。注意,"v" 字母在汉语中没有对应的发音,需要用 "ü" 代替,所以在 "lún" 部分,要将 "ü" 的嘴型与 "u" 相同,但是嘴唇要更接近,并且舌头需要稍微抬高,使发音有气声。在 "sī" 部分,"s" 和英文字母 "s" 的发音相似,唇齿不闭,爆破力度比较小。"ī" 部分是一个上调,与汉语的第二声相同。在正确发音时,要注意用正确的语调和重音来表达单词的意思,并且加强对汉语拼音的练习和应用,以提高自己的口语水平。如果想要更好地掌握"problems"的正确发音,还可以参考以下几个方面:1.学习汉语拼音:首先需要了解汉语拼音的基本规则和发音技巧,以便在读音时遵循正确的音标和语音特点,让自己的发音更加标准准确。2.听取专业老师指导:找一位擅长授课的语言老师或者外语教练,向他们请教有关正确发音的技巧和方法,不断练习口语,完善语音表达能力。3.多听多说多练:在日常生活中多听汉语语音,尤其是母语为汉语的人说话时的发音,多模仿练习,不断提升自己的发音水平。4.利用网络资源:互联网上有许多免费的语音教材、播客、视频课程等资源,选择适合自己的学习素材,加强自己的听说能力和语音表达能力。总之,正确的发音是学习汉语或任何一门语言的重要组成部分,需要付出充足的努力和时间,不断练习和实践,才能更好地表达自己,和别人进行有效的交流。


problem和question都有“问题”的意思,但用法却不尽相同:[解题过程]I.problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配.而 question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用.试比较:①The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决.②May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?II.problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义.question可表示一件“与……有关的事”.试比较:①Can you work out this maths problem 你能算出这道数学题吗?②It"s a question of money / time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题.III.指需要讨论或解决的问题时,problem与question可以互换.如:We are going to talk about several problems(questions)at the meeting .我们在会上要谈到一些问题.question和problem的用法用什么区别?用比较简洁的概括来说,question 是需要“解答”的问题,而problem 是需要“解决”的问题。Question 是往往是“疑问”,但problem 所指的问题,往往是“老大难的问题”。这两个词在实际使用中,一般不能相互替代。例如Please answer the following questions. 请回答以下问题。(这句话常出现在作业和试卷,可不能说please answer the following problem).We have 10 people here, but the van has only 7 seats. This is really a big problem. 我们这里有十个人,但这面包车只有七个座位,这可是个大问题。我用以下这句英语,来概括两者的区别吧:If there is a question, you need an answer. If there is a problem, you need a solution. question需要由提问者;problem不需要,而且其应用范围比前者要广的多。problem和question都有“问题”的意思,但用法却不尽相同:I.problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词solve或settle(解决)搭配。而question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用。试比较:①The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决。②May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?II.problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义。question可表示一件“与u201eu201e有关的事”。试比较:①Can you work out this maths problem ?你能算出这道数学题吗?②It"s a question of money /time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题。III.指需要讨论或解决的问题时,problem与question可以互换。如:We are going to talk about several problems(questions)at the meeting .我们在会上要谈到一些问题。

no problem什么意思?

no problem [释义] 不麻烦; 没什么; 没事儿; 非常容易; [网络] 没问题; 无问题; 没问题!; [例句]Cabbie: It"s no problem. I was new in New York one time, too. I"m from Iowa.司机:这没什么。我也曾是一个初来乍到纽约的人。我从爱荷华州来的。

problems 是什么意思



查看文章 problem和question有什么区别?2009-03-04 22:01给个例题解释下吧 They have some ________ getting there. A.questions B.problems C.question D.problem 精析 要完成以上题目,必须了解question和problem的区别,从而选择正确答案。该句的意思是他们到 达那儿有一定的难度。question多指要求回答的问题,而problem是指较难或有待解决的问题。故正确答案选B。 答案:B 说明 question和problem都是名词,都表示“问题”。 (1)①problem:问题,习题。例如: The teacher set us some difficult problems. 老师给我们出了些难题。 ②problem:问题,有困难的问题,有待解决的问题。例如: The problem is how to get the money for the project. 问题是如何为工程筹集资金。 (2)question 多指要求回答的问题。例如: She likes to ask all kinds of questions. 她喜欢问各种各样的问题 problem一般指难题、困难、麻烦 question就是指提出来的问题 May I ask you a question?(我能问您一个问题么?)不用problem I have some problems with my study. (我在学习上有困难。)不用question 其实它们很好区别,记住意思就行了。




问题 麻烦 的意思

是have problem 还是problems

problem是可数名词单数的话:have a problem复数的话:have some problems(“一些”用some,“很多”用many等表示数量的词)一般都不用 have problems 吧

problem 是可数名词吗?



problem[5prCblEm]n.问题, 难题problemprob.lemAHD:[pr04b“l…m] D.J.[6pr%bl*m]K.K.[6pr$bl*m]n.Abbr. prob.(名词)缩写 prob.A question to be considered, solved, or answered:问题:应该考虑、解决或回答的问题:math problems; the problem of how to hem a skirt evenly.数学问题;关于如何给裙子镶平整的边的问题A situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty:疑难问题:使人迷惑或感到困难的形势、事情或人物:urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog; the philosophical problem of evil.See Usage Note at dilemma 诸如交通拥挤和烟雾的城市疑难问题;关于罪恶的哲学难题参见 dilemmaadj.(形容词)Difficult to deal with or control:难对付的:难以处理或控制的:a problem child; problem customers.难以管理的孩子;难对付的顾客Dealing with a moral or social problem:社会问题的:处理道德或社会问题的:a problem play.一部关于社会问题的剧本Middle English probleme 中古英语 probleme from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin probl09a probl09mat- 源自 拉丁语 probl09a probl09mat- from Greek 源自 希腊语 from proballein [to throw before, put forward] 源自 proballein [前置,放在前面] pro- [before] * see pro- 2pro- [在…之前] *参见 pro-2ballein bl09- [to throw] * see g wel…- ballein bl09- [扔,投] *参见 g wel…- problem来自希腊语 problema 被抛在前面的东西。pro 前+ballein 抛problemconundrumenigmaissuemysteryperplexitypuzzlequestionsolution


problem[英][u02c8pru0252blu0259m][美][u02c8prɑ:blu0259m]n.问题; 疑难问题; 习题; 引起麻烦的人; adj.成问题的; 难处理的; 关于社会问题的;


problem的读音是:英["pr?bl?m]。problem的读音是:英["pr?bl?m]。problem的词语用法是n.(名词)problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。problem名词复数:problems。一、详尽释义点此查看problem的详细内容n.(名词)问题困难,疑难问题,难题,麻烦【数】课题,习题,几何作图题,作图题难弄的人,引起麻烦的人令人困惑的情况布局问题操心的事,难对付的事,棘手的问题苦差二、英英释义Noun:a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved;"she and her husband are having problems""it is always a job to contact him""urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog"a question raised for consideration or solution;"our homework consisted of ten problems to solve"a source of difficulty;"one trouble after another delayed the job""what"s the problem?"三、词典解释1.问题;难题;困难Aproblem is a situation that is unsatisfactory and causes difficulties for people.e.g. ...the economic problems of the inner city...内城区的经济问题e.g. The mainproblem is unemployment...主要的问题是失业。2.(通过逻辑思考或数学运算解决的)问题,习题,题Aproblem is a puzzle that requires logical thought or mathematics to solve it.problem在线翻译e.g. With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating.对于数学题,可以用取近似值的办法节约时间。3.(儿童或家庭)有严重问题的,引起严重问题的Problem children orproblem families have serious problems or cause serious problems for other people.e.g. In some cases aproblem child is placed in a special school...有时,问题儿童被放在特殊的学校。e.g. She is afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled aproblem family.她不敢联系社会服务部门,以免被当作问题家庭。4.没问题You say "no problem" to show that you are willing to do what you have been asked.probleme.g. "Can you repair it?" — "Noproblem"...“你能修好它吗?”——“没问题。”e.g. If the property needs a new dishwasher, noproblem, just put it on a credit card.如果住所需要一个新的洗碗机,没问题,用信用卡买一个就可以了。5.没关系You say "no problem" to let someone know that you do not mind them doing something they have said they are going to do.e.g. "I ought to think about going actually. If that"s all right with you." — "Yeah. Noproblem."...“事实上,我应该考虑去,如果你不介意的话。”——“嗯,没关系。”e.g. If they don"t want to speak to me, fine. Noproblem.如果他们不想和我讲话,好的。我不介意。四、例句That"s your problem.那是你的问题。We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题.The problem is when to get the money we need.问题是什么时候能得到我们所需要的钱。Heavy traffic poses a problem in many old towns.交通拥挤是许多旧城镇的难题。The students are working on a mathematical problem.学生们正在解一道数学习题。Today"s problem child may be tomorrow"s criminal.今天的问题孩子可能就是明天的罪犯。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)no problem非常容易 that will be easy六、情景对话订货A:Can we expect the same price as last time ?价钱能够和上次的一样吗?B:Oh ,yes ,noproblem about that.哦,可以。没问题的。A:Good ,we‘ll be ordering in just a few days.很好,两三天内我们就会下订单。订货B:We have aproblem with your order .你订的货有点问题。A:What is it ?什么问题。B:We can‘t split open a case to fill your order .因为我们不能拆箱来凑足你的订量。problem在线翻译A:I‘ll see if we can take the whole case .那我考虑看看是不是可以买整箱。Exchanges and Returns-(换货和退货)A:Hi, there"s aproblem with this stereo. I"d like to return it, please.你好,这台音响有点问题。我想退货。B:What"s theproblem?是什么问题呢?A:The tape player doesn"t work.磁带的放音装置坏了。B:O.K. Do you have your receipt?好的,您有收据吗?problem在线翻译A:Yes, here you are.有,给你。B:Thank you. Do you want your money back, or would you like to exchange it?谢谢。你是想拿回现金呢还是想换一件商品。A:I think I"d like to just get another stereo, please.我想我还是换另一台音响。problem什么意思B:O.K. Here"s a receipt for store credit. Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you.好的,这是我们商店退货单的单据。把它拿去音响部,售货员会帮您的。A:Thanks a lot.非常谢谢。problem的近义词B:Noproblem. Thank you.不客气。谢谢你。七、词语用法n.(名词)problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。problem可用于答语中,与否定词连用,表示“没有问题”。problem有时还可以作定语,表示“难对付的,很成问题的”,可修饰物,也可修饰人。problem的相关近义词difficulty、dilemma、predicament、puzzle、questionproblem的相关临近词problematic、probity、problemc、probleme、problemist、problem box、problem log、problem job、problem age、problem mode、problem data、problem file点此查看更多关于problem的详细信息
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