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packing peanuts造句 packing peanutsの例文 "packing peanuts"是什麼意思

On top of that was a layer of packing peanuts . Drop off extra packing peanuts at maipng stores. Pad with packing peanuts and overnight the box. Where do you buy plastic packing peanuts anyway? Also, during the manufacturing process, the nutritional value is removed from starch-based packing peanuts . Lycra blends at J . Crew _ that"s pke Quaker adding plastic packing peanuts to its oatmeal. In the early 1990s, starch-based packing peanuts were developed as a more environment-friendly alternative. " Packing peanuts , " he said, and even Universal"s celebrity look-apkes laughed. After the test, the players are given a large box filled with packing peanuts , one which contains the handcuff keys. Alternatives with similar properties include coarse sawdust, vermicupte and ( at last, a use for them ) plastic foam packing peanuts . It"s difficult to see packing peanuts in a sentence. 用 packing peanuts 造句挺难的 Polystyrene-based packing peanuts were developed and patented by Tektronix Inc . They were made mercially available circa 1965 by Dow Chemical. Her cats, one of whom is the store"s namesake, bat around foam packing peanuts while she works into the night. In 1969 70 he anonymously pubpshed the satirical conceptual art magazine " Landspde " with his friend packing peanuts in an envelope. "Oh, it"ll be fine, " she said, adding that breakables are packed in bubble wrap and packing peanuts . _Pack container or containers in a box and fill with crumpled newspaper, shredded paper, packing peanuts , bubble wrap or popcorn, unbuttered and unsalted. Stephanie had to squeeze orange juice by hand and carry packing peanuts back and forth one by one, and Andrea has to blow up 500 balloons by herself. He steps over stray styrofoam packing peanuts that weave a trail in and out of empty cubicles, past white lab coats tossed pmply over chairs, and rows of barren lab benches. She"s got world-class chops, a couple-dozen recordings, and a Grammy just out of the packing peanuts perched on the shelf in her New York City home. :I would suggest surrounding it tightly with several layers of bubble wrap, and putting that in a somewhat rigid container ( the box it came in ) filled with packing peanuts or bubblewrap. Office workers dumped bags of plastic foam packing peanuts from the upper stories of skyscrapers, so much so that it looked pke it was snowing along some sections of the eight-block parade route. A modern variation of this practice can also help reduce the weight of large containers such as urns and tubs : Instead of shards or gravel, use plastic foam packing peanuts to fill the bottom third of the container. These people are turning their pving rooms into inventory centers, diving into dumpsters for spare boxes, stuffing cars and closets with packing peanuts , checking for e-mail every free minute and racing to the post office nearly every afternoon. Another option is just to put a lot of soft material beeen the egg and the bottom of the box, pke bubble wrap, packing peanuts , etc . For something a bit unconventional, how about floating the egg inside a salt-water filled bag? :I"ve heard the term " packing peanuts " ( or " packaging " or " plastic ", maybe ) used almost everywhere, though there might be a more " official " name that nobody ever uses .-- Geoffrey 03 : 21, 31 Aug 2003 ( UTC) It"s difficult to find packing peanuts in a sentence. 用 packing peanuts 造句挺难的

美国俚语里面的 eats nuts 是什么意思?




it make me nuts nut 为何要加S?

make me nuts 是“使我难受”的意思… 也可以说drive me nuts 这是一个英语俗语,就是这样用法,无法用语法来解释… Tracffic jams drive me nuts. 交通堵塞使我难受. Long speech drives me nuts.冗长的讲话使我难受. Loud music drives me nuts. Second_hand smoke drives me nuts. People with bad breath drive me nuts. Too many TV ads drives me nuts.





it was nuts

此题选择B项. What a lovely cake! 这是一个感叹句 句意为:多么可爱的蛋糕啊! It"s full of nuts. 句意为:它里面满是各种坚果. be full of 意为:充满了... be filled with 也有此意 希望我的回答能够帮到你! 请及时采纳为满意答案,谢谢!


peanuts 花生

go nuts 是什么意思,怎么用?

I am going nuts.我要发疯了

today was nuts是什么意思

nuts 相当于Crazy ,老美最常用today was nuts 意思是 今天很疯狂有可能是因为 super busy 很忙或者 stressful 压力很大,这些都可以用 nuts 来表达 例如: Today was nuts. I woke up at 6 a.m., walked the dog, made breakfast for kids, then did laundry. Round 8 am, I went to work. My boss told me that I have to do over the report and handle the customer complaints. I barely grabbed a bite, and in the afternoon the company sent me on a business trip to another city. I got back home about midnight, totally wasted. 希望对您有帮助。

stud-bolt A193 GR B7 W/A194 GR 2H NUTS 这些螺栓描述是什么意思?最好具体点 谢谢哈

stud-bolt 是螺栓 A193就是标准代号 是美国标准制表示的材料标准代号 GR是 等级的意思 B7就是螺栓的具体等级 W/ 其中W是with 就是和 NUTS是螺母 整体就是表示 A193等级为B7美标的螺栓和A194等级为2H美标的螺母




名字:Danielle Sharp中文:丹妮尔·夏普生日:1991年8月21日出生地:英格兰格里姆斯比身高:170厘米职业:模特,服 装 设 计回答如满意,望及时采纳



shaken deez nuts是什么梗




nuts crazy区别

This is nuts .【nuts adj.发狂的;热衷的;狂热的】【俚语】 =This is crazy. =It is(It"s ) crazy . 你说得对,它们可以有相同的意思【那是很疯狂的】. 祝你开心如意!

nuts snack是什么意思

nuts snack坚果零食Buy: Snack food, Nuts, Peas, Seeds.采购:休闲食品,坚果,豌豆,种子。-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!


可以采用象形法。1. 你把两个u姓杯叠在一起,是圆形对吧?坚果通常都是圆形的。2. nuts是坚果的复数,把ts按音看成吃。就记忆完成。


u are nuts:你疯了!this is nuts! :等同于this is crazy(这太疯狂了)


1、nuts的读音:英[nu028cts],美[nu028cts]。 2、n.坚果; 螺母; 螺帽; 人的头(或大脑); 3、adj.疯狂; 执著; 迷恋; 狂热; 4、v.(故意)以头撞击; 5、nut的第三人称单数和复数; 6、int.不见得; 热爱着; 狂热于; 精通…的; 7、[例句]They eat mainly fruit and nuts.他们主要吃水果和坚果。


露西·皮德尔 (Lucy Pinder)生日:1983年12月20日身高:165厘米平面模特






Nuts女装品牌并不算很贵,属于中等偏上的消费水平。Nuts 品牌创立于 1990 年,创始人梁子庚先生是一位旅美华人,Nuts 品牌隶属于梁子庚先生创办的宁波梁子庚时装有限公司。Nuts 品牌以时尚休闲装为主,设计风格简约大方,受到很多人的喜爱。


“那次” 你是这个意思吗?






bananas 猴子看到香蕉会兴奋得忘乎所以,又叫又跳.Go bananas这个习惯用语就来源于此.当然它并不一定只用来形容猴子.如果某人在特定情境下像猴子看到香蕉那样激动得上窜下跳、又喊又叫,甚至行为失常,那这个人必定是情绪失控了,这个时候我们就可以说He is going bananas. nuts 美国俚语:Are you nuts?你疯了吗? (赞楼上)






nuts德州术语是坚果牌,当前可以凑成的最好的牌,例如公共牌为7,8,9,而你底牌为10,J,也就意味着你已经击中了当前的坚果牌,相关术语还有:1、Offsuit:杂牌,不同花色的牌。2、Pair:一对。3、Positon:位置,牌桌上的位置,在德州扑克中,牌桌上的位置对于策略和胜负有着很大的影响,因此需要进行轮换。4、Pot:底池,当前所有人投入的筹码总量。5、Pot-Limit:限注,允许加注的最大注额为底池的大小。如果前面有人下注,一个玩家想要加注,则喊注所需的投入底池的总金额应在加注所允许的总金额以内。6、Pre-flop: 收到两张起手牌(Starting Hand)后到头三张公开牌(Flop)亮出来之前的这一阶。7、Raise:加注,投入比前面玩家更高数额的筹码。8、Re-raise:加注之后再加注。River:河牌,第五张公共牌。Royal Flush:皇家同花顺,最大的牌型,由同花色的10、J、Q、K、A所组成。

Nuts是什么意思? 有几种意思?

a.1. 发疯的,傻的Teenagers like to get together and go nuts on Saturday night.青少年喜欢在星期六晚上聚在一起做一些疯狂事。I"ll go nuts if I have to wait much longer.如果还得等更久,我会发疯。2. 狂热的,热衷的She"s nuts about movies.她热衷电影。int.1. (表示憎恶,拒绝等)呸;胡说;混蛋You are driving me nuts.你真是要把我逼疯。




1、诺丁汉大学电视台—中国站。 2、NUTS作为宁波诺丁汉大学唯一官方学生电视台,全球第一个跨国学生媒体组织,意在为诺丁汉大学的师生提供一个信息交流和互享的平台。NUTS有两个分支,NUTSChina和NUTSUK,两个站点相互支持,资源共享。 3、频道分类:文化频道:文化频道是NUTS中最具有包容性的一个频道凭借其独特的文化视角,深入探知文化多元性。 4、新闻频道:新闻频道是NUTS中最具客观性和时效性的一个频道,凭借其敏锐的新闻洞察力,综合报道学校的时事新闻。 5、娱乐频道:娱乐频道是nuts中最具活力和创造力的一个频道,凭借其犀利的娱乐嗅觉,制作新奇有趣的娱乐类节目,丰富诺丁汉学生的校园生活。


nuts是什么意思:“nut”一词既可以表示坚果,也可以表示螺母或轴承,具体意思需要看上下文。下面将从不同方面详细介绍“nut”的含义。1、“nut”表示坚果“Nut”原指植物的核仁部分,主要是食用价值较高的坚果类产品。松子、开心果、腰果、巴西果、榛子、核桃等都是常见的坚果类产品。它们的营养价值很高,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、微量元素和矿物质等,对人体健康有着重要的保健作用。坚果不仅味美而且食用方式多样,可以生吃、烤吃、油炸、加工成糖果等多种方式来食用。2、“nut”表示螺母和轴承除了坚果,"nut"还可以指代螺母和轴承。螺母是一种强大的连接件,通常由金属制成,广泛应用于机械加工、建筑、汽车和航空航天等领域。轴承则是指一种广泛使用的机械部件,能够支撑机械的旋转,并减少运动过程中的摩擦和调节级间隙。轴承广泛应用于家用电器、汽车、航空等各个领域,是现代机械制造业不可或缺的组成部分。3、“nut”还有其他含义“Nut”还可引申为疯子或热衷者,在口语中常用来形容某个人非常疯狂或者极度热爱某种事物。此外,还有一些其他含义与"nut"相关,如它可以作为网络上的缩写,例如“NUTS”表示“Not Usually Thinking Straight”(意为不通常思考问题),以及“nutcase”表示“疯子”。总之,"nut"这个词在不同情况下有着不同的含义。它可以表示食用坚果、连接件或机械零件,也可以用来形容疯狂或热爱某种事物的人。了解这些不同的用法更加丰富了我们的词汇量,也更加精确地描述和表达我们的观点。


nuts发音:英音[n_ts],美音[n_ts]。nuts的意思是:发狂的、热衷的、狂热的,坚果,发疯的、傻的。例句:1、His behavior is very nuts.他的行为很疯狂。2、Please manage your emotions and nuts to everyone.请你管理好自己的情绪,别对别人发疯。3、That"s true. Let"s get something healthy, like nuts or popcorn.没错。我们买些健康的零食吧,比如坚果或爆米花。4、We should go on a snack run and get some nuts and chips.我们应该去买零食,买些坚果和薯片。5、Lots! For example, root vegetables like carrots and yams, nuts and seeds like walnuts and black sesame.可多了!比如:根茎蔬菜像胡萝卜和番薯,坚果和种子类食物像胡桃和黑芝麻。

nuts怎么读 nuts的意思

1、nuts的读音:英[nu028cts],美[nu028cts]。 2、n.坚果; 螺母; 螺帽; 人的头(或大脑); 3、adj.疯狂; 执著; 迷恋; 狂热; 4、v.(故意)以头撞击; 5、nut的第三人称单数和复数; 6、int.不见得; 热爱着; 狂热于; 精通…的; 7、[例句]They eat mainly fruit and nuts.他们主要吃水果和坚果。




nuts是nut的复数形式。重点词汇:nut英[nu028ct]释义:n.坚果(仁);螺母,螺帽;<非正式>疯子,怪人;<非正式>入迷的人,狂热分子;<英>头,头脑;<非正式>营运经费,开销;难事,难题,难对付的人。v.<非正式>用头撞;<古>采坚果,采干果。【名】(Nut)(阿拉伯)努特,(柬)努(人名)。[复数:nuts;第三人称单数:nuts;现在分词:nutting;过去式:nutted;过去分词:nutted]短语:pine nut[食品]松子;松仁词语使用变化:nutn.(名词)1、nut的基本意思是“干果,坚果”,指有硬壳、内含可吃的果肉,如核桃、栗子、花生等,也指“果仁”,如杏仁、核桃仁等。2、nut也可作“螺母,螺帽”解。3、在俚语中,nut也可作“头,脑袋”解;还可作“怪人,疯子,入迷的人”解,常用于贬义。









英语考试作文中用in a nutshell 可以吗?我听说它是俚语


同义词改写:in a nutshell

in a word 总而言之;一句话

英语in a nutshell怎么翻译?

你好!in a nutshell 这是一个日常口语表达,汉语意思是——简言之,总而言之相当于 in a word/in briefin conclusion

To put all into a nutshell是什么意思?

in a nutshell:简括地:简言之;简要地说这句话的意思是:总而言之,简单的说

"in the nutshell" 点解?

In a nutshell 可以解作"总括来讲"或"概括". 例子: There"s a lot I could say about this movie but to put it in a nutshell it was terrible. 我对这套电影有许多话想讲 概括说来 它很糟糕. 一句讲哂! 即等于in conclusion,总结是也!

Alice In Chains的《Nutshell》 歌词

歌曲名:Nutshell歌手:Alice In Chains专辑:The Essential Alice In ChainsNutshellAlice In ChainsJar of FliesWe chase misprinted liesWe face the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fightThis battle all aloneNo one to cry toNo place to call homeOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...My gift of self is rapedMy privacy is rakedAnd yet I findAnd yet I findRepeating in my headIf I can"t be my ownI"d feel better deadOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...

英语作文中用in a nutshell 怎么样?会不会让人感觉很新还是太不正式,尤其在专业英语中,哪位高手帮忙解

记得有一本书的前言里就是用的这句,应该是比较地道的,只不过没有in a word 和in short用的多。

Alice In Chains的《Nutshell》 歌词

歌曲名:Nutshell歌手:Alice In Chains专辑:Music BankNutshellAlice In ChainsJar of FliesWe chase misprinted liesWe face the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fightThis battle all aloneNo one to cry toNo place to call homeOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...My gift of self is rapedMy privacy is rakedAnd yet I findAnd yet I findRepeating in my headIf I can"t be my ownI"d feel better deadOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...

in a nutshell可以用在作文中吗

In a nutshell 这个词意思是“总而言之”,属于较口语化的表达,写作中最好别使用这个词。 in a nutshell:简而言之;概括地说;简言之。 扩展资料   To put it in a nutshell, we"re bankrupt.   简单地说,我们破产了。   In a nutshell, the owners thought they knew best   简而言之,业主们认为自己最了解情况。   This, in a nutshell, is what Richard Chaplin appears to have done.   简言之,这好像就是理查德·查普林所做的一切。   He put the situation in a nutshell.   他简明扼要地说明了情况。   In a nutshell, development aid for health is working.   简而言之,推动卫生事业发展的援助工作正在发挥作用。

In a nutshell什么意思

in a nutshell 简言之; 一言以蔽之; 简单地; 简约地

in a nutshell是什么意思

in a nutshell中文释义:简单地,简约地;概括地;极其简括地说例句:In a nutshell, the developer writes a test before writing any code.简单地说,开发人员在撰写代码之前要撰写一个测试。【词汇解析】nutshell英文发音:["nu028ctu0283el]中文释义:n. 坚果的外壳;小的东西,小容器vt. 概括例句:That is the whole problem, in an organic nutshell.总体上概括起来,这才是问题的全部。扩展资料in a nutshell的近义词:1、to sum up英文发音:[tu su028cm u028cp]中文释义:总之;简括地说;总而言之例句:Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across?那么,简单来说,你想要传达的信息到底是什么?2、to put it briefly英文发音:[tu pu028at u026at u02c8briu02d0fli]中文释义:简单说来;简而言之;概括地说例句:We are fighting for three things, to put it briefly.简单地说,我们为三件事而战。

in a nutshell 可以当书面语用么? 为什么我们老师提倡在文章中使用

还行吧可以用,当然了书面语还是尽量少用口语化的词啊~ 记得有一本书的前言里就是用的这句,应该是比较地道的,只不过没有in a word 和in short用的多。

in a nutshell

没问题。in a nutshell 是英文成语

像in brief,obviously,what`s more,in a nutshell这类的连词的总结!!

我也记不清了 在网上搜到了一些 结合了自己的一些修改 觉得这个比较清楚 复制过来 一起分享~(一),连词主要有but ,however,yet,although,on the contrary,while ,and, then, first second,or,not only...but also...,both...and...,neither...nor... (二),并列连词和从属连词按语义分如下几种:A,常见的表示语义引申的并列连词有:1.and Justice is on your side. And justice will triumph over injustice. 正义在你们一边,而正义是会战胜非正义的。 2. neither... nor She could neither speak the language nor write it. 这种语言她既不会说,也不会写。 3. both... and A man should have both courage and perseverance.一个人既要有勇气又要有毅力。 4. not only... but also We should not only be bold, but also be cautious. 我们不仅要大胆,而且要谨慎。 5. as well as I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays. 我读过他的一本小说和几个剧本。 B,表示选择的并列连词有: 1. or You may do it yourself, or ask someone else to do it. 你可以自己做或者让别人做。 2. either... or I left it either on the table or in the drawer. 我不是把它放在桌子上了,就是放在抽屉里了。 除了表示选择外,or和either... or还可以表示否定的条件: 1) Now I must go or (if not) I shall be late for the party. 我现在得走了,否则晚会我就要迟到了。 2) You"ll either behave yourself, or you"ll never go out with me. 你要么老实点,要么就永远不能跟我一起出去。 C,表示转折或对比的并列连词有: 1. but He tried hard but he was unsuccessful. 他做了很大努力但没有成功。 2. yet The car was old, yet it was in excellent condition. 这辆车子很旧,但仍处于良好的状态。 3. however She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. 她病了。然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。 4. nevertheless I don"t know anything against that man; nevertheless I don"t trust him. 我对那个人没有什么不良的看法,但我不能信赖他。D,表示因果关系的并列连词有: 1. for You"d better put on your sweater, for it"s rather cold outside. 你最好把毛衣穿上,外边相当冷。 2. so My sister is expecting me,so I must be off now. 姐姐在等我,因此我得走了。 3. therefore You are right, therefore we should support you. 你是对的,所以我们应当支持你。 4. hence I fell off my bike yesterday—hence the bruises. 我昨天骑自行车摔倒了——所以青一块、紫一块的。从属连词是用来引导从句的。分为如下几种: A,引导时间状语从句的从属连词有: 1. when There was prolonged applause when he began to speak. 他开始讲话时响起了经久不息的掌声。 2. while We should strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。 3. as As (When) he entered, the hall burst into thunderous applause. 当他进来时,全场发出雷鸣般的掌声。 4. after After I visit Shanghai I"ll travel up the Yangtze. 访问上海之后,我将溯长江而上。 5. before It would be months before he was fit for the work. 要过好几个月他才能适应工作。 6. since It is just a week since we arrived here. 我们到这里才一个星期。 7. until (till) I shall stay here until (till) I"ve completed my studies. 我要在这里待到学习结束为止。 8. as soon as As soon as he got well, he went back to work. 他病一好就回去上班了。 9. once Once he said that, I knew he was lying. 他一说这话我就知道他在撒谎。 B,引导原因状语从句的从属连词有: 1. because He failed because he was too careless. 因为他太粗心,所以失败了。 2. as As it was already rather dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night. 因为已经相当晚了,我们决定在庙里待一夜。 3. since Since you don"t want to go, we won"t force you to. 既然你不愿意去,我们也不勉强你。 4. now that Now that you are all back, we"d better start the work right away. 你们既然都回来了,我们最好马上就开始工作。 5. considering (that) They did the job quite well considering (that) they had no experience. 考虑到他们没有什么经验,这项工作他们已经干得不错了。 6. seeing that Seeing that (Since) nobody was very enthusiastic about it, they decided to cancel the trip. 由于都没有很高的热情,他们决定取消这次旅行。 C,引导条件状语从句的从属连词有: 1. if If you can do it, so can I. 你要是能办到,我也能办到。 2. even if We wouldn"t lose heart even if we should fail ten times. 我们就是失败十次也不灰心。 3. unless I won"t go unless you want me to. 除非你要我去,否则我是不会去的。 4. in case We"d better take our raincoats in case it should rain (rains). 我们最好把雨衣带着以防下雨。 5. provided /providing (that) I"ll come provided (providing) (that) you let me know in good time. 你要是及时通知我是会来的。 6. suppose/supposing (that) Suppose (Supposing) (that) he won"t agree, what shall we do? 假如他不同意,我们怎么办? 7. as (so) long as You may use the room as long as you keep it clean. 只要保持清洁你可以用这个房间。 8. on condition (that) I"ll lend you the book on condition (that) you return it on Monday. 只要你能在星期一还我,这本书我就借给你。 D,引导让步状语从句的从属连词有: 1. although / though Everybody worked with great enthusiasm although/though the weather was extremely cold. 虽然天气很冷,大家工作得非常起劲。 2. even if (though) Even if I have to walk all the way I"ll get there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要去那里。 E,引导比较状语从句的从属连词有: 1. than We have produced 20% more cotton this year than we did last year. 我们今年棉花产量比去年高百分之二十。 2. as (so) He doesn"t play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。 F,引导目的状语从句的从属连词有: 1. lest She explained again and again lest people should misunderstand her. 她一再解释唯恐人们误解。 2. so that Speak clearly so that we may understand you. 讲话要清楚,以便我们能听明白。 3. in order that He assigned us some books to read at home in order that (so that) we might have a deeper understanding of the subject. 他指定几本书给我们回家看,以便我们对这一主题有一个较深的了解。 G,引导结果状语从句的从属连词有: 1. so...that She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. 她感动得热泪盈眶。 2. such...that It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep. 演讲枯燥乏味,听得我都睡着了。 另外:引导名词性从句的连词有三个:(1)that (本身无意义),(2)whether (or not),(3)if。例如: That they will refuse the offer is unlikely. 他们不太可能会拒绝这个建议。 I don"t know whether (=if) these figures are accurate. 我不知道这些数字是否精确。 需要注意的是:whether (or not) 可引导大部分名词性从句;if仅可引导宾语从句,而且不可跟or not。例如: Whether (≠if) they will come or not won"t make much difference. 他们来不来关系不大。 I wonder if (=whether) she has received our telegram. 我不知道她是否收到了我们的电报。

to put it in a nutshell是什么意思

【to put it in a nutshell】是英语习语,意思是【简单地说;一句话】。双语例句1. "Do you like his new girlfriend?"" To put it in a nutshell, no."“ 你喜欢他的新女友 吗 ? ” “一个字, 不. ”2. To put it in a nutshell, we"re bankrupt.简断截说, 我们破产了.3. It"s a long story, but to put it in a nutshell, he has been arrested.这事说来话长, 不过简言之, 他已被捕.4. To put it in a nutshell, we had better leave at once.简言之,我们最好马上就走。5. It"s a long story, but put it in a nutshell, he got killed by another bad guy.说来话长,不过长话短说,他被另一个坏蛋干掉了。6. I have a lot to say about his latest book, but to put it in a nutshell,it is a good work.我对他的新书有许多看法7. There"s a lot I could say about the performance,but to put it in a nutshell,it was bad.关于那次演出我可以提很多意见,不过用一句话概括起来就是:很差劲。

Alice In Chains的《Nutshell》 歌词

歌曲名:Nutshell歌手:Alice In Chains专辑:UnpluggedNutshellAlice In ChainsJar of FliesWe chase misprinted liesWe face the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fightThis battle all aloneNo one to cry toNo place to call homeOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...My gift of self is rapedMy privacy is rakedAnd yet I findAnd yet I findRepeating in my headIf I can"t be my ownI"d feel better deadOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...


"Nutshell"这个短语在翻译成中文时,可以使用以下几个常见的表达方式:简而言之:这个翻译最直接地传达了 "nutshell" 的含义,用于概括或总结一个复杂问题的要点,以便更简明地传达给听众或读者。概括地说:这个翻译也表示对一个主题或问题进行总结或概括,以简洁明了的方式表达其核心要点。简单来说:这个翻译强调用简单、易懂的语言来表达一个问题或观点的核心,以便更容易被理解和接受。当使用 "nutshell" 或其翻译进行表达时,可以采用以下几种方式:引导总结:在演讲、写作或讨论中,可以使用 "in a nutshell" 或其翻译作为引导语,然后简洁地概括或总结所要表达的核心内容。例如:In a nutshell, the main problem is lack of communication between team members.(简而言之,主要问题是团队成员之间缺乏沟通。)提供关键信息:当需要在短时间内向他人传达重要信息时,可以使用 "in a nutshell" 或其翻译来快速概括要点。这可以帮助他人更快地理解问题或情况的核心。例如:In a nutshell, the report shows a decline in sales and an increase in expenses.(简而言之,报告显示销售额下降,费用增加。)总结讨论:当进行长时间的讨论或辩论后,可以使用 "in a nutshell" 或其翻译来总结讨论的结果或得出的结论。这有助于将复杂的信息压缩成简洁明了的表述。例如:After a lengthy discussion, in a nutshell, we agreed to proceed with the new marketing strategy.(经过长时间的讨论,简而言之,我们决定执行新的营销策略。)总之,使用 "nutshell" 或其翻译时,重点是用简洁明了的方式概括或总结一个问题、主题或讨论的核心要点。这种表达方式可以帮助他人更快地理解复杂信息,并在简洁的语言中传达关键信息。

in the nutshell是什么意思


in a nutshell是什么意思

in a nutshell一言以蔽之双语对照词典结果:in a nutshell[英][in u0259 u02c8nu028ctu02ccu0283el][美][u026an e u02c8nu028ctu02ccu0283u025bl]简言之; 一言以蔽之; 简单地; 简约地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Here"s how it works in a nutshell. 下面概括地说说这个产品如何运作



med that more than one had beencompromised

i am nuts about you

1.我为你而疯狂.等同于i"m crazy about u 2.他是个实干者.举个例子会好理解点Gary does things, Gary is a Harn 3.这个不是我的口味,可以理解 为:it"s not my tpye/style. 4.让我们直说/让我们说正事吧.talk turkey相当于speaking frankly, discussing hard facts, or getting down to serious business. 5.他是个坏家伙. 6.我们将得到13分.(a baker"s dozen=13items rather than 12 in a normal dozen)

"You are nuts."是什么意思?


英语are you nuts怎么翻译?


英文歌词翻译 Venke Knutson - I Wonder

有好几次我们曾经分享有好几次我们过去走走所有的欢乐,生活带来的副作用我们可以在嘲笑任何东西但是现在我独自一个人……我想知道你在哪里我想知道你是怎么想的所以告诉我该做什么回到接近你的现在我需要找到一个方法或只是再说一句话我想要你在这里和我在一起回到我们曾经有过的…我在街上单独行走和我看的每样东西都让我想起了你您的宝贵的声音在空气中哦,我多么希望你在这里所以我能拥有你一次…我想知道你在哪里,我想知道你是怎么想的所以告诉我该做什么回到接近你的现在我需要找到一个方法或只是再说一句话我想要你在这里和我在一起回到我们曾经有过的…你会抱紧我你永远不会使我很伤心和你给我的感觉我从来不知道我有. . oooh…所有的欢乐,生活带来的副作用我们可以在嘲笑任何东西但是现在我独自一个人……我想知道你在哪里,我想知道你是怎么想的所以告诉我该做什么回到接近你的。现在我需要找到一个方法或只是再说一句话我想要你在这里和我在一起回到我们曾经有过的回到我们曾经有过的…

deez nuts 什么意思

有很多意思:1. The large, sweaty, hairy dangling spheres of man-hood containing future illegitimate seeds that swing violently in the wind when slapped. 2. The big round sexual organs or male ovaries that extract the skeet skeet from the erect male dick, penis or cock. 3. The first male sex organs to receive nasty pressed, or permed jeri-curled hair at the puberty level of life. 4. The first set of balls that you can enjoy and play with anywhere. For example, at the dinner table with the family, during your SAT exams to calm your nerves, or have others play with them too and have just as much fun. For example, the doctor as he give you a check-up, your mother when she gave you baths at younger age, your molesting uncle Bob when he babysits, or your priest, and last but not least Micheal Jackson. (Thats being a good host)


bonus 英[u02c8bu0259u028anu0259s] 美[u02c8bou028anu0259s] n. 奖金,额外津贴; 红利,额外股息; 退职金; 额外令人高兴的事情; [例句]Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonusesand overtime.大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。[其他] 复数:bonusesbonuts博纳斯(人名)没有找到直译,只找到音译的人名

I often dry my nuts in the sun


i often dry my nuts in the sun这是不是一般现在时?

你好,l often dry my nuts in the sun是一般现在时。我经常在太阳下晒坚果。often表示经常,常常。经常做的事情一般用一般现在时。谢谢提问,望采纳!

Are You Nuts? 歌词

歌曲名:Are You Nuts?歌手:immediate music专辑:Comedy #1Are You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~


I don"t usually collect nuts in the afternoon.

in the sun是什么意思?collect nuts是什么意思?求翻译!


do you like the cake __ nuts ____ it ? A.with;in B.have;in C.has;on D.with of

说里面有什么 用in 所以选A

英语are you nuts怎么翻译?

问;英语are you nuts怎么翻译?答:你疯了吗例句:Are you nuts? That is the worst idea I"ve ever heard. 翻译:没搞错吧?这是我听过的最糟的主意。 满意请采纳,谢谢!喵

kick sb in the nuts 是神马意思?求高手解答

大概意思是 “踢他的裤裆部分”(字面意思不雅。)
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