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这句如何翻译理解?To what extent are the conditions under which nursing care is given conducive to

到哪种程度 to what extent

有没有开头during my second month of nursing的完形填空

During my second month of nursing school,our professor gave us a pop quiz.I was a conscientious (认真的) student and had preezed through the questions,until I read the last one:”What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”Surely this was some kind of joke.I had seen the cleaning woman several times.She was tall,dark-haired and in her 50s,but how would I know her name?I handed in my paper,leaving the last question blank.Just before class ended,one student asked if the last question would count towards our quiz grade.“Absolutely,”said the prfessor,”in your careers,you will meet many people.All are significant.They deserve (值得) your attention and care,even if all you do is smile and say hello.”I"ve never forgotten that lesson.I also learned her name was Dorothy。是这个吗?

Journal of Clinical Nursing 是哪个国家的杂志

美国In 1807, Charles Wiley, then 25 years old, opened a small printing shop at 6 Reade Street in lower Manhattan, New York City. During the next four years, he worked with other printers, primarily Isaac Riley, printing and publishing law books. In 1812, "C. Wiley, Printer" appeared for the first time on the title pages of several legal works.

home care 和home nursing的区别

home care 和home nursing的区别

Over the course of a few days when i was in a nursing原文

Over the course of a few days when I was in a nursing home to recover,I started to rea lly appreciate the housekeeper,an elderly lady who didn"t speak English.Every morning at 6:30 she would try to get into my room 21 so she wouldn"t disturb me.However,every time I would 22 and see her.She would try to 23 and at the same time gave an amazing smile.24 ,I would be just waiting to see her come in and give that wonderful 25 . I 26 from a nurse that there was an employee rewards program.I asked her to write a(an) 27 card for my housekeeper and put it up.About ten minutes later,another nurse came into my room and told me that the housekeeper was out in the hall 28 her eyes out.Had I done something wrong or inap propriate?Then the nurse 29 to tell me that the housekeeper had worked there for thirty years and had never 30 a rewards card. It 31 me like a ton of bricks.Just a few simple words made such a 32 . From that day forward I tried to admire someone every day for the good things they showed.The results were 33 .People came in with smiles,they talked more,they laughed more,and they 34 life more.35 ,it seems the more I tried to praise others,the 36 I got. I"m out of nursing home now and almost 37 recovered.I thank my housekeeper for helping me see just how unbelievably 38 life is. Do 39 a favor and tell your loved ones just how much they 40 to you.It can make the world of difference with both them and you.

循证护理(evidence-based nursing)。


澳洲的enrolled nursing与registed nursing有什么区别?

只有霍姆斯格兰有tafe加本科的连读,本科是在迪肯。 一年tafe加了两年(Enrolled / Division 2 Nursing) 学制:全时1年开学日期:2010年7月(

求两篇英语作文 1、How do you think of nursing? 2、How do you think of TCM?


nursing home 和care home 的区别

nursing homen.(名词)A private establishment that provides living quarters and care for the elderly or the chronically ill.私人疗养院:为老人或慢性病患者提供住处和护理的私人机构care home 比较少用,可以翻译成护理院。中文上应该没什么大区别,只是不同场合称呼不同而已。

nursing station是什么意思

nursing station护士站双语对照词典结果:nursing station[英][u02c8nu025c:su026au014b u02c8steiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8nu0259:su026au014b u02c8steu0283u0259n][医]护理办公室;

I’m Joan Croft. I have to say that I came into nursing by chance.

1.What was John"s first job?, It was office work._ 2.Why didn"t Joan like her first job? _ She did not like staying in the same place with the same people around her all day and every day.___ 3.Why didn"t Joan go on with her second job? The singing group broke up .___ 4.How did Joan find out the information about the nursing job?; She saw an advertisement in a paper._________ 5.What was Joan"s plan for the future? Get married sometime, Continue to be a nurse

best nursing中文翻译

Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital 无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。 Mrs . bent : ok , jeff , but i " m still the best nurse for your father 班纳特夫人:好的,杰夫,但我仍是你爸爸最好的护士。 I have been assured by a very knowing american of my acquaintance in london , that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most depcious , nourishing , and wholesome food , whether stewed , roasted , baked , or boiled ; and i make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout 我在伦敦认识一个见识很广的美国人,他向我保证说:一个奶水充足的健康儿童养到一岁,其肉是最鲜美,最滋补、最健康的食品,炖、烤,焙、煮都好,无疑也可油煎作为肉丁或加蔬菜做汤。


nursing homen.(名词)A private establishment that provides living quarters and care for the elderly or the chronically ill.私人疗养院:为老人或慢性病患者提供住处和护理的私人机构care home 比较少用,可以翻译成护理院.中文上应该没什么大区别,只是不同场合称呼不同而已.

护理评估(nursing assesstment)


护理学(nursing science)


into nursing

into 是介词 后面要接动词的ing形式(动名词) 去掉之后意思不完全一样,这是现在完成时,have+过去分词的形式,表示我现已经得了感冒 如果去掉have 则是一般过去时,表示过去某个时间得了感冒

nursing home是什么意思

nursing home是指疗养院例句:The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home. 那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。He died in a nursing home at the age of 87. 他在一家养老院去世,享年87岁。The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend 养老院的护士长说她愿意参加。At what point does it become necessary to place a demented person in a nursing home? 到了什么时候算是有必要把早老性痴呆病人送到养老院去?She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home. 她开始绞尽脑汁地回忆在疗养院发生的事。The elderly at the nursing home have some protections, but not much. 看护之家的老人们已经受到一些保护,但这类措施为数不多。If you can"t get to the nursing home to visit grandma, you can use a telepresence robot to hang out with her. 如果你不能去疗养院看望奶奶,你可以用远程呈现机器人陪她出去玩。

护理学 英文怎么说?nursing可以吗?

Nursing 注意大写 其他护理学相关课程翻译给你参考: 解剖学及组织坯胎学 Anatomy & Tissue Embryology 生理学 Physiology 生物化学 Biochemistry 免疫学与病原生物学 Immunology and Aetology 病理学 Nosology 护用药物学 Pharmacology for Nurses 护理学基础 Basic Nursing 医学遗传学基础 Medical Genetics 护理心理学 Nursing Psychology 内科护理学 Medical Nursing 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing 五官科护理学 Nursing for ENT Department (Otolaryngology Department) 中医科护理学 Nursing for Chinese Medicine 妇产科护理学 Nursing for Gynaecology and Obetetrics 儿科护理学 Nursing for Paediatrics 医用物理学 Medical Physics 护理人际沟通 Nursing Communication 护理学概论 Introduction to Nursing 临床营养学 Clinical Nutriology 健康评估 Clinical Health Asses *** ent 社区保健学 Community Health Care 急救护理 Nursing for Emergency Treatment 临床护理学 Clinical Nursing 精神科护理学 Nursing for Psychiatry 老年护理学 Geriatric Nursing 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 护理管理学Nursing Management 预防医学 Preventive Medicine


Nursing的意思是:n. 护理,看护,养育;v. 看护,养育。词汇搭配有:1、nursing home 私人疗养院2、nursing bottle 奶瓶3、nursing mother 喂乳的母亲4、nurse 护士5、dry-nurse 当保姆6、nursing officer 护士长7、nursing infant 乳儿8、nursing room 哺乳室9、nursing sickness 喂养性贫血10、nursing sow 哺乳母猪Nursing的例句1、He died in a nursing home at the age of 87.他在一家养老院去世,享年87岁。2、Nursing auxiliaries provide basic care, but are not qualified nurses.助理护士只提供基本护理,不具备护士资格。3、She resolved to report the matter to the hospital"s nursing manager.她决定把这件事汇报给医院的护士长。4、Young people and nursing mothers are exempted from charges.未成年人和哺乳期女性免于起诉。5、The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend.养老院的护士长说她愿意参加。

nursing home是什么意思


nursing shortage是什么意思

nursing shortage 护士短缺1.All areas of the world face a nursing shortage. But the shortage is most severe indeveloping countries. 跟读世界各地均面临护士短缺,但是在发展中国家尤为严重,很多他们的护士离职。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

护理系统(nursing system)


护理理论(nursing theory)


nursing room什么意思


nursing profession是什么意思

nursing profession 英[u02c8nu025c:su026au014b pru0259u02c8feu0283u0259n] 美[u02c8nu0259:su026au014b pru0259u02c8fu025bu0283u0259n] n. 护士职业;[医]护理专业 [例句]Dame alice is now retired after more than forty years of dedicated service to the public and the nursing profession.艾利斯女士为大众和护理事业兢兢业业地工作了40余年,现在已经退休了。

英语作文nursing home

Nursing HomeHow should we treat our parents when they are old? To this issue, people hold different opinions. Some people suggest that old people should be taken care of at home by their children. However, some others argue that old people should be sent to nursing homes. Personally, I am for the latter opinion.Firstly, living in nursing homes, old people have more opportunities to communicate with their peers. They have common topics and similar hobbies. They can do many things together, such as morning exercise or playing games. Secondly, in nursing homes, old people can receive better medical care from professional doctors. This is especially good for those old people in poor health. Moreover, they could have regular medical check-ups so that any disease could be found as early as possible. In addition, if any disease strikes them, medical services are immediately available.Since nursing homes benefit old people so much, I believe that old people should be sent to nursing homes.


可以的《护理学基础》的翻译为:Practice in English teaching on Fundamentals of Nursing


nurse [nə:s] vt. 看护。护理;照顾;培养;给…喂奶 vi. 照料。护理;喂奶;当保姆 n. 护士;奶妈

护理学 英文怎么说?nursing可以吗?


护理学 英文怎么说?nursing可以吗?



nursing[英][u02c8nu025c:su026au014b] [美][u02c8nu0259:su026au014b] 生词本简明释义n.护理,看护;养育v.护理( nurse的现在分词);照料;喂;吃奶adj.领养(孩子)的;被领养的以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.N-UNCOUNT护理(工作);护理行业Nursing is the profession of looking after people who are ill.She had no aptitude for nursing...她没有从事护理工作的天资。Does the nursing staff seem to care?护理人员看上去在乎吗?

Now i am a fat house cat,nursing my sore blunt tongue,watching the warm poison rats.是哪首歌中的?

Flightless Bird, American Mouth 中文名称:折翼之鸟   演唱者:Iron & Wine(铁与酒 乐队)   类别:独立民谣   专辑:Iron & Wine 《The Shepherd"s dog》   收录于电影《暮光之城.暮色》以及《暮光之城 破晓》(weeding demo)作为插曲Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)   diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻) All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)   wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)   Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)   I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)   Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)   and called for you everywhere(到处到处呼唤你的名字)   Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)   Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)   jealous,(充满了妒忌)   weeping (回荡着哭泣)   or lost you,(还是失去了你?)   american mouth(自由的宣言)   Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)   Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)   Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)   Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)   curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)   Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)   Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)   thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)   blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)   Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)   Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)   grounded (渐渐失落)   bleeding (渗着鲜血)   or lost you, (还是失去了你?)   American mouth(自由的宣言)   Big pill (夸张的承诺)   stuck going down(不再执着)