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quantity, number的区别是什么?




amount, number和quantity用法有什么区别?


number和quantity 英语怎么说

1、number 英[u02c8nu028cmbu0259(r)] 美[u02c8nu028cmbu025a] n. 数量; 号码; 数字; 编号; v. 标号; 总计; 把…算作; [例句]No, I don"t know the room number不,我不知道房间号。[其他] 第三人称单数:numbers 复数:numbers 现在分词:numbering过去式:numbered 过去分词:numbered 2、quantity 英[u02c8kwu0252ntu0259ti] 美[u02c8kwɑ:ntu0259ti] n. 量,数量; 定量,大批; 数目; [语音学、韵律学]音量(指元音或音节的长短); [例句]The bowl needs to be re-frozen after each use, so it takes a long time to make a large quantity这种碗每次使用之后都需要重新冷冻,因此要做大份食物时需要很长时间。[其他] 复数:quantities

amount, number和quantity的用法有何区别?




填写财务信息时,legal number是填什么?

你不用在意中文意思,sort code / routing No.不过是银行的一个代码,在加拿大常用以你的情况,只要提供SWIFT CODE给对方就可以了一般来说欧洲认IBAN No.,美国认ABA No.,加拿大认Sort Code/Routing No.,不过SWIFT CODE是国际通用的,只要提供SWIFT基本就够了

不填写Transit NumberBSBSort Code等清算号能收到汇款吗

Account Number就是收款人账号 中行的SWIFT是BKCHCNBJXXX,最后3个X是不同地区不一样的,一般都是数字。或者你直接给他BKCHCNBJ也可以汇,就是钱先到中行总行然后向下分

there are a number of factors to consider 还是to be

但应该是to beconsidered,整句的意思是:有很多的因素要被考虑到,在这里consider和前面的主语factor是被动关系,如果是toconsider,此时前面的主语的关系应该是主动的,比如:wehavemanythingstosonsider.~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

美国小学数学学习的number facts可以怎样理解

number facts 数字事实 number facts 数字事实

VoipRaider上显示的my phone number是什么?



number是一个数字,是个抽象的数量概念(idea),看不见摸不着。其表达形式(token/sign/symbol/name/mark/figure)用来计数(counting)和测量(measurement),则可以看得到。figure是一个有意义的数值,一个figure是一个number,但是figure比number有意义,可能是报表里面的数据。具体区分来说:figure:金额,款额,具体的一笔款项数额;an arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure, representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations and for showing order in a series or for identification, 或者a quantity or amount;number:最广义的,指数字,编号,数额等;a number, especially one that forms part of official statistics or relates to the financial performance of a company;

中国银行张家界广场分理处SWIFT/ BIC code和Branch number是多少啊?

在国内branch No就是swift code,国外才有的branch No. 国内楼上的已经说过了中国银行湖南省分行 Bank of China Hunan Branch 中国湖南省长沙市芙蓉中路一段593 号,邮编 410011 593 Furong Middle Road (1 Duan), Changsha 410011, Hunan Prov., China swift code:BKCH CN BJ 970

number和figure的区别,,,是不是number表示具体一点的数额figure表示数据 n


the number nine rhymes with fine and dine


my cell number? 什么意思

这个是没有一个具体的翻译的,因为cell的意思有很多种.具体要把整个句子写出来,根据上下文的语境来翻译. MY:我的. NUMBER:号码.cell [sel] n.1. (附属于大修道院的)小修道院(或女修道院)2. 隐士的小屋,女修道院的密室3. 小牢房;单人牢房4. 非常小的洞、孔、槽、室5. (蜂房的)巢室;(昆虫的)翅室6. 【植物学】子房室;花粉囊;孢子囊7. 组织(尤指骨)中的小孔隙;微孔8. (党派、团体的)基层组织9. 【生物学】细胞10. 【电工学】1) 电池 [亦称作 battery,electric cell,galvanic cell,voltaic cell,参较 dry cell]2) = solar cell3) 电解槽11. [亦称作 electrolytic cell]【物理化学】电解(电)池12. 【计算机】单元格13. 【电子学】光电元件14. 坟墓15. 【通信工程】1) 细胞式2) cell radio (无线电蜂窝网络系统中)基站覆盖区,蜂窝(指一批无线电话仅借助一台无线电发射机即能实现通话的一个小地区)(=cellphone)16. 【军事】(二至六架飞机组成的)小编队

flying number和flight number有什么不一样的


flight number 什么意思

  flight number英 [flait u02c8nu028cmbu0259] 美 [flau026at u02c8nu028cmbu025a]  [释义]航班号;  [网络]航班号码; 班机号码; 班机号码;  [例句]Just listen for your flight number to be called. or, you can check the flight schedule monitors.  要注意听到你的航班号码。或者去查查班机时间看板。

美国要的vat/gst number 是什么东西

VAT/GST 这两个都是消息税,不同国家叫法不同。 number 这个词在贸易行业释义为数目。vat=valueaddtax增值税gst=goodsservicestax商品服务税两个都是消息税,不同国家不同叫法,大陆/英国等叫vat,加拿大/澳洲等叫gstvat是税务登记号想问一下出口到新西兰清关的时候,要向海关提供的税号,就是这个gstnumber吗?

reference number是什么意思

reference number 英[u02c8refru0259ns u02c8nu028cmbu0259] 美[u02c8ru025bfu0259ru0259ns u02c8nu028cmbu025a] [释义] 参考数; 基准数; 参考号数; 引得号数;

Reference number 的翻译是:什么意思

参考号码。 reference就是参考的意思。

reference number是什么意思

order reference number订单号例句与用法1. In addition to the payment amount , it you only need to provide the company code and your order reference number支付金额备注:您仅要提供公司代码以及您的订购编号。

reference number是什么意思

reference number参考号码reference number[英][u02c8refru0259ns u02c8nu028cmbu0259][美][u02c8ru025bfu0259ru0259ns u02c8nu028cmbu025a]基准数; 参考号数; 参考数; 引得号数; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The police gave us a crime reference number, and nothing much more happened. 然后警察给了我们一个犯罪编号,便再没有别的什么发生了。

Phone Number: (* do not enter country code; are


怎么填美国手机号 是这样的格式 AreaCode Number Number Ext. 那个Ext.是啥 extra


Area Code Pphone Number

应该是area code phone number area code,区号 phone number,电话号码 连起来可能是指带有区号的电话号码

雅思复议申请表上的remittance number是填什么

remittance number是填汇款人的账号还是对方的账号

a record number of是什么意思

a record number of记录数双语对照例句:1.Pasok"s electoral list includes a respectable number of new faces and a record numberof women. 泛希腊社会运动党的选举的名单中包括了相当多的新面孔,而且女性比重达到创纪录新高。 2.A record number of the population now gets federal entitlements such as medicaid andfood stamps. 可以得到联邦政府医疗补助和食品券等福利的人数也是创纪录的。

modal number怎么算?

modal number=MO=L+fb/fa+fb乘以i或MO=U-fb/fa+fb乘

Under the dim night , she could only see the house number ------.

D 模糊地

没有绿卡美国的social security number怎么申请?


Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate,

Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate,and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree.In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses,each lasting for one semester.A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester.Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year.It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period.It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course,though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.For every course that he follows a student is given a grade,which is recorded,and the record is available for the student to show to future employers.All this imposes a constant pressure and stress of work,but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs.Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm.The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities.Any student who is thought to have broken the rules,for example,by cheating has to appear before a student court.With the enormous numbers of students,the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity.A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and will be of benefit to him later in his career.21.Normally a student would at least attend ________ classes each week.A.36 B.12 C.20 D.15 22.According to the first paragraph an American student is allowed to in a different university B.take a particular course in a different university at home and drive to school D.get two degrees from two different universities 23.American university students are usually under pressure of work because ________.A.their academic performance will affect their future careers B.they are heavily involved in student affairs C.they have to obey university discipline D.they want to run for positions of authority 24.Some students are enthusiastic for position in student organizations probably because ________.A.they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study B.they will then be able to stay longer in the university C.such positions help them get better jobs D.such positions are usually well paid 25.The student organizations seem to be effective in ________.A.dealing with the academic affairs of the university B.ensuring that the students obey university regulations C.evaluating students" performance by bringing them before a court D.keeping up the students" enthusiasm for social activities 要点综述】 本文讲述美国大学生要毕业并拿到学位,必须学习一定数量的课程,并拿到该课程的学分.一般来说,要学习四年共36门课.但也可适当延长时间,还可到校外选课.学生成绩会被记录下来给招聘人员看,这些使学生处于长期的工作压力中,但仍有学生参加管理活动,而且进入学生社团会受到尊敬,并对将来的事业有利.21.B 细节理解题.根据第一段可知:每门课每星期上三节,每学期要学四到五门课.因此每星期至少要上12节课.22.B 细节理解题.文章第一段除介绍大学课程数及学制外,还提到可适当延长时间,还可到校外选课,因此B为正确答案.23.A 推理判断题 .学生处于工作压力中是因为学业成绩会被记录下来给招聘人员看.24.C 推理判断题 .文章最后一句话提到拥有这样的职位受人尊敬并对未来的事业有利,其他任何地方均未提到学生为何积极参与社团活动.25.B 细节理解题.文中提到“The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities.”,此处关键是对 maintaining discipline的理解,意为“维护纪律”,因此B为正确答案.


significant-numbers很大数量1.Though diasporas from both nations have swept the world, it wasn"t until the past 20 years that Indians and Chinese began visiting each other in significant numbers. 虽然这两个民族的人口遍及全世界,但直到最近这20年,印度人和中国人之间的互访才开始显著增多。.第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

There are a great number of natural resources in the desert, which remain to be ________. A...

B 试题分析:考查固定词组。固定词组sth remain doing/to be done某事有待于被做;句意:在世界上有很多的自然资源,他们都有待于被开放利用。故B正确。点评:固定词组sth remain doing/to be done某事有待于被做;


cellphone number手机号码

cell phone number与phone number 有什么区别

手机号码 vs 电话号码

give me your call phone number,是cell还是call

call is wrog.

cell phone number和mobile phone number有区别吗

没有区别的 亲

registration number是什么意思

意思 注册码

registration number是什么意思


registration number是什么意思


registration number是什么意思

注册号双语对照词典结果:registration number[英][u02ccredu0292u026au02c8streu026au0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu0259][美][u02ccru025bdu0292u026au02c8streu0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu025a]n.汽车牌照号码,(软件)注册号; 复数:registration numbers很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

外国客户说的registration number是什么

registration number英[u02ccredu0292u026au02c8streu026au0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu0259]美[u02ccru025bdu0292u026au02c8streu0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu025a]n. 汽车牌照号码,(软件)注册号名词复数:registration numbers[例句]Please specify the type prefix before the registration number.请於登记号码前写上类别字首.registration number英[u02ccredu0292u026au02c8streu026au0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu0259]美[u02ccru025bdu0292u026au02c8streu0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu025a]n. 汽车牌照号码,(软件)注册号名词复数:registration numbers[例句]Please specify the type prefix before the registration number.请於登记号码前写上类别字首.The product keycode is not the registration number.产品密钥并不是注册号码。This type of coordinate indexing is said to be manually operated, since the recording of the accession number onto the features card is done by hand.这种类型组配被称为是人工操作的,因为在特征卡上写登记号是用手写的。

关于托福的registration number是什么


registration number是什么意思

registration number注册号双语对照词典结果:registration number[英][u02ccredu0292u026au02c8streu026au0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu0259][美][u02ccru025bdu0292u026au02c8streu0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu025a]n.汽车牌照号码,(软件)注册号; 复数:registration numbers以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Please specify the type prefix before the registration number. 请於登记号码前写上类别字首.


AD是Aviation Defense,中文应该是航空和国防。Manufacturer Parts Number 主要是和External Manufacturer 一起使用,来确定唯一的部件标识,主要是用作替换件这个功能。

TD 银行的transit number 和 institution number分别是什么


什么是composite number


composite number是什么意思

composite number简称合数

a great number of的最高级?

a greatest number of

美国银行中ach number 是什么意思

ABA是美国银行协会英文简称(American Banking Association )。你说的ABA实际是ABA代码(ABA routing number),是参加美联储大额付款系统(fedwire)的银行使用的标识代码,以一组九位数字代表。该代码主要使用美元支付。

在运行matlab为什么会出现??? In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be

yuir ney

??? In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.

In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.在赋值语句 A(I) = B 中,B中的元素数目必须与I相等。应该是关于编程的吧。



境外汇款的时候,swift code和 routing number 是什么意思啊?

SWIFT CODE 也称BIC,他是环球同业银行金融电讯协会的银行成员的特定代码,在国际电汇中常用。SWIFT CODE是由银行代码 ,国家(或地区)代码, 区位代码 ,分行代码四部分构成的十一位字符编码。ROUTING NUMBER即汇款路线号码,主要用于和银行的相关交易,转账等。

identification number是什么意思

identification number识别号双语对照词典结果:identification number[英][aiu02ccdentifiu02c8keiu0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu0259][美][au026au02ccdu025bntu0259fu026au02c8keu0283u0259n u02c8nu028cmbu025a]识别数; 标识号; 机器编号; 成套设备编号; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Enter your25-digit product identification number. 输入25位产品标识号。

subscription number

Subscription number这个单词的意思是下标数字

number the words in alphabetical order


英语选择题求解释:“when i returned home,i found the window open and a number of things_____”


用安捷伦的E5500相噪测试仪测量晶振的相噪,参数“Minimum number of FFT averages”的设定对结果的影响?


number of averages 磁共振上什么意思

number of averages数的平均值+number of averages数的平均值

Cut by Numbers谁能帮我翻译一下这篇文章啊!!非常感谢!!!

由数字减少约翰教区牧师为计算机铺路了-援助了制造业。 由丹 Cho十年,大部份最极深的人类改革已经要求残忍的精密。从在一枚矽薄片上让一个汽车的累赘变成看不见极小的特征的等高线,今天的科技惊奇会不可能制造独自地使用眼睛和手。 被帮助在计算机中提高如一个先锋的人类生产能力的制造业者约翰 T. 教区牧师-援助了制造业。 藉由将机器运动翻译成一组数字,教区牧师教机器建立机器。 在 1947 年,约翰教区牧师在生产了直升飞机转子的横贯城市,大音阶的第三音中带领了教区牧师公司厂。 在那时 , 数传计算机静止的是健身房尺寸的事件, 但是打洞器-卡片操作的电机械计算者被会计员用。 教区牧师租用了一部 IBM 会计机器嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼一些设计叁数,因为他的转子刀锋的形状被复杂相等定义了。 没有人猜想了机器会最后用空前的准确性和速度帮助教区牧师生产完成部份。 为了制造刀锋型板, 工人藉由为定义了一个型板的曲线的 17 点作标记已经传统地开始-每个吃力地以一个计算尺计算。然后他们会用手拉等高线连接点,制造形状的一个粗糙挖剪细工, 而且申请 , 块对规格 ??落。 甚至和熟练的工人,程序不可避免产生了导致了毁灭的型板和浪费的时间的错误。 然而, IBM 计算者给予了教区牧师一个主意。 他要求职员法兰克 Stulen 沿着等高线的边缘计算 200 点了,使用计算者。 教区牧师然后在每一个 200 组坐标有了一个机械师训练一个洞。 如洞是现在接近地足够重叠, 不需要另外的追踪或切断。 所有的一个机械师必须做是移动对被需要的坐标机制月台,训练一个洞,移动到下一个坐标, 而且重复。 技术仍然仰赖一个人类操作机器, 但是教区牧师想像了自动化的下个步骤-在经由打洞器卡片被喂数字的指导的一部马达驱动的机器。 教区牧师采取了他的主意给美国空军,这允许了他一份契约但是最后把计画的控制给了麻州理工学院。然而,今天约翰教区牧师被认为 "数字的控制 ," 的父亲和他在 1985 年被颁发技术的国立奖牌。

数据类型不一致。应为number 但却获得binary 跪求大神。

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00932: 不一致的数据类型: 要求 NUMBER 得到的却是 BINARY出现这个异常是因为在数据库中字段为number类型的值给赋予了null,粗心出的错误。不过建议把基本数据类型变成包装类型,这样当你没有赋值的时候会向数据库插入NULL,而不是基本类型的默认值,防止出BUG。

迈克尔杰克逊的专辑《The Ultimate Collection 》《Number Ones》销量个是多少啊??




I get your number!是什么意思?


帮忙找一首歌 歌词有段结尾是这样的“see you later call me you konw my number”

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYII give you my heart Hold on, let me sign it Your senorita aka your best friend Hereby, let it be known Love like never before Im always at your service You just have to holler at me NYC, NYC, woah woah Tokyo, Tokyo, woah woah Send it off from the streets to the highest To the highest, high MP3, MP3, players Work it out, work it out, hustler Oh, my name got him there Mmm, mmm, mmm You know why Im gonna be yours tonight Were gonna ooohaaah FYI Were gonna be up all night Ill see you later Call me, you know my number Like Captain Picard Im chilling and flossing Its 7 o clock I issue the warning Thats right, were stealing the show Damn right, letting him know Were sipping chardonnay from 2 PM on our working day Chinga-ling Chinga-ling, woah woah Chinga-ling Chinga-ling, woah woah Take me down to the fields where the grass is Where the glasses lie MP3, MP3, players Work it out, work it out, hustler Oh, my name got him there Mmm, mmm, mmm You know why Im gonna be yours tonight Were gonna ooohaaah FYI Were gonna be up all night Ill see you later Call me, you know my number See I don""t need a freeloader Ah No, I don""t want a freeloader If you want a piece of this stuff Got to give, got to give something You know why Im gonna be yours tonight Were gonna ooohaaah FYI Were gonna be up all night Ill see you later Call me, you know my number You know why Im gonna be yours tonight Were gonna ooohaaah FYI Were gonna be up all night Ill see you later Call me, you know my number

有一首歌曲是个女的唱的开头是中文唱“我要,就是这种感觉,后面是英文you arenumber one

这是给你,你, My number one,我的头号fans, This is for you, you,这是给你,你, My number one我的头号fansHaaa-haaa-iaaa-uuuuuh-uuuh-whoooooa yea yea yea Haaa , haaa - iaaa , uuuuuh , uuuh , whoooooa是啊是啊是啊 Spotlights, big stage,射灯,大舞台, Fifty-thousand fans screamin" in a rage, 52万球迷screamin "的愤怒, Bodyguards, and limosines,保镖和limosines , This is the way I see you in my dreams,这是我看到你在我的梦想, Papparazzi flash, a hundred pictures aaaall of yooou, Papparazzi快闪记忆体, 100个图片aaaall的yooou , Hangin" on my bed room wall, Hangin "在我的卧室墙上, I"m kidd again, I feel like thirteen,我再次成了孩子,我觉得像13 , What I mean, since we fell in love,我的意思,因为我们坠入爱河, Girl I be...女孩我... Chorus:合唱: I be your groupie baby,我是你的骨肉的婴儿, Cuz you are my superstar, 所以你是我的超级巨星, I"m your number one fan,我是你的头号球迷, Gimme" your autograph,给我你的签名, Sign it right here, on my heart, (I"ll beee*)签署在这里,我的心, (我会beee * ) Yea, I"ll be your groupie baby,是啊,我会成为你的骨肉的婴儿, Cuz you are my superstar, Cuz你是我的超级巨星, And as your number one fan,您的电话号码和一个风扇, I"ll do all that I can,我会尽我所能, To show you how super you are向您显示您是如何超 Front row, there I am,坐在前排的,有我, Jumpin" and hollerin", wavin" both hands,冒险和hollerin " , wavin "两手都要硬, Would ya notice me, little me,将亚通知我,没有我, Drove twelve hours girl,开车12小时的女孩, Juuust to seeeee your pretty faaaace,one more time Juuust以seeeee你漂亮faaaace ,一个更多的时间 Bought my ticket, I was first in line,买我的票,我是第一个在网上, This is a metaphor, to show how I adore (I adore) you,这是一个比喻,表明如何我喜欢(我喜欢)你, Baby I do宝贝我 Now you know how I feel,现在你知道我的感觉, You"re truly special, your love is legendary ta me,你是真正特殊的,你的爱是传奇大箱, Without you my life stands still,没有你我的生活固步自封, I"ll never leave your world, treat ya like a diva girl,我永远不会离开你的世界,对待亚像女王的女孩, You"re one of a kind,您也是其中的一种, Cuz they don"t make em like you anymore, Cuz他们不喜欢你让时间了, Sooo, I"ll be your fan for life, Sooo ,我将您的风机的生活, I dedicate this to my superstar, for all time!余献给我的超级巨星,为所有的时间!

with the number of cars increased,more and more

①increased是过去式,表达过去增加;而increasing是进行时,是指一直在进行的。汽车的数量每天都在生产都在增加,所以是进行时。②accident 事故,因为事故每天都在发生,不止一起,所以要用复数形式accidents。

an increasing number of people还是an increasingly number of people

an increasing number of people

inco class,un number,hs code分别是什么意思?

Imo Class:危险品等级分类,一类,二类,三类......UN number:联合国危险货物编号HS CODE:海关编码这都是出口油漆等危险品会涉及的。

customs tariff number和HS code是一样的吗

一般来说,tariff item number 和 HS Code是一致的。但是海关税则前六位是全球通用的,后两位是根据各国的情况而指定,也就是说,通一个商品不同国家的后两位有可能不同。HS CODE比TARIFF ITEM MUNBER更详细,TARIFF ITEM MUNBER显示前六位便可。


虽然 "oxen" 是 "ox" 的复数形式,但是在 "a good number of ox" 这个短语中,"ox" 已经是单数形式。因此,正确的表达方式是 "a good number of ox",而不是 "a good number of oxen"。



container number是什么意思

container number装箱号container 集装箱

德国客户发来邮件要inquiry number什么意思?

inquiry number查询号码他问你要了 你再给他发一遍不就结了


(一)类型转换类函数 1. CType(X) [格式]: P=CBool(X) " 将X转换为"布尔"(Boolean)类型 P=CByte(X) " 将X转换为"字节"(Byte)类型


with t as (select interval "5" day + interval "10" second a from dual)select a,(extract(hour from a)*60+extract(minute from a))*60+extract(second from a)b,substr(a,2,9)||substr(a,12,2)||substr(a,15,2)||substr(a,18)x,substr(a,2,9)*24*3600+substr(a,12,2)*3600+substr(a,15,2))*60+substr(a,18)y from t;+000000005 00:00:10.000000000 10000000005000010.000000000 432010

有人读过 i am number four 这本书吗?求主要内容和重要情节 急急急!!


请问ISSN和issue number是一个意思吗,一样吗

ISSN abbr. 国际标准期刊编号(International Standard Serial Number)issue number 发行号数,版本号;顺序编号还是有区别的,上面一个是特指,下面是泛指
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