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race, game, match, competition, contest有什么区别?

一、race、game、match、competition、contest的区别1、意思不同“race”意思是:n. 属,人种,家庭,赛事;vt. 使参加比赛;vi. 参加竞赛,全速行进“game”意思是:n. 游戏,比赛;adj. 勇敢的;vi. 赌博“match”意思是:n. 火柴,比赛,竞赛,匹配,婚姻;v. 相配,相称“competition”意思是:n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛“contest”意思是:n. 比赛,争论;v.竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳2、词性不同race:可作名词、及物动词和不及物动词。game:可作名词、形容词和不及物动词。match:可作名词和动词。competition:只可作名词。contest:可作名词和动词。二、race、game、match、competition、contest的用法1、race通常在句子中用作谓语,放在主语或宾语之后。例句:We raced them to the summit.译文:我们和他们一路赛跑到最高点。2、game通常在句子中用作宾语。例句:It was the first game of the season.译文:那是本赛季的第一场比赛。3、match通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.译文:这个枕巾可以和这些被单相配。4、competition通常在句子中用作主语或宾语。例句:There"s been some fierce competition for the title.译文:已有一些为此头衔的激烈竞争。5、contest通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:He quickly won his party"s nomination to contest the elections.译文:他迅速赢得了其党派的提名来参加竞选。


比赛的英语:contest。contest,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执”,作动词时意为“争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳”。竞赛,拼音jìng sài,汉语词语,在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低,由多人参加,有一定的规则。竞赛的种类很多。例如:档案法制知识网络竞赛、有奖猜灯谜竞赛、有奖知识竞赛、旅游知识竞赛、关注民生有奖知识竞赛、家具设计竞赛、体育竞赛、外院知识竞赛等。百日劳动竞赛活动时间:2008年6月1日—9月8日。竞赛主旨:注重细节治理,加强服务意识。活动主题:三优(治理优、服务优、文化优)、三控(控违纪、控违章、控清欠)、三满足(司机满足、社会满足、公司满足)百日劳动竞新风。活动项目及内容:百日劳动竞赛将以应知应会、劳动纪律、工作质量和效率、综合素质提升等五个部分,主要围绕新、旧车;违章、违纪;素质工程开展;清欠等以及日常治理等各项工作情况,对全体员工进行考试、现场作业考查及专题竞赛等。

when is the singing contest 的回答?^_^


activityinstrumentationtestcase2 怎么用

添加测试用例类添加新类,基类设置为android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<HelloAndroid>添加构造函数添加setUp()方法,这个方法在所有的测试之前进行变量和测试环境的初始化。@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mActivity = this.getActivity(); mView = (TextView) mActivity.findViewById(com.example.helloandroid.R.id.textview); resourceString = mActivity.getString(com.example.helloandroid.R.string.hello); }添加testPreconditions()方法,检查初始化环境,只执行一次public void testPreconditions() { assertNotNull(mView); }添加单元测试public void testText() { assertEquals(resourceString,(String)mView.getText()); }测试 Run As... > Android JUnit Test

Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in


the speech contest is on may 10th的问句是什么


I am the winner of speech contest 改为一般疑问句。怎么改?


Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in


Chinese Speech Contest需要大写首字母吗


English Speech Contest与English speech contest哪个对啊



不要。根据查询个人图书馆官方网站显示,englishspeechcontest前面不要加the,要加an。English Speech Contest意思:英语演讲比赛;英语风采大赛;英语演讲竞赛。

speech contest 与speaking contest 有什么不同

第一个 应该是 演讲 第二个 应该是口语对话 像CCTV 的 英语竞赛那种

opponent, competitor, contestant 有什么区别,内涵意思上的?

opponent, competitor, enemy, foe, rival这些名词均有“对手,敌手”之意。opponent : 最常用词,通常指在争论、辩论、竞选或竞赛以及其它各种矛盾冲突中站在对立面的“对手”或“敌手”。competitor : 指为同一目标或目的竞争者,一般无感情色彩。enemy : 多指充满敌意的仇敌。foe : 语气较强,多用于书面文字和诗歌中。指不仅敌对,而且很危险,怀有很深的敌意。rival : 指与某人目标一致而想赶上或超过他的人。contestant 用得较少,指参赛选手、持反对观点的人等。

contestant 与contender的区别?

contestant 可数名词,竞争者,参赛者contender 可数名词,竞争者,斗争者,争论者

participant, competitor, contestant, player有什么区别?


Bob will _____ Japan to take part in a contest. A. come back for B leave for C. returnD. leave off


Who else, () Mary, took part in the English speech contest?

Who else, () Mary, took part in the English speech contest? A.besidesB.additionalC.exceptD.without正确答案:A

an english speech contest

Notice April 25 Boys and girls,your attention please!We are telling you something important.It"s time to show you now.An English Speech Contest will be held in our school on June 22nd.Those who are good at speaking English can take part in it.If you want to ,please contact you headteacher.

英语作文《an english speech contest》不少于五句

When I was twelve years old, I was in the junior high school and took part in the first English speech contest in my life. It was one of the most unforgettable things in my high school life. On that day, our English teacher went into my classroom with a smile on her face and told us the notice of the contest and called all of us to take part in that contest. However, my classmates were so nervous that they didn"t want to attend because they had never taken part in a contest like that like me. Only I held up my hand without hesitating and told my teachers that I want to try. Now I think I was very brave on that time. My teacher was very happy and let me to go to her office next day. My English introduce and talking a story in English was my performance in the contest. I had to introduce myself and talk a small story in English. With the help of my teacher, I was busy in the draft which was very difficult to understand. I must not only write it by myself but also be able to speak it in public. There were difficulties both in knowledge and psychology. Although I was only in grade six, I have to learn many new words and grammars. In my opinion, reciting an English text was so difficult that I felt sick when I saw English words. My parents also helped me. They became the judgment and let me perform for them. I was always forcing them to point out my disadvantages. They gave me their suggestions and encourage me not to give up. I used all my energy to prepare the contest and recite my draft. On the weekends my teacher would invite me to her home to lead me to perform. Fortunately I prepared well on the last day before contest after hard-working.自己借鉴一下吧!

An English speech Contest的作文 至少写六句


英语作文:An English Speech Contest 写得好有赏哦~~

Today,the school held the English speech contest.Many students of the great speeches,their English is very fluent,and pronunciation is very accurate.Everyone each has his strong point,show yourself.I ...

An English Speech Contest (以一次英语演讲比赛为题,写一篇至少六句话的英语小作文)

Notice April 25Boys and girls,your attention please!We are telling you something important.It"s time to show you now.An English Speech Contest will be held in our school on June 22nd.Those who are good at speaking English can take part in it.If you want to ,please contact you headteacher.

英语作文:An English Speech Contest

Today, the school held the English speech contest. Many students of the great speeches, their English is very fluent, and pronunciation is very accurate. Everyone each has his strong point, show yourself. I also took part in the game, to me when I was nervous, go up and then go wrong, then I really thought the speech as good students do it.今天,学校举行了英语演讲比赛。很多同学都演讲的很棒,他们的英语很流利,发音也很准。大家都各有所长,展现自己。我也参加了这次的比赛,当到我时,我很紧张,一上去就出错,那时我真的想不到那些演讲的那么好的同学是怎么办到的。

英语作文--English speech contest

When I was twelve years old, I was in the junior high school and took part in the first English speech contest in my life. It was one of the most unforgettable things in my high school life. On that day, our English teacher went into my classroom with a smile on her face and told us the notice of the contest and called all of us to take part in that contest. However, my classmates were so nervous that they didn"t want to attend because they had never taken part in a contest like that like me. Only I held up my hand without hesitating and told my teachers that I want to try. Now I think I was very brave on that time. My teacher was very happy and let me to go to her office next day. My English introduce and talking a story in English was my performance in the contest. I had to introduce myself and talk a small story in English. With the help of my teacher, I was busy in the draft which was very difficult to understand. I must not only write it by myself but also be able to speak it in public. There were difficulties both in knowledge and psychology. Although I was only in grade six, I have to learn many new words and grammars. In my opinion, reciting an English text was so difficult that I felt sick when I saw English words. My parents also helped me. They became the judgment and let me perform for them. I was always forcing them to point out my disadvantages. They gave me their suggestions and encourage me not to give up. I used all my energy to prepare the contest and recite my draft. On the weekends my teacher would invite me to her home to lead me to perform. Fortunately I prepared well on the last day before contest after hard-working.

among all the contestants

选B. 这句话的意思是:因为所有的竞争者都很优秀,所以头等奖的竞争很激烈. Though的意思是虽然,if的意思是假如,after的意思是之后,这三个意思都不符合题意. 而Since有因为的意思,所以正确!


contestantsn.竞争者,参赛者( contestant的名词复数 )竞争者; 选手; 参赛者1Many of the18 contestants were looking a little shy.那18位竞争者大多数看上去有点害羞。2Next week, the Yaffe brothers will vie as one of five contestants for the mantle of this year "s startup idol competition at fortune" s brainstorm tech conference, at the Aspen Institute in Colorado.就在下周,雅菲兄弟俩将与其他五位竞争者共同参加本年度在科罗拉多州阿斯彭学院举行的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(Brainstorm Tech conference)的“创业偶像大赛”(Startup Idol competition)。


你好!contestantscontestant 英 [ku0259nu02c8testu0259nt] 美 [ku0259nu02c8tu025bstu0259nt, u02c8kɑnu02cctu025bstu0259nt] .n. 竞争者,竞赛者; 争论者; (对选举结果) 有异议者; [网络] 竞争者; 选手; 参赛者; [例句]SIMON COWELL, American Idol judge, to contestant Megan Joy just before she was voted off the show..西蒙·考维尔,《美国偶像》的评委在竞争者摩根·乔伊被淘汰前对她说。[其他] 复数:contestants 形近词: attestant protestant contesting

competition, match, contest, race这几个词有什么区别呢?



contested-provision有争议的规定双语例句1. Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶,女性参选了几乎所有的竞争席位。2. Gender discrimination is a hotly contested issue. 性别歧视是一个争论激烈的话题。3. They contested for the position of minister of foreign affairs. 他们在争夺外交部长的职位.4. The referee"s decision was contested by the loser. 负方对裁判的裁决有异议.


contest的读法为英/u02c8ku0252ntestku0259nu02c8test/,美/u02c8kɑu02d0ntest ku0259nu02c8test/。contest,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执”,作动词时意为“争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳”。短语搭配:beauty contest 选美活动;选美比赛;选美会。Speech Contest 演讲比赛;英语演讲比赛;演讲竞赛;讲演比赛。Blog Contest 博客大赛。contest n 辩驳;比赛;争夺。English Contest 综合知识竞赛;英语竞赛。pop contest 流行音乐会。recital contest 朗诵比赛。scholarship contest 奖学金竞试。例句:1、The contest was as much about personalities as it was about politics.竞赛比手段策略,也比个性。2、It was an uneven contest.这是一场不公平的竞赛。3、The football match looks like being a David and Goliath contest.这场足球比赛看上去像是一场力量悬殊的较量。4、The winner of each contest goes through to the grand final.每场比赛的胜者进入最后的决赛。5、Three candidates contested the leadership.有三位候选人角逐领导权。6、Who is adjudicating at this year"s contest?今年比赛谁当裁判?7、Foolishly, I allowed myself to be persuaded to enter the contest.我竟傻乎乎地让人说服去参加比赛。8、The presidential contest is nip and tuck.总统竞选势均力敌。9、The divorce was not contested.这桩离婚案没有人提出异议。10、It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties这仍然是两大主要反对党之间一场势均力敌的较量。


比赛的英语contest如下:作名词时意为“比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执”,作动词时意为“争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳。contest双语例句:1、It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties这仍然是两大主要反对党之间一场势均力敌的较量。2、Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case你的前任雇主若对本案存有异议,必须在14天内予以答复。3、At the age of 18, she won first prize in a talent contest. 18岁那年,她在一次大奖赛中获得一等奖。4、Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶,女性参选了几乎所有的竞争席位。


contest1名词 n. [C]1.争夺,竞争A bitter contest developed between the two men for that position. 那两个人为得到这一职位展开了激烈的竞争。 2.竞赛,比赛He took part in the composition contest and won a prize. 他参加作文比赛并得了奖。 3.争论,争辩contest2及物动词 vt. 1.争夺;与...竞赛Three candidates are contesting the presidency. 三个候选人在争夺总统的位子。 2.对...提出质疑The plaintiff contested the will. 原告对遗嘱的有效性提出异议。 不及物动词 vi. 1.竞争,角逐;争辩[(+with/against)]========================================名词 n. 1.节日,喜庆日[C]Christmas is one of the major festivals in the United States of America. 圣诞节是美国的主要节日之一。 2.(定期举行的)音乐节,戏剧节[C]Our city holds a music festival every year. 我们市每年举办音乐节。 3.庆祝活动;纪念活动[C]hold a festival on Independence Day 在独立纪念日举办庆祝会 4.欢乐,喜庆[U]形容词 a. 1.节日的;喜庆的We all wore festival costumes to the ball. 我们都穿着节日的盛装去参加舞会。


"Contest" 这个单词是一个名词,表示一场竞赛或比赛。在美式英语中,它的发音为/ku0259nu02c8tu025bst/,重音放在第二个音节上,即 "test" 部分;而在英式英语中的发音为 /u02c8ku0252ntest/,重音放在第一个音节上,即 "con" 部分。这个单词常用于各种比赛、竞赛中,如音乐比赛、体育竞技、数学竞赛、科技挑战等等。参与者或团队通常需要在特定的规则和时间内展示他们的能力和技能,并与其他参赛者竞争。 比赛可以给人们提供锻炼、展示和竞争的机会,也是一种刺激个人和集体发展的方式。除了作为名词使用外,"contest" 这个单词还可以作为动词,表示对某件事情提出异议或进行争夺。例如,"He contested the decision made by the committee."(他对委员会做出的决定提出了异议.)总之,"contest" 是一个常见的英文单词,表示比赛、竞赛和争夺等含义,具有广泛的应用场景。

prompt \ contest 这英语怎么读?













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填上合适的动词,并将词组译成中文 ( ) a puppet show( ) ( )the singing contest ( )

please 你能给我一把尺子吗?remember看着这些图片,你有5分钟时间来记住它们

singingcontest怎么读 英语singingcontest怎么读

1、Singing Contest英[u02c8su026au014bu026au014b u02c8ku0252ntest]美[u02c8su026au014bu026au014b u02c8kɑu02d0ntest],歌唱比赛; 歌咏比赛。 2、[例句]She is even preparing for an English singing contest, Her teacher said. Sally even refused help from others.她的老师说:她甚至还在准备英语歌唱比赛。莎莉甚至拒绝从别人那里得到帮助。


singing contest ["su026au014bu026au014b] ["ku0252ntest] 歌唱比赛; 英语歌唱比赛; 唱歌比赛; 歌咏比赛; 歌唱大赛I just thought I was participating in a singing contest. 我仅仅是想参加一个歌唱比赛而已。

英语beauty contest怎么翻译?



contest的读音是[u02c8ku0252ntest]。一、释义比赛;竞赛;竞争。二、词性作名词:竞赛;比赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺,竞争。作动词:争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩;就...提出异议。三、短语beauty contest选美活动;选美比赛;选美会。Speech Contest演讲比赛;英语演讲比赛;演讲竞赛;讲演比赛。English Contest综合知识竞赛;英语竞赛。四、词根词缀test(i)=to test,witness测试;证据,attest v.证明;contest v./n.竞赛;争论;contestant n.竞争者;detest v.憎恶;protest v.抗议;坚决声明;testify v.证实;testimonial n.证明书;testimony n.证据;证词。五、中文解释竞赛,在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低,由多人参加,有一定的规则。种类很多。例如:档案法制知识网络竞赛、有奖猜灯谜竞赛、有奖知识竞赛、旅游知识竞赛、关注民生有奖知识竞赛、家具设计竞赛、体育竞赛、外院知识竞赛等。contest的例句:1、Friday brought a rooftop barbecue,and Saturday there was an air-guitar contest.星期五是天台烧烤,周六则是一场“空气吉他”比赛。2、But others consider it dated,and this year it was edged out of a contest in India by two European planes,one of them the Typhoon.F-18在今年印度举行的一次竟标中落选,而由两家欧洲飞机竞逐,其中之一便是“台风”。3、UK scientists claim speed dating is nothing more than a beauty contest,and is all about looks and not personality.英国科学家称,“速配”只不过是一场选美比赛,相貌起主导地位,与性格无关。4、Our school is going to hold a sing contest.And I"ll sign up for it.It"s a good chance to show my sing talent.我们学校即将举行一场歌唱比赛。我要报名参加。这是展示我的歌唱才能的好机会。5、He did not win the contest,but says it was a honor just to qualify and to eat next to her.他没有赢得比赛,但他说,获得决赛资格并站在索尼娅旁边吃东西就是一种荣耀。

competition与 contest的区别

competition 竞争(长期的)contest 竞赛,比赛(短期的,有胜负结果的)




ⅰnterstⅰng英浯音标是[ˈɪntrəstɪŋ]意思是令人感兴趣的,有趣的The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。

大小端 int nTest=0x1234.若nTest在内存中起始地址为0x40000000,

内联函数是代码被插入到调用者代码处的函数。如同 #define 宏,内联函数通过避免被调用的开销来提高执行效率,尤其是它能够通过调用(“过程化集成”)被编译器优化。内联函数和宏很类似,而区别在于,宏是由预处理器对宏进行替代,而内联函数是通过编译器控制来实现的。而且内联函数是真正的函数,只是在需要用到的时候,内联函数像宏一样的展开,所以取消了函数的参数压栈,减少了调用的开销。你可以象调用函数一样来调用内联函数,而不必担心会产生于处理宏的一些问题。

Noika Ntest屏幕检测软件怎么用?每项检测的目的是什么?

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 软件 问题描述: 运行了程序,各种条纹出现在LCD屏幕上,到底每一项检测的目的是什么呢?请用过的人士讲解一下。 解析: 坏点,亮点,死点,偏色点,响应速度,灰度分辨率,拖影,字体清晰度


pentest是penetration test的简写,渗透性测试的意思。渗透测试 (penetration test)并没有一个标准的定义,国外一些安全组织达成共识的通用说法是:渗透测试是通过模拟恶意黑客的攻击方法,来评估计算机网络系统安全的一种评估方法。这个过程包括对系统的任何弱点、技术缺陷或漏洞的主动分析,这个分析是从一个攻击者可能存在的位置来进行的,并且从这个位置有条件主动利用安全漏洞。

广播体操比赛 怎么翻译好呢? broadcasting gymnastics contest?

你的翻译是对的建议把contest改为:competition broadcasting gymnastics competition 广播体操比赛 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问请在线交谈 望采纳 谢谢