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求Santa Fe歌曲歌词

搜索的方法 >>> Jon Bon Jovi+Santa Fe+lyrics




是圣达菲。SANTAFE带翅膀标志的车型是原华泰自引进汽车技术生产的产品,后因现代在中国国内和 北京汽车 合资生产了,所以圣达菲原来叫现代圣达菲,现在叫华泰圣达菲。因为圣达菲的商标权属于华泰,所以现在北京现代胜达只能叫胜达,但两种车是一个英文名字,都叫做SANTAFE。圣达菲是韩国现代旗下的第一款城市SUV车型,历经多年磨砺之后,这款有“万人迷”美称的SUV进入了华泰现代旗下。该车型是华泰现代引进韩国现代的第三款SUV车型,华泰现代也对该车寄予了厚望。相对以往旗下曾售、在售的吉利和特拉卡,圣达菲从车型定位上看拥有更宽的消费者适用面。 全 新圣达菲 在车身设计上有着较短的悬挂,整车看上去显得更轻巧,空气动力外观较低的重心,更高的性能和稳定的动力总成。现代汽车的设计师们让全新圣达菲前部看上去更具震撼力,有一个超大进气格栅,并且格栅和前大灯融为一体,其中还包括T型LED日间行车灯,这样的风格让人想到了沃尔沃。 新款圣达菲前保险杠装饰了亮闪闪的镀铬饰条,并且有一个小小的垂直进气口。现代汽车专门研究了该车的空气循环,确保发动机冷却以及稳定性和降低风阻。车身侧面有一个类似“肋骨”隆起的设计,看起来更运动,新的铝合金轮毂提供19和20寸选择。车的尾部没什么大的变化,沿袭了老款圣达菲的路线,不同的地方就是有一条贯穿尾部的红色反光条,这样的设计让整个尾部看上去宽度感更强。 (图/文/摄: 陈芳1) @2019








  santafe号称是高端suv,一款中型SUV。中文翻译为:胜达等。韩国现代汽车旗下的中型SUV,已经发展了三代。   全新胜达是北京现代旗下的高端中型豪华SUV,配备2.0TGDI缸内直喷涡轮增压发动机,为整车提供源源不断的磅礴动力和可张可驰的操控性能。风暴前沿设计展现灵动大气的视觉感官,2700mm超长轴距、7座豪华灵动空间、全视角全景天窗营造出超大豪华空间。   北京现代全新胜达前格栅采用的现代家族式的六角形,长宽高分别是4730mm、1880mm、1686mm,轴距为2700mm(标准版),提供7座三排的座椅配置,全新胜达在海外还发布了加长版轴距2799mm。该车将是北京现代第一款搭载涡轮增压+缸内燃油直喷技术的车型——装备2.0TGDI增压发动机和2.4GDI发动机。









"Can do" and hands-on mentality什么意思


victim mentality是什么意思

victim mentality 全部释义和例句>>受害者心理victim 英[u02c8vu026aktu026am]美[u02c8vu026aktu026am]n. 牺牲者,受害者; 自找苦吃的人; 受骗者,上当者; (或人) 为祭祀杀死的动物;全部释义>>[例句]We got a victim down!我们发现了一位受害者!

请问这句话有错么:The mentality being good,a number of problems may be easy to slove.

being和may be 稍有抵牾。而表示“良好心态”或“端正态度”,100个人里95个人会说right/good attitude,只有5个人说good/right mentality。我会说:Things will be/become easier if you have the right attitude.

英语作文:We should keep a good mentality

你好!!!We Should Keep a Good MentalityWith the development of the society, we face greater pressure ,challenges and competition. Having good mental quality and keeping a good mentality are more and more important.First,a good mental and a good mentality are the important factors of health and growth.Always keeping out-going and optimistic can make us do everything well and stay healthy.Second,it can raise our working efficiency,and do good to our communication and cooperation with others.Third,it"s the essential mental quality to success,it can help to cut down our stress and find a proper way to solve our problems.But,how can we keep a good mentality? Well,as far as I am concerned,I hold a point of view as follows.First,we should communicate with others more often.Second,we should develop our willpower.Third,we should love our lives,for they are beautiful. 祝你学业进步!!!

victim mentality是什么意思

victim-mentality的释义,网络释义: 受害者思维;


mentality和mindset的区别mentality词义:n. 心理; 思想; 智力; 精神力;mindset词义:n. 观念模式,思维倾向,心态;

rebellious mentality

try to communicate with your son rather than merely giving instructions. find out the way his mind works and his perception about you as a mother. show him your faith and confidence in his capabilty. sometimes, kids just are being rebellious just because they want their parents to recognise and acknowledge their capability. you don"t have to let him do whatever he wants but you can encourage him to make his own decisions. after all, a 12-yr old should be mature enough to manage his own stuff and time to some extent.no matter what situation is, communication and understanding is always the ultimate solution in any relationship~:) good luck ~


1、表达内容不同。mental多指“心理上的”,例如:His agony was mental, not physical.他的痛苦是心理上的,不是身体上的。spiritua多l指“心灵上的”,例如:Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.她的心灵美胜于她的外表美。2、含义不同。spiritual还有“宗教的”,“教会的”意思,而mental没有此义。例如:I am not concerned with man"s spiritual problems.我不关注人们宗教方面的问题。3、侧重点不同。mental,spiritual均有“精神的”意思。mental侧重指某人对周围环境所具有的内心,情绪上及智力方面的反映。spiritual侧重人内心深处的思维对客观事物的反映,而不是人的身体对事物的反应而构成人的精神因素。


心理; 思想; 智力; 精神力;

fda original approvals or tentative approvals 什么意思

fda original approvals or tentative approvalsFDA原批准或初步批准fda original approvals or tentative approvalsFDA原批准或初步批准

tentative 怎么用合适,例如,他可能/不一定出席会议。

tentative 暂定的,初步决定的(有更改的可能)例:John has made a tentative decision to attend the conference约翰已经做了初步决定出席会议希望帮到了你,满意敬请采纳,谢谢。

outlook的tentative meeting会提醒吗

如何启用 Outlook 会议加载项 要这样做,请按照适合您所运行的 Outlook 版本这些步骤。 Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 启动 Outlook 2010 上将文件在菜单中,单击选项 在该选项对话框框单击在加载项选项

英语scope link tentative dadfailed怎么翻译?

scope link tentative dadfailed作用域链接失败

什么是FDA的Tentative Approval

tentative approval 是一种“临时批准”,它可能只是针对某一批或某一较短的特定时间段有效的批准。它同正式的批准是有区别的。


tent n.帐篷ative 表示"...的", "有...性质的" tentative a.试验性的可以联想成"有帐篷性质的", 因为帐篷比不得我们平时住的房子啊, 只是临时的,试探着这里能不能住,能住就建房子啦.,

im very keen to know its tentative to say什么意思

im very keen to know its tentative to say我非常想知道它的试探性的话tentative 英[u02c8tentu0259tu026av] 美[u02c8tu025bntu0259tu026av] adj. 试探性的; 尝试性的; 试验的; 不确定的; n. 尝试; 假设; 实验; [网络] 尝试的; 实验性; 试验; [例句]Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。[其他] 复数:tentatives 形近词: tentation


路欧词典:adj. 试探性的; 试验的; 尝试性的朗文解释:1 not definite or certain, and may be changed later [= provisional; ≠ definite]:I passed on my tentative conclusions to the police.The government is taking tentative steps towards tackling the country"s economic problems.2 done without confidence [= hesitant]:a tentative smile—tentatively adverb:Albi knocked tentatively and entered.—tentativeness noun [uncountable]

La Wally (Ebben? Ne Andro Lontano) 歌词

歌曲名:La Wally (Ebben? Ne Andro Lontano)歌手:Natasha Marsh专辑:AmourSarah Brightman----La WallyEbbene?... N"andrò lontanacome va l"eco della pia campanalà, fra la neve biancalà, fra le nubi d"orlà, dov"è la speranzala speranzail rimpiantoil rimpiantoe il dolor........O della madre mia casa giocondala Wally n"andrà da teda te lontana assaie forse a tee forse a tenon farà mai più ritornonè più la rivedrai!mai piùmai più!.......N"andrò sola e lontanacome l"eco è della pia campanalà, fra la neve biancan"andròn"andrò sola e lontana!e fra le nubi d"or!http://music.baidu.com/song/3468173

AE2021 错误: TDL: outline contains triangles that are too small to be rendered. 如何解决呢?


请问mental, spirit 和mind的区别

当三者皆作"精神"时,mental 是形容词,We should pay attention to both mental and physical health.我们应当同时关注身体上和心理上的健康。spirit和mind是名词。spirit专门指人的内在品质、意志和精神或某事物的主要目的、含义、代表的精神;如:He is in low spirit.他意志消沉。The spirit of Olympics is: swifter, higher and stronger.奥运精神是:更快、更高、更强。mind一般指人的思想、记忆;如:Keep it in mind.把它记在心上。I had a good mind to kick him for being so rude.他那么粗暴,我真想踢他几脚。

旧金山可以说成old gold mountain吗?

不可以,有专门的说法San francisco

For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Hank Crawford&Jimmy McGriff专辑:Road TestedI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say we"ll never ever partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe me, babyI"ve given you my heartI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever, whenever, whenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI"ve given you my heartFor sentimental reasonsI"ve given you my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8207289

For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Django Reinhardt专辑:Peche A La MoucheNat King Cole - (I Love You) For Sentimental ReasonsI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIll give you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say well never partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, Im never lonelyWhenever you are in sightI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIve given you my heartinstrumental interludeI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIve given you my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8028045

A Sentimental Man 歌词

歌曲名:A Sentimental Man歌手:Joel Grey专辑:WickedA Sentimental ManWIZARDI am a sentimental manWho always longed to be a fatherThat"s why I do the best I canTo treat each citizen of Oz as a son -Or daughterSo Elphaba, I"d like to raise you high"Cuz I think everyone deservesThe chance to flyAnd helping you with your ascent al-Lows me to feel so parentalFor I am a sentimental manA Sentimential ManinWickedStephen Schwartzhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8206452

For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:Stardust...The Great American Songbook Volume IiiI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say we"ll never ever partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe me, babyI"ve given you my heartI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever, whenever, whenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI"ve given you my heartFor sentimental reasonsI"ve given you my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1022461

Sentimental Kills


The sentimental touch(真情的接触) 歌词

歌曲名:The sentimental touch(真情的接触)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:最爱爵士情歌1(爵色恋曲)The sentimental touch(真情的接触)贵族乐团The sentimental touchCan fill a heart with suchsweet madnessThe sentimental touchCan often leave too muchsweet sadnessWith your warm and tender kissThrilling my lipsWhat could I doIf my dream were made of thisWho was to blame outside of youThose hide-away cafesThe sentimental ways about youEnchanted by romanceI never had a chance todoubt youWhy do I still rememberNow that we"re miles apartThe sentimental touchThat broke a sentimental heartThose hide-away cafesThe sentimental ways about youEnchanted by romanceI never had a chance to doubt youWhy do I still rememberNow that we"re miles apartThe sentimental touchThat broke a sentimental heartThe sentimental touchThat broke a sentimental heart译文:真情的接触一个真情的接触能够使一颗心满怀如此甜蜜的狂野一个真情的接触往往能够驱离无数的甜蜜哀伤用你的温暖与甜蜜的吻颤动我的双唇我该怎么办若是我的梦中都是我们以往单独相处在浪漫咖啡吧的景象除了你 我还能怪谁你的真情接触魂牵梦萦在罗曼史之中我不曾怀疑过你为什么我仍然记得即使我们相隔遥远的距离一个真情的接触会使一颗善感的心破碎我们以往单独相处在浪漫咖啡吧的景象你的真情接触魂牵梦萦在罗曼史之中我不曾怀疑过你为什么我仍然记得即使我们相隔遥远的距离一个真情的接触会使一颗善感的心破碎http://music.baidu.com/song/20727711

My Sentimental Friend 歌词

歌曲名:My Sentimental Friend歌手:Herman S Hermits专辑:The Very Best OfOn the floor the people dance aroundMoving close togetherBut there are all alone in the cornerThere"s a girl I once knewWho broke me in twoSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereI recall the way she used to feelWhen we heard a sad songTeh teardrops would fallAnd she hold me and tell meShe"ll be forever with meSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend..........http://music.baidu.com/song/2765236

sentimental kills是什么意思??

直译:多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) 意为:多愁善感的痛苦犹如死亡般折磨着我----陈绮贞《sentimental kills》原词及翻译如下:Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I won""t pretend to sleep 我希望我不要假装睡著 Oh~no 喔~不 Maybe I am a freak 或许我是个怪人 Everytime when I shed a tear 每当我流泪 How I wish I won""t take responsibility 我多希望我不用为了 (让你感到抱歉)而负责任 To make you sorry But the lazy days lie on my bed 但是那些懒洋洋的日子在我床上 The story goes on 而这个故事继续 Years go by 年过一年 The shadow tells me 影子告诉我 Sentimental kills 多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I really have a beautiful dream 我希望我真的有一个美好的梦 To make me happy 来让我快乐 Please save save save me 请救救救救我

My Sentimental Friend 歌词

歌曲名:My Sentimental Friend歌手:温拿专辑:温拿三合一珍藏集On the floor the people dance aroundMoving close togetherBut there are all alone in the cornerThere"s a girl I once knewWho broke me in twoSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereI recall the way she used to feelWhen we heard a sad songTeh teardrops would fallAnd she hold me and tell meShe"ll be forever with meSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend..........http://music.baidu.com/song/7330332

求sentimental rain罗马音 花江夏树唱的!

駆け足で过ぎてくkakeashi de sugitekuヒト 雨 雨hito RAIN RAINねえneeため息も出ないくらいにtameiki mo denai kurai ni速く 速くFAST FAST大切な想い出taisetsuna omoide堕ちて 堕ちる 全てFALL FALL ALL拾って集めたけどhirotte atsumeta kedo违うピースだらけでchigau PIECE darake de本当の本当に欲しかったものなのにhontou no hontou ni hoshikatta mono nano niどうしてもどうしても掴めないんだろうdoushitemo doushitemo tsukamenain darou愿っても祈ってもnegattemo inottemoあぁすり抜けて指の间を泳ぐaa THROUGH THROUGH yubi no aida wo oyogu何回も何回も期待してはみたけどnankaimo nankaimo kitaishite wa mita kedo全然上手く奏でられないままzenzen umaku kanaderarenai mama痛い目に声あげてitaime ni koe ageteそう泣いて泣いたらsou CRY CRY雨と共に流してame to tomo ni nagashiteそう笑って笑ってsou SMILE SMILE明日をはじめようashita wo hajimeyou辉きを求めてkagayaki wo motometeユメ 雨 雨yume RAIN RAINねえnee何日続くか分からずnannichi tsudzukuka wakarazu迷い 迷うLOST LOST単纯な约束tanjuuna yakusoku回り 回って 巡るROLL ROLL ROUND守って抱きしめてもmamotte dakishimetemo苦いシール贴られてnigai SEAL hararete本当の本当に欲しかったものはそうhontou no hontou ni hoshikatta mono wa souいつでもいつでも远<で光るitsudemo itsudemo tookude hikaru追いついて触ってもoitsuite sawattemoあぁすり抜けて心の中消えてaa THROUGH THROUGH kokoro no naka kiete何度も何度もュメに见たけどnandomo nandomo yume ni mita kedo全然上手く近づけないままzenzen umaku chikadzukenai mama弱い手に声あげてyowai te ni koe ageteそう叫び叫んでsou CRY CRY切ない雨に流したらsetsunai ame ni nagashitara笑って笑ってSMILE SMILE明日を乗せようashita wo noseyou本当の本当に欲しかったものなのにhontou no hontou ni hoshikatta mono nano niどうしてもどうしても掴めないんだろうdoushitemo doushitemo tsukamenain darou愿っても祈ってもnegattemo inottemoあぁすり抜けて指の间を泳ぐaa THROUGH THROUGH yubi no aida wo oyogu何回も何回も期待してはみたけどnankaimo nankaimo kitaishite wa mita kedo全然上手く奏でられないままzenzen umaku kanaderarenai mama痛い目に声あげてitaime ni koe ageteそう泣いて泣いたらsou CRY CRY雨と共に流してame to tomo ni nagashiteそう笑って笑ってsou SMILE SMILE明日をはじめるashita wo hajimeru光って光ってSHINE SHINE希望の中へkibou no naka e笑って笑ってSMILE SMILE明日を乗せようashita wo noseyou

Sentimental kill歌词的翻译。

翻译的很好 但我觉得倒数2个save也是 救 的意思~

请问sentimental kills是什么意思


求sentimental kills的中文歌词

Sentimental Kills Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I won""t pretend to sleep 我希望我不要假装睡著 Oh~no 喔~不 Maybe I am a freak 或许我是个怪人 Everytime when I shed a tear 每当我流泪 How I wish I won""t take responsibility 我多希望我不用为了 (让你感到抱歉)而负责任 To make you sorry But the lazy days lie on my bed 但是那些懒洋洋的日子在我床上 The story goes on 而这个故事继续 Years go by 年过一年 The shadow tells me 影子告诉我 Sentimental kills 多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I really have a beautiful dream 我希望我真的有一个美好的梦 To make me happy 来让我快乐 Please save save save me 请救救救救我吧

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Max Greger & Orchester专辑:Happy Birthday - 80 Jahre - 40 HitsDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~http://music.baidu.com/song/8284439

Sentimental Journey (Medley) 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey (Medley)歌手:The Geoff Love Banjos专辑:50 Sing-A-Long Wartime Hits潘迪华 - Sentimental Journey曲:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer词:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer编:Edward ChanGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesGot my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordLike a child in wild anticipationLong to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homeNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2925274


sentimental 感伤,情绪化,多愁善感 之类的形容词

Sentimental journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental journey歌手:Doris Day专辑:Legends Of JazzDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~http://music.baidu.com/song/59571754

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Les Brown & His Orchestra专辑:Sentimental Swing: All Star Dance ClassicsDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~http://music.baidu.com/song/8212384

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Beegie Adair专辑:Jazz for the RoadDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~http://music.baidu.com/song/16576689

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Esquivel And His Orchestra专辑:Cabaret MananaDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~http://music.baidu.com/song/8827736

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:Here"S To The LadiesDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~http://music.baidu.com/song/8829447

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Doris Day专辑:100 Hits Legends - Doris DayDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~http://music.baidu.com/song/52325936

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Louis Prima and Keely Smith with Sam Butera and The Witnesses专辑:The Call Of The Wildest潘迪华 - Sentimental Journey曲:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer词:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer编:Edward ChanGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesGot my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordLike a child in wild anticipationLong to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homeNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10414197

sentimental lady的歌词?

You are here and warmBut I could look away and you"d be goneCause we live in a timeWhen meaning falls in splinters from our livesAnd that"s why I"ve travelled farCause I come so together where you areAnd all of the things that I said that I wantedCome rushing by in my head when I"m with you14 joys and a will to be merryAnd all of the things that we say are verySentimental gentle windBlowing through my life againSentimental LadyGentle oneNow you are here todayBut easily you might just go awayCause we live in a timeWhen paintings have no color, words don"t rhymeAnd that"s why I"ve travelled farCause I come so together where you areAnd all of the things that I said that I wantedCome rushing by in my head when I"m with you14 joys and a will to be merryAnd all of the things that we say are verySentimental gentle windBlowing through my life againSentimental LadyGentle oneYou are here and warmBut I could look away and you"d be goneCause we live in a timeWhen meaning falls in splinters from our livesAnd that"s why I"ve travelled farCause I come so together where you areYes and all of the things that I said that I wantedCome rushing by in my head when I"m with you14 joys and a will to be merryAnd all of the things that we say are verySentimental gentle windBlowing through my life againSentimental LadyGentle oneSentimental gentle windBlowing through my life againSentimental LadyGentle oneSentimental gentle windBlowing through my life againSentimental LadyGentle oneWell sentimental gentle windBlowing through my life againSentimental LadyGentle one

sentimental gd版歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental歌手:Kenny G专辑:The Essential Kenny GGareth Gates-SentimentalGirl I don"t believe themwhen they tell me you don"t love mesometimes you seem to think so little of meeverybody tells me that they see what"s going onso quick to criticise that what we have is wrongsee you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalyehhhhhheyyyyyyou make me unstablebut I like itnever knowing where I standbut then I hide itthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen so deeplyso baby please don"t let me goI see you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youyou know that I love youuuI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen for so deeplybaby please don"t let me goI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimental ...

请问sentimental kills是什么意思

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 解析: 直译:多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) 意为:多愁善感的痛苦犹如死亡般折磨着我 ----陈绮贞《sentimental kills》 原词及翻译如下:Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡着的时候 I wish I won""t pretend to sleep 我希望我不要假装睡着 Oh~no 喔~不 Maybe I am a freak 或许我是个怪人 Everytime when I shed a tear 每当我流泪 How I wish I won""t take responsibility 我多希望我不用为了 (让你感到抱歉)而负责任 To make you sorry But the lazy days lie on my bed 但是那些懒洋洋的日子在我床上 The story goes on 而这个故事继续 Years go by 年过一年 The shadow tells me 影子告诉我 Sentimental kills 多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡着的时候 I wish I really have a beautiful dream 我希望我真的有一个美好的梦 To make me happy 来让我快乐 Please save save save me 请救救救救我


warning 打印此页 歌手:green day This is a public service anouncement, this is only a test Emergency evacuation process May Impair your ability to operate machinery Can"t quite tell just what it means to me Keep out of reach of children, don"t you talk to strangers Get your philoshophy from a bumper sticker Warning. Live without warning Say warning. Live without warning Without. Alright. Mental homes and safety self communities. Did you remember to the pay the utility? Gosh Darn Police Line You Better Not Cross! Is it the cop, or am I the one thats really dangerous? Sanitation, expiration date, question everything. Oh shut up and be a victim of authority Warning. Live without warning Say warning. Live without warning Say warning. Live without warning Say warning. Live without warning Without. Alright. Mental homes and saftey shelf communities. Did you remember to pay the utility? Gosh Darn Police Line You Better Not Cross! Is it the cop, or am I the one that"s really dangerous?Sanitation, expiration date, question everything. Oh shut up and be a victim of authority Warning. Live without warning Say warning. Live without warning Say warning. Live without warning Say warning. Live without warning This is a public service anouncement, this is only a test

Sentimental 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental歌手:Kenny G专辑:Forever In Love: The Best Of Kenny GGareth Gates-SentimentalGirl I don"t believe themwhen they tell me you don"t love mesometimes you seem to think so little of meeverybody tells me that they see what"s going onso quick to criticise that what we have is wrongsee you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalyehhhhhheyyyyyyou make me unstablebut I like itnever knowing where I standbut then I hide itthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen so deeplyso baby please don"t let me goI see you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youyou know that I love youuuI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen for so deeplybaby please don"t let me goI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimental ...http://music.baidu.com/song/8914263

Sentimental 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental歌手:Deborah Cox专辑:Deborah CoxGareth Gates-SentimentalGirl I don"t believe themwhen they tell me you don"t love mesometimes you seem to think so little of meeverybody tells me that they see what"s going onso quick to criticise that what we have is wrongsee you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalyehhhhhheyyyyyyou make me unstablebut I like itnever knowing where I standbut then I hide itthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen so deeplyso baby please don"t let me goI see you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youyou know that I love youuuI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen for so deeplybaby please don"t let me goI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimental ...http://music.baidu.com/song/8770380

Sentimental 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental歌手:Gareth Gates专辑:What My Heart Wants To SayGareth Gates-SentimentalGirl I don"t believe themwhen they tell me you don"t love mesometimes you seem to think so little of meeverybody tells me that they see what"s going onso quick to criticise that what we have is wrongsee you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalyehhhhhheyyyyyyou make me unstablebut I like itnever knowing where I standbut then I hide itthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen so deeplyso baby please don"t let me goI see you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youyou know that I love youuuI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen for so deeplybaby please don"t let me goI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimental ...http://music.baidu.com/song/2169960

Sentimental 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental歌手:Gareth Gates专辑:What My Heart Wants to SayGareth Gates-SentimentalGirl I don"t believe themwhen they tell me you don"t love mesometimes you seem to think so little of meeverybody tells me that they see what"s going onso quick to criticise that what we have is wrongsee you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalyehhhhhheyyyyyyou make me unstablebut I like itnever knowing where I standbut then I hide itthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen so deeplyso baby please don"t let me goI see you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youyou know that I love youuuI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen for so deeplybaby please don"t let me goI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimental ...http://music.baidu.com/song/52458108

Sentimental 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental歌手:Bill Baxter专辑:Embrasse Moi Idiot (.)Gareth Gates-SentimentalGirl I don"t believe themwhen they tell me you don"t love mesometimes you seem to think so little of meeverybody tells me that they see what"s going onso quick to criticise that what we have is wrongsee you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalyehhhhhheyyyyyyou make me unstablebut I like itnever knowing where I standbut then I hide itthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen so deeplyso baby please don"t let me goI see you with anotherand I dunno what to docos the problem isthat I love youyou know that I love youuuI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalthe games that you play and the things that you sayand I really need to knowyou got me completely I have fallen for so deeplybaby please don"t let me goI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimentalI get sentimental (yeh)baby please be gentlebaby please put my mind at easeI get sentimental ...http://music.baidu.com/song/2922049

Sentimental 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental歌手:Kenny G专辑:Songbird: The Best Of Kenny GFeeder - SentimentalCalling me away, why are you so Sentimental?And do you really wanna live like this?I never said it,You never said it, (woo hoo!)I never said I would,I never said I could now,I never said it,You never said it,I"m standing in the wrong place,I"m standing in the wrong place.Pushing me away, why are you so Sentimental?Does it really have to hurt like this?I never said it,You never said it, (woo hoo!)I never said I would,I never said I could now,I never said it,You never said it,I"m standing in the wrong place,I"m standing in the wrong place.I only want to get out,I only want to get out,I only want to get out,I ONLY WANT TO GET OUT!I"ve never fallen but I never ever seem to get there,I"m moving forward but it seems so far to there…I never said it,You never said it, (woo hoo!)I never said I would,I never said I could now,I never said it,You never said it,You"ve gotta let it go,You"ve gotta let it go!I never said it,You never said it,I"m standing in the wrong place,I"m standing in the wrong place.I only wanna get out,I only wanna get out…http://music.baidu.com/song/10556788


sentimental的中文意思:伤感的;多愁善感的常用的英文有:一、 人体 (body)foot脚、head头、face脸、hair头发、nose鼻子、mouth嘴、eye眼睛、ear耳朵、arm手臂、hand手、finger手指、leg腿、tail尾巴。二、颜色 (colours)red红、blue蓝、yellow黄、green绿、white白、black黑、pink粉红、purple紫、orange橙、brown棕。三、学习用品 (school things)pen钢笔、pencil铅笔、pencil-case铅笔盒、ruler尺子、book书、bag包、comic book漫画书、post card明信片、newspaper报纸、schoolbag书包、eraser橡皮、crayon蜡笔、sharpener卷笔刀、story-book故事书、notebook笔记本、Chinese book语文、English book英语书、math book数学书、magazine杂志、dictionary词典。四、 动物 (animals)cat猫、dog狗、pig猪、duck鸭、rabbit兔、horse马、elephant大象、ant蚂蚁、fish鱼、bird鸟、eagle鹰、beaver海狸、snake蛇、mouse老鼠、squirrel松鼠、kangaroo袋鼠、monkey猴、panda熊猫、bear熊、lion狮子。tiger老虎、fox狐狸、zebra斑马、deer鹿、giraffe长颈鹿、goose鹅、hen母鸡、turkey火鸡、lamb小羊、sheep绵羊、goat山羊、cow奶牛、donkey驴、squid鱿鱼、lobster龙虾、shark鲨鱼、seal海豹、sperm whale抹香鲸、killer whale虎鲸。


sentimental:多愁善感的; 寓有情感的;

《A Sentimental Journey》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《A Sentimental Journey》(Laurence Sterne)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IOk6G8rEsUf2q8dbl3RzvA 提取码: xq6n书名:A Sentimental Journey作者:Laurence Sterne出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:2002-3-26页数:160内容简介:在线阅读本书A Sentimental Journey is a novel without a plot, a journey without a destination. It records the adventures of the amiable Parson Yorick, as he sets off on his travels through France and Italy, relishing his encounters with all manner of men and women-particularly the pretty ones. Sterne"s tale rapidly moves away from the narrative of travel to become a series of dramatic sketches, ironic incidents, philosophical musings, reminiscences, and anecdotes; sharp wit is mixed with gaiety, irony with tender feeling. With A Sentimental Journey , as well as his masterpiece, Tristram Shandy , Sterne forged a truly original style and established himself as the first of the stream-of-consciousness writers.This new Penguin Classics edition features an introduction that discusses the novel in relation to Sterne"s other writing and places it within the context of "sentimental" literature. Also included are a chronology, suggestions for further reading, and full explanatory notes.作者简介:劳伦斯u2022斯特恩(Laurence Sterne,1713—1768),18世纪英国小说大师。他生活于英语小说刚刚开始成型的时期,但他又打破了小说创作的一切规则和束缚,他上承拉伯雷和塞万提斯的伟大传统,下启普鲁斯特、詹姆斯u2022乔伊斯、弗吉尼亚u2022伍尔夫等第一批现代主义大师,被誉为意识流乃至整个现代派小说的鼻祖,甚至是生活于18世纪的第一位后现代小说家。斯特恩宁愿走大脑那弯弯曲曲的小路,而不愿请教导游手册,走它指引的平坦大道,就这方面来说,唯独斯特恩属于我们这一代。就斯特恩关心无声胜于语言而论,他是现代派的先驱。由于这些原因,他跟我们当代人的关系,比他的伟大的同时代人理查逊和菲尔丁跟我们的关系要亲密得多。——弗吉尼亚u2022伍尔夫

谁知道英文歌“in a sentimental mood”的歌词


求Winner SENTIMENTAL 中文音译

SUPER JUNIOR《美人啊》  单达蓝单,单达蓝单,单达蓝单,达打达拉吧。单达蓝单,单达蓝单,单达蓝单,达打达拉吧。【始源】挪 啊嘎嘛嘎 挪木 耶奔 米以呐。那 米巧达过 嘛嗨多 南 你嘎 角他 米以呐【希澈】奴嘎 作耐角 my baby ,to my baby 耐嘎 要gi 以达过 嘛里呀。gi达林达 嘛里呀(Baby, you turn it up now) 【圭贤】挪嗯,卡踏补踏,卡踏补踏 嘛 总 嗨啦 米以呐。你 嘛嗯么 卡巧达秒嗯 可酿 那呢 撒买 winner【艺声】一 塞桑哎 一起蓝,一起蓝,用gi 银呢 咋了 达拉 那卡腾 弄 嘛里呀【厉旭】耶嘛来 say,要 波恩 极可秒嗯 挪摩看哒。呃思,呃思,呃思【晟敏】可鸟呢 康作。可多扩p达。比组,比组,比组【利特】南 哦多卡尔噶 哦多卡尔嘎 可鸟嘛呢 耐 关心敏 个r,个r,个r【ALL】Bounce to you, Bounce to you 耐 卡斯门 挪 航海 咋比 苏多 哦普斯 满可m 退过 银呢过Break it Down to you, Down to you 耐 卡斯米 挪,挪 卡级 莫谈达秒n 莫m粗r 过蓝达(那r 怕啦吧哇啦)博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎 那 卡腾 南m咋。博n采满采,博n采满采,博n采满采 拖拉索 怕多博过怕多,博过怕多,博过怕多 那 怕该 哦p达。博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那(Baby, you turn it up now)【东海】莫r 撒r嘎,撒r嘎,撒r嘎,撒r嘎 挪了r 为汉 松木r。欧,米期该达。僧刚满 还多 角啊哈r 你 莫斯p【圭贤】Listen girl! 角啊嗨. Baby girl! 撒浪嗨。那嘛呢 挪了 为汉 南m咋。特罗去哦 怕 挪了 航喊 过白。【晟敏】耐 嘛买 say ,爱满 太无几 嘛r过 采吧 戈多,戈多,戈多 【利特】 一 挪聊 纵多秒n 那啦多 古嗨 ki特,ki特,ki特【晟敏】 南 哦多卡拉过,哦多卡拉过 可鸟嘛里 耐 从部银 个r,个r,个r【ALL】Bounce to you, Bounce to you 耐 卡斯门 挪 航海 咋比 苏多 哦普斯 满可m 退过 银呢过Break it Down to you, Down to you 耐 卡斯米 挪,挪 卡级 莫谈达秒恩 莫m粗r 过蓝达(那r 怕啦吧哇啦)博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎 那 卡腾 南m咋。博n采满采,博n采满采,博n采满采 拖拉索 怕多博过怕多,博过怕多,博过怕多 那 怕该 哦p达。博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那(Baby, you turn it up now)【希澈】南 特掉 米期过呀, 破吧来 博里 过呀。拖 莫 参m该索 可鸟嘛耐 米过 唐ki ki。【银赫】哦 亲咋 米期过呀。奴嘎 总m 嘛聊怕 吧。一罗开 很m特 过蓝过 奴嘎 嘛来索亚基【厉旭】(It"s) True, true 耐 康m总嗯 卡 过细 哦p索。耐该 嘛去哦 博林过 挪n 恰r 啊儿加你【圭贤】How to keep loving you乃噶 亲咋 乃该 恰啦该 一带罗 那r 索克要 读基嘛【晟敏】ki 达林达,米以呐!【神童】Hope you"ll step to me, step to me. 【晟敏】撒浪汉达,米以呐! 【神童】Bring it, sign to me, sign to me. 【神童】哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈 可鸟嘎 已米 那r 怕啦博r 尊比嘎 退 一所那 怕【ALL】Bounce to you, Bounce to you 耐 卡斯门 挪 航海 咋比 苏多 哦普斯 满可m 退过 银呢过Break it Down to you, Down to you 耐 卡斯米 挪,挪 卡级 莫谈达秒恩 莫m粗r 过蓝达(那r 怕啦吧哇啦)博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎 那 卡腾 南m咋。博n采满采,博n采满采,博n采满采 拖拉索 怕多博过怕多,博过怕多,博过怕多 那 怕该 哦p达。博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那 那 怕该 哦p达

什么是sentimental education

sentimental education情感教育是 一本书,一部电影下面是作者的简介 居斯塔夫·福楼拜(1821-1880),19世纪法国现实主义文学大师。生于法国西北部卢昂城的一个医生世家。童年在父亲的医院里度过,因此他以后的文学创作明显带有医生的细致观察与剖析的痕迹。1841年进入巴黎大学法学院学习。1843年他在法科考试中失败,次年又突发神经官能症,从此中断学业,常年住在父母的克鲁瓦塞庄园,期间他开始尝试创作长篇小说。1846年福楼拜的父亲和妹妹卡罗莲去世,福楼拜将妹妹的女儿接到自己身边,尽心照顾母亲和外甥女,终身未娶。1880年5月8日,他因患脑溢血去世。 福楼拜是继巴尔扎克、斯汤达之后19世纪法固批判现实主义文学的第三位杰出代表。他在艺术上另辟蹊径,形成了自己独特的艺术风格,创造了所谓"纯客观"的艺术,丰富和发展了19世纪的现实主义。主要作品有长篇小说《包法利夫人》、《情感教育》,短篇小说《淳朴的心》,剧本《女性》等。

问: 啊啊啊sentimental和emotional区别??


Sentimental journey(真情之旅) 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental journey(真情之旅)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:最爱爵士情歌1(爵色恋曲)Sentimental journey(真情之旅)贵族乐团Gonna take a sentimental journeyGonna set my heart at easeGonna take a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesGot my bag, I made my reservationSpent each dime I could affordLike a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that: "All aboard!"Seven, that"s the time we leave - at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad track - that takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearnyWhy did I decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeyA sentimental journey homeGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeySentimental journey home….译文:真情之旅来一趟真情之旅让我的心得到舒缓来一趟真情之旅更新老去的记忆揽上我的背包,为我自己预购张车票花费我所能支付的每一角硬币像个赤子在野地的期待我渴望听见一声 “大家上船吧”七点,那是我们离开的时刻,在七点我将等待美丽的极乐之地在铁轨上细数着每一哩路……那将我的记忆拉回过去我不曾想过自己的心会这么思慕往事为何我决定流浪漂泊我给自己一趟真情之旅一趟家乡的真情之旅来一趟真情之旅让我的心得到舒缓展开一趟真情之旅一趟家乡的真情之旅…http://music.baidu.com/song/20727749



sentimental/ sensable /sensational 这三个词,搞晕了我了,谁能帮解释一下区别啊

sentimental adj.感伤性的, 感情脆弱的 sensible adj. 有感觉的, 明智的, 有判断力的 sensational adj.使人感动的, 非常好的




sentimental的中文意思:伤感的;多愁善感的常用的英文有:一、 人体 (body)foot脚、head头、face脸、hair头发、nose鼻子、mouth嘴、eye眼睛、ear耳朵、arm手臂、hand手、finger手指、leg腿、tail尾巴。二、颜色 (colours)red红、blue蓝、yellow黄、green绿、white白、black黑、pink粉红、purple紫、orange橙、brown棕。三、学习用品 (school things)pen钢笔、pencil铅笔、pencil-case铅笔盒、ruler尺子、book书、bag包、comic book漫画书、post card明信片、newspaper报纸、schoolbag书包、eraser橡皮、crayon蜡笔、sharpener卷笔刀、story-book故事书、notebook笔记本、Chinese book语文、English book英语书、math book数学书、magazine杂志、dictionary词典。四、 动物 (animals)cat猫、dog狗、pig猪、duck鸭、rabbit兔、horse马、elephant大象、ant蚂蚁、fish鱼、bird鸟、eagle鹰、beaver海狸、snake蛇、mouse老鼠、squirrel松鼠、kangaroo袋鼠、monkey猴、panda熊猫、bear熊、lion狮子。tiger老虎、fox狐狸、zebra斑马、deer鹿、giraffe长颈鹿、goose鹅、hen母鸡、turkey火鸡、lamb小羊、sheep绵羊、goat山羊、cow奶牛、donkey驴、squid鱿鱼、lobster龙虾、shark鲨鱼、seal海豹、sperm whale抹香鲸、killer whale虎鲸。
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