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aroma n. a strong and usu.pleasant smell 芳香,香味;the aroma of fresh coffee新鲜咖啡的芳香 perfume (also scent ) n. 1.a sweet or pleasant smell,as of flowers 香味,香气,芳香 2.sweet-smelling liquid,often made from flowers,for use esp.on a woman"s face,wrist,and body香水 v. 1.(正式:书面)to fill with PERFUME(1)使发出香气,使充满香气;roses perfuming the air芳香四溢的玫瑰花 2.to put PERFUME(2) on洒香水于;a perfumed handchief一块洒了香水的手帕 fragrance n. (褒)(the quality of having)a sweet or pleasant smell芬芳,芳香,香气;This soap is made in several fragrance.这种香皂是几种香料所制成的。 scent n. 1.a smell,esp.1)as left by a hunted animal(尤指猎物的)气味,遗臭 2)BrE<英>见PERFUME 3.a way to the discovery;TRACK迹,踪迹:线索;a scientist who thinks she"s on the scent of a cure of heart disease一位认为已经找到心脏病疗法的线索的女科学家 v. 1.(esp.of animal)to smell,esp.to learn the presence of by smelling闻到,嗅出;She scent danger.(喻)她觉察到了危险。2(常用被动)to fill with a SCENT1 1)使充满香味;the air,scented with spring flowers空气中充满了春天的花香

aroma, perfume, fragrance和scent的区别?

aroman.芳香, 香气, 香味perfumen.香味, 芳香, 香水vt.使发香, 洒香水于, 发香fragrancen.芬芳, 香气scentn.气味, 香味, 香水, 线索, 嗅觉, 臭迹vt.闻出, 嗅, 发觉, 循着遗臭追踪, 使充满气味vi.嗅猎, 发出气味

interviews and doubts



aroma香味,指一种强烈的,弥漫的香味,如好的点着的烟叶,咖啡或美味食品的香味.The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air 新鲜咖啡的香味弥漫在空气中scent清(幽)香,此词指一种淡淡的幽香,天然的或人造的,弥散于或可以弥散于空气中There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the middle of the room 有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂房间中央的香袋散发出来There is a scent of osmanthus in the air 空气中有一股桂花的幽香perfume香味;芳香,指香味,尤指由花精中所散发的香味.Magnolias have a wonderful perfume 木兰花有一种奇异的芳香A breeze blew,laden with the perfume of fresh fields 微风吹拂,满是春天田野的芳香fragrance芳香,指比scent更为甜美,清新,更为弥漫的香味.Do you remember the lingering fragrance of lilacs after a rain?你可记得那雨后丁香花缭绕的芳香?I like the fragrance of her hair 我喜欢她头发的香气This soap is made in several fragrances 这种肥皂是以几种香味制成的

What are the advantages of factory farming (Debate FOR factory farming)?

[edit] Human health impactAccording to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), farms on which animals are intensively reared can cause adverse health reactions in farm workers. Workers may develop acute and chronic lung disease, musculoskeletal injuries, and may catch infections that transmit from animals to human beings.[48]Pesticides are used to control organisms which are considered harmful[49] and they save farmers money by preventing product losses to pests.[50] In the US, about a quarter of pesticides used are used in houses, yards, parks, golf courses, and swimming pools[51] and about 70% are used in agriculture.[50] However, pesticides can make their way into consumers" bodies which can cause health problems. One source of this is bioaccumulation in animals raised on factory farms.[51][52][53]The CDC writes that chemical, bacterial, and viral compounds from animal waste may travel in the soil and water. Residents near such farms report problems such as unpleasant smell, flies and adverse health effects.[16]The CDC has identified a number of pollutants associated with the discharge of animal waste into rivers and lakes, and into the air. The use of antibiotics may create antibiotic-resistant pathogens; parasites, bacteria, and viruses may be spread; ammonia, nitrogen, and phosphorus can reduce oxygen in surface waters and contaminate drinking water; pesticides and hormones may cause hormone-related changes in fish; animal feed and feathers may stunt the growth of desirable plants in surface waters and provide nutrients to disease-causing micro-organisms; trace elements such as arsenic and copper, which are harmful to human health, may contaminate surface waters.[16]In the European Union, growth hormones are banned on the basis that there is no way of determining a safe level. The UK has stated that in the event of the EU raising the ban at some future date, to comply with a precautionary approach, it would only consider the introduction of specific hormones, proven on a case by case basis.[54] In 1998, the European Union banned feeding animals antibiotics that were found to be valuable for human health. Furthermore, in 2006 the European Union banned all drugs for livestock that were used for growth promotion purposes. As a result of these bans, the levels of antibiotic resistance in animal products and within the human population showed a decrease.[55]The various techniques of factory farming have been associated with a number of European incidents where public health has been threatened or large numbers of animals have had to be slaughtered to deal with disease. Where disease breaks out, it may spread more quickly, not only due to the concentrations of animals, but because modern approaches tend to distribute animals more widely.[56][citation needed]. The international trade in animal products increases the risk of global transmission of virulent diseases such as swine fever,[57] BSE, foot and mouth and bird flu.In April 2009, lawmakers in the Mexican state of Veracruz accused large-scale hog and poultry operations of being breeding grounds of a pandemic swine flu, although they did not present scientific evidence to support their claim. A swine flu which quickly killed more than 100 infected persons in that area, appears to have begun in the vicinity of a Smithfield subsidiary pig CAFO.[58][edit] Animal health impactConfinement and overcrowding of animals results in a lack of exercise and natural locomotory behavior, which weakens their bones and muscles. An intensive poultry farm provides the optimum conditions for viral mutation and transmission - thousands of birds crowded together in a closed, warm, and dusty environment is highly conducive to the transmission of a contagious disease. Selecting generations of birds for their faster growth rates and higher meat yields has left birdsu2019 immune systems less able to cope with infections and there is a high degree of genetic uniformity in the population, making the spread of disease more likely. Further intensification of the industry has been suggested by some as the solution to avian flu, on the rationale that keeping birds indoors will prevent contamination. However, this relies on perfect, fail-safe biosecurity u2013 and such measures are near impossible to implement. Movement between farms by people, materials, and vehicles poses a threat and breaches in biosecurity are possible. Intensive farming may be creating highly virulent avian u2018flu strains. With the frequent flow of goods within and between countries, the potential for disease spread is high.[59] Confinement and overcrowding of animals" environment presents the risk of contamination of the meat from viruses and bacteria. Feedlot animals reside in crowded conditions and often spend their time standing in their own waste. A dairy farm with 2,500 cows may produce as much waste as a city of 411,000 people, and unlike a city in which human waste ends up at a sewage treatment plant, livestock waste is not treated. As a result, feedlot animals have the potential of exposure to various viruses and bacteria via the manure and urine in their environment. Furthermore, the animals often have residual manure on their bodies when they go to slaughter.[60][edit] Environmental impactConcentrating large numbers of animals in factory farms is a major contribution to global environmental degradation, through the need to grow feed (often by intensive methods using excessive fertiliser and pesticides), pollution of water, soil and air by agrochemicals and manure waste, and use of limited resources (water, energy).[61]Livestock production is also particularly water-intensive in indoor, intensive systems. Eight per cent of global human water use goes towards animal production.[61]Industrial production of pigs and poultry is an important source of GHG emissions and is predicted to become more so. On intensive pig farms, the animals are generally kept on concrete with slats or grates for the manure to drain through. The manure is usually stored in slurry form (slurry is a liquid mixture of urine and faeces). During storage on farm, slurry emits methane and when manure is spread on fields it emits nitrous oxide and causes nitrogen pollution of land and water. Poultry manure from factory farms emits high levels of nitrous oxide and ammonia.[61]Organic pig meat production has a lower global warming potential per kg than does intensive pig meat production. The energy input for free-range poultry meat and eggs is higher than for factory-farmed poultry meat and eggs, but GHG emissions are lower.[61]Environmental impacts of factory farming can include:Deforestation for animal feed production Unsustainable pressure on land for production of high-protein/high-energy animal feed Pesticide, herbicide and fertiliser manufacture and use for feed production Unsustainable use of water for feed-crops, including groundwater extraction Pollution of soil, water and air by nitrogen and phosphorus from fertiliser used for feed-crops and from manure Land degradation (reduced fertility, soil compaction, increased salinity, desertification) Loss of biodiversity due to eutrophication, acidification, pesticides and herbicides Worldwide reduction of genetic diversity of livestock and loss of traditional breeds Species extinctions due to livestock-related habitat destruction (especially feed-cropping)[61] [edit] Animal welfare impactAnimal welfare impacts of factory farming can include:Close confinement systems (cages, crates) or lifetime confinement in indoor sheds Discomfort and injuries caused by inappropriate flooring and housing Restriction or prevention of normal exercise and most of natural foraging or exploratory behaviour Restriction or prevention of natural maternal nesting behaviour Lack of daylight or fresh air and poor air quality in animal sheds Social stress and injuries caused by overcrowding Health problems caused by extreme selective breeding and management for fast growth and high productivity Reduced lifetime (longevity) of breeding animals (dairy cows, breeding sows) Fast-spreading infections encouraged by crowding and stress in intensive conditions[61] Male chicks, which are too scrawny for meat and incapable of laying eggs, may be liquidated as inventory

《Identityand Data Security》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Identity and Data Security for Web Development》(Jonathan LeBlanc)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/13vwKWrNebPWy4ADcXs83FA 提取码: 7wk4书名:Identity and Data Security for Web Development作者:Jonathan LeBlanc出版社:O"Reilly Media出版年份:2016-8-25页数:200Book Description :Balancing usability and security when building a website or app can be incredibly difficult. This practical book teaches you a results-driven approach for accomplishing both without compromising either. Not only will you learn what to be aware of when building your systems, but also how to build a solid identity infrastructure across devices that"s both usable and secure. You"ll be able to harden your data infrastructure and privileged user information, while using common techniques to prevent data breaches. You"ll also take a look at future technology that will impact data and identity security.

equality constraint是什么意思

equality constraint 英[i:u02c8kwu0254liti ku0259nu02c8streint] 美[u026au02c8kwɑlu026ati ku0259nu02c8strent] [释义] 等式约束; [网络] 等式约束条件; [例句]Comparative research on equality constraint inversion and joint inversion等式约束反演与联合反演的对比研究

In some countries, ___ is called "equality" does not really mean equal rights for all people.


英语How foolish I am to entertain doubts. be to do用在这里合适吗


In some countries,_______ is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people .

b这句话貌似定语从句。而实际上,前面的部分就是状语,后半句与countries没有修饰关系(因为1.后半句缺主语,但空格的位置用countries不能替换,否则语义不对。2.后半句不缺宾语。)所以后半句的()is called equality作主语.是主语从句。在选项中,只有what引导主语从句。意思:在一些国家里,所谓平等,并不意味着所有公民的平等权利

quantity; equality; equal 这英语怎么读?

quantity【狂提提】英 [u02c8kwu0252ntu0259ti] 美 [u02c8kwɑu02d0ntu0259ti] equality【依靠了体】英 [iu02c8kwu0252lu0259ti] 美 [iu02c8kwɑu02d0lu0259ti]equal【一口】英 [u02c8iu02d0kwu0259l] 美 [u02c8iu02d0kwu0259l]


User Agent中文名为用户代理,简称 UA,它是一个特殊字符串头,使得服务器能够识别客户使用的操作系统及版本、CPU 类型、浏览器及版本、浏览器渲染引擎、浏览器语言、浏览器插件等。 标准格式为: 浏览器标识 (操作系统标识; 加密等级标识; 浏览器语言) 渲染引擎标识 版本信息 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36 Edg/95.0.1020.53 由于很多网站在进行 UA 检测的时候忽略了两位数版本号,所以可能造成 浏览器及之后版本收到糟糕的页面,因此自 浏览器 10 之后的版本中浏览器标识项固定为 浏览器,在 UA 字串尾部添加真实版本信息。 这里有一段网景与微信浏览器之争的故事,可以找找浏览器的发展史看看,现时基本使用 Mozilla/5.0 后面的两位数版本号不用管。 FreeBSD X11; FreeBSD (version no.) i386 X11; FreeBSD (version no.) AMD64 Linux X11; Linux ppc X11; Linux ppc64 X11; Linux i686 X11; Linux x86_64 Mac Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X Solaris X11; SunOS i86pc X11; SunOS sun4u Windows (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) 64位浏览器 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) 32位浏览器 Windows NT 10.0 对应操作系统windows 10 windows NT 6.3 对应操作系统 windows 8 windows NT 6.2 对应操作系统 windows 8 Windows NT 6.1 对应操作系统 windows 7 Windows NT 6.0 对应操作系统 windows vista Windows NT 5.2 对应操作系统 windows 2003 Windows NT 5.1 对应操作系统 windows xp Windows NT 5.0 对应操作系统 windows 2000 Windows ME Windows 98 加密等级标识 N: 表示无安全加密 I: 表示弱安全加密 U: 表示强安全加密 浏览器语言 在首选项 > 常规 > 语言中指定的语言 渲染引擎 浏览器 使用 Presto 渲染引擎,格式为: Presto/版本号 浏览器的四大内核 EdgeHTML Trident Presto WebKit/Blink Gecko KHTML 版本信息 显示 浏览器 真实版本信息,格式为: Version/版本号 Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36 Edg/95.0.1020.53 奇葩的伪装之旅 参考文章 Chrome - 谷歌浏览器 Chromium - 谷歌浏览器开源版 IE - 微软IE浏览器 Edge - 微软新一代浏览器 Firefox - 火狐浏览器 Safari - 苹果系统默认浏览器 Opera - Opera浏览器 Vivaldi - Opera联合创始人发布 Yandex - 俄罗斯最大搜索引擎Yandex出品 Arora - 基于webkit和Qt的轻量级浏览器 Lunascape - 来自日本的三引擎浏览器 QupZilla - 轻量级跨平台浏览器 Coc Coc - 越南搜索引擎浏览器 Kindle - 亚马逊电子书 Iceweasel - Firefox浏览器的Debian再发布版 Konqueror Iceape SeaMonkey Epiphany 360 - 360浏览器(手机版) 360SE - 360安全浏览器 360EE - 360极速浏览器 UC - UC浏览器 QQBrowser - QQ浏览器 QQ - QQ客户端 Baidu - 百度浏览器 Maxthon - 傲游浏览器 Sogou - 搜狗浏览器 Liebao - 猎豹浏览器 2345Explorer - 2345浏览器 115Browser - 115浏览器 TheWorld - 世界之窗浏览器 Qiyu - 旗鱼浏览器 XiaoMi - 小米浏览器 Huawei - 华为浏览器 Vivo - Vivo浏览器 Quark - 夸克浏览器 Wechat - 微信手机客户端 WechatWork - 企业微信客户端 Taobao - 淘宝手机客户端 Alipay - 支付宝手机客户端 Weibo - 微博手机客户端 Douban - 豆瓣手机客户端 Suning - 苏宁易购手机客户端 iQiYi - 爱奇艺手机客户端 DingTalk - 钉钉手机客户端

"voile scintillant shimmering body lotion"和"gel douche cristallin crystal shower gel"的意思?


equally important什么词性的


equally importantly造句

可以,句子较长时,though可以置于句中如:There"s no excuse,though ,for hurting her feelings.伤到她的感情一事,还是不可原谅.

equally as important

资料的质量和数据同等重要 as important as 与.一样重要 表示同级比较


I want some bread.翻译:我想要一些面包。中文谐音:爱 妄特 桑亩 布瑞得。

equally important是什么意思


equal is important!

equally 是副词,用来修饰important的,意思是同样重要.不能用equal

We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all man are created__and should be treated__

created equal是指创造出来就是平等的,而不是说是被平等地创造出来

equally important是什么意思

同样很重要的。。。I love everything that"s old: old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine.我爱一切古老之物:老友,昔日,古礼,旧书,陈酒。

英译汉 gentle bath and shower gel gel douche adoucissant


equally important是什么意思

同等重要精锐08 聂老师为您解答

单选The committee has decided to hold a meeting to discuss the matter that___ from the recent

这题没有答案。raise和arouse都是及物动词,后面要接宾语。而题中没有宾语。排除A、C。that___ from the recent changes in law是定语从句,修饰the matter。arisen和risen是过去分词,过去分词前面要有助动词be才能构成完整的句子。排除B、D。如果B项是arose就对了。

equally important是什么意思

同等重要,equally 等于,同样地,副词

【英语】这里的状语可以删掉吗?Equally Equally important to suces

楼主,这个句子本身结构就不对。equally important to sucess in learning a foreigh language 本身不能做主语,正确的格式应该是what is equally important to sucess in learning a foreign language is constant attention to details.在这个正确的句子里,equally可以去掉~~~

intrigue arouse区别

intrigue arouse区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同intrigue:英 [u026an"triu02d0ɡ]美 [u026an"triu02d0ɡ]。    arouse:英 [u0259"rau028az]美 [u0259"rau028az]。    2、意思不同intrigue:vt. 欺骗;激起 ... 的兴趣;vi. 密谋。n. 阴谋;私通;复杂的事。arouse:v. 叫醒;唤醒;激起;睡醒。arouse用法:arouse的本意是“唤醒”,指把某人从睡眠状态中唤醒,用于比喻则指唤起他人的注意或者兴趣、怀疑、愤怒、同情、批评、讨论等。arouse是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式为补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。arouse主要指唤起引起无形的东西。arouse与rouse的不同类似rise与arise之间的不同:arouse通常与fear,curiosity等抽象名词连用。 rouse则常以具体的人或动物为对象,指把某人叫醒,引起某人的兴趣。

dount是可数名词还是不可数名词 我打错,应该是:donut

可数名词,常写作doughnut 复数形式:doughnuts 示例:I had two doughnuts for breakfast. 我早晨吃了两个炸面包圈.

he aroused national excitement



circut:电路 breaker :断路器;打破者 fauIt:故障 of:由…组成的

equally important是什么意思

equally important同样重要双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 同样重要2. 同样重要的是3. 同等重要例句:1.But alm trends are equally important. 但资产负债匹配的趋势也同样重要。

it is equally important that 为何用equally , 能用equal吗



circut:电路 breaker :断路器;打破者 fauIt:故障 of:由…组成的



No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ ent

我觉得应该是No ~more then一起理解


equals是比较值,只能用于引用类型作比较,比如Integer a=1;Integer b=1;就可以用a.equals(b),原生数据类型不能用此方法比较值,如 int a=1;int b=1;要比较,只能用==;对于引用类型,==是比较引用地址,如Integer a=1;Integer b=new Integer(1);如果用equals比较,结果为true,用==比较,结果为false


java的equals和contains的区别:1、功能不同equals指示其他某个对象是否与此对象“相等”。contains当且仅当此字符串包含指定的 char 值序列时,返回 true。2、用法不同equals实现对象上差别可能性最大的相等关系;即,对于任何非空引用值 x 和 y,当且仅当 x 和 y 引用同一个对象时,此方法才返回 true(x == y 具有值 true)。contains常用与集合中判断某个对象是否含有这个元素。3、含义不同equals是比较两个东西是否等同,适用于任何类别的对象。contains是是否包含的意思,左边的对象是一个容器了。4、参数不同equals参数为obj - 要与之比较的引用对象。contains参数为s - 要搜索的序列。参考资料来源:百度百科——equals百度百科——contains()

Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace的中文意思是什么?










country cottage是什么意思

country cottage是度假屋的意思

plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul翻译


5.Our hopes ________ and fell in the same instant.A.arose B.rose C.raised D.aroused

  B.rose   我们刚燃起的希望就立即熄灭了   首先 rise,arise 是不及物动词   raise,arouse是及物动词   其次 rise 意为“升起,增高”   arise意为“出现,产生”   raise意为“增加,引起”   arouse意为“激起,使 奋发”   arise、rise、rouse、arouse、raise的区分:   arise(arose,arisen)   1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题.   2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心.derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语.   rise(rose,risen)   v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的)   n.“上升,上涨”   give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage g***e rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题.   rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒.   arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心”   raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds   Our hopes ___ and fell in the same instant.   aroused ;arose ;raised ;rose   选哪一个呢?这是大学四级考试真题:   选rose   rise 不及物动词 vi.上升;增涨   become higher or more   · The sun was rising when we got to the top of the mountain.   太阳出来时我们来到了山顶.   · Soon steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes.   很快就看见水蒸气从湿衣服里冒出来.   · The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.   太阳升起,灿烂的阳光照遍了大地.   raise 及物动词 vt.举起;抬起;提起;提高;增加   put up,lift somthing or someone up   make prices,wages,etc.higher   · They raise glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.   他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯.   · This weight is too he***y; I can"t raise it.   这东西太重,我举不起来.   · Salaries h***e now been raised.   现在薪水已增加了.   · The price was raised to £10.   价格涨到十英镑.   arise 不及物动词 vi.向上;上升   move upword; ascend   · When I started off,the sun was arising.   我出发时太阳正在升起.   arouse 及物动词 vt.唤醒;唤起;引起;激起   awake; excite; stir to action   · He fell into a sound sleep,don"t arouse him.   他睡熟了,别唤醒他.   · The lecture aroused my interest.   报告引起了我的兴趣.   辨 析 arise 没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物   rise 使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨、发生”   raise 与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物(工资、地位等)

5. Our hopes ________ and fell in the same instant. A. arose B. rose C. raised D. aroused

  B.rose  我们刚燃起的希望就立即熄灭了  首先 rise,arise 是不及物动词  raise,arouse是及物动词  其次 rise 意为“升起,增高”  arise意为“出现,产生”  raise意为“增加,引起”  arouse意为“激起,使 奋发”  arise、rise、rouse、arouse、raise的区分:  arise(arose,arisen)  1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题。  2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心。derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语。  rise(rose,risen)  v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的)  n.“上升,上涨”  give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage g***e rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题。  rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒。  arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心”  raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds  Our hopes ___ and fell in the same instant.  aroused ;arose ;raised ;rose  选哪一个呢? 这是大学四级考试真题:  选rose  rise 不及物动词 vi. 上升;增涨  become higher or more  · The sun was rising when we got to the top of the mountain.  太阳出来时我们来到了山顶。  · Soon steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes.  很快就看见水蒸气从湿衣服里冒出来。  · The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.  太阳升起,灿烂的阳光照遍了大地。  raise 及物动词 vt. 举起;抬起;提起;提高;增加  put up, lift somthing or someone up  make prices, wages,etc. higher  · They raise glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.  他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯。  · This weight is too he***y; I can"t raise it.  这东西太重,我举不起来。  · Salaries h***e now been raised.  现在薪水已增加了。  · The price was raised to £10.  价格涨到十英镑。  arise 不及物动词 vi. 向上;上升  move upword; ascend  · When I started off, the sun was arising.  我出发时太阳正在升起。  arouse 及物动词 vt. 唤醒;唤起;引起;激起  awake; excite; stir to action  · He fell into a sound sleep, don"t arouse him.  他睡熟了,别唤醒他。  · The lecture aroused my interest.  报告引起了我的兴趣。  辨 析 arise 没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物  rise 使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨、发生”  raise 与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物(工资、地位等)

stochastic differential equation是什么意思

stochastic differential equation随机微分方程equation[英][u026au02c8kweu026au0292n][美][u026au02c8kweu0292u0259n, -u0283u0259n]n.方程式; 等式; 相等; [化学] 反应式; 复数:equations形近词:aquationequatingequative数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典常用短语同反义词英英释义1The solution can be expressed by a mathematical equation.答案可用一个数学方程式来表示。

语法问题: has aroused a controversy为什么不是be aroused


安托尼方程(Antoine equation)

In p/[p]=A-B/(T-C) 此式称为安托尼方程(Antoine equation)。式中A、B及C均为物质的特性常数,称为安托尼常数(Antoine constant),可从有关手册中查到。


1、Internet有哪些特点?作为一个互联网络,归结起来,Internet具有以下的特点: 1、对用户隐蔽互联网络的底层结构。这意味着Internet用户和应用程序不必了解硬件连接的细节;2、能通过(与通信的双方计算机之一或两者无直接物理连接的)中间网络收发数据; 3、Internet上的所有计算机共享一个全局的机器标识符(名字或地址)集合; 4、用户界面独立于网络,即建立通信和传送数据的一系列操作与低层网络技术和要通信的计算机无关。 以上的四点实际上就是一个通用服务的概念,因此Internet就是一个通用服务。2、Internet提供了哪些主要服务?作为世界上最大的信息资源数据库和最廉价的通讯方式,Internet为用户获取上述相关信息提供了许多服务,其中最常见的有:电子邮件(E-mail)、远程登录(Telnet)、文件传输(FTP)、网络新闻( News)、信息检索等。Internet上的服务都是客户机/服务器模式的,即一台计算机或其上运行的某个应用程序作为客户端,客户端是提出服务请求的一端;而另一台计算机或其上运行的某个应用程序作为服务器端,向申请服务的客户端提供服务。3.、Internet的发展经历了哪些主要阶段?七十年代末,Internet起源于美国国防部高级计划研究局(ARPA)主持研制的实验性军用网络ARPANET。研制ARPANET的目的是想把美国各种不同的网络连接起来,建立一个覆盖全国的网络以便于研究发展计划的进行,为各地用户提供计算资源,同时能为计算机系统的用户提供多途径的访问,使计算机系统在核战争极其它灾害发生时仍能正常运转。当时连接的计算机数量较少,主要供科学家和工程师们进行计算机联网试验。这就是Internet的前身,在这个网络的基础上发展了互联网络通信协议的一些最基本的概念。 八十年代初期,TCP/IP通信协议诞生。1983年,当TCP/IP成为ARPANET上的标准通信协议时,标志着真正的Internet出现。八十年代后期,ARPANET 解散,与此同时,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)在美国政府的资助下采用TCP/IP协议建立了NFSNET网络, 它的主要目的就是使用这些计算机和别的科研机构分享研究成果,围绕这个骨干网络随后又发展了一系列新的网络,它们通过骨干网节点相互传递信息。NFSNET后来成为了Internet的骨干网。 九十年代,商业机构的介入成为Internet发展的一个重要动力。随着商业机构的介入,Internet所有权的私有化使得Internet开始应用于各种商业活动,成千上万的用户和网络以惊人色速度增长。Internet的规模迅速扩大,并逐步过度为商业网络。 时至今日,Internet席卷了全世界几乎所有的国家,并已成为全球规模最大、用户数最多的网络。



安托尼方程(Antoine equation)

In p/[p]=A-B/(T-C) 此式称为安托尼方程(Antoine equation)。式中A、B及C均为物质的特性常数,称为安托尼常数(Antoine constant),可从有关手册中查到。

1.Internet最初起源于________。 A.NSFnet B.ARPAnet C.C

选择B。Internet最早来源于美国国防部高级研究计划局DARPA(Defense advanced Research Projects Agency)的前身ARPA建立的ARPAnet,该网于1969年投入使用。从60年代开始,ARPA就开始向美国国内大学的计算机系和一些私人有限公司提供经费,以促进基于分组交换技术的计算机网络的研究。1968年,ARPA为ARPAnet网络项目立项,这个项目基于这样一种主导思想:网络必须能够经受住故障的考验而维持正常工作,一旦发生战争,当网络的某一部分因遭受攻击而失去工作能力时,网络的其它部分应当能够维持正常通信。

57. 因特网(Internet)前身ARPAnet主要是用于__用途。



以下内容摘自 Internet的起源与发展概述Internet的发展史要追溯到美国最早的军用计算机网络ARPANET,ARPANET 同时也是世界上第一个远程分组交换网。ARPANET于1969年12月建成时只有 四个节点,随着越来越多的节点的加人在短短的三年间ARPANET就跨越了全美国。在ARPANET的发展过程中人们发现ARPANET协议很难运行于多个网络之上,于是人们又研究和开发了适于互联网络通讯的TCP/IP协议,并开发了一整套方便适用的网络接口应用程序和大量的工具软件、管理软件,将它们集成在Berkeley UNIX操作系统中,这使得网络的互联变得非常容易,从而激发更多的网络加入到ARPANET。由于ARPANET是美国国防部所管辖的网络,不可避免地限制了一些大学使用ARPANE-T,为此美国国家科学基金会(NSF)于1984年开始着手筹建一个向所有大学开放的计算机网络。NSF利用56kbps的租用线路建成了连接全美六个超级计算机中心的骨干网,并且筹集资金将大约20个地区网连接到骨干网上,骨干网和地区网的整个网络被称为NSFNET,NSFNET通过线路与ARPANET相连。与此同时其他国家和地区也建立了类似于NSFNET的网络,这些网络通过通讯线路同NSFNET或ARPANET相连,80年代中期人们将这些互联在一起的网络看作为一个互联网络,后来就以Internet来称呼它。Internet的规模一直呈指数增长,除了网络规模在扩大外,Internet应用领域也在走向多元化。最初的网络应用主要是电子邮件、新闻组、远程登陆和文件传输,网络用户主要是科技工作者。然而到了90年代早期,一种新型的网络应用——万维网问世后,一下子将无数非学术领域的用户带进了网络世界,万维网以其信息量大、查询快捷方便而很快被人们所接受。随着多媒体通讯业务的开通,Internet已经实现了网上购物、远程教育、远程医疗、视频点播、视频会议等新应用,可以说Internet的应用领域已经深人到社会生活的方方面面。


乳交Mammary intercourse describes a sex act, performed as foreplay or as non-penetrative sex, that involves the stimulation of the male penis by the female breasts. Commonly, this sex act involves the man placing his penis in the woman"s cleavage and thrusting between her breasts, while the breasts are squeezed around the penis for additional stimulation. Mammary intercourse can also be combined with fellatio.



internet 介绍

INTERNET (国际互联网)是一个由各种不同类型和规模的独立运行和管理的计算机网络组成的全球范围内的计算机网络,组成INTERNET的计算机网络包括局域网(LAN),城域网(MAN)以及大规模的广域网(WAN)等,这些网络通过普通电话线,高速专用线路,卫星,微波和光缆等通讯线路把不同国家的大学,公司,科研机构以及军事及政府等组织的网络联系起来。INTERNET是全世界最大的图书馆,它为人们提供了巨大的并且不断增长的信息资源和服务工具宝库,用户可以利用INTERNET所提供的各种工具去获得INTERNET提供的巨大信息资源。 任何一个地方的任何一个INTERNET用户都可以从INTERNET获得任何方面的信息,如自然,社会,政治,历史,科技,教育,卫生,娱乐,政治决策,金融,商业和天气预报等。 INTERNET用户可以利用INTERNET提供的应用系统去查询和获取INTERNET信息资源,用户可以在工作单位,比如在大学,也可以在家里使用INTERNET。 INTERNET连接了大量本身就载有大量信息的计算机,而且随着INTERNET的不断壮大,开发了大量的创建和使用网上信息的工具,这些机制使得INTERNET有着任何网络不能比拟的功能。商业用途 商业广告――联网企业可以通过INTERNET以图,文,声多媒体的形式向全世界发布有关自己企业,产品的商业广告,使一家国内小公司也能迅速走上国际化轨道。 网上直销――商家可以利用INTERNET进行无店面销售,建立虚拟商场,用户可以直接进行网上购物。不需租用柜台,不雇佣店员,不用库存,买卖双方 可以相互交流,可使经营成本降至最低,同时缩短产品的更新周期,保持更强的竞争力。顾客也拥有无限的选择余地,真正体会上帝的感觉。网上证券交易――人们可以在INTERNET上进行实时的证券和股票信息查询,并且直接进行网上交易。远程商业办公――INTERNET让人们不论在世界的任何角落都象坐在自己的办公室里(哪怕是在飞机上)------检索全球金融信息,查看本公司的工作情况,汇报工作情况,下达工作任务,召开联机工作会议,招聘雇员,使真正的远程办公成为现实。 网上招商引资―― 企业可以利用INTERNET为本地区进行招商引资活动,吸引外资。 其它商业活动――旅游业还可以利用INTERNET进行饭店航班的预订业务;房地产业进出口业……均可以从INTERNET获得巨大收益。用于电子邮件的通讯 通过网上的电子邮件工具,用户之间可以彼此自由的发送电子邮件,由于INTERNET覆盖了几乎所有的国家,因此它成了最为便捷的全球通信工具。从中国发往美国的某个小村庄的电子邮件所需时间也就只有几秒(多也就是几分钟)。电子邮件是INTERNET最为常有的功能。提供了自由讨论的机制 以电子邮件机制为基础,INTERNET提供了电子公告牌的功能,它扩展了彼此交换信件的功能,允许个人加入一个或几个讨论小组并且参与组内其它成员的讨论。这种全球范围内的小组式的讨论与交流是人们最喜欢的一个功能。文件递送 这种功能可以使人们在不同机器之间传输数据文件。它与电子邮件不同,电子邮件对于简短信息的传递特别有用,而且仅限于两者之间的通信,也就是一人发送信息另一人阅读信息。文件传送机制可以将一台计算机上的文件传输到另一台计算机上,且与机器的位置无关,因此它使得信息共享有了一种很好的实现方式,我们经常用它从网上下载游戏软件,免费的各种工具软件以及许多有用的信息。远程登录 它可以实现数据库的异地访问,也可以实现异地办公。比如我在中国的一家公司上班,临时出差到美国,通过INTERNET远程登录机制,我在美国同样可以登录到自己在中国的办公室里一样。通过这种机制,也同样可以进行计算机的远程诊断与维护,因为它允许你登录到那台出了些问题的机器上,自由发挥你的才干。信息的浏览与检索 这是INTERNET最为热门的话题,目前已有多种良好的浏览器与检索信息的工具,有菜单式,也有自由跳跃超文本式,通过它们,才能真正生动的了解这个异彩纷呈的世界。通过检索工具,可以找到所希望找到的一切,你才能感觉到INTERNET之伟力!1983年,INTERNET仅连接了562台计算机,10年后,INTERNET连接的计算机超过120000 0台。从1986年到1991年,并入INTERNET的计算机子网从100个增加到3500多个,这些子网分别负责自己的运作与管理。现在,它已经遍及世界180多个国家和地区,使这些地区实现网工资源共享。因此,INTERNET事实上已成为一个真正的国际网,它是集世界各国文明历史与科技知识信息于一身的世界性信息高速公路。



为啥子英语老师把It is common to see that a couch potato sit in front of TV改为



coun/ter 2clou/dy 2jail/house 2couch 1route 1

establish ; establishment ;equip 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法


equipment 要双写p? equipped



有 arrance 这个字吗 ?

我的主板ASLXSH61V(英特尔H61(CougarPoint))能不能装e3 1245v2这款


equip 和equipment的区别

equip 装备 动词 equipment 装备,名词

英特尔X79 INTEL H61(cougarpoint)最高能配什么显卡?


as arranged可以说as arrangement 吗

不一样的意思的。as arranged按安排I kicked, as arranged, my father under the table, but oh!我按照计划,在桌子底下踢了踢父亲的腿,但是哦!as arrangement如安排It could be seen as an arrangement to have flowers ready when pollen arrives.可以把它看成花粉到来时花早已作好准备的一种配合。

戴尔042P49 (Intel H61 (Cougar Point))能装多大内存条


Monique Fuentes Spicy Latina Cougar 有谁知道女主角叫什么啊?

Monique Fuentes

联想昭阳4E7笔记本XP开启硬盘ACHI模式,南桥Intel Cougar Point HM65,应该选择下面那一项IDE驱动

选 PCIVEN_8086&DEV_1C02&CC_0106.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller"


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 请问arrance和arrangement有什么区别!谢谢 解析: 你是不是想说arrange 和arrangement的区别呀? arrangement 是arrange 的名词形式,细分如下: arrangevt. 排列, 分类, 整理 商定, 约定 准备, 安排, 筹备 调解(纠纷), 处理 改编, 改写 arrange a quarrel[dispute, difference] 调解争执[纠纷, 争论] arrange a novel for the stage 把小说改编成剧本 I arranged books on the shelves. 我把书架上的书整理好。 I have arranged to meet her at ten o"clock. 我约定在十点钟会见她。 A marriage has been arranged beeen Mr Brown and Miss White. 布朗先生与怀特小姐的婚礼已筹备妥当。 arrange vi. 商定, 协商 准备, 安排 I"ve arranged for a car to pick them up at the station. 我已安排了一辆汽车去车站接他们。 arrangeable adj. arranger n. arrange for 安排, 准备 arrange with *** . about sth. 与某人商定某事 arrangement n. 整顿, 布置, 排列 [常用复]安排, 准备 装置 商定 调节 改编 安装, 装配 电路 e to an arrangement 谈妥; 达成协议 make arrangement for 为...做好准备; 为...做好安排 make arrangement with 与(某人)商定或约好, (和某人)达成协议; 做好准备; 做出安排 make arrangement with *** .) 与(某人)商定或约好, (和某人)达成协议; 做好准备; 做出安排


arrange range

求 英特尔 cougar point PCH-High Definition 声卡驱动!!英特尔 Cougar Point PCH - High Definition 音


英语选词填空题.选择的词语:1.mention 2.have...over 3.particular 4.thank y?

1.had over 2.arranged 3.looking forward to 4.occasions 5.specify 6.on time 7.particular 8.thank you more 9.mention 10.invitation,3,1.had over 2.arranged 3.looking forward to 4.occasions 5.specify 6.on time 7.particular 8.express 9.mention 10.invitation,2,1. 2 2.arranged 3.looking forward to 4.occasions 5.6 6.8 7.1 8.4 9.1 10.9 P.S. 第5题跟第7题的答案用的很勉强…,0,英语选词填空题. 选择的词语:1.mention 2.have...over 3.particular 4.thank you more 5.look forward to 6.specify 7.arrange 8.on time 9.invitation 10.occasion. 句子:1.We____Sue and Steve ____for dinner last night. 2.We have ____the meeting for Saturday afternoon. 3.We are____seeing you again. 4.I have met Mr.White on several ____. 5.He is ____ about what he eats. 6.Do the trains ever run ____here? 7.Please____when you will be away. 8.I can"t ____ for your help. 9.It was very kind of you to invite us." Don"t____ it,It"s nice to receive you here. 10.Thank you for the ____.We"d be very happy to e.

英特尔 Cougar Point PCH - High Definition 音频设备 控制器


英特尔 Cougar Point PCH - High Definition 音频设备 控制器 [B3]z 这个声卡好吗 ? 求详细解释


CPU 英特尔 Pentium G645 (双核) 主板 LENOVO MAHOBAY (英特尔 H61 (Cougar Pointpoint) 可以配什么显卡?

根据你的配置和电源,建议选择一款中等偏下到中等的显卡。推荐你这一款 七彩虹640 雷暴鲨 D3 1024M ,七彩虹640雷暴鲨D3 1024M显卡基于28nm的先进工艺制程,显卡采用的是和GeForce GTX 650一样的GK107显示核心,显卡提供了对DX11.1特效的全面支持,同时显卡能够支持各种高清影视的流畅硬解码。七彩虹640雷暴鲨显卡的表现明显好于40nm工艺显卡,显卡采用的是1GB/64bit显存规格配置,显卡能够流畅运行如《暗黑破坏神3》之类的流行游戏。



这是sata几?PCI 设备 Intel Cougar Point-M PCH - SATA AHCI 6-Port Controller [B-3]

根据Intel的spec,Cougar Point只支持2个SATA3。所以你这个SATA AHCI 6-Port Controller是支持SATA3的,但是只支持PORT0和PORT1是SATA3,其他都是SATA2
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