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英语翻译歌词《 High School Confidential》 中英对照。谢谢~

High School Confidential - Carole Pope 高中机密——卡罗尔教皇 He"s a cool blond scheming trick 他是一个凉爽的金发碧眼的诡计多端的诡计 You want him so much 你想要他那么多 You feel sick 你感到不舒服 The boy can"t help it 那个男孩没办法 He really can"t help it now 他真的忍不住了 Teenage brandos stalk him in the halls 他在青少年brandos茎大厅 They tease him with cat calls 他们取笑他的猫的电话 He"s a combination 他是一个组合 Tom Cruise Zack O"Tool 汤姆·克鲁斯扎克"Tool啊! High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 What"s that man doin with him 那是什么人跟他来往 It"s that guy 这是那个家伙 And he"s screwin with him 他的screwin与他同在 Can he feel the sex and sweat 他能感觉到性与汗水 He makes you cream your jeans 他让你把牛仔裤 So you won"t forget 这样你就不会忘记 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 He drives a loaded jeep 他开一辆满载的吉普车 With seats in the back 后面的座位 If you don"t do him soon 如果你不帮他很快 You"ll have a heart attack 你将会有一个心脏病发作 When he flashes you a look 当他思绪闪你看一看 You wanna burn his books 你想烧他的书 Give up high school 放弃高中 Well well well well 嗯嗯 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 Well well well well 嗯嗯 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密

private and confidential是什么意思


syntax error什么意思啊?求大神帮忙!!!


这句话啥意思: Keep it confidential for ***** applications.

使它保持机密的***** 申请

关于company confidential 的翻译

这个文件和所有包含的信息是财产1和/或其子公司( “ ” ) 。设计概念和包含的信息是properietary一个,并在提交的信心。他们是不可转让,必须使用,不仅是为了那些文件是明确贷款。他们绝不能透露, preproduced ,出借或使用的任何其他方式没有明确书面同意答:在任何情形下,他们采用以任何方式损害的利益,普及服务基金。所有的一,本文件,连同全部拷贝及提取物,以及所有相关注释和分析,必须返回到一个或毁坏的指示, A.接受交付本文件构成协议,这些条款和条件。

outlook confidential 怎么设置


keep confidential是什么意思

keep confidential 英[ki:p u02ccku0254nfiu02c8denu0283u0259l] 美[kip u02cckɑnfu026au02c8du025bnu0283u0259l] [词典] 保守秘密; [例句]We agree to keep confidential all your technical information and know-how.我们同意对你方的所有技术信息和技术诀窍保密。

提示Syntax error怎样解决?

看到下面这句话: fscanf(fp,"%d %s %s %s ",&p->num,p->name,p->sex,p->tel); p->num,p->name,p->sex,p->tel); 后面那部分p->num,p->name,p->sex,p->tel);就应该知道这是多余出来的吧。


你的打印机是爱普生的吗? 那就是打印驱动问题. 在打印机属性里可以去掉.

highly confidential是什么意思

"高度机密" 的意思 希望能帮助你~~~

strictly private amp;confidential是什么意思

strictly private amp;confidential 严格保密的confidential 英[u02ccku0252nfu026au02c8denu0283l] 美[u02cckɑ:nfu026au02c8denu0283l] adj. 机密的; 秘密的; 表示信任的; 亲密的; [例句]She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life她指责他们泄露其私生活的秘密。

syntax error什么意思?

本教程操作环境:windows7系统、Dell G3电脑。 编程是通过代码开发软件的过程,一些初学者在学习过程中遇到不少错误,其中syntax error错误出现在最为平常,那么syntax error错误是什么意思?下面本篇文章给大家介绍一下。 syntax error什么意思? syntax error是“语法错误”的意思。 在计算机科学中,语法错误是指程序的语法有误,编译器或解译器在词法分析时无法将其转换为适当的编程语言。 拓展 在编译语言中,语法错误一定只在编译期时出现,编译器要所有的语法都正确,才能正确编译。不过解释型语言中的语法错误可能要到运行期才会出现,而且不一定容易区分语法错误及语义错误。 早期8位家用电脑的用户界面是BASIC解释器,SYNTAX ERROR错误消息常造成用户的困扰,只要解释器无法识别用户的输入,就会出现此一消息。 若计算器中输出不正确的算式,也会出现语法错误,例如算式中有左括号但没有右括号、或是一个数字中有多个小数点等。 在Java语言中,以下的程序是正确的: System.out.println(“Hello World”);以下的程序不正确: System.out.println(Hello World);第二个程序理论上要显示的是叫作Hello World的变量,而不是Hello World这个字,且Java语言的变量名称中不可有空白,因此会出现语法错误。 编译器会标示程序中有语法错误的行,可能也会有简单的说明。

计算机syntax error什么意思


Confidential 歌词

歌曲名:Confidential歌手:The Radiators专辑:Zig-Zaggin" Through Ghostland作词:町田纪彦作曲:町田纪彦编曲:ha-j朝 起きて 窓の外を见たそこには 澄んだ空気と 太阳の光りで辉く雪の世界があるそう 思うと 心が踊る水たまりにできた 氷の中自分の姿を 映す 自信は无いけどきっと 未来の私が见えるはずそして 明日を 信じて歌ってみたり 涙 流してみたり永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる冬をむかえた 木を见ていると 寂しく思う明りを消して 雪の降る 音を闻いて风に揺れるブランコも外灯の光りも 私の心の様でもっと あなたの事を 知りたいよ何を思い考えて 何を感じているの永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8239829

private 和confidential 区别

第一个是精密 单独空间的意思 另一个是机密

Confidential 歌词

歌曲名:Confidential歌手:Peter White专辑:Confidential作词:町田纪彦作曲:町田纪彦编曲:ha-j朝 起きて 窓の外を见たそこには 澄んだ空気と 太阳の光りで辉く雪の世界があるそう 思うと 心が踊る水たまりにできた 氷の中自分の姿を 映す 自信は无いけどきっと 未来の私が见えるはずそして 明日を 信じて歌ってみたり 涙 流してみたり永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる冬をむかえた 木を见ていると 寂しく思う明りを消して 雪の降る 音を闻いて风に揺れるブランコも外灯の光りも 私の心の様でもっと あなたの事を 知りたいよ何を思い考えて 何を感じているの永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8973314

C语言调试中syntax error 是什么意思


syntax error是什么意思

//你错的地方很多,具体改了哪里我也不知道了,//首先你的头文件iostream.h是c语言里的吗?//然后你true为什么老是写成true,false也是一样的问题,还有就是bool老是写成booleam//还有一个很重要的问题就是你有一个地方的分号写成了中文的//cout<<"输入书(b)或杂志(j):";//cin>>ch;//是这个地方,你看到同有,这个问题是比较难发现的。//还下面有一个地方count你写成了coount,我找到的就这些错误吧,其他的没了//还有,把enum改成class,这个我不知道是什么原因啊,对c++里的类不是很懂,你自己看吧#include#includeusingnamespacestd;//#include//#includeclassbase//抽象类{protected:chartitle[80];public:voidgettitle(){cout>title;}voidprinttitle(){cout<<"书名:"<>numsold;}boolisgood(){return(numsold>500)?true:false;}};classjournal:publicbase{intnumsold;public:voidgetsold(){cout>numsold;}boolisgood(){return(numsold>2500)?true:false;}};voidmain(){base*p[50];//定义基类的指针数据book*pbook;journal*pjour;charch;intcount=0;do//循环输入图书或者杂志的销售量{cout<<"输入书(b)或杂志(j):";cin>>ch;if(ch=="b"){pbook=newbook;pbook->gettitle();pbook->getsold();p[count++]=pbook;}elseif(ch=="j"){pjour=newjournal;pjour->gettitle();pjour->getsold();p[count++]=pjour;}elsecout<<"输入错误"<>ch;}while(ch=="y");cout<<" 输入结果:"<isgood()==true){cout<<"";p[i]->printtitle();cout<<"销售良好"<评论00加载更多


adj.秘密的; 机密的; 表示信任的; 亲密的;



confidential information是什么意思

confidential information英[u02ccku0254nfiu02c8denu0283u0259l u02ccu026anfu0259u02c8meiu0283u0259n]美[u02cckɑnfu026au02c8du025bnu0283u0259l u02ccu026anfu025au02c8meu0283u0259n]释义保密情报,机密消息网络机密情报; 机密资料; 秘密情报双语例句1Prone to communicate confidential information.倾向于传递机密消息。







爱普生 打印机打每一份都会出现confidential是怎么回事



是 public 

爱普生 打印机打每一份都会出现confidential是怎么回事


outlook邮件设置confidential 附件能保存吗



confidential 多形容文件,特别是国家,私人企业机关的文件,信息secret 常出现在口语里,形容个人事情的秘密性。

private and confidential是什么意思

private and confidential 机密






confidential[英][u02ccku0252nfu026au02c8denu0283l][美][u02cckɑ:nfu026au02c8denu0283l]adj.秘密的; 机密的; 表示信任的; 亲密的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Many disclaimers--particularly of the "this is confidential. 许多免责声明,尤其是诸如“这是机密。


adj. 机密的;表示信任的;获信任的

Old School (Interlude) 歌词

歌曲名:Old School (Interlude)歌手:Moabeat专辑:Dringlichkeit Besteht ImmerLyfe Jennings - Old School (Feat. Snoop Dogg)I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI work the grave yard shift cause I"m dead on my feet ya"llreally want to quit but the kids got to eat ya"llSee money can"t buy you powerbut it can pay the water bill on time so them kids can take a showerAnd I swear to GOD, if they keep on raising these gas pricesI"mma sell this Chevy and go buy me a bikeI"m a King, but my crown in a lay-wayAnd I"m just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansCredit card company called said my bill is overdueTold them I couldn"t afford to pay them and rent tooThey told me they were gonna sue meI said if you didn"t want me to use it then you shouldn"t have gave it to me.And what"s up with these people blowing up buildingsAnd nothing really gangsta about blowing up childrenWould cry, but my eyes in a lay way and I just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansForeign places, court casesSeems they always on my lineI don"t trip, I just dipPop the top on my 69Fleetwood, Cadillacmirror with my Boys on backChandelier so superiorLouis Vitton, oatmeal interiorBossy Boss, mink seats, what it costSpeak yo peace, can"t you see ain"t no big dealhave a seat lil homie and enjoy your mealClose the door and don"t drop crumbs on my flo"Here we go, soul food, so cool, and i got this.....I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansLyfe, Big Snoop, Soul Food, oh I got this greenery causewe need some vegetables too, gotta have you vegetablesthat"s what it is old school, soul foodold school, soul foodKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/2784797

to her disappointed这句话有错吗?

很高兴为你解答:to her disappointed这句话有错吗?错her后面用名词改为:to her disappointment使她失望的是


disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的;受挫折的; disappointing adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的; disappointedly adv. 失望地; disappointment n. 失望;沮丧 扩展资料   I for one was sorely disappointed.   拿我来说,我非常失望。   I"m disappointed, to be honest.   我很失望,说实在的。   The conclusion of the book was disappointing.   这部书的结尾令人失望。   In summary , this was a disappointing performance.   总的来说,这场演出令人失望。   "So neither one of you found the answer," Martin said disappointedly.   “那么你们谁都没有得到答案,”马丁很失望地说。   She wept bitter tears of disappointment.   她失望得痛哭流涕。   Her expression showed her disappointment.   从她的表情可以看出她很失望。


(1) disappointed;disappointing (2) disappointed (3 ) disappointment

no expectation,no disappointment什么意思

no expectation,no disappointment没有期望,就没有失望双语对照例句:1.But unlike you, she has no expectation that her degree will lead to gainful employment. 不过她不像你,她并没有期待自己的学历能换来有利可图的就业前景。2.His aspirational rhetoric no doubt worsened the disappointment. 毫无疑问,他那些鼓舞人心的言辞加深了人们的失望情绪。


disappointed在英语中的发音为/du026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026ad/。它是由dis(表示否定)和appoint(任命、指派)两个词组成的复合词。disappointed的基本意思是失望、沮丧、扫兴的。这个词通常用来描述某人因为期望没有达到而感到失望或沮丧的情感状态。下面是一些例句:I"m disappointed that you didn"t come to my party.(我很失望你没有来参加我的派对。)She was disappointed with her test results.(她对她的考试成绩感到失望。)He was disappointed in his performance.(他对自己的表现感到失望。)We were all disappointed by the news.(我们都因这个消息感到失望。)除了基本的词义之外,disappointed还可以用作动词、名词和形容词。例如:disappoint(动词):使失望,辜负。例如:The results of the test disappointed her.(考试的结果让她失望了。)disappointment(名词):失望,扫兴。例如:He felt a great sense of disappointment when he didn"t get the promotion.(当他没有得到晋升时,他感到非常失望。)disappointing(形容词):令人失望的,令人扫兴的。例如:The movie was disappointing.(这个电影令人失望。)


dismayKK: []DJ: []n.1. 惊慌,沮丧,气馁[U]To his dismay, James saw a tear steal down her cheek.令詹姆士惊愕的是,他看到一颗泪珠从她面颊上悄悄滚落。vt.1. 使惊慌,使沮丧,使气馁[H][(+at/by)]The teacher was dismayed at the students" lack of response.老师对学生的毫无反应感到沮丧。disappointKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 使失望He was disappointed that other guests were not coming.其他客人没有来,他感到失望。I"m afraid you"re very disappointed with me.恐怕你对我是非常失望的。2. 使(希望等)破灭,挫败This disappointed his plans.这件事打乱了他的计划。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供

失望的英语 disappoint释义

1、失望的英语:disappoint(动词)、disappointment(名词)。 2、disappoint用作及物动词时,意思是“使…失望”,指原来的希望落空了。后面直接跟名词或代词作宾语,不用介词to。 3、disappoint的过去分词disappointed常用作形容词,在句中作表语,后面可接in,with加名词或at加名词或动名词也可接动词不定式或that从句。 4、接介词in或with是指对某人或某事不合理想而感到失望,接at是指因不满某一事实、某一行动而感到失望。 5、disappoint偶尔也可用作不及物动词,意思是“令人失望”。

let me down disappointment 有什么区别

let me down让我失望 disappointment英 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] n. 失望,扫兴;令人失望的行为(人)

at the department store还是in the department store



2. How disappointing!,3. I"m disappointed. I missed the concert.,4. I was disappointed in the new house.,5. It wasn"t as good as I"d expected.,6. What a pity!,7. Just our luck.,8. What a shame!,9. I must say I had hoped to meet your manager.,return may es as a great appointment.,Dialogue 1,W: Oh, no! M: How dreadful! W: Look at the view from the window. M: Oh, dear. That"s terrible. Not at all what I expected. W: It"s awful, isn"t it? M: I can"t bear to look at it. I"m rather disappointed. W: It can"t be helped.,Dialogue 2,M: You are studying here, aren"t you? W: Yes. I have been here for three years. M: Do you like this campus? W: Well. I"m rather disappointed with it. M: How e? W: It"s too old. And it isn"t as specious as I expected. M: "s awful, but it can"t be helped. W: I"ll just have to put up with it.,Dialogue 3,W: What happen, John? M: Nothing. W: Why do you look unhappy? M: I"m rather disappointed at not being able to see my best friend off. W: Oh, cheer up. He"ll understand you. M: I hope so.,Dialogue 4,W: What he said disappointed me. M: What did he say? W: He advised me to change to a more suitable course. M: Why? W: He said that career in law was unsuitable for a women. M: It is stupid to say so.,Dialogue 5,W: Did you like the party? M: Not particularly. I was rather disappointed. W: Why? What had you expected? M: I"d expected it to be much more exciting.,Dialogue 6,W: David, why didn"t you clean the room? M: I"m not in the mood. W: Why are you feeling depressed? M: I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me. That"s a real let-down. W: I don"t think she will do such a thing. M: But she did and made me disappointed. W: Oh, cheer up. A girlfriend is not everything. M: But she means a lot to me. W: Then five her mistake. M: Oh. I just can"t fet it.,I arrive safely after a good journey. And town looks quite interesting. The people Lime Sting with seem very nice. But I must say I"m disappointed at my room. It"s terribly *** all and not well furnished. And the bed is narrow, hard and lumpy. And the room is dark, as there is only one *** all window and no view. There is no ware for me to study. Just a chair, but no table. I was pretty depressed when I sighted. It"s only for four weeks so. So I suppose I"ll just have to put up with it.,课后题目: 学完后,你知道“只是运气好。”这句话怎么说? Just good luck.

sho is a sales in a department store .

saleswoman 售货员(女)

There is a department store on the second floor句子成分划分

倒装句,应为A department store is(there)on the second floor.a department store 主语is谓语(there)on the second floor表语


today l went to the department store 全部释义和例句>>今天我去百货公司today l went to the department store 全部释义和例句>>今天我去百货公司

disappointment 可数吗

disappointment [disə"pɔintmənt] n.失望;沮丧 不可数名词




disappoint 为动词,意思是让……失望、令……失望disappointed 为形容词,失望的,沮丧的,失意的disappointment为名词,失望

we went to the swimming pool

小题1:the 小题2:I 小题3:that 小题4:at 小题5:and

In a Department Store

1——Yes, madam. Can I help you?   2——Yes, please. Yesterday my daughter bought this skirt from this shop. I"d like to change it. Here, I"ve got the receipt.   1——What"s the problem?   2——I"m afraid it doesn"t fit. It"s a size 12 and it"s too small.   1——Mm. Then perhaps you ought to try a size 14.   注解:   1)receipt:收据,发货票。   2)ought:应该,应当。情态动词,其后接带to的不定式动词。   译文   1——您有什么事吗,夫人?   2——是的。昨天我女儿在这家商店买了这条裙子,我想换一条。这是发票。   1——有什么问题吗?   2——恐怕有点不合适。裙子是12号的,太小了。   1——啊,那么也许你该试一下14号的。

百货商店的英文所写是什么? 英文是department store,那么缩写形式呢?DS?







disappointed是指人对什么事情感到失望 disappointing是什么事情令人失望,令人失望的 disappoint是个动词,使失望 disappointment是名词,失望 He is a disappointment. His answer is disappointing. I was disappointed by his answer.




你好,该词是由于对disappoint的名词形式不熟悉或拼写错误产生的;不存在此单词及对应的用法,正确的拼写方法应为disappointment。disappointment词义为“失望, 失意, 扫兴, 沮丧; 挫折;使人失望的人或事”。



英语作文going to the department store

不管不管 米粒粒

英语中shopping mall和 department store对应中国的什么样的商店?



department和departure的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、department:部门。2、departure:离开。二、语法不同1、department:department是可数名词,有复数形式。指政府、学校、商业或医院里负责某一方面工作的“部门”“系”。作大学里的“系”解,在美国比在英国普通。2、departure:depart作为不及物动词,基本意思是“离开,动身,出发”,指离开或偏离原来的位置,多指火车、汽车、轮船和飞机等,按行车〔船〕时刻表中所规定的时间“离开”,也可指离开某人或离开某种境况。三、侧重点不同1、department:department作商店解时,是美国英语,通常写为department store。2、departure:指“离开某个地方”“从某地出发”,是正式用语; 而part则指“与某人离别”“分手”,是一般用语。

disappointment 有几个音节

disappointment英 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] n.失望,扫兴; 令人失望的行为(人)




你是不是打错了disappointment英 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] n.失望,扫兴; 令人失望的行为(人)网络失望; 失意; 扫兴复数: disappointments 形近词: reappointmentdisappointmentsn.失望( disappointment的名词复数 ); 使人失望的人(或事物); 令人扫兴的人(或事物); 令某人失望的是





a department store是啥意思?


shopping mall和department store的区别是什么?

mall指的是步行街商场,是一个概念;department store是指百货商店department store [countable]a large shop that is divided into separate departments, each selling a different type of good一个大的商店,分成不同的区域卖不同的东西mall [countable] especially American Englisha large area where there are a lot of shops, usually a covered area where cars are not allowed [= shopping centre]一片儿由多个商店组成的区域mall1 An urban shopping area limited to pedestrians.步行街:只限于步行者通行的城市购物区2 A shopping center with stores and businesses facing a system of enclosed walkways for pedestrians.大型步行区购物中心:通对一个封闭的只对步行者开放的人行道的购物中心,有各种商店和商行department storeA large retail store offering a variety of merchandise and services and organized in separate departments.百货商店:一种大型零售商店,它提供各式各样的商品和服务,并分成各个独立的部门

department store怎么读

英文原文:department store英式音标:[du026au02c8pɑu02d0tm(u0259)nt] [stu0254u02d0] 美式音标:[du026au02c8pɑrtmu0259nt] [stu0254r]

Department store需要大写吗



disappointment的意思是失望。(1) [disappointed]∶丧失信心;希望没能实现他们威胁他,搜索他,结果却连一个铜元也没有,失望之余就抢走了他的怀表和钢笔。——《同志的信任》(2) [let down]∶希望未实现而不愉快这个企业曾使我们当中对它抱有很大希望的那些人感到失望如果你到我的故乡蓬莱去看海市蜃楼,时令不巧,看不见也不必失望。——《海市》所谓失望,是指对于当下的状况表示不满,失去希望的意思。失望是一个比较会让人沮丧的情绪,当父母对我们说“我对你很失望”的时候,我们的内心是崩溃的,当我们对自己失望的时候,我们会产生很深的不配得和否定自己的感觉。当我们对周围失望的时候,我们的眼神会失去光芒,我们的心情会跌落谷底,我们很难对失望的对象再提起兴趣。

department store这个单词怎么读?


百货公司、专柜英文怎么说? department store/counter中文意思!

百货公司、专柜英文 怎么说?百货公司的英文叫做department store,就是那种有一堆品牌集合在一起的某间百货大楼,而专柜的英文则叫做counter,比方说MAC 专柜,你就可以说MAC counter。 下面整理了「百货公司、专柜」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.department store 百货公司 department store的意思是指「a large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells different things」。意思就是某个大型购物中心,里面被切割成各种区域,由不同品牌进驻,卖不同产品的百货大楼。 下面列出例department store 英文例句与中文意思。 例: A department store sells many different things. 百货公司出售许多不同的东西。 例: Jenny bought the sofa at the department store. 珍妮在百货商店买了沙发。 2.counter 专柜 counter意思有很多,可以指计数器,也可以指「柜台」。英文里的counter是指「a long, flat, narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. at which people are served」,就是某个很长的类似服务的柜台,常见于商店、银行或餐厅。 下面列出counter相关英文例句与中文意思: 例: Jenny works as a salesgirl at a makeup counter. 珍妮是化妆品专柜的专柜小姐。 counter, counter 中文, counter 意思, counter 翻译, Department store, department store 中文, department store 意思, department store 翻译, 专柜 英文, 百货公司 英文, 百货商店 英文, 百货专柜 英文


disappointment英 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]n.失望,扫兴; 令人失望的行为(人)失望;沮丧;挫折;失恋者复数: disappointments 双语例句1. If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary. 即便有点儿失望,也肯定是暂时的。2. The city proved to be something of a disappointment. 结果这座城市有点儿令人失望。3. For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment. 对许多人来说,他们期盼已久的还乡之行却令他们大失所望。4. Andy"s face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well. 安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤。5. The resolution had been received with great disappointment within the PLO. 巴解组织内部对决议表现出极大失望。


disappointment 英[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 复数:disappointments n. 1.失望, 沮丧 2.使人失望的人(或事物);令人扫兴的人(或事物) 3.令某人失望的是 名词 n.1.失望, 沮丧 She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.她经历了失望的巨大痛苦。2.使人失望的人(或事物);令人扫兴的人(或事物) These children are prepared for the disappointments as well as the joys of life.这些孩子不仅准备享受生活的乐趣, 而且也准备经受生活中的失意。3.令某人失望的是 I went to his talk with great interest, but to my disappointment, nothing very new came forth.我抱着极大的兴趣去听他的讲话,但令我失望的是讲话中没有什么新东西。


关注department store百货公司;百货商店department :音标 [du026a"pɑrtmu0259nt](底帕特门特)store:音标[stu0254r](斯道尔


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