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康迪纳 瑞士的,国内好像没有专卖店的,一般都在国外销售。



continental breakfast什么意思

continental breakfast英[u02ccku0254ntu0259u02c8nentl u02c8brekfu0259st]美[u02cckɑntu0259u02c8nu025bntl: u02c8bru025bkfu0259st]n. 欧式早餐名词复数:continental breakfasts[例句]The price includes bed and continental breakfast.这价钱包括床铺和大陆式早餐。



out of control operation plan什么意思?

Out of Control Action Plan英语翻译是:失 控行动计划。ocap是这段英文的缩写。英语学习的方法。  1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。  因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。  2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。  因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。  推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。  3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。  真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。  4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。  英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。  5 要着意“卖弄”。  新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。






continental[英][u02ccku0252ntu026a"nentl] [美][u02cckɑntu0259u02c8nu025bntl:] 生词本简明释义adj.大陆的,大陆性的,欧洲大陆的;〈美〉(独立战争时)美洲殖民地的n.欧洲大陆人;〈美〉(独立战争中的)美国兵[纸币];〈美俚〉(起源于英国的)欧洲大陆发式


CONTINENTAL是马牌 轮胎 ,是一个德国品牌,创立于1871年,一开始是以生产橡胶制品、实心马车和自行车轮胎起家。经过百年来的历史,马牌轮胎已经是全球领先的制动系统、底盘零配件、车辆电子元件、轮胎和高科技橡胶供应商,在品牌影响力方面是不 CONTINENTAL是什么轮胎 CONTINENTAL是德国马牌轮胎,是一个国际品牌,开创于1871年,一开始是以生产制造橡塑制品、实芯牛车和单车轮胎发家。历经近百年来的历史时间,德国马牌轮胎早已是世界技术领先的刹车系统、汽车底盘零配件、车子电子元器件、轮胎和新科技硫化橡胶经销商,在品牌影响力层面是不可小觑的。而公司旗下的轮胎商品,能够算是欧洲地区轮胎销售市场的先进公司,欧洲地区每在出厂三辆车就会有一辆安装了德国马牌轮胎,市场占有率是极其之高的。静音模式舒服是德国马牌的一大特性,而这致使了其具备不耐磨损、抓耕地一般的缺陷,促使一部分买车人觉得德国马牌非常容易爆胎的是由于其瓷胎软,事实上,造成 德国马牌轮胎产生爆胎的缘故有多种多样,这不可以只归入德国马牌轮胎的产品质量问题,德国马牌轮胎的品质一直以来都广受五星好评,且其一直适用中国各地工商管理局检测轮胎产品质量,在品质层面,德国马牌轮胎是毫无疑问通关的,买车人们可安心使用。轮胎胎压过高 当轮胎的标准气压高过轮胎气压标准的时候会加快轮胎的损坏速率,进而扩大了爆胎的概率。由于胎压过高,胎体帘线支撑力会扩大,促使帘线的疲惫全过程加快,特别是在过多打气又超重车辆超速的情形下,也是提升了帘线的热应力,促使胎温迅速升高,加快硫化橡胶脆化速率,进而引起爆胎。 轮胎胎压过低  轮胎标准气压过低造成 爆胎的状况较为非常容易发生在夏天,由于轮胎标准气压过低,提升了胎面与地板磨擦,促使翻转摩擦阻力升高,导致胎体温度大幅度上升,胎面硫化橡胶变松,脆化速率加快,造成胎体部分脱层和胎面损坏加重,在这样的情形下,就很有可能产生爆胎。 轮胎欠缺必需维护保养 当不对轮胎开展互换和养护时,轮胎便会产生损坏不均匀的状况,非常容易产生欠缺处,造成 爆胎。除此之外,如果不及早消除夹在轮胎纹路内的碎石子,也会加快轮胎的损坏速率,造成 爆胎。当在行车中途产生轮胎忽然破裂的状况,不必慌乱,只需两手握紧汽车 方向盘 ,仍可操纵车辆。在留意后边车子的与此同时,迟缓制动系统并驶出主干路。爆胎后切忌紧急停车,以防因制驱动力不均匀而使车子漂移或车翻。 图解普利司通生产日期 在日常日常生活,我们可以见到轮胎上拥有各式各样的数据和英文字母或符号,一部分是代表轮胎的截面总宽、轮胎的规格、轮胎的平扁率。那麼想要知道这款轮胎的生产日期该如何判断呢? 下边以普利司通轮胎轮胎为例子,普利司通轮胎它的生产日期在哪里看呢。轮胎的生产日期一般是由数据和数字构成的代码表明。大家认真观察轮胎的侧边就可以发觉,轮胎上边有一组由前边是英文字母后边是数据构成的代码,这就是轮胎的生产日期。在2000年前制造的轮胎最终是三位数据的,最终一位数据代表着年代,前2个数据代表着该年代的周数。在2000年后制造的轮胎,最终是四位数据的,最后前两为代表着年代,最后三四为代表周数。例如ANCxxxxxx207,这一代码表明该轮胎是在1997年第20周生产制造的,如果是ANCxxxxxx3019这一代码便是表明该轮胎是在2019年第30周生产制造的。轮胎上不仅有生产日期代码,也有有关轮胎规格的标志。例如225/60r16。225代表轮胎的截面总宽为225mm,便是轮胎的较大总宽。60代表轮胎的平扁率是60%,指轮胎高宽比与总宽的比率。R代表的是子午线轮胎,别名“不锈钢丝胎”。16代表的是轮圈的直径,便是表明该轮胎适用16英寸轮圈。 CONTINENTAL是什么轮胎 图解普利司通生产日期 @2019










continental[英][u02ccku0252ntu026au02c8nentl][美][u02cckɑ:ntu026au02c8nentl]adj.大陆的,大陆性的,欧洲大陆的; 〈美〉(独立战争时)美洲殖民地的; n.欧洲大陆人; 〈美〉(独立战争中的)美国兵[纸币]; 〈美俚〉(起源于英国的)欧洲大陆发式; 复数:continentals易混淆单词:Continental例句:1.The government published a territorial baseline for the archipelago and filed a continental shelf claim which included the islands. 中国政府发布了这个群岛的领海基线,并提交了包括争议岛屿在内的大陆架划界申请。






楼上回答正确,而且纠正了语法添加了to,正常应该就是It was a challenge to set up a tent.


continent的形容词形式:continental。例句:1、He sees no signs of improvement in the U.K. and continental economy.他看不出英国和欧洲大陆的经济好转的迹象。2、The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.该大陆地壳最古老的那些部分有40亿年了。3、Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.下降了的`海平面使白令海底的浅大陆架露了出来。4、The World Cup is called that because teams from every continent have played in it.世界杯之所以叫世界杯,是因为参加比赛的球队来自各个大陆。5、If a man is gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island, cut off from other lands, but a continent, that joins to them.如果一个人对外邦人也能温和有礼,那么他就可以被称作一个“世界的公民”——他的心与五洲四海是相通的。


constancy是国产品牌康耐斯轮胎,是山东跃龙橡胶集团生产的。企业曾连续多年获得“纳税先进企业”、“明星企业”、“消费者满意单位”、 “AAA级信用企业”等荣誉称号。2008年被山东省工商局评为“山东省著名商标”、“省级守合同重信用企业”,被省行业协会评为“综合实力50强企业”。扩展资料:潍坊市跃龙橡胶有限公司创建于1986年8月,位于“世界风筝都”的潍坊市。公司资金技术力量雄厚,生产设施配套齐全、工艺先进、检测手段完善,拥有年生产能力斜交胎60万套、全钢子午线轮胎120万套国际国内最先进的生产线各一条,是一个集轮胎生产和国际贸易于一体的现代化企业。公司生产的七大系列80多个规格品种的跃龙系列轮胎,畅销全国,并与北汽福田、潍坊拖拉机厂、时风集团等多家车辆厂及拖拉机厂家配套。公司享有自营进出口权,产品已销往中东、东南亚多个国家和地区,在国内外享有很高的声誉。参考资料来源:百度百科-潍坊市跃龙橡胶有限公司


continent 英[u02c8ku0252ntu026anu0259nt] 美[u02c8kɑu02d0ntu026anu0259nt] n. 大陆; 陆地; 洲; 欧洲大陆(不包括英国和爱尔兰); continent形容词形式continental 英[u02ccku0252ntu026au02c8nentl] 美[u02cckɑu02d0ntu026au02c8nentl] adj. 欧洲大陆的(不包括英国和爱尔兰); 随(西、南欧国家)大陆风俗的; 北美大陆的; n. (欧洲)大陆人; [例句]On a continental scale, china"s deal-making pace far exceeds the u.s."s, according to mthuli ncube, chief economist at the African Development Bank group.根据非洲发展银行集团首席经济学家mthuli ncube的介绍,从整个非洲大陆的角度看,中国在这里的经济渗透步伐已经远远超过了美国。[其他] 复数:continentals




开创时间1871年企业国别德国企业规模世界五百强关键销售市场全球购置汽车企业宝马五系、玛莎拉蒂、新款奔驰、奥迪车特性低噪声、制动系统性能强、操纵灵巧、可靠性高、不耐磨损、性价比高不高 CONTINENTAL德国马牌 轮胎 以全天的安全系数和稳定性而出名,具备低噪声,自清洁性好和很高的一瞬间负载能力,灵巧的操纵回复和转弯可靠性,湿区路面非凡的刹车踏板性能,高些的排水管道维护能力,全世界唯一批准的以车速360千米安全驾驶的道路轮胎,被加载吉尼斯纪录。具备SSR防爆型轮胎,即便 是在轮胎彻底过压时,车子仍能够以80KM/钟头,再次行车答80KM,这也是其优势;可是不耐磨损造成 的运用周期短,且耗油量比较大是马牌轮胎的缺陷。马牌轮胎的特点便是表现在操纵和安全系数上,要了解马牌轮胎的雪地胎是全世界唯一一款能够做到摩擦阻力4之上的轮胎(四季胎也是偏高),基本上全部南极科考队的车全是用德国马牌的轮胎。不但提高整车的操纵性能,即便 在严酷的实时路况驾驶也可以维持不错的可靠性,在一定水平上增强了驾驶安全系数。 次之便是轮胎的静音模式性,现阶段市面较为常用的CC5、MC5和CPC2系列,都含有3D积极降噪系数,运用轮胎的共震和纹路中间的管沟,能够合理地相抵和分散化每个纹路块以前的噪声,进而给予非常舒服的乘坐自然环境。自然,一切均有正反两面的,因为马牌轮胎的耐磨损安全性能偏高,德国马牌在应用限期层面就不太占上风了,比较非常容易损坏,四季胎均值使用期为 4W千米上下,雪地胎则是2.5W千米。并且轮胎的总重量也是相对来说较高的,在耗油层面或多或少都是有些危害。因而,假如你常常驾驶在实时路况非常差的地区,例如:雪天,坚信马牌轮胎毫无疑问不可能令你难过的。但假如你单纯性在大城市里边驾驶,或是在南边开得话,马牌轮胎确实不应该就是你的优选知名品牌,自然也是有很多顾客便是为它的隔音实际效果而付钱的。


continental和terrigenous的区别continental 单词词义是:adj.大陆的,大陆性的,欧洲大陆的;〈美〉(独立战争时)美洲殖民地的n.欧洲大陆人;〈美〉(独立战争中的)美国兵[纸币];〈美俚〉(起源于英国的)欧洲大陆发式terrigenous 单词词义是:adj.(尤指海中沉积)由泥土产生的,陆源的


"大陆轮胎“,德国大陆集团(Continental )始建于1871年,总部位于德国汉诺威市,是世界第三大轮胎制造企业、欧洲最大的汽车配件供应商。

continental 歌词

歌曲名:continental歌手:Alkaline Trio专辑:good mourningi"ve got a dying urge to feel the way you dotoo close for comfortbed and breakfast in a spoonthe shortest breath of your young lifea long walk home on friday nightyou made one last stop at the storeso close to perfect swear to hell thought it was youthis bouncing baby boy"s now turning baby bluei"ve got your pictures on my wallsi"ve got a long list of calls i must maketo your existing familyyou had nine lives and one by one you chewed them upyour final coffin nail"s been driven far too muchthis won"t take long you said i"m not going fargo wait in the cargo wait in the cari often wonder what it feels like to be youa mess like this stuck on your hands with krazy glueran outta time no kiss goodbyewish i could learn to let this sleeping dog diewithout lying to myselfyou had nine lives and one by one you chewed them upyour final coffin nail"s been driven far too muchthis won"t take long you said i"m not going fargo wait in the cargo wait in the caryou had nine lives and one by one you chewed them upyour final coffin nail"s been driven far too muchthis won"t take long you said i"m not going fargo wait in the cargo wait in the carhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14156521




CONTINENTAL为德国大陆轮胎马牌轮胎),德国大陆轮胎公司的,这种轮胎在市面上还是很常见的,具有很好的耐磨性,质量也是非常不错的。德国大陆集团始建于1871年,总部位于德国汉诺威市,是世界第三大轮胎制造企业、欧洲最大的汽车配件供应商。马牌轮胎以全天候的安全性和可靠性著称,低噪音,自洁性强。极高的瞬间过载能力,灵敏的操控应答和弯道稳定性,干湿地面卓越的刹车性能,更高的排水保护能力,全球唯一获准的以时速360公里驾驶的公路轮胎,载入吉尼斯世界记录。扩展资料:保养1,检查驾驶过程中,作为“车足”的轮胎,就好比人用脚走过每一个地方,经历了不同的地方,碰到不同的情况,所以这时车主应着重检查一下轮胎的情况,是否会有杂 物或异物夹杂在其中。2,及时更换对汽车进行整体清洗,尤其要对轮胎进行重点清洗,如果轮胎便面是有泥浆类覆盖物,很容易掩盖胎面的伤痕,如果发现轮胎存在磨损严重情况,会使汽车的制动力下降,为防止此类情况,最好是及时更换。3,查动平衡在长途自驾中爱车一定经历过碰撞、高速行驶、急速转弯、紧急制动或者跨越障碍物等情况,轮胎也会因为这样那样的问题而失去平衡。4,查胎压检测轮胎压力,是对轮胎日常保养最重要的环节,不应该仅仅是在远足归来才做的。在日常的行车中,应养成定期 (最好1周检查一次)检查胎压的好习惯,将安全隐患消除在萌芽状态。参考资料来源:百度百科-轮胎规格



pan-continental 翻译

Pen-continental笔 大陆















there 什么three什么inthepark

正确可填为:There are three people in the park.中文翻译为:在公园里有三个人。in the park在公园里例句:1、On Saturdays we hang about in the park.每到星期六我们都在公园里闲逛。2、With that, I would stroll with my grease-stained bag across the street, sit under the large oaks in the park and enjoy my meal.拿到吃的以后,我就会带着油渍四溢的纸袋走到街对面,坐在镇公园的大橡树下享受我的晚餐。3、They wandered in the park.他们在公园里遛了遛。





internet protocol什么意思?

意思为:网络之间互连的协议。网络之间互连的协议也就是为计算机网络相互连接进行通信而设计的协议。在因特网中,它是能使连接到网上的所有计算机网络实现相互通信的一套规则,规定了计算机在因特网上进行通信时应当遵守的规则。拓展资料:网络地址是因特网协会的ICANN分配的,下有负责北美地区的InterNIC、负责欧洲地区的RIPENIC和负责亚太地区的APNIC 目的是为了保证网络地址的全球唯一性。主机地址是由各个网络的系统管理员分配。因此,网络地址的唯一性与网络内主机地址的唯一性确保了IP地址的全球唯一性。根据用途和安全性级别的不同,IP地址还可以大致分为两类:公共地址和私有地址。公用地址在Internet中使用,可以在Internet中随意访问。私有地址只能在内部网络中使用,只有通过代理服务器才能与Internet通信。

you aint got a hold on me歌词翻译

歌曲:You Ain"t Got a Hold on Me专辑:“"74 Jailbreak演唱者:AC/DCYou can roll me round your fingerYou can roll me if I"m blindYou can roll me tally ho hoI"m the easy rollin" kindBut don"t think I"m facin" down hill"Cause soon you"ll seeYou"ll lose your grip and slip"Cause you ain"t got a hold on meYou ain"t got a hold on meYou ain"t got a hold on meWhy don"t you let me be"Cause you ain"t got a hold on meYou can take me to your bedroomYou can take me to your heartYou can take me to a climaxI won"t fall apartBut don"t count on me givin" itAll back to youJust because I"m hooked on livinDoesn"t mean I"m hooked on youYou ain"t got a hold on meYou ain"t got a hold on meWhy don"t you let me be, no noYou ain"t got a hold on meOh let me beYou ain"t got a hold on meYou ain"t got a hold on meWhy don"t you just let me be"Cause you ain"t got a hold on meYou ain"t got a hold on meYou ain"t got a hold on meYou ain"t got a hold on meHey you ain"t got a hold on meAin"t got a hold on meAin"t got a hold on meAin"t got a hold on meAin"t got a hold on me

protocol和deportment的区别是什么。 貌似都有礼仪的意思


美国电影 天生一对(the parent trap) 中的插曲

天生一对《The Parent Trap 》的全部原声音乐: Nat King Cole 《 L-O-V-E 》 The Lovin" Spoonful 《 Do You Believe in Magic 》 The La"s 《 There She Goes 》 Shonen Knife 《 Top of the World 》 Bob Khaleel 《 Here Comes the Sun 》 Linda Ronstadt 《 I Love You for Sentimental 》Reasons Young Holt Unlimited 《 Soulful Strut 》 Jakaranda 《 Never Let You Go 》 George Thorogood & the Destroyers 《 Bad to the Bone 〉 Bob Geldof 《 The Happy Club 》 Allan Silvestri Lyrics Suite from the Parent Trap Natalie Cole 《 This Will be (an Everlasting Love) 》 Ta-Gana 《 Dream Come True 》 Pato Banton & the Reggae Revolutation 《 Groovin" 》 Nobody"s Angel 《 Let"s Get Together

present simple和present continuous的意思,谢谢

一般现在时和一般进行时present simple定义:一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态.构成:一般现在时用行为动词的原形,但第三人称单数作主语时,动词的词尾要加-S.(一般的动词词尾+S.以sh/ch/s/x结尾的词+es.以辅音字母+Y结尾的把Y变成i,+es.辅音字母+o结尾的+es.) 形式:主语+be(表状态)或 主语+动词原形+宾语(表动作)标志词(时间状语):always,every week (day,year,month…),once a week,every…,sometimes,at…,on Sunday uauslly often,never,hardly.用法:1.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用.present continuous现在进行时的构成是:主语+be+动词ing〔现在分词〕形式第一人称+am+doing+sth 第二人称+are+doing +sth第三人称+is+doing+sth现在进行时的定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作.可以表示有计划的未来.现在分词变化规则1.直接+ ing2.去e+ing3.重读闭音节,且末尾只有1个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing4.特殊变化:die-dying,lie-lying,tie-tying5.不规则变化现在进行时的基本用法:A.表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情.例:We are waiting for you.B.习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行.例:Mr.Green is writing another novel.(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态.)例:She is learning piano under Mr.Smith.C.已经确定或安排好的将来活动I"m leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(已经安排了)we"re flying to Paris tomorrow.(票已经拿到了)D.有些动词(状态动词不用于进行时态)1.表示知道或了解的动词:believe,doubt,forget,imagine,know,remember,realize,suppose,understand2.表示“看起来”“看上去"appear,resemble,seem3表示喜爱或不喜爱hate,like.lover.prefer4表示构成或来源的动词 be come from.contain,include5表示感官的动词 hear see smell sound taste 6表示拥有的动词belong to.need.own .possess.want wish【No.1】现在进行时的构成 现在进行时由"be+v-ing"构成.be应为助动词,初学者最容易漏掉,它应与主语的人称和数保持一致.【No.2】现在进行时的应用 在实际运用时,现在进行时常用以下几种情况:(1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时.如:They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球.(2)以look,listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时.如:Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌.(3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week,these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时.如:We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型.(4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动.此时也常用现在进行时.如:Look at the picture.The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝.present perfect过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态基本结构:主语+have/has+过去分词(done) ①肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词+其他②否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词+其他③一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其他④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(have/has+主语+过去分词+其他)

proud和triumphant 的区别


proud与 arrogant的区别


pop danthology 求歌名

Pop Danthology 2010:1. Rihanna -- Only Girl (In The World)2. Drake -- Find Your Love3. Usher feat. Will.I.Am -- OMG4. Lady Gaga -- Bad Romance5. Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris -- Break Your Heart6. Ke$ha -- Tik Tok7. Taio Cruz -- Dynamite8. Jason Derulo -- In My Head9. Black Eyed Peas -- Rock That Body10. Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg -- California Gurls11. Justin Bieber feat. Ludacris -- Baby12. B.O.B. feat. Bruno Mars -- Nothing On You13. Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce -- Telephone14. Mike Posner -- Cooler Than Me15. Usher feat. Pitbull -- DJ Got Us Falling In Love16. Far East Movement feat. The Cataracs -- Like A G617. Katy Perry -- Teenage Dream18. Justin Bieber -- Somebody To Love19. Eminem feat. Rihanna -- Love The Way You Lie20. Ke$ha -- Take It Off21. Bruno Mars -- Just The Way You Are (Daniel Kim"s Minor Key House Remix)22. Flo Rida feat. David Guetta -- Club Can"t Handle Me23. Enrique Iglesius feat. Pitbull -- I Like itpop danthology 2011歌曲顺序开场口哨1:Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks 2:Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer - Give Me Everything 3:Chris Brown - Yeah 3x 4:David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You 5:Bruno Mars - It Will Rain 6:Katy Perry - The One That Got Away 7:Bad Meets Evil&Eminem ft.Bruno Mars - Lighters 8: Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me 9: Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello 10: Swedish House Mafia - Save The World 11: Lady Gaga - Judas 12: Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight 13: David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida - Where Them Girls At 14: Sak Noel - Loca People 15: Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxobeat 16: Britney Spears - I Wanna Go 17: T-Pain feat. Wiz Khalifa, Lily Allen - 5 O"Clock 18: Flo Rida - Good Feeling 19: Avicii - Levels 20: Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (TGIF) 21: Adele - Rolling In The Deep 22: Rihanna - You Da One 23: Taio Cruz feat. Kylie Minogue - Higher 24: Lady Gaga - Born This Way 25: LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem 26: Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song 27: Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger 28: Beyonce - Run The World 29: Ke$ha - Blow 30: Enrique Iglesias feat. Ludacris - Tonight 31: Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes - Look At Me Now 32: Britney Spears - Till The World Ends 33: Black Eyed Peas - Just Can"t Get Enough 34:LMFAO - S exy And I Know It 35: Dev - In The Dark 36: Nicki Minaj - Super Bass 37: Lady Gaga - Edge Of Glory 38: Leona Lewis ft. Avicii - Collide 39: Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love 40: Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T. 41: Adele - Someone Like You 42: Lady Gaga - You And I 43: Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts 44: Drake - Headlines 45: David Guetta feat. Taio Cruz, Ludacris - Little Bad Girl 46: Usher - More 47: Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On The Floor 48: Jason Derulo - Don"t Wanna Go Home 49: Rihanna - S&M 50: Cobra Starship feat. Sabi - You Make Me FeelPop Danthology 2012-Mashup of 55 Pop Songs 00:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone 00:02The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19Christina Aguilera - Your Body 00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home) 00:24 Usher - Scream 00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41Chris Brown - Don"t Wake Me Up 00:46LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking 00:50Fun. - Some Nights 00:56Kelly Clarkson - Stronger 01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11Jessie J-Domino 01:13Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music 01:28Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Let"s Go 01:32Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" 01:59Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 02:03Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party) 02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break 03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young VSKarmin - Brokenhearted)03:43Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend 04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back 04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City)04:22Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time 04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close 04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me pop danthology 2013Anna Kendrick – “Cups (When I"m Gone)”Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie – “This Is What It Feels Like”A$AP Rocky feat. Skrillex, Birdy Nam Nam – “Wild For The Night”Avicii – “Wake Me Up”Avril Lavigne – “Here"s To Never Growing Up”Bastille – “Pompeii”Bauuer – “Harlem Shake”Bingo Players feat. Far East Movement – “Get Up (Rattle)”Britney Spears – “Ooh La La”Britney Spears – “Work B**tch”Bruno Mars – “Locked Out Of Heaven”Bruno Mars – “Treasure”Bruno Mars – “When I Was Your Man”Calvin Harris feat. Ayah Marar – “Thinking About You”Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding – “I Need Your Love”Capital Cities – “Safe And Sound”Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – “Get Lucky”Demi Lovato – “Heart Attack”Drake feat. Majid Jordan – “Hold On, We"re Going Home”Drake – “Started From The Bottom”Ellie Goulding – “Burn”Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX – “I Love It (I Don"t Care)”Imagine Dragons – DemonsJason Derulo – “The Other Side”Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake – “Holy Grail”Justin Timberlake – “Mirrors”Justin Timberlake feat. Jay-Z – “Suit & Tie”Katy Perry – “Roar”Kelly Clarkson – “Catch My Breath”Ke$ha – “C"mon”Ke$ha feat. will.i.am – “Crazy Kids”Krewella – “Alive”Lady Gaga – “Applause”Lana Del Rey – “Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)”Lorde – “Royals”Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert – “Same Love”Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton – “Can"t Hold Us”Maroon 5 – “Daylight”Maroon 5 – “Love Somebody”Martin Garrix – “Animals”Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle – “Hey Now”Miley Cyrus – “We Can"t Stop”Miley Cyrus – “Wrecking Ball”Naughty Boy feat. Sam Smith – “La La La”One Direction – “Best Song Ever”One Direction – “Story Of My Life”OneRepublic – “Counting Stars”OneRepublic – “If I Lose Myself”Passenger – “Let Her Go”P!nk feat. Nate Ruess – “Just Give Me A Reason”Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera – “Feel This Moment”Pitbull feat. Ke$ha – “Timber”Pitbull feat. TJR – “Don"t Stop The Party”PSY – “Gentleman”Rihanna – “Pour It Up”Rihanna feat. David Guetta – “Right Now”Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko – “Stay”Robin Thicke feat. Kendrick Lamar – “Give It 2 U”Robin Thicke feat. T.I., Pharrell Williams – “Blurred Lines”Selena Gomez – “Come & Get It”Selena Gomez – “Slow Down”Taylor Swift – “22”Taylor Swift – “I Knew You Were Trouble”will.i.am feat. Britney Spears – “Scream & Shout”will.i.am feat. Justin Bieber – “#thatPOWER”Ylvis – “The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)”Zedd feat. Foxes – “Clarity”Zedd feat. Hayley Williams – “Stay The Night”

Pop Danthology 2012里面所有的歌曲

Pop Danthology 2013pop danthology 201200:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone 00:02 The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04 Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19 Christina Aguilera - Your Body 00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home)00:24 Usher - Scream 00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39 Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41 Chris Brown - Dont Wake Me Up 00:46 LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking 00:50 Fun. - Some Nights 00:56 Kelly Clarkson - Stronger 01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11 Jessie J-Domino 01:13 Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music 01:28 Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Lets Go 01:32 Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43 Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51 P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)01:59 Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 02:03 Rita Ora - How We Do (Party) 02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break 03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young vs Karmin - Brokenhearted)03:43 Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend 04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back 04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City)04:22 Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time 04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close 04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me 04:51 Ke$ha-Die Young 04:54 One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful 05:07 Rihanna-Diamonds 05:13 Nicki Minaj-Pound The Alarm 05:15 Rihanna-Where Have You Been 05:43 Adele-Skyfall 05:47 David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium 06:15 One Direction--Live While We Are Young 06:25 will.i.am/Eva Simons-This is love 06:27 Chris Brown/Pitbull-International love 06:30 David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine 06:37 Swedish House Mafia - Dont You Worry Child 06:40 Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know 06:45 Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - Finally Found You 07:00 Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum 07:15 Madonna feat. M.I.A. Nicky Minaj - Give Me All Your Luvin 07:30 Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time

pop danthology 2012 里面有哪些歌,按顺序发给我,谢啦,发多点

Pop Danthology 2012-Mashup of 55 Pop Songs 00:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone00:02The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19Christina Aguilera - Your Body00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home) 00:24 Usher - Scream00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41Chris Brown - Don"t Wake Me Up 00:46LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking00:50Fun. - Some Nights 00:56Kelly Clarkson - Stronger01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11Jessie J-Domino01:13Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music01:28Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Let"s Go01:32Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)"01:59Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones02:03Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party)02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young VSKarmin - Brokenhearted) 03:43Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City) 04:22Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me 04:51 Ke$ha-Die Young 04:54 One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful05:07Rihanna-Diamonds05:13 Nicki Minaj-Pound The Alarm 05:15 Rihanna-Where Have You Been 05:43 Adele-Skyfall 05:47 David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium 06:15 One Direction--Live While We Are Young 06:25 will.i.am/Eva Simons-This is love06:27 Chris Brown/Pitbull-International love 06:30 David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine 06:37Swedish House Mafia - Don"t You Worry Child 06:40 Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know06:45Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - Finally Found You 07:00 Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum07:15Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj - Give Me All Your Luvin07:30Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time

求歌名.. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTM2NjIxNjU2.html

1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you cam..dfslkjglkusid



英语Best entertainment app怎么翻译?

英语很简单又直白,这个词,best entertainment app 直白的意思就是:最佳的娱乐小程序。

佐治亚理工上的BuzzPort 是什么...还有GT Account?

如果一开始没有输错的话,应该就是系统延时的原因了。你可以等下,再不行就给register office 发邮件问下吧

美国common app 中 class rank reporting的咋选?选项有Exact, Decile, Quintile, Quartile.

这是学生在毕业班的总成绩排行 假如学校有真正的排行,例如学生是毕业班 第一名、第二名等等,就用 Exact 假如学校用十等分,例如前 10%,20%就用 Decile 假如学校用5 等分,例如前1/5,2/5 就用 Quintile 假如学校用4 等分,例如前 1/4,2/4 就用 Quartile. 要注意这个排名不是你自己说了算,而是要学校的成绩单上有才行。学校没有排名就用unrank。美国许多公立学校是没有成绩排名的。私立高中则大部分有排名。

lady antebellum的Ready to love again翻译、

【Ready to love again】Lady antebellumT by xSeems I was walking in the wrong direction看来,我的确是走错了方向I barely recognized my own reflection, no我隐约地看到了那个一直被困住的自己Scared of love, but scared of life alone我害怕爱吗?不,也许我只是害怕一个人的生活Seems I"ve been playin" on the safe side baby我一直都在扮演着一个乖乖的婴儿的角色Building walls around my heart to save me, oh我在的内心一直都为自己铸造着一道无法逾越的围墙But it"s time for me to let it go.但,是时候撇开它了,一切就这样随它去吧Yeah, I"m ready to feel now是的,我准备去感受这美好的感觉No longer am I "fraid of the fall down我会不再害怕,不会再跌倒It must be time to move on now就是现在,我要改变Without the fear of how it might end抛开那些夜以继日的恐惧I guess I"m ready to love again.我想我已经准备好再次去爱了Just when you think that love will never find you当你迟疑的时候,爱永远不会来找你You run away but still it"s right behind you, oh当你行动的时候,爱就会出现在你的身边It"s just something that we can"t control有些事我们无法控制Yeah, I"m ready to feel now是的,我准备去感受这美好的感觉No longer am I "fraid of the fall down我会不再害怕,不会再跌倒It must be time to move on now就是现在,我要改变Without the fear of how it might end抛开那些夜以继日的恐惧I guess I"m ready to love again.我想我已经准备好再次去爱了So come and find me所以我来到了这里,寻找着真正的自我I"ll be waiting up for you我会一直等你I"ll be holding out for you tonight今晚,我会一直等着你Yeah, I"m ready to feel now是的,我准备去感受这美好的感觉No longer am I "fraid of the fall down我会不再害怕,不会再跌倒It must be time to move on now就是现在,我要改变Without the fear of how it might end抛开那些夜以继日的恐惧I guess I"m ready to love again.我想我已经准备好再次去爱了


Really want to love again.真的好想再爱一次。

一首英文女歌手唱得。开头是口哨歌高潮是I want let me down let me down

Pixie Lott的lay me down,楼主说的肯定是这个

commission payment是什么意思?商务英语,我查不到确切的意思,高手指教,黏贴复制的就不要回复了!谢谢



I couldn"t ride my bike well.

帮忙有英文解释commission和discount! 如果能说出两者的区别更好!(in English!)

commission:an amount of money paid to someone for selling something 佣金 discount:a reduction in the uaual price of something打折


“折扣”(Discount)和“佣金”(Commission)是在商务交易过程中出现频率很高的2个词汇。我们将通过下面的例句学习理解: Discount n. (卖方给买方的)折扣,折价; 例:When the seller gets the accepted draft, he can either hold it to maturity or discount it with the negotiating bank. 卖方收到已经承兑的汇票后,他可保留它直至到期,也可向议付行贴现。 Commission n. 佣金 例:The above prices are both c.i.f. Rotterdam commission without commission. 以上两价均为鹿特丹到岸净价,不包括佣金。


commission 是佣金/委托commitment 是责任感a sense of commitment 一股责任感

l usually ride my bikeinthe park 什么意思

应该是:l usually ride my bike in the park l usually ride my bike in the park的中文翻译l usually ride my bike in the park 我通常在公园里骑我的自行车



50 Cent的《In Da Club》 歌词

歌曲名:In Da Club歌手:50 Cent专辑:If I Can"T/Poppin" Them ThangsIn Da Club50 CentGo, go, go, go, go, go,go shawty it"s your birthdaywe gon party like it"s your birthdayWe gon sip bacardy like it"s your birthdayAnd you know we don"t give a fuck, it"s not your birthdayYou can find me in the club,bottle full of bub,look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,im in there having sex i aint into maken love,so come give me a hug,if u in there gettin rubbedYou can find me in the club,bottle full of bub,look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,im in there having sex i aint into maken love,so come give me a hug,if u in there gettin rubbedWhen i pull out up front u see the benz on dub"sWhen i roll 20 deep is 20 knives in the clubNiggas heard i fuck with dre now they wanna show me loveWhen you sound like eminem and the hugs they wanna fuckBut homie ain"t nothing change hold down, G"s Upi see xzibit in the cut that nigga roll the weed upIf you watch how i move you mistake me fo a playa or pimpBeen hit wit a few shells but i dont walk wit a limpin the hood the ladys saying 50 you hotthey like me, i want them to love me like they love Pacbut how them new york, niggas tell ya im locowhen the plan is to put the rap game in a choke-holdim feelin focus man, my money on my mindgot a mill. out the deal and im still on the grindNow shorty said she feelin my style she feeling my flowA girlfriend with it get ride and we ready to go..(Ya ok)You can find me in the club,bottle full of bub,look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,im in there having sex i aint into maken love,so come give me a hug,if u in there gettin rubbedYou can find me in the club,bottle full of bub,look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,im in there having sex i aint into maken love,so come give me a hug,if u in there gettin rubbedMah flow, Mah show, brought me the dough,that bought me all my fancy things,Mah Crib, mah cars, Mah pools, Mah jewls,look nigga i got kmart and i aint changeAnd you should love it, way more then you hate itnigga you mad, i thought that you"d be happy i made itIm that cat by the bar, toasting to the good lightYou that faggot ass nigga trying to pull me back rideWhen it dark, Well be pumping in the club, its onnow wit my eyes on my bitch, if she smiles, she goneif the roof on fire, let that mothafucka burnif u talken about money homie, i aint concernimma tell you wat Banks told mecause go ahead switch the style upif niggas hit the letta make watch the money pile upor we go upside there wit a bottle of bubyou know where we fucking BYou can find me in the club,bottle full of bub,look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,im in there having sex i aint into maken love,so come give me a hug,if u in there gettin rubbedYou can find me in the club,bottle full of bub,look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,im in there having sex i aint into maken love,so come give me a hug,if u in there gettin rubbedha ha ha hago shawty it"s your birthdaywe gon party like it"s your birthdayWe gon sip bacardy like it"s your birthdayand you know we don"t give a fuck it"s not your birthdayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7386855

翻译成德语。Becoming the person who you want to be

中文:成为你想成为的人德文:WEM willst du【如果满意,请采纳,谢谢!】


看看你的打印语句放哪里了private void doxxx(){ System.out.println(a.compareTo(b)); }


//语言:C++,编译环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2005//代码如下: #include <iostream>using namespace std;class Integer{public: int compareTo(int a,int b) { if(a>b) return 1; else if(a<b) return -1; else return 0; }};int main(){ int num1,num2; Integer i; cout<<"请输入两个数:"<<endl; cin>>num1>>num2; if(i.compareTo(num1,num2)==1) cout<<"第一个数比第二个数大!"<<endl; else if(i.compareTo(num1,num2)==-1) cout<<"第二个数比第一个数大!"<<endl; else if(i.compareTo(num1,num2)==0) cout<<"两个数相等!"<<endl; else cout<<"ERROR!"<<endl; return 0;}

public int compareTo(Object o){ return weight-((Chicken)o).weight); } 这个语句什么意思?

weight应该是类Chicken的一个成员变量,这个函数的参数给了另外一个对象,也就是另一只鸡,并且返回了当前要调用这个函数的类对象的重量减去参数中类对象的重量的结果。比如Chicken A = new Chicken();A.weight = 1;Chicken B = new Chicken();B.weight = 2;if(A.compareTo(B)<0) //上面条件语句中将返回-1也就是说A比B轻

Our country is becoming stronger and stronger为什么要用becoming


eventually the light becoming dim我是在15篇文章贯通六级词汇看到的这个becoming错的吧

这个问题我想了好久,楼上@十二楼的晴空说得很棒。我简单补充一下。可以看作是“in the evening”后面省略了“she had been”。所以,抛弃前一个相当于并列成分的句子不看,完整的句子可以看作:In the evening,she had been watching the light becoming dim.或者换一种说法:In the evening,she had been watching the light to become dim.



in bed和inthebed的区别是什么?


求 I want it that way 的歌词

I want it that wayYeah-eh-heah You are, my fire, The one, desire Believe, when I say, I want it that way But we, are two worlds apart, Can"t reach to your heart, When you say, That I want it that way Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way Am I, your fire?Your one, desire, desire, it"s too late, But I want it that way Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way Now I can see that we"ve fallen apart, From the way that it used to be, Yeah, No matter the distance, I want you to know, That deep down inside of me... You are, my fire, The one, desire, You are (You are, You are, You are...) Don"t wanna hear you say, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, (Don"t wanna hear you say), I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, (Don"t wanna hear you say), I want it that way Tell me why... Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, (Never wanna hear you say it), I want it that way Cause I want it that wayMy loveShane:An empty streetAn empty houseA hole inside my heartI"m all aloneThe rooms are getting smallerI wonder howI wonder whyI wonder where they areThe days we hadThe songs we sang togetherOh yeahAnd oh my loveI"m holding on foreverReaching for a love that seems so farSo i say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to see you once again, my loveOver seas and coast to coastTo find a place i love the mostWhere the fields are green to see you once again, my loveI try to readI go to workI"m laughing with my friendsBut i can"t stop to keep myself from thinkingOh no I wonder howI wonder whyI wonder where they areThe days we hadThe songs we sang togetherOh yeah And oh my loveI"m holding on foreverReaching for a love that seems so far Mark:To hold you in my armsTo promise you my loveTo tell you from the heartYou"re all i"m thinking ofI"m reaching for a love that seems so far So i say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to see you once again, my loveOver seas and coast to coastTo find a place i love the mostWhere the fields are green to see you once again,my lovesay a little prayerdreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to see you once again

I want how, I want why?英文歌的歌词,请问谁知道

lemmon tree



internal 和 public 区别



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