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i want you是什么意思

I want you 我要你


i want you的意思很多,如果没有特殊的语言环境的话,可以翻译成“我需要你”、“我选你”等。

I WANT YOU 是什么意思

i wanted you网络群星; 我曾那么需要你; 我想你; 中文歌词; 她的另外一首1But I wanted you to know how I feel. 但我想告诉你我的感受。2I wanted you to tell me the truth. 我只要你告诉我事实。

多伦多大学breath requirement

多伦多大学(简称:多大,英语:University of Toronto,缩写UofT, UT)是一所位于加拿大安大略省多伦多市的顶尖公立大学。起源于188年前(公元1827年)的国王学院King"s College。多大在学术及研究方面一直处于领先地位,是整个加拿大的研究生教育中心,为整个国家供应着博士级的人才。无论是科研经费、捐款、国家教授奖项、研究出版规模还是藏书量等皆远超加拿大其他学府。开学时间:9月 录取标准:雅思6.5(单项不低于6.0)----7.0(单项不低于6.5)热门专业:会计与金融、人类学、考古、生物科学、国际商务、企业管理、人力资源、教育学、酒店管理法律等排 名: 加拿大研究型大学排名第二 学生总数:67128人学 费:10850~11700加元/学年 生活费用:10000~13000加元/年

什么是FDA的Tentative Approval

美国食品药品管理局(FDA)可通过临时批准(tentative approval)的方式,允许美国的某些组织向贫穷的国家销售非专利药物(专利药物指那些有相同功效但取得了专利保护的品牌药),以治疗在这些国家出现的严重疾病。 一般来说,在贫穷的国家,人们只卖得起非专利药,因为它们价格便宜。世界卫生组织也鼓励生产用于艾滋病治疗的非专利药物。美国总统发起的艾滋病紧急援助计划(President"s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)加快了药物审批流程,允许给予非专利药物临时批准(tentative approval)资格。临时批准(tentative approval)资格的意思是,这些药物满足所有安全、效用和质量要求,但它们无法在美国上市,只能用于艾滋病紧急援助计划(President"s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)。美国国际开发署可以购买获得“完全”批准或“临时”批准的药物,以使这些药物能在发展中国家使用。

多伦多大学 University of Toronto

多伦多大学多伦多大学创建于1827年,是加拿大最古老的大学之一。其优越的地理位置,更使他成为几乎所有有意加拿大的学子们的必争。多伦多大学是一所公立大学,同时也是加拿大规模最多的大学,现有14个院系、300个学士点、148个硕士点、和95个博士点。现有注册学生63100余人,其中全日制学生37915人。全校有各种楼房建筑225栋,雄居于耶鲁、哈佛、牛津之上。目前,该校拥有一大批才华出众,成就突出的学者,现有各级教师10300余人,占全加拿大学者总数的7% ,所获科研奖项占全国的近四分之一。多伦多大学荣获诺贝尔奖的教授人数也是加拿大最多的。到目前为止,多伦多大学已连续4年位居加拿大科研型大学榜首,在世界也享有很高的威望。 多伦多大学的生源也很优秀,所录取学生的平均汇考成绩在85% 以上。有45个毕业生获得鲁得斯奖学金(Rbodes Scholarship),这在所有加拿大大学中也名列第一。 多伦多大学以优秀的师资队伍和严格录取学生而著称。招生要求高中以上的学历,对本国学生要求中学成绩记录和正规的毕业汇考分数,对母语非英语的学生来说则要求TOFEL成绩。虽然学校宣称本科最低分数线托福237分左右(机考),MBA最低分数线为GMAT650分左右,但因每年申请人数众多,实际录取分数线远高于公布分数,且随不同专业有不同要求。学费在10000至16000加元之间不等。奖学金和助学金较多。学校提供各种各样勤工俭学机会。 最近一期的加拿大(麦克林)杂志今年又将多伦多大学列为加拿大第一级大学中的魁楚。这已是多伦多大学连续第八年获此殊荣。加拿大提供学士、硕士、博士及医学学位的大学共有15所,自1994年以来,多伦多大学始终在此类别中名列前茅。 多大的医学院近年来逐渐超越麦吉尔(McGill),成为加拿大的新贵,尤其在牙医方面已经成为加拿大的第一位。同时,多大拥有加拿大的法学院和商学院,她的商学院靠近拥有加拿大华尔街之称的Bay Street,占尽天时地利。多伦多大学Rotman商学院的金融方向一直是加拿大当之无愧的第一,在某种程度上多大毕业生控制着加拿大的金融业。 多伦多大学毕业生薪水很高,根据去年的各人所得税表(T4)资料显示,多伦多大学是多伦多地区年薪10万元以上公职人员最集中的专业。多伦多大学透露,在总共7000多名“打工皇帝中”,多伦多大学毕业生占了953人。 多伦多大学设有3个分校,圣乔治学院(St. George)、士嘉堡(Scarborough)、和谓语密西沙加的埃林代尔(Erindale),这3所分校都有较全的科学设置。 该大学的专业从航天科技到生物科学无所不包,而且样样堪称一流,以研究生和博士生教育最为出色。专业类别有应用科学及工程、建筑、基础医学、经贸、教育、人文科学、风景园林、生命科学、数理、机械、音乐、和社会科学等。


endorsement是很正式的 approval 例句:The party gave a clear endorsement to the capitalist economic reforms. You need your parents" approval to join this club. (第二句很明显,用endorsement,用词显得太大了,但是第一句用approval也没有什么不合适)


point of view观点;见地;立场; point out指出,指明; at this point这时候,此时此刻; point in有意义;在…有作用; starting point出发点;起始点 扩展资料   key point关键点;要点;   focal point焦点;   in point adv. 相关的.;恰当的;中肯的;   on the point即将…的时候;即将…的;在…点上;   turning point转折点;   to the point of达到…的程度;   one point一点;一分之差;   melting point熔点


point的三种用法分别有:1、point在表示“要点;论点”的意思时,是可数名词,在表示“目的;意图”的意思时,是不可数名词,此时多与the连用。2、当表达“这是...的观点”时,通常用“from...point of view”这一短语。3、point在用作不及物动词时,通常是和介词to、at和towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。学习英语的小技巧:1、词汇:我的建议是,如果你在近期有考试目标,你可以买一本针对考试的单词书,比如四级词汇、托福词汇等等。按照考试大纲的要求积累词汇、应对考试;而如果你暂时没有考试,那不妨从日常的阅读、听力材料中积累。在遇到生词的时候,动手查字典,不仅要记住单词的意思,还要记住相应的例句。2、听力:而中高级的学习者,不妨尝试坚持VOA和BBC的听写训练。VOA和BBC分别是美国和英国的标准英语新闻,语速较快,多涉及新闻热点。从中不仅能习惯并学习标准的英语发音,更能借此机会多了解当今世界的热点关键词。其中VOA还有特别的慢速英语版,为中级学习者提供了很好的练习途径。3、口语:初中级的学习者还是从课文入手,首先把课文读熟、背熟,让自己的舌头适应英语的发音习惯。俗话说"三天不说口生",养成每日朗读的习惯对培养语感至关重要;而高级的学习者,则可以尝试找一个口语伙伴聊天。如果没人陪,也可以自己给自己规定话题,比如"对某人的看法"、"对社会热点的复述"等等。


point的英语读法是:pu0254u026ant。释义:n、观点,见解;具体细节;要点,核心问题;目的,意图;特点,特征;地点;罗盘(方位)点;(几何学用语)点;(特定的)时候,时刻,阶段;(比赛或运动中的)分数,得分;称赞,认可(points);(计量单位)点,分;(电影、录音的)利润分配百分比;(皮克牌用语)最长的一组同花牌;小数点;标点(尤指句点)。v、(用手指或细的物体)指,指向;对准,瞄准;朝向,对着;为……指明方向,指路;暗示,表明;建议,指引;强调(话语或行动);(用水泥等)给……勾缝;绷直(脚趾);削尖;使(光标)指着;(在希伯来文字中)插入点号;(用诵读记号)标记(圣歌);(狗)示意有(猎物)。相关例句:1、Can you explain that point again?你能再解释一下那一点吗?2、He elucidated a point of grammar.他解释了一个语法要点。3、This last point is crucial.刚讲的这一点是关键的。4、Let"s consider this point further.让我们更深入地考虑这一点。5、You may need to amplify this point.你可能需要对这一点进一步予以说明。


point的音标为 /pɔɪnt/。point是一个常用的英语单词,它有多种含义和用法。除了作为名词和动词外,point还有一些常见的固定搭配,下面是一些例子:at this point:在这个时候,此时例句:At this point, we need to make a decision.make a point:提出观点,表达意见例句:I just wanted to make a point about the importance of teamwork.get to the point:言简意赅,直接说重点例句:Can you please get to the point? I don"t have all day.on point:准确无误,精准例句:Her analysis of the situation was right on point.point out:指出,指明例句:I would like to point out that this is not what we agreed upon.point of view:观点,看法例句:From my point of view, this is the best solution.point the way:指引方向,引领前进例句:The new technology is pointing the way to a better future.point of no return:不可逆转的点,无法回头的时刻例句:Once we cross this line, we will have reached the point of no return.point blank:直截了当,毫不客气例句:He told me point blank that he didn"t like my idea.

财务状态中,Holding Payment和Approved & In Accounting Review是什么意思?

holding payment: 已批准尚未付出的款项;approved: 已获批准的;in accounting review: 会计正在审核中的...


point是可数名词,point有观点、看法、要点、重点等意思。 例句: You may need to amplify this point. 你可能需要对这一点进一步予以说明。 Can I just pick up that guys point? 我能接着谈一下那个人的观点吗? 扩展资料   He reluctantly conceded me the point.   他不情愿地向我承认了这一点。   My memory is not clear on that point.   那一点我记不清了。   I think you"ve made your point, dear.   我想你已经证明了你的论点,亲爱的。


"Point" 是一个多义词,可以表示不同的意思:点数;观点;重点 ;点,位置;指针。以下是其中一些常见的用法:点数: "Point" 可以表示得分或分数。例如:"I got 100 points in the exam"(我在考试中得了100分)。观点: "Point" 也可以表示观点或看法。例如:"What"s your point of view on this issue?"(你对这个问题有什么看法?)。重点: "Point" 还可以表示重点或关键。例如:"The main point of the article is that we need to take action on climate change"(这篇文章的重点是我们需要采取行动应对气候变化)。点,位置: "Point" 还可以表示点或位置。例如:"He pointed to the map and showed me where we were"(他指着地图告诉我我们在哪里)。指针: "Point" 还可以表示指针,尤其是钟表或仪表盘上的指针。例如:"The minute hand is pointing to the number 3"(分针指向数字3)。需要根据上下文来确定 "point" 的具体含义。


point谐音:抛英特point 英[pɔɪnt] 美[pɔɪnt] n. 点; 要点; 得分; 标点; vt. (意思上) 指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路; vi. 指向; 表明; [例句]We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes布伦基特先生提出的观点我们一个都不同意。[其他] 第三人称单数:points 复数:points 现在分词:pointing 过去式:pointed过去分词:pointed


point作为名词使用时,通常用短语“point of view”来表达一个“观点”或者“意见”;当point作为动词使用时,通常用“piont out”来表达“指出”,后可接双宾语;point在用作及物动词时其后可以接名词或代词作宾语。point有动词和名词两种词性,用作动词时表示“指;指向;朝向;瞄准”的意思,用作名词时表示“观点;看法;要点;重点;特点”的意思。常见句型:He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point.他指着图表来说明他的论点。The hands of the clock point to five o"clock.时钟的针指向五点钟。He pointed his boat northward.他将船驶向北方。You had better point your pencil with this knife.你最好用这把刀削一下你的铅笔。What I need is to point my argument with facts.我所需要的是用事实来加强我的论点。词汇搭配:additional point 补充的一点;bad point 缺点;basic point 基本观点;central point 中心意图;certain point 某种程度;chief point 主要意图;commercial point 商业意图;common point 共同点;key point 要点;low point 低点。


point一词的用法1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。如:①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition.老师指出了这篇作文中的错误。②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性。1 ) point out that ……He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place .2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 )He quickly pointed out a mistake .Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ?(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。如:①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me.他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着。②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was.老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义。①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习。②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点。③You"ve missed the point of the joke.你没听出那个笑话的可笑之处。④His talk is short but quite to the point. 他的发言简洁切题。 参考资料:百度知道


point英 [pu0252u026ant]美 [pu0254u026ant]n.小点,点;(几何等概念中的)点(文字中的)标点(尤指句号);小数点具体(或确定)的位置,地点;(空间的)一点(球类等运动员的)位置;(在某一位置上的)球员(时间上的)一点;特定时刻,瞬间(物理等概念上的)点;程度;阶段;地步细目;条款,(表示事项的)点特点,特征;动物的身体特征;(作为判定动物品种标准的)品质vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安 短语: match point 赛末点,迷失决胜分,拿到赛点West Point 西点军校,西点 (犹他州),西点 (阿拉巴马州)例句:1、In this point,I join with you. 在这一点上,我与你意见一致。2、We differ with them on this point. 在这一点上我们跟他们看法不同。3、I shall return to this point in the next chapter. 在下一章中我还要谈到这一点。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


point是可数名词,point有观点、看法、要点、重点等意思。如:We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes.布伦基特先生提出的观点我们一个都不同意。 point的用法 1、point用作名词时的意思比较多,可作“要点,论点,观点,尖端,尖儿,点;小数点,标点,(某一)时刻,(某一)地点,分数,得分,条款,细目”“特点,特征,长处”等解,均用作可数名词。作“目的,意图”解时,是不可数名词,多与the连用。 2、in point意思是“切题的,恰当的”; in point of意思是“就…而言,在…方面”;make a point of sth意思是“特别重视某一事项”; not to put too fine a point on it意思是“不客气地说,直截了当地说”。 3、point用作动词的意思是“削尖”“弄尖”“使尖锐”,引申表示为“指向”“对准”“加强”“强调”等。 4、point既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,常与介词to,at,towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”,或者表示“表明”“暗示”等。 point的用法例句: 1.The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. 当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。 2.I don"t see the point in it really. It"s just stupid. 我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。 3.It got to the point where he had to leave. 到了他不得不走的地步。 4.By 1973, this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point. 到1973年,这一差距已缩小到几乎为零。 5.A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris. 本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。


point的用法:用作名词时的意思比较多,可作要点、论点、观点、尖端、尖儿、点、小数点、标点;(某一)时刻、(某一)地点、分数、得分、条款、细目、特点、特征、长处等。 用法 point作名词,词义非常丰富,常用词义有: 表示“尖头”,如:the point of a pin 针尖 表示“小数点”,如:five point one two 5.12 表示“点、时刻”,如:a turning point 转折点 表示“(计量度数的)点、度”,如:the freezing point 冰点 表示“分数、得分”,如:score 10 points (比赛)得10分 point作名词时的常用搭配: at the point of(就要…的时候),如:She was at the point of leaving when I arrived. 当我到达时,她正要离开。 in point(适当的),如:a case in point 一个适当的事例 make a point of(必定要…),如:Father makes a point of going to bed before ten. 父亲必定在十点以前睡觉。 point作动词,有以下几个意思: 表示“用手指…”,如:It"s rude to point at people. 用手指人是不礼貌的。 表示“指向…、对着…”,如:point one"s finger at 用手指… 表示“削尖、磨尖”,如:point a pencil 把铅笔削尖 point作动词时的常用搭配: point out(指出),如:He pointed out my mistake to me. 他向我指出我的错误。 point to(面向…),如:The house pointed to the sea. 那房子面向大海。 例句 1.The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. 当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。 2.I don"t see the point in it really. It"s just stupid. 我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。 3.It got to the point where he had to leave. 到了他不得不走的地步。

i will be back until。。

not与until 构成not until 短语.意思为不会做某事直到. 在这里就是 在到周五之前我不会回来.明白了吧


point英 [pu0252u026ant]美 [pu0254u026ant]n.小点,点;(几何等概念中的)点(文字中的)标点(尤指句号);小数点具体(或确定)的位置,地点;(空间的)一点(球类等运动员的)位置;(在某一位置上的)球员(时间上的)一点;特定时刻,瞬间(物理等概念上的)点;程度;阶段;地步细目;条款,(表示事项的)点特点,特征;动物的身体特征;(作为判定动物品种标准的)品质vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安 短语: match point 赛末点,迷失决胜分,拿到赛点West Point 西点军校,西点 (犹他州),西点 (阿拉巴马州)例句:1、In this point,I join with you. 在这一点上,我与你意见一致。2、We differ with them on this point. 在这一点上我们跟他们看法不同。3、I shall return to this point in the next chapter. 在下一章中我还要谈到这一点。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


① at the point 在某处;一度② to the point 切中要点③ off the point 离题④ be on the point of doing sth when... 正要做某事……突然⑤ There"s no point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义⑥ point at / to 指向⑦ point out 指出point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。


动词:指着 point out指出 point at 指向近处 point to 指向远处名词:点


1.尖,尖端,尖头[C][(+of)]2.(空间的)一点,处,地方,位置[C]3.特点,特征[C]4.(时间上的)一点,(特定)时刻;瞬间[C][U]5.分数;(比赛等的)得分[C]6.思想;论点[C]7.要点;中心思想[the S]8.意义;目的;用途[U][(+in/of)]9.【数】点;小数点;标点[C]10.一小点,斑点[C][(+of)]11.岬[C]12.(电的)接触点;【英】插座及物动词 vt. 1.把...指向,把...对准;瞄准[(+at/towards)]2.指出[(+out)]3.强调[(+up)]4.弄尖,削尖5.给...加标点;给...加小数点不及物动词 vi. 1.指,指出,指明[(+at/to)]2.指向,对准;朝向[Q][(+to/towards)]3.显示,表明;证明[(+at/to/towards)]


point 英 [pu0252u026ant] 美 [pu0254u026ant] n. 要点;得分;标点;[机] 尖端vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安


n.点; 要点; 得分; 标点; vt.(意思上)指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路; vi.表明; 指向;


pointing 动词变动名词的原则:1、动词后面直接加ing (point 就是这种情况)2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping



God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Maranatha! Christmas专辑:World S Greatest ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2883994


point为点的意思。原意:有尖,尖端,尖头; 空间的一点,处,地方,位置;特点,特征;时间上的一点,特定时刻;瞬间;分数;思想;论点等意思。在具体语境中有不同意思与用法。point既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。point用法如下,point既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,不可数时多与the连用; point作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时常与介词to、at、 towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。常用搭配有;make a point of sth,意为“特别重视。

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Stephen Cleobury&Peter Stevens&Choir Of King S College& Cambridge专辑:A Festival Of Nine Lessons And CarolsLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2646643

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Westminster Concert Bell Choir专辑:Christmas At WestministerLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/15111597

God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen歌手:Kenny Burrell专辑:Have Yourself A Soulful Little ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7901094

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Good Lovelies专辑:Under The MistletoeLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7530047

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Kemper Crabb专辑:Downe In Yon Forrest (Christmas From The Middle Ages)Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2955067

white pointer


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Lou Rawls专辑:Merry Christmas BabyLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2649912



请问:pt=*(pointer+n) 和pt=*(pointer+n) 有什么区别?(pt事先声明为指针变量)


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Joey Calderazzo专辑:Blue ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2881347

i will be back ina month

come 是动词,所以用will come back是形容词,所以用will be back(be动词+形容词)



God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Christmas SalsaLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2885360

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Guy Lombardo专辑:Sing The Songs Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2922821

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:John Berry专辑:O Holy NightLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2812631

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Bing Crosby专辑:Christmas Is A Comin"Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7386629

The Heretic Anthem (Live Version) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Heretic Anthem (Live Version) (Album Version)歌手:Slipknot专辑:9.0 LiveSlipknot - The Heretic AnthemAHH................I"m a pop star threat and I"m not dead yetGot a super dred bet with an angel drug headLike a dead beat winner, I want to be a sinnerAn idolized bang for the industry killerA hideous man that you don"t understandThrow a suicide party and I"m guaranted to fucking snapIt"s evilsonic, it"s pornoholicBreakdowns, obscenities, it"s all I wanna beIf you"re 555, then I"m 666If you"re 555, I"m 666If you"re 555, then I"m 666What"s it like to be a heretic?If you"re 555, I"m 666What"s it like to be a heretic?Everybody"s so infatuatedEverybody"s so completely sure of what we areEverybody defamates from miles awayBut face to face, they haven"t got a thing to sayI bleed for this and I bleed for youStill you look in my face like I"m somebody newTOY - nobody wants anything I"ve gotWhich is fine, because you"re made ofEverything - I"m - NOTIf you"re 555, then I"m 666If you"re 555, I"m 666If you"re 555, then I"m 666What"s it like to be a heretic?If you"re 555, I"m 666What"s it like to be a heretic?YEAH...heretic.......YEAH...30 seconds, 16, 8, 4, lemme tell you whyI haven"t the slightest, I"m teaching your brightestThey"re listening, clamoringAll the money in the world can"t buy meGO AHEAD, LIE TO METell me again how you"re torturedI wanna know how you followed your orders so wellYou"re full of SHITYou had a dream, but this ain"t itIf you"re 555, then I"m 666If you"re 555, I"m 666If you"re 555, then I"m 666If you"re 555, I"m 666If you"re 555, then I"m 666What"s it like to be a heretic?If you"re 555, I"m 666What"s it like to be a heretic?If you"re 555, then I"m 666What"s it like to be a heretic?If you"re 555, I"m 666What"s it like to be a her - re - tiiiiic...........her....her - re - tiiiiic...........yeah...........http://music.baidu.com/song/10241569

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Downhere专辑:How Many Kings: Songs For ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2954797

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:Holidays & HitsLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2884706

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jim Brickman专辑:The Hymns & Carols Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2919619

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Smokey Robinson & the Miracles专辑:100 Essential Christmas SongsLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7377417

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Merry ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry GentlemenMariah CareyGod rest ye merry gentlemenLet nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astrayO tidings of comfort and joyComfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joyGod rest ye merry, gentlemenLet nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/848438

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:William Holly专辑:Guitar ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/3482545

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:John Mock专辑:An Early American ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2594451

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:The Christmas SongLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2898480

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Craig Chaquico专辑:HolidayLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2927680


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是书上印错了 ,应该是没有 * 才是错的,*pointer_1=100是合法的

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Chieftains专辑:The Bells Of DublinLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7520700



God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Mario Lanza&Paul Baron专辑:Carols For Christmas - Original Album ClassicsGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8875398

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Charlie Byrd专辑:The Charlie Byrd Christmas AlbumGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10283520

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Choir Of Trinity College. Cambridge专辑:Christmas ClassicsGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8749595

巧用 pointer-events 只给伪元素加点击事件

给元素加上 pointer-events:none; 的 CSS 属性即可禁止鼠标点击, 值得注意的是, 只能禁止鼠标事件, 键盘事件等不能禁止.

delphi Pointer类型转byte数组

你Pointer那是指针类型 这个类型转成byte类型 没有意思 你要转的是传过来的数据 你传过来的数据 应该是存在stream里了 你找找stream转换的

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Ben Tankard专辑:Christmas LoveGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8913703

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jimmy Smith专辑:Verve Unmixed ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10280341

wpf pointer是什么控件

参考方法有以下二种:  方法一:  //_stackPanel为子元素,_grid为父元素  Point point = _stackPanel.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), (UIElement)_grid);    方法二:  //_stackPanel为子元素,_grid为父元素  GeneralTransform generalTransform = _stackPanel.TransformToAncestor(_grid);  Point point = generalTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0));    用到的NameSpace  using System.Windows;  using System.Windows.Media;

godrestyemerrygentlemen Orla Fallon歌词大意


God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Charlotte Church专辑:Dream A Dream - Uk/International VersionGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9143521



delphi pointer 转 integer

就是一个ansichar数组var strary:array [0..255] of AnsiChar;len:integer;beginlen:=ord( strary[4])*256+ord(strary[5]);end;

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:T Bone Burnett专辑:Acoustic ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8213994

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Klezmonauts专辑:Oy To The World: A Klezmer ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15338721

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Lou Rawls专辑:Christmas Is The TimeLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2596268

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Marian Mcpartland专辑:The Weather Channel Presents: Winter WonderlandGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10284138

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Marian Mcpartland专辑:A Concord Jazz ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10315253


经常referencebypointer蓝屏是因为某个程序或驱动程序一时犯错,一般重启就可以解决了。过度超频,由于进行了超载运算,造成内部运算过多,使 cpu 过热,从而导致系统运算错误。如果既想超频,又不想出现蓝屏,只有做好散热措施了。换个强力风扇,再加上一些硅胶之类的散热材料会好许多。另外,适量超频或干脆不超频也是解决的办法之一。对于多数用户来说一般都不会进行超频操作,所以这点一般不实用。扩展资料:错误安装或更新显卡驱动后导致电脑蓝屏故障也是主要原因之一。重启电脑按 F8 进入安全模式,在安全模式的控制面板添加删除中把显卡驱动删除干净:然后重启正常进入系统,重新安装显卡驱动或换另一个版本的显卡驱动。强烈推荐使用驱动人生安装或更新显卡驱动,对于部分对电脑了解不多的用户来讲,该软件最适合不过了,一键检测安装,根据用户的电脑型号与配置,推荐安装和电脑兼容的电脑驱动,有效防止用户错误操作使显卡驱动安装错误导致电脑蓝屏故障。参考资料来源:百度百科-电脑蓝屏


typedef struct{MpPackHead* head; /**< 包头 */MpAttrHead* attrs[MP_PACK_MAX_ATTR_NUM]; /**< 属性数组 */unsigned long size; /**< 属性个数 */}MpPackage;typedef struct {unsigned long flag; /**< 包头标识 0xFAEAF5F1 */unsigned char reserved1; /**< 保留 */unsigned char code; /**< 包类型 */unsigned short reserved2; /**< 保留 */unsigned char module_des; /**< 目的模块标识 */unsigned char module_src; /**< 源模块标识 */unsigned short total_len; /**< 包的总长度 */}MpPackHead;typedef struct {unsigned char type; /**< 类型 */unsigned char reserved; /**< 保留 */unsigned short len; /**< 属性长度 */}MpAttrHead;
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