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at the moment 怎么用,用在哪一时态


at the moment时态标志是什么?

at the moment可以翻译为此时或者那时。1、如果翻译为此时,那么现在时和现在进行时都可以,甚至现在完成时也能用。2、如果翻译为那时,那么大多用过去时或者过去进行时。at the moment造句子1、Not at the moment。2、IELTS is very hot at the moment。3、ECONOMIC woes afflict many at the moment。4、She must be in the television studio at the moment。5、The headlines are all about sovereign debt at the moment。6、The government is looking very shaky at the moment。现在进行时表示时间状语:可用来表示现在进行时的时间状语,常用的有:now,thisweek,ssk,rightnow等;或者告诉你一个准确的现在时间,或者用look,listen(常用于句子的开头,表示提醒听者注意正在发生的事情)。现在进行时使用场合:当句中出现的表示时间的词是now,atthemoment,;(此刻、现在)等时,表示句子要说明的是现在正在发生的事,动词应用现在进行时。当句中出现的时间状语是thesedays,thisweek,thismonth,thisterm等时,如果句子所要表达的意义是在这一阶段正在发生的事,则动词应用现在进行时。在句中出现了Look,Listen,Can"tyousee?等暗示词时,说明后面谓语动词的动作正在发生,该动词应用现在进行时。

at the moment中文是什么意思


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to

复杂的sql语句,楼主是高手啊。1 问题原因:看了一下这个sql语句问题可能存在这里:最后出现两个where。where条件之后已经加了order by 条件了,理论上不能再加where条件了,如果要加的话 应该用and条件和前面的1=1连接起来。2 报错分析:仔细看mysql的报错,near "where id in ("0","9","2")" at line 1,意思是错误出现在"where id in ("0","9","2")" 附近,所以错误应该就在这里了。讲到这里相信楼主就可以解决了,不是不会 而是没仔细检查sql

at the moment是现在的意思还是那时的意思?

是目前的意思如it is very diffic uit to find work at the moment(目前很难找到工作)


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check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax


At the moment 是什么意思


at the moment 与 at this moment 有什么区别


at the moment 怎么用,用在哪一时态

许多人以为at the moment只能用来表示“现在;此刻”,用于一般现在时,这并不符合英语实际使用的情况.事实上at the moment除了上述含义和用法之外,还有别的含义和用法moment的意思是“片刻;瞬间”,常与介词at ,for或副词ago,later 等构成固定的短语,作时间状语.1.at the moment 意为“此刻;现在;一时”,相当于时间副词now或短语right now,常用来说明目前的状态及正在发生的动作.例如:I know his address,but I cannot remember it at the moment.我知道他的地址,可这时我记不起来了.2.at that moment意为“在那时;在那一瞬间”,相当于at that time,表示过去某一特定时刻发生的动作,常用于一般过去时.例如:At that moment Wei Hua was watching TV.在那时魏华正在看电视.3.for a moment 意为“一会儿;暂时”,常用在含有一般现在时、一般将来时或一般过去时句子中的谓语动词之后,说明动作的延续性.例如:He stood there for a moment and went in.他在那儿站了一会儿,然后走了进去.4.a moment later 意为“片刻之后;一会儿之后”,相当于after a while,常用于一般过去时,作状语.例如:A moment later,the Class 4 runner fell and hurt his leg,but he quickly got up and went on running.一会儿之后,四班的赛跑运动员跌伤了腿,但他迅速爬起来,继续向前跑.

at the moment是什么意思

At the moment。是此刻,现在的意思。

at the moment是什么意思




at the moment什么意思

at the moment 此刻

at the moment是什么意思

at the moment当时

at the moment是什么意思

“At the moment”是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“此时此刻”,用于表达现在正在发生的事情或者当前的状况。可以理解为“目前”、“现在”。这个短语常常用于口语中,可以表示当前的状态或情况,强调正在发生的事情的暂时性。例如,“At the moment, I am very busy with work”可以翻译为“此时此刻,我正忙于工作”。这个短语也可以用于描述某种临时状态,例如:“I"m not feeling well at the moment”可以翻译为“我现在感觉不太舒服”。此外,“at the moment”还可以与现在进行时连用,表示正在进行的动作,例如:“I am writing an email at the moment”可以翻译为“我此刻正在写邮件”。




错误提示:FLEXlm error: -96,7. System Error: 11004 "WinSock: Valid name, but no record (NO_ADDRESS)记得是license有问题,你重新安装一下license管理器吧,我之前装的是fluent 13.0,笔记本安装记得将无线网卡驱动删除,


ASSET PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement (this "Agreement") is made andentered into as of September 1, 1996 by and among Advanced Materials, Inc., aCalifornia corporation ("Buyer"), Gasket and Molded Products, Inc., a Coloradocorporation ("Seller") and Richard S. Rouse, a shareholder of Seller (the"Shareholder") and Neal M. Price, a shareholder of Seller (as to Section 5.3only). RECITALS WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Seller desires to sellall of its right, title and interest in and to the properties and assets ownedor used or held for use by Seller, whether tangible or intangible, of every kindwhatsoever, including all those relating to or used in connection with, oruseful or necessary for the conduct of, or otherwise material to, Seller"sbusiness, wherever located, and the goodwill pertaining thereto, except theExcluded Assets (the "Assets"); and WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Buyer desires topurchase said Assets of Seller for the consideration specified herein; and WHEREAS, Shareholder has agreed to guarantee certain of the obligations ofSeller hereunder. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the provisions setforth below, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, theparties agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaningsindicated below: "ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.13. "ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE" shall have the meaning set forth in Section2.5(b). "AFFILIATE" shall mean, in respect of any specified Person, any otherPerson that, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by, or is undercommon control with, such specified Person or if such specified Person bears afamilial relationship with such other Person (the terms "controls," "controlled"or "control" meaning the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power todirect or cause the direction of management policies of a Person, whetherthrough the ownership of securities by contract or credit arrangement, astrustee or executor, or otherwise).一楼那个是劳务合同

Enrichment Map User guide用户指南

Enrichment Map User guide 译者:Y大宽 http://www.baderlab.org/Software/EnrichmentMap/UserManual#rnk 总概 CM可以使GSEA结果以网络化的形式可视化呈现。可以是GSEA的结果,当然也可以是DAVID,BINGO等其他的富集结果。Nodes代表基因集,edge代表每个set间的重叠。这种方式呈现的话,高度冗余的基因集会被划为一组叫clusters,这样就大大增强了导航和解释富集结果的准确性。基因富集是一种数据分析技术,需要有一下2个输入。 1.一个从基因组实验来的排列的基因列表 2.基因集,依据先验知识来的已经归类的功能基因集(如GO)或实验数据(如共表达模型)。 有了以上的输入,那么会输出一个基因集富集列表。也就是能更好的概况基因列表的基因集。通常gene-set enrichment 指的的功能富集,因为指定的功能基因集(如GO)是基于功能范畴的。如下图。 快速使用手册 生成EM(以下Enrichment Map简称为EM) 有几种选择: 加载GSEA结果 加载Generic 结果 加载David结果 加载Bingo结果 以上几种模式的唯一区别是富集列表的结构。如果要使用EM,需要以下文件 File.gmt:基因集 to gene ID File.txt或.gct:表达谱矩阵(可选择) File.txt或.xls(*):富集列表(s) (*)GSEA以.xsl格式保存富集列表,这不是真正的excel文件,而是修饰过的tab-separated文本文件,EM不能加载真正的EXCEL文件。 假如你的富集结果从GSEA产生的,主要从你的结果文件夹选择正确的文件即可,如果是用其他方法产生的富集结果,那你就去看下面的Full user guide,file 格式部分,确保文件格式和EM匹配。 另外,你可以选择参数缺省。如果你想自己设置自己的参数,那还是去Full user guide的参数选择部分。 EM****的地图 1.Nodes代表基因集 2.Edge代表相互重叠部分 3.富集显著性(p-value)以node颜色密度代表 4.富集的表型以node的颜色(hub)代表 Node在标准的2分类设计中,2个表型比较(比如处理组和非处理组,颜色hue代表富集表型。比如上调和下调的基因。如果两个表型中的一个作为参考(比如未处理),另外一个表型是感兴趣的。在这样的case中,在感兴趣的表型中富集意味up,在对照表表型中富集意味这down 5.Node size代表这个基因集中基因的数目。 探索****EM 1.窗口右边的results panel 的参数tab包含一些说明,比如表型颜色,还展示产生map的参数(比如cut-off值和data files)。 2.control panel面板中的左边network tab列出了当前session中所有可用的网络,底部有一个当前网络的总概,并可以方便的在网络中导航,甚至可以通过拖曳矩形框进行放大(当前窗口)。 3.点击一个node(代表一个基因集的圆圈)会打开data panel的(EM Geneset expression viewer)tab,显示选择基因集的所有基因的表达值的热图。 4.点击边(两个node之间的连线)会打开data panel的(EM overlap expression viewer)会显示被这个边连接的两个基因集中共有的所有基因的热图(也就是重叠基因) 5.如果同时选择了几个nodes和edges(可以通过拖曳感兴趣的基因集的box),那么EM geneset expression view会显示选中的基因集中的所有基因的union并且,EM overlap expression view会显示所有选中的基因集中共有的基因(也就是选中的几个基因集重叠基因)。 高级提示 1.对于大的网络和低放大水平的cytoscape会自动的减少这个细节(比如隐藏节点标签,不显示node边界0.若override(手动操作?无视?)这个策略,可以点击view-show graphics details 2.可视化地图和节点-边属性浏览会打开很多可视化选择,比如把标签大小和富集得分或p-values进行连接。这可以参考cytoscape手册 3.如果你使用的是GSEAs MSigDb,那么你可以为每个基因集获取额外的信息,方法是添加一个额外的属性(edit-preferences-properties-add-enter proterty name:nodelinkouturl.MSigDb-enter property value: http://www.broad.mit.edu/gsea/msigdb/cards/%ID%.html- make current cytoscape properties default-OK*现在你可以在一个node上右击选择linkout/MSigDb 在浏览器打开这个node代表的基因集。 4.当家长GSEA结果时,无序定义每个file。使用GSEA RPT文件就自动包含了EM界面所有的file。(具体在下面5的下面) 5.你可以在一开始定义更为宽松的p-value,q-value和系数阈值,也可以在网络产生之后来调整他们,这个操作在结果面板的右边。 RPT files 1.GSEA结果的一个特殊的trick,在任何的GSEA分析中,会产生一个rpt文件,这个文件定义了所有文件的位置(包括gmt,gct,result文件,phenotype specification,rank files) 2.dataset tab(expression,enrichment results1 or enrichment result 2)下的任何fields都可以识别rpt文件,并且populate(进入)GMT,Expression,enrichment results1,enrichment results2,phenotypes,和ranks the values)。 3.第二个rpt文件可以从dataset2加载。如果定义的GMT文件和dataset1的文件不同,会产生一个警告,你可以选择使用dataset1的GMT,dataset2的GMT,或放弃第二个rpt的加载。 4.rpt文件是一个text文件,有下面的信息(用”""”围绕的参数是EM使用的)。 EDB files(GSEAfile****类型) GSEA结果文件夹中有一个edb文件夹。里面有下面几个文件 1.result.edb 2.gene-sets.gmt 3.classfile.cls(只在GSEA分析,不在GSEAPreranked分析) 4.rankfile.rnk 5.如果在dataset tab(expression,enrichmentent results1或enrichment results2)定义了results.edb文件,那么gmt和enrichment 文件区域会自动加载。 6.if你想把表达谱文件加到分析中,那得需要手动加载。 高级设置-****额外文件 每个dataset,用户还可以设置额外的参数文件(但不是必须的) 这些高级参数包括 1.ranks files 定义分析中基因的ranks 这个文件有固定的格式,上面也说过了。Gene tab rank(得分)。RNK文件是GSEA文件类型。和GCT,TXT文件完全不同。它只有包含基因名字和rank(或得分)。第一行包含列文件名(比如,gene name(-tab)rank name RANK文件的每一行包含name(--tab--)rank (or score) 参数 Node参数 1.node筛选出现在EM中的基因集 2.若在EM中出现,那么基因集许通过p-value和q-value阈值 p-value 所有小于p-value阈值的基因集都会在EM中出现 FDR Q-VALUE 所有在限定的q-value阈值之下的基因集都会在EM中出现。 根据分析类型,FDR Q-value用于EM过滤基因集的标准不一样 GSEA:使用的是gsea-result文件的第八列,名为FDR q-value Generic:generic结果文件的第四列 David:davide结果文件的低12列,名为“Benjamini“ Bingo:Bingo结果文件的第三列,名为“core p-value” Edge参数 (gene集关系) 1.一个边代表存在的两个基因集A和B的基因重叠程度 2.edge定义EM中边的数目Edge specific parameters control the number of edges that are created in the enrichment map 3.过滤边只能选择一种系数type(coefficient type) 参数选择的tips P-value和FDR阈值 GSEA可以使用两种不同的显著性评估:基因集permutation和phenotype permutation。Gene-set permutation用于GM应用例子 Gene-set permutation 下面是你可以考虑的gene-set permutation的不同设置阈值 Very permissive(p-value<0.05,FDR<0.25) Moderately permissive(p-value<0.01,FDR<0.1) Moderately conservative(p-value<0.075,FDR<0.075) Conservative(p-value<0.001,FDR<0.05) 为了获取更高的质量,高覆盖范围的转录组数据,以非常保守的阈值进行富集的基因集数目通常在100-250之间,(使用gene-set permutation) phenotype permutation 推荐 p-value<0.05,FDR<0.25 总体,只有你很难发现富集的基因集,我们才推荐使用permissive 阈值。 Jaccard vs Overlap coefficient 1.选择overlap系数:发生重叠的基因集发生在large size和small size之间,比如GO条目 2.选择Jaccard系数:和上面相反,比如两个基因集含的基因数差不多 3. When the gene-sets are about the same size, Jaccard is about the half of the Overlap Coefficient for gene-set pairs with a small intersection, whereas it is about the same as the Overlap Coefficient for gene-sets with large intersections. 4.特殊情况,当使用OC时,如果产生的map有几个大的基因集过分的和很多其他基因集发生连接,这是可以转向JC Overlap阈值 大多数的分析推荐使用0.5,一个相对moderately conservative阈值 0.3更加permissive,可能会导致一个混乱的map Jaccard阈值 0.5非常保守 0.25moderately 保守 界面 输入面板 1.分析类型Analysis Type GSEA: 接受GSEA的结果文件。文件格式对GSEA的文件十分友好。这个类型和generic的最大区别是富集结果文件的数目和格式。GSEA分析总是有2个富集结果文件,分别是两个相比较的表型文件对应的结果文件,也就是一个表型文件一个。 Generic:接受和GSEA分析结果一样的文件格式,就是富集结果文件不一样。并且,它就一个富集文件。Enrichment Map User guid DAVID: 没有gmt或表达谱文件,接受DAVIDE来的富集文件 2.基因集 描述基因集的 gmt 格式文件。用户可以通过硬盘上的文件加载 3.Dataset1:用户可以指定表达谱或富集文件,或者一个 rpt 文件,这个rpt文件可以加载所有的genesets,dataset1,2,和高级部分。 4.Advanced:初始状态是隐藏的,这可以通过点击右边的小箭头展开。用户可以修饰表型标签或加载基因rank文件 5.参数:用户可以指定p-value,FDR和OC或JC值。 6Actions:user有三种选择,reset(清除所有输入),close(关闭输入面板),build enrichment map(执行) Data面板(位于底部) 有2中不同的展示窗口,每一个都是单独的数据面板。EM overlap和EM gene set。这两种表达方式的差异仅仅是基因列表的差异。 1.EM overlap expression viewer显示所有算则的基因集之间的重叠基因的表达(交集) 2.EM geneset expression viewer显示选择的基因集的所有合并的基因表达情况(并集) 3.标准化 Data as is-代表载入的数据 Row Normalize Data-每一行的表达值的平均值跟随SD Log Transform Data-每个表达值的log值 4.sorting Hierarchical cluster-根据整个表达set的皮尔逊相关系数计算 如果rank文件被提供,会显示Dataset 1ranking和dataset 2 ranking,通过选择,用户可以相应的对表达谱排序 如果表达值没有相应的rank,那么热途中不会出现表达值 Add ranking运行用户上传额外的rank文件(格式要正确)对rank文件的大小没有限制。但用户需要对rank文件提供一个名字。 5.save expression set 在展示的窗口,用户可以保存表达值成txt 文件(当前展示的)* 6.输出表达set(PDF) 用户可以储存当前展示的表达热图成pdf文件。不幸的是这个PDF文件不完美。列的名字在底部而不是在上部。这个问题希望在以后的cytoscape版本解决。 results面板(位于右边) 参数pane 用户可以通过滑动块调整p值和q值 1.phenotype1 2phenotype2 3.p-value cutoff向左移降低p****值,会导致网络中node和相应的边减少;向右移会重新建立新node和相应的边。注意的是,建立网络的时候定义的p值不能增加。 4.Q-value cutoff向左移,降低q值,导致node和相应边在网络中移除;向右移重建。同p值,不能大于建网时的q值。 5.相似性cutoff向右移,增加阈值,导致边被移除,向左移,重建新边。不能小于建网时定义的值。 6.在浏览器加载GSEA结果 7.建立EM时的参数列表 8.热图自动聚焦默认是选中的。当你选中网络中的任何node和edge,EM自动更新表达视图。 9.default sorting order在表达视图gene可以根据等级聚类,rank,columns进行sort或不sort。 10.default distance metric对于等级聚类有三种可选择的distance metrics来计算基因之间的距离。默认是皮尔逊相关系数。如果你想使用其他的方法,重新选择就可以。

Hush Now (Stella S Tarantella) 歌词

歌曲名:Hush Now (Stella S Tarantella)歌手:Over The Rhine专辑:Drunkard S PrayerNa na na naa..na na naa na naa...Na na na naa..na na naa na naa...Well I got a silly little girl, she"s on my mindLook at her, she looks so fineShe"s a best girl i"ve ever hadExcept that she"s gonna make me feel so sadNa na na naa..na na naa na naa...Na na na naa..na na naa na naa...Hush, hush..I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, hush..you broke my heart but that was a dream nowHush, hush..I thought I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, hush..you broke my heart but that was a dream nowEarly in the morning, late in the eveningOh gotta believe me honey, i never was a dreamerHush, hush..I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, hush..you broke my heart but that was a dream nowHush, hush..I thought I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, hush..you broke my heart but that was a dream nowEarly in the morning, late in the eveningOh gotta believe me honey, i never was a dreamerNa na na naa na na naa na naaa..Na na na naa na na naa na naaa..http://music.baidu.com/song/2608112

高分跪求Tarantella in 3rd Class (海上钢琴师插曲)四手联弹钢琴谱!

是《study for three hands》试听:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=study+for+three+hands

translationenglish into chinese 怎么翻译快

translation from english into chinese 1.将下列各句译成汉语 translation form english into chinese 1.将下列短文译成汉语 the translation of english into chinese 1.从文化角度谈英语谚语的汉译


这应该是两个单词,been和trillbeen 英[bi:n] 美[bɪn]v. 用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的过去分词 ); 在,存在; 不受干扰; 去过了; be的过去分词;[例句]He"s already been to Tunisia, and is to go on to Morocco and Mauritania他已经去过突尼斯了,还要去摩洛哥和毛里塔尼亚。原型: be / aretrill 英[trɪl] 美[trɪl]n. 颤声,抖音,啭声;v. 用抖动的声音说,用卷舌发音,发出抖动的声音;[例句]At one point a bird trilled in the Conservatory.有那么一刻,一只鸟儿在温室里啼叫。第三人称单数:trills 复数:trills 现在分词:trilling 过去式:trilled 过去分词:trilled


好像是这个:意大利钢琴家Ludovico Einaudi(鲁多维科·艾奥迪)专辑《 Alexandria》中的 Tarantella 或者是 say yes 王铮亮 希望是的





急求21世纪大学生英语读写教程第三单元,How to Change Your Point of V

第一单元Text ComprehensionII.1. It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died. The effects on Churchill were () he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief.2. He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems.3. His sister-in-lawu201fs painting inspired him to try his hand at it; his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need; and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas.4. The blank whiteness of the canvas made him feel he didnu201ft know where to begin. This nervousness was not typical of Churchill, who was known publicly as a brave and strong-willed person.5. Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight, and he could now see that he need not fear his “adversary”.6. He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter, just as he was a great politician.7. It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter.8. Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur; they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist.9. No, she considers that decade an artistically fruitful one.10. He meant that painting was like a friend who never betrayed or abandoned him. This seems to suggest that he often felt lonely, misunderstood and/or disappointed in his relationship with other people.VocabularyIII.1.artistic 2.overcome 3.infinite 4.plunged 5.mission 6.camgpain 7.revived8.distract 9.accustomed 10.retreat 11.precaution 12. disastrousIV.1. delighted with 2. bore fruit 3. kept Clementine company 4. rely on5. take refuge 6. awaken people to 7. pay the price 8. chanced upon; dated from 9. tried his hand at 10. fell upon; came to her rescueWord BuildingV.1. broadens the mind 2. weakened 3. sweeten Diet Coke 4.hardens 5. strengthen 6. deepen your understanding of the course materiall


concentrate英-["ku0252ns(u0259)ntreu026at]美-["kɑnsn"tret]释义n. 浓缩,精选;浓缩液vi. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注;聚集vt. 集中;浓缩oral英-["u0254u02d0r(u0259)l]美-["u0254ru0259l]释义n. 口试adj. 口头的,口述的n. (Oral)人名;(土)奥拉尔



oral和post presentation的区别是什么


有Emily Bronte的简介吗?英文版


请问哪位高人翻译下Each day is a gift…that is why we call it present



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I Want You To Remember Me "A" 歌词

歌曲名:I Want You To Remember Me "A"歌手:Yoko Ono专辑:Blueprint For A SunriseYoko Ono - I Want You To Remember MeI had to do itI had to do itThere was no choiceI mustered my voiceHoney I"m sorryDon"t be angry, Okay?I...What?!...What?!I want outYou want outOut? Out?You ungrateful bitchI"m gonna throw you in a ditchHe grabbed me, He stabbed me, he jabbed meOh, she"s trying to crawl, she"s trying to callWho do you think you"re calling, princess?Anybody, somebody?Nobody, got it?There"s nobodyGot it? Got it? Got it?Gotta kill, gotta kill, gotta killAnybody, somebodyAnybody, somebody, nobody, anybodyMy napeWas a gapeMy one eyeSearch for the skyMy pillowHung over the windowMonths passed byYears passed byNo shadow was left of meNo shadow was left of meI want you to remember meI want you to remember mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2596364

pixie want you的歌词

Want You - Pixie Lott Can I talk to you?This might take a little whileWe"ve been so confusedWe need to work this outI"ve been away from youAnd I know it"s been some timeIt"s not fair to youSo I need to break it downI could be stuck in L.A.You might get a late call from New YorkI try to send a kiss to where you areBut it just seems too farI could be off to TokyoATL then Paris and back homeSo I just can"t be where you areAnd it"s breaking my heartI don"t wanna want youKeep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I can"t have youIt"s crazyIt"s getting so hard to stay away from youBut I still miss youI don"t wanna want you, keep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I wanna call youTo say I"m sorry that I can"t be the one for youCause I can"t be with youWe may not surviveThis just gets a little hardWe lead two different livesAnd spend most of it apartTell me what to doTo make it up to youMaybe we should stop before this goes too farI could be stuck in L.A.You might get a late call from New YorkI try to send a kiss to where you areBut it just seems too farI could be off to TokyoATL then Paris and back homeSo I just can"t be where you areAnd it"s breaking my heartI don"t wanna want youKeep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I can"t have youIt"s crazyIt"s getting so hard to stay away from youBut I still miss youI don"t wanna want you, keep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I wanna call youTo say I"m sorry that I can"t be the one for youCause I can"t be with youMaybe we"d be better offNot letting this get seriousI can"t give you what you wantNo!Maybe we should break it offI don"t wanna call it backHelp me figure outI don"t wanna want youKeep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I can"t have youIt"s crazyIt"s getting so hard to stay away from youBut I still miss youI don"t wanna want you, keep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I wanna call youTo say I"m sorry that I can"t be the one for youCause I can"t be with youI don"t wanna want youKeep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I can"t have youIt"s crazyIt"s getting so hard to stay away from youBut I still miss youI don"t wanna want you, keep telling myselfThat I don"t want youBut I wanna call youTo say I"m sorry that I can"t be the one for youCause I can"t be with you

What Do You Want 歌词

歌曲 :What Do You Want歌手 :Joy EnriquezBY : 婷婷^_^What do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more from meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more of meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingI can no longer give you what I"m givingI can no longer be your wonder womanI am a human being, know thatYou"ve got to respect me, know thatI have no idea who you think this isI have given all that I am bout to giveWhen will you say thank you, know thatI"ve had enough of you, know thatI am not your superwomanNot your slave andI am not the one to get no appreciationWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more from meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more of meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingI know you brought me "til you wanted somethingI know you brought me "til you needed somethingSometimes you could call me, know thatAsk me how I"m doing, know thatI try so hard to satisfy your needsI realize I"m only at your feetI"m trying to get good, know thatI need a break from you, know thatI am not your superwomanNot your slave andI am not the one to get no appreciationWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more from meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more of meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingWhy you, why you, Why you wanna taught meone who taught me howYou don"t realize it, but you taught me howone who taught me howYou are crazy, driving me crazyI just can"t take it no moreIf you, if you, if you Won"t respect me pleaseIf you won"t open your eyes and respect meI"m not your superwoman, I need appreciationwa-wa-wa.....What do you want from me ...Everytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more from meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more of meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingI"ve givin you everythingI"ve givin you everythingI"ve givin you everythingohhhhcant you see I"ve givin you everythingI"ve givin you everythingI"ve givin you everythingI"ve givin you everythingohhhhcant you see I"ve givin you everythingWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more from meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythingWhat do you want from meEverytime I see you, you"re asking meAsking me to give you more of meCan"t you see I"m giving you everythinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/2715684

Give You What You Want 歌词

歌曲名:Give You What You Want歌手:Joe Rathbone专辑:Sweet Reliefgive you what you wantronan keatingwhy didn"t i call, why didn"t i fallwhy didn"t i hang my heart on your wallwhy didn"t i know, why didn"t i showall my feelings from the word goso if you love me, don"t leave mei promise that you"ll never lack"cause this man"s on his knees, begging pleasebaby turn your back,yeah i"ll give you what you wanti"ll do anything to make you mineif you give me what i wanti will be yours to the end of timegirl you won"t be sorryand you won"t regret itthere"s no need to worry, only if you let itwhy didn"t i say, the thing that i readwhy didn"t i see the signs in my headwhy didn"t i speak, to you last weekwhen i saw you walking down my streetso if you love me, don"t leave mealone here to die on this trackgirl rescue me, let"s get this trainand we"ll never look backyeah i"ll give you what you wanti"ll do anything to make you mineif you give me what i wanti will be yours to the end of timegirl you won"t be sorryand you won"t regret itthere"s no need to worry, only if you let itoh, wow, i can"t let gooh, wow, i swear i"ll take it slowi"ll give you what you wanti"ll do anything to make you mineif you give me what i wanti will be yours to the end of timei"ll give you what you wanti"ll do anything to make you mineif you give me what i wanti will be yours to the end of timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15267677

give you what you want 歌词

歌曲名:give you what you want歌手:Ronan Keating专辑:Turn It OnWhy didn"t I call, why didn"t I fallWhy didn"t I hang my heart on your wallWhy didn"t I know, why didn"t I showAll my feelings from the word goSo if you love me, don"t leave meI promise that you"ll never lack"Cause this man"s on his knees,begging" pleaseBaby turn your back, yeahI"ll give you what you wantI"ll do anything to make you mineIf you give me what I wantI will be yours to the end of timeGirl you won"t be sorryAnd you won"t regret itThere"s no need to worry, only if you let itWhy didn"t I say, the thing that I readWhy didn"t I see the signs in my headWhy didn"t I speak, to you last weekWhen I saw you walking down my streetSo if you love me, don"t leave meAlone here to die on this trackGirl rescue me, let"s get this trainAnd we"ll never look backGirl you won"t be sorryAnd you won"t regret itThere"s no need to worry, only if you let itOh, wow I can"t let goOh, wow, I swear I"ll take it slowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14511683


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找一首英文歌 高潮部分是what you want girl,男生唱的

《What Do You Want The Girl To Do》 - Vince Gill

求Taylor swift 霉霉的新歌call it What you want 百度云!


Call It What You Want Taylor Swift的百度云


Call It What You Want 歌词

歌曲名:Call It What You Want歌手:Foster The People专辑:TorchesCall It What You WantFoster The PeopleCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wantYeah we"re locked up in ideasWe like to label everythingWell I"m just gonna do here what I gotta do hereCause I gotta keep myself freeYou"re ducking and movingJust to hide the bruises from all your enemiesAnd I"m in the crossfire dodging bulletsFrom your expectancies, yeah yeahWe"ve got nothing to loseYou better run and hideYeah you"ve crossed the lineI"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")We"ve got nothing to proveYour social gods give you swollen eyesBut what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can justCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wantYou"ve taken your words and you take your judgmentsAnd stick them onto everythingIf it don"t conform to what you were born intoThen you run the other wayHe said, "Now what"s your style and who do you listen to?" Who cares?Well that rat race ladder-climbing fake-face smile"s got nothing on meWe"ve got nothing to loseYou better run and hideYeah you"ve crossed the lineI"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")We"ve got nothing to proveYour social gods give you swollen eyesBut what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can justCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wantCall it what you wantCall it what you wantyou can Call it what you wantwhat you wantCall it what you wantwhat you wantyou can Call it what you wantCall it what you wantjust Call it what you wantCall it what you wanthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7295252

Call It What You Want 歌词

歌曲名:Call It What You Want歌手:泰斯拉专辑:Psychotic SupperFoster The People - Call It What You WantCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wantYeah we"re locked up in ideasWe like to label everythingWell I"m just gonna do here what I gotta do here"Cause I gotta keep myself freeYou"re ducking and movingJust to hide the bruises from all your enemiesAnd I"m in the crossfire dodging bulletsFrom your expectancies, yeah yeahWe"ve got nothing to loseYou better run and hideYeah you"ve crossed the lineI"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")We"ve got nothing to proveYour social gods give you swollen eyesBut what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can justCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wantYou"ve taken your words and you take your judgmentsAnd stick them onto everythingIf it don"t conform to what you were born intoThen you run the other wayHe said, "Now what"s your style and who do you listen to?" Who cares?Well that rat race ladder-climbing fake-face smile"s got nothing on meWe"ve got nothing to loseYou better run and hideYeah you"ve crossed the lineI"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")We"ve got nothing to proveYour social gods give you swollen eyesBut what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can justCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wanthttp://music.baidu.com/song/15180195

有一首女唱男rap的歌 中国的 歌词好像有“what do you want see.what d

Bonjour and Goodnight

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what you want for me什么意思?


what you want 的歌词

是这个吗 tell me what you want tell me what you want just tell me what you want tell me what you want tell me what you want tell me what you want tell me what you want from me take a look at what you see let me know if it"s right here something you can have for years tell me what you want from me take a look at what you see let me know if it"s right here something you can have for years now mase be the man wanna see you doing good i don"t wanna get rich, leave you in the hood girl in my eyes you the baddest the reason why i love you, you don"t lik me cause my status i don"t wanna see you with a cat rich living average i wanna do my thing so we be established and i don"t want you rocking in paris i will give you karats till you feel youa rabbit anything in your path if you want you can have walk through the mall, if you like you can grab total it all up and out it on my tab then tell all your friends all the fun you had tell me what you want from me take a look at what you see let me know if it"s right here something you can have for years tell me what you want from me take a look at what you see let me know if it"s right here something you can have for years hey mama, why don"t you come here to papa? you don"t like the way your tata"s lookin at shada? in a 600 ain"t no smokin cigada come over here i think i see your baby botta there go the limit to my casha if you in a rush you call me manana whatever you need girlfriend i got the whole enchilada just the way you like it mase gonna do you propa girl i can tell you was meant for me i can tell by the way you was sent for me while i"m on tour trying to make them centuries and they ask who your man you better mention me if you dont you know you got a problems if you want no beef girlfriend dont start none and it just so happens that i"m seing cash cause you messed up a lot just trying to be phat and i aint gonna ask who smashed the e-class pull up to the rib with the whole front crashed now you wanna laugh and think thats the past if you ever lie again that will be your ass tell me what you want from me take a look at what you see let me know if it"s right here something you can have for years tell me what you want from me take a look at what you see let me know if it"s right here something you can have for years now the more you treat me royal i adore you that"s why i dont mind doing these things for you you did things for me i wouldn"t believe you did that"s why i always want to keep you here in a year or two i could see you with my kids girl, you make a thug want to get a legal gig it"s only right we spend our lonely nights gettin crazy biz till we awake the kids can"t get to loud got respect for you honey but keep it all real you come second to my money can you be my ghetto love prophecy?还是这个,好几个不同的版本歌手:mandy moore 专辑:so real歌词:歌曲:What You Want歌手:Mandy Moorei love to love you i love to love yousome boys are full of noise but boy you caught my ear wanna see if you got something to say no lies or alibies the nonsense stops here be my friend or you could be on your way play it smart boy (watcha gonna do?) (watcha gonna do?) if you wanna reach me touch my heart boy (watcha gonna do?) (watcha gonna do?) "cause that"s how to please what you want,i can be i"m the girl of your fantasy as long as you love me what you want, i can do but all i ask of you is that baby you love me some boys want pretty toys but i"m so much more can"t you see that i"m a girl you can trust? get real with how you feel around my back door is this love or is it only a crush? listen up boy (watcha gonna do?) (watcha gonna do?) and stop talking smack now back it up boy (watcha gonna do?) (watcha gonna do?) or step off that track now what you want, i can be i"m the girl of your fantasy as long as you love me what you want, i can do but all i ask of you is that baby you love me what you want, i can be i"m the girl of your fantasy as long as you love me what you want, i can do but all i ask of you is that baby you love me i love to love you love... is this love? does it fall from heaven above? do you feel it boy? can you feel me boy? spoken: i know it"s not right i know it"s not wrong but right here, right now is where we belongwhat you want, i can be i"m the girl of your fantasy as long as you love me what you want, i can do but all i ask of you is that baby you love me what you want, i can be i"m the girl of your fantasy as long as you love me

求Taylor swift新歌call it what you want 百度云



callitwhatyouwant不是写给卡莉的,The #CallItWhatYouWant# lyric video is out now! Watch it here: (13 minutes ago) #CallItWhatYouWant#的歌词版MV已出

you can call it what you want中的语法问题

首先what不能引导定语从句,what you want不能理解为it的定语。“...it what you want”并不常用,在这里what you want是一个外置的宾语,即疑问词what引导的宾语从句,用在肯定句中不表示疑问,而意为“想要做(或说)的...”。

Call It What You Want Too 歌词

歌曲名:Call It What You Want Too歌手:Rappin 4-Tay专辑:Don T Fight The Feelin Foster The People - Call It What You WantCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wantYeah we"re locked up in ideasWe like to label everythingWell I"m just gonna do here what I gotta do here"Cause I gotta keep myself freeYou"re ducking and movingJust to hide the bruises from all your enemiesAnd I"m in the crossfire dodging bulletsFrom your expectancies, yeah yeahWe"ve got nothing to loseYou better run and hideYeah you"ve crossed the lineI"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")We"ve got nothing to proveYour social gods give you swollen eyesBut what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can justCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wantYou"ve taken your words and you take your judgmentsAnd stick them onto everythingIf it don"t conform to what you were born intoThen you run the other wayHe said, "Now what"s your style and who do you listen to?" Who cares?Well that rat race ladder-climbing fake-face smile"s got nothing on meWe"ve got nothing to loseYou better run and hideYeah you"ve crossed the lineI"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")We"ve got nothing to proveYour social gods give you swollen eyesBut what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can justCall it what you wantCall it what you wantI said just call it what you wantCall it what you wanthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2948878

call it what you want歌词中文翻译

《Call it what you want》中文歌词歌 曲:Call it what you want歌 手:Foster the People专 辑:《Torches》Call it what you want怎么起名你说了算I said just call it what you want叫什么都行 悉听尊便Call it what you want你想的称呼 我没意见Call it what you want叫什么都行 悉听尊便Yeah we"re locked up in ideas我们都被锁在思想的牢笼We like to label everything总想给万物贴上标签Well I"m just gonna do here what I gotta do here但我还是要完成内心所想"Cause I gotta keep myself free只因决定要把自由追赶You"re ducking and moving你步履蹒跚匍匐向前Just to hide the bruises from all your enemies为了逃避敌人们的风险And I"m in the crossfire dodging bullets我在战火中躲闪子弹From your expectancies, yeah yeah满足你的期待和宿愿We"ve got nothing to lose我们已经一无所剩You better run and hide你最好快点逃命躲远Yeah you"ve crossed the line终于你跨过胜利终点I"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")而我却遭遇生命危险(说说而已)We"ve got nothing to prove没有什么可以证验Your social gods give you swollen eyes上流社会只带给你浮肿的双眼But what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can just可我有的东西千金也不换Call it what you want所以你怎么叫它悉听尊便Call it what you want怎么叫它悉听尊便I said just call it what you want你想的称呼 我没意见Call it what you want叫什么都行 悉听尊便You"ve taken your words and you take your judgments你坚持你的话 和自己的判断And stick them onto everything用于万事都不肯改变If it don"t conform to what you were born into一旦违背你天性之选Then you run the other way你就立刻择路逃窜He said, "Now what"s your style and who do you listen to?" Who cares?有人问 你听谁的,到底想要什么?懒得去管Well that rat race ladder-climbing fake-face smile"s got nothing on me那张激烈竞争里的虚假笑脸我不想再看We"ve got nothing to lose我们已经一无所剩You better run and hide Yeah you"ve crossed the line I"ve got a knife behind my back (just sayin")你跨过胜利终点 而我却遭遇生命危险(说说而已)We"ve got nothing to prove没有什么可以证验Your social gods give you swollen eyes 上流社会只带给你浮肿的双眼But what I"ve got can"t be bought so you can just可我有的东西千金也不换 所以Call it what you want怎么叫它悉听尊便Call it what you want怎么叫它悉听尊便I said just call it what you want怎么叫它悉听尊便Call it what you want怎么叫它悉听尊便(by 翻歌会)


只能在鼠标离开了VNC界面后,单独点击我的Win7中的PicPick的按钮,才能截图,否则:单独在VNC里面的Lubuntu按PrtScr或者是,在鼠标离开了VNC桌面,(但没有点击到Win7中的其他某个界面之前)去按PrtScr,或只有在鼠标离开VNC,且鼠标点击了Win7中的东西,鼠标焦点回到Win7了。才能用PicPick去截图。但是此时,很多VNC中操作Lubuntu的画面,都已经丢失了。尤其是一些菜单按钮,所以很是不方便。可以很方便的在Win7中,就能给VNC里面的Lubuntu去截图。Obtaining screenshots"send special keys . . ."Knowledge Base :: Print screen doesn"t work有个配置叫做,Pass special keys directly to VNC Server默认是开启的:此时,Win7中按PrintScreen,会被发送到目标机器,Lubuntu上的->此时,估计Lubuntu上此刻不能识别,所以没效果;如果你去关闭此功能:此时在Win7中按PrintScreen,就是正常的被Win7捕获了,此处就是PicPick会去全屏截图了->这个是我想要的;但是,对于该功能,参考提所说的 RealVNC – Documentation ,没有找到。而且此处在VNC Viewer的当前连接中,也没有找到。那就去去VNC Viewer或VNC Server中看看。“Pass special keys directly to VNC Server”Windows,PrtScn,Alt+Tab,Alt+Esc,Ctrl+Esc所以,此处去取消选择该选项:VNC Snapshot是个命令行工具,好像是可以:运行在当前的Win7,然后对于VNC操作的Lubuntu去截图。但是很明显,都要命令行运行,不方便,所以不用管了。4.总之,上述去掉发送特殊命令到VNC服务器中,试试效果:然后就终于可以实现了:在Host的Win7中,按截图,然后可以调用PicPick去截图了。5.需要注意的是,上述的设置,不会影响当前的VNC窗口的。所以需要再去重新设置一下,当前的VNC窗口:然后再去去掉那个配置,即可。6.另外,关于Lubuntu中,如果想要截图,可以参考:[SOLVED] Screenshots with lubuntu?Taking screenshots in Lubuntu (11.10) – Ask Ubuntu去用 mtPaint或Kgrab或 Ksnapshot, 应该就可以满足需求了。VNC Viewer,功能是挺不错的。



求Frente的let the sun shine in的歌词啊~

Frente-let the sunshine in Mommy told me something A little kid should know It"s all about the devil And I learned to hate him so She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room He"ll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom Chorus: So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Smilers never lose And Frowners never win So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Open up your heart and let the sun shine in When you are unhappy The devil wears a grin But oh he starts to run in When the light comes prowling in I know he"ll be unhappy Cause I"ll never wear a frown Maybe if we keep on smiling He"ll get tired of hanging "round If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees So if you feel of trouble And you never seem to move Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in

ubuntu vnc viewer连接后灰屏,连终端都没有

1.在Ubuntu上首先需要安装vnc4server# apt-get install vnc4server2.第一次执行vncserver的时候需要为客户端连接设置8位的密码3.打开服务后,根据客户端号连接。也可以指定客户端号$vncserver -geometry 1366x768 :1// 其中-geometry 指定客户端窗口的大小,:1 指的是客户端连接号// 客户端在vnc viewer中输入 来连接服务器4.出现灰色屏幕和×型鼠标是因为vncserver找不到指定的图形化软件

我需要题目为If I was the chairperson of student union的口语作文,大概三分钟左右

As we all know, the student union chairman plays a very important role in helping build a good learning environment and in organizing colourful extracurricular activities. I have the ability to take on this role, because I am very active, easygoing and ready to help people. If I was the chairman of the student union, I will organized various activities, such as lectures, composition contests, singing contests, and so on. We will also pass on our classmates" needs to the school master and make valuable suggestions as to how to improve our learning environment. If I was the chairman of the student union of our school, I will do my best to serve all of you. Give me a chance and you will enjoy a rich colourful college life.

如何使用VNC Viewer连接远程CentOS服务器


求一篇英语作文:a life i want to have (我想拥有的工作)


如何使用VNC Viewer连接远程CentOS服务器

你先在centos上检测一下VNC装了吗,rpm -qa |grep vnc,装好后检测一下端口,然后在客户端VNC viewer上远程 就行了。我用的是小鸟云的服务器。

Lawerence 什么时候评价简爱是 revolutionary in its treatment of love.

Lawerence是2008年10月15日评价简爱是 revolutionary in its treatment of love。参考文献 夏洛蒂·勃朗特.黄源深 简·爱 1994 均引自英国诗人弥尔顿的长诗《失乐园》.引用作品[Works Cited] Gaard,Greta Ecofeminism 1993 Gray,Elizabeth D Green Paradise Lost 1981 King,Ynestra The Ecology of Feminism and the Feminism of Ecology 1989 劳伦斯 达纳的两年水手生涯 1991 Lawrence Dana"s Two Years before the Mast 1991 劳伦斯 托马斯·哈代研究 2000 Lawrence Study of Thomas Hardy 2000 孟鑫 国内学者对西方女权主义七个流派的评介 [期刊论文] -教学与研究2001(3)

高中高三作文1000字:I am proud of my country

作文标题: I am proud of my country 关 键 词: 高中高三 1000字 字 数: 1000字作文 本文适合: 高中高三 作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com 本作文是关于高中高三1000字的作文,题目为:《I am proud of my country》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 欢迎阅读《作文:I am proud of my country》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“六年级作文”,请随时关注! I love my country, I love it tenacity and dedication, I love its brilliant culture, I love its rich ancient history, I love it even more magnificent and beautiful mountains and rivers. In old China, our country is very poor and backward. October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square to the world solemnly declared: "The People"s Republic of China Central People"s Government set up!" The resonant voice shook in Beijing! Shocked the Chinese! Shocked the whole world! Since then, the Chinese nation at this time to stand up! Will no longer make the world"s contempt, because that day, The People"s Republic of China should glory. 来自:作文大全After the founding of New China, the motherland 60 years only for a short time, it has undergone enormous changes! Whether in agriculture, medical technology development, or advancing in education, our country has changed dramatically! 来源:作文网 zw.liuxue86.comTravel into space, has been the dream of the Chinese nation five thousand years. Moon this ancient myth, shows that our ancestors have been on the endless reaches of the universe have shown strong interest and inspired a beautiful dream. In April 1970, China successfully launched the first artificial Earth satellite - Dong Fang Hong I, was the beginning of China"s space industry. October 15, 2003, China"s first astronaut Yang Liwei into space Shenzhou V spacecraft to achieve the Chinese nation"s dream … … 5.12 earthquake, Wenchuan has brought to the disaster, but the Chinese nation of one mind, these concerted efforts, reflects Chinese people"s national spirit and the great strength of the Chinese nation. In disaster response and relief, I felt the Chinese people"s unity, self-sacrifice, selfless, fearless, love-free-chiang"s great and glorious. There is such a country, let me very proud. Olympic Games, Beijing was an unprecedented success, there are 204 countries more than ten thousand athletes, a total had 302 medals, 303 silver and 353 bronze medals and also broke 38 world records, 85 Olympic records, which is unprecedented in the history of the Olympic Games. Junior Xing Xing is the country, small-year strong, Guo-Qiang. As a schoolboy, I love my country, and to devote my motherland"s prosperity and a source of strength, let my country - China, into a more brilliant era! 《I am proud of my country》这篇优秀的“六年级作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。



eminem you dont know中文歌词

Eminem You Don"t Know Lyrics eminem You Don"t Know歌词 [ Intro ] 开头 Who run it? You know, you actin" like you don"t know.. 谁在长唱这个(这首歌)?(操纵这一切?)你知道,但你却装作不知道。 We run it.. You know but you actin" like you don"t know.. 我们在唱这个。你知道但你却装作不知道。 Who run it? You know, you actin" like you don"t know.. 谁在长唱这个(这首歌)?(操纵这一切?)你知道,但你却装作不知道。 We run it.. You know but you actin" like you don"t know.. 我们在唱这个。你知道但你却装作不知道。 [ Chorus ] 副歌 You know, you actin" like you don"t know 你知道,但你却装作不知道 I tear the club up fo" sho 我捣毁(召集?)这个团伙来确定 This flow is gon" bring more dough 这首歌(是否)会带来更多的钱 And you know but actin" like you don"t know 你知道但你却装作不知道 [ Verse 1 ] [ 50 cent ] 第一部分-50美分 Now homie I say I run it run it cause I"m in control 现在朋友听我说,我说我在唱这首歌,那是因为我被抄控着 Hypnotic, hennessey, a couple shots of patrone 催眠了,hennessey(一种很贵的spirits),喝几口patrone(另一种很贵的spirits) I have you feelin" the hype, I get you high as a kite 我让你感受(毒品)注射的味道,我让你兴奋的像个疯子。 Party poppin" shorty said she"s comin" with me tonight 我那扭着屁股的GF说她今晚要和我一起来 I ain"t settled the limit, I ain"t snappin" and poppin" 我还没规定限度,我好没拍打(她的屁股) Either I"m bobbin" my head or I"m just standin" there watchin" [uh huh!] 也没摆动我的头,我仅仅是站在那里观看(她跳舞) I"m a hustler I hustle, you can tell that I"m paid 我是一个很活跃的人,我(喜欢)拥挤喧嚷,你可以说我是一个妓女???(我还有另一种翻译为:你可以说我是被收买的) And I protect what I got, I"m in the house with my blade 而且我一直守着我得到的东西,我握着刀待在那房子中 Nigga you front you gon" get it, ok now maybe I said it 你们这些黑人兄弟们来把它们抢走吧。好吧,之前我好象说过 Cuz I want you triddip, yeah I be on that shiddit 因为我想你们陷入麻烦之中,而我就会在这些麻烦之中! You should see when I"m stuntin" I flash the stones that be wantin" (haha!) 你们应该看看当我表演的时候,我会展示你们想的那些里程碑 Push the whip see me rollin", you can tell that I"m holdin" 接近成功了,看我发出隆隆声。你可以说我是在侵略 I"m just doin" my thang, you know the units the gang 我只是在做我自己的事(注意:thang=thing),你知道那些团体,那些团伙。 I got my grimey shady with me you front you"ll have to get me Off your ass (yeah!), 我有很cool的shady更我在一起,所以你们不的不赶我走 I pay the lawsuit and laugh (haha!) 我用钱解决了诉讼然后大笑(haha!) It"s not a big deal it"s nuttin" but some cash.. [bring the hook back! 这没什么了不起,不就是给警察一些贿赂嘛!

kickoff event什么意思

kick off event 揭开序幕, 开幕日活动

one day a moment i gona be with you to be with you歌词

Hold on, little girl 坚持下去,小女孩Show me what he"s done to you 告诉我,他对你做了什么Stand up, little girl 站起来,小女孩A broken heart can"t be that bad 就算心碎也不该这么狼狈When it"s through, it"s through 当事情过去,就让它过去Fate will twist the both of you 命运将已经将你们分开So come on, baby. Come on over 宝贝,请靠近我Let me be the one to show you 让我告诉你.........*I"m the one who wants to be with you 我就是那个想和你在一起的人Deep inside I hope you feel it too 衷心期盼你也能感受到Waited on a line of greens and blues 我已等候了许久许久Just to be the next to be with you 只想成为下一个一直陪伴你的人Build up your confidence 建立你的自信So you can be on top for once 这次你一定攀上巅峰 (度过命运的难关)Wake up whom cares about 找出那些真正关心你的人Little boys that talk too much 任由哪些不懂事小男孩们去说I see it all go down 我看着一切平息下来Your game of love was all rained out 你的爱情游戏已经都结束了So come on, baby. Come on over 请过来,宝贝!请靠近我Let me be the one to hold you (*) 让我紧紧的拥抱你Why be alone when we can be together, baby 宝贝,如果可以在一起,又何必独自忍受孤独You can make my life worthwhile 你可以让我的生命更有意义And I can make you start to smile 我可以使你展露欢颜

谁有吉他谱i want you back

  ____________________________________  / KT Tunstall / The meaning of the song is in the  / I Want You Back (Jackson 5 cover) / title, simple as it is. This song was  /___________________________________/ Jackson 5"s breakthrough single back in  1969, and it was written by some of the  songwriters working for the newly-started record company Motown, on which it was  also released. Motown was the first record company ever to be owned by African  American"s and it was therefore obvious that fice black boys were chosen to  front the label. Back then Jackson 5 were still just figurehead for the company  and hadn"t really any influence on their career yet. It was all yet a concept  band just the way popstars are branded today, where an entire company really is  behind everything.  ...and then the lovely Kate Tunstall does this beautiful cover, love her ;)  Chords:  E G#dim A C#m7 G#m7 F#m7 B7 E(bar) E/C# E/B Aadd9 Asus2#11  E:---0----0----0-----------------------2-------------------------0-------0-----:  B:---0----0----2-----9-----4-----2-----0-----9------9------9-----0-------0-----:  G:---1----4----2-----9-----4-----2-----2-----9------9------9-----6-------8-----:  D:---2----x----2-----9-----4-----2-----1-----9------9------9-----7-------9-----:  A:---2----5----0-----x-----x-----x-----2-----7------x------x-----0-------0-----:  E:---0----4----------9-----4-----2------------------9------7-------------------:  Intro:  (similar to a verse)  1st Verse:  E G#dim A  When I had you to myself, I didn"t want you around  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  Pretty faces always make you stand out in a crowd  E G#dim A  Someone picked you from the bunch, one glance is all it took  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  Now it"s much too late for me to take a second look  Chorus:  E(bar) E/C# E/B Aadd9 Asus2#11  Ooh baby, give me one more chance – to show you that I love you  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  Won"t you please let me back in your heart  E(bar) E/C# E/B Aadd9 Asus2#11  Ooh darling, I was blind to let you go  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  And now since I"ve seen you it is on  Interlude:  I want you back, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah  I want you back, ooh, ooh, baby, yeah  I want you back, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah  I want you back, oh, oh, darling  |-------------------------------------|  |-------------------------------------|  |-------------------------------------|  |-----x-----------x------------x------|  |-----x-----------x------------x------|  |-0-0-x-12---12---x-0---0---12-x-12---|  (play this figure 4 times)  2nd Verse:  Trying to live without your love is one long sleepless night  Let me show you, girl, that I know wrong from right  Every street I"ve walked on, it had tear stains on the ground  Following the girl I didn"t even want around  Chorus:  Ooh baby, give me one more chance – to show you that I love you  Won"t you please let me back in your heart  Ooh darling, I was blind to let you go  Now since I"ve seen you it is on  I want you back, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah  I want you back, ooh, ooh, baby, yeah  I want you back, oh, oh, nana  Want you back  Interlude:  I want you back  All I want  I want you back  All I need  I want you back  Chorus:  Oh baby, I was blind to let you go  I want you to please let me back in your heart  Oh baby, give me one more chance – to show you that I love you  Oh, since I"ve seen you in his arms  Outro-Interlude:  I want you back, oh, oh, yeah, yeah  I want you back, ooh, ooh, baby  I want you back, oh, oh, yeah, yeah  I want you back

delphi中的undeclared identifier


LIB 文件包含 编译错误 undeclared identifier

不能在stdafx.h之前..应该是#include <stdafx.h>#include <staticlib.h>#pragma comment(lib,"staticlib")

delphi错误Undeclared identifier

N13Enabled:=False;//设置“修改密码”菜单项失效 少了个点

MFC 关于undeclared identifier

在Audio.h里面加入 CString m_strFilePath;

Delphi中的错误undeclared identifier

undeclared identifier:没有定义的标识符,也就是说这些标识符你没有指定为常量?变量?如果是常量,你要const定义它,如果是变量,你要在函数体开始前用var修饰符定义它

Undeclared identifier

Undeclared identifier:不就是没定义啊!我没学过DEPHI, 但是我想你没有添加头文件吧!

C++6.0出现 undeclared identifier 怎么办


VC++6.0中的undeclared identifier


C语言调用函数时总是各种undeclared identifier……

我也刚刚学c语言 大一的 不是很懂 不过你这个 我看了个大概正确结构应该是 1函数声明2函数调用3函数定义你检查一下是不是结构错误
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